#'the weakness of this story is that i didnt know much about the narrator or her motivation'
gogoakechi · 8 months
i will not become emotionally invested in how my classmates interpret an example of a short story in my creative writing class and i will not think poorly of them for having opinions i disagree with
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yandere-monoma · 1 year
WHOOO KYM 2 COMMENTARY while i stall on working on kym 7
lots to discuss about a chapter literally called 'the exposition' hjgkfsg. if you didnt know, the way ao3 multichap updates works is that you dont necessarily have to title a oneshot chapter but the second you update it, you really get shown the option to title your chapters. so it didnt actually occur to me that i needed names for each one until chapter 2. i believe originally i was going to use a similar system as kyd where every chapter title was a command a la homestuck. however, i wasn't really utilizing the commands in the same way, i didn't really end the previous chapter with one and the plan for the next chapter... technically involves a command but not one i wanted to spoil via the chapter title.
the current naming system came into existence probably 3/4s of the way or more into writing this chapter, once i made the realization that the fic was, in fact, going to be at least five chapters. at this point in time, the plan was the following: the introduction, the exposition, the climax, the ending, the epilogue. this changed even more as time went on and more chapter ideas rudely crammed themselves into my brain, though it helped the structure a lot, because giving me time to fill out the space between exposition and climax made my brain happy HJSKFG
so, moving on, the fun part about chap 2 is that it really establishes the 'narration' as its own living function, something that is vaguely independent of the story rather than just a tool to present the story with, that both voices the author's and the character's thoughts depending on who is grabbing for control. this isn't an aspect i planned when outlining the fic but it's definitely influenced by 1) how much fun i had reading the epilogues and subsequent epilogue flavored fics 2) my desire to find some way to one-up the first chapter despite the topic matter not being nearly as extreme 3) the impulse to add in another experimental element to the story, especially now that the more abstract and poetic style of the first chapter was being removed
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it's also incredibly fun to play with, because every time i struggled with describing something or wondered how i could transition from one point to the other, i realized - oh! i can just make the narrator state that very thing. don't know how i'm gonna build up from the end of chap 1 to the narrative goal of chap 2 (rose's mkultra moment)??? let's just get that all out in the open, then! problem SOLVED
it ended up being a hugely fun choice that allowed me to inject some humor into what's otherwise just a big ole pile o' unrelenting angst. it also helped me take myself less seriously, which lent me even more creative freedom than usual, like. GOD. it really helped turn this piece into something so rewarding, it overwhelms me. goddamnit homestuck why do you have to be so good
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i just rewatched butterfly effect recently, god. back to the future i've never seen though. time references haha get it cuz his aspect is still time-
speaking of time, this chapter was the first attempt to really try and describe a zeta kid's classpect without coming out and stating it. there's a few interpretations of different phenomena's in homestuck that point out the implication of classpect powers being active before reaching god tier, or even before entering the game (though, usually in a way that is incredibly weak, premature and subtle enough to be missed by the user). one of the strongest examples that i based this chapter on was something the epilogues described: the idea that rose's obsessive writing as a child was based on her light powers feeding her vague visions of her future character arcs and plotlines. i really loved that and wanted a similar sort of plight for dave. i'll go off about what his specific title is at the end of this chapter but it's really fun poking at it now and then
the multiple narrators? seriously??? bit was me realizing i had to add a Multiple Narrators tag on ao3 after this. at this point of writing, i had no idea if i would be visiting anyone else's pov besides dave's, though.
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attempt at homestuckian humor GO
™️ jokes are so funny to me for no reason
wink wink hint hint this is one of dave's powers at work, actually!! so, dave egbert actually has a perfect memory. like, there is not a single thing he's ever forgotten in his life, if he's experienced it, he can recollect that knowledge. this power also extends to the imaginary, the subconscious, and the supernatural, ie: in the event that dave experiences any visions of the future, he will retain that information. likewise, he has memories of every dream and nightmare he's ever had. which is fun because considering he's a dersite and also a time player and also dave, he has a lot of them HAHA. more on that later
The two of you had hit it off instantly despite this, like you had known each other your entire lives, like any and every other relationship that had come before it had merely been a warm-up for the monumental connection that would spark instantly between you both. ... You’re pretty convinced she’s your soulmate. If not that, you’re at least assured by the fact that you’re absolutely head over heels in love with her.
sentences i had so much fun writing knowing how badly it's going to mess dave up to learn that they're actually related HA HA
Especially at the start, Rose was mysterious and she was hilarious and she was overwhelming, the brightest thing you’ve ever had the fortune of witnessing. 
get it because she's a hero of light get it she's the light of his life because shes a hero of light get it get it she's mysterious because her class mimics its opposite at the beginning of the story so everything about her pre-canon arc clings to void but she!! is bright! like light haha get i- 💥
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see, reading sentences like this means i HAVE to at least write enough of their session to let dave both die and kill for his rose, like
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also i need to write her killing and dying for him. well. killing for him. well.
perhaps just killing him. HAHAHA.
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it is very fun to think about this because rose honestly just. does not talk about her relationship with dave much outside of mentioning that they're together. her narrative is so focused on the things that she wants the audience to focus on, so this was such a fun chapter to reveal the things she decided isn't important enough to ever let us in on.
like, she is so adamant that bro is the only important person in her life and the only person she loves, but she deeply cares about dave. she feels the same way, that they're connected in this way she can't pinpoint or name. and claiming him is exactly the right way to put it, because i don't think she knows how to acknowledge those emotions in herself, but she knows that she needs him with her always and wants him entrapped in a way where he can't get away from her.
i think rose is just incredibly attracted to what dave represents: safety, normalcy, the mundane, a reprieve from pain, but there are things about him that she just inherently gets. he's an outsider despite how much he attempts to fit in and i think there's something about that she relates to but also wants so badly to destroy and keep for herself.
also, this is a thing that belongs more in hcs than in kym specifically, especially because i imagine this taking place way earlier in their relationship, but bro absolutely knows about her relationship with dave. it isn't a secret. it's a thing that amuses him greatly. i actually imagine she shares a lot of details about him to bro, like allowing him this voyeuristic entertainment because dave isn't a threat to him, not really, and she shares every single one of her belongings with him.
in a perfectly pornographic world the two of them would spitroast the fuck out of him but this is a partially pornographic world that involves a meaningful plotline or whatever 🙄 smh
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this part was incredibly hard to write. not because it was difficult or emotionally taxing but because i reached this unfortunate impasse i find myself at every now and then while writing a lot of darkfic where i struggle with... it's not exactly the impulse to project, necessarily, more just.... feeling forced through into inevitability of it? or maybe it's the reluctance to use personal experiences vs the knowledge that doing it can benefit your writing (but also can hamper it).
like, very hard to write about a self-destructive teenager with violent tendencies without being reminded of the time when you were a self-destructive teenager with violent tendencies.
that reluctance is born from a rant i'm definitely not gonna get into unprompted but i'll just say that it definitely complicated things HAHAHA. i've definitely gone through a 'i'm going through a psychotic break and i'm going to ramble out 7835963463 crazy things into this dm window because the person on the other side said i could' phase. i've definitely just. been insane and vomited so many words out and ngl for a second there in the final draft when i was feeling too lazy to get into Stream Of Consciousness mode i was very tempted to dig up an old vent post and copypaste those thoughts in for rose but ultimately i thought that was disingenuous and a betrayal of her character SO
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a fun but unexpected surprise was rose sounding far more like herself during her drugged moments of honesty. it's especially fun because even in the future when she doesn't have access to any sort of drugs or contact with bro anymore, i don't think she'll sound this much like rose lalonde either. it's like in her desperate search to find more of her brother, she's really just found a core part of herself that she doesn't have access to in this universe
'Is there a mechanical soul within me?' there is and his name is hal hi hal
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it is actually incredibly fun playing with typing quirk punctuation. it's actually a style i utilized a lot in chatroom roleplay groups yeaaaaaaaaaars after homestuck ended, very much inspired by tumblr ventblogging typing styles, crytyping and all that. the idea that someone's mental state can and should be reflected in their typing style, which is something you really only see in canon in a character like gamzee (i cant remember if other trolls drop the quirk in times of duress in canon??? i think karkat drops his as a joke about volume sometimes but that's it). i don't even know if it even really comes across as blatantly as it feels when i write it, but it's so fun to see the consistencies in a way a character types slowly but surely fall apart as they grow unstable
so the way this is designed, it's as if rose had a moment of finally being in touch with the core of herself, with what ultimately makes her rose (complete with proper punctuation), before slowly but surely lapsing back into ro-stri as she loses her punctuation piece by piece, and then ultimately devolving even more as she abandons her capitalization to type in a way that's reminiscent of dave but, more importantly, bro's typing quirk
'I think there are lives inside me/the life inside me is his' is so funny to look at in hindsight. this chapter was halfway finished before the pregnancy plot had even come into being, and this was only ever supposed to be a reference to the identity blurring she's experiencing, and this half-truth, half-delusion about being able to sense everything lil cal has injected into her and her brother. it is so STRANGE to reread it now knowing that it's become foreshadowing to her pregnancy, especially with that next sentiment following it:
'Sometimes I wish it was yours'. again, that idea of being soulmates, being connected with someone permanently. and, again, that idea of codependency, and rose being unable to express or understand love without that need to merge herself with the object of her affection. and again this was befORE the pregnancy plot was a thing so now every time i read this line i sit here hoping people dont interpret it as rose wanting dave's baby HGJFKGSGSG i swear im not into breeding i sWEAR
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also i struggle so SO much writing comfort scenes especially dialogue meant to comfort someone but this came out so easily. perhaps because it's a futile attempt and i didn't have to worry about the recipient of that comfort actually feeling soothed...? hmmm!
i have nothing to add to the romantic cannibalism confession besides :3c
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i don't actually reread this chapter all that often anymore so finding this paragraph was lovely damn shoutout to this sentence that made me choke on my water as i was reading it cuz i was so distracted by how much i didnt remember writing this that i forgot to swallow and my drink just slid down into my lugnshjskdfg
then it is a series of letters in a language you wonder if she’s made up, that is somehow so cohesive in its chaos that you start to doubt even that. 
more horrorterror references as if the literal last paragraph wasn't enough HAHA
a very fun part of designing and outlining the killswitch au is deciding who gets what plotline. for example, does rose strider get to go grimdark because she's rose? or does jade lalonde get to go grimdark because she's the lalonde with library access to the grimoire? unlike the characterization formula, there isn't an easy answer to this one. i'm mostly just going with what's more fun narratively and what makes a better and more cohesive storyline for the verse.
either way, though, ro-stri still has a connection with the horrorterrors, simply because she's a dersite and because i love a character that is so utterly doomed that every evil force on the face of the planet wants to take a turn on them. what's better than this... getting psychologically gangbanged by every demon in existence...
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i am also so very fond of a dave egbert who cries alone in front of his computer cuz his girlfriend makes him so very sad every night like poor baby does Not Sleep and its so cute gjkgs
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'its just prose' annoys the shit out of me to see because i wrote a similar line in a published piece of writing a couple of years ago so i can't reread this without being reminded of That hgjfkg
i will never write a strider rap i have the highest respect for any author who can but it'll never be me
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their dynamic kills me HJKGFGKGS peak toxic romance right here god i wish i could write even more of it... i need to write more daverose so fucking bad....
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a fun line because 1) i rly enjoy dave's half-forced half-genuine emotional voyeurism it's just a rly interesting aspect of his personality to write and 2) it's fun to have a moment with dave e's specific brand of humor since it's not as long-winded as a strider's would be
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i rly forgot so much of this chapter HGFKGSGS oh dave... i love you... i love writing you so much...
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stream-of-consciousness style writing is really fun like you get taken to so many unexpected places in the process. generally when i go SoC style i tend to have a few goals i want to land and this image, dave watching over rose in derse, was one of the big ones
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the lil cal staring contest is also another big one. it's just such a fun image to allude to like goddamnit i wish i could draw. it feels like an image that i can't even really describe properly what i want it to mean because it explains itself and there's not much minutia to pry free, it's just. them. rose inexplicably and perpetually being drowned in this cancerous evil at a rate that not even dave strider got to experience.
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lmfao shout out to me explaining his memory power earlier forgetting that i explain it in the chapter HJSKFG
so dave egbert issssss....
