#'tis the season for smut content creation challenge
fang-and-feather · 2 years
I'm Yours Tonight
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Rating: Explicit
Categories: F/M
Characters: Arthur Conan Doyle, Amy(OC)
Pairing: Arthur/OC
Words: 2,910
Prompt(s): Wearing nothing but a ribbon around the neck, from the "’tis the season for love" content creation challenge hosted by @xxsycamore and @voltage-vixen
Summary: For a Christmas gift, Arthur attempts to offer himself to his inexperienced girlfriend, with awkward but pleasing results.
First time writing for this fandom and I can’t claim to know enough about canon for characterization and background details to be more than my best guesses, but I wanted to write for something I knew less about and see how it would go. (although this is my first fic posted for this fandom but not the first written, I have another for a different challenge that I finished earlier but will post later)
Writing Christmas themed fics in January is a little awkward, but since I had already planned these last month...
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When Arthur told Amy he had a surprise for later, she didn’t know what to expect, but what she found in his room wasn’t anywhere close to anything she could have imagined.
First that he had added to the Christmas decorations they had put up together earlier that month, with especial emphasis on the tree in a corner. The lighting of the room came only from the decorations, creating a dim but warm atmosphere.
But the shock was finding Arthur, sitting on his bed, wearing nothing but a red and gold ribbon around his neck, like a wrapped Christmas gift. Something about that level or forwardness was a bit much, even coming from him. Especially considering someone else could have walked in on him instead.
The chance was small, but it could have happened.
Amy couldn’t say she didn’t appreciate the view, though.
“Should I be worried about what kind of game you’re playing at, Arthur?” She asked, locking the door behind her.
“Game? I am pretty serious, luv. I am your Christmas gift.”
She tried controlling her surprise at the bold declaration that she couldn’t put a meaning to. If it was a joke, she wasn’t falling for it. And if it wasn’t… she wasn’t about to tell him she didn’t understand the point.
“You’re trying to tell me you have forgotten to get me a gift, so you wrapped yourself in a ribbon and thought it would be enough to distract me from it?”
The question was more playful than serious. Although he had been busy enough with his writing the last few days, she was pretty aware of him sneaking out sometimes and was very confident as to why.
For someone good at finding things, Arthur wasn’t very good at hiding them. But she would play along for now.
Not for long, though. It was hard for her to concentrate on anything else and not let her eyes roam his indecently exposed body.
Indecent was the way her mind was wandering! What was that relationship turning her into?!
“Are you telling me you didn’t like the gift?” Arthur pretended to be hurt.
Amy chuckled, then casually approached the bed with a soft smile.
“Well, I find it a waste, being gifted something that I already own.”
For a moment, Arthur looked surprised, then a little embarrassed. Amy found that faint pink glow on his cheeks quite cute.
“Not like this, luv. I am gifting you my body tonight for you to do as you please.”
Amy’s cool facade totally shattered at that and she tried to retreat, shocked, but Arthur held both of her hands and gently pulled her to him, the two of them falling on the bed, with her on top.
“What do you…” Amy swallowed hard, feeling heat rushing to her cheeks. “What do you mean?”
“That I want to know what you’re truly like. What you would do to me, or what you would want me to do to you. You’re always so submissive and I wonder if you’re really that meek in bed or do you think that’s what I want from you? I want to know if there is a side of that adventurous and curious girl who knows what she wants and takes it, or even of the fierce, commanding one that is reserved just for me.”
He should know these various sides of her had different levels of heart to mind to them, didn’t he? An actress separated from her character. Things that she used for protection for so long she had difficulty shutting down, even in front of her family.
Calling her fierce and commanding, for example… she had acted like that towards him one time and it was because she thought he was exaggerating in his teasing toward her younger sister.
As for adventurer and curious, these were part of her core but, only when it came to things that only involved her, or that she knew wouldn’t bother people. But sex was about the two of them, and she was afraid of doing something he didn’t like, asking something weird or even hurting him.
The last part was less likely, but she didn’t know what was there to explore and where it would take her once she started.
Which brought her to the fact she knew next to nothing about the art of physical love. Not for lack of some of her friends attempting to teach her, but lack of interest. Amy always thought it wasn’t something you could or should learn with books, only with people, but she had never been truly interested in people. Sex wasn’t a Friday night game you invited the first handsome strange around to play. It wasn’t just about the physical pleasure, but about love.
And Arthur had been the first person she ever had romantic feelings for. The only one she ever desired in such a way.
She had no idea what she was doing, so she followed his lead and tried to learn. Although he was cool and even teasing at the moment, was he disappointed?
But doing what he was expecting was not only embarrassing, but also felt like a dance she didn’t know the steps of.
Although, if she went with that analogy, maybe the advice of going at it with your heart and body rather than your head also applied.
“Amy?” A warm hand on her cheek brought her back to reality.
There was Arthur, looking up at her with love and concern while she completely ignored him.
“Sorry.” Amy muttered.
“No. I’m sorry. I thought this would be fun, but I pressured you without talking to you first. If you don’t want to do this…”
“That’s not it.” But Amy couldn’t bring herself to explain herself to him right away. She needed to. After all, a good relationship was made of communication and honesty, but maybe some other time. At the moment, she wanted to find something she could give him for the night. “I just… you know I’m new to this. But it’s not right that I only take from you without giving anything in return.”
“I am the one always taking from you. That’s why I wanted to give you a little something tonight.”
“I thought you wanted to see if I could be the kind of girl you wanted.” She pouted, pretending to be offended.
“I wouldn’t be offering myself to you as a gift only for that. Although I want to find out. Teach you something new and see what you can do.”
Feeling a little more comfortable, Amy kissed him, licking his lips until he chuckled and granted her access. Her tongue explored his mouth, tasting him, his own tongue sometimes teasing her. Usually it was the other way around, so this was a bit strange, but not in a bad way. While they kissed, she rubbed her clothed body against his naked one, stifling a moan at the indirect contact, but continuing the motion, pleased to feel his cock hardening under her, until she heard him moan. Then she pulled back. Both of them were panting, so it was hard for her to tell if she’d heard or imagined a soft whimper.
“If you want to give me something, why don’t you give me a show?”
Despite her confident tone, he probably could see how embarrassed she was, considering how hot she felt, and not all of it in the sexy way.
Maybe this was her way to stall for time while she thought of something else, while improving instead of ruining the mood, but it worked for both of them, right?
“Isn’t it better for me than it is for you?” Arthur teased, but as she got off him, he scooted back towards the other end of the back.
“Depends on how entertained you keep me, right?”
Not like she could keep her attention on anything but him.
That earned a short laugh from him.
“Are you challenging me, luv?”
She didn’t answer, just watched how his first movements were hesitant. Between the amount of hookups he had when she met him, and then her, he probably hadn’t done something like that in a while. 
Arthur quickly settled in a slow, almost teasing rhythm. Amy observed how his hand tensed and relaxed, changing pressure, and how his fingers teased the head of his cock every few strokes.
The sight and the low noises he was making were making her feel a little too hot, inside and out. She wanted nothing more than to reach for him and finish the work herself, lick and suck him off… a rare mood since she was always hesitant of giving him a blowjob since the embarrassment that was her first time.
Everything you learned was based on practice, but, in this case, Amy thought her boyfriend shouldn’t be subjected to her poor attempts at practice.
Instead, she started undoing the buttons of her shirt, smirking as she noticed his eyes tracking the movement.
Stopping before showing too much, she crawled closer and watched Arthur spread his legs for her to settle between them. Their eyes met and she winked, before returning her attention back to how he touched himself, especially how he paused at times, not to finish too early. This gave her pause. Wasn’t it painful? Why would he do it?
Reaching out, she wrapped a hand over his, loose enough for him to keep moving at will, and Arthur’s eyes widened, movements coming to a halt.
She sent him a confident smile, although inside she felt anything but. Evident by how low her voice came out next.
“Teach me?”
“There is my naughty girl. It will be my pleasure.”
Amy was sure she was red enough by now to combust at any moment, so she avoided Arthur’s eyes by observing him, now going for a little faster movement but without too much pressure that she tried to keep up with.
Intent on learning but, at the same time, actually helping him, her other hand reached tentatively to his balls, fondling one of them with careful movements.
Delighted at how his moans changed tune, she tentatively squeezed a little, gaining a rather louder moan.
“You learn fast, don’t you?” He commented between panting breaths, followed by another louder moan.
Amy felt him twitch under their combined touch and she made a final decision, letting go of his hand to hold his pulse instead, rubbing her thumb on the inside.
“I would rather not have a mess to clean later.” Amy tried to explain. Arthur looked surprised, but then just smiled at her and let go of his cock.
Adjusting her position, Amy laid down in front of him, propping herself up in one arm and immediately taking as much of him as she could in her mouth, while her other hand still teased his balls.
One of his hands was at the back of her head, but he didn’t try to push her to his pace. It didn’t take long for him to come after so much teasing. This time Arthur held her down, clearly trying hard not to thrust into her mouth by the way his body shook with the impact of the orgasm, that was pulling even more intense reactions from him than usual and Amy kept sucking and touching him until he let go, exhausted.
“Are you okay?” She sat up and looked him over. There was a flush to his entire body, also glistening with sweat as he laid there, panting. Amy was a little concerned they had pushed it too far, but couldn’t help but find the sight of him like that quite hot. From their usual positions, she never got to admire him like that. “Did I overdo it “
“No.” Arthur managed a breathy laugh. “It was great. But I should be the one pleasing you tonight.”
“Well, you told me I could do anything I wanted to you. But now, why don’t you return the favor?”
Despite still feeling a little embarrassed, especially at him seeing how wet she was, Amy quickly discarded her clothes before sitting back and motioning him to join her. To her surprise, Arthur smiled and made no mention of moving, gesturing her over instead.
“Come here.” Curious, she crawled until she was almost sitting on his chest, but he adjusted her legs so she was hovering right above his face instead. “So wet and ready for me. And I didn’t even touch you yet.” He muttered, warm breath causing goosebumps on her skin and she squirmed a bit. “Your scent drives me crazy. I am so tempted to bite you right now.”
“Latter.” Amy moaned when he pulled her closer, giving her a long, hard lick. “If you behave.”
“Behave, uh? That depends on how you want me to behave. Can I devour you at least?”
“Isn’t that what I asked you for?”
A soft kiss to her clit was followed by a teasing lick with the tip of his tongue, before he tried more kisses down towards her entrance. Amy held on the headboard for purchase, lowering her body closer to his face, careful of him having enough room to breathe and positioned her body - not without struggling a little to find the best position, so he would focus only on her clit for the moment.
Although she loved to watch him pleasing her like that, there was something powerful about that position that was clearly making her bolder.
She was rewarded with firmer licks and kisses and light sucks that made her shudder and grind a little against him.
When Amy found herself closer to orgasm she would move, so he was at her entrance instead. She never got really used to the feeling of his tongue penetrating her, but she didn’t hate it. It was just strange the way the flexible appendage moved.
His hands explored her ass and hips, but Arthur seemed to avoid the spots he knew were the most sensitive. Was he trying to delay her orgasm, too? Or was he trying to be only mildly respectful because she didn’t ask to be further stimulated?
After switching positions a couple more times, Amy’s legs were almost giving up from underneath her, so she decided to finish it. Gathering a little more strength, she pushed her body up and out of his reach.
“Arthur…” she called, hesitantly.
“Yes, luv?”
Amy swallowed hard and took a deep breath before finding her voice to continue.
“Bite me.”
It was more of a plea than an order, but that was the best she would manage for now.
“Since you’re asking so nicely…” he teased.
Arthur kissed a path up her inner thigh, as further up as there was room for him in that position, before sinking his fangs into her flesh.
Amy barely felt the needle-like pain anymore, and the rush of pleasure was always more intense when she was so aroused already. Her moan came out loud enough to be a cry instead, and she was surprised that she didn’t come right away.
Having been holding back all this time, it looked like Arthur was even more thirsty than usual by the greedy way he drank her blood.
The time when she would have laughed at anyone suggesting she would ever be so euphoric at being bitten by a vampire was long gone. Now a part of her craved sharing herself with her beloved in such a manner.
So maybe she could learn to change her view on her other desires for him too, and, someday, these fears and insecurities would be a thing of the past too.
“Arthur…” Her voice still sounded pleading. She needed him to finish what he had started already, and fast.
“The taste of you combined like this is my favorite.” He placed a few more kisses on her tight before moving to resume his previous task.
Amy didn’t resist when he adjusted her body, tongue fucking her, a hand supporting her back and the other stimulating her clit. She didn’t last even a minute before the explosive orgasm that almost caused her to collapse on top of him, but Arthur guided her more gently to sit on his chest instead, lapping and sucking at her, fingers still stimulating her sensitive nub until her orgasm died down.
He was the one who had to help maneuver her to lie by his side or she would have collapsed on the spot.
“I told you this would be fun.”
His voice was teasing, but his gaze and smile were so tender that Amy knew immediately that she regretted nothing. Every awkwardness and embarrassment was worth it if it made the man she loved happy.
“If you think so, that’s all I need.” Amy whispered, snuggling into his chest. “Sorry I’m tired and we can’t…”
Finish, she would say, but stopped when he kissed her forehead.
“We don’t need to. There are no rules for us to make love except that it makes both of us happy. But if you wake up later, feeling rested and craving me, I’ll be happy to indulge you.”
“Who knows? It is Christmas and I usually would be awake, anyway.” Although a little weary, Amy pulled back to look at him. “Merry Christmas, Arthur. I love you.”
“Love you too, Amy.” He kissed her on the lips this time. A deep but gentle kiss. “Merry Christmas.”
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Writing on my phone is so annoying. Sometimes I press wrong letters without noticing and make typos that both me and the grammar checker miss on editing...
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xxsycamore · 2 years
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'𝗧𝗶𝘀 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 Content Creation Challenge ❄🎅🏻
After 'Tis the season for smut & 'Tis the season for smut 2.0, I joined @voltage-vixen and we present you with a revamped third installment of our favorite winter holiday themed challenge!
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The challenge starts today, November 23rd, and ends on January 14th. Check the rules below for additional information!
Targeted fandoms: Ikemen Series, Voltage Games, Tears of Themis, MLQC, Obey me!, Mystic Messenger, Genshin Impact. All mobile & console otomes as well as other anime and game fandoms are also encouraged and welcomed to join!
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███  RULES:
One prompt list is consisting of fluff prompts, and the other of smut prompts! Minors DNI with the second list, please!
Starting from the day this post goes live, November 23rd, you can begin creating and posting your fandom works (fanfiction, fanart, headcanons, etc) following the prompts in the two lists.
You can combine prompts for the same list or from both lists. You don't have to follow the order of the prompts. You can create as few or as many works you want to! There are no fixed dates for this event, but for those of you who like to post daily, you can do it like a countdown until Christmas day! AUs are allowed. Suitor x Suitor, Suitor x MC, Suitor x OC, Suitor x NPC are all allowed. You can use the gif banner at the top of the post if you'd like to!
Tags for the event will include #’tis the season for love & #’tis the season for love content creation challenge . Additionally, please tag both of us hosts ( @xxsycamore & @voltage-vixen ) in your creations so that we can see and reblog them.
Kristen (voltage-vixen) will be making a masterlist featuring all contributors and their works shortly after the day that marks the end of the challenge, January 14th. A reblog from her means that your work is successfully added to the masterlist. If you suspect that your work went unnoticed or is not on the masterlist when it's posted, don't hesitate to contact either of us!
