#(( not that Wrenn would ever disrespect them ))
soraeia · 2 years
Wrenn HC:
Wrenn loves and absolutely cherishes his mother and is even protective of her as he is with his sisters, however he sees her as very weak; having grown up at a point where he witnessed her succumbing easily to her emotions, insecurities, and Charidynn’s oppression. Despite Allisae being a literal god now, Wrenn still views his mother as frail and faint of heart, and this extends to his sisters to some degree as well.
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starlitwishes · 1 year
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Headcanon time: Wrenn has a very… interesting relationship with identity and uniqueness, and it affects how he views his possessions. Especially Kabu.
To him, all things exist as a unique item or individual. Nothing can truly be replaced, as you shouldn’t even try to.
This is why he has a tendency to completely abandon identities when taking up a new one—his old selves are dead and gone, and he doesn’t want to pretend he can become those identities once again. Each identity was unique, but gone. He cannot ever replace “Kabukimono,” “Kunikuzushi/Scaramouche,” or “Shouki no Kami” with his present self. He will never be those people again.
This applies to things as well, some to lesser extents than others. Typically the more sentimental value an object has, the more special, unique, and irreplaceable it is.
This especially applies to Kabu, the doll he makes in the likeness of the doll the little boy made. The design is similar, but it’s made from higher quality fabrics and materials. The proportions are also different as well, and the stitching is far better. It was not made to replace the doll that boy had, but to live as its successor.
Kabu has a lot of sentimental value—thus why he is very protective of it. There’s a lot of love put into that doll—as much love as he can muster. He often keeps it safe on his person, and sometimes under his hat.
He plays with it when he’s alone, treating it like he wished Ei had treated him—like a loved child. It’s a big comfort item for him too, and it helps ground him when he’s upset.
…So if someone were to destroy it, it would destroy him. Because it had such a unique identity to him, and was such an important item to him, that losing it or it being destroyed would devastate him. While it’s not alive at all, he still considers himself to be its creator (re: it’s father) and he projects his trauma onto it, over compensating with an overprotective nature. If it’s destroyed, he feels as if he’s completely failed it as the one who was supposed to take care of it.
If someone tried to replace Kabu, he would be furious at them for trying. You cannot just replace something so important like that—not to him, at least. It’s very upsetting and disrespectful to him and to the sentimental value Kabu had.
So yes, if you do damage Kabu, he will go absolutely feral. If you destroy it beyond repair, he will do the same to you.
No exceptions.
Do not break Kabu. Not unless you want to be broken yourself.
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smilingformoney · 5 years
America’s Most Eligible 3 Diamond Scene: Follow Vince
You: Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. And where there’s Vince, there’s an underhanded scheme. You: There’s no way I’m letting him just walk off with our wedding. Fiancée: That’s my Jamie. Let’s go.
You and your fiancée quietly follow Vince across the mansion’s yard, while he and the mysterious stranger approach the back gate. Stranger: …And you swear the information’s good? Vince: As long as the money’s good. If you knew half the stuff that goes on in the mansion, it’d curl your hair more than mine… You: What’s Vince talking about? Money? Information? Fiancée: If we sneak closer, we might be able to hear more. Hurry! They’re getting away! You edge closer as quietly as you can. In the darkness, you spot a broken tree branch in front of you.
You: … -Step on it!
The dried wood snaps loudly beneath your foot, and you swear beneath your breath. Stranger: What was that? We better not have company. At the last second, your fiancée pulls you down into a crouch as Vince squints from side to side. Vince: Don’t be stupid. It must’ve just been the wind. Now, you were saying?
-Trip over it!
You don’t notice the branch until it’s too late! It catches you in the ankle and sends you sprawling. You: Hnnn! Stranger: Is someone out there? I thought you said we’d be alone. Vince: We are alone! Your fiancée crawls up behind you as Vince and the stranger scour the area in the dim light. Thankfully, you remain unseen. Vince: See? Nothing. Your mind was just playing tricks on you.
-Step over it!
You tap your fiancée on the shoulder and carefully step over the branch, continuing to make your way silently toward Vince and his guest.
-No action
You don’t notice the branch until it’s too late! It catches you in the ankle and sends you sprawling. You: Hnnn! Stranger: Is someone out there? I thought you said we’d be alone. Vince: We are alone! Your fiancée crawls up behind you as Vince and the stranger scour the area in the dim light. Thankfully, you remain unseen. Vince: See? Nothing. Your mind was just playing tricks on you.
