#( threads : dean ambrose. )
silentreigns · 6 months
hi i kinda wanna get into wwe but uh like what is the shield breakup i rlly want to kw also can u like brief whatever is going on rn and what i should kw abt wwe sorry for the trouble
This is gonna be short because the entire Shield lore covers about 12 years and getting all of that information at once will just overwhelm you (it overwhelms me just thinking about it).
Basic wrestling terms that I'm gonna be using throughout this post:
Heel - wrestling antagonists / bad guys
Babyface - wrestling protagonists / good guys
The Shield is a faction consisting of Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and Dean Ambrose (he left the WWE and now goes by Jon Moxley). They were formed as a group to initially protect CM Punk from other wrestlers. This was short lived, and they quickly rose to being the most popular faction on the main roster. The Shield would attack both babyfaces and heels to fight what they would see as "injustice". Now as to what the specific injustice is, you're gonna have to watch back old promos to find out, as that's basically up to interpretation. I recommend going on the Wikipedia page because it does a good job summarizing the feuds the faction was involved in.
On June 2, 2014 Seth Rollins betrayed Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns by attacking them with a chair. By doing so, he sided with The Authority. His main motive was to elevate himself into being a main eventer, and the face of WWE. Seth Rollins became the heel, Roman Reigns was now the babyface.
Last night's Wrestlemania main event showed a lot of parallels between how Rollins attacked Reigns and betrayed him back in 2014, to Roman being so blinded by rage & hurt from his past that it ultimately cost him his record breaking championship. A steel chair to the back has been synonymous with distrust and unfaithfulness. Seth Rollins is the babyface, trying to save Monday Night Raw from Roman Reigns and his family because he has basically had a monopoly on the show for the past 3-4 years. Roman Reigns is the heel and this was born in response to being mistreated by the fans & the WWE product just being unwatchable in 2019 (this is an essay I would have to write about some other day).
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This thread does a very good job of summarizing the significance of Roman and Seth's rivalry and why this past wrestlemania was 10 years in the making.
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hangmox · 2 years
HangMox: An Audience of One
Warning: This is a very erratic essay about a feud that means a lot to me, personally. Posting to a sideblog because I’m trying to keep it clean and separate.
Word Count: 8.6k. A doozy. Please understand that I speak on Hangman and Moxley from their first moments in AEW, and I even provide a bit of background from before. Their feud did not start, for me, at the end of September 2022. This is a story that starts from the very first PPV.
Writer’s Note: This has not been revised. If you are a newer fan of AEW, this will help you to understand both mens’ journeys up until this point, and it also helps to express and tie in some ideas and concepts I have for them about blood, beer, and speaking their truths. I hope it makes sense!
After five years of watching weekly WWE television and Pay-Per-Views, my husband and I could not take it any longer. We were looking for an alternative. On May 25th, 2019, we found it, in the form of All Elite Wrestling: Double or Nothing.
It wasn’t the flashiest show we’d ever seen - there were a couple lulls in the show where it felt like the timing was off, the crowd wasn’t as energetic - but we knew why. This was a brand new product, the start of something new for a set of independent wrestlers that we’d heard about very rarely, but enough to maybe know some of their names. In the summer of 2018, I had took it upon myself in the wee hours of the morning, after my grueling 10-hr night shifts at the local chicken plant, to experience life outside of WWE for the first time in the form of New Japan Pro Wrestling’s G1 Climax. This is where I learned that wrestling could be quick, energetic, and still somehow feel like every fist, every high spot, could hurt viscerally. And it is here where I saw Hangman Adam Page on my screen for the very first time.
I was deep into my Red Dead Redemption era in 2018, and this guy hit all the boxes. He was handsome, he was funny, he could actually fucking wrestle, he was a cowboy, and most importantly, he was telling me a story. The known muscle of the Bullet Club and member of the Elite, this was the guy who was looking to prove he was more than just the guy who took the pins so his comrades wouldn’t. He was looking to win the damn thing. But that wasn’t all it was about - no, he had found a way to weave another thread into this tournament: he was going to pull the REAL Kazuchika Okada out of whatever hole he’d been hiding in. He was going to pull the Rainmaker out.
You see, Okada had just lost his IWGP world heavyweight title to Hangman’s friend and Bullet Club leader, Kenny Omega, and his life had taken somewhat of a comically downward spiral. He dyed his hair clown red, he walked out to his entrance music with shapeable balloons. At the time, we took to calling him the “Balloonmaker.” He walked out with a smile on his face, to hide the sorrow of his failure. But this wasn’t the guy Hangman was expecting to wrestle in his block of the round-robin tournament. No, he was going to make sure that if he beat Okada, one of the most legendary wrestlers in the history of the company, he was going to beat the BEST version of him. And if he lost? Well, at least he gave it his all against the best. The problem with New Japan, however, was the unbelievable amount of hours we would have to dedicate to the product. I think I ended up watching five full days of the G1 Climax, out of a possible 20 or so.
Around the time that Hangman took on the grueling month-long tournament against some of New Japan’s finest, another wrestler was making his re-debut on WWE television. After an elbow injury and a terrifying staph infection that nearly killed him, Dean Ambrose was back on Monday Night Raw, alongside his friend and enemy, Seth freakin’ Rollins. But this wasn’t the same Dean Ambrose we had witnessed for the past couple years, the hyperactive little shit that wouldn’t stay down, no, this was prison-break Ambrose. He came back swole and with a mean mugging look that would make a bulldog cry. This was it, everyone thought, we’re gonna get the heel turn of a lifetime.
Only, it wasn’t exactly what we expected. First off, it was late, and at the heels of an announcement that turned WWE on its head - Roman Reigns was taking time off for his 2nd battle with leukemia, and Ambrose chose now to turn on Seth Rollins. Maybe if the motive had made a little more sense, it would’ve been enough. After all, Rollins and Ambrose had a long, storied history together - if Ambrose could just explain why now, maybe I could be on his side. I wanted to be on his side. The WWE put out one of those documentaries for Dean that followed him for months, throughout his time out on injury, and then his subsequent return. We got backstage moments with him where he divulged his feelings, seemingly telling us what was going on in his head. And yet - nothing. It never truly felt like he had told us WHY. Now, years later, I’ve read Mox’s book, and I know how he felt about the whole thing, so I know he was just as frustrated as I was, if not more (definitely more, actually).
So Ambrose left the company, and my husband and I dropped the WWE. I don’t know if it was coincidence or fate, but there’s going to be a lot of that comin’ around in this story. Ambrose wasn’t even my favorite - Sami Zayn is my WWE favorite. But something about the way it all went down with Ambrose, and also largely in part the way that WWE treated Sami Zayn, is what finally made us break our ties.
Almost immediately after Dean Ambrose left WWE and cashed in his chips, a video dropped on his largely unused twitter account: a video of Jon Moxley breaking out of jail, with a shot of the numbers 5 & 25 found in the video - which just so happened to be the month and day of the first Double or Nothing AEW Pay-Per-View.
I would love to say that I was anticipating that day, but to be honest, I completely forgot about it until the day of, when my husband dragged me downstairs to the living room to figure out how to buy our very first pay-per-view on cable television, about five minutes before the buy-in aired.
But once I saw that precious cowboy come out as the Joker in the first ever Casino Battle Royal, I was hooked. I turned to my husband, pointing at Hangman on my screen. “That’s the guy we saw in the G1 last year! He’s in the Bullet Club!”
He smiled at the screen, knowing it was too late. I had found my favorite.
Hangman won the battle royal, earning him the first shot at the inugural AEW world championship at the next Pay-Per-View. Who he was slated to go up against, though, depended on the outcome of the Double or Nothing main event: the Alpha, Chris Jericho, versus Kenny Omega.
“Do you think Mox will show up?” I asked my partner, my entire body tense with anticipation.
He shook his head. “I wouldn’t get your hopes up. If he doesn’t show up, it’ll ruin it for you.”
“He’s showing up,” I insisted, “I’m like 99% certain he will.” I’ve never been one to make guarantees, but this was as close to one as I could manage. I could feel it in my soul, and I was dying to see Mox live up to his potential.
I was bouncing off the couch when I saw Mox stalking through the crowd and into the ring. My adrenaline was pumping and I thought it was the best way to end their first PPV. My husband and I turned to look at each other - yep, this was enough. This was definitely enough to intrigue us.
I would spend the summer of 2019 watching everything I could about AEW - I finally got into Being the Elite, I watched the summer events, and I searched Hangman’s name on youtube as much as I could to get more of a semblance of his character. He was now important to me, and I was determined to understand him as best as I could. Through this, I met and connected with brand new friends, as well as dragged my WWE friends into it as much as I could.
One friend in particular was an EXTREMELY avid Mox fan. Even in his Ambrose days, they spoke about the old CZW Moxley often, and so I had an idea of what this new and improved version would probably be like. I also found myself a friend that had been following Hangman Page for the past few years and knew substantially more about him than I ever could. With them and a couple other new friends I found that also adored Hangman, we became a tiny little stable of our own.
And so, the brainstorming began.
Before All Out 2019 even happened, I had posed the question to my friends: “What do we think about Hangman and Mox? Wouldn’t that be a badass combination?”
The noted Mox fan and the seasoned Hangman vet were the first ones to perk up. The Mox fan agreed immediately, and the Hangman vet said they had already started working on an idea to bring them together a couple days after Double or Nothing, when Mox had done his interview with Chris Jericho on his Talk is Jericho podcast.
“Hold on a minute - a podcast?” I asked, curious.
Enthusiastically, they told me that Jericho had asked Mox who he’d like to get in the ring with now that he was in a new promotion. Hangman’s name had been the first out of his mouth, said nonchalantly, very much like it wasn’t a big deal and Mox was just naming names to name them. But it was too late - this was now my obsession.
Three episodes into AEW Dynamite, we got our very first chance to see them in action together. The two loners, Pac and Moxley, were taking on the team of Hangman and Kenny. This team was brand new at the time, both having suffered major losses at All Out - Kenny had submitted to Pac, and Hangman had lost his shot at the inaugural title to Chris Jericho in the main event. The tag match made sense - for the most part.  Mox had gone for the biggest fish in AEW at the end of Double or Nothing, giving Kenny Omega a Paradigm Shift that got the entire wrestling world talking. Pac and Hangman had beef that started in the early days of the promotion, the story told almost entirely through Being the Elite at the time. Kenny had just lost to Pac. And yet…there was no motivation here for Hangman and Mox to be across the ring from each other. The lack of a story between them was louder than all the other storytelling here combined. Perhaps, I told myself, this was a story in itself.
No worries, though. We were about to see just how much chemistry these two had. This would be the first step in gauging what a potential feud or even partnership could be like. We were absolutely shivering with anticipation.
Hangman spent most of his own time in the match trying to get the drop on Pac. The first moment he was in the ring with Mox, he practically paid him no mind until he had Pac dead on the floor. Before the match was done, they’d interacted maybe twice as legal men in the ring, and once when everyone was on the outside. At one point, Mox had Hangman in a gorgeous Texas cloverleaf submission, which was quickly stopped by Kenny. Another point in the match, Hangman tried to give Mox a buckshot lariat that Mox ducked. Almost immediately, Mox ate a clothesline from Hangman akin to an Okada Rainmaker finisher, and it was fucking beautiful.
It was clear to me, from the grand total of about two and a half minutes that they spent in the ring together, that they were an elegant match.
Four months passed by.
Hangman went on a downward spiral, leaving the Elite but choosing still to tag with Kenny. He started to drink, courtesy of those silly little guys, Private Party. This ain’t water, indeed. By the time Revolution 2020 came around, Hangman was on a trajectory to meet his former best friends, the Young Bucks, in a tag team championship match, and Jon Moxley was slated as contender to Chris Jericho’s AEW world championship in the main event.
