#( int: freya )
silkchvffon · 1 year
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SHE'S TOO GOOD TO HAVE TO put up with this shit — at least that's the lie she keeps telling herself. a laugh leaves her — bitter, angry, even when she's trying to bite it back. there are so many things she can say, but she can't bring herself to do it. it would open an entirely new can of worms that none of them are ready to deal with. « then kick me out, » she challenges him even as he walks away. « i know you're just dying to. » and she knows he won't.
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blcssom · 1 year
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“y’know, i am capable of dressing myself....”
closed starter for @lovstruck​ ↳ [ dressing room ] ft. riya chatrath
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vanisheveryday · 5 months
synopsis. if we're being real. tagging. @spoiliage 
“hello. hope your nook’s still holding you well. almost missed you earlier. does air and light find you here?” her gaze flits and flutters around the cozy spot he'd chosen as his temporary isle of exile, trailing what she now confirms as an author's public study - a scrumptious point of mailbox conversations, that alain coudray. much to be said, even moreso to learn, she'd garnered from the peery eyes of their shared neighbors and she'd decided to take it upon herself to inquire, to poke if she must. passing by once with a quick glance at his side as she'd trotted to the other side of town, stopping by now that she'd noticed he hadn't moved in hours. “coffee's still steaming. don't tell me that's your second cup.” a beat until her lips part with a light, assuming gasp, needlessly concerning herself with an alleged caffeine habit. "your third?"
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ofdarkestdesires · 11 months
Make a muse!
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So did you guys know there are more kinds of Genasi?
NAME: Freya Frosfeltyr RACE: Ice Genasi CLASS: Barbarian (Storm Herald) BACKGROUND: Noble AGE: 27 HEIGHT: 6'1"
STR 18 (+4) INT 13 (+1) DEX 14 (+2) WIS 9 (-1) CON 18 (+4) CHA 12 (+1)
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no-more-tales-tavern · 11 months
Tavern Regular: The Ice-Cold Princess
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NAME: Freya Frosfeltyr RACE: Ice Genasi CLASS: Barbarian (Path of the Storm Herald)
STR 18 (+4) INT 14 (+2) DEX 14 (+2) WIS 10 (+0) CON 18 (+4) CHA 12 (+1)
GENDER: Female (She/Her) AGE: 23 HEIGHT: 6'2" BACKGROUND: Noble PERSONALITY: Though tall and powerful, Freya has a very childlike wonder to her of the world south of her icy mountain home. As she's traveled south, she's found an appreciation for flowers, and keeps a collection of them, with her favorites preserved in frost. Despite her gentle mannerisms, she is a warrior through and through, and will rip her foes to shreds with her bare hands if they threaten her friends. BACKSTORY: Eldest daughter of the Frosfeltyr family in the high northern mountains, Freya was destined from a young age to take over after her father. Strong and hearty, but with her mother's shrewd intellect, she would be a perfect fit for the throne. And she did want it—she wanted to rule over the northlands with the same power her father carried—but there was also so much she still wanted to see. So much of the world she wanted to experience...so, she ran off.
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
76 - Moment of Peace
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Part 77
Gemini Runaway
@icefrye19 @secretdreamlandmentality
“It’s nothing sweetheart. Now show me how you have started talking with them.” The other two grabbed my hands after taking Missy’s hands in theirs. 
Opening my eyes again I moved my head around seeing that we were in a garden area. Walking around with my daughters in tow I headed up the white front porch. Pushing the door open we entered the house seeing all the Mikaelson’s siblings all sitting in the living room together. “Raelyn, what are you doing here?” 
“The girls said they found a way into your dream space. So I told them to show me.” Shoving my hands inside my back I smiled at them. 
Hope moved around my leg getting in the center of the room sitting down on the coffee table grinning at the group. “It was my idea.” 
“Since we’re all here. I should catch you up to speed on everything.” Moving around Elijah I sat down in the empty chair between him and Kol. Rebekah and Freya were on the other side of the table. 
Missy came forward smiling at them. “Can we play musical chairs or something?” 
“Are we five?” Kol grumbled until I sent him a glare. 
Alina crossed her arms over her chest scowling while standing by him. “I say we play hide and seek. But use our powers.” 
“That’s my girl.” Kol raised his hand and they high fived one another. 
Freya leans forward in her chair clasping her hands together. “What exactly is happening out there. Have you and the others found the cures yet?” 
“I have found one of them. The other two are still being hunted down by Hayley and Cami. Jaocb and I have been busy raising our kids by ourselves basically.” I put my hands on my knees looking at the oldest Mikaelson. “Andrea is three now and my triplets are six. We are living with my cousin Josette. And now her crazy psycho cousin is out to kill her.” 
Rebekah dropped her smile to the floor. “I’m sorry we can’t be more helpful while stuck here.” 
“It’s not your fault, Bex.” I told her. 
Elijah tapped hie chin in thought. "Is he cousin that is a siphon like you and your brother Jacob used to be?" 
"That's right, Lijah." I nodded. 
Freya crossed her legs sitting in her chair. "So you're coven is going to come for the girls aren't they. Since you told me about the whole merge when Missy and Alina are twenty-two." 
"Not anymore. I found a loophole." 
Elijah raised a brow. "What kind of loophole, Raelyn?" 
"One very powerful spell that unlinked my bloodline and any more kids Nik and I have together." Shifting my gaze around the group of vampires and witches. "That way they will never have to do the Merge. And never know the torture I had to with Jacob." 
Kol grinned in my direction. "I see what Nik sees in you. You're determination to not let anyone hurt your family." 
"Like a true Mikaelson." Freya smiled. 
Rebekah raised her wine glass towards me. "Always and forever." 
Alina put her hands on her hips being impatient, looking like Rebekah. "Are we going to play a game or not?" 
“Yeah, “ Hope said, with a smile.
"So what do you all want to play?" Rebekah asked the triplets. 
I looked around at the group, considering their suggestions. "Alright, let's play hide and seek with our powers, But let's make it a bit more interesting. We'll split into teams. Team A will be the seekers, and Team B will be the hiders. The hiders can use their powers to hide, but they have to stay within the boundaries of the house and garden area. The seekers will have to find them using their own abilities."
Kol grinned mischievously. "Sounds like a challenge. I'm in."