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Both our DMs are open for your questions, and you can also send an ask here on my blog, where other people who might have the same question will be able to get their answers too. We'd love to help!
Happy Holidays to these who are celebrating and to everyone else I hope you have some good time during this time of the year ❤ We can't wait to see your works inspired by the challenge! Happy creating, everyone!
Under the cut you'll find both lists typed out for your convenience 🔽
Starting with preparations way too early
Sipping hot chocolate and then stealing a kiss
"Okay, maybe I DO need help putting the star on top of the tree."
"This gingerbread house just WON'T stay up!"
Sharing a scarf
"I said that I'd teach you how to ice skate, I didn't say that I know how to ice skate."
Forced to wear an ugly Christmas sweater
Being the MC/LI's fake date for a Christmas party/ball
Surprising their partner in the morning with a new pet underneath the Christmas tree
"Those clichéd traditions are exciting for me, now that I have you."
Warming up together after a snowball fight
Wearing nothing but a ribbon around the neck
Fun under the blanket
Bodies roasting by the open fire
"A kiss under the mistletoe doesn't have to be where we stop."
"What are we going to do until the storm passes?"
"I've decided I don't want to be on the nice list this Christmas."
Sleigh ride your partner into a holiday bliss
Christmas treats sugar rush
"Actually, there is one more thing on my wish list."
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aquagirl1978 · 2 years
For the characters I would like to see written by you cause I can not get enough of them from IkeVamp Jean Ikeprince Luke Ikesen Kennyo Ikerev Harr whetever fluff or smuts totally up to you you write them both wonderfully 😉 If I have to choice these characters inspire fluff Thank you for this anazing opportunity I can not wait to see all your creations 😍😍 Have a wonderful day 😉
Hi Julie, thank you for this request - I couldn't decide which suitors to write for, so I wrote some headcanons for them all. Hope you enjoy. And Happy early Birthday to Jean!
Part of the 'Tis the Season for Love Content Creator Challenge hosted by @voltage-vixen and @xxsycamore - prompt: sipping hot chocolate and then stealing a kiss
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Jean d'Arc
It was a particularly cold day; even sitting by the fire in the mansion didn't do much to warm you.
Jean noticed you were shivering and wrapped you in his arms. You gazed into his violet eyes and had a better idea.
You took him by the hand and led him to the kitchen. "You didn't want to cuddle?" he asked?
"Let's make some hot chocolate together."
Jean looked at you funny.
"Jean...have you never had hot chocolate before?"
He blinked at you. "Hot...chocolate?"
Oh boy.
You started to pull out the ingredients, grateful that Sebastian kept a well stocked kitchen.
You showed Jean how to whisk the cocoa powder into the warm milk, placing your hand over his when he began to whisk the milk to a near pulp.
"Slow down, Jean. Like this." Your fingers grazed his, the warmth from the stove much needed and comforting.
You remained behind him, wrapping your free arm around his waist in a tender embrace, recalling memories of your youth and how your mother would make this same recipe for you on cold winter days.
When the drink was done, you poured it into two mugs and brought it back to the salon where the fire was still roaring.
Bringing your mug to your lips, you lightly blew on the beverage. Jean watched you, and followed in your steps.
"Gentle...you don't want to spill your drink," you warned him.
Jean waited for you to take the first sip. Bringing the mug to his mouth he took a small sip. "How do you like it?"
"It's hot," he replied with a small smile. "It's good."
He then stole a quick kiss leaving a smile on your lips.
"You had some on your mouth," he said. "It tastes better from your lips," he added, taking another sip from his mug.
Luke Randolph
Luke firmly held your hand, his large hand warm on this cold day, as you both walked through the winter markets.
"I'm running low on my favorite honey and I was hoping to find the stand here that sold it," he said, craning his neck searching for his favorite shop.
You smiled, knowing how much your bear loved his honey. You kept an eye out too as you passed stalls selling scarves and hats and cakes and teas.
But no honey in sight.
"Mhmm, that smells good," Luke announced.
You took in a deep breath, the scent of warm chocolate filling your lungs. "Care to take a break and grab a beverage?"
"Sounds great," he replied, leading you to take source of the delicious scent.
You soon found the source of the scent - a cart selling piping hot mugs of hot chocolate.
After the merchant handed you each a mug, you took a moment to breathe in the rich chocolate aroma.
Luke quickly took a large gulp from his drink. "It's not honey, but it's sweet." He smiled at you as you both savored the warm drink in silence.
After you both drained your mugs, you continued on your search for honey. But you did not have far to go.
"Luke, look!" you called out, spotting the sweet and sticky substance nestled not far from the hot chocolate stand.
Luke's grass green eyes widened as he stopped in his tracks. He turned to you and gave you a quick kiss.
"What was that for?" you asked, surprised.
"If you hadn't suggested stopping for hot chocolate, we might not have found the honey. So thank you."
Luke stole one final kiss before heading towards the jars of honey. "The honey might be sweet, but you are sweeter."
Harr Silver
Harr and Loki had been out all afternoon by the lake catching fish for dinner.
It was a chilly, winter day and you wanted to surprise them with a treat. You thought there would be nothing sweeter than to return home to a fresh pot of hot chocolate.
After gathering all the ingredients, you happily brewed the drink, excited to surprise them with the treat.
Loki bounced through the door first. He gave a quick wave and mumbled something about needing to check something in his room.
Harr soon followed after, carrying a small basket of fish. Smiling, you greeted him and took the basket from him to bring into the kitchen.
When you returned, you were carrying two cups of hot chocolate, the steam still rising from the top.
"I thought you'd like something hot after spending the afternoon out in the cold," you said, handing him a mug.
Harr smiled softly at you, quietly thanking you. "This is quite good," he commented, after taking a sip.
"I only wish Loki had stayed to join us." You had grown use to the family unit the three of you created since moving into the treehouse. While you appreciated alone time with Harr, you also enjoyed spending time with Loki as well.
Harr's eyes narrowed, his silver gaze darkening. "I must disagree."
A slight flush crept on your cheeks, a soft smile spread on your lips.
Harr leaned over and kissed you, his lips sweet from the hot chocolate. "I will never turn down the opportunity to spend time alone with you," he whispered.
"Have you ever had hot chocolate?" you asked Kennyo as you walked hand in hand down the modern day streets of Japan.
Having traveled through the wormhole to present time, Kennyo was like a fish out of water, much like you were when you first traveled through the wormhole to the Sengoku period.
You had wanted Kennyo to experience all of your favorite things while you were here. When you passed by the cafe, the familiar aroma of warm chocolate wafting through the air, you suddenly felt a craving for the hot beverage on this winter day.
It felt good to come inside from the chilly wind and quickly found a spot in a secluded corner.
You ordered the drinks - plain, no whipped cream or marshmallow so that the pure chocolate taste could be appreciated.
Kennyo smiled as you passed him the beverage, his finger grazing yours, lingering longer than it should.
Taking a sip, the chocolate was sweet on your tongue, its warmth easing the winter chill in your bones.
Peering over the rim of your mug, you were curious if Kennyo was enjoying it.
"I like it," he replied with a small smile. "But next time," he said gesturing to the other patrons in the cafe, "I want that fluffy stuff and toppings on mine like they're having."
Giggling, you stole a kiss from him, his lips warm and sweet, happy to experience all your favorite things with the man you loved.
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voltage-vixen · 2 years
‘Tis the Season for Love Content Creation Challenge Masterlist
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Here’s the Masterlist from @xxsycamore’s and mine ‘Tis the Season for Smut Challenge! The featured content includes an assortment of creations, and includes works from the following fandoms:
Cybird    >Ikemen Prince    >Ikemen Vampire    >Ikemen Sengoku    >Ikemen Revolution Genius    >My Secret Spy Lovers Genshin Impact Mystic Messenger Obey Me Twisted Wonderland Voltage    >Ayakashi Romance Reborn    >Court of Darkness    >Destind: Mr. Almost Right    >Kings of Paradise    >Oops! I Said Yes?!    >Star-Crossed Myth
 A 🎨 next to a creation indicates it is artwork.
*Please be advised that some of the content created for this challenge contains NSFW content and to respect the creator’s warnings and labels while also reading at your own risk.
The Fluff Prompts
Starting with preparations way too early
Ikemen Vampire
One More Christmas With You: Comte de Saint Germain x MC  @xxsycamore
Star-Crossed Myth
Recovering My Star’s Shine: Zyglavis x OC  @fang-and-feather
Sipping hot chocolate and then stealing a kiss
Ikemen Prince
Right Here: Clavis Lelouch x f!Reader  @scorchieart
Sipping Hot Chocolate and then Stealing a Kiss: Leon Dompteur x Reader  @violettduchess
Sipping Hot Cholate and Stealing a Kiss: Luke Randolph x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Ikemen Revolution
Sipping Hot Cholate and Stealing a Kiss: Harr Silver x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Ikemen Senogku
Sipping Hot Cholate and Stealing a Kiss: Kennyo x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Ikemen Vampire
Sipping Hot Cholate and Stealing a Kiss: Jean d’Arc x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Ayakashi Romance Reborn
Like You as You Are:  Shizuki x MC  @lost-khione
Sweet Drink: Koga x MC  @lost-khione
Oops! I Said Yes?!
Cocoa Kisses: Shu Hasunuma x f!MC  @voltage-vixen
“Okay, maybe I DO need help putting the star on top of the tree.”
Ikemen Prince
A Little Bit Short: Yves Kloss x Reader  @myonlyjknight
Make Me Reach for the Stars: Yves Kloss x MC  @xxsycamore
My Shining Star: Gilbert Von Obsidian x Reader  @aquagirl1978
“Okay, maybe I DO need help putting the star on top of the tree.”: Chevalier Michel x Reader  @violettduchess
“This gingerbread house just WON’T stay up!”
Ikemen Prince
A Chaotic Christmas: All princes, Emma, and OC in a platonic grouping  @myonlyjknight
A Sweet Moment: Yves Kloss x OC  @fang-and-feather
Ikemen Revolution
“This gingerbread house just WON’T stay up!”: Harr, Loki, and OC in a platonic grouping  🎨    @krys-loves-otome
Sharing a scarf
Ikemen Prince
Scarf Sharing: Leon Dompteur x Reader @violettduchess
The Scarf: Licht Klein x Reader  @myonlyjknight
Warmth: Gilbert Von Obsidian x OC  @gilbertvonobsidian
Ikemen Sengoku
A Warm Winter Day: Kicho x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Sharing a Scarf: Kennyo x OC 🎨   @krys-loves-otome
Ikemen Vampire
Attention On Me!: Napoleon Bonaparte x MC  @xxsycamore
Mystic Messenger
Snuggles in the Snowfall: Jumin Han x f!MC  @voltage-vixen
“I said that I’d teach you how to ice skate, I didn’t say that I know how to ice skate.”
Ikemen Prince
Ice Skating: Clavis Lelouch x Reader  @violettduchess
Kings of Paradise
“I said that I’d teach you how to ice skate, I didn’t say that I know how to ice skate.”: Yosuke Sagara x OC 🎨  @cupidocherie
Forced to wear an ugly Christmas sweater
Ikemen Prince
An Uncanny Resemblance:  Silvio Ricci x MC/Emma  @midwinterrmemento
The Ugly Sweater Party: Silvio Ricci x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Ikemen Vampire
Our Ugly Getalong Christmas Sweater Party: All residents of Comte’s mansion in a platonic pairing  @xxsycamore
Being the MC/LI’s fake date for a Christmas party/ball
Ikemen Prince
Fake Date: Nokto Klein x OC 🎨  @krys-loves-otome
Mine For a Christmas Night: Jin Grandet x Reader  @xxsycamore
What a Difference a Year Makes - Chevalier Michel x Reader  @aquagirl1978
My Secret Spy Lovers
My Rescuer: Masamune Araki x Reader  @ikemen-prince-writers-posts
Ayakashi Romance Reborn
Dancing Between Emotions: Toichiro/OC   @fang-and-feather
Surprising their partner in the morning with a new pet underneath the Christmas tree
Ikemen Vampire
Birds Of A Feather: Dazai Osamu x MC   @xxsycamore
Court of Darkness
Puppy Love: Toa Qelsum x MC   @chirp-a-chirp
Destind: Mr. Almost Right
The Gift of Family: Rei Rindoh x f!MC  @voltage-vixen
“Those clichéd traditions are exciting for me, now that I have you.”
Obey Me
It’s A Wonderful Life: Diavolo x gn!MC  @chirp-a-chirp
Twisted Wonderland
Traditions: Malleus Draconia x Reader  @ikemen-prince-writers-posts
Ayakashi Romance Reborn
First Shrine Visit: Gaku x Futaba  @lost-khione
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The Smut Prompts
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Warming up together after a snowball fight
Ikemen Prince
Warming Up Together After A Snowball Fight: Chevalier Michel x MC @ludivineikewolf
Genshin Impact
The Winnings of War: Childe x f!Traveler  @voltage-vixen
Wearing nothing but a ribbon around the neck
Ikemen Prince
A Kitten for Christmas: Sariel Noir x Reader @norel-ravenclaw
Ikemen Vampire
I’m Yours Tonight: Arthur Conan Doyle x OC  @fang-and-feather
Fun under the blanket
Ikemen Revolution
Fun Under the Blanket: Fenrir Godspeed x MC  @ludivineikewolf
Ikemen Vampire
Another New Year: Napoleon Bonaparte x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Bodies roasting by the open fire
Ikemen Prince
Bodies Roasting By An Open Fire: Clavis Lelouch x MC  @ludivineikewolf
Ikemen Sengoku
Warlord Roasting By An Open Fire: Nobunaga Oda x f!MC  @voltage-vixen
“A kiss under the mistletoe doesn’t have to be where we stop.”
Ikemen Prince
Don’t Stop: Jin Grandet x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Insatiable Cravings: Silvio Ricci x Reader  @ikemen-prince-writers-posts
Ikemen Revolution
Mistletoe Not Require: Zero x f!Reader  @chaosangel767
Court of Darkness
Nothing Else to Compare: Roy Invidia x MC  @chirp-a-chirp
Star-Crossed Myth
Sweet Heat: Zyglavis x OC   @fang-and-feather
“I’ve decided I don’t want to be on the nice list this Christmas.”
Ikemen Revolution
Dalim, Baby: Dalim Tweedle x f!Alice  @voltage-vixen
Ikemen Vampire
The Gift of Your Touch: Issac Newton x OC  @fang-and-feather
“Actually, there is one more thing on my wish list.”
Ikemen Vampire
A Joyful Wish: Charles-Henri Sanson x Reader  @aquagirl1978
“Actually, there is one more thing on my wish list.”: Vincent va Goh x OC 🎨  @krys-loves-otome
Obey Me
A Wish Come True: Diavolo x f!MC  @voltage-vixen
“Those clichéd traditions are exciting for me, now that I have you.”
Ikemen Prince
Yours For A New Year’s Morning: Jin Grandet x Reader   @xxsycamore
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chaosangel767 · 3 years
Dec. 15 for Chevalier pls
Here you go Darling ^-^ I had way too much fun thinking this one up.
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Day 15: Late Night Candy Canes
Prompt: “That candy cane won’t be the only thing you are going to be sucking tonight.”
