#( please fill out the interest tracker if you like! )
mostmagicals · 5 months
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memcirs · 1 year
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independent, highly selective eleanor van helsing, an oc from bram stoker's dracula. based on my own headcanons with inspiration mainly drawn from the novel. side blog to wcstenra, also running another dracula blog: the bride.
a scholar consumed by the need to discover, to dissect, to exterminate. a woman driven by blind faith, legacy, revenge. a blog dedicated to the daughter of the doctor, icarus burning &. falling towards the void. the sun was not meant for you, my love. penned by anne.
interest tracker. | playlist. | starter call.
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monmuses · 3 months
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okay, i'm gonna do this at 2 AM, but INBOX CALL! please like for something in your inbox! specify in comments which muses you wish for. i encourage all mutuals to fill out my interest tracker when they can! it's fully updated with new muses on the roster.
currently no limit, but i do encourage this for more threads and new mutuals!
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double-0h-no · 2 months
Old Dog, New Tricks
Second to last prompt I want and need to fill. And slowly and surely running out of time, but I'll do this. My prompt fill for "Secondary Villain/Henchman" and for @meadowcastiel prompt, to be revealed at the end. With the tiniest nod to @thestalwartheart gorgeous poem that didn't leave me alone while finihing this up, please go and read it, it's so so gorgeous!
on ao3
Bond has a sudden influx of ideas for gadgets to take out into the field. Henchmen suffer the consequences.
"007, to what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Oh, nothing in particular. Just wanted to see what R6D is working on these days." 
That stopped Q dead in his tracks and pinched the bridge of his nose in a feeble hope that it would delay the headache that was bound to result from this conversation.  "How often do I have to tell you that, unless you have a very good reason for it, there will not be an exploding pen for you."
Bond had the audacity to scoff, as if he hadn't asked for exactly that, and then continued his lazy stroll past the benches where currently, a few prototypes and blueprints were scattered. "I wouldn't dare come to you for something as trivial as that. Anymore."
"I'm not sure I like where this is going, but do go on."
"Well, I was thinking about how night goggles were actually rather handy, in general, but also very suspicious looking and bulky. And I know you've been tinkering around with your own glasses. Isn't there something to be done?"
Now, that piqued Q's interest, because: "There is, actually. As you've correctly stated, it can't be that only my glasses get tinkered with. There are a lot of things we're trying to do in that department, the easiest and most obvious one being cameras installed into the frame, or something as simple as a GPS tracker. Night vision has so far proven difficult because - Do you know how night goggles usually work?", he interrupted himself.
Bond shook his head, and Q motioned for him to step closer to his own bench, where he quickly opened a new browser window to pull up some graphics. "All right, so our problem currently lies in this."
Mission transcript for internal use.
H - Handler - Quartermaster
A - Agent - 007
Transcript written by Quartermaster for potential blackmailing purposes among the women of Q branch and Bond.
Transcript begins:
A: "Q?"
H: "Yes, 007?"
A: "Could you develop a repellent?"
H: "A repellent? Whatever for? I think you're quite capable of getting some nobite from a nearby drugstore or pharmacy."
A: "Not for mosquitoes. For all the women approaching me this evening who aren't my target."
H: "..."
A: "Q?"
H: "..."
A: "I take that as a no."
H: "I'll start a survey among the women who frequent Q-branch on which aftershave or perfume they think to be the most repelling. Otherwise, I will keep it to myself that you just asked me for a spray to repel women, but I will save this bit to bring out and show to R and Moneypenny should I feel the need to blackmail you, are we understood?"
It was the strangest thing, really, and unfortunately, horribly endearing in the way it reminded Q of his cats, at least distantly.
James was lounging on the sofa in his office, limbs akimbo, half asleep, a cooling pad still held to his face, and quite possibly loopy on pain meds.
Q thought it incredible that James appeared to be able to maintain that position without too much discomfort. His own joints probably wouldn't appreciate this kind of treatment, but that might be due to his own lack of exercise in recent years.
"Run that by me again?", he asked, mortified by the amount of affection that his voice held.
"S'mthing to call 'nimals. Useful ones. Like a swarm of bees."
"And how would calling a swarm of bees to your location be helpful?"
James shrugged to the best of his ability. "Don't know. Not to my location. the other guy."
"So let me get this straight, you want to call the bees so that they go after the bad guy."
The Double Oh agent made a sound that could, unfortunately, best be described as a giggle. That was that settled, at least. Certainly high on pain meds, and possibly not half as comfortable in this situation as the meds might make him believe.
"You said bad guy."
Q buried his face in his hands both in exasperation and to hide the redness he felt blooming in his cheeks.
Hopeless cases, the both of them.
"How small do you think you can make a taser?"
"About lipstick-sized. Of the larger variety, but about that size."
"So not the size of a ring."
"Not unless all you want to be able to stun is a blowfly. Or knock yourself on your arse because I'm not sure how the hell I'd isolate a metal ring properly."
"You want what?" James - Bond had caught him just on his way back to Q-branch from a meeting that surely could have been an email or three, at most.
"Come on, Q, you can't deny that it would be helpful."
"I mean, yes, except you'd ultimately always impede yourself as well. Plus, it would require you to get out of dodge in the blink of an eye."