And well, let’s just say, the better story won the night, even if Jon Moxley closed the show.
Hangman walked out of his match a winner, his tag title still in one hand and a beer in the other, with Kenny Omega at his side.
Jon Moxley, newly won championship belt on his shoulder, excitement still pumping blood in his ears, would go on to say it felt like it was “beer o’clock.”
An awkward pause.
What? I thought.
The camera panned to the crowd.
Mox was smiling, tongue sticking out like a panting dog, looking somewhat towards the go-position.
No, could he be…? There was no way. I couldn’t believe it. Was Hangman Page about to show up right now?
Whoever was in production scrambled to put a stop to this. Mox’s music hit.
“Hey, what the fuck?” said the newly crowned world heavyweight champion.
Hold on. Were they…Oscaring him off the stage? Is that what was happening in this moment? Say ‘sike’ right now.
My hands were on my mouth.
Let’s just say that for the rest of the five hours that I stayed awake after this show, unable to sleep due to the sheer adrenaline running through my veins, me and the gang were viciously wondering what the fuck that was about. Maybe Hangman was supposed to come out? But how does that make sense when he and Kenny just retained their titles? Why would he go for the championship again so soon? But it makes sense for him to want it. That’s the title that he promised he would win on day one of the company.
But we didn’t get an answer.
Whether that was because of the pandemic that shut down the entire world for the foreseeable future a week and half later, or because that was just genuinely something that meant absolutely nothing, we’ll never know. Truly, we will NEVER know. Unless one of us ever has the guts to ask Mox about it. Until then, “beer o’clock” + awkward pause + staring at the go-position + Mox theme + “hey what the fuck” will likely haunt me for the rest of my life. Thanks, Jonathan.
Lots of things changed during this time. Hangman’s rocky relationship with the Bucks came back to a head again before All Out 2020, during a tag gauntlet match that would reveal the first contenders for Hangman and Kenny’s championships at the Pay-Per-View. It was down to the Young Bucks and FTR. See, FTR had come in at the beginning of the summer, and they ended up making friends with Hangman. Hangman was there when they signed their contracts, with a brand new bottle of whiskey in hand. They bonded over drinks. But they weren’t so friendly with the Bucks and Kenny, which obviously caused a lot of problems. By the time that gauntlet came around, FTR had Hangman convinced that if the Bucks won the gauntlet, Hangman would regret it. They worked him with his own insecurities. They just wanted a friendly bout with him, they said. He’d already had one with the Bucks, so wouldn’t it be fun to have a match with FTR this time?
So Hangman cheated, costing the Bucks the match. A few moments later, Hangman brooding over what he’d done in the Daily’s Place bar, the Bucks kicked him officially out of the Elite, throwing a drink in his face.
He and Kenny would go on to lose the tag titles at All Out to FTR. He would lose his tag partner in the process. He would fight him at the next PPV in singles competition for contendership of Moxley’s heavyweight championship. He would drop to the ground, land flat on his face, losing this first opportunity to fight Moxley to his own partner.
A microphone blast to the head. Blood gushing from the middle of Jon’s forehead (a sight well known to the AEW fans). V-Trigger. V-Trigger. V-Trigger. V-Trigger. Pull him in. One Winged Angel.
One. Two. Three.
That was how Jon Moxley lost his AEW world heavyweight championship to Kenny Omega. An absolute steal. A few weeks prior, at Full Gear, the Young Bucks beat FTR for the tag team championships.
Months and months go by. Hangman finds solace in the Dark Order, and the Dark Order finds solace in him in return. They bring each other back up, from sorrows greater than we could even imagine. The loss of their leader, their friend, their Exalted One. Our Brodie Lee. Though Hangman would deny them on separate occasions, eventually he would understand that friends don’t let friends do battle alone. And whether he joined them as a group or not, it wouldn’t matter. They would keep Brodie Lee’s offer and promise that he made to Hangman the year before, when he left the Elite. They would never leave him alone.
Mox would continue his quest to retrieve the title, challenging Kenny at Revolution 2021 in an exploding barbed wire deathmatch that would end…not precisely as intended. However, much like Hangman, he would find that he was not alone. He would find someone to watch his back, in the form of an old friend and foe, Eddie Kingston. They would challenge the Bucks - now firmly planted once again at Kenny’s side -  for the tag team championships at Double or Nothing 2021. This, much like his shot at the world title, would be for naught.
In the summer of 2021, the Dark Order would prove worthy allies in the ring to Hangman, when they challenged Kenny and the Young Bucks to a multi-man tag, with the stipulation that if they were able to eliminate each member of the Elite, Hangman would get his shot at Kenny’s title, and they would receive a shot at the Young Bucks.
Now, I’ll be honest - I don’t remember what Mox was doing at the time, so I had to look this up. Uhh, he spent a lot of time on AEW Dark. But the match that stood out the most to me during this time was a Texas Deathmatch with Lance Archer…which he lost. And with it, his IWGP US championship.
So Hangman and the Dark Order are unsuccessful. They beg him to keep trying, but at around this time, Hangman decides that he needs some space. He comes up to the ring at Daily’s Place, the first Homecoming show since AEW’s two month long tour away (when the entire world decided that the pandemic was finally over). Tony Schiavone is with him, and it seems like maybe Hangman is going to tell the crowd that he’s gonna take some time to himself or let some things off his chest, when the Elite show up. At one point he tells Hangman that perhaps maybe he would consider allowing Hangman to come back to the Elite - upon which a young woman in the crowd in a cowboy hat and a teal bandana yells, “Never!” (me). Yes, I got to watch live as the Elite beat Hangman down and the Dark Order could only stand back and watch.
…This would be the last time we see Hangman for two months.
While he’s gone, though, Jon Moxley brings up his name, in a backstage promo where he calls out the newcomers. At this time, AEW was seeing a surge of new talent entering its ranks - people like Daniel Garcia, Malakai Black, CM Punk. Mox questions whether this talent thinks that it’s easy to be at the top here - Kenny has an entire entourage surrounding him at all times just to keep the title around his waist, and Hangman can’t “get over his high school drama, BTE emo bullcrap long enough to get the job done.” He says that Hangman “ain’t no cowboy,” and he could “drink his ass under the table.”
Oh, I think. You mean like beer o’clock?
Mox was pulling wins around this time every week, and it was clear he was due for a push. This was the man who put the world title and the company on his back during an unprecedented time not just for the promotion, but for the world as a whole. And it was clear that he was due his flowers.
But very odd, to me, that he would bring up Hangman. Especially when they had nothing to do with each other.
Fast forward to October 6th, 2021. A fucked up time in my life. Probably the worst I’ve ever felt.
It was only fitting, then, that my favorite cowboy would show up and give me a small glimmer of hope. The roar of the crowd that night touched my soul more than I can ever say.
The last time he was the Joker of a casino match, he won. This time would be no different.
Except that Mox was in this match. And Mox was the one in the ring waiting for him. The moment they collided with each other, I was screaming. I was crying. My heart was thumping out of my chest. After two years, they were finally back in a ring together. Almost two years to the day.
One of the funniest moments in this casino ladder match is seeing Hangman drop Pac from the top of a ladder with a deadeye, pull himself up onto the ropes to celebrate with the crowd, only to turn around and get spiked on his head with a Paradigm Shift from Jon Moxley, receiving the double birds.
But it didn’t matter. The path was clear - Hangman was going to win this ladder match, setting up his final encounter with his old friend, Kenny Omega, for the AEW world heavyweight championship. And there wasn’t a damn thing Mox, Pac, Andrade, or Lance Archer could do to stop him.
Hangman, at the top of a ladder, guzzling a beer, closed out the show. The casino chip lay ominously on the mat, forgotten.
The next couple of weeks would see Hangman in the most confident state he’d ever been in, relaxed and sure of himself, breathing deeply and opening his heart to the fans. He was - in a word - beautiful.
Mox, however, was absolutely despicable. Ten days later, he would have his first bout with Wheeler Yuta, dropping him in less than two minutes and storming back out of the ring. He would continue his rampage all the way into the eliminator tournament, which would come to a head at Full Gear. All the booking made it clear: this man was aiming for the world title…and Hangman Page was going to be the one wearing it.
That would all change, however, when Jon Moxley decided to put his health first. His fight with alcoholism had finally resonated enough within him that he said enough was enough, and he pulled himself out of the tournament. In an odd way, his real life story and Hangman’s story on the screen were more similar than we could have expected.
And once again, like ships in the night…they would pass each other by, never knowing how close they had come.
I won’t go on a long tangent about how much Hangman winning the title meant to me, so I’ll just say this: Hangman Page winning the world title meant a lot to me.
Another similarity - both Hangman and Mox bled in the match where they won their world championship.
From here, we arrive in 2022.
“Nobody, no matter who you are, should be afraid to stand up in front of the whole world and bare it all, everything that makes you who you are, scars and all, and say ‘hey, this is me!’” - words Jon Moxley spoke when he made his return from rehabilitation.
I love these words. Because they’re very much in line with something that Hangman himself said in the post-Full Gear scrum two months before: “Fuck it, I’ll just say what I feel. I’ll just be me. And if it works, it works, and if it doesn’t, I came by it honest.”
As the champion Hangman Adam Page bled and bled and bled his way through his title matches, Jon Moxley found himself in the Blackpool Combat Club - a group consisting of himself, Bryan Danielson, and William Regal, as well as (eventually) Wheeler Yuta and Claudio Castagnoli. This was a group that prided itself in one thing - bloody violence.
The alcohol would be replaced, in both the champ and the former champ’s minds, by blood.
A sidenote: Hangman would have a Texas Deathmatch with the very same Lance Archer. Unlike Moxley, though, he would go on to win the match and retain his championship. And boy, was it a bloody scene. Two months later, Hangman would challenge Adam Cole to a Texas Deathmatch as well - and win.
We arrive at Double or Nothing.
A good friend of mine would meet Hangman Page at a meet and greet the day before the show. The limited edition print Hangman signed for her was a graphic of him, surrounded by a border that resembled a playing card. His sign - the Ace of Diamonds. Curious, I looked up the meaning of the card. Now, this could all be bullshit, but at the time, it meant something to me. It specified a message that was soon to come, or in a broader sense, a new perspective. I felt like this fit Hangman perfectly, and it solidified something in my own head about him - he was, in fact, an Ace in the company. At a time when I heard often that Jon Moxley was the top guy, when there were whispers that Jon might fight Tanahashi soon at Forbidden Door, I was dead set on maintaining Hangman as the One. And this, this was a sign. For me.
All those hopes and dreams would come crashing down though, obviously, when Hangman lost the title to CM Punk. After 198 days of being overshadowed by the explosive feud that was Maxwell versus Punk, Hangman’s reign would come to an end.
But as luck would have it, Punk would be injured about four days later, leaving the title picture up in the air.
“This is mine,” Hangman had declared, that night at Double or Nothing. “You will NEVER have it. This. Is. Mine!”
Those words, it seemed, rang nearly true enough.
The month of June would become a month so confusing, so convoluted, that even now I cannot remember what exactly the fuck happened. There was a battle royal to pick an opponent for the number one contender to the interim title, Jon Moxley, but the problem was that Hangman already had a match set for the night. I thought, surely he can pull a double. He’s the former world champ. Surely, they’ll let him do it. The only problem was, that double was actually pulling a triple, because the match between the winner of the battle royal would face Mox on Rampage, which was taped the same night.
I, and the rivalry I so desperately held to my chest, would have to wait once more. Another near-crossing. But I could feel it: the lines were drawing closer.
