#( dialogue: ophelia )
fabledteeth · 11 months
anybody else play a cleric durge and felt like they had to come up with some ridiculous reason as to why their pc would wake up believing they worship a god that’s not bhaal? ophelia’s is “i can tell i used to worship a god and can’t remember who, but i have some sick fucking lightning powers and i love carnage destruction and chaos, so that probably means talos is my god. yeah that checks out”
and it’s just. not even fucking true. she was absolutely Not a cleric before the nautiloid, and she definitely didn’t worship talos. he just happened to fit the description
i like to think talos sees her going through this process and just decides to feed into her delusions and grant her cleric powers because he thinks it’s funny
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lightsinthemist · 2 years
It really took three books and more than three years of marriage for Ophelia and Thorn to start talking to each other in an informal way.
Tell me about slow burn
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smileflowcr · 2 months
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"War is over~" Ophelia Yang, 24 años, egresada de biología marina y lista para pasar su vida rodeada de hermosos pingüinos ♡
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agnesmontague · 9 months
i really don't want to be basic but shakespeare was absolutely That Bitch
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outofthiisworld · 5 months
. ✦ ݁ ˖ @grandgrief Tropical Terrors !!!
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[💜] No answer, not even when he showed up. Ophelia’s brows furrowed. Maybe, that meant no— it wasn’t him? It was hard to tell; she wasn’t used to her travel companions being so quiet (Doc would have told her five unrelated stories and two facts about the island by now).
Maybe there really wasn’t anything foreboding on this island after all. That is, any less foreboding than the pillaging pirates off the coast, rocky cliff faces and dangerous wildlife on top of an underground labyrinthine built long ago by an unimaginable archaic cult, but worst of all: really big bugs.
Ophelia floated close beside The Junker, all too similar to how those big bugs buzzed by, and was rendered breathless. Even now, what was left of the temple ruins from its former glory lost to the passage of time— it still struck her in awe, mouth agape and all.
But, he asked her a question just now, hadn't he? She blinked away the stars out of her sight.
“Um ... ” Had she detected anything? Her head tilted. Eyes squinted. “Not really? But I don’t like how quiet it is—”
And as if the universe itself heard her: gentle hymns sung in a forgotten tongue echoed from deep within the temple, all but a mere whisper as it escaped on yonder from the bowels of its depths. The ground rumbled. Then stopped. The hymned melody fell to silence and so too did the sounds of the jungle.
“Should we drop by for a visit?” Ophelia whispered. She'd follow his lead.
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brechtian · 11 months
uni is doing Jeff wanshel’s ophelia in the spring & I read the script last night and it’s a lott of fun! love a brechtian meta intertextual Ophelia-centered hamlet. Favorite part of the play is probably the way characters will read from or slip into famous scenes/lines from other Shakespeares (cackled with delight when hamlet and Ophelia started doing the r&j balcony scene, clapped when hamlet said o full of scorpions is my mind and cheered when Ophelia gives Emilia’s it is their husbands’ fault if wives do fall monologue)
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varley-of-torment · 8 months
Mercedes deserves to have a Hamlet moment
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honeybuckin · 1 year
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" i could've sworn i heard her say she's not interested , so back the fuck off . alright ? " they were still broken up , but that didn't mean he wouldn't protect her if he noticed she was in danger . and while she seemed okay , he knew by the look on her face that the she was uncomfortable with the other whispering in her ear . and so he quickly pressed him without thought , the threat " stay away from my girl before i make you , " coming out of his mouth quicker than he even noticed . | @gcldcnhour [ . . . ] liked this post
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flirticst · 1 year
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@hvneybxns / OPHELIA : " it feels like forever . where the fuck you been , bitch ? " profanities come as a term of endearment to the other , lounging back slightly in her chair as a brief sip is taken from the mimosa in hand . boozy brunch always meant one thing for the femme – a chance to catch up on the latest gossipings that she might have missed in the others life and today was no exception . " you haven't even made time for little 'ol me ... so something good better be going on . "
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pclarnights · 1 year
closed  starter  ›  @rcsplendent  ,  ophelia  ! location  ›  on  the  grass  w/  view  of  the  races  .
