#{ eyes of an angel } wrenn
soraeia · 1 year
Pretty bird~ pretty bird~ pretty---
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pretTY pRETT̷̢͙̄̎Y̵̛͚͛̒̓̌͆̃̚͘͝ ̴̡̮͇̣̹͎̹͎̓̑͗͋ͅB̴̛͓̫͔̅̈́͆̑̎͌̑́̓̿͂͜͝I̷͍̹͚̝̖͒̃͊̑̍͝Ŗ̴̯̻̰͖͈͙͇͔͚̗̺͖̤́̍̀D̶̨̛̪͇͓͉̩͖̜̬̥̪̣̣̈́͐̄̆̆̉̇̂̐̊̽̌͠
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desiderium-eden · 1 year
In Wrenn’s duffel bag…Lazuli may find. A platypus. Wearing a spikey collar. Say hello to Peppercorn!
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"??? What...?"
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"Waaaah~! Who's this???? I love them." She's just gonna scoop Peppercorn up. But not snuggle or kiss yet. Not without the platypus' consent. "When'd you get them? Do they like treats?"
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lillslillslilly · 5 months
Chapter two
She had spent the last fourteen hours kneading dough and mixing batter and rolling out mix until her hands locked, her head was light from dehydration and her stomach was practically screaming for something consumable. Though every millimetre of her five-foot-three self was monopolised in a dull ache from the uninterrupted production of baked goods, Maxine was glowing with relief, disbelief and reward at the milestone she had just accomplished.  She was not phased by the agonising hunger and thirst that her body desperately called out for; instead, it brought a subtle sense of peace, of solidarity to her mind, in tandem to the playlist of soft songs levitating from the speaker in the corner of the bakery, like an energy or an aura.
Positioned above the checkout area, the glass display case exposed a heavenly stash of perfectly browned croissants, glazed cinnamon rolls, an array of stacked cookies and chocolate-chunked brownies, buns and a clique of other devastatingly beautiful pastries and doughs. Shelves encompassing the store accommodated sourdoughs, whole wheats, ciabattas, baguettes, paninis, ryes… individually wrapped in some sort of cellophane material, accompanied by a little red ribbon holding it in place. A freshly polished glass casing lined the centre of the back cherry-red wall, occupied by several fresh pies – cherry, blackberry, peach, pumpkin, apple – each one satisfyingly golden and crisp. Pies were always Maxine’s favourites to make; she enjoyed watching them bake, fruit bubbling, seeping through the flawlessly measured lattice on top, eventually settling, leaving a dye of colour around the pastry. Below the array of pie, still filling the casing, lay angelic looking, soft to the touch, heavenly tasting cakes (two teared with a generous layer of butter icing between tears and coating the top of the exterior): Victoria sponge, triple chocolate, red velvet (the greatest creation in the whole world in the eyes of Max) and coffee and walnut. Depending on which she believed would suit best to each specific cake, Max had dusted them with either silver or gold edible glitter – very lightly as if it was from a fairy. The interior of the bakery also looked as though Maxine had waved a magic wand over it: everything was pristine, perfect. The magnolia walls hung paintings of all sorts of baked goods – paintings her best friend had created for her throughout their friendship ready to store in the bakery she always dreamed of, and so she had kept every single one from over the years for this exact purpose. Crimson, cursive LED lights hung above the checkout counter read ‘welcome’ to match the single red wall hosting the pies and cakes. Earlier in the week, Maxine had purchased two small, rounded, metal tables with shiny, metal, basket-like chairs for customers to eat-in. A few cans of red spray paint and an afternoon of DIY later, she had a small seating area to compliment the red theme that she had been going for. And of course, weaved around the legs of the tables and chairs, and among the sides of the checkout counter were fairy lights.
She was finishing writing products and prices on the colossal chalk board that had earlier been fused to the wall, when a faint but familiar knock presented itself at the door. Behind it: her best friend with a face full of excitement. This was the first time that she had let Wrenn see the bakery; the finished result. She wanted it to be perfect before she let anybody else see, not even her best friend, and now it was.
“Holy shit,” Wrenn gasped as she bounced inside of the store, encouraging her roommate to move to the side. “You did it, like actually. God, it’s just how you described it when we were younger.”
She’s looking around now, spinning in circles, her eyes fixing onto all the different views of the room, occasionally humming with agreement. She giggled at the sight of the fairy-lights knowing that Maxine could not and would not resist incorporating them into the design somehow. Amused, she paced around, letting her eyes bring in all of it.
Then she paused, frozen, glaring up at the paintings on the magnolia walls. She was silent for a moment (which was an unheard-of event for ‘Miss talks-a lot’), as she processed the familiar artwork that lay before her eyes. Wrenn herself broke the silence after gathering her thoughts with a near whisper, “You kept them? ALL of them?”
“Of course I did.” Maxine chuckled in reply, gently caressing the signature, Wrenn’s signature, at the edge of one of the canvases with a chocolate cupcake painted onto it.
“I said I would put them in my bakery, so I have. Besides, I think they bring the whole look together, you know?”
After few soft smiles were exchanged between the pair, Maxine found herself being tackled into a bear-hug, both girls still giggling like teenagers at a sleepover.