James cocked an eyebrow in amusement. "Because that's never been known to happen."
He couldn't help the snort. "Careful with your knees at your age."
"You had nothing to complain about last-"
"Will you be quiet?", Q interjected snidely, but with a big grin on his face. Gosh, that surely had happened. And would happen again, and again. And a few more times after, for sure.
"Now, about my idea?", Bond teased, and Q sighed.
"Why do you always come to me with those things anyway? You very well know by now that R heads R&D, not me. I don't have time for those things anymore because I have meetings now that take a day and an age but could have been done in a fraction of the time, and she-"
James suddenly pulled him around a corner, pressed him up against a wall, and snogged him silly. It wasn't a good kiss, he was smiling way too much for that, but damn if it didn't make him feel good. He was so giddy with it it made him look stupid.
"You're very distracting," Bond murmured, lips only centimetres from his own. "Did I ever tell you that you're incredibly hot when you get worked up and commanding?"
Q bit his tongue not to giggle. "That explains so much, actually." He closed the gap between them and stole another kiss. "Where would you even stash them away?"
It visibly took James a few seconds to catch on to Q's drifting thoughts. "Depends on how small you can make them, but I was thinking about fastening them to the inside of my belt."
"Won't that be uncomfortable?"
James left featherlight kisses on the high point of his cheek, pushing his glasses up with his nose, the hinge of his jaw, corner of his lips, before he answered: "I've been through worse. Plus, I'm sure you'll come up with something."
Another kiss. He felt like a teenager again. It was embarrassing. It was glorious.
"I probably will. Don't think it'll be like that now just because you give decent head."
The indignant sound was almost as sweet as the kisses.
Mission monitoring was not going any worse than it had been before, and Q was a bit relieved about it.
No matter what he'd told James before, no matter what he'd told himself, deep down he had been worried that separating the mission from his personal feelings would in fact get more difficult now that he had something to lose that went beyond his feelings, but included a person almost sharing his flat and life and feeding his cats. But it was fine. Or at least not any worse than he was used to. Which was to say, it wasn't going great.
He was monitoring Bond, but couldn't communicate with him anymore, which at least was not Bond's fault. 007 was being led down a corridor, henchmen guarding him, Q and R watching him via the security cameras. Their journey ended in a windowless room, and Q and R exchanged a worried glance. They'd seen too many rooms of that variety in their time, though fortunately never from up close.
The henchmen kept their guns trained at Bond while he sat down on the singular chair in the room.
There was no audio, but his lips were moving.
The next thing they saw was the camera whitening out for a brief second, and when the feed returned to normal, black smoke filled the room and was already being filtered out. He could make out the feet of one of the guards, clearly sprawled on the floor, and the other one had probably suffered a similar fate, though Q was already going through the cameras to find Bond again.
"I can't believe it worked," mumbled Riley next to him, and only then did the reality of what had happened set in.
He groaned pitifully. "We will never hear the end of this."
They did never hear the end of this.
After this very first success, Riley was actually more open to working with Bond on several of her projects, and the litany of minions of various evil operations who'd fallen victim to increasingly ridiculous contraptions was growing by the week.
It also had the nice side effect that James was... Q didn't have any other words to describe it, but he felt that Bond was doing better. The time he spent in R&D shortened the time he spent on the bench, at least in his perception, and he wasn't as keen to go out in the field anymore between missions. As much as he'd like to think that it was in part his own doing, Q knew that James' work with R played just as big a role.
It was good, all in all. It was very good.
Q was standing at his desk in his office, double checking a mixup with an order of materials to find the error, when a heavy blanket of Double Oh draped itself over his back.
"What have you come up with this time? Or is it time to leave already?" It usually was one thing or another, these days.
"An EMP."
As much as he tried - not very hard at all, this bit of chasing tails had already robbed him of his last nerve - this one really caught his interest.
They never managed to figure out a way to make it work. It was fine, too.
When Q came home that day, exhausted beyond comprehension, James was already home, sitting in his favourite armchair, reading glasses on his nose while he was reading something on his tablet, the Admiral snuggled into his side.
"What do you think of freeze grenades?", he asked in lieu of a greeting.
"Freeze grenades?", Q asked incredulously, still getting out of his shoes. "What are they even supposed to do?" He wandered into the kitchen and scoured it for something left to eat. There was a sandwich sitting out, carefully protected from the cats, and Q picked up the plate with a grateful smile and joined James in the living room.
"Well, they're supposed to emit intense cold upon activation."
"To what end?"
"Depends. Freeze something over to make it brittle. Freeze water over to cross it, though I can imagine that might be difficult. Freeze burns are a bitch, too."
"As opposed to normal grenades, who don#t hurt much at all. What even are you reading there?" He leaned over to catcha glimpse at the screen, and James didn't try to hide it. Q tilted his head. "Is that a batman comic?"
James nodded. "I never read them when I was a kid, but I watched one of the movies on my way back from... I don't even know anymore. It was utterly ridiculous. I wanted to know more."
"Is that where you get all those ridiculous ideas from?"
"You say that as if they haven't worked."
Q's eyes widened in childish wonder. "You have. This is amazing. You're such a closet nerd." He leaned in and pressed an ill-aimed kiss to James' cheek.
