#( the boys // LUCY VERSE )
bunicate · 3 months
using a silly spell online to summon a demon for sex thinking it wouldn’t work and then *poof* lucifer da morning star is in your room ! he’s equally pissed and amazed tht a silly litl human girl had enough magical power to summon him and to ask for sex of all things
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nukaknight · 12 days
ship tags (of every variety)
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sinnerswinners · 4 months
hey thanks so much for being patient with me, I've been feeling better. I've been lurking and I do plan to be back soon.
i will say
i've been cooking
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likeswallowstosea · 9 months
@gccdwitch asked: “i was just standing here, minding my own business.” from lucy to james or zander
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“Bullshit.” James shot back immediately, rolling his eyes at the concept of Lucy ever minding her own business. Most likely she was trying to dig up some dirt to shit-talk him with Zander later, it wasn't like he was unaware of the fact that Ches's best friends hated his guts. And sure, it was warranted all things considered, but he wasn't about to admit to that out loud. “So what's this really about? I haven't spoken to Ches, so if she's upset it's not my fault this time.” Well, that wasn't entirely a lie. He hadn't spoken to her since she kissed him and ran out the door, at least. “Did you ask Theo or Zander what they did? Gods know she spends way too much 'quality time' with those two if you catch my drift.” Okay, was he a bit bitter that Ches had kissed him and ran out the door? Yes. Was this fair? No. Was he going to continue being angry about Theo and Zander being close to his ex when he couldn't even get her to sit down and try to talk things through? Yes. He was a child of Ares, when wasn't he angry?
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normaltothemax · 1 year
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@detectiveconnor said: "I’m not going anywhere." (for Lucy)
He held on tight to Connor’s hand, legs dangling from the chair he’d been sat on. Anxiously, worriedly, he chewed on the skin of his lip, his eyes downcast, staring at his feet. His cheeks were still wet from where fat tears had rolled down them, face flushed from crying. Lucy sniffled. “Is Arthur gonna be okay?” There had been a lot of blood, so much blood, and it was still staining his hands and his clothes and he couldn’t get it off and Lucy didn’t know what to do.
So he gripped Connor’s hand with all the strength the six-year-old could muster and he looked up at the Android with big, round, searching eyes, desperately needing reassurance. Instructions. Something.
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here is a rough incomplete list of The Boys crossover verses for a few of my muses (tony, friday, elle, anakin, lucy, bruce, and will). these are very much still works in progress.
Tony - his pre Iron Man history is pretty much the same. I do think Howard might have worked with Vaught, it kinda just goes with his working with Cap. But Tony never has and never wanted to. Sure, when he was a kid he went through the whole ‘wow superheros are so cool’ phase, but he learned young never to meet your heroes because they probably suck. Most of Iron Man 1's plot happens the same, but in the end he doesn't tell anyone he's Iron Man. He has no interest in competing with supes. He does continue to work on the suit and is always continuously upgrading it, but the only time Iron Man makes an appearance is when he is hunting down his weapons that Obadiah sold. I think he may eventually start consulting work with the FBSA
Friday - pretty much the same as her canon verse. She’s an android made by Tony. Jarvis is still around since the whole Ultron plot doesn't happen in this verse. So the two A.I.’s share the workload, but Jarvis is the main A.I. that people know about. No one but those closest to Tony knows that Friday’s an android.
Elle - I'm thinking of incorporating her extremis verse into this. Maybe AIM was trying to compete with Vaught by making extremis as a way to make super soldiers, but just ended up with human bombs. A lot of the plot if iron man 3 would happen the same, with Tony and AIM and Killian. Elle is kidnapped along with Pepper and injected with extremis, later Tony is able to stabilize it but not remove it completely. So Elle now has extremis powers. They’ve have worked hard to keep this a secret and so far no one knows.
Anakin - he and Obi-Wan are part of some supe group. He’s pretty popular, his supe name is something like the knight, I'm not sure of that yet. His powers would be near invulnerability, super strength, telekinesis, some level of psychic ability. He has a secret affair with a senator, Padme, and she ends up getting pregnant. They know Vaught would probably want the babies, so they keep it secret but something happens. I still haven't thought up all the details yet, I'm thinking Vaught sends someone after them after they end up going into hiding, but Padme is badly hurt and dies shortly after the babies are born. Anakin goes rogue and starts hunting down the people responsible, which probably ends with him going up against Vaught. Obi-Wan helps him keep the twins hidden away.
