#( int: josie )
silkchvffon · 3 months
closed for my love @invcntions bc i am annoying
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SHE'S NOT MAKING IT A HABIT, breaking into cooper's car. she's only done it once before and swears this will be the last — it will also be the last time she snoops through his notes to reveal his next mission, the last time she deems herself helpful enough to tag along without an invitation. it does sting a little, every time he plans to leave without her, all under the pretense of keeping her safe — as if she'll ever be safe somewhere he is not. she can't remember the last time she slept an entire night without being enveloped in his arms. « don't be angry please, » she's quick to say from the backseat of his car when he slides into the driver's seat in front of her. she leans forward, apologetic smile present on her lips as she breathes in the familiar scent of him; aftershave and soap and her cooper. « it's a long ride. you'll be glad for the company, i promise. »
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blcssom · 2 months
open to: f/m/nb ft. josie evans (she/her) plot: she's dating their bandmate/coworker/friend but fucking them on the side and feeling very !! okay about it !!
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as far as hook ups went, a supply closet wasn't the most romantic location she'd ever picked, but desperate times called for desperate measures. "would you stop fucking around and take your pants off already?? we don't know how long he's gonna be and i will say you forced me in here against my will if we get caught."
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hairpintvrns · 19 days
starter for: @dazeddreams location: thrift haven / cardinal hill
“Well, what do you think?” Valentine asked, lifting hanger after hanger of old clothes from their dresser. The bed was a riot of fabric—paper doll tops, cutout jumpsuits, printed shirts, sequin skirts. Years of thrifted finds accumulated from countless weekends shopping in Chicago, which they had no real need for, now that they were living in such a sleepy own. These days, their wardrobe was limited to the familiar—a rotation of printed shirts and old denim jeans, some of which were already frayed at the seams—old threads that tethered them to their past life in Manchester.
“Anything here that could work for the thrift shop?” they asked, motioning toward the bed, a hand hovering at the chaotic spread, “I’ve got a few designer handbags I could give, too, but maybe—maybe I could get some money for them?” Their lips tightened, the implicit admission sitting uncomfortably. Hard to admit that they were a bit cash-strapped at the moment, so instead, Valentine rationalized, “I’m doing a little Marie Kondo bit. Decluttering and all that.”
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salvateure · 6 months
closed  starter  for  josie  @delicatlueur setting:  new  club  grand  opening  in  nyc
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          “   oh  come  on  ,  babe  .  you  can't  just  refuse  to  come  with  me  at  the  very  last  minute  !  we're  literally  almost  there  ,   ”   she  tries  to  reason  with  josie  ,  but  really ,  she's  not  going  to  take  no  for  an  answer   ——   it's  how  she  even  gets  josie  to  leave  her  house  in  the  first  place  .   “   a  friend  gave  me  two  vip  invites  and  i  haven't  seen  my  best  friend  in  a  whole  ass  week  .  can  you  believe  that  ?  a  whole  ass  week  ,  josie  .  plus  ,  when  was  the  last  time  you  went  to  a  club  ?   ”
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deokryu · 7 months
☆ ݁˖ ࣭ ⭑ “ creo qué hay un paparazzi siguiéndonos. ” con @jourie
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descontento se refleja en sus facciones al igual que en su suspiro. no puede creer que la tranquilidad se haya convertido en un privilegio en esta ciudad, algo que no todos pueden gozar. ' hay que movernos de sitio. ' murmura cerca de josie, sin ganas de llamar la atención de alguien más que ella. ' no queremos terminar de nuevo en tmz con rumores sobre drogas o algo peor. ' quién sabe, mañana bien podrían salir con rumores de boda en primera plana. ' no los mires, ¿vale? finjamos que no existen. '
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You Can Talk to Me
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Matt Murdock x Reader
Words: 5730
Summary: A night of drinks becomes something else when the reader reveals what’s been bothering her the past week. Matt tries to not be blinded by his feelings for his best friend as he comforts her, but this heartbreak may be just what she needs to see what’s right in front of her. 
Notes: Yet another Matt comfort imagine, surprise surprise. I guess the thing about heartbreak, is it gives you plenty to write about. I don’t really have much else for this one, other than I’m just writing whatever I need right now. And fuck it, if that means combining smut with a comfort imagine, so be it. This is a lot, but I loved every minute of writing it. 
Warnings: Angst, 18+ SMUT (choking, oral, unprotected, the works)
More Matt Imagines Here
Karen checked her watch again, head peeking over the growing crowd at Josie’s to try and spot the fourth member of their get-together. 
“She’s never late,” Karen said, frowning. She turned to the two men waiting with her. “Maybe I should call again.”
Matt listened. Old rock hits played over the speakers and a group of men bickered by the pool table, but past the buzz of the neon and slight muffling through the window pane, he heard it. Quick, shallow breaths and a hurried heartbeat paired with the sharpness of salt in the air. 
Matt stiffened. 
You were crying. 
He heard as you took a few deep breaths and hastily wiped your cheeks. 
You pushed open the door to the bar with a strained smile and searching eyes. 
“She’s here,” Matt said, his tone turned solemn.
What happened? 
Foggy beamed, spotting you by the entrance. “How does he do that?”
Matt’s head tilted, analyzing your movements as you made your way through the crowd. Karen and Foggy were still looking for a table, but he could practically feel the effort it took to keep up your sunny demeanor. 
“Sorry I’m late,” you said, finally reaching them. “I got an unexpected call from work.” 
Your heart skipped. 
Matt’s worry deepened. 
You’d never lied to them before. 
Karen waved it off. “Well, you’re here now.”
“Let the party commence!” Foggy cheered. 
Matt gave you a small smile. You did your best to return it. The other two left to get more drinks. 
“Work, huh?” Matt prompted. 
Your heart skipped again. “Yeah, they just needed to run something by me. No big deal.” 
You noticed the twitch in his smile, the gentleness in his tone. You should have known he’d be able to tell something was wrong. He always did. It didn’t help that you’d been avoiding your friends these past two weeks. Especially Matt- because you knew this would happen. Somehow, he just saw you. 
“How are the cases coming?” You asked, hoping to get the attention off of you. “You guys just won the worker’s comp case you’d been working so hard on right?”
Matt’s smile returned. “Yeah, we did.” He motioned in the direction of his partner. “Foggy’s closing statement really sealed it for us. You would have loved it.”
