#( pic: klaus mikaelson )
daenysthedreamer101 · 7 months
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Klaus Mikaelson, the Original Hybrid
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monsieurbbh · 1 year
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“Don’t let me in with no intention to keep me.”
It Will Come Back - Hozier
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Characters: Team K Evil from The Vampire Diaries
Song: Centuries by Fall Out Boy
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taintedbloodlines · 1 year
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send 🖼️ and i’ll make a moodboard of our muses’ relationship: for @little-miss-buffy who requested Klaus & Buffy
she's not the type to swoon for pretty lies
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wholoveseggs · 9 months
Truth or Dare?
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18+ ---- {Masterlist}
You find yourself at a party you don't really want to be at. You meet the Mikaelson siblings and a game of truth or dare unfolds, revealing your secret and sparking a connection that changes the course of the night.
~HumanAU where the Mikaelsons are all 20-25ish. It just makes more sense that way... Because why would old-ass vampires be at a college party?~
5k words - Warnings: drinking, praise, oral sex, loss of virginity, Kol and Klaus being immature.
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You weren't quite sure what prompted you to attend this party; typically, you preferred the comfort of home. Maybe it was the monotony of spending too much time within the familiar walls of your apartment, and your instincts nudged you towards a change of scenery.
However, upon arrival, the desire to leave struck you immediately. The music was terrible and too loud, and the stench of sweat and alcohol was overpowering. And most importantly, your confidence was lacking. You didn't know anyone and weren't really sure why you wanted to attend in the first place.
So, naturally, you did what you always do at these uncomfortable events: drink.
The tequila was the only thing keeping your sanity intact, and by your fourth shot, you felt yourself loosen up. Your inhibitions were lowered, and a warm buzz settled in the pit of your stomach.
You wandered into the living room, sitting down on the sofa with a group of people, they all seemed to know each other and were engaged in a conversation you didn't follow. But that was okay, the liquor made everything easier.
"Hi, I haven't seen you around here before, what's your name?" Said a pretty blonde woman with a kind smile.
"I'm Y/N, nice to meet you." You introduced yourself, shaking her hand.
"I'm Rebekah, and this is my boyfriend Marcel, and my brother's Elijah and Kol." She said, gesturing to each man in turn.
Marcel and Kol appeared pleasant, but Elijah was another matter entirely. The moment your gaze locked with his, you felt captivated. He wasn't just handsome; he was stunning. His warm, soft eyes and the way he smiled made your stomach flutter. 
As Rebekah spoke about something, you struggled to concentrate, Elijah was a distraction you couldn't look away from. He could tell, and his knowing smirk made your cheeks redden. You quickly averted your gaze and looked at Rebekah. She didn't seem to have noticed the exchange between you and her brother, and you breathed a sigh of relief.
Another man walked into the living room, holding a bottle of bourbon and a few glasses. He had blonde curly hair, and the same mischievous twinkle in his eye as Kol.
"Move over Kol, you are in my spot," he said, plopping down onto the sofa next to him. He started pouring the drinks before looking up and noticing you.
"Who are you? I don't believe we have met, love."
"She's a new friend, Nik." Rebekah interrupted before you could answer.
"It's a pleasure." He said with a devilish grin, you could tell he was trouble.
As the conversation continued, you found yourself growing more and more comfortable. Everyone was friendly, and although you didn't contribute much, they were all very welcoming.
"Okay, I'm bored, let's play a game!" Rebekah suggested, looking around the circle.
"Let's play truth or dare," Kol suggested, wiggling his eyebrows.
"That's a bit juvenile, isn't it?" Elijah asked, and Kol glared at him.
"Come on, Elijah. You are no fun, live a little." Rebekah piped up, and Elijah shrugged, agreeing.
"Okay, Klaus, truth or dare?" Rebekah asked.
"Dare," he replied, taking a swig of bourbon.
"Okay, I dare you to..." she trailed off, trying to think of an appropriate dare. "Send a nude pic to that girl, uh- Cami."
"Already did that today, dear sister," Klaus replied nonchalantly, taking a sip of his drink.
Rebekah rolled her eyes at her brother's behavior. "I thought you were classier than that," she teased.
"It was at her request," He answered with a chuckle, shrugging his shoulders. “I can send her another one if you want,” he offered with a grin.
"I'm good, thanks," Rebekah responded with a laugh.
Klaus called on Marcel, "Truth or dare, Marcellus,"
"Dare, always." Marcel responded, a challenging smirk tugging at his mouth.
"Okay," Klaus chuckled, rubbing his hands together. "I dare you to moon whoever comes into the living room next,"
"Challenge accepted." He replied, cracking a grin, and raising his glass in a toast.
A poor unsuspecting party goer got more than he bargained for when Marcel dropped his trousers and mooned him when they wandered into the room. He yelled in horror and ran out as the living room erupted with laughter.
"Okay, my lovely girl, truth or dare?" Marcel asked, kissing Rebekah on the cheek.
"Truth." She smiled back.
"Where was the craziest place you have had sex," he said, unable to control his laughter.
"I rather not know that," Kol interjected, shuddering visibly,
"Relax," Rebekah laughed. "I always keep it classy, unlike Nik over there."
She pondered the question for a moment.
"In a pool," She finally answered with a sly smile.
"Spectacular, I love learning about my siblings sex lives," Elijah muttered sarcastically under his breath, clearly irritated by the games.
You didn't like them either, you couldn't relax and enjoy the fun. If they asked you any questions about your sex life, or lack of one, your shame and embarrassment would swallow you whole.
"It's your turn dear, truth or dare?" Rebekah asked, breaking you out of your inner musings.
"Oh um, dare," You answered, you didn't feel brave enough to choose truth.
"I dare you to uh—kiss who you find most attractive here,"
Your face flushed and your heart leapt into your chest. You studied them all closely, and while all four men were very handsome, there was only one who made your pulse race and your body tremble.
You slowly leaned in and pressed your lips to Elijah's cheek, he smelled like pine trees and a hint of cologne. His skin was soft and warm against your lips, and he turned slightly, making your mouth graze the corner of his. Your face reddened, and you pulled away.
"Is that the best you can do, darling?" Kol interjected.
"Leave her be, Kol," Elijah responded, a faint smile pulling at his mouth.
"I think she should have to go again, a kiss on the cheek doesn't count," Klaus responded.
Embarrassment surged through your chest, intensifying the urge to flee the room. The alcohol heightened every emotion, amplifying the unpleasant feelings of humiliation.
"I'm not going to make her kiss anyone," Rebekah insisted, growing annoyed.
"This is supposed to be fun," Marcel agreed, and Kol rolled his eyes, taking another sip of his drink.
"Then do a truth instead," Kol insisted, unwilling to let it drop. "I would like to know her secrets."
"Fine, truth." You whispered, and the entire room grew quiet, everyone eager to learn more about the mysterious newcomer.
"How many people have you been with?" Rebekah asked, voice sympathetic, she was trying to go easy on you, not knowing about the secret you were holding inside.
"Uh...I... Uhm.." you stammered.
"Come on, either you haven't kept track of the number or there isn't one at all," Klaus chimed in, nudging Kol with his shoulder and snickering.
"There isn't a number." You whispered, your face warm from embarrassment.
"What the bloody hell is that supposed to mean," Kol asked, looking back and forth at his siblings, before his gaze landed on yours, confusion written all over his face.
"Shut up Kol!" Rebekah chided, looking at you apologetically.
"She's a virgin, you idiotic git, leave her alone," Klaus mumbled under his breath, sipping from his burbon and ignoring the nasty look that Kol sent his way.
The silence in the room was deafening, the shock on their faces was almost comical. They didn't mean to hurt your feelings, but the humiliation and shame was overwhelming. You felt like a freak, your face was flushed, and the tears were threatening to spill over.
