#( like i haven’t played sdr2 or ndrv3 in years )
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hi everyone! here’s my first big update post, where i’m gonna show off everything that i have so far! i also added a theme to my blog, so it should be easier to navigate now.
so! let’s take a look in there.
the very first thing i did was download as many old videos from 10 years ago as i could find. thankfully, there were some compiled playlists which made things easier, and i’ve found a lot of the others myself. here’s... well, just take a look for yourself.
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there’s still more beyond that, too... there’s a lot of stuff here . i haven’t even seen a fair amount of these! a lot of classics.
then i realised, hey, i should branch out beyond just videos... so i did! after that, i went and archived a lot of the official novels/text-based content that either hasn’t been released in english officially, or isn’t easily accessible. here’s what i got on that front so far! there’s still more i’m looking at.
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some of these aren’t too hard to find out there already if you want to get them yourself.
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beyond that, i got all the ripped assets from the psp version of dr1. that’s where we got all the sprites back in the day... i’m not gonna screenshot those, because you guys know what dr1 looks like. i hope.
in addition to the fandom-based videos, i also downloaded multiple fan-translated playthroughs of the games. in particular, a no-commentary LP of the original Project Zetsubou translation with all of the free-time events, a translated-text edited to be on the gameplay for sdr2, and multiple ‘live translation’ playthroughs of ndrv3. i feel these are worth archival, as they offer a look into how we used to have to experience these games...
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and i prefer the fan-translations to the official ones...
anyway! after that, i really liked the idea of finding a bunch of the old fangames for danganronpa and saving those. i was actually able to find a fair amount!
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there are a few still eluding me, unfortunately. i’ll make a post about those ‘lost’ games at some point in the future... but trust me, i spent around four hours looking for all of these games last night. it was really hard to find them!!! there are so many dead links out there now!
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hey, who remembers danganronpa the animation? you might be thinking ‘surely that can’t be hard to find’, and you’re right... it’s not! if you’re looking for the official release. back in 2013, a translation group called unlimited translation works released fansubs of drta. i was able to find a single torrent with one person seeding it of their copies. thanks so much to whoever that was, out there!
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and finally, i made some progress in saving various text-based lets plays of super danganronpa 2. i’m still working on that, and that will be likely what i do the most of today... but i do have some other things lined up...
thanks for tuning in! keep on hoping... or despairing, if that’s more your thing...
farewell, despair archivists...
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ultimatescenarios · 4 years
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          — okey guys i’ll be honest with you i have absolutely no motivation and absolutely no clue about how i’m gonna tackle the requests for more than one character akjgdfhsd ( mod piers )
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A Few Danganronpa Roleplay Plots
These roleplay plots have spoilers for the entire series of Danganronpa. Please do not continue if you haven't played through or watched a play through of the games and it is suggested that you've watched Future Arc as well!
Hey everyone! DanganMillie here with some Danganronpa roleplay plots! These are the ones I typically go to in my OC x OC Dangan roleplays so I figured I'd share them here so I can keep track of them more easily!
A Peaceful Killing School Life Compatible with: DR1, SDR2, and NDRV3 timelines This is basically an AU where nobody kills no matter what motive is given. Everyone is kinda just chilling while trying to find a way to escape the place they're in. A Glitch in the System Compatible with: SDR2 timelines There's a glitch in the Neo World Program after the Junko/Monokuma virus invades that makes it to where some of the students, including Character A and Character B, regain their memories and know what happened, but they don't turn back into a remnant of Despair. They then have to go through the killing game while trying to stop it and fight it alongside AI Chiaki and Monomi. True Reality Compatible with: NDRV3 timelines This is a plot where the survivors of the V3 killing game make it to the last class trial and find that Tsumugi is the mastermind. But, this is an AU where Tsumugi is a copycat of Junko about 20 years after the tragedy ceased to stop. She brought back the tragedy and is a Monaca level of obsessed with Junko. When Character A, Character B, and the other survivors make it our, they have to go out into the tragedy, find shelter, and then find help. Ultra? Despair? Girls? Compatible with: UDG and Future Arc timelines Basically, replacing Komaru and Toko/Touko/However the fuck you wanna spell her name/Why is there more than one way to spell her name ack with Character A and Character B. Outside of the Final Killing Game Compatible with: Future Arc timelines This is where Character A and Character B are outside of the final killing game like Yasuhiro was, and they try to help out.
