#'you're not due until november which you SHOULD know' I'M SORRY??? I'M SO SORRY I WAS TOLD TO WEAR CONTACTS SO I CAME TO CONTACTS
julesblackthorns · 1 year
horrific news besties. i was told to book an eye test online so i did and i was told via the website to wear contact lenses so i was like 'okay cool it's a contact lens appointment' so i arrived for my appointment and was told i was not due for a contact lens appointment that day, that i wasn't due for months (and i should really know that), and that i shouldn't have worn contacts. and so then i had to go back find the other desk and take out my contacts in the waiting room while thinking i was the stupidest person alive for wearing contacts to an appointment i was told to wear contacts to
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aphroditelovesu · 10 days
Hii! This is anonymous for privacy reasons but I have a problem. I am a 15yo girl, I am gonna have a realy important exam this sunmer that will decide my entire future yet I only got 84% on the simulation from last month and I need to get at least over 93% on the actual exam at the end of the month or my life is screwed(I hate my school system). I have 0 motivation to study and ik I really need to but whenever I try to force mynself to actually study I just end up crying bc I feel like a failure. Also, I am bi and since my parents are conservative christians and EXTREAMLY homophobic they will deffinetly kick me out of the house if I came out to them and I think one of my friends who I belive might have found out about my sexuality will tell my parents(I also went thro a rough time due to bullying and told her about my suicidal toughts and she told everybody about it, teachers, parents, classmates and made fun of me). My country is one of the most homophobic ones.I feel like if I get a good mark on the exam I would be able to come out to my parents(maybe) without them killing me but idk how to make sure of either of thores things. I have worked this whole year yet nothing is enough to actually make me understand better. I am so tired rn and I cant stop crying, do you have any advise for me, please?
Well, I didn't expect to receive something like that, but I'll try to give my advice.
Regarding the exam, what I can tell you is not to give up and try to find a study system that helps you. I understand this because in November I have a very important government exam to take and I need to get a high score too. This will be my first year doing it (and I hope it will be my last) and I haven't started studying yet because I have classes in the morning and at night, which means I don't have much time left.
From what you say, you seem to be stressed about all this, so studying is more complicated. What I can tell you is to try to find a place where you feel comfortable and find a study method that helps you. Studying is tiring and we often don't have motivation, I know, but it's necessary and remember that knowledge is something that no one can take away from you.
Since you live with your parents, there isn't much you can do about your "friend" issue. No one has the right to force someone to come out of the closet and that is very wrong. You could try talking to her, to make sure she doesn't say it until you're ready to say it. Unfortunately, this is out of your control, as it will depend on whether your "friend" is a decent person and lets you talk when you're ready.
Having homophobic parents is a complicated thing and I feel for you, especially when it involves religion. The question is: do you want to tell them you're bi? Do you think you're ready for this? If the answer is no, don't tell them until you want to. It's important to feel prepared.
I'm sorry about the bullying issue. I know how difficult it is, I dealt with it myself from the age of 8 until I was 16 but I had support from my family and friends. If not even your teachers are willing to help you, perhaps you should seek outside help. I don't know how it works in other countries, but here, if the school refuses to help, you can file a police report. Bullying is a crime, anon.
And remember to take care of yourself and put yourself first. I know it's difficult and it seems like the end of the world, but it's not. Things will get better, anon, even if it seems like they won't, they will. Have strength and focus on what is important to you now.