Marcel cleared his throat awkwardly, he tried to give you a reassuring smile, but he didn't seem to know what to say.
"Well," He stated, interrupting the silence. "It's your turn to ask Kol," He smiled at you, hoping it would ease your embarrassment.
You contemplated leaving but knew you'd draw even more attention to yourself. You decided to use this chance to get back at Kol.
"I dare you to go out into the backyard, strip naked and yell at the top of your lungs that you love Nik,"
"Ooh, she is ruthless," Klaus exclaimed, laughing, the alcohol had loosened him up.
"But you're my brother, I can't." He argued.
"It's the rules," Klaus chimed in.
Kol reluctantly agreed, and the six of you made your way outside. It was dark, and no one was back there, it would be easy for him to complete the dare and not get caught.
"I hope someone is out here and hears this," You giggled, enjoying watching Kol squirm.
He removed his clothes and stood naked in the yard, yelling at the top of his lungs,
"I love you, Niklaus."
He returned to the house, and his siblings howled with laughter, and you had tears streaming down your cheeks.
"I hate you all," He muttered, and they continued to tease him.
Kol gave you a glare, and Elijah was looking at you intently, a smile playing upon his face. Kol looked back and forth between the two of you, before his signature grin spread back across his face.
"Elijah's turn," he announced.
"Dare," his older brother challenged him with a cold stare.
"Oooh, yes," Kol rubbed his hands together, excited to see what he would come up with.
"I dare you to take her upstairs, and pop her little cherry."
"KOL!" Elijah yelled, growing angry.
Rebekah smacked his arm and Elijah glared at his younger brother with his dark brown eyes, shooting daggers.
"No, nope, not okay." Marcel interjected, not enjoying the uncomfortable shift of energy that had taken place around the room.
You had enough of their teasing, it was too much. You jumped to your feet, tears stinging the back of your eyes, and you started toward the front door.
"Wait, where are you going?" Rebekah called after you.
"Home, it's late and I have to work tomorrow," You lied, not wanting them to know how hurt and humiliated you were.
"I'm sorry, darling, I was just teasing," Kol said, his face had fallen and his expression was one of genuine regret.
"It's fine," you said, trying to hide the quiver in your voice.
"Wait, I'll drive you," Elijah insisted, getting up.
"No, it's okay, I will walk, the fresh air will be nice," You assured him, not wanting to prolong this any further.
"Please, let me walk you, it's no trouble," Elijah said, offering his arm.
Kol and Klaus shared a glance, smirking at each other.
You reluctantly agreed and took his arm, feeling the heat rise to your face. He was a perfect gentleman and a welcomed distraction from the pain of their teasing.
"Have fun brother," Klaus said, winking at his older brother, who rolled his eyes, leading you outside.
Once the door was closed, the tears began to flow. You tried to wipe them away, not wanting him to see how much their teasing had affected you.
"Ignore him, he is a fool." He said, placing his hand over yours.
"I'm fine, really," You said, unconvincingly.
"No, you are not," he insisted, handing you a handkerchief from his pocket. He took your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
"Thank you, Elijah." You said, dabbing at the corners of your eyes.
You walked in silence for a while, hand in hand, the warm breeze tickling your faces. His presence was calming, and he seemed to have an innate sense of empathy, picking up on your mood.
"May I ask you something?" He inquired, breaking the silence.
"Of course," You agreed, glancing at him, trying to gauge his expression.
"Why haven't you been with anyone? Surely you could have your choice of men." He asked, his voice curious, not judgmental.
Your heart fluttered in your chest, and you could feel the heat rising in your cheeks.
"I-I uh... well..." you trailed off, unsure of how to answer his question.
"Please, don't be embarrassed," He insisted, rubbing circles on the back of your hand with his thumb.
"It's just— I haven't had the opportunity, and well— no one has ever asked," You said, biting your lip, a wave of nervousness washing over you.
"No one has ever asked, or you have not allowed anyone to?" He inquired, gazing into your eyes, his expression kind and understanding.
"Both, I guess." You shrugged, a sad smile tugging at the corners of your mouth. "Also..."
You were internally debating on whether or not to tell him the real reason, he was a stranger, after all. But there was something about him that put you at ease.
"I've never had an orgasm," you confessed, not daring to meet his gaze.You stared down at the ground, feeling mortified.
Elijah chuckled softly, and you could feel the tears stinging your eyes again. You were ready to bolt when he wrapped his arm around you and pulled you to his side.
"You are so sweet, and beautiful. I think you are overthinking things." He said, rubbing your arm soothingly.
Perhaps he was right, maybe that was the problem. Maybe it was the stress that kept you from enjoying yourself.
You arrived at the entrance to your building, and turned to face him, feeling shy.
"Thank you for walking me home," You said, biting your lip, butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
"It was my pleasure," He said, bringing your hand to his lips and kissing it gently.
You felt a rush of heat flood through you and you knew this was an opportunity you couldn't let go to waste. You leaned forward and gently pressed your lips to his, your hands trembling as you touched his chest.
"I'm sorry," you breathed, breaking the kiss. "This was stupid of me, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-”
He cut you off, gently guiding the back of your neck and pulling you close, kissing you deeply. Your heart was hammering in your chest and your head was spinning. You wrapped your arms around his neck, tangling your fingers in his hair.
He felt so nice and warm, his body pressing against yours. His lips were soft, and he tasted sweet. You let out a soft sigh, melting into his touch.
He broke the kiss, looking down at you with hooded eyes, and a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
"Do you want to come upstairs?" You breathed, looking up at him.
"Very much so," He murmured, before kissing you again.
You led him into the building, and up the stairs, to the small one bedroom apartment that you rented. You unlocked the door and stepped inside, feeling your heart fluttering in your chest.
He followed you in, his eyes wandering around the room, taking everything in. You stood awkwardly in the middle of the living room, unsure of what to do or say.
"This is a nice place," He remarked, walking around the small space.
"Thanks, it's not much, but it's home,"
He nodded and walked over to the couch, sitting down and patting the seat next to him.
You sat down, your legs shaking slightly. He smiled at you, taking your hand and squeezing it gently.
"Now, tell me what's wrong," he coaxed, stroking your cheek with his thumb, his eyes filled with concern.
"I'm just nervous," You admitted, your face growing hot.
He leaned in, capturing your lips in a deep kiss. You relaxed into him, letting out a soft sigh. He kissed you slowly and gently, his hands wandering to your waist.
"Come here," He whispered, pulling you onto his lap, straddling his legs.
You could feel his arousal growing between your legs, his hardness pressing against your inner thigh. It made your heart race, you were so nervous, but you wanted this.
"You are so soft," He murmured, his hands wandering down your sides, cupping your ass and squeezing gently.
Elijah sensed your unease, running his hands down your arms soothingly. Leaving soft kisses on your neck and cheek. His sweetness and tenderness, and him allowing you time and space to adjust was a huge relief.
It's just sex, and you were attracted to him, physically and mentally. The gentle way in which he held you was just making you fall further. You began to unbutton his shirt, pushing it back off his shoulders and taking in the sight of him. You traced your fingers down his firm chest, feeling the heat pool between your thighs.
Elijah let out a quiet laugh, a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. You looked up at him sheepishly, your cheeks burning.
"Did I do something funny?" You asked, uncertain if you had missed out on an inside joke or failed to do something correctly.
"I've just never been undressed so delicately, like I was a piece of glass. Most women tend to go straight for the button and zipper,"
You smiled shyly, suddenly self conscious of your actions.
"But this is nice, very... gentle," he assured you, pressing his lips to yours.
His fingers traced the hem of your top, trailing against your stomach. He deepened the kiss, his tongue slipping into your mouth. You moaned, your head spinning.
"Can I undress you?" He asked, breaking the kiss.