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plateauofmemories · 6 years
buanyway as I obsessively play the talent development plan mode (+monokuma’s test) I can’t not think about an au that’s basically that but More because I have a problem. Thoughts so far:
-So like the Talent Development Plan everyone’s just students at HPA, and there’s no despair apocalypse. But everyone’s in the same year (I assume that’s the implication of being able to talk to any of them throughout the whole 3 years).
-HPA is still studying talent but like, they’re less bonkers about it. Like, still maybe a bit ethically questionable at times, but definitely not conducting illegal human experiments in the basement this time. But they will happily teach other people’s former human experiment subjects. Also, rules about ultimate talents are a little more lax - you can have multiple people with the same shsl title. And we’re gonna say there’s one shsl luck per homeroom instead of just per year.
-For our characters’ year there are 4 homerooms, 16 students per homeroom.
-Classroom A is the NDRV3 gang, with the shsl versions of themselves being the real versions of themselves. Some changes to backstories are in order - like Kirumi is still a super maid but she’s probably not the de-facto prime minister of Japan, and like i’m keeping in my order for the same changes to kork’s background that I ranted about before, etc - but they’re personalities are basically the same. Rantaro is the class’s shsl luck since survivor isn’t an applicable position, but he still does a shsl amount of traveling and adventuring. Maki is definitely listed as the shsl child caregiver. Miu is probably actually an augmented human but records on illegal experiments are sketchy at best.
-Classroom A is definitely barely contained chaos at all times, with Kaito and/or Kaede doing most of the containing. “Or” because neither of them are immune to being baited into the fray. Homeroom teacher is Koichi Kizakura, which is no help in controlling the situation.
-Classroom C is the SDR2 crew, -Hajime and +Sato (who is not in the goddamn reserve course goddamnit). Chiaki’s a real person a la DR3. I hated that and them being one homeroom class in DR3 but this plot isn’t going to DR1/SDR2 so it’s fine.
-Chisa is their homeroom teacher. Class C is a lively and dynamic bunch, and they most notably have most serious drama. When someone has a problem with someone else shit gets real really really fast.
-Classroom B is my B-sides, aka hpa students from other DR media that I want in here. Hajime and Izuru are not actually B-sides but they’re in this class. otherwise, current roster includes Yasuke Matsuda, the weird octuplets from dr0 but they only count as one student because they are pretending to be one student as the shsl bodyguard, the student council president from dr0, ryota mitarai, and natsumi kuzuryu (who is also definitely not in the reserve course!! Fuck you!). Also, I don’t actually know anything about what’s canon for santa shikiba, but unless something makes me decide otherwise I’m gonna stick him in here. Also, in naegi makoto’s worst day ever or whatever that was called, there was a female student originally selected to be shsl luck instead of him, and I don’t know if she actually had a name but in any case I’m gonna use that tiny bit of obscure trivia to build a character to be this class’s shsl luck. Which brings me to 9 people, so I��ve still gotta come up with some - probably gonna review the student council to pull some from there, and also see if I can think of anyone else.
