#(( that women need to be protected and treated delicately ))
soraeia · 2 years
Wrenn HC:
Wrenn loves and absolutely cherishes his mother and is even protective of her as he is with his sisters, however he sees her as very weak; having grown up at a point where he witnessed her succumbing easily to her emotions, insecurities, and Charidynn’s oppression. Despite Allisae being a literal god now, Wrenn still views his mother as frail and faint of heart, and this extends to his sisters to some degree as well.
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I’m going to say it
#abby doesnt shut up#like there is a fine line but…#everyone stop coddling Olivia she doesn’t need it#also the comparisons are unnecessary#there’s not a hate train happening that I’ve seen? I’ve seen unanimous support and a few mean ppl#people are in the trenches for her left and right but fail to realize how unprecedented her success is#like people making comments about her doesn’t matter she’s not an indie artist starting out getting shit on#and I’m sick of the age card. I’m one year older than her and I will tell you that though ppl#in their early twenties are entering adulthood it’s insulting that ppl think we can’t do things on our own#and that every little snide remark someone makes is traumatizing like she doesn’t need the internet parenting her#yes there are ppl who are bitter about her success but that is irrelevant when everyone else supports her#everyone’s like ‘but we want to protect her from xyz’ how do I tell you that it’s unhealthy to curate how another lives their life#<< like learning and making mistakes and getting criticism does not equate to trauma#she can handle it! I promise! <3#I hear so much shit about taylor that I say nothing about bc she doesn’t need my help or protection like the woman is killing the game#and I want to ALLOW women to be killing the game without ppl treating them like delicate flowers that need to be saved#it’s just interesting to me that women celebrities are hyped but are also assumed to be so fragile like pick a lane#if we want to keep her out of a media circus then we have to be careful of not starting it ourselves#it’s all counterproductive#hyping her up and gravely underestimating her ability to handle herself and sustain a great career. she is 20 not 13.
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ms-all-sunday · 9 months
Hi! Sorry if this is sudden or unwelcomed but i was wondering how would one go about ''fixing'' Sanji's character and your personal interpretation?
Now what i mean is that Sanji is an already great and complex character who has a lot of good moments and stuff, but the rampant misogyny really, really holds him back.
It just feels demeaning to an inmense degree, like that the only reason Kalifa - a member of the cp9 - won was because Sanji was holding back. Which feels like bullshit as she's a literal assassin and you could easily have rewritten it to make it so he lost due to her devil fruit instead. (or more emphasised).
I dont have a problem with an intrinsic vow but i just wish it wasn't this. I guess i just find it fustrating on how something so misogynistic is treated as a virtue. He could have had another vow instead like 'never kill' or 'don't fight someone when its clearly going to be a onesided beat down from you' or something to that effect. You know a vow that still causes problems when it comes up but doesn't devalue the agency or prowess of the other characters if that makes sense?
Idk, sorry if im being rambly. I finished reading the pre time skip stuff and its been bothering me whenever it comes up. I know it gets worse post-timeskip but i havent read that far yet so sorry if this seems premature in anyway. (I do know about Wano to a degree tho).
I haven't really seen any alternatives to sanji's behaviour - hell i seen someone argue it was necessary so he wouldn't be overpowered. And its kinda fustrating as a Sanji fan as it feels like in these moments his other qualities are kinda getting sidetracked in favour of his perviness. I dont mind he's pervy, but the way its utilised just feels kinda like a coppout more than anything and, well, misogynistic. (which im not saying remove all his misogyny, but tone it down and not make it seem virtuous if that makes sense?)
sorry for going on a rant. Its a topic ive been trying to look more into and i just want to hear more peoples opinions on.
so let me ask you a question anon, where do you think sanji first says something misogynistic? this isnt me trying to gotcha you or anything, i legitimately am curious.
i think how you "fix" sanji purely depends on how sexist you individually think he is. i think it ultimately comes down to, do you think when he treats women positively he's being sexist negatively? how much of that is a flaw to you, where do you draw the line? is your comfort level purely at where you can only stand sanji being negative towards men and treating women neutrally, or do you think you're comfortable with the opposite?
when i was a kid, i learned that characters are just a set of rules you make for yourself that when you add them to a situation and the application of those rules becomes a character. the character is both the solution and the equation, and i think the problem with sanji inherently lies not with his character at all, but how the narrative treats him for those actions, like you said.
i think it comes down to the fact while op does acknowledge and commentate on sexism a little, it doesnt have a strong enough commentary to support the characters like zoro, tashigi and sanji. who are amazing, wonderful characters, but are ultimately boggled down by the fact that oda doesn't do anything productive with them.
for example: both sanji and zoro (in their male feminist debate) are correct contextually, but op should be better at illustrating how zoro's "if theyre women they should be treated the same always" ideology can be wrong sometimes too, which would even out the commentary on them a lot more.
zoro and sanji should also progress as characters to ultimately seeing the contextual side of each others arguments and develop to the point where they know when its appropriate to apply each-others points
tashigi should've been sanjis rival, and helped the narrative illustrate how sanji's habit of treating women favourably can lean into sexism, which i feel like is the point of tashigi even being there but odas got the ingredients but is really bad at making a stew out of them.
i think ultimately the problem is that the narrative doesnt compensate for sanji, not that sanji doesnt compensate for the narrative. i think there's a conversation you can have internally with yourself on whether you want to write sanji as completely devoid of bigotry or whether you want to pick and choose and that's valid as well and i think would inherently apply to sanji even if op's commentary on sexism was well written, but. you're asking me how i'd "fix canon", and i think the fact that sanji doesn't get compensated for is indicative of a wider problem present in both tashigi and zoro's storylines as well (and the narrative also not compensating for them)
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shaisuki · 11 days
What if reader is the insane one..😳I love these yandere characters but what if reader--
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CONTENT WARNINGS. yandere reader + angst + gore + murder + enabler characters + body mutilations + stalking + torture + blood + mind games? + manipulation + gaslighting + rushed writing + implied established relationship + unhealthy relationship dynamics
NOTES. hiya anon! you got a brilliant mind that tickled myself into writing this one. yandere reader is absolutely a first to me considering the characters i wrote are the yandere ones. i apologize for the shitty writing.
SYNOPSIS. you hate the attention they get and the adoration you shared with the people that surrounds both of you and it's up to you to take care of those who threatens your love for them.
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satoru is truly mesmerizing.
everywhere you go with him around. everyone stops and looks to stare at the man besides you. mouth agape, with their eyes glimmering with awe from how handsome he looks. who wouldn't admire him? he's everything. blessed from the moment he was born. tall with the hair white as snow and you know he's the only one in the whole world with it. he's godly and so you worship him. a devotion from a mortal to his immortal lord.
he keeps you close. his hands tangled into yours while you both walked in the streets of harajuku. he wants to try they new crepe stand with you and you smile a bit. admiring his sweet tooth that needs to be satiated.
being with gojo means that he attracts the people who's walking in the same street as him. women craning their necks to get a glimpse of him and those who dared to get close to him which is happening right now.
she's pretty. they all are. every woman who approach satoru were the same mold where they come from. petite with tiny waists and a delicate body. small faces with glitters in their eyes while they flutter their eyelashes on him. hoping that satoru would leave you for them and they don't even notice you. these are the consequences and you try to pry your hand on his but he tightens on his grip while he declines the offer. he didn't budge not when she traces her fingers to his chest.
it breaks your heart when girls like her would openly flirt with him and treats you like nothing. you understand that you weren't them, you didn't know why he was with you! you want to cry and hide from them and to him. you don't deserve him. no one deserves him and so you pull your hands but he still keep his hold tight in you and with a scowl, he says the most bone chilling tone of his voice. “leave me and my girlfriend alone.” and it's enough for her to stop flirting to him and that's the time she will realize you were there the whole time and she would shot you a glare and a million insults are running inside her head and you're not able to know it cause satoru's dragging you away from her and keeps a protective hand over you. “only look at me, pretty.” is what he says and it turns your frown upsidedown.
there's a cry and then a snap. her bone cracks under the weight of the hammer being slammed to her hands. that's what you get for touching satoru. you pull a hidden knife strapped in your boots. unsheathing it in with precision and twirling the handle. “please... i'm sorry....” you hear her say it but she was never sorry. she let her speak out her mind and flirts with someone who's clearly committed. promiscuity left a foul taste in your mouth. she can get all flirty with your boyfriend and she would be praised for being suited to him while you, you get the side glances, faces etched with disbelief why someone like you would score someone like gojo.
she's so pretty, like the models in the magazines and on billboards which you cried in front of it. wishing that you were them but it never occurred to you once again since satoru came into your life. you never wished anything something as shallow like that again cause you were enough for him and that's what it matters and this bitch had come to ruin it for you. you despised destroying that is something beautiful but it was her sin, she should have never tried her luck with gojo and so with a tight hold in the handle, the sharp edge of the knife pierced in one of her eyes.
her screams are loud. wailing and screaming for someone to help her but there's no one around here. it's only you and her. the blood come pouring in her eye socket and you pull the knife and you were splattered with her blood. staining your cheek. it was warm. fresh and you smell it.
“satoru's really handsome and you wondered at that time why he was with me.” your look is solemn, no remorse in them and she's forced to listen to your spiel while she tried to staunch the blood flowing from her once pretty eye. “i don't know.” you whispered. dragging the edge of your knife to her rosy cheek. nicking the skin and blood poured out from them. “i don't know why satoru is with me.” you repeated it. your own eyes getting glossy. “he could have left me and have gone to you in a heartbeat but he didn't. he stayed. he stayed.” you whisper it like it was unreal and the tears came pouring out. you sniffle and sob. cause it was too good to be true.
“can you let me go now?” she begged of you. watching you bawl your eyes out while the knife you were holding drips with her blood. it's a lesson she's going to learn is never to flirt with someone who have their girlfriend by their side. a crazy one it is but it's too late for her now. you were harmless with a touch of innocence but she never thought you were capable of doing this. she can't move her hands, both broken from being shattered by the hammer and she's closing her destroyed eye to keep the blood from pouring out. “no.” wiping the tears from your eyes with the back of your hand, you sniffle. “i can't let you go. you're going to ruin another relationship cause the man's tickled your fancy. you deserve to die.” and she prayed for whatever deity to come save her cause you're raising your hand which holds the knife and it's going to be the end of her but she's not ready to die. she wanted to live and so she prayed and prayed and her prayer were heard.
there's the sound of footsteps nearing in where she lays and where you stand, about to end her life. she lets out a cry. her tears streaming down her face cause she was about to be saved. she was crying in relief cause she's about to escape this hell but it was replaced in horror when she sees who have seen you. it couldn't be but he won't like it, would he? his girlfriend's murdering people. girls like her.
something was up with you. he knows it. the underlying insecurities in which you evaded when he asks and brings the topic up. you only distract him and pretends there's nothing wrong and he let it slide. there's multiple killings happening in the area and coincidentally it's been the girls whom he interacted with. the ones who flirted with him. he could have returned the gesture but he's committed to you. anyways, he began to suspect you and later confirmed it was really and he thought he's the deranged and the unstable one in the relationship. as if he's not done the same things you did.
there is something sad about your crying about your relationship. he stayed. you repeatedly spoke of it like you can't believe that he lasted so long to you and you have been eliminating the girls who have threatened your relationship with him. he can't let you go on this path of destruction just for him. it's his job.
you were about to finish the girl and he interrupted. “you don't need to do this, angel.” he watch as your shoulders tense. recognizing his voice that it returned you to sane state. hands trembling, you slowly turn around to see him behind you. just standing. you gripped the knife tightly while your body quivered like a leaf. slowly you faced him. your head hung low. ashamed from what monster you turned out to be. a monster made from your insecurities and fear.
“i didn't want to. she's going to ruin things and i'm sorry.” you explain to him. surely, he won't side with her, right? everything so wrong about it. “help.” she croaked out to get his attention and he crouches to inspect her. he clicks his tongue. shaking his head in faux sympathy. “she got you good, huh? don't worry it won't last long.” he says and then stands to deal with you.
