#'the show is different!' I sawed away at my legs through season 1 so I'm here to tell you - it fucking isn't
tomhardysurinal · 2 years
The Witcher is literally just nonstop brutalised women it is so fucking crazy how defensive people are of it. Or not even defensive, people just act like there's nothing to defend! One second a rant about how misogynistic Game of Thrones is and the next it's just thirsting over Henry Cavill in a Pauline Fowler wig like what is it everyone is seeing that I'm not seeing?!
Every quest - headless corpse of woman with tits out, naked woman nailed to a wall, naked women dead in a bath, naked woman hanging from a ceiling, naked woman dead and kneeling on a bed chained to the bed posts. If she's not dead she tries to sleep with you 😂 with lines like fucking this:
Geralt: *completes fetch quest for Big Titted Woman #6*
Big Titted Woman #6: Thank you Geralt! You clearly know what women want, how they think.
You might ask how many times can I beat this naked big titted dead horse and I'll tell you I'll stop when I get this fucking platinum for the second and last fucking time
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eighthday · 10 months
Review first season "Vigil"
I can't get rid of some thoughts when watching season one. Ep 1. Let's continue that what is shown to us on the screen has a second bottom. I know how the story ends, so I can rethink its beginning a little. When Amy runs away, is it not only a system of physical and mental support, but also a way to get away from problems? She has all the time in the world for reconciliation, but she is busy with the usual. Her work brings her back to reality. She needs an event that will stop her usual course of action.
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It seems that the boss knows something about the two of them. Just look at his upset look)
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And then Amy shows hope, fear, and uncertainty for a few seconds. And it's so layered. I hope none of the pens were damaged during the filming of these seconds)
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I'd like to see Kirsten's reaction when the boss hands over Amy's request. Pain? Anger? Hope? Definitely love. For her, it's not only a duty, but also a desire to help and protect, so when Kirsten asks to give up the assignment, he still cares about Amy. She saw different sides of Amy. And she didn't refuse, harboring feelings for Amy months after the breakup.
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I won't say that Amy is a bad hostess for Cat, but what would have happened if Kirsten hadn't agreed to stay in Amy's apartment? I'm worried about cat) And we find out that this is not the first time Kirsten has stayed like this with a cat. It's happened before.
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They went somewhere together, they were somewhere, maybe someone knows about them, or it's just a reference to colleagues. They just didn't show us.
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How good is this scene. Looking around, they look at each other. They look at each other as equals. After a stressful trip, Kirsten says something that can be interpreted ambiguously. This is a phrase not only for Amy's assignment, but also to describe their relationship. And maybe that's all for Amy to try.
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Kirsten says "not now", but not later. Kirsten knows how to wait. Let's skip the moment when Amy is wearing a red suit, when she begins her journey deep into not only the depths of the sea, but also herself, and Kirsten has a green color that goes so well with red hair. It doesn't remind me of anything, I swear)
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Diving into the past begins not only for Amy, but also for Kirsten. Even the color palette of the scene is painted blue. Blue is the color of loss, loss, grief and loneliness. For Kirsten, this is a chance to reevaluate what happened, go through this path again and maybe come to another exit. Because blue is also wisdom, trust and loyalty. For me, their memories that will be shown to us work for the two of them. One lives this past when he writes, the other remembers when he reads, and vice versa. The life and investigation of one and the other depend on each other, on their common past, trust and attention to each other. And it's also interesting that Kirsten came home to Amy without a bag. Either she gets it out of the car after she looks around the house, or she left some things with Amy after they broke up.
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We see the past coming back. And this past affects not only mental health, but also the course of the investigation. I like the idea that Amy's return to life is about creating a common language with Kirsten. Jokes, music, books, tea on the roof, cat, morse code and much more. And this is what will help her cope, only in the first episode she doesn't know about it yet)
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Amy's knees are on Kristen's legs, and Kirsten is holding Amy's ankle.❤️ _____________________
English is not my first language, so any mistakes are mine) I love Amy and Kirsten and I'm looking forward to the season 2.
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rcksmith · 3 years
Spring breeze part.2 — Spencer Reid
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Gif by @ssadrreid
Sumarry: Spencer never thought about falling in love with someone, but he certainly didn't expect that he would fall in love with Gideon's daughter. — season 3 —
Part.1 Part.3 Part.4
A/N: I was very happy with the return you guys had in the first part💖. I hope you guys like.
English is not my first language, so I so sorry if have a mistake.
Requests are open. Love you ❤️ Couple:Spencer Reid / Gideon's daughter!reader.
Warnings: nothing, just very fluff.
— — — — —
Spencer straightened his tie for the hundredth time in front of the mirror, in several unsuccessful attempts to exhibit his best that day. It was funny and ironic how, after so many years wearing dress shirts and a tie, the universe seemed to handpick that day to do - no matter how much Spencer tried to fix it - his tie looked weird. The fabric was too far to the left, or too far to the right, or too wrinkled in the folds. No matter how much he undid the knot or changed his tie, still looked strange.
What a nightmare.
Reid was barely able to sleep with the notion that he would see you today, his body being whipped assiduously by unsettling waves of euphoria, his mind whizzing like a propellant, anxiety screaming in his mind and sending his sleep for miles away. That morning, the world seemed to be more stuffy, hot and torrid, and for a second, Reid felt himself under the heat of Egypt instead of autumn in Washington.
He could feel his heart speeding up with the steps of the clocks, his breath running away from his lungs, a thousand and one speeches being revised in his head to try to lessen the likelihood of speaking some bullshit near you. Because he couldn't ruin that chance.
Spencer knew he was not the type of guy to have dates whit women like you every day. In fact, Laila had been the only stunning woman who had looked at him a second time. But, well, to be honest, he knew that all that affection she had directed him had been side effects of the transfer. He had been her hero and it clouded people's rationality. And, to his disquiet and to the dread of his insecurity, you were above the beauty of Laila on stratospheric levels.
To make matters worse, the damn tie wasn't good! God, he was screwed.
Spencer gave up on that impossible mission, settling for and conforming to what the tie looked like after the twentieth attempt. He wanted you to see him as a handsome person, a man worth wasting time with, not a boy who only served to be your friend. You were beautiful on so many levels that... well, Reid wanted you to be attracted to him, too, to simplify.
He stepped away from the mirror and slung his work bag over his shoulder, trying to control the pounding of his own heart.
On the way to work, trying hard to avoid thinking about what him looked like in that damned imperfect tie, Reid wondered, for a moment, if you too were under the same emotions. Did you change your clothes several times because you also felt anxious too? Could it be that, like him hands, yours also trembled? Or, if he was lucky, was your heart beating as hard as him?
He hoped that was yes.
As soon as he entered the BAU headquarters, with anxiety as his chaperone, Spencer sat at his own table while pouring a “Good morning” to his colleagues.
“Arrived early.” Derek narrowed his eyes at him, in that suspicious look.
"I am never late." He was quick to hit and that caused his friend to raise an eyebrow.
"But you never be anxious to get here earlier."
Sometimes Spencer hated that his friends were profiles.
“I just like my job.” Reid started to unpack things of bag, trying to avoid the look of Derek who was still burning his back.
“Oh, I'm sure you like.” The double meaning in his friend's tone did not go unnoticed by Spencer, but he did not want to delve into the truths of that argument, much less think about it.
Emily and JJ arrived after a few minutes, with Garcia following behind and making their point that she was not to blame for buying those pairs of shoes, since they were practically begging her to take them. Normally, Reid did not look at the glass door whenever he heard someone approaching, or had a strong desire to see Gideon pass through them as well.
But that day... that day, seeing Gideon meant seeing you. And seeing you meant that you would go through that door. And going through that door meant that Spencer would see you come in. That was enough to make his gaze turn to those doors from minute to minute.
But time passed. Fifteen minutes flew by, then twenty, then thirty. Anxiety increased and now his agitated heart was tuned to his right leg, which did not stop quietly, shaking from top to bottom assiduously.
“What do you look for at the door so much, Reid?”
Prentiss asked the last question that Reid would like to answer, and that caught Derek’s attention, who, as expected, laughed amusingly and sank further into the chair, a sly, playful smile on his lips.
“Oh, he is expecting a member of the Gideon family.”
Spencer swore and, in that moment, he was never so jealous of ostriches for being able to stick their heads underground. If he were one of them, he would definitely do it.
“I'm not expecting Y/n.” he said, whit voice higher and thin than usual.
“But I didn't say it was Y/n.” Derek laughed and Spencer felt his cheeks go red.
This time he gave up hitting back, his let out a bad mood murmur and turned forward, forcing himself not to look at the door anymore. From that moment on, Spencer focused on focusing on the pile of reports in front of him, forcing his brain to disconnect from the things around him and concentrate on matters that demand his all attention.
The hours went by, faster this time, the case-free day was being used to finish late reports and giving the team time to recover the nerves and breath of the last case.
After noon, Gideon still hadn't arrived and Spencer started to feel slightly fearful. He was about to take his phone out of his pocket and dial Jason when JJ appeared, handing over more piles of reports to they that required to be finished today.
Derek gave a loud curse of annoyance, muttering something and back to writing again. Emily was used to the paperwork bureaucracy, but from the bittersweet and dissatisfied look on her face, Spencer knew that no one there shared the same delight him had with paperwork. He also knew that Morgan was exhausted because he had remodeled a property yesterday and was barely could to sleep, and Prentiss felt overwhelmed because she was dealing with problems with her mother and with the bureaucracy policy that Strauss pressed against her.
Then Spencer looked at the file stack itself. There was a lot of paperwork, but the amount of reports he would finish in two minutes was three times what his friends would finish in an hour. He leaned forward, looking over the table to see Emily and focusing Derek better in his field of vision.
“Do you guys want to give some reports? I finish faster anyway”
They agreed without hesitating or pretending modesty. Reid laughed, saying that his friends would owe him one, and went back to work.
After that, when Spencer finished the reports and lifted his head from the paperwork, the light in the world had dimmed to a dark blue hue, streaked by small, bright stars.
The breeze coming in through the large glass windows was fresh and invigorating, the scent of the night's wonderful promises was reminiscent of your perfume. And then he realized that neither you nor Gideon showed up all day. Something about him withered, the euphoria diminished until it became as small as the stars outside. The clock struck seven at night when Spencer got up and put his things away, millions of feelings buzzing in chest.
The unsettling sense of concern began to take place than had previously to been emotions of anxiety and excitement, and he pondered whether to ask Hotch about Gideon or to call himself. Reid looked around, looking under his colleagues, who were packing up to go home, and going up to Aaron's office. He could still see his figure under the marble table, the light from the room underscoring the serious and concentrated expression he directed to the documents. The air in that room looked different, maybe more dense, maybe more serious. But Spencer knew it was best to let Hotch do his own thing.
He ran the tip of his tongue over the corner of lips, reaching into his pocket and reaching for his cell phone.
“Hey, Reid." he turned toward Morgan, that signaled them to go to the elevator.
“Did you speak to Gideon today? Or did you hear Hotch say something about it?” The question came after he reached Derek, both of them walking out the glass door.
"Is it Gideon you're worried about or... his daughter?” He laughs shamelessly, pressing the elevator button.
Spencer stumbles over the words when says: “Wh-What? No. I'm just worried about him. It has nothing to do with… ”
As soon as the sentence was about to end, the elevator doors open. Instead of the usual void or presence of someone from the FBI, Spencer felt catatonic when he saw the female figure inside.
In a burst, like a strong wind that blows and pushes things away, Spencer was struck by all the feelings and sensations that had been bubbling in his stomach all day. Euphoria, anxiety, insecurity and... animation. Suddenly, he was worried again about how he would look, what he would say, if he was presentable enough for you to look at him with... Well, Spencer didn't know how he wanted you to look at him, but he wished it were something that guarantee your affection.
He wanted to be something that excited you, that made your heart race. Just like his was now.
"Y/n...” He did not recognize his own voice. The intonation.
"Hey." You smiled genuinely, and it was able to make Reid's heart beat so fast that he feared you could hear. “I'm sorry I didn't show up and neither did my dad.”
“No problem at all.” He was sincere “Did something happen? Are you two okay? ”
The concern in Reid's voice was so palpable that you losing your breath. God, that man couldn't be real.
“I just remembered that Garcia is call me." Morgan tried to swallow a big smile “It was good to see you, Y/n.”
“Me too, Morgan.” You gave him a hand gesture that, for Reid, was lovely.
Spencer put his arm in the elevator door, preventing it from closing.
“Will you want to leave?” Always as solicitous as a gentleman.
“Oh no.” Now it was your cheeks that were softly red. “I came to see you actually.”
If nothing that had happened before was not enough to steal Spencer's breath, your sentence completed the mission. He put himself in an elevator, pressing a button and letting the doors close.
"I was going to bring my dad today, but ... well” You laughed “To put it succinctly, my dad has a list of things he wants to do before he dies, and one of them was rollerblading”
You and Spencer laughed. Half because he would have laughed at anything you said to see your smile, and half because he couldn't see Gideon having such a list. But he liked it. The feeling of knowing that Jason was having fun, enjoying life, not letting that job rip off all of his humanity, was comforting, joyful.
“Why do I feel this is not going to end well?" He joked too and you laughed.
“Because it doesn't end.” Your fingers ran through your hair “We ended up going to a place that had this, before he have work today, and he ended up twisting his ankle when he fell.”
You tried to no laught, because it was not something to play with, but after the fright passed and your father and you were entangled, they both burst out laughing. And now, reliving that, you didn't remember the hurt itself, but how great the fun between the two of you had been.
“He is fine?" But Spencer had a worried flash in his eyes.
“Oh, yes, the doctor said there was nothing much. He just needs to get some rest.” You smiled “I was going to call, but one thing led to another and when I saw it, it was too late to call. So I thought about coming in person.”
Spencer was known to have a photographic memory and a very high IQ, but at that moment, if then asked what you had just said, he would need a moment to remember. For the only thing he was concentrating on at that moment was the certainty that your smile could light up the whole of Washington. How your eyes held the stars' syntax and how the energy that emanated from you was... cheerful.