“Well, I unfortunately had a civil case across the hall.” You flexed your hands. “God, they talked so much I thought my fingers would fall off.”
The two of you chuckled.
“You should take some of that vacation time you talked about.” He cleared his throat, shifting almost uncomfortably. “Maybe go somewhere with Sam.” 
You stiffened and glanced down at the table. “Yeah, Matt, about that-”
“Your elixir of drunkenness, milady.” Foggy set your bourbon down with a flourish. 
You laughed, grateful for the interruption. “Why thank you, sir.”
Matt sighed lightly and sipped his beer, gripping the bottle a little tighter. 
What the hell did Sam do?
You took a long, slow drink and let the burn wash away any other feeling. It worked… if only a little bit.
Karen led you all to a booth she’d picked out towards the back of the bar. 
“So,” she said, taking the seat beside Foggy, sticking you beside the human lie detector. “What have you been up to? It seems like it’s been forever since we’ve actually seen you.”
You gulped and slid into the booth, Matt following after you. You almost stammered when his knee bumped against yours.
“Um, it’s been okay.”
Matt raised a brow at your hesitation, nudging you again. It wasn’t like you to hide things. Not from him. 
You took a deep breath and ripped off the bandaid. “Sam and I broke up.”
Foggy’s eyes widened, Karen’s softened, and Matt took another drink. 
“I’m okay though,” you quickly followed up. 
“I’m sorry,” Foggy said. He paused, then perked up. “Do you want another drink?”
“Foggy,” Karen scolded.
“What? Break-ups are the perfect reason to get wasted!”
You snickered and downed the rest of your whiskey. “I wouldn’t say no to another round.” 
Foggy turned to the others. 
Matt shrugged, still listening intently to your uneven breathing. “I’ll have what she’s having.” 
Karen leaned, reaching a comforting hand toward yours. “Do you… want to talk about it?”
“No, I couldn’t,” you shook your head. “We’re celebrating you guys tonight.” You took the drink Foggy handed you and raised your glass. “To Nelson and Murdock.” 
Matt clinked his whiskey to yours. “And to being there for friends,” he added pointedly. 
“Here here,” Karen cheered before you could shoot him a glare.
The next hour was filled with drinks and laughter. It helped you feel a little more like yourself- something you’d been trying to do for weeks. Every time Foggy made a joke or Matt “accidentally” brushed against your arm, the hole in your chest felt a little smaller. 
And then you saw him.
Matt heard his voice first. His tense shoulders were why you looked up. 
Sam had his arm around a pretty girl with dark hair. You’d seen her at his office before. His head turned, eyes meeting yours. 
It was like you weren’t there. 
Sam waved at Foggy and went to the other side of the bar, as far away from you as possible. 
“That’s just cold,” Foggy said, shaking his head. 
You finished your third drink. If you had anymore here you’d start crying and you were not going to let that happen. Not in front of all of them. Not til you were home. If Sam could not care, so could you. 
“Do you want to leave?” Matt asked softly. 
You swallowed back the panic attack rising in your throat. “No. We should finish our drinks.”
“Do you want another?” Karen offered. 
“I’ll just get water to end the night, thanks.” 
Matt knew what that meant. You’d finish the night at home, by yourself, drinking until you fell asleep numb. A coping mechanism you had only ever confided in him about. It was easier for you to face everything alone, or at least you convinced yourself it was. He could relate to that.
You couldn’t stop your gaze from shifting toward the couple across the bar, no matter how hard you tried. You watched Sam’s eyes glisten every time he looked at her. He laughed loud enough for the sound to reach over the crowd. 
God, you felt so stupid. 
Matt couldn’t do it anymore. Even if he hadn’t been able to sense the way just sitting there was eating at you, the idea of you hurting was enough to break him. 
“Hey, I’ve got some leftover enchiladas from the Galindo case,” he said, leaving closer to you so his breath was against your ear. “Want to help me get through them?” Before you could make an excuse, he finished with. “They’ll go bad if you don’t. You know how often I forget dinner.” He playful bumped his shoulder into yours. 
You rolled your eyes. “And I keep telling you that one of these days you’ll keel over and I won’t run to help you.” 
“Yes you would,” he teased. “You like me too much.”
“Maybe,” you laughed. 
He could always do that. And the idea of going home alone…
“Alright, you’ve convinced me.” You held up a finger, “but only if I can go through your record collection.”
Matt grinned. “Deal.”
Karen saw your gaze flit back to where it was before and leaned to whisper to you. 
“I know this isn’t much help now,” she said, “but you’re better off without him.” 
“Yeah, I never liked the smug sonofabitch anyway,” Foggy added a little too loudly.
“Shhhh,” you and Karen both hissed. 
You thought you saw Sam glance over and ducked to hide your face in Matt’s shoulder. 
Karen looked between the two of you, but kept her comments to herself, though her smile grew. 
Matt chuckled and took your hand, rubbing your knuckles with his thumb in a way that said ‘it’s gonna be okay.’
Foggy and Karen got a cab but both you and Matt felt okay enough to walk back to his apartment in the warm New York spring air. There was still a bite in the breeze, lingering from winter. Only wearing a nice tee, you shivered. 
“Are you cold?” Matt asked, already taking off his suit jacket. He put it around your shoulders without you even having to ask. 
Karen shot you a smirk. 
You mouthed ‘Seriously?’
She snickered and closed the cab door. 
You quickly turned to Matt, feeling the heat rush to your cheeks- not knowing he could sense it, of course. “Ready?”
Matt smiled and held out his arm. “Lead the way.” 
His easy demeanor helped to calm you a little and when his arm hooked through yours, it felt like he was the one guiding you. Maybe he was, in a way.
“It’s really nice tonight,” you said, trying- and failing- not to sound awkward. 
“Are you talking to me about the weather?” Matt teased. 
Your face reddened even more. “Leave me alone, I’m-” you searched for a word, flustered. “Fragile.” 
He snickered. “Fragile, huh?”
“Yes,” you nudged his side with your elbow. “Fragile. Which means you have to be nice to me.” 
“I’m being very nice,” he said in mock offense. “I’m feeding you Seniora Galindo’s enchiladas and letting you rummage through my records. I’d say I am your knight in shining red glass this evening.” He poked you right back.
“You have certainly been chivalrous,” you smiled and fell into silence, the weight on your chest sucking the energy out of you. 
This was how it had been. One moment, you were okay, and the next…
It was like you only had two true modes of being. 
