#'yall' effectively being all of maybe two other people
fauci saying “vulnerable people will fall by the wayside” and that some will die but that’s ok because we’re not going to see the “tsunami of cases” we’ve seen before is so dehumanising. so babies with no immune system, elderly people, disabled people, and people without adequate access to healthcare can all die of covid. but it’s ok guys because actually they’re just falling to the wayside and everyone else will go back to normal and be fine (sarcasm).
my death or the deaths of my family or friends wouldn’t be us “falling by the wayside”, it would be us being failed by our government, healthcare systems, and communities who have refused to take coronavirus seriously despite mounting anecdotal and scientific evidence of the harm this virus does. fact that people can accept the deaths of vulnerable groups just because they want to eat in a restaurant or don’t want to wear a mask is horrifying
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fandomfucker · 4 months
I loveeee the singer and rhea headcanons you write could you do one where the reader is an actress? Maybe they meet through the reader getting cast in a movie that involves around wwe so she spends time going to matches and backstage
Also, the years are different because that's how i want it and I said so🤷‍♀️
You'd have starred in that movie Fighting With My Family (just a different year though)
Since a big part of Saraya's story was Wrestlemania, you were invited to that years Wrestlemania, just a month or two before you started filming
The one you were invited to was Wrestlemania 39 and you were able to go to not only day 1, but also day 2 and got backstage VIP treatment
You got to meet a bunch (if not all) the wrestlers and had a heart-to-heart with Triple H
Rhea saw you first
She was nervous and jumping around shaking out her hands when she saw you walk down the hallway past her open door
Her heart stopped as did her nervous bounces
She kinda just automatically walked out of her room and watched you walk down the hallway until she couldn't see you anymore
She turned around and caught Dominik laughing at her
He told her who you were and told her to go for it
She didn't have the confidence until a little after winning her match against Charlotte
"Oh my god! Congratulations on your win! I'm Y/n Y/l/n, its so cool to finally meet you. You, uh, you looked really good out there."
"Yeah, you too. Thanks, uh-would you maybe, wanna, like, I dont know, get a drink or something after the show? You dont have to if you dont want to but-"
"I'd love too! And...maybe you could teach me a thing or two about wrestling?"
"Yeah, for sure"
You'd never seen her so nervous and it remained that way until she wound up proposing
But she just thought you were so fucking hot
Little did she know, you were just as affected as she was. you're just better at hiding it
soon as you walked away from yalls first meeting you were blushing and stuttering so bad someone asked if they needed to get you medical help
You were able to watch the matches from the guerilla and get a feel for the environment; the stakes, the people, the emotions, everything so that you'd be able to replicate it for the movie
You studied peoples moves, not only how they moved individually but together
Letting each other know what they were going to do, setting up, taking the bump, everything
You watched Rhea the closest though
It was just because she and Saraya seemed to have a lot in common in the way their characters looked is what you told yourself. Totally not cause she was absolutely gorgeously lethal in the ring
She helped you spare alongside the people actually hired to teach you for the movie. The wrestling with Rhea was more effective because that was her expertise
You definitely learned a lot but you only ever won when she let you
But with her looking the way she does when she riptides you, losing really doesn't sting too bad
You officially start dating around the time the movie comes out later that year, she was your date to the premiere and you guys wore matching outfits and it was perfect
Once you moved on to other projects, Rhea found solace in watching some of your previous stuff she hadn't seen before but found that she could NOT stand watching you scream or cry or be covered in blood (and god forbid a combination of the three)
You woke up once at 2 am to a call from her, checking to make sure you were ok and to hear your voice after she watched a show where your character was tortured nearly to death
She doesn't watch any of your horror/sci-fi stuff anymore
Shes always your premiere date though unless she absolutely has to work in which case you just go alone, but together you always match
She does love the stuff your in where youre not being harmed though and she'll watch them over and over again
She has at least one poster from everyone of your projects up somewhere in her house
Plus an abundance of your merch
Like way too much for any normal person
Kinda gives off Tom Holland and Zendaya vibes, but you each think that you're Tom and your girlfriend is Zendaya (if that makes sense)
Rhea about has a stroke when she find out you guest starred in an episode of Supernatural when you were younger
The Fighting With My Family movie is Rhea's favorite though and harbors the most merch since thats how yall met
You've gone to a ton of PPEs and RAWs since you started dating and fans freak out every time
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wtftarot · 2 months
PAC: How can you face your demons?
Thanks to @lifeofaie for the inspiration for this one!
Demons. We all have them and they come in all shapes and sizes, what are yours? Are they tiny ones on your shoulder, whispering in your ear? Are they hulking and bloody and hunting you down? Only one way to find out!
TW: We are talking demons if you think this is gonna be an easy-to-read-easy-to-swallow reading, then you may wanna look up the definition of demons. This reading WILL deal with sensitive topics, I will put warnings for each group but DO NOT READ IT IF YOU ARE IN A BAD PLACE OR FEEL LIKE THE TOPICS MAY FUCK WITH YOU. I AM NOT A THERAPIST. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF PLEASE.
as always this reading is for entertainment purposes ONLY and is not a substitute for professional advice in any capacity.
Pick Group One, Two or Three and head to your reading.
ps I don't know why I'm hearing the Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction theme right now but I am? Sound off in the comments if you watched that growing up
Group One
Eight/Cups Rx, Three/Wands, Three/Cups Rx, The Devil, Ace/Swords Rx and the Hanged Man Rx on the back of the deck.
Demons (TW): Isolation, Abandonment, Not feeling Real, self-identity If you came to this reading and are having delusions or something about not being real, please find guidance from a professional. As soon as I pulled the first card for y'all I heard 'stop running'. It looks like y'all maybe, possibly avoiding/sabotaging relationships and you don't realize how much this is fucking you over. Some of y'all have friends/relationships but are not truly letting them know you. Others are self-isolating full-stop. I don't know why you're doing this, maybe you've had shitty relationships in the past. Maybe you've just convinced yourself you're a loner and that maybe true, here's the thing though, you're taking loner to an extreme. You never let people know you and then have this inner turmoil because you feel unknown, abandoned, and alone. It's also making you feel like you're not really Here or not Real. (Side note: Yall are TOUCHSTARVED) You're questioning the reality of yourself. Like somehow you're separate from the rest of the world. When you're not being your true self with others they treat you as someone else, so you start to feel like someone else BUT at the same time, your true self is SCREAMING at you inside, dying to come out. Honey, you can't keep abandoning yourself. Now this next bit ain't a call out, but you may be projecting the resentment you feel about not being your true self onto others. Angry and wondering why can't they see you? The REAL you. You may even be feeling like they're asking too much of you, asking you to be someone you're not. (For some of y'all I don't doubt that's the case. ) Thing is, they can't see you if you don't let them. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of times when people refuse to see you wholly as you are. (wholly is a fuckin weird word) When that happens though, it seems like you're taking others' word as law on who you are. All of this is giving this weird disconnect between you and others. Then it's like, what's the point in trying to build relationships with others? You end up drained and having to keep up a facade, why keep doing that to yourself right? There's a side effect of avoiding (authentic) relationships though. You see, friendships are very good at keeping our inner narrative in check. When we self-isolate there's no one to challenge our downward spiral-shit show (only scrolling, never talking to others online counts as self-isolating btw,) Our relationships help us see the world and ourselves clearer, but only if we can be honest. I'm saying all of this because I'm getting the feeling that y'all are REALLY fuckin hard on yourselves. Ok, ya know what we're gonna take a minute and breathe. Are you breathing? Nice, slow breaths. Cause that was a lot, wasn't it sweetheart? We're on to the easier bit now, alright? Ok, with this energy, I'm betting y'all get told you need to do more grounding a lot, Right? Like, no matter how many grounding techniques you do, you can never seem to actually get grounded? It may have more to do with grounding who you are into reality. I mean, it doesn't matter how grounded in the moment you are if you're not behaving as your authentic self you're not going to feel connected at all. It may be that you only really feel like yourself when you're alone. There's no way around this, babe. You have to try to build genuine connections with people. I'm talking heart-felt, emotionally-connected friendships and relationships. I know, I know it SUCKS. Good thing is, those relationships take time to build. You should go slow and build that type of trust over time. If you have people who you feel like you could start to be more authentic around, take baby steps. Be honest with how you feel. I also just heard 'learn to lean on others' . Spirit's making me a fuckin hypocrite. Y'all know it's okay to receive support right? Connections make you stronger. You can't isolate yourself into being the person you want to be.
random ass vibes: GOAT, papertowels, Justice, swords
If you liked this reading or want to support me, you can leave me a tip with the thing at the bottom of this post or tell me what you thought in the comments
Group Two
Three/Cups Rx, The Magician, Ten/Cups Rx, Ace/wands, Five/Swords Rx and the Five of Wands on the back of the deck
Demons (TWs) Bullying, Negative self-talk/ self-hate
I'm getting the sense that y'all beat yourselves up a lot without realizing it. Y'all seem to think that everyone berates themselves as much as you do and that's just not the fucking case, honey. I feel like y'all are a prime example of if you hear a lie often enough you start to believe it. With the Three and Ten of cups both in reverse, y'all have been around some SHITTY people. And I don't think y'all had enough positive voices in your corner to help combat the shit you were being told about yourself. What's more concerning is some of you, most of you even, don't see how you're shitty inner dialogue is a problem. I'm not going into what I'm feeling y'all are saying to yourselves, that shit doesn't deserve to be voiced. Y'all are so fuckin talented and wonderful but every moment of every day is filled with these thoughts that you're horrible and you wonder why you can't seem to get shit done. Or why you don't feel that motivated to do anything. Then when you can't seem to get anything done, you use that as evidence that those shitty thoughts are right and beat yourself up EVEN MORE. Goddamn honey. Your mind is incredibly powerful and you're using that power against yourself. Maybe at one point you did argue with the shitty people or shitty thoughts but it got so overwhelming that you stopped fighting it. I keep hearing 'take up your wand'. It's time for y'all to push back against the thoughts a bit. One thing I'm getting might be helpful is to listen to positive affirmations. I'm not trying to say that they'll fix your life but if any of what I'm feeling is accurate, some of y'all have NEVER had any consistent positivity in your life and just listening to someone talking positively about you would help balance the scales out a bit. You don't even have to believe what they're saying, it's like that saying I mentioned earlier. You probably disagreed with the shitty things people told you about yourself at first too. Or at least felt like they were being mean and unfair, but you heard it over and over until you believed it. Listening to positive affirmations can do the same thing. I just heard 'don't let it get to you' I feel like y'all were really passionate and cared a lot about what people said, so you fought and you may be told parents/teachers and they gave you the whole 'they're only doing it to bother you, so don't let it' bullshit, instead of helping you. You may have even gotten in trouble when you tried to fight back. Cause people being shitty SHOULD bother you. That's not you being too sensitive, it's you knowing that you don't deserve to be treated like shit. I think it would be helpful for y'all, if you have a therapist or someone kind and honest and who you trust, to tell them some of those lil tapes you have on repeat in your head. Seriously just ask, I have this thought in my head about myself can you tell me if it's grounded in reality or not? Cause, the fact is that y'all don't even fully realize how horrible you're being toward yourselves and need some outside perspective. I'm also seeing you may have a habit of really seeking out romantic relationships because you're really wanting to be treated with some gentleness and kindness but have never been shown that in a platonic relationship and media really only shows that level of intimacy in romantic relationships. I hate how cliche this will sound but y'all need to surround yourself with positivity. Cause y'all are starved for it. I don't mean toxic positivity or the 'live, laugh, love' sunshine and rainbows positivity. I mean kindness. I mean warmth and acceptance.
