#(&& i'm well acquainted with villains that live in my head; &&)
minutes1a · 9 months
𝐦𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐢𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐭
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burnshope · 11 months
mackenzie tags.
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pufflehuffing · 4 months
📝 Masterlist / My AO3
A summary of all of my writing! Read at your own discretion, there's explicit content below the cut! [Dividers (+ my own)]
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Courting rules in the 1890's and Hogwarts students read here.
How gn!MC and the boys became friends read here.
Spotify playlists dedicated to Sebastian, Ominis and Garreth. link here.
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Sebastian Sallow (audio)
🔞 To Teach Is To Learn Twice read here. read on AO3. summary: Professor Sallow is intrigued when his star pupil suddenly asks him to learn about the Unforgivables, but being the studious man he is, he’s happy to fulfill her request. word count: 8.4k
🔞 Teacher's Pet read here. (part 1) read on AO3.summary: A forbidden muse caged within an ivory darkness wanted Professor Sallow deeply, and he was only a mere man happy to show her self-worth. word count: 7.5k ↳ 🔞 Hungry Like The Wolf read here. (part 2) read on AO3. summary: Weeks after the tryst in Professor Sallow’s office, Halloween rolled around. Surrounded by gloomy decorations and merrymaking, a wolf and his bunny find a way to continue their passionate love away from the festivities. word count: 10.2k
🔞 I'm In An Orbit All The Way Around You read here. read on AO3. summary: After being ignored for a week by his best friend, Sebastian has had enough. If he wanted answers, he'd be finding them tonight. word count: 9.5k
🔞 Getting You Off Is My New Favourite Hobby read here. read on AO3. summary: After helping the new girl unpack her trunk, Sebastian can't help the raging hard-on in his trousers. As though struck by luck, he walks into a sight that reveals he wasn't the only one needing release after a tense meeting. word count: 12.4k
🌧️ I'm Well Acquainted With Villains That Live In My Head (part 1) read on AO3. summary: Sebastian is sentenced to live the rest of his days in Azkaban where his mind is slowly corrupted by the darkness and despair surrounding him, the only thing saving him from the Dementors being his obsession with those who left him behind to rot. word count: 2.3k for now
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Ominis Gaunt
Serpentine Confessions part 1, part 2 (smut) read on AO3. summary: A touch starved Ominis finally admits his feelings to his best friend while holding her hand for the first time. word count: 4.8k & 5.9k
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Garreth Weasley
🔞 A Steamy Commute read here. read on AO3. summary: Garreth finds his female classmate alone in the farthest compartment of the Hogwarts Express and takes his chance to relieve the tension between them. word count: 5.2k
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📻 for Helina!! <3
Thank you for the ask, lovely🫶🏻 (sorry this took so long to answer, life has been busy lately😵‍💫)
I'll go with this song from Helina's playlist👇🏻
This one is probably my favorite of the songs on her playlist. The lyrics fit Helina to a T, with some of the most relevant being ->
I sat alone, in bed 'til the morning I'm crying, "They're coming for me" And I tried to hold these secrets inside me My mind's like a deadly disease
These particular lines make me think of Helina dealing with trauma that she doesn't understand the cause of. She'd wonder if it was her time in Vietnam that was causing her mind to turn against her, not yet aware of her brainwashing. She's woken up by nightmares, unable to escape her own thoughts.
I'm well acquainted with villains that live in my head They beg me to write them so they'll never die when I'm dead And I've grown familiar with villains that live in my head They beg me to write them so I'll never die when I'm dead
This part makes me think of Helina after being shot by Adler, which she manages to barely survive. Her mental state is further broken down by this betrayal and she's never truly able to reconcile with the fact that several of her most impactful memories were fabricated by people she called her friends.
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britt-kageryuu · 9 days
It's a fairly nice day, and the stream is going well. On a background of a blue themed bedroom, Leo's model is lounging on a rainbow beanbag dressed in blue jeans, a shirt with a turtle that says 'Turtlely Gay', blue bandana with Trans tails, and unicorn slippers, he has a rabbit plush dressed like a samurai in blue. River is sitting on the floor next to the beanbag.
"Would you believe I found out some guys we know actually got their lives together after their lives went weird a few years back. It was really weird seeing them again after not seeing them in a while. Like this guy who's a chef had some setbacks in the food industry, and now he's employed at this High Class Hotel in New York as a head chef in one of the restaurants. Yeah fancy enough to have more then one restaurant." Leo lets out a slight laugh at a memory.
"Not to forget this couple that got together after being roommates for at least 3 years. We weren't invited to the wedding, which was understandable, we weren't really friends just barely acquainted with each other. I wonder who threw the bouquet, and who caught it? Hmm... " He starts muttering while counting out something. "I might remember to ask them the next time they drop by the local Museum of Magic. Last I heard they were planning to do podcasts about Magicians through the ages, or something. Gotta do something with that journalism degree I guess."
A notification goes off, "Why do you guys say you live in New York in your lore video?" River reads off.
Leo rereads the question for a sec, "Oh, that's easy. We heard about those urban legends about mutant sewer gators, and figured it wouldn't be that much of a reach for there to be mutant turtles. The rest of the lore was because of random family fairy tales, and just the randomness of our Actor Dad getting with a Scientist who also specializes in Genetics." He pauses to think about something, "Also the villains in the Lore? Dads Ex, some relatives who were kinda crazy, and the guys I just talked about and some other dudes. Yes we know this is why we weren't invited to the wedding! I'm just glad that one Wrestler asked me to be part of his wedding party for some reason!"
"Side tangent, I swear his wife purposefully aimed right at Star Warriors head during the bouquet toss. Like threw it like a baseball right at her head!" Leo mimes the throwing for emphasis. "Red caught it before it hit, and the bride literally shouted, "Close enough. Remember to invite me to you wedding!". Such an awesome woman." He wipes an imaginary tear from is eye.
"Anywizzle, the whole villain thing was just because of some events when we met them. Many of those not being our fault. Right?" Leo looks down at River.
"Data on file is inconclusive, or biased to it not being Dad or you guys fault!" River replies, before adding, "Though I still can't find out why you guys had a hippo costume, before that one time,in the first place."
Leo gives her a slightly flat look, and just shrugs, "I don't remember. We needed it for some reason. Dee really didn't put a reason in any of their archives?"
Leo is understandably confused, "Must be something they don't want us to remember, or some similar reason. Well I just lost my train of thought. What topic should we switch to? Any suggestions Balemates?" He asks the audience.
The chat spams random suggestions, and emojis. Leo makes comments on some of the suggestions with jokes, and puns. And goes on from there with random tangents, and jumping topics.
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aceofwonders · 11 days
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D&D Aesthetics ↳ "I'm well acquainted with villains that live in my head..."