Lucy - she was a patient at Sage Grove Center who escaped, because ending up in a sketchy mental hospital is just totally what would happen to her. The power she got was intangibility (like she can walk through walls), along with enhanced strength and durability that most supes have. Since her escape she has been mostly in hiding while trying to learn how to fully control her powers.
Bruce - I have a few different ideas for Bruce, so I might end up with more than one verse for him, I’m not sure yet. One idea is that the Waynes were killed by a supe, it could have been intentional or an accident, idk I’m leaning more towards accident. Bruce was the only witness. Vaught had to work pretty hard to cover it up since the death of the Waynes was such a big deal, and it wasn’t like they could pay Bruce off; but the fact that he was just a child helped them. Bruce grows up with an extreme distrust of supes and works to secretly hunt down corrupt and dangerous ones. ANOTHER idea is that for some reason the Waynes agree to give baby Bruce compound v, he grows up to become Batman. But clearly, Bruce is not the type of person who is good in front of a camera; he is able to use his money and give ‘donations’ to Vaught so that he doesn’t have to deal with any of the film or public persona part of being a superhero. They really sell the whole ‘mysterious’ part of Batman to ‘keep him in the shadows’. Bruce really does just want to help people and has no interest in the fame part of it. So far he has managed to keep his secret identity, what witn Batman wearing a mask and Bruce Wayne making so few public appearances.
Will - very vague idea of Will being a supe with empath abilities, like he can touch things and see past events associated with that item, and he can sense and control peoples emotions. They’re not ‘flashy’ powers, and he doesn’t have any of the super strength or durability, add to that the fact that he is definitely not a personable person, and Vaught really has no interest in him. Which is perfectly fine by him. He lives an isolated life, working as a teacher (either at a regular school or for the FBI, i’m not sure. Idk he may still end up working with the fbi.)
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jeandejard3n · 2 months
Fallout: Haunting Heavens
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inabsentiiarch · 1 year
∗ 22﹕ sender finds receiver [ injured / bloodied ] . (consider: the wild west / grim!Lucan au we were talking about 👀)
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"I'm sorry, we are almost there."
The voice of the old undertaker resonates softly at the back of his head. Ahead of him, the arid landscape starts looking blurry, and his mouth feels dry. But the redhead still does his best to lean against the kind man without bringing him down in the process.
Against his abdomen, the old man seems to press a piece of fabric that was once white. Now, it has almost completely turned a deep shade of crimson red.
Lucan grimaces, unaware of the confused looks he and the old man receive from the pass byers. His bright eyes set on the door of the saloon ahead.
"I need help !" The old man finally speaks, pushing the door open and dragging the taller red haired man inside with him. Lucan's pain filled eyes manage to scan his sorrounding, as if to confirm he's in fact safe, and then, as if by exhaustion, the young man shifts into something completely different.
Lucan's deep red hair becomes a beautiful black colour, human features and extremities turn unmistakably animal. And now, where there once was a man, there's a wolf-like dog of impressive size that the undertaker makes an effort to place in the ground with care. Eyes grow worried at the sight of his friend's laboured breathing. Quiet whimpers follow every breath.
"Someone tried to hunt him down." The old man sighs. "It looks bad, can you help him?" He says, now reaching to touch the creatures head, and the grim responds with the weak wag of his tail.
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fairybond · 1 year
‘ would you look at her ? she is so peaceful ‘ / juvia @ lucy !
some ancient meme from like 2 years ago // @hearternal
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     Nestled upon Lucy’s lap, the white kitten gave a sleepy stretch of its whole body, paws flexing, before it resettled into a ball. Gently, Lucy stroked a finger or two down its back, her lips a fond curve as the cat started to purr.  The soft, pale fur had dried in the hours since she and Juvia had brought it in from the heavy storm, and the mud they had carefully cleaned off had not been hiding any injuries, much to their relief. They couldn’t be sure if the kitten belonged to someone and it was lost, or if it had been abandoned.
