#( featuring // davina claire )
cquity · 5 months
davina & derek || @brokcnrunes
"heads up!" the brunette called as she watched the book fall from her pile from atop of the ladder. "crap - i'm so sorry! i thought i could balance them all but clearly i'm a bloody idiot." davina admitted, shaking her head as she descended the ladder. "did it hit you?"
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shinetcgether · 1 year
@davinaes liked for a starter!
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"i felt like i needed some help."
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captainsophiestark · 2 months
We're Good
Kol Mikaelson x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: TVD/TO
Summary: Kol meets Davina and finally seems serious about someone, so his best friend convinces herself to finally let go of her secret crush. But when Kol gets jealous of her paying attention to another guy, what once seemed settled might not actually be finished.
Word Count: 3,092
Category: Angst, Fluff
A/N: Title is lightly inspired by the Dua Lipa song, although the fic doesn't totally fit it.
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I tried not to scowl as I watched Kol from the second level of the Mikaelson compound. He was down on the dancefloor, in the middle of the latest party he and his family had decided to throw. I knew Nik or Elijah had some ulterior motive for hosting, but I hadn't cared because this time, I'd had my own ulterior motive. I'd put on my absolute best outfit and made sure I looked like a knockout, all so I could finally tell Kol Mikaelson, my longtime friend and crush, how I really felt about him.
And now, before I could, he was standing at the edge of the dancefloor trying to make a move on Davina Claire.
I should've known. Kol and I had been friends for a long time, and despite pretty regular flirty moments between us, he'd never taken any steps to make us something more serious. Instead, he flirted with, hooked up with, and even dated whatever mortal he'd most recently fallen for while I stood by pretending not to get my heart broken.
This time, I was done with it. For good.
I set my jaw and squinted, refusing to let the tears fall as I turned from the balcony. I almost made it into a hallway off the Mikaelson compound where I could disappear from everything, but of course, I couldn't quite get that lucky.
"He's a bloody idiot, you know."
Rebekah Mikaelson, my best friend in the world, stood before me with her hands on her hips, blocking my exit.
"I'd love to have you for a sister-in-law, but you deserve better than one of my idiot brothers. As a boyfriend and as a friend."
"Bex, I don't want to hear it right now."
The sympathy on her face almost killed me, but she stepped aside. I thought that would be it, but then she called out to me just before I could turn the corner and escape this whole mess.
"Mourn all you like tonight, but tomorrow we're going out! There are plenty of men in this city to help you forget all about Kol!"
Rebekah gave me exactly one day before she started hounding me about going out on the town to forget her "idiot brother". And honestly, I might've ignored her, except for the fact that Kol spent the entire day after the ball with Davina.
I'd always known he was a flirt, but this time, he actually seemed to mean it. So I gave him more space than usual, for my sake as much as his, and spent more time wih Rebekah. We baked and went on walks, and after a while, I stopped shooting her down when she tried to drag me to bars. Kol kept hanging out with Davina, but slowly, seeing them together was starting to hurt a little less. I always thought if he found a girl to get serious about, it would be me. And a tiny little part of my heart still tore to shreds when I saw how wrong I'd been. But unlike those first few days, the heartbreak wasn't eating me alive anymore.
Which is how I ended up out at a bar with the entire Mikaelson family, dancing my heart out on the dancefloor without a second thought for whether Kol would join me.
We'd first started a montly tradition of the firve of us going out and just having fun a few years ago, and despite various dramas and the siblings scattering to the winds, we'd more or less managed to keep it up. We always picked a place a few hours from where any of us were living and planned to stay the night, so we could well and truly forget everything but having a good time together. Normally, I spent the night orbiting Kol, to the point that Nik usually had a field day giving me shit about it. Tonight had been a little different.
I'd joined Nik in dragging Elijah out of the house, gone with Rebekah to order all of us some truly strange, fun cocktails, and danced the night away on the dancefloor with all of them, without my mind or gaze constantly circling back to Kol. He didn't seem to even notice the shift, and I was surprised to find that it didn't really bother me. Kol was a good friend, after all, and with a little more time to process, maybe we'd even be better off.
"Hey!" Rebekah shouted into my ear, still barley making herself heard over the music around us. We'd been here for hours, but none of us showed any signs of slowing down just yet. "That guy at the bar has been staring at you all night!"
I turned to follow her gaze and found a handsome guy looking back. He smiled, a little sheepish, and I returned the gesture before whipping around to Rebekah.
"Why are you so fixated on setting me up with somebody?"
"Because it's fun! And I haven't got to do it once in all the time I've known you because you've been so hung up on Kol. So come on, let me have my fun!"
I made a face. I wasn't sure I wanted to take a chance on the random person Rebekah had found, regardless of me finally being over Kol. She huffed, then leaned in to speak in my ear again.
"Just trust me! I compelled him and asked him some questions, and he seems like someone you'd get along quite well with!"
I closed my eyes. "You compelled him, Rebekah? Seriously?"
"Well how else was I supposed to make sure he wasn't some sleezy werewolf or something? Go on, just talk to him!"
"Fine! Fine, but it's still our Mikaelson Family Fun Day, so I'm just going to talk."
"That's fine with me! Although I promise not to judge you if you don't come back to the room tonight-"
I picked up the nearest thing I could find (a stack of napkins) and hucked it at her, which she easily dodged. I did my best to ignore her laughing behind me as I headed for the bar.
The guy smiled as I approached him, and I smiled back. I headed for an open spot standing next to him at the bar, and he started speaking as soon as I came within hearing range.
"Hey! I've been hoping you'd come over and say hi all night."
I smiled. "Why didn't you come over and say hi yourself?"
"Didn't want to interrupt you and your friends if you didn't want to be bothered," he said with a shrug. "Although, that girl Rebekah tried awfully hard to get me to come over once or twice."
I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, Rebekah loves nothing more than meddling, especially in my life." I paused. "I'm glad she convinced me to come over and talk to you though."
"So am I! I-"
He broke off at the same time as I felt someone slide up to the bar behind me, chest almost pressed into my back. I started to turn around to tell whoever it was to back off, but a familiar voice spoke up before I could.
"Why don't you go find someone else to bother, mate?" said Kol, his tone laced with the slightest undercurrent of a threat. Apparently, he'd decided to make sure he got what he wanted, because a moment later the guy whose name I hadn't even been able to get yet turned on his heel and walked away.