“I am really, really, really proud of you Maxie.”
“You are?”
“I am.”
It was starting to get darker earlier, October in the UK and all, and colder too. The bitter air bit at the girls sharp forcing Max to wrap her wine-red scarf around her, covering her nose and mouth. She was aware that it would be a late finish and a cold evening, so she had worn her black trench coat too. Maxine had never really minded the cold weather because she argued that one could always layer up to stay warm or drink a hot drink or tuck yourself in bed, and instead hated the summer. Wrenn always gave the opposing argument that summer in the UK was pathetic: it was barely hot, rained a lot and only lasted a few weeks.
“You’ll love summer abroad. We could go to Spain! Or Los Angeles! Or Portugal!” She’d say.
“We could lay in the sun and get tans and drink martinis.” She’d say.
“We can cool off in the pool and wear our bikinis all of the time.” She’d say.
But Max did not want to go to Spain or Los Angeles or Portugal. She did not want to lay in the sun. She did not want to drink martinis. She did not want to cool off in the pool. She did not want to wear her bikini all the time. And she certainly did not want the summer, though she agreed with her because that’s what friends do. However, she’d rather be curled up by a fireplace with a blanket and a book, some fairy-lights and candles glowing, a coffee, and rain splatting the window: undisturbed. That was what she wanted.
They had been strolling back in the direction their apartment for a while discussing their plans for the rest of the evening. Eventually, the two decided that they’ll stop at the coffee house that resides just beside their apartment block and then they’ll order a pizza and watch a movie to end their day. ‘10 Things I Hate About You’ was their final decision for the movie after a pointless debate on what to watch – this settled right in the middle of their choices: romance and comedy. Perfect – it was also one of Maxine’s favourites, so she felt as though she had still won regarding deciding the film.
‘LIVE LOUNGE COFFEE’ was quite vintage, classical from the outside. The exterior was a deep brown with vines growing along the wood like veins. It seemed quite tiny, secluded and still from the outside. It seemed untouched. Why had it taken them both so long to investigate this coffee house? Maxine especially had become dependent on caffeine, so why has she not visited the coffee house that is quite literally attached to her apartment? In a way, it never really crossed her mind; she hadn’t even fathomed that there was a coffee house attached to her apartment until Wrenn’s mentioning of it on their walk home. Better late then never though, she thought.
Wrenn pushed the door open into the shop, which was rather heavy so this must have been an old shop as they figured, and stepped in, Maxine close behind. She was taken by surprise – this is not what she had thought the interior would look like: it was so… modern; unique? Sofas of mix and matched colours and sizes and an additional similar array of armchairs consumed a lot of the interior. Bar stools and taller tables were dotted around two large speakers which outlined a stage-like area towards the back right hand side of the room. Nothing matched except the walls which were all white, however they were plastered in a series of different quotes and posters. Max was a perfectionist: everything she ever worked on was thought about so particularly for it to be perfect. She needed that control. This was nothing like that. This was unorganised and randomised… so why did she like it?
“Hmm, comfy,” she whispered under her breath as she untangled herself from her scarf, to which her friend turned to her with a facial expression of a mix of surprise and satisfaction.
“Coffee, a beverage that smells like fresh ground heaven,” Maxine read from one of the quotes on the wall to her left. “Amen to that.” Her eyes took one last stroll around the interior of the coffee house until they locked with an unfamiliar pair across the counter. She’d been so caught up with the interior that she hadn’t realised how empty it was, except this pair of forest-brown eyes connected to hers.
“Good evening. How are you?” spoke a soft voice – a soft voice that she did not recognise as her own, nor her best friend’s. A beautiful voice. An angelic voice. A calm voice. It was like music to her ears: blissful and sweet, but soft like feathers.
She realised she was still maintaining eye contact with this person’s exquisite set of russet eyes, and she felt herself burning up, turning red. She swallowed and quickly looked down at her feet. ‘What the fuck is happening?’ she thought to herself. Taking a slow and quiet deep breath Max repositioned her eyes once more, desperate to see the owner of the eyes she had connected with. Her muscles tensed and her breathing fastened. Her once blistery cold skin was now forming beads of sweat as she warmed up against her coat.
