#( whoops it got long im sorry orz )
littlebutternattie · 1 year
✿ :]
☆ the mother hen and the little chick - everyone knows how obsessively doting natsuki could be sometimes and it's not just because of her job. some people - only hyun actually - bring out this side of hers more.
"you're sick again? what??"
"yeah don't worry i'm just getting high with antiseptics. "
all fussy, scolding etc. but is already cooking a healthy meal to force feed him into.
★ the "it's 3 AM and you called me just to ask that?! okay, now you got me thinking so we'll have to discuss it now."
it's quite amusing to see them get so deeply involved ( and philosophical ) in a conversation that started with the weirdest or simplest topic.
like well, who wouldn't want to know if it is possible to see someone’s tears underwater? or do mermaids give birth to live mermaids or do they lay eggs, too like fish?
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tickly-trashcan · 3 years
Palm Readings {Eruri}
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A/N: oughhh i love Levi so much but its so hard to keep him in character omfggg. He slipped out of character several times in this fic im really sorry about that, and i was genuinely looking up online whether or not he SWEARS because im ridiculous(ly in love with him) but i still hope this turned out okay orz. anyways this note got a little bit long, sorry about that, but i still hope you enjoy this one!
Summary: After Eren and his friends decided to mess with Levi’s equipment, he’s in a pretty bad mood. He decides to see Erwin so that he might be able to help out, but Erwin has something he wants to try first.
Word Count: 1.9k (under the cut)
Levi grumbled as he walked down the hallway towards Erwin’s office. He was getting seriously pissed off at that Eren kid and his friends.
They apparently thought it would be funny to sneak into the Scouts armory and gunk up Levi’s gear. Luckily, he wasn’t on duty and didn’t need to use it, but he had spent the last two hours cleaning it up, hearing chuckles from the brats just outside of the armory door.
He sighed, looking down at his hands. They were still a little dirty from the gunk, he hated being dirty. He didn’t want to wipe it on his usually pristine uniform either, though, so he opted to just wait to wash his hands in hopes of it coming off.
“Yoohoo! Levi!” A voice called, and Levi looked up from his grubby hands to see Hange running towards him. He groaned in annoyance; what could they possibly want now?
“Levi! I just found this awesome book! I gave it to Commander Erwin, you should go see him and ask about it!” They exclaimed excitedly, and Levi nodded, grimacing.
“I’m sure it’s great, Hange. I was on my way there just now anyway, I’ll… make sure to ask.”
Hange whooped and nodded, quickly walking off as they were probably off to conduct more of their weird experiments with Eren.
“If you’re gonna see Eren, punch him for me,” Levi called, and Hange gave him a thumbs up as they skipped off. Levi rolled his eyes. If he didn’t see Eren with a black eye next time he saw him, he’d definitely hand it to Hange.
He finally arrived at Erwin’s office, knocking on the door and waiting for permission to enter. Erwin called out that he could, and Levi slowly opened the door, nodding his head politely at Erwin before shutting the door behind him. He glanced over at the thick-browed man, noticing that he was nose-deep in a rather thick book. Levi clicked his tongue in mild annoyance. It was probably that book that Hange was telling him about.
“Good afternoon, Commander Erwin,” Levi said, walking over to his desk and standing in front of it. Erwin looked up at him with a small smile on his face. He pushed out his chair and set the book down, walking over to Levi and holding his hand.
“I already told you, you don’t have to call me Commander when it’s just the two of us,” He said with a soft smile, pulling Levi’s hand up to his lips as he gave it a gentle kiss. Levi remained poker-faced, though his heart rate had a hiccup of excitement as Erwin kissed his hand.
Erwin looked down at Levi, noticing the sour look on his face and quirked an eyebrow.
“Is something the matter, Levi?”
Levi opened his mouth to speak, about to complain about the brats to the captain when something… stopped him. Perhaps it was embarrassment over seeming petty, perhaps it was not wanting to seem annoyed in front of his partner, but either way, Levi closed his lips and shook his head.
“It’s nothing,” He stated flatly, and Erwin frowned.
“It certainly doesn’t seem like nothing,” He said, and he let go of Levi’s hand, noticing a bit of dirt on his own when he pulled away.
“Why are your hands so dirty, Levi?”
Levi felt his face warm in embarrassment. He was known for his neatness, especially with the Commander, and he felt himself humiliated at the fact that his hands were still dirty.