I rounded on Kol with a furious scowl, but he just grinned back at me, still very close and in my personal space. Normally, the proximity would've left me with butterflies, but right now all I felt was anger growing in the pit of my stomach.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked, an edge to my voice that I'd really never directed at Kol before. His eyebrows shot up, but otherwise, he didn't seem bothered.
"I was getting rid of that creep who was bothering you. Come on, darling, I thought you'd be thanking me-"
"Thanking you? Kol, he clearly wasn't bothering me! I came up to him, for God's sake!"
"Well I'm sorry, it just looked like you might want me to step in-"
"How? How did it look like that, Kol?"
My voice was getting louder now, enough that a few people were starting to take notice, but I didn't care. I was furious at my so-called friend and he was going to hear about it.
Kol cleared his throat. "Love, maybe we should take this somewhere else-"
"Knock it off with the pet names! Kol seriously, what the fu-"
In a split second, the bar disappeared around me. Instead, I found myself thrown over Kol's shoulder as he vampire-sped out of the bar. When we finally stopped, it was just inside the front door of the house we'd all rented, with Kol's back to me as he closed the front door.
I took my opening and hurled the nearest pillow at his head. It hit its target dead on, and I got halfway through picking up another one when Kol used his vamp speed to close the distance between us and grab my wrist.
"Hey! Knock it off, alright? What's the matter?"
"What's the matter? Are you kidding me Kol?" I wasn't sure whether I wanted to laugh, cry, scream, or all three, but I focused on the screaming part as I faced a bewildered Kol. "You absolute hypocrite, how dare you pull me out of that bar, and how dare youstep into my conversation like that!"
"What? Is this seriously all about me scaring off that one guy? You hardley knew him!"
"Obviously it's not completely about him, although that move still sucked, Kol! It's about you thinking you have some right to barge into my life and scare off a guy who might be interested in me! Because that's what it was, right? There's no way you thought I wanted him gone, so you did all this because you wanted him gone, right?"
"...I- I guess I didn't really like seeing him with you, but-"
"But nothing! Kol, we've had just a kind of flirty friendship forever. And whenever it seemed like we might be heading into something else, you were always the one to bail out. And last month, when you found Davina and got serious about someone else, it ripped my heart out. But I forced myself to take some time and get over it! Because that's your choice, and I care about you regardless of if you want to date me. But Kol, you have been clearly, specifically going after Davina lately. Which means you have absolutely no right to come tell some guy at the bar to back off when he's flirting with me."
"Darling, come on-"
I held up a hand to cut Kol off. The storm of emotions had finally started calming, hardening into something more manageable. I'd let myself struggle in this relationship without ever having an up front conversation for far too long. We were going to set some boundaries and have it all out, whether or not Kol wanted to. I was done with the rollercoaster ride.
"Kol, I know you call a lot of people 'darling', but if you want to stay friends with me then I'm going to need you to stop calling me that."
Kol just stared at me for a few moments, blinking and apparently processing everything I'd just said. His eyebrows knit together and he looked seriously distressed, but I refused to back down. After a moment, he took a half step towards me, his hand reaching out slightly towards my own.
"...And what if I don't think I want to be friends anymore, darling?"
I scoffed, another overwhelming wave of anger rising up and over me. I shook my head and turned around, walking a few steps away and hoping the space would help me cool down.
"You better not be flirting with me right now, Mikaelson, after everything I just said and everything you've been up to with Davina lately."
"Davina and I aren't together, love. We went on a few dates after Nik's little party, but we've hardly seen each other since then, and I don't intend to keep anything going. You might have noticed, but you started avoiding me after the ball and I had no idea why."
I turned to face Kol at last, scanning his face for any hint of something that might help me make up my mind on how to feel about all this. The corner of his mouth quirked up in a smile, and I scowled.
"I wish you'd said something earlier about this little crush of yours, honestly. I didn't think I had a shot in hell with you. It would've saved us both some time."
I shook my head, slowly at first and then much much faster. Before I completely realized what I was doing, I crossed the room and smacked Kol in the chest. He was one of the oldest vamipres to ever live, so it didn't have much of an impact on him, but it definitely made me feel better.
"Kol Mikaelson, you jackass! You do not get to use this as an excuse to confess feelings for me!"
He laughed, holding up his hands and clearly fighting a beaming smile. I slowly tapered off my assault, instead opting for crossing my arms and absolutely fuming at him.
"Seriously, Kol, this isn't funny. I show interest in someone else for the first time in our friendship, and all of a sudden you're dropping everything to come and confess feelings for me? You get why I don't feel like that's completely sincere, right?"
Kol sighed, the smile finally falling off his face. He moved to close the distance between us again, and this time, I let him.
"I'm sorry. I'm not joking because it's a joke to me, I promise. I've had feelings for you as long as I've known you, darling, but I didn't think I had a chance with you. And you've been important to everyone in our family for just about as long as we've known you. If I made things complicated, or made you want to stop spending time with all of us, my siblings would've literally killed me."
I snorted, looking down so Kol wouldn't see me fighting a smile off my face. No matter what, Kol always seemed able to make me smile when I least wanted to. Normally, it was one of my favorite things about him.
"What can I do, hm? What can I do to prove I mean what I'm saying?"
I sighed, crossing my arms and at last looking up at Kol. With wide eyes and no hint of the sardonic smile I knew so well, he looked more serious than I'd ever seen him before.
"...If you're really sure about this, Kol, that you really mean this...?"
"I do. Darling, I swear I do. I promise you, I won't waste the chance if you give me one."
"Okay, then prove it. I've never seen you go more than a week without flirting with some human, witch, vampire, werewolf, or whatever other sentient beings we come across. Make it a month, and maybe I'll believe what you said about being serious about this."
"...And will we be dating for that month?"
Slowly, I shook my head. "No. I want to, Kol, and I want that to be where this goes, but... I need to see that this is real first. I want to believe it is, so badly, but after centuries of meaningless flirting and dancing around each other without a conversation, of seeing you have flings every chance you get and watching each one of those burn out... I can't just take it on faith."
Kol sighed, glancing down at the ground before meeting my eyes again. He didn't say anything, just closed the little remaining distance between us as he brought his arms up to circle my waist. He pulled me to him, leaning down with a glance at my lips, and I didn't stop him as he pulled me into a kiss.
Fireworks exploded in my chest. My knees went a little week as I leaned further into Kol, resting my hands on his shoulders. After a few long moments, just as my common sense started returning to tell me what a mistake this was, Kol pulled back with a grin.
"Sorry, darling. But I couldn't wait a month to do that."
I snorted and shook my head, stepping carefully out of Kol's grip. He watched my every move with a smile, and my heart did a backflip when he licked his lips. I told my heart to calm the hell down.