     “Yeah,” she sighed, “She is peaceful, that means she’s comfortable around people, right? So, someone must know something about her.”
     The thought brought a frown to her, a small and wistful ache in her chest that hoped she might be able to keep the little feline herself, but knowing it was unlikely.
     “It’d be for the best if we can find her owner,” she said, as if to convince herself more than anything, “It’s not easy for a guild mage to keep pets.”
     She knew there were long stretches of time between her being home, missions could take longer than planned and often involved a lot of travel. It would be impractical (and unkind) for her to keep a pet. Come to think of it, was she even allowed pets in her apartment? 
     Unease trickled down her back.
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     “We better come up with something before my landlady notices she’s here.”
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0hmydekiru · 2 years
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Black Noir is a musical savant, and now I just have this image in my head of him and Lucy sitting at the piano playing together back and forth. No words, just music. And now I need to write with a Noir.
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rainintheevening · 2 months
Peter writes home from the battlefield every chance he can.
Lucy's letters are full of barely rhyming, rambling poetry, talk of stars and trees and any plants or animals he's seen. He puts in all the words that will never describe any of this, but still there is a great sky above him, and a big heart in his chest, and he hopes she will understand. She could if anyone can.
To Edmund he sends the muddy, bloody, wobbly-writing letters, the ones with rambling memories of Narnian battles and strategy, though he takes care to phrase it as 'playing in the woods', not wanting the censors to get leery. There are also many theological musings, and usually the continuation of whatever Bible verse Ed has sent in his letter. I wish you were here, and yet I am glad you are not, is a sentiment oft repeated.
Susan and Mother usually get the same letter, little stories of kindness shown or soft things appreciated. He asks them for more socks for Jackie, an extra bar of chocolate for Hamish, tells them how he's gotten his whole unit to memorize the Jabberwocky poem, and they make each other smile with it.
Dad is usually named with Susan and Mother, but sometimes he gets an extra scribble, usually a single scripture reference, or the name of a local boy now dead, and a few things Peter asks him to go tell the family.
Eustace gets the occasional missive folded in with the rest, usually sketches of aeroplanes, with which Eustace is fascinated, though they aren't very good sketches. If there's a sketch for Eustace, there is usually also a sketch for Jill, something Narnian, a sword or a forest or a castle.
Professor Kirke only gets occasional letters, usually short and to the point, but written in particularly formal language, as of a king writing to a dear advisor.
They all write to Peter.
Professor Kirke sends exerpts of whatever philosophy or theology or history books he just happens to be reading at the time he remembers to write. Sometimes it seems very random to Peter, but he loves it.
Eustace's letters are infrequent, but burst with colourful descriptions of his school life that make Peter laugh.
Dad usually just scribbles scripture references at the bottom of Mother's letters. Susan signs those too. Mother's letters are full of ordinary home life, rich with the warmth of hearthlight and fresh baking and good books and comfortable chairs and a much loved old quilt. She says what everyone is doing much more clearly, tells how the garden is coming in.
Mother and Susan are also very good at writing to the boys who don't have anyone to write to them. (Peter has a picture of his family, and everyone in Peter's unit thinks Susan is the prettiest girl in Europe, that she should be a queen, but they all watch what they say around Peter, they know how he feels about his sister's honour. But it really does bring up morale.)
Edmund doesn't usually say a lot, but he's regular, always engaging with whatever musings Peter put in his previous letter, making some of his own references to Narnia, usually to things Oreius taught them, and always concluding with a Bible verse. Half the time Ed absently addresses the missive To High King Peter, my brother... He never actually says I'll find you when I join up, I promise, it's just sort of there, between the lines.
Lucy's letters are like blue sky and fresh air and a fierce hug. Sometimes Peter can almost smell Narnia on the paper. They're not long, but she says I love you all the time, and talks of the weather and the flowers, and the girls at school who are struggling, and how she's trying to help them, and there's always a bit of poetry or a hymn that she's written, but it's actually good, compared to Peter's stuff. Courage, dearest brother, she always says. Remember the Lion, she always finishes.
Peter gets so many letters he has to start sending them back to his family for safe keeping.
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phefics · 5 months
(Ily work!!)
How do you think the thg boys and girls would react to you having a panic attack?