Fandom: Ikemen Prince
Type of One-shot: NSFW - @voltage-vixen Tis the Season for Smut
Pairing: Chevalier x F!Reader
Warnings: oral (male receiving), petting, handjob, cum swallowing, fingering, multiple orgasms, vaginal penetration, slight impact play, hair pulling, riding, creampie
WC: 935
Asked for by: anon
Tagging: @toloveawarlord, @thewitchofbooks, @queen-dahlia. @sarahann-1984, @rhodolitesrose, @themysticalbeing, @kpop-and-otome, @2d-pocky @tele86 -If your name is crossed out I was unable to tag you. If you want to be tagged/untagged please let me know or fill out this form here.
The only sound you can hear is the crackling of the fireplace and the occasional turning of pages. It is beyond midnight, but without your lover you haven’t been able to sleep. You let out a soft sigh, finishing your fourth book that week and pick up another. Your reading habits haven't been this bad since you worked at the bookstore. You unwrap a candy cane and slip it in your mouth, absentmindedly kicking your legs as you read.
“You shouldn’t let your guard down so easily.” The voice elicits a gasp from you, startling you as you look up to see the King giving you an icy glare.
"Chevalier," You gasp, shutting your book and jumping up to hug him. You hear him snort, but after a minute his arms wrap around you and he squeezes you tight against him.
"Shouldn't you be sleeping?” He asks as you reluctantly let go. You both sit on the sofa and you snuggle into his side, your head resting near his lap.
“I couldn't sleep, so I decided to read," you explain, shivering as you feel his fingers brush your hair from your face. A comfortable silence falls between the two of you. Both of you are reading, and you suck on the candy cane, enjoying Chevalier's fingers trailing along your stomach and hips.
You are aware of his gaze on yours as you swirl your tongue over the candy cane, turning the page. Heat flushes your body under his gaze, his hand moving closer towards your breast.
“That candy cane won't be the only thing that you are going to be sucking tonight.” He growls, his hand pinching your nipple through your nightgown, eliciting a cry. Desire starts to pool in your core, longing finally affecting you after your time apart. You rest your candy cane on a plate, reaching up to his face to kiss him.
Your book long forgotten, you bring your hand to his pants, palming his erection through his pants as his tongue explores your lips. You slide down his body, kneeling on the couch. You unzip his pants with your teeth, feeling his hand play with your core through your underwear. Freeing his erection, you tease the tip with your tongue, feeling the King spank your ass until you finally take him in your mouth.
You take him all the way back, hollowing your cheeks to create a suction and drawing a low growl from the King's lips. His hand smooths over your ass pulling down your underwear and slipping a finger into your core.
“Fuck Belle, you are so wet" He slowly thrusts his finger and you hum around his cock, taking him back as for as you can.
You use your hands to stroke his length as you come up for a breath, enjoying the lightheaded, heart racing sensations. He adds a second finger, hissing as your tongue teases the vein under his head and he thrusts harder. Your moans vibrate his cock, your steady ministrations driving him closer. His free hand laces in your hair, as his thighs tense. With a husky growl of your name he shoves your head down, and you take him back all the way, letting him cum down your throat.
"Good girl Belle, swallow it all and open your mouth." He commands and you look up, showing him mouth, moaning when he adds a thumb to your clit.
“Chev -” you start, but it ends in a moan as he yanks on your hair, bringing your gaze to his.
“Keep your eyes on me, I want to watch you cum” He commands, keeping his grip firm on your hair. A silent "Yes my King” leaves your lips as you focus on his eyes. The pressure on your clit increases and a third finger is added to your core and you curl your toes struggling to keep your eyes focused as your pleasure builds. You whimper, a smirk forming on Chevalier’s lips.
“Chevalier!” you cry, your orgasm flooding your body and your eyes roll back as your body clenches his fingers making a mess all over them.
“Come here Belle'' Chevalier barely gives you any time to calm down, instead helping you straddle his waist. You meet his lips in a passionate kiss as you sink onto his cock, taking him in one smooth motion. You dig your fingers into his shoulder, stilling and adjusting to the feeling of him inside you.
Chevalier gets impatient, fingers finding your hips as he takes over guiding you, his hips rock into yours, setting a rough relentless pace. You keep your forehead pressed to his, eyes drifting down. You are entranced watching his cock thrust into you, his thighs working and your legs trembling. You can feel the pleasure building in your core, your nails digging into his shoulders as you bounce, scraping nice red lines into his skin. Your climax hits you out of nowhere, shock waves rippling through every nerve as you cry out his name.
The clenching of your cunt rips the orgasm out of Chevalier with a gowl. He pulls you down on cock, filling you to the brim as he spills his seed. The warm ropes of cum hit your walls and you whine as you feel his cock pulse inside you. You rest against him as he adjusts his grip, making no move to pull out of you. Chevalier opens a book while you rest your head on his shoulder and wrap your arms around his chest, slowly starting to drift off.
"I missed you,” you mumble, his scent putting you to sleep before your brain can process anything else.
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tanzen-neko · 3 years
Santa’s Little Helper (Shaw x MC)
Here is my Dec 14th entry for @voltage-vixen’s “Tis the Season for Smut 2.0″ Challenge. And I made it on time! Christmas miracle. Thanks to the ever awesome @voltage-vixen for the challenge. Hope you all enjoy!
Santa’s Little Helper (Shaw x MC)
Tis the Season for Smut Challenge- Dec 14th:  “Why sit on Santa’s lap when you can sit on mine?”
Warnings: Semi-public sex, fingering, improper(?) use of evol (Full disclosure, I know nothing about electric sex toys. I just know they exist.)
“C’mon. Are you done yet or what?” Shaw’s irritated voice grated on your ears. Why or why had you asked him to come Christmas shopping with you? Was it because you kept canceling plans with him? No, that couldn’t be it. Shaw was notorious for texting you 20 minutes before whatever… activity you two had scheduled. And he never gave reasons! At least you were decent enough to explain why you couldn’t make it to a live that night, or the reason you couldn’t eat your weight in ramen. But Shaw was never that considerate. It was usually just a “change of plans. Contact you later” text. I mean, who was supposed to not worry with something like that?! You stomped your foot, before realizing you were in public. Hoping that your internal tantrum had gone unnoticed, you quickly shot a look around the mall. Luckily, none of the other last minute shoppers had seen your outburst. Shaw’s amused chuckle, however, alerted you to the fact that he had seen it all. Well, whatever. He should see it since he was the one who caused it. So instead of apologizing for your aggression, you tilted your nose up and headed to a rather garish and cluttered jewelry store. Kitty’s Corner was displayed proudly, the smell of bubblegum hitting your nose before you entered the store. It seemed like everything in sight was either pink or frilly, sales clerk included. She flashed you a bright smile as she twirled her curly pink locks. You smiled back at her, and held back a sigh. You didn’t really want to shop here, but it would be rude to leave when you just entered. It was all Shaw’s fault! So you forced yourself to browse the shelves, not really seeing anything that caught your eye until you hit a small display case near Hello Kitty charms and rings. There was a rather tame silver bracelet with delicate lavender gemstones studded along the top nestled on top of a white pillow. Shifting your bags to one arm, you ran your fingers gently along it.
“The stones are the same color as Shaw’s hair,” you thought absentmindedly, feeling a wave of affection for the annoying man. You flipped the bracelet over to check for the price tag. Oh. You immediately set it down. No amount of affection was worth that price tag. You turned around to search for Shaw. He was standing by the edge of the entrance as if he would burst into flames if he entered the store. He had his phone out, a small smirk at whatever he was looking at. It still blew your mind sometimes that he was related to Gavin.Though they shared the same striking amber eyes, Gavin’s face was ruggedly handsome while Shaw’s held a hint of boyish charm. Gavin was thick and sturdy, while Shaw’s form was lithe and slender. And don’t get started on their personalities. Given how stoic Gavin was, it was still quite easy to call him a dear and close friend. You wouldn’t dare to call Shaw an acquaintance on the best of days. He must have felt your prolonged gaze because he suddenly looked up. Feeling embarrassed at having been caught checking him out, you quickly averted your eyes to the ground before walking back over to him after shooting the sales lady one last smile. For once, he held his tongue. He put his phone away, and snatched some of the heavier bags from your hands. It caught you off guard, and you didn’t let go of the bags. Shaw rolled his eyes, glaring down at you.
“Geez. I’m not tryin’ to rob you or something. We both know you’re too weak to hold all this junk. Besides, all your gifts suck.” He laughed at your angry face, before walking away. Seriously… had you indulged in too much eggnog when you texted him? You made a face at his retreating back, childishly sticking your tongue out as you pulled at your eye. Dragging your feet as you followed behind him, you soaked up the atmosphere of the mall. Christmas had always been your favorite time. The hustle and bustle of the holiday season, the beautiful and over the top holiday light displays, and the wonderful smell of gingerbread and cinnamon that seemed to linger in all the stores. You loved seeing the chubby cheeked faces of children, rosy with the cold as they pressed their faces against toy stores. You loved gift giving, over eating with friends and family. Though you had never gotten to celebrate it romantically, it was still a hopeful dream. Shaw had slowed his pace to match yours. The two of you walked side by side in silence. You took the chance to steal peeks at him. Honestly when he wasn’t speaking, Shaw was quite attractive. You had thought so since the first time you had met him on the bus. You walked with him aimlessly, not sure where he was going, but enjoying the comfortable silence too much to ask. Besides, the answer came soon enough as your nose was assaulted with all the delicious smells of the food court. Pulling out two chairs, Shaw plopped down lazily in one and gestured at you to sit in the other. He threw the bags on the table and let out a long sigh. 
“Shopping is such a pain. I’m sure your feet are sore too. Never understand why you girls wear heels everywhere.”
You decided to be the bigger person, and not respond to Shaw. Truth be told, your feet were kinda’ sore. You had put off all your Christmas shopping until the week before. Not because you didn’t want to, but it was always so busy at work before Christmas and New Year that when you had free time, you just wanted to sleep. Once again, Shaw pulled out his phone. His face seemed more focused than before when you were in the store, and you let your eyes drift over his fingers that flew over his obscured screen with a purpose. You had noticed before how nice his hands were. Long, thin fingers. Wide palms clad in his fingerless gloves. You noticed that this pair too was worn down at the knuckles. Smiling to yourself, you decided to get him a new pair tomorrow when you were done with work. Suddenly, Shaw snapped his fingers in front of your face, a little blue spark flaring between his thumb and forefinger. You jumped and glared at him.
“You know, there are more normal ways to get someone’s attention than threatening them, Shaw.” He scoffed, a small playful smile on his face as he leaned towards you. You moved back on instinct, and his smile grew.
“Well, when someone’s calling your name for a few seconds and there’s no response…” Shaw trailed off. You rolled your eyes at him.
“Besides,” he said in a low, teasing voice. “There’s some other ways I can use my evol that are less… threatening. Let me know if you wanna’ find out what they are.” 
You looked at him for a moment, a look of disbelief on your face. Was Shaw flirting with you?? He turned back to his phone so nonchalantly, you felt like you hallucinated the whole moment. You cleared your throat, and looked around at all the different food spots. Slapping your hands on the table, you cleared your throat.
“Right. Well while we’re here, we should get something to eat. What are you in the mood for?” Shaw rolled his eyes at your question, propping his feet up on the table.
“Go get yourself something. I’ll sit here with the bags until you get back.” You nodded and made your way to a stand that advertised smoothies and fresh salads. Knowing that you were about to indulge over the upcoming weeks, you wanted to play it safe for now. Still, your eyes drifted over to the French fry place, mouth watering at the kimchi fries someone was happily paying for. He walked past you, the smell drifting towards you. You ‘hmphed’, trying to stay firm in your resolve. Unfortunately, when you were handed your smoothie, it began to weaken considerably. You sulked back to your seat, stomach gurgling loudly. There was no way this smoothie was going to satisfy you. But as you sat down, you let your head fill with thoughts of bbq, rice cake soup, and cake that you’d be able to enjoy with Minor, Kiki, and Willow. Since you were all single, you enjoyed having a little celebration at Willow’s apartment. You exchanged gifts, had drinks, and ate as much as you all could before putting on cheesy holiday movies. Maybe you would be able to get Victor to make you pudding. Your thoughts of food were interrupted by Shaw’s disbelieving noise.
“That all you eatin’?” You nodded, a glare on your face directed at the table next to the two of you. It was the guy from the kimchi stand, and his fries looked even more delicious as he and his friend dug in. “Must be nice,” you thought to yourself. The delicious flavors of lychee and pear burst over your tongue, but you weren’t happy. Shaw swung his legs off of the table, and stood up. He walked off without saying a word. You weren’t surprised. He was probably on his way to grab food. A while passed, and he still hadn’t returned. You figured he probably had to go to the bathroom before he grabbed food so you pulled out your own phone and pulled up Miracle Finder’s social media page. You liked to check for any posts about the show, though it wasn’t really your job outside office hours. You guys tried hard to keep your presence in the social world, and posted things that weren’t just about the show. When you made this move, you had actually seen an increase in both followers and viewers of the show. Currently, you guys were running a survey on what holiday esque evols the audience would like to see. So far your worker Santa and an adorable grandmother of 10 who could create multi colored light shows with her hands were in the lead. You sucked down the last bit of your smoothie. Maybe a cold drink wasn’t the wisest choice, but whatever. You were getting impatient while waiting for Shaw’s return. What the heck could be keeping him? You were contemplating calling him when he plopped back down in his seat, startling you with his sudden arrival. He flashed a lazy smirk at your jumpiness, and you resumed your glare from earlier before you smelled the delicious aroma of the take away container he had set down on the table. He shot you a knowing look as he opened the lid. Kimchi fries. Shaw tossed a fork your way before picking up one of his own.
“Eat,” he said before grabbing a forkful of his own. You shook your head, not wanting to give in to temptation coupled with the desire to not display your regret at only getting a smoothie. Honestly, that was wasted on Shaw. He shrugged before continuing to devour the greasy meal in front of you. You lasted for one more of his mouthfuls before you threw your resolve to the wind. Picking up your own utensil, you dug in. You let out a groan of appreciation after a particularly cheesy bite. Had anything ever tasted so good? Shaw shot a smile at you, sipping a cup that clearly wasn’t from the food court. You knew his gross soda combo was in there, but you didn’t want to ponder about where it had come from. Instead you just stuffed your face more. Everything was acceptable when you had kimchi fries. Except for when the container was down to the last two bites. Shaw made a show of throwing his fork down and commenting on how full he was. You tried (and failed) to keep the smile off your face. Maybe Shaw wasn’t so bad after all. That thought was immediately erased by him making fun of the sauce on your face. Such a little shit. 
Now that your stomach was sated and your shopping was done, there really wasn’t any other reason for you to stay at the mall. That was until you saw him. The most lifelike mall Santa you had ever seen in your life. For a moment, you were sure it was your worker, but the eyes and face structure was different. That didn’t stop this Santa from putting on a production as he walked to the center area where he must be for taking photos. His suit was such a sparkling bright red, and the accompanying mall staff  had adorable elf costumes with little bells on their shoes that twinkled merrily. Despite the hour, he still did his best. He let out a jolly laugh that seemed to feel the air with happiness. You felt your own face break out into a smile, excited like a child. Briefly, you wondered if he had some sort of charisma evol like Kiro, or if he was just that dedicated to the holidays. Either way, he was outstanding. Maybe you should try and slip him your business card too. You quickly chewed through the mouthful of fries before reaching over the table to grab Shaw’s arm.