Mox would face Tanahashi and win the interim world title. Hangman would follow a confusing path to the IWGP heavyweight championship and lose against three other men. Hangman had another opportunity at a title shot in another battle royal, but he got dunked out of the ring before he could win it. By the middle of July, I was getting antsy. I wanted to know what the future held for my favorite guy in AEW, and by god, I was going to get some answers.
Comicpalooza - Houston, TX. July 16th and 17th, 2022. Hangman Page and Adam Cole were set to appear. They were going to have panels, autographs, and professional photos with fans.
And I, resident Hangman girlie, was going to be there.
Here’s where the shit gets interesting.
Cole ended up having to cancel, I’m assuming due to not being medically cleared after the concussion he suffered at Forbidden Door. Which meant that both days became wide open to meeting Hangman not once, not twice - but four times. Twice for photos and twice for autographs. And of course, the panel.
As a girl who’s never once met a celebrity that she actually cared about, this was a big fucking deal, and I was - hoo boy, was I nervous. The first chance I got was the first autograph signing, right before the photo and about twenty minutes before the panel. I could hardly look him in the eye. I was about as skittish as a horse, and super quiet. He tried to get light conversation out of me (complimenting my pearlsnap - which matched his own, mine was cream and his was brown - shirt, my belt, and my boots), and I ended up mentioning that I would see him again in a few minutes for the photo and then the panel. It was going to be a busy couple hours for him. After that was over, I saw him at the photo. I was the first in line.
“Hello again,” I said. He replied with a smile, and he seemed much more awake and excited than he had a few minutes prior. I noted that he must like taking photos with everyone. His cheery aura calmed me down significantly, and I was much more comfortable speaking with him. I asked for a hug, and he obliged me. He asked me what kind of pose I’d like to do, and I told him I wanted to do finger guns. In my head, I was imagining us back to back, like a movie poster, but he suggested we whirl into it, like we’re about to shoot at the camera. He asked if this was okay. I was so starry-eyed that I said yes immediately.
Once the camera flashed, he pulled me over to the photographer’s screen of the image. He said he wanted to make sure it looked good, and asked if I liked it. It was an amazing photo. I know it was amazing, because I actually thought I looked good in it.
Now, I debated on mentioning this part but I figure I may as well - at this point in time, I asked him if I handed him a letter, would he read it. He said, “yes, of course!” I handed it to him, and he quickly asked me if he should read it now, to which I yelled, “no! Nuh uh! Not right now!”
“You sure?” he asked playfully. I shook my head. It was too long a letter for him to read at the moment, and he had a line to get through and then a panel to get to. I was not about to hold him up. Plus, I had tapped out all my remaining courage for this particular moment. I was not about to watch his face as he read the feelings I bore on those pages. Knowing I was strong enough to put the letter in his hands was enough for me. He said okay. I thanked him as I left, saying I would see him at the panel.
The audience at the panel was small, way too small for the ballroom they had set up in. But it didn’t matter, because I was in the front row anyway. I brought a little sign that said “Hangman Gang,” which was the name of my group of wrestling friends. The mediator of the panel pointed it out to him when he sat down at the table in the front of the room.
I had never attended a panel before, but I knew the basics of what it was like from a couple of panels I had watched on youtube. At some point, there would be a Q&A where fans could go up to a microphone setup and ask him a question.
I had thought about what I would ask him for weeks. But by the time the day came around, none of the questions I’d thought about were sticking in my mind as The One. I had questions about the meaning behind some of his gear, questions about the Elite, questions about Adam Cole. But none of them felt…right. When I finally got out of my seat to take my spot in line for the microphone, I was in “fuck it” mode. I knew what I was going to ask, even if I wasn’t sure how I was going to ask it. Plus, I needed to tell him happy early birthday.
“Hi,” I said shyly. He responded with a quiet “hello.”
And so it began. I wished him a happy birthday, barely stopping to acknowledge his thanks before continuing on with what I was there for. I prefaced my question by saying that I knew him and Mox had only fought twice in the past two years, but never in singles. And I believe, if my memory is correct, that I said: “Is that on purpose? Or like, are you dodging Mox? Or is Mox dodgin’ you?”
A chuckle from the mediator. The absolute audacity of my asking my favorite wrestler in the world whether he was afraid of another wrestler must have really gotten to him.
Hangman replied, as I recall, very eloquently. He remembered that first match at the beginning of Dynamite’s run, and he remembered the casino ladder match. But as for why they hadn’t met again, he could only chalk it up to…”fate.” Fate was what kept them apart. Fate took Mox out of the tournament, fate took the belt off Hangman, fate kept him from these opportunities all summer long. It was out of his control, but he would love to fight Mox. He certainly wasn’t dodging him on purpose. He would love to do a match with him.
At this, the mediator prompted. “...Texas Deathmatch?”
Hangman’s eyes looked out into the ether, weighing those words. “Yeah. Yeah, Mox likes deathmatches, right?”
My entire body started vibrating at those words. I thanked him and sat back in my seat.
I would not stop thinking about those words until the end of September, when Hangman won the battle royal at Rampage Grand Slam. The newly crowned NOT-interim world heavyweight champion, Jon Moxley, was set to do battle against Hangman Adam Page.
This was an important match for Hangman, as it would be his first major shot at the world title since losing it a few months back. From the moment Hangman walked out to meet Mox face to face in the front of the ring, I was hooked on every expression, every set of their jaws, every word from their mouths.
“Three years of AEW Dynamite…three years of watching you, three years of studying you because I knew this was comin’...three years of us circlin’ each other…”
The camera cuts to a wide shot of the two in the ring, dancing around each other.
The image in my head is of Raymond Holt from Brooklyn Nine Nine shouting, “VINDICATION!!”
“You know, between the two of us, we’ve probably beaten everyone there is to beat…except each other…on October 18th, there will be one Last Man Standing here in AEW.”
The first pearl of foreshadowing dropped. Texas Deathmatches, at their core, were considered ‘last man standing.’ Mox goes on to say here that he was going to choke Hangman out, because Hangman was in the way. In the way of Mox being, once and for all, the Top Guy in AEW. Just like I had been told. He goes on to say that he respects Hangman as a competitor and as a person. At one point, after Hangman goes too far, he calls him a ‘sweet kid.’ But at the end of the day, he was going to put him down, no matter what.
The next week in the ring, Mox mentions that being world champion means having a target on your back. Many “crumble under the pressure…some faster than others.” This is, very clearly, a knock on Hangman and his reign. Though Hangman bled, and bled…and bled to keep his title, the story of his reign was a tough one. Having finally beaten the man whose shadow Hangman felt trapped under, there was nothing now to fight but the weight of being the champ. Keeping the gold that symbolized his worth had been, as Mox points out, too much to handle.
And now, he had to get his worth back.
When Hangman walks out to meet Mox here, he begins by telling Mox that whatever he has to say to Hangman, he can “say it to his face.” This would be the first, of many times, where he says this to Moxley in the months to come. He goes on to say, “but actually, you said it all last week.” He mentions how Mox said he respected him in the ring and as a person, and “[he] would be lying if [he didn’t say] coming from [Mox], that meant the world to [him].” He says that Mox was a damn good father, husband, champion, and that he looked up to Mox and wanted to be like him. But the moment that Mox called him a kid last week, all of those things vanished, in Hangman’s eyes.
“Is that what you think of me?” He demands. Mox takes the mic and says it’s exactly right. Because the Hangman standing before him now is not the same guy who knocked him off the top of a ladder a year ago to cash in his shot at the title. The Hangman of now, broken and aimless, won’t be able to pull the trigger if given the chance.
Mox’s observation here was sound - Hangman had many opportunities as champion to end someone in the most brutal way possible. During the Texas Deathmatch with Adam Cole, there’s a wonderful shot of Cole tied to the ropes while Hangman debates hitting him with a steel chair. A similar shot was shown the night he lost the title to CM Punk - where he holds the title in his hands while no one is looking, and debates whether he should use it to knock Punk out. He had a similar choice the day he won the title, but he chose not to and won.
In every instance, he has a shot at ending it. He refuses every time, out of some sense of nobility. It’s clear here that Mox disapproves.
Hangman agrees. He’s not the same person. Hesitation cost him the title. Hesitation cost him the trios titles, as well, in September. His old friends were gone and his new ones were dropping like flies. “I’m angry, I’m depressed! The medicine is not working but I am STILL HERE because I am a man!”
Here’s where he ties in to Mox’s words. How could he be a sweet kid if he was a man? An adult? Someone who has been through hell and back? He’s lowered family into the ground, he’s helped bring life into this world, he’s been choked until he turns blue but he keeps getting back up!
At this point, Hangman gets so worked up that he beats his fist into his eyebrow so badly that it breaks the skin. And here’s the part that I love the most - “I have my shot, and I have my word. Tuesday, I take my shot, and tonight I give you my word.” He palms at the blood staining his brow, wipes it on Mox’s white shirt. “...That is my word.”
The week before Hangman won the title off Kenny, there was a contract signing. At this contract signing, Kenny Omega and Don Callis conspired to rough Hangman up to give him a disadvantage going into the match that Sunday. Hangman broke wide open, over the same. Fucking. Eyebrow. And what did Kenny do? He signed his signature to the contract in Hangman’s blood. And then he lost.
I guess you could say Hangman’s blood holds a lot of promise.
“And unlike him,” Hangman said, pointing to a lurking Maxwell in the rafters of the arena, “I wanted to make sure to say this to you face-to-face…man-to-man.”
Of course, Hangman would go on to lose the first bout, as he suffered a very real, very scary concussion, but my god, was that match a work of art before the finish. It’d been a while since Hangman fans saw him pull an orihara moonsault from high up on a barricade, but he pulled it out for Mox.
At this point, I sat and wondered. Would I get to see him again? How soon? They were set to have three shows in Texas come December, and I wondered if we would finally get the Texas Deathmatch that seemed all but a promise. Because I didn’t think he would be cleared, I didn’t go to any of them. I just watched, anxious and a little bit heated, as Hangman showed up to answer Moxley’s call at the beginning of the first winter month.
Moxley’s first reaction to this was to make a tone-deaf joke about how Hangman probably didn’t remember what happened the last time they had met, instead of waiting to hear what Hangman might’ve had to say. He was met with a sock to the jaw.
This would go on for weeks, with Hangman saying that this wasn’t how he wanted it to go at all, but Mox just HAD to goad him. Say something stupid. Meanwhile, Mox held firm in his belief that he didn’t know what the fuck Hangman was talking about, and he could fight him any day of the week, no problem. Hangman would go into a brawl with him nearly every week, not being cleared to wrestle in the ring on account of his concussion. In a segment with Renee, he would reveal to her that the night of their first bout, when he got injured, he forgot his own son’s name. So Mox making light of his memory loss was, of course, not at all funny.
By January 2023, a date was set between the two in California. All three Texas shows went by and not one mention of a Texas Deathmatch, which had me very confused. But no matter, because there were two more Texas shows now slated for February, and I was going to one of them. I hoped, even if it wasn’t the match I was hoping for, that at the very least the feud would continue.
Before this rematch, though, they had one last face-to-face. Mox would tell Hangman that all this whining about get knocked out made him absolutely sick. And Hangman, of course, would have to point Mox in the right direction. “You think that I’m mad at you because you knocked me out? Is that really what you think?”
See, Hangman was well aware that being knocked out was part of the job. That was never the problem. Condescendingly, Hangman continues. “You don’t seem like a guy for nuance, so I’ll put it to you simple…”
The night of Hangman’s return, Mox didn’t let him get one word in before he made a joke. He believed in that moment that Mox saw him as a threat. But Hangman had not walked out to Mox that night for a fight, though it was what he was here for now.