Freya nodded in agreement. "I could use a little excitement."
Hope jumped up from the coffee table, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "I'll be on Team B! Who wants to join me?"
Alina raised her hand eagerly. "I'm with you, Hope!"
Rebekah and Elijah exchanged a glance before Rebekah spoke up. "I'll join Team A. Elijah, what about you?"
Elijah smiled and stood up. "I'll be on Team A as well. Let the games begin."
We divided into our teams, with Team A consisting of Elijah, Rebekah, Missy, and myself, and Team B consisting of Hope, Alina, Kol, and Freya. We decided to give the hiders a five-minute head start before the seekers would begin their search. As the hiders scattered to find their hiding spots, I could feel the excitement building in the room. This was a much-needed break from the chaos of our lives, a chance to let loose and have some fun. Once the five minutes were up, Team A began their search. Elijah used his heightened senses to detect any presence nearby, while Rebekah and I used our speed to quickly search through the rooms. It was a thrilling game of cat and mouse, with the hiders using their powers to stay one step ahead. "Dang Alina must be siphoning off Freya. Cause I can't hear her heartbeat." 
"Give me your hand, momma." Missy clutched her hand shut telling me to give her my hand. Placing my hand in hers I let her siphon from me. I gasped when she led me through the house finding her sister and aunt Freya were hiding in the attic. 
Alina grumbled angerly putting her arms over her chest. "How did you find us, Missy!" 
"It's a magicial triplet thing I guess. I could sense your magic." She shrugged her shoulders jumping off the ladder landing on her feet. 
Rebekah was on the hunt for my oldest daughter not seeing anyone hiding in the rooms. So Elijah moved on the ground outside hearing a tiny heartbeat. "I believe I have found the little rascal." 
"Hi uncle Lijah." Hope waved peaking her head. 
After what felt like an eternity of searching, we finally found the last hider, Kol, hiding behind a bookshelf in the study. He grinned triumphantly as we approached him. "Well played, Kol," I said, trying to catch my breath. "You certainly gave us a run for our money."
Kol shrugged nonchalantly. "What can I say? I'm the master of hiding."
Missy came running down the hallway Launching a pillow right at Elijah. "Pillow fight!" 
"Little Missy, I suggest you do not start a fight that you won't win." He warned her where she squealed when he chased after her. 
Moving out onto the porch I leaned against the porch fence. The wind blows through my hair where I couldn't get the image of Nik in chains. "I will rescue you, Niklaus." 
"Mommy, Missy is making feathers!" Hope came out onto the porch pulling me from my trance. 
Turning on my heels I followed her inside seeing that Missy was siphoning from Elijah throwing her freehand in the air. "It's like snow." She cheered by breaking one of the pillows with magic. Which resulted in the feathers falling down from the ceiling and getting almost everything. 
Alina and Hope intertwined hands together and they started dancing around in the falling feathers. Freya and Rebekah came to stand beside me. "This is when I miss him the most.." 
"We all do, Rae." Rebekah clasped my hand in hers. "Our greatest strength after all is family." 
Freya's gaze shifted over to us. "But I've never known you to back down from fighting to get this family together again." 
"And I won't stop until we are all reunited. You have my word. Now let’s go join the others. " We all gathered back in the living room, laughing and recounting our hiding spots and close calls. It was a moment of pure joy and camaraderie, a reminder that even in the midst of our struggles, we could still find moments of happiness and connection. As we settled down, catching our breath and sharing stories, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for this makeshift family that had come together. Despite the challenges we faced, we were united by love and a shared purpose. And in that moment, as we sat together in the living room, I knew that no matter what obstacles lay ahead, we would face them together.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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midnightostara · 10 months
Sneak Peak - Jag vet inte om jag vågar älska dig
A little sneak peak of an upcoming fic that I had in mind.
Spoilers for God Of War: Ragnarök.
All of what happened was the fault of the half-breed.
All problems that have plagued Asgard have been the boys' fault. 
However, what made him more furious is the all-father's indulgence of the halfling. Giving the boy nothing but praise and making the great halls his home by taking residency in Modi’s room. Seeing that stunted jotun was now being more important to the All-Father than himself. Walking around the halls freely, eating their food, and making conversation with the other gods.
But he knew what the boy's intentions were. He wasn’t there to help the All-Father. No, he was there for himself, to prove that he was a warrior to impress his own father.
He could feel the animosity of the Æsirs  towards him. Their supposed guardian. Watchman. The one that is supposed to keep all of Asgard safe from threats. Allowed a jotun in their home, their land, because he had an invitation from the All-Father to come to Asgard.  
He was their supposed protector and they all loathed him for allowing that jötunn to step foot in their land. 
Now they all loathed him for failing his duty as their watchman. He knew he had to get rid of that stunted jotun, one way or another. 
“Tsk, tsk, tsk! Completely giving away your position! What iiidiots!” He snorted, as he rode his majestic golden steed, Gulltoppr, who growled at his old mother-in-law, a man with almond skin,  and the nuisance’s father. Sensing something that was going to approach, he caught it in his hand, an arrow. 
The Vanir, bow aimed at him, stepped in front of the two men. Heimdall feigned a surprise. “Oh, if it isn’t queen mistletoe, herself…” He glanced at the arrow before turning his attention back to her. “....Hilarious by the way. Been a while.”
The watchman tossed her arrow behind him, carelessly.
“Heimdall.” She growled, eyes burning in anger. 
He turned his attention away from her to the one that he heard stories about. Stories of a man who carries the ashes of his family, bronze skin turned white. A mortal that exceeded in the halls of immortality that harnessed his rage to slaughter all the gods in the need of revenge. 
The Ghost Of Sparta.
This was the half-breed’s father. 
He threw the old god an arrogant smile. “And you must be the half-breeds, father. Lucky day! You have a lot to answer for, Sunshine.” Tilting his head a bit, he recognized the familiar horns of the All-Father’s former advisor. “And you too, traitor.”
“Better a traitor than Odin’s lapdog!” Mimir retorted, hostility. 
Fireworks erupted in the distance. The same one that these rebels used to make the others aware of their position, Freya leaves to go to save her useless brother of hers, the man with almond skin lingers for a minute wondering if Kratos was certain he had it handled, which prompted the other man to run after Freya in response to his grunt.