I can't be of much help, unfortunately, but I really hope things get better for you and that you get the grade you want! 🥰
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lottiecrabie · 1 year
okay so I'll try to keep this short: yes, I did date a satanist back in 2021 right after I was released back into the wild after a suicide attempt in November of 2020 (it's okay, I'm fine, I regretted it the moment I did it which is good lmao). at the time I decided to embrace my hoe tendencies that I've always suppressed because I have this good girl vibe going on and to be fair, at first I thought he was just a bit edgy and punk-ish. I didn't know he was a satanist. the thought didn't even cross my mind. but yeah, I became a bit obsessed with the idea of actually getting him to like me and I shouldn't have done this but I spent like a month researching him and studying his online presence and I sort of tried to manipulate him into thinking that I was someone he wanted to date. it became a challenge to me. again I didn't know he was a satanist but I now know that he thought I was one as well because I said that one of my biggest dreams is to adopt a goat (it's true, baby goats are the cutest) and one time he said he wanted to live in an abandoned church and I was like "omg me too, crazy right" (not true) plus some jokes about rituals (again: I thought we were just being edgy and I really wanted him) but I didn't think much of it, I just wanted him to like me. then, one night, he told me he was a member of the satanic temple (and autistic) and I thought about breaking up with him (not because of the autism of course) but he had a really cute nose and mothers should make sacrifices for their (future) daughters so I stayed with him. but I had to break up w him because he was extremely into astrology and he wanted me to quit my job as biophysicist because "science is not real". (this is really long sorry)
so first of all I had to show him who matty is 😭 because my psychiatrist thought he was like a character (he's in his 60s, something like that). then I showed him your masterlist while I was explaining the concept of fanfictions and then I was like "for instance, this is a series, it's not just a one shot" and I clicked on part 1 and let him scroll freely. he didn't read the whole thing for sure because he stared at it for like 2-3 minutes tops until I interrupted him to say that if he wanted the really juicy part he should check part 2. so he gave me my phone and told me to go to part 2. I summarised the dream and took him straight to the confessional but before that I showed him one of my favourite videos of Matty touching himself on the couch just to give him a mental image and then I gave him my phone again. I can't tell you how much he read but he was reading it. he asked if notes & likes were the same thing and for the sake of keeping it simple I said yes and his response was "so this is a community" due to the amount of "likes" it got 😭😭 and I said that it was in fact a community and we all come together to fantasize about this man doing unspeakable things.
this is ridiculously long, I'm so so so sorry. he didn't make any comments regarding the quality of the work. he just asked me questions about how I interpreted certain things and how I felt and blah blah blah (it's not very interesting) and then he proceeded to analyse everything 💀 needless to say that I regretted introducing him to pfms the moment he started the analysis lmao
I'll see him again next friday, if you want I can ask him if he liked it 😇 (he's kind of used to it because whenever my friends have a dilemma or something, they ask me to get his opinion even if it has nothing to do with me 💅 & I appreciate it bc I have to see him every week and I don't always have things to say. basically he's one of the girls now, he just doesn't know it lol)
omg. omg. OMG. anon what the absolute fuck this is so funny😭😭😭 this guy fully thinking you're also a satanist because you want a goat is prime comedic material!! i can't believe this. lying to get him to like you but you're just cosplaying satanism💀 THE RITUAL PART! THE FACT THAT HE TOLD YOU BUT YOU STILL STAYED FOR THE NOSE THIS IS HILARIOUS !!! science is not real part though🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️ good for you for breaking up with him
ur psychiatrist giving you back your phone like well first analysis ur a freak🤨
omg one of the girls🫶🫶🫶 ask him what he thought 🥰
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swanlake1998 · 4 years
Pointe Magazine Article: Chloé Lopes Gomes Speaks Out About Racial Harassment at Staatsballett Berlin
By: Chloé Lopes Gomes As Told To Laura Cappelle
Date: December 1, 2020
(tw: racism, anti black racism, abuse)
In November, the French dancer Chloé Lopes Gomes went public with accusations of institutional racism against Staatsballett Berlin, first reported by the German magazine Der Spiegel. In the article, several anonymous dancers confirm her account. Lopes Gomes, 29, who trained in Marseille and at the Bolshoi Ballet Academy, danced for the Ballet de l'Opéra de Nice and Béjart Ballet Lausanne before joining Staatsballett Berlin as a corps de ballet member in 2018, under then co-directors Johannes Öhman and Sasha Waltz. After the company told her in October that her contract, which ends in July, would not be renewed, she shared her story with Pointe.