“look at me.” he softly mutters to you. holding your soft jaw for you to look at him and you cry again. his blue eyes is enough to make you cry. everything about him makes you cry. he's too good to you. he shushes you. “don't cry. don't cry, angel.” he coos at you. wiping your tears with his thumb. caressing your round cheeks and cups your face. oh, his pretty angel. looking so good in red. the blood smeared in your cheeks suits you well.
“it's okay. i also did it when somebody looks at you the way i do. those who harmed you and i'm going to do it again.” and with a raise of his hand. the woman lying in the ground lets out a noise. a choking sound and then gurgles. you look at her. watch as the ground stained with red. the gash in her neck pours out liters of blood. “see. no one's going to harm you. i'm here for you, my angel.” kissing your forehead while the cold body of hers slowly bleed out.
“i'm yours?” you ask him. he nods. “only yours, my beloved.” gojo assures you with a smile and he melts at the sight of your worries dissipating. if only it could stay like this forever. oh, it will. he won't allow it again for someone to ruin you and doubt yourself again. “let's go home.” he says before picking you up and cradles you in his strong arms. pulling you closer to his and you placed your chin in his shoulder and peered over at his shoulder to see her dead. good for her. now she won't ruin anything. you smile in a contented manner and satoru hums. glad, his beloved is at peace in his arms.
there's the act of loving someone who is on the verge of breaking.
of how him, nanami kento managed to keep his lover at bay. the danger of someone who's mentally incarcerated. a prisoner of their thoughts that there's a day that doesn't go by without thinking of him and only him. love should be unconditional, the deep part in his brain says and nanami agrees with it.
who knew, his wallflower of a colleague can be this dangerous. he watched you from your quirks down from the littlest of it. the blonde concludes that you were no threat. your round face possessing the most innocent of looks and it looks like you could cry at the tiniest of criticism. has eyes like an angels and the tears flowing like dew drops from how they roll down your cherubic cheeks. you were every bit what nanami can think of and it's ironic how you can muster the look of it despite being caught in the act. the coldest a person is capable of.
the workplace can be toxic as it can and nanami was no stranger to unnecessary criticisms of the higher-ups from his works. it wasn't perfect nor inadequate and somehow he still get caught particularly from one who's in a bad mood and so he takes the blow off it. revise what it's needed to be revised or he can do it all again. no big deal but to certain someone who's been admiring him for months, it wasn't an excuse of a behavior.
her beloved being treated like that, it isn't acceptable. you knew how hard your beloved worked for that. he even pulled an all nighter! you stayed with him when he did that from the safety of your own cubicle and how dare that asshole to blow him off like that. not appreciating his efforts and making him redo it all again. he should be punished. no one's allowed to treat your beloved like that. he needed to learn and he's about to learn his lesson from a accident. sure, a accident. you can make it look like one.
the fucker have been staggering. it was his obvious from how he walks across from the office and is slurring and when he's near in the emergency exit with the hundred of stairs waiting for him, you followed him. no one ever noticed you and they wouldn't even suspect what you're about to do. thanks to the prescribed medication you have and the cup of coffee that did the job. caffeine isn't something you can fuck up with certain medicines.
he didn't even noticed you behind him and with push. shoving him a little to hard, he fell. rolling down the stairs like the trash but it wasn't enough. you hear the thud and soft clanging of metal and was it that something broken, a bone? you hope so. it wasn't enough but it simmered the anger boiling in your system and with a sigh, you left but before you can take a step, you notice him.
from the looks of it, he wasn't mean to be in this situation and he just walked in and seeing the blank look on his face is enough to bring you in tears. lips trembling with sharp baited breaths. now you've done it! you're a monster! a hideous being standing in front of him like a deer caught on headlights. he's going to hate you now. you just know it and you hate yourself for it.
in turns of an event, one you didn't expect. you were engulfed in his arms and nanami saying he was sorry for making you do this. that it was his fault and how much it killed him that you're harming others for the sake of him. his own creation that can't be tamed without him and you cried, a little harder. this is what you've been wanting for a long time and then, nanami starts to question his own morals.
nanami loves you, truly. that he was willing to overlook the deeds that you had done in the past no matter how grave it was all. an attempted murder of a colleague, the almost absolute death of someone who shouldn't got closer to him.
it's wrong and he knows about it all but he's long gone to get past through it when he have you. it was just a lapse of judgement of why you did that and the reasoning and the planned medication for you to tone down the impulse of hurting someone and hurting yourself, he couldn't beat that and so, he keeps you in his arms. in which you will never do anything cause you'll disappoint him.
a routine was born from it. you both agreed on it that while he works, you will be home. tending all the chores and freely being able to do whatever you want and you'll wait for him after work and he'll be on his office. signing papers and dealing presentations like a regular employee but sometimes it wasn't enough.
what if there's a coworker who flirts with him? what if he falls for them? what if he finds them interesting more than you? what if he finds attractive and will you just be thrown aside for this new woman he'll have? all these questions running in your mind and it sends your heart beating fast and your brain formulating into a hundred thoughts of how you can get rid of them who threatens your relationship with him.
you have the ring but it wasn't enough.
so when he got home, nanami sensed that you're having those thoughts again. plaguing you with every waking thought and possibility that he'll leave you cause you were too much and he wants someone stable and love isn't enough to keep this relationship afloat so he assured you. the only thing that will put your mind at ease.
“do you not want me anymore, kento?” you mutter softly. your head on his lap while he stroke your hair. moving to face him and look the sharp jawline of his in this angle and so you can see what his reaction at your question. there's a brief pause and his touch seems to stiffen up before relaxing.
hazel eyes meets your own and nanami smiles at your question. “i'll always want you, darling.” it's terrible cause you know it's not a lie and you easily melt at his words. he's so patient that no matter what question you have stored for him he knows the right words to say to you.
strange for a man to say the things that felt wrong to say to a human like you. unstable and was ready to break at any more but somehow he gets by. he's not blind to your acts. to your tendencies that is beyond normal for anyone to understand and when he sees your slowly dozing off at his touch. his voice like lullaby to you that is where the time where he will continue to judge himself. why he allowed himself to be with you but it's out of the questions. of the what-ifs and other uncertainties.
in this madness where he will stay cause he just loves you so much.
the heavy rain didn't deter you from staring at his windows. watching his silhouette move and whatever shit he was doing. with the rain drops at your rain coat and splattering you with a splash of the water, you didn't dare to move from your hiding spot. not wanting to missed the life he was living and you were contented with it.
god, you haven't interacted with the man and you're this head over heels for them when the closest you get is being able to sit a few tables behind him and you can make the every details of him. from the twitching of the scar on the corner of his lips and hear that voice of him. you were a goner.
you didn't dare to get near to him. not yet. you have a plan for it and that would begin tonight.
there wasn't anything special in this place he calls home. devoid of anything personal and it was like it has been abandoned and is a shelter to whoever hoodlum that decided to hole here but despite that it's his. in the past few months you have followed him. there hasn't been a change of his habits. disappearing for days and then comes back.
how heavenly. the apartment's a dump but your infatuation didn't mind. as a special gift and successfully infiltrating this home of his, you will be doing something special to him. you cleaned this apartment of him. inhaling the cleaned shirts of his and laid on his futon where his scent lingers. you made the most of it and then you left. with a thought that you'll be visiting him once again.
something's wrong and it was the most obvious. he got a visitor. he wasn't the most neat and can manage this dump of a apartment of his and yet, he comes home to a clean house. his laundry done. dishes are washed and neatly stacked and the trash that's been scattered are nowhere to be found. to whoever been doing this tasks to him, he made sure to thank them and he left with a smile on his face.
there's a prickling feeling in your nape. hairs rising, a sign of an impending danger and your gut tells you the same but what could happen? you're just going to visit like the hundred times you did. bask in the scent of his comforters, take what somehow valuable trinkets that reminds you of him and put them in your little shrine of him and then you would go but all your senses says that you shouldn't continue. clenching the raincoat you have on, you slowly backed away in the street whereas you can see his house and then you hear a voice.
“cancelling your own little visit, huh?”
your eyes widens at the comment and recognizing the voice where it belongs to the man who has been the subject of your love. “don't worry about it, i made a quick trip to your own and what a coincidence, i also did that.” your blood runs cold at how the tables have turned. you're the one being hunted right now.
he wasn't lying. similar to the shrine you have for him, he also had one. your pictures in similar places where you have been stalking him, it's everywhere and more detailed. close up shots of your face, your own personal belongings displayed and you think you're the one who have been going this obsession. hiding in that secret room of his of where you didn't found and you say he's predictable with his routine.
toji trails the curves of your body with his hand. a squeeze there and then a pinch while he stands behind you. his tongue came licking the scar in the corner of his mouth and then leaning to take a lick the shell of your ear. he almost shivers at your reaction. mirroring it and watch as the disbelief painted on your face.
“i'm not the only one, sweetheart. in exchange for your daily visits to mine. do you mind having you for me?” he whispers and he chuckles at your reaction. speechless as you can be. “very well. don't mind me then.”
the chunks of human flesh or whatever remains of them came splattering. a thunk then a thud upon hitting the ground. splashes of blood covering the walls and you were showered from it. the sensation of their blood to your bare skin feels like a burst of rain on a summer day. there wasn't even a tremble nor a slight quiver of your clenched fist, only a contented smile on your face having the deed done. it was a quick death for them and a quiet one. there's no pleading for mercy nor a cry, only a mumble of prayers. calling whatever deity they know or repenting for the sins they've committed. good. it should be. it's already a sin to defy geto.
they know it, of course. it was bad enough that they didn't have an ounce of cursed energy and was only good at donations and yet, it wasn't enough not what they demanded in exchange for it. the nerve on them to want more for geto and thus, the execution. it was the easiest task since you've joined geto's little family. whatever he wants, you obliged to it. it's your duty. you share the same beliefs with him and it's for a good cause. the eradication of whole non-jujutsu sorcerers will be the good of all. now, you need to focus to remove the filth of their blood clinging to your skin. you don't like when you're covered by it and be seen with it by suguru. you know how much he despises the stench of them monkeys.
there's a huge grin plastered on his face. his deep purple eyes glinting in satisfaction at what you have done. he didn't even need to order you and you're doing a good job minus the filth that is covering you. he find it scenic as he watched you above where he stand in some post. his robe moving gently along with the breeze. no one had made him feel strongly like you did and it was indeed the best decision for him to let you join in his cause.
a soft gasp left your mouth when you've seen him, standing in front of your own room. geto chuckles at your reaction. “forgive me, geto-sama if you need anything. i need to clean myself before serving you.” you say in a timid manner. aware of your unkempt appearance and the dried blood isn't so pleasant sticking in your skin anymore and you smell like death. it was embarrassing to be seen by this by geto. he dismisses your theory with a laugh. “no need for formalities, (y/n).” the way your name is spoken by him is enough to make your stomach flutter. “allow me to help you. i know how tasking it can be to rid of someone.” your face are warm by his statement. “i appreciate the thought, geto-sama but i'm covered by blood from head to toe and i don't want to taint you with it.” you said and he was quick to smile. “nonsense. you're my family and it's my job to take care of you.” he said and you loved him more than anything. “if you insist.”
the water turned a dark shade of red and then slowly turning into a muddy color of pink as it slowly disappears in the drain. you were greatly embarrassed even when you're fully submerged in the tub full of warm water. his touch electrifying to your skin and it took you a great control to not flinch and your body is covered with flaws. despite the insecurities plaguing you, you relished in his touch. it's not like every day he helps you with this kind of menial task and him taking care of you.
geto knows he have that effect on you and also to him. his gaze unknown to you is filled with hunger. it's only an excuse to touch you like this when all he wants to do is pounce on you and make you say the things you will gladly say to him. your body is now clean. devoid of any stains from that monkey and is replaced with the sweet scent of soap. you remained silent the whole time he bathed you. basking on the glow of his warmth and touch that you so deeply craved from him. “say, (y/n)....” he trails off in his sentence. you hum in response. “will you do anything i ask of you?” there's a ripple from the water when you moved. shifting and turning around to meet his gaze. “everything. i will eliminate everyone who stands in your way and will do all of your bidding. you don't need to ask. i'll do anything.” you say without hesitation. your eyes brimming with faithfulness to him and he felt a little stupid to ask you that when you're willingly offering yourself to him. grasping your soft jaw with his fingers, he look deeply in your eyes and then without hesitation, his lips meet yours and it was a deal. sealed with a kiss.