“Shaw! Let’s take a picture with Santa!” Shaw’s only response was to look at you in outright disgust. He made no effort to move from his seat.
“Shaw,” you pouted. “I’m serious!! It would be great for Miracle Finder’s page!” You threw a glance at the Santa station. It was already filling up, mostly teenagers and the few smatterings of stressed out mothers with crying babies and excited toddlers. Jumping to your feet, you grabbed the rest of the bags. You were practically jumping from foot to foot. Shaw’s face seemed turned between amusement and exasperation. He stood up, and pulled you close to him. You could feel the heat of his body seeping through yours. You felt your heart pick up speed. Shaw’s nose ran along the edge of your jaw, and you gasped a little at the unexpected contact. 
“So you’re really that intent on sitting on an old perv’s lap, huh?” You squirmed, but his hands just gripped your waist tighter. When had he gotten so strong? And since when had it felt this good to be held against him? He pushed into you, so subtle that if it wasn’t for the lack of space between the two of you, you wouldn’t have realized it. You felt his lips against your jaw, the tiniest of kisses followed by a slight nip of teeth.
“But I gotta’ ask. Why sit on Santa’s lap when you can sit on mine?” The sweet rasp of his whisper made you feel weak. The bags slid out of your hands, hitting the ground. The resounding sound broke you out of your daze, and you jolted before pulling away from Shaw. Your face felt like it was burning, and your heart was pounding as if you had just finished a marathon. Shaw’s lazy smirk made you feel stupid. It was dumb of you to take him seriously. It was all just a game to him, and you were the idiot victim. All of a sudden, you hated him. Where did he get off anyway? Though the phrase “get off” in relation to Shaw made it hard to focus on your anger, and led you down a path of soda sweet kisses, and mocking laughs. If possible, your face burned even more. You were no longer in the holiday mood. You felt too keyed up. Too… oh god. Too turned on. Your mouth opened in shock. Shaw turned you on. But shock quickly turned to something else as he tilted your chin up to meet his gaze. You wanted to advert your eyes, but like with Gavin’s, that amber gaze never allowed you to. His eyes raked your face, and you realized something. Shaw was nervous. That seemed to soothe your own frazzled nerves, oddly enough. It was comforting to know that you weren’t alone in feeling unsure. But it would have been a disservice to the both of you to ignore whatever was trying to rise between the two of you. So instead of shaking off his hand, you leaned towards him a bit. He adjusted his hold, the leather of his gloves cool against your chin. He brought his thumb up to run it across your bottom lip. You stuck your tongue out just enough to lick it. Shaw’s eyes widened almost imperceptibly. His signature smirk broke out on his face. Pulling away from you, he swooped down to grab the forgotten bags. He stood up, grabbed your hand, and pulled you in the direction of the bathrooms and rest area. It was on the tip of your tongue to ask him where you were headed, but you stayed silent. With a quick look around to make sure there was no one lingering in the hallways, Shaw pulled you into one of the nursing women pumping rooms. He dropped the bags carelessly as he locked the door. Part of you wanted to scold him. Yeah, there were another 2 rooms, but what if there were multiple women who needed to pump? Your fussing died on your lips, however, as Shaw spun you around and sat down on the plush leather chair and pulled you on to his lap. Almost immediately, his hands were at the buttons of your shirt. He hadn’t even bothered to remove your jacket!
“Shaw! Wait a moment,” you gasped out. You wiggled around to get off of his lap, and he squeezed your chest as he let out a groan.
“Stop moving like that if you’re gonna’ ask me to stop.” You felt yourself heat up as you gave an experimental roll of your hips to feel his hardness pressing up against your rear. Shaw’s hands left your blouse in order to yank the sleeves of your jacket down. Your arms were stuck and you weren’t able to stop Shaw’s hands from returning to your front. He soon worked all the buttons open, his mouth finding all the sensitive parts of your neck with nips and kisses. You tried to keep your voice down. But when he bit gently at that spot behind your ear… you weren’t able to stop the yelp that left your mouth. God, you wanted him to do it harder. To mark your skin, and show the world who had you so undone. His hands had gotten underneath your bra now, and you let out a whine as he teased your nipples with featherlight touches. Without warning, his fingers sparked as he squeezed. The pleasure/pain caused you to throw your head back.
“Shaaaaw,” you dragged his name out on a moan. “Shaw, again. Please.” You heard a soft ‘fuck’ behind you, but you didn’t care. All you wanted was for him to do it again. And he did before his hands dropped down to your jeans. Why, oh why did you pick today off all days to wear such stiff denim? If you had known you’d end up like this, you wouldn’t have even worn underwear let alone something so constricting. The cold be damned. Shaw’s hands tugged at your jeans, and you lifted your hips in order to aid him. Hands hooked in your underwear next. You let out a sigh of relief when Shaw’s hand finally touched where you wanted them to the most. But he didn’t do much more than drag a finger through your slick, barely grazing over your clit before repeating his path over your soaked lips.
“Fuck, you’re so wet for me, aren’t you?” Shaw let out a laugh in disbelief. “Have you wanted it this whole time? Damn, if I woulda known, I’d have done this ages ago.”
“Shaw, stop teasing!” He made a soothing murmur. Bringing his hand to his mouth, he pulled off his glove. Suddenly, he plunged two fingers into you. You jerked up in surprise. He didn’t give you much time to adjust before he began moving them inside of you. You tried to pull back, but he was insistent.
“Shaw, it's too much. Slow down.” He didn’t respond to you. Instead, he began scissoring his fingers back and forth before curling them upwards and stroking. He began alternating between the two, and you couldn’t stop the pants coming out of your mouth. The other hand went back to work massaging and kneading your chest. Every now and then, he would pull gently at a nipple. It was so much rougher than how you did it. But why did it feel so damn good? He wasn’t even directly touching your clit besides the brushes his palm caused. The sound of his antics filled the enclosed space. Adjusting you on his lap, he spread your legs wider. Adding another finger, he moved where you told him to, this time moving slower when it got good and faster when you relaxed.
“Dammit, Shaw. Stop teasing me, and make me cum already!” You shouted out in frustration. As if that command was what he was waiting for, Shaw began moving with a purpose. Oh, and what a purpose it was. His body was so warm behind you, and his fingers so hot. You could feel the sweat trickling down the small of your back. God, you wished you were naked. Your flesh against Shaw’s, your bodies moving in tandem. All the filthy things he was saying to you now echoing in time with the movements of his hips. You fantasized about that while the real Shaw took you apart piece by piece. You couldn’t help the circles your hips moved in on his lap. You could only hope that they were giving him even an ounce of the pleasure his sinful fingers were giving you. Your head was thrown back over his shoulder, mouth open wide. 
“Fuck. You’re gorgeous like this, you know that? So glad I got to you first. C’mon, baby. Let me see you cum for me.”
“Then give me what I want, Shaw. It’s okay. I promise.” It took all your concentration to get that sentence out. With not a second wasted, Shaw removed his hand from your breast to rub against your clit while he still grinded against that spot deep within that made you see stars. You squirmed harder on his lap, until finally when you were sure it couldn’t feel any better, he released the tiniest bit of spark against your clit. You came without warning, body jerking upright off of Shaw. You didn’t think you screamed. Honestly, you didn’t know. All you did was bask in that sweet pleasure soaked current that shot through your body. As you came down, shudders still wreaking havoc on your nervous system, the thought of “ I could get addicted to this” crossed your mind. But that was for tomorrow you to deal with. Currently you just wanted to soak in the afterglow of orgasming. And as Shaw still gently stroked inside and out with those sinful hands of his, you couldn’t even focus on the next 5 seconds, let alone the next day. You were a boneless mass against him, not even reacting when he brought the hand that had been inside you to his mouth and cleaned your slick off of his fingers with relish. You just gave a “hmph” in protest, body still like putty. He helped pull your jeans back on. You tried to button up your shirt, but your fingers seemed determined to fight you every step of the way. You were the type that became sleepy and lethargic after a good orgasm, and today was proving that in spades. Shaw brushed your hands away from your top, and made such sweet sounds of praise. You began to drift off on his lap after he pulled your jacket back up. You were still sweaty, and the accumulation of fluids in your panties was disgusting. But with Shaw rubbing your temples, the smell of the leather of his gloves he had returned to their proper place combined with the seaside smell of your own body relaxed you. He moved you around gently to redress you, and pulled up your jacket. You stood up on legs as wobbly as a newborn calf’s, and noticed that he was still hard. You felt selfish for not thinking about his pleasure while soaking in your own. You reached for his belt. His phone chimed loudly, and he smacked your hand away. Looking up at him in confusion, you knew you were pouting. But why wouldn’t you? What, was he too above you touching him?
“Stop whatever you’re thinkin’,” Shaw said nonchalantly while looking at whatever message was on his phone. “ I need to go.”
You nodded, still too blissed out to be upset. Besides, this wasn’t anything unusual. A lot of get togethers had to be cut due to whatever antics Shaw had his deceptively pleasant hands in. Shaw studied your face for a moment before surging forward and taking your lips in a deep and thorough kiss. You felt him slip something in your pocket before he stuck his tongue in to glide smoothly against yours. By the time he pulled away, you had to sit back down on the sofa. Your lips tingled pleasantly with his kisses. He tossed a ‘get home safe’ your way before he left the bathroom, closing the door firmly behind him. You took a moment to catch your breath before you reached into your pocket to grab whatever Shaw had stuck in there. Pulling out a eggshell white box that had the letters “K. C” embroidered on the lid in a beautifully flowery font, a part of you had a suspicion what it could be. Your suspicions were confirmed when you opened it to reveal the beautiful bracelet you had seen early. It was too much. You hadn’t even looked at it that much. You really shouldn’t have been surprised though. Shaw had always been more observant than you would have thought. As if on cue, your phone buzzed with a text. You pulled it out, and were unsurprised to see a message from Shaw. He had sent a simple message: a time, an address to his apartment, and the message of “Wear it when you come over tonight.”
“Seriously.” You thought as you gathered up your bags and wondered if you would have enough time to visit the shop that his gloves would be at along with the lingerie store. The smile on your face was growing wider by the second. 
“Such a little shit.”
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moonstruck-writing · 3 years
Red and golden
Event: ‘Tis the season for smut challenge hosted by @voltage-vixen
Day 2: Wrapped and bonded in holiday ribbon
Pairing: Yves x Emma | Ikemen Prince
Content: NSFW (lemon), 18+, dom!Emma sub!Yves (softcore), light bondage, oral sex (male receiving).
Word count: 2.436
Emma starts humming a Christmas carol as she grabs the last decoration from her box, and finds a suitable spot to hang it on the tree. She and Yves have been preparing the room where everyone usually eats, and after an hour and a half of hard work, it is finally starting to feel like Christmas.
“I’m done, you can start with the garland here if you want,” she calls out to Yves, who has been busy hanging festoon and fairy lights upon seeing how much Emma liked them.
“Give me just a minute,” he calls back from his spot, a small note of frustration in his voice. Empty-handed, Emma peeks from behind the tree to look at him.
Maybe it would be more accurate to say Yves has been trying to hang fairy lights, but he has currently only succeeded in making the tangling worse. Emma approaches him with curiosity, but her presence makes him turn away, and she suspects Yves wants to hide both the mess now tangled in his arms and his flushed cheeks.
“Do you need help?”
“I can do it perfectly on my own, thank you very much!” He quickly answers and tries to show her by moving his hands faster, which unfortunately makes the wire of lights tighten over his forearms, instead of hanging loose.
Seeing the small light bulbs and cord coiled around his fingers and forearms turns to be an incredibly sensual sight. Without thinking, Emma closes the distance between them and yanks at the tangled lights, making Yves stumble towards her.
“Hey! You’re going to break them!” The panic in his voice takes Emma out of the momentarily trance.
“Sorry… I just… felt like doing that.”
“You just felt like breaking the lights you wanted me to hang up?” Yves looks at her like he doesn’t understand her entire existence.
“It’s because it looked good on you,” she admits looking down, feeling the courage running out of her.
He leans away from her to examine her expression better, and looking back down to his still tangled limbs makes an image flash in his mind.
Emma looks at him and finds an ardent blush adorning his face. Has he...?
“Maybe we should take a break,” she tentatively suggests, waiting for his reaction.
Yves nods briefly, keeping his head lowered.
“Are you going to help me out of this mess?” His voice suddenly needy and capricious, Emma feels her stomach churning with desire.
She takes his hands and slowly starts playing with the fairy lights, tugging and pulling at them, observing how they sink lightly in his skin, and how her movements create shadows over his hands and arms, those same hands and arms that belong to Yves and her.
“I love seeing you all tied up,” she confesses under her breath, now deftly undoing the twists and turns to free Yves from the wires.
“This… this isn’t even being all tied up,” Yves mumbles, and it sounds like he is holding back something besides his words.
Once he is fully free of the tangled fairy lights, she slides one of her hands in his and guides him outside of the room without a word.
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
They make it to Emma’s room in silence, but that doesn’t prevent their heartbeats from roaring. Once inside, Emma locks the door and lets go of Yves’ hand, moving to her chest of drawers and searching inside the last drawer.
“Take off your shirt,” she instructs, not looking at him.
Yves moves from his position next to the door, happy to have something to do while the anticipation is drumming inside of him. He approaches the bed and starts undoing his buttons, looking at Emma’s back now and then. When he is done, he takes off the shirt and folds it neatly to rest on the edge. It is not long until Emma makes a triumphant sound, seemingly having found what she was looking for. She turns to him, hiding her treasure behind her.
“I want to tie you up.”
Yves feels an inaudible sigh escaping his lips. His lips parted, wordless, he swallows the thick air around him and nods.
She undoes the distance between them and corners him against the foot of the bed. She then places her right hand over his chest, and the slight difference in temperature between her fingertips and his warm sternum sends a shiver down his spine. Emma pushes him down and he abandons himself to the fall. Bouncing on the bed, Yves looks up to see Emma climbing on top of him slowly, one of her hands still behind her.
“Am I not allowed to see what you have there?” Yves asks in a sweet voice.
“I haven’t decided if I want to blindfold you or not.”
The surprise almost makes him moan. He loves it when Emma takes control, but he doesn’t want to say anything for fear the illusion will end sooner. She instructs him to move further up the bed and straddles him.
“Tell me, what would my kitten prefer?”
Yves shudders, relishing the nickname that only she is allowed to use, and savouring the pressure of her body over his hardening cock.
“Please, let me look at you,” he pleads.
Emma smiles, finally bringing the hand on her back in front of her, extending a piece of the ribbon between her hands. It is golden and red, and it looks like the type of ribbon Yves has seen used to wrap Christmas presents.
“When I saw it a few weeks ago… I couldn’t help thinking of you.”
“What?” Yves gasps, feeling agitated. This has been sitting at the bottom of your drawers for weeks?
“I thought the colour would look amazing against your skin,” she adds, thinking that Yves wanted an explanation on why it made her think of him. He wanted to know why she had kept it from him for so long. His eyes soften when he sees the joy in Emma’s face as she starts undoing the bundle.