-Hajime and Izuru are different people for the sake of having them both available like in the talent development plan. Though i haven’t actually played as either of them, so I don’t know if there’s any sort of explanation given/if they’re ever implied to exist at the same time. Current convoluted story I’ve come up with for my au is they’re identical twins, and they were born conjoined at the head. At some point they were surgically separated and Hajime was fine, but Izuru was not. At which point some sketchy (but incredibly skilled) neuroscientist on the surgery team was like, hey, this is the perfect opportunity. And so maybe he kidnaps Izuru after faking his death or maybe not but in any case he DOES step in to try save Izuru’s brain but also like, make him a superhuman genius talent machine at the same time, because why not. I’m thinking the kidnapping thing because maybe it’s a longer experiment that involves multiple surgeries and raising the kid in a specific way and also changing his name to izuru kamukura before he’s eventually stopped and izuru is returned to his birth family and it’s all very awkward. But anyway, the other point is that Hajime still doesn’t have a shsl talent, but he gets an exception to attend HPA’s main course because this is the more lax HPA and if there’s anything better for research than and augmented genius human, it’s an augmented genius human with a non-augmented identical twin. It’s still maybe a bit too convoluted though. Also I haven’t decided if they wear the normal HPA uniform or if Hajime has to wear the reserve course uniform and so Izuru wears it too, because fuck you (and then in the meta level I get 2 maintain that classic izuru aesthetic).
-Idk who the homeroom teacher is for Class B but former hpa student Miaya Gekkogahara is definitely employed as an assistant teacher for them. It is definitely on purpose that the ex-shsl therapist and the shsl neurologist are in the classroom with Izuru and Hajime. Anyway, other students sometimes find this class intimidating/scary, but that’s just because there are several intense aloof/arrogant assholes in the class and one snake person, or snerson, that seems capable of being in too many places at once.
-Classroom D is just the DR1 gang. I can’t decide if Junko is like herself but not obsessed with despair or if she’s like herself but not determined to cause the apocalypse, just invested in her personal despair. Also mukuro definitely gets to attend class as herself, not disguised as Junko like in the talent development plan that did not want to make her a new set of sprites just for their bonus game.
-Their homeroom teacher is the phys. ed teacher that makes a couple appearances in DR3. Class D notably becomes a very close friend group. The other students mostly don’t notice day-to-day, except if a) you go to talk to someone in their homeroom before class begins and you have this inexplicable feeling like you’re intruding or b) it’s the school festival or some other event that pits homeroom-based teams against each other. Class D gets reeeeaaaaallly intense at these competitions (and works together frighteningly smoothly).
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oshouyou · 7 years
Komaeda/Hinata scenes in NDRV3: Talent Development Mode
If anyone is interested, I’m posting the transcripts of all the Komahina interactions I’ve come across in this mode so far! It’s basically a Non-Despair AU where everyone (from every game) goes to Hope’s Peak. Since I’m playing on a PS4 I couldn’t take screencaps/video, so I just typed everything they said.
To access these you need to beat NDRV3, have at least 4 V3 characters graduate through the Talent Development Plan, use those characters to obtain currency in Monokuma Dungeon mode, and then use that currency to purchase new characters from DR1/SDR2 at random. Whew! I’ve only managed to unlock Komaeda so far so if there are any more scenes I come across I’ll update this post. 
Anyway, transcripts are below the cut! These are from the official English localization so everyone is referred to by their first names.
First year event (August) - playing as Komaeda.
Today is the summer sports festival... Your part is over, so now you can cheer for the Ultimates! Which event will you go watch?
(choose "I wonder how the boys basketball is going?")
Komaeda: Hm... that's a relief. Seems like I haven't missed the final round yet. 
Komaeda: Huh?
Komaeda: Hajime from the reserve course... what are you doing here?
Hinata: What? I'm playing basketball. They were short one person, so they asked me to step in. 
K: I see. So you're going to be a stepping stone for all the talented people to shine?
H: That's not why I'm here...
K: Then why are you here? Don't tell me you think you can stand on equal ground with them. 
H: It's true I'm different from the rest of them, but...
K: But what? There are no buts about it. 
H: No... maybe you don't understand it, but...
H: The game's about to start, so I'm gonna go. If you're here to cheer, go and take your seat. 
K: ...
You cheered for *almost* everyone at the basketball game...
Friendly square event - randomly after landing on pink square as Komaeda or Hinata (any year).
Hinata: Oh, hey Nagito. Did your homeroom end?