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venerawrites · 6 months
For Gaara, shino, sai, neji
A cutesy girly s/o but really great at fist fighting and overall has great strength and durable in any mission.
Like she can literally lift a whole man who harassed her and shit (maybe snap his spine into two 😔✌️)
author's note: can I just say how excited I am to finally get a request involving Neji? Like, my boy is super underappreciated :/ anyway, writing this one was so fun and I do hope you enjoy it! Thank you so much for requesting! <3
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Gaara liked you the first time he saw you.
You were so innocent and sweet looking, he was greatly surprised once you mentioned you were a shinobi.
Now, of course, he has met dozens of strong women who were excellent ninjas (such as Tsunade or Sakura), so it's not like he did not believe females could be good fighters.
But with your well-put outfit (that looked beautiful but highly impractical for fighting), soft skin, that looked free of any battle scars, and delicate hands, that seemed too gentle to be the hands of a warrior, he found it hard to believe you.
So during the Fourth Shinobi War, he gave a piece of his mind to the Hokage for letting you on the battlefield. You were supposed to be safe in the village, something he specifically asked his friends from the Leaf to ensure.
Naturally, he tried to keep an eye on you and protect you as much as he could during the battle...
But when he witnessed with his own two eyes the way you picked up one of the enemy's soldiers, lifted them over your head, and slammed them into the ground, thus resulting in their body being cracked in two, his jaw dropped.
And if possible, he found himself even more attracted to you!
So after the war it didn't take long for you two to develop a relationship, with him finding an excuse to travel to Konoha every two weeks before he asked you to move to Suna.
Now... Maybe a bit shocking, but both his siblings were definitely NOT fans when they first met you.
Temari thought you were too girly and shallow, and openly voiced her opinion that it is "ninja-wannabes" like you that give a bad name to female shinobi. Like how could you be a warrior if you are so into your looks?
Kankuro also shared her opinion, but his disapproval was based on his concern of how sincere you were about his brother. Like did you like him for HIM or did you just like his title?
Both quickly changed their opinion, once you managed to defeat Temari during a sparring match. Not only did you earn their respect that day, but it was also the beginning of two beautiful friendships.
Gaara, on the other hand, secretly loved the fact that instead of letting people's opinions get to you, you used their doubt to your advantage.
He is definitely the dominant half in your relationship - I imagine that no matter how strong you are, you enjoy being taken care of. Also, he is still a stronger ninja than you, so I don't really think he would be threatened by your strength in any way.
Gaara loves to treat you like a princess - he pampers you, buys you gifts, and lets you have anything you want.
I can't help but DO imagine him with someone who is very girly and feminine, maybe a little bit spoiled as well lol..
He would have great respect for you as a shinobi, but I feel he would still be worried about sending you on missions, so when he can he would try and send Kankuro with you.
To be honest, I don't really think he cares that much...
Like, in order to start dating in the first place, you need to know each other at least for a few years. By then he was well aware of your strength, so it was not really a surprise for him.
I think the shock element with Shino is actually falling in love with someone who is very girly and cute.
I feel he would naturally always be more attracted to tomboy-looking girls, who were quiet, reserved, and shared similar interests to him.
You were the complete opposite of that - not only your style was very feminine, but you were also loud, bubbly and were not particularly fond of anything related to insects or nature.
The fact that you were polar opposites, however, is what made you so compatible.
I imagine you would start hanging out after you were assigned a mission to retrieve some scrolls from the Hidden Stone Village.
Like I said, he would not be surprised by how strong you are, but seeing you in action during a fight would be a completely new experience for him.
He would be very impressed with your skills and would compliment them, making you blush crimson red.
I always imagined Shino as quite blunt guy, so I think he would be totally okay with sharing with you the fact that before being assigned to a mission together, he thought of you as a rather ignorant girl.
Do not get offended tho, boy just always speaks out loud his thoughts...
It would be a surprise for everyone to see you coming back from your mission hand in hand.
I feel out of all of the boys on the list, Shino would be the one who would rub his influence on you the most - after getting with him, you are more interested in joining him in his little expeditions of discovering new species rather than doing your usual Friday shopping routine.
He doesn't really like discussing work or anything relating to his missions with others, but after a drink or two on a night out, he WOULD boast about you and your abilities.
"She is both very beautiful and also an extremely skilful ninja... Of course, I feel lucky to have her, Kiba!"
His favourite thing is watching you deal with men that try to flirt with you... usually, it takes only 5 minutes, before they are laying flat on the ground. He wouldn't admit it, but he finds it rather funny.
LITERALLY the first thing he said to you after Naruto introduced you to each other was: "I find you very physically attractive and I would like to get to know you more."
You, usually pretty confident and self-assured individual, immediately started blushing, nervously twirling the ends of your hair.
What happened to "Hello?", "How are you?", "My name is.."??
He would compliment you a lot, about how cute you are, how he likes your style, and how you have to be the most beautiful girl in Konoha.
I totally see him as someone with 0 social awareness, so very probable to make you uncomfortable at the beginning.
When you got paired with Team 7 for a mission, he saw your true strength for the first time.
He always thought you were some type of sensory ninja or a medic... but definitely not a fighter. You were too sweet and innocent-looking to be a fighter.
Yet, here you were, punching rogue ninjas left and right, making them fly in the air from the impact.
Now, Naruto and Sakura pay you no mind - you have been training with them for years, and they know very well what are you capable of.
Sai, however, is utterly shocked and terrified.
Who were you and what happened to the sweet Y/N?
He would probably distance himself a bit, feeling scared that if he says or asks something inappropriate, you wouldn't hesitate to knock him out just like Sakura had done before.
You would have to be the one to seek him out, showing him that you are not a violent person and there is no reason for him to be scared of you.
After that, he would get back to his old ways of always complimenting you and showering you with gifts.
This guy is OBSESSED with you. Literally.
He would always make sketches of you, shyly giving them to you once they are finished.
He is also the only one who I see actively taking part in your hobbies, such as shopping, spa days or/and reading romantic books. Sai wants to get to know you as much as possible and he is not ashamed to be caught doing "girly" things with you.
Enemies to lovers type of story here...
While you were growing up, Neji thought that you were both very weak and annoying - probably the worst combination of traits for a person to have.
Constantly fixing your appearance and thinking more of having a cute outfit, rather than being safe, he would constantly give you side eyes and mutter degrading comments about you under his breath.
You, on the other hand, would think he was stuck up and rude, thus resulting in quite severe bickering between you two. At some point, it will get so bad, that they would have to keep your teams apart and with as little contact as possible.
For the next few years, you would have very minimal interactions with Neji (most of the time consisting of you passing each other on the street or somehow resulting in the same company during dinner).
One day you were both hanging out at Ichiraku Ramen, when a man decided to come next to you and start complimenting you. You politely accepted his first few compliments, but the more he kept going, the more uncomfortable you got.
Now Neji may dislike you, but he was raised as a gentleman and he was not about to let a lady be harassed.
He had just started walking toward you when the man tried to grab your arm and in response, you punched him so hard, that he literally flew through the wall.
Neji froze in his place, completely dumbfounded at what he had just witnessed.
You, on the other hand, just dusted your hands, fixed your hair, and joined your friends again.
He would not admit it, even way after you were already a couple, but this was the day when his opinion of you changed completely.
He started to join some of your training practices with Lee, always saying that he did not expect you to be there (he totally knew, that's the reason he was there in the first place).
He would soon start to train with you, impressed by how well you held yourself against him.
He would probably still win. Despite you being so strong, he was still the better strategist between you two.
Would totally enjoy pinning you down, forcing you to surrender though.
I imagine both of you would keep up the façade of pretending to hate each other till the tension gets too much and you just end up kissing after one of your fights.
He would totally still make fun of you for being so girly and cute looking, but now instead of mocking, it was more of a flirty teasing.
He would be very proud of you and would always watch in amazement at the way you were dealing with your enemies, but secretly, he would always be worried for you and would try to intervene in your fights and protect you.
Just like Gaara, I imagine that he would be the more dominant one in the relationship and would take his roles as your protector and provider very seriously.
His family totally loves you tbh, which would definitely boost his ego even more.
cc artwork: Joshua Raphael
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crystallinestars · 8 months
NSFW Alphabet - Kaveh
First time doing one of these, but I'll gradually make other installments for the other boys which you can find here (there's nothing there as of now, though).
I am here to spread the dom Kaveh agenda, and no, I won't accept criticism.
Kaveh x fem!Reader
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Kaveh is really good at aftercare, oftentimes pampering you after the act. After sex, he likes to cuddle and tell you how happy he is to be this intimate with you. If you’re sore, he’ll give you a massage and apologize for being too rough. Even if he’s exhausted, he will force himself to get up and fetch you anything you might need, like water or a towel.
That said, he would appreciate it if you returned the favor and took care of him, too. He won’t outright ask for it, and might even tell you that it’s fine, you don’t need to trouble yourself for him, but it would make him feel incredibly loved if you gave him a massage or helped clean him up.
Kaveh is very picky, so he wants to change the bedsheets after sex because he doesn’t like the idea of sleeping on soiled sheets. If you’re not up for it, some gentle persuasion and distraction can convince him to let it go and fall asleep in your arms instead. Be prepared to change the sheets first thing in the morning, though.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On himself, Kaveh likes his face and hair. He’s very meticulous about his appearance and takes great care of his looks. It’s important to him that he looks his best. He has clear and smooth skin, delicate features, and very soft hair. Kaveh is very proud of his looks, so any compliments you give him on his appearance swell his ego. Please give him more.
On you, he loves your breasts. Don’t get him wrong, he thinks you’re beautiful from head to toe, but your breasts hold a special significance to him. After a rough day of dealing with insufferable clients or going through another misfortunate mishap, Kaveh loves nothing more than to lay his head on your soft chest and listen to your heartbeat. He treats your breasts like a pillow, but he finds comfort in being able to rest on top of you like that, especially since he gets to be so close to your heart.
Aside from this innocent reason, Kaveh also simply loves breasts. He’s attracted to their softness, their rounded shape, and overall how feminine they make you look. Expect him to squeeze and kiss them a lot during sex.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Prefers to cum inside you (provided you’re both using protection) because he wants to avoid making a mess. Plus, he finds it more pleasurable to finish inside you while your walls squeeze around him. It makes him feel a more intimate connection to you.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Kaveh will never show them to you if he can help it, but he has a few pages worth of sketches of you naked. Sometimes he daydreams about being intimate with you while he doodles and absentmindedly draws some of his thoughts on paper. There are a few drawings of just you sprawled out in sensual poses, while others show both you and Kaveh having sex in a variety of poses or him all but worshipping your figure with his lips and hands as if you were a goddess. The sketches look really good, but Kaveh is too embarrassed to show them to you. He’ll be mortified if you saw them, but maybe one day you’ll have the luxury of glimpsing into his dirty thoughts.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Kaveh has some experience from drunken one-night stands, though not a lot. Ideally, he wanted to save himself for a long-term partner since he likes the idea of sharing his first time with someone he loves. He views sex as an important step in a romantic relationship, after all. Unfortunately, back when he drank heavily to drown out his sorrows, his inebriation made him thoughtlessly seek comfort from unfamiliar women, which usually resulted in sex.