James tried his best to appear annoyed at Q's antics, but there was the smile in his eyes that everybody else said was missing when they met him.
"So, what about batarangs?"
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euphoniumpets · 1 year
Prompt: ''As long as I can rememer, I've been protecting Alina, it's always Alina who I will protect,'' You told him, looking at Nikolai. ''But who will protect you?''
Warnings: Violence, blood and gore.
Please don’t plagiarize my work - I spend a lot of my time writing, copying and pasting destroys that. 
Pairing: Nikolai Lantsov x Starkov! Reader
A/N: the banter between y/n and Nikolai send me everytime, especially when she gets to know when Sturmhond is actually Nikolai Lantsov lmao. Also, decided to post this chapter since i posted chapter three not long ago :) please comment if i forgot anyone to tag!
Taglist:@lyria-skyfall @khaleesihavilliard @shine101 @waddlingwanderer @clqudias @ducks118 @xceafh @peakyispunk @wilmasvensson @parbatai-winchester @priincehoseok @riot-in-my-soul @feyredarling92 @vendy021 @ssprayberrythings @goldenpoison @shine101 @lili-of-the-dream
prologue - one - two - three - four - five - six - seven - eight - nine - ten - eleven - epilogue
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‘’Thanks to navigation from our Sun Summoner’s tracker friend here, we’ve traversed the Bone Road to the island of Jelka,’’ 
Sturmhond spoke as the crew and including you, Alina, and Mal surrounded the table that was filled with maps, books, and other objects. ‘’As for the Sea Whip, we have some storybook drawings, not telling what it looks like, rule of thumb for the unknown, is come prepared!’’ He replied and showed the weapons hidden behind the curtains that were placed against the walls. 
‘’Are all pirates this well-armed?’’ You questioned. ‘’Privateer,’’ He replied and you rolled your eyes. ‘’Can’t tell the difference,’’ You spoke as you and Mal looked at the weapons in front of you. ‘’The difference is that I have a license,’’ He remarked. 
‘’And a healthy love for innovation,’’ He told you and placed his hand on his hip. ‘’Gadgets, marvels, things that go boom,’’ He explained and you rolled your eyes as you and Alina exchanged a look. ‘’Anything piques your interest?’’ He asked and looked at you and Mal. 
‘’Yes,’’ Mal answered. 
‘’Me?’’ You asked surprised. ‘’Well, yes, who else?’’ He questioned. ‘’Well, take it, for our excursion,’’ Sturmhond replied and looked at Mal. Mal looked at you and you gestured for him to grab the weapon first. He grinned at you before he grabbed the weapon. 
‘’Fabulous choice, you have excellent taste in weaponry, Mal,’’ He said. ‘’The cable’s Fabrikator-made,’’ Sturmhond explained. ‘’Tensile strength of 80,000, yield, 50,’’ Sturmhond informed as you kept looking at the weapons in front of you. ‘’Impossible,’’
‘’When people say impossible, they usually mean improbable,’’ Sturmhond replied. ‘’Not to me, it’s incredible,’’ Mal spoke. Your eyes trailed over to a pair of twin blades in front of you. They were small, but it was a perfect size for you since you didn’t like having big weapons that made you clumsy. 
You smirked and grabbed the twin blades as you drew out the swords. ‘’I’ll take these,’’ You replied. ‘’Never thought that you were much of a blade person,’’ Sturmhond replied and you rolled your eyes. ‘’I designed it by myself,’’ Sturmhond replied and looked at you. ‘’In fact, my innovations are all around you,’’ 
‘’You just have to know where to look,’’ Sturmhond whispered and sent you a flirtatious wink before turning to the rest of his crew. You and Alina exchanged a look as you placed your swords behind your back. ‘’So, we will go in quietly, on Miss Starkov’s orders to injure for your death blow,’’ Sturmhond explained and gestured toward Alina. 
‘’I’m not killing it,’’ Alina replied. ‘’You have to kill it, to claim its power, that’s how amplifiers work,’’ Tamar informed her and Alina shook her head. ‘’It wasn’t with the Stag, I think I can do it without killing it,’’
‘’As lovely as that sounds, I’m not sending my crew in to tame a mythical beast with nest and good intentions,’’ Sturmhond spoke and you looked at him. ‘’This is the job you were hired for, privateer,’’ You replied and mocked him by his statement before turning to the others. ‘’We capture it, alive,’’ You ordered them. You heard one of the members of the crew approaching the room and speaking in Shu. 
‘’We’ve reached the island,’’ He told you. ‘’Here we go,’’ Sturmhond spoke as you all walked upstairs to the deck. ‘’Well, that’s not foreboding,’’ Sturmhond commented as you all looked at the island in front of you. 
‘’Could be anywhere in there,’’ Mal commented as thunder boomed over the island. 
You drew your sword out as all of you stepped inside the cave. Luckily, the water was not deep enough so you had to swim but below enough so you could walk. ‘’There are holes in the cave floor,’’ 
‘’So be careful where you step, otherwise, no,’’ The man replied. ‘’No, you can’t tell, or no, there’s nothing in there?’’ Mal asked him. ‘’Whichever makes you feel more comfortable,’’ Tolya remarked. 
