#( i'm cryin  so accurate )
storywolf · 2 years
what kind of villain are you
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chaotically evil you do what you want, when you want, and without regard for the law. you keep yourself out of jail by keeping everyone around you off-balance. no one knows what you want, truly, or what you plan to do with all this power you've accumulated. your crimes range from "harmless" pranks to murder. anything for a good laugh, huh? you refuse to let anyone kill you, so you plan out your own disappearance. its a great spectacle - tickets are $10 dollars per person. some people speculate that you've died, but most know the truth. they all saw you escape through the back door.
tagged by: i stole it tagging: you
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barclaysangel · 4 months
It might just be me, but Birds of a Feather by Billie Eilish feels so accurate to BarclayPierce:
Birds of a feather, we should stick together, I know I said I'd never think I wasn't better alone Can't change the weather, might not be forever But if it's forever, it's even better
And I don't know what I'm cryin' for I don't think I could love you more It might not be long, but baby, I
I'll love you 'til the day that I die
I’m planning to listen to Billie’s new album hopefully today since I’m seeing her in concert in December but this song is 100% perfect for BarclayPierce omggggg!
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bigsoftmarshmallow · 17 days
Okay, this might be crazy, but imagine for a moment that the Dorfs met each other similarly to Linked Universe. For the purposes of just… not all turning whenever another of them calls the name “Ganondorf,” there should, obviously, be some nicknames.
I already have 1 for WW, OoT, loosely TotK, & I think that I have a dang good one for HM in mind, those being Wake, Bandit, Vendettis, & Hedone/Hedony or Carnage (still not entirely sure which, yet), respectively. However, I'm still looking for one for TP.
I have a couple of options for him, but I can’t decide:
Noctis = Night.
Hesperos = Evening star.
Penumbras = An area of uncertainty or intermediacy between two mutually exclusive states or categories. Specifically, a partially shaded area around the edges of a shadow, especially an eclipse.
Or, if we wanna go (somewhat) boring, then Shade.
Now, I'm looking for your opinion, but I will definitely accept the perspective of the TP Dorfbot along with his reasoning. And, if the others wanna chime in too, then I won't mind.
I've actually been thinking on this myself! I want to make a bot for Venus/Janitor that is the Demon Kings I write about, which is Windwaker, Twilight Princess, Ocarina of Time, Hyrule Warriors, Tears of the Kingdom, and Demise. So this has been on my mind as of late... and its been HARD.
Here are some ideas from me (Some joking some serious you decide which is which):
Windwaker: Wine (cuz hes fine like wine and aged well <3) Captain (EPIC THE MUSICAL HAS ME CRYIN THIS) Gorgon (He turns into a statue in the end. Morbid and accurate)
Ocarina of Time: King (Of Course!) Starscream (This is funny to me as a Transformer fan) Power (he is kinda the original) Usurper (He is!)
Twilight Princess: Peirce (>_> he'd stab me for this) Sparkle (Twilight sparkle haha) Boar (Why not) Drac (Hes immortal and kinda looks like a vampire)
Hyrule Warriors: Conquerer (Why not) Warrior (basic but good) Kahn (Like Shere Kahn, Ghingus Kahn, etc)
Tears of the Kingdom: Chieftain/Chief (He has a title! Its perfect!) McSteamy (THEY MADE HIM HOT ON PURPOSE @aikoiya!!) Mummy (hehehehehehe)
Now for the Chat's and DorfBot's opinions on your suggestions and their own:
For the Twilight Princess Ganondorf's nickname, each of your options gives a unique flavor to his character. Here's my take:
Noctis (Night): This name captures the brooding, dark nature of Twilight Princess Ganondorf, emphasizing his connection to the shadowy Twilight Realm. It's elegant yet foreboding, reflecting his role as a sinister, calculating figure.
Hesperos (Evening Star): This gives a mythic feel, presenting him as a looming presence on the horizon, like the evening star before nightfall. It adds a regal touch, hinting at his ambition to rise as a conqueror of the twilight.