I didn't know I was the first Black female dancer at Staatsballett Berlin when I joined the company in 2018. I learned that from German journalists who came to interview me almost immediately. I grew up in a mixed-race family—my mother was French, my father from Cape Verde—and I was educated to believe that we all have the same opportunities.
My brother and my sister also went to prestigious dance schools [her brother, Isaac Lopes Gomes, is now a dancer with the Paris Opéra Ballet], and I didn't really think about my skin color while I was training. I spent four years at the Bolshoi Ballet Academy. I didn't necessarily feel safe in the streets in Russia because people stared at me, but I was still awarded scholarships and my teacher loved me.
I quickly realized that auditions and company life were a different story. The day after my audition in Berlin, in early 2018, one particular ballet mistress told a colleague of mine in the company that she didn't think the Staatsballett should hire me because a Black woman in a corps de ballet isn't aesthetically pleasing. This ballet mistress was in charge of the corps, and for over two years, she discriminated against me because of my skin color.
That colleague warned me before I started, but I was hopeful I would also work with other ballet masters. No such luck: I was under her supervision 90 percent of the time, and we started with Swan Lake. I was one of six new women, and the ballet mistress immediately took a dislike to me. She bombarded me with corrections, and when the premiere arrived, she told me that all the women needed to color their skin with white powder. I told her that I would never look white, and she replied: "You'll just put on more powder than the others."
I spoke to Johannes [Öhman, co-artistic director at the time], who decided I should stay as I was. The ballet mistress took the fact that I went to him as an affront, as if I'd undermined her authority, and she started saying overtly racist things.
Since I didn't speak German and she didn't speak English, we communicated in Russian initially, so my colleagues didn't understand when she would say casually: "You're not in line and that's all we see because you're Black." And then, when she was handing out the Shades' veils for La Bayadère, she got to me and laughed, in front of other dancers: "I can't give you one: The veil is white and you're Black."
I again told Johannes, who said it was unacceptable but explained to me that she had a lifetime contract, which means you're untouchable in Germany. Johannes asked if I wanted him to talk to her, and I said no, because I was worried it would get even worse.
I was so anxious and unwell that I ended up with a metatarsal fracture. I should have been back after two months, but six months later, I was still in pain, and the doctors didn't know why—until a neurologist told me it was linked to stress and prescribed antidepressants. Suddenly, the pain went away completely.
Johannes left Staatsballett Berlin abruptly last January. On the day he announced it, the ballet mistress told me that now I was going to have to use white powder. I ran into the current interim director, Christiane Theobald, in a hallway while in makeup for Swan Lake. She asked why I had whitened my skin and said that I wasn't supposed to do it, but the ballet mistress was in charge of rehearsals and didn't leave me much choice. I felt like the company's ugly little duckling.
This ballet mistress also had me and a few colleagues re-create a painting of a Black dancer surrounded by white dancers. When I asked what the photo was for, she said she wanted to show her friends that they had "one of those" too in the company, as if I were a zoo animal.
My colleagues didn't want to take the picture, but there is an atmosphere of fear in the dance world. The ballet masters are the ones who are in the studio with us all the time, who hold the keys to our evolution. If you're on a one-year or two-year contract, it's very easy for the company not to renew it, whereas some ballet masters are employed for life. They're more privileged than even some directors, and that creates a power imbalance: We should be on an equal footing contract-wise.
The Staatsballett doesn't have a safe way to report discrimination or harassment, and there was still blackface in the repertoire when I joined. In Nutcracker, some children were required to paint their faces black, while I stood in the corps behind them.
I was called to a pre-dismissal meeting with Christiane Theobald in October. She did not dance professionally, so she said she relied on the ballet masters' advice. I was told that they needed to let some dancers go due to COVID, and that I would be happier in a smaller company, because I hadn't been onstage much. I explained why that was, and what had happened to me. She admitted it was terrible but said my race wasn't the reason they were firing me.