That part was so interesting to me, because I wanted so badly to know why Hangman showed up that night to face Mox in the ring originally. This goes back to Hangman’s need to say things to Mox’s face and wanting the same in return.
Hangman won the second bout in a great match. Mox suffered what looked to be an injury, with the way he asked, “What happened?” repeatedly. Almost as if he had suffered a concussion of his own. Hangman would leave the ring, concerned and most of all, ashamed. Mox had been right in October. He was much softer than was expected to be of a champion.
So now they were tied, 1 to 1. At this point, Renee conducted a couple of interviews with Hangman, one of which was very interesting.
Renee started by asking how he was doing, and then she told him something that Mox told her. Apparently, Mox believed that Hangman made him better. That he both “despises” and “cherishes” him.
The HangMox girlie in me was bouncing off the walls. Knowing that even after two fights, Mox still had a nice word to say about Hangman was everything to me. It was beyond anything I could have ever expected, and he turned visibly awkward here. This would be one of three times in the interview where his body language changed.
He answers by saying that if Mox wanted to say something to his face, he could say it to him, and Hangman would gladly knock him out again if need be. Again, bringing up speaking to his face.
Three days before this segment, someone asked me what I thought was next for Hangman, and although I didn’t have a clear answer, I knew that it would have to do with something from the past. “The only way he can move forward is by looking back.”
Renee asked Hangman the same question, and he responded with, “the more I look forward, I can’t help but see back.”
I yelped. This was insane. There was no way we were this in tune. Basically, he wanted one final match. To prove that his win wasn’t a fluke, to prove that at the end of the day, he was the better of the two. To put this feud to bed. He also says that something Renee said earlier (calling him and Mox “elite” level performers) reminded him of some friendships that needed mending. This is another time he visibly changes his body language.
Once the interview is done, Hangman asks how Mox is, truly. Renee says that he’ll dust himself off again soon. Here is the final time where he seems to become visibly awkward - he begins to ask Renee, “could you tell him -” before stopping himself. “Never mind, it’s stupid.”
He holds himself here to the standard he holds Mox by. He wants Mox to say things to his face, so he knows that he shouldn’t relay anything back to him through Renee either.
Their third match, while just as fun as the first two, ends in an anti-climactic finish. After getting his ass handed to him by Hangman for about eight or so minutes, Mox pulls him in for a deep cover and gets the roll-up win. Hangman is, understandably, pissed. He ends up getting in Mox’s face, with Wheeler and Claudio having to keep them apart. They exchange flips of the bird. Mox lays down and makes a snow angel, much like Punk did to him in September. Hangman responds with a burpee.
They are absolutely little fucking kids about it. And it’s great.
It’s clear that the dick measuring contest isn’t over.
Still pissed off, Hangman comes back the next week in an interview with Renee and he is positively livid. He is so livid that he almost, almost tells Renee to relay a message to Moxley, but he’s interrupted by Kip Sabian before he can finish his thought.
The next week, Hangman wrestles Kip Sabian. I’m in the front row, cheering my ass off. He wins, as expected. He leans onto the ropes, frustration over another match crystal clear in his eyes. I raise my poster up so he can see. “Cowboy, you stole my yee-heart,” it reads. (It was the day after Valentine’s Day.)
He sends me a little kiss, keeps his eyebrows angry and his lips pouting. He does it like he’s mad about it, and it’s oh-so-fucking funny.
Behind him, Mox and his friends pull up into the ring. My heart is pounding out of my chest. I am seeing Hangman and Mox in the ring together with my own two eyes, and it’s amazing.
Mox tells Hangman that it’s over between them, he won fair and square. But Hangman refuses. He takes the mic, saying that there’s no way either of them could be happy with the finish of that match. That it’s not how their story should end. Their story ends at Revolution, when they go back in that cold, dark alley and only one man is left standing.
There it is, I thought. Those words again. Last man standing.
Mox seems glad of Hangman’s pushy nature at this point. He admits he’s kinda glad that Hangman has no friends to talk him into a smarter decision.
It’s at this point that the Dark Order makes itself known. Evil Uno, mic in hand, asks if he heard Mox correctly. “Did you say that this man has no friends?”
This moment was insane. Absolutely astonishing, to see Uno walk into the ring, square up to Mox and tell his own friend, Hangman, to get out of his face. Uno even goes so far as to pie-face Moxley to get his attention, something very few people have ever done and gotten away with, if ever.
Refusing to see Uno as a threat, Mox looks past him to the upset cowboy. “Cowboy…Texas Death.”
That girl in the front row went absolutely insane (me).
After missing four separate shows in Texas, I still managed to witness the announcement of the Texas Deathmatch between Hangman and Moxley. It was like the entire segment, the entire feud, up to this moment, was waiting on me to become a part of it once more. To be their lone partner, standing witness to the wonderful feud that was unfolding in front of my very eyes. Because not only were Hangman and Mox going head to head with the stipulation I’d been expecting since it came out of that mediation’s mouth, springing from my own completely odd and batshit question, but now the Dark Order was involved with the now merciless Blackpool Combat Club. Which means that this is likely far from truly over.
I left that show an elated woman. I was finally getting what I wanted.
And now, two and a half weeks later, the match is here. After watching the Countdown to Revolution, I can say without a doubt that they’ve satiated me well enough with this build. This idea that Mox is an animal without mercy that craves violence, completely and totally juxtaposing the man that needs to put down this rabid dog even if he doesn’t want to, but is going to have to by any means necessary. He said that Mox would never be the same, but I think the opposite is true. I think Hangman’s going to reach a point that he hasn’t been brought to yet in AEW. I think this time, despite all other evidence to the contrary, he’s finally going to snap. That heavy heart that Mox couldn’t take from him, that heart that Mox couldn’t carry, might turn to stone, if only for a moment.
A few weeks before Bryan and Mox had their bloody match at Revolution 2022, Mox uttered these words: “I don’t stand side by side with nobody…till I bleed with him first.”
It’s very clear that this Sunday, these men are going to bleed together. But I wonder…will they end up standing side by side? Will they share non-alcoholic beers together? Will Hangman ever tell Mox how he really feels, or will he keep it to himself, as he’s so often done before?
I guess we’ll find out soon enough.
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tzaraat · 1 year
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[image ID: a pencil sketch of a young Dean Ambrose. he leans against the ropes, facing right. his right hand, folded by his side, holds the top rope. the background is blocked in black. in thin red thread, a small rhombic shape surrounded by eight rectangles is stitched over Ambrose's face. the sketch is loose, shading is mostly linear. /.End ID]
piercing radiance.
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majesticwren · 2 years
thread of me rewatching WWE S.H.I.E.L.D. and Dean Ambrose era from 2k12
I'd apologise but I'm not sorry
I'm relieving my teenagers years
the dream
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hiddenpxpercuts · 2 years
Hello fam! If you’d like a starter during the event for any of my muses, either message me on discord or reply to this thread! If I have a costume for them, that will also be included.
Alexander Lightwood: Himself Tyler Kennedy: Freddie Mercury Josette Saltzman: Belle from Disney  Richie Tozier: Ghostbusters Maria Vasquez: Cute Skull Wednesday Addams: Herself, aka a homicidal maniac  Maxine Mayfield: Pacman Nicholas Scratch: Pumpkin Wade Wilson: Unicorn Judith Grimes: Atom Eve Chloe Decker: Queen of Hearts Harry Hook: Pirate Ben Hargreeves: Just has on a nice suit. Marco Del Rossi: Sexy Mermaid because why not. Maxine Baker: Britney Spears Derek Hale: Clown Matthew Murdock: Daredevil ;) Victor Salazar: Greek God Eric Effioing: Hedwig Emily Fitch: Jessica Rabbit Nick Nelson: Werewolf Dean Winchester: Zombie Ambrose Spellman: Hogwarts Student Simon Spier: Sandy from Grease, Sandra Dee, not the catsuit. Yuuri Katsuki: Vampire Bat Katherine Pierce: Sugar Skull Daphne Blake: Marie Antoinette  Ravi Chakrabarti: Johnny Storm aka Fantastic Four Louise Belcher: Little Red Riding Hood. Zed Necropdopolis: Zombie William Truman: Skull Eponine Thenardier: A princess Blaine Anderson: THe Phantom, from phantom of the opera. Groot : A Rock Star Ryan Evans: Elton John Ginny Weasley: Vampire Beetlejuice (aka Kitty B.): As himself. Lily Tucker-Pritchett: Freddy Krueger Ej Caswell: Chad Danforth HSM Sebastian Matthew-Smith: A Cow Maddie Perez: Cow Girl Lillian Deville: An angel Evan Buckley: Iron Man Clare Delvins: Baby Spice Betty Rizzo: Going as herself.
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@av3ngersassvmble gets a random starter 
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“Hey, Jon - uhm, listen, now isn’t really a good time,” personally, that was an understatement. The door to her apartment was partially opened, with the brunette sticking her head out, looking rather uncomfortable and awkward - not an unusual appearance when her parents came for a visit. “If you could just come back in, like, four days that would be great,” her voice lowers to a soft whisper, “I promise I’ll make it up to you with red lace lingerie...” 
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@av3ngersassvmble Dean & Oakley starter
Never in her wildest dreams would she think she would be doing this. It’s been her dream - no, her goal - since she was a little girl to open up her own restaurant, simply titled Oakley’s Eatery or something similar, and that ambition still burned strong but this Oakley just couldn’t pass up. While it’s true that she isn’t the biggest fan of wrestling, she also wasn’t the kind of person that lived under a rock either - her older brother Dustin was the fanatic and so was their uncle Donnie, whom would look after Oakley when her parents would go away for a weekend. Dustin, being ten years older than her, had his own independence but tagged along to bond with their uncle over the sports entertainment program. So she wasn’t completely in the dark about wrestling. And apparently she made quite the impression on someone in the business after they dined in the restaurant she (now formerly) worked in because Oakley was presented with an offer that she just couldn’t refuse. All she had to do was cook and serve meals to the hard working performers of the WWE and she would be paid almost twice as much as what she was making in the restaurant - not that Oakley really cared about the money first (she was just ecstatic that her food was being recognized and complimented) but how could she ‘no’ to that? 
Not to mention, she would be rubbing elbows with freaking WWE SUPERSTARS! As mentioned, she may not have been the biggest fan, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t freaking out about it on the inside. And to think, she was only twenty-two (nearly twenty-three) years old! This was HUGE for her! And she could not have been happier. Her dream to own her own restaurant still burned strong, but for now that ambition was put on the shelf so she could focus and excel in this task.
Oakley’s job description was general - serve healthy and filling meals for wrestlers, and that’s how it went for the first few weeks of her new career but overtime she found herself beginning to drift from the generalized service and more towards a personal acquaintance with one particular superstar. Not many seemed to notice (or even care apparently) that she prepared Jonathan Good aka Dean Ambrose’s meals more often than anyone else’s. Then again, Jon (Oakley had a habit of forgetting that Dean Ambrose wasn’t actually his real name, the wrestling moniker often slipping out when the two spoke) seemed to have quite the appetite, frequently coming back for seconds where others would nearly throw up if they had more. And Oakley made sure the meals were big enough to fill those big boys so for him to return looking for more, it said a lot about him. But Oakley certainly didn’t mind that and was almost glad that he could stomach it; you won’t find her complaining, she’s doing what she loves. 
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“Well, well, well - look who’s back,” the young brunette teased, though she couldn’t help the beaming smile that lit up on her face. “I swear you are bottomless pit. You must work out extra hard at the gym to stay fit and burn off my cooking after coming here, don’t you, Dea- Jon.” She cringed at yet another near slip up. “Sorry,” is said with a half nervous chuckle. It’s been a few months now, one would think she would have this mix-up under control by now. 