"I... certainly didn't mind the potential preview," I admitted.
Kol laughed, running a hand through his hair as he looked at me.
"This is going be the longest month of my life... but if that's what it'll take, I'll make it through. I know it'll be worth it, especially now."
I rolled my eyes, but this time, I couldn't quite keep a smile off my face. Finally, my heart started returning to a normal pace, and I managed to meet Kol's eyes again without having a cardiac event.
"Alrlight, so... what do we do now? I don't know about you, but I don't particularly want to go back to the bar."
"Is that a joke, darling?" He raised an eyebrow at me, but I just shook my head. His mouth dropped open like he couldn't believe I was serious. "I may not get to do the activity I most want to do right now for another month, but I did just get my best friend back after extensive radio silence. We have so many episodes of our favorite shows to catch up on!"
"...You didn't watch them without me?"
"Of course not! Did you watch them without me?"
"Of course not!"
"Well then, there you have it! That's our evening. You make the popcorn, I'll turn on the tv."
I laughed as Kol turned on his heel, getting immediately to work. I still wanted to wait the month I'd made him promise; I still wasn't confident his romantic affections wouldn't wander. But despite all that, a massive weight lifted off my chest as I headed into the kitchen for snacks. I had my best friend back, and finally, after a ridiculous amount of waiting and dancing around each other and poor communication, we were actually getting a shot at our happy ending.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989 @space-helen
TVD/TO Taglist: @elenavampire21
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anewkindofme · 11 months
Here are a current list of fandoms I make content for and how I’ve classified characters thus far! If I haven’t included one, just ask and I’ll classify them for you. :) I’ll also include my OTPs that I may put together to be caregivers as well as NOTPs that I will not write for.
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Caregivers: Carlisle Cullen, Esme Cullen, Charlie Swan & Rosalie Hale.
Flips: Edward Cullen, Alice Cullen & Jacob Black
Littles: Bella Swan, Emmett Cullen & Jasper Hale
Nuetrals: N/A
OTPs: Carlisle/Esme, Jasper/Alice & Rosalie/Emmett (as caregivers only)
NOTPs: Edward/Bella & Jacob/Bella
The Vampire Diaries Universe:
Caregivers: Damon Salvatore, Klaus Mikaelson, Rebekah Mikaelson, Caroline Forbes, Elijah Mikaelson, Matt Donovan, Enzo St. John, Keelin Mikaelson, Bonnie Bennett, Freya Mikaelson, Cami O’Donnell, Hayley Marshall & Hope Mikaelson
Flips: None
Neutrals: Alaric Saltzman, Mikael Mikaelson, Esther Mikaelson, John Gilbert & Miranda Gilbert
Littles: Stefan Salvatore, Elena Gilbert, Jeremy Gilbert, Tyler Lockwood, Kol Mikaelson, Katherine Pierce, Marcel Gerard, Josie Saltzman, Lizzie Saltzman, Jenna Sommers & Davina Claire
OTPs: Damon/Enzo, Damon/Bonnie, Hayley/Elijah, Klaus/Caroline, Rebekah/Matt, Keelin/Freya, Damon/Bonnie/Enzo & Klaus/Cami
NOTPs: Damon/Elena, Damon/Katherine & Stefan/Katherine
I do ship Stefan/Elena, Kol/Davina, Hope/Josie & Jeremy/Bonnie, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
One Tree Hill:
Caregivers: Karen Roe, Keith Scott, Haley James Scott, Mouth McFadden, Quinn James, Chase Adams, Chris Keller & Clay Evans
Flips: Lucas Scott & Peyton Saywer
Neutrals: Dan Scott
Littles: Nathan Scott, Millie Huxtible, Brooke Davis & Alex Dupre
OTPs: Karen/Keith, Quinn/Clay, Peyton/Lucas (as caregivers) & Chris/Chase
NOTPs: Brooke/Lucas & Dan/Karen
I do ship Haley/Nathan, Brooke/Peyton & Mouth/Millie, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
Caregivers: Dean Winchester & Castiel
Flips: N/A
Neutrals: John Winchester & Mary Winchester
Littles: Sam Winchester & Jack Kline
OTPs: Dean/Castiel
Teen Wolf:
Caregivers: Derek Hale, Noah Stilinski, Melissa McCall, Chris Argent & Peter Hale
Flips: Scott McCall & Lydia Martin
Neutrals: N/A
Littles: Malia Tate, Stiles Stilinksi, Alison Argent & Liam Dunbar
OTPs: Noah/Melissa
I do ship Stiles/Derek, Stiles/Malia, Stiles/Lydia & Scott/Alison, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
Grey’s Anatomy/Private Practice:
Caregivers: Owen Hunt, Meredith Grey, Mark Sloan, Derek Shepherd, Addison Montgomery, Charlotte King, Arizona Robbins, Callie Torres, Atticus Lincoln & Sheldon Wallace
Flips: Amelia Shepherd
Neutrals: Cristina Yang & Izzie Stevens
Littles: Alex Karev, Jackson Avery, April Kepner, Jo Wilson, Andrew DeLuca, Lexi Grey & Dell Parker
OTPs: Meredith/Derek, Addison/Mark, Callie/Arizona & Charlotte/Amelia (as caregivers)
NOTPs: Owen Hunt/Anyone, Addison/Derek & Charlotte/Cooper
I do ship Mark/Lexi, April/Jackson, Alex/Jo & Andrew/Meredith, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
Once Upon A Time:
Caregivers: Snow White, Rumpelstiltskin, Belle French, Maleficent, Princess Anna, Prince Kristoff, Killian Jones (all versions), Henry Mills (S7 only), Ella Mills, Robin Hood, Queen Tiana, Ursula & Robin Hood-Mills/Margot
Flips: David Charming & Ruby Lucas
Nuetrals: Mother Gothel, Zelena Mills & Cora Mills
Littles: Emma Swan, Regina Mills, Alice Jones, Will Scarlet, Drizella Tremaine, Queen Elsa, Lily Page & Neal Cassidy/Baelfire
OTPs: Tiana/Killian, Snow/David (as caregivers), Belle/Rumpelstiltskin, Belle/Killian, Maleficent/Ursula, Henry/Ella, Snow/Ruby/David (as caregivers), Ruby/Belle (as caregivers) & Kristoff/Anna
NOTPs: Killian/Emma, Henry/Drizella, Killian/Gothel & Zelena/Anyone
I do ship Emma/Neal, Emma/Elsa, Emma/Lily, Belle/Will, Snow/Regina & Alice/Margot, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
Pretty Little Liars:
Caregivers: Emily Fields, Toby Cavanaugh, Caleb Rivers, Wayne Fields, Pam Fields, Mary Drake, Jason Dilaurentis & Maya St. Germain
Flips: Mona Vanderwaal, Alison Dilaurentis & Cece Drake
Neutrals: Veronica Hastings, Byron Montgomery, Peter Hastings, Ezra Fitz & Ella Montgomery.