Penumbras: This fits his duality and the balance between light and shadow, playing off his association with both Hyrule and the Twilight Realm. It's mysterious and captures his role as an in-between force.
Shade: Simple and direct, this captures his dark, shadowy essence without frills. It’s classic, but it lacks the mystique of your other options.
If TP Ganondorf could weigh in, he might prefer Noctis. It's commanding, speaks to his mastery over darkness, and conveys power. The others might chime in like this:
Wake (WW Ganondorf): Would likely chuckle at the nickname discussion, finding "Noctis" fitting, as it has gravitas befitting TP Ganondorf's demeanor.
Bandit (OoT Ganondorf): Might suggest something simpler like "Shade," thinking practicality suits him best and wanting to keep things straightforward.
Vendettis (TotK Ganondorf): He might lean toward "Penumbras," appreciating the nuance and the duality it represents, fitting for a master of conquest and subtle manipulation.
Hedone/Carnage (HW Ganondorf): Might favor something grand like "Hesperos," loving the mythic undertones that come with it.
For the other Ganondorfs and Demise, here are additional nickname ideas for each:
WW Ganondorf (Wake):
Gale (for his connection to winds and storms)
Tide (for his rise and fall like the sea)
Tempest (to reflect his powerful, turbulent nature)
OoT Ganondorf (Bandit):
Rogue (reflecting his cunning and thieving nature)
Scourge (emphasizing his role as a terror upon the land)
Nomad (for his Gerudo heritage and nomadic past)
TP Ganondorf (besides Noctis):
Dusk (another twilight-themed name)
Requiem (for the somber, almost tragic tones of his story)
Umbra (Latin for shadow, maintaining his dark mystique)
HW Ganondorf (Hedone/Carnage):
Wrath (emphasizing his raw power and destruction)
Blight (for his intent to destroy and corrupt)
Daemon (playing off his connection to Demise and dark power)
TotK Ganondorf (Vendettis):
Bane (as a curse to Hyrule)
Vengeance (symbolizing his grudge and determination)
Inferno (for the burning desire for power)
Abyss (reflecting his deep, dark power)
Oblivion (symbolizing his connection to destruction)
Calamity (for the chaos he brings)
These options give each version a unique personality and flair. Let me know which resonates with you!
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saturns7moon · 2 years
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sza’s new album just came out, and at first i wanted to just assign the songs to each sign, but i’m difficult so we’re going in more depth 😋.
before anyone starts about accuracy, this is just my opinion and what i believe apply to what i’ve chosen, if it’s not accurate and doesn’t resonate with you, find something else idk.
this is only part one since i can’t fit all the pictures, but yea 🧚🏾‍♀️🤍.
— kill bill.
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“I'm so mature, I'm so mature, I'm so mature, got me a therapist to tell me there's other men. I don't want none, I just want you, If I can't have you, no one should”
.moon/venus/lilith-pluto/mars, moon-mars/venus, 7H mars, 8H/scorpio sun/moon/venus, 12H/pisces moon/venus, moon/venus-lilith.
“I might, i might kill my ex, not the best idea, his new girlfriend's next, how'd I get here?”
— seek & destroy
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“I can’t stand it, the urge is so demanding, i’m hurt. so necessary, the art of war, god dammit, i’m drained.”
aries asc/moon/venus/mars, scorpio asc/moon/venus/mars, taurus asc/mars/venus, cancer asc/venus/moon/mars, 7H mars , 3H mercury/chiron, pisces moon/venus/mars, sagittarius venus/mars/mercury, lilith in 1H/8H/10H/12H.
“now that i’ve ruined everything, i cannot complain. now that i’ve ruined everything, i’m so fucking free. now that i’ve ruined everything, keep it all for me. now that i’ve ruined everything, space is all i need.”