Komaeda: Yes, but... what brings you all the way out here, Hajime?
H: I came to return the CD Mikan gave me. Well, "gave" isn't quite right. She forced a mountain of CDs on me...
K: Hmmm. I see...
K: You know, despite your lack of an Ultimate talent, you get along well with others. But I'm terrified to be in the same class as all of them. I'm shameful...
H: Who cares? It's my choice who I hang out with. 
K: Well, I guess I can understand that. For me, I yearn for Hope's Peak... I'm drawn to that light of hope like a moth to a flame...
H: ...Nagito, do you say this kind of stuff to everyone you meet?
K: Yes, I do. Why?
H: Nothing, it's just... I don't really get it. It's exhausting trying to figure you out. 
K: Haha, you do look tired... You don't have to stay here and listen to me. You can leave me any time you like. 
H: Look, if you have a problem with me, you can leave me.
K: Oh, don't misunderstand. It's not that I don't like you, Hajime. I think I know what you want. You're even more mysterious than me...
K: We have these little talks, but are you just trying to get close to the main course students?
H: Hey, come on. You don't have to say it like I'm some kind of spy or something. 
H: Besides, that's not why I talk to you. It's because of... what you said. I still don't understand it, but I know that I'm not going to just leave it at that. 
K: I see. Such courage, Hajime. But courage in the hands of the powerless is called recklessness. 
H: Mind your own business, Nagito. You're just trying to... rile me up. 
K: ...By the way, I saw Mikan staggering off toward the schoolyard after homeroom. 
H: What? Why didn't you tell me that first!?
Third year event (December) - playing as Komaeda.
Your last winter at the academy... You were invited to a party by the symbols of Hope. But you feel like someone like you has no place at such a party... What do you do?
(choose "I'll watch everyone from the corner.")
Komaeda: Hajime... is it okay for someone as popular as you to be on the sidelines?
Hinata: I don't think it's a good idea for me to jump in during all this ruckus. 
K: That's true... if you get pulled into Ibuki and Akane's headbang contest, you'd be done for. 
K: I can't believe this Christmas at Hope's Peak will be my last one ever... I can't even laugh!
H: Don't say it like that...
K: But it is our last Christmas here. The past three years went by so peacefully. From now on, everyone's talents will shine... and I won't be able to watch. 
H: I know we've all got a bright future ahead of us. This isn't the last time we'll meet, though. 
K: Well, I don't know about for me. You might be invited, but...
H: Hey... do you really think Chiaki wouldn't invite everyone from your class?
K: Well, if it's Chiaki... she wouldn't forget me, I suppose. 
H: Yeah, so don't act like you won't be invited. 
K: Why are you telling me this, Hajime? You're not the type to gather people around you. 
H: Why do you ask? Is it weird?
K: It's more like... I can't believe you're interested in scum like me. 
H: Over these past three years, we've talked about a lot of things, haven't we? About your luck... Listening to that... Honestly, I still don't feel like I understand you. But even so... After we've talked this much... I can't let it end like this. 
K: I think there's a lot of things about me you'll never understand...
H: Maybe, but even so... I don't want to leave things like this. 
H: ...
H: Nagito... let go of my hand. 
K: What? Why?
H: Why...? This is a handshake. 
H: Normally you let go after the handshake's done... Are you trying to say you want to be friends with me?
K: ...
K: Do you think there would be any meaning in us being friends, Hajime?
H: Yes. Even something as simple as that... might change things. 
K: ...
K: Well, if you say so, then okay...
H: Alright... Since we're friends, you better come to anything I invite you to. 
K: If I'm invited by my friend... then I guess I don't have a choice, huh?
K: Well, I'd never reject an invitation to something that'd make everyone's hope shine!
...You spent a rowdy night with your friends and classmates!