Excerpt from the Celestial Codex: "Zhudun, also known as the Corpse Star, is a star like Elder-Evil from the Far Realm. The star was often considered a baleful omen upon which realms it shone the brightest. It is said that Zhudun’s influence could corrupt even those purest of heart and tempt them to ruin."
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blackjackkent · 3 months
Proceeding out the main door of the Cloister of Somber Embrace entryway, we're back underground for suresies now:
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Poor Shadowheart sounds so sad and just... exhausted. :( Hector is very ready to beat up Viconia on her behalf.
"I imagine you find this funny," she says to Hector sardonically as they slowly descend the ornate stairs.
"Funny?" he asks, bemused.
"Well. Not funny, really," she amends after a short pause. "I know you better than that." Another pause. "Ironic." She shrugs. "You also grew up in halls dedicated to a goddess. And yet our lives couldn't have been more different."
He nods slowly. "Ironic, yes," he agrees. "I... think you would have liked Silverlight," he goes on hesitantly after a short pause. "I would be the first to admit - now, at least - that it was not the perfect place to grow up. But... it was warm, and kind, and aboveground."
She shrugs. "Right now, I think I would prefer to have grown up far away from either Selune or Shar," she mutters.
"Under the circumstances," he answers gently, "I can hardly blame you for that."
Past a sentry and an enormous stone door is what must be the inner sanctum.
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Viconia stands at the center, holding forth in some sort of sermon towards the array of guards and acolytes lining the walls.
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Voices echo around the room, call-and-response answers to Viconia's exhortations.
Hector shivers uncomfortably. Not since the Shadowfell has he felt so deep in Shar's domain and so far from the light of his own goddess.
He looks at Shadowheart, gestures for her to step forward into the room ahead of him. He and Karlach and Jaheira spread out behind her like an honor guard, tense, ready to snap at the first sign of violence.
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Viconia ceases her cries to the congregation at once as they approach, and fixes her eyes intently on Shadowheart. "They already heard how you disgraced yourself before Lady Shar," she says mockingly. "How she marked you as the enemy. But it is quite another thing for them to see it for themselves."
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"I am very glad you decided to return. A cautionary tale such as yours will be studied by Lady Shar's initiates for years to come."
To Hector's mild surprise, Jaheira speaks up behind him, and her tone is just as cold.
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"You've finally found yourself a following, Mother Superior. And you only had to hollow out their heads to do it."
Is there any villain in this city you are not already familiar with? Hector wonders dryly to himself.
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There is, perhaps, the barest flash of alarm across Viconia's features, but it is quickly stilled and hidden behind a casual disdain. "Always a pleasure to see old acquaintances. But you would be wise to not interfere in this matter."
(A/N: As mentioned, Caden met Viconia and immediately dropped her from the party and never saw her again. So in this worldstate, this implies she and Jaheira had some other interactions in the wake of BG2. XD And they probably weren't pleasant. It is interesting though given that Jaheira was actually one of the less strident people in the giant shouting match that occurred when Caden encountered Viconia originally.)
Viconia's eyes turn back towards Shadowheart. "But perhaps," she goes on, with a saccharine smile that does not reach her eyes, "I can make a case for some small measure of mercy. Give me the artifact, and I can at least make this quick."
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"Enough!" Shadowheart snaps back. "I don't answer to you. Not anymore. I'm here for my family." Her lip curls in an angry smile as she sees Viconia flinch almost imperceptibly at the statement. "That's right. I know what you did. And it's not going to be quick - not for you."
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Hector ducks his head, his lips twitching in a sudden, inescapable expression of satisfaction. After all the struggle it took to get here, he hoped deeply that Shadowheart would not backslide into the misguided, ill-informed loyalty that characterized her when they first met. And she hasn't. She is standing firm, speaking clearly. And he is deeply proud of her.
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"This is your family," Viconia snarls furiously, gesturing around at the acolytes surrounding her on all sides. "And now you have turned your back on it. The artifact was your last chance to prove yourself - and you squandered it."
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Something clicks suddenly in Hector's head - something that in truth he's wondered almost from the beginning. This isn't really about Shadowheart for Viconia; Shadowheart is a side question, a failed follower, nothing more. The artifact is the thing - the reason she sent Shadowheart out in the first place.
"Why is the artifact so important to you?" he asks, so abruptly that Shadowheart jumps.
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Viconia looks at him thoughtfully in silence for a moment, then shrugs, as if deeming it no threat for him to know her mind in this. "Whispers reached my ears from all corners," she says. "Potential rivals of Lady Shar, all vying for the same prize. A new god, amassing the disaffected, the outcasts - those who should turn to *us*."
She clenches a fist. "This 'Absolute' is but an upstart, disturbing the natural order and threatening to impede the glorious return of Lady Shar's pure, endless darkness." Her voice lifts in strident fanaticism. "I had to act! I had to strangle that foul conspiracy while it was still in the cradle. We learned all we could-- the artifact was the one thing the Absolutists feared. The one thing they desperately wanted to keep out of their enemies' grasp. I had to have it."
Hector snorts in disbelief before he can stop himself. "You thought you could best the Absolute? The githyanki?"
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Viconia laughs humorlessly. "To fight so many foes openly could prove unwise," she points out. "Shar's children are better deployed as daggers in the shadows, not massed upon a battlefield." She waves a hand in a scattering motion. "So let the others fight, while we wait. Once they are spent and bloodied from each other, we would slip in and take the prize. Alas, most of those I sent perished." Her eyes focus on Shadowheart again. "All but one."
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"I should thank you," Shadowheart says. Her voice is cold but there is still that tinge of bleak exhaustion in it. "If you hadn't sent me on that suicide mission, I'd never have learned the truth."
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Viconia sighs, clicks her tongue impatiently and looks past Shadowheart at Hector. "You there," she says sharply. "Surrender this one to me, now, and you can consider Lady Shar's forces your allies in the battle to come."
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Shadowheart turns her head, looking up at Hector with an air of sudden alarm. But Hector just smiles. Indeed, he feels the urge almost to laugh.
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That is your bargain? That I might sacrifice my companion, my *friend*... in exchange for Sharrans at my back, ready to stick a knife into it when the opportunity presents?
"Never," he says flatly.
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He could have guessed her response before she offers it. Immediately, any hint of ingratiating charm - such as it was - vanishes, and she spreads her arms wide with a feral scowl. "As you like," she sneers, then lifts her voice in a new cry out to her congregation. "L'il Alurl! FOR SHAR!"
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echoexmachina · 1 year
They send me away to find them a fortune A chest filled with diamonds and gold The house was awake With shadows and monsters The hallways they echoed and groaned
I sat alone, in bed 'til the morning I'm crying, "They're coming for me" And I tried to hold these secrets inside me My mind's like a deadly disease
I'm bigger than my body I'm colder than this home I'm meaner than my demons I'm bigger than these bones
And all the kids cried out "Please stop, you're scaring me" I can't help this awful energy Goddamn right, you should be scared of me Who is in control?