Littles: Aria Montgomery, Spencer Hastings, Mike Montgomery, Alex Drake & Hanna Marin
OTPs: Wayne/Pam, Maya/Emily, Alison/Emily (as caregivers) & Caleb/Toby
NOTPs: Ezra/Aria
I do ship Spencer/Toby, Hanna/Caleb, Mona/Mike, Aria/Spencer & Aria/Jason, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
9-1-1 & 9-1-1 Lone Star:
Caregivers: Owen Strand, Bobby Nash, Athena Grant, Henrietta “Hen” Wilson, Howie Han, Tommy Vega, Judson “Judd” Ryder, Eddie Dias & Paul Strickland
Flips: Carlos Reyes
Neutrals: N/A
Littles: TK Strand, Marjan Marwani, Evan “Buck” Buckley & Maddie Buckley
OTPs: Bobby/Athena & Hen/Tracie
I do also ship TK/Carlos, Howie/Maddie & Buck/Eddie, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
Criminal Minds:
Caregivers: Aaron Hotchner, David Rossi, Jason Gideon, Will LaMontagne & Emily Prentiss
Flips: Derek Morgan & Jennifer “JJ” Jereau
Neutrals: N/A
Littles: Spencer Reid & Penelope Garcia
OTPs: JJ/Hotch (as caregivers), Emily/Hotch and Will/JJ (as caregivers)
NOTPs: Penelope/Luke
I do ship Penelope/Derek but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
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thel0re · 5 months
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@ofblackskies from here for davina claire
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"allergies.."  davina  repeated.  eyebrow  slightly  raised  as  bright  hues  scanned  him  curiously.  sensing  that  something  was  off  as  she  was  now  crossing  her  arms.  looking  down  at  him  where  he  sat.  "of  all  excuses,  you  come  up  with  allergies."  the  witch  didn't  believe  his  lame  excuse.  it  was  evident  on  her  features.  "you  don't  have  to  tell  me  or  whatever,  but  you  have  been  really  weird  as  of  lately."
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vivrae · 2 years
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𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐘 ,   𝐘𝐎𝐔'𝐑𝐄   𝐀   𝐆𝐎𝐃𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐍   𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄   —   #VIVRAE  ;   living ,   (to)   live ,  (to)   experience.   independent ,   private   multi   muse.   featuring   both   canon   and   original   characters.   low   activity.   mature   and   triggering   themes   present.   heavily   reliant   on   ask   prompts   and   plotting.  as   loved   by   astra.   (  she/her ,   25+  ).      carrd.   (   temp   muse   list   under   cut.   )
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primary muses   ...
aurora de martel, the originals. ( fc: tbd. ) cheryl blossom, riverdale.  chrissy cunningham, stranger things. davina claire, the originals. felicia hardy, marvel. ( moved to @9lvs ) kate bishop, marvel. ( fc: conor leslie. ) lizzie saltzman, legcacies. mal, descendants. poison ivy, dc.( fc: bridget regan. ) rose tyler, doctor who. ruby lucas, ouat. theo crain, haunting of hill house. uma, descendants. ursula, little mermaid. ( fc: laverne cox. ) yelena belova, marvel. yennefer of vengerbeg, the witcher.
secondary muses   ...
allison argent, teen wolf. bobbi morse, marvel. ( fc: lauren german. ) caroline forbes, tvd. ( fc: sydney sweeney. ) clara oswald, doctor who. eleven, stranger things. emma swan, ouat. ( fc: tracy spiridakos. ) jessica jones, marvel. karen page, marvel. kate fuller, fdtd. peggy carter, marvel. ( fc: ana de armas. ) rebekah mikaelson, tvd. ( fc:  tbd. ) snow white, ouat. ( fc: millie brady. ) sprite, marvel. ( fc: sadie sink. ) veronica lodge, riverdale. will byers, stranger things.
testing voice   ...
amaru, fdtd. amy pond, doctor who. belle, beauty and the beast. ( fc: simone ashely. ) dinah lance, dc. ( fc: tbd. ) elijah mikaelson, tvd / the originals. emma frost, marvel. ( fc: tbd. ) evie, descendants. harley quinn, dc. ( fc: samara weaving. ) katherine pierce, tvd.  ( fc: tbd. ) nancy wheeler, stranger things. nell crain, haunting of hill house. robin buckley, stranger things. steve rogers, marvel.  ( fc: tbd. ) wanda maximoff, marvel.  ( fc: tbd. )
original characters   ...
asteria devereaux, witch. original lore.  ( fc: tbd. ) cassandra bennett, witch. legacies.  ( fc: vanessa morgan ) corinne hildegard, witch. descendants.  ( fc: kaylee bryant. ) emmanuella alves, vampire. legacies.  ( fc: camila mendes. ) jinx rothchild, ghost hunter. original lore.  ( fc: emilia clarke. )
by request only   ...
clint barton, marvel.  ( fc: rahul kohli. ) david/prince charming, ouat.  ( fc: michiel huisman. ) jay, descendants.  ( fc: tbd. ) sam winchester, supernatural.  ( fc: tbd. ) seth gecko, fdtd.
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ofcvrnage · 1 month
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⸻ #OFCVRNAGE , a dependent mumu blog for TVDRP ; loved / hated by L , she + they , twenty9 . will frequently feature mature / triggering topics ⸻
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davina claire ⸻ danielle campbell •• witch ›› intro
tatia petrovdottir ⸻ nina dobrev •• human ›› intro
nikolina ⸻ danielle rose russelle •• hybrid ›› intro
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xblasphcmy · 2 months
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⸻ #XBLASPHCMY , a dependent mumu blog for DARKSKIESRPG ; loved / hated by lily , she + they , twenty8 . will frequently feature mature / triggering topics ⸻
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davina claire ⸻ danielle campbell •• witch ›› intro
tatia petrovdottir ⸻ nina dobrev •• human ›› intro
feyrah kilic ⸻ melisa pamuk •• supernatural hunter ›› intro
alice parker ⸻ nicole wallace •• siphoner ›› intro
caroline forbes ⸻ candice king •• vampire ›› intro
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cquity · 5 months
davina & maya || @wcnderfulthings
"hi there!" the brunette greeted the other as she moved from the back room towards the front of the shop. "are you happy browsing today or would you like some help?" davina questioned, placing the unopened mail on top of the counter as she moved to welcome the other. "i'm davina."
