#( season two )
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A Dead Wood Pigeon (Ferdinand Von Wright, 1867), Kiss By the Window (Edvard Munch, 1892)
2.01 “What Can the Damned Really Say to the Damned”
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asexualenjolras · 5 months
I need to talk about Cash Piggott and how important his character is to the asexual community.
I absolutely adore the fact that Cash calls people out on their acephobia and never, ever apologises for who he is. He doesn't think he's broken.
In season one, we see Darren say "you know what, I think there's something really fucking wrong with you, Cash," and Cash immediately, with no hesitation, screams "well fuck you then".
In season two, we see Dusty say that he's being selfish asking Darren to give up sex and he immediately stands up and says "fuck this" because he knows he doesn't have to listen to people making him feel bad about his sexuality.
And when he's talking to his nan about it, Cash says "it's not fair, I would do anything, why does it have to be the one thing I can't change about myself?"
In every single one of these scenes, we never see Heartbreak High blame Cash for his sexuality. We never see him apologise to anyone for not feeling sexual attraction, and we never see him feel guilty about it, or try to change who he is.
CA$H recognises that his sexuality might be difficult for people to accept and understand, but he never lets other people make him feel like he's broken, or flawed. And that's so powerful to see.
Because asexual people are not broken. And we can't be fixed. And we are not being selfish for putting in boundaries.
I absolutely adore Douglas Piggott. He means the world to me, and this representation is so, so important.
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sallyjacksonsson · 8 months
reasons why I need season two:
percy rattling off a string of coordinates when annabeth asks where they are
the siren scene
f a t a l f l a w s
grover in a wedding dress
percy as a guinea pig
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anamazingangie · 6 months
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i'm FINE
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winchestergifs · 5 months
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STACKEDNATURAL ⇉ 137/327 (part 1)
2.9 Croatoan Written by John Shiban Directed by Robert Singer Original Air Date: December 7, 2006
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bocadelinfierno · 3 months
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dragon-kazansky · 4 months
Bridgerton shade of blue
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Benedict Bridgerton x Female Reader
The Viscount is set on finding a wife this season, and you are trying again for your second season. While Anthony is dealing with trials between Edwina and Kate Sharma, you are dealing with trials of your own. Benedict Bridgerton is ever present in your life, but your pursuit to find a husband must come first. Society is ever so exhausting.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Season Two
Chapter Twenty Two - The races
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As the races were in the afternoon, you had accepted Violet's invitation to join her at her home. As she had sworn to look after you, you were sure she would be eager to hear of your caller.
She greets you with a smile as you enter the drawing room, calling for tea and ushering you to come sit down with her. She starts the conversation by telling you that Eloise was still being rather difficult and that Anthony had gone to call upon Miss Edwina.
You just hoped Edwina could handle Anthony. Though, from what you heard in Lady Whistledown, it was the sister he would have to worry about.
When Benedict steps into the drawing room, he is surprised to see you. He had not expected to see you, unaware his mother had invited you. Not that he should be surprised. Violet Bridgerton was fond of you. That much he did know.
"Good morning."
You look up and see him pass you with his sketchbook.
"Good morning."
Benedict slumps down in a chair opposite you and opens his book, sketching away. He doesn't look at you much. You choose to ignore his brief greeting and share your news with Violet.
"I had a caller this morning."
Violet sits up with excitement and reaches for your hand. "Who?"
"Lord Baxtor."
You don't notice the way Benedict stops his sketching to secretly listen. Violet looks beyond pleaded.
"I hear he has quite a fortune." Violet hums softly. "I believe he is quite studious, too."
"He will be escorting me at the races this afternoon. I am to meet him there." You smile brightly. Violet can tell you're excited.
"That is wonderful news, dear. Do you need anything?"
"Will you perhaps chaperone? Racing is not quite my mother's interest, and it would bring me great comfort to know someone I trust is near."
"Of course."
Benedict continues his sketching. He's not sure why it irked him so much to know you have a gentleman escorting you to the races. Why shouldn't you have a caller? It's what you wanted all along.
Penelope arrives in a cheerful yellow dress, as usual. It certainly brightens up the room. She offers you a smile before joining Eloise at the table. In Eloise's hands is the latest Whistledown paper.
"Is that a copy of Lady Whistledown?" Pen asks Eloise, pretending not to realise right away.
"It is."
"I thought we were done with her."
"Do not discourage her, Penelope," Violet chimes in. "If she has taken an interest in Lady Whistledown again, perhaps it means she's interested in what she had to say about the season's available gentlemen too."
"I cannot think of a cleverer way to say this, but no." Eloise sighs. "Her latest is not exactly the philosophical treatise on the rights of the fairer sex u was hoping for, but--"
"Come now, I do not think Lady Whistledown has changed her entire style of writing wince her last issue," Penelope says.
"Perhpad not. But perhaps she still can."
"Perhaps she does not want to. Perhaps she is quite content. And if she's even sparked your renewed interest, El, then perhaps whatever she is doing is working."
You smile at Penelope's passion.
"Yes, but she could do so much more," Eloise says. "I know I could convince her of it. If I were to find her this time."