You nodded, blushing furiously. He smiled and slowly pulled your top over your head. Your body was wracked with nerves and trembles. He moved your hair over your shoulder and left a trail of soft, open mouthed kisses, starting at your jaw and working his way down your throat.
His hands wandered to the clasp of your bra, his eyes finding yours in silent permission. He gently unfastened it, exposing your breasts. You felt a wave of embarrassment roll through you. 
"Such beautiful curves," he mumbled, his mouth brushing your ear, taking one nipple between his fingers and rolling it gently. Your breath hitched in your throat, a soft moan escaping your lips.
"You like that?" he asked, his hand finding your other breast, capturing one of your nipples with his mouth, sucking gently.
You tilted your head back, moaning softly. He hummed in approval, his hand running down your side, slowly working its way underneath your skirt, rubbing you through your panties.
"Have you ever touched yourself?" He asked, his lips brushing your ear, his hand teasing you.
"Umm... Yeah, once, I didn't cum though," You admitted, feeling your body growing hot.
"Mmm," he hummed, his fingers brushing your clit through the thin fabric. Your hips jerked involuntarily, a soft moan escaping your lips.
Your nerve endings were buzzing, his touch sending bolts of pleasure throughout your body. You were squirming against him, desperate for more.
"We should move to the bedroom," he suggested. "I'd like to take my time with you, properly,"
His words send a bolt of heat through you, you're nearly trembling with desire. Elijah chuckled and picked you up, carrying you bridal style to the small room.
"The door on the left," You whispered, as he kicked the bedroom door open, and set you on the bed.
He stood before you, eyes wandering hungrily, devouring the sight of you laid out, practically naked before him.
He shed his clothing, his hands quickly reaching for his belt buckle, sliding his pants off, and discarding them.
You couldn't help but stare, his body was impeccable, his skin flawless, like it had been sculpted from stone. He was perfect. You could feel your cheeks burning, he had caught you gawking. You swallowed hard and quickly removed the rest of your own clothes, leaving you just in your panties, suddenly feeling very exposed and vulnerable.
He kissed you deeply, his warm hands wandering all over your body. You relaxed into the mattress, finally beginning to calm your mind, and trust him to give you pleasure.
He positioned your pillows against the headboard, so that you could lay back comfortably. He took your hand and guided it down, tracing against the fabric of your panties, sliding it beneath the cotton barrier and making contact.
"Always start slow and easy. Let yourself get worked up," his voice was low, his breath hot against your ear.
Elijah placed his hand over yours, guiding you to carefully rub your clit, coaxing gentle gasps out of you as you became more sensitive.
"Now, rub soft, and slow circles. Light pressure, tease it out. Be patient."
You did as you were told, a deep moan escaping your lips. It felt so nice. Warm heat spread through your core and your skin prickled all over, your hips started to roll against your own touch, chasing the newfound pleasure.
"That's it, just like that. You're doing so good,"
You could feel a low burn in your core, your muscles becoming tight, a sense of relief inching closer to you. Your breath began to become ragged and quick. Elijah held you firmly, reassuring you, whispering praise and compliments, his lips exploring your neck and shoulder.
Your hips rocked and bucked into your own fingers as you touched yourself, moaning deeply. Your thighs begin to quake, and your climax hit hard and fast. A euphoric feeling spread through your limbs, your entire body tingling. Elijah captured your lips in his own, swallowing your soft cries, a smile painted upon his face.
When your high began to ebb, and you were finally able to find coherent words, you looked up into his dark eyes, still trembling slightly.
"You really did come here to fix all my problems, huh?" You said playfully.
"I couldn't bear the thought of leaving such a beautiful woman unfulfilled,"
His response made your heart flutter and you couldn't keep yourself from giggling. You kissed him softly, relishing the sweet tenderness of his kiss.
"Can you..." You trailed off, blushing furiously.
He gave you a knowing smile, kissing his way down your body, making you tremble. His fingers hooked beneath your panties, pulling them down your legs and discarding them, leaving you bare beneath him. You looked down, a heady mix of nerves, fear, and desire making your stomach knot.
You felt the mattress shift, his body adjusting between your thighs, his warm hands pressing them open.
"Elijah..." you whispered.
His eyes gazed at your now fully exposed self. He wasn't just hungry, or ravenous, he was soft, admiring, appreciating your form.
"Gorgeous," he cooed.
Before you could argue, protest his opinion of your body, his tongue grazed across your clit, drawing a deep groan from the depths of your being.
He made a quiet sound, pleased with the taste, the feel of you and the knowledge that you'd allowed him the privilege to experience you this way. You trembled beneath him, your entire body aching, melting into the pleasure he brought. His nose bumped against your clit as he drove his tongue in and out.
Your hands went to the back of his head, tugging on his hair desperately. He pulled his mouth away, leaving a mess of wetness in his wake. His finger circled your entrance, teasing the opening, as he licked and sucked on your clit.
"Does that feel good?" He hummed, his finger continuing the motion, but not quite pushing in yet.
You nodded, panting, grinding your hips towards his hand, feeling greedy and lusty and out of control. Elijah responded by easing his two fingers slowly inside. He didn't break eye contact with you, reading your responses and adapting to it.
His lips were glistening, his skin was flush and his eyes dark with desire, completely intoxicated by the neediness, by the sounds and sights of you falling apart. You wanted more, but you felt overwhelmed and overcome and unable to cope with the flood of sensations.
He pulled out, sucking gently on your clit, before sinking his fingers back inside, drawing out a deep moan from you.
"Such a sweet sound," He whispered, the praise rolling through your mind and straight to your core.
You felt the now familiar tightening of your muscles as his pace increased, your body rocking against him. You let out a low moan, coming completely undone under his attention, riding his face shamelessly, all the while he seemed to soak up every sound, movement, and whimper.
You slumped back, attempting to catch your breath, your vision a little blurry, still tingling pleasantly from your release. You looked down at Elijah, you made a mess of his hair, and you could swear his cheeks were rosy, a pinkish tinge spread through his face and neck. You couldn't hold in a breathy giggle.
"Holy shit," you laughed, covering your face.
Elijah made his way back up, leaning over you, capturing your lips in a slow, soft, passionate kiss. Your hands ran over his chest as you moaned softly. He smelled and tasted like sex. You wrapped your legs around him and pressed your hips forward, wanting more, wanting all of him.
You broke apart, panting lightly as you looked into his beautiful brown eyes, that were reflecting the same feelings. He gave you a crooked smile that made your heart skip a beat.
Your hands wandered down his torso and you brushed your fingertips over his boxers, dipping below the waist band. You felt nervous, having never touched a man before, but he felt nice in your hands. You wrapped your fingers around his erection, feeling the warm weight of him in your palm.
He exhaled deeply, resting his forehead against yours. His pupils dilated, and his brow knit together, eyes heavy with desire. You had found yourself in a position in which you felt empowered by his reactions.
"You have to tell me what you like," You whispered shyly, your lips inches from his, stroking him slowly.
"I like you," He said softly. You could tell from his tone of voice and how he moved beneath your touch, that the meaning of his words was sincere. He was charming, a little intimidating, but something about his energy had put your worries and anxieties to rest.
"Elijah?" You looked at him innocently, rubbing your thumb over the slit, feeling the precum gather on the pad of your finger. You gently stroked the swollen tip, earning a soft moan.
"Will you please fuck me?"
His eyes snapped to yours, dark and lustful. It sent a thrill of desire through you, making your whole body warm. You continued to stroke his hard length, and he let out a low groan. He leaned back and removed his boxers, giving you a full view of him.
You blushed furiously at the sight, he was bigger than you expected. You took a deep breath, looking back up at him, eyes filled with a question. He smirked, understanding perfectly, and pulled you close, his lips colliding with yours in a heated kiss.
"Lie back for me darling," he whispered in your ear. You did as you were instructed, placing yourself comfortably on the bed, your heart threatening to pound out of your chest.