I paced around for hours on empty I jumped at the slightest of sounds And I couldn't stand the person inside me I turned all the mirrors around
I sat alone, in bed 'til the morning I'm crying, "They're coming for me" And I tried to hold these secrets inside me My mind's like a deadly disease
I'm bigger than my body I'm colder than this home I'm meaner than my demons I'm bigger than these bones
And all the kids cried out "Please stop, you're scaring me" I can't help this awful energy Goddamn right, you should be scared of me Who is in control?
And all the kids cried out "Please stop, you're scaring me" I can't help this awful energy Goddamn right, you should be scared of me Who is in control?
I'm well acquainted With villains that live in my bed They beg me to write them So they'll never die when I'm dead
And I've grown familiar With villains that live in my head They beg me to write them So I'll never die when I'm dead
I'm bigger than my body I'm colder than this home I'm meaner than my demons I'm bigger than these bones
And all the kids cried out "Please stop, you're scaring me" I can't help this awful energy Goddamn right, you should be scared of me Who is in control?
And all the kids cried out "Please stop, you're scaring me" I can't help this awful energy Goddamn right, you should be scared of me Who is in control?
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westleywithatea · 11 months
Another song suggestion for the qsmp fandom... Control by Halsey
Fits anyone who was associated with the Federation. q! jaiden, q! cellbit, etc. Maybe alll of them. Look at the opening lyrics:
" They send me away to find them a fortune A chest filled with diamonds and gold "
Other lyrics:
"I'm well acquainted with villains that live in my head They beg me to write them so they'll never die when I'm dead"
"And all the kids cried out, "Please stop, you're scaring me" I can't help this awful energy God damn right, you should be scared of me"
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kneamet · 2 years
Hi hi hi :D I loved my beautiful madness, by the way <3 I'm not sure if i could request again but can i put in another request but this time it's for Obi-Wan Kenobi or Patrick Mckenna? I had this idea from listening to the song Meant to be yours and it made me think of two ideas: a. Sith!Obi-Wan hunting down Jedi Knight!Reader as she hides during order 66, but then Obi-Wan starts professing his feelings for the reader in a very very twisted way (The lyric i based this idea from was "You were meant to be mine, i am all that you need! You cut open my heart, [you] can't just leave me to bleed!") There could be two endings to it (it's up to you if you want to add this part in hihi) 1. Reader comes out of hiding and willingly surrenders to Obi-Wan, something happens that makes the reader give in to the dark side (can be the obsessive joy that comes from Obi-Wan, or can be a short kiss) 2. Reader manages to make Obi-Wan snap and he accidentally *ahem* kills the reader; Obi-Wan has to live with the guilt of losing his love for the rest of his life AND b, Patrick and reader are dating (well, in Patrick's perspective he and the reader are dating), but then the Reader says she wants to separate herself from him, which angers Patrick and scares the reader into staying with him (Based on the lyric "You toss me out like i was trash, for that, you should be dead) and then it ends with Patrick just trying to calm the reader down from his outburst Hehe thanks so much!
The stars all belong to the Gods
Trigger Warning: angst, fear, yandere, obsession
Word Count: 2345
Character: sith!obi-wan kenobi/reader
Summary: Death could not be denied, death could not be avoided; Obi-Wan was death. Frightened by his own power, turned to the dark side, fell under the power of Darth Sidious, he was lost. Obi-Wan was mired in darkness, wrapped in the thinnest threads of madness, but he never forgot about you. The distant stars fell under his tears when he, unable to touch, watched you.
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When Obi-Wan rose, the stars lit up in the sky. A great Jedi who lost a master at a young age, fought a Sith, did not succumb to the dark side — there were legends about Obi-Wan in the temple. And while the adult Jedi were whispering about him, the younglings were inspired by his story until they learned the terrible news — their revered symbol turned to the dark side, betrayed the codex and thrust a lightsaber into a student on a fiery Mustafar. When Obi-Wan fell, the only thing you felt was emptiness. An all-consuming, all-encompassing, dreary emptiness. The words struck you like thunder, and while the master was leaving, you looked at the floor in an eclipse, did not believe.
Old acquaintances, padawans with a forbidden connection, you did not hide secrets from each other, trusted each other, supported each other. Even when Obi-Wan had a student, even when there were moments of sadness and separation, you always knew: you have him, he has you — and your forbidden bond is one. Bitter nights, as soon as the walls were cold, pressed, and the dream was the worst nightmare, he came to you, saved you from a fictional villain and hugged, kissed the top of your head with weathered lips. His big rough hands stroked back, and his head lay on his shoulder — and the rest of the dream passed.
You swear when the sand of Tatooine winds in your squinting eyes, leaving grains of sand in the folds of your nondescript clothes. Boots tread on hard sand. The house — the cave, to tell the truth — in which you live was far from the city and all thanks to Order 66; an order that changed your entire former life. Sighing, you look down. There is very little time left before home and your day repeats itself from time to time: dawn is the beginning of wakefulness, day is work, sunset is sleep.
You had the fate of a martyr, and it was unclear why you continue to exist — to create or destroy? How many deaths were on your hands — and it doesn't matter, Sith, civilians — how many destroyed houses, broken destinies. How many children... Victims of your stupidity, naivety! disbelief that Obi-Wan could betray the rules, the Council, and you. His ashen body — which was in peacetime, your time, glowing, freckled — burned to scars.
Deprived of all the benefits, ruined by your own aspirations, stopped by the masters, you exiled yourself, hid in the darkness of darkness, having no light. The Jedi are gone, life is over. Reproaching yourself, eating your soul and heart with memories of poor children, you had to hide on Tatooine, in a world of sand and sadness, forgotten ideas and people. The sun was your eternal companion, withstood all the aching pain, absorbed doubts and worries, disturbed the heart.
The Sith became the lords of thoughts; seized power, possessed minds, exterminated former Jedi. There were quite a few rumors about one of the most formidable Sith — Darth Lant, famous for his elegant cruelty, exhaustion and seductive voice. He was a fallen Jedi, General Kenobi, Obi-Wan Kenobi, your Obi. He forgot everything, burned fiercely and left half-ruined cities in ashes behind him, but succumbed to the influence of your charms, gently and menacingly, to the point of trembling, whispering words of love and gently caressing.
His straw-colored hair has become stiff, long, and his hands are always wearing gloves. Obi-Wan came to you in your dreams, talked with the intonation of approaching danger and continued to talk about meeting soon. He, like the white knight, saved you from terrible monsters — which he was — and began to attack you with special pleasure. It was a shame to admit it, but the old, such familiar movements brought back the lost dignity and excitement, brought out of the terrifying confusion and pain in which the heart had been fully immersed for the last two years, and you again recalled those carefree days with little Kenobi.