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Darby had gotten the tickets for his birthday from a couple friends. A wrestling show in Seattle, not just some little house show either, WWE.
His seat was in the middle, not too close to the ring and not in the nosebleeds. It was a great view. He hadn't looked up the card but one of his friends had been talking his ear off about recent matches and new wrestlers. He'd listened and was looking forward to it, the energy at even tiny shows was great and for someone like him who wanted to be in that ring the energy at a bigger event would be amazing.
The night was starting to wind down, the last or next to last match was starting with music he hadn't heard before. 'Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta...' it echoed and Darby glanced at the ramp, no one... they were entering through the crowd. His friend nudged him as the trio jumped the barricade. "That's Roman Reigns." He said, pointing at the tall dark haired one, "The one with the blond streak is Seth Rollins." He said, pointing to the man in question "And that's Dean Ambrose." He said pointing to the third who had unzipped and shrugged off his tactical vest.
Darby felt a tug. Nothing sexual, though the trio were plenty attractive from what he could see. It was the lightest tugging feeling from the center of his chest. He looked down to see a thread. The thread, the one people tell stories about, the one that connects people fated to be together. Most of those stories said it connects soulmates or lovers, some newer ones said it could be platonic as well. He didn't know which this was but his thread seemed to connect him to one of the men in the ring. He wondered what their connection would come to be. Too soon, the match was over and so was the show.
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What Happens On the Announce Table...
I’m going through the Wayback Machine and bringing over some fics that I wrote when I was imaginingwwesuperstars!! Well, at least what they have archived…and has been edited since the original post…I hope you enjoy!!
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You sat on top of the announce table, just hanging out, as you watched Dean and Roman messing around in the ring when they were supposed to be warming up. This was one of their rituals: before the doors open, they would get into the ring, run the ropes, practice some moves on each other and what not. You sitting on the announce table watching your friends became a ritual too. It calmed you down to sit and watched what went on in that ring…it helped clear your mind.
“Hey you.” A soothing southern drawl called to you. You looked over to see your boyfriend, AJ, walking over to you and sitting next to you. “You doing alright?”
“Yeah.” You nodded. “I’m doing good. You?”
“Yeah, same. So you ready for your match tonight?”
Tonight, you were set to face Alexa Bliss and your best friend Naomi in a triple threat match to become number one contender, alongside Becky Lynch (who had beaten Natalya and Carmella), to become Smackdown’s first Women’s Champion. The winner of your match would face Becky at Summerslam…and you wanted that championship…really bad. You hadn’t gotten to be NXT Women’s Champion so it just made you hungrier for it.
“Yeah. As ready as I’ll ever be.”
“You talk to Naomi yet?”
“Yup. We both know that no matter the outcome, there’s no hard feelings and if one of us wins, we’ll be cheering on the other…even though we love Becky to death.” You and AJ exchanged a chuckle. “What about you? You ready for Cena on Sunday?”
“Oh, yeah, of course. I’ve been waiting for this one for a while.”
“Good. If anyone can beat him, I know it’s you.”
You leaned over and rest your head on his shoulder. AJ turned to kiss the top of your head as you watched Roman land a spear on Dean. You cringed, knowing how much that one hurt Dean as he laid on the mat with his arms around his midsection.
“Good one.” Dean grunted, his eyes squeezed shut. “That was a good one.”
“Come on, I didn’t hit you that hard.” Roman said, smiling as he remained on his knees, catching his breath.
“Sounded like it was hard enough, Rome.” You called out from your spot.
“Yeah. Hard enough.” Dean agreed, turning to lay on his side.
“You’re supposed to be on my side here, Y/N. Always.” Roman replied to you. “We had an agreement.”
“Yeah, but look at him. He hasn’t opened his eyes yet.”
“Because you broke the rules of the agreement, when we get back to visit my parents, you’re not allowed to have any of my mom’s famous brownies. They go to me now.”
“Oh, come on, Roman! I love your mom’s brownies!” You lifted your head from AJ’s shoulder, your hands going over your heart.
“You should’ve thought about that before you broke the rules of the agreement. You agreed that if you didn’t honor the rules, I could decide your punishment.”
You pouted as you laid your head back down on AJ’s shoulder. You didn’t have a viable comeback because you knew he was right. There was an agreement in place only because you had done something super embarrassing that you didn’t want anyone outside of Roman, Dean and AJ knowing about…Dean and AJ only knew because Roman needed witnesses to the deal made to keep things quiet.
Now because of the deal…when Roman took you and Dean to visit his parents (you guys met Roman’s parents because you had been travel buddies after the Shield debuted and his parents wanted him to invite you guys to a barbecue they were having on your days off. They wanted to meet who he’s been spending so much time with and Roman thought it was a good idea), you had to miss out on Roman’s mom’s famous brownies. You loved those damn brownies too…so flavorful and moist…the way a brownie should taste.You wished that Roman had decided to wait it out until next week so he wouldn’t have even thought of this despicable punishment. He wouldn’t have even been here, he would’ve went straight home after Raw last night.
“Alright, we’re gonna head back now. See you in a while?” Dean asked, finally getting up and directing the question at you and AJ.
“Yeah, man. We’ll be there in a bit. I’m gonna run through some moves with this one anyway, to make sure she’s ready for tonight.” AJ replied.
Dean nodded as he and Roman left the ring and went to the back.
“I didn’t agree to that.” You told him.
“I know, Y/N.” AJ said, moving to stand in front of you and in between your legs. “I just thought we could have a little fun before the show starts.”
“Out here?” You asked as AJ started placing gentle kisses on your neck. “What if someone sees us?”
“Don’t worry. Before I came out here, I let everyone know I called the ring next. They won’t bother us.”
You ran your hands through AJ’s hair with a sigh as his hands ran down your chest and went to your waist. He lightly sucked on your spot as his hands went under your shirt, eager to feel your soft skin against his hands. You tugged on AJ’s hair to pull him away from your neck so you can join your lips with his.
AJ’s hands left your skin as he pulled away from you to remove your shirt. He then lowered the straps to your ring top, kissing down your shoulders as he pushes to down to your waist, freeing your breasts from their confines.
“Oh, so these are the moves you planned to teach her, huh?” Dean asked, grabbing the water bottle and phone he had left in the corner of the ring, with a smirk on his face. “Had I known that, I would’ve stuck around and watched.”
AJ was standing in front of you, already covering you so you had no reason to worry. You closed your eyes for a moment, slightly embarrassed at being caught by Dean but also weighing out an option. Maybe AJ would go for it considering that it was a fantasy of yours…you had voiced it out loud to him and AJ didn’t sound too put off by the idea. To be honest, you always believed Dean would be the perfect choice to try it with.Your eyes opened and you gave AJ a look and he immediately knew what you were thinking. He smirked at you for a moment and gave you a short nod, leaning in and kissing your neck, continuing where he left off.
“Why watch, Ambrose? You can just join us.” You told him, lightly moaning when AJ began to play with your breasts.
Dean’s smirk faded for a moment. You caught him completely off guard.
“What, are you serious?” Dean asked in surprise.
You couldn’t help but smile at him and motion him over with your index finger. Suddenly Dean seemed to turn giddy as he got out of the ring and came over to you and AJ. AJ had lowered down and kissed his way down your stomach as your lips met Dean’s.You ran your hands through his messy, but soft hair, moaning into his mouth when AJ’s fingers crept their way into your shorts, playing with your clit as he kissed the inside of your thighs.
You reached down, palming Dean’s erection through his pants, earning a moan from him while his fingers combed into your hair. AJ came back up and watched you and Dean for a moment, pulling you off the table. Your kiss with Dean broke as AJ stood you up, pulling down your shorts. Dean unbuckled his belt and undid the button on his jeans as AJ did the same. You kissed AJ once more before kneeling down between them, grasping at both their cocks. You stroked on Dean’s cock as you turned to lick the tip of AJ’s, his groan filling the air between the three of you. You took the head of his cock into your mouth, suckling for a moment before taking as much of him in your mouth as possible. Dean put his hand over yours, guiding you to slightly quicken your strokes as he watched you suck on AJ’s cock.
You continued to work on AJ’s cock for a few more moments before turning to Dean’s and giving his the same treatment. You stroked AJ as he watched you busying yourself with Dean. He threaded his fingers into your hair and pushed you to take Dean’s cock a little more into your mouth. Dean had unconsciously began to gently thrust into your mouth, causing you to take even more of him. 
AJ seemed to be enjoying the sight of Dean’s cock in your mouth because he increased your speed for you. It was one thing to watch you with his own in your mouth but it was a whole new ball game for him watch you with someone else’s….he found it so erotic to see you in your position. He wasn’t even worried about jealousy anymore.
AJ pulled you away from Dean and bent you over the table. He positioned himself at your entrance and immediately buried himself inside you. You cried out, smile on your face as he grabbed at your hair.
“Fuck…”AJ drawled as he took a moment to feel you around him.
You moaned at the feeling of AJ deep inside you, watching as Dean positioned himself in front of you on the table, stroking himself. You didn’t need to be guided as you took Dean’s cock back into your mouth, your movements being guided by AJ’s thrusts. Your moans vibrated around Dean, adding to his pleasure as AJ reached around you and played with your clit.
“Fuck, Y/N…you mouth is fucking magic.” Dean said as your moans became more frequent.
You looked up at Dean, watching as his head fell forward, his eyes closed with concentration etched on his face. It looked like he was trying to think of something else so that he wouldn’t cum just yet. Before you knew it, you felt AJ pulling out of you and helping you onto the table. Dean turned you around, laying you on your back in front of him as your head dangled off the side. You cried out in pleasure once more when Dean entered you. You were also at level with AJ’s cock where you happily took him into your mouth.
You joyfully laid on top of the announce table as Dean pounded your pussy and AJ fucked your mouth. How did you get so lucky? You felt so overwhelmed with pleasure that you knew you’d be reaching your end really soon.
“Oh, yeah…yeah, Y/N, I’m gonna cum.” AJ told you, using his right hand to reach and pinch on one of your nipples.
You moaned onto his cock as he pumped faster and faster.
“Shit, I’m cumming too.” Dean grunted.
You cried out over AJ’s cock when Dean played with your clit, his thrusts becoming more desperate each time.
“Fuck…fuck…baby!” AJ moaned as he exploded in your mouth.
You continued sucking him, wanting every last drop that he could give you. He slowly pulled out of your mouth, panting heavily.
“Fuck, Dean!” You whimpered out as you came.
You continuously moaned as Dean kept pounding into you.
“Oh shit, Y/N!” Dean groaned.
Your pussy contracting around his cock became too much for him. He quickly pulled out of you and continued stroking himself, cumming all over your stomach. You laid there for a moment, breathless, but smiling. This was better than you could have hoped for.
Dean pulled off his shirt and cleaned the mess he made on your stomach. AJ helped you sit up before putting his pants back on, Dean following his lead.
“So, that was completely out of nowhere.” Dean commented as he buckled his belt. “Not that I’m complaining.”
“Yeah, it was, um…sort of a fantasy of mine.” You admitted, going to grab your ring shorts from the ground.
“By all means, should your fantasies involve anything requiring another cock, please feel free to call me.”
AJ couldn’t help the chuckle that left his mouth. He actually did need his help with you again…not to admit, he kinda enjoyed sharing you with Dean…mostly because Dean wasn’t super selfish and not a douche about sharing you with him. Dean could’ve tried to get you all to himself just to get off and that was it…but he made sure you got off with them. He needed Dean’s help because AJ wanted to try out a fantasy of his that he didn’t even realize he had until your guy’s session. He wanted to see you take them both inside you…he wanted to see you take Dean in your pussy while he took your ass…he wanted to push the envelope a bit for you because he loved watching you in the throes of pleasure.