Elijah gave you one last kiss and pulled a condom out of his pocket, ripping it open. He rolled the sheath down his length, and grabbed a pillow, placing it under your hips to raise you slightly.
You watched him, in awe of how your night unfolded. Never could have anticipated how comfortable you would feel so exposed and naked with Elijah, a practical stranger. And you didn't want him to be a stranger, not after this.
He situated himself between your legs, his hand wrapping around the base of his erection. He positioned the tip at your entrance, slowly pushing inside, his other hand caressing your cheek.
"Tell me if it's too much," he murmured, his thumb running along your bottom lip.
A deep groan escaped you. He was stretching you out, his cock just breaching the entrance of your cunt. Your hands moved to his shoulders, clinging to him tightly, breathing rapidly, trying not to panic.
He paused, his lips ghosting over yours. He peppered soft kisses all over your face and neck, murmuring praise and compliments.
"You're doing so well, sweet girl. So good. Relax for me, relax,"
His words were soothing, and you melted into the bed, relaxing around him. He moved slowly, rocking his hips a bit further with each small thrust. He was patient and sweet. So sweet. He peppered your neck, throat and mouth with soft kisses, he took his hands in yours, intertwining your fingers together, his thumbs rubbing the skin soothingly.
Once you adjusted, he felt perfect inside of you, every stroke bringing you closer to the edge.His pelvis rubbing against your clit and hitting you exactly where you needed. His body weight covered you, keeping you safe, and making your legs weak. It was intoxicating, overwhelming, dizzying, euphoric, perfect.
"So sweet, so soft," He whispered, grunting and thrusting slow and deep.
His words stoked the flames in you, making your hips meet him with his thrusts. It felt better than you ever could have dreamed. You rocked with him, a steady rhythm building, a symphony of gasps, moans, and breaths mingling together.
He pressed his forehead against yours, locking eyes. Both of you taking the moment, connecting with each other, hearts racing and breathing shaky as the intensity and passion overtook you.
It didn't take long; he felt amazing. Soon, another wave of heat washed over you, crashing down on your trembling body. You pressed your lips to his as you came, muffling a deep moan, dragging your nails down his back, crying out as the sensation rocked through you.
His climax quickly followed, his body tensing and he let out a grunt and stilled his hips as your highs started to ebb and come down. You nuzzled into him, stroking your fingers down his spine, melting into his touch as he held you close.
He met your eyes, a sweet and sated smile on his face, making your insides melt. You traced your fingers along his cheekbones as his lips met yours softly. It was tender, a kiss conveying the things that couldn't be said with words.
Elijah pressed his lips to your temple, a sweet gesture that made your heart swell before he slowly untangled himself, moving to dispose of the condom. You stretched out, enjoying the tingling throughout your body, and the pleasant exhaustion settling in.
When he returned, he laid back down beside you, pulling the blanket over both of you and pulling you close. You rested your head on his chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat, a gentle reminder that he was real.
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You woke up the next morning to the smell of coffee brewing. You put on a large shirt, and made your way into the kitchen where you found Elijah, cooking what appeared to be french toast. The sight and scent stirred both hunger and a fluttering in your stomach.
It took you a moment to register what transpired the night before, but once you did, your cheeks were hot. Elijah glanced up, giving you a warm smile, nearly causing your legs to give way. Setting the pan aside, he approached, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"Good morning," His voice rasped and you smiled.
"Good morning Elijah, thank you. For, um," you struggled to finish your sentence, his dark brown eyes sending butterflies swarming in your stomach.
Elijah only nodded and reached up, cupping your face, stroking his thumbs along your cheeks and tucking a loose hair behind your ear. Your head leaned into his touch, so gentle and tender and caring.
"Truth or dare?" He asked, catching you by surprise.
"Truth," you decided, allowing a playful smile to grace your lips.
"Will you let me take you to dinner?" he inquired.
Your smile widened, and your heart quickened. This, you realized, was the most wonderful game of truth or dare you had ever played.
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megamindsecretlair · 27 days
if it was anyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy oneshot you could make or would make, which would it be n why?
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Im fn DYING at this pic 💀💀💀 PLEEEAAASSSEEEE 🤣
Hmmm, im not sure! I usually write what's in my head. But I've been feening for my traumatized yt boys lately.
I'd love a one shot for Matthew Lillards character in Five Night at Freddy's. Ik he's deranged. But momma I need him 🥹 I need that middle aged old man to dumb me down and slut me out 😭😭😭
The things I would fn do for Matthew Lillard is insane 😭 id fold faster than a $2 hooker.
Oh, or Jensen Ackles from Supernatural. We were robbed of him having a Black gf and I'll never let it go. Solving crimes, fighting baddies with Dean? Ooooof sign me up 🥹🥹🥹🥹
OR Klaus Mikaelson from the Originals. I need him bloody and hunting me down to the ends of the earth 💀🫠🫠🫠 need it bad tbh 😭😭😭
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spunky-89s-sunshine · 5 months
Masterlist of My Favorite Fics
None of these fics are my own, but I needed to organize all my faves for easier access.
(Updated 7/24/24)
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Baldur's Gate Masterlist
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Resident Evil
Leon S. Kennedy
Gun Range
Stressed Welcome Home
Masterlist of Spice
Sleepy Morning Sex
Incubus x Hunter
Another Masterlist
A Homecooked Meal
Vampire in a Library
Lonely Homework
Bad Day Made Better
Keeping Quiet in a Closet
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Chris Redfield
Newlywed Welcome Home
Angsty Exes on a Near Death Mission
Sex Pollen/drug
Morning in Bed
Teasing Chris in a Meeting
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Ada x Reader x Leon
Training Sesh Chris x Leon x Reader
Distracting from Homework C x L x R
Gym Showers C x L X R
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Sparrow Series
Incentive Series
One Mind Series
Spicies Masterlist
Headache Fluff
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Jack Thomson Masterlist
Jack Thomson I hate you but I don't
Stucky Tattoo AU
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Dick Pic Series
Batboys Masterlist
Clark Kent Flannel
Oliver Queen Jealousy and Miscommunication
LittleRedWing Masterlist (the intern/slade/other)
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Other Fandoms
Klaus Mikaelson Werewolf Series
Kol Mikaelson x Depressed!Reader
Kol Mikaelson is an Ice Pack
That One Damon Fic
Eddie Munson Masterlist (Rumor Series)
Stranger Things Fuckery
Stiles Stilinski Collage AU FWB
Teen Wolf Spiceies Masterlist
UNCPanda's Masterlist
Aaron Hotchner Moose the Dog
Draco Malfoy 4pt FWB -> Lovers
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insomniakisses · 2 years
The Vampire Diaries Universe
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💖 Fluff / 🌧 Angst /🔥 Smut / 🤝 Platonic / 💞 related / 🧬 hybrid / 🐺 omegaverse / 🍆 G!p / ✨ authors pic
—— T H E V A M P I R E D I A R I E S ——
Elena Gilbert
Jenna Sommers
Bonnie Bennet
Caroline Forbes
Katherine Pierce
As your alpha hcs 🔥💖🐺
—— T H E O R I G I N A L S ——
Freya Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
As your alpha hcs🔥💖🐺
Klaus Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Marcel Gerald
Hayley Marshall
Jealous sex 🐺🔥
Davina Claire
Aurora De Martel
—— L E G A C I E S ——
Hope Mikaelson
Welcome surprises 💖🐺✨
To paint something beautiful 💖🐺
Lizzie Saltzman
Josie Saltzman
Penelope Park
Smut asks
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desiresiwant · 11 days
— Kol Mikaelson will seize any opportunity to tease his big brother, Klaus Mikaelson, especially when it involves his somewhat mortal niece (Klaus’s daughter)…link below
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Warm-Blooded Link
Chapter 20 | A King Does Not Run, He Disappears (1st pic, book two of Warm-Blooded, season 3 of the Originals)
Chapter 3 | Your Sword And Shield (2nd pic, book three of Warm-Blooded, season 5 of the Originals)
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ladymorghul · 7 months
was looking for a phia pic and bumped into a helaena x klaus mikaelson gif... did not expect that
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rosedforbes · 1 year
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head-canoning Emma as Eve from "The Wolf" by @galvanizedfriend is a full-time job and I'm 100% dedicated to it.