I know I was fired because I'm Black. From the beginning, I didn't stand a chance. Christiane Theobald is part of an old-fashioned system: She has worked for the company's administration since 2004, and she let me go even after I told her about the racism I encountered. My contract runs through July 31: I've been cast in reduced, COVID-friendly versions of Giselle and Swan Lake and I still want to work.
There is still this idea in the ballet world that you have to suffer to make it. We—the younger generation—can't accept that anymore. Ballet must reflect society. I don't want to be abused just to be able to dance. I want to be happy in my life, not just when I step onstage.
Editor's note: In a statement to Pointe, Theobald, who cannot comment on personnel matters, says that an internal investigation into Lopes Gomes' allegations is underway, and that the company plans to conduct antiracism training and workshops for all employees. "I am sorry to see that there is an employee at the Staatsballett Berlin who had to endure a very stressful situation for a long time and that the situation could not be resolved beforehand. Discrimination and racism is a highly sensitive issue that is of importance to society as a whole, including the Staatsballett Berlin. It is very important to me to live a discrimination-free corporate culture and to implement it where it does not yet exist 100 percent."
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yeolsangeleyes · 4 years
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Lucky Or Not, Here I Come | Kim Minseok x Reader (ft. Kim Jongdae)
word count: around 1.3k
warnings: none
note! : This is my first published work which was written in english. I'm not a native speaker, i'm sure i have some mistakes in the story, however, the key of improvement is trying and correcting our mistakes :) So, be prepared some awkwardness. :)
requested by @itsallabigmess
Hey! I saw you are accepting requests. Can i ask for #81 with Minseok?
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It took you approximately thirty-nine minutes to convince your boss to not fire you on the spot due to your mistake which - ironically - wasn't even yours to begin with. You just did what you asked you to do by the customer who, as she saw the outcome of the wedding invitation cards, started whining about the font on the front page. Even though you had asked her twice that is it going to be okay. She demanded to see the owner of this shithouse, as she described, so you do as they asked. While she talked to your boss - who was absolutely adored you but knew you were rumoured to be really unlucky - you took the lavender colored, designed cards and brought back to your table. As expected, your superior told you to do the cards again, just "he doesn't need to see that spoiled witch again".
Damnit, you sighed. I should be fast; i'll have a date after all.
You really did everything to look good, even though you weren't a big fan of blind dates, especially when they were set up by Jongdae, your biggest advocate for dating.
'Please, give it a chance!' he pleaded, eyes filled with a hint of begging. 'You're literally a workaholic, you should relax.'
'By doing small talks with members of the male species?'
'That's what dating for' he stated. 'I just want you to find the one and only.'
'You said that the last eleven times and it didn't end well.. Not everyone is lucky like you.'
'Touché. However, i promise, this is the last time. If you're going to left the date in disappointment, i'll stop.'
So, you're here.
When 15 minutes passed, you weren't worried. 15 minutes is an elegant late, is it?
30 minutes passed, so you ordered yourself an orange juice. You looked out to the window, waiting.
One hour passed, you started getting annoyed. You dialled Jongdae's number on your phone but he of course didn't pick up. You already have drunk your second juice but this time, with a small cupcake. Even the sweet, chocolate flavour couldn't make you forget your growing frustration.
When you were waiting for one and a half hour, you called Jongdae for the second time - he didn't pick up again -, you paid at the counter, said your goodbyes to the workers and went out in the exit.
You needed to blink to process what was happening around you. Then you realized the rain was pouring.
'Are you kidding me?' You groaned. 'Are you really kidding me?!'
This day can't be worse, you stated firmly while walking around downtown and the majority of people, with umbrellas, wrinkled their brows at you or give you a weird look. You wished you could tell them something rude, however your eyes were enough to paint your mood around them.