“Then maybe you should come by the hotel tonight…I have some plans for this one before she leaves with you guys tomorrow.” AJ told Dean, playfully smacking you on your bare butt.
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Waking Up in Vegas-Ch. 41
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Chapter 41: Wouldn’t Dive In
Dean, Morning, 10:43 AM
           “You’re out of the woods,” the doctor said from the end of Mera’s bed. He smiled at her and tucked his hands in the pockets of his white coat. “We’re going to finish you on the drip you’ve got, and then we’re going to get you out of here and back home.”
           The knot in my chest loosened just a little. I sagged into the chair by her bed and let out a breath. She looked so much better. Her eyes were bright and amber. She had more normal color in her face, and the rash that came with her disease had faded from her cheeks. For the first time in over a week, she looked like herself.
           “Thank you,” Mera replied, giving the doctor a faint smile. He promised to send a nurse down with discharge papers and instructions and left. When the door shut behind him, Mera sank back against the pillows and closed her eyes.
           “It’ll be nice for you to sleep in your own bed again,” I said, leaning forward and propping my elbows on my knees.
           My wife turned her head toward me, her eyes going slightly golden in the light. “I want to go home so much, Dean. I want to go back to when you didn’t have to worry about me.”
           I took her hand, threading our fingers together. “Mera Ambrose, I will worry about you every day for the rest of my life. Because you are my wife, and I love you more than anything in this world.”
           Tears glittered on her lashes, but she blinked them away. “Don’t make me cry, Dean,” she whispered. “They’ll think I’m sick again.”
           “Alright,” I said, kissing the back of her hand. “Relax and let that IV finish, then we’ll spring you out of this place.”
           Mera smiled—maybe the first genuine, wide, beautiful smile in days—and my heart bounced against my sternum. For an instant, she was the woman I’d first seen that day in FCW. She was the one I’d watched and adored and loved from afar until she finally fell perfectly into my arms. I’d vowed to spend my life making her feel safe and happy.
Mera, Afternoon, 1:08 PM
           It felt strange to be in regular clothes again. I’d been in a hospital gown for ten days, and I was suddenly desperate to be back in my own house. Dean had taken my bag and gone to pick up the car. A nurse helped me into a chair and wheeled me down to the entrance of the hospital. When he pulled up at the curb in the truck, Dean hopped down from the cab and came around to help me up.
           I shouldn’t have been, but I was amazed by how gentle he was. His hands on my back and my arm were tender but firm. He guided me with sure, slow steps and bore most of my weight as I climbed up into the cab of the truck. He stood up on the runner and buckled my seatbelt.
           “Ready to go home, sweet wife?” he queried, brushing wayward strands of hair from my forehead. His lips ghosted over my forehead.
           I nodded. “Take me home, Dean.”
           The drive from the hospital was quiet. He kept one hand on the wheel. With the other, he held my hand as if it would be the last time. His ring-worn fingers entwined with mine, thumb stroking the back of my hand. Every now and then, he would draw my it up to his mouth and ghost a kiss on my flesh.
           I had a lot of time to think on that ride home. I thought about what my life had been like until that day almost a year ago. Before that night, I’d lived my life for someone else. No matter how hard I thought, no matter how desperately I tried to remember, I had no memories of a time before Colby Lopez. I knew there had to be. But he was as ubiquitous in my life as my own family. I’d very much become the person I was because of the person I’d been with him.
           For him.
           Teenagers think they know what love is. And maybe some of them do, but I couldn’t say for sure if I had. I’d never dated anyone else. Never spent time with people who weren’t Colby and his core group of friends. I was hard pressed to remember the name of a single friend who had just been mine. Everything… everything was tied up in Colby… in the boy who would eventually become Seth Rollins.
           Part of me wondered if I could ever separate my sense of self from the life that had been chosen for me. I couldn’t lay it all at his feet—I’d made the choice to give up my spot at Iowa State. I’d made the choice to study athletic training so I could get a job to be with him. I’d gotten in that car, traveled, stayed in cheap motels, scrounged change for the dollar menu right beside him. No, I couldn’t say that everything was his fault. But I couldn’t say that he gave me a fair chance at a life of my own either.
           And now… I was so close to having just that. A life of my own choosing. Dean, who had never pushed me, never asked for more than I could give, never took more than what I was willing to share. He’d taken me as I was, broken and uncertain, and given me permission to be who I wanted to be. I wouldn’t delude myself and say things were perfect, but I felt freer in my marriage to Dean than I had in the twenty years I spent tied to Colby.
           It was like the first breath of clear air after being trapped in a dank room. To be with Dean was to finally be with myself. With the real me.
           The me that I’d never gotten to know.
Seth, Afternoon, 2:41 PM
           I sat in my car for what felt like years. The garage door had long since come down, and yet I couldn’t bring myself to go inside. I was just there… driver’s door open, one foot on the concrete, hands gripping the wheel so hard that my fingers had gone numb. My head was back against the headrest, eyes staring at nothing.
           After seeing Mera in Las Vegas—fragile, sick, and exhausted—the very thought of going into my own house made me sick. The moment I turned down the street I was bombarded with memories of when this house had been a home. When Mera Reynolds had lived and breathed and loved and laughed and existed with me within these walls. I could remember the way her amber eyes turned to brass when she laughed as I carried her over the threshold the first day. I could hear her laugh from the Christmas when I put mistletoe in every doorway, when I went up on the roof to hang the lights and the ladder fell.
           I remembered the first time we stood on the sidewalk in front of this house. I remembered how happy she’d been when I told her it was ours. She’d wanted to turn one of the spare bedrooms into an office. She wanted to use it to work from, to store her supplies. To study.
           She’d wanted to go back to school, to go enroll at St. Ambrose University in the city, to finally get certified as a psychologist.
           My heart felt like stone in my chest. I blinked, swallowing hard as I remembered what came next.
           Just like with Iowa State, I’d talked her out of it.
           Because I wanted her with me. I wanted her to travel with me, to become a road AT on top of working the televised events.
           Because I couldn’t see past the fact that what I wanted had never had anything to do with Mera being happy. It was about me being the center around which her life revolved.
Dean, Afternoon, 3:22 PM
           Mera sat on in the overstuffed armchair in the living room, a blanket draped over her legs. The first thing she’d done when we got home was take a shower. Then she’d put on her favorite lounge clothes and curled up in the living room. I couldn’t explain how the sight made me feel—the calm and peace and pure and simple elation that pulsed through my veins every time my heart thumped in my chest.
           “Do you want anything?” I asked, stretched out on the sofa with the remote in hand. I was surfing channels, trying to find something to watch.
           I looked over at her, my breath punching out of my body when I saw her smile. There was life and light in her again. She was my Mera, my wife, my best friend again. It felt like the world had been spinning off kilter for the last ten days and only now it had righted itself.
           “I would kill for some sweet and sour chicken and fried dumplings,” she said, snuggling beneath the blanket. “How much do you love me?”
           Laughing, I sat up. I could feel my face light up with a smile… the one that I kept just for her. “Enough to crawl on my hands and knees through broken glass and burning coals to bring you deep fried Chinese food.”
           I watched Mera smile. Her eyes glittered golden. There was health and life in her face again. And God knew, I had no words for how good it was to have her back again.
           “They deliver, you know,” she replied, reaching for me. I moved to her, crouching by the side of her chair as she stroked her fingers over my jaw. For a moment, she was quiet, her eyes bouncing as she looked me over. Her smile softened. “Thank you, Dean.”
           “For what, sweet wife?”
           She leaned over to press a kiss against my cheek. “I know that you know Seth came to see me. I could see it in your face when you came in after he left. Thank you for not making a big deal of it. Thank you for letting me have that.”
           I wanted to tell her how angry I’d been about it. I wanted to tell her that I hated how he could still weasel into her life. I wanted to tell her that I couldn’t stand the thought of him being close enough to her to hurt her again. But I didn’t. I couldn’t. I wouldn’t.
           Instead, I squeezed her fingers and kissed her knuckles. “You are your own woman, Mera. As much as I want to keep you from any kind of hurt or harm, I know that you are strong enough to know your own mind. I trust you. More than I’ve trusted anyone in my life.”
           A single tear rolled down her cheek. “Thank you for that, too.”
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softambrollins · 6 years
Why Dean Ambrose deserves to be respected and appreciated by WWE and the audience.
So, I’m seeing lots of people trying to discredit Dean’s accomplishments in WWE or reduce him to one hokey segment or one badly-booked match (which literally everyone has had at some point) or act like he’s never done anything significant in WWE and won’t be missed. Which is 100% bullshit, obviously. But I thought I’d make a list anyway, definitely not comprehensive, but hopefully a good reference of the things this man has accomplished in WWE over the last 8 years.
His matches with Seth Rollins in FCW and his feud with William Regal are both highly underrated and some of the best things to happen in FCW.
The Shield would not exist without Dean Ambrose. This is a fact, made clear by the members of The Shield themselves.
He was United States Champion for 351 days.
After the breakup, despite him admitting that they pretty much set him up to fail and didn’t see him as a priority, he got himself over and quickly became the most popular Shield member on his own and the most popular babyface on the roster.
He had the feud of the year with Seth Rollins in 2014. He had a ton of amazing promos and segments during that time and they had some great matches culminating with their HIAC match. Which was the first time in decades two guys under thirty main-evented a PPV, by the way.
He was pretty much consistently over as a babyface from when The Shield split in 2014 to after he returned in 2018. Which is not a small feat to accomplish.
He was drawing better numbers than Roman Reigns on the house show circuit.
He was selling more merch than Reigns and Cena at one point.
He had an insane Last Man Standing match at the 2016 Royal Rumble with Kevin Owens, and then entered the Rumble and was the runner-up.
He had a great build to the Lesnar match at Wrestlemania 32, but Lesnar didn’t want to do anything he wanted to. So it was not his fault. Case closed.
He won the briefcase at MITB 2016 and cashed in that same night to become WWE Champion.
He won the Shield Triple Threat at Battleground 2016, and carried the WWE Championship over to Smackdown.
He was the #2 overall draft pick in the 2016 draft, and the top babyface on Smackdown after the brand split.
He had the most matches in WWE in 2015 and 2016 and 2017. 
He’s main-evented 17 PPVs.
He has 28 four-star+ matches.
He had a bunch of great matches in 2016, with Kevin Owens, with Triple H, with Seth Rollins, with AJ Styles, with John Cena, etc.
He brought the Intercontinental Championship to RAW in the 2017 Superstar Shakeup.
He had one of the best-written reunion stories ever with Seth Rollins. Just listen to the reaction they get for putting their fists together.
He became the youngest Grand Slam Champion ever at Summerslam 2017.
He and Seth had some of the best tag team matches of the year together.
He was the catalyst for The Shield reunion in 2017. As I said before, The Shield would not exist without Dean Ambrose.
The man was working with an arm he could barely extend for months after TLC. His tricep was basically hanging on by a thread.
He was out for 9 months after undergoing triceps surgery during which he contracted an infection that could have been life-threatening. He came back in the greatest shape of his life. To an amazing reaction, by the way.
He had one of the most devastating heel turns of all time. And the range of emotion and the obvious conflict he showed during it was phenomenal. 
The first three weeks of his and Seth’s feud were great. Then after Survivor Series, someone decided to fuck it all up. They still tried to make it work, but It probably was too late, unfortunately. Their match at TLC was fine though, it just fell victim to wrong booking for the feud and a bad spot on the card.
If you don’t understand what a uniquely compelling and complex character Dean Ambrose is, I strongly urge you to watch his WWE Chronicle episode (alternate link).
