#( e. wishlist )
bookishwithathought · 14 days
Why would I settle for “it was so wrong” when I can have “something restless settling in him”?
Why would I settle for “This was a mistake” when I can have “He wouldn’t go so far as to call Gwyn a friend, but…”?
Why would I settle for “His shadows skittered back at the sound” when I can have “one of his shadows darted out to dance with [her breath] before twirling back to him”?
Why would I settle for “They’d always been prone to vanish when she was around” when I can have “His shadows peered over his wings at her”?
Why would I settle for “A thing of secret, lovely beauty” when I can have “A thing of secret, lovely beauty.”?
No, thanks. Hard pass.
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raayllum · 3 months
i'm gonna get my broyals angst / ezran feels abandoned arc aren't i?
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pinkeoni · 1 year
He thinks they're yummy
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prim3dsins · 5 months
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{Source} @the-winter-brothel
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nukaknight · 11 days
am I finally getting my Howard’s run a summer camp with horses and lucy and max are college aged counselors au? I sure hope I am. Fingers crossed.
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discoinfernos · 22 days
my girlies need some love !!
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darabeatha · 3 months
Mmmmhmm..... Romantic tension...
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bookishwithathought · 2 months
Art based on SJM’s Pinterest board before she deleted it in 2021, which means Elucien’s been endgame for years.
The author decides, and it’s been decided. How we can argue against it, I don’t know.
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raayllum · 2 years
i’m a s5 moon arcanum callum truther
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e-the-village-cryptid · 11 months
i consider you like the bix caleen expert now, what do you predict/hope for her in season two??? i've been thinking about her (and velcinta, kleya, + mon) a lot lately
ok. ok. I'm gonna try to keep this organized by stuff we already know/can reasonably infer, remaining questions, and what I hope for/expect. let's go
what we know from the end of season 1:
Bix escaped Ferrix with Brasso, B2EMO, Wilmon Paak, and Jezzi to recuperate on Gangi moon, so we'll probably start off with all of them there
It's definitely not safe for Bix or Wilmon to return to Ferrix, and probably not safe for Jezzi or Brasso at this point either, so I expect they'll be evading the Imperials away from Ferrix for a while. The Imperials may or may not still care about tracking down Bix at this point, but they almost certainly have a price on Wilmon's head for throwing that bomb, so they'll all have to be lying very low. The riot on Ferrix was really more of a massacre— Imperials definitely still control Ferrix and are probably in full reign of terror era in the riot aftermath.
what we know from the leaked season 2 teaser:
it appears that Bix meets with Luthen again:
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the quality on the leak is poor and it's hard to tell from behind, but pretty sure that has to be either her or Cinta, assuming it's a character we already know. I think it's Bix, though, because the jacket looks more leathery like Bix's style, whereas Cinta's signature style tends to involve thicker/puffy jackets. also, Bix has a preexisting relationship with Luthen and Cinta doesn't.
Bix sleeps with a blaster now (hell yeah full rebel Bix)
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Bix maybe kills Dr. Gorst????
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again, hard to tell if her or Cinta from behind, but it makes a lot more sense for this to be Bix, given that this would be an extremely personal revenge for her, whereas Cinta doesn't even know who Dr. Gorst is.
Bix reunites with Cassian at some point and it appears that they've still got that romantic-tension-but-we're-not-gonna-do-anything-about-it thing going on
what we know from rogue one:
Bix dies by the end of andor season 2. I hate to call it but she's not in rogue one and Cassian says he lost "everything"— Bix is one of his oldest friends she's important enough to him that she has to be included in that. I just don't see a way around it. I hope I'm wrong but. augh
what I infer from all this:
in season 2, Bix recovers from her ordeal and gets more deeply involved in the rebellion— she is in it now and there's no turning back.
however, although she's in communication with people like Luthen, she's not part of any specific rebel cell like Luthen's or Saw's. especially given that Dr. Gorst scene, it seems like she's acting alone on a very personal matter of revenge. she's angry— she has lost too much to be restrained in that regard anymore. she's also alone when she goes to visit Luthen— it seems like she's acting fairly independently, and even when she and Cassian reunite at some point, it's off-and-on just like always, not them teaming up the whole time.
assuming Dr. Gorst is still associated with Dedra & co, this would mean Bix returns to Ferrix at some point, blaster in hand, ready to take back her home. this makes total sense for her character, she is so Ferrix to her very core, I can't imagine her not doing anything she can to return and wrest it back from ISB control.
Bix dies at some point in this fight to take back Ferrix, hopefully a meaningful death that furthers her cause
if I got my wishlist of things I genuinely think could be canon:
Bix, Brasso, Jezzi, Wilmon, and B2 form a sort of base/safehouse on Gangi moon. with Ferrix being terrorized in the aftermath of the riots, Jezzi has been doing a lot of sneakily shuttling refugees out to Gangi moon if they're no longer safe on Ferrix. The rebellion on Ferrix is now kind of split between people lying low on the ground in Ferrix, and the escapees on Gangi moon.
Jezzi uses her Daughters of Ferrix connections as a way to start communication and an underground network. As Bix recovers and begins to gain back her strength, she gets more involved with this blossoming Ferrix rebellion network and planning a return. Brasso also joins that crew. Wilmon is absolutely stewing in hatred for the Empire and spends his days building more explosives to blow Imperial bases up.