"What you must find, my dear, is happiness," Violet chimes in. "Penelope, assist me here. Eloise could find that with someone, could she not?"
I believe she could. And not Lady Whistledown, but someone more like-- Colin."
"My brother?" Eloise looks at her friend confused.
"No, not Coli-- Colin!" Penelope stands up. You turned around to see Colin Bridgerton entering the room. You stand up, also.
"Glad to see things have not changed," he says.
You get up to greet him. "Hello!"
Benedict and Violet do the same as you.
"Could you set aside the latest family squabble and embrace me?" Colin teases. Eloise hugs her brother with a happy chuckle. Violet hugs him next. He then pulls you into a hug, too. You chuckle softly.
"I did not expect you to return so soon, dearest," Violet says to him, taking in the sight of her son.
"Well, I missed you all. What can I say?" He grins. You step back as he hugs his brother. As Benedict steps back, Colin looks at Penelope. She smiles at him.
Hyacinth and Gregory then enter the room and hug their brother, having missed him dearly.
"I must get you to the doctor post haste," Benedict says. "This strange, fizzy growth on your chin is no doubt some kind of disease."
You chuckle softly. Benedict smiles proudly. He likes it when you laugh.
"And you seem to have taken to the sun toom how peculiar," Francesca comments, coming up beside her brother.
"I think he looks distinguished," Penelope comments.
"And where, may I ask, is our intrepid viscount?" Colin asks.
"He is..."
Anthony appears right at that moment. You're surprised to see him.
"...back from courting already," Violet says, also surprised to see him.
"Colin! You are returned. Even better." Anthony greets his brother. "Family, I should like you all to ready yourselves for the races today. We will be attending, united as one."
Violet once again seems surprised, yet happily so.
You chuckle softly. "I best get home and change then. I shall see you all there, I hope." You look around. Anthony nods. Penelope does, too. You smile at her and pat her shoulder gently as you pass her.
You don't even glance at Benedict.
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You arrive at the races and find Lord Baxtor waiting for you. He smiles as he offers you his arm, and you both head off to place bets on horses.
It's a beautiful sunny afternoon, and you were very much looking forward to your day out. Your mother trails behind you a ways as you walk with Baxtor.
Once the bets are placed, you walk through the crowds. It was certainly a busy day.
"I am hoping you're my lucky charm today," he says, smiling brightly.
"Oh? I'm honoured," you chuckle.
He looks at you with a grin. "It was certainly be a good sign for the future, no?"
"If we win?"
You chuckle again. "It's a lot of pressure relying on the horse."
"I think he shall pull through."
You find his confidence in the animal rather charming. If the horse were to be the deciding factor of this courtship, then you hoped it would pull through. Jonathan Baxtor certainly thought so.
As you stroll, you spot the Sharma sisters. Edwina is attached at the arm with a fine gentleman. Lumley, you believe his name to be. Kate catches your eye and you smile at her, she returns the gesture.
Kate is beautiful. She is wearing a dark blue dress with matching accessories in her hair and blue netted gloves on her hands.
Edwina is in all pink. She looks very pretty, too. Gentle.
"Friends of yours?" Baxtor asks.
"Not quite yet. I met them at Lady Danbury's soiree. I'm keen to know them, however. They seem like good people to know."
"Miss Edwina Sharma looks very pretty today."
"She does.
"Though my eye is still drawn to you," Baxtor smiles. You find yourself looking away with a blush. This man certainly knew what to say.
"Shall we find our seats?"
"A splendid idea."
You chuckle softly as he guides you along toward the track.
You're far too occupied to see Benedict watching from a distance. He was standing with his brothers. His blue eyes follow you until you're out of sight. Anthony nudges him, and Benedict snaps out of it.
"You're staring."
"No, I wasn't."
Anthony gives him a look, and Benedict sighs. He turns his eyes away and spots Mondrich approaching. He decides to greet him quickly to stop his brother from mentioning anything else.
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You sit with Baxtor and talk quietly as people gather to find their seats. You watch the horses walk along the fence with their riders.
"Beautiful, are they not?"
"Yes, very."
"Do you ride?" He asks.
"Not very well. We don't have any horses." You admit that rather shyly.
"Fear not. I would be glad to teach you one day," he smiles. "That is, if you are interested."
"Very much."
As the Bridgerton family take their seats, Benedict's attention is drawn to a choice nearby. His eyes find you sitting a row below him off to the right. You're talking closely with Lord Baxtor.
Anthony has left their side to go meddle with the Sharma's, hoping to get close to Miss Edwina, and Colin does not care enough for his brother's brooding to shake him from it.
Benedict watches you from his seat in a slight huff. He should have asked you to come with him, but he hadn't even thought about it until it was too late.
Why should it matter so much who you come with? No. He can't deny it. He misses you. He misses your company. He wants his friend back by his side.
You laugh at something Baxtor says and Benedict has to look away. He can't stand watching any longer.
It isn't much longer until the bell tolls and the horses are off. You and Baxtor watch with excitement and eagerness as the horses run. You both cheer along with the crowd. He is amused by your excitement.