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nosakkayuuma · 7 years
Year-End Fic Round-Up and Meme
2017 Fanfiction Round-Up (Template adapted from https://trey.dreamwidth.org/584.html!) My AO3 page! Total Year-Long Wordcount: AO3 tells me 18,160. Actually about 4200 of those were written last year but at this point I will take what I can get, so, Genghis Khan, you belong to 2017 now. Also, I wrote a whole ton of words in draft form, but it doesn’t count until it gets published, so I guess this year’s work will bolster next year’s (fingers crossed) word count!!
This year I wrote and posted: 6 whole new shiny fics!!! (OK, 5, because Genghis Khan was actually written by 23 December 2016 or so... but it’s near enough to 2017 that I’ll count it.) They’re all oneshots varying from 1.5k-4k in length, and fall in either the Inazuma Eleven or Saint Seiya fandoms. More under the cut~
Overall Thoughts Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted? I wrote a heck of a lot less than I thought. Should probably figure out how to write faster next year. I have been thinking of taking 1 day out of the 5-day workweek off for writing, but ultimately I think it’s either anime/manga/video games or writing which is not a fun thing to consider. This year, I have played a lot more video games, which I think is a great thing, but maybe not if it affects my writing (not saying that it does... correlation does not equal causation x)) What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? Saint Seiya fits the closest, because even though I had started watching it by then it firmly fell (and still falls) in the category of fandoms where I don’t feel like there’s anything I can contribute. What's your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest? It has to be What draws me to you. No contest. I feel like I just about put myself into a depressive funk for 2 weeks just writing it and it was really worth it. And, for once, the title came to me and I didn’t have to do silly Google tricks or listen to a million songs to come up with a title. Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? This year was so tame, I guess the biggest risk I took was in [redacted] (it is still not posted under my account due to being judged in a writing contest... but it is up, go look for it please) where I played around with nonlinear narratives... KIND OF. I guess I should take more risks next year, which I was already planning to do anyway but am definitely gonna do now! OKAY I went back to this because while I have mentally blocked out all the effort of working on [redacted] from my mind because it’s taking like four months to judge a contest and I’m a little frustrated... umm... I mean, anyway. I definitely thought long and hard about meta for once when writing it, and tried my hardest to make it so that readers had to put the pieces together to figure out what I was trying to do. One can say I was too subtle; honestly I’m not sure because there has not been a lot of feedback. Still, while it was a gruelling experience writing it, it was fun in the end, and the end result is pretty nice too. From my past year of writing, what was.... My best story of this year: What draws me to you My most popular story of this year: It was First Time according to hits, but that’s to be expected since the Saint Seiya fandom is a lot larger than the Inazuma Eleven fandom. Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: What draws me to you What draws me to you What draws me to you also [redacted] Most fun story to write: Okay to be honest, it was Peripeties, mostly because it was so fun to revisit the world of Renegade (my Fudou longfic about him between Shin Teikoku and Inazuma Japan) again and also think about what my convenience store gang OCs would be like a few years on. Antagonistic Fudou flowed so easily as well. Also I really enjoy thinking about Teikoku high school :^) Story with the single sexiest moment: I guess I’ll have to say [redacted], since there’s like, an established relationship in it which is probably the closest thing to sexy. I mean in Genghis Khan Someoka and Fubuki share a Look and in What draws me to you Fudou and Sakuma fucking hold hands. What more do you want from me!!! A kiss?! Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story: I guess that’s on my to-do list for next year. Actually, one of my WIPs (the one I wrote 20k words of notes/first draft during NaNoWriMo for but haven’t got around to refining) will have elements of that...  Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: Definitely A Request, because I never write Gouenji or Kidou so I learned quite a bit about them while writing it. Which is probably a hint that I should challenge myself next year lol.  