“Will you make me pretty for you?” His voice sounds muffled under the hands that cover his face. Emma laughs cheerfully and moves closer to his face, making Yves whimper at the loss of pressure over his crotch. She starts wrapping the ribbon around his wrists and pulls to get his hands above him, close to the headboard. Yves lets his limbs go limp, fully at her mercy. She crawls closer to the headboard, the hem of her skirt tickling Yves' neck. When she finishes tying his hands to the bedhead, she moves his hands to show him he has some freedom of movement.
Yves then hears a tearing sound and sees that she has cut the remaining ribbon from the part knotted above him.
“I really liked this ribbon not just for its colours, but also because it is easy to use.” She explains.
Yves experimentally tugs and sees that his binding is a bit flexible, and even if his movements are restricted, it doesn’t hurt him at all.
“If worse comes to worst, you could tear yourself free.”
Yves feels the love and care that her words hold and suddenly doubts fill his mind. Does her concern come from the time she was tied up for him? However, Emma doesn’t allow him to lose himself in his thoughts. She is now wrapping the ribbon around his neck, leaving enough room that he doesn’t feel choked. She ties a bow and then runs the other end of the ribbon along his chest until it reaches his trousers.
She hums, pressing a finger on her lips in thought. Before Yves can ask what’s the matter, she unbuttons his trousers and opens them to reveal his underwear. She puts the bundle of ribbon she was holding aside and begins pulling Yves’ trousers down, to which he helps her by raising his hips. The movement makes the ribbon tickle his stomach and chest. Once the trousers are gone, she does the same with his underwear, freeing his member and seeing it bounce against his fair skin.
“Your body is prettier than any clothes ever could be.” She takes up the ribbon and pulls it under Yves’ left leg, then makes it come back towards the other leg, laying just above his twitching cock. Having pulled the ribbon under his right leg, she moves it back up his chest, undoes the ribbon at his neck, cuts the used ribbon free from the rest and ties back the two ends around his neck into a new ribbon.
Emma sits back, admiring her work. The red and gold go down his chest, almost covering his nipples, and the ribbon over his hips makes his pretty cock stand out even more.
“Aren’t you going to touch me?” Yves words come out more desperate than he intends to. Any slight shift makes the ribbon around his wrists tighten so he becomes oddly aware of his own movements. Emma moves closer to his face.
“Has my kitten grown impatient? But he looks so good,” she purrs out against his ear, letting her breath tickle him, taking his earlobe between her teeth, she graces his skin and pulls. He moans and moves to lower his hands, but finds himself oddly exposed now that they hang away from his face. Emma continues licking his ear, exploring the edge and then moving her tongue along every ridge.
“Don’t you want to see-” Yves starts talking but trails off when Emma’s tongue starts licking the inner part of his ear. “…how good other pa-aarts of me look.”
She pulls away from his face to see his closed eyes and open mouth, and how the blush from his cheeks runs down his neck and lightly taints his chest and shoulders. She presses chaste kisses to his flushed skin and traces down the ribbon with her nose, until she reaches one of his nipples. She twirls her tongue around teasingly and continues her trail of kisses over his chest, pressing a wet kiss to his other nipple. She then moves to his sternum and begins lapping, sucking and gracing her teeth over his skin, feeling the drumming of his heart. When she sees the faintest sign of a love bite, she moves further down and repeats her actions over his hip bones.
His sighs are a bit shakier now, and Emma can sense he is trying not to demand anything, trying to be good for her. She decides to reward him and licks at his leaking head. Yves jumps at the contact and a relieved moan escapes from his lips. Now grabbing his cock, she lowers her head, taking as much of his length as she can.
“Ah! Emma…” Yves struggles with the ribbon, desperately wanting to caress her, to show her without words how much he is enjoying this, how badly he wants her to continue.
She places her free hand over his hips and applies pressure, wanting to keep his body in place. She lowers her head a bit further and marvels at the feeling of him twitching and hardening even more against her tongue. She starts bobbing her head up and down and Yves’ sighs and moans get louder. Quickening her rhythm, she miscalculates and gags briefly.
When Yves doesn’t continue his sentence, Emma pulls him out of her mouth.
“Don’t what?”
“I don’t want you hurting yourself.”
Emma feels her heart soften at his words. Opening and closing her jaw a few times, she lowers her head again and sucks him with renewed desire, now following the up and down of her mouth with her closed fist, giving him the impression of taking all of him inside.
Yves whimpers and his voice trembles. His moans begin to break into incoherent blabbering, and he pulls now with force against the binding on his wrists. Being bonded means he cannot move from this position, which makes it impossible to run away from all the love Emma is giving him, he cannot hide, and he cannot turn the tables and shower her with affection. All that is left to do is simply accept every bit of love she is giving him, and let himself be content.
“E-Emma…” He moans her name and her movements become more frantic, interrupting the rhythm she had established in favour of adding intensity. “Emma! I-I… close!” Yves's voice bounces off the walls, and Emma would smile if her mouth wasn’t so busy with his tightening member. After a few moments he cries out in pleasure and the trembling of his restricted body makes his back arch. She keeps his leaking and twitching member inside her mouth, savouring the feeling of having made the man she loves finish. When his leg twitches slightly, Emma pulls him out of her mouth softly and finally swallows completely, massaging her sore jaw. She gets off the bed to get a wet towel from the en-suite to clean him up. When she is done, she moves up to undo the binding on Yves’ wrists.
His arms immediately enclose around her, and she pets his hair. She feels him tremble against her and touches his back to see if he is cold. His skin is still burning, so she pulls away to see a couple of tears sliding down his cheeks.
Emma had constantly told him he didn't have to prove anything to be worthy, and it seemed that only under those circumstances he had finally opened to the whole meaning of her words. He could just be there, and she would still love him because he was Yves, her one and only love. He didn’t need to earn her love because he already had it.
“Thank you for loving me.”
“Hey, we’ve talked about this. You don’t need to thank me. You deserve to be loved, Yves.”
He nods and she wipes his tears away.
“Next time, I want you to tell me as soon as you find something new,” he pouts but there’s no trace of the momentary sadness she had seen in his eyes before. “I don’t want any secrets between us.”
They cuddle together before he shivers, and they move under the covers.
“The fairy lights are still a mess, you know,” he mentions, still wrapped with the golden and red ribbon.
“Just like I made a mess of the light of my life,” she replies. Yves snorts and laughs openly, his eyes closing with delight.
“You’re so bad, hahaha! But, hah, so good at the same time.”
Please do NOT repost! Reblogging is okay. Content belongs to @moonstruck-writing
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thewitchofbooks · 3 years
"Sinful Desire" Gilbert Von Obsidian x (fem.) Reader
AN: Hello everyone! I decided to also write for @voltage-vixen 's 'tis the season for smut! Forgive me for posting backwards! I'm starting from day 15 until the end of the event! Thank you very much for all the support and I hope you enjoy~
Fandom: Ikemen Prince
Character: Gilbert Von Obsidian
Warnings: Smut, nsfw content (bad English)
Prompt: Open prompt (snowy night spent in an inn, enemies with benefits?)
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You sighed in relief the moment his thin, pale lips brushed against your neck, gently kissing away at the delicate skin, bared for his desire only. His handsome features were brought out and illuminated  by the fire from the woods that were burning in the fireplace besides you, which left you breathless for a moment.
You lifted up your hand and threaded it through his soft, dark hair that tickled down your shoulder and grabbed his chin to guide him up for a deep kiss. The more you tasted his lips, the more it felt impossible to pull away, like you were addicted to them, but neither you nor he wanted to. Just to prove that, Gilbert's tongue probed at your plump lips and slithered inside the moment it found an opening.
His own hands moved on command, slowly unbuttoning the ruffled shirt which was the only clothing item you had left on as of now. He started from the bottom and with light moves, almost airy, he reached the top and unfolded even more of your body, making you shiver and try to hide in shame.
"Don't do that." His sweet, honeyed voice reached your ears and went straight to your core. It was enough to let you believe that it was fine, what you were about to do.
'Sleeping in the arms of the enemy' would have been the greatest way to describe your situation, although your lust filled mind convinced you that you only agreed because of the pleasure and nothing more. In defense, your heart screamed that you fell in love when you should have been more careful and not let your guard down. Not that you would ever admit it to someone like him.
Gilbert, seeming to notice that you were drifting away, your previous show of affection fading, decided to go a step further. He pushed the fabric of the shirt down and let his sharp gaze feast on your body. He leaned closer to your chest that looked oh so welcoming, your nipples begging for his attention and he gave in by taking one in his mouth, letting the other get occupied by his hand.
You let a loud, delighted moan fall from your swollen lips that were starting to get chapped. Gilbert's hot tongue run over the stiff nipple, as his lips sucked around your chest. You almost covered your mouth, afraid to be heard in the small inn, but you found yourself not caring much.
Moments later, the black haired man pulled away and looked up with one red eye, almost like he was loosening up to you only. You couldn't help yourself, you wanted to see more of him, so you inched to his eyepatch that was hiding a 'disaster' you never met before.
The prince didn't stop you, his eye still locked with yours but for the tiniest moment, you could have sworn you saw him tense up before relaxing in his usual refreshing smile.
You fingertips played with it, before letting it fall with a soundless thump on the carpet.
"You...ah!" You discontinued your sentence, letting it die along with any noise in the gloomy sky, lost among the shiny stars. Gilbert shushed you again by kissing you.
He was suddenly feeling impatient and eager to get closer to you, to break you before he breaks himself by falling in the trap he created.
"Lay down and spread your legs." He suddenly sounded cold, almost identical to the pure snow diving in the ground arms. Despite that, you listened and did as you were told.
With your legs opened wide, you could feel your arousal leaking more as it stained the inside of your thighs. Your naked body trembled from the cold air hitting it on one side and the warmth of the fireplace from the other.
Gilbert smirked at your state and seductively caressed your glistening folds. His digits smoothly rubbed you and easily slid in your hotness. You groaned at the feel and thrashed on the floor, not having somewhere to hold.
He picked up his pace as he fingered you, amused by your reactions and relishing in the knowledge that it was him, who could make you so hypersensitive.
"Gil...bert..ah...more, please" You finally groaned out, wanting him to reach the pick of his pleasure as well.
He withdrew his wet fingers and cleaned them one by one in his mouth. After he was sure there was nothing left of your sweet nectar, he quickly took off his pants and underwear, his hard member hitting his stomach and dripping with precum.
He stood between your legs and positioned his lengthy cock against your entrance. He grazed your clit and continued to your slit, before he sunk inside you, filling you to the brim. You both let out chocked moans in unison and didn't lose any more time to meet each others thrusts.
Gilbert bend over and started sucking and suckling on your neck, leaving dark spotted marks wherever he could reach. The purplish hickeys bloomed like flowers on spring and they gave you a sense of belonging. The man's touch had you hooked, like you were obsessed in getting it anytime you could.
You felt your orgasm nearing and you grabbed him, holding for dear life on his shoulders, your nails digging in. Your juices squirted all over his dick and he followed minutes later by erupting in you, the jets of cum painting your stretched insides.
Carefully, he removed his softened member from your hole and cleaned up to put his clothes on again.
The exhaustion caught up with you and you rolled your head backwards. Gilbert took the blanket closest to him and covered your shivering body. You silently thanked him, when the clock on the wall pointed out the change of the day. It was officially Christmas, a break for both of you.
"Merry Christmas..." Your wish trailed off into the night that felt colder than before, but the soft hitting on the windows, coming from the snow, seemed to ironically sympathize with the two.
Gilbert laughed and shook his head, deeming you as careless as a little rabbit, careless enough to wish something like that to him, of all people.
You felt the tiredness making its way to you and you closed your eyes, giving yourself to the abyss of a dreamless sleep. Gilbert made sure you weren't awake, before whispering.
"Merry Christmas, little rabbit..." The gentle, refreshing smile of his burned out along with the yellowish flames, turning the room chilly.
The End
AN: Thank you for reading and a big thanks for this event!
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ikemenlibrary · 3 years
Keeping Warm (Ikemen Revolution)
Pairing: Kyle Ash x Alice (MC)
Day 4 of @voltage-vixen​‘s ‘Tis the Season for Smut Prompt: Snowed in during a holiday getaway
Summary: When heavy snow comes down and leaves Kyle and Alice stuck in his childhood house, they find ways to keep warm
Warnings: nsfw content below the cut; minors dni - nipple play, thigh humping, creampies, dirty talk, unprotected sex
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“Looks like we’re going to have to stay the night,” Kyle announced, walking in through the front door and making his way towards the fireplace. “All this snow has stopped carriage rides and it’s too heavy to walk back to the barracks in this weather.”
Alice came behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist and nuzzling her face into his clothed back. “Is that okay with your parents?”
Alice and Kyle had taken a day off from work to visit his parents and help administer treatment to the citizens of Cradle who have been feeling poorly due to the weather change. They were just having dinner when Mr. Ash had looked out the window and saw the snow coming down in blankets of white.
“Yeah, it’s fine. Just as long as I help him shovel the walkway tomorrow.” Kyle turned in Alice’s grip so her head was against his chest. “Guess that'll help me build up some muscle.”
A shiver ran through Alice’s body and she burrowed further into Kyle’s embrace. “Can I borrow a sweater or something from your room? I’m just so cold.”
Kyle was quiet for a moment before he released Alice from his embrace and crossed the area to his father’s liquor cabinet. He pulled out two shot glasses and filled them to the brim before handing one to his girlfriend. “Drink up, it’ll make you warmer.”
She narrowed her eyes playfully at Kyle before they clinked glasses and quickly downed the amber liquid that matched his eye color. “Are you sure this isn’t just an excuse to get drunk?”
Kyle slung his arm around Alice’s shoulders, his mood already brightening with a little bit of alcohol in his system and he rubbed his nose affectionately against her own. “I’m always looking for an excuse to get drunk. But seriously, alcohol raises your body temperature. You should,” a hiccup interrupted his sentence. “You should believe me, I’m a doctor.”
Alice laughed, patting him on the chest before taking the bottle from his hand and setting it back in the cabinet. “Alright Doctor Ash, let’s head up to bed.”
Kyle led Alice up the stairs to his old bedroom and as she flitted around ooh-ing and aww-ing over pictures of Kyle growing up and some of the more sentimental stuff his mother hadn’t boxed up after he moved into the army.
As she set down the last picture frame of a toothless Kyle showing the camera a big smile, she turned to find him lounging on his small double bed, gazing at her with half-lidded eyes and an affectionate smile. “What is it?” Alice asked, going to sit on the side of the bed next to him.
“Still cold?” Kyle’s warm hand settled on her back and she shivered at the seemingly innocent touch.
“Maybe a little,” she said, biting her lip as her eyes met his own. Despite him only taking a shot, his cheeks were slightly rosy and his eyes had a glassy look to them.
“Well, as your doctor I have to say I’d hate to have to amputate any of your appendages because you got frostbite.” His hand started rubbing circles on her back and she relaxed into his touch. “Lucky for you, I have a solution.”
“And what’s that, doctor?” Alice’s heartbeat picked up at his more sultry tone of voice and she struggled to maintain her normal speaking voice.
“Well, I have read that your body heat transfers to someone faster if they’re both fully undressed.” The dopey smile crossing over Kyle’s face was enough to make Alice giggle.
“Oh really? Maybe we’ll have to test that theory.” Kyle’s hand slipped under the back of her blouse and the area he touched warmed instantly.