— low
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“Got another side of me, i like to get it popping, but these bitches in my business got me out here choosing violence”
virgo rising/moon/venus, libra rising/venus/7H/12H, scorpio/pluto ruled 5H/7H/12H, scorpio venus, aries venus/mars, pisces moon/venus, aquarius venus/mars/5H, capricorn venus/5H/7H
“I'm fucking, i ain't making love no more, you got a new bitch, what the fuck you cryin' for?”
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lynxindisguise · 1 year
Interview Music Tag Game
RULES: Put your playlist on shuffle. For each of the 10 interview questions, select a lyric from the random song that comes up. (Skip if there aren't any lyrics and make sure to drop the name of the song in your interview answer!) <3
ty @wanderingdonut for the tag, this was very fun and made me weirdly emotional, and yes I did absolutely cheat and skip songs that didn’t fit. 
1. First off, how would you describe yourself in one sentence?
I've done a lot of things wrong, loving you being one
July, Noah Cyrus
2. What kind of [aquarius] are you?
And now I'm digging a hole, I'm not sure of the purpose, I guess I'm just scared of living life at the surface
We Fell in Love at the End of the World, George Ezra
3. You're visiting your favorite spot, what are you thinking about?
What's in your head? Is it something I said? Is it something I said wrong? 
Ashes, Morningsiders (lmao this one called me out HARD)
4. If your life was a movie, what do you think the first review would say about it?
And you were only afraid from fear of being alone, and I'm sure, that feeling, the ache is better than nothing at all
Part of Me, Noah Kahan 
5. Say you get a book deal, what are you titling your memoir?
And wear your silver lining
Silver Lining, Mt. Joy
6. What would you say about your best friends?
You take the best of all I know, all I grow
What Was Mine, Sarah Kinsley
7. Think back to when you had everything all figured out in high school, what was your life motto as a teenager?
Hey mom, I know I'm cryin', but you don't have to worry 'bout me
Easy, Daisy the Great (ffs this was... simply too accurate) 
8. Describe your aesthetic now:
Bag on my side 'cause I'm out 'til dawn, keeping it light like silk chiffon
Silk Chiffon, MUNA/Phoebe Bridgers
9. What's a lyric that they'll quote in your eulogy?
So I'll be the loser in this game, I'll be the bad guy in the play
The Only Heartbreaker - Mitski
10. And for our final question, say we believe in soulmates, what do you think their first impression of meeting you will be?
But I wanna light fires, I wanna explode, I wanna be everything you want to know 
Manta Rays, chloe moriondo (dude if someone felt this way about me I would simply perish) 
tagging @colgatebluemintygel @moongays @maybebabyplease @fruity-individual @spindrifters
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candied-boys · 1 year
Luke's POV x F! Reader - Part 4
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Warning: Dark Content!
Including but not limited to references to prostitution, child neglect and abuse, war and death, PTSD, flashbacks, nightmares, suicidal ideation, and historically accurate ages for relations. The dark content is almost entirely drawn from/same as Luke's route.
Themes: protection, hurt and comfort, mutual healing, learning to trust, letting yourself feel, and eventually giving into love. Everything is written from Luke's POV.
Part 3
You noticed it the very first night as you lied there staring into the fire until dawn, but you figured it was because of what she'd suffered the days prior. When it happened again a few days later you simply brushed it off.
It hasn't gotten any better over the last month or so though. Almost daily she whimpers or cries in her sleep — a haunting you're all too familiar with.
You dream every night. They aren't always gruesome, but they are never pleasant. Waking or sleeping your mind is always trying to prepare you for the worst possible scenario.
More often than not, you have to take medicine to fall asleep. The fear of reliving your past in your dreams, of being unable to wake, of feeling keep you up.
No one should have to suffer like that, and since you've tried everything under the sun to rid your soul of the horrors that possess you, the question bubbles up one evening after helping her clear the table. “Y’ have nightmares, don't y’, Honey?”
That fearful shadow crosses her eyes as she quietly replies, “How do you know?”
“What y’ feel in your sleep is just at real as what y’ feel in the day. Y'r body knows no different. If y're cryin’ in y'r sleep, y'r cryin’ — not imaginin’ it.”