Or empty.
There was much in between. It was getting harder and harder to remember that any of it had been good to begin with. 
The way his eyes just slide past you at the bar. 
The way he practically ignored you in the conversations at work.
The way he wouldn’t even talk to you about what happened. 
Like you weren’t there.
Like you were nothing. 
The word hit you. It struck you in the chest like someone had put their hands around your ribs and pushed. 
But you kept walking.
Matt sensed the shift- the hitch in your breath and the hesitation in your step. He wanted to stop you right there and pull you into his secure embrace to block out the thoughts that plagued you. The hurt. He wished he could stop it. 
But he waited. 
You were grateful for the jacket wrapped tightly around you because the night had turned colder by the time the two of you reached Matt’s apartment building. Still pushing down that dark empty ache, you climbed the stairs with your eyes trained on the ground. 
Matt opened the door, ushering you in with a gentle hand on the small of your back. 
The touch made you flinch, not because it was uncomfortable, but because the gesture brought out more feeling than you were prepared for. Every nerve was set on edge. 
“Sorry,” you murmured, seeing Matt pull away. 
He shook his head, still giving you that small smile. “You don’t have to apologize.”
He let you go first into the living room, where you took a seat close to the window. Staring out at the bright, shifting lights of the billboard, you breathed out for what felt like the first time since you saw Sam in the bar.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that,” you mused. You felt Matt take a seat, the cushions shifting beside you. His arm grazed your back as he draped it over the back of the couch. 
“Y/N,” he started softly.
You blinked back tears, a pleading in your voice. “Matt…” 
“Hey, it’s okay.” He put a finger under your chin and gently turned your face toward him. “I know you’re holding something back. Why?” There was a desperation in his voice, a need to do something- anything to make it better. 
“I can’t.” You still tried to fight against the emotions trying to choke you. 
Maybe Sam had the right idea when he stopped speaking to you altogether. And you still didn’t know why. 
“Come on, sweetheart,” Matt whispered, moving closer to you. “You can talk to me.” 
Those five words were all it took. Two weeks of being blamed and ignored and confused and devastated hit you all at once.
Matt felt the break before the first tear fell. He felt your lips tremble, still trying to hold back the words that were tearing you apart. It shattered him. Matt wrapped his arms around you and this time you didn’t flinch away. 
You crashed against him like the waves inside your chest. 
“Tell me what’s been going on, sweetheart,” Matt urged, his tone as sweet as the endearment he called you. “Just talk to me.”
“He won't-” You sucked back a sob. “He won’t talk to me. I thought, when he broke up with me, that things were okay between us. That we could be friends like we were before. But now, he won’t even look at me.”
Matt thought about Sam’s quickly shuffling feet, his spiked heartbeat when he saw them there. Like he couldn’t get away fast enough. But why? The last time Matt had been around the two of you, Sam seemed fine. Matt didn’t particularly like the guy but he made you happy. Or he used to, anyway.
“It’s not like I thought Sam was ‘the one’ or anything,” you said, calming yourself down. “But I thought these past two months at least meant something. He’s acting like they didn’t even happen.” You wrapped your arms around your legs, tucking yourself into the corner of the couch. “And I feel like an idiot because we weren’t together for long but… I guess he’d become one of my best friends and now it’s like I’m not… anything, anymore.” 
Your last statement struck Matt, but he didn’t push it. Not yet. 
“And he hasn’t told you why? He just-” Matt sighed. “Disappeared on you?”
More like he made you disappear. 
You curled up more. 
“And there’s nothing I can do about it.” There was no hiding the defeat in your tone. You wiped a stray tear. “I just wanted something to work out for once.” How many times could your heart break again and again and again before it gave up?
Matt kept an arm around your shoulders. He moved closer so you could lay your head on his shoulder and blew out a breath. “I know.”
His soft touch set you off again. Your cries were quiet, your tears slow. You didn’t have the energy to sob. 
Matt tucked you in his arms, waiting. It wasn’t his place to push, not when everything was so raw. Not when part of him wished he could kiss your tears away. 
He’d always wondered if his dislike of Sam came out of jealousy. Matt felt he had waited too long and he lost his chance when Sam came along. 
He felt horrible, thinking about that now, but it lingered nonetheless. 
“Thank you,” you sniffed, sitting up again. “I really didn’t want to go home alone again.”
You’d counted every crack in your ceiling three times already.
“You can come over whenever you need to, okay?” Matt smiled. “You liven up the place.”
You snorted. 
“I’m serious,” he said. Matt leaned over and kissed your forehead. “You warm every room you’re in.”
You weren’t sure who leaned in first, but when your lips brushed against his- just for a moment- Matt pulled away.
“Wait,” he said. The kiss barely lasted a second, but he sounded breathless. His smile almost seemed nervous. “You haven’t picked a record yet.” 
You swallowed hard. “O-okay.”
While you walked to his crate records, Matt tried to force his heartbeat to slow down. Just the brief touch had his head spinning. But you were vulnerable and hurting. He couldn’t bear the idea of taking advantage of that. To keep himself busy, he got up to go to the kitchen, getting you a glass of water.
You picked a soft 90s alt album and put the needle on. Quiet drums filled the space but did little to silence your mind. You went back to the couch but didn’t sit down. You took the water but didn’t drink. 
Neither of you said anything for a while. 
Finally, the guilty part of you took over.
“Sam’s going through a lot,” you reasoned. “Between his caseload and things going on with his family…” God, maybe you were being the selfish one here. 
Matt held onto the back of the couch, unfocused eyes trained on the carpet. “That doesn’t mean he gets to treat you like this.”
You turned away. “I know.”
Matt let go of the leather and walked to you. “You deserve better than this, Y/N.” 
“I know.” Your heart faltered again. Another lie. 
Despite the voice in his head telling him to stop, Matt put a hand on your arm, fingers squeezing gently to get you to face him. 
“What is it?” He asked. 
You found yourself leaning into his touch again. At least it made you feel something again. When you spoke, it was almost too quiet. If it hadn’t been Matt, he might not have heard you.
“I’ve never had someone make me feel like I was…” The words cracked inside you. “Like I’m nothing the way he has.”
Matt’s heart broke completely. 
How could anyone make you think that? How could anyone not see how incredible and important and- he couldn’t even think of enough words to capture the growing need in his chest. A need to not have you feel this way anymore. 