random ass vibes: bitchy kindness lol, lighthouses, lions, 1414
If you liked this reading or want to support me, you can leave me a tip with the thing at the bottom of this post or tell me what you thought in the comments
Group Three
The Empress Rx, The Sun, Seven/Swords, Ten/Swords Rx, The High Priestess Rx and the Four of Wands Rx on the back of the deck.
Demons (TWs): Abuse.
If you are currently in an unsafe situation the phone number for the abuse hotline is 800-799-7233.
I'm smelling old cigarettes. Which will seem a little random but with it came the image of my great-aunt's house, she was a heavy smoker (and not to overshare) but her house was one of the few places I felt seen and safe growing up. Her house was warm and welcoming, and she was into all the weird dark shit I was fascinated by then (and now). The smell of cigarettes always makes me feel safe, even now. I feel like y'all need to cultivate an environment where you feel safe because you will be a safe place for others. Y'all do or will have an energy similar to my great-aunts Why is this coming out in a 'how to face your demons' reading? All of the reasons I felt so safe at her house were all of the reasons most of our family didn't like her. I think, that y'all have been wounded in a way where people have taken and taken from you. Have convinced you that you're nothing when they're the ones draining you until you have nothing left. My great-aunt was in an abusive relationship before I was born, from what I've been told she was totally unrecognizable, he made her small, meek. As long as I've known her she's one of the loudest, boldest people I've ever known. If someone's made you feel like the only way you're allowed to show up in the world is by being small or hiding yourself, I'm here to tell you that that's not the case. I don't know your situation exactly or at all. The Empress and The High Priestess are in reverse here, I feel like y'all are meant to embody those cards in the upright but whatever you've gone through has made you feel like it's not safe to embrace them. Or maybe apathetic toward them. I'm getting a lot of apathy, actually. The demons you're facing are parts of your past that you feel like broken you to the point where you'll never be able to 'be vibrant' again. I hear the be vibrant part, maybe you feel faded? You will, though. Be vibrant, again. Hell, the Sun came up in the reading, babe you're already on your way. Maybe only in small ways so you haven't noticed yet, but you are. All of the traits you've been told make you unwanted are the ones that will make the right people feel safe around you. I feel like y'all are genuinely warm and kind people and you've been treated like shit for it. Some of you haven't lost those traits but some of you have, that's alright. Lastly, for most of y'all, it seems this situation is over, but you're still sorta living in it. Living as if you're still trapped in it, that you'll never escape, or that they were right. Listen to me, an abuser is NEVER right. Sometimes our bodies just need time to learn that we are in fact out of a shitty situation. Going back to the first bit of the reading, it's time y'all get to learn what safe feels like.
random ass vibes: campy Halloween vibes, cats, ducks, pasta.
If you liked this reading or want to support me, you can leave me a tip with the thing at the bottom of this post or tell me what you thought in the comments
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shurisbathwater · 1 year
𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧!𝙨𝙝𝙪𝙧𝙞 𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚
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You fucked that girl that you met at the party I got some new niggas down in the lobby, How can I sleep when you're out catchin' bodies? I still wanna be with you, trust me, I know that's insane...
i got this idea while listening to telekenesis,n i just got a random urge to write asap. i suggest that yall should while reading too! this is gonna be short and defo not sweet. mentions of sex, angst and argument incoming... and yes i did put random lyrics in some parts just bc 😭 You pull up the mirror in your friends car, looking at yourself once more before you went into the mansion which you were parked right beside. The bass of afrobeats and dancehall practically made the house shake. Of course, you didnt want to actually be there.You'd rather be with your girlfriend. Though she was still on that business trip..it somehow got longer by two days?
you missed her. you wanted to hug her, you wanted to kiss her, you wanted to... "Ready to go, mama?" Ashanti said, in the drivers seat, looking at you. She parted her full glossy lips as she waited for a response. Ashanti has been one of your closest friends for over a while now-even before Shuri entirely. "yeah." you utter back, as you dust the top of your all black outfit. you pull the mirror back up and step out of the car, your knee high boots clacking as you walk. you smooth your hair down before sighing, glancing at ashanti and walking in together. Once you walked in, the smell of drugs, alcochol and many kinds of other things filled your sense of smell. you really hadn't been at a party in a while. And you wanted to keep it that way. But ashanti just kept pushing so you just gave in. Plus,you didnt want to be ruin the fun of course. You take a seat on one of the couches, one leg on top of the other. "I'm gonna get us some drinks." ashanti grins, and you nod with a smile. once her back turns your smile fades. You begin to observe the environment you are in. Flashing led lights, loud music. you look around to see people smoking in one corner, drinking in another, and people socialising everywhere. you realise your body is tense, and you try to make yourself just..relax. You drop your shoulders and take a breath, trying to enjoy yourself. You missed your Shuri and all, but you had to just let go, like your best friend had said to you earlier on. you see Ashanti in the corner of your eye, and you turn to her and smile. She hands you your drink. "Thank you love." you say. "no problem." she replies. You take a sip of your drink, and you scrunch your nose up as the liqour burns your throat. "what is this?" you ask. "just drink, girl." she laughs. you shake your head as you chuckle, glancing at the doorway leading to the upstairs of the luxorious mansion.
you then see someone walk past, the sharp jawline caught your eye in the midst of all the flashing strobe lights. You noticed their undercut and their prada shades. almost like shuri? what the fuck? your smile turns to a frown and you whip out your phone instantly, turning it on and typing in shuri's contact. you: where are you rn?
Your brows furrow. Maybe you were just being stupid right? these lights are pretty bright..so..maybe you just confused someone else for her? thats probably it. calm down, yn. you thought as you switch your phone off. "Yn? yn? helloooo?" ashanti repeats, tapping you. "what? sorry, i thought i saw shuri." you let out a chuckle. "where?" she raises her brows, looking through the big crowd. "No, no..its nothing. im probably just tripping. not the liqour hitting." you laugh it off. Ashanti cackles along with you,slapping your shoulder.
Soon, you find yourself lost in the party, drinking, dancing and chopping it up with some others. you were even feeling the effect of the liquor, weirdly, you were always the sober one. you're laughing with ashanti once again, until you hear the intro of unforgettable. You gasp. "this is my song!" you squeal, pulling your friend up by the arm as you both make your way to the dance floor. You loose yourself to the flow of the music, and find yourself actually having fun..for the first time in a while now-without shuri. Ashanti wraps her hands around your waist as you dance, as you are recording on your phone lipsyncing to the lyrics.
in the distance, you see a head pull through the crowd, similar to who you saw earlier, and your eyes widen but you ignore it this time. You're not going to let that ruin your night. Shuri would never lie to you. You trust her beyond a hundered percent. Later, you're playing truth or drink with two girls you and ashanti had met here, at the party. you couldn't even count how many hours you were here. Honestly, it was lit and you didn't care. You down another shot, and you feel the burn in your throat for the millionth time tonight, but you're somewhat used to it now. "damn." you mutter, as you scrunch your nose. after a few more rounds, you feel the need to go to the bathroom. "I'm going to the bathroom, i'll be right back." You say, getting up. "you want me to go with you?" ashanti offers. "no thanks. im good." you smile, before turning on your heel and making your way there. you open many doors, but cant seem to find it. "Hey, you know where the bathroom is?" you ask a person standing around. "i think its right there." they point to the door down the hall. You smile and nod. "Thank you." you make your way there, and open the door with a click. This, in fact, was not the bathroom. your eyes widen as you see a girl sitting on the edge of the bed, as someone was drowned between her thighs. Looked just like the girl you saw earlier. "S..shuri.." the girl lets out a breathy moan as she grips the sheets of the bed, and the person on her knees hums against her, still between her legs. your whole body turns cold, and suddenly the music stops and you stand there, frozen. You couldn't believe what you were seeing and you prayed it wasn't real. all the Alcohol leaves your body so fast, like you had never even been drinking in the first place. Shuri is supposed to be miles away from here. she is miles away.
"you like that baby?" the person under her uttered, her thick wakandan accent present. Fuck. your mouth slightly drops open, and you turn on your heel, making a sound, leaving as quick as you came, leaving the door wide open. you quickly walk away from the scene, and blink back tears. you had to get out of here, fast. suddenly, you feel a familiar grasp grab your wrist. you turn to see who you wished and hoped it wasnt who you thought it was. "yn? how long had you been standing there? when did you get here?" she asks.
"Long enough to know that you're a liar and a cheat! i should be asking you when you got here!" you pull away from her grasp and take a step back. "You fucking lied to me! you told me you were out of the country for longer. why?" you suck in a breath, trying to blink back tears.
"I..." "I dont even want to hear your lame ass excuse." you laugh bitterly. "I cant believe this right now, I...three years down the drain. Three! for some girl that you met at a stupid house party." Your voice wavers, and you take another step back. "it was a mistake. she means nothing." shuri takes two steps closer to you, and suddenly you find yourself turning around and leaving. fast walking through the crowds of drunks as your throat begins to grow a sharp pain, and your lips tremble as you try to hold back a sob. You're startin' fresh, man, you fell out of pocket You fucked that girl that you met at the party...