He realized that you were a cheerful person, outgoing and with an innate ease of making friends. You had that special touch that made people and the universe orbit around you. And Spencer knew it was one of the planets captured by your gravity.
"It is very sweet of you to come here to tell me that.” He smiled, but then realized what he had just said “N-not that you owe me any explanation! I just-I think it's cool that you worried and…n-not that I waited for you but… not th-that I didn't expect you too and...” Spencer stopped talking, giving up trying to find the right words to get him out of the mess he got himself into.
At times like this, Reid was used to people just dropping an embarrassed nod and leaving, or ignoring the avalanche of things he said. But as soon as the tone of your laughter echoed through the elevator and snaked through him body like a wave of energy, Reid looked at you more closely. You didn't give that embarrassed look, nor did you look sorry for him. You laughed lovingly and touched his arm.
"I was also looking forward to seeing you.” You summed up all of him thoughts in one sentence and freed him from all fears.
"Serious?" But disbelief was still present.
The elevator door opened and the two of you got out, walking to the exit of the building and being greeted by the cool, comforting breeze of the night.
“Yea.” You said as if it were obvious, “What do you think about going to a movie? It's not too late. ”
If Spencer had been told a few weeks ago that in a few days he would be on a date with the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, he would have scoffed. He would have thought it was a joke with a background of evil. Going out with girls was not on the list of things Spencer did regularly, but he was thanking any confusion or mistake the Universe had made to accidentally placed you with him.
To be honest, with you on his side, with you with him, Spencer felt like he had won in life. That all those years of school and university, when he only saw beautiful girls from afar and dreamed of what it would be like to have one this girls interest in him, had dissipated into the air. Dissolved in the breeze like smoke. During all the hours of film, the joyful and ecstatic conversations you both had after, Spencer could feel the connection in the air. Naturally, kind of magical.
Did he know you two days or two decades ago?
You told all of your adventures, all of stories, and listened carefully to every ramble and phrase Reid had to say. He felt, for the first time, completely important. As if everything he had to say was valuable as a diamond, rare as a tropical treasure.
He felt comfortable, relaxed, cheerful.
And when, at the end of the night while the two of you were walking along the lively and vibrant streets of DC, you took his hand and intertwined yours fingers, Spencer never felt so alive.
He had been born twenty-four years, but only now did he really feel what it was like to be alive.
tagged: @gublersuvula @peculiarinsomniac
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Imagine #70 | Request #31 (Part 3/3 of Isaac Lahey x Alpha!Reader)
Catch up here: Part 1, Part 2 (might need to rewrite these two though)
Can I just say that you guys who stuck with this blog (and the Wattpad imagines) are the best? And to think I haven't posted in years and we've hit 6k+ followers when I came back?! I don't even know how you people are still here and loving the pieces I put out when I'm here cringing over the old works back in 2015!
Warnings: The usual when it comes to the Teen Wolf series, specifically the Dread Doctors' season, mentions of blood, bones breaking, drugs, needles, a few curse words, idk if this is angst? whump?
Word Count: 6k+ (it's probably the longest I've written omg)
Not much of a flashback or backstory (I'm out of words, I can't squeeze anymore juices out of my brain, my bad). As usual, this is note beta-ed and sorry for any mistakes! English isn't my first language :(
“No more, please,” weak cries fell on deaf ears as you were dragged down from one hall to another, the smell of disinfectant and rust overpowering your already sensitive nose and magnifying the headache that was present from when you took a beating earlier.
The sound of bare flesh skidding on the polished floor bounced off the walls as you tried to pull away and run from your captors, you did not care of the stinging sensation that radiated from the pads of your feet - the open wounds left untreated by the people who kept you in hopes that whatever was inside of you can take care of it on its own.
You were repulsed at the thought of them still being considered as people after what they have put you through - they were monsters.
“Just a little more, my dear.” One of the figures that held your arm sneered, the grip on your bicep tightening making you clench your jaw. You internally scoffed at this knowing well that it won’t be ‘just a little more’ with how long and how frequent it happened and will happen.
“She should be able to go through another round.” A voice, deeper than the feminine one from earlier, spoke up as you entered through the heavy double doors of a room - an operating theater you guessed from the setup. “Prep her.”
“Her vitals are stronger now.” The third person declared, their fingers flipping through the pages of the clipboard in their hands before glancing towards the monitor to one side of the room - an image of your anatomy on display with different colors corresponding to each system in your body.
“The less you struggle the faster this will be.” One of the doctors, the Geneticist, who dragged you to this hell hole hummed as she was met with resistance on your end while she strapped you down on the cold metal table, the leather rubbing your already raw skin.
Her patience with you was at a limit, she was close to just ending it - ending you. But they have already achieved so much with their craft that it would be such a waste of time and resource to start from square one.
“Remember,” The Pathologist warned as he walked closer to you once you were settled down. “The louder you scream, the more blood we take from you.”
The tears that fell from your eyes to the sides of your face tickled your ears at the threat, small whimpers coming from you were ignored.
“Might I remind you that the btch wakes up?” The Geneticist interrupted, irritation in her voice as she steadied your shaking right hand before inserting an IV cannula in a vein at the back of your hand and taping it in place. Looking up to her left, she reached for the device below one of the two bags that hung on the pole and unclamped its tube letting the mix of anxiolytic, hypnotic, and anticonvulsant start to flow down to you. She then turned her attention to the other bag beside it, a mix of amnestic, and myorelaxant drugs, and did the same - a near-perfect cocktail mix they specifically designed for you.
She reminded the other doctors that no matter how much benzos, relaxants, or other drug concoctions they pump in your veins, you will wake up in between operations screaming your head off while attempting to break free of the hold you are currently in. “No matter how much sedatives we put in her, her wolf is too strong-”
“It’s an animal-” The Surgeon spoke up.
“She’s an alpha, a pure one-” She argued again, almost growling at the hard-headedness of her co-doctors before she was cut off by the same person.
“An animal.” He spoke in finality. “We are humans - gods even! We are at the very top of the damned food chain.”
The room suddenly fell silent, your whimpers, the beeping of a monitor, and the hum of the machines somewhere in the room were the only things that could be heard as you started to feel the effects of the fluids injected into you.
The tension you felt from earlier began to leave your body just as your vision started getting cloudy, your eyelids feeling heavier by the minute. You didn’t notice the Pathologist holding up a syringe to the light, flicking the bubbles away with his middle finger and thumb a few times before the taste of rubber invaded your mouth with such force that hurt your lips, gums, and teeth.
The Surgeon that was above you, blocking the light for a few moments, had shoved the mouth guard in before he continued securing your head in the metal gear positioned above you. Your neck followed suit with a hard metal clamp attached to the table effectively locking you in place and soon, your whole body was completely immobilized with a loud click from the double lock clamps.
The tears continued to flow down the sides of your face as you fought the sleepiness, praying for this to just end. The dread of what is to come overwhelming you and making your body shake as much as the drugs and table’s hold on you would allow.
“I’m surprised the smart one hasn’t figured it out yet.” They exchanged small talk over your muffled screams as soon as you felt the sharp sting of a needle puncturing your skin and into your cervical spine; expelling whatever it was they created into your system for the nth time. Your ears hurt from the ringing in your head while your throat burned as the pain from the syringe radiated all over your body.
“I’m surprised her mate hasn’t.” The Geneticist replied with emphasis.
“My friends, let us not be complacent.” Their leader ended their conversation as he now concentrated on looking at the x-ray on the monitor showing the movement of the serum as it spread in you.
“We continue our routine - clean her up, wipe her to an extent and then return her. ” He added as he pushed more of the liquid in you with a press of a button by your head.
“Marcel, they will know, soon enough.” She pointed out. “She will start to have withdrawals if-”
“We won’t let that happen.”
Sneakers skidding on the floor as everyone seemed to scramble out of the way towards the door, eyes wide with fear looking at the figure in front of them.
Isaac watched as the massive wolf in front of them let out a deep growl with its teeth bared at the people that called her attention, the fur on her back and chest standing up making her look even bigger than she already is.
“Y/N,” Isaac knew that Deaton was the best person to handle all kinds of supernatural cases, hence, the title of Emissary to their pack. “It’s Deaton.”
Letting out another growl as you licked your lips, your tail flicked lowly behind you as your eyes darted to each person present in the room before landing back to one in particular who was too close for comfort.
“Y/N, hey,” His voice sounded softer, it almost made you feel a sense of comfort until his hand reached out to you and made you snap back and almost bite it off.
This instinctively made Scott pull Isaac back by his shirt to a safe distance, struggling a bit in his grasp as the beta did not want to be moved further away from you despite the situation.
“Isaac, move back,” Deaton warned when he noticed that the curly-haired werewolf was not backing down, a hand gesturing for him to move away from you. “She’s scared.”
“No, Deaton, she heard me. She’s there - Y/N,” Isaac argued before turning his attention back to you again, blue eyes already glassy as tears filled the rim of his eyes. “She heard me.”
Isaac tried to hold on to the hope that you were present underneath the wolf because he was sure he saw that familiar glimmer that was distinctly you.
Just as he attempted to reach out to you again with a whisper of your name on his lips, the same frequency you heard before rang in your ears making you seize up and drop to the ground.
“Agh! What is that?” Liam winced as his hands reached up to his head to cover his ears, eyes scrunching shut as he tried to will away the incessant ringing.
“What’s what?” Mason asked with confusion etched on his face as he looked at his friend then to Stiles and the others, the werewolves in the room in particular, doing the same.
Isaac did not care for the ringing he heard, witnessing you looking like you were being kicked or beaten as you struggled to stand up, the sound of pained screams, whines, and whimpers coming out of you pulled at his heart making him drop to his knees beside you.
His hands hovered over your form trying to figure out what to do while he avoided getting scratched by the large clawed paws that writhed with your body, Scott and Thor doing the same and looking over you trying to see where exactly were you hurting.
“Deaton,” Isaac called as he carefully placed his hand on your shoulder before hissing - you were burning up and the black color that coursed through his veins upon touching you wreaked of disease. “Deaton what do we do?!”
“What is that?” Thor asked in bewilderment as he saw what was happening with Isaac’s arms.
“Hold her still as much as you can,” The vet’s voice was calm despite the mess, going to one of the counters in the room and asking Stiles and Mason for assistance as he tried to collect what sounded like glass vials from the way it clinked in their hold.
Isaac heard Thor mutter an apology to his alpha as he tried to hold your hind legs down as much as he can, Scott doing the same by your torso and Isaac by your neck.
“Y/N,” Isaac continued to call for you as he tried to hold your front legs down. “It’s Isaac, baby - it’s me.”
“Hurry!” Scott called to Deaton as his eyes scrunched and a sheen of sweat already present on their foreheads, the ringing still present in their ears making it difficult for them to concentrate.
Just as Deaton returned and knelt by your side, carrying a stainless steel tray that contained what looked like multiple large syringes in it, the static ringing noise started to get louder making the supernatural beings in the room let out a pained groan and lose their grip on you.
It grew too much too quickly to bear, causing the lights and windows above your heads to shatter and engulf the room in darkness. As everyone ducked for cover, Isaac stayed by your side and tried to shield you from the onslaught of sharp glass descending on you.
It took a few moments before the ringing stopped and the feel of cold air entered the room, snapping them back to their senses as their eyes opened at the smell of blood it carried with it.
Isaac immediately sat up as he felt the cold tiled floor and not your warm body underneath him.
“Y/N,” was all he said before he sprinted out of the room, the others following behind him.
“How did she get out?” He heard Stiles behind him once they reached the outside of the clinic, Thor already looking around the perimeter of the establishment for any signs of you.
Isaac’s brain was running a hundred miles at what he saw and what had just happened inside, his lips quivering as he ran his hands through his hair and pulling at the roots in frustration. He sniffled as he tried to stop the tears from running down his cheeks with the heels of his hands. Exhaling, he closed his eyes and tried to even out his breathing before turning to Scott.
“She’s not gone,” his alpha spoke, already reassuring him. “We’re going to find her.”
Just before Isaac could reply and shoot down the optimism his alpha had, a car screeched to a halt in front of them.
“Where is she?!” Lydia asked as she got out of the driver’s side, a frantic look in her bloodshot eyes.
“Hey, hey, what happened?” Stiles was immediately by her side, cupping her face in his hands. But Lydia only moved out of the way and turned to Isaac and asked again.
“We don’t know where she is. She disappeared right before Deaton -” Lydia was close to tears again as she groaned in frustration.
“They can’t get her back.” She said, sounding more of a beg as her voice shook a little.
Everyone in front of her stopped what they were doing and looked at the Banshee.
“Who’s they? And where do you think Y/N is?” Stiles asked before a few seconds later, realization hit him.
It was on the way to Eichen House that Lydia explained everything she saw that made her break all the traffic laws implemented in Beacon Hills just to rush to the vet clinic. Isaac could not shake the feeling that Lydia, a banshee – a herald of death, had visions of you in his arms already in eternal slumber. His wolf broke more than a little as she spoke more of what she saw, only a few words registering to him – Y/N, doctors, experiment, and torture.
Everything was a flash for Isaac now, he did not even realize that they were now in a tunnel under the mental facility planning on who was going where.
But once their strategy was laid out, Isaac wasted no time in trying to locate even the faintest of your scent in the damp and moldy tunnel he was walking through. He heard Stiles and Lydia speaking on the phone in his pocket that they'd found an office that had files strewn everywhere – files that specifically contained information about you and what they have done with you so far.
“Any luck finding her?” Lydia asked as Isaac heard papers being flipped on the other end of the line.
“Nope, not yet,” Liam replied.
“No, she’s not here.” Thor was next then Scott, all claiming to find only empty rooms and dungeons.
“Isaac?” Lydia asked after not hearing from him.
“None,” he answered, sounding defeated as he rounded another corner with you nowhere in sight.
Isaac could hear collective sighs as they continued their searches, his ears already drowning out what Lydia and Stiles were doing - occasionally spitting out questions of why’s as they continued to browse through what they found in the files.