This left him and the half-breed father alone on the battlefield. 
“Just you and me, sunshine.” Heimdall 
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Freya’s no mastermind but shes not angel city’s issue and it kinda drives me insane seeing so many reactionary comments from fans asking her to be fired. Like do they not understand that even Laura Harvey would struggle with this roster?
Looking at the roster what ACFC players would start for top NWSL teams (Portland/Seattle): Press, Ertz, Emslie, Thompson, Gorden
ACFC starters who might not start at the top clubs but would start at some: Nielson, Riley, Syd, McCaskill, Vignola, Mathias
ACFC “starters” who wouldn’t start at other NWSL clubs: Endo, Spencer, Reid, Haracic, Weatherholt, Hammond, Johnson
ACFC bench players who wouldn’t make a top clubs roster: Camberos, Nabet, Pluck, LeBihan (int spot, if she didn’t take up an INT she’d defs make other teams benches)
ACFC fans have a huge problem where they want us to be competing with the best of the best teams, yet also think it’s solely Freya’s problem we’re performing so bad when it’s clearly a roster issue.
yes this is very spot on like everyone wants to blame feyre and its like as much as i love the players the quality just isnt there like what options does feyre have she can only do so much with what she has
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uswnt5 · 2 years
Our roster except the midfield is actually pretty good in my opinion. The midfield sucks though and needs to be rectified immediately. I have to believe something is still in the horizon though. There is no way we just leave these INT spots open. I want to think freya has a plan but it’s the hope that kills us.
Hope so. You're right and that might even make it more frustrating is that we have a pretty solid roster, just missing very important pieces. (and the defense could be more solid, I wish we didn't loan out Gilles)
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freyayuki · 2 years
Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Shinryu Quests with Sephiroth Part 7
The Shinryu fights (level 300; currently the hardest kind of fight in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game) in this post feature Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII as part of the team lineup.
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Table of Contents
Sephiroth info
Freya info
Shinryu Quests List
Red Comet Shinryu Quest
Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII
My Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII (#ad) is Level 90 and Crystal Level 90. His 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and BT are fully MLB. His Ex is at Ex+ 3/3 or Purple. His Burst weapon has been upgraded to BT+ 3/3 or Green.
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Seph’s currently equipped with a Level 5/5 Greatsword Ultima Weapon (UT). His High Armor’s been upgraded to Blue. All of his Boards have been completed. He has his Bloom Stone.
He has 3 Attack 108 with Max Brave 330 Artifacts and 3 Attack 108 with One-Winged Angel Boost★★ (Raises INT BRV, MAX BRV, ATK, DEF by 5% if HP is MAX at start of last wave) Artifacts.
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Sephiroth is equipped with the following A Spheres:
Edgar Roni Figaro’s (from Final Fantasy VI) Debuff Power
Increases BRV damage dealt by 10% while an enemy is debuffed
Cloud Strife’s (from Final Fantasy VII) Critical Power
Raises BRV damage dealt with critical hits by 10%
Vayne Carudas Solidor’s (from Final Fantasy XII) Broken Power
When attacking target afflicted with Break: • Increases BRV damage dealt by 10%
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I talk more about this in other posts, but I’ve been using Sephiroth for Lufenia (level 200) and Lufenia+ (level 250) quests basically ever since I got his LD and BT even back when he wasn’t that good at all. I’d like to keep using him even for Shinryu quests.
Freya Crescent from Final Fantasy IX
My Freya Crescent from Final Fantasy IX is Level 90 and Crystal Level 90. Her 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD are fully MLB. Her Ex is at Ex+ 3/3 or Purple.
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Freya’s High Armor has been upgraded to Blue. All of her Boards have been completed. She has her Bloom Stone. I’ve unlocked her Force Enhancements up to Level 10.
She has 3 ATK 108 with Dragon Knight of Burmecia Boost★★ (Raises party’s MAX BRV, ATK by 5% with active buff) Artifacts.
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Freya is equipped with the following RF Spheres:
Yang Fang Leiden’s (from Final Fantasy IV) Critical Attack Boost Up Shorter RF A Sphere
When dealing critical hit: • Raises own MAX BRV and ATK by 4% for 3 turns *Does not stack with same sphere
Maria’s (from Final Fantasy II) HP Heal Base Attack All Shorter RF C Sphere
After recovering HP: • Raises party’s INT BRV, ATK by 2% for 3 turns
Hope Estheim’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) Buff Success Attack Boost All Shorter RF D Sphere
After granting buff: • Raises party’s MAX BRV, ATK by 2% for 3 turns *Does not stack with same sphere
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Freya is a support and healer with pretty good buffs and auras. She can also deal pretty decent damage. Her LD allows her to leap or fly up into the air where she can evade basically anything.
Until her next turn, every time a char moves, she’ll automatically follow that up with an attack of her own. She’ll also battery and heal the party. On her next turn, she’ll do an attack before landing back on the ground.
Shinryu Quests List
So far, I’ve been able to use Sephiroth in the following Shinryu fights:
A Long, Long Road (Story Act 3 Chapter 8, Part 1) Shinryu Quest
Wrapped in Kindness (Intersecting Wills) Shinryu Quest
Infinite Possibilities (Story Act 3 Chapter 8, Part 2) Shinryu Quest
Six-Warrior Quests Area 1 Shinryu Quest
Comfortably Uncompromising (Intersecting Wills) Shinryu Quest
Dauntless Defender (Defender Z Raid) Shinryu Quest
World of Illusions Divine: Odin Shinryu Quest
Gentle Fist Shinryu Quest
I talk more about these fights in other posts.
Red Comet Shinryu Quest
Also known as Red Comet SHINRYU. This fight has 1 wave with 2 enemies, the Crystal Armors.
Red Comet is a global-original event. The Shinryu quest that came with it can be really difficult. For starters, it’s near impossible to use the current best Force weapon on this stage.
The Force weapon in question belongs to Kam’lanaut from Final Fantasy XI. With the proper setup, it’s possible to get a really high HP damage bonus when using his FR.
This requires an enemy to be launched while they are paralyzed. Your DPS should also be dealing ice damage and the rest of the party needs to participate in these launches.
You can’t do any of that on the Red Comet Shinryu quest though because the Crystal Armors are immune to launches and they have a 100% BRV damage resistance to all elements except for holy and non-elemental BRV damage.