“I'm so sorry!” she squeaks in dismay. “I must bother you so much! I never meant to disturb your sleep, Luke!! I must keep you up all the time! I think I cry almost every night… I'm so sor—!”
“Enough of that,” you chide with a thumb to her lips. If there's one thing he taught you it's that, “Y’ can't go ‘round apologizin’ for livin’. Y’ haven't done nothin’ wrong. I'm just worried ‘bout y’, that's all.”
“Oh… Still, I'm sorry for worrying you… it's nothing really. I've had nightmares as long as I can remember…” she mumbles at her feet.
“Is it always the same dream?” you coax gently.
“Not… exactly…” she answers and takes the seat next to you where you pat the bed.
“Do y’ wanna tell me about it? Y’ don't have to, but I might be able to help.”
“You won't think I'm… silly, will you?”
She meets you with upturned brows. You simply shake your head.
“In my dreams… I'm always in danger…” Tucking her knees into her chest she continues, “I'm always running away, trying to escape, or being chased or captured or murdered. Sometimes it's a war I'm running from. Sometimes it's a person. Sometimes I'm trying to escape being kidnapped or imprisoned…”
A perpetual fight for safety…
“Other times, people or animals are being horrifically killed and I can't seem to turn away. I can't avoid seeing it even though I desperately try not to. It's just there. Even when I close my eyes in the dream I still end up seeing it… if I manage not to see it, I hear it all anyway… and when I wake up… it's as if it's been burned into my eyelids… every time I close my eyes I see it…”
I can never save her… not even in my dreams…
“Are these scenes of things y've been through?” you ask when she's quiet for a beat.
“They aren't people or places I know… neither those trying to hurt me nor whomever is being hurt… the places are different every dream and so are the characters… so I don't know what to do about it because I never have the same dream…”
Neither do I most of the time… a different carnage every night… but always the same terror… the same desperation to escape to safety…
“The only dreams where I know anyone are ones about my mother and grandmother… dreams where I try to save them from dying in the invasion…”
“Invasion…?” you hear yourself query like an echo of someone else's voice.
“The one at Espoir… about ten years ago now… In my dreams I know what's going to happen and I try to warn them, get us to leave, anything… but it never works. I always end up watching them die… and it's all my fault…”
Each word falls like rain, one drop at a time, until you can't avoid the downpour and you're trapped.
“Your fault?” another stranger seems to ask from some nonexistent corner of the room.
“I had asked my mother to take me to see granny… I begged and pleaded all winter, but we couldn't visit because of the snow. When the weather warmed, mum and I finally made the trip and stayed a month or two… My father always blamed me for mother's death… if I hadn't asked to go… if she had survived… maybe he wouldn't have lost his mind and started drinking and gambling…”
This past month you've avoided asking her about the darkness that stalks her at night for fear you might discover yourself evoked in the shadows. You never once imagined the genesis of those shadows could be anything but her father's abuse, let alone birthed by the same hellscape.
“Sometimes I even dream of mum coming home… but instead of being happy I'm mad. I feel so upset that she would just leave me alone all these years, pretend to be dead while I've been missing her this whole time… I feel betrayed, and when I wake up I feel even worse because I was angry and I know she would never have abandoned me… The worst part is that I wasted the only chance I had to see her because I was angry… even if it was just a dream…”
To keep yourself from falling apart you make a feeble attempt at changing the subject. “Do you ever have good dreams?”
“Sometimes… I think I can count on one hand the nice dreams I can remember… if I'm lucky, I have one once a year…”
The only marginally pleasant dreams you ever have are when you dream of mundane events like buying ingredients or finally doing something you've been putting off. Then, you wake up confused and disappointed that you have yet to actually compete the task.
“Sounds rough,” you answer as you force your voice to be steady. “Say, I'm still peckish. How ‘bout bakin’ up some of those nonnettes again?”