The Shield is one of the best WWE-created acts of all time. You can’t deny that. And Dean Ambrose is a fundamental part of that. He’s not the weak link or the third wheel. He’s the emotional centre of The Shield, he was the best promo and the most interesting character of the three of them when they came in, and he only made the other two better.
He’s had some of the best promos in WWE in the last decade. Examples: One, two, three, four, five.
He’s one of the most believable and well-rounded characters in WWE. He’s an amazing actor and storyteller. He can do intense and emotional as well as he can do humour.
All those hokey moments everyone hates so much? He made them all work better than most other people could even dream of. Because he’s just that likeable and charismatic. Examples: One, two, three, four, five, six.
He has countless underrated moments of good character work or continuity or genuine humour or just showing how well he understands the business. Examples: One, two, three, four.
Just watch the segment from last Monday and tell me that this man isn’t one of the best characters and talkers that WWE’s seen in years.
Of course a lot of this is subjective, but a lot isn’t, and to simply ignore all of these things because you personally don’t like him is ridiculous.
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lhcartoonist · 6 years
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Smart to have Dean Ambrose fight Nia Jax. His former character, Jon moxley, was the best at manhandling, degrading, and injuring women. Also helps that he can take like a massive amount of punishment. So, if Nia does continue her thread of hurting wrestlers he's good.
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Seth walked into his house, dropping his bag onto the floor. This tour has been grueling for him; his knee has been acting up ever since he put too much pressure on it working out, management has been on his case making sure he doesn’t skip out on their deal, the gold for his loyalty, then there was him. Dean. His former brother making his life a living hell. Attacking him in the middle of important matches, pranking him at every chance he gets. At this rate, Seth will be more paranoid of Dean doing something to him than conspiracy theorists are with the government. But now, he was home. Letting out a sigh of relief Seth walks over to his couch and plops down. Reaching over he grabbed the remote from the table and was almost able to turn on the tv before his cellphone started to ring. God, I can’t even have any decent quiet time anymore. He thought reaching to pry his phone out of his back pocket. The ringer was something that sounded off in his sleep; someone always had to talk to him. Triple H calling in to give him a longer list of things that he has to do ranging from interviews to business meetings. Ortan calling in being his usual spy, always wondering what he was doing, reporting it back to Stephanie so that she can call and lecture him on what he is doing wrong with his life. This wasn’t the way Seth thought things would turn out when he joined the Authority. They had sold him the idea that Dean and Roman were keeping him behind in the company. That all great factions fall apart because of envy and greed and that if it was going to happen anyway, then why not be at the forefront of it, leading the destruction, instead of being in the wake and having someone else take his chance? They never sold him the idea that they were a big happy family, all looking out for each other, having each other’s back. If he wanted that he could have stayed with the Shield, they sold him power, money, prosperity. That one got him. He has worked his ass off to get to where he is, and hell would have to freeze over if he was ever going to let himself fall back to were he started. The phone kept ringing, so Seth answered it, expecting to hear H’s gruff voice or Stephanie’s nasal whine. “Hello?” Seth asked into the phone. Nothing came back. He tried again, still nothing. Seth pulled the phone away from his ear to look at the caller ID. Panic flashed through him. The number didn’t have a name with it anymore, but he would always recognize it. Why the hell is Dean calling me? Seth thought. Pulling the phone back up to his ear he went to his usual annoyed Seth voice that he uses when he has to talk to Dean, “What the hell do you want Ambrose, why on God’s green earth are you calling me?” Still no response. There was shuffling around though as if the phone was in a pocket. Damn idiot butt-dialed me. Seth thought. He was about to hang up when he heard voices.
If you only knew
I'm hanging by a thread
The web I spin for you
Seth paused and pulled the phone back up to his ear. Was that Ambrose singing? He honestly couldn’t believe his ears, but the sound continued.
If you only knew
I'd sacrifice my beating
Heart before I lose you
I still hold onto the letters
You returned
I swear I've lived and learned
Seth’s heart stopped when he figured out what song was playing. His mind went back to days that pained him to think about. Days when he felt loved and needed. Days that seemed to spell out the future for him.
It's 4:03 and I can't sleep
Without you next to me I
Toss and turn like the sea
If I drown tonight, bring me
Back to life
Breathe your breath in me
The only thing that I still believe
In is you, if you only knew
Memories came flooding back into his mind. Nights out late with Dean, going out for drinks after an indy match, shit-talking after the alcohol had taken effect. Telling Dean things he’d never told anyone before. Dean sharing some of his past with him that he normally doesn’t talk about. Then the night that they walked back to their motel, Dean stopped him before they got close to the motel lights and kissed him. Darkness surrounding them both as they held each other in a forbidden embrace, savoring the taste of one another. Seth swore come the next morning Dean wouldn’t wanna talk to him again. He was sure Dean just had too much to drink and wouldn’t want a reminder that they played tonsil hockey. So when Dean came knocking on his door with his big goofy shit-eating grin plastered on his face, with wild flowers in his extended hand, he almost couldn’t believe his luck. That night led to many nights of them alone in one or the other motel room. They would just talk, maybe have a drink, maybe not, and just enjoy being with each other. They would play music and dance, or just lay in the bed, tangled together just listening to each other’s heartbeat.  The night that this song played, Seth and sung it to Dean while they lay in bed together, Seth put so much emotion in his voice that when the song had ended, Dean had tears rolling down his cheeks. That was the night Seth told Dean he loved him. That was the night that they went from brothers to lovers, willingly giving over their hearts to each other, entrusting their very souls to one another, believing wholeheartedly that neither one would let the other down. And neither had. Until Seth hit Dean with that chair.
If you only knew
How many times I counted
All the words that went wrong
If you only knew
How I refuse to let you go,
Even when you're gone
I don't regret any days I
Spent, nights we shared,
Or letters that I sent
After that night Dean tried to call Seth so many times that his phone died before he was able to get back to his hotel room. He had left so many voicemails that his inbox was full. Dean wanted to know what happened, why did Seth do it, did he do something wrong that pissed Seth off? If he did, he was sure that they could work it out, that Dean would try to do better by Seth; all he had to do was answer the phone. Talk to him. Be open with him. What Dean didn’t know was that it had nothing to do with him. Seth had agreed to be The Authority’s show pony out of greed but that he never wanted to end the Shield as he did. He wanted to tell Dean what was gonna happen, to have Dean miss that match and fake their hatred on camera. But The Authority couldn’t let that happen. Ortan had found out about Dean and Seth’s romantic relationship and threatened to release proof to the public, shattering what Seth and Dean had worked so hard for unless he broke things off with Dean. But a simple text wouldn’t have been enough, the Authority wanted it to be public and recorded, so it had to be done that way. Seth was so disgusted with himself in the aftermath of that night that he just adopted the persona that Triple H had fed him, the arrogant, cocky bastard that only looked out for himself. He never called Dean back. He put so much venom in the words that he spoke to him on screen that he hoped that Dean would believe then and would be so hurt that he would hate him. Seth had hoped that if Dean hated him, then it would make moving on much easier for Dean. For Seth though, Dean would be the only one. From the way that Dean sounded over the phone, he might hate Seth, but he hasn’t moved on.
It's 4:03 and I can't sleep
Without you next to me I
Toss and turn like the sea
If I drown tonight, bring me
Back to life
Breathe your breath in me
The only thing that I still believe
In is you, if you only knew
If you only knew
Dean kept singing that song, and Seth kept listening. Tears flowing down his face now, his head in his hand, elbows perched on his knees. God, I miss him. Seth thought as Dean finished out the song. Seth couldn’t bring himself to hang up the phone just yet. Yes, it was creepy just sitting there listening to Dean while Dean had no idea that he had accidentally called him. This was the closest he had been to Dean since that night, and he just couldn’t bring himself to lose the connection just yet. There was a soft knock on the other end of the phone; someone was knocking on Dean’s door. More shuffling came as Dean go up to answer the door. “Hey brother, you ready to go? We gotta head out soon to make the plane.” Seth heard Roman’s voice over the shuffling that must have been Dean grabbing his things. “Yeah, I’m ready.” Dean responded. There was a short silence then Roman piped up, “You still listening to that song?” Seth dropped his hand from his head and focused on every sound that was coming out of the phone. “S’the only thing I got left from him. His promise that night and that song.” There was silence from then on. Seth waited to hear something, anything else, while his mind reeled at that confession. Dean still listened to that song, not only does he listen to it but he does so frequently if Roman knows about it. Seth knew he needed to hang up, but before he did he spoke one last time, “I still love you, Dean.” With that he hung up the phone and made a promise to himself, he would fix what he had broken, come hell or The Authority.
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princessniquane · 6 years
My Pleasure
->Chapter 1 <-
Chapter 2
It has been over two months and I enjoy my job. Its a bit challenging but nothing I can't handle. Tomorrow we have an office party and I'm nervous, parties aren't exactly my thing.
Nikki has been a tremendous help when I need it and gives great advice. She's dragging me to go shopping for the party tomorrow. I don't know why when I have nice dresses at home.
"Yeah well it doesn't hurt to have more options to wear. You know buy something sexy, I've seen how Seth looks you," Nikki says as you two were in the staff break room.
"He isn't the only one," you mumble to yourself.
"What?" Nikki asks.
"Nothing!" You say a little too quickly.
You've been noticing him a lot lately. Other people that works here say that he barely comes into work but now he's here all the time. It has some people on edge thinking that maybe their jobs are on the line and some are thinking that he has got us a big client paying big bucks and has to be here. Either way it seems that man is always around the corner waiting for you.
He makes sure that you are alone before he makes his move on you. This happened more than once but you just can't seem to mind. Especially how he looks at you with such hunger and lust you can't help but want him. Dean was an unpredictably strange man that you wanted to deny but just couldn't.
Yes Mr. Rollins bends you over and fucks you long and hard on his desk to relieve some stress but also because he wants to. But with Dean its like a game of cat and mouse, with you being the mouse of course. Nikki starts talking but you don't hear her as you think about what happened last week.
~Dean corners you in the hallway kissing you hard, all teeth and tongue. He lifts you up wrapping your legs around his waist and grinding up to your rapidly wet covered pussy. Your hands threading through his short dirty blonde hair, moaning feeling his erection throbbing against your core. He moans and grinds harder grabbing your ass and pulling you towards him.
Any one can walk by and see us but Dean doesn't seem to care one bit. He just keeps going while he whispers nasty dirty things in your ear. And oh, the things he says he's going to do to you makes you even wetter to the point of cumming.~
You finally snap out your thoughts as you hear a familiar voice.
"Good morning ladies."
"Morning...," you say quietly biting your lip.
"Morning," Nikki looks at you weirdly. She looks at him then at me. Then him again and back at me with her eyes wide and smirks.
"Everything OK?" He asks.
"Uh yeah...I'm gonna go back to work. I'll see you later to go shopping for that dress (y/n)," Nikki says as she gets up and leave.
I get a text message from her a minute later.
Dont so anything I wouldn't...oh wait never mind. Carry on XP
I roll my eyes and get up to make me another cup of coffee for later. Next thing you know you are trapped against the counter.
"So you're just going to ignore me? I thought that you liked it, loved it even I know you did. And you know exactly what I'm talking about," he whispers.
"And what exactly happened Mr. Ambrose?"
He grabs your hips turning around to face him. "Should I remind you then Darlin'?"
"There's nothing to be reminded of," you deny.
You hear him growl before you're slammed against the wall taking the breath out of you. He takes the opening and plunges his tongue in your mouth kissing you roughly. Your legs wrapped around his waist pulling him into you as you scratch along his shoulders and his scalp. Dean's hands slip to the black dress grabbing at your ass roughly licking and bitting at your neck leaving mark after mark.
