#(( ;; ooc ;; ramblings ;; ))
queen-in-white · 9 months
I wasn’t the one who made the original poll but it is so fucking stupid to see there are aphobes in 2023 almost 2024. And regardless of what you chose you will be choosing yes. I don’t care if you picked no. You actually just chose yes.
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colebrookstone-irl · 1 month
@jaywalkingwalker-irl @nyajiang-irl @kaijiang-irl @zanejulien-irl @greenbeanninja-irl @superstar-ninja-jay-walker @greenninja-irl @pixalborg-irl @masterwu-irl AND LITERALLY LIKE EVERY OTHER NINJAGO ROLEPLAY BLOG HERE(tag others I didn't if you want cuz idk)
Hello guys really out of character question real quick because I needa know because it's confusing the ever living hell out of me (also sorry about mass ping) and I wanna come to a mutual agreement on this uhm BUT
Are you guys' blogs placed before or after the merge?? Personally I wanna have mine played before the merge(will probably change my pfp to fit that lol) but yeah just wanna know which one yall are doing thank you 🫶
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thorneyes · 1 year
another informal survey
Occasionally I get curious about the spread of rp characters in the community and decide to send surveys out into the ether to indulge it! No tumblr poll this time because there are a couple different questions with a lot of answers.
Just a brief batch of questions about character name lore, race, hometown and IC professions! I've set it so that it can be taken multiple times for different characters, and the results will be visible to everyone, so that I don't have to go back and share a bunch of pie charts later.
As always I tried to account for everything but because these are informal there may be options that slipped my mind.
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doakarma · 4 months
Ooc// tumblr hates me- if I get another notification. Open the app. Check my notifications. Only for it to DISAPPEAR bc there wasn’t an actual notification im gonna go insane.
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(OOC: Using my teeny audience to spread my agenda.
what is Lucids, you may ask? The only way I can describe it is: the conglomerate of two TikTok skit(?) series’, and a 6 part YouTube series.
Jasper (originally called Cultish) is the story of an average Joe named Jasper that one day stumbles across a cult formed in the name of a Pampers Ad he did when he was a baby, lead by a man that goes by Jasper Prime. It’s as weird as it sounds.
while this Jasper was running, Nick was also posting The Adventures Benjamin and Oliver which follows Oliver and Benjamin, two old school friends, who wake up in 3rd grade to learn they have dreamt their whole lives. They meet Mrs. Hills, who is training them to become Lucids, people who can “swing between dreamscapes like branches on a tree” to get their lives back.
it all culminates and transfers over to YouTube in the titular Lucids. We learn something about Jasper Prime, and Mrs. Hills sends Benny and Oliver across dreamscapes to find him.
Despite its batshit premise, it is a genuinely heartwarming story about love, friendship, loss, grief, and not letting your trauma define you. One of the best internet series I’ve watched.
and did I mention it was all made by one guy? Nick does all the writing, acting, editing, and scoring, with help from his parents in the voice department. It’s a miracle it works so well.
WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!!!!???! Go watch it on Nicholas Podany’s YouTube. The two prequel series’ are combined for viewing ease. JUST BE WEARY! It heavily deals with the nature of reality, so if you have issues with that kinda stuff, I maybe wouldn’t watch it
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk lol
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gotham-mothman · 2 months
What's your favorite moth?
okay so here we go:
some simple patterned moths that bring me joy:
Fox Moth:
The British Fox Moth - so pretty! its little antenna sdoohffoguh
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Antler Moth:
beautiful patterns + so smol (24-34 mm wingspan!!!)
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Nut-tree Tussock:
10/10 name, BIG SCARF
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Latticed Heath:
majestic, simple, so confused about photographers
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Narrow-bordered Bee Hawk-moth:
bee mimic-bee mimic-bee mimic + PRETTY EYES
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Lunar Hornet Moth:
not furry! littol guy so stronk i love them
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Thrift Clearwing:
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Firethorn Leaf Miner:
lomg boi
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Common Emerald:
so green!! my beloved
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Dew Moth:
warm and soft like butter
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Leopard Moth:
fluffy guy!! pretty white wings with black spots
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Purple-bordered Gold:
so pretty colour combo!! regal littl guy
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The Herald:
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The Vestal:
ANOTHER NAME!! ALSO varies from being white or pink and asdhioufghig
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Merveille du Jour:
name means 'wonder of the day', another awesome colour combo
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Purple Thorn:
inspiration of the latest mothra design so cool looking
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elvendalek · 10 months
Does anyone else ponder what will happen 100+ years after the game ends if Tav didn't make it?
Would Ascended dumped Astarion turn obsessed ala Strahd to find Tav's next incarnation again and again?
Did Karlach manage to leave Avernus?
Are there stories of Tav still being told by those that met them, were saved by them... lives destroyed by them (if durge!Tav).
I romanced Lae'zel twice and tried to give her the best ending possible...I'd like to imagine she comes back from the Astral decades later when her war ended and my Tav has mostly faded from memory but she remembers her as a brief pause that changed everything and yet not enough... ghosts of her memory are everywhere even in a world that largely moved on.