Vince and the stranger pause a few feet before the gate. You strain your ears, managing to catch every word of their conversation. Vince: …next Challenge is going to be. I wasn’t supposed to know, but I walked in on Wrenn and found out by accident. The stranger whips a notebook and pen out of their pocket and starts scribbling down notes. Stranger: Our readers like sneak previews, so I might be able to work with that. Emphasis on ‘might’. You: ‘Our readers’? Is Vince talking to a journalist? You motion for your fiancée to join you as you creep closer to make out more of their conversation. Vince: It’s going to be a relay. One of those sappy teamwork things involving equally sappy wedding traditions. Stranger: Yeah, yeah, that’s all fine. But when we made our deal, you said you’d sell me juicy secrets about the show. Vince: I told you, they’ve been watching me like a hawk. It’s not exactly like I can dig up dirt that easily. You: Little does he know, we dug up dirt on him on the very first night! Your outraged whisper is just a fraction too loud! Vince turns around, glaring at the nearby bushes. Stranger: Was that a voice? I thought you said there was no one else out here! Vince: Give me a minute. I just need to be sure. As Vince starts to walk closer, you frantically look for a place to hide…
You: … -Hide behind the bush!
You drop to the ground and crawl toward the bushes! Fiancée: Jamie! That’s exactly where Vince is looking! Your fiancée takes your hand and leads you behind a palm tree. The two of you huddle behind it as Vince scours the shadows. Vince: Show yourself! You and your fiancée crouch behind the palm tree, stifling your breaths… until Vince finally relaxes.
-Duck behind the palm tree!
You and your fiancée duck behind a thick palm tree and crouch down low to the ground. Vince’s gaze slides right over you, unseeing. Vince: I could have sworn I heard… nevermind. It must be nothing.
-Freeze in place!
You freeze in place, unable to move! Fiancée: Jamie! We have to move! Your fiancée takes your hand and leads you behind a palm tree. The two of you huddle behind it as Vince scours the shadows. Vince: Show yourself! You and your fiancée crouch behind the palm tree, stifling your breaths… until Vince finally relaxes.
-No action
You freeze in place, unable to move! Fiancée: Jamie! We have to move! Your fiancée takes your hand and leads you behind a palm tree. The two of you huddle behind it as Vince scours the shadows. Vince: Show yourself! You and your fiancée crouch behind the palm tree, stifling your breaths… until Vince finally relaxes.
Vince: I think we need to cut this short. I’m taking enough of a risk as it is. Stranger: No way. That crappy intel you just gave me isn’t worth fifteen grand! Vince: We had a deal. Stranger: Yeah. Good money for good information. So give me something juicy. Vince: Uh… well… Vince: Oh, I got it. Jamie and their fiancée? They’re not as in love as they want you to think. Fiancée: Of course he’d go there. You: This is low, even for Vince. Stranger: Are you for real? They seem pretty touchy-feely on the show. Vince: Only thanks to the editors. It’s an open secret on set that Jamie and their fiancée can’t stand each other. Vince: But Jamie brings in the ratings, so the producers do whatever they want. Stranger: Now you have my attention. Give me more of this, and the money’s all yours. Vince: Of course. The thing is, Jamie’s fiancée and Sierra have started spending time together… and they’ve been getting awfully friendly. Fiancée: If the tabloids print these lies, we could be in major trouble. You: We need to do something. Right now.
You: … -Imitate Carson’s voice!
You lower your voice to match Carson’s calibre. ‘Carson’: Wrenn! Have you seen Vince anywhere? I need to ask him how he manages to maintain those glossy, glossy curls. Vince jumps up, looking scared. The journalist lifts up his notebook with interest, while your fiancée stifles a laugh. Stranger: Vince’s top secret haircare regimen? Now this I can print. Vince: You’d better not! ‘Carson’: Vince? Is that you? You’re not supposed to be out of your house this late!
-Throw a rock!
You scramble along the ground until you find a rock. Stepping out of your crouch, you whip it toward Vince’s head! Vince: OW! What the hell was that? Fiancée: Oh shut up you big baby. I bet those curls of your absorbed most of the impact. You pick up another rock and toss it. It strikes the gates with a clang. Vince gives a startled yelp.
-Caw like a crow!
You: Cawww! Ca-cawwww! Even in the darkness, you can see Vince give a shudder. Stranger: What’s wrong? Afraid of birds? Vince: I’m not afraid of anything! They just… make me uncomfortable. Beside you, your fiancée stifles a laugh and gives it a try. Fiancée: CAW CAW CAW! You: CAWWW CAWWW… greasyhair… CAWWW!
Vince: I, uh… think it’s time for you to go. You can pay me later. Stranger: Only if your information checks out. We had to retract that last ‘hot tip’ you gave us. Vince: Fine! Yes! Whatever. Just go! A spooked Vince dashes back to his guest house without so much as a glance back, leaving the journalist to let himself out.