She started at the bottom so she could avoid the trance those eyes put her in. They wore a clearly loved pair of Doc Marten boots (she could tell from the frays and the scratches that consumed them), shiny and laced all the way to the top of the ankle. They connected to a pair of black jeans pulled over a long pair of legs. Her eyes glided up to their hips, flawlessly curved, falling into a petite waist shaped by a small apron pulled around it and tied with a bow. Her breathing heavied again, falling irregular now. After a moment of trying to collect herself, she continued her eyes on their journey up, analysing this stranger. One of their hands sat dominantly on their waist while the other was twirling the end of one of two long, midnight black braids, which reached just above it. There was a smooth, shiny coat of amethyst purple painted across their nails without a single chip and each of their fingers had a ring, some even having multiple, except for their thumbs and their wedding finger which remained empty. Each ring was a different colour, shape, style to the last – they were mix-matched like the furniture; Maxine shocking liked it, like the furniture. Her eyes were fixed for a second, until eventually continuing their investigation to their arms and shoulder, which were covered by the cotton sleaves of their black long-sleeved t-shirt. Around their neck dangled one singular silver necklace connected to a small charm of the initial ‘V’, which hung in the centre of their chest. Her eyes continued searching, flowing up their goosebump-covered neck. Was she cold? Was she nervous? Max was nervous. Three silver hooped earrings were situated in each lobe and an industrial bar, also silver, positioned itself diagonally at the top of their left ear. Wrenn and Max always debated silver or gold jewellery and she was always team silver; she assumed they were too. Her eyes proceeded to progress down their jawline, to their lips, which were coated in a thin layer of clear lip-gloss, smiling a toothless smile in her direction. Their lips were so full, especially the bottom one – perfectly plump and a rich rose shade. Their lips were flawless, so her eyes fixed onto them longer. Her hands stated to grow sweaty now, and she could feel her skin turning a raspberry shade of red again. Slowly, she inhaled another silent breath hoping to slow her racing heart or at least somewhat cool her down as she started at their lips. Eventually, she pulled her eyes up once again, resuming their travel to a nose ring – also a silver hoop (assuming to match with the lobe hoops) though it is thinner and smaller. Circling around the eyes she once connected with to avoid it happening again, they analysed the arch in their eyebrows, the perfect shape and the bar of jewellery that ran through the one on the right-hand side. Eyebrow piercing? Hot. Those luscious set of brown eyes caught her attention once more and again she was completely monopolised by them. Her breathing was out of control this time and her heart almost jumped out of her chest. Why does this keep happening? She began to get flustered. Her coat was becoming a real issue – it was too hot in here. It was almost like she was out of her own body, like she had no control. She was captivated by those eyes. She inhaled one more time and led her eyes down the long wing of eyeliner running down their face and finally closed her eyes.
“Fine, thanks. How are you?” a voice answered. It wasn’t her voice. It continued, “Wait, are you guys open?” Once she finally had her breath back, Max opened her eyes to look at her friend, who was smiling softly at the stranger behind the counter with the capturing eyes.
“Yeah of course. What can I get you?” the stranger’s soft, feathery voice spoke again.
“A green tea, please and…” she turned to look at Maxine, who had not digested any of the words that had been spoken since they entered the coffee house. She flinched, snapping out of her thoughts.
“Hmm?” she mumbled to Wrenn.
“What do you want to order?” she questioned, nodding her head towards the stranger behind the counter.
“Oh, erm. A coffee, black,” she spoke under her breath, almost a whisper. Wrenn was looking at her again now but with an expression that she wasn’t familiar with. She broke eye contact and returned her eyes to her feet. She felt fidgety, pressing on the skin around her fingernails behind her back.
“Do you want some sugar with that, darling?” the feathery, angel voice sung out once more. Max froze, her eyes still fixed onto her Mary Jane black heels. Shit, do I want sugar? No.
“Erm, yes please.” She answered.
“How many?”
“Just one please.”
What the fuck.
The only sound in the room now was the stranger making the girls’ drinks, Maxine’s heavy breaths and pounding heart, although she hoped she was the only one that could hear those last two things.
After a couple of silent minutes, the stranger comes over with the drinks and hands them to the girls, reinforcing the uncomfortable eye contact that Maxine so desperately avoided, yet so desperately craved.
“Here you are,” she smiled as she handed Wrenn her tea, followed by, “there you go, sweetie.”
What the fuck.
Maxine nodded, still maintaining eye contact, however her breathing was becoming more regular now. She still felt like melting on the spot, but she was calmer and so now she just admired the face that she had analysed a few short minutes ago.
“Pretty quiet night for you I’m guessing,” Wrenn voiced.
The stranger hummed in agreement, and Max wasn’t the one to break the fixed eyes this time. The stranger let out a gentle chuckle. “Yeah, I suppose we don’t get many caffeine hungry people this time of night. They won’t sleep.”
“Yeah, I suppose you’re right.”
Back at their apartment, Maxine released a slice of pepperoni pizza from her grip, flopping it back into the greasy inside of the box she had previously taken it out of. She thought that after having all but a croissant today would mean that she would have devoured more than two slices, however her mind was running and therefore her appetite was pretty low. Usually, she would be irritatingly reciting the script of the movie playing in front of her, however today it was merely background noise to her seamless thoughts. In a loop, her mind projected images of those piercing eyes from the coffee house, then to those lips; to the hands and then the waist; to each of the piercings; circulating back to those poisoning eyes – a never ending cycle. But why, why was this happening? Did she really care that much? Did she even care at all? Why would she care? She doesn’t care. Why is she so fixed to this?
An elbow interacted with her hip, sharp but not painful.
“Right, what’s wrong?” Wrenn said looking to her. “You’ve been radio silent since we got in.” It’s true, she had been, though she hadn’t realised; her mind had been on the loudest volume distracting her from noticing.
“Nothing,” she began, “Well, I don’t know. Maybe I’m just tired.”
“Right okay…” her friend spoke, holding onto the tune of the last word, followed by a short hum of thought. “So, I take it that this has something to do with what happened downstairs?” And she could read her like a book, apparently. Maxine didn’t even bother to deny her behaviour – her friend saw right through her, and she knew that from the second she asked what was wrong.