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          ❝  phe  ,  look  at  what  i  found  !  ❞  dahlia  exclaims  excitedly  as  she  sits  down  on  the  blanket  she'd  previously  set  up  for  the  two  ,  flowers  she'd  found  nearby  (  but  not  close  enough  to  be  considered  rude  if  picked  )  now  laid  out  before  them  .  ❝  aren't  they  lovely  ?  i  think  this  one  suits  you  ,  ❞  words  are  said  brightly  ,  delicate  hand  placing  a  soft  colored  peony  behind  her  sister's  ear  .  ❝  beautiful  .  ❞  dahlia  affirms  ,  doing  a  once-over  of  her  haul  ,  before  one  similar  is  adorning  her  as  well  .  ❝  i  thought  we  could  press  the  others  when  we  return  ,  these  colors  would  make  the  most  wonderful  dyes  !  ❞
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Dreadforest is opening up this weekend. Means I'll get to actually play through the event. I wasn't exactly impressed with the writing I got from the wiki but maybe actually playing the story will make me feel differently about it.
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smileflowcr · 2 months
Ophe, ¿qué es lo que más te gusta de Dabin?
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"¿Puedo decir que todo? ¡Dabin es el chico más dulce del mundo!" los vocablos están cargados de amor y siente una linda calidez crecer en su pecho. Al ser ambos extrovertidos y compartir el amor por las criaturas marinas, la amistad nació naturalmente, misma que entre salidas o cuidar a los pingüinos del acuario fue evolucionando. Ahora podía llamar a ese sentimiento amor. "Pero si tengo que elegir algo... lo adorable que luce cuando nuestros pequeños lo siguen como si fuese su papá, imitando los sonidos."
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nateconnolly · 27 days
Production of Hamlet where every time the original text has the word “nothing,” the actor says “pussy” instead. “Nothing” was a vulgar term for pussy back in the day, and I think we should let Hamlet say what he means. This isn’t like No Fear Shakespeare where whole sentences get simplified — “nothing” is the only word that gets changed. The production would lose some clever wordplay
Hamlet: Do you think I meant country matters? Ophelia: I think nothing, my lord. Hamlet: That's a fair thought to lie between maids' legs. Ophelia: What is, my lord? Hamlet: “Nothing.”    
but I genuinely believe that modern audiences don't usually see that conversations between Hamlet and Ophelia can be. Like. Really immature.
Shakespeare isn't just making his character say a sex joke for a cheap laugh -- we get to see a sillier side of Hamlet, which lets us understand that he isn't always intense and brooding, and that shows how much he's been changed by the death of his father. Hamlet gets to be carefree for a few lines, and in order to capture that feeling, I think it might be helpful to sacrifice the fancy dialogue. Because it wouldn't have sounded fancy in the original context. It would have sounded like a kid.
I'm not saying all productions should do this stunt. That would be intolerable. But there are so so so so so many productions that have a gimmick (version where same actor plays Ophelia and Horatio, version where ghost is a shadow puppet, etc). I think we should have one where everything stays the same except we update the sex jokes
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outofthiisworld · 10 months
📸 CAMERA for Ophelia, ✂️ SCISSORS for Doc, and ✏️ PENCIL for both & Necrosis !
OC Emoji Asks
📸 CAMERA - do they enjoy having their picture taken? what's their go-to pose? do they like taking photos? what do they take photos of?
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[💜]— "Oh, yes! I love pictures! I like to take sneak-pics of Doc whenever he's busy doing something like eating or tinkering with, he makes silly faces." "I tried taking pictures of the stars too but they never come out good. Doc told me you need a better camera for that— OH! I should see if he can make one, I bet he could!"
✂️ SCISSORS - what is the "last straw" for them to cut someone out of their life? how easily do they let go of people?