Though he would have liked to experience his first time with you instead of a stranger, Kaveh sees a silver lining in the situation in that he at least knows how to please a woman and has confidence in his performance.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
His favorites are anything that allows him to see your face and be as close to you as possible, so things like missionary or lotus are his go-to. It allows him to hold hands, kiss your face and neck, and watch your expression contort in pleasure, which boosts his ego because he knows he’s making you feel good. If Kaveh is tipsy, he might take you against the wall with your leg hooked around his waist, but overall, he prefers to have sex on the bed or sofa where it’s more comfortable.
One of the few times he opts for taking you from behind is when he’s jealous. Kaveh will thrust into you from behind in doggy style or with you braced against a wall while standing, his arms wrapped around you to press your back flush against his chest. It’s the perfect position for marking up the skin on your neck and back so other people will know you’re taken. He has a bit of a possessive streak that rears its head when he’s jealous.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Kaveh approaches sex seriously, but that’s not to say he won’t laugh or smile while getting intimate with you. He treats sex like a special event where you become one in mind, body, and heart, deepening the love you have for one another. It’s an emotionally charged activity for him. Nonetheless, he tries to keep it lighthearted enough to ease your nerves and keep you relaxed so you can enjoy the moment as much as possible.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He’s clean-shaven down there. Kaveh prefers the smooth feel and look of being shaven, but if he lets his pubic hair grow out, they’ll be a darker shade of blond than his hair.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Kaveh doesn’t fuck, he makes love. As mentioned before, sex is an emotionally charged event for Kaveh. He bares his heart to you throughout the entire process, repeatedly tells you he loves you, tenderly caresses your body, and gives you more kisses than you can count. He’s a romantic person in general, and that carries over into the bedroom, as well.
He likes to maintain eye-contact while he makes love to you, and often rests his forehead against yours while gazing into your eyes. He also has a tendency to lace his fingers with yours during the act, especially when he’s close to climax.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Prior to meeting you, he might have masturbated once or twice a week to relieve stress. After he met you, Kaveh began masturbating more frequently. Once he fell in love with you, his desire for you grew in every sense of the word, so he often jacked off to thoughts of you. If you aren’t in a relationship yet, he feels guilty afterward for thinking of you in such a lewd manner, but he’d still find his mind wandering over to you every time he needed to rub one out.
Once in a relationship, he’ll masturbate less often since you usually help him release his lust, but if you’re unavailable, he’ll use his hand as a substitute. It doesn’t replace you quite as well, but it does the trick when he needs to relieve stress.
Kaveh makes sure to masturbate when he knows he’s home alone because despite his best efforts to stay quiet, he knows he can be vocal while jacking off, and the last thing he wants is for someone to catch on to what he’s doing in his room. He sometimes also uses the sketches he made of you to get his imagination going, which helps him come faster.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Likes to worship your body with kisses and gentle caresses, and give you lots of praise (likes to receive praise as well). Also really into giving oral, fingering, and overstimulating you.
Since Kaveh likes breasts, it’s a massive turn-on for him when you envelop his dick in your boobs. Getting him off with your soft flesh while sucking on the tip of his penis and maintaining eye-contact with him has him climaxing embarrassingly quick.
He also enjoys playing with your breasts and nipples. His hands are almost always gravitating towards your chest during lovemaking, so expect him to knead your boobs and gently pinch and roll your nipples. And please be vocal about how his touches make you feel good, Kaveh adores hearing your moans and sighs of pleasure, and gets easily aroused by them.
When he doms, he likes to blindfold you or use light restraints like his hands, belts, or scarves. Kaveh also likes light foodplay, such as placing fruits or drizzling chocolate or whipped cream on your body and then licking it off. He likes you and he likes those foods, so it's the best of both worlds for him.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Only at home, and preferably on the bed. Kaveh feels most comfortable having sex in the privacy of his home where nobody can walk in on you. As mentioned, he’s very conscious of how he presents himself to the world, and being caught by other people in such a compromising situation will mortify him. He might get handsy with you out in public if he’s drunk, but he still waits to get home before doing anything truly raunchy.
Kaveh also likes having sex on soft surfaces for the sake of your and his comfort, but he’s not opposed to taking you against a wall or table. Still, he’ll absolutely fuck you in the kitchen and the bathroom if the mood strikes and you let him.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
The quickest way to turn him on is to express how much you want him sexually. Even if your seduction technique isn’t top notch, Kaveh still falls for your charms because nothing gets him going as easily as knowing he’s desired by you. Aside from that, Kaveh also gets turned on by your sultry voice, from seeing you dressed in revealing clothing (especially if it shows off your cleavage), or when your kisses turns heated.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything that has the potential to hurt you gets a hard no from him. He absolutely refuses to hit you. The most he might try is light spanking, but even then, he still feels bad for causing you pain even if it's something you’re into. He also doesn’t like degrading you, and isn’t good at it, either. You’re very important to him, so he hates the thought of hurting you in any way.
Kaveh also isn’t into exhibitionism or choking. The former because he likes to keep his sex life private, and the latter because it could cause you harm. He doesn’t like receiving any of those things, either. He’s emotionally sensitive and takes such treatment towards himself poorly.
In that vein, Kaveh also hates the idea of sharing you with another person, so he’s against threesomes. It would make him feel horrible to see you being so intimate with someone other than him, and would trigger his insecurities and make him feel like he wasn’t good enough to please you or that you’ll leave him for another.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
As much as Kaveh enjoys getting head from you, at his core he’s a very selfless lover, and has a strong preference for burying his face between your legs and licking at your folds and clit until you come undone on his tongue. Seeing you fall apart from his mouth turns him on immensely, and he sometimes ejaculates in his pants while giving you oral.
Kaveh gets pussy drunk easily and tends to get carried away by eating you out until you’ve had several orgasms from his mouth alone. Even if you’re writhing and begging him to stop because it’s too overstimulating, Kaveh can get so lost in giving you pleasure, that he might not register what you’re saying right away. He’ll hold your hips down and spread your legs apart to feast on your dripping folds, dipping his tongue inside and sucking on your clit to make you moan. The sight of your blissful face and the sounds of your moans and gasps are too addictive for him. Eating you out is one of his favorite things about sex.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
As mentioned previously, Kaveh doesn’t fuck—he makes love. Usually, sex with Kaveh is sensual and romantic. He wants to take his time appreciating the moment, reveling in the opportunity to make love and share such an intimate experience with you. The speed of his thrusts ranges from slow to moderate, but he goes deep.
That said, he has times when he craves something fast and a little rough. If he’s extremely horny, Kaveh tends to set a faster pace, snapping his hips to yours in sharp thrusts. Other times are when he’s jealous or frustrated. In such scenarios, he usually takes a rougher approach as a way to vent his emotions, thrusting into you hard and fast, but still tries to be gentle enough so as to not hurt you.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Kaveh prefers to have longer sessions where he has ample time to worship and please your body the way he thinks you deserve, but if he’s horny enough, he’ll accept a quickie. How often you engage in quickies depends on you because Kaveh can’t say no to you. Express a strong desire to have him right here and now, and he’ll get so turned on that he won’t be able to deny you. He might complain or scold you for propriety’s sake, but he’ll still give it to you because he wants nothing more than to make you happy.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Tends to err on the side of caution, so he’s not very experimental. If it’s a new thing Kaveh thinks won’t cause either of you harm, or something he’s on the fence about, then he might agree to try something new with a bit of convincing on your part. However, if he deems it unsafe, he’ll refuse.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Tends to go for 1-2 rounds, but because he likes to take his time pleasing you, they last for quite a while. Rest assured, you’ll be thoroughly pleased. The most rounds he can go for before becoming too exhausted is 3, but that rarely happens due to how busy and tired he is from staying up late for work.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Doesn’t own any toys since he believes that you are all he needs. Kaveh likes to feel your warm touch directly on his skin which is why he prefers that you get him off yourself than with a cold, plastic toy. Toys can be fun, but he likes the intimacy of feeling your touch on him.
Kaveh is good at tinkering and crafting mechanical items (think Mehrak and the butterflies from the Darshan event), so he can craft you a vibrator or dildo in the shape of his penis if you’re into using toys on yourself.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He tried to tease you in the past by giving you teasing touches and denying you orgasm, but as you quickly found out, Kaveh has a hard time saying no to you when you beg him. It’s difficult for him to deny you in general because he’s so selfless. When it comes to sex, he would rather please you and hear your wanton moans of delight than deny you pleasure. This usually results in you being overstimulated rather than edged.
He’s not above verbally teasing you, though. Kaveh occasionally engages in some light teasing, such as pointing out how needy you are by saying, “You’re so needy for me, love. Do you want it that bad?” with an amused chuckle. He likes to tease you in this manner if you let him.
However, if he’s feeling jealous, Kaveh will show a surprising resilience to your begging. He’ll still give in eventually, but to get back at you for making him jealous (even if not on purpose), he’ll circle his thumb over your clit but pull away every time you’re close to cumming. He likes the feeling of control it gives him, and knowing that only he can give you the orgasm you so desperately want.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Kaveh tends to be louder than he wants because he has a hard time holding his voice back. He’s very vocal when he has sex, constantly letting out breathy moans, sighs, and gasps, and can get quite loud when he's really into it.
Kaveh also talks a fair bit during foreplay and lovemaking. He showers you in praises, calls you beautiful, repeatedly tells you he loves you (especially when he’s close to climax), and lets you know how good you’re making him feel. He’s not shy about communicating with you during sex and hopes you can do the same.
He would like it if you let your voice out more because your moans drive him crazy in a good way, but he’s understanding if you’re uncomfortable with being loud. Another one of his favorite things during sex is hearing you say you love him and that he’s making you feel good while he makes love to you.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Kaveh is a gentle dom! Once he’s certain that you’re comfortable with submitting to him, and he knows your boundaries and preferences, Kaveh won’t have any reservations about dominating you. He’s naturally prideful, confident, and assertive, and these traits transition well to his role as a dom.
Since he’s a giving lover, when he dominates, he aims to make you feel good. Everything he does is with your pleasure in mind because he enjoys giving you pleasure more than he does receiving it. He’s far from a pillow princess, and it wouldn’t sit right with him to lay there and accept being serviced without doing something for you in return, so expect him to mostly focus on getting you off.
As a gentle dom, he likes to hold your wrists in his hand or use light bondage on you (blindfolds or tying your hands up) or pin you down to the bed using his weight. Kaveh also gives you a lot of encouragement and praise when he dominates you, saying things like “Good girl, you’re doing so well for me” or “It’s too much? I think you can go for one more. Won’t you give me another orgasm, love? I know you have it in you” followed by tender kisses and loving caresses.
I have more headcanons about dominant Kaveh here. I will most likely write more for this in the future too when I make general nsfw headcanons for him.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Has a very pretty cock, as odd as that sounds. It’s 12cm (4.7 inches) in length and 11cm (4.3 inches) in girth. Has a pretty pink tip.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Fairly average. Kaveh usually has sex with you two to three times per week if his and your schedules allow, and if he hadn't exhausted himself with frequent all-nighters. Kaveh can’t go more than a week without sex, though.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
The exhaustion takes over Kaveh pretty quickly, but he’s good at resisting the pull of sleep long enough to give you aftercare and change the sheets. However, if you express a desire to cuddle right after sex, there’s a good chance Kaveh will fall asleep in your arms. Sex takes a lot of energy out of him.
Kaveh tends to stay up late to work on commissions for his clients and doesn’t get enough sleep sometimes, even refusing to go to bed when you ask. When he’s being stubborn like this, one of the most effective methods you can use to get him to bed is sucking him off. Kaveh will complain and protest that he has work to do, but as soon as you make him orgasm, the tiredness will catch up with him and he’ll get sleepy. Giving Kaveh a blowjob before bed is actually a great way to calm his anxious thoughts about work and get him to join you for a night of well-deserved rest.
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lesbianpuppygirl · 4 months
Yandere Butch Lesbian Boss x Fem Reader
You work a part time job at a small pet supply store, tidying the products and cleaning the animal's cages.