🥁 [drumroll] 🥁
the MAGE OF TIME!!!!
and changing classpects actually did something incredibly interesting to the story. killswitch never would have worked as a simple homestuck rewrite, because i dont think swapping the guardians is something that can ever be simple. so it didnt make sense to keep their classpects exactly the same, because they wouldn't have the same personalities or the same backgrounds to craft those personalities, or the same issues that were born of their uniquely shitty backgrounds. it also didnt feel as easy as making rose a knight of light and dave an heir of time, etc etc. like, while rose is not insecure in the classic way that knights should be (it can be argued that the 'i am my brother' facade can count towards knighthood... but her role in the story and what it will turn into once she joins the game definitely brands her a prince through and through)
through researching for killswitch i ended up coming to this conclusion about sburb and how i approach classpect and hs narratives in general:
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and because of that, it was super easy to reassign everyone based on what they've been turned into through the switch in their roles.
it also made for another easy characterization formula: their aspect represents their 'nature' while their class represents their 'nurture'. so all the zeta kids still belong to the same aspect while their class changes rapidly, though how close or how far it is from their original class really depends on their character
anyway, mage of time is an incredibly fun role that actually breaks the rewrite narrative almost more than rose's classpect does. as the mage of time, dave actually steals the cryptic psychic role from jade and john harley (though, i do have thoughts on that matter, because there is still going to be a benefit for them from having access to prospit, and that plotline will still be involved in some capacity... probably).
and it's a very fun, partially accidental discovery within the au that the zeta kids are all... just a tad more prepared to enter sburb than their predecessors. rose is completely aware of the fact that she's training for something specific and dave... dave knows that the game is coming. he doesn't know the specifics, he doesn't know that it's sburb specifically that will bring them all together, but he knows there's an it, he knows the day he'll meet all his friends in person will be a day for the history books, and he knows that rose is in danger and that he'll be able to help her in a way no one else can.
some mage of time thoughts, many of which inspired and/or describe dave egbert's storyline:
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the above was probably one of the first interpretations i read and really what solidified him as a mage, my initial thoughts to his classpect and how it interacts with rose's was the following:
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and it's just so fun GOD rly hope i get to write in his perspective more in the future
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haha yeah if we ever get to it yEAH if i ever get off my ass and actually finish writing this wholeass au which i nEVER WILL CUZ I DONT WANNA WRITE 500K WORDS GODDDD IM NEVER WRITING A HOMESTUCK AU AGAAAAIINNNN
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thermesiini · 2 years
orv is good & fun & i like it, like uve already been told its a story about stories & the specific way it expresses its themes regarding storytelling & narration & its impact on both audience & writer is like nothing ive ever seen before in media & is......but its about the only thing i think it does actually well. it tries having other themes as well in there which are kinda halfassed in execution & the character writing is a bit inconsistent & only okay at best, like no character or relationship actually compels me that much aside from the handful that are directly tied into the main theme of stories. pretty much everything in orv outside of the "story about stories" theme is mediocre & not as fleshed out as they could've been, both in terms of characters & other themes; but the best part about orv is prob that it clearly knows its strengths & weaknesses. orv is like 75% "a story about stories" & 25% other shit, the authors knew what they did well & what they didnt, so orv's theme about stories is the best & only notable thing about it, & said theme is executed incredibly well
sorry u prob didnt want an unnecessarily long opinion piece in ur askbox. i'll try to be helpful instead: a translation for the novel is very easy to find online so ull have no trouble w/ that, but the eng translation might be a bit hard to read thru due to some rough patches in the early days of the translation. its still understandable just awkward sometimes & outright incorrect with a few lines. if u have trouble reading thru it, i rec reading the flame scans translation of the manhwa adaptation, which is not only very faithful to the original but also the translation by flame scans is the best & most accurate one out there. have fun reading btw whenever u do try it out bc from what i know of ur tastes ur sure to like it!
its nice to hear an opinion on how it was written and definitely gives me something to keep in mind whenever i do read it so thank you, and thank you the translation recommendation as well. to be honest i one of the reasons i havent gotten around to reading it is because i know fan tl tend to be a bit janky, but ultimately i am very interested in stories about stories and ive heard good things about orv so it will be in my future
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low-budget-korra · 4 years
Lets talk about Korra (again)
i already made this analysis, and it was well received but i dont know, i wanna do it again. Why not right? My english is better now than was when i made that analysis so i think  this one will be better written
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What a way to introduce a protagonist. This line and this scene tell us everything we need to know about Korra at that time and everything she knew about herself.
In book one Korra is a 17′s old teenager who have no idea how the world, how life is outside the training center she grew up in and had been locked up since ever. So she is not only naive but have lack of social skills
Oh, and not everyone who lack’s social skills will act like Zuko and Azula okay? Korra can be confident, expressive and outgoing and still have problems when it comes to social skills.One thing dont exclude the other.
“I’m the Avatar and you gotta deal with it” did you guys notice that only for that line we can see the entire opposite on how she treat her role as avatar in comparisson with Aang? And im not here to judge because is two very different contexts.
As far as we know, Korra grew up without friends or romantic partners. Of course, she had her training partners but i believe that they are just that. 
So her entarely perception of herself was around her duty as Avatar, she didnt have personal life, she barely was Korra...She was The avatar and thats that.
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So she came to Republic City, it was a mess. 
Its funny to see that she have no touch when it comes to simply talk to people, i guess when you grew up away from society, this happens. And yes, she is cocky and had to learn that people arent there to somewhat please her, and she learned that quicky. 
Thats why the Pro Bending was important for her character, not only for training but also as means of socilization.
Now lets talk about the villains: Amon and Tarrlok
The two of them represents two differents threats to Korra. Amon represents a threat to her duty as Avatar while Tarrlok represents a threat to Korra as a person.
In episode 4 we have what i still thinks is the darker episode from TLOK. In this episode Amon ambushes Korra in the final moments... Even knowing that they did their best to make Amon’s power and control be non-sexualized as possible still...He have her down on her knews, totally helpless and he even invades Korra’s personal space by touching in her face forcing her to look at him. He didn't have to sexually touch her to violate her.
And right after, the fear in Tenzin voice when asking what happened after seeing her laying in the ground like that, and how Korra is sobing in his arms teeling him how powerless and helpless she felt. I mean...Oh, and she keeps terryfied by him until he takes her bending.
Tarrlok in the  other hand doesnt do much different from his brother and started to harass Korra because he cant take ‘no’ as a answer when Korra didnt wanted to join his task force.
Whats interesting is that if it wasnt for Tarrlok harassement and maniputation, Korra wouldnt have joined his task force and wouldnt have confronted Amon and wouldn't have gone through that terrible encounter.
The thing is that Korra is caught right in the middle of a politcal power dispute over the city, something that she for sure wasnt prepare for it. And both Amon and Tarrlok woud hurt or kill her without think twice about it if that means gain  power. And that was exacly what happened
Tarrlok tried to manipulate her and keep her on leash where he could, and when his tatics didnt worked anymore he alreay had a plan B. Yes that whole metal box in that cabin in the middle of nowhere was made especifically for her and maybe Tenzin if he also get in his way.
In the end Korra lost the physical battle against both but won the ethical battle also against both. She was the responsable for expose both of them as corrupted and hypocrites. But at what price? Amon was able to remove the bends of the Avatar. And without them, how could she be the Avatar?
Remember that her entirely conception of herself was built around her duty as Avatar, be the avatar. After all, everything she was, everything she'd trained so hard for, had been destroyed in minutes. Thats why i still strongly believe that she was thinking about killing herself at the end, nobodys goes all sad and crying to in front of a clifft without thinking about jumping from it. 
But she, i think given up the idea and just sit and started to crying when Aang appeared and help her, giving her bendings back in one of the best scenes of the show. So after have everything solve and still managed to get the boy she was in love with, things where great and she “move on”
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In that first half, Korra is unbearable. Everything she learned in Book 1 how to be more mature, less spoiled and all, was thrown in the trash and she was the same "child" of the book one only worse.
Until I stopped and realized that I was also unbearable and childish like this when I had my bad phases of anxiety and depression, as defense mechanism and keep people away. Returning to Korra, and if this way of acting of her was nothing more than this defense mechanism?
Because guess what, i dont think she “move on” from all that happened in Book One that fast, and for add more drama she discovered that was her father idea of keeping her locked up training in that training center we saw in book one and not traveling like avatars before her. No wonder she felt betrayed. And for adding even more drama, people still keep treating her like child, so she was despered for some validation. Something that she found in her uncles arms but she was betrayed by him after.
In the end, Korra again goes through a traumatic experience when she has her connection with past lives destroyed. We see how it affected her when she apologizes to Tenzin, through tears. And Tenzin, as the excellent master he is, tries to motivate her to face Vaatu again (now merged with Unalaq, her uncle) and again she saves the day even after go throught a traumatic event
In the final moments, we see the innocent decision to reconnect the world of spirits and the world of men. And we also see Korra and Mako permanently end their turbulent relationship.
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Book 3 begins in a more mature, we see all the characters being presented in a more mature way and it seems that Korra now has overcome everything that has passed. We have the relationship between Korra and Asami deepening as well
In Book 3, called "Change" we have a great sacrifice from Korra. Her life goes down a notch when she decides to save the new airbenders from Zaheer and the Red Lotus, the only villain until now that really threat her life since their sole goal was to kill the avatar.
Korra won again but this time victory costed way too much. Yes she save the day again but now she was  physically and psychologically defeated. It was too much, she broke.
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Book 4 begins and we only saw Korra in the final minutes and she is unrecognizable. We see that, once proud and courageous avatar, in someone depressed and cowerd. We never have saw Korra like that, even when she was afraid of Amon she wasnt like that.
Korra is afraid of being the Avatar again and her fight against PTSD is still one of the most sensitive, responsable and honest representation of Mentall Issues that i saw, and it was before this subject gain more space on media. It was before people started to give attention to this
I also think that she was having flashs from her other fights and not only the one against Zaheer.
Another thing I think is worth mention is that Korra took 3 years to feel safer and re-embrace her duties as Avatar. It was not 3 weeks or 3 months, it was 3 years. And anyone who suffers from some mental illness knows very well the stigma that is, the fight that is, because everyone wants you to be well faster as possible  when the truth is that many times you spend years fighting against this.  And this is a pressure that falls on you.Imagine, seeing all your friends moving forward while you continue "stock in the same place"?
Only after Korra confronts Zaheer, I think that was a way to show her coping with the trauma, she improves to the point of returning to be the great Avatar we know. I personally still struggles with this scene because put the victim in front of her agressor may not be the best idea but i understand that she needed to see that he was just a man and not the invencible monster her mind was telling her
One of the lines that stuck with me the most was in the TLOK version of the ember island players, the one that made a recap of the show before the finale. When Korra said “I was so naive” just before we watch her narration of her journey, we can feel pain, sadness and strenght. Janet was amazing in the way the delivered this line.
And this fucking quote i saw here on tumblr still is the goat: “The Last Airbender is a story of a boy who becomes a god. The Legend of Korra is the story of a goddess who becomes a girl "
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And I still get really pissed when someone comes to talk shit about  Korra because she is such an incredible heroine and her journey is also so incredible.
The story of how life can be hard and unfair, how it can hurt and paralyze, but there is always a reason to move on. We should always move on.
Korra is definitely not weak, quite the opposite, she is one of the if not the strongest heroine I have ever seen. Korra inspires overcoming 
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Allure of the Con artist: Part 2
Part 1 Here
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Ekubo drifts in quietly through the window.
Ekubo thinks: Huh? There’s the energy of a person coming from inside that locker.
Peeper: Hehehehe
Ekubo thinks: He’s wearing a server uniform, looks like he’s part of the staff here. 
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Ekubo: Hehe
Hey kid.... Peeping at girls like this ain’t one of those healthy interests. 
Staffer: Eh?
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Staffer: GHOST!!!!! AHHHHHH
Ekubo: Reigen! He’s coming your way!
Reigen: Got it!
Hey! I’ve been waiting for you!
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Reigen: Hey don’t run!
Get him, Mob!
Mob: Yes!
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Staffer yells as he trips: Ahhh! Reigen yelling: HERE’S YOUR PUNISHMENT, YOU PEEPING TOM!
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Mob: Master! 
Reigen: Mob, call the police.  This’s guy’s out like a light. 
Ekubo: Eyyyy, that was a good kick. I hope you didnt kill that guy.
Reigen: Don’t worry, I held back.
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Ekubo narrates: The police arrived and arrested him. Reigen took care of any questions they had for us. 
Reigen: -breath- it’s finally over, lets go home. 
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Mob: Thanks for walking me home, master.
Reigen: You worked hard today, get some rest kiddo. 
Ekubo stays behind with Reigen.
Reigen: You’re not gonna follow him?
Ekubo: What? It’s not like I’m his pet. 
Reigen: eh?
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Reigen: Yawnnnn! I’m dead tired.
Ekubo: Quite being so dramatic. If I didn’t know I’d say you’re middle aged. 
Reigen: Hey, I had to give the police some plausible story for when that guy wakes up and inevitably starts babbling about spirits. That’s why I was talking to them for so long. 
Ekubo: What?! I did exactly what you told me to. He wouldn’t have darted out of that locker if I hadn’t given him a good scare. 
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Reigen: Can’t you possess anyone? Why didn’t you possess HIM?
Ekubo: He was so single-mindedly focused that there wasn’t an opening for me to get in. Do you think possessing a person is as simple as putting on a shirt? 