Although it's the end of March, the weather reminded you a mix of a chilly night in November and a powerful storm in July. As you walked beside a bar, you mind went back in time where Jongdae had told you his girlfriend said yes in his proposal and as it should be, you had celebrated it with tons of sojus and friendly promises.
People started disappearing on the street, everyone were looking for safe space where they could have escape from the violent touch of the rain. You didn't bother that much, knowing the fact it's about twenty minutes until you got home; where you can have a warm bath, eat dinner and watch something on Netflix.
You smiled a little bit, thinking about these things. But then, a car happened and your body met a big amount of water.
You were sitting on a bench, completely soaked, waiting for a demon, an angel or any kinds of upper entity to end your suffering. Were you a little dramatic?
Yes, but who cares? You were completely done for the day, to say the least.
To be honest, you wanted to scream or curse out loud. Were you really that lacking of luck ineverything?
This was the 12th time when you were stood up by your date and you started to feel this is your fate, you're going to be alone with nine cats and one of them is going to be named Sirius - because why not - and maybe you're going to spend your remaining days with knitting and whining over your favourite books in your really comfortable blue armchair; cover your cold legs with a baby pink blanket.
The loud thunder and a hand on your shoulder made you jump on your place. You wanted to ask them what the hell did they touch you but when you looked back, a man with an unreadable expression appeared in front of you. As your eyes scanned him up and down, you noticed his jeans were soaked, however his upper body was completely dry. That was when you saw the umbrella.
'What are you doing here?' the voice fitted for his childlike yet somehow mature looks. You seriously couldn't decide if he's over the age of 20 or older and you didn't love traps like that. Mostly when traps like him were that handsome and you look like a living box of wet wipe.
'Ehm... Feeling the rain, i guess?'
The stranger wrinkled his brows.
'You know you can get a really bad cold?' the honest worry in his voice suprised you as he still held the umbrella over you.
'Yeah, i know' reading his face you knew this answer wasn't enough for him. 'Fine. I had a shitty day, this is just icing on the cake.'
'We're in the middle of a thunderstorm and you wanted to stop and feel the rain? Okay, I understand.'
'Why do you care?' It was your time to ask. Why did a simple man like him talking to you? Why?
'I'm a human being' he explained. 'I can be worried about a woman who casually sits alone in a bench in this weather. Plus, i'm just going home, i live around the area.'
He held out his hand to introduce himself and to your amaze, his name rang a bell on you.
'Wait a minute. Are your surname is Kim, by chance?'
'Kim Minseok, for your service' he put his free hand on his chest and pretended to bow. 'If you're curious, i had a bad day too. One of my close friend organized me a date, but i dropped my phone on the second floor, it died. I got stuck in a traffic jam and when i finally got out of it and went to the rendezvous, she was gone. Moreover, i can't even call her to say sorry because i don't have her number' The story left you dumbfounded, so you just stared at him. 'I'm sure she's thinking of me as an asshole now.'
Fate was really moody today, you thought. What kind of tricky game is this?
You throat felt dry, your mouth opened in shock. You took a deep sigh and stand up from your place, standing in front of the strang- i mean, Minseok.
'First of all, she doesn't think you're an a-hole. Second of all, if that certain friend is called Kim Jongdae, that's great. Third of all, if the answer of the previous statement is yes' you held out your hands while you chuckled 'hi, nice to meet you. I'm the woman you supposed to meet up with. '
After a certain amount of winks, he laughed and a gummy smile appeared on his face.
'Lucky or not, i know your first impressions on me were tremendous however, i hope i can make it up to you somehow. I would love to, honestly.'
Now you were nodded.
'I have two conditions. One, don't be late. Two, i think i need your number to prevent scenarios like that.'