Hardest story to write: I don’t remember any of them being particularly difficult to write, which is weird because when I eat my own cooking I remember how much effort I had to put in to make it (although the fact that there’s a much shorter wait between cooking and eating probably explains that). Probably What draws me to you. I obsessed over every word, I did so much research (but it was interesting reading), I focused so hard on the vague images in my mind and tried to translate them faithfully into text... Biggest Disappointment: I am not entirely satisfied with [redacted] which is probably a good thing. I don’t think it’s quite exactly what I wanted to write, but only minutely different. Biggest Surprise: I guess I didn’t realise how big (or HyoShun-starved?) the Saint Seiya fandom was until I posted First Time and watched the hits grow day by day. Most Unintentionally Telling Story: I already did all of that in Renegade so I guess being its sequel, Peripeties is probably it. Favorite Opening Line(s): When Raimon had been told that they would all be sent to various schools around Japan to serve on their reinforcement committee, Someoka had been over the moon. Finally, some real responsibility. Then they had told him that he was assigned to the boondocks. From Genghis Khan Favorite Closing Line(s): I mean I could pick any of my emotional punchlines or whatever but who am I kidding, it has to be from First Time. "Nii-san," Shun finally said. He took the potent cocktail from the counter and drank, eyes sparkling with mischief. "Whoever said we weren't?"  Favorite 5 Line(s) from Anywhere: His heartbeat quickened, and he was about to drop Fudou's hands, only to freeze as Fudou started to tug his fingers closer in with his own and intertwine them together. Their palms touched, and Sakuma felt the calloused skin where Fudou's fingers met his palm. He couldn't help but close his fingers around Fudou's cool hands and give them just one light, hesitant squeeze. The answering pressure sent Sakuma's heart madly aflutter, and Fudou flushed, complexion growing darker even as he stubbornly maintained eye contact. The two of them stared at each other for the shortest eternity, or was it the longest moment? To be honest, there were multiple contenders for this just from What draws me to you alone, but after a close fight this won. Top 5 Scenes from Anywhere You Would Choose to Have Illustrated:  1. What draws me to you, New Year’s festival at the temple, Sakuma in a suit, Miyabino next to him, both staring at a rogueish corn vendor Fudou in a dark blue kimono who’s fanning the coals with a rolled up sheet of newspaper, to the orange backdrop of the setting sun. I WANT THIS SO BAD I CAN’T EVEN 2. The final punchline of First Time. Shun’s sly grin!!! 3. What draws me to you, Fudou and Sakuma holding hands and all around them is the flowy, fluffy white of sakura petals 4. The chicken nugget confrontation in Peripeties! 5. Sakuma being a badass in [redacted]. Shouldn’t be more specific than that but I don’t think there are many scenes of Sakuma being a badass in that fic anyway... Also I have to say that my friend Ro illustrated the shooting stars scene in Peripeties and it’s soooooooo. Good!! <3 Fic-writing goals for 2018: 1. Finish Real Illusions, my Souda- and Sonia-centric post-SDR2 [Super Danganronpa 2] fic. OHHHHHH MY GOD. I THOUGHT THIS YEAR WOULD BE THE YEAR SINCE DR3 /AND/ NDRV3 WERE BOTH RELEASED. APPARENTLY NOT. 2. Finish part 1 of Blind Sin AU, and also think of a title for it instead of constantly calling it Blind Sin AU all the time, I guess. 3. Finish Redemption? To be honest I want to focus equally on original next year so I’m not exactly going to write 20 fics or anything like that. 4. Oh, yes. Try to push myself by writing characters, situations, styles, structures etc. I’m not familiar with.
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gumshu-blog1 · 8 years
The rules are simple! Post ten characters you’d like to role play as, have role played as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can and tag the same amount of people). Aside from that, please repost instead of reblogging!
CURRENTLY PLAYING: Shuuichi Saihara (NDRV3) Belka (Fire Emblem Fates - semi active) Sayaka Maizono (DR1 - on hiatus)
WANT TO PLAY: Hapu (Pokemon Sun & Moon) Mitama (Fire Emblem Fates) Maribelle (Fire Emblem Awakening)
HAVE PLAYED: Celestia Ludenberg (DR1) Luea (Lady Jewelpet) Various OCs
TAGGED BY :   @invegold
TAGGING: I got tagged in this like a million years ago so I dunno who’s done it since then. SO... if you haven’t and can think of 10 characters, DO THE THING.
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