(* In canon, Ekubo can only possess people that are in shock/passed out -Yoshioka, Mob- terrified/distracted -Tome, Musashi, Shira- or if he’s intentionally let in, Reigen and Ritsu)
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Reigen: Aren’t you a high level spirit? You can’t possess just anyone?
Hey... are you getting weaker?
Ekubo: What?
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Reigen: You’ve not possessed that guard guy recently, are you getting weaker as a spirit? 
Ekubo is pissed now: Who’re you calling weak! I’m not possessing anyone because............... - He stops and gets embarrassed -
See Part 1 for more details  
Reigen: Hey! Where are you going?!
Ekubo: Tch, You’re such a drag to be around.
Reigen: Huh???
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Ekubo: Ungrateful Bastard Scamming Conman. I’m gonna stay away from the office for a while. Next time I go, I’ll just stay invisible.
The next day:
Caption on Ekubo: Zero Resolve
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Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. (Ekubo is staying invisible)
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Ekubo: Huh... He’s rather capable, I gotta give him that. Didn’t ask me to save his ass this week, not even once. 
Don’t know why I feel so let down by that. 
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The office is super quiet.
Reigen:.... what is it with him...
He calls mob: Oi Mobbu.
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Mob: Ekubo’s not over there? Well, I can come over then.
Reigen: Don’t you have a text next week? I’ll wait for him a bit more. Maybe he’s gotten tied with something. 
Mob: Um.... Master
Reigen: hm?
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Mob: He seems kind of down recently, he hasn’t been following me to the office. Did you guys get into a fight?
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Reigen: Huh? No. Now that you mention it, it’s true. I haven’t see him around recently.  Ennh don’t worry about it Mob, good luck on your exams. 
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Reigen looks at his phone and it’s 6:27 PM Friday. 
Reigen: Sigh.... I’ll close up early and get a drink.
You wanna go with me? 
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By Tamadango
This is actually part of a much longer story. The 18 pages I translated are part of a 44 page book. So presumably this story continues. This doujin is still in print and you can buy it here. It costs about 5 dollars, although you’d need google translate for the site. 
I like this set a lot. It has a calm caring, and it’s good to see both Mob and Reigen care about Ekubo for a change.  
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leftnipsdoodles · 5 years
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also i think i finally grew the brain to be able to put into words why i hate narration boxing: bc its basically like having two different movies going at the same time.
you have a character who’s fighting off 12 guys so you’re looking at the panels and seeing the action, only to then be taken OUT of the action bc of the narration boxes.
the reason i keep saying ‘it worked for hellblazer and that’s where it should’ve stayed’ is bc hellblazer was never abt the action (i mean. towards the end it was. but hellblazer had a huge dip in quality at a certain point anyway lol). hellblazer didnt show you a picture of john fighting someone while the narration boxes talked abt his depression. hellblazer gave you john having his depression and then narrating it. the narration and the ‘action’ went TOGETHER. when john talks abt how cows will walk towards a body in the grass, he does so while there’s a body in the grass. which might sound lame in theory, but in reality, is just how storytelling should be handled and also it never FEELS lame. the narration boxes - his thoughts - are about what’s happening on screen. he digresses sometimes and over-analyzes and all that, but that’s his personality.
also, it wasnt used as much as you’d think! it depended on the writer ofc and again, after a while, hellblazer became more of a spin-off of itself if that makes sense so it became more used... but in general, there were a lot of times where you’d go pages and pages without a single narration box. but, tbf, even in hellblazer the narration boxing became too much sometimes. but, again, it was in-character. john constantine was a guy who was stuck in his own head. who could always count on ruining his own life. so when the narration got too much, when you got sick of hearing his thoughts, it was still in line with what you were reading and how you’re supposed to understand john.
anyway, to illustrate, i uploaded those pages: pages 1 and 2 are of the family man arc in hellblazer (sry for late arrival spoilers?) and imo it shows how to use narration boxing perfectly. these pages are AFTER the big fight. DURING the fight, there were no narration boxes. there was dialogue (and in this particular case, flashbacks. but even those were worked into it in such a way that it lead back to dialogue. you’ll have to trust me on this lol) page 3 is of the first new lobo issue which got the narration boxing right as well. there’s a bit of characterizing chit-chat from lobo while we’re waiting to get to the action; then his narration is worked into the action we’re seeing (and even cleverly subverts our expectations). it’s nice. it’s definitely not how most of the issue went tho, unfortunately. then pages 4 and 5 are of the new lobo series proper, and my bad examples. page 4 literally has one panel dedicated to rushing through the fighting action and then on TOP of that, the narration boxes are literally lobo talking abt something only slightly related (while also only giving you vague information abt it. ceremonial daggers, alright. given in peace times to remind you peace doesnt last? ok? are we ever gonna go into the cultural implications of this? no? alright. also then you waste two narration boxes on making a quip that carries no information whatsoever, not even characterization, bc we’ve heard him quip before. alrighty then.) page 5 has the same problem of taking away from the fight that’s happening on screen, but it also, again, uses narration boxes for NO reason. ‘can’t fret over it right now’ ‘i’ve got more pressing issues’. yes. we can SEE that. there was no reason to write this out. it’s a case of ‘tell, don’t show’ and its bad. its why very old comics are so hard to read, bc usually they would bombard you with text thats literally just telling you whats happening right now. the narration boxes need to ACCOMPANY the visuals, not make them irrelevant or be completely irrelevant to them. (the first two narration boxes in that page are excused bc a page earlier, the kid in question showed her tech expertise and it affected the fight that’s happening, plus it’s a hand-wavey way of explaining why she is and will be the tech guy throughout the next few issues. so that’s fine. the last two are justified too but im on the fence abt them anyway just bc the info we get from them is nill. we already know lobo’s not happy with the situation. in general, i think everything said in the narration boxes here could be worked into the story either visually or through actual dialogue)
overall, narration boxes are used more as a cop-out nowadays. it lets you tell your audience your character’s entire personality and deep characterizations without having to work up to them. it lets you basically write down their bio while also having the plot happen. it leads to ‘lazy’ writing, meaning: stories that don’t seem to have a real character arc (for the protagonist at least). i couldn’t tell you new lobo’s character development bc honestly i dont think there was any. he was presented to us on a silver platter. we didnt have to follow his story to get to know him. which, in turn, left a very weak impression. it’s like the difference of a metalhead friend you’ve known for 5 years telling you they secretly love knitting, and coming across someone’s tinder profile stating ‘i love metal and knitting’.
anyway if you’re still reading this you’re a weeniehead
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frigfridge · 5 years
just finished rewatching toy story 1 thru 3 over the past few days, wanted to share my thoughts:
i love these movies a whole lot. the first 2 hold a bunch of nostalgia for me because i was A Baby when 2 came out and when i was also A Baby i would just watch our VHS copy of toy story 1 over and over again. this also makes me the exact age group to be emotionally destroyed by toy story 3, which came out just as i was entering high school and hit really close to home
individual thoughts:
toy story: the first thing i noticed was it still looks really nice even watching in 2019!! which i think is kind of spectacular for the first feature-length computer-animated film. it no doubt helps that the plot is mostly focused on little plastic dolls without realistic hair or clothing to animate but the semi-”cartoon” art direction means the human characters also look pretty nice without going too far into the uncanny valley.
also, the plot is WAY darker than i remember?? not because of sid and all the body horror toys, but because for like half of the movie woodys friends think hes an actual (toy) murderer carrying around the severed arm of his victim (!!) like, its hilarious, but also wow theres a LONG way to go between there and the climax of toy story 3.
the soundtrack is probably my favorite of the bunch. part of that is probably nostalgia but i just really like the consistency of having randy newman singing every song. it sort of elevates him to part of the story, like an omniscient narrator singing woodys (and later buzzs) inner monologue. 2 (and especially 3) didnt have as many musical numbers, which i can understand with a shift to a larger-scale approach to storytelling, but i really like the feeling it gives number 1. “you got a friend in me” is an obvious classic thats been remixed and brought back in just about every piece of toy story media im aware of, but “strange things” and “i will go sailing no more” deserve just as much recognition and praise. there just isnt a weak number among them
toy story 2: heres where the story started getting bigger and more existential, which basically becomes the new direction of the series. which makes sense! this one released 4 years after the first, and while theres no real timeskip in the story (maybe 6 months?) it had been a little while since we last saw woody and the gang. everybody in the real world had gotten older, and with the turn of the millennium approaching, the theme of impermanence loomed large in the collective unconscious. well, maybe not in my unconscious, because i was 2. but its really interesting as kind of a “time capsule” to what people were thinking about as the 90s came to a close.
so toy story 2 was a little more grounded, a little more focus on the human world, but it was also more fantastical in its presentation. the opening “video game” sequence (which still looks amazing!!) and woodys nightmare (”i dont wanna play with you anymore...”) show the animators at pixar really found their groove and started getting experimental. and to great result!! the fantasy sequences are a lot of fun and help 2 really stand out.
i would be remiss not to mention jessies flashback song here. its something else they hadnt really done in the first film and i think it really works. jessie in this film unfortunately doesnt get to do much other than fight with woody about whether he should stay or go (except for when she saves him in the end) but this song makes her character work. it also helps that it destroys me every time
also i think this is the movie that gave me an appreciation for the acting of kelsey grammer. i dont really agree with his politics (i also dont know specifically what they are) but he is a damn fine actor and gives the prospector a very genuinely intimidating edge after his heel turn. the casting really makes the character here, but thats nothing new for toy story-- every voice works. if i were the casting director, i probably wouldnt have pulled erudite kelsey grammer for a character named “stinky pete,” but as it is now i couldnt imagine him voiced by anyone else.
the last thing about toy story 2 is it feels like there were a lot more pop culture references? at least as far as i noticed. there are apparently even more than i noticed but i caught on to the “also sprach zarathustra” riff in the opening, and the jurassic park rearview mirror gag. and of course the extended star wars reference with zurg vs. utility belt buzz (and i guess zurg in general.) the references are cute and mostly unobtrusive but really i could take or leave them.
oh yeah also al is hilarious. just this rude, neurotic businessman whos incredibly self-important for the owner of a minor(?) toy store chain. hes such a puffed-up jerk, every time hes on-screen is a delight
toy story 3: this one kills me to death. i always get misty-eyed during “when somebody loved me” but the ending of 3 where andy introduces his toys to bonnie and plays with them one last time made me sob the first time i watched it. and it still does! thats the long game right there, thats the payoff of over 10 years loving these characters. its an emotional ketchup bomb, everything gets all messy and soggy and sweet. hopefully 4 can follow up, but im not really worried about that-- ive heard some good things. damn, its been 9 years since this movie came out, though! it really doesnt feel all that long, but i guess i havent been doing all that much
i actually dont know if i have much else to say about 3. the opening with the re-imagining of the previous films openings (woody versus one-eyed bart, buzz and woody vs. the evil dr. porkchop) is a highlight, although theres a conspicuous lack of bo peep. ive heard she has a big part in 4, but it was kind of weird to see a lot of toys missing and their absence (mostly) glossed over after the first few minutes. i miss r.c. and lenny, but i get they wanted to narrow down the cast so all of them could get in on the plot.
speaking of which, the escape scene is great too. its kind of a crystallizing moment of how close these characters are, and how well they work together. it reminds me a lot of the escape from sids house in the first movie, but there woody was working with sids body-horror toys and seemed to strike up a rapport with them bizarrely quickly. (speaking of which, i miss those toys! their designs were super cool, but i cant imagine they got much merchandise, especially babyface with the sharp, metal spider legs.) here, though, woody and the gang cooperate the best they ever have, and it really paints a picture of how close theyve become over the years, and justifies the emotional climax in the landfill. this is what i was talking about when i said i was surprised how dark toy story 1 got! these toys all hated woodys guts back then for what they thought he did to buzz. they kicked him out of a moving truck! its just weird to think about that conflict between them when you know how long they end up sticking together. but thats, like, neat, so its ok. it feels earned, its just kind of crazy in hindsight.
toy story 3 was also obviously made long after the first two-- by comparison, the lighting is way more sophisticated, the humans are a lot more detailed. theres just a lot more detail In General. the main cast is, like, super dirty for the middle 90% of the film, and it feels like, yeah, We Have This Technology Now. we can render so many individual glitter sprinkles suck to hamms ass and they will be in every single scene. the “fur tech” on lotso and buster is also an obvious clue, especially in the flashback to lotso trudging through the rain back to his owners house. its like “look! we can make this teddy bear SO wet!” and wow! yeah! you did! so wet!
lotso himself is also an interesting villain in terms of sheer bastardness. he is just a huge jerk. he could have hit that button so easily! and he was so mean to the baby! but at the same time hes a great character in how he slowly “changes” throughout the movie. he is kind of an obvious “pixar ‘twist’ villain” but again, the amazing performance by ned beatty really saves him. also he does get a nice comeuppance at the end, which was necessary because hes really the biggest villain in the series so far. hes knowingly malicious and doesnt have any greater motive, hes just an embittered megalomaniac who (apparently) has sent other toys to be broken, thrown away, and incinerated at the landfill. he honestly deserves worse than being strapped to the front of a truck but it works for a family movie.
i have a couple more thoughts on 3 (i guess i did have a fair amount of stuff to say about it) but im getting tired of writing. the music is good as usual, but the vocal stuff being entirely back-loaded (in the credits) is a bit disappointing since ive always been a fan of the songs, but i get that they were going for something different. the jokes about ken being, uh, ‘flamboyant’ felt out of place, mostly the one at the end (”uh, buzz? barbie didnt write this”) because it comes from one of the gang and not unnamed lotso goon #3, but i guess its pretty tame in the scheme of things.
overall im really looking forward to seeing what 4 does with the series. whew!