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fortitudina · 5 months
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dthroned asked: ▸ i chose this cyclone with you. ( kolvina )
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IT HAD ALWAYS been her. From that first moment as he walked the world in Kaleb's body and saw her that day outside of the church, reviving those dying flowers, to now with her standing before him, telling him that she chose him. Kol had been irrevocably in love with the beautiful and powerful little witch. His days of murder sprees and being the family wildcard were all but a marker of his past.
Davina had been the first person to truly show him love and care, to want to show him what it was like to love and be loved, and Kol had begged his brother countless times not to dagger him because of it. Niklaus seemed to have understood, because he'd spared him the torture and allowed him to continue loving. Who knew that he was capable of such softness, when he'd been so cold and so harsh toward the world during his time as a vampire?
He would do anything for the woman that stood before him and declared herself to him. He would die for her if it meant that she would be safe, or if it meant that she didn't die. He would put his entire life on the line, he would move wherever she moved and go wherever she wanted to go. Davina was the blood in his veins and the steady beating of his undead heart. Without her in his world, he was but a mere shell of a being.
" Good... "
His voice was a mere whisper as he spoke, his hands lifting to cup her cheeks as he looked down upon her features and those dark but bright eyes of hers. They'd captivated him for a long time and they'd continue to do so for many years to come. A smile slowly crept on to his lips. It was one that was filled with an adoration unlike any other. A warmth that for a vampire, should not exist, but it did in him. " I choose you... I always will... In a thousand lifetimes; in a thousand ways, I always choose you, Davina Claire. "
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muzelor · 5 months
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𝙼𝚄𝚉𝙴𝙻𝙾𝚁 , independent , private and iconless multimuse blog featuring a collection of canon characters from various media sources , as well as original characters . bemused by veronica .
𝙵𝙴𝙰𝚃𝚄𝚁𝙸𝙽𝙶  𝙼𝚄𝚂𝙴𝚂  𝙵𝚁𝙾𝙼 : the vampire diaries universe , hoegwarts universe , stranger things , alice in borderland , scooby doo , disney , addams family , league of legends , barbie universe , the big bang theory universe , how i met your mother , dc comics , marvel , archie comics , as well as folklore ocs .
️️️️️️️️️️️️️  ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️   ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ 𝙾𝙽𝙲𝙴 𝚄𝙿𝙾𝙽 𝙰 𝚃𝙸𝙼𝙴 . . .
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▐  DISCLAIMER  ;  all characters are written from my own perspective. some are canon compliant (those with no link attached to them), whilst some were taken from canon and rewritten almost entirely (those with links). all disney characters are from storybrooke, with the exception of alex. all lost boys characters besides paul are taken from either the craft or my babysitter's a vampire, but they're all from santa carla. only their location has changed, their backstory remains the same. after the fandom name, you will find a hashtag along with two-three words inside straight brackets [...]. for a better experience for all of you, please blacklist all the fandoms you do not wish to see! if, by any chance, you wish to write with a muse from said fandom, i will make sure not to add the tag on our thread(s).
▐  THE VAMPIRE DIARIES  [#vampires hide] ;  tatia anderdottir , kai parker , hayley marshall , henrik mikaelson , davina claire , josie forbes , kol mikaelson , elena gilbert , hope mikaelson.
▐  HOEGWARTS  [#wizards hide] ;  dorcas meadowes , ginny weasley , bellatrix lestrange , josie dumont , fred weasley , regulus black.
▐  DISNEY  [#fairytale hide] ;  red riding hood [ruby] , esmeralda fernandez , elsa arendottir , anna arendottir , alex russo [rashid] , evie grimhilde , mal , snow white.
▐  STRANGER THINGS  [#experiments hide] ;  barbara holland , kali prasad , veronica ecker.
▐  SCOOBY DOO  [#meddlers hide] ;  velma dinkley , thorn , shaggy rogers , daphne blake , sibella.
▐  THE LOST BOYS  [#night sluts hide] ;  paul downs , nancy downs , erica jones , sarah fox , benny weir.
▐  ALICE IN BORDERLAND  [#gamers hide] ;  kuina hikari , karube daikichi , akane heiya , aguni , chishiya shuntato , usagi yuzuha , arisu ryohei , niragi suguru , mira kano , hatter , ann , banda.
▐  HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER  [#fahrampton hide] ;  robin sherbatsky , marshall eriksen , barney stinson , lily alrdrin , ted mosby , tracy mcconnell.
▐  BIG BANG THEORY  [#geniuses hide] ;  leonard hofstadter , melissa cooper , penny teller.
▐  ADDAMS FAMILY  [#goths hide] ;  pugsley addams , thing , morticia addams , gomez addams , uncle fester , ophelia frump , lenora frump , lurch , michael langdon.
▐  LEAGUE OF LEGENDS  [#champions hide] ;  evelynn , jinx , caitlyn.
▐  MATTEL  [#dolls hide] ;  stereotypical barbie , singer barbie , beach ken , backflip ken , magician ken , allan.
▐  DC + MARVEL COMICS  [#heroes hide] ;  harley quinn , joker , peter parker , eddie + venom , morgan stark.
▐  ARCHIE COMICS  [#horrors hide] ;  cheryl blossom.
▐  ROMANIAN MYTHOLOGY  [#folklore hide] ;  georgiana dumitrescu , viviana olteanu , ecaterina ivan , narcisa lupu , daniel , parascheva.
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▐  DISCLAIMER  ;  independent, private, selective, iconless, duplicate friendly and mutually exclusive. no hate, discrimination or bigotry allowed on my watch or there will be consequences. this is just a hobby, therefore i am not affiliated with the fandoms ᅳ we're still waiting for the adoption papers to go through.
▐  TRIGGERS  ;  all triggers will be tagged as trigger tw/. this blog contains mature, as well as gore content. the following mentions will be frequent on this blog: violence , gore , death , mental illnesses , war , politics. if a particular thread contains triggering content, even if it’s just implied, it will still be tagged as trigger tw/. keep in mind that these topics, albeit triggering for some, are used for storytelling purposes and i will not water down the severity of any of them. if you don’t want to see it on your dash, do not follow this blog.
