#'please not another growth arc i am good for a couple decades'
ariadne-mouse · 13 days
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Essek when he walks in and gets the first whiff that Bell's Hells are Like That and he suggests waiting outside. Domade persona, or 'oh god not again i need a minute'? Whichever is funniest
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monsieuroverlord · 1 month
Comic book thoughts of day:
Wolverine #47
Ugh. Now we're at the part Logan realizes "he can't do it alone," and is getting a new weapon and a suit.
Laura is the best. I wish her fight with the Lady Sabretooth had more pagetime
Weapon X-Men #2
An improvement from the first issue, but I still maintain you should at least be a little tipsy when you read it.
The whole thing is too silly.
On Wolverine:
I know Laura is supposed to be a master assaissin, but I have mixed feelings on her fight with Savage Sabretooth. I don't know. It wasn't as cathartic as I had hoped it would be. This whole arc feels inconsistent in terms of skill levels.
Yeah, maybe you could argue that "Well, Akihiro fought the 616 Creed, who is arguably the toughest et cetera et cerera...."
I don't care.
Laura's slaughtered two Sabreteeth (as she should) Aki should've at least gotten one. He has decades of training on her. He's more cunning than his father. He is SMART, dammit. He's worked in close proximity to Creed and should've ascertained a weakness or two. AT MINIMUM, they should've dragged the fight out longer, in my opinion. (Ya, I am still salty)
If they MUST do angst, I would much rather have seen him get the same treatment as Laura -- captured, roughed up a bit, then a grand tag-team escape via the eldest snikt siblings clawing their way through through hordes of beheaded Sabreteeth-robot-things.
That would've made for some good violent and gory fun, as was advertised with this arc.
Also, I am currently disappointed in the Krakoa seed. The visual was cool, and I guess there is still time to bring it back as plot twist, but also meh. We already know it won't kill him, but maybe it'll drain his healing factor too or something.
Laura is definately THE Wolverine here. Literally the only one kicking ass and taking names. (I mean, Oya and Nekra are doing their part. But Logan is a useless bastard) But her characaterization feels a little off to me. Character growth is good, but she sounds like a mini-baby Logan. Not as badly as the X-Force run, but its still there.
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Sir. PLEASE. sir. sir (God, the shippers are gonna have so much fun with this panel, lmao).
Honestly, I'm still struggling to get through this. I don't like any of the plot decisions. It doesn't really feel like much of a "war" to me. Just another Creed/Logan brawl, except Creed didn't have a love interest to target this time.
We already know Quire is somehow gonna be back.
And we have two more confirmed deaths in Melter and Toad. The more the deaths pile up, the more inclined I am to believe there will be a mass resurrection. or perhaps a series of small resurrections (Like Rachel via Phoenix, Quire via telekinetics, the Dead X-Men via the Five in the White Hot Room, etc.)
On Weapon X-Men
I actually like Logan/Mariko as couple, so seeing them married and raising their kids was cute.
Also, Logan having a good relationship with Amiko?!!!?!? (didn't care for her marrying Nate, but whatever)
Also, I really like Jane Howlett. Just as a concept. She's a refreshing change from the usual broody alternate Wolverines, and I'd love to see more of her backstory as a proper, independent Victorian lady of the Howlett Estate. Apparently we're supposed to get more of her next issue. But I'd also like to see her pop up again in the future. I think she has potential. Also, her getting excited over fighting a t-rex was delightful.
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sophygurl · 5 years
Did my what’s coming up on TV quarterly-ish organizational project and re-did my shows I watch page. Figured it would be a good time to make an update post on my media consumption of late.
I’m still embroiled in the Big Brother season. It’s been a pretty terrible season truth be told, and I’d have noped out except for there being one houseguest left in there that I adore and want to support, and of course the fan community I have (a chat room I’ve been in for a decade now and also a twitter list of fans, update sites, and BB alum I enjoy interacting with). We’ve still got a ways to go, and I am not watching the live feeds much this season, but still watching the shows (mostly to chat with my friends about) and keeping up with the feeds via twitter to see what’s happening and watching the few small clips of that one hg i still enjoy. 
It’s an interesting thing when being part of a fandom starts to feel like a chore. Like, yes, you do this for entertainment purposes and could stop at any point when it stops being fun for you - but you do also create a community around you and half the fun is that community interaction and it’s harder to let go of that. Because you can’t generally pack that whole community up and take them to another show or experience with you. 