His breathing became labored as his mind started to play tricks on him the further we walked down the tunnel, the source of light slowly fading the deeper he went.
Just as he was about to turn another corner, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He felt as though soft fingertips touched him, making his skin crawl as he turned around quickly only to find an empty space. But as he directed his attention to the other corner of the room, the colors on his face drained.
Amidst the mess of metal chains and torn blankets, Isaac watched closely as the figure on the floor took a raspy breath, eyes moving behind closed lids, lips mumbling incoherent words.
“Y/N?” Isaac slowly approached, the other members of the pack on the other line calling for his attention and asking if they heard him call your name.
At the sound of your name being called, your body went rigid. Your eyes flew open, widening as you saw a shadowy figure in front of you moving closer.
“Please, no more.” Your voice cracked from the overuse as you begged, the sound of heavy metal clinking together echoed in the empty room as you backed away slowly. “I’m sorry! I won’t do it again, please!”
Your frame quivered as you continued to plead, sweat mixed with blood trickled down your body as you attempted to make yourself smaller against the corner of the cell; failing from the sudden pain on the back of your neck that restricted you to move any further away from where you were.
“Y/N, it’s Isaac. I’m not going to hurt you.” Isaac ignored the voices over the phone calling for him, asking if he really found you. “You’re safe now, they’re not going to hurt you.”
Isaac almost expected for you to cower further away from him, but you didn’t – instead, you relaxed a little as his hand landed on the small of your back and the other on your shoulder effectively pulling you into an embrace.
As Isaac felt you release a breath before melting against his chest, his scent effectively calmed you down as your wolf recognized her other half. You both stayed like that for a while before he went back to examining you and what was behind you, more so what was attached to you.
Now, more diligent in his movements, his hands hovered over what seemed to be a tube attached to the back of your neck. He shifted in his kneeling position, careful not to jostle you, before taking his phone from his pocket.
“Something’s attached to her, I need to get it off-.” He informed more to Stiles and Lydia than to others present on the call.
“Don’t!” Lydia exclaimed, panicked at what Isaac was planning. “Not yet.”
“But she’s already hurting!” Isaac’s hands returned to your shoulder and back, holding you closer - as close as the tube permitted.
“That’s connected to her spine, Isaac,” Stiles added, warning him of what might happen. “If you remove it you might do some serious damage here.”
His attention turned back to you when he heard you whimper his name.
You were testing to see if Isaac was really there with you or if you were merely hallucinating again, not sure anymore of what was real after everything that happened to you for the past few years.
“Hi,” he smiled down when he pulled away from you a little, his voice shaking as he cupped your face in his hands. “I’m here.”
Your eyes focused on his face, blinking a few times before-
That, he did not expect.
“No, no, no.” You mumbled repeatedly making Isaac more confused- were you not happy or relieved to see him with you?
“You shouldn’t be here.” As you came to your senses, you moved out of his grasp and pushed him away at the same time with the little strength you have left.
“Y/N, we came here for you. What are you talking about?” Isaac was hurt, you can see it in his face the way his brows furrowed and eyes already releasing a few tears down his cheeks.
Before you could answer back, the same ringing sounded again.
“Isaac, you have to go, please.” You cried, your own tears flowing down your cheek as you tried to pry his hands that held on to your wrists away, wanting to get out of his hold on you all the while fighting the heavy ache in your body to turn against your own will.
“Isaac, you have to get out of there!” You can hear Stiles over the phone, can hear Scott and the others running to where your werewolf was located.
“I’m not leaving her,” Isaac growled at them but his eyes stayed on you.
“You have to, plea-”
A blood-curdling scream left your lips as your body started to tremble on the floor, your bones were visibly breaking and morphing under your skin against your will yet again. The jagged edges of the broken bones breaking through skin and the movement causing purple and blue patches to decorate your flesh, all the while the liquid inside the tube that was still attached to you bubbled angrily.
Turning to the person who called his name, he suddenly felt himself being tugged down to the floor as the sound of electricity zipping past them blasted onto the steel bars of a small window on the wall overcame your pained screams.
“Y/N Y/L/N,” the static voice called.
“It’s the Dread Doctors.” Stiles’ voice over the phone can be heard, more papers can be heard being flipped and thrown somewhere. “They’re the ones doing this to Y/N.”
“I need to get it off of her!” Isaac spoke to the phone as he watched Thor lunge at one of the doctors in front of them, his clawed hand not holding back any hits he let out. Scott was next when another appeared much closer to where you and Isaac were.
Once your cries quieted down and your body settled down to small shakes - appeased from the onslaught of transforming against your will, Isaac’s hands hovered over the tube.
“You have to go before they hurt you.” It was barely a whisper when the words came out of your mouth, your body was getting too tired to fight it anymore.
“No, I’m not leaving without you, you know that.” Isaac spoke it with a voice that left no room for arguments as he held the tube in his hand and attempted to pull.
Isaac held back a sob as the screams you let out shattered through the noise of the grunts and punches being thrown. But before he could successfully pull it out, a force had hit him and sent him across the room hitting a wall with a loud thud.
“Near-perfect.” Another doctor, the same one who threw Isaac off of you, had appeared next to you with a device in his hand that, from the looks of it, controlled the tube that was pumping the liquid into you.
“Stop, please!” Your hands flew to the contraption attached to you just as Isaac charged at the doctor, sending them both to the ground.
Blinking away the heaviness of your eyelids, you tried to move from your position on the floor only to fall back down flat on your stomach. The wolf in you whined in panic, barking almost as she nudged you with her head to stand up - that you still had strength in you and she was there to anchor you herself.
“Give her back to me,” You can hear Isaac from across the room, the sight of him swiftly landing blow after blow at the doctor caught you off guard. The blood that ran down his temple to his eyes only added a level of intensity to his yellow glowing gaze as he gave a growl that had an unnerving timbre to it. “Now.”
On the other end of the room, you watch Scott claw at the doctor he was against before the mask fell off and revealed a face that was mottled, wrinkled, and scarred. If the true alpha was disgusted, he did not show it as he put his arms up to block the hit the doctor threw his way.
At the sound of a device dropping to the cemented floor, you felt the vibration of the tube behind you stop - the bubbles silencing as it halted its actions. This immediately cleared your head and relieved you of the pain, the fuzzy veil finally lifting as you took another deep breath and attempted to sit upright again.
Successfully sitting up with a few labored breaths accompanied by a wince, you lifted your aching arms and took hold of the tube attached behind you - the stinging feel of the needle made itself known as the small movement you made just from holding it jostled a little.
Taking a couple of ragged breaths again, trying to gather the courage and strength to pull the thing behind you when the air was suddenly knocked out of your lungs. The sensation of a sharp jab radiated from your side, the groan you let out echoed to the other end of the room making your eyes dart to where Isaac was.
“No,” you let out a gasp at the sight of your mate wide-eyed as he stared up at the doctor in front of him - the pain you felt on your side mirroring where the Surgeon’s swordcane embedded on Isaac’s side and giving it a twist for good measure. “Isaac!”
Your wolf’s painful yips turned to a low dangerous growl.
Feeling the familiar throb in your gums as your canines grew longer, you heard a banshee’s piercing scream all the way from the other wing of the Eichen house while a true alpha’s growl filled the place you were in.
“No more,” You say through clenched teeth, Thor’s knees buckling at the command in his alpha’s voice, Scott and the doctors they were up against stood in awe at the willpower you displayed.
“Perfect,” one of them said under their breath, the final push for perfection.
Finally standing tall, the tube attached to your neck earlier now clutched in your hand, you did not waste time as you took down each person who did you wrong.
Going for the closest antagonist in your life, Thor immediately scrambled out of your way as your claws wrapped around the Geneticists neck. You let your body move past her without letting go of your grip on her before using the momentum to lift the doctor up, the weight and force effectively disconnecting her head from the rest of her body before hurdling her to the Pathologist who was clambering away from Scott and the fight.
Everything was a blur to the other occupants of the room as you zipped past them and took down each one before you finally lunged at the Surgeon who finally released his grip on both his cane and on Isaac.
“My child-” he managed to say as your grip on his neck tightened, his feet barely touching the ground - your eyes glowing a dangerous color as you stared up at him.
You can finally see through the mask, raw pink flesh with stitches decorating it was what the steel mask protected. His mouth opened to say something but only a gurgled gasp came out as your other hand embedded itself in his chest and pierced through skin and muscle. You felt your wolf puffing up with pride and anger - you were their greatest creation and downfall.
Silence enveloped the room as the lead doctor took his last breath before you haphazardly threw him to the ground.
With his nose scrunched and eyebrows furrowed, Isaac pulled the swordcane out of him. His jaw clenching before he let out a pained groan at the feel of the weapon sliding out before leaning heavily against the brick wall while clutching his side.
Your attention was immediately drawn to your other half, managing to wipe off some of the blood on your hand before tending to him.
“Hey,” Isaac greeted as he tried to not lean all his weight to you as you wrapped your arms around his waist, careful not to touch the stab wound on his side. You felt tears playing at the edge of your lashes as you buried your face against his chest, the scent signifying home.
“Can’t really ask you if you’re okay,” You managed to say once you pulled away and looked up at him.
“You’re one to talk,” Isaac replied with a chuckle, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear before placing a soft kiss on your forehead.
You smiled, wiping the stray tear that ran down your cheek with the back of your hand as Isaac’s lips returned to your forehead for another kiss.
“Y/N, look-”
A loud bang and the pain that came with it suddenly broke the bubble of peace you were in.
Clutching you to his chest, you saw the same confused expression that reflected on Isaac’s eyes before they darted from you to where the smell of gunpowder was coming from.
The Pathologist’s hand shook as he held the gun up, a crazed look in his eyes as he attempted to stand up from being buried under his colleague's lifeless body. He muttered incoherent words as he aimed the gun at you again.
But before he can pull the trigger, another loud thud took you all by surprise as you witnessed the man fall down flat on his face.
“Damn.” Lydia was behind him with a bloodied metal bat clutched in her hands - Stiles’ hands were up in the air, his eyes were wide as if he couldn’t believe his girl just did that.
“Well mark me down as scared and horny,” Stiles muttered under his breath, his brain replaying the moment Lydia all but took off with his metal bat and ran down the hall as fast as her heels allowed her to where they were now.
“Thank you, Thor.” You hugged the larger-built werewolf, his arms wrapping around you tightly but still being mindful of your current state. “But I don’t think I’m fit to be your alpha - to be the pack’s alpha anymore.”
“I will never understand how you and the others accepted me after what had happened.” Your feet dangled as you sat on a bricked fence outside of the Eichen house, the jacket from Isaac wrapped around you securely to act as a buffer against the coolness of the night.
You can hear Thor’s wolf whine at your words, his face already reflecting the sadness you both felt at what you were doing as he leaned against the fence you were sitting on.
“Alpha, please don’t discredit yourself.”
You looked up at him, not really believing his words with how much damage you’ve done to the pack - to your family.
“You are more than worthy - especially at your age.” He added, pointing out that most of the alphas out there were a hundred years older than you. “You are strong.”
“Thank you, again - for everything,” your lips quivered as you gave your best smile before glancing up to try and prevent the tears from spilling down your cheeks. The thought of leaving your pack broke your heart, they were family. But you needed to have someone better to lead and handle pack-related things -- you needed to recover.
A comfortable silence settled around the two of you before you heard Stiles and Isaac walking towards you.
“Jeep’s good to go, big guy.” Stiles said - more to Thor than you - with a tilt of his head to gesture to where they were parked as Isaac helped you to your feet and walked you towards Lydia’s car.
“You okay?” Isaac asked softly as you both settled in the back seat.
His eyes double-checked the graze on your shoulder from the bullet that hit you, his arms never leaving your side as he let you lean on him - exhaustion already catching up to you with the way your body sagged against his.
No, not really. You wanted to say as he only tugged you closer to him, the drive to Deaton being quieter save for the soft tunes the radio played.
“I will be.”
Isaac didn’t know what exactly woke him up.
Staring back at the ceiling, his ears strained to hear bed sheets rustling beside him. With the little light that passed through the curtains of the room you shared, he ran his hands down his face before turning to his bedside.
His eyes squinted when his phone awoke and flashed the time, 3:01AM it read - the phone’s screen showed a picture of the two of you together during a weekend picnic Lydia had arranged a few weeks ago. You had your eyes closed and lips smiling - a genuine smile after so long - against his neck as he had his arms wrapped around you tightly while he made a face to the camera.
Isaac stared at his phone’s lock screen a few moments longer before movement on his side and the feel of cold skin touching his leg took him out of his reverie.
Putting his phone back on the nightstand, he curled back down the covers and turned to face you. For someone who’s a warm-blooded supernatural creature themself, you sure have cold feet.
Isaac cupped your face before tucking a stray hair behind your ear, you were lying on your stomach facing him with your hands tucked just a little under your pillow. You were still in deep sleep but it did not look as peaceful as he remembered - your brows were furrowed, your lips moved as if mumbling something and an occasional hand twitch was what he observed.
“Y/N?” Isaac asked, his voice croaked from the lack of use as he leaned on his elbow and tried to coax you awake.
It didn’t take too long before Isaac finally understood what you were saying.
Please, no more...p-please.
Leaning over your side of the bed, Isaac flicked the switch to your bedside lamp open and tried to call for you again. He could now see the thin layer of sweat on your forehead, the sheets bunching up in your grasp as your knuckles turned a lighter shade from how tight your grip was.
I can’t t-take it anymore...
“Hey, baby,” Isaac gently ran his hand down your back a few times, trying not to ‘jolt’ you awake. He knew what methods to use in waking you up when things like these happen, though it took multiple trials and errors with a few bumps - more or less scratches - in the way. But god, he’d take you screaming and lashing out at him any day than this.
I’m sorry, I won’t do it again...
“Y/N, please wake up for me.”
It broke his heart more at the thought that while you were already together, even if in that span of time you were simply friends at first, they’ve already done a multitude of things to you.