‘’Comfort is overrated,’’ Tamar commented. The three of you exchanged a look and suddenly, you heard a strange noise. You winced as you armed your sword and listened closer. Nobody dared to move any further and before you knew it, one of the crew got snatched by the Sea Whip. 
‘’Drop the nets! Aim to kill!’’ One of them spoke. ‘’No, don’t!’’ You protested and you looked at your surroundings, hoping to see the Sea Whip. ‘’I couldn’t see us, it’s toying with us,’’ Sturmhond replied. ‘’Conserve your ammo, or we’ll be dry by the time we need it,’’ 
You exclaimed when one of the crews next to you got dragged by the Sea Whip into the water. ‘’It can camouflage,’’ Sturmhond replied. You looked around at the cave walls and you narrowed your eyes slightly, and before you knew it, you saw the Sea Whip. ‘’Alina!’’ You shouted when the Sea Whip began to charge forward her, you grabbed her by the side so that the Sea Whip wouldn’t attack her. 
The Sea Whip went into the water again. ‘’It sounds like it’s everywhere,’’ Sturmhond spoke as you all looked up. Suddenly, the Sea Whip appeared again and you charged your swords, but before you knew it, you let out a scream when the Sea Whip knocked your swords out and tossed you at the cave wall. 
‘’Y/N!’’ Alina, Mal, and Sturmhond shouted and the Sea Whip was about to charge you again, before Alina used her powers against it, killing it. Mal rushed over to you with a concerned expression. 
‘’Are you alright?’’ He asked. ‘’I’m fine,’’ You replied and breathed heavily before your eyes turned toward the Sea Whip in front of you. ‘’It’s dead,’’ Sturmhond replied and you met his gaze. You couldn’t tell but his eyes showed a look of concern, you nodded slightly to know that you were fine. 
The sky had just turned dark and everybody was back at the ship to mourn the people who you lost and to place the amplifiers on Alina. ‘’Alina, we’re ready,’’ Sturmhond said and you looked at Alina with a soft smile. ‘’We got this,’’ You assured her and she smiled. ‘’Ready?’’ You asked her and grabbed her hand in comfort. 
‘’Yeah,’’ Alina responded and walked over to the Heartrender who placed one of the amplifiers on Alina’s wrist. You saw Alina frown before her gaze trailed over to you and Mal. 
‘’Are you all right?’’ The woman asked her and you frowned with concern. ‘’I’m fine, second scale, please,’’ Alina told her and placed on the second scale. Then, a searing burst of light appeared and you knew that Alina was stronger. You smiled as her powers began to grow stronger and stronger and everybody had to shield their eyes. 
‘’Alina!’’ Mal shouted, trying to stop her before she sank the ship. ‘’Allie!’’ You shouted. ‘’Allie!’’ You shouted and tried to step closer. ‘’Alina!’’ You shouted again before you embraced her tightly to stop her from before she could destroy the ship. 
Alina let out a laugh and stopped and accepted the embrace. ‘’No matter how much I love you, you could seriously have drowned us,’’ You commented with a smile and she shook her head. Sturmhond approached the two of you with a grin on his face. 
‘’Well, then, where to now, Sun Summoner?’’ 
You walked toward Alina as you saw her with Mal talking. You were on your way toward the Fold and ready to take it down once and for all. ‘’How are you feeling?’’ You asked her and she turned around to face you with a smile. ‘’Ready to take down the Fold?’’ You questioned, watching her glance at the amplifier on her wrist. 
‘’I feel ready to take on the world,’’ She answered, making you smile. ‘’No need to take on the world,’’ Mal replied with a smile and you chuckled. ‘’He’s right, just everyone currently after us is enough,’’ You told her with a shrug. ‘’So, the world,’’ Alina commented and gave you two a look. 
‘’We’ll keep us off the beaten path but we’ll be on our own again,’’ Mal replied with his hands into his pockets. ‘’Who says you’ll be on your own?’’ You heard Sturmhond comment from behind and the three of you turned around. ‘’I want a front-row seat to the light show, thanks,’’ He commented and you scoffed. 
‘’Plus, the king is on the other side of the Fold ergo so is my payment,’’ Sturmhond replied and you rolled your eyes. ‘’We could use your arsenal,’’ You suggested and looked at Mal, who nodded at you in agreement. ‘’Maybe some kind of fortified carriage?’’ Alina questioned. 
‘’Carriage? Land travel is so boring,’’ Sturmhond replied. ‘’And that’ll take days,’’ He continued as he walked away from the three of you. ‘’Come along,’’ He urged you and you sighed. ‘’Prepare to decouple!’’ He shouted as everyone was back at the dock and the three of you exchanged a look. ‘’What is going on?’’ You asked them as Mal and Alina looked confused as you were. ‘’Kovu,’’ He spoke before he pulled the lever down as the squaller prepared for the wind. You widened your eyes when you realized that the ship was going to fly in the sky. ‘’Engage secondary sail,’’ Sturmhond demanded and you tried to steady yourself on the ship. Then, the next thing you knew, a part of the ship was flying in the sky and you laughed with a smile. 