“Y/N, no,” he said, taking your face in his hands. “You aren’t nothing. You mean so much to so many people. To Foggy and Karen. To me-” he took a deep breath. “Y/N, you’re everything.”
Suddenly you weren’t thinking of Sam or the girl he was with. You weren’t thinking about your emptiness or your anger. All that mattered, all you felt… was him.
“Matt,” you breathed him in, shaking with your next request. “Please.”
Matt’s lips ghosted yours. He was standing so close you thought you could hear his heartbeat. 
“Are you sure?” If you said no, he would step back and you would never have to worry about him not speaking to you. He could never leave you like that, no matter how he felt. But if you said yes-
“I need you, Matt,” you whimpered. You didn’t know how true it was until you said it. 
Until he closed the space between you, capturing any other words with his lips. 
Matt wished his kiss alone could show you how much you meant. He tried to convey every feeling with the movement of his lips, the sweep of his tongue, his hand moving to cup the back of your head. 
A soft moan escaped your throat as his tongue explored your mouth. You tilted your head back, giving him better access. 
The sound ignited through Matt. He held you tighter, hands falling to grip your waist while his mouth moved to your ear. 
“You’re everything,” he repeated, breath on your skin. 
You moaned again, fingers gripping his button down, pulling him back toward the couch. 
Matt’s hold tightened, keeping you in place. He chuckled and shook his head. “If we’re doing this.” He lifted you up in his arms. 
You yelped. 
He wrapped your legs around his waist. “We’re going to do it right.”
He carried you steadily to his room and laid you down on silk sheets. Matt hovered over you for a moment, letting his senses take everything in. 
Impatient, you tugged on his hair.
Again, he just chuckled, using one hand to grab your wrists and hold them over your head.
You raised a brow. This was a side of the snarky lawyer you hadn’t entirely expected. Not that you were complaining. 
“I need you to do something for me,” he said, a smug smile spreading across his face. There was the Matt you knew. “I need you to be patient.” He kissed along the collar of your shirt. “And let me make you feel good.”
“That’s two things,” you teased. 
He nipped at your collarbone hard enough to make you gasp.
“O-okay, Matt.” 
“Good girl,” he said lowly. From how your body responded, he kept that in mind for later.
Matt pulled his shirt over his head, not bothering with the buttons.
You admired the curves of his torso, leading downward to the waistband of his pants and what lay beneath.
“Matt,” you said, a slight whine in your voice. 
He smirked. 
You pulled those smug lips back to yours, kissing him with just a smidge of defiance. 
Matt’s hand made its way to your throat, squeezing just enough to hold you down.
“Be. Patient.” He growled again with a deeper tone.
He removed your shirt and bra in two swift motions. Matt didn’t waste any time roaming his hands over your body, committing every touch to memory.
Your breathing hitched as his fingers each ran over your peaked nipples. Rough yet gentle hands massaged your breasts. Matt rubbed his thumbs over the sensitive buds again if only to hear that lovely little gasp again. 
He took a moment to remember how this all started. As one hand teased its way down your stomach, the other took hold of your chin. 
“You are not nothing,” Matt said firmly. His fingers dipped beneath the fabric, undoing the button of your jeans. “I want you to say it.”
You bit your lip and tried to turn away, but his hold wouldn’t let you.
Matt kissed your lips then trailed his way to your chest, listening to your heart. 
“Please?” He kissed the skin in the valley of your breasts.
You breathed out a sigh. “I am not nothing.” 
“I know you can do better than that.” Matt trailed his kisses over the slope of your skin so that his lips hovered over your nipple. “Come on, sweetheart. I need you to believe it.”
“I am not nothing,” you said a little more confidently despite the hitch in your words when the tips of his fingers grazed your clit.
Matt nodded before taking your nipple into his mouth. Your jeans and panties were quick to join the rest of your clothes on the floor and his fingers pressed down on your bundle of nerves. 
You had to bite back another whine. Between his teeth tugging on your nipple and his fingertips beginning agonizingly slow circles, you were already coming apart at the seams. Each swirl of his tongue matched the motions against your clit. It ignited every one of your senses, enveloping you in him. 
Matt sucked a little harsher, eliciting the moan you were holding back. 
And he reveled in it. 
While Matt switched his attention to your other tit, he accelerated his circles on your clit. 
“God, Matt.” You finally moved your hands from where he’d placed them above your head and tangled them in his hair. 
He could hear your heartbeat quickening, hear the unevenness in your breathing as he wound you tighter and tighter with just the tips of his fingers. 
“That’s it,” he cooed, replacing his nipping and sucking with soft licks and kisses across your chest. You knew you’d have several marks in the morning, which excited you even more. Matt rubbed harder and faster. “That’s it, baby.”
Your climax crashed into you before you could prepare. Your hands pulled on his hair, loud whining gasp escaping your lips. Matt caught the sound in a kiss, letting it vibrate through him perfectly. He kept up his flicking, figure-eight motions to help you ride out the high. 
You tugged his bottom lip between your teeth, draping your arms around his neck. Closer. You needed him closer.
And yet, he pulled away. Matt smiled at your whimper, laying one hand on your cheek and bringing the other to his lips, licking your glisten from his fingers. You turned your head, taking two of his fingers in your mouth, sucking sweetly. 
Matt felt something snap inside him. With a deep rumble from his chest, he moved to stand at the foot of the bed, yanking you down to the edge. 
You sat up, hands reaching for his belt. You needed him. 
Matt pushed you back on the bed quick enough that you bounced on the mattress.
“Not yet,” he smirked, laying an arm across you to hold you down. There was something different about his smile. Something devilish.
Then he knelt in front of you. 
Your head fell back against the silk sheets as he bit your inner thigh, soothing the spot with his tongue. He did this up and down your legs, all the while holding you to the bed to keep your hips from bucking and giving you more friction than he allowed. 
“Ma-ah-” You gasped as his tongue finally swept up the length of your core. 
Matt’s head swam with every detail his heightened senses were taking in. From the taste of you to the way his name fell from your lips fueled his movements. He closed his lips over your clit, spelling your name into the sensitive nerves with his tongue- then spelling his own. 
Your core pulsed around nothing, tightening the more wrecked you with his mouth. 
“Fuck, Matthew,” you moaned. 
Matt lapped at your center, completely taken by the overwhelming burning inside him that you stoked with your noises and your scent and your taste. 