Another fan experience that was a let-down this summer was Veronica Mars. I won’t post any spoilers in case there is anyone out there yet who wants to watch S4 unspoiled and has yet to find out what happened, but suffice to say I am not pleased. 
I did enjoy most of the series right up until the ending. I know a lot of people are upset about other things that happened, but I can defend or at least explain most of that based on what the show and the characters have always been. But that ending. Wow. I am still recovering. And not at all interested in a season 5 or really anything else that Rob Thomas might want to work on in the future. He’s really ruined any fan goodwill he had in my eyes. 
Other TV shows I’ve been enjoying this summer: 
The 100 delivered another fascinating season. I know the show is problematic in a number of ways, but it still has such wonderful characters with incredible arcs of growth and struggle and learning to overcome together. The plots get wilder and wilder, but whatever, I’m along for the ride. 
Agents of Shield was ... interesting. I don’t even know what to say about it anymore, tbh.
American Princess on Lifetime was a surprisingly fun new show - a NY socialite runs off on her wedding day and ends up at a Ren Faire, where she meets new friends and decides to stay and create a new life for herself. It’s charming, sweet, romantic, funny, and fun for any found family fans. 
BH90210′s pilot episode cracked me tf up. I kind of can’t believe the cast is going along with this satirical version of playing themselves trying to get a reboot of the original show going. It’s soapy and campy and so delightfully weird, while also being nostalgic. Can’t wait to see what they do with it. (Also I miss Luke Perry enormously)
Elementary has one episode left and I will be very sad when the story is complete, but happy for everyone involved for having been part of such a unique spin on Sherlock Holmes in such a successful way.
Euphoria season one was an intense emotional process, watching teens and their families struggle with addiction, violence, abusive relationships, sexual discoveries, gender navigation, mental illness, and so much more. Also just a visually stunning show. 
Grand Hotel is a fun soapy new show that I am enjoying very much. Classic soap tropes, a largely Latinx cast, a lesbian main character, and lots of eye candy.
Jane the Virgin put out a wonderful final season and series finale. I laughed. I cried. I was very satisfied. 
Killjoys has started up it’s final season. I’m loving it, but I also wanna cling to it and scream “no! don’t go!” 
Pandora is a new show on the CW, which is interesting. Futuristic space academy featuring a clone, a mind reader, an augmented human, an alien from a planet we were recently at war with, and Pandora herself who has some kinda mystery surrounding her and the recent death of her parents. Lots of political intrigue and conspiracy, with episodic plots that the young adults uncover together each week, and just about every sci-fi trope you could think of being covered. 
Trinkets on Netflix was a cute lil show about teenage girls in a shoplifting support group. It was a really genuine look at the highs and lows of female friendship at that age. 
In other TV watching news, I finally got all of the Northern Exposure DVDs and am doing a long-awaited re-watch of my all-time favorite show. I’m on the second season. 
In addition to completing that DVD collection, I also completed collecting all of the Realm of the Eldering books (yay birthday money!) and am doing my re-read of those. It’s going to take me a long time, because my re-reading gets done while attempting to fall asleep and also when I wake up trying to get back to sleep, so depending on how the insomnia is going, it could be anywhere from a couple of paragraphs to maybe 50 pages tops per night and RotE is a looooot of books. I’m still on the first novel now. 
That also means, I am taking a little break from my otherwise-continual Raven Cycle re-reading lol. 
Other stuff I’ve been reading - started the Wayward Children series by Seanan McGuire, finished Tamora Pierce’s Emelan series (although I think she’s writing one more of those yet), and got caught up on Patricia Brigg’s Mercyverse series. Then, since I’m caught up on all the series I’m reading (other than Wayward Children since I just started it), I went and put a crapton of new books on my library hold list - some of which are the first books in series themselves. So here we go! 
And of course, I’ve been playing lots of Sims. Love love loving the Island Living expansion pack. The mermaids are so much fun, as is swimming and boating in the ocean, other beach activities, and just living in a more communal setting (people show up to help put out fires, bring food over randomly, fix things that are broken, etc.). I definitely won’t tire of the stuff in this pack before the next new pack comes out, which I imagine will be sometime late this fall or early winter, if they go according to the usual schedule. 
Guess that’s all for now. Might do some more specific VMars meta at some point, once I get my thoughts and feelings more collected. IDK. This post is so all over the place I’m not sure if I’m gonna tag it with any specific fandom or media. 
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