#(( and others it elderberry. Sometimes blood after a fight or a feeding. ))
darckcarnival · 2 years
What are you made of? 
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Blood & Smoke
You're angry. Your heart is consumed by fire, because no one else can understand the way they hurt you. You gave them everything you had, your time and love, and still they chose to betray you. You wish that somebody understood, anybody out there. I hear you, little flame, I do. You need a hand to hold, but you can't be sure they won't stab you in the back again, so why bother? I implore you to try anyway. Get up everyday, use your spite as power, and never back down from a challenge, be it noble. You're a hero that will be painted as the villain time and time again; keep going anyway. Those most remembered are loved so little in life.
Lavender & Sleep
You're tired. All you do is fight for others, fight for yourself, fight for a cause. All you really want is to fall asleep forever, though your selflessness creeps in and you fear missing being needed. You smell like a hug after being long robbed of one, and you feel as though you'll never feel the relief of being held back. Trust me, dear, there is someone waiting for you with open arms. Be it your mother, your best friend, or your lover, someone wants to do for you what you do for everyone. As much as it may hurt, never settle for less. I hope you rest well.
Tagged by: None, I found it
Tagging: @missxnsuppxrt @giraffeiisms @maiolica-admirer @bluescarfvivi @punsandfuturekingsmen @endl3ss-blu3 @bastardsunlight (Alucard) @lottafandoms (Jesse) @agntkennedy @noonegetsleftbehind @nights-fear​ (Than)
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trashpandaorigins · 6 years
Groot Steve Rocket Bucky Scenes from a Life: Incorrect Quotes, Scenes and Dialogues Part 1
From the team that brought you The Shrapnel in Your Heart, who really should have had their Tumblr messenger apps taken away by now, comes an intimate portrayal of a retired life of leisure, except for when it’s not. Based on the ridiculous head-canon that Groot, Steve, Rocket and Bucky all live together in a New York City apartment after Infinity War. From misadventures, pranks, and drinking shenanigans to harrowing reckonings of their past, Groot, Steve, Rocket and Bucky will eventually carve out an odd little family for themselves. That is, if they don’t kill each other first. A series of incorrect quotes, flash fics and funny scenes/dialogues. Lots of humor and fluff, some angst….okay, moderate amounts of angst.
Read the entire GSRB Scenes from a Life Series on A03
Check out the work of my partner in crime at Skarabrae_stone on A03 and follow them here @captaintoomanybattles 
Bucky: *Gasp* You’re not the raccoon I befriended! I’m divorcing from this friendship!
Rocket: You know what, fine! I’m leaving and I’m taking Steve and Groot with me!
Bucky: You leave them out of this!
*Steve and Groot look at each other*
Steve: Maybe we should stop playing Monopoly…
Steve: What happened this time?
Bucky: He stuck his tail in the vacuum nozzle.
Rocket: You made me do it!
Bucky: No, I said, ‘Don’t stick your tail in the vacuum nozzle, Rocket’, and you said, ‘don’t tell me what to do, Bucky,’ and stuck it in there!
Steve: Where are you two going?
Bucky: We’re taking a page from your book, Stevie. We’re going to volunteer at the park!
Rocket: Or commit arson, possibly robbery and identity theft.
Bucky: We’ll decide on the way there.
*Steve and Rocket come home all bruised up; they’ve obviously been fighting.*
Bucky: Steve, we talked about this! You can’t just go starting bar fights! You better have a real good reason—
Steve: Some asshole called Rocket a raccoon.
Bucky: Yeah, okay, I can accept that.
2 Hours Earlier:
“Excuse me.”
Steve looked up from his beer at the large bar owner who loomed over him. He wants to start trouble. Steve could read it easily in the way the man’s eyes scanned him.
“Yes?” He forced himself to be polite.
“You need to take your pet outside. It can’t be in here, it’s a violation of the health code."
Steve’s blood pressure rose, knuckles turning white as he held the bottle in his fist. “He’s not my pet,” he corrected.
The bar man's small eyes looked down at Rocket, and he raised a brow. “Look, the raccoon has to go.”
Steve stood, finishing his beer. “I’m gonna have to ask you to refrain from calling my friend here a raccoon.”
The man scrutinized Rocket with a bewildered, critical eye.
“It’s fine, Steve,” Rocket slurred, defeated and already three sheets to the wind. “It’s nothing I ain’t heard before.”
Steve frowned.
“Listen.” The man stepped closer, breath reeking of liquor in Steve’s face. “You and your 6th grade science experiment…”
Steve’s fist slammed into the man’s face, his nose crunching painfully as he was knocked backward. Sorry Bucky, Steve thought, regarding his promise to not start anymore fights.
The man recovered, shaking hand held to his bloody nose, and Steve braced himself. Alright, so this is how it’s going to be. Why couldn’t people just take no for an answer? Why did everything have to end in a fight? He almost smirked to himself. ...but if it must you can count on good ole’ Captain America to fight the good fight. Maybe Bucky was right. Maybe he could ditch the label all he wanted, but in his heart he still held a righteous fury.
Bucky: Steve, what are those scratches on your back?
*Flashback to Steve taking the trash out and Rocket jumping out and landing on his back as he runs around screaming trying to pry him off.*
Steve: I’m having an affair.
*Steve and Bucky come home after a date night. They find Rocket in an animal trap on their kitchen floor*
Steve: Oh my God, Rocket! Are you okay? What happened?
Rocket: Someone called the exterminator!!!
Bucky: I knew we should’ve told the landlord about him.
Rocket: * Visibly offended* Wait, you didn’t tell your landlord I was your new roommate? You know, I’m beginning to question the legitimacy of this friendship.
