#( munday ✨️)
rangersav · 8 months
me if u even care :/
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izzysarchivedblogs · 6 months
I'll post a munday photo a little later, still laying in the guest bed at my friends, but happy munday! I was born today, I am officially 26, I don't know what we are doing, but chilling at my friends for the week has been good so far.
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mastcrmarksman · 6 months
you’ve been BONKED
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reevezs · 2 months
*16 and 17 for the Munday meme pls?*
Munday Meme
Favourite trope?
All post-apo things, everything post-apo, deadly viruses and zombies. I Am Legend, but the dog doesn't die. Bonding over something traumatic. A character is forced to do something horrible for the right reason, so their moral compass goes crazy.
Least favourite trope?
I don't like writing period things or fantasy, especially if it encourages plots like The Chosen One living under the staircase until everything changes on his 11th birthday or Forbidden Love (✨️This is the skin of a killer, Bella✨️). Or when a character is invincible, stronger or faster than everyone else, just because.
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tadpoleatemybrain · 4 months
Munday post ✨️
I also sew/cosplay
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Currently working on a cosplay for Maomao from The Apothecary Diaries
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Might start working on a Marcille cosplay
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Or maybe Coco
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But I probably shouldn't...I have a backlog of projects rn @_@
(Still haven't finished Willow)
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polteashop · 1 year
Hey guys, happy munday!! :D It's my last day of school today so I'm really excited about that!! ^^
Send me a ✨️ and the name of a Canon Pokemon trainer and I'll give you my headcanons for them!!!
Feel free to send in as many as you like to help keep the boredom away!!
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ofluminance-a · 1 year
still waiting to hear back on whether the application that hubby & i put through for an apartment got approved or not. after not hearing back, i called, and the app was put through today so in 48 hrs we should know. 😩 with that, currently, i am just a bubble of anxiety. distractions are welcome! & speaking of, i'm gonna do some blog revamp tonight and work on some things to zen. ✨️ ily all, happy munday! 💕
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(Oh, look a meme I wanted to send about a week ago and it's Munday again. XD I know there's kinda a lot on here.. If it's too many I starred the ones I want to know the most about. That takes off 3 lol)
*dash games
*your current RPC
*your character
*an old muse
your choice!
Oh look!! A wild munday meme, i posted monday last week, got monday this week and decided to reply to on a wednesday PFFFFGGGHHHH!!
Thanks rainy! I appreciate your asks any day of the week x'D
I have a love-hate relationship with icons. I simultaneously love them for how expressive they can make a post and hate how hard the icon game is on tumblr.
Like one expression can breathe so much more life into a reply or make the intentions you have so much more evident.
Whenever i see people using icons, i see perfect borders or even banners and uniformly sized colorcore icons... and the i feel embarassed.
I decided though that the icons i have might be crooked, not perfect and all a bit weirdly shaped...
But they are mine and they feel very comfortable to use for me in the shape and with the inclusion of exactly how much expression i want!
dash games
I mean they aren't life changing to me, but i always find it sweet if somebody tags me in one and it takes some time, but i usually do them.
If i can identify with the game that is.
What i want to clarify is though that nobody should feel forced to take part in dash games and even if you get tagged in one, you have every right to refuse. Simple as that.
Gotta say it as it is, I reslly like shipping. It gives me great chances to explore my character more and also their partner.
Usually it is "no strings attached" with me on all muses, which might be because i myself am aromantic... like my muses usually don't care much for romance and are hardly social... but somerimes, there is just this one ship that makes my heart sing 😌✨️
your current RPC
- is actually the best RPC i have ever been in. I have seen a lot of drama here and shit has hit the fan so often for me... but it just feels like home.
I want to come back and go on being here again inevitably.. i have long since stopped trying to explain this. I feel seen and respected and accepted here, i also feel like i am contributing stuff to the fandom and maybe i have also helped shaping it a little bit back in the day.... 🤷‍♀️
It just feels good to be here, i barely get any anxiety and i just love my muses 💚
your character
Honestly, I can't even tell you how i came to rp this complicated miserable mess of a character....
One day i just woke up with this thought in my head that there should be a fleshed out version of Yami Marik. I pondered how this could happen, like... he wasn't fully formed inside of Marik and then obviously killed as well.... the only way in my head was to arrange something in the shadow realm, which i did right after and then the headcanons and feelings came flooding...
By now I reached the level where his brain is as much my own, when i slip him over me like a glove and the words just keep flowing... asking me for headcanons without specifics is always pure chaos, because he is so interwoven with me now, that i know in EVERY situation what he would do, but when prompted with a random i am like: ....... but i need something to react to ..... what do you want to know.... i can't think something out.... GIVE ME SOMETHING TO KNOW HOW HE WOULD THINK ABOUT IT X'D
an old muse
Well another muse which I used to play was
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... i think we get the direction my muses usually take now lhjfhsihhhdfkhhx.
Anyway, Flowey was relatively recent and I don't actually play as him anymore. I used to have a love-hate relationship with that too... you know he is a very angery boi, which is cathartic, but it's always keeping tough face with him, or you are risking slipping into mental break down territory.
Also... Underzale fandom didn't feel like here. I wasn't really able to get to know people and additionally, i just used it as a replacement, because i didn't feel comfortable coming back here... i wasn't in s good mental place... like nothing felt right. I think that overflow just went into this muse and actually was what i needed to work through my bad feelings, so thanks Flowey... you seemed to be toxic but you were the healing that I needed.
What a weird thing to put into a munday list LOL that's like asking: what do you think about the reblog button?