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silly-comics · 2 months
I got a question or more, sorry if they is dumb it probably is, anyway
Anything New About The Comic That You Got Done Yet? Not Rushing
And that last ask got me wondering sorry if this is the dumbest question, but why do you ship killer x cross and Horror x dust? If you don't mind me asking
I have no problem with the ships they just seem off to me but that's my opinion so I just wanted to know why or your opinion on why you ship them?
Sorry if it's dumb I just wanna know
Back to the question this is the last one
What ships do you find gross or disturbing? I just want your look on things
Ik this is long I'm sorry-
I’m not gonna lie, I’ve been going through one of my depressive episodes and I typically fall out of drawing for months when those happen. So I haven’t really made any progress on the comic, which is what I know yall don’t wanna hear. School should be starting back up again sometime soon though and I’ll be forced to draw so I’ll probs get back into then.
For your second question:
I ship Killer X Cross because I think their dynamic would be interesting and a bit goofy. Killer being the bastard he is goes well with Cross who would balance him out and perhaps make less bad choices. On the other hand, Killer could teach Cross how to loosen up a bit and live a little. They can also both relate on the “I was once sharing a body with Chara” thing lol. Plus, I think Cross could maybe have the same end effect that Color would have on Killer in that if they were to realize that maybe being under Nightmares power isn’t so healthy, Cross could help steer Killer towards the path of freedom?
Horror x Dust is a little more tricky to explain. I feel it came more from a place of necessity rather than genuine love for each other? They got together to stabilize each other while under Nightmare, it was a way to cope. It’s a bit toxic with Horror’s constant paranoia/distrustfulness/anger issues and Dust’s apathy/indifference and the tendency to dissociate as well as major move swings. I like to think there’s a time where they eventually work this stuff out and can actually be together, I don’t think it’s realistic. At least without another outsiders help, like shipping Horror with Farm and Dust with Fell. If it was more of a poly, the other two could help stabilize Horror and Dust I feel.
I love angst and stuff but at the same time it makes my heart ache so much 😭 so these aren’t like the only pairings I like with the group. I like the idea of it being a poly of all of them, including Nightmare, with varying levels of closeness.
For the ships I find gross/disturbing: I feel like the obvious ones do not need to be named, so just the proship ones. I’m not usually the type to go on a rant about proshipping and stuff, so I’ll leave it at that.
If you’re asking what type of ships I personally dislike though, that answer is also a little boring as I don’t really mind what other people think as long as it’s not weird. Like, I’ll occasionally see something like Nightmare X Fresh and the most I’ll do is question where that idea came from. Good art is good art so you’ll get a like from me no matter the subject (besides the obvious boundaries).
Also, guys, you gotta stop apologizing cause I love ranting and answering your questions 🥺 you guys have been very kind
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guardian5tiger3 · 1 year
Upcoming surprises!! Tarot & channeled messages
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1 2
3 4
Group one
So it seems like there's some situation whereas you guys have been going through or having something go on around yall that doesn't match your energy at all. So something undeserved and you guys have had to defend yourselves on some level.i see you guys getting a lot of dharma. (Good karma). I see you guys becoming more and more content with yourselves and that you are good people regardless of your otter situations. I see you guys getting closer to something and for ome of you it is your soulmate and for some of you it is the divine but its something good. I see this getting closer whatever it may be , the more you grow within yourselves. I see yourself feeling better and your situations being more enjoyable in the near future than you could imagine because the bad energy that's surrounded you all have given you the idea in the back of your minds that it must just be like this then. Some of you may have been stressed that you might have to do something and no matter what it happens to end up being it's gonna suck or be strenuous. But I see positive change and good things coming and you all not having to do much at all. I see the universe clearing something out. So whatever you've all had to defend yourselves from however that might be if it applies, you no longer will have to. Almost as if that energy , person , or situation whatever it is is going to just disappear. A few of you might get new pets. This could also you deciding to get a new pet all of a sudden and just doing so. I'm seeing whether you have a pet or should get one they are like a good luck charm. 💙
Group two
I see something that is inevitable taking place where it may be pretty chaotic in some way or another. This is going to lead to some form of an ending somehow for most of you.maybe this is what some of you don't expect but I see this not negatively effecting you.infact you might be the one manifesting it know it or not. You guys also might be bringing in some form of financial success or something good happening for you in terms of work and or money. You guys seem like you know you're good or hopefully you will after seeing this take place and seeing yourself untouched in any negative way by it. Haha. Peace and one love
Group three
Some of you are going to get a compliment. Some of you are going to get a hand me down thing or an inheritance or something like that only for one or two of you. Overall it seems this group is going to be made to feel special and this I could cry about because you guys need some love like that it seems. I heard support as in some of you are going to be receiving support as it may be needed. I see a lot of energy of something building up or growing or something. So this is a good omen if a situation that can be applied to comes to mind. Seems like there's other things but for this group I guess the real surprises really are meant to be surprises.
Group four
Some situation may have been or had been in the past sort of rough for you and I'm being told it'll be made right. Maybe not in the way you would hope for or expect.
Also a lot of you might expect something to suck in the worst way but especially if you're shooting your shot somehow you might be happily surprised.
I'm seeing support and possibly recognition maybe one or the other. I'm seeing something you finally get that you know you deserve or should have and just being content like with that.
For a few of you it's a whole string of events both positive and negative from something you may have or will have done or said and it's overall a good thing even though it might possibly be a roller coaster of a situation. So it's almost like you started it and manifested the whole thing and you may be a little shocked but also kind of proud . Maybe you help someone or some other people somehow?
Some of you may just get to see something genuinely kind take place like someone helping ducklings cross the road for example and it makes you happy. 💚💙💗
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bibimbinge · 9 months
Mark Pakin appreciation post cause why not
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Hes a cutie and I am convinced we are buddies (I have never met this man irl in my life)
teensy background on him, he was a professional badminton player before he decided he wanted to try out acting.. which btw an insane move cause we saw him play in Starlympics, mans have SKILLS!!
Like everyone, he started with a tiny role to test the waters. Yall wanna know what was his first role was??
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He was Teh’s college roommate in I Promised You The Moon!! *sidenote @ MARK PAKIN BRING BACK THE LONG WAVY HAIR PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE
This was way before BKPP was as huge as they are now but still!! What an iconic debut amirite!!
Anyway, I wanted to write an appreciation post cause we saw with our very own eyes how fast he grew as an actor. In just a year he played 4 characters who are in very different age groups going through very different things. Not an easy task to pull off but he did it. He did it all so well!!!
We got Mark as a high schooler (Thiu in My School President)
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Mark played two dudes in their early 20s (Saleng in Moonlight Chicken & Nick in Only Friends)
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AND Mark ins his late 20s / late young-adulthood (Night in Last Twilight)
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this is ALL WITHIN A YEAR!! after the teeny role in IPYTM he immidiately got signed under GMM and got. to. WORK!
and this isn’t counting him originally getting casted in Cooking Crush before having to do a re-cast cause… well obviously he was over-booked.
What is up with the Marks of the world and wanting to be constantly busy??? We got Mark Lee debuting like 5 different groups + as a solo artist and now we got Mark Pakin who’s booked more roles than many actors whos been in the industry for as long as he has. LEARN TO TAKE A GOOD BREAK MY DUDES!!
anyway SKILLS!! This dude can act!! from playing a best friend whos fed up with his bestie being a loser over his crush to playing a guy committing crimes out of pure jealousy.. he has range and he improved a whole dang lot.
Compared to Mark in the warp effect where we saw him in like.. 10 scenes max.. to Mark as Night in Last Twilight which also about the same number of scenes ((so far)), he's done really good.
the greatest example is Mark as Nick.
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duuuude when I tell ya, whenever he popped those heart eyes at Boston I was convinced I knew exactly what he was feeling. He did great at conveying feelings through his eyes and subtle body movements. When he cried, I cried even though Nick was in the wrong.. like he did great!! When he was jealous, I was jealous. I might be an empath who tends to mirror other peoples emotions OR it could just be.. he is THAT good.
Maybe I'm biased or whatever but I believe he's one of the upcoming thai actors you gotta look out for cause.. bros been getting that bag, and he will continue to do so and I will happily watch any series or movies he'll be in.
Alrighty I'm off to take a nap now 😴💤
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im tagging a few people who listens to my rants because I love Mark and you should too. @dramalets @markpakin @drama-nonsense @mooniyuta @ayansbff
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lomlhotchner · 2 years
❛ faking it! ❜ … aaron hotchner
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↠ the heart wants what it wants masterlist
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༘♡ ⋆。˚ SUMMARY : the mission is on, act like a rich loving couple, dig some information, catch the unsub. seem easy enough right?
༘♡ ⋆。˚ WARNINGS : high tensions 😫 mutual pining, cursing, they’re shy okay, the plot doesn’t really make sense (i tried), english isn’t my first language!
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ HANA’S NOTES : here we goooo!!!!! thank you so much for yalls patience 😭😭 this is part two to for zipper but you don’t need to read the it to understand this! i am so sorry from the bottom of my heart if this doesnt make sense lmao i dont know what i was going for. hope yall enjoy 💗
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“Remember the plan?”
You took a deep breath and nodded your head, “Yeah, go in there, bond with the rich, find the unsub, piss him off so that he’ll take the bait, and then lure him outside so that he can get his ass kicked.” you stated confidently.
Hotch raised his eyebrows at you, amused “When does the ass kicking happen?”
You shrugged your shoulders, a smirk playing on your lips, “Whenever I get the chance.”
He scoffed out a laugh, making you grin at the sound. You arrived at the elevator, sending the elevator operator a warm smile in greeting before stepping inside. He was an old man with grey hair, he had wrinkles and the most comforting smile on his face.
“Where are you two lovebirds headed?” he cheekily asked while looking at the both of you with a knowing look.
If only he knew.
Hotch smiled at Stan—the nametag says, “Dinner.”
Stan nodded his head and press the respected level before sending you a warm smile, "May I say you look stunning in that dress.”
You shyly laughed and lowered your head, but before you could thank him, Hotch’s deep voice cut you off, “Doesn’t she?” he spoke with the softest tone you have ever heard and when you look up at him, he was already looking down at you with the certain look in his eyes that anyone can decipher as fondness.
No, he’s just being in character. Don’t be delusional.