-If you’re marrying Adam
[x] Adam: It didn’t take him long to throw Sierra under the bus. What a shocker. You: It gets worse. I’m sure he knew you and Sierra’s showmance from Season 9 would make his lies seem more valid.
-If you’re marrying Derek
Once the coast is clear, Derek gets to his feet, his expression clouded. Derek: Vince... You lying, backstabbing coward. Just when you think he’s hit rock bottom, he drills through to the earth’s core. Derek: We’re going to need to be strategic about how we use this information. Proving it won’t be easy. You: I hate to say it, but you’re right. We’ll have to wait for the right moment to expose him.
-If you’re marrying Jen
Once the coast is clear, Jen gets to her feet, looking angrier than you’ve ever seen her. Jen: That conniving, narcissistic, bloodsucking ass! Jen: I was expecting treachery, sure. The usual lies and plots. But sabotaging the show? Sabotaging my show? You: Seeing you this furious makes me furious. You’ve worked too hard to be disrespected like this.
-If you’re marrying Mackenzie
Once the coast is clear, Mackenzie shoots to her feet, ready to fight. Mackenzie: I knew Vince was up to something shady. I knew it. But it’s so much worse than I thought. Mackenzie: Selling lies to the tabloids… lies about us? I could strangle him. You: I know the feeling. Honestly, I don’t know how I’ll even be able to look at him from now on.
You: Look, I don’t know how we’re gonna use this against Vince, but there’s one thing I do know for sure.
You: Vince… -Needs to be taken down!
You: He’s gone too far this time. Something needs to be done to shut him up, and quickly! You: I promise, we’re going to make Vince wish he’d never come back to AME.
-Has nothing on us!
You: I’m not worried. As long as we have each other, we’ll always come out on top over rats like Vince. You: Besides, you hear what the journalist said. His last tip got debunked. Clearly they’re checking their facts on this.
Fiancée: I really hope you’re right, Jamie. Because if not… I don’t know what I’ll do. You take your fiancée’s face in your hands, kissing them gently. +50 You: I wouldn’t worry about it. We always seem to figure something else out.
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smilingformoney · 5 years
America’s Most Eligible 3 Diamond Scene: Sneak into Vince and Ivy’s Guesthouse
You: Let’s do it. This might be our only chance to find out what Vince and Ivy are really up to. Fiancée: You’ll cover for us, Wrenn? Wrenn: Sure thing. There’s a spare key in the bushes by the door. Just be back within an hour. I do not want to explain this to Omar. With that, you and your fiancée rush off toward Vince and Ivy’s guesthouse.
After a short trip across the property, you make it to Vince and Ivy’s house… Rummaging through the bushes, you manage to find the spare key. You: Got it! Let’s see what Vince and Ivy are really up to…
You sneak into their living room and start looking around. You: There’s sheets on the couch. Not a great sign. Fiancée: Looks like Vince and Ivy don’t share a bed. Either they’re super traditional… You: Or there’s trouble in paradise already. You check around the couch, finding a pink suitcase and a few items strewn around the coffee table.
What do you examine? -Teddy bear
You pick up the teddy bear, turning it over to see ‘Ivy’ stitched into the bottom of its foot.
-Plastic tiara
You pick up the tiara and inspect it closely. The words ‘Miss Bluebonnet Belle 2010’ are inscribed on the inside.
-Sleep mask
You pick up the sleep mask, turning it over in your hands. The words ‘beauty sleep’ are stitched into the silk.
You: Ivy is the one sleeping on the couch. I did not see that coming. Fiancée: Leave it to Vince to make his fiancée sleep on the couch while he takes the bed. You: And they say chivalry is dead. Fiancée: This is a good start, but not exactly the smoking gun we were hoping for. Let’s keep looking. Your fiancée crosses to the kitchen and opens the fridge. Fiancée: Check this out. There’s two of everything, and it’s all organised into separate halves… You: I’m starting to get a definite vibe off of all this.
You: It looks like they… -Aren’t getting along.
You: If Vince and Ivy’s relationship was ever ‘passionate and fresh’ to begin with, it definitely doesn’t look like it now. You poke at a container of almost milk with ‘IVY’ written on it in marker. Fiancée: If they’re not sharing food, who knows what else they aren’t sharing. Maybe we can use that to our advantage later.
-Have very strict boundaries.
You: Vince has his space, Ivy has hers, and I guess they meet… somewhere in the middle? You: How romantic can a couple be if they can’t even share a jar of pickles? Fiancée: That’s the million-dollar-dream-wedding question right there.
You: Bedroom next?
Fiancée: Really not looking forward to seeing what’s in there? You: Don’t worry. I’ll cover your eyes if it gets too scary. Fiancée: You’re too good to me.