“Y/N, I’m here - you’re safe.” He tried again, the soft kiss to your temple lingering a little longer in hopes that it might help - let you sense that he was present and you were not in danger anymore.
“Y/N, no one’s gonna hurt you,” He spoke softly.
Covering your clenched hand with his, it was all it took before your eyes flew open with a sharp gasp of air. It took some strength and swiftness from Isaac to hold your wrists when you sat up so fast - almost bumping his chin in the process - that you almost fell out of the shared bed.
“Hey, hey,” He called for you, your eyes were dilated, blown wide and looking around frantically as if you were searching for the threat that plagued your life a year ago and giving you these night terrors that prevented you from having a good night’s sleep.
“I’m here, you’re safe.” He repeated, waiting for you and not letting go.
“Isaac,” He waited a little more before you finally settled down and realized where you were, your voice shook a little as you spoke his name; eyes glassy as you looked at the familiar blue eyes that called for you.
“I’m here.” Isaac gave a small smile as his hold on your wrist loosened before sliding his hands in yours and holding onto them on your lap - the soft yellow light from your bedside lamp gave his face a soft glow; his eyes looking more kinder that it already was.
Not again. Your lips trembled as you held back a sob, you shook your head as you stared down at your joined hands.
You felt trapped.
That was the only thing you felt and you wanted out, you wanted this to stop; you want an end to this thing happening to you - you don’t deserve the man in front of you.
Having known you for so long, Isaac can already see it on your face, he already anticipated it.
“I love you,” He spoke.
Absolutely no room for arguments, “I won’t leave you.”
You felt Isaac’s hands rest on your hips as you withdrew yours from his hold and tried to stop and wipe as many tears as you could with the heel of your hands. He let you lean your head on his shoulder, the feel of his lips placing a comforting kiss to your ear should’ve given your heart a little leap but it didn’t.
“How much longer will you tell me that before you finally get tired?” You did not mean to say it out loud, you hiccupped once your tears finally settled down with your head and heart.
“Never,” Isaac said as he pushed you away a little to look at you, cupping your face in his warm hands to make you look up at him, a glint of playfulness present. “You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
You could only sigh and give a soft smile.
“You’re too good for me, Isaac.”
Bringing your hands to his lips to kiss your knuckles, he let them go before cupping your face again and leaned down to plant a kiss on your forehead, then your nose and lastly a chaste kiss on your lips.
“You deserve good things, Y/N.”
You deserve them after everything you went through. Isaac gave that smile he reserved only for you when he pulled away.
Lying back down, Isaac pulled you closer to him before pulling the covers up just below your chin.
“We’ll be okay, remember?” Isaac reminded you of the words you said to him when he asked you a year ago.
You did not miss the way he said ‘we.’ You did remember what he told you, that you were in this together - you’re it for me.
“I remember,” you answered, curling as close as you can to his side. The tip of your nose resting against the warm skin of his neck as he rest his chin on top of your head, arms tightening around you before they relaxed.
Feedbacks are always appreciated! Especially since I miss writing. But again, I won't be doing much writing anymore since I've somewhat lost touch with both my imagines blogs. I might just rewrite/refurbish some of my old imagines/drabbles.
Again, thank you so much for those who stuck by this imagines blog (and for Brett as well). You don't know how much I appreciate it, again, I'm sorry for not being active (read more here)
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roll-da-credits · 3 years
Lycoris Radiata Pt. 3 - Deku x Reader -
Inspired by the piano piece, "Lycoris Radiata," Written by Spikes, played by MusicalBasics.
Highly recommend listening to it whilst reading.
[1] [2] [3]
Word Count: 1.7k
When a childhood love shows up after being lost to time, it's unnerving to be presented by something so familiar yet different. Deku, lost to his own love and presented with the stresses of life and unrequited love, it isn't easy to see the world with an unbiased gaze.
(This is for the entire series and not just this part)
BIG TW for death, suicide, abuse,
Minor TW for death imagery, toxic relationship, toxic friendship, toxic shit all around
A/n: First off, this last part, please read with caution. There are a lot of serious topics in this one that can be triggering to some people. This feels really weird to post ngl, I was actually planning on posting the entire thing in 1 part but it was ridiculously long and the pacing was so incredibly slow. After editing it down and proofreading, I'm extremely proud and glad I made it a 3 parter. So, again, read with caution, enjoy the story, and I hope you cried.
Imagery used:
Snapdragon seed pods, red snapdragons, red spider lilies
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He came to your café a little bit more often now, there was a fear inside of him that he wouldn’t be able to save you either.
He didn’t know from what, where, or when. But after the two innocent girl’s life was taken away from them just because they were in the wrong situation. He felt a little bit paranoid at your own safety.
But almost every time he inquired you to get extra precautions, your boyfriend would always assure Deku that you were safe with him. And Deku trusted him.
Deku would constantly talk to you about whatever topic came into his mind, he wanted to talk to you more and love you even more even if it hurt him. Call him a masochist he didn’t care, love to him was a drug he couldn’t get enough of, even if that very thing giving him so much love can’t receive it from him, because you were receiving it from someone else.
His pink tinted eyes now growing red from the sheer amount of love he had for you. It grew cloudy and red, to the point where he found everything you do close to perfect.
He saw you as a beautiful goddess.
As the days slowly change from Summer to Fall, he saw more of the red flowers he found in the cemetery growing near your café.
When he asked you if you wanted to get rid of them, you laughed and brushed it off with what he thinks was a sly smile.
He wanted to believe that you actually started blooming them around the café since you knew he found them fascinating. Of course, there was no proof to this theory of his, but something Deku liked to do was a dream, and right now he dreamt of you giving hints of your love.
Then one day, he walked by the café just as it was closing on his way home and found your boyfriend yelling at you. You yelled back at him in retaliation and brought your hand up, only to get it caught by your boyfriend. For the first time, Deku finally saw how tight his grip was when he was mad.
He was sure it was going to leave a bruise on your skin. But he didn’t want to interfere.
When your boyfriend left, he finally revealed himself and comforted you. He told himself he was doing this not because he liked you but because you were his friend. He asked you what the argument was about but you looked up at him and smiled.
There was something weird about your smile, something he couldn’t quite place.
“It’s fine. He broke up with me.” Your smile didn’t match the tone of your cracking voice, and he had to stop himself from tightening his grip on you when you pushed him slightly away and begun walking back home.
He saw the red flowers around you bloom brighter than they ever had before, and he thought if it was a sign from her subconscious asking him to prod further. But he won’t, he can’t.
His rose gaze along with the sweet image he has of your boyfriend prevented him from going further.
After all, he was a hero, he knows best when to prod further. Even if he was biased in the situation.
Deku looked at his phone and found his text messages unanswered and ignored. He had just gotten accepted to UA, he wants to share the news with you.
But you had moved out from your parents’ house to go live alone in a different city with the school of your dreams. He confirmed this by asking your parents, though they did seem slightly worried over you he expected that of such caring parents. He thinks it was just because you were finally living alone.
But he wasn’t sure why there were so many unanswered texts, why you had completely left his life.
He felt his heart crashing into a million pieces.
It took him a rather long time to get over you. An even longer time to forget about the lasting memories of you.
On his daily run in UA just after getting into his 2nd year, on the road, he found a red snapdragon flower. It was radiant and beautiful. For a split second he got reminded of you, and your strange love for red flowers, though he thought it was just due to your unique quirk.
Not wanting to feel any more pain towards the coming memories, he dropped the flower and continued on his jog.
For some reason, he chose the exact same route the next day, this time he found the snapdragon dried and dead. The seed pods in the fallen stem were terrifying. They looked like miniature skulls and he shivered at the thought of something so beautiful being able to die so quickly.
Finally reaching his third year, he readied himself to become a fully-fledged hero as it was just a year away.
He found himself re-living some of his old memories though, Bakugou had asked him to go back to the forest they used to play as a child. It was his way of apologizing to Deku after all the years of torment.
In their path, they found a red camelia tree. The flowers were beautiful and Deku again thought of you.
Just in cue, Bakugou laughed, “Remember when I made Y/n cry because I smashed one?” Deku laughed at the thought but Bakugou grew quiet, “You know, they never respond to my texts ever again. I never told you that, but we stayed close even after I began bullying you. At the time I didn’t see them as a worthless quirkless person like you.”
Deku rolled his eyes, “Thank you Kaachan.” He said rather passive-aggressively.
“No that wasn’t my point, my point is when you told me they disappeared from your life they disappeared from mine as well.”
Deku shook his eyes, forcing the memories back down, “I don’t want to remember it Kaachan, you know I had the biggest crush on them. They must’ve found better people now.”
Deku pushed the memories down and didn’t let them resurface.
After all, if he was to become a hero, he couldn’t have old memories dragging him down. Even if it meant denying he still had feelings for you.
Deku checked his phone repeatedly.
20 unanswered texts, 10 unanswered calls since last week.
Fear bubbled up in his stomach.
What if you decided to leave him behind once again???
What does Deku do when he was stressed?
Drown himself in work.
He opened his laptop and begun reading and replying to hundreds of emails, even reading a lot of spam emails from his admirers. One did catch his eye though.
It was filled with videos. He opened it and from the thumbnails of the videos immediately grew even more panicked.
He clicked on one and watched through it. His eyes widened and fear washed over him like a tide in the sea.
He clicked on another one hoping his hunch wasn’t through.
He clicked on another and another.
He finally accepted it.
All of the videos you sent to him were your recordings of weekly diary entries in the form of video. Each of them you were covered in bruises, tear-stained cheeks, and ragged breathing. Your desperate pleas of not being able to break up with your boyfriend.
He quickly realized your boyfriend was not who he said he was, and that all his actions were just acted. He was a manipulative son of a bitch who trapped you in his spider web. He was the spider stringing a beautiful butterfly in his web. Slowly but surely wrapping you in silk, trapping you, suffocating you.
When he finally finished the last one he quickly ran towards your place. Begging to whatever god there was that you were safe.
“Did you know Izuku?”
Your words in the video echoed in his mind as he ran and ran.
“The flower you gave me were actually Red Spider Lilies.”
He lived rather far away but he couldn’t stop, he won’t.
“I’m surprised you didn’t know what they were nor what they symbolized”
His legs ached and burned but he continued on running.
“They’re symbols of death and moving on, sometimes even reincarnations.”
He finally got to your city and ran to your café, hoping you were there.
“They symbolize the change of seasons from Summer to Fall, truly beautiful flowers.”
When he saw the café closed with neither you nor your boyfriend in sight he continues running to your apartment.
“I never told you this about my quirk, but you know they predict my emotions? I think they can predict my future too.”
He felt like a rabid dog with tears flowing down like waterfalls.
“The spider lilies growing through my subconscious around the café were proof of that theory.”
No, no NO, he won’t let this happen. He won’t let you leave him once again.
He won’t let his rose-tinted gaze show him only your best parts, making him deny all your bad sides all your woes and tears.
He immediately barged into your apartment only to be greeted by the sickeningly sweet smell of flowers.
The room was dark, despite it being 1pm.
He walked slowly through the entrance and found a scatter of red flowers blooming everywhere.
He called your name, no answer.
He screamed for your name, no answer.
But he did get his answer when he arrived at your living room.
The entire room was almost covered from ceiling to the floor with red spider lilies, and the lushest areas where they grew the densest were in the middle of the room.
Deku screamed in agony as he held your hanging body close to his chest.
It wasn’t blood that now stained his fingers nor his clothes. It was the red petals falling down from the ceiling to his hair that taunted him.
It mocked him.
It told him that you gave all the signs, you showed him everything, and yet he was too drugged in the most addictive drug of them all, love, to even notice your hints.
And now he was paying the price.
After all, he was a hero, he needed to be responsible for his actions. Even if it meant finally accepting that you were gone… forever.
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thevampiresiren · 4 years
Helping Yoongi Shave
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Word Count: 2.5K
Genre: Fluff, Humor
WARNINGS: Soft!Yoongi, Tooth Aching Fluff, Cursing, Slight Suggestive Themes (nothing major, just some suggestive flirting and a little talk of sex. Yoongi also puts his hands on the reader's butt)
Summary: Yoongi needs to shave, but he's too tired to do it himself. So he teaches you how to shave him.
A/n: So… This is the very first Fanfic that I wrote and I’m not going to lie; I was a very nervous about posting it until one of my friends read it for me and loved it. I’m not sure if I’ll be doing this stuff as a part of my blog ALL the time, but if I can think of anything and if it comes out good; I’ll definitely post it.  Also I just REALLY wanted to do a Yoongi shaving fanfic because I think helping your significant other shave is SO intimate and involves a lot of trust. I hope you guys like it!
I was passed out on the couch in the living room when I woke up to the sound of keys jingling outside the apartment door. As Holly got up from laying next to my feet, I picked up my phone and saw that it was around 1:30 am. As the door opened, I heard the brown toy poodle bark happily while he was spanning around in a circle while footsteps stopped to where he was. "Shhh, Holly. You're gonna wake Mom up." My boyfriend whispered petting the fluffy canine.
"Too late, she's awake." I yawned while stretching with a smile on my face. Yoongi looked up from petting Holly.
"I'm sorry, Jagiya. I thought you were in bed." Yoongi said while taking his shoes off, setting his work bag down, and walking over to me. I smiled as he tilted my chin up to gently peck my lips. When he pulled away, he laughed loudly. "What?" I asked.
"Nice bed head, babe". He said smirking while nodding at me. I ran my my finger through hair and sighed. "Hey, don't be upset. It's cute." He said standing up and kissing my check. I felt a slight roughness on my skin once he made contact. I look at his upper lip and chin, smirking.
"Nice stubble, babe." I copied. He touched his face and groaned. "Don't be upset. Its cute." I mocked. Yoongi smiled.