Hotch has been acting different with you since the undercover task began. Although the whole point of it was to make everything up and act, you can’t help but think that he was just showing a part of himself where no one has the privilege to know. In easier words, you think he wasn’t really acting.
So does that mean the almost kiss…. ?
Do you really want to go there?
You weren't sure.
You guys continue to stare at each other not noticing the operator’s grin. He has seen a handful of couples in this part of the job and he knows when he sees fools in love.
The elevator dinged, indicating you arrived at the respected floor. You guys broke from the little staring contest, your cheeks heating up. Sending Stan a smile before walking out of the elevator.
The venue was enchanting, to say the least. Bright elegant chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Beautiful flower arrangements placed on the table. People in gorgeous dresses and suits and suddenly you felt underdressed compared to them. Because this isn’t actually your real lifestyle, but for them, this is just a normal Tuesday.
Hotch interrupted your thoughts by bend down so he was level with your ear, “I didn’t get the chance to say this earlier, but you look absolutely gorgeous.” he whispered before standing up to his full height.
You couldn’t even count how many times you were flustered tonight. Your body was all tingly with excitement as you looked up at him, “Thank you, honey. You don’t look too bad yourself.” you teased.
A smirk formed on his lips. You could see his Adams apple bob at how hard he swallowed and maybe it’s the lights, but you can vividly make out his rosy cheeks after your comment.
He subtly tries to hide his face in the crook of your neck, giving it a soft kiss for the extra effect. “Did you turn on your coms?” he mumbled.
Your eyes widen a little. right, you’re undercover. You move to your ear and click the device resulting in it turning on with a beep.
The audio cracks for a moment before JJ’s voice appeared, “Y/N? Hotch? Can you guys hear us?”
“Yeah, we can hear you JJ.”
“Okay, good. Any signs of the unsub?” she asked.
“No, not yet.” you answered, giving the place a once over for any suspicious acts.
“Nope.” Emily sounded through the coms. Followed by the other’s negative response of the unsub’s whereabouts.
“Alright, everyone be cautious. We know the unsub is unstable, keep an eye out for any weird behaviors.” Hotch ordered as he led you to the ballroom.
He took two champagne glasses and handed you one of them. You sent him a small as gratitude. Your hand was shaking slightly when you bought the glass to your lips.
Hotch took notice of that and rub his hand at the small of your back, “Relax.” he smiled.
You shyly nodded your head as you both moved to one of the tables. Taking a seat that Hotch has gracefully pulled out for you.
"You okay?" Hotch asked, sitting beside you.
"Yeah, kinda excited."
"Excited to catch a murderer?" he raised his eyebrows.
"That, but also this." you gestured to the ballroom you guys are in, "Everything is just so fancy, and pretty! I can't even remember the last time I actually got ready and wear a dress." you chuckled, not realizing that your hand has gravitated to the tip of Hotch's fingers, softly playing with it.
Hotch felt like he was going to melt at how adorable you are, plus the feeling of your hands on his skin? He's a goner. He has always known that you were a touchy person, having to see you hug or link your arms with the rest of the squad except him was not entirely unnoticeable. So when he gets the chance to have this pleasure, he isn’t sure what to do.
As you continued to talk about … —okay, he isn’t entirely paying attention— he has a small smile played on his lips. He just can't tear his eyes away from you. His eye move to your cheeks, your eyes, the flutter of your eyelashes. Have you always been this pretty?
"Hotch? Did you hear what I said?" you tap the inside of his palm, trying to get his attention back to whatever daydream he went.
Hotch could feel his cheeks at getting caught red handed, "Yeah, yeah, sorry just got distracted."
You almost laughed at the absurdity, "By what? Me? You play this part too good Hotch, cause I can almost believe you're in love with me." you eyes widen slightly at your word vomit, you instantly regretted what you said but Hotch surprised you by laughing along.
"Oh honey, you have no idea." he softly chuckled.
God, I hate how he can act so good.
Your eyes move to surveillance the room as a distraction and noticed something, "Okay, don't look right now but the table on our left have been staring at us for the past 5 minutes."
Hotch subtly nodded his head and glanced at the table. It was a group of men in suits staring at you guys.
You. Specifically.
He clenched his jaw and protectively wrapped his arms around your waist. Your stomach fluttered at the sudden contact. "We should split up and dig more information. I'm going to those gentlemen, and you can scout out the ladies over there."
You cleared your throat, brushing off your bashfulness, "Yeah, that's- that's a good idea." you stood up and brush the wrinkles of your dress. "See you later, handsome." you boldly left a kiss on his cheek, softly patting his shoulder.
Hotch felt like he was in a daze as he stared at you walking away. His tongue poke his cheek, trying to fight back a smile from forming when you sneak a peek around your shoulder, send him a cheeky smile and a wink.
He composed himself before he trudged to the table, “Evening, gentleman.” he greeted, noticing how they all pretend that they weren’t staring at his date. Fake date. “How are you guys enjoying the event?”
Enjoy drooling at my date? he wanted to add.
On the other side of the room, you have to control yourself from getting overly sheepish at the compliments the girls are giving you guys.
Both of you guys.
You and Hotch. Together.
“How long have you guys been with each other?”
“You guys look so good together."
"The ring is beautiful."
"He's so fine, girl. You are so lucky,"
"Are you joking? He's lucky one. Look at her, she's gorgeous."
The compliments are making you blush, "Thank you, ladies." you smiled, glancing at Hotch absentmindedly.
They were right, he is fine.
You shook your head, remembering the real reason you are here. "So. do you guys know the host personally?"
The girl on your right, —Barbara you think, "Oh no, I just work for them. But this one," she nudged the girl beside her, "works as a personal assistant for the host's mom."
Your eyebrows rose at the new information, "Oh? The pay's probably good huh?"
She chuckled, "I don't want to say much but it is definitely better than working as an accountant. If you exclude the constant bickering between her and her son in law."
That peeked your interest, but before you can dig up more information, Barbara spoke, "Oh my god. Your husband is literally head over heels for you. He won't stop ogling you!"
All of you subconsciously turned your head at the direction she was looking at.
Your eyes meet Hotch's and low and behold, he was already looking at you. And at the sudden addition of eyes his own widened as he shy away from the attention.
The sight made you grin.
The girls giggled and moved their conversation to a different topic. But you can’t help yourself from taking a peak at Hotch again. You both made eye contact, sharing a flustered smile.
Okay. What the fuck’s that about.
Countless of thoughts running through your head. The interaction have caught Emily’s attention as you make eye contact with her. What was that? Her face wearing a shocked, questionable look, as she teasingly smirked.
You subtly shrugged your shoulders. I have no fucking clue.
If this is going on for the whole night, you dont know how much your heart can take.
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reblog / tell me what you think for a smooch <3 check out my other works!
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
Imagine being in a polyamorous with Zib and Mitzi while they were still traveling musicians
I have so many thoughts about this it's insane
Anon ur brain is so big ... ..... i also have thoughts, pls tell me your's
So there's a few ways you all could have met, and it probably involved alcohol and a late night many years ago. ... Maybe that's why neither of you can remember it. After joining the traveling band, it's tough to say if you were Mitzi or Zib's friend first, and you vaguely recall there being a running bet between the two over who you liked the most. Sure, you could be with one of them, but the other would inevitably show up. Mitzi and Zib both have a way of finding excuses to be around you and getting your attention without outright asking for it, because that would be embarrassing. They had a lot of funny similarities like that, back in the early days.
Being together as a trio and not just some open relationship happened weirdly naturally. Again, it was one of those things no one could pin down when it started, because there was always affection and touching and kisses and being veeery comfortable with each other. The rest of the band didn't think much of it either, grateful there was minimal drama and more than happy to rib you, Zib and Mitzi about being so 'bohemian', and of course when everyone's drunk and rowdy there's lots of whooping and cat-calling.
As far as actually talking about this arrangement? Well, there wasn't a whole lot to say; you three were young and more than a little infatuated with each other. And it was working, so what was there to talk about? Right? Well, sometimes Mitzi got jealous if you messed around with anyone but her and Zib, even in the band. That surprised you. It was more pouting than real jealousy, but still. She got the same way when she felt you were taking Zib's side or doting on him too much over her; which you and him just found endearing at the time.
If you're femme, there's plenty of teasing from the band about Zib having such cute lady cats with him all the time, and you know he's more than smug about it. He likes being intimate with both of you at once, the hedonist. You and Mitzi know how to take him down a peg, though. On the other hand, if you're masc, you know Mitzi loves having two boys look after her. That's what she calls you, "my boys", with equal levels affection and exasperation. She prefers being with each of you individually. Her flirting is much more effective that way, not that you mind the attention.
The cuddle pile in the evening is non-negotiable. If you aren't a touchy or snuggly person, I'm sorry to inform you that you're stuck with two very clingy, very heavy sleepers. It's fantastic in the winter when yall are staying in a shitty and freezing boarding house, but the summertime? It can be unbearable, especially if you're trapped between them (though Zib usually rolls off the bed at some point). If you're a fluffy cat, Zib loves to bellyache about how you and Mitzi's fur gets all over him and his clothes. She just laugh (You think she likes to mark her territory, whether it be with stray fur or lipstick stains). Even when passed out in the park, one of them will inevitably drag stagger their way to you.
(And look, three people sharing a room every time is just economical, okay? The other guys share a room - granted, they don't all try to pile onto one shitty twin-sized bed because Zib and Mitzi refuse to take a couch or the floor and if you take it they both feel bad and try to drag you back and desperately try to make room on a mattress that's probably not fit for a dog).
Good luck trying to write music or practice (God forbid) or even get ready because these two can be so clingy. Zib will confess to it, Mitzi denies it. They just have different styles of cling. Zib's the one lazily leaning on you, falling asleep in your lap, always resting a head on your shoulder. Always having to be touching in some way. Mitzi is wanting to touch and fuss with your hair, give you kisses, hold your hand and get your attention. She wants to go places, and keep your arm in her's. She's movement, he's sedentary.
There's been times when Zib and Mitzi butted heads, and guess who has to be the tie breaker? Because taking one side over the other means dealing with a huffy Mitzi or a sullen Zib (you can just duck your head and stay out of it like the rest of the band does ...).