His other hand lazily snaked around her body and he struggled to undo the buttons with one hand making Alice laugh out loud. She teasingly batted his hand away and undid the rest of the buttons, her shirt falling open and dropping to the floor as Kyle’s hands deftly unhooked her bra.
She stood up then, sliding her skirt and stockings down her legs as Kyle quickly made work of undressing himself. Once they were naked, they both cuddled in quickly under the thick blanket laying atop Kyle’s bed.
Alice’s nipples were hard from the cold and when they rubbed against Kyle’s forearm she moaned out. Kyle’s mouth dropped open and he quickly covered her mouth with his large hand. “Quiet, baby. Or I’ll find a way to keep you quiet.”
His husky voice went straight to her core and she clenched around nothing, her heartbeat quickening as Kyle started pinching one of her peaked nipples. His previously glossy eyes seemed more clear and he had a small smile on his face as Alice shook beneath him.
Without saying anything, Kyle nudged open her legs with his thigh and he rested his bare leg against her wet entrance, urging her to grind on it and help relieve her of some pleasure. His hand that had been covering her mouth was replaced with his own mouth and his hand went down to pinch and pull at her other nipple.
The whimpers escaping her mouth into his own was like its own winter symphony and if they didn’t have to stay quiet, he would have released her lips and let her sing out as loud as she wanted.
“Kyle, I need…” she panted out quietly against his lips, her whole body heaving against his normally clumsy hands. “More. Please.”
Kyle’s lips trailed down to her neck and he suckled a spot there for a second before teasingly biting the sensitive area. “Since you asked so nicely.”
He removed his leg from her wet core and threw the heavy blanket to the ground. In the dim moonlight, he could see his thigh glistening from her juices and he stopped to admire it for a moment before her eager hands traced up his chest.
Lining his shaft up at her entrance, Kyle pressed his body against Alice’s, his lips brushing hers as he spoke. “Normally I love hearing you, but tonight, I’m gonna have to keep you quiet.” His lips covered hers then as he pushed himself into her wet warmth and Kyle bit her bottom lip to keep himself from groaning out.
He started in at an even pace, but between the alcohol and the cold and the feeling of every single one of her curves pressing against his body, his pace picked up quickly as he pounded Alice in his childhood bedroom, the bed creaking obscenely under their bodies.
“Kyle,” she breathed out, her eyes closing as his lips trailed kisses down to her neck once again, sucking another spot into her unblemished skin. “So good,” she whispered, one of her hands leaving his back to reach down and rub her protruding clit. “So close,”
Kyle nudged her hand away, his thumb flicking at her clit as his thrusts became deeper while he started to chase his release. “Pretty girl,” he said lowly. “Come on my cock,” One more touch to her clit and she clenched tightly around his dick, her chest heaving as his thumb rubbed slow circles on her clit and he continued thrusting into her. “You look so good like this, coming undone on my dick.”
Her eyes opened and met his own and he gave her one of his signature smiles. She reached up, grabbing his jaw and pulling Kyle down to kiss her once more. “Please Kyle, I want you to cum in me,”
That one little plead was all it took for him to come with one final thrust, his semen coating her warm walls and he held her to him tightly, whispering her name over and over again as his body convulsed and throbbed against her.
Once his body relaxed, Kyle leaned over and grabbed the blanket he had tossed to the floor and covered their naked bodies. He was still inside her, but she was so tight and warm and felt so good that before he could even think of moving, his eyes were drooping closed and his head dropped to the pillow and she pushed his sweaty hair out of his eyes.
“Well, I’d say your theory is correct. I’m not cold anymore.” Alice said before her eyes closed, following her boyfriend to dreamland.
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fang-and-feather · 2 years
Sweet Heat
Fandom: Star-Crossed Myth
Rating: Explicit
Categories: F/M
Pairing: Zyglavis/OC
Words: 2437
Prompt(s): Christmas treats sugar rush and "A kiss under the mistletoe doesn't have to be where we stop.", from the "’tis the season for love" content creation challenge hosted by @xxsycamore and @voltage-vixen
Summary: Zyglavis didn't expect his girlfriend's sugar rush from the Christmas treats she might have overindulged into would turn into a new intimate experience for them.
This is a loose follow-up to Feather's Recovering my Star's Shine but is also an independent fic
Busy as Feather was with a multi-chapter crossover, she's finished her main plans and I'm just now fnishing my first... But at least I finished it
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Not many people thought sugar could be worse than alcohol to make people go crazy. Zyglavis knew that his usually calm girlfriend could become quite electric at times. He’d seen her so full of coffee that she threw herself at work and, when forced to take a break, decided to decorate the house for Christmas in July, all to escape the nightmares plaguing her. He’d also seen her drunk, becoming clingy, and a bit tired, but he wasn’t prepared to deal with Rinka so full of sugar, though.
Maybe he shouldn’t have left her under the ‘supervision’ of the others when it was obvious the other girls were too busy to pay attention and the other gods didn’t think Rinka needed to be watched over unless she spent more than five minutes talking only to Ichthys.
But it wasn’t like he could have left his work aside for longer than he already had. He had promised to accompany Rinka to the charity event she had gone to in the morning, so he had to finish his work in the afternoon before their date.
Zyglavis should have known something wasn’t right when the volume of the songs went up, or when he found Rinka playing cards with some of the other gods and Reina. She wasn’t fond of playing games that relied partly on luck instead of pure skills and, although occasionally noisy, she was never that loud. But how could he have imagined the amount of sugar she had consumed in a couple of hours? He’d only made sure she hadn’t been drinking.
Through their date, though, he began noticing the other differences in her behavior. Rinka was extra giddy, speaking faster and laughing louder and more affectionate than she ever was in public.
Which led him to ask, while they were walking back to the mansion, what she had eaten or drank before they left, mostly trying to figure if someone had handed her something they shouldn’t, or from someone he wouldn’t have trusted such generous behavior from. Her answer, though, was a long list of the sweets she had prepared the day before to share and, apparently, she had eaten more than her own share of it.
There was no problem, though, right? She hadn’t done anything stupid or too embarrassing. And it wasn’t like she was drunk, either. Rinka was still on her rational side, just a little more energetic and open. They were going back and she would run out of that extra energy soon, or she would have an overdrive and shut down, like when she was drunk.
With that mindset, Zyglavis was shocked when they opened the front door of the mansion and Rinka stopped, briefly looked up and, giggling, pulled him towards her. When he, in surprise, didn’t resist, she kissed him, hard.
Rinka was never both this proactive and aggressive, especially where anyone could walk in on them. So, when she released him, Zyglavis also looked up, to see someone had hung a mistletoe over the door, and he remembered one of the other girls telling someone about how human couples had the tradition of kissing under them.
“The others should be back by now. Are we joining the party?” She asked him. That would be hard with the way she hugged him and nuzzled to his chest. “Because your scent is making me crave a different kind of celebration that may not be entirely appropriate for Christmas.” She looked up at him with glossy eyes and a very seductive smile he’d never seen before. “So… if you want…” she looked down for a moment, releasing him and one of her hands immediately went fidgeting with the keychain on her belt for a few seconds, before she looked at him again, with a softer smile and flushed cheeks. “A kiss under the mistletoe doesn’t have to be where we stop.”
As she reached for him again, he held her with one hand around her waist and was the one to kiss her, while, with his free hand, he snapped his fingers, transporting them to his room.
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Rinka felt the world spin, and when it came into focus, she was trapped between a wall and her boyfriend’s body. When she kissed him back, Zyglavis seemed to relinquish control, letting her dominate the kiss.
She would have shied away from such behavior if the extra energy from all the sweet treats she’d eaten wasn’t making her body respond to her brain faster than she could asses what it was telling her so, instead, she wrapped her arms around his neck and, on her tiptoes, with the wall supporting her, deepened the kiss..
There was a snap and the click of a lock as Zyglavis made sure no one would bother them. Feeling more confident with the security, one of her hands slipped under his clothes to touch his back, feeling his body shiver under her touch. The other hand moved to unbutton his jacket.
“As hot as I find you in your uniform,” she whispered, trailing kisses over his face, “especially with it a little loose, clothes like this are so much easier to take off.”
They had to part a little for her to remove the rest of his clothes, but as soon as they were off her hands were back on him, exploring his skin, her mouth trailing right behind in tracing the lines of his muscles, sometimes with soft kisses, others times leaving small marks. A low, almost imperceptible groan escaped Zyglavis when Rinka teased his side with the tip of her tongue while her hands worked to undo his belt.
Rinka would have liked to take it slower, but the extra energy in her system and the sight of the bulge in his pants were making her quite impatient. The winter clothes she was wearing were growing uncomfortable with the increasing heat radiating from inside her, but she insisted on using her energy to please him.
While she struggled, in her haste, with the belt’s buckle, Zyglavis stopped her, holding her wrists with one hand, the other caressing her hair, then her cheek, before cupping her chin and making her look up at him.
“Aren’t you eager?” His tone and expression were teasing, but his touch was gentle. “I love the enthusiasm, but I have other plans for now. You can have whatever you want later, if you behave.”
“Behave?” She chuckled, standing up when he gave her wrists a gentle tug. “I’ll try. But if behaving includes staying still and following orders, I can’t guarantee much.”
His only answer was once again pushing her against the wall and kissing her, taking charge this time. One of her hands once again explored his back, while the other reached to release his hair from its usual ponytail, combing through the soft locks afterward. Zyglavis, usually quiet, nibbled at her bottom lip, stifling a louder moan. He would probably deny it if she pointed out how sensitive he was to her touching his hair. It usually made him relax, but when he was already heated, Zyglavis seemed to find it quite pleasing, in the more intimate sense.
Zyglavis removed her upper layers rather fast after that, leaving only her bra and tights, for which Rinka was very grateful. Her clothes had been getting quite suffocating. Despite his own haste at that part, Zyglavis’ next kiss was as gentle as his touch that mimicked the position of hers, with a hand gently tangled into her hair and the other sliding down her back and teasingly pulling at the band of her tights.
“Zyglavis…” whatever she tried to say got lost in a moan when le let go and the band snapped back in place. It stung, but not enough to be displeasing.
“You are quite loud already.” He whispered, placing kisses along the shell of her ear. “Do you want me that much?”
“You are just teasing me on purpose.” Rinka protested.
Zyglavis chuckled, pulling back to stare at her, but she refused to look at him. One of his fingers traced her lips, and Rinka noticed she was pouting.
“Forgive me, my love. But you are acting so different and look so lovely flustered. Don’t worry, I won’t tease you for longer.”
Kissing her again, Zyglavis picked her up and Rinka warped her arms around his neck and lags around her waist while he carried her to the bed, laying her on the mattress without breaking contact. When she didn’t let go, Zyglavis chuckled and snapped his fingers again to get rid of the rest of their clothes.
Rinka tried to stifle a moan at the sudden contact of their bare bodies but, failing to do so, ground against him playfully, getting a low groan out of him. In response, Zyglavis ran a hand up one of her thighs, letting his nails graze her skin, which made her arch further against him.
He tried to pull away, but she still had her body wrapped around his. Zyglavis stopped touching her as much as he could, though.
“I told you to behave, didn’t I?”
“But you also said you wouldn’t tease me!” Rinka was sure she was probably pouting again, but unwrapped her body from his.
“I am not. As long as you behave.”
“Why? Do you dislike when I am like this?”
“Dislike it?” Zyglavis kissed her, rougher than he’d done all night, until she was out of breath. “You have no idea what you do to me, do you? I love you in every way, but when you provoke me like that, I feel like I’ll lose control and demand more from you than your body can take.”
The mood had gone from hot to purely romantic, but that wasn’t a problem. Solving things like that before they got into anything would make sure that, when they were done talking, they could start again with lighter hearts and minds and focus more on each other.
Zyglavis laid on his side and hugged her to his chest. Rinka reveled in his warmth for a moment before looking him in the eyes.
“I know that I’m only human, so I don’t have the same energy that you have, as a god, not only for this. I know I need much more to take care of myself. Food; sleep; more frequent breaks from anything mental and physically exhausting, but I’m not that easily damaged either, Zyglavis. You can demand as much from me as you need. Maybe not every time, but once in a while and especially in especial days like this. The things we do shouldn’t always be about me, my comfort or my pleasure. So,” Rinka pulled back a little with a playful smile and started tracing random patterns on his chest with ghosting touches, “how about tonight you take advantage of my sugar rush and think about what you want from me? I could handle twice as much of what we usually do and am a little less prone to being nervous if you want to try something different. I promise you I’ll tell you if I ever feel it is too much. It will be my extra Christmas gift to you.”
Rinka moved her other hand to his thigh, close enough to notice his cock still hard despite the interruption. Good, because she was warming back up fast, too.
“Are you certain of your words? I would rather not start something if we’ll have to stop in the middle because you are too tired. Although I will listen if you need to.”
“I am.”
The moment she nodded, Zyglavis pulled her into another heated kiss, one hand holding her, the other first cupping one of her breasts, then moving to tweak her nipple, making her moan into the kiss.
Then she tried to pull away, but the hand holding her moved to the back of her head, holding her in place. He changed from deep kisses to little pecks and occasionally softly biting her lip, both shutting her up whenever she tried to talk.
If both his hands were on her, who did the third hand parting her legs and the fourth that soon found her clit belong to? They didn’t have the warmth of a human body or the texture of one. Neither could she feel the body they belonged to. Except for something that occasionally poked at her from behind that, if she knew it was another male, could have been a cock.
When Zyglavis finally pulled back, he was also the first one to speak, his hand only resting against her chest now.
“You know I would never do anything to upset you, right?”
The hand teasing her also stopped and Rinka couldn’t tell where it had gone to or even if even existed at all while it wasn’t touching her.
Of course she knew. That’s why she wasn’t angry or afraid, just confused. If she had to guess and her boyfriend wasn’t right before her, she could have said it was him touching her, because this new touch felt like him, except that, even as a god, Zyglavis’ touch felt human enough.
Without either of them testing her, though, her mind cleared enough to connect the dots. It felt like Zyglavis because it was him. In a sense, at least.
He had taken her words ‘twice as much’ a little too literally and was using his shadow to create a threesome opportunity without the need of another person in their bed.
“I guess there can’t be anything more different than a threesome of two people?” Rinka laughed before kissing Zyglavis again.
The last thing her mind registered was a little surprise at him being able to make his shadow solid enough for this, before both pairs of hands were touching her again. She tried touching him back, but the double sensation of having her boyfriend in two places at once, four hands all over her body, his shadow’s cock between her thighs, sometimes rubbing against her entrance without going inside, made it even harder for her to focus on anything but the quick building pleasure.
But she wasn’t the only one. Zyglavis’ real touch faltered. He closed his eyes, breathing deeper and faster, groans escaping him a little louder than usual. It was obvious he could feel both the sensations of his real body and these of his shadow’s.
Rinka smiled, before a rougher touch to her clit made her moan louder and lose herself back into the pleasure.
Both of them had a Christmas night they would never forget ahead of them.
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I also originally planned a longer and very different scene, but it seems I'm still a little burned out from my kinktober attempt for proper sex scenes... I like the results, though. Rinka (Amy, Linet other of her versions) is hard to write smut about because I imagine she is the most sexually shy and very vanilla of all Feather's OCs, even more than Hana, her younger sister, so I particullary love rare events that let me draw out a different side of her naturally
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xxsycamore · 2 years
> (newest->oldest). Check out my writing masterlist here
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Posted: November 30th 2023 (deadline January 20th)
masterlist of the challenge
browse the tag here: #sweet & spicy wintertime
a list of 10 winter-themed nsfw prompts (general nsft warning for all fanworks.)