"I'm gonna go get changed. I'm too tired to shave tonight." He said yawning while walking to our bedroom. Holly and I followed not far behind and he laid down in his little bed starting to doze off again knowing his dad was home. I walked in and saw that Yoongi had put his glasses on and changed into his black sweatpants that hung loosly on his hips and was topless. He was by no means the buffest man in world, nor did he have majorly defined abs; but he was toned enough that you could see his pecs, and when the light hit right at the correct angel; his faint abs from him most recently working out would show up. He was perfect. His arm muscles slightly moved as he threw his clothes into hamper. I was too busy admiring him before he broke me from trance. "You okay over there? If I didn't know any better I'd get the feeling you're checking me out." He said with a cocky smirk. I smiled and pushed myself off the door frame I was leaning on.
"Nah, I think your hideous and by no means attractive. And you do it to me all the time." I said jokingly.
"Your loud noises from me pinning you down two nights ago and those dark marks say otherwise, baby girl". He said smirking. I blushed while trying to cover the "love marks" on my neck and where my shoulders met.
"Shut up and let me enjoy my hot boyfriend's body when we aren't fucking." I said laughing. Yoongi let out chuckle before he went off to the master bathroom to brush his teeth. I changed out of my day clothes into nothing but his white Fear of God shirt that hit my mid thighs and put my hair in a high ponytail.
"Aish! Its so fucking bad" Yoongi groaned loudly. I looked in and saw him examining his facial hair, clearly upset with how fast it was growing. "Yoon, just shave it tomorrow before you go to work. You need sleep." I said walking over to him. I knew he was beyong exhausted by how irritated he sounded and by the slight bags under his eyes. It was comeback season and I knew he was over working himself a bit. He was eating healthy and was taking care of himself like he has been, but I still worried about him. "I can't, we have an interview in the morning and we have dance practice. Plus, I need to finish up a song in the home studio once I wake up." He said leaning his head against the mirror pouting; his raven bangs falling and covering his eyes. I wrapped my arms around his bare torso and leaned my cheek on his broad shoulder making him shiver at the contact. "What if I do it for you?" I said quietly.
"My work?"
"No, dumbass." I said pulling away laughing while he turned around. "I mean shave your face." I said poking his chubby cheeks and kissing his pout.
"You sure you're not to tired to do that for me?"
"I wouldn't be offering if I was."
"Yes you would, because I'd do it too for you."
"I've already gotten at least 4 hours of sleep. You've been up since 6 am. I have more energy and I don't want you stressing out over it. Let me do it, baby. Let me take care of you." I said seriously.
"God, I can't wait to make you my wife." He said sighing. I laughed loudly "Who said I would say yes if your proposed?".
"We've talked about it and you were weak at the knees when I told you I would give you as many kids as you want and I would find a way to make it work for you, the kids, and music. Plus, you let me take your v-card. You've already said yes based on that like I did." Yoongi said laughing.
I blushed. "Just go get your damn razor and everything else." I said crossing my arms over my chest. Yoongi turned around and opened the medicine cabinet to pull out his shaving cream, aftershave, and the black leather case that he kept his razor in. He set everything in front of the sink and scooted out of the way for me to work. I opened up the case and saw exactly what type of razor it was. Anxiety shivered through my body as I pulled the razor out carefully. I just came to the realization that I had never actually SEEN his razor. He usually was using it on tour or even over at the dorm with the rest of the guys. Whenever he did shave here, it was in the shower.
"This is a straight razor...". I said quietly.
"I know. It gets closer to my skin and the shave lasts longer. It works better for me than a normal one.". I carefully opened the blade far away from either of us at the risk of us getting cut. I stared at it and my anxiety just continued to grow. These were dangerous and I'd never used one before.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Yoongi said looking at me concerned while reaching out and gently rubbing my shoulder.
"I'm scared I'm going to pull a Thomas Brown Hewitt and slit your throat while I shave you. I can't afford a lawsuit as big as you." I said casually as I carefully set the razor down after I slowly put the blade back. Yoongi busted out laughing loudly at my comment.
"You'll do fine, Kitten." He said calmly after he collected himself. "I'll show you how to use it on yourself first if that'll make you more comfortable.". I thought for a moment and nodded my head agreeing. Yoongi grabbed the shaving cream and turned the water on so it was hot but not scolding. "Fuck." Yoongi said looking down, his deep raspy voice just slightly about a whisper as he just noticed what I was wearing. I smirked at him with a face that said "really?" .
"Sorry, you just look really fucking cute." He said blushing. Yoongi showed me how to put the cream on my legs which was no different than I normally do. He then grabbed the razor, instructing me to put my hand where his was. He lightly wrapped his large hand around my wrist, and started.
"Okay, so the trick is to go with the grain of hair; never against it. It can cause bumps and ingrown hairs. Also keep your hand at a 30-degree angle. Anything more will cut yourself. Make sure the skin is always taught as well. And go slow and gentle. Like this.". Yoongi began helping me shave where my ankle was and guiding me with the right amount of pressure. After a few more strokes of him helping me, I had enough confidence to do it on my own. It wasn't as hard or scary as I thought. After 20 minutes, I had both of my legs shaved and set the blade down on the sink. I ran my hands down my legs and noticed how smoother my legs were. I had no cuts, bumps, or anything like I normally would. "I DID IT YOONGI! I DIDN'T KILL MYSELF!". I yelled extremely happy that I didn't have to go to the ER, wrapping my arms around Yoongi's neck . He laughed at how excited I was.
"I told you that you could do it. Are you ready to try it on me now?" He said picking the blade back up. I smiled and told him to sit down on the counter of the bathroom sink. Once he was sat down and his glasses were off, I put the water on and shaving cream on his face. Just when I had turned to grab the razor; I felt a large warm hand on my wrist. "Um.. wait a second."
While I went to look over at Yoongi; I felt a soft, light, pressure on my left cheek followed by a muffled sound. I looked between my face and part of my hair covered in white, to Yoongi's right hand also covered in white and the right side of his face showing his skin underneath. It took me a second to get over my shock before I began processing what had just happened. "MIN YOONGI." I yelled, waking Holly up, making him barm from the disturbance of his sleep before going back to bed. Yoongi busted out in a full-on laugh attack causing him to almost fall off the sink before catching himself. As I washed the shaving cream off of me, I looked annoyed but also amused at him being playful. "I want a divorce already." I said laughing with him. Once we both settled down and Yoongi had his face covered in shaving cream again; I grabbed the razor and was about to start shaving him when my anxiety started getting the better of my again. Yoongi sensed my anxiety sparking and grabbed my hand that wasn't holding the razor.
"Hey." Yoongi said while he looked up at me lovingly, running his long fingers over mine soothingly. "I trust you okay. I know you won't hurt me." He said before kissing my knuckles, careful not to get the shaving cream on my hand. I nodded smiling and slowly started shaving him. Several minutes in shaving him, while I was concentrating, I felt Yoongi's hands reach behind me to my upper thighs, pulling me closer. He gently started rubbing soothing circles on them and messaging my ass.
"Keep it PG, Min. I have weapon and I'm not afraid to use it." I said jokingly making him chuckle.
"You know what you in my clothes do to me." He said with a tired smirk. His dark lashes hit his cheekbones as he relaxed under my touch. I smiled at a how serene he looked, and it took everything in me not to kiss him. Once I was done, I rubbed my nose against his causing him to open one eye and smile. I grabbed the washcloth and gently cleaned whatever was left of his shaving gel. I grabbed his Invictus aftershave and put some on his face.
"Okay, I'm think done." I said proud of myself. Yoongi put his glasses back on and grabbed the handheld mirror I had held out to him and examined his face closely. A huge smile hit his lips and he wrapped his strong arms around my shoulders and pulled me to his broad chest. "You did amazing Jagi. Thank you." He said as he muzzled his face into my neck.
"You're welcome, Yoons." I said tiredly as I ran my fingers through his soft locks, laying my head on top of his. The faint smell of his aftershave along with the smell of him in general hitting my nose made me feel tired as I gently messaged his head. Yoongi hummed quietly into my neck before placing chaste lazy kissing to my neck, chest, below my ear lobe, cheeks, temple, nose, and finally my lips.
"I love soft, cuddly Yoongi." I said giggling. Yoongi looked at me with a soft smile, our noses touching.
"I thought you loved rough, dominate Yoongi?" He said rubbing our noses together.
"Ehh, I like all sides. I'm an easy woman to please." I said looking at him smiling before telling him it was time for us to go to bed. He yawned while nodding and we headed to our bed, setting his glasses down on the nightstand. He pulled me close, so my head was laying on his chest and placed his hand on the side of my face. Our centimeters away from each other he smiled and looked into my eyes with his full of love, care, warmth, and passion. "I love you so much, Jagi." He said tired while stroking my cheek bone. I leaned it connected my lips to his in a sweet but passionate kiss. We both pulled away with giant smiles on our faces. I responded looking tiredly into his eyes. "I love you too, Yoongi.". I layed my head on my pillow, my face buried in his neck breathing in his scent while he buried his in my hair, arms wrapped tightly around me. "I can't believe you smashed me in the face with shaving cream." I said quietly.
"That's what you get for staring at me and then parading around our bedroom in my shirt and your lace panties you brat.". He responded letting out and airy chuckle. I smiled before closing my eyes and falling asleep to his light breathing.
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punkrock-writer · 4 years
Space Cowboy- part 2
Trying Not to Get Shot
Warnings- Swearing, Canon Typical Violence. Din pretends to be mean. 
Pairing- Din Djarin x F!OC
A/N- Hi! They finally meet in this chapter. Let me know what y'all think, I'm working on the 3rd chapter now and it will most likely be posted on AO3 first. Thanks for reading! 
Prologue Part 1 AO3 Wattpad
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"Shit... fuck... fucking shit balls"
Sedona couldn't stop the string of curses that passed through her as she shifted her hands to fists on the metal floor in front of her. She tried to lean forward, taking some of the weight off her knees. Her eyes flew open. Everything that just happened suddenly rushing to her. Taking deep breaths she tries to get her bearings.  
She was somewhere much, much colder than Florida. There's was a slight hum in the air, she moved her head up wards. The sight nearly put her into shock.
This place was strangely familiar, it was all metal, with many doors and compartments. Boxes stacked against rounded walls, netting and other things her mind couldn't comprehend quite yet hung from the walls. Warm fluorescent lights lit up the space that she knew far too well.
This was the fucking Razor Crest.
Her mouth hung open as she swiveled her head to look behind her, wet hair hung limply in her face. There was another terrifying sight. The carbonite freezer, she took a large shuddering breath. Shifting her weight further forward, she prepared to move to sit on her ass when-
"Don't move."
That voice. Sedona knew that voice very well, it sent a shiver down her spine.
In that moment she knew, she was fucked.
"Who are you" "Please don't shoot me" They spoke at the same time, her words stumbled out broken in a desperate plea. His were strong and commanding.
"Turn around, slowly." The modulated voice was rough. She never thought it would ever breach her real ears, only used to hearing it through television speakers. She pressed her weight into her hands, swiveling slowly to meet the beskar man himself.
And he was so so much taller than her T.V made him appear. The metal gleamed in the artificial light, broad and threatening. With a blaster trained directly onto her head. She slowly shifted her weight back onto her legs, trying not to wince as the pain gripped her thighs again. Raising her arms above her head she finally looked into the visor, of the fucking Mandalorian.
It really did not help her situation that she knew exactly who was under the helmet.
"Who are you, how did you get on my ship." If she wasn't already hyperventilating out of fear she most likely would've turned into a puddle on the floor at the sound of the rough growl. But her fear instinct was beating down any kind of arousal with a broom stick, matching her pounding heart.
"I- I don't know, I'm not from here... I'm from Earth" she was a stuttering mess, her eyes darted around, she couldn't meet the T shaped visor, "please don't kill me, I don't know how I got here."
There was silence. Her hands shook above her head. The chill running down her spine intensified under his hard stare. She could tell he was observing her closely, sizing her up, making sure she wasn't a threat. Then it hit her. She knew this timeline well, she had re watched both seasons on Disney + multiple times, shamefully.
For the plot of course.
She needed to figure out exactly where they were in the series right now. Her heart raced faster, eyes roamed his armor, trying to guess what had just happened based on the wear and tear. It was the pure silver Beskar, so she knew he had turned in the child, but she wasn't sure if he'd gotten him back yet. Before she could ask, the blaster was suddenly much closer to her head.
"Are you here for the Child." She couldn't stop the breath of relief that whooshed out of her lungs. Thank GOD he has the child. But she still wasn't out of the woods yet, she had to somehow convince the most skeptical single father in the galaxy that he didn't have to kill her.
"No, no, I would protect the child with my life." The way he stiffened made her realize she probably didn't say the right thing. "Wait, please I j-just have to explain, I don't know how I got here but I'm from an alternate universe."
"You have 5 minutes." She understood of course, but having 5 minutes to argue her right to live was going to be difficult.
"I- I was in my hotel and now I'm here," she gulped scrambling for the right words, "I'm from Earth. Where I come from this galaxy is... a f-fictional universe, I-I have information I can give you. I know what's going to happen."
She quickly decided convincing him she could be useful was going to be her best bet. Making deals and trades seemed to be the way of life in the galaxy. She could sense his confusion, the way his shoulders dropped slightly; and if she hadn't been staring directly at the gun, she would've missed how he removed his finger from the trigger. Taking this as a positive she continued.
"I know, about the child, and the the mudhorn, and-and about Navarro. But I'm not a spy or hunter or anything, you-you're a character, and I know your story well." Her she licked her lips and swallowed. "I know your name, Di-"
"Don't!" The blaster was right between her eyes now as he shouted at her. She jumped, raising her arms straighter in the air.
"OKAY! Okay, you can cuff me, please don't freeze me in carbonite. I promise I can help you." She tried to swallow back the lump in her throat and blink away tears that burned her eyes. Rambling was what she resorted to as she lowered her hands in front of her, presenting them for space cuffs.
The Mandalorian sighed, though it sounded more like a growl. He cautiously stepped toward her, lowering his blaster and exchanging it for the cuffs that hung from his belt. They were heavy, and dragged her arms down to her lap. She looked up again to meet the visor. Aiming for where his eyes might be, she put on her best pleading face.
