#( lighthearted swordsman hcs. )
intcritus · 4 months
tidbits about samael :
-> he's very quiet, only speaking if he's included in conversation. he's honestly just someone who likes to watch people. depending on if kairos is with him or not, he has to be told to blink or stop staring because it makes others uncomfortable.
-> he's a very obstinate individual when he wants to be. its not something he does to cause trouble, but he'd quite literally give his last for someone he doesn't know and not even think twice about it.
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eemamminy-art · 2 months
hc + 🚗 for a transportation headcanon pls!
Since there are cars in garlemald there's a non-zero chance that Zenos had a driver's license and I want to think he was so exacting and terrifying with his instructors. They'd all be afraid to fail him because he's the crown prince and also pretty well-known for being a living weapon masterful swordsman since childhood so each instructor he's given tries to just pass him through without any criticism.
... Failing to realize Zenos is also kind of a turbo nerd. They pass him and he's like "Wrong. That maneuver violated four different laws. Now, the real question at hand is whether you are incompetent, lazy, or intentionally trying to sabotage my lessons?" and then the instructor mysteriously disappears and he gets a new one.
For a maybe more lighthearted headcanon, I loved how in FFXVI Clive had a specific chocobo (Ambrosia my beloved) and I like to imagine people in Eorzea have bonds they develop with their chocobos too! Like imagine if Haurchefant's black chocobos he raised all had names, or like he knew the names of all the chocobos he raised who were given to various Lords in Ishgard? 🥺 it would be so cute... I know the player can do that for their wol, name their chocobo and imagine a relationship between their character and their steed, but it's so fun to imagine it for the NPCs too!!
Thematic headcanon ask meme
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goldieclaws · 1 year
On my laptop and can't access my emoji keyboard but just imagine I sent you lots n lots of sparkles for that oc ask game!
Send me ✨ for a random thing about one of my OCs!
✨ As I also call my Quartet my 'Ghirahim Expies' (bc that is what they all are at their core!), I do tend to copy over some facts about Ghirahim into them. For example, I believe and write Fi and Ghirahim as siblings so in turn:
Nameless has a younger adoptive sister called Danaë, Ghirren has a baby sister called Fae, and Sheridan also has a younger sister called Imogen!
MEW is the outlier here in that he doesn't have a sister, biological or adopted, but Nächster pretty much is his sister in all but name. And it does go both ways bc although MEW doesn't get on well with anyone and finds it very difficult to form bonds with people, he has been able to form one with her :>
✨ A joke I have with my Quartet is if they were to bond together physically, they would be able to make Ghirahim since they are his personality/skills split into four!
Nameless is a literal sword spirit and pretty flamboyant/narcissistic. Ghirren is an incredibly skilled swordsman and does have connections to a literal demon. MEW is essentially pure anger and rage personified oh my god get this bitch some therapy (as well as the child of a god which is what I hc Ghirahim to be). And Sheridan is the most intelligent/calculating/sometimes prone to causing problems on purpose with an entire gang at his beck and call if he needs them after he befriended the gang's leader by punching him in the face ghjdg.
✨ Whilst they do all have their own stories, I wrote them all when I was a sad(der) little shit and some have lightened up or stayed the same.
MEW's and currently Nameless' stories haven't changed from their original conception (but it is possible Nameless' could change when I sit down and properly draft it out), whilst Ghirren's and Sheridan's story have taken a more lighthearted turn in place, especially Sheridan's as bc the other three's stories are A Lot (be it for me or those reading the stories), I use his as a fun outlet to enjoy myself in.
After all, in his world, all four of them live together and get up to dumb hijinks so I have something funny to look back on! Maybe I will return to Sheridan's original concept but for now, I like the 'gag a day' dynamic they have lmao.
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intcritus · 8 months
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name: kairos vladimir ( he took his bestfriends last name ) age: he's also ancient height: 6'4 occupation: former swordsman, forever bff to samael. species: vampire ( turned by samael )
he grew up penniless, poor, a villager who had nothing before he met samael. the two became fast friends, and he learned plenty by samael's side, to fight, swordsmanship, to read and write. he owes a lot of his current wealth in life to his bestfriend. and he truly feels lucky that he was able to keep that bond to this day.
during one of the last wars they fought together, he'd gotten skewered by arrows, and had begged samael to turn him and he did, because they had a bond that couldn't be found anywhere and samael refused to let him go. they were brothers. and truly, kairos would have followed him to the end of the earth if it meant he could keep the joy of life in samael's life and so he did, even centuries later.
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