‘’You’ve got to be kidding me,’’ You replied and looked at the view in front of you. You smiled when you felt the wind blow on your face and you turned around to see Alina sitting on the bench with slight fear in her eyes. ‘’Alina, you got to see this!’’ You exclaimed next to Mal as you stood over the edge and looked over the sea. 
‘’No, I really don’t,’’ She answered as you and Mal looked at each other with a grin. ‘’No, trust me, you do,’’ Mal replied and turned around. Alina shook her head in protest while Mal approached her with a chuckle. You giggled when you saw Alina shielding her eyes as Mal dragged her over to the edge. ‘’Told ya,’’ You replied and playfully nudged her elbow. Alina laughed and shook her head and placed her arm around yours. 
‘’How is this even possible?’’ You questioned. ‘’Did you expect any less?’’ Sturmhond spoke and approached the four of you. ‘’It’s like you haven’t met me,’’ He replied. ‘’Years and years of designs and several dozen crashed prototypes,’’ 
‘’Crashed?’’ Alina questioned. ‘’I call her the hummingbird,’’ Sturmhond informed, ignoring Alina's question. ‘’Captain, the Fold’s in sight!’’ Tamar replied as Sturmhond looked at you with a smirk. 
‘’Next stop, destiny,’’ 
As the ship approached the Fold closer, all the memories brought you back to the moment Alina discovered her powers and how the story began. You took a deep breath and the next thing you knew, you were in the Fold. You shivered, remembering how it went the first time when Alina tried to save you and Mal before she discovered her powers and now, it was time to finish her job of taking down the Fold.
‘’I hate this place,’’ Mal murmured and you nodded. ‘’Me too,’’ You commented as Sturmhond glanced at the two of you. ‘’Just a bit of pitch black and bloodthirsty monsters,’’ He replied while Mal, you, and Alina gave him a look. ‘’What’s not to love?’’ He questioned as Tamar handed him a rifle. 
‘’Seems like a good day to kill some Volcra,’’ Tamar commented and handed you the gun. ‘’I’d much rather have a hot bath and a book of sonnets,’’ Tolya replied and you shook your head with a smile. ‘’Are you sure you’re ready?’’ Mal asked Alina, uncertain. ‘’I feel stronger than ever,’’ Alina replied and nodded. 
‘’This is my chance to finally eradicate it,’’ 
‘’For good,’’ Alina said and stepped on the edge of the ship. Alina closed her eyes before you saw the power radiate out from her. She reached her arms out as the light surrounded all of you. An explosion of light appeared and you hoped that the Fold would go down as you saw the rift forming in front of you. Alina gasped and you noticed that something was wrong. The powers flickered and you narrowed your eyes at her with concern. ‘’Alina?’’ You questioned as you and Mal exchanged concerned looks. ‘’What’s happening?’’ Sturmhond asked. 
‘’Alina!’’ You and Mal shouted in unison and you saw her collapse on the floor. ‘’Alina!’’ You shouted as you and Mal rushed over to her. ‘’Kovu, get us out!’’ Sturmhond yelled as the Fold grew darker. ‘’Alina, wake up,’’ You stressed out when you heard the Volcras growl. 
‘’You’re alright,’’ You assured her as you heard the others fighting against the Volcras. Alina looked at you with a confused expression as you helped her up from the floor. You heard a Volcra growl and you turned around to see the Volcra approaching you. Alina stood up and used her powers to kill it. 
‘’Kovu, begin to descent,’’ Sturmhond demanded as the ship was out of the Fold. ‘’Brace yourselves for landing,’’ He exclaimed and you widened your eyes. You and Alina gripped tightly at the edge of the ship as Mal tried to protect the both of you before the ship landed on the ground. 
‘’Is everyone okay?’’ You heard him ask as the rest of the crew stood up. 
‘’The Fold’s too strong,’’ Alina replied and looked at you with concern. ‘’I thought with two amplifiers, but…’’ She trailed off her sentence. ‘’It wasn’t enough,’’ She added with disappointment. Suddenly, you heard a whistle blow and you saw the Ravkan Army approach. ‘’Well, looks like we’re about to enjoy a traditional Ravkan welcome,’’ Tolya commented. 
You frowned as Mal helped you step over the ship and onto the ground. ‘’You’ve crossed illegally onto Ravkan soil, identify yourselves,’’ The three of you shared a concerned look. ‘’I’ll handle this,’’ Sturmhond replied and you looked at him in confusion. 
‘’What are you doing?’’ You whispered to him as Alina tried to shield herself. ‘’Identify yourselves or get shot,’’ 
‘’Have I really changed much, Raevsky?’’ Sturmhond asked and approached him. You looked at Sturmhond and frowned. It appears that Sturmhond knew the man in front of you. 
‘’I know it’s been several years, but people swear I remain boyishly handsome,’’ Sturmhond replied before turning to you with a smirk before turning to him. You wrinkled your face in confusion as he kept taking the outer clothes off. ‘’It can’t be,’’ He replied and your face changed. 
‘’You’ve got to be kidding me,’’ You replied when you realized that Sturmhond was Nikolai Lantsov. You watched as he took off his coat and handed it over to Tolya before approaching me. ‘’Yes, it is,’’ Nikolai replied with  grin. You couldn’t believe your eyes when you realized that Sturmhond was prince Nikolai all along. You scoffed and clenched your fist when you realized that he lied about his identity from the moment you stepped on his ship. 