They are immune to Freeze and other such debuffs that prevent action. They are also immune to turn deletes and delays, including via breaks.
As the force gauge of the enemies increases, the brave gain, turn rate, and max brave of your chars will decrease. This goes as high as -80% brv gain, -50% turn rate, and -300% max brave once the enemy’s force gauge reaches 80%.
Once the force gauge of the enemies reaches 100%, one of the Crystal Armors will warp their turn to the front and gain a total of 3 instant turns.
The enemies will then get 5 turns of force time with the following effects: they will retain 50% of their brave every time they use an HP attack, they will regen 50% of their max brave after their turn, and they’ll use an attack that lets them recover from break and deal single target HP damage unless their recast bar is fully charged in which case they’ll use their recast ability instead.
Once the enemies drop down to 49% HP, they will warp their turns to the front and get a total of 3 instant turns. This will not trigger during a char’s BT phase or inside a summon but it will happen immediately afterwards.
For this fight, my team was Freya, Sephiroth, and Gabranth (Noah fon Ronsenburg) from Final Fantasy XII with Odin as my summon. My Calls were Prishe’s from Final Fantasy XI, Raijin’s from Final Fantasy VIII, and Seymour Guado’s from Final Fantasy X.
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Instead of the usual take x or less amount of HP damage mission, this one wants us to clear this fight using at least 1 Green Crystal char. Good thing both Gabranth and Sephiroth can fulfill this mission requirement.
Gabranth is also synergy for this fight. Have Gabranth’s 15cp, 35cp, Ex, FR, and LD fully maxed out. Missing his Burst weapon.
All of his Summon Boards have been completed. He has his Bloom Stone. Bought his High Armor and Realized it to 0/3. He also has triple perfect Artifacts and 1 RF Sphere.
Unlocked parts of his Character Enhancement Boards, particularly the tiles that would give me his LD Call and LD extension passive. Also unlocked his Force Enhancements up to Level 3.
Gabranth can debuff enemies and battery the party. He deals decent enough damage although he’s definitely more of a debuffer with a bit of support than a DPS.
Brought Gabranth because I need a Force weapon for this battle. Too bad neither Freya nor Sephiroth have one yet. At least Gabranth’s FR actually has pretty good synergy with Sephiroth.
Gabranth’s FR has the following force time effects:
HP damage bonus +30% when party member inflicts Break
HP damage bonus +15% when party member selects attack on debuffed enemy
Sephiroth inflicts a gold-framed debuff called Cellular Erosion whenever he uses his LD. Gold-framed debuffs can never be cleansed no matter what.
One of the effects of Seph’s BT+ is that it will set the brave of all enemies to 1 for 4 turns. As long as said enemy isn’t immune to delays via break, then it’s possible to just keep on breaking and pushing their turns back until Sephi’s BT+ effect ends.
I have a Level 5 of 5 Spear Ultima Weapon that’s currently equipped to Kain Highwind from Final Fantasy IV. Removed that Spear from Kain and gave it to Freya for this quest to further boost her damage.
A few turns after the fight started, decided to quit so I can unlock the rest of Freya’s Force Enhancements up to the max Level of 30.
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Didn’t do this before because the resources needed to do this is still really scarce. That’s also why I didn’t bother to get all of Gabranth’s Force Enhancements.
Don’t know how long I’ll keep using Gabranth. Besides, I don’t even have his BT. But at least I have all of Freya’s weapons and I did Blue her High Armor and even completed all of her Boards and such already.
Plus, Freya’s a support and a pretty good one at that so I’m more likely to use her often enough when compared to Gabranth who isn’t as fully built.
This fight sucks. Absolutely hate it. Maybe if I’d brought different chars here, it wouldn’t be so bad. But I want to run Sephi through this quest. And my next best Force weapon after Kam’lanaut’s that could work with Seph as my main DPS is Gabranth’s.
The Crystal Armors love to give themselves framed buffs which is annoying. I do have Seymour’s LD Call which can dispel all buffs but that can only be used once.
Raijin’s LD Call will render all HP damage to 0 for like 2 turns so that helped me with the force attack of the enemies. His and Seymour’s Calls can inflict some debuffs too while Prishe’s Calls can increase the damage dealt by its Caller.
The Crystal Armors getting and retaining a lot of brave during their force time was annoying to deal with too, especially when they also end up being able to move multiple times in a row.
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Freya really needs to be up in the air while this is happening so she can break or, at the very least, reduce the brave of the enemies and battery and heal the party.
If Freya isn’t up in the air when the enemies turn warp, then it’s basically game over which was what happened on my first run. Should have summoned a turn or 2 ago but I miscalculated.
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The Crystal Armors dropped down to 49% HP while I hadn’t been able to get Freya to jump yet. So the enemies warped their turns and kept on attacking, causing one of my chars to die. Eff!
On my next try, I dropped Raijin’s and Prishe’s Calls and brought in Balthier’s (Ffamran mied Bunansa) from Final Fantasy XII and Faris Scherwiz’s (Sarisa Scherwil Tycoon) from Final Fantasy V instead.
Faris’s Calls inflict a lot of framed debuffs while Balthier’s Calls dispel buffs.
Initially, I thought this try was going pretty well. I borrowed a friend support Kain and I brought him in when I activated Sephiroth’s Burst+ phase. Kain can also fly up into the air like Freya. He deals more damage than her, especially since he also has a BT but he can’t heal or battery the party.
So while Sephi was in his BT+ mode, Freya and Kain were up in the air and dealing off-turn damage every time Seph moved.
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After Sephiroth’s Burst+ phase ended, spammed Kain’s LD, which is instant turn rate, so I could get Gabranth back in the field. Had Gabranth use his Force ability then a few turns after that, I got a message that “an unexpected error has occurred. Please make sure you are connected to the internet before trying again.”
There was a whole bunch of numbers after that message. Had no choice but to restart the fight after checking on my wi-fi. This was really freaking annoying and frustrating, especially when it happened again not long after I started the fight again. Argh! WTF is going on here? Eff this fight.
Tried again and, thankfully, there were no more connection errors. Faris’s Calls helped in keeping the enemies from buffing themselves. If they do manage to buff themselves, then at least I have Balthier’s Calls and Seymour’s LD Call to dispel those buffs.