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[🧪]— "When you get to be my age, it begins to get a whole lot easier to cut people out." That isn't true, Doc. You're a stubborn bastard, you don't give up on people as easily as you may say. "I believe in second chances, I really do." And third chances, fourth chances, fifth chances— "—But there comes a point where you need to nip it in the bud. I'd never stick around with someone who'd hurt the people I love, or anyone else in that manner— not if they don't deserve it."
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
[☣️]— "A quote? How absolutely quaint. I'm afraid there is nothing that can adequately capture my likeness with such few words or through a simple song. We're so much more complex than that."
You'll change your name or change you mind / And leave this fucked up place behind / But I'll know, I'll know
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
Hello there! I hope you're healthy and well! And oh, I loooveee your writings! They're always great ^_^
Anyways, I would like to request. It's Wednesday Addams x fem!reader. So let's just say Wednesday has feelings for the reader. But she doesn't know how to tell her. And I would love to know how she would react if she saw the reader was being kissed by Xavier. Just love a little bit of angst 😎
That's all, thank you for reading my request!! XOXOXO
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Feelings were a fickle subject when it came to Wednesday Addams, despite growing up with two parents whom were blatantly enamoured with one another and didn’t seem to hold no shame in showing their love either. However just because she was the child of Gomez and Morticia didn’t exactly meant that their affiliations for love were an inheritable trait for her to have. However despite believing herself to be as emotionally dead as the dearly departed buried six feet under their own graves, you elicit reactions within Wednesday that made her believe that she was either sick or subsuming to an early death.
The fluttering within her stomach whenever you stood close by enough for her to manage to catch a whiff of what you were wearing that morning; Lavender and and body spray, she would note later on as she found herself burning away the midnight oil one night, describing the scent of an additional character to her novel. She would remove all traces of the character but she had soon found out that she had written so much dialogue between viper and this character; So much so that the plot portrays their coming together in joining forces as a chance of fate in solving the mystery. For Wednesday to remove your insert character from her novel would be to set herself back a couple of pages, possibly chapters, because your character suddenly became a vital part of her story out of the blue and she had already advanced so far with the story that it would just seem like wasted effort.
Another thing Wednesday would always be subconsciously reminded of in her moments of silent reprieve was the way in which her cheeks would heat up whenever you smiled, laughed or outwardly complimented her. She never once cared about what others thought about her nor her personality but it seemed that the moment you started to speak of her in such high praise, that’s when she began to feel herself crave your validation. Wednesday didn’t care how you did it but she just wanted you to praise her, compliment her to high heavens and no one else. She naturally hated how she craved something she openly voiced not caring about but yet here she was, acting the hypocrite just for your appraisal.
She even often found herself actively searching for you in the quad before classes like a puppy dog looking for it’s owner. It was pathetic but recently Wednesday observed that she seemed to go against her own code whenever you nearby. She hated being craved and stalked by others yet she was subconsciously doing the same thing to you but going about it within a more subtle manner; Such as keeping a seat saved for you in the classes that you share, going so far as to threaten bodily harm on fellow students in swapping jobs with her so that she could be with you during outreach day and last but not least, participating in the Poe Cup when and only when you were participating.
Enid had her suspicions that Wednesday had feelings for you but never dared to voice them until one day when she returned to her dorm to find Wednesday awkwardly standing there, picking at her chipped nail polish. Before the blonde could speak up, Wednesday beaten her to the punch by asking a question Enid never thought she’d ever hear her ask. “What…does it mean to like someone?” Enid wanted to scream Ophelia Hall down because her intuition about Wednesday had been right. However Enid knew she’d have to save the celebration for later as she had a friend to help in navigating her feelings, so she took a deep breath and sat herself down on her colourful bedding, smiling at her morbid dorm mate. “Who’s the lucky guy, girl and or person?”