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thank you for the request and thank you for reading this! ❤ as i'm posting this, i'm scared a little bit about the reactions but i hope you'll love it! 🥺
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thedyingmoon · 5 years
💚 See Me Now 💚
Berg Newspaper Headlines
( Dated 25 April, 850 and 26 April, 850, Respectively )
"Mysterious Hooded Figures Spotted In The Outskirts Of Trost District"
By: @levi4mikasa
April 25, year 850, Tuesday
Locals of Trost report sightings of numerous hooded figures roaming the District since Sunday of the month of April, year 850. Some even say that these so called "Ghouls" were in pursuit of some people from the local military branch. The reason of these strange occurrences remain unknown up to this day.
"Aye!Aye! The hooded bastards be like,... seven - foot tall! They be wanderin' 'round these streets for days on end, a - waitin' for somethin'. What's that? I dunno. Just thinkin' of them, I shiver in me boots!" a local fishmonger claimed upon interview.
"I remember Captain Levi walking the streets that day." the lady who owns a fruit stand in the Trost Marketplace claimed. "There were gunshots, and, oh my God! I had to run for it. I have children to feed. I don't want to die. But a hooded figure stopped me from running and pointed a gun at me! Oh, my God! After the noise, the man said to me, you're one lucky bitch, and left, just like that! Oh, my God! Where's the Military Policemen when you need them? I don't want to die! I'd move back to Shiganshina if I have to! But, I can't because of the Titans! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!"
"Yeah, I remember that." a young lady who lived right next to the Marketplace claimed. "I saw Captain Levi, yes! I saw him! I saw him! I want him to notice me, and,... oh, I should only state what happened? Oh, sorry,... So, I saw Captain Levi and I remember hearing shouting, I'm not so sure but, I think I heard a man and a woman scream. Then I saw these black - cloaked figures coming out of the alleys and going after the location of the screams. There was a gunshot, and I saw men in horseback. Then, after that, I don't really remember. Because one of the cloaked - things pointed a gun at me, preventing me from running. I was so scared."
The strange hooded figures, screams, gunshots, the threats on the innocent locals, and Captain Levi.
Could the locals be referring to the Captain Levi Ackerman of the most renowned Scouting Legion, Humanity's Strongest Soldier? If so, what is his connection to these hooded figures who still roam the outskirts of Trost District, wreaking havoc and panic among the citizens? Are these some unknown enemies threatening the elimination of humankind's ace towards the victory from the Titans we so longed for? Or did the Captain, himself, gain enemies for a reason so scandalous, it was enough to put innocent lives in danger? What is his true connection to them?
I firmly advise everyone who reads this to spread the word, to always keep safe and to stay away from the places where these horrifying creatures could possibly be. Until we find out the reason behind these strange occurrences, nobody,... is safe.
"Local Citizens Dress Up As Hooded Figures To Drive Away Evil Spirits"
By: @clovemcpandas
April 26, year 850, Wednesday
The strange hooded figures who reportedly roam the streets of Trost terrorizing locals turn out to be nothing more but fellow locals, teenagers in particular, who dress in such attires to drive evil away from the country.
It's that day of the year again, folks, the day in which we, as fellow citizens of Wall Rose, dress up as sinister figures and roam the streets to drive away, you guessed it - the evil spirits that wander the realm of the living. Yes, it's Saturn's Month again! The one event in this month wherein we get an excuse to scare off our family and friends by dressing up as one of the undead. It is one of our country's most cherished traditions, alongside All Hallow's Eve of the month of November, wherein we honor our dead loved ones and drive off the alleged evil spirits that roam our world in search of new victims to drag back to their world. Our rich culture even states that April is the month wherein lots of tragedies and deaths occur, including the very recent assault of the Colossus Titan, which left many scarred for life. To avoid occurrences such as this, the ancient ones started a tradition wherein the locals dress up like evil spirits to frighten away these malicious creatures and to drive them back to their own realm, for they are the ones who cause Humanity's many tragedies. Hence the name of the month's event, Saturn ( or Satan, the lord of the Underworld, as the ancient ones put it ).