Eventually, Bix contacts Luthen again to try to find Cassian and winds up confronting him about cutting her off on Ferrix. He gives some talk about the greater good and Bix is absolutely done with him. Luthen points out, correctly, that the Imperials were listening to the radio and him answering would have only put him in danger, not saved her, but Bix understandably is not too interested as she's more concerned with him basically abandoning her after that. She was tortured for weeks because they wanted information on him, and she's found out that he had agents on Ferrix who knew that she was in there and didn't even consider making a rescue attempt. A rescue attempt would seem absurd to Luthen, always willing to sacrifice others for the big picture, but is the only sensible option to someone like Bix, who looks out for her people and those closest to her in her community before all else. There's just a complete disconnect in the way the two view the fight they're fighting. Bix decides fuck it, she's going off on her own. Ferrix will manage, they don't need Luthen's help.
The rebellion on Ferrix gradually grows its network and we see the action build to a peak as they put a plan in action to collectively attack the Imperial forces and drive them out. The plan involves Bix breaking into the ISB's headquarters on Ferrix— it does NOT involve her killing Dr. Gorst— they didn't even know he'd be there then. That's something where she realizes he's there and immediately puts the plan on hold to go kill him. This causes issues down the line, leading to Bix's death in the fight that follows. (This is all vague because idk exactly how this would all play out, but that's the gist.)
The end of the Ferrix arc strongly parallels Season 1 Episode 12, except this time the fight was better planned and successful. The mood is still one of mourning in addition to victory though, many lives were lost in the battle. They have to build a whole new wall to house the bricks of all those killed, including Bix and probably Brasso. Maybe they even make bricks for droids and B2 gets one, I don't think he survives the season. We see the Ferrix funeral ceremony played out again, but with an entirely different energy and angle this time. The victory also isn't permanent— although the Imperial presence fled this time, they may just be back again in a week with massive reinforcements. They don't know, but they'll take their wins when they can and face the rest as it comes. Their strength is not in their leaders and their heroes but the tide of the community, an endless wave that cannot be broken any more than a blade can slice water. The Daughters will go on. Ferrix will continue.
(ok I'm done waxing poetic Ferrix just makes me emotional ok)
my self-indulgent wishlist of things I want to be canon for Bix but am not holding out any particular hope for:
a sort of mentorship/found family bond between Bix and Jezzi as Bix is sort of adopted by the Daughters of Ferrix. honestly, would love some found family vibes with Bix, Jezzi, Brasso, Wilmon, and B2, that would be so nice
Bix has hearing loss/tinnitus in the aftermath of the audio torture and gradually learns to deal with this. maybe if the auditory sensitivity and tinnitus improve with time she gets some cool space-tech hearing aids (yes I'm blatantly projecting my disabilities onto characters what of it). also would like to see a good exploration of the PTSD she undoubtedly has from all that, and how it influences the way she approaches the rebellion. the physical aftermath of the torture sort of echoes the mental aftermath and serves as a device to show the viewer where she's at in her recovery
Bix and Cinta meet. I've written about this before but I think they each have something the other really needs— Cinta focuses so hard on the rebellion and the big picture that she forgets to care on an individual level for the people she's actually fighting for, whereas Bix is so focused on protecting her people and community that she forgets to look up and see the big picture of the rebellion. It even makes sense for them to meet on Gangi moon right after everyone fled Ferrix, because Cinta's a medic and Bix is in desperate need of medical attention. Bix could also use Cinta's absolute fearlessness in her life when she's feeling at her most helpless right after the time in captivity
Bix gets to have Dedra at her mercy, Dedra doesn't even recognize her at first, but when she does she experiences such absolute terror as she realizes the pure personal vengeance on the line here. Bix lets her break down for a few seconds first and then just kills her
Bix gets to tell Cassian off a bit, and Cassian finally stops to try to see things from her perspective and acknowledge that he was kind of a dick to her last season. they get to repair some of that broken trust and get some closure before they both go their separate ways and die lol
if you made it this far thank you haha I've been dying to go on an absolute unhinged rant about Bix for ages now THANK YOU for asking
(I wrote basically this whole thing, forgetting to stop and save in the frenzy, and then tumblr glitched and deleted it all. so here's the whole rant again and honestly I enjoyed it just as much as the first time I am so normal about this character <3)
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farforvdova · 6 months
anya living a kinda normal decent life snd then waking up to her hands covered in blood, not anywhere that she recognizes, etc. absolutely no clue as to what happened. Just fear and those good old trigger words.
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iiguess · 1 year
WISHLIST. I want Sam to have a conversation about her trauma so bad man. Just! Her being that vulnerable enough to talk about it, trusting the person she's talking with to not dismiss her or something! Her revealing why she acts the way she does! Her being comforted and reassured that none of it was her fault!!
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pinegreentea · 2 years
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Mini skirts appreciation post
Insta: pinegreentea
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nukaknight · 21 days
give me vaultknightghoul but where they're willing to take a bullet for him like he isn't the himbo in the powersuit.
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amongthevipers · 6 months
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i'm so sorry harwin i know you hate this guy
i don't know why i'm so possessed by this crackship rn...its probably cause emeline is such an angel and i love putting my gentlest muses with the most unhinged people
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mutuals may interact, do not reblog without permission (non rp blogs fuck right off)
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general-kalani · 7 months
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When will I find a Jerome so I can do a thread with them and Joseph,,,
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