A drinking competition between these three is a lost cause because Mitzi can throw them back like a champ and Zib can get really wasted without passing out. Either you're the no-drinks chaperone or the one passing out first, sorry fam. Also, there's the usual drunken escapades. Public tomfoolery, skinny dipping, getting way too hanky panky, public indecency -
You may have one or two charges of that on your criminal record
Getting that first job at the Marigold Room was a big deal. This was a fancy place, not some regular tiny juice joint. And then it became a steady gig, and that was even better, right? The travelling band thing couldn't have lasted forever, good as it was. Good and steady pay, with a roof over your heads, that's good. It was definiately good, you told yourself, and Zib. Mitzi didn't need to be told, she believed it. You knew she loved the lights and glitz of the place, even if she wasn't always happy about the music and performances being controlled.
One night it was just you and Zib, and you asked him if Mitzi seemed different. Specifically, you asked if she was upset with you.
"Did I say something? We don't spend time together like we used to, me and her, have you noticed? Is it the same with you? Did I do something?"
"No, don't worry so much about it," was all your boyfriend said, the only thing visible in the dark was his cigarette. He wasn't looking at you. You weren't sure which part he was saying 'no' to.
It made sense when Atlas came on the scene. When he all but swooped in and swept her away. You were all performing at this Lackadaisy club now, because Mitzi wanted to. And Zib would follow what she did, and you'd follow both of them, and the rest of the band fell into place. There was never any words said about it, no fight and no discussion. There was just the knowledge that she was unavailable now, and whatever you two - you three had - that was history. If you're masc, you had a feeling you ought to avoid Atlas and just pretend you were only ever friends with Mitzi. Nothing more.
(As cynical and flippant as he acts, you know it hurt Zib too. Sometimes he gets more morose than usual, and rarely sleeps without you. You'd tease him for the extra clinginess if you weren't feeling it, too.)
You know Zib was with Sy a few times (maybe you'd already been there too), but you noticed he really wasn't interested in others much anymore. He'd flirt with a pretty face now and again, especially when sloshed. You could still do whatever you pleased, of course, Zib was never jealous about it. He might get antsy, though, if you don't spend time at his place for a while. Starts to get lonely and then self-loathes about his clinginess and not wanting to ruin your fun. At least you two can talk about it, though it's a lot of untangling your boyfriend's drunken, philosophizing emotions.
God he is so much more emotional than he wants to let on
Oh, and fun fact - you're the one who asked Zib to take a chance on Rocky. The kid just seemed so eager and sweet, and hey, he was clearly a good violinist.
"C'mon, Zib, we need a fiddler. He's a good kid. Please?" You wrapped yourself around him, nuzzling into his neck.
"Right when I think I've got your type nailed down, you throw me a curveball ...."
"It's not like that! Okay, he's cute, but seriously - he needs the job, and -"
He waved his hand. The cheap drink nearly spilled out of his glass and onto the sheets. "Alright, alright, do whatever you want. You know we don't make decisions around here." Well, that was true ...
(And yes he looooves giving you A Look whenever Rocky does or says anything ridiculous. That's your frantic grinning blue-eyed grey-furred problem, not his)
Then there was the whole, your-boss-whose-also-a-terrifying-businessman-who-also-took-your-girlfriend getting killed. And maybe said former girlfriend did it. Maybe. You and Zib really don't like talking about it. He's always been avoidant of hard conversations, but ...
You know he and the rest of the band were tired of being here. The sudden murder spooked them, and then the customers stopped coming. So did the money. Only Rocky was chipper, and for once you found it hard to share his enthusiasm.
Maybe you wanted to leave, too. Maybe you wanted to reconnect with Mitzi. She was still mourning (right ...?) But you could still be friends, right? You two were friends before being anything else. Maybe Rocky had the right idea. With that shadowy cat gone and Viktor out of service, maybe you ought to help with other parts of the business.
... or maybe you shouldn't at all. It would upset Zib, it might actually piss him off. Or maybe he'd give you that resigned look that you catch him giving to Mitzi. Nostalgia and sadness tinged with some resentment. You know he wants to skip town, but he wants the whole band to come, like it used to be. He wants that so badly. If you scrapped some money together ... .
Well, the good times as the 'golden trio' couldn't last forever. At least you still have one of them.
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imraespace · 1 month
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..CHAPTER 16 || CHAPTER 17! || CHAPTER 18..
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"What are you doing on my property?" Yuichiro yelled out, slightly.
After an hour the twins and yourself had finished building your castle.
Now, while on patrol.. also known as randomly walking around and accidentally spotting Tengen entering the 'gates', caused Yuichiro to call out to him.
"I'm here to make a truce!" Tengen declared.
Yuichiro then ran inside to alert the others, who is yourself and Muichiro.
A few minutes later, you all came running out.
"Speak." He said.
"Are yall in character or something?" Tengen asked.
"Uh no they normally act like that, anyways what's in this truce?" You spoke up.
You then got hit by both brothers but you ignored them!
"I'm making a truce with everyone here but then I couldn't find a certain duo." He started.
He ran up towards you then decided to stay quiet, for dramatic effect, then said..
"Come with me." Then ran.
"I WANNA KNOW WHO IT ISS." You yelled as you ran behind him.
A small catch-up on everyone's house:
The twins and yourself have a big castle for some odd reason and now you three are called the princes and princess!
Tanjiro and Kanao along with Nezuko has a simple house, just more cute! They're a small family because your fans said so.
Tengen, Kyojuro and Gyomei actually made something like a mansion. People just call them rich so whatever.
Inosuke and Aoi is currently living in the jungle. People call them Tarzan and Jane!
Obanai and Mitsuri have their cute cafe from earlier. People call them. A couple.
What about Zenitsu and Sanemi?
Well, Zenitsu got kicked off and chased away like a homeless dog so he decided to build his dirt house and live in it. People just pity him. Sanemi isn't even in a house so others called him a caveman.
Now back to the action!
Tengen ran and ran and you three ran, as well.
You ran until you saw that almost everyone in the server is there waiting.
"Are we going to get ganged up on?" You thought out loud.
"Maybe.." Tengen mumbled.
Everyone stared at you four then Sanemi started to yell.
"WE are going to kill the ender dragon but there are two idiots in hiding." He spoke in his own loud way.
"It's the secret couple Y/N." Insouke said running up to you.
Because the whole 'joke' started with you and Muichiro and Inosuke just added his part.
"What couple..?" Muichiro asked.
"Hey now where's Giyuu that's my big brother?" You asked but then...
"WHERE'S SHINOBU?" You yelled.
THEN! A gasp!
"INOSUKE, MUICHIRO, THEY'RE DATING!" You yelled and ran.
"Where is she going?" Yuichiro asked out loud.
"I don't know.. " Muichiro answered.
"YEAHHH!" Inosuke ran behind you, just because he wanted to.
Now onto the couple who doesn't know they're being labeled as a couple.
"Do they know that we're missing?" Giyuu asked.
"Probably not for you. Maybe Kanao thinks I'm missing." Shinobu joked.
And to no one's surprise, because there's no one there besides both of them, Giyuu laughed at it...
"Hm, maybe.. but apparently I'm Y/N's brother so." He spoke up, not being so quiet..
Shinobu laughed..
"Let's see who got noticed first then." She declared.
How would she feel if she noticed that technically everyone noticed on their own time but you yelled out Giyuu first.
The duo decided to stay in their underground house, that's big for some reason.
And for some reason, they DON'T wanna leave.
"What if we just leave them." Sanemi suggested.
"No, I need to family here." You told him.
"Since when were you family-oriented?" Yuichiro asked.
"Get outta my business bro.." You mumbled but got smacked.
You really wanted to kill the ender dragon because you like chaos but you also wanted everyone there so you..
You decided to whisper to them..
"Where are you? get your lovely, amazing self here we wanna kill the dragon!" You whispered to Giyuu.
"Are you threatening Giyuu with fire or with your lips.. anyways can you get your very amazing and beautiful self to the group we wanna end the ender dragon!" You whispered to Shinobu.
"Y/N noticed." Giyuu said.. but also did Shinobu.
They both stared at each other for a while then asked.
"So who won?"
A little while later, the duo met up with the group but they tried to be sneaky by coming in different times.
Oh well!
Onto the dragon.
Apparently, Sanemi had found a stronghold because he doesn't know how daylight looks like.
"How did you find this?" You asked him.
"Because he doesn't know what sunlight looks like." Muichiro followed up.
"Get out of my hold then." Sanemi mumbled.
"No!" You exclaimed.
Everyone got teleported into the end and then..
Everyone decided to go on teams and the teams are whoever lives together. So that means.
"Who wanna be on my team..?" Zenitsu asked.
No one answered so Tanjiro, being the bestest friend spoke up.
"Why not join Y/N's team?"
"No." The twins spoke up for you.
"Okay, you can join us!" Tanjiro told him.
Sanemi doesn't really care.
Actually, he wants to kill everyone who's in his way so.
I don't know how to write fights so um let's just say:
The royals (the twins and yourself) used bows to shoot down the dragon from the towers!
Obanai protected Mitsuri from almost everything!
Shinobu was chasing Giyuu with poison!
Tengen and the other three along with Tanjiro and his team and secretly Sanemi were all actually! Killing the dragon.
It died YAY! But who will get the egg?
Sanemi doesn't want anyone in his way.
So anyone who was in his way got smacked away and he got the egg!
In the end, everyone just explored each other's houses except..
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TAGLIST: @deezy12299 @s0uldarling @cherryblossomly @boogiemansbitch @delusional-mushroom @ashlovelys @zellons @catsonawesomemats @adrixx (CLOSED)
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bravopotato · 9 months
Virus Mlp ideas
Okay so I'm not actually that into Mlp but I have been seeing these horror virus Mlp series so uh yea! :D
Basically, my idea is that it started orally. What do I mean? Well, I haven't really cleaned the idea up yet (I don't plan to actually use these so why should I?) but the idea is that Pinkie Pie basically got a cupcake as a gift from a friend who was at a party she had recently hosted. However, unknown to the two of them, the cupcake had gotten an influx of magic or something in it. So basically uh- you know their cutie marks??