Your manager Dahlia (or Dahl) is an irritable woman. She tends to be short with your coworkers and obtuse customers. However, she has never once yelled at you.
Dahl has an imposing frame. She stands just above 6' and has a true bodybuilder's figure; her muscles softened by a good layer of fat. Dahl is an older butch lesbian with dark eyes, short curly hair, and an elegant hooked nose.
Early in your employment at the pet shop, you'd been warned by your coworkers, in a light-hearted manner, to be careful of getting on Dahl's bad side.
In spite of this, Dahl treats you like a beloved lap dog. Your mistakes are never as severe as others, and she even takes the time to reassure you when you become upset at yourself.
Dahl holds obvious favoritism towards you. Praising you for simple tasks and calling you her good girl.
Dahl first became enamored with you in your first week. You'd coo and talk to the mice while changing their bedding, make sure to tell Dahl good morning/evening, and smile to yourself whenever a dog walked into the store.
The catalyst of her obsession was at the end of your first workweek; you'd brought her homemade cookies to thank her for the job.
Although this certainly wasn't her first experience with hospitality, something about you- you standing there with wide, hopeful eyes as you handed her that still warm container, nervously telling her how she seems like a good boss and how thankful you are.
She saw you as a delicate thing, someone she must protect and praise. She just couldn't find it in herself to be upset at you in the way she would be at your coworkers. If you made a mess it didn't matter. In Dahl's mind, you should be pampered and relaxing all day- anything more difficult than that was an accomplishment in her eyes, and she'd never blame you for falling short.
When you told Dahl that you were attracted to women as well, her heart swelled with hope. And thus her plan to whisk you away began.
You're just a sweet little thing, someone who needs a big strong butch to take care of you.
Every time you smiled at her, rushed to her aid, or asked for her help, she fantasized about swooping you into her arms and taking you home.
One windy day, when it was too dangerous for you to bike or walk home, she offered you a ride. As you sat in her passenger seat, calmly looking out the window, she stuck you quickly with a needle, causing you to pass out.
You wake up with your ankles tied down to her bed, her anxiously sitting at your side.
Dahl? Why is she here? And where are you? Why don't you remember going into this bed? You wipe the sleep from your eyes and go to sit up, only noticing the ropes when you feel their resistance against you.
Still groggy from the sedative, you whimper out in confusion and growing fear.
"Wha-where am I? Dahl, what's-what's this?"
You tug on the ropes for emphasis, looking up at her for help. She makes no move to untie you, instead dropping to her knees beside you and grabbing your hands.
Her expression- hopeful and scared- makes you scramble away.
"Da-Dahl? Did you - why aren't you untying these? Please tell me you didn't- Dahl-"
Tears fill your eyes as you frantically search her face.
Dahl stands up and pulls you into her arms, petting your hair and holding you tight.
"Shh .... shh ... It's alright, sweet girl. I know, I know, it's okay,"
Dahl pulls back, her hands framing your tear streaked face.
"I know it's sudden, sweetheart, I know. I'll take good care of you. I won't keep you trapped here, I promise. I just- I just need you here, alright?"
You sniffle, and decide, in the haze of overstimulation and stress, to nod.
Her face lights up. Dahl sits on the bed and pulls you into her lap, laying you against her muscular chest.
"Oh! Oh, I'm so glad! I was so scared, sweet girl. I'm sorry for doing it this way, but I'll make you happy, I promise."
Maybe, you think, this wouldn't be so awful. Dahl has always been kind to you, being cared for by her, being loved by her, must feel as nice as her kindness does.
You rest your cheek against her chest.
"You promise I won't be here forever? I can see my family and friends?"
Dahl's expression softens, she presses a kiss to your forehead before speaking.
"Of course, sweet girl. Oh, my sweet girl, you can do whatever you want as long as you're with me."
thank you for reading!! I hope other people like this and that it isn't too self indulgent lol. this is my first time actually creating a character so I hope it's not too bad
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manachiichan · 6 months
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To see the world that you are so proud of...
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Synopsis: Growing up obediently following your empress' shadow, your horizon broaden the moment you met a pirate doning a strawhat who somehow ended up on your island.
Pairing: Monkey D. Luffy x Kuja!Reader, Platonic!Boa Hancock X Fem!Reader
Spoilers from the Amazon Lily and Marineford arcs. Reader is a pure sunshine who is both kind and naive. This is mostly focused on yours and Hancock's relationship.
|| One Piece Masterlist ||
|| Part 1 || Part 2 ||
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"Rejoice.. From this day and so on, you will directly serve me alone...."
Growing up, all you ever did was listen and obey those who ranks stronger than you. And that person was no other than Boa Hancock, the Empress of your island.
When your mother died unexpectedly, she took you under her watchful eyes. Being only a child at the time, you were unaware of how dangerous your surroundings were. Surrounded by the jungle and waters filled with sea kings, you will never survive.
The women were all like walking on eggshells around you. Your mother was a fearsome warrior that boarded the Kuja Pirates' ship. She was well respected by her peers and because of that, the rest treated you like a delicated flower that deserved to be sheltered.
You were a child without a maternal protection and guidance.
But after being graced by her benelovence, you grew to adore the snake princess and bow to serve her with everything you have. Hancock treated you like how she would treat anyone below her, yet in your child like mind, she was the only one who didn't see you as fragile as glass.
And to repay that, you went and learned the ways of the women in the island.
"Snake Princess, please allow me to serve your every needs! I won't hesistate to do all of them!"
"Snake Princess, I brought you your tea. Just like how you like it..."
"Please leave quietly. The Snake Princess is currently occupied and cannot see an audience."
"My empress, you seems to be slightly fatigued, should I draw a herb bath to soothe your mind and cleanse your body?"
"I'll be on guard by the door if you ever request anything, Snake Princess. I'll be happy to aid you with all of my capabilities...."
You learned and mastered observation haki at a young age as you often went and learned everything that should and shouldn't do around the Pirate Empress. After all, you felt like you owe your life to her.
But that's also when you finally saw through the mask she often wore. She has a deep fear somewhere in her heart that she tried so hard to hide, the same fear that her sisters share with her.
You kept silent about it as you thought it wasn't your place to ask. But after that, you began to see her in a different light.
Boa Hancock is much more valiantly elegant than what you previously thought. And you admire her strong demeanor in hopes that one day, you'll be like her too..
As a Kuja warrior, you strived and hone your skills in hopes of pleasing your Empress even more. You worked harder to be a better version of yourself. You became the best hunter of your tribe while fully adapting to your own snake weapon.
Hancock rarely talk to you, however, she kept you often at her side, doing her bidding.
"What is with that smile on your face?"
"I'm happy, Snake Princess. To be able to prove my worth by serving you, it's the greatest honor..."
Most women would cower under her cold gaze, but you on the other hand, was brave enough to stare back with much admiration, carrying and obeying with a gentle smile on your face. Pure genuine, you didn't fawn over her like how the rest did, nor threw yourself under her feet as she walk pass by.
Everything you do was all voluntary that she didn't even have to use her charms to force you to obey.
Eventually, your obedience lead to Hancock trusting you completely. Becoming her right hand woman, whom she could trust Amazon Lily with. She know that you will never betray her with how much dedicated you are on serving her.
You were too kind. Whenever she looks out on the window of the castle, she would often see you helping out your fellow women with a huge smile on your face. Every requests thrown at your direction, you immediately agreed on, as if rejection is not on your vocabulary.
She knew by then, that she chosen the right person to trust on.
The first time you actually met a man, was when Hancock commanded you to stay back on the island as she sails away with her sisters and the elite warriors of the tribe.
"Snake Princess, why do I have stay here? I am confident in my abilities that I won't be considered as a hinder.."
You pleaded, carefully observing her reactions if ever you annoyed her with your words. To be near Hancock, means that you have to be careful not to anger her to avoid loosing her favor on you.
"You are not ready to sail on the Perfume Yuda yet. So use that strength on keeping this island safe until I return..."
Being often near the snake princess, gave you privilage to lead your fellow warriors whenever she and her sisters are not around. They listen to your instructions carefully and proceed to do their respective chores dedicatedly.
As you were given the task of protecting the island by Hancock herself, you took the initiative of scouting the jungle along side three other woman named Marguerite, Sweet Pea and Aphelandra.
"While we're here, should we perhaps hunt a beast for today's lunch?"
You asked the trio, hoping to bring a good feast for the warriors who scouted the other areas of the island, but before anyone could respond, you all notice smoke coming from the far side of the jungle. Wordlessly, you gave the women a commanding look before running off to the source with them following behind.
And that's how you met the strange man now called Luffy.
You found him beatened and unconcious with mushroom growing on his body. Not knowing his identity before hand, your pity for the injured had allowed him to enter the village.
Allowing Belladona and the rest of the women to tend his wounds, you and Marguerite provided on sewing new clothes identical to his previous tattered ones.
Marguerite embroidered floral patterns on the vest and you sewed a new pair of clean shorts.
Until the elder, Nyon revealed his identity of being a man.
"So this is what a man look like....?"
Unlike the rest of the women who all got defensive on his sudden outburst, you on the other hand could only continue to stare with curiosity.
Because you could clearly see his intentions. He was annoyed with how the rest wanted to pull his balls of gold, how feminine his clothes were and how tense he was when weapons pointed at his direction.
Yet you can see the desperation on his eyes. His desperation to leave the island, and return to his friends, atleast from what you heard him shout.
"Wait, stop...!"
You told the women to cease all actions but it was then, their arrows rained towards his cell, forcing himself to break out.
"He is not a threat!"
"(Name) all men who enters this island must be eliminated. That is the rules given by our ancestors that is upholded for centuries!"
Kikyo scolded you. Reminding you of where your loyalty lies. If your Empress ever finds out that a man entered the island under your supervision, you knew that you'll be the one paying for the consequences.
You feared to see the disappointment, Hancock would send you once she finds out. Hate to have suddenly betrayed her trust of getting fooled by a man whom you allowed to enter in the island. And you hate to disappoint her.
But the women are willing to help you out by pretending that this had never happened. Once you capture the man and kill him, this will all be a forgotten event. Boa Hancock will never know that a man soiled her land with his filt....right?
So with a conflicted thought, you went with the rest to pursue the strawhat wearing man.
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Somehow, you found yourself being held hostaged by the same man. At first, you and the other Kuja warriors were all chasing after him through out the village, when all of sudden, he turned around to face you.
Looking through the crowd of women, his eyes landed on to your guarded ones, stretching his arm, he immediately wrapped them around you before running off.
He kidnapped you, atleast that what you thought as he made his way out to the village with you in his arms.
"I need that paper back..."
He was after the paper you found on his tattered clothes. You stared at him warily as your snake slithered from your shoulders to your arm, forming into your weapon. You hoped that you wouldn't be using it against him but you can't avoid taking that risk.
You stared at his impatient form, silently observing his every move. You can tell that he has no intentions of fighting you either.
"You mean this....? What does it do...?"
Curiosity over took your judgement as you pulled out the paper to his field of vision. Seeing the absolute relief on his face made you lower your guard a little. What was the importance of a small piece of paper with a name written on it?
"My friends and I got separated, I need this paper to see them again."
"Who...are you anyways...?"
"I'm Monkey D. Luffy. I'm a pirate..!"
He spoke with a boyish grin on his face that you couldn't help but reprocate. He kept his distance seeing how you weren't comfortable being near a man....yet. He spoke fondly of his crew.
Like how you often spoke about the Snake Princess.
"The Snake Princess rules this island, she's wary of outsiders like you, but once you see through the mask she often wore, you can see how caring she's really is...!"
"I see! You really like the boss of this place, huh..? She must be really nice then."
You didn't realized that you were talking rather eagerly like you knew him for years already until you hear his laughter. Feeling slightly embarrased that you lost your composure, you immediately went to defend yourself.
"D-don't get ahead of yourself, man! Just because I'm talking to you, doesn't mean I'll let you do what you want here... No men are allowed on this island!"