Ty <33
coryo is suprisingly understanding. he's had panic attacks before, like in canon, so i think he would know how to ground you, and comfort you afterwards. "hey, look at me. i'm right here, okay? you're safe, i've got you."
finnick is good under pressure, and understands panic attacks very well, as his ptsd has made him all too familiar with them. when he has panic attacks, he doesn't want to be touched, so he'd probably assume the same of you. he does his best to talk you through it and then already has water, a snack, and is ready to listen to you vent when it ends.
gale is a little confused, but he's got the spirit. he tries to help, but isn't exactly sure how, so he kind of just rubs your back and tells you you're alright, but it makes him really nervous/upset to see you like that. he'd probably ask prim for tips just in case it happens again.
haymitch also has had plenty of panic attacks (mostly before he started drinking), but he takes a slightly harsher, "snap out of it" sort of way of helping. it does usually work, and he'll apologize and comfort you after, but he isn't good at talking you through it, since no one ever did that for him.
johanna has always used substances to calm her anxiety, so she would honestly be a little unsure of how to genuinely comfort you. she probably has to ask finnick what she should say/do, but once she gets the hang of it, she is surprisingly very soft with you about it.
katniss is actually very good at dealing with anxiety, nightmares, and/or panic attacks, having plenty of experience with prim, her mother, her fellow victors, herself. she'll hold you and hum/sing to you, either during or after, depending on if being touched is okay or not.
lucy gray is so gentle with you, and would also probably sing to try and ground/calm you, something soft and sweet. even with her ptsd from the arena, panic attacks aren't something she experiences often, so she is less familiar with them than some of the other characters, so she probably needs some tips on how to best support you.
peeta is surprisingly mechanical about it, and has you do the whole head-between-your-knees, deep-breathing kind of thing. his gentle comfort comes after, he insists that you calm your mind and body in the way a medical professional would recommend, talking you through it, and then once you've come out of the attack, he'll do whatever you need to feel comforted and supported.
sejanus is the sweetest, but under pressure, he does freak out a little. if you started having a panic attack in front of him, i think he'd be a little out of sorts and not know exactly how to help. after the first time, he'd ask you what he should do next time so he'll be better prepared. he's much better at the comfort afterwards than the support during.
tigris is naturally a very caring person, so taking care of you during/after a panic attack comes very easily to her, even if she isn't well-versed on what to do, she sort of intuitively knows what you need and will do it without question or complaint. she definitely makes you food and cuddles you afterwards.
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theguildawards · 2 months
Term 1 2024 Winners!
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Thank you to everyone who participated in the first term 2024 hosted by The Guild Awards! The mod-team is excited to see so much amazing fanwork and their creators recognized, as well as the love shown for this fandom!
Without further delay, here we are!
Winners of The Guild Awards for Term 1 2024
Best Action/Adventure Fiction: "Molten Steel" by @mavikiu (tumblr/AO3) Best Alternate Universe/Reality Fiction: "Bull In a Crystal Shop" by Buniibebe (FFN) Best Canon Fiction: "Taming the Beast: Living Nightmare" by @dawnwynters (tumblr/AO3) Best Angst Fiction: "Finding Hope" by @creaticare / ChaoticKori (AO3) Best Dark Fiction: "Power of the Underworld" by @genavere (tumblr/AO3) Best Drama Fiction: "Even the Dragon King Has Feelings" by Don_Cheadle (AO3) Best Humor/Parody Fiction: "Fairy Tail Textfics" by @multi-verse-mania (tumblr) / Multiverse_Mania (AO3) Best Oneshot (tie): "what does it all come down to? (love? love)" by @forwantofacalling (tumblr) / Fireflower34 (AO3) and "once upon a time, five" by Ostensibly_Functional (AO3) Best Character Portrayal: "Making Friends" (Gajeel) by FairyDell (AO3) Best Romance Fiction: "All Treats, No Tricks" by Be_dazzled06 (AO3) Best