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tootiefrootieroll · 5 years
Got some random thoughts on 13rw
Spoilers ahead, triggering words and topics discussed proceed with caution.
One, does anyone else feel that Clay has shown serious signs of schizophrenia or at the very least depression induced psychosis? And I know his parents have tried to get him help in the show, but I don't feel like it was enough?
In fact I don't think they did a very good job depicting how important seeking profession help can be crucial to a person's recovery. Tyler, Monty, Justin, or Alex never saw profession help.
I'm thinking about removing Tyler's name because he did make an effort to go see a school counselor. But I think, Clay did Tyler a disservice to him by not alerting his parents discreetly or not, he almost shot up an entire school, he was suicidal, and was raped.
The humanization of Bryce and Monty is a bunch of BS. period. What's really shitty is Bryce's arch was actually working, for me as a viewer. I had to continually say out loud, BRYCE IS A RAPIST. Now I think it's important to realize that the part of that story arch's purpose was making people realize Bryce and the people around him would only see him as that monster. But I mean, where is the fault in that? He is a grown ass man, he was very much so capable and aware of his actions, there's no "forgiving" or "redeeming" that. So despite the shitty writing on that part, it had a purpose that I think was important.
How Ani was okay with not judging Bryce by his worse actions, but scared of Clay after breaking into his house, makes no god damn sense.
Now that were onto Ani, fuck that shitty ass character. Let's just off the rails throw this show into that hands of a character that had no ties or business narrating a story that had nothing to do with her. She literally self-inserted herself into this narrative by being as nosey as possible, a liar, deceptive and down right careless about anyone around her. Her only purpose was to be the "inside scoop" on Bryce and his "walk to redemption". Literally a waste of time. And confusing as a viewer to adjust to a stranger telling this grand twist and turn crap season. Plus she didn't even bother to nosey her way around Hannah's tapes, give me a damn break.
I think they took way too much "inspiration" from maybe Big Little Lies with the way they went about narrating and portraying this season. And trust me you're viewers are not that dumb that they need to be lead around like a dog on a leash and thrown around about who did it. The fact that they had to change the person of interest of bryce's killer every god damn episode is ridiculous. It just looks like mediocre writing. Also the continued vague referral and dragging out of what happened on homecoming night was annoying, hence my referral to BLL.
Character to character, some of the writing was excellent. Tyler, Tony, Jessica, and Justin's characters were done some justice. Won't go into detail about each one, but things that stood out to me was Tyler confessing to Clay about his assault, that had be crying. Justin's whole struggle as a addict and the whole relationship with Clay. Tony confronting Bryce about how all of this was his fault, a good reminder as to why we are even in a third season in the first place. And Jessica trying to be more than just a victim, and being active in a change in the schools fostering of toxic masculinity and rape culture.
Character that were wronged or annoying: Monty, Zach, Alex.
Monty, do I really need to say. He is a rapist. He knew what he was doing, no amount of closeted frustrations can excuse his actions. Being closeted in a toxic household can do more to a person's mental health and demeanor than making them a fucking rapist. Ugh. Such a god damn disservice to the LGBTQ+ community. Like Netflix already threw that trope at us with Sex Ed. We get it. Thanks, it's a shitty trope. Stop it.
Zach has a few redeeming qualities here and there. But overall I think his "holy than thou", "I'm an innocent", arch was annoying. Honestly they didnt really use his character at to deserve all this hate from me, but really, any time he would show up would annoy me lol.
Alex was done wrong. He was still suicidal, he was on drugs, and kind of just thrown around. And I think the whole "break up with Jessica hurt me" trope was a weak plot device although I don't think it's unreal. I think it's important to realize how breakups can effect a Male's self esteem the same way its portrayed for females. Yet overall I think they still did him dirty. Also his dad is a cop, and can't pinpoint the mental health issues that Alex was portraying???
On that note, even though I think they made the parent's roles absolutely worthless I think they did it right and wrong. I think parents can be blind or just don't know the warning signs of a child in distress. I think the portrayal of parents not knowing what's happening in the lives of their child was correct. I think that the deceptiveness of teenagers was correct as well. So hand in hand I guess it makes sense that the parent didnt do a lot, but also I think just a display of bad parenting??? Hmm I'm a little on the fence but I think this story should of touched on the roles of parents, parenting their child(ren).
Taking a few days and reading around various opinions of this show (through tumblr) I do have to say I would like to revise my statement on characters. I believe that almost all the characters were pretty irredeemable to begin with. Not including Jessica and Tony.
Let's not forget, Tyler took people's pictures without consent, including a potentially sexually explicit situation and distributed them around. Justin let and protected his girlfriends rape. Clay's inability to see it any other way and his obsessive possession with girls is really disturbing. And all the character one way or another contributed to the suicide of a classmate.
That being said I don't think the characters mentioned above aren't worth redemption (not bryce or monty) but I think it's super hypocritical of the shows writing to dedicate an entire season of humanizing a terrible person(s) but throw away all the bad the rest of character have, and expect their audience to be okay with it???
Those are most of the thought I can put together. I wasn't really a fan of the book back when it was released but didn't mind the show, despite the triggering nature and down right ignoring licensed psychologists.
Ps. Shout out to Olivia Baker for calling out the Cops for jumping on this "poor rich white boy" murder, but lazing around when someone was raped, and another was raped and committed suicide.
Let me know what you guys thinks. Try and be respectful. Everyone has an opinion that matters for different reasons (unless you are defending Bryce and Monty then kindly fuck off).
Overall this season was a trainwreck, hypocritical at best, and down right not necessary.
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medievalcat · 6 years
ok. I finished Children of God (sequel to The Sparrow), and while I was able to follow it better than when I first read it (I think I was really distracted a few years ago, and had trouble focusing).....I didn’t like it as much as the first one, which I’m aware isn’t an unpopular opinion, even though I didn’t hate all of it. Here are my thoughts on why it didnt work imo and what I did like about it.
The Sparrow would naturally be a hard act to follow, and I get that sometimes sequels do different things than the first installations. book one is about Emilio and book two is about Rakhat. Okay. I think there’s a lot of interesting material that could have been made of Emilio, John, and all the new guys visiting Rakhat years after the first expedition. It’s what the author did- and, really, this was present in the first book as well, and one of the first book’s issues, but here it’s really one of the main points of the story and far more prominent than ever before- that didn’t succeed. It’s the story of Rakhat....but given how Rakhat is written, maybe it shouldnt have been. This book honestly ranged from “enjoyable” to “disappointing” to “implicitly or explicitly expressing horrible views”.
It’s one thing to make an oppression storyline in a fantasy setting- FMA for example does this. But in that, the victims are humans. In this, not only does the story do an oppression narrative about fantasy creatures, which is already a very difficult thing to pull off, she repeatedly draws comparisons between nonhuman aliens and things like the Holocaust and genocide and oppression of Native Americans. She even has her one native character draw this comparison and *stay behind on another planet instead of going to earth* for some “reservation” plotline at the end.  This is a good example of why when we criticize media sometimes we have to focus specifically on the writers who choose to make these events happen, who choose to write certain stories and who choose to frame them in certain ways. I’m kind of glad this book doesn’t have a fandom, really, because tumblr types would focus on which aliens’ side is “right” and not on the fact that the author chose to write some fantasy creature oppression story with incoherent imperialism commentary while trivializing real genocides. I remember a really uncomfortable paragraph in the first one that implied the Ottoman Empire was some kind of safe haven for all ethnic/religious groups as well as a line (keep in mind these were written in the 90s) about how Bosnia is violent because of ............ “blood feuds”. Many people have said this story is weak because it focused on these new alien characters and the Rakhat storyline so much. This, for me, is the main reason why that storyline was so weak.
One thing I liked was some of the new characters. I liked Danny and Joseba and Nico and Sean and Gina and Pope Gelasius. I think this book kind of did a “later season of Vikings” so that there were suddenly all these new people but few of them got good development. So that was a weakness but I didn’t mind many of the characters in and of themselves and enjoyed these new additions. Sure they weren’t like the people in the first book but that’s okay. They added new perspectives. Danny had a lot of interesting stuff about forgiveness that I liked. I also liked initially how Sofia was revealed to be alive but....she was shafted. We barely see her in favor of her badly offensively written written son (I know this was written 20 years ago but. the way he and his disability are portrayed as like...literally “alien” even though ths is supposed to be a “positive”.... is honestly....why  the living fuck did she do this....) and Supaari’s daughter who he CONCEIVED FROM RAPE and we’re just supposed to be ok with that bc the author very conveniently wrote the victim to be as unsympathetic as possible and because “uwu miracle of life!! yay children!” I’m supposed to buy that Sofia, a child trafficking survivor, is allies and friends with a man who not only is a rapist but sold a person she loved into sex slavery.......after the narrative called to attention how similar Sofia and Emilio’s experiences were, and the first book was an imperfect story but a deep introspective exploration of the effects of SA.....lol ok. And then she gets killed off at the end offscreen in a single sentence.
There’s also....I really doubt she intended some of this but it’s clearly in the story .... it really has bad implications, that the only relations between men are abusive in both books. there are literally no other relations between men, even though there is a gay character (who I understand  is a celibate priest, and having a gay priest is cool!) but....it just doesnt have good implications that relations between men are only ever presented as bad. especially because the thing that truly “heals” Emilio is being with a woman and I think in our society (and thus our media) we have a real problem with thinking that “healing” as a sexual abuse victim means having sex with a man if youre a woman and with a woman if you’re a man, and that male sa victims of men are only really victims if they like women (and, of course, women sa victims in general just have to like men). Of course there is nothing wrong with Gina, I loved her, and nothing is wrong with writing an sa survivor who is able to have a relationship after. But MDR killed her off for no good reason. The other crew members dying in the first book, those were well written character deaths. and how many times did she do the “this woman died but thats whatever narratively, because she has a kid uwu miracle of life” thing in this sequel. I think MDR is like GRRM in that she has good intentions clearly, and has such good sff works/characters and takes oh the Human Experience and everything, but doesn’t always know how to handle issues in a responsible way and it’s really glaring even if there are obviously worse people in media. To be honest (and again, here Im glad there’s no fandom, because people are so weird about this stuff) MDR should have just had Emilio and John be together. “Your friendship should have been proof enough of God” ???????? hello??????  Their relationship was one of  the things that actually was well fleshed out in the sequel until John and all the other guys who weren’t in the Camorra  just.....stayed on Rakhat forever.
Part of the handling of Sofia seemed like a broader pattern of the plot being completely forced. Everything happens for some sake of The Plot- this is something later seasons of GOT have been criticized for. This plot in particular, in addition to the alien oppression metaphor, seemed to want to make everything about the story in particular its end be some kind of “bookend” to mirror the first book. Sofia dies (for real this time. honestly....her death in the first one was good writing!), Emilio and his unlikely escorts go home, no one else gets to go home, there’s a huge societal upheaval on Rakhat because of the humans, a huge reveal about Rakhat’s “divine” music. I have nothing against this kind of narrative device but when it’s this forced to the point where the story is blatantly constructed for the sake of this......it didn’t work. The “music” plot twist was like..............really??? All of that? They’re staying on this planet? If they had all gotten more time in the story (because this book is the same length as the first book but has far more different subplots and far longer of a timespan and far more narrators) we might  find that more plausible. I don’t think everything needs to be spelled out for us. In the first book when everyone is stranded, it’s clear that they think this is tragic, but they are trying to make the best of it because they all love each other and are together. In this one they don’t all have that kind of bond and it’s dependent on the long-winded and incoherent Rakhat political storyline. Because a lot of it isn’t even that well developed in addition to the earlier addressed things. We go between random one-off characters. So much is about the war but it’s written so anti-climatically. Sofia broke down in the first book when she learned they were stranded, and now she doesn’t care at all about returning back to Earth because the Runa are “her people” now, but how much of that is really what she tells herself to cope with what she lost- and what she experienced on earth in her youth? we don’t know. The Pope just....sent Emilio who became probably the most infamous person on Earth, back into space, and it wasn’t a big deal for the Church or at all? And all it took for it to happen was a handful of Camorra men with Vatican connections, who were just adapted so well to space travel and extended time on a new planet that initially made the people in the first book sick when transitioning into life there? And let me reiterate we’re supposed to accept that the divinely ordained reason all this happened was because Isaac wrote music inspired by human and alien dna and it sounded wonderful? 