▐  FOLLOWING  ;  if i follow you, it means i want to write with you. everything is opened to mutuals (people i follow that follow me back)  :  sending anything through my inbox, yelling at me through ims or over discord, tagging me in stuff, mentioning my characters in other threads, selling me to the dark lords. if i don’t follow you it’s probably because (1) i can’t see our muses interact or (2) i can’t find your age anywhere listed. being 18+ is mandatory, as this blog contains mature and gore content. it’s important to note that, if i don’t follow back and you have ideas in which our characters could interact, you can shoot a message or sent me an ask to let me know. chances are high that i will follow you back. if i’m breaking mutuals, i will either softblock or hard block (depending on your preference, if it’s listed anywhere in your rules). if you want to break mutuals with me, please hard block. if you must softblock, here’s a chill message for you to send before softblocking : always gonna give you up, always gonna say goodbye. you’d be rickrolling me and breaking mutuals like the legend i know you are.
▐  FORMATTING  ;  small text, double space, bold, italics, strikethrough and underline text. because i have too many muses, i will only be using banners with their name, but if you want icons / gifs for our threads, i think i can work it out hopefully. i also write a lot, but don’t feel like you have to match my format. i usually accommodate my writing partners with the length, but mistakes happen and i get carried away sometimes.
▐  SHIPPING  ;  yes, please. grabby hands. i need it. chances are, if you ship it, i most likely shipped it for a while now. chemistry is important no matter the dynamic, so if you want to try something, never refrain from yelling at me in private. i will yell back. wanted dynamics are  :  platonic , familial , romantic , antagonistic , to name a few. if you want to get into specifics, take a look at this meme and let me know either by sending the emoji through my inbox or telling me in private (ims/discord).
▐  MUN  ;  howdy potential new friend. i'm veronica, a 21+ cryptid from eastern europe. i got my bachelor degree in sociology with specialization in criminality and deviance and right now i am taking a master in sociology of consumerism and marketing. i am a gemini and i own two cats, jinx is a persian mf and kira is half persian half demon, if you ask me. i can always provide proof. i am addicted to coffee to the point if i don't drink 2 a day i become two of snow white's dwarfs... grumpy and sleepy. one of my favorite authors is paulo coelho, i fell in love with his work on the witch of portobello. i like to present myself as a halfblood since on my dad's side i am rromani. english is my third language, first is dumbass and second is romanian. you want proof of my first language? in highschool i was sent to a psychologist because i thought it'd be funny to make a gore video of joker (2019). i also have loads of really stupid or really creepy stories, feel free to ask me about them. and if you want to break my brain, ask me what's my favorite song. i seem to forget all songs i've ever listened. if you read everything, i'm sorry. here's a knock knock joke so i can make it easier for you to hard block me: knock knock. who's there? a dwarf. a dwarf who? a dwarf who can't reach the doorbell, that's why he's knocking. you may hard block me now.
miercolaes  —  a single muse blog, featuring the cryptid that is wednesday addams. i’ve taken all canon material and decided to rewrite it and we still didn’t end up with something good, babes. so if you’re looking for a psycho with psychic abilities that struggles to understand human emotions and would fight you just because, this is your blog!
bahrbae  —  a single muse blog featuring the actress barbie doll. legend has it she was owned by joker which would explain her fuckedupness. so if you’re looking for a fucked up doll with a knack for horsies (which apparently does not equate to patriarchy????) with many other verses, this is your blog.
salemarked  —  a single muse sideblog to #miercolaes featuring dorcas goode. you may know her canonically as goody addams but guess what, you shouldn’t trust everything you see or hear! that’s how they get you. but if you’re looking for ancestral rage and a top tier manipulator who has a very unfortunate history, this is your blog!
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b4rbierobertsaa · 5 months
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𝙼𝚄𝚉𝙴𝙻𝙾𝚁 , independent , private and iconless multimuse blog featuring a collection of canon characters from various media sources , as well as original characters . bemused by veronica .
𝙵𝙴𝙰𝚃𝚄𝚁𝙸𝙽𝙶  𝙼𝚄𝚂𝙴𝚂  𝙵𝚁𝙾𝙼 : the vampire diaries universe , hoegwarts universe , stranger things , alice in borderland , scooby doo , disney , addams family , american horror story , league of legends , barbie universe , the big bang theory universe , how i met your mother , dc comics , marvel , archie comics , as well as folklore ocs .
️️️️️️️️️️️️️  ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️   ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ 𝙾𝙽𝙲𝙴 𝚄𝙿𝙾𝙽 𝙰 𝚃𝙸𝙼𝙴 . . .
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▐  DISCLAIMER  ;  all characters are written from my own perspective. some are canon compliant (those with no link attached to them), whilst some were taken from canon and rewritten almost entirely (those with links). all disney characters are from storybrooke, with the exception of alex. all lost boys characters besides paul are taken from either the craft or my babysitter's a vampire, but they're all from santa carla. only their location has changed, their backstory remains the same.
▐  THE VAMPIRE DIARIES  ;  tatia anderdottir , kai parker , hayley marshall , henrik mikaelson , davina claire , josie forbes , kol mikaelson , elena gilbert.
▐  HOEGWARTS  ;  dorcas meadowes , ginny weasley , bellatrix lestrange , josie dumont , fred weasley.
▐  DISNEY  ;  red riding hood [ruby] , esmeralda fernandez , elsa arendottir , anna arendottir , alex russo [rashid] , evie grimhilde , mal , snow white.
▐  STRANGER THINGS  ;  barbara holland , kali prasad.
▐  SCOOBY DOO  ;  velma dinkley , thorn , shaggy rogers , daphne blake
▐  THE LOST BOYS  ;  paul , nancy downs , erica jones , sarah fox , benny weir
▐  ALICE IN BORDERLAND  ;  kuina hikari , karube daikichi , akane heiya , aguni , chishiya shuntato , usagi yuzuha , arisu ryohei , niragi suguru , mira kano.
▐  HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER  ;  robin sherbatsky , marshall eriksen , barney stinson , lily alrdrin , ted mosby , tracy mcconnell.
▐  BIG BANG THEORY  ;  leonard hofstadter , melissa cooper.
▐  AMERICAN HORROR STORY  ;  michael langdon.
▐  ADDAMS FAMILY  ;  pugsley addams , thing , morticia addams , gomez addams , uncle fester , ophelia frump , lenora frump , lurch.
▐  LEAGUE OF LEGENDS  ;  evelynn , jinx , caitlyn.
▐  MATTEL  ;  stereotypical barbie , singer barbie , beach ken , backflip ken , magician ken , allan , teresa , raquelle.