“How bad was it? God, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“I mean, you were bright red, fidgety and protruding Darth Vader breaths when she called you ‘darling’ so…” Wrenn went quiet, trying to decide carefully her next words to not stress Maxine out any further. She did eventually chime back up, “I don’t think she noticed though, maybe I just did because I know you so well. It wasn’t so bad. Actually, I think it’s rather sweet.”
That did not offer Max any clarity whatsoever. She swallowed down the last of her coffee and nodded in agreement, though Wrenn knew she wasn’t convinced.
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fairyysoup · 1 year
10 songs, 10 people
i was tagged by @morvantmortuary my beloved 💕
Rules: put your song library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that come up
1. scrawny - wallows
2. close your eyes - kim petras
3. starstrukk - 3OH!3 feat. katy perry
4. ride the lightning - metallica
5. your friends like me better - wrenn
6. angel eyes - new years day feat. chris motionless
7. monstrance clock - ghost
8. brand new city - mitski
9. give me a minute - lizzy mcalpine
10. everything's fine (nuke song) - roe kapara
so uhhh
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tagging @maximoffwxnda @bigtiddythanos @lafemmedezemo and anyone else who wants to try it 💕
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beastofhearts · 1 year
So.... March of the Machines
Overall I really liked the story even if there were moments when I thought certain narrative elements seemed rushed or had little payoff. I think if this was a saga of books with time and space to explore each plane defenses, the angels power, the characters on themselves and phyresia/phyresis, then most of its problems would disappear. But we did not get that and the writer did an amazing job on each of this chapters.
As its difficult for me to put proper order to my toughs with such a massive event happening all at once, i’m gonna go by points under the cut. Spoilers ahead ... also be warned this is very long
1) I liked the reasoning on why Phyrexia was having a harder time in some planes than others and I think there are subtle hints trough the side chapters to see it: they lost the advantage of playing on their home-field and don't know what to expect in most of these planes (+ it play with Norn hubris)
But that doesn't mean Phyrexia was “easily defeated” by any means. A few characters point out that they just bought more time for the planes and that's key in this battle. If given enough time Phyexia would end up winning simply because their numbers are infinite and relentless; they don't get tired and don't require food or drink. Sure, the elder dinosaurs beat down Etali, but Etali WAS an elder dinosaur and got completed regardless...  To me there is never a sense of victory in the side stories -except the last new capenna one-, but one of a respite and a dime hope.
Im also aware that im “trapped” in one or two points of view. So, for example, while Nahiri was defeated and the skyclave broke, Phyrexia’s forces continue to advance over the population in Zendikar. They continue to loose lives, cities and heroes, we just dont see it hapenning (like Omnath and Brimax for example)
2) THAT BEING SAID. I was disappointed we didn't see any of the team ups from the cards. Not only because they look cool as fuck but because they reflect how much of a threat phyrexia IS that unlikely alliances need to be created for a chance of stopping the invasion. 
I dont mind that not all of the “heroes” came to New Phyrexia at the “Avengers” style like many were hoping for. It wouldnt make sense to leave their planes unprotected like that, but we could have had a glimpse of Thalia and the Gilgtrog monster in a side story. Just a quick mention. Something! Its very minor, but I was excited about that.
3) On that same line of tough and maybe even more important to the story... many of our named and biggest foes were defeated in a blink of an eye; seemingly easy and unimportant. Atraxa had a whole chapter where she struggles and rages against the idea of beauty from New Cappenna. It was incredible to read how her phyrexian mind could not wraps something that used to be important to her. I hoped they go somewhere with it....and then she is just crushed under a building.
Listen, I dont mind some random person killing Vorinclex. Sometimes its not the heroes with their might and magic who get the job done, but the ordinary people who step against impossible odds with nothing but their hands. I really enjoyed and cheered on when the Mirrans stepped up to get Wrenn to Realmbreaker because they went from being just “people to be killed to showcase the danger/horrors of the battle” to people who have will and motivation besides staying on the shadow of the planeswalkers. 
So, to me, is not who killed Vorinclex, but how was it done. Why Nissa was having so much trouble with him in “All will be One”, if all she needed was a sword and some distraction? Helliod is another big example here. I would have liked to see more cooperation from the different characters to take them down.
4) Speaking of the praetors... I think Urabrask and Sheoldred should have been bigger in this story. If in-fighting is one of the causes for Phyrexia falling, then this two should be more at the front of it so the ending doesnt look as sudden as it was. I know in “ONE” we see the revolutions and Sheoldred agents fighting in the Basilica but I dont think its enough.
5) Consequences. Consequences. Consequences. What a complicated topic. I saw many people on twitter said that there was no real consequence to the story while others were glad or angry that their favorites were cured or killed off. I’m mostly okay with what we got but i’m afraid of how it will the planeswalkers will handled afterwards.
I liked that Nissa and Ajani were cured from Phyresis after Tamiyo and Lukka were killed. I think it showcases how messy times like this can be and how unjust it can feel. Of course they had to kill them to avoid more slaughter but I wonder if Kaya, Kaito or the Wonderer will ever think about the fact that Tamiyo could have been saved if they just had given her more time. (And I need to mention: I dont like that Tamiyo gets to stay indefinitely as a spirit, I think it takes from the original heart break)
I also like that even if it took Mellira’s life and Karn spark, both planeswalkers still carry the metal as a part of them. They dont simply come back as they were before like nothing happened, its impossible to pretend so. I also think it was smart to use and remove this method from the table (I find it beautifuly ironic that the “Living cure” died after New Phyrexia was sealed away. Her death still hurt so much) ... at least I think it was, since we dont know of any other healer of the same capabilities. 