Well, they have magic in them (I think???) and I feel like magic will almost always be warm/hot unless in other circumstances. So, how do they get them? I imagine it like most people imagine Undertale monsters get them, food! So, if a certain cupcake has an unreasonable amount of mafic in it then surely it would have bad side effects for the poor victim
And so this is how I imagine the symptoms are:
-Heat related irritation to the Cutiemark
-The glowing of the Cutiemark
-Aggression (caused by near constant overheating of the body and especially Cutiemark)
-Obsession/compulsion to complete tasks related to cutie mark (In Pinkie's case, she has random bursts of energy ((From the heat bc particles or something)) and will jump around trying to find items or just different ways to start a party or get everyone in a good or silly mood like what comes from parties)
-Lack of sleep (Duh, overheating)
-Headaches (Heat related, always heat related)
-And, most concerningly, the melting of the inside body
But why are they melting!? And how soon does this happen?? Well, because of the immense amount of magic the magic needs to form somewhere and so it chooses the closest thing to it, heat (Wow, so shocking). However, normal ponies can't handle that much and can melt. So, despite the magic trying not to EXPLODE in the body or something it's still harming the pony who isn't equipped to handle it even throughout their entire body.
Now, that's how the 'virus' works. But how would the ponies react and how would they be transferred the virus? Well uh- idk. BUT, it does turn airborne as (I'm trying to actually figure it out for yall bc I forgot abt this part srry ;p) the magic is trying to safely enter the body but can't leave all at once because of magic deficiency as well as heat deficiency. So, it goes to other ponies, and some ponies also get it orally which spreads it faster or something.
And so, Rarity soon gets afflicted with it. Unlike the now overactive Pinkie Pie, Rarity has gotten slower. It's like her own bones are melting first, so much sowing and dress making has made her 'arm' wrists worn and easy for melting. And so, she huddles in her home making dress after dress for all the people she can think of, friends, family, enemies, strangers she'd seen around town. Everyone, some even getting multiple. She knows she is ill and while Sweety Bell wants to help her sister, Rarity hides her issues as to not worry the only young sibling she wishes to have. She wishes to use her generosity to the fullest in what she believes will be her final months. She could be correct, if the magic continues to uncomfortably heat her body up like a pot being boiled. Sadly, no one has noticed the most blatant sign due to the fact that she wears dresses, suits, anything to hide her glowing Cutiemark. While she loves her mark and it's color, she cannot stand the glow as it reminds her of the sweltering heat of her home. Maybe she should open more windows, that will help right?
The next person who gets afflicted (Not come into contact) is Rainbowdash. I don't have a way she get's afflicted so I'll just make it up and you can flesh it out yourself. Rainbowdash had been so worried for Pinkie, yes she'd always been energetic but this was almost concerningly so. Her pink hair had gotten fluffier, and while Rainbowdash doesn't mind it's a sign that Pinkie's going too fast and is messing with her hair. So, she talks and hangs around Pinkie, nervously trying to see what's wrong and how to help. She is loyal after all. However, it comes to her falling as the magic has clung to her and made her faster than ever. She has Pinkie's issue, being too energetic. She doesn't understand why, but she can't help but want to fly and speed around all day with no breaks. And so she does, she speeds across town and forest and city and ocean, and then back home. It would have made a Sonic Rainboom, but only if she stopped. Passerby's see her and mention only one identifiable thing, her almost aflame rainbow hair. It's frizzed and spiked leading behind her due to her flight. She doesn't seem to notice. Maybe she can fly this energy and heat off...
AppleJack is next, and I didn't make any for her either. However, her affliction is probably pretty clear. She probably becomes more worried for her farm, obsessively thinking about it and her apples. Oh, her apples. She starts worrying about missing one, so she goes to the farm every morning and afternoon and she kicks her trees as hard as she can. Her hooves hurt, and the trees are dented and scary looking and look almost rotting, but she knows she must do this. She must be able to let her family farm thrive. So, if she has to ugly things up a bit, she doesn't mind. Granny does though, as well as her brother and sister. They don't know how to stop her worries.
Fluttershy would probably never leave her home, tending to her animals and trying to cool them off. It's so hot here, they must be so warm too. Yet, they freeze and chitter as if in winter. How odd. Surely, if she makes them colder like she wants someone to do to her, they will feel better. She'd feel better colder. The animals must be too hot. It's way too hot. Maybe she should add snow?
Spike probably can handle the heat tbh lmao
Twilight Sparkle is the second person to come into contact with the 'Virus', after Pinkie of course. She instantly notices her being ill and constantly tries to help yet she's so bouncy she gets out of her grasp. She ends up going to Celestia, who is bothered by this. How could Pinkie be so sick? Yet, it gets worse. More and more cases pop up, everyone is overheating in autumn and Twilight is concerned. I imagine she's in her princess wing and horn combo, so she can handle the heat and not get sick. Does she know that? No, but she's always been a little cold after being gifted wings.
Celestia and Luna both have never personally come across this disease, their bodies are built to withstand heaps of magic as it takes a lot to handle the actual sun and moon. So when everyone is hot because of magic, they both don't understand. They've been so cold for so long, it's hard to imagine such heat. Will they ever understand the issues of their kingdom? Maybe.
Chrysalis is.. Okay, so my first idea was that her army was like her kids??? I was thinking of bugs honestly lol. But the idea was that her army would get sick with the 'virus' (She had captured a sick pony and they got the sickness airborne) and because of their lack of cutie marks they would end up weaker. Also, because of their holes I imagine that they aren't all that strong/immune to illnesses so when they're struck by this they're all in despair. Why? Because they're MELTING. They are seeing each other melt and die to the heat and they don't understand it. Why wont their mother save them? Will Love help? How much love can fix this, and can they obtain it? The queen is doing no better, seeing all her people go so ill they cannot move. She herself, while much stronger, is not able to combat the magic and has faced her own weakness in her limbs. She blames the ponies of Equestria for this, for if that one pony had not been here no one would be dying. Of course, this is absolutely a genocide plan created by Celestia and Twilight, if she can get her hooves on them she'd make sure that everyone knew how much a lie immortality is.
However, she is unaware of how mistaken she is
Anyways that should be all if anyone wants to use it feel free bc I wont!!! I probably would help too tbh!! Idk, have fun :p
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frenchfrywrites · 1 year
would you ever write weed headcanons for the twst 3rd years like you did for the obey me cast?
Getting high/high hcs for the twst 3rd years
He loves to smoke a blunt
He has a huge collection of cute and pink and pretty roach clips
He can do a couple of smoke tricks (he thinks he looks so cool 🙄)
He gets high often. 
Well as often as one can when your housewarden is riddle lol
Speaking of housewardens, he sneaks off and smokes with others outside (due to riddle and rules)
(finds himself hanging with Che’nya, Lilia, Kalim, and surprisingly malleus most often me thinks)
He’s a total social smoker, and is so fun to be around
If he's alone he'll sometimes he’ll bring out a clone to help him with something that he wants
And then he forgets why he did that and just ends up hanging out with himself lol
I’m tempted to say he doesn’t get high, and is the sober bestie
BUT! I can also see him being into edibles
He could make his own :)
And they taste soooo good
He’s very smart about his edibles too
You could never catch him taking more because it hasn’t hit
Always stacks up on munchies too
Because oooh man eats his weight in snacks and drinks while high
He’s not terribly giggly, but he gets all dopey and lost in thought
You’ll look over and he’s just smiling looking at you- completely lovestruck hehe
All he needs is catnip hehe
No fr I’m kidding, he has big bong energy to me
I mean I can see him dabbling a bit in everything
But to me he has intricate very fun and swagful bongs
And he doesn’t get high too often
So that every time that he does get high, he feels it 10x more
I think he could get SO giggly
He’s so playful and joyful :) you can tell when he is(n’t) high due to how bitchy he is
He likes shrooms <3
Either that or he’s the sober friend
Idk he seems like he would love hanging around with people who are high
He’ll mess with them a little bit
But mostly he’s a good sober friend!
He’ll take care of you and listen to insane ramblings and enable said insane rambling
He just wants to have a silly fun time :) 
But yeah when/if he does shrooms he usually microdoses just to have a bit of euphoria and delight
If he does a big trip he does it alone and is well prepared
I don’t think he gets high too often
But he certainly indulges from time to time
I see him doing edibles to preserve the quality of his lungs
Okay.. yall know the drinks with thc? I can see him fucking those uppp
He pops open a can and pours it into a fancy glass teehee
He’ll watch a movie and think that he understands literally everything about it… the nuance.. The depth 
Meanwhile he is just so far gone that he’s usually pulling something from nothing
He does NOT get high socially
If anyone asks, he’s never gotten high in his life!!!
He’s only ever taken a hit or two off of Cater’s blunt 
(partly to get out of the social situation, partly to try it out)
He didn’t think that he got high, but he was gone
That being said, he wants to try getting high more often, but he’s too shy to figure out who to ask for it
When he gets high with you it hits him quick and hard
He still insists that he's not feeling anything
Very silly guy and finally relaxed and at peace
maybe if he does enough he'll finally admit it's effecting him, but as long as you're there he's not freaked out at all
Has also taken a hit off of Cater’s blunt
It did not get him high 💔
Idk his dragon fae ass has some weird shit going on and he needs powerful wizard weed to get any meaningful high
That being said, he’s gotten high a couple of times in his life
He likes it a lot and wishes he could do it more often
It relaxes him soo deeply
He gets all sluggish and cuddly and cute
It’s a damn shame he doesn’t get high more often 
He’ll take anything and everything!!
He loves getting high and has done just about anything and loves it all
I can see him being someone who gets high with others, but he also has fun by himself :) 
He gets sooo giggly
You might not see him but you’ll hear fufufu coming from somewhere lol
When he does decide to show himself, he rambles on and on about anything that comes to mind
And boy does a lot come to mind
You might not be able to follow his trail of thought lol! It’s all over the place
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meganwasbored · 2 years
The Dragon Prince Thoughts Season 2 Episodes 5 and 6
(I thought I posted this a week ago but apparently I accidentally saved it in my drafts instead but better late than never)
I finally have the time to watch more I swear this was the most stressful week of my life
Episode 5
-“Breaking The Seal” L E T T E R ?
-I think I’ve been patient enough just open the dang letter before I lose my mind
-“I’ve done terrible things” shoot I forgot he said that is he talking about killing the dragon king or something related to that
-slightly confused about how these kingdoms work, are there multiple kingdoms within Katolis, or are these kings and queens from outside of Katolis
-“it seems I am a crown without an adult, and you are an adult without a crown” !!!!!!!!!
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-ofc Viren had to make this all dramatic, literally just showing off at this point
-a NEW threat?? Haven’t y’all been at war for idek how many years?? How is any of this new??