"You can search my bags, I don't have any weapons, and it's all from a different world" he now had the stance of an extremely grumpy dad. He stood wide, having had to step over her bags to put the cuffs on, his hands planted on his hips. With a huff he bent down to pick up her purse that was directly under him. He rifled through it, instantly pulling out 2 things she definitely forgot about.
In his gloved hands he held out her Swiss Army knife, and her pink taser. The way his helmet tilted was accusatory, one hand now holding her purse to his hip.
"Okay...those are weapons, but they're for self defense against earth men. I swear I forgot about them." She put her palms up, avoiding his gaze once again. All she heard was another sigh. She would've smiled if it weren't a life or death situation. She hated that she felt like she knew him, that she felt like she knew what he was thinking.
You don't know him at all you idiot.
"I have earth money, in the brown wallet, it'll show you I'm not from here" she was scrambling for anything that could be considered proof. His hand that held the taser and knife dug pack into the purse. Fishing out the old brown wallet. Dropping her purse to the ground he unzipped it, and observed the inside for a beat longer than she would've liked. He looked back to her, then flipped her wallet over. Her mouth fell open in shock, as an avalanche of bulky coins and rectangles fell out of the folds and into his out stretched hand.
Somehow, her genuine American dollars had turned into mysterious space money. Holding up a finger and trying to looking convincing, she spoke again,"Okay. I don't know how those got there, but you can keep them."
He let out another sigh, the hand holding the 'credits' fell to his belt, shoving them into one of the pouches. He stood straighter, she saw his chest rise to speak, but he never got that far. An erratic beeping sounded from the cockpit, and when she looked up to the ladder she could see the interior flashing red.
"Don't even think about moving" came his rough voice, pointing his blaster at her for emphasis, before turning quickly and climbing the ladder to the cockpit. She swore, just at the very edge before his broad frame crowded the entrance, she could see just a peek of a tiny green head, with some big ass ears.
She let out a soft sigh of her own, and moved to rest her head against the metal crate at her back. Searching her shell-shocked brain for any idea of what was going to happen next. She didn't know if this was before, or after Sorgan. Straining her ears to hear some kind of dialogue, she was surprised when the ship started to rock. Her cuffed hands flew out in front of her, trying to brace herself on the floor.
Something was whizzing past the ship, and it was just barely dodging them. Her heart sank, of course, the other bounty hunter.
"Hand over the child Mando" the voice was quiet, but she recognized it. It was all she could catch before the ship was shot, and she was sent skidding to the side. Finally her busted knees had some relief, but her shoulder that collided with the wall didn't fare well.
Another shot, and she was jolted forward, her hands unable to catch her, she jerked her face to the side at the last second. Unfortunately for Sedona, she was not able to catch Mando's warning. Suddenly she was airborne, and falling fast, as the ship did a tight barrel roll.
"FUCK SHIT" the shout tore threw her throat, she curled into a ball quickly. Her arms flew up to cradle her head, just in time to slam back down to the floor. The wind was knocked out of her chest, her shoulder and hip smacked painfully on the metal. If she wasn't bruised already, she was definitely now. Gasping for breath she tried to adjust herself into a more steady position. Fingers weakly grasped at the corner of a crate for some kind of stability. But the hold was loose and awkward, not really getting anything out of the position her hands were in.
"I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold" her throat filled with cotton at the line. Suddenly she remembered. She curled into herself, bending her arms to rest her hands behind her neck and pulling her knees to her chest. Bracing for impact.
But it was much more than her body could take.
The Razor Crest slammed to a stop. And she was rolling forward. It felt like she was flying again. With eyes open she could see her self careening straight for the metal ladder that lead to the cockpit. And right before her head slammed into the metal base she heard.
"That's my line"
And everything went black.
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liljungie · 5 years
$OLD sequel | Kim Taehyung one shot
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Pairing: [mafia leader] taehyung x reader
Trigger warnings: angst / mention of guns, blood/ SMUT SMUT SMUT (I advise you to take a bath in holy water after this)
Word count: 2650
Masterlist $OLD part 1
The sequel is Requested by: @taetaeobsessed thank you so much for your support cutie!
A/N: this is the 3 time I write an ACTUAL smutty part so PLEASE don't criticize me I'm still learning any feedback is acceptable but please don't be harsh.
The whole ride to taehyung's mansion you felt numb.
Taehyung took you back to your house to grab your things, not that you had anything valuable he insisted that you to grab your stuff, his body guards got out before you and pointed a gun at your mother and Christopher who were shell shocked seeing you walk behind these two men.
Your mother cried calling your name you kept walking to your room trying not to look at her because you knew you were going to break, one of taehyung's men followed you to your room and stood near the doorframe as he eyed you packing a few things.
You took the sweaters you loved to wear and your favourite jeans, you weren't ready to wear luxury clothes that taehyung said he'd buy you so these should be enough for now.
Your hands were shaking trying to compress your sobs, you could hear Christopher cursing and yelling at the body guards you closed your eyes and trembled when you heard one of guards load the gun.
You tried your hardest to block your mother's cries then the guard startled you and told you to hurry up you closed the small bag that had your things in and carried it, the body guard moved to the side letting you walk infront of him and following you his gun still pointing to your head incase you tried to escape.
"Please dont take her please!" Your mother sobbed when she saw you in the hallway, taehyung was leaning on the wall near the door smirking at Christopher "you're a scum! a murder! fuck you!" Christopher spits at taehyung, taehyung only smirks more when his guard hits the old man with the back of his rifle.
You look away not baring to see any of this, it didn't feel real at all, you kept pinching your hand hoping that this was one of your hallucinations when you got drunk but you weren't waking up the pinchs stung your skin and it just upsets you more knowing that this is all real.
"Don't be giving me that face..you brought this on yourself" taehyung says chuckling after he spoke "didn't whoever sent you to me warn you that I'm not a man to be messed with?" He leans closer to your stepfather locking his eyes with him, taehyung's stare was definitely stronger and filled with confidence while your stepfather eyes were filled with sadness.
You can't believe that he actually felt remorse, you can see regret written across his face and that for some reason eased your aching heart, now you know that he actually felt something, you wished it happened sooner way sooner and not like this.
Your mother was almost unconscious from how much she cried you can see how her face was swollen and her eyes seemed lifeless as she looks at taehyung with loathe.
Taehyung stepped away from Christopher and scoffed "you should be thankful that I took her and not your life hmm? Think about that at least, it's not so bad after all you're still breathing" then taehyung started to clap his hands together "I congratulate you my friend, you lasted longer than the other peasants" taehyung smirked and placed his hands back into his pockets "now you have a good life...and try and not miss ____ because she's in my hands now" taehyung leaned closer and whispered into Christopher's ear "she's all mine" he let out a laugh and walked out of the house then the guard lightly shoved you to start walking.
You could feel the tears start in your eyes but you tried to ignore them as you followed taehyung to the car and shortly after the two guards that were holding your parents got in the car and taehyung's driver took off at the speed of light.
You wanted to shout for help from the top of your lungs, you wanted to scream you wanted to kick the door and just run far away from taehyung and your stepfather, but you knew it wouldn't be that easy no one could stand in taehyung's way, you didn't need to know him well enough to know what he's capable of, looks were always deceiving but not when it came to him, you know what you're in for the moment you cross paths with him and boy oh boy your path seems to darken a bit more every inch you're away from your small broken home...
Living in taehyung's mansion was...peaceful to say the least.
it's been 5 months you felt like a maid rather than a prisoner, you cooked, cleaned vacuumed.
You had nothing else to do and taehyung left really early in the mornings and came back at midnight, some days you never saw him at all.
Which you were thankful for, he didn't bother you at all nor did he touch you, the minute you walked through these door you and him separated and never talked to him since that night at the bar you used to work at.
Until one night you were in the living room you turned all the lights in the mansion off,you were watching a TV show you found randomly and you started to like it and started watching it ever since even though you missed the first episodes, maybe seasons even but it was the only thing you could do to pass time.
You fell asleep as you were exhausted from cleaning the mansion all by yourself, the loneliness was unbearable no wonder taehyung is messed up, living alone for 5 months almost drove you insane you didn't know how taehyung was doing it since he hit puberty.
Taehyung shoulders slumped finally he is home but when his car neared the mansion he felt his heart sink...why were all the lights off?
Did someone break in?
Did you runaway?
Did something bad happen to you?
Where did his guards go?
So many questions raced through his mind and the thought of you being in danger or hurt made him lose his mind even more he stopped the car as soon as he passed the mansion gates and ran to the front door getting his gun out and busted the doors open not knowing where to point the gun at but he was already aiming at something
when you heard the doors open in such away you screamed and jumped from the couch and faced the door and that's when you saw taehyung pointing a gun at you, you raised your arms up surrendering.
"It's me!" You spoke rather loudly.
Both of you had your eyes wide open and your heart was beating uncontrollably.
"_____? What the fuck?" You heard him mutter lowering his gun,you roll your eyes and went to pick up the blanket that was on the floor now from when you jumped.
"I should ask you that..." you spoke while you folded the blanket and then looked at him "you almost ruined your front doors"
He sighs putting the gun away then he rubs his temples "thought someone broke in" you scoff "you live in the middle of nowhere there's no way that that's possible" you start to walk away your shoulder brush against his arm and that's when you feel his grip on your wrist as he turns you to face him.
"I'm sorry if I..." you hear him sigh "scared you" he says licking his lips then looks up at you, you stared at him a bit taken back but then you nod your head "it's okay..." you pull your arm away from his grip and make your way to the bedroom that was now yours.
Your skin burned where he touched and you could feel your insides turn and crunch but you brushed it off, you blamed it on the loneliness and nothing else.
And ever since that night when you woke up you saw taehyung on the dinning table with breakfast prepared and ready for you.
He smiles at you warmly and talks to you while both of you eat then he leaves for work.
Your bond with him slowly was starting to build up and you didn't know how you felt about it, but it's not like you had any other choice.
But talking to him felt...nice, it was comfortable and he never did or said something that rubbed you the wrong way and with time you even started to joke and laugh with each other, you didn't feel as lonely as you used to and you started to like it here.
He told you about his past and the things he did and how sometimes things just went out of his control and that he is a human too and that everyone makes mistakes, you even saw him in a different light and knew that he was doing what he grew up thinking was right and he only did it to please his father who also was cooperating in this business til this day.
Taehyung came home one night and blood was dripping from his hands and it was all over his clothes and shoes.
His eyes where empty of emotions it made you worried about him "what happened?" You asked frantic, you never saw him like this before, if you didn't know him you'd be terrified of him.
He didn't answer you, he was shaking slightly and his face was smeared with blood maybe even tears you didn't know but it looks like it.
you ran him a warm bath and told him to sit in the tub while you washed the blood away he was staring at you, you didn't understand the look he had in his eyes but it was warm and it sent shivers down your spine and you could feel the butterflies turn round and round in your stomach.
You were done wipping the blood from his face and you washed his soft dark hair and came to turn to wash his back but that's when he held your hands and stopped you.
"Stay like this with me for a little" he spoke quietly, you're not sure if you heard him or not but you felt like you were in a trance.
The way he was looking at you made it so hard for you to decline so you stayed, your hands were locked together on the edge of the bathtub.
"Hmm?" You hummed as you stare at the water that slowly covers his long legs.
"Get in the bath with me...I'm cold"
Your head shot up and you stared at him
"But the water is warm" you told him he shakes head "no...I want you"
You sigh and come to strip off just from your pajamas but he stops you and tells you to just get in and you oblige he makes you sit in his lap facing him and he cuddles you, resting his head on your chest with his eyes closed.
You run your fingers through his hair smiling, you never saw him like this it sure was amusing "are you okay tae?" You asked after a few moments he nodded you smiled more when you heard him say "now I am"
He pulled away and creased your cheek softly his eyes looking in yours then you see a small smile make it's way onto his beautiful face then his eyes travel lower staring at your lips then back up at you.
You heart was hammering against your ribcage and you wanted to run and hide away from how much you were blushing.
"_____ can I... kiss you?" Taehyung whispered.
You felt something bloom inside of you, you nodded and he moved slowly closer to you capturing your lips between his and kissing you gently.
It felt like it lasted for long but when he pulled away you didn't want him to so you pulled him for another and another until he was gripping your sides and grinding against you he helped you slip off your wet shirt and started to kiss your neck while your fingers tug at his hair moaning with pleasure.
You feel him pick you up and slam you against the wall as he kisses you passionately, both of you were breathing heavily you pulled away from each other to catch your breath, he helped you take off your clothes and his boxers.
You heard him moan when your skin rubbed against his, his fingers slowly started to rub your clit you threw your head back and moaned at the feeling.
He smirked and kissed your neck while he kept moving his finger inside you and added one more, you went insane at the feeling he pulled his fingers out when you were about to climax you whined at the loss, you saw him lick your juices off while holding your gaze it was the most sexist thing you have ever seen looking at him with his fringe wet and messy could get you off right this minute but you didn't "let's go to my room" he told you shutting the faucet off, the tub was overflowing with water now he helped you get out of the tub and kissed you all the way until you reached his bed he threw you over and climbed ontop touching you and squeezing you in the right places and where you needed him most.
You heard him chuckle "so needy" he purrs and you nod "please taehyung please-" you cried he went to the bedside table and pulled out a condom sliding it onto his length, your mouth watered at the sight you wanted to suck him off but he stopped you "not tonight babygirl" he pinned your arms above your head and kissed you slowly moving his dick inside you, it took you a while to adjust from how big he is, your bottom lip was bleeding from how much you were biting it, he kissed your head "shhh it's gonna be okay the pain will go away" you cried and he kept giving you small pecks "you're doing so well princess" your walls clenched around him you were about to burst from how he feels inside you "you're so fucking tight" he grunts throwing his head in the nape of your neck the feeling of your walls clenching around him felt overwhelming his hip thrusts were faster and stronger it hit your soft spot until you screamed at the feeling of your climax taking over, he came soon after while kissing you deeply.
Then he laid next to you holding you close as you both were catching your breaths.