"Gotta have you...NOW!" He growls sucking at your bottom lip. He reaches for your panties only to realize you're not wearing any. Mostly due to Seth's request to fuck you whenever he wants to. "You naughty naughty little girl."
Dean slowly enters a finger quickly followed by two since you were dripping wet. He seems to want to get right to it because he's fingering fucking you hard and fast adding a third one while trying to keep you from moaning to loudly.
With your juices running down his fingers he removed his fingers and took out his cock. He quickly thrust up into you both of you groan into each others mouth at the friction when he bottoms out. Dean slowly circles his hips making you feel every inch of him inside you.
You moan and pull at the hem of his grey t shirt to get him to take it off. After he does you scratch down his back making him arch his back and more into your heat. You tighten your legs around his waist and tell him to move. Dean doesn't have to be told twice he starts slow but quickly gives in to a punishing pace.
Both of you are breathing heavily into each others mouth, matching thrust for thrust. Dean lifts one of your legs over his shoulder hitting your g spot at a different angle kissing your neck. You arch up moaning his name loudly. He quickly covers your mouth.
"Shhh baby...don't want to get caught so you?" You moan in response. "Oooh you like that huh? The thought of getting caught at any minute. It turns you on don't it Darlin'? Oh fuck (y/n)...so good...ah shit...so tight. Is Seth even fucking you right or at all? Damn it!"
All you can is keep your mouth busy so you won't make a sound. Dean lifts your other leg up as he pounds into you. We hear talking and footsteps coming this way but he doesn't let up he just fucks you harder. You're so close to cumming you just need something to get you there.
"Dean," A breathy moan.
He covers your mouth with his hand again.
"Shut up." Somehow he fucks even harder as we wait for the voices to pass us.
The voices pass us and Dean bites on my neck making me cum unexpectedly. Two, three, four rough thrusts later he cums. When he let's you down and turn around he has scratches all on his upper back and neck. You look down at your waist and see bruises starting to form you shrug and pull your dress down as you look up Dean is dressed and watching you.
Dean walks up to you caress your cheek and kisses you gently.
"Make sure you buy something sexy for tomorrow night. I'll punish you if you don't," He winks as he walks out.
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@av3ngersassvmble continued from [x]
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She giggled against his lips, arms tightening around his mid section. “Mmm, I like hearing you laugh, how could I resist?” She pushed her lips further against his, deepening the kiss. “Definitely like kissing you more, though.”
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imaginexwwe · 6 years
Old Friend (12|?) - Dean Ambrose
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"A big day for both you and wifey, huh?" I joked with a playful giggle, followed by a wink as I wondered around the city where Monday Night Raw was being held tomorrow night with a new and improved Jonathan Good, following closely behind.
"It's a big night for her."
I rolled my eyes, trying not to sigh too hard as Jon acknowledged that tomorrow night was a big one for his wife, without doing the same for himself. "And you." I corrected in one breath. "I mean, try to be a bit more excited, please?" I added, giving him a look.
"... more excited."
Jon shrugged as he came to a complete stop on the middle of the sidewalk.
If I could, I would, but that's kinda hard when you've fucked everything and almost every relationship that meant something up
"Would you be excited to go out there if you were in my position, Y|N..?" Jonathan questioned back, aware almost instantly that he'd caught her off guard, bringing up the still touchy subject, without actually mentioning it.
"What happened months ago, has nothing to do with what's happening tomorrow." Y|N quickly spoke up, trying to dodge Jon's question and stare.
Jon shook his head, still giving off an intense stare before speaking up again, "that's easy for you to say, when you're not walking around in my shoes. You've got the picture perfect relationship with Colby, while my marriage is hanging on by a thread."
As if on cue, and taking a page from his book, Y|N mirrored the stare she'd just received minutes ago, adding a scoff. "That's not fair for you to say, Jonathan..." She spat, her head hanging low as she childishly kicked at a random lump of dirt, not caring too much at the spot that was left on her white Vans because of her actions.
That short sentence spoken to him grabbed Jon's attention and if he wasn't completely interested in the conversation his friend had started, he was now.
"Trouble with the perfect couple?" Jon teased, mentally kicking himself for the level of hope that laced his words.
Or was it me just being amused?
"We're not a perfect couple."
But you and him try to be, Jon sneered before rolling his eyes, and not just at the sarcastic mixed with a bit of jealousy, remark he'd just said to himself.
It wasn't like he was trying to be this way and it sure as hell wasn't that he was getting his hopes up that Y|N would soon be as single as he almost was.
Okay so, maybe a tiny part of his heart began racing at the possibility, but Jon quickly tried his best to shake that off.
After all I am trying to prove to Renee that I'm the man I once was
The man she happily married so early and spontaneously that morning
The one that only had eyes for her and wasn't fazed even a bit when another woman walked by
The Jonathan I'm going to be again, if she'd allow me the time
Y|N doesn't even mean that much to me like I thought she did a couple weeks ago
And that minor slip of happiness when she said her and Colby wasn't a perfect couple was just that, a slip, and nothing more
If anything I was just jealous at the thought of her being happy when I wasn't
Yeah Jon, that's all it was
"You need to get your feelings out?" Jon questioned after taking a deep breath, and getting serious once again. "Did he hurt you?" Already? Jon continued, deciding to leave that last word in his thoughts, afraid of Y|N's reaction if he'd spoken it aloud.
"No," I quickly answered, biting my lip as the most recent dilemma that plagued our relationship.
Moving in.
Or more specifically, me packing up the life I'd built for myself back at home, to move to Iowa with Colby.
"I mean, I love him and all, but what couple is perfect?"
"The two of you," I heard Jon say with a dry laugh. "That or you and Colby are just damn good at pretending on a lot of things." He finished, causing my head to snap at him to direct a narrowed glare in his direction.
Is he saying me and Colby's love is some pretend game?
"My love and how I feel about him is real, Jon." I snapped again, this time with my words.
I continued looking on with narrowed eyes as Jonathan nodded. "I never said it wa-"
"But you were hinting at that it may not be." I quickly spoke, interrupted my friend's would be reply.
"I wasn't," Jon said just as quickly, bringing his hands up in defense. "Serious," I heard him add just as my facial expression began softening. "But you know you could talk to me right?" Jon continued, this time throwing a question my way. "I know after what I did a few months ago, you wouldn't consider me the person to vent to about you and Colby, but I'm still your friend," he added before soon speaking up again. "I'm still the old Jon that you used to run to about anything."
You are, Jon
But you couldn't and wouldn't want to help me with this
"You're half right," I nodded, before biting the inside of my cheek. "But this isn't something you could help me with."
"Try me."
"It's more of a girl night out talk." I said, giggling for at least the second time tonight at Jon's urging.
But he only shook his head with a smile, still dead set on finding out why I was now the sour one of the two. "I can handle it," He responded before continuing with a, "just let it out."
Fine, but don't start acting weird cause you asked for it, Jonathan, I mentally scolded
"The reason I said what I said about myg relationship with Colby has nothing to do with him hurting me, like I already told you, but it's just," I pushed, shrugging my arms. "You know how me and him have been dating for almost six months now, and it's great but we still haven't done stuff couples do."
"Stuff?" I could hear Jon question seconds after the words left my mouth.
"Stuff." I repeated, a tiny of red covering my face.
I groaned, covering my mouth as I mumbled. "Sex."
But of course Jon had to make me repeat myself and I wasn't sure if I had really said it too low, or his weird sense of humor was coming into play.
"Sex, dammit." I shouted a little too loud, judging by the noticeable gasp from a random old lady walking her poodle. "It's been almost six months and I still haven't put out, like at first it was me standing by the rule I had created for myself and any new relationship I would get into, and even though Colby is been patient, it's starting to bother me." I rambled while Jon tried to take in everything being said.
At first, I thought she was about to say he couldn't keep it up
"Please tell me you weren't just making some dumbass joke." Y|N said, as if having read my mind.
"No..?" Jon said shaking his head really fast. "No," He said again after clearing his throat. "The putting out thing was just a but funny, that's all." He lied.
"See..." Y|N groaned again. "I knew you wouldn't understand. This is why I didn't want to talk to you about it."
"I understand Y|N." Jon said, trying to make up for the way he was just seconds earlier. "And that's your rule, stick by it until you're ready."
"But I am ready," Y|N quickly responded. "I'm ready for the best sex with the best man I've ever been with, but I'm scared cause even without actually being together, together Colby is planning all this stuff for our future." She began rambling again. "Did you know that the night before I flew out here with him, he stayed over and asked me to move to Iowa with him?"
Of course I didn't kno, how would I when you're just mentioning it?
"What did you say?" Jon curiously pressed on.
Y|N shook her head. "I didn't say anything." She answered. "I just jumped to another subject, hoping he'd somehow think I hadn't really heard him."
"You don't think living with him is a good idea?"
"I didn't say that." Y|N half shouted and half whispered. "I just," Her words came to a sudden stop as she figure occur the best way to put what she was thinking into a sentence. "I've been there and done that with a guy I was engaged to for years after college and we were together years before all of that, and it didn't work out, so how would moving my life to Iowa with Colby work out after only half a year?"
"But, who's to say it wouldn't?" Jon asked with a raised eyebrow. "You could pit it off for a year or two longer, and it could still be the same thing."
Y|N nodded quickly. "That's what I'm saying."
"Buttt," Jon spoke up again, dragging out the short word. "Who's to say that waiting years is the way to do it?"
"So, you're saying I should just stop being a coward and live my life? Sex and all? Because even if I wait a while longer me and him still may not work out, so just enjoy it while I have it, even if it's only been months?"
Yeah, wait no actually I don't know what I was saying
This conversation took a confusing turn minutes ago
"Thank you," Y|N squealed, leaning up onto her tippy toes to give the taller Jon a friendly kiss on his cheek. "You were surprisingly helpful." She giggled again before turning on her heels to walk away.
"Wait," Jon sorta demanded after she's turned her back on him. "Our walk's over?"
"Yes," Y|N said with a huge smile as she nodded. "I have a sexy boyfriend to go back to and maybe do some things." She replied with a wink.
Oh, good, I think I just sent her off to go have sex
Smart move, Jon
I quietly made my way back into the hotel room, I was sharing with Colby, not sure if he had turned in early for the night because of his busy schedule tomorrow.
But an unexpected wave of excitement washed over me when I heard water coming from the bathroom, the shower to be exact.
Damn, Y|N, you really want this, huh?
As I continued to make my way over to the closed bathroom door, I again found myself biting at the inside of my cheek.
It was a nervous habit I'd had since a child, biting at my cheek even during the most crazy moments, like trying to come up with a believable lie to tell my parents or any one for that matter or like now of course.
About to have sex with my boyfriend for the first time.l since we started dating.
Ugh, why do I feel like a virgin all over again?
Or like I'm just about to see Colby naked for the first time?
When that's honestly nothing new considering how at home he like to make himself when he's staying over at my house, sneaking out of the bathroom, trying to make his way through my house completely naked, hoping I wouldn't look up or walk in, which I obviously do and have done too many times to count.
Not that I was ever one to complain after getting an eye full considering my man was quite the sight to see.
The there was me.
The careful one, the one to always make sure to lock Colby out of the room when I was fresh out of the shower, promising that when he was to see me out of clothes he'd know it was worth the wait.
That's just how opposite we are though, and one of the things that I love about us.
Let's just pray he feels the same when I get in there, I thought silently while turning the knob and entering the foggy bathroom.
"Babe," I called out, not getting an answer. "Colby."
The shower was slowly cut off, and seconds later Colby's face was visible, water dripping from the hair on his face, a smile soon appearing and his lips parting just as he was about to greet me, but before he could get one word out I was speaking again.
"Can I join?" I asked before stripping out of my shirt, and tossing it beside the pile of clothes Colby had already made.
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