(last pic is clearly teen!Eve stealing Klaus' leather jacket bc she thinks it's cool)
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Youngest Original ~ TVDU
Ch 11 - A Moment in Time
Warnings: NSFW, it's my first time trying to write it so be kind pls (It's after the first pic)/ mention of infertility/ blood, death, vampire feeding, angst
A/N: This ch took an embarrassing amount of time to finish lol. So sorry for the wait. Hope you enjoy this flashback ch
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1002, France
Kassandra found herself in a strange new land, alongside her siblings. The reason why they fled was because they were running from their father. Now, they were impersonating 6 noblemen and women. 
Very quickly the Count's children, Aurora and Tristan, became interested in her family. She mostly kept to herself; she was more interested in learning their language. She chose to ignore the growing attraction between Klaus and Aurora.
Soon enough, the De Martels found out their secret. Aurora didn't seem to care and was determined to become a vampire like them. As far as they knew they couldn't turn anyone. After a crazy chain of events and accidents, the Mikaelsons learned they could pass their curse to other people. 
After creating the Trinity, the Mikaelsons fled to Normandy, once again under the disguise of nobility. One night, a great feast was held in honor of the ruling Count's birthday. Kassandra wasn't the biggest fan of these balls. They were loud, rowdy, and worse of all there were many, many people. Her new instilled bloodlust didn't help her anxiety.
(the words in bold are characters speaking in Old Norse)
She quietly left the Great Hall, careful not to catch her siblings's attention, and escaped into the large gardens behind the castle. On her way out, a pair of hands grabbed her and pushed her into a dark corridor. Quickly coming to her senses, she sprang into defense and slammed the person into the wall. She instinctively hissed at them, baring her fangs. 
"Kassandra! It's me! Axel!" The person croaked and the sound of her native tongue reached her ears. 
Focusing on her supernatural vision, she realized it was him! Instantly, she released him and started apologizing profusely. 
"...What? How...How are you here? I-I thought you died!"
"No, my love. I'm alive and well, as you can see. I'm here for you."
Axel explained how he sailed across the ocean and reached the Old World. He told her of his plan to sail to England and asked her to come with him so they could be free and start a new life in London. 
Kassandra wanted nothing more than to run away with the love of her life, but she knew it wouldn't and couldn't be that easy. On top of all of that was the fact that she was turned into a bloodthirsty monster.
"I'm a monster, Axel. You- You don't want me. I'll just hurt you." She muttered, distancing herself from him. 
"I did not sail across the ocean for you to say no. I know what you and your siblings are. I don't care. It wasn't your fault. I still love you."
He pulled her closer and caressed her face with his fingers. She looked up at him, his brown eyes filled with nothing but honesty. She put her hands on his face and spoke quietly. 
"I can hear your heart drumming in your chest. I can hear your blood flowing through your veins. I hear even the littlest breath you take...All of it drives me mad, makes me want to-"
Before she could finish the sentence he crashed his lips against hers, pulling their bodies together. He held her tightly, afraid of losing her once more. She placed her hand against his chest and could feel his heartbeat picking up. She suppressed the thought in the back of her mind telling her to rip out his throat.
Instead, they advised a plan. Kassandra would, once she found a suitable moment, escape her siblings and join Axel in England. 
"It could be months, it could be years...I'll try my best to run as soon as possible. Just try and stay in London if you can. That way I'll know where you are."
And six months later, exactly to the day, she fled. 
1004, Kingdom of Norway
After two years of running from Klaus, they decided to settle down (temporarily) in the capital of Niðaróss. They themselves were Vikings and spoke Old Norse so it wasn't difficult to blend in. In such a big city it was easier for Kassandra's hunts to go unnoticed. She, of course, tried her best to not kill people when feeding, but she did slip up on occasion. Without Elijah to guide her, she didn't have such a tight grip on her urges as she did after a few centuries. 
Speaking of her vampirism, Axel was insistent on becoming immortal himself. Kassandra refused profusely, saying how the hunger was a curse most unimaginable and she didn't want him to suffer such a horrible existence. 
He pointed out that they wouldn't be able to live together if she stayed immortal and he died of old age. He wanted to be with her forever, no matter the cost. In the beginning, Kassie refused, being preoccupied with running away from not just her father but now Klaus as well. But now that they were settled, Axel was once again pushing her to turn him. 
"I want to get married first." She said to him. 
In the chaos of always running and hiding, marriage was put on hold. Now they finally could.
"We shall do it first thing in the morning," He responded with a smile. 
And so they did. 
In the early hours of the next day, they were married in secret by a Viking priestess Kassandra found. 
Their witnesses were the fading stars, the rising sun, the cold wind, the morning dew, the thick fog, the birds on the trees, and unbeknownst to them, the spirit of Kassandra's dead mother. 
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Kassandra was near her breaking point. 
With every touch of his fingers, thrust of his hips, kiss of his lips, she was closer and closer to the edge. The lust coursing through her veins only made her hunger worse and she was actively fighting the urge not to butcher her now husband on the spot. 
She wasn't complaining about the position she was currently in, quite the opposite. It's just that, instead of letting herself drown in the pleasure Axel was giving her, she could only think of the ever-growing hunger in her belly. Only her immense love for him was shielding her husband from certain death. 
How could she focus on anything else but on the way his heart wildly beat in his chest, his ragged breaths, the moans of pleasure leaving his throat? He was enjoying this as well, she could tell. Even though this was her first time, she knew he was close to reaching his peak. 
The coil in her belly was dangerously tight and would break at any moment. The pleasure was flowing through her, burning her sweetly. Was love-making supposed to be this good? Were other women getting this much pleasure out of it as well? Did they feel as good as she felt now? She doubted that. One thing she quickly realized about her new state of being was that her feelings were heightened and she felt everything with double the force. 
Maybe that wasn't such a bad thing after all. 
Grabbing her hips, he picked up the pace and pressed her further into the mattress. Most of his body weight was now on her and if she wasn't already (un)dead she might have been scared he would crush her. But she knew that wouldn't happen. 
She grabbed onto his broad shoulders as his thrusts became erratic. She dug her nails into his skin, making him hiss. His face was buried in her hair and the whole of his neck was exposed, inches away from her mouth. She nuzzled her nose into his neck, inhaling the smell of his sweat and blood. The coil inside her tightened painfully and she clenched around him, making him groan. 
It was overwhelming, the amount of things she was feeling. All her senses were heightened and fully engulfed with pleasure. He brought his hand down and rubbed her pearl with his thumb. Her breath hitched and she swore her heart stopped for a second. 
The coil snapped and a guttural moan left her throat as waves of pleasure washed over her. Her legs shook as her mind blanked out, and for a short time, she forgot about her bloodlust. He spilled inside her and with a groan, his arms gave out and he laid on top of her. 
Her fingers found their way toward his head, where she played with his dark curls, now wet with sweat. A bitter thought appeared in her mind - his seed will never take, not in my womb at least. 
Before dying, before her parents turned her into a monster, Kassandra spent days and nights dreaming about how she would give Axel many children. She fantasized about their future sons and daughters and how they would look. None of that mattered now, seeing as her womb was barren and would never carry a child - yet another thing this curse took away from her. 
His soft kisses brought her back to reality. The sound of his heartbeats rang loudly in her ears and her bloodlust resurged.
"Are you alright, my love?" He asked her softly.