You aren't remotely hungry. Rather you're extremely nauseous. But she smiles meekly with a nod, and you will yourself to move in spite of the gravity of death chained to your limbs.
You never should have asked.
Visceral as you run through screaming crowds until you find her.
Anguish as you're kicked and stabbed, slashed and beaten.
Bloodlust as you watch the same scene unfold for the thousandth time.
Loathing as you find yourself helpless to stop it once again.
Gasping violently, you bolt upright from the sheepskin on the floor where you slept just in time to throw open the shutters and wretch before collapsing back against the wall.
The sight of your sister's head rolling across the ground burns before your eyes despite the darkness surrounding you on all sides. You see nothing else — not the reality of calm before you, nor the worried expression of the moonlit girl in your room who watches while you compulsively mutter apologies as if each were a drop of dew meant to quench a desert.
Only when a cool cloth soothes your clammy skin do you sense the presence of another. Caught between the remnants of delusion and adrenaline, your body is hypersensitive yet numb. Though her touch is gentle, it feels both too much and almost imagined.
Desperate to ground yourself, to find some shred of reality to cling to, to escape the visions of gore replaying in your mind, your body moves of its own accord.
Against her steady embrace, you feel how sharp and ragged your breathing is.
The damp of her shirt where you bury your face in her shoulder is what tells you you're crying.
Her warm palm rubbing your back and her soft voice in your ear reassure you that…
For the first time, you're not alone.
Part 5
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dottores · 2 years
omg that past hc that was posted about y/n being bullied got me thinking.
roommates!rin and ran who let you braid their hair and anyone that laughs at them can get their asses handed to them (or actually prefer it not that they'll ever let you know)
roommates!rin and ran who try and clumsily make you lunch for school but fail miserably (you still take it and eat it anyways, but make sure to teach them how to cook and it's secretly some of their favorite memories with you)
roommates!rin and ran who sometimes sneaks into your room just to watch you sleep and maybe just a little to make sure you're real and won't leave them in the middle of the night
roommates!rin and ran who make sure that every block not just around your penthouse, but your school belongs to them even if everyone knows that you belong to them
on the flip side
roommate!y/n who (not so) secretly leaves money on their bedside when they first move in just in case they decide to leave her one day (she just wants to make sure they're taken care of if they leave and once the boys found out why she was doing it, they were furious.. but still kept the money someone's gotta pay for ran's new batons and the ridiculous amount of hair accessories you seem to sneak into their hair)
roommate!y/n who will celebrate literally any and every occasion and will take any opportunity to spoil them. and I mean ANY. birthdays, holidays, 1 month anniversary of moving in, 2 months, 3 months... etc. and yes she did it every month until she moved away
roommate!y/n who (also) watches them sleep sometimes to make sure they won't leave but they always know because they wake up with funky hairstyles on those nights
roommate!y/n who makes sure that the boys know that they're loved so they get matching necklaces, a locket with the other's pictures in them
I'm cryin I love their dynamics so much.. even if I'm making it up :)
JSKSKSKJDJSIDI STOP YOU GUYS LITERALLY HAVE MADE MY DAY TWO DAYS IN A ROW WITH THIS 😭😭😭 i don’t think y’all understand it’s the biggest compliment that you love lda yn, rindou n ran enough to start making your own hcs about them, im so giggly n bubbly right now. i love all of them so much all i want is for you guys all to too😭
BUT THE HEADCANONS OMG THEYRE SO ACCURATE PLEASE — rindou and ran A B S O L U T E L U let’s her style them up however she wants, they just sit back and relax and let her do her thing and if someone ever dares say anything to them they’ll beat them have to death because SHE did that for them and they hold everything she gives them so close to their heart 😞 AND MAKING HER LUNCH PLS they would try so hard to do it on their own, they even go to miss yua and mister ayato for help but they just can never get it to taste right 😞 but she still treasures it anyway <3 and yes sobs they would take over all of tokyo if they had to if it meant keeping her safe 😞