By turn 30, I’d already used up my Odin summon, the friend support Kain that I borrowed, and Sephiroth’s BT+ phase.
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Had also activated Gabranth’s FR. Currently have 1 turn of my force time left and the HP damage bonus was at 445%. It was Sephiroth’s turn. His BT+ effect just ended a turn or 2 ago. 
The Crystal Armors were down to 48% and 55% HP. Their force gauge was currently at 52.0%. In retrospect, shouldn’t have used Gabranth’s FR yet. Should have waited until the force gauge of the enemies was at a really low number before using Gabranth’s Force ability. 
Because that max brave down aura was really annoying. Without it and even the brave gains down aura, my chars could have dealt more damage.
Still, I thought things were going well enough seeing as the enemies only had around half of their health remaining or thereabouts.
But the next time my force gauge charged back to 100%, ended up doing it again. Had Sephiroth use his BT+ finisher then had Gabranth use his Force ability. This time the force gauge of the enemies was at 74.0%.
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Ugh. Really shouldn’t have used Gabranth’s FR yet. If I’d just waited until the force gauge of the enemies went down to 0, would have been able to deal more damage and maybe the fight would have ended already. 
As it was, after my second use of Gabranth’s Force ability, can’t use it anymore even if my force gauge charged back up to 100%.
The fight was far from over though. The health bars of the Crystal Armors were down to the red but they still felt so freaking tanky. It still took forever to lower their HP without being under the effects of a char’s force time.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, my chars nearly died to the attacks of the enemies while their force time was up. Can only be glad that they didn’t actually die.
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And thanks to Freya, was able to get everyone back to full health soon enough. But still. This quest was now such a slog to get through. Basically just kept on spamming everyone’s skills, hoping the battle would just end already.
Unfortunately, that didn’t happen before the Crystal Armors got their force gauge to 100% again. One of them warped to the front of the turn order. Their target was Freya.
If only she was currently up in the air. Was all out of uses of Freya’s LD though. Her LD would instantly give her 3 stacks of her overhead buff. This will allow her to instantly fly up into the air. 
Since I can’t use her LD anymore, have to wait for like 3 turns before getting her overhead buff to max stacks. Right now, she has 2.
The Crystal Armor attacked Freya. To my surprise and relief, the attack missed. The next attack didn’t miss though. The enemy was still targeting Freya. She provides party-wide Last Stand though so when the attack hit Freya, her HP just dropped to 1.
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If the Crystal Armor just targeted someone else next - but no. Of course, he ended up targeting Freya again. And of course, the attack didn’t miss this time.
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Which means I gotta start all over again. Argh! Was so close already. The Crystal Armors were already down to 4% and 6% HP. Sigh. Eff this fight!
For my next try of this Shinryu quest, my team was Sephiroth, Freya, and Gabranth with Odin as my summon. My Calls were Seymour’s, Faris’s, and Yuffie Kisaragi’s from Final Fantasy VII.
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Yuffie’s Calls can dispel buffs while also inflicting debuffs.
In previous runs, I’d been borrowing a friend support Kain then having him and Freya fly up into the air to deal off-turn damage during Sephiroth’s BT+ phase. Without an active force time though, this barely put a dent on the health bars of the enemies.
Also, I’d end up spamming Kain’s instant turn rate LD soon after the end of Sephi’s BT+ mode so he’d leave already. Wanted Gabranth back so I can use his Force ability while the effects of Seph’s BT+ was still up.
This was a waste though. I could have kept Kain in the field longer so he could have helped deal more damage. 
And it would have been better to activate Sephiroth’s Burst+ phase while under the effects of a char’s Force ability.
So on this try, decided to borrow a friend support Tidus from Final Fantasy X. Tidus’s FR has the following force time effects:
HP damage bonus +30% when party member acts with instant turn rate (excluding consecutive attacks from Burst mode)
HP damage bonus +15% when party member selects attack on debuffed enemy
Sephiroth doesn’t have any moves that are instant turn rate other than his Additional Ability which he’s never using inside his BT+ phase. So he was never able to increase the HP damage bonus by 30%.
The enemies were already afflicted with a lot of debuffs though so Sephi was able to get the 15% HP damage bonus every time he attacked during his BT+ mode.
When I brought in Tidus, had him use his BT+ finisher and his FR ability. Also ended up having him use his LD and Ex.
By the time I activated Sephiroth’s Burst+ mode, the enemies were down to 74% and 72% HP. Their force gauge was at 22.1%.
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Have 7 turns of force time left and the HP damage bonus from Tidus’s FR was currently at 237%.
Had Sephi use his Ex on his previous turn so when I activated his Burst+ phase, he has a free skill.
By the time Seph was about to cast Heaven’s Light, his finishing Burst+ move, the enemies were down to 52% and 56% HP. Have 1 turn of force time left and the HP damage bonus was at 327%.
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Sephi was able to deal 37576589 total HP damage during his Burst+ mode.
Gabranth returned soon after since I’d already used up all of the turns I had with Tidus. Still had to wait for my force gauge to charge back to 100% again though before I could use Gabranth’s Force ability.
Before that happened, the enemies got to go in their force time. Made sure to wait until the force gauge of the enemies was really low before activating Gabranth’s FR.
By turn 46, the Crystal Armors were down to 18% HP and their force gauge was at 15.7%. Have 1 turn of my force time left and the HP damage bonus was at 464%. Also have 1 turn of Seph’s BT+ effect left.
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Afterwards, was once again back to waiting for my force gauge to charge to 100% again.
When I summoned Odin, the enemies were down to 5% and 6% HP and my force gauge just got back to 100%. The force gauge of the bosses was at 10.4%.
As soon as it was Gabranth’s turn, had him use his Force ability already. Soon, the enemies were down to 1% HP. Have 8 turns of force time left and the HP damage bonus was at 184%.
It was Sephiroth who dealt the killing blow, finishing off both enemies at the same time and ending the battle on turn 57.
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Got the score and all the other mission requirements. So glad to finally be over and done with this fight. 
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Really hated this quest but at least I was able to get through it and even got to make Sephi work here. Bringing in that friend support Tidus and using his FR really helped.