I can almost here the collective sighs of relief from the citizens out there, eh?
"Yeah, thank the Heavens, I forgot it's Saturn's Month, already! Time passes quickly, eh?" claimed the Trost District Marketplace's new fishmonger. "I'm thinking of dressing up as a ghost and scare the crap ( the real term used by the gentleman purposefully edited due to crudity, for the sake of younger readers ) out of these youngsters. I still have it in me, ya know?"
You said it, Mr. Fishmonger!
"Saturn's Month?" a young lady who sells fruits says. "I remember last year when I dressed up as a witch, I nearly gave my mom a heart attack!"
For the love of God, don't scare the poor old woman again, alright, Miss?
"I thought for a second there that our lives were in danger!" says another Trost District citizen, a young miss. "I looked at my calendar and I realized it's just Saturn's Month! There's no need for the Military Police after all, eh?"
No need for the Military Police at all, missy!
"The citizens have nothing to worry about." the chief of the Military Police, Nile Dawk, himself, stated. "Although, these youngsters do take Saturn's Month very seriously. My men are doing their best to keep the atmosphere safe and sound, should the evil spirits come and do claim their victims."
"Yes, we're counting on you, Chief! By the way, if I may ask, what are you going to dress up for Saturn's Month, sir?"
"I will dress up as the Head of the four Military factions, Sir Darius Zackly! I believe that the sight of him is enough to drive even the Colossus Titan away! Wait, are you writing all of these down?"
I'm sorry, Chief!
"Yes, I do enjoy Saturn's Month." and guess what? Even Captain Levi of the Scouting Legion, Humanity's Strongest Soldier, himself, offers a statement for us lucky citizens! "I get to dress up like the grim reaper and scare the crap ( once again for the edit, we do apologize, dear youngster readers ) out of my subordinates."
What a refreshing sight to see the renowned Captain smiling and laughing!
"So, Captain Levi, what is your message to the citizens out there who are still afraid of these hooded figures who roam the streets in search for victims?"
"I would like to tell all the lovely citizens to not be afraid of these Saturn's Month cosplayers. They are simply there to adhere to our country's rich culture, which is to help drive away the evil spirits in the only way they know. I assure you of that. I also pledge myself to protect all people should the Titans once again purge our peaceful world with chaos! For they are the only things evil I believe in that could actually harm us."
With that statement, he saluted and dedicated his heart for the safety of us, innocent and helpless citizens.
What a hero! What a hero, indeed!
And so, with those statements from our fellow citizens and protectors, we can finally rest our tired eyes from staying up late at night, guarding our little ones from any possible assault from the enemies. We could finally open our shops in peace without thinking of several hooded men who could point their guns at us. We could finally roam our own streets freely and without fear of these monstrosities. Captain Levi, and the rest of the brave Soldiers who pledged to keep us safe from any harm, are all here within reach, guarding us from any and all sorts of evil, living or undead. We're counting on you, brave Soldiers of the Walls!
And so, with that, I hope you all have a nice day free from stress and worry. Keep those costumes neat and dust free, and finally,...
...Happy Saturn's Month!
The Berg Newspaper publications distributed the news made by their very own journalist, Ms. @clovemcpandas that day of 26 April, year 850, with reassurances that the citizens have absolutely nothing to worry and fear about. All the remaining copies of Ms. @levi4mikasa 's news, dated 25 April, year 850, were all burned last evening, with a ruse saying that it was the traditional bonfire for Saturn's Month, the ultimate weapon for driving away the evil spirits. The citizens went back to their normal lives, forgetting about everything that occurred that day involving Captain Levi and his alleged pursuers.
Ms. @levi4mikasa , along with those three people she interviewed regarding the mysterious hooded figures and the few ones who supported the validity of her report, were never seen again.
~ @yepps , @shewolfofficial , @unhappysap , and @shortbty14 . 💚
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