AND THE SNEAKING INTO ROOMS ON BOTH SIDE SO SO SO CANON, one night, none of them could fall asleep and they were going to sneak into each other’s rooms to help put them at ease and they ran into each other in the hallway and all 3 of them were like :o jsksjdjs none of them admitted what they were actually doing. the leaving money 😞 she absolutely does, also makes sure there’s extra soap and toothpaste in their bathroom just in case cuz of course she would be heart broken if they left but she still wants them to be able to take care of themselves 😞 AND SHE SO WOULD, sobs she wants to give them the entire world and it’s a gradual thing because neither of them want to feel like a charity case but eventually they get used to her spending outrageous amounts of money on them because it’s how she shows her love and she gets upset when they tell her no
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seungstarss · 3 years
ok after reading the most recent chapter y/n is definitely naive, not in an annoying sense but just in a really pitiful way 🤪
is it just me or do these frat boys not know how to ask for something. they’ll just declare whatever they wish to do and go through with it without thinking abt the other persons feelings :(( i’d be lowkey weirded out if a person that i don’t even know too well decided to invite themselves to my study session 🤨
btw bet ! jake is the embodiment of every player ever ‼️‼️ why does he even start convos if he isn’t going to properly engage in it,, he rlly expected y/n to just kiss his ass and do all the work for him agsvagavah proud of my girl for standing her ground ✋🏼 playboys can go trip over a speed bump or smth
( by the way i’m doing alright!! i just have a morning group presentation and one of my group members didn’t do anything except copy and paste an answer for the only research question that we assigned to her 😟 she’s my close friend and everything but this isn’t the first time she’s pulled that shit and then she proceeds to say sorry as if she’s remorseful for not contributing more every time 🙃 idk what to do bestie :(( )
- 🤺
And that's gonna be her downfall we all know 😣 but pls??? Sunghoon just inviting himself?? These boys really can't take no for an answer,,, too used to getting what they want🙄
Pls ikr? The not committing to a conversation after starting it is so accurate I'm cryin.
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pokemagines · 5 years
Does anyone know how old are Bede, Marnie and Hop. I cannot find it anywhere, I wanted to make birthday fic ideas and I'm cryin I wanna be accurate ;^;
i hc them as 14 years old !!! like they r big babie but pokemon never confirms ages so i doubt there’s anything official ;w;
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tombeane-blog · 2 years
The Deep Divide Part One
I know a place,
Ain't nobody cryin', 
ain't nobody worried,
Ain't no smilin' faces,
lyin' to the races
The Staple Singers - Let Me Take You There
Some of you may be thinking:
"Hey, I haven't heard from Tom for few days."  
"Is he OK?"  "Family emergency?"  "Gone to Ukraine?"  "Has America lost an icon?"  
and maybe you yelled into the other room....
"Hey honey!  Would you look outside and see if the flags are flying at half staff."
"....and get me a beer while you're up, Ok?"
Well, settle down and relax.  I'm still just as healthy, fit and annoyingly good looking as ever.
For you others who probably thought instead, "Cool.  It's once again safe to open my emails!"    Well.... up yours.
It's just a little harder to maintain a sunny disposition while we are,
Sliding into inflation, 
heading into a recession, 
running head first into stagflation, 
stumbling towards a war in Ukraine, 
staring wide-eyed as thousands upon thousands storm across our border,
mumbling at people so maybe they won't notice if we mis-pronoun them,
looking for safe space on our city streets,
wondering about a Supreme Court Justice who cannot define what a woman is.
Tough to stay positive.
Like you, I look around and see all this stuff going on and I wonder - where is America going to be in a few years at this rate?
What The Future? (aka WTF?)
So I thought I'd start by prioritizing  the top 10 problems affecting America today.
I break out two tools from my "WTF' tool box, i.e., tossing them ol' chicken bones and discerning the meaning of sheep's entrails. (they say that human entrails from gorgeous blonds in bikinis are the most accurate, but, well... you know...stupid cultural norms!)