Also I am writing that Lae'zel one shot so I guess I wanted to ramble while consumed by emotion.
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Some ooc ramblings abt Zim bc I love my lil soldier Gnarpian oc vv much:
~ Zim is not actually zer name (due to the lack of a naming system on Gars). Zer name was actually given by another oc of mine named Lenny, and yes, in fact, Lenny did give zer that name because of Invader Zim.
~ Alongside being a Gnarpian soldier, Zim also likes tinkering with machines, human or alien.
~ Ze also participates in No Violence Sunday, and in fact quite enjoys it.
(Boom angst)
~ Despite zer typically quite confident and high-stanced attitude, ze actually has a quite low self-esteem and constantly yearns for approval from zer superiors and peers. This mostly shows in the form of zer constantly finding cool stuff to show Gnarpy and having the most positive reaction to approval from xem on the object ze shows.
~ Zer favorite Earthly foods are dragonfruit and pineapple.
~ In addition to this, when ze first got showed what smoothies are, zer mind was fucking blown
~ Ze sees Gnarpy almost like a cool older sibling and yearns to be viewed as equal as far as coolness level
~ Ze has learned a variety of human stuff from Lenny (the oc that gave zer the name Zim)
~ When discovering something new (that is safe to be touched), ze taps on it with zer whiskers similar to how a snake flicks its tongue at something. Ze also lightly bites it, paws at it, and sniffs it, followed by 5 minutes of prolonged staring.
~ Part of the reason ze crashed was not only because ze panicked at seeing Gnarpy crash, but because zer ship also began malfunctioning and ze punched the console out of anger.
~ You can easily distract zer with a cat lazer pointer or really any kind of cat toy.
~ When surprised, excited, or happy, zer ears visibly perk up.
[Tagging @two-stud-invasion cuz I know they love Zim vv much - Em]
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the27percent · 3 months
[casual rp related thought]
[[sometimes i think about so many blogs that haven't been around in months and it's just like hm, it gives me a more accurate picture of who's still out there.
i guess that would tell me it's time to keep seeking out new people but .. idk. i feel a little more ambivalent about it. not that i wouldn't interact with others.. i definitely would and will certainly.
i just.. feel strange. self-promo has never been anything i care to do. and im still not sure if i could be any good at it. idk. i feel like a ghost sometimes for real.]]
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katsukinikiforov · 2 months
ooc// I don't know how to communicate on the internet. That is, I don't know how my text will come across. I don't know if I'm supposed to use proper punctuation or will that come across as stiff? When do I use exclamation marks? What do emojis mean? If I make posts like this, will it come across as fake?
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queen-in-white · 9 months
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Look at him! Look at this fucking weeb! He’s so silly. We love Richie here. He’s just so great
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justice-in-the-throes · 10 months
i wanna send him to crimson so bad but the eepy....
go to sleep right this second young man
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thorneyes · 1 year
For XIV roleplayers!
If you like, in the reblogs and replies, you can elaborate a bit more on your rp habits - whether you like to keep scenes relatively realtime or would rather allow time (hours/days) between responses, post lengths you prefer, if you like using emotes or gposes to accompany your rp, etc. Might do a poll for those kinds of things later, but for now this is just about where you're actually getting your playtime!
ETA: this is just for fun and idle curiosity, as always with my highly unscientific polls
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escapedartgeek · 3 days
[casually waves. hey everyone. what's up?]
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Tips on RP Etiquette
OOC: Just wanted to make a post with some tips, do’s, and don’ts for RPing. Obviously, I'm not like an authority on this or anything. This just what I've gathered from RPing and other such.
Don't try control other's characters. Period. If you want to do something with a character or group, ask the person and plan it out with them (or you don't have to plan. You can go with the flow, and still make sure everyone knows what's happening.)
Don't power play. What I mean by this is that your character can't be invincible, or have whatever is going on bend around them. While you can be important at times, not all situations are about you, and that's a good thing. Being "just a guy" is part of the fun!
Never be vague about what's happening if it effects others. If it is just a you thing that only involves others if they decide to join in, go batshit crazy. But if it will effect someone else, or looks to effect someone else, be clear about what's happening at least OOC.
"Yes, and..." Is your best friend! Going with the flow of whatever is happening, as long as it is not annoying or hurting anyone, is very good! Make that blog for a legendary Pokémon, for an evil team! Even with your original characters and ideas, you don't have to limit yourself to "what makes sense". Just make sure everyone is having fun!
TAG. YOUR. SHIT. A mistake we will all make at some points. Be aware if you are discussing potentially triggering stuff, tag it on the safe side. Even if it seems fine to you, it could effect someone else!
But everyone will make mistakes now and then. It's important to remember that things can be fixed and improved, and people shouldn’t be harassed for making a mistake. There is so much more that I didn't put, which I might add later.
Basically be courteous, respectful, and use your common sense to make sure everyone has fun!
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temporalbystander · 5 months
enjoy your sissy sandwich with extra cock sauce mr. homo :)
Been trying to think of the best way to answer this that doesn't start something or go off into an introspective ramble.
Best I can come up with is "for some reason those words in that order have no affect on me." No anger, no humour. No insulted. Nada.
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