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runtime: Oct 1st-31st 2023 ; no deadline
browse the tag here: #visions of temptation 2023
> a kinktober challenge featuring two prompt lists of 62 kinks & 31 dialogue prompts, (general nsft warning for all creations.)
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Posted: August 17th 2023 Duration: August 23rd-September 10th 2023 (deadline October 10th
browse the tag: #late summer rendezvous
masterlist of the challenge
> a list of 15 nsft summer-themed prompts (general nsft warning for all fanworks.)
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Duration: August 1st-15th 2023 (no deadline)
browse the tag: #napoleon birthday celebration
> a list of 15 questions where each group of three follows a theme that is by itself a prompt to be used in fanworks.
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(cohosted alongside @queengiuliettafirstlady)
Posted: June 9th 2023 Duration: June 19th-25th 2023 (deadline July 23rd)
browse the tag:  #different universe same love ccc
masterlist of the challenge
> a week-long challenge centered around the trope Alternative Universe, with a total of 14 prompts of different settings for the seven days of the challenge.
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posted on: April 23rd 2023 (no end date)
browse the tag: #late spring tryst ccc
> a nsfw prompt list of 10 spring-themed prompts (general nsfw warning for all fanworks)
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▌𝘍𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘔𝘺 𝘝𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘦‼️ —❥ 𝐱𝐱𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
runtime (requests open): February 14th-20th 2023
browse my blog's tag here: #for you my valentine!! - xxsycamore's 1000 followers celebration party
masterlist + thank-you post
> a personal sfw event where you can request drabbles from a list of 20 prompts
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▌𝐁𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝟐.𝟎- 𝐀 𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞’𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐛𝐲 𝐱𝐱𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 @chaosangel767
(co-hosted alongside @chaosangel767)
runtime: February 1st-14th 2023; deadline February 28th
browse the tags here: #be my valentine ccc and #be my valentine content creation challenge
> 14 mixed prompts of scenario & dialogue, all centered around the theme of love.
█2022🔽 ████████████████
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▌‘𝗧𝗶𝘀 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 CREATIVE CHALLENGE ❄🎅🏻
(co-hosted alongside @voltage-vixen)
runtime: November 23rd 2022 - January 14th 2023
browse the tags here: #'tis the season for love & #'tis the season for love content creation challenge
> a winter holiday themed challenge featuring a fluff and a smut prompt list, 10 prompts each (scenario and dialogue) general nsft warning for the smut prompt list's fanworks.
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runtime: Oct 1st-31st 2022 ; no deadline
browse the tag here: #visions of temptation 2022
> a kinktober challenge featuring two prompt lists of 62 kinks & 31 dialogue prompts, general nsft warning for all fanworks.
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▌𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘚𝘮𝘶𝘵 3.0 𝘊𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦
(co-hosted alongside @voltage-vixen and posted on her blog)
runtime: July 17th-31st 2022 ; deadline Sept 8th
browse the tags here: #summer of smut & #summer of smut content creation challenge
> summer-themed challenge with 30 scenario prompts (+ free day), two for each day, general nsft warning for all fanworks
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(co-hosted alongside @batteryrose)
runtime: August 9th-15th 2022 ; no deadline
browse the tag here: #napoleon week 2022
> a week-long challenge with 7 one-word prompts & 7 dialogue prompts centered around Napoleon Bonaparte, hosted as a count-down to his birthday.
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(co-hosted alongside @queengiuliettafirstlady)
runtime: June 13th-19th 2022 ; deadline July 5th
[ fandom masterlist can be found here ]
browse the tag here: #different universe same love ccc
> a week-long challenge centered around the trope Alternative Universe, with a total of 14 prompts of different settings for the seven days of the challenge.
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▌Spring Bouquet 🌺🍀🐇 Content Creation Challenge
(challenge and banner by @atelieredux - I only lent a hand in the making of this one!)
runtime: March 20-26th 2022 ; deadline April 2nd
browse the tag here: #2022 Spring Bouquet CCC
> a week-long spring-themed challenge with mixed scenario & dialogue prompts, one per day.
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▌Be my Valentine - A Valentine’s Day themed content creation challenge
(co-hosted alongside @chaosangel767)
runtime: February 1st-14th 2022; deadline March 6th
[ fandom masterlist can be found here ]
browse the tag here: #be my valentine content creation challenge
> 14 mixed prompts of scenario & dialogue, all centered around the theme of love.
█2021🔽 ██████████
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runtime: Oct 1st-31st 2021 ; no deadline
[ my personal masterlist can be found here ]
browse the tag here: #VISIONSOFTEMPTATION2021
> a kinktober challenge featuring two prompt lists of 62 kinks & 31 dialogue prompts, general nsft warning for all fanworks
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runtime: August 9th-15th 2021 ; no deadline
[ my personal masterlist can be found here ]
browse the tag here: #napoleonweek2021
> a week-long challenge with 7 one-word prompts & 7 dialogue prompts centered around Napoleon Bonaparte, hosted as a count-down to his birthday.
█2020🔽 ██████████
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runtime: Oct 1st-31st 2020 ; no deadline
browse the tag here: #VISIONSOFTEMPTATION2020
> a kinktober challenge featuring 31 dialogue prompts, all nsft.
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runtime: August 6th-15th 2020 ; no deadline
browse the tag here: #NAPOLEON BIRTHDAY PROMPTS 2020
> featuring 10 one-word prompts & 10 dialogue prompts centered around Napoleon Bonaparte, hosted as a count-down to his birthday.
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aquagirl1978 · 2 years
You can hear a ghost wailing from somewhere and it goes Napo smuuuuut Napo smuuuuuut......
This must be one of those Christmas Ghosts hanging around into the New Year. Ask and ye shall receive - let's ring in the New Year with Napoleon!
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A/N: Part of the 'Tis the Season for Love Content Creation Challenge hosted by @xxsycamore and @voltage-vixen
Pairing: Napoleon Bonaparte x Reader
Prompt: smut prompt list - Fun under the blanket
Tags: NSFW; Minors - DNI
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"Happy New Year, nunuche." His voice was slurred with sleep as he greeted you with a gentle kiss.
"It's so cold," you complained, the blankets now strewn across the bed. You quickly pulled the covers tight around your body as familiar jade eyes watched you intently.
"There's better ways to warm up," he purred. He lifted the covers; rolling on top of you, he covered your body with his. "Much better, no?"
You answered him with another kiss, this one longer and more passionate. It didn't matter how many times you had kissed, or who kissed who first - each and every kiss shared the same spark as that first kiss.
Your body tingled with anticipation as his lean frame pressed harder against yours. Still somewhat sore from your celebratory lovemaking last night, your body did not care. You yearned for this man to be inside you.
"Do you have any New Year's resolutions?"
His question took you by surprise. You pondered it for a moment, your thoughts only on Napoleon. A smile spread on your lips when you found your answer - it was clear what you wanted for this year and every year. "To be by your side."
Napoleon smiled at you, clearly pleased with your response. "What about you?" you asked quickly. While you appreciated the heart-to-heart, your core was screaming at you to move things along.
Napoleon smirked, his green eyes gleaming with mischief. Oh, he had a resolution alright.
"I want to grow our family," he said softly. Warmth filled your core as you felt his hard length push against your thigh.
"And I plan to start today."
A soft moan escaped your lips as he rubbed the tip of his cock along your slit. Teasing you, you writhed under his body, wanting more. You placed your hand atop his, guiding his cock into your entrance.
You gasped as he entered you, slowly stretching you with each push. Napoleon took his time, allowing you to adjust to his size once he was fully sheathed inside you.
A sweet pleasure filled you, his cock buried deep inside your womb. Pressing your hips against his, you pulled him closer, more than ready for this.
Napoleon brought his hands to your hips; pulling almost all the way out, he roughly thrusted back inside, eliciting loud moans from you. The small fire that started in your belly quickly grew to a raging fire, its flames engulfing you in passion.
Wrapping your legs around his waist, you pushed your hips up to meet his, his pace face and relentless. His green eyes darkened with desire as he thrusted harder and harder inside, your climax begining to build.
Unwrapping your legs from his waist, he guided your legs over his shoulders. Knowing he was close, your body tensed, then trembled, as he coaxed your first orgasm of the day.
Crying out his name, your body collapsed against the bed in a state of utter bliss. Napoleon continued to thrust inside you until he plunged himself deep inside you, his seed spilling inside you.
He remained inside you, his head resting blissfully on your chest. It wasn't long before he started to stir, his cock stiffening inside you.
Napoleon lifted his head, caressing your cheek in his palm.
"I hope you had no plans because you're not leaving this bed today."
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Tagging: @redheadkittys @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @atelieredux @rhodolitesrose @ikehoe @kpop-and-otome @lucyw260 @queengiuliettafirstlady @kisara-16 @lordsisterxotome @violettduchess @umi-adxhira @bellerose-arcana @crypticbibliophile @yarnnerdally
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sunlightheidi · 3 years
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Jihyun Kim "V" x Reader
December 1st. "All I Want For Christmas is You"
'Tis the Season for Smut, event hosted by @voltage-vixen, this work is *N/SFW
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Midnight, and the string of lights wrapped around the Christmas tree reflect off your skin and bask you in golden.
Jihyun is heated, gasping through his chest; all the covers and pillows strewn on the living room floor long kicked to the side because he can’t stand being touched by anything other than you.
There must still be a holiday being celebrated out there, past the smell of sex and the sounds you make – clawing at his back, gasping his name – but that world is for much later because he’s entranced.
It’s everything: being in love with you – you being in love with him – that makes him dangerous. That reveals something almost depraved inside his soft-spoken heart that wants to rip you free from sweetness. Wants you somewhere sacred and dark that will make you forget everything outside of this room, too.
You whine his name from beneath, thighs shaking.
He only coaxes, “come here.”
Places a splayed hand between your shoulder blades, gazing at how you sink low with his touch. He presses lightly, like a suggestion, and you fold downwards, flattening your breasts to the rug, hips up high, hands fisting at nothing in an effort to devote yourself to him.
Shadows are curling over you, firelight making the sweat on your back glisten like starlight. Your hair is a wild mess, a damp shroud that shifts when you turn your face to the side.
On all fours with your pretty, pretty face, so wrecked and open and starved for his approval – waiting for his hands to unclasp the restraints of reckless desire lingering in you both.
And he’s done exactly that.
Kiss-bruised lips and fluttering lashes, the glassy quality of your eyes; he doesn’t know if you quite realize how much he loves seeing you pushed to your limit – wanting to make him proud and be praised.
You whimper when he takes his time stroking your spine, pressing his thumbs to your waist and rolling his hips in lazy circles, wiping the sweat off your cheek, shushing gently in your ear because it’s still a delicate balance of trust and control.
He digs his fingers into your hips, holding you in place while he works himself deeper from behind, hissing as he watches how you tremble.
“Shh,” Jihyun coos as you jerk when he thrusts harder, “it feels good, doesn’t it darling?”
You squirm by way of reply, but nod faintly, feverish.
He’s breathless, but he nudges at your face with his nose, gets in with a clever angle to mouth at you, landing on your jaw and lips and everywhere between. He wants to taste his own name from your tongue, wants to savor the delirium in your kisses.
“You’re perfect. Beautiful.” He can’t help but groan softly when you shudder deliciously beneath him. “Sweetheart, you are everything I could ever want and more.”
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Bonded By Ribbon
Day 2 - Wrapped and Bounded by Ribbon. A very late :') submission to @voltage-vixen T'is the Season of Smut event. Thank you for being so amazing dear! Anyway, this is a story about Lucien X CMC Layla Yuen
Warnings - NSFW!!, Spanking, Wrist restraints, slight daddy kink(?), very heavily implied sex
Lucien pulls his hands away from my wrists with a smug smile on his face. He looks like a proud cat, especially when I whine and wiggle a bit.
I was in the middle of wrapping gifts for friends when Lucien came home. And I guess a snarky comment I made when he asked what I was doing brought him to bind my wrists together.
Laying over his thighs with my pajama shorts along with my panties pulled down to my thighs. He decided it would be better for my shirt and bra to be gone all together. 
Lucien's hand runs up and down my back while the other stays firmly on my rear. A long sigh comes from above me. "What have I said about talking back? Especially with the holidays coming up."
I huff lightly. "Not to do it."
"I come back home from a rough day at the lab, happy to see what my little butterfly is up to. And what do I get? A little brat that goes, 'what does it look like I'm doing?' Even after a warning you still gave me an attitude." Lucien pinches my skin before the first swat lands. I whimper, squirming a bit. The ribbon around my wrists doesn't exactly help me either. "What am I to do with you?"
A good amount of smacks hit my upper thighs and ass. Tears brim and sting my eyes, already regretting talking back.
At some point, the sting gets more pleasurable than painful. I groan, biting my lip to prevent anything from being heard.
"I do suppose if you were to apologize, I could give you a lighter punishment." Lucien pinches the tingling skin, forcing a moan to escape me.
"I'm sorry…" It's a quiet mumble, but it's what he wants.
"For what?"
"For  being rude...even after you told me not to. I was cranky because you left me wanting you all day. Please forgive me, daddy." I desperately want to look and touch him. I can feel that seeing me in this position excites him by my pelvis. 
Lucien hums in satisfaction, moving to massage my hips. "I'm not sure if that's acceptable. Something is missing." His fingers trail lower to touch my sensitive nub. I try to attempt rocking myself against his hand, but to no avail.
"I figured out what you can do." Lucien tosses the garments off the bend of my knees and adjusts me so my back is arched but my hips are up. My hands are kept by my chest, still bound together, to stay somewhat out of the way. A flood of warmth rushes to my core when I hear the clink of his belt and the zipper to his slacks.
Lucien leans close to my ear to whisper, "You're going to make it up to me for the rest of the evening." A soft bite on my shoulder ensues before he thrusts all of his length in.
It's going to be a long night...
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chaosangel767 · 3 years
Touching under the table during a holiday dinner after downing a bit too much eggnog with Clavis. Thank you!
Hi Anon! I had a lot of fun making this one for you. I hope you enjoy
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Day 13: Two Sips
Prompt: Touching under the table during a holiday dinner after downing a bit too much eggnog
Fandom: Ikemen Prince
Type of One-shot: NSFW - @voltage-vixen 'Tis the Season for Smut
Pairing: Clavis x F!Reader
Warnings: petting, fingering, edging, semi public sex, garden sex, cumshot, vaginal penetration, cum licking
WC: 893
Asked for by: anon
Tagging: @toloveawarlord, @thewitchofbooks, @queen-dahlia, @ikemenlibrary, @sarahann-1984, @rhodolitesrose, @themysticalbeing, @kpop-and-otome, @tele86 -If your name is crossed out I was unable to tag you. If you want to be tagged/untagged please let me know or fill out this form here.
The dining hall is filled with laughter and conversations as the Lords and court ministers mingle with Sariel and the Princes. You always stay by one of the Prince’s side, being introduced as a minister's daughter. You sit between Clavis and Jin, both of them relentlessly teasing you. You hear Clavis suddenly choke and you see him but down a glass still coughing, a flush rises to his cheeks and you gently rub his back as his lungs settle.