He directed dreams, created them for you and built castles in the air. He came up to you with a grin, took advantage of confusion and defenselessness: he walked around from the side of the leading hand and put a sword to his throat. He enjoyed, he rejoiced, played like a child. He is your death, your time, your space, your pain. And he will be your executioner.
Your door creaks, and you immediately feel something wrong. Straining your gut, connecting with the Force — I am one with the Force — you inspect a familiar house: a bed, a carpet, wooden cabinets and a wardrobe. Your hands sweat, breathing slows down when you forcefully hear the world you know, a familiar personality, a favorite whisper. Clenching your teeth, you squeeze your lips and want to rush to the closet, but you stood there, as if chained... or someone else's the Force.
"Oh, darling, you have no idea what it's like to see you alive and completely at my mercy," a voice murmured from behind. There was a rustling, incomprehensible sounds. Obi-Wan was coming out of the second room, smiling and playfully shaking his head. "I've been dreaming about meeting you for a long time... You've changed so much in the last two years... You look different in holograms. I keep every one of them."
Long, matted hair covered an overgrown face, on which there were several scars; one healed scar crossed an eye. The light eyes turned yellow — dangerous, possessed and vindictive, such as only Sith have. The eyes of an animal, not a human. His clothes were dark, malicious, worn, and there were scars on the exposed parts of his body. Having lost his beauty, he remembered the annoying words of the code. It was driven into the head, securely fixed in it.
"I can touch you!" Obi-Wan said with childish delight, touching your face distorted in anger. His hand was shaking, but you could see the broken, bitten nails on his fingers. He barely touched you, as his face immediately transformed: he licked his lips, opened his mouth and looked at you with an incomprehensible shade of sadness. His palm continued to stroke cheek, gently and weightlessly, as if he was afraid to touch you. "You're so real..."
"Let me go, Obi-Wan," you said through the pain in your throat, through Kenobi's the Force, but he only frowned. The fingers pressed lightly on the skin. "Please..."
"Darling, don't, you won't run away. You know perfectly well that I am stronger than you. All the masters talked about it. Or should I remind you of our sparring sessions?"
"I remember them well, Obi-Wan, and I remember that you lost in the last."
"Obi-Wan lost, darling, but Darth Lant didn't lose. I could fight you now," he ran his hand over your shoulder, slowly descending lower and lower, "but I don't see any fun in it. You're weak, but you're so adorable!
It was getting painful to stand. Obi-Wan kept saying something, turning away from you, but his words flew by, didn't seem true. He stood slouched, his shoulders were heavy, his posture tense. Kenobi looked like a king surrounded by disappointed subjects; even now, no matter how much he tried to appear mocking, goofy, menacing, there was universal fatigue in him. Fatigue from the world, fatigue from the laws, fatigue from misunderstanding. Obi-Wan was promised freedom, but he continued to feel the shackles on ankles.
There was a sweet lie in the words of Darth Sidious, which he fell for. The Dark Lord looked solid, scary and creepy; Obi-Wan was kneeling in front of him, humbly lowering his head and whispering words of forgiveness with his lips, he did everything right, he did it for you! it seemed to him few years ago. But death had no love, she was a vile, mocking creature, whose wounds he successfully mashed.
In the dark, where only red and gold existed, Obi-Wan was the hero of the ashes; he emerged from the heat and pain as a champion, but continued to dream of happiness. His life was hectic and not alive, and death remained adamant. For death life was a scar — people don't live, but heal; life is a sore, a burr, a blister or a pimple. Obi-Wan had all the time in the world to retire and subdue his thoughts, but they continued to remain intrusive, free.
In moments of sadness, in moments of pain and despair, the only thing he thought about was you — your face and a sweet smile, a brisk temper and a sharp laugh, warm hugs and eternal criticism of the objectionable. Obi-Wan couldn't do anything with himself; during the fights, the murders, in the midst of the corpses of adults and children, the screams of men and the crying of women, while his trembling hand clutched a lightsaber and his face was sweaty, he thought about you. Tossing and turning on hard beds, getting lost and connecting with you in dreams; and while Darth Lant was conquering the world, Obi-Wan couldn't conquer you. His heart sank every time you turned away from him.
His palate had its throat cut long ago.
The silence was deafening. Obi-Wan, lost in thought to the core, suddenly turned to you with a confused face. His eyes seemed bright again for a couple of seconds, mired in blue and calm, and his face seemed transformed — he seemed young, handsome and yours again. The former Obi, who was not afraid to show love, who overcame madness and doubts; the former Obi-Wan, who loved you, and you loved him. What has changed?
"You... Do you want to come with me?" he was naive, he came up again and touched you. His the Force was weakening, but you continued to stay in place and not move. "I can give you the whole world!" his gaze is soulless and cold, but there is beauty in it; beauty is different, unknown. Frightening beauty. "I'll give you everything you want, I'll give you everything that's left! Just let me love you up close again... Just be mine again, please..."
He was different from what he was in dreams. You looked at him carefully and, like a second, he will fall to his knees in front of you. The rumors that spread from mouth to mouth in the city were not confirmed: in the stories of your friends, sellers in the market, ordinary workers, he appeared in the form of a terrible figure, carrying thousands of deaths, cold and torture. An evil Sith who abandoned the Codex and the Jedi; a big, scary and ironic man for whom life is just entertainment, and demise is a snap of two fingers.
"Obi-Wan, please..."
"No! Why don't you want to listen to me?! What did I do wrong?" he exclaimed, and his eyes watered for a second from the sunlight from the window. There's a damn empty desert there, no souls and only peace. Did he really want this outcome? Why did he serve the Sith? "You were meant to be mine, I am all that you need!"
A second — and something squeezes the neck, something tightens. The body rises up, you try unsuccessfully to grab air with your mouth. The breath disappears, the nose lays, the words are lost and useless. The lower jaw and stomach are shaking, the body is numb. Thousands of moments and memories flash before eyes, millions of images from a past life flash by; a life so happy, serene... That life when you were naive, because you thought you could save a fallen warrior, heal wounds.
The second second — the two of you are lying in his apartment, wrapped in a warm blanket and looking at the dark ceiling. Your hands are tightly clasped, and while Obi-Wan whispers to you sweet passions, stupidities and promises stars, you purse your lips, looking at his face — in his eyes, giving off blue, like water in the purest sea, you selflessly drown. His voice — his alluring, forbidden and such a charming voice —  extraordinary.
"You cut my heart! Left me!"
The third second — and Obi-Wan's face is distorted in anger. You take your last breath, it gets dark in your eyes, and your body falls to the dirty floor. You forget yourself, you die, you don't see how Obi-Wan's eyes turn blue again, yours. He runs up to you with an invisible expression, says something, begs for help, tries to lift you up, staggers and wraps his rough hands around you. No, no, no! The thought of death pierces through the heart, empties and almost stops beating; there is a deafening ringing in the ears.