-“there are reports of shadows in the clouds, dragons” MORE DRAGONS
-I take it back this room is boring, bring back the special effects
-I can’t tell if the others are scared of the elves or scared of whatever Viren just did
-I was confused why Ezran seems so chill about his father dying but then I remembered that he doesn’t even know, man this is gonna hurt
-“I won’t send my armies to face unknown danger over a two minute speech. I may be a child but apparently I’m the least impulsive of us all. Besides, I hardly call ‘we’ll do what everyone else says’ a decision.” GIRL
-I may as well quote absolutely everything Queen Aanya says because she’s my new hero
-“Sweet words can be more dangerous than hidden daggers”
-don’t mind me just crying over this flashback scene oh my gosh
-“I know you will stand by me through anything” Whoops actually he just stood there as you were murdered and is now trying to kill both your sons
-bruh even baby Ezran is a menace when it comes to jelly tarts
-“why do I deserve this? What did I do except being born with everything?” Harrow buddy you deserve the world
-Viren is a master manipulator and while it makes me wanna hurt him you gotta admit he knows how to get what he wants
-dude it looks like Viren actually cared about Harrow a lot what the heck happened to him
-Sarai is literally so awesome why do all the best characters die, this better not become a trend
-Obviously the titan isn’t actually dead idc how dead they think he looks they just went “oh he’s not moving so I’m gonna hammer a stake through him, what can go wrong?”
-Callum and Bait being besties is something I didn’t know I needed
-fire titan dude is pretty ugly like uglier than I thought he would be
-Venus fly trap looking head
Episode 6
-why did they put this at the beginning I shouldn’t be crying this early in the episode
-they took the dragon egg MONTHS ago??? Did they say this before cause I thought it was like years ago, I’m so confused with this timeline
-oh my gosh I’m freaking stupid this story is how his mom dies isn’t it
-“the injured must be left behind” right when past-Viren earns my respect again he says stupid stuff like that
-“you wouldn’t do this if it wasn’t your wife’s sister” well I don’t see a ring on your finger so how would you know
-“I ask you and your brother to reject history as a narrative of strength, and instead have faith that it can be a narrative of love”
-all these flashback scenes are so cute I just know I’m gonna rewatch the heck outta this episode
-“Rayla, that’s a funny name” it’s literally the most normal name out of every character we’ve met
-The boat guy (I forgot his name so I’m just gonna call him Boat Guy) encouraging Rayla to literally kill people is hilarious
-“I’ve never actually killed anyone”
“Maybe someday! Never give up on your
-“with the heavy heart of the titan, and the additional burden of carrying the wounded” I actually wanna punch him through the screen just the way he said that makes me so mad, like he’s bitter about Harrow not wanting to leave most of their soldiers there to die
-Zym steals my heart all over again every second he’s on screen
-“you can’t control where the river goes, there’s one thing you can know and control, yourself”
-“I want to talk to you about life and growing up and how sometimes there are changes you don’t expect” WAIT IS THAT THE THING CALUM SAID TO EZRAN I THINK THATS THE THING CALLIM SAID TO EZRAN
-“free yourself from the past, learn from it, understand it, then let it go” y’all don’t understand how much I needed to hear this rn
-Viren throwing a baby tantrum the second someone tells him no is hilarious, the child in the room is more mature than he will ever be
-that fact that Harrow gave Callum the cube of all things makes it seem like he knew that Callum was gonna be a mage
-“extra-super-secret-bonus-secret” I love him so much we lost him way too soon
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pstelwitchcraft · 2 years
Critical Role - C3EP52 (After the break)
We're back with more Sending fails!
F.r.i.d.a looks so cool i love themmm
Also the kids are starting to get strong i love it
Feels like yesterday when imogen had like, 10 hit points
Also this is absolutely the leylines being fucked
Something happened and magic everywhere is going heywire
I'm now convinced the exaltants are being "awakened" to be Predathos' army and it's all gonna go balls to the wall
Imogen has to be this campaign's double agent right? They're absolutely gonna have to fight her at some point and it's gonna wreck me
Now that I think about it does it mean they'll have to fight fearne too??? 😳
i'm getting vibes from imogen and f.r.i.d.a and i don't hate it? 👀
Exandria's Greatest Bake-Off: Pike Trickfoot vs. FCG and their easy-bake oven
Ooooo fearne has pass without a trace now? Thank God
Once again i got sad we won't see marisha, liam and tal tonight 😔 hope we have robbie with them tho, maybe even more people from EXU?? I hope we get to see Opal!
Chetney still struggling 😅
I don't know Dustel but I f*cking hate him 🤬
Chetney backstory finally!
Don't get me wrong I'm very excited but I knew it was gonna be some bullshit 🤣
Travis is NOT here for anything serious this campaign AT ALL
He "kneecaped" someone?????
Aabria somehow has great chemistry with everybody she ever roleplays with it's the Iyengar effect istg
That little talk with chet was so cute
And then... fearne tells deanna he has horrible diarrhea
They keep making it worse 😅
This IS indeed a wild group to meet out of nowhere
"Be nice to us, we're trying our best" 🤣 they're so stupid but I love them sm 💖
This is probably the most vulnerable and reasonable FCG has been all campaign for real
I don't think the real problem here is whether or not the gods are good, it's whether or not the Godeater is good, and even before we worry about that, it's about whether or not its gonna wreck everything and everyone in it's path to the Gods
Imogen herself is most likely gonna die for whatever this whole thing is if they let it happen
Like are we really willing to do all this shit and possibly extinguish all life on Exandria when you could like... not worship the Gods? It's not like they're forced to or smtg
Wait. WAIT. So if Ruidus is wherever (whenever?) the other half of the group is and it's NOT in Exandria anymore there are really only two possibilities for where the others are: back in time or in another realm and both are big problems for us
Matt please let my babies see each other I'm getting sad rn
Oh shiiiiiit this is a big big mess yall 😳
So ruidus is in exandria it just doesn't move?? So the others are actually still in Marquet then
It's the Reilora 😱 this is baaad
Yup, they're already trying to pull her to the dark side. This is gonna be a mess. I'm preemptively so upset for how much this is going to hurt.
I have a feeling this is how they really got to Liliana and all those people. Whatever Predathos is, it has some sort of pull on people that makes them want to give into it, specially the ruidusborn and even more specially the exaltants.
Do not listen to the robot right now
Laudna would be slapping yall in the face for even SUGGESTING IT
Do NOT let Imogen go into the freaking alien godeater hivemind or so help me GOD
See? This is why I get worried when they're separated they're like each other's emotional support pet, two days and Imogen is already considering going into the damn light
This scene with f.r.i.d.a is giving that scene from twilight without the homoerotic undressing
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Why, why would he go to chetney alone like that?? He has almost taken half the party once this is BAD!
Tho we know robot boy is a heavy hitter so I guess it could go either way🤷
This is the only place where we can get heartfelt, beautiful monologues about the meaning of death and life and morning toot in the same episode and that's why I love this show
This fight is giving one of those old chihuahuas that keep snapping at your ankles but that has for some reason taken a burning passion rage against your robot vacuum
Also you can't convince me a dog wouldn't absolutely hate this thing
It would just feel like a threat, this weird human that isn't human and it can mimick stuff but also it sounds weird? My dogs would go NUTS
Listen. I'll be a chetney apologist for this one. I'm a wildlife veterinarian and animal behaviorist and idk where dude thought he was gonna get off approaching a wolf like that, or honestly approaching him alone at all
Surprising he survived all this time in wildemont tbh but I'll give him a pass bc it's is D&D
Love that Deanna is so horrified by them when this is not even the full party 😅 like, ma'am we're missing- *checks notes* one tree/cadaver/goo person, a magic rock rainbow sparkle barbarian and a 4ft tall widowed ballerina that is prob covered in monster blood as we speak 😀
Final thoughts:
Overall I loved this one, it was light and fun and everything I needed after all the stress from the last few weeks
I also enjoyed the split party dynamic more than I thought it would and I am hopeful it's gonna lead to some good things in the long run
It's a bold move ngl. One of the quintessential, funnest things about D&D parties is the found family, the unity of it all, it's seeing them spend time with each other and develop different dynamics, games, inside jokes
In any other situation it might alienate party members from each other and make it not feel as cohesive, maybe even jeopardize the forming of a tight bond.
But with Bell's Hells we have such close pairings that this almost feels like it has to be done
Fearne and Orym, FCG and Ashton, Laudna and Imogen are all pairings that came together and rely deeply on each other, to the point where it felt a little stiffening to the other members of the group bc these people very rarely sought deeper companionship and support from anyone other than their initial pairing
Also we can get a closer look at Chetney's backstory and hopefully Ashton's next episode when I'm hoping we'll see how the others are doing
I also was hoping there would be some time fuckery or realm travel and still kind of am, but it's sounding like the other half of the Hells were still in Marquet by the end of 52
If they are still in close proximity to the beam it's going to be a mess and I have no idea what to expect but chaos, specially since they can't call the others and I'm guessing shit is going DOWN over there
If they are indeed in the shadowfell, close to the key that Beau and Caleb tried to take down, I wonder if they could go after that connection and weaken whatever they are doing to Ruidus, hopefully even sever that connection completely.
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yourpreciousrose · 2 years
ok I have a Stranger Things theory...
(very long)
so has anyone heard of ley lines? they are real things but also are common in sci-fi (which ST is sci-fi). do yall think maybe they could be what those splits in Hawkins are representing?
I'm going to provide some information about them and maybe some theories that could be built off of them.
let's start off with what they are irl. they are lines that crisscross the globe like latitude and longitude lines. (remember the map and Suzie giving them the cordinents, they followed the latitude and longitude to find Nina where the X is...where El was...and now there's a big X in Hawkins...could be nothing or could have been directly trying to tell us something who knows)
"along these lines there's concentrated energy that can be harnessed by certain individuals" (now if these are ley lines this could be something interesting that could be incorporated into s5)
"there is a straight line that connect seven different landforms that bear the name Michael, or some form of it"
this could indicate that Michael is an important part in s5, he is the heart after all. but also 7...funny.
"many people have drawn their own ley lines to prove just how coincidental they can be, connecting everything from pizza restaurants to movie theaters to churches on maps"
I just thought this was interesting since in s4 we see all these things or they are at least mentioned.