“Are you okay ?” You ask and he nods, picking up his juice. You are almost the one choking on your drink when Clavis’s hand appears on your thigh, ghosting just above your dress and sending shivers through your body. You drain your glass as you try to muffle your moans, drinking more of your spiked eggnog, the heat of alcohol rushing through your body. A silent curse falling when Jin refills your glass and Clavis slips his fingers across your thigh. You stifle as much of the moans as you can, feeling him ghosting above your clit, drawing circles right where you are most sensitive.
Clavis holds you right at the edge, refusing to let you fall when that is all you want to do. His nimble fingers work their way under your dress and you can barely contain your flush when his hand slips under your dress and he finds out your secret.
“No underwear, you naughty girl” He whispers in your ear, causing you to barely contain your moan as he slips a finger in your core. A heat flushes your body, the desire mixing with the thrill of not getting caught. You feel brave thanks to the help of the alcohol and you run your hand along his pants to his erection, palming him and causing him to glare at you.
Ignoring his warning, you palm him all through desert, mimicking his actions, slowing down when he slows down and speeding up when he does, watching his amber eyes completely cloud over in lust, you start ghosting above his pants as you feel his cock start to twitch in his pants.
You palm him all through the desert, teasing him by swirling your tongue along your spoon. Clavis presses harder against your core, making it harder for you to muffle your moans. His hand leaves your core just as you are about to cum, waiting for you to calm down before his fingers slip back inside your heat, stretching you out and getting your juices all over his hand.
“Please,” You mutter in the mischievous prince’s ear. He smirks at you and shakes his head, barely audible hiss leaves his lips as you brush over his sensitive tip. The two of you continue to edge each other all through dinner, both of you are barely able to contain yourselves, when Sariel finally announces the end of dinner. He invites all the guests to the ballroom and you follow the crowd until Clavis grabs your arm leading you out into the gardens. Once you are hidden behind the bushes he spins you around and beds you over a bench his fingers once again finding your core.
“Clavis if you do not fuck me-” You start to threaten him, but his hand slams over your mouth as he enters you suddenly, muffling the scream of pleasure. He doesn’t give you time to adjust, knowing that he prepared you well enough to take his cock.
"How do you fit my cock so perfectly every time?" Clavis sets one hell of a pace. His lips find your neck, being careful not to leave a mark as he pounds into you. The cool air hits your face, but it isn't enough to quench the fire threatening to overtake your body as you look up at the moon.
Moans fall louder from your lips, in your drunken state you don’t care who finds you and Clavis is barely any better, using your shoulder to bite down and muffle his moans.
“Clavis,” you whine, feeling him pick up speed and you spread your legs a little, giving his fingers more room to play with your clit. Your legs start to shake as your orgasm threatens to overtake you and your head falls on your arm. Your brain is fogging over with desire and intoxication, only his name is able to fall from your lips.
“I am so close Belle,” He whispers in your ear, pulling you harder against him, and you bounce back against him, focusing solely on your orgasm.
“Ahh Clavis -” You go to warn him, but you feel him pull out suddenly as thick ropes of cum land between your thighs and down your legs. His fingers come up to your clit, fingering you until you cum, watching as your juices mix with his down your thigh. Your legs can barely hold your weight as Clavis swipes a finger along your leg, collecting your mixed juices and bringing it to your lips. You suck his fingers, cleaning them and swirling your tongue as he takes them away. His eyes darken in lust again and he pulls your body flush against his.
“Swirl your tongue like that again and you won’t be attending the ball,” He growls in your ear, a moan resounding in your throat at the promise, debating on taking him up on it.
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darkmindsotome · 3 years
Operation Getaway
Title: Operation Getaway
Fandom: Love365 Masquerade Kiss  
Pairing: Yuzuru Shiba X MC
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Word count: 2,677
Warning: NSFW Smut 
Written by: darkmindsotome 
Summary: Your Mission is to force your workaholic boyfriend to take a vacation. When the weather cancels your plans how will you keep the mission from failing?
Tagging @voltage-vixen as requested. Prompt #4: Snowed in during a holiday getaway
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Raven – London, 4th December
I’d just left Yuzuru’s place after spending the night. It wasn’t exactly a planned sleepover but one thing led to another and… yeah. The lift opened on the ground floor of Raven and I was almost at the main doors when a voice called out to me.
Stopping in my tracks I turned to greet my boyfriend’s right-hand man.
“Mr Katayama, it’s been a while.” I smiled at him, noting the bundle of thick files he had balanced in his arms.
“I was hoping to catch you.” Katayama returned my smile and looked like he was about to sigh before he corrected his behaviour. He certainly did look genuinely happy to have run into me.
“Oh?” My whole body reacted on a reflex, tensing up. I couldn’t help it. By this point, my years of training had become something of a habit.
“There’s no need to be so on edge. I believe this is a time where our mutual interest aligns nicely.” Katayama had always been very observant to the point where even Yuzuru was wary of him. Like my boyfriend though he had never once given me the impression of someone that lies to someone they trust. I wanted to believe in my instinct and flatter my ability to judge someone’s character. It was just difficult to relax in front of the man. “As you are aware we have several projects set to launch within weeks of the holiday season?”
“Yes, it’s something that has kept Yuzuru very busy.” I nodded all too aware of my boyfriend’s business schedule.
I frequently made a point of hacking into his daily planner to the point where he didn’t even try to stop me anymore. He knew as well as I did that even if he managed to block me, two certain someones would be more than happy to provide me with the details I wanted.
“Precisely. I was hoping that you could convince him to take time off after things have wrapped up?” The sudden request lost me. Was this the same man who was every bit a workaholic like my boyfriend? Then again what did I honestly know about the guy except he had Yuzuru’s approval?
“You want me to force him to take a vacation?” I searched for confirmation of what I was hearing.
In the past, I had watched Yuzuru as he hit his head against a brick wall with no solution. I’d made the selfish request to Katayama and Kazuomi so I could take him away and help him relax. This was not the issue now though. I had never seen Yuzuru so energised and productive. The man was a machine of his own creation.
“I’m sure if it is a request from you he may be more inclined to listen.” Katayama gave me a soft look that reminded me of just how much of a family a big company like Shiba could be.
“I think you give me too much credit.” I played the part of my modest alias well, averting my eyes from the man in front of me.
“Not at all. I can rearrange his schedule and free up his time after the final launch. All I need you to do is make sure he takes that time to relax.” Katayama reached out and gave me a reassuring pat on the shoulder.
I didn’t know what I was going to do but the wheels were already in motion. After several dates and planned meetings getting cancelled this felt like a surprise gift.
“I’ll do my best.”
Classified Location - 22nd December
My mission accepted it was all too easy to set up our little escape. Kazuomi made a point every year to ask what we wanted as gifts only ever receiving the standard replies in return. 
The Three S’s were very different when the holiday season kicked in. Kazuomi was even more over the top, lavishing everyone in sight with gifts. Kei always seemed to be away somewhere like he was fleeing something. Yuzuru… well he was usually working.
When I asked for help to steal my boyfriend again Kazuomi was happy to help. Even though it was a gift he still asked for a favour in return. I tried very hard not to imagine how that one might backfire on me later and accepted a wintery retreat in the middle of nowhere complete with transport to get us there.
The snow was so thick that just stepping into it resulted in losing yourself right up to the knee, and it was only getting deeper. This made it impossible to stick to the schedule I had mocked up for a certain CEO. Even on vacation, Yuzuru hated to have zero plans.
“This is very inconvenient.” The predictable complaint came from next to me as Yuzuru joined me in staring at the wintery landscape.
I suppressed a sigh looking at the frown marring my boyfriend’s face feeling responsible despite not being able to control the weather. He retreated inside our private lodge pulling out his laptop from the bags as soon as he sat down and began typing as fast as the snow was falling outside.
All my plans for a relaxing break had fallen apart overnight. We were meant to go out on snowmobiles and find some postcard-worthy views. Tall trees, snowy ground and lakes smooth as glass. We were supposed to travel to a distillery and sample some of the local varieties of vodka and have a nice meal with it. Returning home to warm up by the fire with some schnapps and maybe enjoy the private sauna in the lodge.
The snow drifted on the wind oblivious to the plans it had dashed. I was left with the sound from the open fire and the rhythmic clicking of a keyboard. This was not how this mission was going to end. Same situation different location. I was going to get Yuzuru to put down his work even if it was going to prove to be something of a yuletide miracle.
Yuzuru was 100% focused on his computer. Code was flying over it faster than I could read but it was very clearly something he could follow as his hands moved in sync with it. If people knew how proficient he was at this kind of thing, or how many times he hacked into secure locations for a bit of mental exercise, then he would be much higher up on the international wanted lists as a person of interest.
I tried to engage him with a conversation but he was so zoned out it was as good as talking to myself. Passing him food and drink was like watching a preprogrammed version of himself. He continued to type with one hand as he drank and ate what I offered him in an automatic robotic manner.
Unwilling to give up but running out of options to keep this mission on track I ended up slipping out of sight into the bedroom. Retrieving my suitcase I put it on a chair and started to look for what I had intended to only use on our last night here.
The expensive navy lace of the bespoke lingerie was so delicate it was like I was handling smoke. I secretly thanked Hugo for all his connections in putting me in touch with the designer. It was everything I wanted it to be. The fine details were elegant rather than flashy. I’m not normally one to wear such skimpy things but needs must when the devil drives.
After a quick shower, I styled my hair and slipped into the lace. It hugged my curves in all the right places allowing glimpses of skin through the pattern. Where the lace ended satin ribbon began allowing me to tie the lingerie on. Adding a pair of black stockings and the pair of high heels he once got for me I hummed in agreement with my thoughts as I looked in the full-length mirror.
This was a knockout look. I wasn’t exactly being modest in the pride I had in my work where I was well known for honey traps. It was key to know your target and play on their weakness. Who better to know the weakness of a world-leading man like Yuzuru Shiba than his significant other?
Returning to where I left my hard-working boyfriend I smiled seeing he had finally stopped typing like a man possessed. His eyes were still glued to the monitor but it should be easier to gain a fraction of a second of his focus.
“Something interesting?” I leaned over the back of the sofa wrapping my arms around his shoulders innocently ignoring how scandalously I was dressed.
“The latest data shows a variation I thought might happen but it occurred earlier than expected I was just…” He shifted in his seat his eyes landing on my exposed cleavage. His eyebrow twitched as he drank in the view behind him. I could almost feel the frustration that I was still partially hidden by the sofa cushioning.
“Just?” I purposely ignored his heated gaze pretending this situation was anything other than a direct seduction. One thing with Yuzuru sometimes it was easier to be direct than subtle. Subtle didn’t work, it left too many openings for failure.
“Just setting up orders to test preventative software to solve the issue.” His voice was monotone but I could see his adam’s apple making a gulping motion under his tight turtle neck.
“Oh? Good, I’m glad you could find a way to solve it.” Leaving the sofa I walked over to the table where we had drinks set up and poured myself a glass of schnapps. I could feel his eyes on my back and I smiled into my glass as I took a sip of the strong liquor.
“Did I miss something?” I could hear the click of his laptop closing behind me while I continued to act oblivious.
“Mm?” I poured another drink and turned around happy to see him stalking me like a hungry panther.
“When did you buy that?” There was a passion burning deep in his black eyes. That familiar dry ice stare sent a shiver through me knowing just what fire burned beneath that cold exterior.
“This? I’ve always had it.” I shrugged still playing the game I started. It wasn’t a typical us thing but it was fun to change things up from time to time. Yuzuru would probably call an idea like that a bug in my programming.
“Liar.” He was near me now. Close enough I could feel the heat of his body through his clothes. His slightly rough calloused hands reached out to trace the lines of the lace his eyes locking me in place. “Did you get this with me in mind?” His voice had lowered, the deeper lusty tone triggered something deep in my core.
“Who else should I have brought it for?” The time for playing the game was over. I put on a seductive voice of my own slipping my fingers under his turtleneck to grab his belt. Pulling him closer to me. I rubbed my hip into his growing desire. Turning my head slightly away from him to take another drink. “Ngh!”
Holding my wrist firmly he moved the glass away from my mouth like he was swatting a fly. His hot lips crashed into mine as the schnapps passed freely from my mouth to his. His kisses were always strong and made me feel drunk but drinking from my mouth was a whole other level.
“Was this your plan all along?” His low gravelly voice rolled around my slightly drunk brain turning my resolve to jelly.
“Yuzu…” With my other hand still pinned down, I gave him a pleading look. Removing the fingers of my free hand from his belt to draw lines over his sculpted body. I could feel his abs flex under my touch as he reacted even more to me. Can’t deny it’s not a thrill to get someone like Yuzuru Shiba to lose his cool.
“God, you’re sexy.” He pulled me closer to him returning my teasing from before by grinding against me as he lowered his head into the nape of my neck and gave me a stinging bite.
“Ah!” He wasn’t normally one to leave marks and if he did they usually weren’t visible. The thrill of crossing some invisible line had us both breathing heavier faster than normal.
He pulled back just far enough to yank his turtle neck off in one fluid motion. Unclipping his belt with one hand as he leaned back into me trailing kisses over all the exposed parts of my skin not covered by the lacey bra and panty set.
I moaned reaching for the ribbons more than happy to join him in freeing myself from the confines of clothing. His kisses stopped when he sensed me moving and the words from his mouth made me catch my breath.
“Stop.” He was usually commanding in the bedroom but it was silently. This was new it was direct, powerful. “If it’s for me I want to leave it on.” I did think getting him to stop working would be something of a miracle but seeing a new side to him has left me wondering who was receiving the benefits of it.
He guided me to the rug by the fire. It felt a little ‘Hollywood clique’ but there was at least a part of me that always wondered what this would be like if the chance ever happened. It was certainly not a situation I was expecting Yuzuru to initiate.
Laying me down on the plush ground I didn’t even have time to think about how it felt before he buried himself between my thighs. The lace became wetter as he sucked on me through the fabric before slipping under it and destroying me from the inside out with his tongue and fingers.
Glancing down I met his upturned eyes thick with passion and welcomed the moment we became one. The light from the fire glistened off the slick sweat on both our bodies as we rocked into each other searching for release.
I don’t know when but at some point I must have passed out. I couldn’t tell you how many times we had slept together. With this being a vacation the usual rule that limited us didn’t seem to apply. My whole body felt heavy but it was a comforting kind of weight.
The fire was dying in the fireplace and we were buried under a bundle of blankets on the floor. Yuzuru had one arm around my waist allowing me to use the other as a pillow. Shifting in his grip woke him up.
“You awake?” His voice was quiet and sleepy.
“You too.” I don’t know why but we were both almost whispering as if talking normally would somehow break the spell we were under.
“You should get cleaned up. I’ll make some food.” He took his arm from my waist rubbing his eyes and brushed the hair from his face. The loss of even that much of him made me feel a bit lonely. Reaching out from under the blankets I took hold of his arm and brought it back to my side under the covers.
“5 more minutes?”
“You’re impossible.”
Although he said that there was a warm tone to his voice and a smile on his face. He pulled me closer to him accepting the terms of extra time together without protest.
Later it was Yuzuru that announced our stay would be extended thanks to the weather but he didn’t look as upset about it as before. Operation Getaway seemed to be a success as we spent our time in the mini lodge surrounded by snow. Yuzuru did pick up his laptop again but only to answer a new years message from Kazuomi and Kei and stream some movies. It was a perfectly relaxing intimate vacation.
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