You were already getting attached to him, he doesn't seem to be a threat at all. You thought as you saved him from drowning after his attempt to make a raft.
And before you could even think about helping him escape, the defense warrior group finally found the two of you in which he decided to flee.
By the time, you caught up to him, you knew it was already too late. Hancock was already aware of his presence and had ordered for his capture after he crashed on her chambers when she was bathing.
"Where were you, (Name)?"
You couldn't face her, you could only stand behind her with her sister Marigold on your front.
"Forgive me, Snake Princess... I was out there trying to capture that man..."
Boa Hancock is a rather observative woman. She observes people who falls under her rules. She knows her worth and what she is capable of and use it for her advantage.
Imagine to her slight surprise, you weren't there to greet her return at the end of the red carpet. That was her first suspicion, you never failed to show up first whenever she returns to the Island after weeks on sea.
She got even more suspicious when every woman she came across to lied when she asked of your wherebouts. Their only replied was, you had to hunt down a troublesome monkey that involves the rest of the island's defense troupe.
So when this man appeared, she knew she has to demonstrate a taste of her power to all of the women on the island. You included. She is the Empress, and it is her duty to protect the women under her care. She ought to show an example of how truly vile men are.
You who were oblivious of how truly cruel the world is. Too kind and obedient for her liking yet she couldn't find the heart to tell you off. She wasn't blind to see the adoration on your face whenever she is nearby. Nor she was oblivious to how genuine your actions were. She can see the unwavering loyalty you shown for her.
However she wasn't expecting you to grow attached to Luffy.
She noticed how your behavior shifted to tense and discomfort seeing him fight in that arena.
"What is it, (Name)?"
"Nothing, my empress..."
She could applaud you keeping your emotions in check. However, she found herself staring at you in disbelief when your cool finally broke when Marguerite, Sweet Pea and Aphelandra step in, attempt to save Luffy.
"My apologies, but I was the one who brought him to the village. If anyone deserves to be punished, it should be me. Those three merely followed my orders."
"You know what happens to those who defy me, (Name). Why are you defending the guilty?"
Taking up the courage, you managed to look her directly in the eyes. Those cold and dull hues that holds deeper emotions within. With a deep breath, you gave her your usual smiles.
Your compassionate smile of purity.
"I was the one who allowed permission for him to enter the village, my empress. So I should be the one held accountable. Marguerite, Sweet Pea and Aphelandra did nothing wrong, so please allow me to take their punishment alone.
You pleaded them to be spared. Seeing how you are willing to take the risks of saving the girls including Luffy slightly wavered her resolved.
"....You disappointed me, (Name).."
But she is still the Empress, and she has to show her authority over the island. Knowing full well that her powers could not affect you in any way, she asked a few warriors to take you away. You who looked back at her with a dejected face.
The man wearing a strawhat look angry on your behalf. He fought bravely against her sisters, demanding to set you free as you were innocent from all of this.
"She did nothing wrong! She was only trying to save me!"
Hancock kept her composure as she watched the battle raged on. What was so special about this man that you were willingly to defend him.
You were just too kind that it slightly annoyed her. You should only reserve it to her and her people alone. Your kindness shouldn't be shown to filthy men who will only take advantage of you.
This was the first defiance you've ever done. Hancock gritted her teeth as memories flashed between her eyes, ransacking every single one, yet she didn't remember you showing any disobedience like this before.
Just when she was starting to treasure you.
Only when the battle was over, she finally understood. Luffy was kind in his own way. Is that why you defended him? Because you were aware that he was not like those men who once trespassed the island?
Luffy seems to know the secret she was so desperate of hiding, so does that means that you already know? What do you see in her now?
Only when she was finally alone in her room, was she began breaking down, silent tears fell down as she didn't want her sisters to hear. Having you by her side for years as her closest aide made her conflicted. She only kept you nearby was because of pity.
You losing your mother at such a young age. Your mother who was apart of her crew, died at sea because of her warrior pride to protect the rest. It was by guilt, your mother's death at her ship is what made her take you under her wing.
She watched you grow up into a formidable warrior serving her with nothing but pure genuine adoration. It was nothing like the lust thrown to her way by both genders whenever she was present.
It was a gaze of a child with innocent admiration. You look up to her as a person and not just someone with otherworldy beauty.
Which is why she didn't let you join her crew. Giving excuses that you weren't strong enough to travel the seas on her ship. She didn't want you to see how vicious and filthy this world truly is. Nor for people to take advantage of your kindness.
What will happen if you knew the truth? It was her selfishness that killed your mother. Her selfish orders is what caused your mother to loose her life. Will you still have the same look on your face if you ever find out her slave mark? Or are you already aware of it?
Knowing you for years, no. You would never look at her differently even after she told you her secret. But the truth? It was because of her that you grew up without your mother's tender love and care.
But even so, she gave in with her fears. Through out the years, even she tried hard to push you away with her cold atittude, you still managed to find a place in her heart.
You were patient with her. Serving her with a bright smile that herself couldn't help but grew fond of. You tolerate her bratty attitude and beauty even when she knew that didn't have any affect on you. Only you were the one who can see through her lies and stayed.
But Hancock is a selfish woman, she was drawn to your warmth that she decided to keep you close, Because she was selfish, she only wants to keep your kindness to herself.
Because being around you, she can be a regular person that people never fawn on. Not like a luxurious item that people wanted to have, but a person who has her own feelings and wants.
All she hope is that you would forgive her like how you always do.
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© manachii 2024 ~ all rights reserved. please do not repost, copy, etc. any of the works I made.
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pagannatural · 2 months
2.17 Heart
- this episode can’t really be called underrated but it makes me insane in a special and specific way that needs airing
-Dean is cleaning their guns and geeking out about how cool werewolves are, how they haven’t seen one since they were kids, and how good it is to know how to handle the situation, and Sam is teasing him. This callback to their shared childhood is important.
-Dean asks Sam their next step the way a teacher asks their student because Sam is still learning hunting from Dean. Sam answers correctly, looking like he’s trying not to smile and looks down and then up at Dean. He looks like he’s flirting. He loves seeing Dean happy.
- Madison tells the brothers that the victim was the kind of guy to hit on everyone in a five mile radius after a few scotches, you know the type, and Sam at first smiles knowingly. But then he looks over at Dean, who’s smiling his fuck-me smile at Madison, and his face falls. “Yeah, I do, actually,” he says.
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Dean’s interest in Madison (and other women in general) really bothers him in this moment.
- Dean tells Madison someone needs to stay with her in case the werewolf shows up. The moment she leaves the room Sam tells Dean “you go, I’ll stay” with this expression that seems very serious, not like he’s just wanting to be the one who spends time with the pretty woman.
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They decide to settle this the old fashioned way which is rock-paper-scissors (ro-sham-bo). Another callback to their childhood. Sam wins because Dean always chooses scissors which is honestly fascinating to me— I would have guessed Dean would pick rock because it’s the solid strong masculine option and because Sam would choose paper, but of course Dean chooses the tool, the blades. Sam grasps Dean’s arm after and his hand lingers. Again, he does not seem to have done this out of any interest in Madison, it seems like he just doesn’t want to witness Dean with her.
-This is not the face of a man who likes this woman
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It reminds me of how he acted around Sarah In Provenance. He has to perform liking her for Dean, but he never shows any signs of genuine interest. Madison even dumps a basket of delicates onto the table in front of him to fold and he scrunches up his face and moves to the couch.
- Sam observes that Madison is smart and independent and asks her why she was with a stalker, and she answers that it’s not like he introduced himself like Hi I’m possessive and controlling and I like to punch people. She also says he’s wanted by the police, and that she was too insecure to leave until she realized she could take control of her life.
Madison and Sam are set up as direct parallels. She ends up being a monster without even knowing and without intending any harm, which is what Sam fears. Also, the way she’s describing her ex-boyfriend sounds a lot like Dean: possessive, controlling, likes punching people, wanted by the police. I think Dean has a lot of very redeemable qualities and for the most part he treats Sam very kindly, but he is all those things. It’s also how Sam would describe John, who he got away from by taking control of his life. The difference is that Sam actually wants to be with Dean.
- Dean kills the first werewolf in this episode. The werewolf is dying in the street and Dean stands over him and watches him turn back into a scared and confused man right before he dies. Dean obviously doesn’t enjoy seeing a man lose his life, and it complicates his earlier excitement over hunting a werewolf. The grown-up version of this hunt isn’t fun any more.
- Dean can see how Sam cares about Madison because he relates to her, and the way he watches Sam is so tender and protective. When Madison hugs Sam, Dean watches them with such bittersweet understanding
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and then excuses himself very obviously so that Sam and Madison can fuck. Which they do. Which is just wild.
Because Sam decides to have sex with the first woman since Jessica because 1) Dean tells him to and 2) he sees this woman as the version of himself that gets to live without becoming a monster
- when Sam knocks frantically on his door, Dean opens up, knowing right away something is wrong and reassuring Sam that they’ll find her. The way that Sam runs straight to Dean’s door when he’s scared and needs help and Dean is right there without another thought is very romantic tropey.
-Sam yells at Dean because Dean’s willing to kill Madison without question but unwilling to kill Sam no matter what he does including murder. Dean looks a little jostled to be confronted by this, but I think to him it’s just so clear that Sam is a special and specific category from the rest of humanity and creation that he doesn’t see or doesn’t care about the hypocrisy. Sam is the center of his universe and his entire system of values. Everyone on earth or in hell is either Sam or Not Sam. It’s funny because Sam is like this about Dean too, but he just accepts it.
-Dean explains the situation to Madison calmly and honestly. It’s the decent thing to do, and also the difficult thing. He’s not cold or numb to the work, but he is able to handle it and keep his head as long as it’s not about Sam.
-Madison asks Sam to be the one to kill her and Dean watches Sam struggle. He’s been watching Sam carefully and protectively this entire episode.
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-She uses language so similar to the language Sam uses to beg Dean to kill him—asking for help, saying she wants it to be him who does it, “I’m asking you to save me.” She tries to hand Sam the gun.
Dean gets up at this point and stands behind Madison, his eyes on Sam as he moves, and slowly takes the gun out of her hands. This shifts the focus off Madison and solely onto the brothers for the remainder of the episode.
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His eyes stay on Sam’s as he does this, and Sam is somehow looking up at Dean pleadingly. His romantic interest is begging him for help with tears in her eyes in what will be the last moments of her life and Sam is staring at Dean behind her.
The sexual relationship between Sam and Madison is explicitly compared to Dean and Sam’s relationship. It wasn’t necessary for the werewolf character to be a woman who Sam sleeps with—the very first woman that he is with since Jessica. She’s the stand-in for Sam in this case, and Sam is put in Dean’s shoes.
The brothers go into the other room and Dean assures Sam he doesn’t have to do this, that he’ll handle it. He wants to take care of Sam and spare him this, just like he has since they were children, but he can’t this time. Sam feels he has to because she asked him, and asks Dean for the gun.
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It’s a very intentional choice that Sam won’t do this for Madison until he has to ask Dean, and that in the end it’s a conversation between the brothers that forms the emotional tension and climax of the episode. Dean did what Sam needed him to do by being the one to give him the choice: let me protect you from this or do it yourself. Before, the choice was more about Madison. Now it’s about Sam and Dean’s relationship.
- Sam looks back at Dean before he walks away, like a frightened child who needs help because he really doesn’t want to do this, but he knows it’s the right thing to do as a hunter. In doing this, Sam has played out the two things from Madison that he wants from Dean, that Dean can never give him— Dean will never let their relationship become physical, and he will never kill Sam.
The camera stays on Dean’s face as the gun goes off and the episode ends. Dean can’t save Sam from this, he can’t protect him from one of the responsibilities that comes with their lives as hunters. He’s terrified that he won’t be able to save Sam at all. The days when he could take care of Sam and shield him are over, and they both have to leave that part of their childhood behind. It’s not that Dean can’t save Sam in the end, because at the end of all of this their love for each other is what saves the world. It’s that their innocence can’t survive what’s coming. They have to grow up and face the realities of their lives. Their incestuous love for each other is one of those realities, but they aren’t there yet.