So, what about you? Which chars did you use to complete these Shinryu quests? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
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the-firebird69 · 5 days
And I hear my husband, and he says he's got agents everywhere, and I'm just sitting here, and I can't do anything. And I have. them. But she's running the show, which is good. He wants to give me my number one Ford GT. 40 And II say I have like 5 year number ones over there for Christmas And he says, oh boy.. We work together. We do a lot of work. We do it all day long and all night we have never heard someone who's a rebel ever say anything that this moron Trump is saying unless they were shrunken down and under dress and for a moment. But he's nonstop every day just relentless heinous stuff that nobody would ever put up with if if they could not if they did not have to. now he's on his way out and he's getting pummeled and we have more news about that coming up right now.
he is out they all say it and out of everywhere. they pull him out. and push him out of cities to shut him up. snd him to his shitty cities andnow. tons of them are exhiled. return and be shot. they say. now too. and all voer earth. and mabye int ime. tons do it tons. and hope for the best.
and we fear it may be too late. and he has talked it out. and siad it and forces it he says. might be right too some say. and leave too to theirs. now we hear it too. they all will leave momentarily and we all will be sorry no we wont.
more shortly. the exedu begins. and five percent are up and moving, driving. and about tewenty have planned it.
Thor Freya
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itonlyrainswhenyoucry · 7 months
The Doe (Working Title)
Jackie S. Hodge
First Draft
A door opens. Light fills the hallway and feet step forward into the house moving into..
The sound of FOOTSTEPS echo on the wooden floorboards and a CARDBOARDBOX is placed on the counter. A WOMAN (36) worn but beautiful. She looks amongst the few boxes of her possessions cluttered around the room.
With a SIGH she picks up a box labelled KITCHEN and begins to open it. A pale line around her ring finger, she roughly rips off the tape and reaches into the box for a kettle and mugs.
Making herself a cup of herb tea, the colours spread through the water. She lifts the mug, breathing in its sweet aroma, and looks to the light pouring from a nearby window.
Delicately gripping her mug, the woman steps outside into the garden into the clean crisp air. The wind breathes onto her face, sending a strand of her golden hair into her face. She tucks the strand behind her ear.
She tightly grips her hot mug and holds her scarf closer around her neck. The garden is overgrown, only home to rotting leaves and dead brambles.
Carefully treading through the dirt, the woman heads to the edge of her garden. Leaning over the rotting wooden fence she admires the woodlands surrounding her and closes her eyes. Crows caw.
The sounds of chatter and excitement fill the busy market street. The woman admires WHITE LILY, and admires it sadly, gently caressing the petals with her fingertips.
A HANDSOME MAN (42) that works at the stall approaches and smiles charmingly at the woman, his eyes sparkling. She awkwardly blushes and quickly looks away, shuffling further down the stall.
She eyes a display of seed and bulbs, collects a few, and pays an OLDER MAN (64) also working at the stall, avoiding the handsome man’s glance. She tucks her items into her canvas bag, and steps away from the stall.
Under a grey sky the woman begins work in the garden, raking dead leaves and gathering dead twigs. The woman cuts the brambles, cutting her hand on the thorns. Wincing, she pulls her hand back, Blood seeps from her cut. She closes her eyes
[insert daydream]
Her eyes open.
Washing her hands in the sink, blood and dirt seeps into the water. She opens a Box labelled BATHROOM, pulling out disinfectant and plasters she dresses the wound.
Frustrated she grabs a bottle of red wine from the countertop and pours herself a glass. She holds the glass in front of her, hypnotised by the deep red liquid.
She empties it in the sink, pouring the rest of the bottle too and watches it swirl down the drain.
Reaching into a plastic bag, Freya removes some gardening gloves and puts them on. Rolling up her sleeves she begins to work on the garden again. Cutting away at the brambles, a vertical scar is revealed on her wrist to her forearm.
A white mushroom peeks out from amongst the foliage of the earth. A crouched Freya carefully picks it up and places it in her basket.
Standing up she begins to walk deeper into the woodlands. A twig snaps beneath her boot, and she hears a cry from behind her. She glances back, listening.
Turning a corner around the base of a large tree, she steadily approaches a bush. Gently, she pulls back the branches. Inside a young doe, curled up on the ground with a wounded leg whimpers.
Freya gasps, and reaches slowly towards the doe, presenting her hand to her. The doe stretches out to sniff Freya’s hand, and nudges it with her nose. Freya lets out a little smile.
The fireplaces crackles and fills touches the room with a rich golden glow. The doe is nestled on a cushion enjoying the warmth, her leg freshly bandaged in a makeshift cast.
Freya is curled up in her chair reading a book. She looks up above the pages at the doe. Her lonely eyes reflect the light, sparkling. A soft smile grows on her face.
The garden is now clear, with fresh soil churned and exposed. Freya begins planting seeds and bulbs. She looks up at the doe curled up on blankets near the house. The doe silently watches her, interested. Drops of rain start to fall from the sky, gentle at first and then suddenly heavier. Freya stands up from the ground and rushes back inside, the doe limping inside behind her.
Soaked to the bone Freya starts to remove her clothes. She catches herself in the mirror and stares back at herself. She looks down at her stomach, and strokes the stretch marks on her belly. Tears start to fall down her face.
The doe peers at her from the doorway, then begins to limp towards her and nudges Freya’s back, then moves to where Freya’s hands rest on her belly and starts to nibble her fingers.
Freya smiles through her tears and leans down to the doe. The doe licks away her tears. Freya giggles and pets her.
The grass has begun to sprout but it’s still too early for the flowers yet. Freya works on the garden, while humming to herself. The doe, leg starting to heal, explores the garden, but keeps Freya in her sight. The doe leans towards the ground and picks up a feather.
Feeling a nudge on her elbow Freya looks up and the doe presents her the large white feather. A wide grin spreads across Freya’s face, she takes the feather and strokes the doe, the doe her nibbles and licks her fingers.
Freya gently places the feather proudly on the mantelpiece above the roaring fireplace, then looks back at the doe. The doe nudges her hand with her nose.
Freya smiles then walks towards the sofa. She curls up and picks up her book. The doe follows her, no longer limping and climbs onto the sofa beside her and settles. They both silently enjoy the warm glow of the fire.
Freya treads through the woodlands, the doe following closely behind her. They stop at the bush where the first met.