As soon as you walk into the bedroom, you pass Vince’s half-opened suitcase… and a satin strap catches your eye. You: Is that what I think it is? Reaching down, you give the strap a tug and pull something silky out of Vince’s suitcase!
-Sexy bra
Fiancée: Whoa. That, uh… You: Doesn’t look like Ivy’s style? My thoughts exactly. A crumpled note flutters out of one of the cups, and your fiancée reaches down and catches it. Fiancée: ‘Something to remember me by, after you get hitched to the witch. Love, Sierra.’ Oh wow. You: Looks like we found our smoking gun.
You: I just can’t believe… -Vince is really cheating!
You: Wrenn was right. They’ve been sleeping together behind Ivy’s back! Fiancée: Just what I thought I couldn’t be more disgusted with Vince.
-He was so careless.
You: Something about this seems off. Vince is a consummate liar. Would he really leave something like this out in the open? Fiancée: I wouldn’t put it past Sierra to slip it in here. After all, it wasn’t exactly hard to break into the house.
Your fiancée looks at the bra thoughtfully. Fiancée: This definitely tells us that Vince and Ivy aren’t as rock solid as they seem… but we can’t really use it. You: What? Why not? Fiancée: Think about it. If we brought this forward, Vince would put all the blame on Sierra. He’d accuse her of sabotage. Fiancée: We can keep it in our back pocket for blackmail, but if we took it to the producers now, I doubt it’d go over well. You: I hate to admit it, but you’re right. I just can’t help wondering if Ivy knows about this. Fiancée: Probably not. Even if she and Vince only got engaged to win the competition, a secret girlfriend jeopardizes that. Fiancée: I don’t see Ivy agreeing to that kind of risk, especially when she doesn’t gain anything from it.
You: In that case… -I kind of feel sorry for her.
You: We’ve had our issues, sure. And I’m not happy she’s back in the competition… You: But that doesn’t mean I want her humiliated by Vince in front of millions of people. This is just wrong.
-She’s getting what she deserves.
You: She chose to get engaged to Vince, knowing the type of backstabbing jerk he is. You: She must’ve known he would betray her someday. I bet she just didn’t expect it to happen so soon.
Fiancée: I’m with you. I wish there was something we could do about it… Fiancée: I mean, are we supposed to just put the bra back and pretend nothing ever happened? You: I think I have a better idea. Follow me.
You continue into the bathroom. Ivy’s perfume and hairspray bottles are strewn across the counter. You: Looks like Ivy staked her claim on the vanity. Fiancée: I’m sure Vince put up a good fight. But what are we even doing in here? You: The only thing we can do.
You: I’m gonna… -Leave Sierra’s note in Ivy’s bag!
You: Even if we can’t come forward with this information, we should at least give Ivy the chance to do it herself. Fiancée: And who knows? Maybe she’ll come forward herself and end this whole charade. You: Here’s to hoping. You slip Sierra’s note into Ivy’s makeup bag, then zip it up carefully.
-Leave Ivy a warning on the mirror.
You: If we can’t sabotage Vince and Ivy in front of the cameras, we can at least give Ivy a little clue… You uncap one of Ivy’s blood red lipsticks and scribble on the mirror. You: ‘Don’t trust Vince.’ I think that gets the point across pretty well. Fiancée: With just a touch of spookiness for good measure.
You: Got it. Let’s go! The two of you slip back into the living room, satisfied with your work. Fiancée: It’s getting late. We should get back to the mansion before filming starts. You: If we have to. I’ve gotta say, this was actually really fun… and it reminded me what I love about our relationship. Your fiancée smiles adoringly at you. Fiancée: Oh, yeah? And what’s that?
You: I love that we’re… -Open and honest.
You: Ivy and I aren’t exactly friends, but knowing that she and her fiancée have secrets from each other is… kind of sad. You: I trust you to tell me the truth about everything. Fiancée: Not to mention I would never cheat on you.
-Partners in crime.
You: Sneaking into our enemies’ house, leaving messages that might tear them apart… You: I’m so glad you get me and my devious ways. Fiancée: Believe it or not, it’s one of the things I love most about you.
You and your fiancée share loving looks, leaning close… but before your lips can touch, they pull away. Fiancée: We should get out of here before we get caught, but I’m glad we did this. Fiancée: We’re gonna take Vince and Ivy down one way or another. This just gives us the fuel we need to start a fire. +50 You: Exactly, Vince is not gonna get away with this. Fiancée: Not on our watch.
Carson: …nothing but a lying, disrespectful philanderer, and I can’t believe you’d even try to deny it! She found the-- Carson looks around, suddenly aware of the eyes watching, and bites back the rest of his accusation. Carson: She told me what she found in her makeup bag, and frankly, I don’t blame her for being livid.
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