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sttoru · 1 year
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“you really should be more careful, my lady.” ayato sighs softly; he was down on one knee as you sat on a stool in front of him—his hand carefully holding onto your injured one.
you accidentally got a small cut on your thumb while cooking a dish for your husband due to you getting lightly distracted. ayato wasn’t mad at you; more concerned.
“i’m sorry.” you mumble embarrassedly, eyes glancing back at your lover, who treated you like a delicate flower that could crumble without his care. ayato put a bandage on the cut, his thin blue locks falling back in place around his handsome face as a gust of wind flew by.
“there’s absolutely no need to apologise. i simply get too worried about you,” ayato continues in a soft tone, still kneeling down before you while his eyes gaze up at yours. he always was a tad bit overprotective, you knew that very well.
as the head of an entire clan, an older brother and a husband he has many responsibilities. one of them being you; your entire being was a big responsibility to him. though, never in a negative way, no.
ayato knows there are some vile men out there that think of their wives as a burden; such men are a disgrace to society, according to his thoughts.
ayato’s parents have raised him well. he’s come to learn so much about women along the way; from how delicate and soft they are when giving their affection to their loved ones, to how strong they can stay in all kinds of situations, both mentally and physically. oh, ayato knows the strengths of a woman. he’s seen them with his own eyes. and not once do they fail to amaze him.
‘men are weak compared to women,’ that was his conclusion after marrying you. not only mentally or emotionally; but also physically. ayato doesn’t know why his body gets weak whenever you’re in his presence. his knees buckle, his hands tremble and his voice falters. the best thing about it is that you don’t have to do anything other than breathe around him for his body to go through such noticeable changes.
ayato has the responsibility of carrying the blessing bestowed upon him. the blessing which he’s determined to protect and provide for.
the blessing which he will never make the mistake of losing.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 11 months
Mihawk, Katakuri, Sanji (Gomez) and Shanks with a Morticia Reader?
-Beautiful but deadly, like a poisonous rose- that’s how many would describe you, it was also your Devil Fruit ability, growing poisonous roses that you could control, but that was besides the point!
-You were so lovely- looking like the moon against the night sky, but you were dark- almost evil looking, but you were only evil to those who perceived you as evil- mainly marines who saw your abilities as evil- as your roses killed people!
-That’s not true…fully. You could grow normal roses at will, and the poisonous aspect was something you could control, but to keep those who would do you harm out- you had to do what you needed to do to protect yourself.
-That is~ until you met (Love). He was almost instantly taken by you- you were stunning and seeing your elegance, your power- you were the perfect woman!
-This man was different compared to the other men that chased after you- but then again he wasn’t a marine, he was a pirate, as you were.
-However, you did grow to adore him, despite his odd behaviors, but to him they were normal behaviors, just like how everything you did was normal to you.
-Mihawk- Found you wandering around his island, holding an umbrella over your head despite it being nighttime. You were… stunning! Mihawk had never seen such a beautiful woman before- he paid little attention to women before, mainly because he knew they were all after his power, wealth, and reputation. You were different, you were much like him, morbid and dark, as you were all smiles when he showed you around his home, warming his heart with your compliments. He treated you like a delicate rose, but he knew that you were extremely dangerous and for some reason- that warmed his heart- knowing you could easily kill him. How exciting!
-Katakuri- Originally he didn’t know what to make of you- you were…odd, even for the Charlotte Family. He could tell that you were very dangerous if you wanted to be- but there was no malice to do him or any of his siblings any harm, at the moment. Mama adored you and your abilities and welcomed you, but some of your habits were a bit odd- you usually remained inside during the day and took moonlit strolls, enjoying the moonlight rather than the sunlight, and you found such beauty in the macabre. Katakuri never really bothered with women before you, but there was something about you- he felt like a fly flirting with a Venus fly trap, but he wanted to be eaten. Anything to spend more time by your side.
-Sanji- He initially threw you off with his affections and attention, especially after you saw that he did this for all women. However, ever since you joined the Straw Hats- just like with Nami and Robin, he always came back, coming out to worship the ground at your feet. He adores everything about you- from your dark wardrobe, your morbid sense of humor, and your ability with your babies- he looks at you like you are the most beautiful rose. He was quick to worm his way into your heart and surprisingly, once you accepted him, he stopped going after other girls, devoting his love to you and you alone, and when you return his affection- he could die a happy man if the last thing he saw was your lips coming to kiss his own.
-Shanks- If asked to describe Shanks, to put it simple you compared him to a dog- rushing to meet you when you came back to the ship, greeting you brightly. If he had a tail it would be wagging. He melts under your affection- you could just scratch the underside of his chin and he would be putty in your hands- this was something Benn totally used to his advantage. However, if Shanks feels if you have been disrespected, he turned into a demon- he would leave no survivors- commanding respect for you. Benn, Lucky, and the others were quite brutal with their teasing of Shanks, calling him whipped- and Shanks would always run to you, where you would kiss him all over his face, leaving numerous kiss marks- so technically he was the winner!
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doetic · 8 months
if you don't have much requests, maybe a yandere! schlatt with a reader who has no idea who he is. Like i can imagine the reader's friend being like "oh hey here's my friend" and jschlatt is like in deep denial of his feelings and spirals from there.
Hunger - Yan!Jschlatt x Fem!Reader
Plot: True love never comes when you expect it. Schlatt learns this firsthand when your friend who's a fan of him asks for a photo. Warnings: Yandere typical obsession, Joe from you shenanigans, online stalking, obsession, reference to masturbation. Word Count: 1275
A/n: Sorry this request got buried! It's sort of a mix of the req and my twilight fic What Lingers. Hope you like it!
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Being seen as unremarkable was not a strange concept in itself to Schlatt, after all, thoughts of how utterly average flooded his mind with every stray glance that landed on his reflection. However, when it came to other people – you specifically – he found being seen in such a dull lens a jarring experience. 
He was Jschlatt for fucks sakes, his worth and remarkability was evident in his bank account and the Youtube subscriber milestone plaques he never seemed to stop getting. Honestly, he wasn’t even sure why your indifference to his achievements bothered him. He was fed so much adoration through other avenues that sometimes he began craving the feeling of not being known. Why was he so bothered by you giving him just that?
He first laid eyes on you at the airport after a long flight home. He wasn’t sure if he had seen you before he bumped into your smaller body, perhaps his brown eyes grazed over your form and just decided to push forward on his path anyways. Regardless, he didn’t expect such a life changing event to come out of the obligatory “Sorry about that,” that absently slithered past his lips into the crowded air. 
But true love never comes when you expect it, does it?
Your friend had certainly noticed who he was, instantly rushing after him to ask for an autograph (“if he wasn’t too busy”, what a joke. It’s not as if people actually cared if he was busy or not, they were just greedy for his presence. But not you. Oh how he wished you were though). He had intended to brush her off, to say no and continue on his way, until his traitorous wandering eyes devoured a clear glimpse of you. 
Your body was being dragged along by your friend’s excited grip on your wrist, a shocked and embarrassed look dancing upon your face with a soft tone of red. You were so much smaller than him– although it wasn’t a particularly unique quality, most people were – and Schlatt couldn’t help but think of how delicate it made you look. You were in need of protection, in need of someone to take care of you. The way you were treated only confirmed his suspicions. You carelessly dragged around as if you were a ragdoll by someone who was supposed to be your friend. Despite himself, Schlatt couldn’t help but hope you were not all too delicate. As much as the idea of caring for your fragile self aroused something deep within him, he’d much prefer you sturdy enough to be pliable underneath his touch and words – a soft dough, rather than an untouchable vase. Luckily, if you were a fan like your friend who threw herself at him, he was certain you could be malleable for him. What the hell was he thinking? Where was all this coming from? Sure, he was admittedly a bit of a perv at times, but never before had his thoughts strayed this far from rationality. Schlatt scolded himself for his thoughts. You were just a random attractive girl. In all honesty, there wasn’t much separating you from being considered average – at least in comparison to the women he was surrounded by, women who profited off of looking appealing to men. He almost physically shook his head in his attempt to remove the thoughts from his brain. He had to get home fast and rest, perhaps all of this was just his exhaustion speaking. 
So, Schlatt quickly took the picture, his very soul for some strange reason feeling deflated when he realized you were the one holding the camera rather than pressing yourself up against him like your friend. It took all his restraint to not ask if you wanted a photo too, although his motives were not entirely to restrain his desires, but also to spare himself the shooting pain he’d feel throughout his body if you rejected the offer. What the hell was wrong with him? He had never been so infected by a simple look at someone before, he could feel you creeping through his blood, filling his veins. The scary thing was, although the rational side of his brain protested this sort of utterly psychotic instant attachment, the rest of his brain craved more of it like an addict. Especially the instinctual, animalistic part that nipped at the bars of its cage in the back of his consciousness. Usually it was what drove him to do vicious, underhanded things in the name of success. Why was it triggered by the sight – and oh god, the sweet smell he caught from the air when you flicked your hair behind your ear – of you? 
He had to investigate. Asking for your number would prove unsafe and utterly annoying if his got into the hands of his fans, and he didn’t trust your friend to not snoop. He supposed maybe there was a use for your friend at this fateful meeting after all. He asked her to tag him on instagram before letting the two of you leave, a calculated action that came paired with an excruciating feeling.
After that day, Schlatt tried to forget about everything that occurred. It was an insignificant event, just another fan bothering him for a picture, but the dark part of his brain was eating at the more rational parts of him, wearing him down more and more with each passing hour. He tried to avoid looking through your friends Instagram – he really truly did – but after two days had passed Schlatt realized his inhibitions were dull and faded in comparison to the aching need that threatened to consume him. It wouldn’t hurt, would it? It’d just be a glimpse. 
It quickly became routine for him to watch your movements online, it wasn’t hard either. He’d have to scold you for being so careless with the information you post. The struggling rational side of his brain weakly reminded his tainted consciousness that he’d likely never come in contact with you again, but its protests fell upon deaf ears. Even though he still couldn’t figure out the source of his feelings towards you, it was if each time he admired you he sunk deeper and deeper into his desire. Even if he snapped out of it now, the obsession he had for you was so heavily intertwined with his everyday that he’d surely just fall back into the habit of keeping an eye on you. 
Besides, if he were to stop, who knew if someone dangerous would start admiring you instead. It was easy for him to find out everything about you from information you carelessly posted onto public accounts. You were putting yourself in peril with such a carefree and trusting attitude online. You needed him – especially now that you started live streaming. It wouldn’t be long until a viewer developed a sick obsession with you, and then what would happen? But you would never have to worry about that, you had him. Schlatt would keep you safe. He would keep watching you, admiring you, making sure no one else was. He’d never ask you for anything in return either, although that wasn’t to say he was an altruistic man. He just preferred you didn’t find out about how his hands trailed down to palm the bulge that formed in his boxers at the sight of you. You didn’t need to worry yourself with any of his actions at all, he didn’t want to shock you. No, he’d wait until the two of you were married. You’d certainly want to repay him for all of the trouble he had gone through then. 
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louisianna · 3 months
I could write an entire essay (and perhaps one day I will) on how 'Furiosa' is Gothic fiction, a Gothic romance in particular, but I just need to talk about one key aspect of the relationship between Furiosa and Jack for a minute. A lot of discussion surrounding them has been about the nature of their relationship. Most people seem to love the ambiguity, myself included, and I think looking at it through a Gothic romance lens can help us understand why it works so well.
Most Gothic romances feature a heroine who is trapped inside a literal and/or figurative domestic space by a domineering man, typically a father or husband. Poor Furiosa gets both. Dementus imprisons her in the role of daughter. Immortan Joe imprisons her in the role of wife. These are restrictive domestic roles which have been forced upon her and which she cannot freely walk away from. Gothic romance is at its best when it is exposing and critiquing the cruelty of a patriarchal society and the unfair limitations it places upon women.