Im not sure what to say about Jace and Vraska. Like I think they will not be un-compleated but probably wont be in stasis/mind control either. I hope details on what happened with Jace come with Aftermath
And that leaves us with... Nahiri. I hoped she stay in statsis for longer to make Mellira’s and Karn sacrifice more grandiose and significant. But sadly the Aftermath box art confirms that she is alive and walking with not-swords for hands. Like ... I cannot comment because I do not know, but uh WHAT HAPPENED?
Still, I think the destruction Phyrexia caused to multiples planes is enough consecuence for me and we may even get more in aftermath! Not to mention the chance at character exploration this brings. I love to read headcanons after events like this.
Anyway. 8/10 for me!
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themovieblogonline · 2 years
The Correct Opinion on Jordan Peele's NOPE
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This week we’re diving into the arrival of Jordan Peele's Latest movie NOPE. Was this a good movie? Will this movie be loved by critics and general audiences? Is this another great entry into horror by Jordan Peele? All this and more in this episode of The Correct Opinion. https://youtu.be/7yWic1Wu4YY  
Season 3 Episode 1 of The Correct Opinion
WRITTEN PRODUCED AND DIRECTED BY JORDAN PEELE STARRING DANIEL KALUUYA, KEKE PALMER, STEVEN YEUN, MICHAEL WINCOTT, BRANDON PEREA, KEITH DAVID Oscar® winner JORDAN PEELE disrupted and redefined modern horror with Get Out in 2017 and then Us in 2019. Now, he reimagines the summer movie with the expansive new horror epic, Nope, a dark pop nightmare of uncanny science fiction and complex social thriller that unpacks the seeds of violence, risk and opportunism that are inseparable from the romanticized history of the American West … and from show business itself. The film reunites Peele with Oscar® winner DANIEL KALUUYA (Get Out, Judas and the Black Messiah), who is joined by KEKE PALMER (Hustlers, Alice) and Oscar® nominee STEVEN YEUN (Minari, Okja) as residents in a lonely gulch of inland California who bear witness to an uncanny and chilling discovery. Nope is situated just outside of Los Angeles, in Southern California’s arid and rambling Santa Clarita Valley, where siblings OJ Haywood (Daniel Kaluuya) and Emerald Haywood (Keke Palmer), have inherited a horse ranch from their industry-legend father, Otis Haywood Sr. (Emmy winner KEITH DAVID; 21 Bridges, Crash), carrying the torch of his craft as animal wranglers for film and television. It’s a tough business, and despite their skills and the artistry of their profession, OJ and Emerald face financial challenges and the heartbreak inherent to a trade where livestock is the talent. Adjacent to the Haywood ranch sits Jupiter’s Claim, a family-fun theme park and petting zoo predicated on the white-washed history and aesthetics of the California Gold Rush, owned and operated with evangelical pride by Ricky “Jupe” Park (Steven Yeun), a former child star who is saddled with a tabloid-tragic backstory that he has spent a lifetime trying to escape. OJ and Emerald begin observing unexplained phenomena on their vast ranch that leads them down an obsessive rabbit hole—plotting attempts to capture the mystery on camera. The hijinks of their quest for documentation, through increasingly elaborate and dangerous set-ups, puts at risk the only thing they truly have: the hard-earned business of their late John Henry-esque father, who has left them in his long shadow. Things escalate, as the siblings enlist the expert help of Fry’s Electronics store employee Angel Torres (BRANDON PEREA; The OA, American Insurrection), and acclaimed cinematographer Antlers Holst (MICHAEL WINCOTT; Hitchcock, Westworld), who is on the cusp of retirement. As their efforts, and hubris, cross a point-of-no-return, ratcheting the stakes to terrifying consequences, our heroes are drawn straight into the eye of an irreversible storm. The result is an expansive horror-spectacle with an intimate and emotionally complex core. Nope is written, produced and directed by JORDAN PEELE and produced by IAN COOPER p.g.a. (Us, Candyman) for Monkeypaw Productions. The film’s executive producers are ROBERT GRAF (Bombshell, No Country for Old Men, True Grit) and WIN ROSENFELD (Hunters, BlacKkKlansman). The film co-stars WRENN SCHMIDT (For All Mankind) and BARBIE FERREIRA (Euphoria), TERRY NOTARY (The Square), DEVON GRAYE (I Don’t Feel at Home in this World Anymore), Daytime Emmy winner DONNA MILLS (Knots Landing), OSGOOD PERKINS (director Gretel & Hansel) and EDDIE JEMISON (Ocean’s 11 franchise). Nope’s artistic team includes Oscar®-nominated Director of Photography HOYTE VAN HOYTEMA ASC, FSF, NSC (Dunkirk, Let the Right One In); Production Designer RUTH DE JONG (Twin Peaks, Manchester by the Sea), Oscar®-winning Visual Effects Supervisor GUILLAUME ROCHERON (1917, Life of Pi), and editor NICHOLAS MONSOUR (Us, Action Point). The costumes are designed by ALEX BOVAIRD (The White Lotus, American Honey), the music is by MICHAEL ABELS (Bad Education, Get Out), and the casting is by Emmy Award winner CARMEN CUBA, CSA (The Power of the Dog, Stranger Things). Nope will be released by Universal Pictures worldwide. Read the full article