His head bends down, and Obi-Wan touches your body with it — soulless, inanimate... He wants to scream, turn off in the languor of self-immolation, turn back time and change everything. A shaking hand ran through your tangled, clean hair, Obi-Wan hoped that you could feel him, forgive him. He hugged you, throwing the sword far away, and cried.
He kissed your back, and now he inflicted thousands of wounds there. He whispered words of tenderness to you, and now he muttered threats. Beauty remained with you even now, at the moment lost for him, when it is unknown where to move now? and will he be able to forgive himself for this nightmare? Obi-Wan returns to the house and everything is the end of life: he, absorbed and brought up by the darkness, dies, only Darth Lant remains.
Obi-Wan looked at your exhausted body and tried to preserve it. A person had a choice — a choice to love, a choice to die, a choice to be or to be, a choice to keep cold or to burn, but Obi-Wan had no choice. There was no free will. Devoid of love, devoid of emotions, devoid of home and sleep, he gets up by force, grabbing a sword, and looks at you for the last time. Darth Lant pressed his lips together and, looking away, left the cave, leaving behind his fears, his beloved and his choice.
When Obi-Wan fell, the stars cried, died.
and here im back, hooray! @jjeresano-euler, im sorry if there was something wrong and u can always ask for something else and ill write (including your second idea with patrick). i hope you enjoyed it!
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miercolaes · 2 months
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villains pt. 1 . . . i am a maverick, built to create, designed to destroy, and i am the quiver in your bones when you get annoyed. and i am a nightmare, these monsters i hold, i'm bringing them home. and i am the shiver in your lungs, when you're out in the cold.
choke . . . now shut your dirty mouth, if i could burn this town, i wouldn't hesitate to smile while you suffocate and die. and that would be just fine. and what a lovely time, that it would surely be. so bite your tongue and choke yourself to sleep.
pit of vipers . . . now i must admit that i have played a part in the way that things have gotten out of hand, but it's escalated almost to an art. i want to fix it, but i don't think i can. i'm falling deep into a pit of vipers over me, over me and i can't break free, secrets run deep when you're in a pit of vipers slithering, whispering, feel the venom poisoning me.
achillies come down . . . you crazy assed cosmonaut, remember your virtue, redemption lies plainly in truth. just humor us, achillies, achillies, come down, won't you get up off, get up off the roof? je vois que beaucoup de gens meurent, parce qu'ils estiment que la vie ne vaut pas la peine d'être vécue. j'en vois d'autres, qui se font paradoxalement tués pour des idées, pour des illusions, qui leurs donnent une raison de vivre. ce, qu'on appelle une raison de vivire est en même temps une excellente raison de mourir. (translated from french, originally from albert camus' myth of sisyphus : i see a lot of people dying because they believe that life is not worth living. i see others, who are paradoxically killed for ideas, for illussions, which gives them a reason to live. what we call a reason to live is at the same time an excellent reason to die.)
control . . . i'm well acquainted with villains that live in my head, they beg me to write them so they'll never die when i'm dead. and i've grown familiar with villains that live in my head, they beg me to write them so i'll never die when i'm dead. i'm bigger than my body. i'm colder than this home. i'm meaner than my demons. i'm bigger than these bones. and all the kids cried out ' please stop, you're scaring me ', i can't help this awful energy, goddamn right, you should be scared of me. who is in control?
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how villains are made . . . time to put my medal on, whose blood to spill? i don't know whose side i'm on. two armies are coming at me their flags and weapons look the same. one tells the truth, the other's lying and they're both calling my name. time to put my medal on, whose neck to cut? i don't know whose side i'm on. there lies my sanity, there goes my mind, i could not save. i don't trust what i see right in front of me, i don't know who to betray. so easily we're persuaded when the lines are blurred and faded. no one ever starts that way, but this is how villains are made.
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lycanstark · 4 months
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➤ songs under the cut. ➤ tagged by: @darcdevil ➤ tagging: @hcybrothcr / @sarcasticsnackpack-@lycanslain / @iviaw
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howling in shadows. living in a lunar spell. he finds his heaven spewing from the mouth of hell. those that the beast is looking for, listen in awe and you'll hear him, bark at the moon.
i wanna hold counsel with the ghost of my father. tell him I'll be everything he could never be. and if I face the obstacles that he failed to conquer, i'll make it to the other side. i don't wanna go lonely, i don't wanna reach out in the dead of night, and find no one to hold me. but I'm burning my bridges at the speed of light. i got a monochrome candle, hollow in the middle, but i can't deny... that i'm just like you. oh, i'm just like you.
even if it hurts. even if it makes me bleed. i'm gonna carry you pushing through with the dirt on my sleeves. even if it hurts, even if it's razor deep, i'm not giving up. not gonna run, i'll be there when you need me. even if it hurts. even if it hurts
'cause these fake smiles surround me, they empower all my guilt, but I wear mistakes proudly like I'm captain with his shield. and to say i run from problems is like saying i don't feel, i just chose to drop these people who exacerbate my will.
when you close your eyes, what do you see? do you hold the light or is darkness underneath? in your hands, there's a touch that can heal but in those same hands, is the power to kill. when you look at yourself are you a man or a monster?
i'm well acquainted with villains that live in my head. they beg me to write them so they'll never die when i'm dead. and i've grown familiar with villains that live in my head, they beg me to write them so i'll never die when i'm dead. i'm bigger than my body. i'm colder than this home. i'm meaner than my demons. i'm bigger than these bones and all the kids cried out, "please stop, you're scaring me," i can't help this awful energy. goddamn right, you should be scared of me. who is in control?
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pufflehuffing · 2 months
I'm Well Acquainted With Villains That Live In My Head. - Sebastian Sallow
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pairing: post-relic Sebastian Sallow  genre: angst, read at your own discretion, this is your only warning!  warnings: HL spoilers ✧ death ✧ poor mental health ✧ mentions of suicide and murder ✧ self-harm ✧ torture ✧ abuse ✧ hypothermia ✧ vulgar language summary: Sebastian is sentenced to live the rest of his days in Azkaban where his mind is slowly corrupted by the darkness and despair surrounding him, the only thing saving him from the Dementors being his obsession with those who left him behind to rot. [part 1] A/N: I wrote this to Mansion and Perception, albums by NF in case you want to set the mood. Thinking of turning this into a Dark!Sebastian series if this fic is received well! I've already written two other chapters.
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If Sebastian couldn't already see Thestrals, he would've been graced by the unfortunate ability to do so now. The last words Anne spoke to him that dreadful day were the only thoughts still swimming in his clouded mind while the bitter cold seeped into his purple fingers and crawled its way towards his neck, finding refuge along his pale skin. 
“You’ve made your choice.” 