She looked back at him, her eyes roaming over his face. Her eyes focused on his neck. The longer she stared, the faster his heart beat. Suddenly, black veins appeared on her cheeks and the whites of her eyes turned red. He couldn't control the gasp that escaped his mouth.
She pushed him away and sat up, turning her back to him. Her breathing was erratic, her shoulders shook as she clawed at her throat. 
"I'm hungry." She whispered while covering herself with a woolen robe. She stood up only to falter immediately. Her knees buckled and she cursed under her breath, rubbing her aching thighs. She slowly walked toward the window and opened it, letting in the cold night air. 
"Drink from me."
The words seemed to catch her off-guard. Shaking her head, she fully opened the window, letting the cool air wash over her skin. She gripped the stone framing and inhaled sharply. 
"Why not?" He asked, getting up himself. 
"No, no, no! I'll hurt you, or worse..."
He slowly walked up to her. Her entire frame shook; he didn't know if it was because of the cold or her hunger. 
"My love-" He tried putting his hand on her shoulder but she pushed him away.
"Don't tempt my patience!" She yelled at him, her face dark and terrible as she pushed him against the wall, his back hitting the stone bricks. 
Never before had she yelled at him. Never before had he seen her so furious. She looked wild, ferocious...animalistic. Once she realized she lashed out at him, she recoiled immediately and guilt washed over her. 
"I- I think it would be best if we slept separately tonight." 
"You promised me, Kassandra. You said you would turn me." Axel said, exasperated. 
"I will, on the morrow." She whispered, rubbing her throat once more.
"You said the same thing yesterday."
"I know what I said!" She yelled again, her anger bubbling and fueling her evergrowing hunger. As she approached him, she noticed the white fabric of his robe had a red stain in the area surrounding his shoulder. 
Grabbing onto his robe, she moved the cloth, revealing his shoulder, bloody and wounded. She watched as the droplets of blood rolled down his arm. Axel could only watch as her eyes turned red.
This time she could not stop herself. 
The next thing she knew, she was biting Axel's neck and sucking on his throat. His warm blood filled her mouth and its sweet taste made her head dizzy. She gripped his body harder, swallowing more and more of his blood. 
Feeling the need for air she removed her mouth from his neck, moaning in pleasure as the smell of blood filled the room. Her whole body buzzed as the feeling of ecstasy washed over her. But, only when soft groans of pain reached her ears, did she open her eyes.
The junction of his neck had a huge, bleeding bite mark. Axel looked like he was moments away from death. Seeing the lack of color on his face shook Kassandra out of her high. 
"Axel...Oh my- What have I done!?"
Quickly trying to save him, she bit her wrist and forced some of her own blood down his throat. 
"Please, please!" She whispered desperately as she moved his body back on the bed. To keep herself busy and from going insane, she cleaned his body and later the rest of the room while waiting for him to wake up. 
She watched as the wound slowly healed and closed. Kassandra was nervous for Axel to wake up, because, well, she hadn't been completely honest with him. She once told him that to become like her, he would need to drink her blood. She kind of forgot to mention the part about dying. 
She gravely wounded him, yes, but, he didn't die. No, she would need to kill him for the transition to start. And she didn't know if she could do it. 
The next thing she knew, she was biting Axel's neck and sucking on his throat. His warm blood filled her mouth and its sweet taste made her head dizzy. She gripped his body harder, swallowing more and more of his blood. 
Feeling the need for air she removed her mouth from his neck, moaning in pleasure as the smell of blood filled the room. Her whole body buzzed as the feeling of ecstasy washed over her. But, only when soft groans of pain reached her ears, did she open her eyes.
The junction of his neck had a huge, bleeding bite mark. Axel looked like he was moments away from death. Seeing the lack of color on his face shook Kassandra out of her high. 
"Axel...Oh my- What have I done!?"
Quickly trying to save him, she bit her wrist and forced some of her own blood down his throat. 
"Please, please!" She whispered desperately as she moved his body back on the bed. To keep herself busy and from going insane, she cleaned his body and later the rest of the room while waiting for him to wake up. 
She watched as the wound slowly healed and closed. Kassandra was nervous for Axel to wake up, because, well, she hadn't been completely honest with him. She once told him that to become like her, he would need to drink her blood. She kind of forgot to mention the part about dying. 
She gravely wounded him, yes, but, he didn't die. No, she would need to kill him for the transition to start. And she didn't know if she could do it. 
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With a loud gasp, he woke up. 
Rubbing his eyes, he sat up and touched his throat - the wound was gone and it was like nothing ever happened. 
"What was that? What did you do? Am I...Am I like you?" He asked her quietly. She had her back turned to him as she looked out of the window. 
"No...not yet."
He furrowed his brows. "But, I drank your blood. I don't understand."
She finally turned back and looked at him; her face was covered in tears and a look of guilt was on her face. 
"I lost control. I- I knew this would happen sooner or later. I'm sorry." She apologized as she sat down next to him on the bed. She took his hand and held it, refusing to meet his eyes.
He was confused. What was she hiding from him? Why wasn't he turned?  
"What else do I need to do? You promised me eternity, Kassandra. Why are you denying me of eternal love with you?"
Sighing, she shook her head. "It's not that. I want nothing more than to be with you, Axel. But, there will be obstacles and hardships along the way, my family being the first of many."
"I know. But you'll be with me all the way, won't you?"
She finally looked at him and with a soft smile put her hands around his jaw, holding his face. She rubbed her thumbs over his cheeks and then kissed him gently. "Forgive me." 
Her hands tightened around his neck and before he could even ask what she was doing, darkness took over him. 
1104, the Caucasus Mountains
The first century of her existence passed by quickly. After a couple of decades, she stopped paying attention to human politics. Kingdoms rose and fell, countries changed their borders but she stayed the same, forever young and cursed to walk this earth with no way to rest and find peace. 
But at least she wasn't alone. 
Axel quickly adapted to his new vampiric nature and way of living. Shortly after turning her husband into a vampire, Kassandra needed to find a witch who was willing to make a daylight ring for him. 
Luckily for her, the village priestess that married them turned out to be a witch. The woman was reluctant at first, not wanting to aid bloodsucking monsters in moving more easily. But Kassandra bargained with her and told her they would leave her village if she did. 
Kassandra was present when her mother enchanted the rings so she knew the words of the spell. She revealed the spell to the witch who in turn spelled the lapis lazuli ring. 
Now armed with a simple silver daylight ring, Axel could move freely in the sun. They used this to their advantage and traveled across the continent. A hundred years later, they were now situated in the Caucasus Mountains, on the edges of the Byzantine Empire. 
They lived in remote mountain villages. Over the years rumors spread of bloodsucking monsters lurking in shadows, ready to snatch unsuspecting travelers and suck them dry. Axel and Kassie were always careful to not kill the people they fed from but over the century they encountered other new vampires who must have been sired by one of her siblings or the Trinity. 
One other thing to note was that Axel and Kassandra were the first known case of the sirebond among vampires. Once he became a vampire, Axel's feelings toward her tripled in intensity and he became fiercely loyal to her. Nothing could come between them. Or so they thought. 
May, 1104
"Today was the most splendid day. Axel gifted me with the most beautiful present - wedding rings! Mine even has a blue gem at the top! Today marks 100 years since we made our union official—one hundred years of pure bliss and joy. I pray for an eternity of peace with him by my side. Destiny has so far been kind to the two of us. My siblings were nowhere in sight and I haven't heard from them in decades. I intend to keep it that way."
Kassie finished writing in her diary. She watched as the sapphire sparkled on her finger while she waited for the ink to dry. Axel was out all day. He left early in the morning, in search of people to feed on. Usually, they would feed on the local villagers so Kassie was confused why it took him so long to return. 