This just felt very forced. “Emilio never wants to go back to Rakhat so obviously this book has to be about how he goes back there and accepts that it actually happened for a Good Reason bc of some music, and music was the way they found it in the first place.” How about how he accepts that it happened and comes to terms with what happened to him without either hating himself for his actions or thinking it was all For The Greater Good Actually, because you cant undo the past, aka what the first book was building up to and culminated in? idk. the first book was all about how bad things happen and that this doesn’t mean we have to give up our faith even if we question our faith. this was more like “every cloud has a silver lining lol”.
There were many nice things- Emilio’s friendship with Nico, many of the moments with Sofia towards the end and her reuniting with Emilio, John getting more to do, the new Pope, Celestina ending up having an important job as a theater and leaving a trail of men in her wake lol. I don’t want to say don’t read this. But if you like the first book you might not like this one, and if you’re considering reading the first book, it.....works best as a standalone.
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blorbosexterminator · 3 years
Its the ep before the grand finale and well... I AM STILL BACK
So, ep 29, lets do this :
He was even too weak to resist Martín, still Martín avoided meeting his eyes. He wasn’t too excited to find what they held for him now.
Well, what do you think was gonna happen Martin? What? You think He'll be like "oh, no no no its all cool"
No, you moron he'll be pissed and he has a right to do so
“What will you do, huh?” she grinned, “wait, let me guess, you’ll kill me! Such a brillant, novice idea Martin,” she mock-clapped
“Ah, Sergio, you’ve grown into a charming man, but don’t worry about it, I’m already getting what I want. This” she gestured at Andrés and Martín, “is what I want. And you’ve killed my right-hand man too, this is obviously unforgivable. Go on Martín, play the little doctor you are and treat him,” she grinned at him. “You know, I’ve always known you were jealous of me, always wanted what I had, so I’m not surprised you attached yourself to him like this. I’ve watched you the past years, watched how happy you were, not a single moment of remorse for what you’ve done.”
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Tatiana monolouging like a villain 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
As this point, I'm taking back my words from ep7 (or 8 idk)
I am willing to bet you screwed Federico while being married to Andres 😡😡😡 You cheating, lying fucking bitch.
Even Silene is more tolerable than you. And everyone knows how much I adore Silene
(Although, Silene is 65% redeemed after the last chapter. And I still want Raquel to at the very least slap her and Martin & Paula high-fiving in the background)
Martín noticed the door in the back get slowly pushed, but Tatiana amidst her speech and her back to it didn’t seem to notice, Martín decided to go along with it.
“I wouldn’t have had to do anything had you had a little more common sense, I tried to explain to you that there was nothing there, I told you to leave him be. Everyone understood, but you just imagined yourself smarter than the rest—”
“Not you? What the fuck would you have done? Even if you remarried him, you couldn’t just live with him with Bogota’s son forever—”
Door : *slowly opens*
Martin : Its time to use my most treasured weapon :
Also, I love the fact Martin helped take out a villain just by his pettiness 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
“Duck!” Martín screamed at Julia, who managed to sneak so far behind Tatiana, but had Tatiana turn with her gun raised at the last moment. She moved but not enough, she still got a bullet in her arm. But before Tatiana got to shoot another, the old man with Julia threw a rope around Tatiana’s neck and pulled from the back. 
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Okay, okay the convo between Sergio and Martin made me go :
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(Thats my dog comforting me)
🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧 Okay, moving on :
Sergio and Martin went from : Ima destroy the other for Andres. To : I was ready to kill my own brother/friend to save Andres and that is so beautiful 😍
Also, Martin did everything to save Andres, even tho he couldve followed along Tatiana? Excluding everyone but Sergio from the will & willing to pay from his own pocket to save him...... I.....
My dog : Oh God no 😨
Me : *bursts into tears again*
Me :
My dog : Please not again. Please no
Me : No, no I am good
*narrator voice* 5 seconds later
*proceeds to start crying again*
My dog : *hands me a bar of chocolate and some water*
Me : *sniffing* thank you, sweetie
Ok, back to review, again :
Agatha is so fucking badass 😍
She be like :
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That entire scene is mindblowing 🤯 Absolutely amazing. Also, shout out to Axel for being the best assistant 😄
And Agatha cooing at the baby 😍😍😍 Such a shame we didnt get to see Mama!Agatha in canon 🙁
I love the fact that Alicia and Agatha have their own stuff going on apart from the telenova nutcases 🤣🤣🤣
Also, I dont know whatever witchcraft you did, but you, you made me root for the Agatha/Alicia ship so bad, at least for this story
As carefully as she could, she opened the front door. She looked back one more time at her, the child sleeping peacefully by her side, and left.
😍 Agatha and Alicia running off int..... well never mind 🙁. But I expect a happy ending for both of them and its non-negotiable
But as Andrés took off of the house, not as steady as he tried to seem, nearly blind with everything, and crossed the road with only one thing ringing in his mind, the physical pain of his heart shattering
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Unaware of his surroundings, a car that was going too fast for its own good, that someone else, Andrés even in another time, might have saw coming in time, clashed with him, raising him off the ground.
Okay, I am NOT kidding but I was reading this on my mobile and my dog was sitting beside me. When I read Andres being hit, I squeaked and my mobile slipped outta my hands and I accidently (slightly) bonked my dog and yes, hes fine, he just got spooked a bit.
Hello again!! Great to see you back!
Oh yeah, he honestly have every right to be angry. I can't even imagine.
She is! This is a telenovela and monologuing villains will monologue. Omg, can't believe I managed to get you that pissed off her lmfao. Okay but look, Federico is about 10-12 years younger than Sergio, who is about 10-12 years younger than Andrés. He's probably about half Andrés' age and Andrés and Tatiana got married when they were pretty young. So yeah Federico was at worst not even born and at best a few months old agshshhs. She's evil, but not that sick. And I got Silene 65% redeemed omg agshhs can't believe I've gotten those two reactions from you.
Yes lmfao Martín's role in her take out was to be so pittiful and distracting.
HE IS. Our hero.
(I got distracted for a moment here at how pretty Wanda is, wtf) seriously so, so happy you felt for the Sergio and Martín moment, I genuinely loved writing it. Yes, despite all else, Sergio and Martín reached the understanding that they'd both do all for Andrés.
Yes!! Martín really pulled all that up for him. Your dog is so good and nice. You and him are the powerful duo.
AND SHE DID. Amazing, really, I would have even left my own son and ran away. And YES thank you for acknowledging Axel's hard work. He is the best assistant ever.
Oh yeah, both seperated pretty early on from the rest and had their own shit going on lmfao. Like they still used Martín's store but Martín is really beyond noticing anything now.
I'm so happy you rooted for them!!!
Don't worry. You'll find what your heart desires in the finale.
OMG so happy your dog is okay but also so happy I got this reaction afabhahshshs so glad it surprised you like that!!!
Thank you so much Kal. Again and Again.
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paramliv · 4 years
hi hey welcome to blair unhinged where i ramble about my story stuff for posts and posts and posts. if you wanna read it feel free! i just have it down for reference and just to get some thoughts and opinions. also! im not going to twist anyone’s arm to rp my version of palmer’s story, this is just how i went about it. I’m more than happy to do just about anything! Okay? Okay. 
so their story begins with joining the zarosian army due to sorta being lost future wise at the age of 20
they put five years into the military service and rose to the rank of tribune and was assigned to a mahjarrat  by the name of Zemouregal. at this point the zarosian empire was mainly just monster races so it was kinda anti-human in the aspect of 'humans are lower life forms thus stupider' so zemouregal made palmer's life a living hell, they were used as a test dummy for his necromancy projects and was usually assigned busy work rather than going out to fight they lost the respect of a lot of soldiers due to zemouregal spreading rumors, never being able to fight along side them, and always appearing rather 'weak' so there was a lot of shit spread within the barracks palmer then went to find different outlets like going to plays and having their own sword be blessed by a priest just to sort of get some joy out of their military life when they were going to a play that was usually narrated by Sliske (their crush) thats when they would try to take control and own their rank again but it resulted in a lot of soldiers getting hit and stuff like that. it was a lot of SLAP 'im the tribune here, you listen to what i say. do you understand that? you will not walk all over me.' everything sort of came to ahead when zemouregal struck at palmer during a war room discussion and palmer blocked his claws with their sword and a fight broke out they fought for four whole hours until zemouregal was on his knees and they started punching his face in, their knuckles getting bloodied in the process since mahjarrat are like, almost made out of stone and p jagged they had been arrested and had spent three months in solitary confinement and also forfeit of pay for assaulting their legate however, they got reassigned to wahisietel who was much nicer but still stern. he definitely built their confidence back up and also became a good friend to them. it was sort of shaky at first since wahisietel didnt know how to interact around humans and palmer was sort of stand offish because zemouregal had treated them so shitty they spent two years working together and being friends, in that time they had made friends w/ several other mahjie during their time especially when they had swallowed their courage to ask sliske out on a date after talking a few times with him he accepted! and they hit it off pretty well actually, and date in secret due to their ranks, them being a tribune while he was head of senntisten's secret police and its a whole new layer of messy cause sliske is wahisietel's younger brother also im spark noting this all, this is not EVERYTHING that happens in this but you know SO. two years under wahisietel's command and then zaros gets assassinated by the legatus maximus zamorak who then ascended to godhood and that takes us into the God Wars wahisietel gets a scar that he says is from some attack during battle during the God Wars, palmer is not that convinced and presses him about it to which he gets angry and whips an ink pot near their head which pretty much killed their friendship.  there is talk about zamorak planning something, palmer asks sliske if shit hits the fan does he want to run away with them which he asks about if wahisietel will be alright, and theyre like he'll be fine im sure. but really think about it cause we could finally be together out in the open and hes like ok i'll think about it. so the day rolls around where zamorak brings lesser demons to wreck the city of senntisten and thats the day sliske and palmer go into the shadow realm area  and make their escape. they could see all the carnage happening on the streets, its just that no one could see them. so they keep going and sliske seeing palmer hesitate sometimes is like 'come on we need to keep moving' and then theyre stopped at the gates by zemouregal who summons a bunch of undead to swarm palmer, while he tries to land hits on sliske and he does! he breaks sliske's nose and palmer goes through pushing undead out of the way to stab zemouregal straight through the knee with their sword they take sliske by the hand and book it into the woods where they wipe the blood off his chin and comments how its a dull night and there's no stars in the sky and he mumbles something then gets hit with a surge of divine energy that disrupts his magic and its akin to being tazed for five minutes and palmer gets crystalized and taken by zamorakians to daemonheim where they'd be for thousands of years until getting thawed out meanwhile sliske is just, passed out for days till his brother finds him END OF ACT 1
0 notes
tumblunni · 7 years
And now onward to my dumb headcanons about dadtagonist Iggy!
The official ingame term for the character creator is ‘dadsona’ (lol) but I dunno, I’m just used to something-sona being literally drawing yourself in the style of the game. I did take some screenshots back at the beginning of making myself in the character creator, but I’m asexual so i kinda feel uncomfortable playing dating sims as myself. like.. I don’t like romance stuff for the same reasons, yknow? I like reading about other people’s love, it doesn’t mean I want it to happen to me. Its why i still really love Fire Emblem Awakening even though that game has a load of plot problems and some rather offensive anti-LGBT stuff. (And somehow even more in the sequel that added gay marriage?? HOW DID YOU MANAGE THAT) That game was like the only thing ever where you can pair up your party members with each other instead of just with the protagonist. I really liked that cos like.. they actually had more personality and it wasn’t just seeing one side of the romance with the protag being a blank slate and all. Tho it seems the dadsona in DD is less of a blank slate actually, which can be kind of a problem sometimes cos there’s stuff that’s canon that I’m just gonna have to ignore for Iggy. Like, for example, I didn’t realise that one line later on would say that the portagonist is bad with computers, I decided that Iggy’s career was in electronics.
So yeah, randomly I decided Iggy is a tech genius and computer repairman! I mean, the protagonist doesn’t seem to have a job or anything so I wanted to think of one. Also all the romance options had a slogan during prerelease materials, like ‘coffee dad’ and ‘sports dad’ and ‘bad dad’ (who was really more specifically ‘cryptid-hunting private detective with a funky leather jacket’ but I guess that didnt fit in a tagline XD) So I figured I needed to think up a ‘dad theme’ for my protagonist too?? But like.. he doesn’t have a particularly unusual personality or any hobbies or anything? He can’t be ‘shy dad’ because like half of all the romance options have some form of adorable shyness, even the bad dad!