“It’s nothing,” He said again, and Erwin sighed loudly. 
“I see we’re going to play that game… come, take a seat,” He said, gesturing to the couch. Levi did so, taking it as an order as Erwin sat down next to him, reaching for his hand again as he pulled out a handkerchief.
“You’ll get it dirty-” Levi protested, starting to pull his hand back, but Erwin held firmly onto his wrist, shaking his head.
“I’ll just wash it later, here.”
Erwin gently wiped off Levi’s palms, so gently that the light sensations caused tingles to erupt from his hand, sending little waves on Levi’s nerves. He bit his lip, hiding a small chuckle that threatened to break through as Erwin finished wiping his hand off. 
“Thank you,” Levi muttered, and Erwin nodded, tucking his handkerchief back into his pocket, still holding onto Levi’s wrist. Levi tried to pull away but Erwin wouldn’t let go. He sighed, looking up at the taller man.
“Can I have my hand back?”
“Hm… not quite yet. Hange lent me this rather interesting book, and I want to try out what I’ve learned from it. Have you ever had your palm read?”
Levi looked at Erwin and shook his head, Erwin humming as he brought his finger to Levi’s palm. Levi didn’t pull his hand away as Erwin gently tapped his finger against his palm. 
“Do you mind?”
“Not at all, Commander.”
Erwin rolled his eyes, tracing his finger along one of the lines on Levi’s palm. “I already told you not to call me that.”
Levi bit his lip as Erwin lightly traced his palm, focusing on it intently before striking up conversation with Levi.
“Are you gonna tell me why you’re upset?”
Levi shook his head when Erwin glanced up at him, the blonde sighing as he continued tracing Levi’s palm. Levi choked on a giggle as Erwin looked at him, a small smile on his face as he continued.
“You know you can talk to me about anything.”
Levi shook his head again, a small whimper escaping his lips as Erwin traced over the heel of his palm, a grin growing on Erwin’s face.
“Why do you not want to talk about it, Levi?”
“I-I’m humanity’s strongest soldier I - I don’t get annoyed by petty things,” He said, and Erwin raised an eyebrow, stopping his hand.
“So you’re not upset, but you’re annoyed?”
Levi turned his head away from Erwin, gasping softly when he resumed tracing his palm.
“Are - Are you done yet?” Levi stuttered, trying to contain himself as Erwin hummed.
He traced one final line on Levi’s hand and let go of him, reaching for his other hand, which Levi pulled away.
“I thought you were done,” He said, and Erwin shook his head, a small hint of a grin on his face as he reached for Levi’s wrist again. Levi pulled away again and held his hand above his head away from Erwin, who frowned and crossed his arms.
“Surely you can figure out whatever my future or whatever is from one palm?” Levi said, an arrogant tone in his voice as he kept his hand far away from Erwin. “Or is the great Commander still a novice in palm reading?”
Erwin looked at Levi, a small grin on his face. He leaned forward, uncrossing his arms as Levi leaned back, a confused look on his face.
“You know, Levi,” Erwin started, cupping Levi’s cheek. “You’re awfully cocky for someone who’s so ticklish.”
Levi’s eyes widened, but before he could so much as run away, Erwin had already dug his hands under Levi’s arms. Levi’s arms snapped down and he lurched forward, Erwin pinning Levi down easily as Levi gasped sharply, shaking back and forth as he held back his laughter.
“Where’s that laugh, Levi?” Erwin teased, scribbling his fingers in the sensitive hollows as Levi arched his back, huffing as he felt his chest well up with stored laughter. Erwin traveled down to Levi’s ribs, kneading his ribcage as he gasped, biting his lip as a few giggles managed to escape.
“S-Stop,” Was all Levi managed to speak out, and Erwin hummed.
“I’ll stop when you tell me what’s annoying you,” Erwin said plainly, and Levi shook his head. He wasn’t as annoyed anymore, especially after spending a bit of time with Erwin, and he felt embarrassed being annoyed over something so petty.
“I-I can’t tell yoHOhohou! No!” Levi laughed, breaking when Erwin experimentally grabbed his hip, giving it a quick squeeze. Levi spasmed underneath Erwin, squirming harder than before as giggles poured from his lips. Erwin grinned amusedly.
“There’s that laugh,” Erwin said softly, Levi’s laughter echoing through his office as he continued to pinch gently at his hips, the soft touches driving Levi mad. Levi threw his head back, messing up his normally perfect hair as he shook.