After a day, she realized something was wrong. For seven days and seven nights, she searched for him. With her supernatural speed, hearing, and vision she went over the entire valley they lived in. On the eighth day, someone knocked on the door of her little cottage. 
Kassie rushed to the door, hoping and praying it was Axel. But to her utter shock and horror, Niklaus stood in front of her, a smirk on his face. 
"Long time, little sister. I heard you got married. Where is the groom? I much desire to speak with him." 
"...Nik? Wh-what are you doing here?"
He strutted inside, inspecting the little cottage with a frown. He turned to her, paying no mind to her disheveled appearance. 
"You left us, little dove. No words, no letter, nothing...Why?"
Kassandra, who was already exhausted from searching for Axel, was on the brink of collapse. The last thing she needed was Klaus. How did he even find her?
"How did you find us?"
Klaus tsked, cocking his head. "You didn't answer my question, love. Why did you leave us?"
She sighed and pinched her nose. "Because I love him! I promised him we would be together no matter what. So once he found me, we ran away."
"And what about family? Do we matter so little to you?"
She had no energy left to fight with him. She just wanted to find her husband. She thought it was suspicious how shortly after Axel disappeared, her brother showed up at her doorstep. 
"Nik, just tell me what you want and leave. I need to find Axel."
"What I want is for you to come back to us."
"Not without Axel!" She yelled tearfully. 
"He's not coming back, Kassandra! He used you to become immortal and left you!" He yelled back, grabbing her shoulder and shaking her. 
Kassie shook her head, refusing to believe Nik's words. No, that wasn't true. Axel loved her. He truly did. He would never betray her like that. 
"No! He'll come back, I just- I have to keep looking!" 
Yet, a certain part of her had already given up. By now he could be hundreds of miles away. Doubt took over her; what if he really did just use her to become a vampire and get a daylight ring? What if he got tired of her and ran away to be with someone else?
"He used you," Klaus whispered in her ear as she collapsed to the floor.  
The thought was too terrible to imagine. The pain coursing through her was too much for her. A little voice in her mind was whispering to her: 'Shut it down. Close it off.' She gave in, the seams of her already fragile heart breaking and a state of apathy took over her. 
"Kassandra..." Nik called for her. 
She looked up at him, her eyes dead and emotionless. Klaus wasn't sure what happened but one thing he knew - he could use his sister's newfound apathy to his advantage. And boy, did he take advantage of it.
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A/N - Leo Suter is BAE, how was I not supposed to choose him as my fancast for Axel. Also, him playing a Viking helps so much with fitting him into the story cause obviously the Originals are also Vikings.
Taglist: @ashaluuler I know you asked about my fancast for Axel so here you go, hope you liked this ch!
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Hello I’m going back to my TVD/TO era so I’m currently in search for either discord servers or 1x1 roleplays.
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About me:
- she/her, 27 (please be 18+ as I don’t roleplay with minors), gmt+2
- I write in past tense, 3rd pov, I use tupper
- I can write from 1-4 paragraphs, I usually adapt to my partner (I love good rapid fire 🔥 tho!)
- I adore ooc, sending gifs, pics I found on Pinterest, just do anything to keep each other motivated and inspired!
- I prefer to write a female character
Ships I’d love to write (The Vampire Diaries/The Originals)
- Klaus Mikaelson x Caroline Forbes
- Klaus Mikaelson x Hayley Marshall
- Elijah Mikaelson x Hayley Marshall
- Stefan Salvatore x Caroline Forbes
- Klaus Mikaelson x OC (!!!!!!!!!)
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Other fandoms, characters I’d like to write about:
- Harry Styles
- Niall Horan
- Austin Butler
- Ryan Gosling
- Joe Jonas
- Ben Barnes
- OCs are also welcome 🤗
Slice of life, drama, angst, fluff, comfort - I want it all!
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deceptivemorals · 10 months
meta + Elijah’s time in the 1920s (when he’s not with Klaus and Rebekah).
*         send   META   +   a   word   ,   a   name   ,   or   phrase   and   i   will   write   a headcanon based   off   of   this   !!! || @the-last-doppelganger || accepting
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first of all, elijah looked gorgeous in that era (the pic is from 1919 but it also counts)
to explain the situation correctly, one needs to view what happened before 'elijah's alone time':
the post-war period after wwi was very turbulent. the mikaelsons had lived in new orleans for more than a century (with shorter interrutions), and their claims to power were increasingly challenged by the various parties (wolves and witches). there were many negotiations, many agreements, and of course the corresponding events/parties that went along with it.
unfortunately, the climax of the tension was the arrival of mikael, who wished to speak to elijah. mikael claimed that he was proud to call elijah his son, that his hunt was never directed at his true children, and that elijah should help to erase klaus. elijah, of course, denied and proceeded to fight mikael which ended up in elijah getting staked (although deliberately not killed). when elijah woke up, he immediately rushed to his siblings only to discover that mikael was feeding from – and apparently killing – marcel as well as starting to burn the city down. elijah urged klaus and rebekah to flee while he tried to delay mikael.
mikael showed up again in chicago in 1922 (where klaus & rebekah lived) so i believe that until then, elijah had successfully managed to keep mikael on his toes.
in order to get rid of elijah so mikael could continue to track down klaus, i also think there was probably some kind of 'final' fight between mikael and elijah, which caused elijah to probably be incapacitated for a long(er) time until he managed to reunite with his brother in the 1930s.
in summary, i unfortunately come to the conclusion that elijah has not experienced much of the flair of the 1920s.
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taintedbloodlines · 1 year
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send 🖼️ and i’ll make a moodboard of our muses’ relationship: for @kingofthewebxxx who requested Klaus & Moriarty
The spider and the wolf
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browniboyy · 9 months
Little Mikaelson × TVD [Part 1]
Hello !! This is my first time doing this here on Trumblr, and english is not my mothertounge, so i'm so sorry if it's bad written or the english language isn't the best of the best, you can always correct me ! :)
WARNING: Abuse, Fights, arguments, swearing, blood, bones cracking, yelling, Love triangle
This is a Story about Kol Mikaelson's Twin Brother, Kol and Joseph are just one mirror, they looked so alike that no one could say who is who, and the one Klaus didn't Dagger cuz he didn't know how to, cuz he was always slipping out of this fingers. Since then he lifes his Life Free, Joseph Mikaelson, also known as Jo, sepp', big bad Vampire, the one with the Bad Temper but also as the one who protects his Family and Friends. As he begun to Live in Mystic Falls again he also got Friends with the Salvatores and their little side kicks, he didn't know how this friendship but it was at a party and Josepher was just there to drink blood, but someone was walking into him by accident and spilled his drink over him, and this one was Damon Salvatore, and so the friendship begun with drinking themself a bit drunk and taking pics with eachother until the next day (like klaus w stefan in the 1920s). So now they are friends and he also of course got to know his family and friends, and now they are a little scooby doo gang.
But now, let's get to the point what is going on right now.
"What can I do for you today, little Witch ?" Joe smiles at Bonny, he always has liked her since he had, like his twin brother, something for witches, since he also once was one but his power faded away, but still he is awe stuck always seeing bonny use her power for the good of protection.
"Well, you know we have a little Problem with the old Vampires that appeared out of the tumb again? Well... they sadly took Stefan away, and next one they are up to is Damon, but since i'm really sick right now, and can't do much to help there, I wanted to ask you if you could do the little of hard work and i'd help you out the best I can do? We really don't know any else way Joe.." The witch looked down on the ground, feeling guilty that she couldn't do much but seeing her friends get lost in the thought of losing soon, even tho she is always the one being the saver of the day.
Joe looks at her with worry in his eyes, knowing how hard this situation is right now for her.