That's why you couldn't shake your feelings that something was off about Sturmhond from the moment you met him. During the night talk at the ship, and how he talked about his family.
And not the mention, the endless flirting with you made your blood boil. ‘’Moi tsarevich,’’ 
‘’My prince,’’ He spoke and bent his knee. You, Mal, and Alina exchanged a disbelieving look. ‘’We’d all but given up hope,’’ He spoke as Nikolai chuckled before he shook his hand to the man and helped him up. ‘’I present, Nikolai Lantsov major of the 22nd Regiment, soldier of the King’s army, Grand Duke of Udova, and second Son to his most royal majesty, king Pytor the third, Ruler of the Double Eagle Throne,’’
‘’You’ve got to be joking,’’ Mal commented. ‘’Saints,’’ Alina replied and you shook your head. ‘’And in your words, as I recall the greenest and most useless grunt you ever had the misfortune of commanding,’’ Nikolai commented. 
‘’At your service, I wanted to return sooner, but not without them,’’ He responded and gestured to you, Mal, and Alina. ‘’May I represent my esteemed traveling companion, former cartographer and sometimes Saint, Alina Starkov,’’ Nikolai introduced. ‘’And her sister in the second command and a great fighter, Y/N Starkov,’’ 
‘’Sol Koroleva, we heard you were dead,’’
You didn’t think much since you felt that you were going towards him with your fist clenched as you glared at him. ‘’You lying bastard!’’ You shouted and punched Nikolai in the face.
please comment what you'd think of this chapter! remember reblogging always helps.
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rxbelling-hxrald · 1 month
Shameless Self Promo
I've never been any good with these.
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This is my nerd, he's a demon boi, like the look of him? curious? You should totally interact with him. Majority of info you might want can be found on the links below this text. Please be sure to fill in the interest tracker! I beg of you.
Rules  || Bio || Background Hints || Perma Call || Interest Tracker
As for me, you can call me Steeb or Steven. I'm a human being with 0% redeeming qualities. always happy to chat and chill assuming I'm around and love throwing this dork of mine into various situations and stories. I've been doing this for at least 14+ years now and the quality has never improved, how about that?
So feel free to share this around if you'd like, a reblog/like would be appreciated and I'll check you out! Thanks for reading, I'll get out the way now.
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handgiven · 2 months
an interest tracker.
so you’d like to write with emmanuel! (good, i am so glad!!) writing with him does however come with certain Things to be aware of, i.e. he is old and powerful, and he can read people incredibly well. the things he can gather about a person just from observing their soul (because he can do that), he does not typically like to flaunt about. he utilises this information mostly in order to understand them better, and to be a better listener or otherwise a support. here is the issue however – these things that are crystal clear to him as a muse may not be as clear to me, the mun. even if i look into your original info, or your canon character’s background, there will be generalisations made. and i don’t want that for you. or rather, i’d love it if i could base what emmanuel knows about your muse off of what you want that to be. (because even if you write a canon character, your view of them affects the way emmanuel would comprehend them.) so here is where my interest tracker of sorts comes in.
below are a few questions, please copy them, fill out the answers (as brief or long as you like) for your muse, or muses if you are a multimuse (just fill them out separately so i don’t get confused between them) and submit them to me.
or alternatively, if you find the answers interesting enough to feature on your own blog, feel free to fill them out, post them & tag me.
1. do they consider themself a good person? 2. how difficult do they find it to speak earnestly about their feelings? 3. what drives them? what keeps them going? what’s their source of hope? 4. how would you describe the sensation of their soul to an independent onlooker? (can be visual, auditory or otherwise sensory, feel free to write as much or as little as you want) 5. what is their greatest regret? a recurring nightmare? a point of sorrow? 6. their happiest memory? 7. would you prefer a single meeting where emmanuel may become & remain just a kind stranger or would you rather develop a stronger connection between the two of them over time?
thank you if you take the time to do this. i hope we can make something great out of our interaction(s).
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gothamsaved · 6 months
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To keep this as short as I can — as someone with bad anxiety but a stronger want to start poking Mutuals more, I figured putting something like this out there helps a ton to know who is alright with me being a friendly pest. It’s meant to reassure me people are alright with me kicking their doors in with my muses.
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↳ You’re alright with me sending you *Askmemes as soon as I see they’ve been reblogged along with sending the occasional *Unprompted Ask or *Surprise Short Starter. Sometimes they’ll just be Bruce commenting on ongoing threads — think dash-commentary style. Others are just *IC / OOC Questions. Basically this just gives me permission to be a menace to your inbox without feeling guilty.
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↳ You’re alright with me replying to any *Open Starters I spot, even if we already have one or more threads ongoing. Just a heads up I will aim to keep these short since they’re usually spontaneous threads done for fun. If they happen to get longer? I’m here for it!
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↳ You’re alright with me tagging you in *Dashgames when I do come across them. Along with tag you in *Musings, Aesthetics &&. *Muse Song Posts if they remind me of your muse &&. our interactions.