Oh, and PERSONALITY! I probably should have talked about that first! Iggy is super shy and has self-confidence issues. He’s a big cuddly pushover! There’s actually quite a few dialogue options for the protagonist that let you roleplay this way, there’s some super funny and relateable social anxiety moments. Like one I saw during the intro was a big ‘ol hilarious rant about the complex process of visiting a fancy coffee shop and not knowing the Unspoken Social Rules of how to order something. Definately gonna screenshot that when I get to it in my own playthrough! But also its kinda unavoidable to get loads of sassy funny dialogue, its like the protagonist’s default setting in conversations that don’t have choices. So I liked imagining that as a neat kind of personality, actually! Someone who’s very witty and outspoken when he’s comfortable around people, but his anxiety keeps him from showing this side of himself all the time. Like a blossoming social flower! So mr shyman Iggy still has a super sarcastic internal narrator voice, and goofs around a lot with his daughter. Who will be the lucky man who loves him enough to also receive his amazing comedy? But I’m not gonna be picking any of the more reckless and outgoing dialogue options, canon dadtagonist is a bit of a rebel lol. A very complicated guy who can have all these personality traits at once, PLUS whatever ones you decide with your choices! O_O
Oh and also I ended up deciding his dad theme is Vampire Dad because.. well, why not? Who cares that I’m throwing random fantasy into this game, its not like its exactly down-to-earth and super serious. Plus seriously there’s just SO MUCH comedic potential! I’m thinking he’s just like.. super casual about it. Completely normal dad. Just happens to be slightly undead. Absolutely no angst plots or anything, it’s just like a disability he deals with. “hey old man don’t forget to drink your blood and take your pills” I can’t even think of a deep backstory about it, really?? If it’s going on the classic movie vampire rules of passing on via bite, then he probably just woke up with a hangover one morning and was like ‘hey these fangs are new, I guess that guy at the bar was a vampire’ *carries on life as usual* Or like if it’s on old myth rules of vampires coming from any improper burial or sinful corpse or whatever, then I think maybe the ‘grudge’ that brought him back from the dead was just determination to look after his daughter. Like “god dammit you already lost one parent, I won’t make you cry a second time!” *forces himself back into life through sheer willpower* Even though he’s normally cowardly, he can summon the courage to do anything if his baby girl needs him! Anyway, he just diddly deals wit it. Buys animal blood from the butcher, works night shifts. No biggie. And besides, turning into a bat is cool! (imagine him doing it to cheer up lil toddler amanda :3)
Tho lol obviously all the events of the game don’t take place at night. So like, either I switch the order of stuff around in my headcanons or I just say that that’s a weakness that doesn’t apply to vampires in this story. I mean, they’re like one of the least consistant myths across fiction, lol. If I recall correctly, wasn’t it like that in dracula, actually? Like he just lost his magic in sunlight, he didn’t die instantly. Ehh lets just say maybe Iggy’s on a nocturnal sleeping schedule now and sunlight mildly saps his energy. He doesn’t really have any magic to disable in the first place, aside from the bat thing. He’s like the most boring down-to-earth vampire. Also actually I think Craig’s route would be even cuter if Iggy’s going to even more trouble to do gym stuff with him. He’s not only not really interested in exercise, but also waking up at the equivelant of 2am and dragging his tired ass out in the sunlight where he doesn’t even have any superstrength anymore. Don’t want to dissappoint the bae! And lol from what spoiler stuff I saw about Hugo’s route, there’s a bit that would violate the whole ‘vampires can’t enter a home uninvited’ rule. I think it would be funnier if Iggy has like zero vampire benefits and all of the most obscure ridiculous vampire weaknesses! And that whole scene would play out even funnier if it was with him standing 20 feet behind everyone and yelling through a window XD ...though I’m imagining he’d be positively mournful if he couldn’t eat garlic bread, so lets swap that out for ‘can’t cross running water’. Iggy spills a glass of orange juice in the kitchen and traps himself in the corner til his daughter comes home and saves him. Probably does the same thing with a salt circle the next day. Yes, this is prime cuteness. All of the cutest vampire features!
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dress how i want wihout feeling like its not me, change people... for the last time sorry, i kind of used u as a copying mechanism to vent, when i cant do that with somebody else, i talk wit people, but im not myself with them... really thank you, ;you dont have to answer, i will figure myself out, like i always do :)
hello, im not really sure how to put this so ill just go ahead: i come from a racist country, its also homophobic, transphobic, all kinds of awful things, not too long ago a far right party who won the election even wanted to completely ban abortion, about 2 months ago one of the teachers at my school spend an entire lesson talking about how abortion is making woman miserable, she talked about a woman that had about 40 abortions and was simply a wreck after that, she used all kind of words 1/10 
even some kind of "research" that said that a womans body after abortion is in an unnatural state, that it doesnt know what happened and cant function properly... last week in my brothers school a teacher that also thaught me in middle school literally called abortion murder and showed my brothers class a movie in which abortion was shown, they could see little arms and parts break and being cut, my brother said that the narrator of the movie said that you can even hear the bones break, 2/10
my brother is also pretty corrupted, last year he said that he doesnt like gays and is racist, hes dumb, his racism, sexism, homophobia was just jokes,it was just a thing u could have a laugh at, but it was still bad, i tried talking with him, whenever he maid a "joke" i confronted him, i was mad and i think its working, he is getting better, we talk and we listen, im not really close to my family, i would die for them i can joke around with them but i cannot show them affection,weakness, 3/10
fears,my vurnerable side,cant show anyone, i have some issues... i love my country and its history, but if there is a god i hope he forgives me for looking down on people like that, even my family (i remember a situation where my mom ,after comin from a family gathering i didnt go to, told me with a smile how my uncle that day wanted to beat up some boys that were kissing, apparently it was a funny story they were all sharing and when i told her how wrong is that she said that 4/10
she said that they didnt mean it, they were just joking; i know every country has lgbt people, but i really couldnt even believe for a second that there actually are gay people in my country, i was so happy, it was the first time i had "closer" contact with them on my land ( ive been to germany to work last year when... when i was 17 and i met a gay person but we didnt really talk because of the language barrier and we simply had to work, we just smiled when we saw each other), sorry this 5/10
is so elaborate... this is just a tiny little bit of my experiences with a wide range of social issues, but this is the first time i let myself go, i have so much to say... i really want to bring change into my country, i feel like i can do it i feel like i can bring people closer, make them more aware of social issues, enviromental problems, i often dream about being a celebrity/politician just to have that exposure to the people, i want my country to improve, i want people to feel 6/10
save in it, but i dont know how... like ? being an activist ? going into politics ? starting an organization? i honestly dont know how to start, and i am scared that my own kin will kill me for it, still i want to bring that sweet change, sorry for this post, but the reality is that tumblr have thaught me more than school ever did and i recon ever will... i know im smart, i know im tough, i really feel in my bones that i can do it, but how? im not rich, dont have connections, 7/0
what can i do?forgive me if i made you feel pressured i just want to help my people, aid my country - thank you for reading and sorry it was so long. --- Also there were some good things that happened, the boy in my class that protected the lgbt community from my homophobic priest and some other stupid boys from my class, the time i read the essay about that situation in front of my entire english group and the teacher that taught that priest, i also think i might had have made her think 8/10
hi, im the one from those 1/10 messages, i dont know how many ive send because my computer run out of power while i was passionately sending the written messages, it was like a bucket of ice cold water was dumped on me :) sorry for that, just could you advice me what i can do with lgbt, sexism, rasism isseues in my country? 1/3
btw. dont know if this is important but i think i may be bi, or whatever competely not caring about someones gender is.. you don't have to answer, i get it :] i just fell empty today and wrote something, ill think about what i can do, ill be allright, so sorry for all of that... hope in one and a half a year when i go to college ill meet people that will understand, that i can pour my feelings out, i hope i can finally start acting like i want to witout barriers, 2/3 
Ok nonny, take a deep breath for me, ok? 
Now, read on. 
I know you’re scared. I’m in a somewhat similar place right now. What you need to do is that you cannot do any kind of help if you’re dead or imprisoned. I have a vague idea of where you are, and you’re right, you are in danger. 
But honey, you can’t help anyone if you’re dead. Play it safe. Keep an eye out. Learn the codes and symbols for hate groups. Memorize them. Know when they’re around and learn to when it’s safe to speak and safe not to. 
Secondly, the internet is key. In order to help you need to keep this channel of communication open. Through this, you can help. It may seem like you’re shouting into the void sometimes, but Twitter and Tumblr are hotspots for help and revolution. Plus, you can make international friends. You mentioned you’re in Europe which is great; you can hop a border damn near any time. You can try to run if you have to, or help others to run. 
If you want something more hands on, I suggest trying to get involved with a local LGBT society, or something like Amnesty International. I myself make calls on behalf of the ACLU and I do some minor PR for the the Resistance on Twitter. 
But most of all remember this; we are stronger together. We cannot let their hateful lies tears us apart. We must link arms and face this storm together and we will weather it through. 
Do not give up. Do not give up the flame. Do not go gentle into that goodnight. Let that fear fuel your anger and let your anger fuel your voice and your actions. 
I’d like it if you’d check in with me every so often, ok? So I know you’re safe. 
Be safe. Stay strong. Keep an eye out. Constant vigilance. 
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leanstooneside · 6 years
lamp because he must have come 3 or 4 times with that tremendous big red brute of a thing he has I thought the vein or whatever the dickens they call it was going to burst though his nose is not so big after I
series even if the first term of a succeeding one each imagining himself to be first last only and alone whereas he is neither first nor last nor only nor alone in a series
it wasnt washed out properly the last time I let him finish it in me nice invention they made for women for him to get all the pleasure but if someone gave them a touch of it themselves theyd know what I went through with Milly nobody would believe cutting her teeth too and Mina Purefoys husband give us a swing out of your whiskers filling her up with a child or twins once a year as regular as the clock always with a smell of children off her the one they called budgers or something like a nigger with a shock of hair on it Jesusjack the child is a black the last time
listener's and the narrator's
me his name who tell me who the german Emperor is it
mind now tell me who are you thinking of who is it
Id have to dring it into him for a month yes and then wed have a hospital nurse next thing on the carpet have him staying there till they throw him out or a nun maybe like the smutty photo he has shes as much a nun as Im not yes because theyre so weak and puling when theyre sick they want a woman to get well if his nose bleeds youd think it was O tragic and that dyinglooking one off the south circular when he sprained his foot at the choir party at the sugarloaf Mountain the day I wore that dress Miss Stack bringing him flowers the worst old ones she could find at the bottom of the basket anything at all to get into a mans bedroom with her old maids voice trying to imagine he was dying on account of her to never see thy face again though he looked more like a man with his beard a bit grown in the bed father was the same besides I hate bandaging and dosing when he cut his toe with the razor paring his corns afraid hed get bloodpoisoning but if it was a thing I was sick then wed see what attention only of course the woman hides it not to give all the trouble they do yes he came somewhere Im sure by his appetite anyway love its not or hed be off his feed thinking of her so either it was one of those night women if it was down there he was really and the hotel story he made up a pack of lies to hide it planning it Hynes kept me who did I meet ah yes I met do you remember Menton and who else who let me see that big babbyface I saw him and he not long married flirting with a young girl at Pooles Myriorama and turned my back on him when he slinked out looking quite conscious what harm but he had the impudence to make up to me one time well done to him mouth almighty and his boiled eyes of all the big stupoes I ever met and thats called a solicitor only for I hate having a long wrangle in bed or else if its not that its some little bitch or other he got in with somewhere or picked up on the sly if they only knew him as well as I do yes because the day before yesterday he was scribbling something a letter when I came into the front room to show him Dignams death in the paper as if something told me and he covered it up with the blottingpaper pretending to be thinking about business so very probably that was it to somebody who thinks she has a softy in him because all men get a bit like that at his age especially getting on to forty he is now
I was there a squad of them falling over one another and bawling you couldnt hear your ears supposed to be healthy not satisfied till they have us swollen out like elephants or I dont know what supposing I risked having another not off him though still if he was married Im sure hed have a fine strong child but I dont know Poldy has more spunk in him yes thatd be awfully jolly I suppose it was meeting Josie Powell and the funeral and thinking about me and Boylan set him off well he can think what he likes now if thatll do him any good I know they were spooning a bit when I came on the scene he was dancing and sitting out with her the night of Georgina Simpsons housewarming and then he wanted to ram it down my neck it was on account of not liking to see her a wallflower that was why we had the standup row over politics he began it not me when he said about Our Lord being a carpenter at last he made me cry of course a woman is so sensitive about everything
