conanshipsbyler · 3 months
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leadxxr · 23 days
‘   but   isn’t   it   worse   ?      to   pretend   ?      to   live   a   lie   ?      what   about   love   -   doesn’t   that   count   for   anything ? ’
@wiredsmile | ACCEPTING !!
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The hesitant survivor’s pupils vibrated in thought, swallowing away the unease that rose to the surface at her use of the word love. So some of these killers really were capable of feeling things other than merely rage and bloodlust… huh. The concept intrigued him.
“I’ve … never really been . . . in love, so — I’m not sure. But I certainly know a thing or two about … pretending. To be someone you’re not. . . Just for the sake of someone else. And y'know … regardless of why you’re here …. Maybe there’s some way to turn it around? At least … mentally. If any of that even makes sense...”
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gayrobos · 1 year
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just gotta get out, just gotta get right out of here
[ID: The Stunticon in: "Salvage." A series of impressions. Mikki books it away from a cop, who's yelling after them, "Hey!" A guy in a bar or something grabs Mikki by the shirt. Mikki climbs over a chainlink fence while red and blue lights flash behind them. Leo stands in front of them in her garage, arms crossed, while Mikki looks sullen. Mikki collapsed and sobbing on Drag Strip's torn-off arm, splattered with congealed energon that's killing the grass. Mikki silhouetted in the doorway of Motormaster's ship with a stepladder and a duffel bag. Mikki, now with short dyed-black hair and sans hat, stands with Leo holding a toolbox in front of a car. Mikki uses a block and tackle to haul a pallet of canned food up into Motormaster's ship. Mikki smeared with grease and wearing a cute little bandanna and overalls trying to figure out what's wrong with a car in Leo's garage. Their doodles are sinking ships, skulls, and bloody swords, as well as news stories about the comings and goings of various spaceships (see under cut). end ID]
around panel 1: Breaking: Stunticon ship seen leaving Earth's atmosphere Monday evening
between panels 1-3: turns out ~*everyone hated us*~
below panel 2: well fuck you too
below panel 4: Leo says I can't work for her if I bring trouble
around panel 5: ---dentified Cybertronian ship landed in Petersburg, leaving the Autobot ship in r---
around panels 6-8: ---s yet unclear whether the ship that landed last month is still occupied, with no sight of Cybertronians but weapons preventing city officials from approaching
below panel 8: fuck this place I'm getting out
right of panel 8 next to waving stick figure: byyeeee
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burning-sol · 1 year
thinking abt pre-apotheosis and exandroth using a young girl as a vessel.
tristan: what.. exandroth, we need you here. what do you mean you have to go home?
tristan: you don't have a mom???
exandroth: BESIDES IT'S ALMOST DINNER TIME. *skips toward the door and opens it* BYYEEEE TRISTAN, I'LL SEE YOU TOMORROW!!!
tristan: no wait exandroth-!! ah fuck. well. it looks like it's just me and you.
thanatos: i'm going home too.
tristan: i.. okay. i will just be here by myself then... alone.... so lonely.... with no big men around........ :((
thanatos: bye. *he leaves*
tristan: *waits for thanatos to leave before he curls up on the workbench and starts sobbing* ALL I HAVE IS BIG ROBOT AND WRENCH..... MY GIRLBOSS EMPIRE IS CRUMBLING......
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peregrintook · 7 years
so i started reading the raven cycle books (i’m on the second one rn) and i’m already so stupidly invested in these characters someone save me
i’ve read maggie stiefvater books before (shiver, linger, forever) so i knew she wouldn’t disappoint but man this is beyond everything i expected ??? these characters feel so real and they’re all so different and i love them all so much in so many different ways ugghhh
i see so much of myself in gansey, and in blue as well, especially in their need to see and explore and KNOW things. Things greater than themselves.
adam is just so fucking GOOD and i love how proud he is and at the same time so damn selfless and kind and unf i just i’m so worried about how the ritual might have changed him ??
noah is too precious do i even need to say any more man he’s so gentle but i feel like there’s so much strength in him ??
and where do i even start with ronan my beloved little shit with the attitude and the rude exterior who pretends not to give any fucks but really gives so many fucks about so many things but just not himself. Look at him with Chainsaw man I’M CRYING
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timeripe · 6 years
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i’ve seriously hit milestones i never thought i would, especially for how my activity has been lately
first i want to toot my own horn and celebrate some follower milestones:
here on timeripe, i managed 61 followers (though i understand part of this is bc of my next blog)
@matermetallum // Trisha Elric has 54(!)--all follow backs are going to be from timeripe, so never feel obligated to follow both!
@mrshughcs // Gracia Hughes has 41 (and again i haven’t been super active and i’m so sorry for my lack of muse)
and lastly @gcarhead // Winry Rockbell with 63(!)
you all followed this potato and you write things that are so magnificent and i’m jsut
i cannot express how much that means to me bc there are days where i can barely keep a conversation going let alone write a reply. thank you for all of your continued patience and the fact you still hit that follow button despite my shitposting and crying about the brain and everything else i do that isn’t RP related.
i’m more active on disco, but for right now i need to keep conversations at a minimum bc i’m getting overwhelmed what with the anxiety and school starting and the fact that september is right around the corner and that has historically been a Bad Time for me. but activity should pick up a little bit now that i’m dropping back down to 5hrs/day at work instead of 6. i’ll miss the money not the stress.
to finish off my sobbing i’m gonna give a short little list of absolute gems that everyone should follow
@killthebxy // @automaiiiled​ i don’t have enough titles for fil tbh. actual jon snow/edward elric trisha’s precious sons (jon is adopted by trisha as well not just gracia byyeeee), my brain twin who shares a mind space with me, someone to sob about vincent valentine with (you’re welcome for that list forever and always)
@lifesevered // @lcgendaris another of my characters’ precious children like let’s cry about ed all the time and just watch vines all day as we die in college (that crying cat is honestly me @ this coming tuesday)
@northernwarrioress did u guys know that Sims is my missing twin? like honestly we just have this mutualistic angst thing going on where we both thrive off of the pain the other dishes out
@soulsevered b does not get enough love from me but i will honestly quote any vine possible to say it and tbh that alphonse is such a pure good and i’m gonna throw so much at the multimuse once my head comes back
@jenseitig // @ofescorts​ clint is cute as hell and i’m slacking off really bad not saying it every day and honestly just expect so much face squishing if we can ever meet. alma has been the greatest addition to arelia’s life, even if only in fma verse. and yes you best believe we’re gonna rewrite CoS bc ed and winry deserved better than that ending
and my food isn’t ready yet so i unfortunately can’t gush nearly enough about these next few people without brain food but best believe they deserve every ounce of love you can give:
@zcldrizes // @avariciousprince // @dimmedgleam // @meinbruder // @empathyfeigned // @kindhughes
i’m literally going to realize i’ve forgotten some people but tbh if you have ever spoken to me, you are a gem
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