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Barefoot And Bruised Playlist
 YouTube Playlist
Part One: Songs Featured In The Text
Dancing On Glass - St. Lucia (Chapter: 27/Chapter 27 Song)
How long ‘til we learn, Dancing is dangerous, How long 'til we find, The devil inside of us, How high is too low, We’re not that young, So we’re never gonna stop, Never gonna stop, Never gonna stop, Until we break it
Drops Of Jupiter - Train (Chapter: 12/Chapter 12 Song)
Now that she’s back in the atmosphere, With drops of Jupiter in her hair, hey, hey, hey, She acts like summer and walks like rain, Reminds me that there’s a time to change, hey, hey, hey, Since the return from her stay on the moon, She listens like spring and she talks like June, hey, hey, hey
One More Day - Diamond Rio (Chapter: 24/Chapter 24 Song)
One more day, One more time, One more sunset, maybe I'd be satisfied, But then again, I know what it would do, Leave me wishing still, for one more day with you 
Part Two: Songs That Remind Me Of The Text*
Alibis - Marianas Trench (Chapter 59 Song)
This is not the man I hoped to be, And I'm just trying to stop the bleeding, I don't know how to word it, I just started to deserve it, And all my, all my faces are alibis, And me, I'm half the man I wanted to be 
Amazing - Foxes (Chapter 46 Song)
See, I've got a wild heart and I can't control it, It keeps on letting me down, I know, with you, tonight could be amazing, Be amazing, I'm scared, to death, still I stood here waiting, Here waiting 
Angel By Your Side - Francesca Battistelli (Chapter 50 Song)
I’ll be the angel by your side, I will get you through the night, I’ll be the strength you can’t provide on your own, ‘Cause when you’re down and out of time, And you think you’ve lost the fight, Let me be the angel 
Awake In A Dream - Hedley
Though I feel like I’m flying, I’m sure my feet are still on the ground, Open my eyes and it’s amazing, How my world is changed when I look around, It’s like I’ve found the road straight to heaven, And that road has lead me right here to you
Bad Dream - Ruelle
Feels like I'm frozen, Nowhere to run, nowhere to run from here, These walls are closing, Closing me in, Wearing me thin with fear
Because Of You - Danny Gokey
Your amazing love can put me back together, When I think all hope is gone, It's incredible knowing you are with me, It gives me strength to keep moving on 
Be The Song - Foy Vance (Chapter 9 Song)
When inner scars, show on your face, and darkness hides, your sense of place, well I won’t speak, I will refrain and be the song, just be the song.
Better Love - Foxes
And it's killing me, When I'm in your arms, I forget the darker days, And it's haunting me, These feet of mine, Won't let me march away
Better Man - James Morrison (Chapter 70 Song)
There was a time, I had nothing to give, I needed shelter from the storm I was in, And when it all got too heavy, You carried my weight, And I want to hold you, And I want to say, That you are all that I need 
Better Today - Coffey Anderson (Chapter 79 Song)
And when I, and I’m thinking of the times, Your hand’s in mine, together we will stay, You made me better today, Better than I was before, And now my heart can rest and I will search no more, You made me better today
Big Guns - Ruelle
There's nowhere to run when all is coming undone, You can try, you can try, But you can't hide from the big guns 
Black And Blue - Mindy McCready (Chapter 65 Song)
Oh he said I had it coming, But I know that isn't true If he loved me, The one thing he would never do, Was turn me black and blue 
Borrow My Heart - Taylor Henderson (Chapter 35 Song)
Oh love, love is a feeling that you fear, But if you open up, know I won’t let you fall my dear, Under the surface we’re all just the same, Follow me darling, for you I’ll be brave, Oh love, love is a feeling that you fear
Break In - Halestorm
You are the only one, The only one that sees me, Trusts me and believes me, You are the only one, The only one that knows me, And in the dark you show me, Yeah it's perfectly reckless, Damn, you leave me defenseless, So break in 
Break Your Heart - The Gaslight Anthem (Chapter 26 Song)
It would bring you to tears, if you knew what I know. See, I spent all of my money on second hand love, But I trusted somebody way and back when. And I loved her like fire until it drove me insane. And oh, my my, it would break your heart, If you knew how I loved you, if I showed you my scars, If I played you my favorite song lying here in the dark. Oh my my, it would break your heart.