Not an exclamation out of blind anger or hurt; not a plea for him to mend his ways. But instead, a verdict. One that was somehow worse than the one placed on him by the Wizengamot. The vivid memory of that cloudy afternoon in Feldcroft still looms over Sebastian. Flashes of green lightning still spark in the corners of his mind. Then, red ones accompanied by the familiar voice of his twin shouting Bombarda. The spellbook of Salazar Slytherin was—Sigh. The spellbook… 
Sebastian remembers crying out a fry scream to her and weakly reaching out a hand as he slumped against the cobblestone wall of the catacomb, but alas, he was too late. It vanished into thin air—Along with the relic. Along with his innocence. Along with Anne, who Apparated away with the forever-sleeping body of their uncle, without even granting Sebastian one final look in his eyes.
Once he managed to get up, his manic state carried him out of the catacomb, his feet moving before he could process his actions. In an act of pure survival, Sebastian conjured his broom and flew back to Hogwarts, too shaken up to Apparate to the Undercroft without risking splinching. When he landed in the Transfiguration courtyard, his classmates were returning from dinner and crowding the now unfamiliar surroundings. Sebastian stumbled off his broom and hurried inside the Defence Against The Dark Arts Tower, feeling like he would both pass out and throw up from the sheer panic he was enduring. He hobbled through the corridor and up the stairs, clutching the railing to ground himself like his life depended on it, avoiding interactions with anyone in the sea of people that was now swallowing him whole.
Before his friends and classmates alike had a chance to clear their shocked expressions and ask him what was wrong, Sebastian had already disappeared. He paced through the Undercroft, biting his fingers and pulling on his hair while his mind raced a hundred miles an hour. Finally, Ominis arrived. Then, she did. The new fifth-year. The Hero of Hogwarts. The girl who had such a prowess as a wielder of Ancient Magic. The girl he had hoped would help him save Anne once he had the relic. He fell to his knees and pleaded. Pleaded with his closest friend and the girl he had grown so fond of to understand. Please understand. “I did it for her,” he lamented over and over again. “I didn’t mean it. I didn’t mean to—”
What happened after, was a blur to the boy. He was beside himself with remorse and grief. Not only for his uncle, but for his friends too. For Anne. For Ominis. For her. Sebastian did not know who told the Headmaster of his actions, but he was picked up by Professor Sharp and sent to Black's office at the highest point of Hogwarts a few days later, just before his first class of the day. He had begged and begged them not to turn him in, claiming Anne needed him by her side, but unfortunately he wasn’t granted that trust. Was it Ominis who finally had enough? Was it— A tight grasp on his cloaked shoulder led him through the nearly empty corridors before he could process what was going on.
The clutch of the ex-Auror somehow felt familiar, as if Sebastian was being dragged outside by uncle Solomon for coming home with yet another shrivelfig in hopes of curing Anne. Roughly pushed inside the Headmaster's office and onto a chair, Sebastian faced Black and his eyes shifted away in shame. Lowering his head to hide into his shoulder, his tear-filled gaze flickered to see Professor Weasley standing near the window, her face darkened by the light behind her. She… looked so… disappointed. Was that even the right word? No. Heartbroken. Distressed. Sorrowful. A look that Sebastian had grown somewhat accustomed to after getting into trouble so many times before for breaking curfew or pulling pranks, however it was now magnified beyond comprehension.
“Mr. Sallow,” Black began in his typically aloof manner as he paced in front of his desk with his hands behind his back, feigning authority. “We've received word of your…eh, endeavours outside of school grounds and—” He was interrupted by Sharp clearing his throat. Sebastian lifted his face to the front again, like a wounded animal looking for someone to help. He noticed Sharp sending his superior a pointed look, to which he received a nod, granting him permission to speak as Black stepped aside. The former Auror’s voice then resounded through the office as he went to stand in front of Sebastian too, crossing his arms beside the awkward Headmaster. “Mr. Sallow, we'll cut to the chase,” his piercing stare bored into the fifth-year, as if he were interrogating him on the Ministry's behalf. “The Ministry has sent two Aurors on their way to apprehend you. They'll be arriving shortly.”
Sebastian’s ears perked up and he blinked his tears away. Aurors. Ex-colleagues of Sharp. Ex-colleagues of… Solomon. He hoped he’d see Officer Singer, whom he knew from Hogsmeade. Perhaps he could fall into her good graces again and somehow convince her this was somehow all a grave mistake, that the boy who helped defend Hogsmeade against a troll attack at the beginning of the year had merely acted out of self-defence. Unfortunately luck was never on the Sallow family's side. 
Sebastian didn't remember much else from the conversation, he could only stare: at the floor, at the professors’ clothes as he was too ashamed to look them in the eyes. Professor Weasley broke the silence before Sharp’s piercing gaze could take another chance to fire. “Before you go, Sebastian,” she began with her motherly voice, giving him some dignity by calling him by his first name. “Your sister’s owl has delivered a letter to Headmaster Black for you that she wants us to read to you.”
Weasley took a deep breath and swallowed down her emotions, wanting to grant Sebastian a proper reading of his sister's final words to her brother who never gave up on her. It was the most she could do for him now. The Deputy Headmistress cleared her throat and unfolded the letter as she took in Sebastian's slouched posture. Memories of him asking her about her previous job as a Curse-Breaker and begging her to help him find a cure for Anne's curse flashed before her eyes and she cleared her throat to calm herself again. The motherly woman looked back down at the parchment that was dotted with dried tears and shaky handwriting. She began reading with a strained voice, forcing the words out as clearly as she could without stopping, giving Sebastian his last taste of humanity before he'd be taken away to face the horrors the Wizengamot would make him endure.
“Sebastian, Too much has happened. I needed to get away from here for a while. I miss Uncle Solomon. I need time. I will always love you, but I don't know if I can ever forgive you. Anne”
A deafening silence fell over the four people in the room. Professor Weasley rubbed her lips together as she placed the letter back in its envelope with trembling hands. She mustered the courage to look Sebastian in the eyes again and saw that he was staring at the floor again. Silent tears streamed down the boy’s face as he imagined his sister’s voice telling him he won’t be forgiven. Headmaster Black broke the silence by taking a deep, snotty breath. “Mr. Sallow—”
Before he could continue, his authority was once again pushed aside by banging on the door. Sebastian broke out into a fever and sweat poured out of his skin. The Aurors. His eyes darted around the room, looking for an escape. A way out. The door to the balcony. No. The window. And go where? Perhaps I could just drop dead and— He couldn’t even finish the thought. The lump in his throat travelled up to the back of his mouth while Professor Sharp’s boots boomed across the office. He opened the door and raised an eyebrow before straightening himself again. “Ah. Headmaster Black, a visitor.” Sebastian didn’t dare turn around to see who it was when Sharp stepped aside to show a blond quiff standing in the doorway. Professor Weasley’s heart broke even further when she saw the shaking black wand in his hand and the crust of dried tears on his cheeks.