The pair talked late into the night and by the time morning had came, Wednesday felt the overwhelming urge to rid herself from pining after you from afar and instead act upon her feelings. Unfortunately, due to her lack of experience within this field, she didn’t exactly know the best way to go about conveying her feelings towards you without potentially scaring you off into the arms of someone else. Who’d knew that the one thing that Wednesday couldn’t seem to comprehend was the fact that she had actual feelings other then disgust, dismay and the obvious morbidity? Wednesday definite didn’t and she was left perplexed at her desk, her head buried in her hands as she raked her nails down her face, leaving red marks in their wake as she attempted to find a possibility in where she could express her emotions that wouldn’t require so much effort being drawn from her.
This new sensation was thrilling to the young Addams as found herself brainstorming a thousand ideas a minute, a majority of which were crumpled up into wads of paper that were then discarded to the black metallic waste bin she kept beside her desk. None of them were good enough for you, she would tell herself the more she drove herself to sheer madness within the thicket of her research. It didn’t have to be perfect, it didn’t have to be a spectacle for others to bask in, overcrowding her moment with their attendance. It just has to be enough for you and to Wednesday by osmosis. However there was one minute detail that Wednesday seemed to have deemed unimportant or intentionally skimmed over due to it’s irrelevance in her grand scheme; Xavier Thorpe.
The boy clung to you like a babe does to their mother. His arm would permanently be seen over your shoulder, drawing you into his side as he spoke to the gorgon, Ajax. Wednesday also didn’t take into account how whenever she saved you seat in class, Xavier would immediately bolt for the spare seat beside yours as he began to animate the doodles on his sheet of paper, watching as they scampered up your arm and burrowed themselves into the collar of your shirt before eventually clambering back down and retreating into the blank sheet of paper once the teacher had entered the room. Even during the Poe Cup Xavier seemed to take it easier on you then compared to the rest of your team, even going so far as to giving you a head start.
Once Wednesday had achieved victory your team, instead of moping and complaining over his teams loss, Xavier only beamed at you with pride as you celebrated with Enid and Wednesday, whom you had slung your arms over the moment you three crossed the finish line; Smiling so widely and bright that he couldn’t help but engrave your happiness into his mind that would later be splayed out on that blank canvas later that evening. Xavier’s constant need to be by your side extended to school events such as Outreach day, where he’d peak over your shoulder at the job you had been given before scavenging the crowd for someone with a matching job and then sweet talking them into trading; Sometimes he -if lucky enough- would have been assigned to the same job as you through pure coincidence.
When the faithful day where Wednesday would finally confess to you finally came, her seemingly dead heart stopped when she caught sight of you and Xavier in the courtyard, standing closely together with his hands gingerly cusping your cheeks as you melt into his touch as though you were the candle wax to his flame; He was uttering sweet nothings and you were obviously moved by them as your hands instinctually reached to grab ahold of the lapels of his blazer, tugging at him in a silent plea for him to step closer despite being pressed up against you another as humanly possible. Xavier was thriving off of your reaction whilst Wednesday was trying to cast her gaze elsewhere but found herself forced to watch as the boy pressed his lips against yours.
Xavier’s golden brown locks acted as a curtain for the both of you as it fell from his shoulders and brushed against your cheek, hiding the fact that you were very much taken by his actions as your hands gripped his lapels tighter while his hands wandered to find home at your sides. That day Wednesday Addams understood what the sound a shattered heart makes.
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flirticst · 10 months
a closed started for OPHELIA , @hvneybxns !
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lately it seemed like juliette spent more time at meaningless appearances than she did doing what she did best , which only left a bad taste in her mouth and braving the entirety of said events more unbearable . and so the blonde found herself excusing herself to the bathroom , a desperate attempt to escape any more mundane pleasantries between fellow stars and picture requests from relentless photographers . but what should have been a moment of relief quickly became something else when she entered to find the familiar face , expression souring almost immediately . there weren't many people who earned such a frosty reception from the otherwise amiable blonde , but ophelia evans had become one of them . " nevermind " the femme announced with a groan of annoyance , ready to turn and make a premature exit .
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