▐  DC + MARVEL COMICS  ;  harley quinn , joker , peter parker , eddie + venom , morgan stark.
▐  ARCHIE COMICS  ;  cheryl blossom.
▐  ROMANIAN MYTHOLOGY  ;  georgiana dumitrescu , viviana olteanu , ecaterina ivan , narcisa lupu , daniel , parascheva.
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▐  DISCLAIMER  ;  independent, private, selective, iconless, duplicate friendly and mutually exclusive. no hate, discrimination or bigotry allowed on my watch or there will be consequences. this is just a hobby, therefore i am not affiliated with the fandoms ᅳ we're still waiting for the adoption papers to go through.
▐  TRIGGERS  ;  all triggers will be tagged as trigger tw/. this blog contains mature, as well as gore content. the following mentions will be frequent on this blog: violence , gore , death , mental illnesses , war , politics. if a particular thread contains triggering content, even if it’s just implied, it will still be tagged as trigger tw/. keep in mind that these topics, albeit triggering for some, are used for storytelling purposes and i will not water down the severity of any of them. if you don’t want to see it on your dash, do not follow this blog.
▐  FOLLOWING  ;  if i follow you, it means i want to write with you. everything is opened to mutuals (people i follow that follow me back)  :  sending anything through my inbox, yelling at me through ims or over discord, tagging me in stuff, mentioning my characters in other threads, selling me to the dark lords. if i don’t follow you it’s probably because (1) i can’t see our muses interact or (2) i can’t find your age anywhere listed. being 18+ is mandatory, as this blog contains mature and gore content. it’s important to note that, if i don’t follow back and you have ideas in which our characters could interact, you can shoot a message or sent me an ask to let me know. chances are high that i will follow you back. if i’m breaking mutuals, i will either softblock or hard block (depending on your preference, if it’s listed anywhere in your rules). if you want to break mutuals with me, please hard block. if you must softblock, here’s a chill message for you to send before softblocking : always gonna give you up, always gonna say goodbye. you’d be rickrolling me and breaking mutuals like the legend i know you are.
▐  FORMATTING  ;  small text, double space, bold, italics, strikethrough and underline text. because i have too many muses, i will only be using banners with their name, but if you want icons / gifs for our threads, i think i can work it out hopefully. i also write a lot, but don’t feel like you have to match my format. i usually accommodate my writing partners with the length, but mistakes happen and i get carried away sometimes.
▐  SHIPPING  ;  yes, please. grabby hands. i need it. chances are, if you ship it, i most likely shipped it for a while now. chemistry is important no matter the dynamic, so if you want to try something, never refrain from yelling at me in private. i will yell back. wanted dynamics are  :  platonic , familial , romantic , antagonistic , to name a few. if you want to get into specifics, take a look at this meme and let me know either by sending the emoji through my inbox or telling me in private (ims/discord).
▐  MUN  ;  howdy potential new friend. i'm veronica, a 21+ cryptid from eastern europe. i got my bachelor degree in sociology with specialization in criminality and deviance and right now i am taking a master in sociology of consumerism and marketing. i am a gemini and i own two cats, jinx is a persian mf and kira is half persian half demon, if you ask me. i can always provide proof. i am addicted to coffee to the point if i don't drink 2 a day i become two of snow white's dwarfs... grumpy and sleepy. one of my favorite authors is paulo coelho, i fell in love with his work on the witch of portobello. i like to present myself as a halfblood since on my dad's side i am rromani. english is my third language, first is dumbass and second is romanian. you want proof of my first language? in highschool i was sent to a psychologist because i thought it'd be funny to make a gore video of joker (2019). i also have loads of really stupid or really creepy stories, feel free to ask me about them. and if you want to break my brain, ask me what's my favorite song. i seem to forget all songs i've ever listened. if you read everything, i'm sorry. here's a knock knock joke so i can make it easier for you to hard block me: knock knock. who's there? a dwarf. a dwarf who? a dwarf who can't reach the doorbell, that's why he's knocking. you may hard block me now.
miercolaes  —  a single muse blog, featuring the cryptid that is wednesday addams. i’ve taken all canon material and decided to rewrite it and we still didn’t end up with something good, babes. so if you’re looking for a psycho with psychic abilities that struggles to understand human emotions and would fight you just because, this is your blog!
bahrbae  —  a single muse blog featuring the actress barbie doll. legend has it she was owned by joker which would explain her fuckedupness. so if you’re looking for a fucked up doll with a knack for horsies (which apparently does not equate to patriarchy????) with many other verses, this is your blog.
salemarked  —  a single muse sideblog to #miercolaes featuring dorcas goode. you may know her canonically as goody addams but guess what, you shouldn’t trust everything you see or hear! that’s how they get you. but if you’re looking for ancestral rage and a top tier manipulator who has a very unfortunate history, this is your blog!
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wixblud · 7 months
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⸻ #WIXBLUD , a dependent 𝘿𝘼𝙑𝙄𝙉𝘼 𝘼𝙇𝙄𝘾𝙀 𝘾𝙇𝘼𝙄𝙍𝙀 for MYSTICAEHQ ; heavily influenced by my own headcanons and take on the character . loved / hated by lily , she + they , twenty8 . will frequently feature mature / triggering topics ⸻
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     𝑐𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟⧸𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑒 :   davina alice claire   ››   witch   ››  danielle campbell  .
❛❛   aesthetic.  ❜❜   ―   ◜   ❏  . ― the  first  snowfall  spouting  layers  of  ivory ,  lazy  mornings  curled  up  in  black  silk  sheets  with  messy  curls  and  lacy  lingerie ,  she’s made up of silk , blood , and rose water . ―   ◜   ❏  . ―  →
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name . . . . davina alice claire
nicknames . . . . d , harvest girl of fire
age . . . . 18
sexuality . . . . heterosexual
date of birth . . . . december 21st
place of birth . . . new orleans , LA
gender . . . . cis woman
pronouns . . . . she + her
current location . . . . mystic falls , VA
languages . . . . english , latin , french .
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zodiac . . . . sagittarius-capricorn cusp
bad habits . . . . losing her temper
hobbies . . . . painting , coming up with new spells
fears . . . . unknown
other mentionable details . . . . it's important to note that davina saved herself , rather than marcel and killed her own mother .
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faceclaim . . . . danielle campbell
height . . . . 5'3''
hair color . . . . brown
eye color . . . . green
scars . . . . it's very faint but the bite on her neck when kol killed her .