"Don't give me that face, darling, i'll help you out, i'll always be here for you, so if anything is where you need me, even if it's just a little thing, come to me alright? I'll be right here for you little witch~" Joe tried to build up her mood a bit again by being her comfort pillow she could rely on, even tho he dosen't act as soft to anyone beside her, he is a real gentelman when it comes to her "So, don't give me that Face Bonny, i'll do the work and you rest so u can start into your day again faster. So, keep care and stay here, i'm gonna be on the way to the crime scene now" he said kissing her forehead afterwards, as a sign that she can feel safe with him and she has his word that he dosen't break.
Bonny didn't know how she deserved him, they weren't a couple, but no one could deny the love they had for each other, and their friends were of course also teasing them about it, what had mighttt caused a few snapped necks from joe to them, what a normal thing in mystic falls.
"Wait Joe-" Joe comes to an halt as he was about to go out of the door, bonny stares at him awe-stuck, looking at him with a whole universe that just waits for them both to be seen "-You better take care, and if you come back with one scratch, i'm gonna give u headache for 1 week" she liked how she was the only one who could talk to him like that, an orgininal Vampire, from the Mikaelsons family, who were known as the most stubborn, temper, broken and manipulative family the history has ever had. But when it came to Love, then the Mikaelsons were fighting for it whatever it takes, and bonny made a way to his heart, head and life, and he is more than grateful that he did.
He smiled at her, he was happy that people cared about him, it's an other thing with her than with his family, he was proud thag he could take the weight of her shoulders like right now and free her from the blockade in her brain, so that she can breath again and lets him do the work, he is really happy that she chose him for that.
"Don't worry little witch, nothing can harm me, in the end u'm the mist Powerful thing that can exist on this world. These Vampires i'm going to Fight out there, are way to weak for me, i'm the far greatest thing that could kill them. So, when u want something to worry about, worry about the shirt, hopefully the whole blood can come out later again, it's one of my best once darling" joe vampire speeds away with a laughs, while bonny throws a book after him, he really shouldn't understainment anyone of them, even if he is more stronger than him, anything could come in their way, and never ever would Joseph Mikaelson have the right mind to even think about that fact, but bonny was, and she couldn't even rest while standing, she had to channel him to see if everything was alright.
Joseph Mikaelson Pov:
I was walking into the scene where 2 Vampires tortured Stefan in a cellar, that looks kinda disgusting, now I know how it feels walking into the scene where me and my family torture people for reasons.
shaking out of my own thoughts I finally made my presence seen.
"Well, Well, Well. What did you two think you were doing? No manners at all, gentelman? Picking up on a Man who literally has no chance against you guys?" The guys look pissed as hell as I talk to them with a smirk on my face, sitting on one of the stones that are there "Am I offending you guys?" I laugh one more time before I Vampire speed to one of the Vampire that were right now Torturing Stefan and held him on the wall by his throat with my fabgs and Vampire veins showing "I could play with you guys like you guys played around with my Friend, to make you guys feel the same harm u did to my friend. I could rip out your tounge, I could compell you guys to cut off your guys tounge by yourself or stab yourself, I could let you hang here and let you guys rott, bloody hell, these things bring my blood boil out of excitmend~!" I smile like a maniac as I throw the one guybI was just holding by the throat on the next wall with a little force and was now planning to go to the other one.
"Not this one.." I heard stefan say from the side, weak hanging from the wall, was he totally out of his mind? I wanna fucking kill them and make them regret everything for hurting him, and he says, not him?
"Stefan, what the fuck? Get your brain again together and don't say some shit like this, he hurted you, how can you say some shit like this when he fucking hurt you ?!" I was already grabbing him by throat and pinning him to the wall, my whole original Vampire face was now showen and all I could feel was anger, the anger brung my blood to boil, I could feel it under my hands, my anger was so much that I was just a bit before having his neck snapped under my own hands and ripping out his head from the neck with my own hands.
,,Hey Hey, easy there buddy- I said he isn't the one you should fight about, he was forced to it, you hear me joe? Joe?!" Stefan tried to talk to me, but my mental me wasn't listening at all, my anger was so big I didn't even know if my body was moving because I wanted him to or if he wanted to.
I bit into his neck and the Vampire started to scream, our bites hurt a lot more than the once from Normal Vampires.
Blood was already dripping from the side of my mouth and I couldn't stop, it wasn't a enough.
Even tho I don't like the blood of Vampires, but now.. it seemed like the best thing ever, I couldn't bring myself to stop, until..
"Joseph Mikaelson !"
A strong body pulled me away from the man who slipped on the ground like a noodle who was thrown on the wall to see if it was ready to be eaten.
As the Person had all my attention I finally could tell who it was, it was my Brother, Klaus, what in the bloody hell had he his nose sticking in here ?
"Get your act together Joseph ! This isn't what you should let come over you, we all have our Anger, but you took it to far ! Don't take it any more far or you'll land this time in the coffin beside all your other siblings" Klaus lectured him, as he saw what of a beast his Brother became during all the time he let him run free "You've changed so much, how could u become that angry at nothing ?" Klaus asked looking straight into Josephs eyes
"Angry over fucking Nothing ?! He hurt Stefan, of course I'm going to hurt someone who also hurt my friends, Brother! I also would do that If someone hurt you guys, and I wasn't even that angry-" He wanted to end his sentence has Klaus shushed him
"Not even that angry, little brother ? Are you even realizing that you almost killed 2 Vampires in 5min all on your own, w/o even slipping more than 2 muscles ?! Do you not even realize it anymore ? You know what, you come with me from now on-" he freeded stefan fast and put him over his shoulder as he snapped Josephs neck quick "-I'm sorry little one, but it seems like the Hollow is slowly taking over you" klaus admitted all the time to himself that his family was first preority, and now, it was time to actually stand by that rule, he just wanted his littlest brother to happy and nice like he was back then, of course they were always also faisty and arrogant and with anger build, but never would they be out of their senses like Joseph was right now, and Klaus knew it was time to finally handle the Hollow completly.
At the Salvatore House:
"Bonny, didn't you say Joseph would handle the Vampires in 15min and bring Stefan back in exactly 20min, I don't know if you suddenly forgot how to read the Clock, but it's been over 30min" Damon walked back in forth in the living room where everyone was waiting for Joseph to return with Stefan.
of course they weren't only worried about stefan alone, they also worried really hard about Joseph because they all started to act like a little Family.
"Damon, be quite, or else the channeling spell will reach you any seconde and not Joseph" Bonny said concentrated and annoyed, she worried so much about Joseph right bow, that it overworked her to do this right now actually, bit she also would feel guilty just sitting her and only worry, that wasn't bonny alike at all, she just couldn't do that.
The seconde she thought she channeled anyone of them both, she was wrong, the only thing that she heard was a door that was sprung open and everyone jumped in shock as tjis came right now unexpected.
In walked the most famous Klaus Mikaelson.
"Hello there, scooby doo gang. I have news, my brother stays with me, and damon, your brother is in my car, get him in here ypurself, I already saved both of them and dragged both of them together into my car alone, now get him out of there before I bring him back" Klaus said storming out of the house again after saying that, and damon following close behind him also bonny running out but not before klaus stops her, before she could look into the car.
"Trust me, little witch, you don't to see how he looks right now. And it's better to not see him right now, he is lost right now, he needs time or else you'll be dead coming him too near.
"Nono, let me see him, please. He needs me right now, I can feel it, he feels so alone right now." Bonny cries out trying to get to the car to stay by his side but klaus is still blocking her way.
"This isn't the Joseph you know right now, this is the Joseph without Humanity." Klaus said looking her cold into the eyes.
She was so shocking to hear that, thats her breath catched itself in her throat.
"I'll inform u, when you can come and see him again little Witch. Thank you for loving my brother witj your heart and soul" at the last sentence he smiled at her and got back into the car and driving off.
"What the hell was that talk about ?" Damon asked as he came up to bonny with stefan on one side
"Joseph..he- he turned off his humanity" Bonny spoke, still in shock.
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