shape of my bedroom so I let him keep it as if I forgot it to think of me when I saw him slip it into his pocket of course hes mad on the subject of drawers thats plain to be seen always skeezing at those brazenfaced things on the bicycles with their skirts blowing up to their navels even when Milly and I were out with him at the open air fete that one in the cream muslin standing right against the sun so he could see every atom she had on when he saw me from behind following in the rain I saw him before he saw me however standing at the corner of the Harolds cross road with a new raincoat on him with the muffler in the Zingari colours to show off his complexion and the brown hat looking slyboots as usual what was he doing there where hed no business they can go and get whatever they like from anything at all with a skirt on it and were not to ask any questions but they want to know where were you where are you going I could feel him coming along skulking after me his eyes on my neck he had been keeping away from the house he felt it was getting too warm for him so I halfturned and stopped then he pestered me to say yes till I took off my glove slowly watching him he said my openwork sleeves were too cold for the rain anything for an excuse to put his hand anear me drawers drawers the whole blessed time till I promised to give him the pair off my doll to carry about in his waistcoat pocket O Maria Santisima he did look a big fool dreeping in the rain splendid set of teeth he had made me hungry to look at them and beseeched of me to lift the orange petticoat I had on with the sunray pleats that there was nobody he said hed kneel down in the wet if I didnt so persevering he would too and ruin his new raincoat you never know what freak theyd take alone with you theyre so savage for it if anyone was passing so I lifted them a bit and touched his trousers outside the way I used to Gardner after with my ring hand to keep him from doing worse where it was too public I was dying to find out was he circumcised he was shaking like a jelly all over they want to do everything too quick take all the pleasure out of it and father waiting all the time for his dinner he told me to say I left my purse in the butchers and had to go back for it what a Deceiver then he wrote me that letter with all those words in it how could he have the face to any woman after his company manners making it so awkward after when we met asking me have I offended you with my eyelids down of course he saw I wasnt he had a few brains not like that other fool Henny Doyle he was always breaking or tearing something in the charades I hate an unlucky man and if I knew what it meant of course I had to say no for form sake dont understand you I said and wasnt it natural so it is of course it
it was all his fault of course ruining servants then proposing that she could eat at our table on Christmas day if you please O no thank you not in my house stealing my potatoes and the oysters 2/6 per doz going out to see her aunt if you please common robbery so it was but I was sure he had something on with that one it takes me to find out a thing like that he said you have no proof it was her proof O yes her aunt was very fond of oysters but I told her what I thought of her suggesting me to go out to be alone with her I wouldnt lower myself to spy on them the garters I found in her room the Friday she was out that was enough for me a little bit too much her face swelled up on her with temper when I gave her her weeks notice I saw to that better do without them altogether do out the rooms myself quicker only for the damn cooking and throwing out the dirt I gave it to him anyhow either she or me leaves the house I couldnt even touch him if I thought he was with a dirty barefaced liar and sloven like that one denying it up to my face and singing about the place in the W C too because she knew she was too well off yes because he couldnt possibly do without it that long so he must do it somewhere and the last time he came on my bottom when was it the night Boylan gave my hand a great squeeze going along by the Tolka in my hand there steals another I just pressed the back of his like that with my thumb to squeeze back singing the young May moon shes beaming love because he has an idea about him and me hes not such a fool he said Im dining out and going to the Gaiety though Im not going to give him the satisfaction in any case God knows hes a change in a way not to be always and ever wearing the same old hat unless I paid some nicelooking boy to do it since I cant do it myself a young boy would like me Id confuse him a little alone with him if we were Id let him see my garters the new ones and make him turn red looking at him seduce him I know what boys feel with that down on their cheek doing that frigging drawing out the thing by the hour question and answer would you do this that and the other with the coalman yes with a bishop yes I would because I told him about some dean or bishop was sitting beside me in the jews temples gardens when I was knitting that woollen thing a stranger to Dublin what place was it and so on about the monuments and he tired me out with statues encouraging him making him worse than he is who is in your
money she can out of him no fool like an old fool and then the usual kissing my bottom was to hide it not that I care two straws now who he does it with or knew before that way though Id like to find out so long as I dont have the two of them under my nose all the time like that slut that Mary we had in Ontario terrace padding out her false bottom to excite him bad enough to get the smell of those painted women off him once or twice I had a suspicion by getting him to come near me when I found the long hair on his coat without that one when I went into the kitchen pretending he was drinking water 1 woman is not enough for them
he never did a thing like that before as ask to get his breakfast in bed with a couple of eggs since the City Arms hotel when he used to be pretending to be laid up with a sick voice doing his highness to make himself interesting for that old faggot Mrs Riordan that he thought he had a great leg of and she never left us a farthing all for masses for herself and her soul greatest miser ever was actually afraid to lay out 4d for her methylated spirit telling me all her ailments she had too much old chat in her about politics and earthquakes and the end of the world let us have a bit of fun first God help the world if all the women were her sort down on bathingsuits and lownecks of course nobody wanted her to wear them I suppose she was pious because no man would look at her twice I hope Ill never be like her a wonder she didnt want us to cover our faces but she was a welleducated woman certainly and her gabby talk about Mr Riordan here and Mr Riordan there I suppose he was glad to get shut of her and her dog smelling my fur and always edging to get up under my petticoats especially then still I like that in him polite to old women like that and waiters and beggars too hes not proud out of nothing but not always if ever he got anything really serious the matter with him its much better for them to go into a hospital where everything is clean but I
I only had a ring with the stone for my month a nice aquamarine Ill stick him for one and a gold bracelet I dont like my foot so much still I made him spend once with my foot the night after Goodwins botchup of a concert so cold and windy it was well we had that rum in the house to mull and the fire wasnt black out when he asked to take off my stockings lying on the hearthrug in Lombard street west and another time it was my muddy boots hed like me to walk in all the horses dung I could find but of course hes not natural like the rest of the world that I what did he say I could give 9 points in 10 to Katty Lanner and beat her what does that mean I asked him I forget what he said because the stoppress edition just passed and the man with the curly hair in the Lucan dairy thats so polite I think I saw his face before somewhere I noticed him when I was tasting the butter so I took my time Bartell dArcy too that he used to make fun of when he commenced kissing me on the choir stairs after I sang Gounods Ave Maria what are we waiting for O my heart kiss me straight on the brow and part which is my
my things with the blinds down after my hours dressing and perfuming and combing it like iron or some kind of a thick crowbar standing all the time he must have eaten oysters I think a few dozen he was in great singing voice no I never in all my life felt anyone had one the size of that to make you feel full up he must have eaten a whole sheep after whats the idea making us like that with a big hole in the middle of us or like a Stallion driving it up into you because thats all they want out of you with that determined vicious look in his eye I had to halfshut my eyes still he hasnt such a tremendous amount of spunk in him when I made him pull out and do it on me considering how big it is so much the better in case
me or dreaming am I in it who gave him that flower he said he bought he smelt of some kind of drink not whisky or stout or perhaps the sweety kind of paste they stick their bills up with some liqueur Id like to sip those richlooking green and yellow expensive drinks those stagedoor johnnies drink with the opera hats I tasted once with my finger dipped out of that American that had the squirrel talking stamps with father he had all he could do to keep himself from falling asleep after the last time after we took the port and potted meat it had a fine salty taste yes because I felt lovely and tired myself and fell asleep as sound as a top the moment I popped straight into bed till that thunder woke me up God be merciful to us I thought the heavens were coming down about us to punish us when I blessed myself and said a Hail Mary like those awful thunderbolts in Gibraltar as if the world was coming to an end and then they come and tell you theres no God what could you do if it was running and rushing about nothing only make an act of contrition the candle I lit that evening in Whitefriars street chapel for the month of May see it brought its luck though hed scoff if he heard because he never goes to church mass or meeting he says your soul you have no soul inside only grey matter because he doesnt know what it is to have one yes when I
Im him think of him can you feel him trying to make a whore of me what he never will he ought to give it up now at this age of his life simply ruination for any woman and no satisfaction in it pretending to like it till he comes and then finish it off myself anyway and it makes your lips pale anyhow its done now once and for all with all the talk of the world about it people make its only the first time after that its just the ordinary do it and think no more about it why cant you kiss a man without going and marrying him first you sometimes love to wildly when you feel that way so nice all over you you cant help yourself I wish some man or other would take me sometime when hes there and kiss me in his arms theres nothing like a kiss long and hot down to your soul almost paralyses you then I hate that confession when I used to go to Father Corrigan he touched me father and what harm if he did where and I said on the canal bank like a fool but whereabouts on your person my child on the leg behind high up was it yes rather high up was it where you sit down yes O Lord couldnt he say bottom right out and have done with it what has that got to do with it and did you whatever way he put it I forget no father and I always think of the real father what did he want to know for when I already confessed it to God he had a nice fat hand the palm moist always I wouldnt mind feeling it neither would he Id say by the bullneck in his horsecollar I wonder did he know me in the box I could see his face he couldnt see mine of course hed never turn or let on still his eyes were red when his father died theyre lost for a woman of course must be terrible when a man cries let alone them Id like to be embraced by one in his vestments and the smell of incense off him like the pope besides theres no danger with a priest if youre married hes too careful about himself then give something to H H the pope for a penance I wonder was he satisfied with me one thing I didnt like his slapping me behind going away so familiarly in the hall though I laughed Im not a horse or an ass am I I suppose he was thinking of his fathers I wonder is he
himself to be the first to enter whereas he is always the last term
theyre all so different Boylan talking about the shape of my foot he noticed at once even before he was introduced when I was in the D B C with Poldy laughing and trying to listen I was waggling my foot we both ordered 2 teas and plain bread and butter I saw him looking with his two old maids of sisters when I stood up and asked the girl where it was what do I care with it dropping out of me and that black closed breeches he made me buy takes you half an hour to let them down wetting all myself always with some brandnew fad every other week such a long one I did I forgot my suede gloves on the seat behind that I never got after some robber of a woman and he wanted me to put it in the Irish times lost in the ladies lavatory D B C Dame street finder return to Mrs Marion Bloom and I saw his eyes on my feet going out through the turning door he was looking when I looked back and I went there for tea 2 days after in the hope but he wasnt now how did that excite him because I was crossing them when we were in the other room first he meant the shoes that are too tight to walk in my hand is nice like
part he was pretty hot for all his tinny voice too my low notes he was always raving about if you can believe him I liked the way he used his mouth singing then he said wasnt it terrible to do that there in a place like that I dont see anything so terrible about it Ill tell him about that some day not now and surprise him ay and Ill take him there and show him the very place too we did it so now there you are like it or lump it he thinks nothing can happen without him knowing he hadnt an idea about my mother till we were engaged otherwise hed never have got me so cheap as he did he was lo times worse himself anyhow begging me to give him a tiny bit cut off my drawers that was the evening coming along Kenilworth square he kissed me in the eye of my glove and I had to take it off asking me questions is it
I was fuming with myself after for giving in only for I knew he was gone on me and the first socialist he said He was he annoyed me so much I couldnt put him into a temper still he knows a lot of mixedup things especially about the body and the inside I often wanted to study up that myself what we have inside us in that family physician I could always hear his voice talking when the room was crowded and watch him after that I pretended I had a coolness on with her over him because he used to be a bit on the jealous side whenever he asked who are you going to and I said over to Floey and he made me the present of Byron's poems and the three pairs of gloves so that finished that I could quite easily get him to make it up any time I know how Id even supposing he got in with her again and was going out to see her somewhere Id know if he refused to eat the onions I know plenty of ways ask him to tuck down the collar of my blouse or touch him with my veil and gloves on going out I kiss then would send them all spinning however alright well see then let him go to her she of course would only be too delighted to pretend shes mad in love with him that I wouldnt so much mind Id just go to her and ask her do you love him and look her square in the eyes she couldnt fool me but he might imagine he was and make a declaration to her with his plabbery kind of a manner like he did to me though I had the devils own job to get it out of him though I liked him for that it showed he could hold in and wasnt to be got for the asking he was on the pop of asking me too the night in the kitchen I was rolling the potato cake theres something I want to say to you only for I put him off letting on I was in a temper with my hands and arms full of pasty flour in any case I let out too much the night before talking of dreams so I didnt want to let him know more than was good for him she used to be always embracing me Josie whenever he was there meaning him of course glauming me over and when I said I washed up and down as far as possible asking me and did you wash possible the women are always egging on to that putting it on thick when hes there they know by his sly eye blinking a bit putting on the indifferent when they come out with something the kind he is what spoils him
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abcmerpaderp · 7 years
so i locked myself out of this account awhile back, and i realize i [mostly] come here when i’m at my lowest. at first it was a good idea for me to not remember my password so i wouldn’t be able to come back here an reread my old posts & whatnot. Now that i’ve regained access and start briefly looking back at my most recent posts, i cringe and couldnt even continue to scroll down anymore.
and so why did i feel the need to come back? the last time i wrote in here wasn’t even that long ago, it was at the end of winter quarter of my junior year.now i’m near the end of my fall quarter of my senior year, still within 2017 but for some reason i felt like so much has changed and i’ve faced some of the biggest difficulties within these past few months that broke me down to the core. i feel like the strong foundation i built myself from the winter quarter of my 1st year to now is completely shattered. i’ve been in a really vulnerable place these past few months and it’s been incredibly hard for me. it’s hard for me in that i feel the need / and have the only option of supporting myself -- with my job and the position i’m in, i’m expected to be a pro at counseling, a pro at mastering and encompassing all healthy habits of self-care, self-love; with what i study, there’s nothing else i should know better than mental health; and with everyone’s perception of me as the happy, optimistic person -- all of these makes it so hard for me to seek solace in others. 