“Mr. Gaunt,” Black piped up with a head tilt when he recognised the family friend. A Gaunt was always welcome in his office. Sebastian's eyes snapped to the door, turning his head so quickly that his neck cracked like a whip and his muscles tightened and burned. “Come in,” the Headmaster continued. The red light at the tip of the shaking wand carried Ominis inside the office, standing just beside the door while Sharp closed it behind him. Sebastian wanted to call out to him, but he couldn’t find the strength to do so.
“What is it, Mr. Gaunt?” Black cocked his chin to look down at the boy through his lashes. Ominis’ milky eyes lifted and he turned his head. “I… I wanted to see Sebastian before he’s—” His voice sounded like sandpaper scratching against metal. He had been crying. The trembling off his hand expanded to the rest of his body when he choked out another sentence. “I need to tell him something, sir.”
The three adults exchanged a dubious look before flickering their gaze back to the boy on the chair and the boy by the door. Sebastian could only stare at his best friend, he couldn’t believe this was real. “Very well. Spit it out, Mr. Gaunt,” Black nodded with a hum. Ominis was too distressed to focus on his wand telling him where Sebastian was positioned in the room. He squeezed his eyes shut and his fist tightened while he took a deep breath. After a few seconds, he lifted his head in Sebastian’s direction, his voice quiet as a mouse. “Sebastian, it… It was Rookwood who cursed Anne, not the goblins.”
Sebastian couldn’t believe it at first, then he realised it all made sense. The new fifth-year being ambushed in Hogsmeade, the raid on Feldcroft to search the Morganach home, the digging under Rookwood castle... “Children should be seen, not heard.” Why didn’t she tell him? She was chasing Rookwood every chance she got! His anger towards goblins and dark wizards only grew. His anger towards her grew. A guttural gasp escaped Sebastian’s mouth and his breathing grew heavy. She had stood beside Sebastian throughout the entire school year, coddling him with words of comfort and reassurance, all while she knew. She. Knew. That’s why she didn’t want to pressure the Keepers about knowledge of her magical abilities. She knew it wouldn’t matter. She knew and didn’t tell him. 
Blind rage started bubbling inside Sebastian again, just like it had a few days ago, which Professor Sharp noticed. He watched him closely, his hand on his wand, ready to draw if Sebastian made a sudden move. A thick, heavy silence fell over the five people in the room. Sebastian’s fiery eyes bored into the floor, it was a miracle the floorboards didn’t scorch under his burning gaze. Five minutes of silence later, they were startled by two booming knocks on the office door. With a heavy sigh, Headmaster Black opened it. When he recognised the navy uniforms, he nodded solemnly and stepped aside. 
Two Aurors walked into the office with raised wands. Sebastian still sat frozen. Professor Weasley’s eyes flickered to the now infinitely small boy. Seeing him sit in the middle of the room, she almost felt like his trial had already started. The boy who had so much love to give, now reduced to a criminal. A teenage criminal. A child… One of the men spoke, a thick Scottish accent booming through the office. “Mr. Sallow, you are under arrest for the murder of Solomon Sallow,” was all Sebastian heard through the grainy noise in his mind. A sudden grasp on his shoulder shocked him back to the walls that seemed to close in on him. He was dragged up to his feet by the other officer. Sebastian’s instincts kicked. He struggled. Then, he screamed out to Ominis. He screamed. Again. And again. And again… All while the officers did their best to cast the Incarcerous spell on him. Tears started falling out of his eyes like a river, too flooded to see Ominis was weeping too. The blind boy’s trembling hand let go of his wand, and it fell to the ground. Now completely disoriented, he shut his eyes again and clawed at them with his palms as he cried. 
Before Sebastian could reach his hand out to give Ominis a final goodbye, a final touch, the Aurors decided Petrificus Totalis was easier to restrain him. He felt his muscles tighten and spasm until he stood stiff, his arm now beside his body instead. From his hazy eyes, he could still make out the black cloak of the boy in front of him, which was being wrapped in red-coloured limbs. Professor Weasley. The tears that dripped from the brunette’s eyes cleared, and he saw Ominis, who was hugged tightly as he cried while she turned her face away from Sebastian with a pained grimace. Before he could make out the vague shapes of Sharp and Black, he Apparated away with the two men holding his arms. This was it… Gone. All of it. His sister, his uncle, his friends, his… Life. Freedom.
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To be continued.
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rose0725 · 9 months
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Butler's wine festival
Episode 3
[Traditional Wine Festival]
⚠️ The translation Can be wrong
We rode a carriage and headed west on the well -maintained highway ...
When I arrived at the city of Tobiris, I changed into a festival costume at the inn ...
I immediately went to the wine festival.
Mu:Wow ~!
It's a very big festival! There are a lot of alcohol and food stores!
Lucas:Heh~,That's not the only highlight. Look,Look at the central square?
Mu:Is it a square?
Oh hey, by the way, there is something on the stage.
Looking at the wooden stage, which seems to be specially established in the square ...
Along with light music, people wearing unique costumes appeared on the stage.
It looks like something has just begun now!
It's a very sharp dance.
You:I agree
Mu:My legs move slowly and my body turns around ...
It's amazing ...
Just looking at it, it seems that my eyes will dizzy around here!
What, what ...
Even though I tried to look away, I can't keep my eyes on it ~!
Boschi:That kind of dance is,
Lucas:Heh~. That's a dance that attracts what you see.
Hanamaru:I know. Look, Mu,come here.
Hanamaru hugs Mu who to keeps his eyes off the dance. Thanks to that Mu, he seems to have finally regained his consciousness.
Mu:Oh, thank you hanamaru. It was helpful…….
Hanamaru:That is good. By the way, Mu ...
Are you.....getting more and more heavier than when we first met?
Mu:I'm sorry! I'm still growing up ...
Hanamaru:Heh ~. Your growing up, huh ...
For that, the "nutrition" that you ate ...
It looks like you're addicted here?
Mu:Uhya!Oh, please do not pinch the stomach~!
Boschi:Good grief. Regardless of the festival, they are lively guys.
Lono:This is my first time to come to this city ....
I didn't know that it was such a lively festival. I wish I had come sooner!
Lucas:Haha. Especially this year seems to have been a natural year. It seems that people in the city are especially enjoying the festival.
Mu:Natural year ...?/A year of hit ..?
What is it?
Lucas:What is the year of hit? To put it simply, it's a year when you can make a lot of good wine. It means that the grapes of grapes, which are the raw materials of wine, were so good.
Mu:Heh ~ As expected, Lucas, you know!
Hmm... Does that mean that there are so many delicious grapes in this city!
Lono:Mu. As I said, you can't eat grapes.
Mu:Uh ... I know, of course. When I became a butler ...
The first job given by Lono is ...