Freya kneels in front of the doe sadly, and begins to remove the cast from the doe’s leg. Tears start to fall down her face.
The doe nibbles at Freya’s chin and then licks her face. Freya can’t help but chuckle through the tears. As she stands she strokes her fingertips along the does face one last time.
They look at each other for a moment, and then the doe turns and walks away. Freya begins to cry again.
Freya steps into the kitchen and removes her scarf. She glances at the one last, small cardboard box on the floor. It’s unlabelled.
She picks it up carefully and places it on the table. She takes a deep breath. Carefully opening the box she reaches inside and takes out a photo frame. Her fingers gently caress the glass. She reaches into the box again and pulls out a teddy bear.
Freya reaches up and places the photo on the mantelpiece above the fireplace. The photo is of her baby bundled in pink blankets.
She carefully picks up the feather and displays it next to the photo frame. She admires the mantelpiece solemnly, then shuffles towards the sofa.
She lies down on the sofa and curls up, hugging tight the teddy bear. A tear falls down her face. The fire embers start to die. The room fades into darkness.
Spring has arrived and the flowers of the garden are in bloom. Freya is on her knees, her fingers in the dirt humming to herself.
The breeze caresses her face, blowing a strand of hair past her eyes. She tucks it behind her ear. She pushes herself up from the ground and sighs lightly, admiring her garden. Twigs snap from behind her. She spins round, glancing behind her.
The doe has returned. The doe glances behind her. A baby foal steps forward behind her mother’s legs. Freya gasps joyfully, a large grin spreading across her face, tears start to stream down her face.
They exchange glances and the doe joyfully nudges her nose into the air. Freya closes her eyes. The birds sing.
The town street is loud, with noises of busy people excitedly browsing wares. The flower stall is busy, with bright and beautiful flowers on display.
Freya happily admires the RED ROSES, caressing the petals with her fingertips. The handsome man approaches, a charming smile growing across his face. Freya smiles back.
They hold each other’s gaze smiling. He picks up a single rose and presents it to her. She accepts.
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cattatonically · 2 years
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A Change in Tide - Freya Barker (Northern Lights, book 1) 
For Mia, a crowded subway ride changes her entire life. Retreating to the wilderness helps her cope with a world that is suddenly too loud, too turbulent. Her existence safely contained to the small cottage on the lake, she is unprepared for the neighbor that moves across the bay
A career-ending injury has Jared permanently benched. His reputation as The Enforcer won’t survive the unanticipated responsibilities awaiting him. Away from the public eye, he adjust to his new reality, under the quiet observation of the intriguing hermit on the other side of the water.
My Thoughts
For a long time, I’ve avoided contemporary romance. Most of the time, I just don’t find it relatable. My personal experiences, choices, needs, and desires usually go int he opposite direction of contemporary romance. But I have to admit – sometimes it’s just really lovely to read something with low-stakes angst, and set in your home country.
I did relate with Mia on a very intimate level. And whole our PTSD manifested in different ways, there were so many aspects of her anxiety that really hit home to me. I couldn’t help but love her character, and the work she puts into her healing process. These journeys are not a linear path, and there are so many bumps along the road. Watching Mia actively take charge of her mental health was very satisfying for me.
On the other hand, I also related to Jared, in a weird roundabout way. Hockey may be the quintessential Canadian sport, but it wasn’t the one I chose. A shoulder injury effectively put an end to my rugby career before it really started. Watching Jared face the reality of retirement gave me a glimpse of athletic life on the other side. And it’s heartbreaking.
My new saying recently has been “when life gives you lemons, you make vodka and lemonade”, and this book epitomizes that sentiment rather well. Two people on their own healing journeys, full of bumps and baggage, find their way to each other.
While I could have gone without the cliché ending, it made sense for Mia and Jared, and the family they’ve built with their friends and loved ones.
This book was a very lovely read, and gave me a small glimpse of the Southern Ontario cottage country that I’m very unfamiliar with (being from Northeastern Ontario originally, then a Manitoban transplant). This trilogy seems the perfect pick me up for bad days, and sad days.
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bdbdhdjdhdh · 2 years
My Hero PSLE: S2E4 "Asian mom wrath"
"What is an Asian without straight As? Sin."
-Man who got a single B for math
So. As it turns out, we already have the help of our first god to help us fight... *checks paper* yeah no shit. His own brother.
And we'll probably have the second soon.
So when Grandmaster finally remembered what they even came to Jewel for right, they got up and wanted to leave... but then they realise have no money to pay for the meal.
So they have to wash plate to pay off the debt. Aiya so sian, the customer always eat until so dirty.
(Of course Grandmaster could have just used his reality warping power to solve everythibg but because Xiao Ming and gang cause him so much trouble just now he decided to prevent them from using their powers but he reality warp to clean all of his plates easily)
So by the time they got up to leave right, already very late liao. So Juqla suggest they go back to his house first to sleepover, tyen continue in the morning. (He lives around Changi airport and yes, he is insane because WHO TF LIVES AROUND CHANGI AIRPORT)
But then they no money to pay for taxi liao, so they have to walk back to his house the entire way (and no, they don't have bus cards) (and again Grandmaster want to take a walk and he's the one with the strongest power so everything is he say one)
But then they cannot go one day without having some sort of drama one (*glances at 1 int grp chat as I type this*)
So halfway when they were walking back... they got KIDNAPPED!
And no, it's not Mr Lee anymore, he's already dead.
It's *insert drumroll sound effects here* ...... some other god!
Like what. Ok firstly which god is this and why did she kidnap them.
"Greetings, mortals, to my humble abode! Now firstly the one in the the strikingly eye-catching banana suit, you're Xiao Ming, right?"
Apa ini. "Ok firstly, well, there's a god right here, so not all of us are mortals, and secondly, WHEN TF DID YOU CHANGE ME INTO THIS RIDICULOUS BANANA SUIT? BRUH! GRANDMASTER! JUST USE YOUR REALITY WARPING POWERS TO P-"
"I've already put Lahk-Raiu locks on ya'll, ya'll can't use your powers, and also I take it that means you're Xiao Ming, ok? So I wanna know...why are the gods so interested in you ah?"
"HOW TF AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW? Wait...you mean there are actual gods interested in me? Like the female gods want to d-"
"They want to kill you. Also wait-did you mention you had a god with you?"