Can I - Tedy
Can you tell me that you'll be here, For all the little things, Can I lay here, In your arms, Can I love you, Would it be alright, Can I wait here
Carry You Away - Us And Our Daughters (Chapter 60 Song)
When you feel you're gonna fall, I'll carry you away Don't let your memories turn to chance, Don't live that way Cut the shackles, set you free You won't be the same When you feel you're gonna fall 
Clean - Travis Atreo (Chapter 17 Song)
Hung my head as I lost the war, and the sky turned black like a perfect storm, Rain came pouring down when I was drowning, That’s when I could finally breathe, And by morning gone was any trace of you, I think I am finally clean
Come And Save Me - Gloriana
Hold me close, Now until forever, I'll be unafraid, Hold me close, Give me back, My reason to believe, Come and save me 
Crash And Burn - Lifehouse (Chapter 54 Song)
I've been hurt and I've been scarred, At least I know that I'm alive, And If I fall and crash and burn, At least we both know that I tried
Daydream - Ruelle (Chapter 68 Song)
Faded it's gone, The darkness I once knew, What could go wrong? My heart is safe with you
Devil Side - Foxes
Still I want you, but not for your devil side, Not for your haunted life, Just for you, So tell me why I deal with your devil side, I deal with your dangerous mind, But never with you, Who's gonna save you now? 
Done You Wrong - Aaron Pritchett (Chapter 15 Song)
I want to tear down, The walls that you built up, And baby open your heart, To all my love
Don’t Worry About Me - Frances (Chapter 44 Song)
I'll feel the fear for you, I'll cry your tears for you, I'll do anything I can to make you comfortable, Even if I fall down when you're not around, Don't worry about me, don't worry about me 
Doorway - Io Echo
I wanna feel you, I've gotta shake you off, I wanna hate you, Your words, they haunt me, I over-analyze, I watch the doorway 
Dreaming Of This - Jamestown Story ft. Whitney Wiatt
I've spent so many years dreaming of this, I'm long overdue, And finally all my dreams are happening, In an ideal form of you 
Dying To Live Again - Hedley
I was such a fool to hurt you, 'cause you're the one I always turn to, When I'm going out of my mind, I just bite the hand that feeds me, Instead of loving ones that need me, But I want it more this time, I was wrong. It's hard to say, At least I learn from my mistakes, I would change everything 
Empire - Ella Henderson
I see your light, I know it’s coming and I’m terrified, No more defences here to hide behind, Oh, just you and I, And through the smoke, I see you burning like a ray of hope, I found the fire now the ashes glow, Oh, I come alive 
Ever After - Marianas Trench
Don't you move, Can't you stay where you are, just for now, I could be your perfect disaster, You could be my ever after 
Every Little Thing You Do - Westlife
It’s every little thing you do, That makes me fall in love with you, There isn’t a way that I can show you, Ever since I’ve come to know you, It’s every little thing you say, That makes me wanna feel this way, There’s not a thing that I can point to, 'Cause it’s every little thing you do
Everything You’re Not - Demi Lovato
I used to sing to your twisted symphony, The words that had me trapped inside your misery, But now I know, The reason why I couldn't breathe 
Falling In Love In A Coffee Shop - Landon Pigg (Chapter 6 Song)
I think that possibly, maybe I’m falling for you, Yes there’s a chance that I’ve fallen quite hard over you. I’ve seen the paths that your eyes wander down, I want to come too, I think that possibly, maybe I’m falling for you, No one understands me quite like you do, Through all of the shadowy corners of me
Fragile - Gnash ft. Wrenn (Chapter 66 Song)
I'm sorry you saw me breaking, But stay with me don't stray, God, I wish you would hold me closely, Don't think I don't feel the same 
Give Your Heart A Break - Demi Lovato (Chapter 28 Song)
Don’t wanna break your heart, Wanna give your heart a break, I know you’re scared it’s wrong, Like you might make a mistake, There’s just one life to live, And there’s no time to wait, to wait, So let me give your heart a break
Grow - Frances
Don't put your eyes down, You're not to blame, I know there are stories, You can't explain, But if I should find you black and blue, And aching from crying, I'll wait with you 
Halo - Kris Orlowski
Remember those walls I built? Well, baby they're tumbling down, And they didn't even put up a fight, They didn't even make a sound, I found a way to let you in, But, I never really had a doubt, Standing in the light of your halo, I got my angel now
Heart And Mind - Kina Grannis (Chapter 77 Song)
And it was hard for me to say, Those three words that are so brave, Almost kept them locked away, Deep inside where they'd be safe 
Heart By Heart - Demi Lovato (Chapter 14 Song)
No, there’s no one else’s eyes, That could see into me, No one else’s arms can lift, Lift me up so high, Your love lifts me out of time, And you know my heart by heart
Heart Of Gold - Birdy (Chapter 30 Song)
I can be strong when I want to be, You think I’m weak ‘cause you can tear me apart, With the words that you speak, You think you’re in control but you don’t understand, How much you are wrong, You choose to lash out at me, I’ve done nothing wrong
Heavy Heart - Gabrielle Aplin (Chapter 53 Song)
We can pretend there's nothing wrong but I was telling you it's not your fault, You wanna help but it's helpless every time
He’s Not Him - Megan & Liz (Chapter 33 Song)
This ain’t then and he’s not him, Remind myself I can be myself again, Waking up to someone new, Thanking God that it’s you, 'cause this ain’t then and he’s not him
Hold You In My Arms - Ray LaMontagne
When you came to me with your bad dreams and your fears, It was easy to see that you'd been crying, Seems like everywhere you turn catastrophe it reigns, But who really profits from the dying, I could hold you in my arms, I could hold you forever 
Hope - Russell Taylor
Lost in space, Of how it used to be, Then you came and gave me, Gave new life to me, I thought there’d be no hope for the daylight, Then love came and rushed in, Then you came, And gave new life to me.