Honestly though.... blocking might be rude to some or an overreaction to others, but I PERSONALLY find it as necessary as breathing. There is some content that you simply can't blacklist, some people, who don't sit right with you, some topics that are beyond traumatic.... and some situations and relationships that looked like a dream but ended up being unbearably toxic.
BLOCKING is a necessary and useful device and should be considered in any and all situations of doubt, fear, toxicity, drama and generally feelings of unwell. Not to forget outright HATE.
Everybody - and I repeat - EVERYBODY deserves the security and self-love in their life to remove themselves from perceived and real danger of mental, emotional and physical properties. This is hard to do in RL and sometimes you have to just deal with your problems head on there or compromise about things to survive.
You should NEVER hsve to do this, especially not online, while doing domething you love and enjoy. All of us deserve to be happy, loved and feel okay. And if there is something - or somebody - that/who causes you to feel constant anxiety, terrible feelings, like you have to give a part of yourself up that you simply can't and won't budge on, that you are unwilling to talk and compromise about, do yourself the service and use the blocking function. You don't have to compromise, you don't have to talk about it, you DO NOT have to EXPLAIN YOURSELF.
Use this knowledge and lead a happier online life. I saw pictures of self harm on my time line once, which i actually have blacklisted, which wasn't tagged and it is very okay to INSTANTLY block this person in anxiety alone. Bloggers cannot keep your timeline trigger free all the time and you deserve to give yourself the attention to remove this harmful content from yourself.
NO QUESTIONS ASKED. You have the highest priority and then everything else follows.
your choice
Oh goody... uhm... I want to repeatedly thank people like you, who are interested in me and my muses and want to know what i have to say. I don't easily leave my shell sometimrs, even though i come off as bubbly and open and social.... i am... really not.
And it's mostly because I made a lot of bad choices about toxic people in my life... people who pretended to like me, pretended to want to know me, ridiculed me and every bit of my being and never took me seriously from a very young age... and it kinda fucked with my self-worth.
That's why i am so baffled, when somebody expresses wishes to know me and that is also why i say sorry a lot and try to explain every bit of "failure" to write better, faster and longer replies ^^
So... it still baffles me sometimes, when i find out that a lot of people honestly like me now... whenever my babbling goes on your nerves, i hope this explains most of it, LOL 💚✨️
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izzysarchivedblogs · 6 months
happy birthday!!!
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Thank you so much. I hope that you have a marvelous munday to you! 🧛‍♀️🦅💖✨️
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woozyhere · 2 months
it's munday, folks - back from the ball tourney, burned, sore, and now I'm all yours ✨️ came home and immediately got cuddles from billy (the white one) and bit in the ass by stu (the brown one)
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belueberries · 5 months
@reiketsui sent:
6 & 16 for munday meme !
munday asks but it's saturday instead
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What other fandoms are you in, apart from this one?
I'm gonna treat this as which other rpcs I'm a part of, because I feel that's more cut and dry, you know? Like, I love the X-Men, but I don't write it. So. On my main blog, I write a lot of Bet.hesda. TES, Fal.lout, that's sorta thing. I've got Ghost lore, The Wit.cher books, R.DR2, Borde.rlands, Monstrr Prom, and SDV.
@rottenlvck is a Bord.erlands oc, but she's my most sad-eyed, pathetic rat, I'll put her into anything. Pokémon verse included.
@axtinguishcr is my TF2 Red Pyro blog. I love that silly ass character. He's a monster.
And I think we've got all my Pokémon blogs fairly well covered.
What is your favorite band/music genre?
Yes. I love most music. Not big into modern country or top 40s pop, but chances are, you put something on, and I'll feel it.
My favorites are Melvins, Ghost, SkraeckOedlan, Blitzen Trapper, Josh Ritter, and Alice in Chains. A mess.✨️
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strebcrarchivess · 1 year
🎊 I’m happy to have met you!!!
👍 You’re doing great! Keep it up!
👌 Your character portrayal is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!
☺ I love our muses’ relationship! (Mana really looks up to Ebi and it make me happy)
Munday Interactions
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Ahhhhhhh thank you :^D honestly Sterber's and Mana's relationship makes me happy too 😭✨️✨️✨️
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munday asks!
🎈 — gender and/or sexuality Genderfluid/nonbinary pansexual disaster.
🖤 — what was one of the worst/most depressing moments you’ve had in the rpc? Hearing about what someone who I considered a friend was saying behind my back.
✨ — what would you change about yourself, if anything? That's such a long list. But I'll stick with one for now - I wish I appeared more androgynous.
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munday asks!
🎄 — favorite holiday(s)?
//Hmmm that one is tough because I am not a very holidays type of person, but if I had to choose, Christmas is alright (Even if in this side of the hemisphere its pretty fucking hot)
🍝 — favorite food?
//Milanesas for casual food (argentinian food, google it), if we getting fancy I love lamb raviolli with mushrooms and for dessert nothing tops Tiramisu
✨ — what would you change about yourself, if anything?
//the aforementioned unsubtle loud and easy going way of me being is fine, I'd just like to have a *bit* more control about it kek
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ofgravitation-moved · 2 years
happy munday! have a few of my favorite engagement photos from january because i woke up thinking of them and am still so obsessed with how pretty they are! 😍 still can't believe i get to marry my best friend & go to disney on my honeymoon for the 50th anniversary in october!!!! ✨️❤️ headed to work soon! mondays are always busy, but if it's not i'll be mobile-- or i'll catch ya later! have a great munday!
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ofluminance-a · 1 year
waiting in the lobby while my car gets a much needed oil change, so mobile replies / asks are a'comin'! happy munday! 🤗
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here's a few pics of an impromptu trip hubby and i took to disney world about a month ago! ✨️
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