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↳ Piggy backing off the last point, there are no promises made, but if it’s alright that I make the occasional *Edit through *Gifsets of your muse or our muses dynamic, *Aesthetic Edit Posts or *Web Weavings. Even the occasional *Drawing / Doodle. Chances are, if I’m inspired or invested enough &&. have the time to spare, I do enjoy doing these for close Mutuals!
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↳ You’re alright with me making *Headcanon Posts as our muses dynamics develop through ongoing interactions. This is a recent thing I’m trying to start doing more of, where I make headcanon *Directories for muses on my end to better keep track &&. document HC’s. I heavily value developing bonds between me &&. my writing partners muses so if it is alright with Mutuals that their muse is *mentioned in posts like this?
Please let me know in a comment or DMs! Usually I will ask permission to write these out beforehand.
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↳ You’re alright with me giving you my *Discord so we can talk more OOC to chat or to discuss ideas &&. our current threads / plot possible future ones. I struggle with this, but I would really love to discuss headcanons more when they crop up, along with just getting more used to screeching to partners about how much I loved recent replies. Just a warning is I am a little shy &&. my social battery can vary between extra outgoing to having no energy to respond back, so as long as that’s alright! I am making grabby hands!
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* Please note that interacting with this post also gives you permission to do any of these things right back. If you want me to do only some of these things but not others, please, feel free to comment in the notes or let me know in private.
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↳ Lastly, if you have yet to fill out my *Interest Tracker — I highly urge you to so I know how best to approach you in the future along with what dynamics you’re interested in pursuing! It’s not mandatory but it helps so so much.
The purpose of this post is simply meant to reassure that there is a shared interest in interacting more in the future, mainly for my own anxiety since I do struggle a lot with pushing myself to poke new folks without feeling like I’m being a bit of a bother. It’s usually why I rely heavily on starter calls &&. inbox calls so I have that known permission to toss my muses people’s way.
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praynot · 14 days
i tried my best to send memes to ppl today! i've also filled out everyone's interest trackers that i'm moots with (probably twice at this point, ngl, sorry folks)!!
since i'm not very active on the dash rn (or for a while) please LIKE THIS so i can send you more memes /or/ a one-liner after i do the dishes!
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getsusekaii · 2 months
Name / Alias: rubii, wubii, roob, puppy all fit haha
Pronouns: they/them
Blog type: single muse | multi-muse | non selective | semi selective | selective | mutuals only | private | other (specify)
Type of muses: canon | OCs | both | other (headcanon based canon characters like tengen and rika)
Triggers people MUST tag: extreme eye gore, insects, trypophobia (for the love of god please)
Interest tracker / checker: I have it and it's mandatory | I have it, it's not mandatory but I'm more likely to follow back / interact with the people who fill it | I have one and I prefer it if people fill it in | I have it but it's to people whether to fill it or not | I don't have one | other (specify)
Reblog karma: I practise it | I practise it sometimes | I don't practise it | I always reblog memes from the source | indifferent | other (specify)
Rule passwords: I have one and it's mandatory | I have one and it's optional | I don't have one | I send passwords | don't sent passwords | [space for eventual additions / explanations]
i have adhd which means my communication in the beginning is staggered and all, but by no means does it mean i dislike you or anything. i'm actually really shy af too even though i'm also trying to loosen up and be more open to talking to ppl more. more often this results in mild burn out, i just ask for your patience, and to never be afraid to reach out to me (sometimes i just forget to reply to dms bc my life is weird af)
do NOT, do not, do not, do not pressure me into writing ships. there are a select few moots who you may see i add and have an instant shipping connection with, and it's often times bc the mun chemistry is peak, but never forced.
no drama. idc if i follow someone you dislike based off of a tiny fight. unless it's something egregious and serious and something i should 100% be on the look out for, i don't wanna know why you dislike a person based off of something silly or they hurt your feelings. it had nada nothing to do with me. i just wanna write.
do not pester me to reply to threads. i work graveyard shifts, working 9 blogs here and there. a casual reminder here and again is cool, but please don't rush me
force ship, even if it's my OTP
thinking im scary, 'anxiety is preventing me from' etc. etc. idk why this bothers me so much, but it does. i don't know why you follow or anything if you're too scared to interact with me, or anxiety is your reason for not reaching out, esp if you followed me first. its a little strange.
weird ass ships.
too much complaining on the dash, e-begging, gaslighting.
following for follow count. i want people to write with.
strange head canons, general things i just don't vibe with. no offense but we're entitled to our opinion and safe spaces
weird behavior, persistent annoying communication, soft gaslightling regarding threads/life/why don't my mutuals/followers blah blah.
i dont see ourselves vibing in general.
no age/rules/about page that's easily accessible.
"problematic" ships (adult/underage)
tagged by: yoiked by @hazubekimono tagging: you're it now
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xluciifer · 2 months
Okay because I lack and forget a lot, if you have an interest tracker, PLEASE LIKE THIS. There's so many followers I know I've missed and haven't filled out their interest trackers and I need/want to.
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rasafcrged · 3 months
Like / reply for a starter. Please lmk what verse you’d like. If a multi, lmk who you’re feeling most so I can cater to your current spark! I think I have a few to do still but feel free to like / reply again in case I missed the last request on my old starter call.
Also very helpful if you fill out her interest tracker - link in pinned.