Furiosa evades attention by disguising herself as a boy. When Jack realises she is actually a woman, and that she is determined to leave the Wasteland, he immediately offers to help her get to wherever she needs to go. No questions asked. And what does Jack expect in return? Absolutely nothing. The trope of a good man, with experience, skill, and social standing, selflessly assisting the heroine, is quite common in Gothic romance.
Jack's words to Furiosa are never paternalistic. They speak to one another as equals. Dementus wanted to shape Furiosa in his own image, but Jack only wants to pass on what he knows. He doesn't want her to stay his protégé or sidekick. He wants her to be able to take care of herself. Until she asks him to come with her, he has every intention of letting her go her own way, leaving him behind.
Jack never comments on Furiosa's appearance. They dress as equals. Immortan Joe put Furiosa in delicate fabrics and planned to use her body for his own selfish desires, but Jack only ever touches Furiosa for her own sake. He doesn't want to possess her. He wants to protect her. He cleans and stitches up her wounds. He will place a comforting hand on her shoulder, only for as long as it takes for her to relax beneath his touch.
It's important to remember that this is a thematic tale being told to us by a History Man, a framing device which is extremely befitting of the Gothic genre. Within this legend, Jack and Furiosa's disregard for clearly defined domestic roles draws a stark contrast to the priorities of Dementus and Immortan Joe. It serves to highlight that their dynamic is free from patriarchal dominance. Whether their relationship is sexual or platonic, romantic or familial, is irrelevent. What matters is that their relationship is based upon genuine concern, deep respect, and unwavering trust. This is the lesson of their story, and it is a lesson for all to the hear. Jack does not merely represent a good father or a good husband or a good mentor. He represents it all. His character is fluid and multi-dimensional. His relationship with Furiosa is ever-shifting and all-encompassing. This allows him to be a role model to all men. But I digress from talking about Gothic fiction!
True domestic happiness for the Gothic romance heroine is only possible once she finds a companion who treats her as a peer; a social equal who gives her the freedom to choose and define the role she wishes to have in his life. It also requires finding or creating a refuge in which the heroine is safe from male power and violence. Furiosa found a more than worthy partner in Jack. Unfortunately, they didn't succeed in reaching freedom together.
Perhaps, in a less Gothic setting than the Wasteland, putting a name to what they were wouldn't have mattered so much. As it was, "my Jack" and "my Fury" was enough.
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zablife · 1 year
Drinks with Polly in the Parlor
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Requested by @notyour-valentine for my 2K celebration An Evening at Arrow House. Warning: This is a dark fic 💀
"Would you care for a glass of champagne, Aunt Polly?" you asked sweetly. You wanted to impress your husband's aunt with your hospitality, but you needed a glass of liquid courage yourself after being left alone with the imposing Shelby matriarch. The silence which had already grown between you was terrifying and made you feel like a failure.
She turned from the mirror where she was checking her crimson lipstick, one perfectly manicured eyebrow arched in your direction as she replied coldly, "Champagne is for celebrations, my dear. I'm afraid a toast seems woefully late considering your nuptials took place weeks ago. Wouldn't you agree?"
You could only blink in shock. It was true you and Tommy had eloped without a single family member present to witness your vows, but he assured you it was the done thing. This was his third marriage after all and you agreed a lavish affair would be inappropriate, especially given the fact that he divorced his second wife less than a year ago. Surely Polly understood all this? Then again, the withering glance she gave, proved otherwise.
"I'm sorry if we've offended you..." you began.
Polly waved off your apology before you could finish, crossing to the bar to pour her own drink. Like Tommy she preferred Irish whisky, neat and she sipped it slowly as she looked you up and down carefully. A small smile began to form on her lips as she noticed the abundance of diamonds caressing your delicate neck.
"It's not you or I who should be apologizing. My nephew can be a careless man," she hummed, smile quickly fading as she stared at her own reflection once more, seeing something which obviously displeased her. "I always thought he favored his mother, but he is so like his father at times the way he treats the women in this family."
"Excuse me?" you asked, twisting your fingers and wondering what could be keeping Tommy. You were beginning to feel uncomfortable with the turn in conversation.
She chuckled darkly as she stopped in front of you, her hazel eyes dancing with a manic energy that made your stomach drop in anticipation of her next words. "I died for him once. Did you know that?"
You swallowed thickly and shook your head, fingers now clutching the cool metal at your throat as if it might make your husband appear more quickly to save you.
"It's alright, I escaped the noose," she assured you, lowering the volume of her voice to that relegated for the telling of secrets. "Climbed through it like a window to the other side. And I found you can do anything you want cause there are no rules, cause there are no risks. When you’re dead already, you’re free," she whispered as though she was imparting wisdom you might find useful one day.
"He did me a favor really," she mused. "Now I'm the one protecting this family because I'm the only one who can see it all clearly. My second sight keeps us safe, you know." However, you only heard the rantings of a madwoman and your body began to tremble involuntarily.
"Oh, darling. You're shaking," she noted, reaching a hand out to steady you. Her fingers grasped your forearm, nails digging in like talons, and anchoring you to the spot. With saccharine sweetness she cooed, "That's a beautiful necklace," drawing out the vowels in beautiful until it sounded like a taunt. "What does a woman like you have to do to earn a bauble like that?"
"T-tommy chose it on our honeymoon because he loves me," you stuttered, eyes searching hers for a sign she would release you from this trap you'd unwittingly fallen into.
"Diamonds," she said reverentially. "Goodness, you are special then, aren't you?" she couldn't help but add sarcastically.
"I should hope so," you answered in a defiant tone you could no longer hold back given her blatant disrespect.
Her hand slipped from you and you took two steps backward as she smirked. "You know it was sapphires for Grace. They represent wealth and abundance so that suited her I suppose. Rubies for Lizzie, all vitality and passion. But here you stand wearing diamonds," she pronounced.
Feeling the clasp of the necklace dig into your skin in the same painful way Polly's nails had clawed against your arm, your irritation grew. "And what does that mean?" you demanded. Your unease caused the gems to weigh down upon you like bricks. You tried to inhale deeply, but found it difficult to draw breath.
"Some say eternity," she answered in amusement before turning her concentration to your neck. A cackle erupted from her lips as though the idea of your union was a complete joke. Your anger mounted along with the suffocating feeling, closing your throat so you couldn't scream or reply.
"Others say invincibility," she added. "But that's not what you two have. I can see it in the air around you. I know what you are," she proclaimed, eyes narrowing at you hatefully. She closed her fists tightly by her side, knuckles white from the force. And that's when you felt the crushing grip at your windpipe. You fell to your knees, hands flying to your throat, ripping at the necklace or whatever phantom force seemed to be cutting off your air supply. As you rocked back and forth spluttering and choking, Polly stood over you triumphantly.
When Tommy came looking for you in the parlor, Polly sat sipping her whisky calmly on the sofa. His eyes immediately darted to your tear stained face as he heard your hiccuped sobs coming fast between uneven breaths. "Y/n?" he called to you in panic, crossing the room in quick strides before Polly held up a hand for him to stop.
"She has something to say, Tommy," she announced, looking to you expectantly.
Tommy furrowed his brow in confusion as his foot came to rest over something small and hard. Stooping to retrieve the object, the hurt became evident on his face as he surveyed the floor where your beautiful necklace lay in ruins, a constellation of diamonds cast over the carpet.
As the jewel winked up at him, he looked from his palm and back to you as you stood, wobbling slightly from lightheadedness. "I've made a terrible mistake," you sobbed, brushing past him and running from the room with the urgency of someone fleeing their own execution.
Before he could turn to follow, Polly's eyes flicked up to Tommy's, holding him motionless within her hypnotic gaze as she promised answers. "Perhaps now she'll tell you what she really wanted here because it was never you, my boy."
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trashogram · 2 months
Just caught up on your blog XD though I must ask; Benevolent sexism? I haven't heard of that before. What do you mean by that? (I'm not offended or anything. I'm just curious)
Hiya! Benevolent sexism (which I consider an oxymoron even if it is technically a thing) is basically the mindset/practice of viewing and treating women in a way that may seem positive but in truth undermines women. It’s the belief that men need to protect women, see women as pure beings that couldn’t hurt a fly, and are inherently traditionally homemaker-oriented and not proactive by nature. It’s like the tradwife aesthetic kinda.
Since WFRR is set in the late 40s, women were kinda being pushed back into the traditional homemaker role after taking on jobs while men were fighting in WWII. R.K. Maroon himself says of Jessica “his [Roger’s] wife’s poison but he thinks she’s Betty Crocker”. It seems like women were viewed more positively when within domestic fields or seen in a motherly, nurturing, caretaker-who-doesn’t-dominate capacity only. I personally don’t mind exploring the implications of this in the Fem!Reader/Toon Patrol fanfic-verse where, while toons are discriminated against, they still have similar attitudes towards women as humans do. They’d view Reader as someone delicate, in need of protecting and fawning over, and someone that shouldn’t be involved in their business bc it’s “too dirty for a lady”.
It’s not equal treatment. It’s “gentlemanly”.
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jasminewalkerauthor · 3 months
Trope chats: Femme fatales and damsels in distress
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The tropes of femme fatales and damsels in distress have been enduring elements in literature, reflecting and shaping societal attitudes towards gender roles and expectations. These archetypes, while seemingly polar opposites, share a complex relationship that transcends the surface narrative. In this essay, we will delve into the origins, appeals, evolutions, comparisons, and societal impact of these archetypal characters, exploring how they mirror and influence the societies that create and consume them.
The femme fatale archetype emerged in early 20th-century literature, embodying a seductive and dangerous woman who uses her charm to manipulate men. This archetype taps into societal fears of female empowerment, challenging traditional gender norms. The allure of the femme fatale lies in her ability to wield her sexuality as a weapon, destabilizing the male protagonist's control and agency.
On the other hand, the damsel in distress archetype dates back centuries, portraying women as helpless and in need of rescue. This trope capitalizes on the societal ideal of women as delicate and dependent, reinforcing traditional gender roles. The appeal of the damsel in distress lies in the hero's journey, where the male protagonist's valor is showcased through his ability to save and protect the vulnerable female character.
Over time, both archetypes have evolved, reflecting changing societal attitudes towards gender. The femme fatale has morphed from a one-dimensional seductress to a multidimensional character with agency, complexity, and sometimes sympathetic motives. Writers began subverting the trope, providing femme fatales with backstories and motivations that challenge simplistic notions of good and evil.
Similarly, the damsel in distress has undergone transformation, with modern literature introducing empowered and resilient female characters who actively participate in their own rescue. This evolution reflects a shift in societal expectations, acknowledging that women can be both strong and vulnerable, active participants in their destinies.
The femme fatale and damsel in distress serve as contrasting symbols, representing opposing views of female agency and vulnerability. While the femme fatale challenges patriarchal norms by using her power, the damsel in distress reinforces traditional gender roles by embodying vulnerability. These archetypes exist on a spectrum, with characters often incorporating elements of both, highlighting the complexity of female representation in literature.
Literature has the power to shape and reflect societal attitudes. The portrayal of femme fatales and damsels in distress can perpetuate or challenge gender stereotypes, influencing how readers perceive and internalize these roles. The evolution of these archetypes mirrors societal progress, showcasing a dynamic interplay between literature and cultural shifts.
Moreover, these archetypes have real-world consequences, contributing to and perpetuating gender inequalities. The repeated exposure to stereotypical portrayals of women in literature can reinforce harmful societal norms and expectations, impacting how women are perceived and treated in everyday life.
The tropes of femme fatales and damsels in distress offer a rich tapestry for exploring the intricate dynamics of gender in literature. As these archetypes continue to evolve, writers have the opportunity to challenge and reshape societal attitudes towards gender roles. By critically examining the appeals, evolutions, comparisons, and societal impact of these characters, we gain insight into the complex interplay between literature and the cultural narratives that shape our understanding of gender.
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