LGBTQ+ Romance Fiction: "Every Good Thing in Life (Leads Back to You)" by allayrose (AO3) Best Serial Fiction: "Heart Shaped World" by Myahud (AO3) Best Ficlet: "untitled" by @caissa-scribbles Best Friendship Portrayal: "once upon a time, five" (Team Shadowgear + Gajeel) by Ostensibly_Functional (AO3) Best Completed Fiction: "The Era of Shadows and Sunshine" by RomanticHawthorn (AO3) Best Action/Adventure Artwork: "Super Late But Happy Gruvia Day!" by @hollie-artz (tumblr) Best Alternate Universe/Reality Artwork: "It's Lisanna's turn to be badass" by @pencilofawesomeness (tumblr) Best Canon Artwork: "dan lucy your bobbies" by @boxonarock (tumblr) Best Angst Artwork: "manga redraw🫣" by @azriaann (tumblr) Best Dark Artwork: "rogue on the battlefield" by @celestialrayna (tumblr) Best Humor/Parody Artwork: "Happy Valentine's Day!" by @riveluart (tumblr) Best Kiss Artwork: "happy february to them" by @lav3nder-bees (tumblr) Best Romance Artwork: "Untitled" by @bakutenshi (tumblr) Best LGBTQ+ Romance Artwork: "untitled Fraxus Week prompt" by @bluessom1 (tumblr) Best Character Artwork: "Levy bout to fuck shit up" by @phoenix-before-the-flame (tumblr) Best Duo/Pairing Artwork: "Gajeel + juvia = besties" by @anniechuuu (tumblr) Best Group Depiction Artwork: "Levy and her boys" by @riveluart (tumblr) Best Manga Coloring: "Fire & Lightning" by @fairy-edits (tumblr) Best Redraw Artwork: "Screenshot Redraw of the Raijinshuu + Laxus" by @sheltered-uno (tumblr) Best Overall Artwork: "Levy all soft and glowy" by @mavikiu (tumblr)
Congratulations to all the winners! Your awards are ready! Please send one of the mods or our ask box your preferred email address so we can send them to you!
And thank you to those who voted for the Roulette Category for next term! The Roulette fanfiction category for next term will be: Best NSFW Fiction. This will be defined as: Sexual Content/Smut with plot. Both one-shots and specific chapters from multi-chapter fics are accepted in this category. If coming from a multi-chapter fic, a link for that specific chapter is required and must include content depicting an act of sexual nature. (i.e.: intercourse, masturbation, heavy petting - etc.
As this term comes to a close, The Guild Awards will be taking a short hiatus. This time is always spent reviewing the process and seeing what can be revamped for the next term. We also love hearing from the fandom (ie: YOU!) for suggestions regarding any changes or additions.
We will officially be back in full swing on October 1st! We will still be around in case you have questions or concerns, but please take this time to read new fanfiction and find new fanart.
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You can also keep up-to-date with all current fandom events by checking out the @ftguildevents page!
As the day gets closer to the start of the next term, we will be keeping everyone in the loop when it comes to changes and updates. We hope everyone has a lovely summer! Thank you again for making this such a fun experience! See you soon!
~ The Guild Awards
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scarlettscribbles · 7 months
PART OF neither the angels in heaven above, nor the demons by the sea DRABBLE SERIES ↠ masterlist
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- Lucy Gray Baird & Daughter!OC, mentioned Lucy Gray Baird x Coriolanus Snow
Summary: 1.7k words - The words were on the tip of her tongue before Coriolanus had let it slip that he'd killed three people.
As Lucy Gray became a ghost lost in the wind, so did her secrets.
a/n: i cannot stop thinking about snowbaird !! inspired by my visenya-verse and also bc i love writing about children being loved :)
also, shout out to PlayingTheGameOfThrones' It's Quiet Uptown! i was reading snowbaird fics and i was so happy to find a secret kid fic. literally squealed in excitement bc i was like, that's what's literally in my brain rn
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In truth, Lucy Gray was too young to be doing this. Halfway eighteen, with her heart broken by a man — a boy, really — who almost killed her. Ironically, the suspect of her current predicament was the same person. Oh how Lucy Gray hated it that he still haunted her now.
She had Lucy Gray’s tan skin, her baby girl. The wisps of her hair stuck against her forehead were bright blond. Lucy Gray wondered if her hair would darken eventually.