Steve: Is Groot still in the shower?
Rocket: Yeah, why?
Steve: Well, he’s just been in there for a while.
Rocket: He’s a growing boy! He needs to stay hydrated!
Steve: Yeah, but don’t you think two days is a little excessive?
Rocket: Stop feeding him Miracle Grow, he’s gonna get spoiled!
Bucky: *Looks offended and hugs Groot’s pot* Don’t talk to me or my adoptive son ever again!
*Watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail *
French Knight: Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!
Bucky: Hey Groot, he’s talking about you!
*Driving in the car*
Bucky: Steeeve! Rocket’s trying to take my arm!
Rocket: Bucky pointed to some roadkill and said, ‘Look Rocket, that’s you’!”
Steve: So help me, you two, I will turn this car around and we will not get milkshakes.
*Both silent*
Steve: Hi, I’m Steve Rogers. I live with my boyfriend and our roommate and his son—
Rocket: *Shouting from the other room* He’s not my son!
Bucky: *Also in the other room* How dare you say that?! See, this is why I should have sole custody of Groot!
Rocket: You can have full custody when you start paying me back for all the pots and weed killers you bought him!
Bucky: You said we’d be in this together!
Steve: … there’s never a dull moment.
Groot: I am Groot?
Steve: No, you can’t have my car keys.
Groot: I am Groot ?
Steve: You have to wait ‘til you’re sixteen.
Groot: I am Groot!
Steve: I know your life cycle works differently, but those are the rules. You have to have a learner’s permit—
Groot: I am Groot.
Steve: Driving a spaceship doesn’t count! There’s nothing to bump into up there!
Groot: I am Groot!
Rocket : *In the background* That was ONE time!
*Bucky walks into teen Groot’s room. He’s watching a nature documentary about flowers and pollination.*
Bucky: Hey Groot, where’s the…
Groot: “...and so the tree releases it’s pollen...*Slamming laptop shut* I AM GROOT!
Steve: Why?
Bucky: Rocket, I want you to meet a friend of mine. She’s really sweet and just your type.
*It’s a regular fox*
Rocket: H…hey there, nice to meet you. You, your fur is umm...really red...it..it looks nice.
Steve: This is mean. I’m gonna tell him.
Bucky: Don’t you dare!
*Rocket says he’s going to get decorative wall hangings for the apartment. Bucky comes home and sees he bought those letters you hang on the wall to spell things. It’s all the trigger words.*
Bucky: I swear, I’m going to turn you into a hat!
Bucky: Rocket, those scientists called! They want to know if you’ve gotten your rabies shot yet!
Rocket: I’ll give you rabies!
Steve: Please don’t, the last time you two fought we had to move…..again.
Rocket: Wait, you have a holiday where you just blow stuff up?
Steve: What? No!
Bucky: Yep! AND it’s Steve’s birthday.
*Steve wakes up in the middle of the night, panicked, to the sound of gunshots*.
Steve: Bucky? You okay?!
Rocket: Hold still!
*Bucky is spinning around balancing an apple on his head while Rocket tries to shoot it off*
Bucky: What kind of shot are you if you can’t hit a moving target?!
Steve: One of you is gonna kill the other and I’m not driving you to the hospital.
*Fast forward to Bucky holding a cloth to his head in the back of the car while Steve comforts him. Groot is driving.*
Bucky: You said you wouldn’t miss!
Rocket: I didn’t! You moved at the last second!
*They careen through an intersection*
Groot: I am Groot?
Bucky: Yeah, it’s really gorey, wanna see?
Steve: NO! Eyes on the road!
Bucky: Damn raccoon shot me!
Rocket: *Whirling around* Call me a raccoon one more time and I’ll shoot you again!
Steve: Rocket, make sure Groot doesn’t kill us. Groot, stop signs are rules not suggestions. Bucky, stop moving, you’ll bleed more.  YOU ARE ALL WALKING ON VERY THIN ICE.
Bucky: Fucking animal is colorblind!
Steve: Bucky, hold still! This is the last time you two play with guns in the house!
Bucky: Rodent, I will toss you out this skylight and you will be roadkill on the side of the street!
Steve: *Looks at Groot* We’re all gonna die.
Rocket: It’s so sad Bucky died
Bucky: *From the other room* Quit telling everyone I’m dead!
Rocket: Sometimes I can still hear his voice.
Bucky: Hey, psst Rocket, want to make some extra money?
Rocket: Do I ever!
*Bucky stands outside a makeshift enclosure with Rocket inside. Sign reads ‘Petting Zoo.’*
Rocket: You are so dead when we are done with this.
Bucky: Shut up and play with the children.
Bucky: Rocket look! *Points to where raccoons are rummaging around in the trash can behind the apartment.*
Rocket: What the hell is that?
Bucky: *Trying not to laugh* It’s….it’s you buddy.
Rocket: That is...that is not me.
Bucky: Say hello to your baby brother!
Rocket: Barnes I swear to god…
Bucky: *Pulls out a camera* Go stand next to him! I want a picture! This is going in the album.
Steve: You have an album?
Bucky: Well duh. Rocket, see if you can get it to smile!
Rocket: How the hell am I supposed to do that?!
Bucky: I dunno, growl or something? Speak the language of your people!
Rocket: They didn’t teach me no linguistics in experimentation torture school Barnes!
Steve: Bucky…
Bucky: Huh, that’s weird because that’s definitely a part of what they taught me.
Rocket: *Goes over and tries to communicate with the raccoons.*
Steve: *Face palms*
*Finally the raccoon sniffs Rocket totally looking cute and Rocket growls at it.*
Bucky: *Click* Ohhh! This is so cute, you look just like twins! This is going in the album!
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