#( mallory kava. )
mallorykava · 4 years
{ shay mitchell ♔ 30 ♔ she/her } well, well, well if it isn’t [MALLORY KAVA] running around peach hollow. legend has it, they come from [BLUEBERRY BOULEVARD] and have lived here for [A MONTH]. if you’re wondering what they’ve been up to, i hear they’re a [CLOTHING DESIGNER] for a living. they have been known to be [IMPULSIVE] yet [INNOVATIVE]. a word of advice to them, always look over your shoulder. you never know who is watching.
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Mallory is from texas.
She grew up a bit of a tom boy, taking after her older brother. She played soccer and was on swim team during school.
Depsite having a tom boy side, mallory adored fashion - something she had in common with her mother. She would flip through her mom's old magazines and go shopping together.
After graduation she made the tough choice to go to new york for college, applying to a design school there. It helped that one of her friends was also planning to go to new york to study.
Being family orientated it wasn't easy being so far away from her family so mal often made trips back home.
It was during that first year in new york that mallory got a call saying that her brother  had been in an accident and her brother didn't make it. The passing of her brother crushed mallory. Flying home instantly to be with her family.
She returned back to new york shortly after the funeral. Going back to an unfamiliar city didn't help mallory's mindset, she quickly fell deeper into a depression and started using drugs and alcohol to cope.
She began failing her class, if she even bothered to show. Her friend stepped in, calling her parents to tell them she was not okay. While she was angry at first, eventually she was grateful for the intervention. Taking a break from school to get back on her feet.
She returned to school the following year. The college allowed her to return on academic probation.
Her parents also had some rules about her returning, she had to agree to see a counselor every two weeks to check in.
Mallory threw herself into her school work, if she couldn't distract herself by other means than working continuously was the next best option.
She managed to turn her grades around, doing well enough to get an internship with a local company.
The work hard attitude she developed never went away, which was very beneficial to her career. After the internship she managed to get a job at a company working as a designer.
Mallory was content with that for a few years, she got some notably with her work.
She would also occasionally moonlight as a personal stylist.
Wanting a change of pace from new york, mallory decided to move to peach hollow.
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therestlesswitch · 5 years
Witchcraft for the Restless, Ep. 1 - Welcome, all Restless Witches!
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Listen on iTunes,  Podbean and Stitcher, ! 😁
Hello, Friends! Welcome to all you wonderful, restless, witchy people!  This episode is an introduction to me and my practice, a chat about tradition and ritual, how it can centre us, and some ways that you can incorporate some traditions and ritual into your life.  
And then we have our recurring segments. In RestlessWitch’s Community (now called Coven Corner), I answer an ask about what energy feels and looks like to me. In podcast community, I share some of my favourite podcasts and what i’ve been listening to this week. This week’s Witchcraft segment features the California poppy and in the Restless segment, I’ll tell you about my current crochet project. And we’ll close with a tarot reading that will advise us on how to reach our goals.
I’ll be posting bonus content and episodes (including the next episode of WftR) on Patreon for anyone who’s a Meadow Witch contributor and up!
The transcript can be found here.
That tarot mat that I talked about is coming along quite nicely!But I played yarn chicken and lost! So I'll be making the trek back to the little boutique I found this yarn at to get some more!
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And here's the cards from our tarot reading. This deck is so gorgeous. I wasn't sure I'd like this style, but I could get lost in these cards. And the artist's instagram feed is magnificent.
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Thank you so much for listening, all the links mentioned in the podcast are below:
Blog Instagram Twitter Submit questions either through my blog’s ask box, or email me at [email protected] Support the show through Patreon, paypal or ko-fi Tarot for the wild soul ep. 60 Miriam Webster dictionary definitions of tradition and ritual Brigid’s cross tutorial: Part 1 Part 2 Restless Community at 32:15 Podcast Community at 34:55 Harry potter and the Sacred Text TheFatFeministWitch ep. 43 Interview with Mallory Kirsten, the Joy Goddess The Serpent Cast Kava—NOPE Witchcraft segment at 39:23 California Poppy - Eschscholzia californica Restless segment at 43:16 Tarot reading at 44:13 So much love to you all!
- Kai, TheRestlessWitch
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mallorykava · 4 years
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