Annabel Rose Baird was a sickly baby. Her heart was weak and every night, Lucy Gray would have trouble sleeping, afraid that she’d wake up with a cradle gone cold. But she was a survivor, her Annie. Much like her mother. (And father.)
But they could not live on that alone. Lucy Gray, barely recovered from birth, wrapped her baby tight on her back with a sling and took their meager belongings in a bag, setting out to find the community up North Billy Taupe had once talked about. Lucy Gray walked for miles and miles, sometimes wishing she hadn’t left behind that lovely orange scarf her lover gave her. It would’ve made for a more comfortable sleep in their journey. She could’ve given it to Annie as her baby blanket, something to remember her childhood by — the one piece of her father she would ever know or keep. But alas, Lucy Gray had left it behind along with the broken pieces of trust she once thought she could rely on.
Lucy Gray found them eventually. Or rather, they found her. It was in the middle of the night and she’d just put Annie to sleep when flashes of light shone through the gaps between the trees. Cradling her whimpering baby close to her chest, Lucy Gray raised a hand in surrender, hoping that she was saying the right words for them to not shoot her.
They took them to their leader and gave them a small cabin. It was cozy and comfortable but it wasn’t home. Not when their leader, with his calculating eyes and access to Capitol broadcasts, look at her and her baby with such intense scrutiny. Lucy Gray’s paranoia increases every time he “accidentally” chances upon her with questions about the Capitol, about the Hunger Games, about Annie. He’s not as subtle as he thinks he is. Lucy Gray endures his questions, answering casually to alleviate the suspicion upon her. Her heart threatens to beat out of her chest every single time. She could only properly breathe again when she’s back within the four walls of their cabin, with Annie safe in her arms, her little puffs of breath warming Lucy Gray from the inside out.
The one saving grace of the place was Dr. Hartree. She was training under some big shot Capitol doctor when she fled, so she knew more than the District healers did despite the meager hospital equipment she had. She diagnosed Annabel Rose with something called moderate Ventricular Septal Defect; a heart disease she had since birth. Dr. Hartree let her listen to the whooshing sound of her Annie’s heartbeat through the stethoscope. Her baby’s got a hole in her heart. Lucy Gray wept.
Dr. Hartree said that the hole might yet repair itself, that she could look for some medicine that could help strengthen Annie’s heart muscles. But if it did not, Annie would need heart surgery which Dr. Hartree was neither qualified for nor equipped to do. In that scenario, going to the Capitol would be Annie’s best hope, said the doctor. The community’s leader approved Dr. Hartree’s request for getting the medicine. In exchange, Lucy Gray had to take on additional work on top of what she’d already been assigned with to earn her keep. Lucy Gray was both thankful and suspicious. She was no fool, a big favor like that didn’t come without heavier strings. But her baby was alive so Lucy Gray kept her head down. (For the moment, at least.)
Annabel Rose grew up a happy child. She was small for her age but her presence filled the room and her heart was so full of love. Whenever she smiled, a deep dimple showed on her cheek and her warm brown eyes would shine like stars in the night sky. Her baby never did grow out of her blond hair, riotous curls tumbling down her head. She looked like an angel; Lucy Gray’s own angel.
She was truly heaven sent. There were no words to describe how much her daughter made her happy, which was something, coming from a songwriter. Oft Lucy Gray wished the Covey had a chance to know her daughter. Annabel Rose fit in alright with the children of the community, but children can be cruel sometimes. Annie’s body was weak and she ran out of breath fast, making her unable to be included in strenuous physical activities. Lucy Gray was not deaf to the whispers of “runt” that surrounded her daughter, whispers that eventually reached Annie’s ears, causing her to come home tearfully, fisting her mother’s skirt and asking what it meant. Once upon a time, Lucy Gray would have been rearing for a fight but everything was different now. She didn’t have her Covey; her and Annie were alone.
Oh, people were nice enough but, like in District 12, they seemed to be able to sense an otherness in her and Annie that made them unable to accept them fully. It didn’t help that the community leader’s demeanor was like that either. The residents liked and respected him better than the strangers they barely knew anything about, so of course they’d follow his example.
Lucy Gray had been missing her Covey so much that she contemplated going back to District 12, back to her family, when she’d heard that an electric fence was put around it, complete with Peacekeepers patrolling the perimeter. They’d never bothered with that area before, but Lucy Gray had an inkling why they suddenly found it important.