"ley lines can be found anywhere. possible points include castles (or even places with castle in the place name)"
*cough* Castle Byers *cough*
"it is also believed that where two or more lines converge, you have a place of great power and energy"
I feel like the location is important, it meets at the library...isn't that where they found Will?
"some people believe you can detect a ley line by several metaphysical means, such as a pendulum or by using dowsing rods"
I just found it interesting they used grandfather clocks specifically, a pendulum in them. 4 chimes, 4 gates, 4 lines
"now ley lines are hypothetical alignments between places of power, which can be magical, magnetic, or psychic in nature. these places of power are where two or more ley lines cross and are often known as ley nodes, nodes, or nexuses. mages can tap into them to gain their powers. places where multiple lines intersect at nodes attract wizards and other supernatural beings like moths to a flame"
do i even need to explain?
"where ley lines supposedly crossed, a strong power spot was created. these nodes could produce an energy vortex. ley lines or the random lines of natural energy that make up earths electromagnetic field"
that would explain why the electromagnetic field was disrupted
how negative energy vortex are created:
"Untimly death- case of an accidental, untimely, or unhappy death, a negative energy vortex gets created in that location."
literally how the gates were created in s4.
effects of negative energy vortex:
feeling completely drained with lack of energy, uneasiness, aches in the nervous zones that are the head, neck, and back. hightened negative emotions  Anger, Anxiety, Stress, Hatred, Fear, Insecurity & Jealousy.
if these really are whats going on then what if they aren't just fighting real monsters but monsters of their minds, their emotions (or maybe thats what the monsters have always been idk just turned physical idk). MONSTERS OF THEIR OWN MIND. this not only would fall perfectly into play for coming of age since that's just what happens around that age especially with puberty(the kids ages) but a lot of people are theorizing that they recorded parts of s5 already due to some people at table reads that didn't show in s4 also Noah in his final outfit but at the rollerrink.
id be interesting to see these emotions coming to light in s5 and it would definitely add to the conflict
negative energy vortexes can also cause nightmares and depression...
effects energy vortex portals:
Dark/ Evil Energies – these are energies that are extremely bad which pollute/corrupt the environment with high amounts of negativity.
Negative Spirits/ Bewitchment- in extreme cases spirits can possess someone. Such a person slowly starts losing control over his/her own intellect and starts acting as per the desires of the spirit within. Once possessed it is very difficult to break free from the clutches of the possessed spirit and it generally requires a lot of counter rituals to be performed. Such a scenario is very taxing on both the person as well as their family members.
*cough* s2 & 3 *cough*
Animal Entities – Another way a portal can be used is to send Negative Animal Entities. These entities are the lowest/worst form of negative energies sent to cause powerful psychic attacks upon their target. Once attacked by an animal entity a person may feel extreme energy drainage, sharp pain in the body (mostly it is the nervous regions like head, neck, and back), temporary paralysis, sudden accidents, and in case of an extremely powerful attack it could also result in bleeding from the nose or other such body parts.
*cough* s4 victims *cough*
these lines were probably always there just the upsidedown hadn't come through yet. Vecna can see into the future it seems so he probably planned where the attacks should happen and where the gates should form, probably those places for a specific reason. maybe we can dig into that and see whats significant about the places, if anything is at all. thatd be cool, ill try to look into it.
dogs are attracted to positive energy vortexs.
maybe there could be a positive energy vortex at the Byers, specifically castle Byers hence the castle part mentioned earlier (the dog barking) that could be how Will stayed safe bc of a positive energy vortex
Negative vortexes spiral downward in a counterclockwise motion and create a draining or depleting energy. Cats tend to be attracted to them.
the silver cat feeds...
"An Energy Vortex is a strong electromagnetic mass of energy that is constantly in flux, rotating inwards in an anticlockwise or clockwise motion. This energy vortex is invisible to the naked eye (unless the person is a clairvoyant), but most people can sense these energies in the form of positive or negative vibes, feelings, emotions, or mere tingling sensations."
clairvoyant...true sight...also in s2 the mindflayer also seems to create a vortex and trapping Will inside as it goes into him could be relevant. also this could be a cool way to incorporate Max in s5, ik they said she's brain dead but they could be lying who knows. make her clairvoyant, make her see things then use morse code to tap hints to the others.
to close a negative portal: negative portals spin counterclockwise. To close them, first locate the center of the portal then invoke the prayer to Archangel Michael, then spin the Violet Flame/Amethyst crystal clockwise into the portal
could El maybe have to go into the upsidedown to close it for good? bc the upsidedown is in the past so you have to bring it clockwise like bringing it to the present? El restarted Maxs heart maybe something to do with that? idk just ideas
we learned El likes purple in s4. again Michael is mentioned but oh just wait you're about to have your mind blown.
Archangel Michael very specifically has a sword AND FIGHTS A RED DRAGON WITH HIS ANGLES
 “Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back. Michael is also shown facing a Great Red Dragon during the Apocalypse, identified as Satan, the Devil and the Serpent."
Apocalypse! Red Dragon! Sword! THERES 7 ARCHANGELS! THE F*CKING 7 AGAIN! I was wondering why there was so much religion references in s4 THIS COULD BE WHY IT COULD HAVE BEEN A HINT
Speaking of Dragons...you know what ley lines are also called?
a trip to China sounds nice 😉
Chinese scholars have long been aware of the existence of the lung-mei, or dragon paths. Everyone experiences these energetic places differently and some people can be more sensitive than others. These locations tend to magnify the energy or beliefs that are out of alignment with your natural self so that you can face them and become more aligned with your true self.
what if thats something they have to do in s5? face their true selves. that was also hinted with the neverending story, the magic mirror. just a thought.
Lung mei or the paths of the Dragon are lines of energy discovered by the ancient Chinese. The Heart of the Dragon is said to be found at a knoll (small hill) standing in a small valley among the hills. From this center heart, the veins of the Dragon current run over the surrounding valleys and hills. Near the Dragons heart, the force is strong and active. This is where the Dragon (painting) and the Tiger (school mascot, Will has them in his room), or the feminine and masculine currents merge harmoniously together.
the heart of the dragon...would the the center where the split is right? they couldn't enter there bc the force would be strong and active. could they maybe in s5 have to go into the upsidedown as groups at each gate and each face a different thing like the gates in the neverending story. they will have to find there way to the heart of the dragon (the heart of the upsidedown) to destroy whatever is there. which is why their hearts are important, like Will says Mikes the heart, Mike is his heart. hearts can represent love, love will probably be how they defeat Vecna. could that also be why El lost? bc the couples, the loves weren't intact? a lot had problems this season, but also self love was lacking too. El for example viewing herself as a monster. when she looked to Max the vines loosened, Max never treated her as different or looked at her as a monster which is why she could free herself and hurt Vecna. love increased and was able to hurt the hate. now I know this will make milevens mad but I think bylers going to be together, Mike is Wills heart. Els heart is everyone which could be why she went to the front while everyone was behind her, she will need their love to defeat Vecna but that will require the other relationships to be in good places, so thats probably why they are separated off into groups. all different aspects of love will be involved not just romantic, things like self love, friendship, family etc.
also wasn't the library where Will was found when he had those things in him, like they were killing him and draining the life from him. so maybe thats why its important, could be a source which is why I'd be part of a heart maybe.
everyone fighting vecna&the upsidedown??
this might be a reach but "you can fly" and "you have to fly" is what El is told, dragon's fly. I don't think they are fighting El, they could but I dobut it. but notice its feminine and masculine energy that merge harmoniously. if Els like a dragon and Wills like a tiger maybe that could mean they defeat Vecna together. let me have this please I love their sibling dynamic so much give me more of that in s5.
theres also this thing called The Crystal Vortex. its a vehicle, a gateway to be transcended, through the setting of your intentions and can be programmed for healing, manifestation, Soul journeys, accessing past lives, astral travel, attending Mystery Schools, connection with your Spirit Guides, Angels, Highest Self and all divine beings of light, love and ascension available to you. The Crystal Vortex was named and created by Spirit, from the realms of the Seraphim, Archangels and Ascended Masters.
this may not be relevant idk but it mentions Crystals and Archangels so I thought I should include it
thats all for this individual theory, oh also Watkins (the person who suggest the existence of ley lines) sounds very similar to Hawkins. and William Henry Black may have inspired it...It could all just be a coincidence but then again maybe its not.
from this theory it also can connect to so many other theories people have created and I've created. like the rainbow of light from the mlp ep (mine), the magic mirror and gates in a neverending story (mine), the way to defeating Vecna (mine&others), the time travel theory (someone elses), the Nancy Drew theory (mine) etc. I can share more about these too.
I hope you all enjoyed this let me know your thoughts if you have any.
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derealfeelz · 1 year
Fair For The Year (Kodoku’s Lilacs, The Life of a Flowstar, No. 105)
So this year may be the last year of me going to a fair as a kid, and I gotta say, it was fun. At first, I kinda didn't want to go because a mood swing was taking effect and it wasn't looking good. It may have also been taking place because I lost my "I love you" ring somewhere in my house, and it brings me comfort looking at it. This fair was one I've been at, it's not a big fair, but it can fit some rides like a couple ferris wheels.
Basically, the rides I went on are these two ferris wheels, a haunted house ride, and that one where you're sitting in a little thingy and spinning it around while moving in circles. Apparently, one of my friends was there too, he seen me and I seen him, but we didn't make any contact, just after. I did see him running around on one of the ferris wheels. And most of the rides, I was sitting with one of my brothers, and the last one, which is a double ferris wheel that has a name that I forgot, I remember he was scared lol. I was teasing him out it, even saying "We're birds" whilst on the ride too lol, just being a little brother in general.
After that, we went and got me another ring, plus a new necklace. The new ring has a blue like gem on it while the necklace had a double axe crossing. After that, we looked in this place where people submit their homemade stuff, including a homemade skateboard, it was cool seeing. And lastly, we had some dinner right before we got home, the food was yummy and maybe we could go here again when I'm an adult.
There's a couple other stuff we did there that I didn't mention, but nevertheless, it brightened my mood a little bit. There's not exactly many places around here that are like the fair, so I'm lucky to do it, especially since this is my last year of childhood. I wish there really was a special way to get rid of the random anxious feeling that I had, it really threw the mood off. But in the end, we all had some fun and seen something nice on the way up. Oh well, hope yall have a good night!
Sincerely, Kodoku.
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