“Erwin! Stahahahap!” Levi snickered, covering his mouth with one hand as he tried to pry off Erwin’s hands with the other. Erwin hummed, continuing to knead Levi’s rather sensitive hips as Levi threw his head back, writhing in ticklish agony.
Erwin leaned down as Levi’s head was thrown back, pressing his lips against Levi’s neck as he continued to cackle, shoving at Erwin’s head now with his hand as Erwin peppered his neck with ticklish kisses, driving Levi up the wall.
“Get ohohohohoff! Y-You stuhuhuhupid - GAHahaa!” Levi yelled suddenly when Erwin dug his thumb into his hipbone, wiggling it around as Levi kicked his legs frantically, his laughter doubling.
Erwin pulled away from Levi’s neck, who immediately scrunched up his shoulders to protect himself from further neck torture. Erwin chuckled, moving his hands down from Levi’s hips and tweaked his thighs. Levi gasped, kicking his leg up and almost hitting Erwin, who managed to catch his knee right before it hit him.
Erwin squeezed his thigh once more and Levi choked on a laugh, squirming. Erwin let go of Levi’s knee, using both hands now to knead his thighs as Levi struggled, frantic laughter pouring from his lips as his face grew pink, both from embarrassment and the sheer amount he was laughing. He hadn’t laughed like this since…
Levi was too overcome with his own frantic laughter to think of the last time he had laughed this hard. Even though Erwin had known he was ticklish he only ever pinched or poked him in passing, mostly to get him to smile or get his attention. He also minded to only do it when they were alone, knowing how Levi would’ve hated someone else knowing. 
“Erwihihin! I’m seheherious!”
Erwin chuckled. “You don’t seem very serious.”
Levi was seriously going to kill Erwin after this. He wasn’t sure how much more he could take, his lungs already felt like they were about to burst from the amount of laughter escaping from his throat. Levi continued to laugh, finally deciding to swallow his pride and tell Erwin what was wrong.
“Okahahay! I-I’ll tell yohohohou! Now stahahap!”
Erwin immediately let up, hands still on Levi’s upper thighs as he panted beneath him, chest heaving up and down as he covered his eyes with his arm so he wouldn’t have to look at Erwin. Erwin waited patiently for Levi to recover, who eventually sat up and shoved Erwin off of him as the taller man chuckled.
“It’s those damn brats, they messed up my gear. I spent almost two hours cleaning it, and I could hear them laughing the whole time…” Levi confessed, and Erwin frowned. He knew how neat Levi could be, and how he wouldn’t let other people touch his gear because of this. Erwin sighed, reaching for Levi’s hand. He gently rubbed his thumb over the top of it, looking down at Levi who grumbled.
“I’ll make sure to take care of it, I’m sorry about that.”
“You don’t need to apologize, you didn’t do anything,” Levi said. Erwin chuckled.
“I did just tickle you until you fessed up, though,” Erwin said, rubbing the back of his neck in a slightly embarrassed way. Levi rolled his eyes and Erwin chuckled, standing up with Levi following him, dusting himself off.
“What say we go and take care of them together?”
“Permission to beat some sense into them?”
Erwin laughed and pat Levi’s back, shaking his head.
“Words first, Levi.”
Levi rolled his eyes again but nodded, walking out of the office with Erwin.
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kirishwima · 4 years
howdy : )! I love ur headcanons and if ur still taking requests can you do RFA reacting to an MC who’s shaved their hair? please and thank you
Sure! Shaved hair sounds v badass~ 
* When he got home only to find MC in the bathroom with the sound of buzzing he’s so confused??
* He dashed to the half-open bathroom door and shrieked at the sight-MC, an electric razor (im sorry idk the english word for this orz) to their head, huge chunks of hair falling into the bathroom sink; half their head had already been shaved, a huge contrast to the other side of their head that was still adorned with fluffy locks.
* “MC what-who-why?!”
* MC laughed at his reaction and with a roll of their eyes explained they just wanted a change. Who needs hair anyway? They’re such a hassle!!
* Yoosung nodded, still confused-he never really thought about his hair much and he just bleached it once-you could already see the roots growing and he never bothered to dye them again because well, whatever. It’s just hair, but shaving them off..?
* Well, when MC came out of the bathroom with a fresh buzzcut and a plastic bag full of hair to throw out, his opinion changed-MC looked so cool with their new look, that he was border-line jealous.