And maybe just maybe you started falling in love with taehyung.
Months turned into years and your relationship with taehyung was getting stronger by the days, he let you see and visit your mother when Christopher wasn't home.
You learned that after taehyung took you, Christopher started looking for jobs to support your mother and himself since the only income they had was from you and when you were gone they didn't have it anymore so Christopher finally took matters into his own hands and was becoming a bit better.
You didn't ask about his drug addiction nor do you care you just spent time with your mother and then your body guard drove you home.
Taehyung had a lot of good influence on you he encouraged you to do and try the things you always wanted to try, you're much more happier and confident, taehyung helped you discover who you are and be your own person.
You got your life back on track and started to attend university with taehyung's help of course and you couldn't be happier that you have a healthy relationship built on trust with someone like taehyung and the life you always wanted...
A happier,safer life.
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yootaesowlwrites · 5 years
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Requested by; 200bluesky200
Request; I would like to request A62 with Sebastian when you’re Enzo Ferrari‘s granddaughter and he promised you when you were little that you will be the chief of the Ferrari Formula 1 team when you’re old enough. After you finished one study in management and one in engineering both with the best possible grade you make your way to the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix to tell Binotto that he is fired you already have two goals in your mind you wanna achieve in 2020 first: Win the championship Second: Win Sebastian Vettel as a lover you don’t really care that he have a pregnant wife and 2 children at home if you’re Grandfather always had played clean he would never have achieved what he achieved when you arrive at the track with your red dress everyone looks at you and when you talk with Sebastian he asks you if you wanna eat dinner with him at the hotel trough the whole dinner he can’t look away from you and after the dinner, one thing leads to the other. Much love 💕
Prompt; A62- “Are you going to eye fuck me all night or are you going to do something about it?"
Note; As far as I know, the management's highest degree is a Master's degree and seeing as I wanted to go study software engineering (But wasn't allowed to) the highest is the Bachelors degree, now I'm not sure which engineering degree you wanted your character to study so I pick software engineering because it's the only one I know a little bit about.
P.S; Last one for 2019. Merry Christmas. Happy 2020. I will see you guys with brand new requests perhaps mid-January or the beginning of February.
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(Y/n) walks along the Abu Dhabi Was Marina circuit looking as the cars fly past during FP2, she was on her way to the Ferrari hospitality to have a quick meeting with some of the bosses before informing Mattia that he was no longer part of the team, some might say it was cruel but life is cruel and nobody got anywhere without power.
“Without a doubt, I will not be a mistake for this team… I will lead this team to victory come 2020.” (Y/n) says, The people in the office nod heir heads but were still hesitant. “If you do not believe in me, you are simply making a mistake… As I told you I have perfected my craft and obtained a Masters degree in management and A Bachelors degree in engineering.”
“High degree’s mean nothing unless you can show us.” One of the people say. “We will give you half of 2020 so prove to us that you are an aspect.”
“I will give you the trophy at the end of next year, you will have no choice but to believe in me.” (Y/n) says. “If you make it that far, See you in Australia, Ms Ferrari.” One of them said while everyone gathered their papers.
“You will not be disappointed.” (Y/n) says picking up her papers and leaving the room, she saw the drivers entering the for dinner after a long FP2 session, her eyes land on Sebastian and felt her heart beat faster, she had several goals in life, but she believed the two most important ones were; Win the championship for Ferrari and Win Sebastian Vettel, nothing would stand in her way.
“I regret informing you but you are no longer part of this team, We were an embracement this season and I will not sit back and watch this team become a backmarker.” (Y/n) says while sitting in Mattia’s office.
“We had a few bumps, it will be sorted out for next year,” Mattia says.
“I do not care… the decision is made.” (Y/n) says. “You may have one last weekend with us, but then you should clear out your office, have a good weekend.” (Y/n) says getting up from the chair and leaves the office.
It was the start of the 2020 season and (Y/n) had done her absolute best to get the car in perfect form, a lot of factory workers were fired and new ones were hired to devolve this season’s car and make it the best on the grid, (Y/n) hadn’t seen much of Sebastian over the winter break but now that the season was about to start things were about to change, (Y/n) arrived early at the circuit wearing a red dress that hugged her curves just right exposing just enough to leave men dreaming about what else was underneath her dress.
“Good morning, Ms Ferrari.” One of the staff members greets her.
“Morning.” (Y/n) replies while making her way to the office, it was going to be a long day with a lot of nervous building up considering this would be the first time the car would run since the Barcelona testing.
“Coffee, Ms Ferrari?” Another staff member asks.
“Yes and make it strong.” (Y/n) says while sorting through some paperwork. “Oh, and if you see Sebastian Vettel, could you send him my way, yes?”
“Of course, Ms Ferrari.” They said and left her office to go make the coffee and hopefully find Sebastian.
(Y/n) steps into the Ferrari garage ready to go to the pit wall for FP1 when she spots Sebastian drinking some water, she walks up to him with a seductive smile.
“You know, you are a hard man to find.” (Y/n) says, Sebastian chuckles putting down the water bottle.
“I’m sorry I did not know I was needed,” Sebastian says. “You look beautiful, Ms Ferrari.” Sebastian complements her as his eyes trail down her body over her exposed cleavage and down her long tanned legs.
“I accept your apology and thank you, I tried my best.” (Y/n) says, she could see his eyes linger a little longer on her breast.
“You did not have to try, you already looking stunning,” Sebastian says. “Perhaps we could go out to dinner tonight?”
“Sound’s perfect, come pick me up at say… 6?” (Y/n) asks.
“Six is good,” Sebastian says.
“I should get going, it was lovely talking you, Sebastian.” (Y/n) says.
“Of course, I shouldn’t keep our boss away from her job,” Sebastian says, (Y/n) gives him one last smile before making her way to the pit wall to talk to some engineers.
That night (Y/n) and Sebastian were in a restaurant talking about the progression of the car and how Sebastian felt driving it, (Y/n) had to admit she kept Sebastian close in mind while developing the car, she made sure it was accustom to his driving style, (Y/n) would catch Sebastian staring at her especially at her exposed cleavage, it was a much different dress she had on for dinner and she was hoping it would swoon him and it appeared to be working.
“So I have to ask.” (Y/n) begins, Sebastian looks into her eyes smiling at her, (Y/n) Ferrari didn’t care if Sebastian Vettel was a married man nor that he had three children at home. “Are you going to eye fuck me all night or are you going to do something about it?” (Y/n) asks, she wanted Sebastian Vettel in every single way, no matter what.
“I uh.” Sebastian begins but (Y/n) quickly cuts him off.
“Because you can touch… you can do whatever it is you desire.” (Y/n) says with fire and lust burning inside of her, Sebastian could see it in her eyes, the desire, the need, he would most likely feel guilty about what he was about to do with this woman but right now... quilt was the last thing on his mind.
“We should go back to the hotel,” Sebastian says.
“Indeed we should.” (Y/n) says.
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aerascreamer · 5 years
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A body without a heart
Part 1: Stranger
An Apex Fanfic
Fandom: Apex Legends
Genre: General Fic
Word count: 2854
Warning: violence and death mention.
Read here too (highly recommended because phone Tumbler screw my text format):
New season, new competitor.
But this time, "the new guy" couldn't be more different than any of the Legend.
Revenant never interacted with anyone, leaving the dormitory early to go we don't know where.
And if he has to talk to someone, it's either with anger or despises.
The first game of the new season is gonna be full of surprises
Note: based on this idea that I brainstormed a lot
Part 2
The repetitive hits of Artur's beak on their cheek woke up Bloodhound nested in a hammock.
Above the treetops, the sky blushed in various shades of white, orange, pink and peach as the sun went up, while the fresh wind pushed the scent of the forest to the hunter's nose who detected mushrooms, moss, and flowers.
Disconcerted to find themselves in the middle of the branches and leaves, they remember in flash images to have sneak out of the dormitory late at night.
Speaking of which, the hunter could see one of the windows between two dead trees.
"Is Revenant behind it, staring in my direction?" They thought, gently petting the crow, listening to him singing along the other birds.
Since the robot joined the Apex Games, an oppressive atmosphere enveloped the place, leaving the hunter in constant disturb.
It prevented them from sleeping on their two ears so they decided to guard the corridors, sometimes all night and at the cost of poor reactivity the following day.
But with the new season right around the corner, they needed as much rest as possible...
Fortunately, they could count on Wraith's sixth sense or Crypto's surveillance drone to keep an eye on everyone.
"Yes, you'll have holly berries later. Also, you need to do more exercises or you're gonna get fat."
The growls coming from the spaceship's motor echoed in all the rooms of the vehicle.
Tension ruled over the Legends' soul, as they approached the arena World's Edge.
With Lifeline's help, Bloodhound clipped their jetpack on their back right before Octane interrupted them.
"Sure you haven't seen my protection glasses?"
"No Octane, it's the third time you asked me."Bloodhound replied.
"Wait you lost them again?"
Lifeline raised one of her eyebrows with a judging glare.
"I... Guess?"
Both looked at the roof of the dropship in exasperation as the daredevil ran back to his room turned upside down.
"Come on I need them now! We're dropping in one minute!!" He exclaimed while stamping on his feet.
"You know what, take my spare ones and leave me alone." The hunter offered as they headed to their quarter.
They quickly grabbed the glasses in their wardrobe and tossed them at the young man.
"Nice! Thank you compadre!"
"Warning, drop zone ahead!" The IA lady announced.
Time has come... the new season has begun.
The new competitors started at the screens hanging in the middle of the ship, hoping to be matched with a veteran fighter like Bangalore or a trustworthy support like Lifeline.
Some faces lightened, others bit their lips.
Bloodhound headed to the descendant platforms, soon joined by Pathfinder.
"Hi, Bloodhound! I'm glad to have you on my team this time." The MRVN greeted, rising his hand.
"Me too felagi."
Although his personality showed friendliness, Pathfinder enjoyed fighting in the arena and his precise shots made him an opponent to never underestimate.
The frozen wind whirled around the Legends as the platforms pierced through the clouds.
"The hunt begins. May the gods bless you."
Out of nowhere, a scarlet figure landed with a loud bang between the two Legends.
It stretched its long smooth arms and looked at the MRVN.
"Revenant! Ready for your first match? I'm sure you-"
"Save me your breath, I work in silence." The newcomer reprimanded with a sharp tone.
He turned his head briskly to the hunter and stared at them with intensity, as he did with everyone.
Although his metal face didn't express any emotions, Bloodhound felt a deep rage and feeling of envy boiling underneath.
Revenant took the time to discover the arena before nosing-down, leaving a sad-screened Pathfinder behind.
The hunter tapped on his shoulder with compassion before the two jumped right into the red silhouette's diving trail.
The shadow of the Harvester projected its darkness on a totally devastated Capitol City.
Stunned by the damage caused to the landscape, Bloodhound couldn't keep their eyes away from the giant scar opened by the lava fissure scorching the earth.
Some buildings in which the hunter used to fight looked like they collapsed from the inside with fires still not extinct, saturating the air of ashes and dust.
The grey clouds filtered the light that shaded the sky in red, gold and orange, darkening the atmosphere.
Nevertheless, Revenant dived headfirst into the lost city, his tall figure blending almost perfectly into the chaos.
As Bloodhound landed next to him on top of a building standing with courage, the red shadow looked below at a supply bean in the middle of an open field.
"I'm going that way. Don't even think about following me." He warned
"Got it !" The robot went downstairs, oblivious to the bright eyes following his movements.
Watching Revenant dropping, Bloodhound asker themselves how their teammate ended up so full of animosity, especially compared to the blue robot...
Nobody knew where he came from. He popped in the Games like a ghost, without knocking at the qualifier's door.
"Do you need a Sentinel Bloodhound?, Pathfinder asked from a lower level.
"Yes, please."
Revenant moved with silence and fluidity through the grass of a hill.
Following a few meters behind, Pathfinder and Bloodhound discussed the MRVN's journey to find his creator and what he learned on the way.
"And that's why he taught me how to cook Leviathan's meat, the robot concluded, walking with stiff movements.
"Interesting story. It reminds me of that hunt where I took down a Prowler."the hunter remembered.
"A Prowler?! They're really dangerous!"
"Yes but this one was pretty old and lost a paw unfortunately"
A gunshot cut the hunter in their story.
Two enemy squad exchanged fire behind the hill.
Pathfinder took his Peacekeeper and checked his grapple.
"What should we do friends?"
"Let's get closer to have a better view of the situation first"
But without consulting his teammates, Revenant darted in the direction of the fight.
"Wait!" the blue robot turned his to the hunter.
"Follow him." He grappled away.
Bloodhound ran as fast as they could, reached the top of the hill and observed the battlefield through their sniper scope.
Quick and stealthy, Pathfinder already knocked two members from one of the squads behind a large boulder and finished the last opponent with a punch, sparing any unnecessary injuries.
Close to a small house, Revenant fought each member of the second squad at the same time.
Ignoring the bullets hitting his chest like unpleasant mosquitoes, he grabbed a contestant's head, slammed it into a wall, rushed to catch his frightened teammate in order to cut her throat before punching the last member to the ground.
He fought and killed the targets with professional precision, trained... or even created for it without a doubt.
Moving naturally in the battlefield with ease, he glanced at each defeated enemies with an air of superiority, as if they stepped too far into his territory...
A new apex predator has taken the lead in his first try.
A leaf cracked under someone's step.
A fatal mistake.
Bloodhound immediately faced the new opponents coming in their back.
They shoot, hit a disoriented Mirage in the chest and rushed to cover.
Switching for their R-99, they climbed on top of a tall rock and emptied a magazine on Gibraltar who carried his fallen teammate to safety.
Taking the opportunity, Wraith sneaked behind the hunter.
They grabbed her arm, stopping the kunai before it pierced their chest.
She pushed their leg and the two fall on the grass.
Restoring their balance, Bloodhound leaped on the skirmisher and knocked her out.
"One squad... down..."
they panted
"Good job, " Pathfinder congratulated, "We're getting closer to the cham- Oh no! The Ring is closing!"