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vendettavalor · 8 months
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// Alright- I finally got around to updating my interest tracker with all of the fandoms now up on my nav! I’ve also updated the selective statuses of certain fandoms. Newcomers - please go ahead and fill it out so we can get the ball rolling with interactions! Previous mutuals- you’re not required to fill it out again unless you want to but I believe that you’re able to go back to your previous entries and simply update them how ya like! Otherwise, feel free to check out the new layout and see what new content I’ve inevitably slipped and fallen into.
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perditicn · 4 months
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Like this post and I'll send you a meme to start a thread! Please make sure to leave a reply to this post specifying blog, muse, verse, or whatever else you feel needs specifying.
If you don't specify things I'll either base it off who you have filled out on my interest tracker or send whoever I want if you haven't filled it out. These will be sent out tonight and tomorrow between me working on blog stuff and me queuing current drafts.
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monmuses · 18 days
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it is beetlejuice 2 MOVIE NIGHT RAHHHH
i'm gonna be busy tonight but i will start sending out asks! if you're looking for some asks, please like this post linked and fill out my interest tracker if you haven't already!! gonna start getting these going and i will plan on continuing some as threads (just lmk if you'd rather plot instead!).
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hiohaku · 1 month
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火を吐く ⤻ ⭒ ☾ 𝚄𝚃𝙰𝙷𝙸𝙼𝙴 𝙸𝙾𝚁𝙸 of ' jujutsu kaisen ' , TREATED AS AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER with inspiration found in Japanese mythology & personal headcanons / concepts . unaffiliated with the rpc . oc + crossover friendly : not duplicate friendly . SELECTIVE , PRIVATE + MUTUAL EXCLUSIVE . 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒐𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒔 ` DO NOT INTERACT . sang by ford . ( she / they . 25 . cst . ) read rules before interaction . reading headcanons and portrayal posts is highly encouraged as well.
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缘分 fates intertwined : kuraokcmi , usagimen
メイン lyrics : ak4rin , chipen
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` ¹ . . basic roleplay etiquette applies . don't be a bully , tag your posts , etc . mutually exclusive ; IF WE NOT MUTUALS PLEASE DO NOT INTERACT . minors aren't welcome + if there's no age on your blog you'll be blocked. I DON'T FOLLOW EVERYBODY BACK !! i prefer to keep my following / followers low , if you don ' t attempt any interaction you'll be softblocked . if you display any kind of toxic / problematic behaviors you will be blocked . i'm not fast ; it doesn't mean i don't want to write with you , i' m just busy in my life outside of tumblr . however my discord is available to mutuals , i also write there + enjoy chatting . don ' t steal or lift anything from my blog , i make + conceptualize everything .
` ² . . partially removed from the canon material , utahime is treated as an original character here with her characterization based around my own ideas , concepts & headcanons [ . . . ] there's an emphasis on japanese mythology + tradition . IF YOU DON ' T LIKE HOW SHE'S WRITTEN DON ' T FOLLOW .
` ³ . . going forward ; i need you to fill out MY INTEREST TRACKER before we interact . it gives me a good base for interactions and i ' m tired of going in circles with people :) . asks / meme prompts are utilized in getting interactions : YOU CAN ALWAYS CONTINUE AN ASK ! that being said : plotted interactions + interactions with mains / exclusives will be prioritized !! + PLEASE let me know if you lose muse for a thread !
` ⁴ . . everything gets tagged but topics and genres that could be upsetting or triggering will be explored here given the source material . tags will be simple to make blacklisting easy ( example : # trigger / . ) this goes for sexual themes as well , though i prefer to write those themes with muns i ' ve talked to .
` ⁵ . . shipping status is EXCLUSIVE MULTISHIP , unless stated otherwise , if you see a romantic relationship being written : THAT IS THE ONLY PORTRAYAL I 'LL WRITE ROMANTICALLY WITH . along with the sexual content , i prefer to ship with people who i ' ve talked to !! i find that it keeps things more organized and helps the relationship flow better , i have a difficult time shipping with somebody i don ' t talk to . chemistry + development between muses is important to me + is required : i prefer writing most of the development within interactions rather than jumping into shipping , it helps with the foundation of a relationship and such . if you want to ship i need you to tell me " i want to ship " . i ' m interested in developing other types of dynamics other than romantic though and encourage you to reach out to me with any ideas . THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOU CANT SEND ME SHIP ORIENTED THINGS !! I ‘ ll still answer anything in my ask — but we are not shipping until it ‘ s discussed !!
↪ if you see i ' m writing a dynamic / relationship you ' d also be interested in exploring , i write in private servers on discord and will happily write them there too . simply reach out to me <3
` ⁶ . . i have no tolerance for drama . if there ' s ever anything i do that hurts you , upsets you , offends you , etc . please communicate with me . that ' s my biggest + most important rule : COMMUNICATION . i ' m not the best with tone and it ' s easy to misunderstand things on the internet , please just communicate with me . IM NOT PRO - CALLOUT , while i read them if they circulate , i do not reblog them : just because i do not interact with these posts does not mean i condone their actions . if i ' m interacting with somebody who ' s problematic or dangerous , let me know . i have been involved in drama in the past and will elaborate if needed .
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