So what else could she do but grit her teeth and bear it? Every night Lucy Gray would sing songs to Annie and tell her stories about the Covey, about her family and the colorful nights and laughter they shared. And Annie’s eyes would shine in the low lamplight, humming along to the tunes.
Lucy Gray did not bring her guitar with her during her journey out of District 12, but she was able to obtain a smaller version — a ukulele — from a traveling salesman. His initial offer nearly took all her saved up money to pay for, but she was able to haggle down to a more reasonable price. At 3-years-old, Annabel Rose learned the basic chords from her mother. The first song she learned was to the tune of Lucy Gray's namesake.
It tugged at Lucy Gray’s heartstrings to hear her Annie’s sweet voice in the warmth of their home. She resolved to write a song for her daughter’s fourth birthday as a gift. Lucy Gray had her song, and so did her Capitol boy. It was only apt that Annabel Rose had one too.
It was the night of Annabel Rose's fourth birthday when everything went wrong. Lucy Gray was humming underneath her breath to the tune of a new song, their tiny kitchen fragrant with the smell of a birthday cake she’d stolen half the ingredients for to bake. She lit up a deformed red candle she attempted to mold from whatever melted wax she could find, cupping the flame between her palms briefly to keep it from being blown out. With a satisfied sigh, she wiped her hands on her apron and walked to the bed to shake her daughter awake.
All Lucy Grey felt was the cold skin of her daughter, her breathing shallow and her skin tinged blue. Her heart dropped to her stomach. With shaking hands, she wrapped Annie in a blanket and lifted her into her arms.
On the way to Dr. Hartree’s cabin, Lucy Gray would not realize that she’d been singing the song she’d written for Annie. And she will sing it under her breath while the good doctor examined her daughter, telling her the heart defect had gotten worse. She’d sing it at the back of her mind while Dr. Hartree tells her that surgery wasn’t an option anymore, that the medicine Annie’ll need is only available in the Capitol, that if she wants her baby to live she’ll need to find some way to get her a heart transplant. She’ll sing it and sing it, hoping the girl she’d written it for would awaken long enough to sing it with her.
She would only stop when Dr. Hartree clasped her hands, telling her in a hushed whisper that she’d found a way to get them to the Capitol discreetly. The doctor’s got family among the Peacekeepers in District 12 who was going to go to the Capitol in two days. Some officer fellow that was high-ranking enough to have his own private train cabin, and kind enough to share it with them. Dr. Hartree had given her temporary antibiotics for Annie with an apology that she couldn’t do anything more. When they arrive in the Capitol, Lucy Gray was on her own. Lucy Gray who had no penny to her name, who would probably be shot on sight once the Capitol had caught wind of her existence.
Her mind was racing on the morn she and a barely-lucid Annie snuck out to the gates. They were met with a heavyset man two heads taller than Lucy Gray, driving a military jeep. Time passed quickly and they encountered no hurdles getting to the train station on time. He lent them warm Capitol-style cloaks so they could blend in upon arrival. He’d even made her a cup of tea, noticing the nervousness in her demeanor. Lucy Gray had not been expecting such kindness from a Peacekeeper, no matter how highly Dr. Hartree spoke of him.
It was nighttime when they arrived, snow falling heavily on the ostentatious buildings. It wasn’t only the cold that made Lucy Gray shiver.
Under the cover of the night, Lucy Gray held her Annabel Rose and rapped on the door of the one she’d hoped would help them. If blood was not an enough reason, she could always appeal to their conscience.
The door swung open.
“Tigris, I need your help.”
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@supefcrged​:  ❛ you protect what you love. ❜ Lucy
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          What was she supposed to do now?  A question that had been at the forefront of her mind since escaping that mad scientist madhouse with her newly acquired powers  -  powers that she was still trying to figure out. 
          Brows pinched together as she read the typed out message.  Right, protect  -  cause that’s that supes were supposed to do  -  what a bad joke.  For a moment she stayed silent,  moving around in her seat until one foot rested on the seat with her knee to her chest..   “There’s no one left that I love.”   she said in a plain tone before bringing a hand up to bite idly at her cuticle.
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