High Flyer crosses the finish line first and you cheer.
Benedict watches the way you grab onto Baxtor's arm in excitement. He immediately has to look away. Luckily, Eloise, who was beside him, is a fine distraction as she cheers in excitement, too.
If only he could feel as thrilled.
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"She is pompous and arrogant and quite sure she knows best in every situation."
Benedict was fencing with his brothers when Anthony decided to moan about the eldest Sharma sister.
"She sounds like a terrible nuisance," Colin comments, having just spared with his brother. He gets into a stance to parry again with Anthony.
"Especially since you are the one who knows best in every situation," Benedict says, watching his brothers.
Anthony disarms Colin.
"And the victor of every match today," Colin points out.
"Less talking, more fencing, Brother."
Colin picks up the sword and gives it to Benedict, who gets into position. "Good luck," he sighs.
"Ready?" Benedict asks.
Anthony raises the sword, and they begin.
"Do you know why I win every time?" Anthont asks.
"Because every time you lose, you claim we cheated."
Anthony wins.
"Because I know my duties. What my purposes are and how to obtain them. Which I will do when I make Miss Edwina my viscountess."
Benedict loses again.
Not even his anger at the image of you and Baxtor was enough to fuel his duel with Anthony.
"Miss Edwina and I are well-suited. She is a lovely young lady. She wishes for children. She'll make a perfectly agreeable wife."
"What he means to say is that he has already dismissed every other young lady in town," Benedict states.
"You are one to talk."
"Whatever do you mean?" Benedict asks.
"The one woman in all of London you hold so dear, and yet you are not courting her."
Benedict swings his sword. "She is not mine to court."
"Is that jealousy, I sense?" Anthony teases.
Benedict swings, but Anthony outsmarts him. "Is she not of interest to you? Or perhaps you are simply not ready."
"Hush, Brother. It is not of your concern."
Benedict loses again.
"You take too much upon yourself, brother." Colin says, watching Anthony. "Perhaps your life might be easier if you persued someone with a less disagreeable sister."
"Why should I be the one to admit defeat?" Anthony asks him, getting rather worked up. "Regardless of which young lady I have chosen to pursue, there would have always been some obstinate father or meddlesome aunt into the picture. I shall certainly not let some sister, especially one younger than me, keep me from getting what it is I want."
"Whom you want, you mean?" Benedict swings again getting Anthony on the arm.
"Is this still a friendly match, or do we need to find armor?" Colin asks.
"That is what you don't understand, Brother. Benedict honours me by holding nothing back. As I now honour him."
They get into position again and then fence once more. Anthony knocks Benedict onto his backside.
"What honour."
Anthony helps Benedict up onto his feet. He gives him a knowing look, but Benedict shakes his head. Anthony simply chuckles.
"Thank you, gentlemen, for the bracing exertion. Now, it is time for me to secure my final victory for the day. Wish me luck."
Anthony walks off. The two brothers watch him go.
They spar between themselves.
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@callmemana - @lilscast - @imgondeletedis - @benedictbridgertonss - @clownsdiehard - @wxnterwidow333
@sillynilly27 - @autumn-slaves - @ben-has-arrived - @ajdelilah - @aadu2173
@booknerdlife - @tamlinrose - @sarahskywalker-amidala - @cheryyluv - @louschan - @lou-la-lou - @cultish-corner
@hopshusushi - @katherinejess - @nannabug - @afunkyfreshblog - @f0x33 - @dd122004dd -
@jupitervenusearthmars - @orchiidflwer - @bespinnn - @captainlunaxmen - @winchestersimpalababy - @acupnoodle
@ms-fandomgirl - @fablesrose - @anyaisinyourcloset - @meowzerzstuff - @orchiidflwer - @crazymar15
@cosmixstar - @bree3parchen - @berrnuu - @charmainemaclendon - @pinkpantheris - @krismdavis
@biancamde - @ifgslsofbsodbf - @kniselle - @berarenado - @grassclippers - @bwormie - @avengersgirllorianna
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dailybtvs · 7 months
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer | 2.15 — "Phases"
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theshadowsooc · 6 months
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stonenumberone · 6 months
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We have work to do.
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Death and the Maiden (Marianne Stokes, 1908)
2.06 “Like the Light by Which God Made the World Before He Made Light”
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asexualenjolras · 5 months
It is SO important to me that there are separate characters in Heartbreak High that are openly celibate alongside an openly asexual character. Because being asexual does not mean you are celibate. It is a sexual orientation, not a choice.
Cash Piggott was already the best asexual representation I've ever seen, but season two has really solidified that.
Thank you Netflix. It's such a minor detail but it meant the world.
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mvlderfox · 3 months
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“Some people collect salt and pepper shakers. The fetishist collects dead things. …no one quite knows why. Though I've never quite understood salt and pepper shakers myself.”
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anamazingangie · 6 months
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oh my godddd
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sallyjacksonsson · 8 months
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SEASON TWO BABEY!!!!!!!!!!!!
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bocadelinfierno · 4 months
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