You almost screamed with the coming of your second climax, even more intense than the first. The ache inside of you just got worse as you gushed, still empty and needy. 
Matt drank in everything you gave him, pushing you as far as you could go. 
As he crawled back up to you, your limbs trembling and your heart racing, he kissed you gently, letting you taste yourself on his lips. 
“How are you feeling?” He asked, afraid he’d gotten carried away. 
“I need more,” you pleaded, gulping down breaths. “Please, Matty?”
He smiled that devilish smile again. 
“What do you want, sweetheart?”
“Matty.” You keened, hands trying to reach again for him, but he held you firmly. “I need you inside me.” You pouted your lips. “I need you to hold me.”
Matt kissed you again, this time softer, trailing down your neck as he backed away to take off the rest of his clothes. 
You got just a glimpse of him before he laid you on your side and it was enough to have you aching even more. 
He laid beside you, holding your back to his chest. 
“Okay, baby.” 
Matt pushed inside of you, arms locked around your middle. He bit down on your shoulder to contain his moan while your breathless cry rang through the room. 
“So good, sweetheart,” he murmured, bringing his hips back. “You feel so good.”
“Just for you, M-Matt.” You laid your head back in the crook of his neck. 
Matt snapped his hips back, plunging his cock deeper inside your pulsing walls. “Atta girl.” 
You rutted back against him, every movement inside of you bringing a whimper with each brush of his shaft against the blinding spot within. 
Matt held you as close to his body as possible, making it harder to tell where he ended and you began. He slipped a hand up to wrap around your throat, turning your face to kiss you. His tongue claimed your mouth while he continued to rock in and out of you. In and out. A perfect, steady rhythm that stayed deep inside your core while being just slow enough to keep you wanting more. 
“Y/N, Y/N, Y/N.” Matt whispered, saying your name like a sacred prayer. 
“God, Matty,” you said, feeling his hand around your throat. “Matt, I’m-” You were cut off by a loud moan when he hit that spot that made you see stars even harder than before. 
“I know,” Matt cooed. “I know you want to give me another one. I know, sweetheart.” He gripped your neck a little tighter. “But I need you to wait a little longer.” 
“But Matty…” The hot coil inside you constricted more and more. 
“I know, baby,” he smirked against your jaw. “Here, I’ll count with you, okay?”
You tried to think past the haze of him. “O-okay, Matt.”
“Alright.” His free hand returned to your clit, making it even harder for you to hold back. “Count with me and I’ll let you come. One.”
You took a shaking breath. “One.”
This continued his thrusts, getting faster, leaving you both panting by the final count. 
“Ten,” Matt growled, nipping the back of your neck, having been struggling to hold on himself. 
“Ten,” you exclaimed. “Ten ten ten. Matt please.”
He wicked a line up to your ear, biting the soft flesh there. 
“Come for me, Y/N.”
You reached up to tangle your fingers in his hair again as overwhelming shocks of pleasure burned through you like wildfire. As Matt spilled into you, his hips stuttering against your ass, you stopped feeling anything else. Everything was this moment. 
Neither of you even had a moment to say anything, completely overcome by pleasant exhaustion. 
Matt cradled you to him and you fell asleep tangled with his body. He breathed in your scent, smiling as he let sleep take over him as well. 
You woke up to a warm sun and an empty bed. A moment of confusion clouded your tired mind before memories of the night flooded your senses. 
Seeing Sam at the bar.
The emptiness in your chest. The nothingness. 
Then coming here with Matt…
“Oh God.” You sat up, silk sheets slipping over your skin. 
You had sex with Matt. Your best friend. Amazing, mind-blowing sex, but at what cost? Was one night worth screwing up years of friendship? And where was he? Was he so disgusted by what you’d done he couldn't bear to be around you anymore? 
Those fears consumed you as you scrambled to gather your things and get dressed. You found the living room empty, making your stomach sink even more. The thought hit you like a punch to the gut.
You screwed up the most important relationship in your life… all because you saw your ex at a bar. 
How you felt about Matt- feelings you were realizing you had- didn’t matter. You’d fucked everything up. 
Matt was climbing the stairs with coffee in hand when he heard the racing, panicked heart in his apartment from a floor down. One thought leaped to the front of his mind.
You regretted everything. 
With every hurried step, Matt grew more furious with himself. What was he thinking? He’d let his feelings for you get in the way during a difficult time and now you hated him for it. 
He would apologize. He had to. He couldn’t risk the relationship you already had. Even if it meant ignoring how he really felt. 
He opened the door with sorry on his lips, but you beat him to it.
“Oh thank God, you’re back,” you sighed. From your tone and the lingering salt in the air, he knew you’d been crying. His fault.
“It is my apartment,” he teased. If he could just get things back to how they were-
“I know, but when I woke up you were gone and-” You took a deep breath. “I understand if this makes things too complicated and you don’t want to speak to me again. I promise I didn’t plan any of this and-”
“Y/N, wait.” Matt interrupted, finally understanding. 
It wasn’t regret. 
It was fear. Like his. Only, you had just gone through something similar with Sam, which made everything even worse. 
“I know you have a lot going on,” you said, trying to hold it together. “I won’t add to that. Not over a-” The words stung as you said them. “Over a pity fuck.”
And just like last night, Matt’s heart broke for you.
“Is that what you thought it was?” Matt asked quietly. 
“I don’t know.” You fell back onto the couch and stared at your lap, unable to look at him anymore. “First everything with Sam now I’m going to lo-” You couldn’t finish, sucking in a breath to keep from crying. 
Matt crossed the living room and sat beside you. Slowly, carefully, he took your hand in his. He laid it on his chest so you could feel the steadiness of his heart. 
“You’re not going to lose me,” he said. 
You focused on that heartbeat. 
Matt moved his hands to cup your face. 
“Last night wasn’t about Sam or the breakup or the bar.” He wiped a tear away with his thumb. “Last night was about us. You and me. And we can make it mean whatever we want it to or nothing at all. But Y/N,” he sighed, “you are not going to lose me.”
You let his words sink in and made yourself believe them, at least right now.
Matt pulled you closer, gently pressing his lips to your forehead.
The two of you stayed like that for a moment before you glanced at the table, finally taking in the scent of the coffee. 
“So that's where you disappeared to,” you laughed a little at yourself for panicking. 
Matt nodded, his hands falling to his lap. “Yeah, I was out and I know how you get without your caffeine.”