I learned the "list that I can't eat"!
Is it useless to eat snacks?Well, whatever. Anyway, there may be some ingredients here that I will see for the first time. Just in case, the purchase of the ingredients is also with Mu ...
Wine dealer:that?What is there ...
Wine dealer:oh!
After all it is Lucas -kun.
Lucas:This is ... I have been indebted to you./This is ... thank you as always.
Wine dealer:I'm glad to meet you./I'm glad to see my customers. Will you buy it from our house again this year?
The winery at home is the best in Tobilis.
Wine dealer:Huhahaha!As usual, I will be happy.
Mu:Um ... Who is that person talking to Lucas?
You:An acquaintance ...?
Boschi:As you can see from the story ...
I guess it's a familiar wine dealer. There is no prejudice to the devil's butler ...
He seems to be a partner.
You:That's right
Mu:It was good that there were people who understand!
Hanamaru:Hehe. If you're a decent merchant, you don't discriminate against customers. If they pay for the money ... You don't care if your opponent is a villain.
Mu:Well, I see ... Is that something ...?
Lono:Hanamaru ... Do not plant the values of rubbed adults in the pure heart of Mu. Boschi -san, please say something!
Boschi:I don't think Hanamaru said something wrong ...
Hanamaru:oh yeah.That's the world.
Lono:It's no good, no, there's only a dirty adult here ... I have to protect Mu's pure heart.
Boschi:Hey.Who is a dirty adult.
Lucas:Excuse me, Lord.
You:Lucas, what happened?
Lucas:yes. Now, I was talking to a business partner wine dealer ...
After this, we decided to have a meeting ...
I'm sorry for this.
Mu:Oh, is it the purchase of wine? Then let's go together ...
Lucas:yeah,Most of the document work is about the purchase.
I want the Lord and Mu -chan to enjoy the atmosphere of the festival more.
Mu:That's right ...
Then, I'm ...
Lono:Mu and Hanamaru will go out with the purchase of ingredients.
I told you a while ago ... It's an important job of the butler to see and learn various ingredients.
Mu:Okay! I will study a lot with Lono!
Hanamaru:So, I know Mu is but ... Why me?
Lono:Hanamaru is drinking various liquor stores, right?
That's why you're more familiar with sake than me ...
If there is an ingredient that seems to be a snack ... Please lend your wisdom!
Hanamaru:Heh~I can't help but help.
Leaving it like that ...
Actually, you just want to take your luggage and just take it? (He means the ingredients and snacks that Lono wants to pack in his luggage)
Lono:What is it? As expected, Hanamaru -san, you were looking for!
I'm going to have more luggage today ...
Please bring a lot!
Hanamaru:Yeah ... I knew it.
I knew, but can't you lie until the very end?
Boschi:That is ...
I am the only remaining ...
Lucas:I would like to ask Boschi to be the guide for the Lord.
"The city of memories" ...
It is good to look around slowly with the Lord.
You:The city of memories ...?
Boschi:Lucas ...
Where is that story ...
Did you hear from Boski last night?
When Boschi's tongue became smooth ...
Boschi:Chis. After all, did you drink too much yesterday?
...got it.
The Lord's guidance will be undertaken.
Please, Boschi -kun.
Lono:Then the Lord!
Hanamaru:There are many drunks , so be careful?
You: Understood.
Boschi:It's okay because I'm here.
Hanamaru:I told Boschi now.
Don't overdo it even if you get drunk
Boschi:Ah. I know.
In this way, Boski and I decided to look around the festival together.
*I'm sorry 😞 I procastinate a lot
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music-in-my-veins14 · 25 days
I'm well acquainted with villains that live in my head They beg me to write them so they'll never die when I'm dead And I've grown familiar with villains that live in my head They beg me to write them so I'll never die when I'm dead
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canadianlucifer · 1 year
1, 4, 6 and 14 for takizawa!
Tysm for this, this entire reply is going to pretty much just be Takizawa because he is my poor little meow meow!
1. (Hands you a free card to ramble about whatever for your favorite character/ship)
Toss up between hidekane and seiakimon but I’m gonna go with seiakimon bc there are So Many Thoughts with these three. Akira and her two ghoul boyfriends
Obviously Takizawa need So Much Therapy before any romance stuff can happen so we’re gonna assume he’s been getting the help he needs for this (and so have Akira and Amon honestly, they’re not completely insane but they’ve got problems too).
Taki was the only one who truly saw Akira as Akira. People in the academy chalked up her success to the fact that both her parents were investigators and didn’t acknowledge the work she herself put in. Everyone saw her as a product of her parents except Takizawa. He competed with her, not her parents and that’s why Akira liked him. He saw her as a bitch because he was jealous of her natural talent and how she often got more opportunities than him in the CCG, she got to go on missions while he was stuck in the office even though they were equally talented. And don’t even get me started on them only ever seeing each other from the side and the first time they truly look straight at each other is when Akira throws away her life career to protect Taki and lays her heart bare to him, telling him about how she tried to live up to everyone’s expectations but failed and how she never stopped thinking about him, wondering if she had just stopped him at the Owl Execution Operation. That shit hurted.
Of course we’ve also got the canon Akira and Amon, they work alright but need some more development. I really think Ishida has no clue how to write romance, every single one just comes out of left field, most prominently Yoriko and Takeomi. “Hey, haven’t seen you in a long time, nice to see you again. Anyway, you make good bread, wanna get married?” ????????
And with the right development, Amon and Taki would work well too. Amon’s closeted bi ass learning that it’s okay to be queer (thanks Donato for instilling religious trauma into this himbo /s).
In conclusion: Akira has two hands.
4. What character do you (the asker) remind me of?
I don’t really know why but Mutsuki kinda! No idea what my brain is doing at any moment in time
6. What’s your favorite piece of TG fan content you’ve made?
Hmm, I haven’t made much recently do NOT ask about my 2015 era art lmfao but I’d have to say this meme, it just fits the dude so well lmao
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He's a little silly.
14. Song you associate with (character/ship)
Oh dear here we go.
So Mother Mother makes some AMAZING songs and I could write an essay on how every song in Oh My <3 fits him, but besides that, I think Control by Halsey fits Takizawa quite well!
“They send me away to find them a fortune” getting sent to fight and kill the Owl
“I sat alone, in bed till the morning I'm crying, "They're coming for me"” being scared outta his wits and writing “I DON’T WANT TO DIE” on his will
“I paced around for hours on empty I jumped at the slightest of sounds” post Kano trauma
“I'm well acquainted with villains that live in my head” listening and giving into his ghoul side
“And all the kids cried out, "Please stop, you're scaring me" I can't help this awful energy God damn right, you should be scared of me Who is in control?” Taking control over his own life and becoming a terrifying monster of a ghoul and killing Tatara while his former coworkers watch on in fear.
Gasoline works really well too!
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