*“MC” he asked with a pout, “do you think I should shave my hair too?”
*Cue MC, eyes glinting as they hold the razor in their hands; “COME HERE FLUFF HAIRED BOYO”
*This man LOVES his hair. You hear me? He LOVES THEM!!
* And he loves MC’s hair too! Running his hands through them, or holding on to locks of their hair when they kiss, he loves it all!
*So when he came back from a long day of work to find MC sitting on the couch watching TV...minus their hair....
*”WHERE DID THEY GO?! WHERE ARE THEY?!!” he pleaded, holding MC’s cheeks in his hands as he looked over their fresh look.
* MC’s brows furrowed. “You don’t like it?” they asked, pointing to their buzzcut.
* “It’s not that!” Zen argued, “I love you and you’re gorgeous, every and all styles would look great on you but-how can I run my hands through your hair now?!” he asked with a frown.
* MC grinned a smile of mischief. They took a hold of one of Zen’s hands and put it to their head, letting him run his palm over their fuzzy head-whilst it was shaved there was still hair on their head, and it felt soft and fluffy, almost like petting a short-haired dog, the action soothing in its own right.
* “O-oh” Zen fumbled, bringing both his hands to run over MC’s scalp. 
* He turned to them with a sheepish grin. “Y’know what-I guess I don’t hate it after all.”
* He...he’s a little confused, but doesn’t care that much?
* If MC told him they want to shave their hair beforehand he wouldn’t judge it; he’d simply ask how come they wanted to, and if MC said they just feel like it he’d nod and that’s that.
* When MC comes back home with a shaved head he nods and says they look wonderful-and it’s true. MC is always beautiful to him.
* If MC suggested Jumin also shave his hair he’d think about it but decline, saying “his hair is a selling point when it comes to making deals with people-a lot of them always compliment him on them and he doesn’t know how they’d react to a lack of it.”
* Well, if MC insisted though, he’d go with it-anything to make his beloved happy really lol, and it’s not like he ever had an emotional connection to his hair like Zen does or anything.
* I can already hear that hairdresser from the RFA party screaming in agony-”NO! I WANTED HIM TO HAVE AN AFRO, NOT THIS!”
* Ah well lmao
* She finds MC’s look really refreshing!
* Honestly, she’d consider shaving her hair too-think of all the benefits...how quicker showers could be....no need to brush them in the morning or buy conditioners and dyes....
* Alas, she’s too scared to do it-whilst she loves MC’s look and constantly rubs MC’s fuzzy head in awe, she fears she could never pull off this look as well as her beloved does. Instead, she settles for a shorter haircut that at least becomes less of a hassle than long hair.
* Whenever people compliment MC on their haircut she’ll beam with pride like, heck yeah, that cool person is the one I’M dating! 
* And if anyone dares insult MC over their shaved head...woo boy, they better be ready for an ass whooping and to forever be banned from their coffee shop, effective immediatly!
* NO ONE messes with Baehee’s S/O. No. One.
* He loves it! MC looks so cool!
* “Should I shave mine too lolol” but MC says no-they love to toy with Saeyoung’s fluffy curls, they’d hate it if he shaved them!
* He still insists he wants a change too-it’s unfair for just MC to look cool! 
* So he settles for an undercat-he even makes a little cat-themed design on the buzzcut, and the style makes his remaining hair even fluffier as they curl upwards! 
* He loves to run his hands over MC’s scalp, saying it ‘feels just like petting a little cat!’
* Although he’s also a little agent of chaos so he’d absoloutely doodle on MC’s scalp as they sleep...on more than one occasion.
* Yeah, he’s an idiot, but he’s MC’s idiot so they have to bear with him lmao
* Honestly he’ll find anything MC does to their look beautiful-when they suggest they want to shave their head he thinks it’s a great idea, and if they have long enough hair, he’ll suggest they donate their hair!
*He’d love to take black and white photos of MC with their new look-something about it feels so urban and cool that he already has ideas in mind of how well they’d photograph admist a busy city street, how cool MC would look in his camera lenses..
* He’d never shave his hair himself-not because he loves his hair or anything, but because like Jaehee, he’s afraid he’d never have the confidence to pull it off. He loves it on MC though, and will always let them know!
* Just an absoloutely supportive boyfriend really, 10/10 he’s wonderful
-send me mystic messenger headcanons for character reactions-
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