“Hey,” you snickered, poking his side.
“I knew I could get a smile.”
You blushed. “How do you even know?”
“Trust me,” he beamed. “I know.”
The two of you decided that you would figure it out at whatever pace you both needed. He was your best friend and you loved each other. And you would no matter what. Still, the prospect of being together, of taking your relationship a step further, excited both of you more than you admitted. 
There was, however, a promise Matthew had yet to keep…
So you had enchiladas for breakfast.
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newtonsheffield · 7 months
Edwina gets to see Josie in a slutty top, go her honestly
Frankie is determined that his sister’s crush on her Royal Highness Edwina, is going to go very well. And the way he intends to do that is to make Josie unavoidably present in Edwina’s life. Of course, for Edwina, who’s had a crush on Josie since she was a teenager and believes Josie only wants to be her friend: This feels like a very specific brand of torture.
“What the fuck did I ever do?!” Edwina sighs, slumped int he back of her car beside her secretary, Kate and Anthony on the other side of the car. “Is this some sort of penance?! Why is she always at events?!”
“I mean… her father’s a Duke.” Sophie tutted, “It’s not that surprising that she’s at the same events as you.”
“How is that helpful?!” Edwina said wildly, “That’s as helpful as this two looking like love’s young fucking dream!”
It’s just… so… fucking hard. When she’s gone out, specifically to have a few drinks and have pretty girls smile at her and not thinking about Lady Josephine Bagwell for three fucking minutes and she walks in the door 30 minutes after Edwina got there herself.
Of course Edwina noticed the minute Josie walked into the club, her brother behind her, already dancing. And Edwina’s heart thudded in her chest when she saw Josie, unfairly stunning in her tight jeans and a fucking corset that Edwina’s not entirely sure was supposed to be worn as outerwear.
“Fuck’s sake.” Edwina hissed, finishing her drink and snatching another up as the table service waitress put it down. She made her way over to the bar where Josie was waiting for her drink, Frankie already dancing around her.
“Ah Your Highness!” Frankie grinned as Edwina approached and Josie turned around, her eyes widening in surprise.
“Franklin.” Edwina clicked her tongue before she turned her eyes on Josie. Forcing herself not to look at the exposed skin that seemed to be everywhere tonight. “I thought you were having a night in.”
“Did I say that?” Josie shrugged. “Doesn’t sound like me. We love to party.”
“We do.” Frankie cut in, scooping up their drinks from the bar. “We love ah… dancing with pretty girls right? Space for two more at your table?”
It was the last thing she wanted. Josie’s side pressed against her arm when she was trying desperately to get the fuck over her. But what else could she do?
“Go right ahead.”
Frankie made his way over, winking at everyone he passed and Edwina waved at her protection officer to let him pass.
“Your brother is… really fucking something.”
Josie sighed, and her chest brushed Edwina’s arm as they turned to make their way over. “He’s very enthusiastic.”
“So what changed your mind about coming out?” Does god fucking hate me enough to bring you here dressed like that?
“There’s um…” Josie shrugged, “Someone that I… have kind of a stupid crush on’s here tonight so I just want to… scope out the competition. You know. Stake my claim a little bit.”
Edwina’s heart sunk in her chest as she sunk into the chair, downing her drink again. “Great. Good idea.”
“So… Do you get to fly in a lot of helicopters? That seems very royal. I only get to fly in planes.”
Edwina stared at Josie’s brother and Josie herself closed her eyes, muttering under her breath. “I… mostly just drive.”
“Weird. I feel like in that Katie Holmes’ movie she was in helicopters more.”
“Shut up.” Josie sighed, “Please shut the fuck up, Franklin.”
“Are you… talking about First Daughter?”
“That’s the one!” He snapped his fingers, “She was the President’s daughter! Not a Princess! Damn!”
“Hey, maybe it’s just because Kate’s the first daughter. You should ask her.” She tried for a joke but it fell flat as her eyes scanned the dance floor and she wondered who had brought Josie here.
“A sense of humour. Love that.”
Edwina stood up again, her mouth dry. “I actually have to get going. I forgot I have somewhere else to be.”
Something flickered over Josie’s face and she cleared her throat, “Oh. Right. Will I still see you for brunch tomorrow?”
“Um…” Edwina said, snatching another shot off the table. “I don’t know. Maybe I’ll be in a helicopter.”
“Funny.” Frankie crowed, holding his hand out for her to shake. “Love that.”
“Bye, Edwina.” Josie’s voice was quiet, her eyes focused across the room.
“Yep, See you.”
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smashpages · 11 months
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Out this week: Amazons Attack #1 (DC, $3.99):
Following the recent events of the new Wonder Woman title, Josie Campbell and Vasco Georgiev show how the other Amazons, including Queen Nubia and Wonder Girl, react to their new role int he world.
See what else is arriving at your local comic shop this week.
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axdently · 1 year
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To CHARLOTTE DEGRAVES, the whole world looks like an open page. With a leap of faith, their ability of FERAL MIND grows a little stronger. They are a TIGER shade aligned to THE ORDER OF ATH. For THIRTY-SEVEN years, they have survived a world of magic with both their AFFECTIONATE + HEADSTRONG and CATTY + SUPERFICIAL reputations. They work as a TIGER HEAT CLUB OWNER & AN AMATEUR FOOT MODEL, but if they could change their fate, they’d want to KEEP HER SISTERS SAFE.
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Listen up, babe, because this is who you are, and we’re only saying it once – you're a whirlwind of Moira Rose and Carole Baskin energy wrapped up in one explosive package. The town knows you as that Alimjan sister with a reputation, the one who sent her husband packing ( six feet under ), Julien Degraves, in the most enigmatic way possible. Your realm is Tiger Heat, a haven where music and magic collide, but you're not just a host –you’re a ringleader of inclusivity, welcoming grass kids ( you know the kids who used to sit in the grass during lunch and hiss at people ), and the black sheeps of the family. The world's a stage, and everyone is going to dance, and celebrate or you’ll scream !! But that's not all, Lottie. You're not just a queen of the night; you're a fashion icon too. Clown Couture? Yeah, that's you, turning glitter into art and sequins into a lifestyle. And those three LITERAL TIGER cubs? More than family, right? You're the lioness to these little tigers, fierce and protective. Here's the kicker: You're the big sister, the eldest among Dottie, Dollie, Rosie, and Josie, but oh boy, you definitely channel that mama bear energy. Let's not forget your temper – a warning sign for anyone daring to get on your bad side. So, Lottie Degraves, you're a tsunami of glitter, fierceness, and unpredictability. A showstopper, a sister, and a force to be reckoned with.