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parents names . . . . cordelia claire ( mother / deceased ) + john blackwell ( father / unknown )
parents relationship . . . . unknown with her father since she never met him + horrible with her mother / she was the one that killed her
pets . . . . n/a
income . . . unknown
residence . . . . davina and faye took up a place of their own
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―  Born and raised in NOLA to a mother who was controlling as she was, she only cared about the coven. never paid any attention to davina unless it was beneficial to her. because having davina was not part of her plans.
―  Her father is out of the picture but the coven hated him because he did magic against him and did expression. that’s all she knows about her father.
―  When the coven choose her, davina’s mother was finally proud. For the first time davina saw her smile. But not because of her…But because of the power davina would bring. She never cared about davina living or dying , she only cared about the magic that would fuel the coven.
―  So when the harvest finally came, davina’s excitement and pride of being there turned to fear when they were being killed on sight.  Davina witnessed her three friends, Monique, Abigail, and Cassie all being sacrificed in the ritual, but she was with the powers she gain from all 3 , she and faye managed to kill some of the witches ( including her own mother ) when marcel interfered and took her chance and left .
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ofdivnity · 1 year
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⸻ #OFDIVNITY , a dependent DAVINA CLAIRE-MIKAELSON blog for 𝙉𝙀𝙒𝘽𝙊𝙍𝙉𝙁𝘼𝙇𝙇𝙎𝙃𝙌 ; loved / hated by lily , she + they , twenty8 . will frequently feature mature / triggering topics ⸻
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wcllow · 3 years
Don’t you dream impossible things. (Sybill Trelawney)
“i mean the word impossible is a funny word isn’t it? the word itself says i’m possible.” davina smiled softly, shrugging her shoulders at the thought. “besides - i often find that when you don’t dream things up the impossible finds a way of becoming reality - there a billions of things humans haven’t even began to explore, so why say it cannot happen on principle.” 
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bluboothalassophile · 3 years
Okay, I just kind of need to rant, and I have no place to put this but the last few days... I'm just so fucking done with bullshit.
I know I haven't been 'active' in terms of writing for a while. 2020 sort of knocked us all on our asses, in my house, so it's just... it's really hard to be motivated about anything really as of late. I am not a fan of living in California, but I don't miss where I was either. I'm bummed I haven't gotten to enjoy a new, fresh start, or make friends, or have a life, I feel like I've lost so much of my youth to being a caregiver and now thanks to the pandemic, I really feel more disconnected than ever.
Anyways, I ran out of things to engage with during the pandemic because I caught up on everything, there weren't a lot of 'new' things in my life, so I started binging Netflix, Hulu, and so forth. I watched Vampire Diaries, Originals, and Legacies to laugh at it's ridiculousness; because it's ridiculous. It's like Grey's Anatomy! It's ridiculous. I found I enjoyed the characters though, mainly in the Originals because I lost interest in the Elena nonsense pretty quickly.
The Originals though... I like that one a lot. And you guys know me, I sort of pick my favorite characters and stick to them; i.e. JayRae, SessRin, SasuSaku (to which we will never mention ever again), and so forth. I love Davina Claire, Kol Mikaelson, Marcel Gerard, and Hayley Marshall.
I wasn't going to do any new projects, I wasn't because I have been getting back into the swing of writing fanfics, but I really loved Davina and Kol so I decided fuck it, and I'd do the project Anonymously. Ao3 has that wonderful Anonymous feature, which I had never used and so wanted to try out because I just sort of wanted to do a thing and leave said thing when I was done. The TVD and Originals fandom scares me, because they kind of strike me as a very Naruto like fandom and that went so swimmingly for me obviously. I mean, nothing wrong could happen, right? HAHA, wrong. So, in a vain attempt to avoid repeating the Naruto fandom nonsense; because I really do not have the mental capacity for drama anymore, my bullshit meter has been thoroughly burnt out; I went about being Anonymous.
Anyways, so I started a story, the Vixen & the Fox, for FUN! It was a word vomit idea, write when I could because it was fun. There was no expectations on me or it! I could just fly under the radar. I also could feel productive because I was writing regularly again, and posting, and that made writing my originals easier, so I felt productive! Which was awesome because I missed it. I figured I'd finish that story and just go back to Hopes for a Bastard, because that series is my baby; also finish Never Be the Same too.
And then some asshole started posting my story on Wattpad claiming they had my permission and they didn't! And that theft has really fucked me up and fucked me over because despite all the other shit, and all the other drama I've endured No One Has Ever Stolen A Story From Me! I have never felt so infuriated, livid, offended, betrayed, and fucking used in my entire goddamn life! What the Hell Do They Gain By Doing This Though!? Seriously!? It's 500k words! It's fanfiction TAILORED to a particular fandom universe! You Can't Exactly Get Famous Off Of It Even With Changing It Up! And it doesn't matter if they weren't claiming my story as theirs, they were posting it without my permission, or consent, and they claimed to possess both, and no one bothered to tell me until recently.
So Why!? Why the fuck would you take my story; Anonymous or under a Name, cross post it, boasting to have my permission to do so, and NEVER Asking!? I know I don't interact with you guys a lot, I'm not a responsive author to reviews, or anything (sorry about that, but FFN was my first platform ever and interacting with readers just was not something I thought to do, and now it's because I'm shy and I'm terrible about not replying to questions when they're asked in reviews. My sisters call me spoiler queen because I just answer the question! So no, no I'm not an interactive writer in that sense!).
Anyways, with the help of people like @shewhowillnotbenamed1, @alerialblu, @bookaholicpt, @xaphrin, @chromium7sky, I managed to not lose my shit, and also to put my story under my name, and get the cross posting thief to take my story down; to which I want to say THANK YOU! Again, to you guys, because you're awesome.
But I'm still sitting here, and I want to know why. Why do people do this? Just... why? I'm sitting here very confused about this, and pissed, and I can't seem to process it, despite it being over, and now I'm using fucking Wattpad, to try to reach the readers who were reading it there, and I just... Why would someone do this? Do my stories really need to be under my name to be somewhat safe? I mean, really? I just wanted to be Anonymous for a minute and write, so why is it they felt the need to do this? Because the moment I put this story under my name, they acted like they'd been doing me a favor, not screwing me over, and they said it wasn't theft, but it was. Why did it matter if I was Anonymous or under BluBooThalassophile? Why do people do this.
I'm sorry about the rant, but I really can't wrap my head around what's happened, or process it, and I'm so fucking angry, and hurt that I can't even express all of it because I don't know how. Why would someone do this? Just, why?
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