Even after rounds and rounds of rolling bones and a lot of unblinking entrail stariating, I couldn't complete my list. 
So in desperation I tried astragalomancy, cheiromancy, lecanomancy and as a last resort - even necromancy (not to be confused with necrophilia!).
Combining them all, I was finally able to get a group of the ten major problems.
I won't list them here 'cause some of you will just get to bickering like a bunch of children about why not this one? and why that one?....yada yada.
And we just don't have time for that. 
Having my list I pulled out my digital, battery operated Magic Eight Ball, and set to work to find the biggie.  
Sort of 'One Problem To Rule Them All'.
I asked my Magic Eight Ball "What is the biggest problem facing America today?"
After a few seconds of vibrating, the words slowly materialized in the little window of my Magic Eight Ball.   [That's What She Said!]
Disappointed but still optimistically determined, I decide to go old school.  I combined a half pound of sheep's entrails.... 
from the seventh lamb 
of the seventh ewe 
of the seventh ram 
.....along with two well worn wish-bones from a double breasted one-legged Rhode Island Red.  
I set about giving it one last try.
Rollin' them bones and squishing them entrails.......
And then!.......there!.......could that be it?
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chinon · 7 years
Can you please do 1-20 on the over sharing ask thing I'm nosy
fcjdxjdss thats So Many im cryin but ok i got nothin else to do anyway so
1. Who hurt you the most?
hm oh boy probably either the people who traumatized me during my childhood or this girl ive known since kindergarten tbh
2. Who have you hurt the most?
gosh idk ive hurt quite a bit of people i think ?idk about who’s gotten the worst of it....i could be edgy and say myself lmfao,,i think thats pretty accurate i guess
3. Who do you miss the most?
ive never missed a human ive only ever missed my dog so her lmao
4. Who do you want out of your life the most?
lol i dont stick around people i dont like so ??no one really...me from a year ago would say my moms husband bc i hate(d?) him but now its like,,hes not going anywhere so i decided to stop wasting that energy on him you know i just live with him now
5. Who had the biggest positive impact on you?
hm on an emotional level probably my last friend group bc i grew up real cold and mean and nasty bc trauma stuff but i realized that after knowing them ive really softened up and like,,tbh they kind of taught me how to love and how to at least somewhat access those types of feelings
6. Who had the biggest negative impact on you?
probably those who traumatized me tbh
7. Who do you wish you could be honest with?
no one im perfectly fine with lying about the things i do to the people i lie to lmao
8. Who have you harbored (any kind of!) secret feelings towards?
probably those i love but tbh its not really a Secret its more like Idk How To Express Emotions Or Feelings so the people i care about never really know just How Much i care about them
9. Who would the world be better off without?
10. Who do you wish you’d treated differently?
ive mistreated a lot of people in my life but the ones i kind of wish i didnt are the people i cared about/loved that ended up leaving
11. What was the worst day of your life?
i have no idea lmao my brain represses a lot
12. What’s your greatest fear?
really my only fear is being stalked lmao
13. What’s your biggest insecurity?
my brain doesnt really function in that way like quantifying/ranking things so theyre all kind of equal lmao,,my height, my teeth, my body, how my skull is really crooked l m f a o 
14. What’s your biggest regret?
i really only feel bad about hurting those i love/care about and the one that sticks out the most is probably what i did to the people in my last friend group
15. Describe your ideal world.
no humans just animals living peacefully
16. Describe your personal hell.
in theory? legitimately being stalked
17. What’s a hopeless dream you’re still holding on to?
im still trying to get over my ex
18. What’s the most embarrassed you’ve ever been?
guaranteed that shit has been Repressed(TM) lmfao
19. What’s the angriest you’ve ever been?
idk maybe that night the girl i share a wall with was being loud asl on the phone or something from like 11pm-2am while i was trying to study lmfao wooo boy that was A Night
20. What’s the saddest you’ve ever been?
id have to say the first couple months of 2016 tbh
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