NAME: Charlotte Lottie Degraves NICKNAME: Lottie DATE OF BIRTH: January 28th GENDER: she/ her HEIGHT: 5’6” MARKINGS: a mole on her big toe TATTOOS: none PIERCINGS: her ears DECORUM: she always has to stand out with pink fuzz, quirky uses of denim, boots that shine, & the occasional glitter business suit. She loves to accessorize and you bet your bottom dollar that her tiger cubs ALWAYS match.  SCENT:  a minty trace of catnip, bubblegum cigarettes & Elizabeth Arden’s White tea GOALS: World Domination ✨ FEARS: Her grandmother POSITIVE TRAITS: Eccentric, Assertive, Talkative NEUTRAL TRAITS: Impractical, Confident, Curious NEGATIVE TRAITS: Scattered, Aggressive, Outcast ZODIAC: Aquarius Sun, Aries Moon & Aries Rising ALIGNMENT: chaotic evil TEMPERAMENT: sanguine ELEMENT: air  PRIMARY VICE: Wrath PRIMARY VIRTUE: Temperance  TROPE: Attention Whore, Comedic Sociopathy, Drama Queen, Everything’s Better with Sparkles, Impractically Fancy Outfit, Large Ham, No Inside Voice, Pretty in Mink, What the Hell Is That Accent? INSPIRATION: She’s a mix of Moira Rose, Monalisa Saperstein,  Noho Hank from Barry & heavily inspired by Carole Baskin OCCUPATION:  Illegal Animal Handler, Amateur Foot Model, Owner of Tiger Heat and CEO of a small company called of Clown Couture LLC. RESIDENCE: A house on the hill that resembles a mansion, that is always open to her sisters, though they’d have to sleep on couches due to the extra rooms being flooded with clothes and accessories for both her and her tiger cubs. HOBBIES: acrobatics ( when she was younger ), golfing, animal rights, sewing ( she has a small passion for costume designing ), Shopping HABITS: always losing her purse, speaking in a trained Trans Atlantic accent, never using her inside voice, pointing out the obvious ( Don’t tell her not to look at your Ex at the bar, she will ✨ ), chewing gum harshly and sticking it under tables, zoning out in boring conversations, succumbing to her own narcissism
The user can tap into a primal instinctive state of mind, which can release an unstoppable rage that allows them to perform in vastly increased capacity, taking and inflicting damage that they couldn't or wouldn't in their normal state. In some cases, the user's mind descends so far into the feral state that, mentally, they are little more than wild animals. The intensity of Feral Mind is based upon which variations are in play one being relatively tame, to all three being unmanagable. 
User with this ability can go from one motion to another effortlessly, effectively dodge attacks, swing from things easily, sprint, do back-flips, leap across rooftops, and numerous other gymnastic, athletic and martial implements with little to no effort. Agility is "the ability to rapidly respond or change by adapting its initial stable configuration", the ability to change the body's position efficiently, and requires the integration of isolated movement skills using a combination of balance, bodily coordination, speed, reflexes, strength, and endurance.
Users, either innate or through training, are masters of wielding claws as weapons. The user is able to wield claws with great proficiency in brute power and close quarter combat. When it comes to wielding different weapons, the claws are the closest to hand-to-hand combat. User is able to climb and otherwise move effortlessly and smoothly on angled and/or vertical surfaces, able to take advantage of any handholds they find, no matter how small, on trees, rocks, walls, etc using their claws.
The power to have bite force greater than that of the ordinary. Users have an inhumanly strong bite, either because of sharp fangs/teeth, augmented jaw-muscle structure, etc. User can easily rip out/off the body parts from a target's body, whether it be the arms, legs, organs, head, spine, etc. Usually done by brute force, or can be done supernaturally as well.
FEATHERED VEIL OF CHARISMA: This ornate feathered veil grants a +2 bonus to Charisma checks while worn. Additionally, once per day, the wearer can release a dazzling burst of colorful feathers, forcing all creatures within 15 feet to make a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed for 1 minute. TIGER QUEEN'S GLITTERING BOOTS: These knee-high boots are embedded with sparkling sequins and allow the wearer to cast the "Misty Step" spell once per short rest, teleporting in a burst of glitter up to 30 feet. SHIMMERING SUNGLASSES: These crescent moon-shaped sunglasses grant advantage on saving throws against blinding effects and can be used once per day to cast the "Suggestion" spell on a target. GILDED CHOKER OF ELOCUTION: This exquisite choker enhances the wearer's speech and presence. They gain advantage on Charisma checks related to persuasion, and their words are imbued with a subtle charm that captivates listeners. TIGER CLAW PENDANT: A pendant in the shape of a tiger's claw, set with a sparkling gem. When worn, it grants the user enhanced agility, allowing them to add a +2 bonus to Dexterity checks and saving throws. 6.GEMSTONE HAIRPINS: A set of intricately designed hairpins embedded with sparkling gemstones. When used to secure hair, they grant the wearer advantage on Performance checks for music or dance. ENCHANTED BANGLE OF EVASION: A bangle adorned with swirling patterns. Wearing it grants the user the ability to use the "Evasion" ability as a rogue, allowing them to dodge area effect spells and abilities. SATIN RIBBON SASH: A delicate satin sash that shimmers in different colors. When worn as a belt, it grants the user the ability to cast "Color Spray" once per short rest.
COLOR SPRAY: A dazzling array of flashing, colored light springs from your hand. Roll 6d10, the total is how many hit points of creatures this spell can effect. Creatures in a 15-foot cone originating from you are affected in ascending order of their current hit points (ignoring unconscious creatures and creatures that can't see). MISTY STEP: Briefly surrounded by silvery mist, Lottie teleports up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space that you can see.