"Yeah, hi there, Freya, what the hell are we doing here tho? OHHHH WAIT, lemme guess, a lot of gods are asking you to kill Xiao Ming now right?" Now Juqla was talking.
"Uh... yeah. Do ya know why?"
"No bruh! I met him like today!"
"Ok fine I guess I should do a self introduction. I am Freya, the God of fate, cause and effect, and coincidence and control, I assume you're trying to kill Kain cos of... *gestures to Juqla* him, so I'll join you, I've been longing to get the chance to kill a god anyway,"
"Well that's nice of you, welcome to the club!" Grandmaster said rather positively...
"Yeah, I'm starting to regret this already,"
"Your Majesty, your brother has been spotted with the Alicorn along with his friends and... *checks report* the Grandmaster, we still don't know his real name, he's the one Mr Lee told us was super powerful,"
"Ugh. Who cares how powerful he is, mere mortals like him have no effect on gods like us! Get the men!"
"Yes, Your Majesty!"
"Your Majesty, I'm here! What made your little servant g-" *dodges blade thrown at him*
"Jesus Christ, you didn't have to be so-" *dodges another blade*
"Ok ok I get it lah! Anyway I'm just here to tell you that your brother was-"
"Yeah yeah yeah, seen with the Alicorn and the Grandmaster, I know, I know,"
"No not that, bruh, lemme finish my sentences first! Your brother- has been spotted through blood-seer eyes... with much more corruption than he should be able to bear,"
"Tch! That traitor is a disgrace to our cause, I'll bet you he's found some way to negate its effects, and then proceeds to plot homicide against me! Bruh!
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battleforoclarious · 2 years
People of the Pride
The lakeshore of Toronto is glittering with skyscrapers up and down the waterfront. The lake gives off a Tahitian pearl blue - dark navy like that of a bright night sky. Now it is in the afternoon and we can hear cars honking as traffic is busily at this time of day
YOUNG ADULT CLARKSON stands at the boardwalk in front of the harbour seeing planes taking off. He stands there in a moment of contemplation and reminiscence with his red Coca-Cola bag to his waist
Then the scene is cut - and he is standing on an escalator going down the tunnel to Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport. As he gets down to the bottom - he looks at his passport and flight ticket - then walks down the tunnel. The scene is then cut to him going through the Canadian custom. Then again - it is cut to him getting to his seating at the window
It is night in Wellington. Through the windows of the Tim Horton’s - a woman is sitting at a table with a red rose on the table. She is waiting for someone. People walk by on the sidewalk crossing the view. Then YOUNG ADULT CLARKSON comes into frame and stands there gazing through the Tim Horton’s windows. It is now apparent - the woman is waiting for YOUNG ADULT CLARKSON. It must be YOUNG ADULT FREYA. YOUNG ADULT CLARKSON opens the door - YOUNG ADULT FREYA turns around and cheers in glee. She gets up to greet him. They hug
It is so good to see you again - Clark
The pair is finally united now in their thirties
You’ve grown into a beautiful woman. I missed you
They sit down at the table
Oh - I got you a little something
She hands him a small gift box. He unties the ribbon. And in it there is a card - reading “Water”! He laughs as he takes the card out - then sees a figure of an astronaut he gave her when he left New Zealand long ago
You still have this (EMOTIONALLY) 
Yeah I still have this… and your heart
He looks up - SMILING
Then at a different angle - we see them laughing over a conversation they are having as they SIP their coffees
And you rode your bicycle as fast as you can just to see me fly off (LAUGHING)
YOUNG ADULT FREYA LAUGHSthen in her expression she QUIETS her laughter
You know I meant what I said that day. I never really forgotten about you (SOBERLY) 
They look at each other and SMILE. She REACHES her hand to his and holds onto it 
They are now walking down the street of Wellington. Drones are driving on the street making up much of the traffic. Up above the streets are flying cars whizzing through the sky above. They walk up to the Trump Residential Building in downtown Wellington. The doorman opens the door for them. 
I had a wonderful time
As she TURNS around - she GRABS his hand then KISSES him on the cheek
Good night - Clark
Good night
She goes through the door as YOUNG ADULT CLARKSON looks her way. She gets to the elevator and enters. As the elevator door closes - she WAVES. He WAVES back
YOUNG ADULT CLARKSON TURNS the other way and People of the Pride by Coldplay starts playing. He BREAKS INTO A DANCE as he walks down the streets of Wellington. As Chris Martin sings the introduction of the song - YOUNG ADULT CLARKSON TURNS to the left and right to the people on his sides - ACTING to the lyrics of the song. He then walks down with confidence DANCING. As he does so - a man on a wire hovers down to him STRUMMING the bass. While another man with drums strapped to him DRUMMING along - HOVER down. Another also on wire STRUMS the guitar. They play the instrumental to his sides. Then another man HOVERS down SINGING. Then a group of people come in from behind and the sides and turn into a flash mob DANCING to the song. YOUNG ADULT CLARKSON leads the dance number as the song continues to play. As the song draws to an end - YOUNG ADULT CLARKSON and the flash mob RUN forward then dispersing as the song finishes
However - YOUNG ADULT CLARKSON continues to RUN forward to the beach of Wellington where the night market is. Then as he enters the night market - he sees a woman standing atop of the roof of the bar high above the night market
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shefalcon · 2 years
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head turns just enough that it’s clear she’s acknowledging that she’s no longer alone.   truthfully,  there’s something of a dilemma in the sudden shift from isolation  —  it’s true,  yes,  that to be around others is relieving...  but only to a degree.  
the relief is countered by a sense of annoyance in the interruptions that arise so often in such a small space,  making it apparent that freya had grown accustomed to the lack of variety.  more than she’d ever care to admit.
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careful and practiced hands tend to the plants that have once again multiplied in number in the time since she’d last been aware of @spartanlost​‘s presence.  rather,  aware of him standing near enough that it’s clear he intends to speak with her.  it’s with a sigh that freya’s head turns just a little more,  her gaze meeting his before returning to her plants.  
“have you got news about atreus?”   maybe she shouldn’t come off quite so cold,  but still she’s convinced he’d run off to asgard  —  that they’re in danger that increases with every passing moment.   “or can i help you with something else?”
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