The hunter saw the giant wall of fire approaching quickly in their direction.
They hissed and started running right away, Pathfinder waiting for them.
Further away, Revenant's blood-red silhouette got smaller and smaller the further he ran.
A hundred knives pierce their lungs with sand rubbing their throat.
Their glasses clouded like in winter, while the breathing mask failed to provide enough oxygen to sustain the prolonged effort.
Bloodhound abruptly got grappled and pulled towards Pathfinder, who took them under his arm before they blacked out.
Part 2
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"It can be raining like crazy and then fifteen minutes later it's fine."
That's Kimmer, by the way, commenting on yesterday afternoon's sudden deluge of rain.
Of rain.
All that rain came with intense flashes and branches of lighting accompanied by thunder that was much like a bulldozer careening around an industrial kitchen.
It was very clangy is what I'm saying.
We managed a reservation at Margaritaville for lunch, scoring a table on the covered "Indecision Porch" in front of which everyone on foot passes. From our perch, it's impossible not to see certain things.
For example, a tall young man with his arm draped lazily around the young woman he's with. Kimmer thought first-date. My bet's on they're a couple and she's not super happy about it because at one point he leans down and over to kiss the top of her head and the look on her face at that moment is one of enduring it.
I noticed a number of families wearing uniforms, bright green or orange t-shirts that make them impossible to miss by family members even from low earth orbit. Which is a good thing 'cause all these families have little kids in tow.
I saw a coupla brothers, older and younger, and caught the moment when the older brother put his arm around the younger and they took off running.
I saw a father try to put his arm around his daughter but she kept ducking it. And when he finally relented... she took his hand instead. ♥️♥️♥️
I saw off-season Santa driving an electric cart, dressed from head to toe in a red warm-up suit.
I saw someone wearing a "Free The Dinosaurs" t-shirt and now I want one of those t-shirts too.
Plus, you know, I really do want to free the dinosaurs 'cause I'm environmental like that. 😁
I also realized during lunch that Kimmer's scheduled for us a vacation, a vacation, and a vacation. Right now we're on a three-and-a-half day stay without obligation, responsibility, or agenda. That vacation'll be followed by five days of all things Disney starting Monday. And the last two days are no-obligstion free time again.
Our lunch was also accompanied by a live steel drum band performing popular covers that caused me to indulge a mental game of "Name That Tune". I wasn't very good at it though eventually I figured out most of the songs. Neil Diamond's "Sweet Caroline" was one of the most well known along with the "Guilty Feet Have Got No Rhythm" song by George Michael that's actually "Careless Whisper" by Wham 'cause I just looked it up.
After lunch, it's nap and relax time. And then it's time for night bowling 'cause it's this thing we both really want to do and I stood in line this morning for nearly forty five minutes waiting to get a reservation.
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We had a great time, by the way. I started off with three strikes in a row which felt really bizarre. Kimmer took a few frames to get her groove back and ended up improving her score with each game while my game seemed to get worse.
Night bowling. The missus 'n me.
Not long after we finished, Linzy's flight landed at Orlando International and, while we were hunting around for a dinner sandwich for her, she managed to land in our hotel's lobby.
She was pretty wiped out much as we were a few evenings ago. It's amazing what air travel takes out of you. Not sure why. And that three hour time difference is always a bigger deal than it has any right to be.
We finished the evening with Linzy getting us hooked on that Netflix series "Lupin", "a retelling of the classic French story about Arsène Lupin, the world-famous gentleman thief and master of disguise." (Wikipedia)
We blew through two hours of this foreign language subtitled action/mystery show, only stopping 'cause it was 230.
A few hours later, 6AM, I'm up again 'cause Rachel's plane lands a little after six. It winds up landing about ten minutes after six and I meet her in the hotel lobby after she Lyfts the final leg of her journey to a most welcome sleep 'cause she's been flying all night, having a classic red-eye experience.
Now, we didn't get to bed 'til 230 this morning. And Rachel didn't get any sleep on the plane 'cause they kept it so cold. So I'm figuring she's just gonna maybe say a quick hello to Kimmer 'n Linzy before going to sleep while everyone goes back to sleep.
Haha. NOPE.
We haven't all been together as a family for a long time now and suddenly (and for the week) the band's back together again. So a lot of catching up ensues. And a lot of laughter followed by shhhhh's 'cause it's still earlyish in the morning.
At some point, though, not sure when, I nod off.
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It's 10AM!
Yeah. It's 10AM and this is one of those experiences like when I used to get up super early on Sunday morning's to do my paper route and then went back to bed again after finishing it only to get up a few hours later.
It felt like a different day every time. Even after those few hours of sleep.
And so it is this morning.
While the girls remain essentially comatose after their travels, Kimmer slips downstairs to Starbucks whilst I take a glorious shower. "Glorious" in that it really does seem like a completely different day.
After clearing the room, checking out, and stashing our bags at the front desk for a few hours, the missus 'n I indulge mango smoothies by the pool whilst talking life 'cause that's what old people do. Then we're off to Trader Joe's with Santiago, an Uber driver who shared bits of life with us as we did with him. We talked about New York City where he lived before, we talked a little sights of Orlando where he's lived since oh-three, we talked a little bit Seattle where his best friend's younger brother lives (and also where we were born & raised), and then we talked a touch of Puerto Rico and Hurricane Maria.
It doesn't take us long at Trader Joe's, a coupla bags worth, really, before we hail another Uber back with Carlitos from New York State… . Westchester. We talked old school sports video games as well as the challenges of proper car maintenance before dropping off again for one more best.
At The Hideaway Bar & Grill.
Eventually, it's time to end Vacation #1 with a Lyft from our driver, Wanell, to our rental condo at Floridays. We talked the recent Haiti earthquake a little and quickly determining that all his friends and family are okay. Alive and uninjured. Then, because we were passing it, we talked Icon Park with that crazy tall rotating swing guaranteed to induce nausea and vomiting. The Kraken roller coaster was another candidate on which we all voted would produce similar results as we passed Sea World. And then, finally, somehow, we talked alligators 'n fries.
I don't know what to tell you. Rachel was super interested to hear about it.
And so on.
We're pretty much having a Maui experience here where there seems to be more time in our days. More hours than just the 24 we're routinely allotted. Because once you start having to count the time between one event and the next… your day just gets away from you. Sometimes at light speed.
And we're not doing that.
These are not full days of To-Dos. This is nearly all unstructured time. And when it's unstructured time… the day just unfolds and keeps unfolding.
It's crazy how much livable time there is on any given day.
Seriously. There really is.
Anyway, this first vacation, part 1, the one before our Disney vacation, wraps up today. And tomorrow… we dive head first into, well...
We're about to find out.
0 notes
wormyapples · 5 years
Part 1
"I already hate this place" I said more to myself than anyone. We were in the car on the freeway going up into Rhinebeck, New York. The part of New York nobody cares about. Cows, corn, apples, goats and strip malls full of nosey grandparents and an abysmally small number of pre-college age kids desperate to leave town for the city.
Worst of all, my cousin Jezzy had lived there with my mom and her immediate family. This was going to be a horrible weekend.
I scraped at the remainders of my chipped black nail polish while my dad whistled along to Nickleback on the radio. I couldn't tell if it was the song making me want to puke or the egregiously long drive.
"Come on Kaylie. What happened to enjoying your favorite season? Hayrides, pumpkins, and your favorite? Hot cider, but fresh, locally made" said dad, trying to cheer me up.
Maybe it worked. I couldn't stop the slight smile he inspired, but I could hide my face by turning it towards the window and watching the swaths of green land and prairie houses pass by. That's when he figured me out and I could see him smile from the corner of my eye.
"And don't worry. You can text me anytime. If you're bored, if you're upset. You know you can reach out" he continued on, as Nickleback faded to Daughtry.
"Ugh" was all I said. "Can we listen to something else? No offense"
"Here" dad replied, unhooking his phone from the mount on the AC vent. The phone was connected to the car speakers by bluetooth, but I did miss the days when we'd flip through a case full of CDs. I scrolled through his playlists with my band-aid wrapped right thumb until I settled on a stray AFI song, "girls not grey".
"Okay. We are almost there. I'm gonna pull into a drive through and order some coffee. Want anything?"
I knew he was talking about Dunkin Donuts. Dad was a police officer but he was on vacation. That didn't stop him from going to his favorite feed station.
"Oatmeal?" was all I said with a shrug. I was barely hungry, but if I wanted to survive entering Rhinebeck without a mental crash, I needed the sustenance.
"Of course honey" says dad as he pulls the car neatly into the drive thru. There were no other customers there. Upstate New York was so different from Queens. The pace was slower. Everything was monumentally more boring.
I picked at a loose thread hanging from the collar of my Tripp moto jacket, a hand-me-down from Jezzy of course. Remembering that fact made me want to hide it in my sleepaway bag. Did she even remember it anyway? She had a million jackets just like it. I placed my bets on her forgetting and sighed.
Dad and I ate quietly and sipped coffee and hot white chocolate respectively as we closed the distance between civilization and the family house. Well, mom's side of the family.
Pulling up onto the spacey car-addled drive-way lawn hybrid felt both familiar and strange. I finished my tasteless oatmeal and warm drink just as dad finished his doughnut and started on his breakfast sandwich. The smell of the maple sausage filled the car.
Immediately I saw my baby cousin Abby outside on the front steps of the big family house holding her American Girl doll and twirling one of her blond pigtails. My youngest aunt, Tabitha came out of the house and scooped Abby up into her arms and approached the car just as dad put it in park. Tabitha called back and soon Mom and my other aunt Jennifer and uncle Joe came outside. Uncle Joe was wearing oven mitts and had on his "Grill Sergeant" apron. He must have been flipping burgers in the backyard. I wondered if grandma was up too? She had dementia and needed constant care. But I found that I missed her anyway.
Dad opened my door after he got out of the car and I stepped out, unprepared for the borage of hugs and shoulder pats that soon followed.
"Hi" was all I said after the first hugs. When mom hugged me, I said "hey mom I missed you"
"I missed you too honey" she said and kissed my forehead. Abby squealed when she hugged me and hit me with her doll.
"Ow" I said.
"Come on inside Abby. Let's eat some cookies. Your aunt Madeline worked on them all day" said aunt Tabitha towing Abby inside. As I lugged my sleepaway bag over the few steps that led into the house, I watched in the corner of my eye as mom and dad talked quietly outside by the car. A part of me hoped dad would suggest they go get something to eat. In this fantasy, mom agreed and the two of them would go out and eat all day, and maybe dad would stay over too. But a girl can only dream.
The house smelled like pine scented Cheseapeake Bay candles and grilled beef.
"Hey there scout" said uncle Joe. "I'm making burgers. Feel free to have one if you're hungry from that long journey out of the city"
"Thanks uncle Joe" I mumble, heading straight upstairs for the guest room, hoping and hoping with all my heart that Jezzy wasn't in there. It was her room before she ran off and started living with some creep. It was around then that the family's wariness turned to me instead of her. She got off their plate. Me? I was the appetizer about to be upgraded to a dreaded entree.
I didn't even look up when I dropped my Nightmare Before Christmas sleepway bag on the floor by the door, but as soon as I did, my stomach dropped.
There was Jezzy sitting on what was to be my bed. She had the same long vibrant purple hair--- reminding me of all the times I enviously eyed the dye bottles she'd leave littering the bathtub and dining room table. She wore the same signature shade of autumn brown lipstick, one of her trademark moto jackets, ripped black jeans and shiny black chunky heel boots. I was taken aback by how amazing she looked, how it made me idolize and dislike her all at once. Nobody prepared me for this.
"Hey there cuz" she said, her voice raspy yet upbeat. "I'm so happy you like that jacket. I wore that to a few concerts when I used to go. Wow! you cut a bang? It looks so good, that layered teased look. Just a wait a few years and maybe Madeline will let you get highlights" she says crossing her legs.
"Do they know you're here?" I ask. No greetings. No manners. I was slightly ashamed.
"Of course not" she said. "Oh and by the way. Don't let anybody bully you here okay? You're not like some kind of spawn I spit out before running away. You're Madeline's kid. You're a good kid. My mom, as much as she likes to pretend she was, wasn't exactly a stellar child. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree I guess" she finishes it off by biting into a McIntosh apple I didn't even realize she had, if she had it at all before biting it. Her lipstick stayed perfectly intact afterwards.
"Okay" was all I could muster. "Well, I'll be fine"
"I know you will. Just stay safe. Stay away from bridges and all that. You know" she says with a smile. "Grandma would appreciate it. A little milk in a bowl. Don't step over the mushroom rings and such"
I clenched my jaw. Here we go again. I needed her to disappear. I needed her to leave. Even though I thought she was gorgeous, and wanted with every fiber of my being to be just like her. Run off with my own dark prince, go to any shows I wanted, get into clubs with a fake ID, meet bands and artists and directors, model for underground magazines and kiss boys behind the bleachers. Most of all get to know her. The real Jezzy. The brave, wayward girl. The only one in the family privy to grandma's whimsical insanity. The only one who could get her to speak a coherent sentence. It sat heavy on my bones, that desired that wish to know the world they shared, and the world Jezzy ran away for.
But I was just Kaylie. The ticking time bomb. The one that reminded everybody of Jezzy. And grandma's dementia. And everything that ever went wrong in the family.
"Don't you have somewhere to go?" I nearly spit.
"I'll see you around. Bye Kaylie" she says with a warm smile, standing up, long, reed thin, perfect. She looked like she could drift on the autumn air like a fallen leaf. Like her laughter brings the wolves to howl at the moon. Like her hands can tame the night. Like she dances with elves in the forests. And part of me ached for it. Ached for the life she chose. It was so physical I almost rushed to her. In my mind I fell at her feet and begged her to tell me how she did it.
But I'm Kaylie Scheifflin. I'm not Jesslyn Rivers.
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When I turned to glance at the doorway to see if anyone was eavesdropping, I felt a slight draft of cool air and when I turned to look back at Jezzy, she was gone.
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