POTION OF GLAMOUR: Drinking this potion gives the user a radiant and captivating appearance, granting advantage on Charisma checks ELIXIR OF AGGRESSIVE ELEGANCE: This potion boosts the drinker's physical and mental prowess, granting a +2 bonus to Strength and Charisma for 1 hour. However, it also imposes disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws during this time due to their heightened self-assuredness. POTION OF CHARMED BANTER: After drinking this potion, the user gains the ability to engage in witty and flirtatious banter effortlessly. They have advantage on Persuasion and Deception checks for the next hour. TONIC OF SPARKLING ENERGY: This potion fills the drinker with boundless energy. For the next 10 minutes, they gain a fly speed of 30 feet and resistance to exhaustion. However, after the effect ends, they suffer one level of exhaustion. PERFUME OF ENCHANTING AURA: Applying a drop of this magical perfume grants the user a captivating aura. They gain advantage on Charisma checks and can use an action to release a burst of fragrance, casting "Calm Emotions. 6.TIGER BREW: Drinking this potion covers the user in a sparkling layer of magical glitter stripes. They become resistant to radiant damage, and any creature that makes a melee attack against them takes radiant damage in return.
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WIP Ask Game
I was tagged by @gingersprites and this looked just fun
Rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips! lol no, I don’t know that many people. I’m tagging @jeyne-stark @istaricelebelasse @salty-wench instead
this is not alphabetical because it’s got sub folders. i might be messy, but i’m messy with a system, okay
sansajeynes abo breeding porn
nedcat abo au
nedcat horndogs sequel
nedcat to keep the goddess on my side
nedcat wedding night
ramsaytheonsansa au
reyne queen servant roleplay
robb hadn
roslin frey is a gift
sayne priestess worshipper
seyne monsterfucking
theolyn theon is presumptous and must be held responsible
au in which theon and sansa went to the wall together and lyanna mormont doesn
threyne bodyheat fuck my wife theon
ned almost made it to the north safely
jontormund snippets
sansadany in the north
if you’re still bleeding you’re the lucky ones
alpenglow modern ganster au
theonsa viking au
theonsa consentancles pt3
theonsa professor sansa ta theon
theonsa siren songs and other unhappy memories
theonsa chickens!
theonsa harlaws in the house bitches
theonsa horse boi
theonsa 26 pleasure 30 mistakes prince int he tower pt2
theonsa sexual healing
throbb take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die
throbb the flood that wrecked our home
hawkefenrisisabela triad, skyhold
i wrote het question mark
josie and cass do the thing
josie and ftrevelyan save the world and then fuck off to be business wives
leliana and the mage warden do it on cullens desk
nina matthias schlachthaus au
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@gccdbyelovc​ sent a M/F smut meme
10a for dimitri & josie
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In his life Dimitri had done a lot of things, but this was definitely something on the long list of inappropriate things he’d done that he was rather excited about. He was back in his hometown whilst on break between movies and had accidentally interrupted one of his mothers classes when surprising her at work. And now here he was, eating out a student of his mothers in one of the rec rooms, giving a satisfied hum as he tasted her.
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departingsouls · 4 years
penelope park tag drop
✖ ( int. penelope park, ✖ ( pic. penelope park, ✖ ( musings. penelope park, ✖ ( wishlist. penelope park, ✖ ( ship. penelope x josie
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lcftwild · 4 years
@nexusvorti​  /  liked.
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          what do you mean she won't wake up?  they had tried everything to get hope out of the self induced coma she had put herself in, had even gone as far to contemplate taking her to an actual hospital. but the tribrid wasn't in any actual danger  --  she was completely healthy aside from not wanting to wake up. they had decided it might do more damage than good, and in the end had left her where she was; keeping her safe the best they could. but days had turned into weeks, and they were all reaching the end of their ropes when it came to solutions to their problem.  we can't just leave her in there.  what if you get stuck, too?  it's a bit of a fight to get everyone to agree with josie's plan, more so with her dad than anyone else, but in the end he caves  (  if only because she lays on a little guilt, reminding the man that hope was only stuck because she had risked it all to save his daughter  ). they set up more precautions this time around, fail safes that they think will pull josie out if she gets stuck the way hope did. stepping into the tribrid's subconscious feels a bit like trespassing, but she pushes that away, glancing around as she tries to gather her bearings and figure out where exactly they were.   "hope?"
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cottoncandysoul · 5 years
open to m/f/nb. suggested connections: anything, honestly, but bonus points if your muse is older, maybe even a professor, friend’s parent, her own sibling. josie is a sophomore in college. inc*st, stepc*st encouraged.
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          “so, are you finally going to fuck me, or are you still going to play the morality card on me?” her eyebrow ticks upward, curiosity coloring her features as she reaches across the expanse between them. she hadn’t expected to find them in a place like this - there’s a couple fucking in the corner, naked chicks dancing on poles. it’s not quite a strip club, but it’s not your run of the mill night club, either. it’s something darker, seedier, and josie scores some of her best deals in a place like this. her dress is slinky and gold, accentuating her chest, barely covering her ass and her long legs are bare. what doesn’t fit with the atmosphere are the black converse on her feet and the smokey eye she wears, her blonde hair tousled and appearing like she’d just spent the last hour with someone running their hands through it. wouldn’t be wrong considering the cock she’d had in her mouth not thirty minutes before, a complete stranger, someone whose name she doesn’t even care to know. 
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xdestinyisall · 4 years
╳┊ @nuneautnunquam​
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          Cuando estaban por avanzar colocó su brazo sobre Lizzie para evitar que avanzará. Sabía que su hermana se sentía atraída por la magia negra de aquel sujeto porque ella también pero lo reconoció, lo había visto en varios libros cuando había estado investigando. ❝——No❞ negó que avanzará pero se colocó frente a su hermana de manera protectora. ❝Eres él, Kai Parker❞ el asesino de su madre y de todo el aquelarre, no entendía como era que se encontraba ahí. 
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bugdown · 4 years
     ‘ johnny, i don’t think you want to rattle with that snake, ’ josie hisses, a firm hand pushing down against his shoulder. the guy in question? when she sticks her neck out to get a gander, she can see that he’s a full head taller than either of them. thing is, she’s already had a front row seat to the way john’s handled a pistol (bless his heart, at least he’s earnest), and while she hasn’t seen his fists, she can’t say she has much faith in those either. they’re safe for now, though, tucked away behind a half-collapsed wall.
     ‘ he’ll bust you flat on your ass before you can blink. ’ 
     she takes another quick peek over their cover. the raider, doped out of his mind, is picking through the wreckage of a gutted car without a care in the world. reservations aside, she realizes there’s no place to fight than a schoolyard, and by god have they found themselves a solid bully. she decides she ought to throw him a bone. ‘ how good’s your throwin’? ’ 
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