and so with that, i became that same person that i started college with -- a person that kept everything to myself, because i felt embarrassed, ashamed, weak, and there’s nothing i hate more than being vulnerable and weak around so many successful, productive people. 
i don’t even know where to start because these past few months have been an emotional rollercoaster and me just digging deep and writing it all out isn’t going to be as easy as i thought:
1. my backpack was stolen
-- my backpack, which had everything valuable to me -- my laptop, my wallet, etc. was stolen during my second-to-last, yet most successful, thousand dollar event that i hosted and worked sleeplessly on. i was scared because all my shit was stolen, but i was also sad because my laptop, which costed my $780 (covered by a scholarship) had a lot of memories on it that i didn’t upload to an external source. now, this sounds toxic and unhealthy, but i’m a person that keeps all memory keep-sake things, even if some of them were related to past relationships/friendships. so, in that laptop, i had a lot of pictures from a brief, happy yet toxic period that i had with someone who’s important to me. i never uploaded the pictures onto any social media, and i never thought to use google photos, and now all those pictures/memories from those 4 months are gone. i think about it in that it’s a good thing because it was such a toxic period and i deserved better, but i woud still like to have those pictures with me. second point, my mom’s fortune teller knows this very well about me, but i’m a person that stresses day & night over finances. i’ve called my mom crying about the stress of college, LA, etc so much over these past 4 years. trust me, i know i’m lucky than others because essentially, in the end, i am and have had the opportunity to be in LA for the past 4 years, but there’s been a lot of emotional baggage/ guilt that i’ve felt knowing that my parents do everything [which may include lying] to give me the ease of being here -- every year, my dad would tell me about all the new cars that come out and asks me if i needed a car yet and that he’s been having enough/been prepared to get me a car and that i shouldnt worry about anything; he would ask me if i needed more money to spend, and if i did, he was just a few phone calls away; he would tell me that if i ever missed home, to just buy a plane ticket home regardless of the price. however, my parents know i’m hardheaded and they know that i refuse to use their money and all the money i’ve been using these past 4 years have been my own. it wasn’t until my laptop was gone that i had to ask my parents for help. everyone told me “just get a macbook, it’s worth it” yadiyaya, but bruh, if i could afford a macbook for the beginning of college, i probably would. i woul get a macbook in a heartbeat. when i hd to buy my second laptop, i bought a PC first because it was cheaper, and after my parents spent hours lecturing me, telling me to stop being cheap and stingy and hardheaded, that they said they would “lend” me money to just buy the most up-to-date apple laptop (of course, i didnt cus that shit is 1k+) idk, this is hard to explain in words but there was a lot of pain in the fact that i had to buy a new laptop because i was basically wasting 1000 that was unnecessary and stupid. it just broke my heart and it’s unfair because i’ve never never never stolen anyting from anyone; i’ve never stolen anything from a store, and i dont know what the fuck i did to deserve getting my backpack stolen. it just breaks my heart because im a firm believer of karma and as much as i do have anger for people, i never wish the worst for people. alot of things also spiraled from my backpack getting stolen. i lost my passport even though i was leaving the country in 6 weeks and bitch i needed my passport. so my passport was another $200 that i had to drop and a lot of traeling to the passport agency to have to deal with. idk there was a lot of bullshit tied to my backpack getting stolen and i was just at my lowest point and ready to go home for that quarter.
2. my grandpa passed away. and oh my god, i honestly don’t even know if i can write about this. yes, i know, people pass away -- it’s a part of life. but for me, it was just incredibly incredibly difficult and all the memories from that week were so vivid -- i was full of fear, sadness, regret, shame. it’s very hard for me to go into detail right now because it’s still very sensitive to me, but i just want to say i’m really grateful for my grandpa and all the things that he did for me when i was younger. he took care of me while my parents were at work, him and my grandma would take me to the bus to school. my grandpa knew no english what so ever, yet he bought me a fisher-price toy that had the alphabet, and i would press on each letter and it would tell me the letter and a word example for that letter; he bought me paper and pens to let me draw and practice my abcs; he bought AND MADE toys for me because my mom didn’t believe in buying us toys; and i never realized how important and relevant it is until now, but he was a preacher, he was a narrator, and he always, always talked about his history, his stories about Vietnam, and how how how important it was for kids to know history and for kids to go on with education. and look where i am, from high school to now, i’ve always been involved in SEA stuff and i never realized how much my grandpa played into that. and now, i teach others of the importance of knowing our parents/grandparents histories and teaching others how education for us allows us to uplift our community. there’s a lot more i have to say but him passing away was hard and continues to still be really, really hard for me. i cried probably every week in japan, and on his 30th day, i did praers in japan, i called my mom crying tell her what to tell him, i told jimmy what to tell him for me. i wished i could have been there for him, and i’m really really angry at myself that i couldn’t. and even when i couldnt be there for him, he still visited me while i was in japan. he told me even when i’m incredibly stressed, he told me that everything will be okay and that i’ll be able to get through it. i couldnt be there for him when he needed support the most, yet he’s still able to be loving and supportive enough to reassure me. gong gong, i’ll always hold my childhood memories with you deep and close to my heart.
3. a slap into reality -- me thinking i’ve been the best version of myself, the good and supportive friend to all my friends only to realize i’ve been nothing but full of myself and my own illusions; me realizing the terrible person that i actually have been and my lack of awareness and sensitivity to those around me. how tf am i a counselor if i can’t even be there for my friends? me wanting to be there for everyone, while also being scared to reach out and ask the hard questions or even taking the first step. this further led me to being more disappointed in myself -- not being there for my grandpa, not being there for my friends -- how can i say i want to help/support others when i’m the biggest culprit in hurting those around me? 
4. and then there’s me, being vulnerable, and letting others care for me only to realize that i should have never let anyone care for me in that sense to begin with; i’m better off carrying my own emotional baggage than letting someone know my emotional baggage, then disappearing and realizing that my baggage with them was just dumped into the dumpster. please do not let me open up to you, do not let me tell you about my insecurities, do not allow me to trust you, do not allow me to cry to you, do not let me do/share my happy things/activities with you if you’re not going to be in my life for the long run. (this has always been a problem for me, and i know ive been trying to work on it but it’s so hard) but one of my biggest flaws?? idek what to call it -- but one of my biggest things is that i don’t let myself be loved; i dont let others care for me or show me any affection. sure, maybe a piece of that has to do with the fact that i feel undeserving of love (i know, i know, i need to love myself and realize my worth yadiaya, but it ain’t easy) but it’s also because if i let you into my life, i’d do my best and exert all my energy to support you, make you happy, etc (even though, going back to point #3, i’m clearly not good at it). i put so much work into building a wall between me and the world, so please don’t make me tear down years of hard work for something/someone that is just only temporary. and if i start opening up to you, and you start seeing the emotional wreck that is my life (yeah i’m a wreck to others, but to mself, i’m a work in progress so w/e) and you can’t handle this beautiful mess, then just walk out as soon as possible. do not stay because you feel sorry or you feel the need to help me, because trust me, you’re only making things worse. i open up to others and let others in on the wreck of my life not because i expect others to fix me or help me, but to just have someone on the sidelines to cheer me on and be like girl, you is doing good making progress making a beautful work of art etc. it’s like how i love to support people at their dance competitions/sports games/drama or music performances because i know they worked hard on what they’re passionate about, and at the end of all their hardwork, they want to share with others the beautiful artwork that they’ve worked so hard on.  i dont got no talents (lmao) but something i’m struggliing with but still am working on is myself -- and you know at the end of the day, at each tiny milestone that i reach, it’s nice to know people are in the audience cheering me on or taking me out on breaks to rejuvenate myself so i dont overwork myself. so all in all, dont come into my life if youre not gonna stay for the long run. it’s too much energy on my part to break down my walls for others. but you know what, it’s okay because i’m getting better at goodbyes *cue Sam Smith -- Too Good at Goodbyes* <-- you dont know how many times i’ve listened to this && have cried to this bc it’s so good.
I know you're thinking I'm heartless I know you're thinking I'm cold I'm just protecting my innocence I'm just protecting my soul
I'm never gonna let you close to me Even though you mean the most to me 'Cause every time I open up, it hurts So I'm never gonna get too close to you Even when I mean the most to you In case you go and leave me in the dirt
I'm way too good at goodbyes
also, because of all of this, i don’t let anyone, not even my roommates or my closest friends, show any sort of affection/care/love towards me. period. those who are close to me know that i don’t like/do hugs, but it’s gotten worse after this. hugs trigger me. hugs are deceiving. they can feel so real and warm but leave you so cold the next moment. i shiver / sweat when people hug me because it reminds me of the times i get close to people and had to relearn time and time again that i’m not one to get affectiontely close to others. there were two instances where i was really out of it/sad and my roommate hugged me. at the moment of the hug, i felt nothing, but as soon as he let go, i went down this spiral and just started crying omgg; and then a second time with my other roommate, she hugged me so warmly, and i pushed her off and said “no, hugs trigger me please don’t” and i walked out of the room (lol). but i can’t explain this people so i gotta forcibly do the world’s most awkward hugs to everyone around me. but if i’m really close with you, i’ll hold your elbow -- thats my way of showing others im grateful for you in forms other than a hug. 
wow who knew writing could relieve so much. here’s to my roommates for giving me space and not questining me while im crying and typing on the sofa at 4 am. but here’s to hopefully being one step closer in getting over these rough mountains. 
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tumblunni · 7 years
I just made a membership on Storium and it looks SO EXCITING!!! Its a bit complicated and it seems my best bet might be to get some friends together and practise playing, but from what little i could learn from the vague tutorial it seems like it’d be pretty fun!
Basically its just like a writing prompts generator crossed with a roleplay forum? Like.. you work together to write a story that’s being generated by this computer. It gives you the setup and various prompts and rules and limitations to help give you ideas, and make it easier to write a collaborative project. The rules do look a bit complicated and scary tho. Also I dunno how many people you need to play a game? It would be good if you could play it with just two people! I have a lot of tumblr buddies who enjoy writing but not many of them know each other, lol. And it might be hard to think of a story that we’d all enjoy. Oh, but its really cool that they give you preset story ideas! There’s ‘worlds’ you can play in, like genre archetypes and setups that you can explore again and again with different characters to see how you could resolve it differently. There’s like ten general ones for free players, and apparantly 50 extra ones for kickstarter backers? And then they also come with like 20 sample characters per world! And they’re just summaries and a selection of stats and abilities, so you can interpret that character any way you want. I think thats the best sort of way to help fire up the ol inspiration, I mean I often suck at writing my own characters but I find it easier to make headcanons about a preexisting one. And the stat cards and stuff are so cool too! It means you’re very much restricted to keeping your character in-character by the rules of the game, and that you have to have a certain amount of strengths and weaknesses so everyone stays balanced. And reading through the stat cards can help give you inspiration when making a new character! But you can also create your own stat cards, and even play a game where everyone gets one wild card that they get to decide upon at any point during the game. A one shot chance to say you got character development in order to gain something necessary for the situation! or like ‘i always had this power and just kept it hidden’, or whatever. Thats a good way to spice things up! Oh and apparantly you cant do it in a free membership, but there are options to change the format of the story, and to let everyone take turns being the narrator instead of just having one guy be the DM. And all sorts of funky interesting stuff!! But I mean.. I could even see how you could have fun playing with just two people and one of them is the narrator. That could be cool if you’re like having a moment of no inspiration on one of your stories, you could get a friend to collab and help you decide what the character does next! I’m really excited, I hope this game lives up to my expectations!! And I hope I can find enough friends who can play and we could all work with a similar timezone and such.
And MAN I wanna try the classic cliche medieval fantasy example world first! Cos the list of characters contains like.. the villains too! I didnt even realise this game could have stuff like that!! You can play as a terrifying moss monster haunting a dungeon, and then everyone else tries to escape from you, I guess? XD Or actually if this monster character has to stick around in the plot for the whole thing, and they have to kinda travel together, maybe it could be like a story of the evil monster following these adventurers and trying to tempt them into evil or feed on their despair or just separate them and pick them off. And then everybody else is like.. they have to try and figure out that the monster is there, and figure out how to defeat it, even though the actual players would of course know right from the start. So they’d have to find an in-character way for the character to find out the stuff the player knows! OOO, or maybe it even actually COULD be a secret even to the players?? I wonder if that would be possible in this engine! like, one of the characters gets a blank character card, and the premise is that that person is the villain and everyone else has to figure out who they are. They take actions each turn but the actual identity of the character doing these villain things could be any of the heroes! (so somebody would be pulling double duty on the writing, lol) ... ...or maybe just a member of the hero group is a scary sentient moss monster. Charming and innocent mossman mcgee! The most heroic of us all!
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