I Am Not Nothing - Beth Crowley
Looking up at the sky, I think I see the start of a sunrise, And I will forgive myself, And start to let it go, Accept that who you chose to be, Was out of my control, And though it might be hard, To begin again, I'll write myself a brand new story, With a happy end 
I Could Get Used To This - The Veronicas
I'm feeling it comin' over me, With you it all comes naturally, Lost the reflex to resist, And I could get used to this 
I Do - Susie Suh
I just wanna hold you when the goings tough, I just wanna love you when you're not enough, I just wanna give you all that I can give 
I Do - Jessie James Decker
You found me in the darkest night, You're my angel, You saved my life, I can't believe we're standing here, What's mine is yours, and yours is mine, I love you till the end of time 
I Do (Robyn’s Song) - Paul Brandt
Will I promise to be your best friend, And am I here until the end, Can I be sure I have been waiting for you, And did I say my love is true, Baby I will, I am, I can, I have, I do
If  You Need Someone - The Field Mice (Chapter 22 Song)
If you need someone, To make you, Feel safer than safe, I’ll try to, If you need someone, To comfort you, When tears fall down your face, I’ll do what I can
I’ll Be There - Faber Drive
When you can't carry on, When the road's way too long, Know that you're not alone, I can carry you home
I Should Go - Levi Kreis
I should go, Before my will gets any weaker, And my eyes begin to linger, Longer than they should, I should go, Before I lose my sense of reason, And this hour holds more meaning, Than it ever could, I should go 
It Is You (I Have Loved) - Dana Glover (Chapter 78 Song)
It's no more mystery, It is finally clear to me, You're the home my heart searched for so long, And it is you I have loved all along
Just A Step Away - Carly Rae Jepsen (Chapter 2 Song)
Here we are, Dancing cross this floor together, With every step I take I seem to want you more than ever, You made me love you, Look into my eyes, I want to tell you, I’ll never let you down, And I’ll never go away, And if you’re ever feeling down, I’m just a step away
Latch - Natalie Taylor
You lift my heart up when the rest of me is down, You, you enchant me even when you're not around, If there are boundaries I will try to knock them down, I'm latchin' on babe, now I know what I have found
Lay Down - Ella Henderson (Chapter 75 Song)
Won’t you stay now, There’s so much that’s never been said, Won’t you stay now, Remind me to never forget, And I, I won’t break down, I don’t want to live with regret, Won’t you stay now, I’ll be by your side ‘til the end 
Let The Light Back In - Maggie Eckford
When the shadows come, When the push comes to shove, I won't leave, When you want to fall apart, When it tears your heart, When you feel like giving in, I'll believe
Lionheart - Demi Lovato
And we walk together into the light, And my love will be your armor tonight, We are lionhearts, And we stand together facing a war, And our love is gonna conquer it all, We are lionhearts 
Locked Out - Megan & Liz (Chapter 5 Song)
You keep me comin’ in runnin’ until I break down, You keep me fallin’ and fallin’ until I hit the ground, You always pull me in, and then you shut me down, You know you’re keeping me, leaving me
Loved - Lucy Hale
It's the way you bring me coffee in the morning, And how you know just what not to say, I don't need you to try and fix everything, When I've had a bad day 
Love Is Your Name - Steven Tyler (Chapter 55 Song)
I’ll walk through the fire, I’ll run through the rain, I’ll wait for forever, If Love is your name, Your name 
Lover, Please Stay - Nothing But Thieves (Chapter 63 Song)
Lover, I feel your sorrow, Pouring out, Of your skin, And I don’t want to be alone, If I’m tonight, I’ll always be 
Lullaby - Chester See ft. Andy Lange (Chapter 72 Song)
So dream with me, Hold my hand; escape reality, Let my love be your cavalry, And I will hold you close, Don’t you worry; I’ll be by your side, I promise I’ll be here all through the night, I’ll comfort you until the morning light, And I won’t let you go
Lying To The Mirror - Gabrielle Aplin
And all your monsters in the night they come to life, So you embrace them in the hope that you’ll survive, Intoxicated by the fear and the flames, There’s paranoia in your veins.
Make You Feel My Love - Sleeping At Last
I know you haven't made your mind up yet, But I would never do you wrong, I've known it from the moment that we met, No doubt in my mind where you belong 
Maybe - Nat And Alex Wolff (Chapter 4 Song)
Maybe there’s a reason, I stand in your presence, I see you’re unhappy I can tell, Maybe, this is living, staring, Without moving our signs are still vital, We’re alive
Metalingus - Alter Bridge (Chapter 61 Song)
I'll never long for what might have been, Regret won't waste my life again, I won't look back, I'll fight to remain
Me Without You - Jennifer Nettles
Now I wake up early, whole world feels new. Seems so strange to ask myself, what do I want to do. Now I don’t know this road I’m on, or where it’s leading to, but I know I’m gonna be alright. The more I see, the more I like me.
My Best Friend - Tim McGraw
You're more than a lover, There could never be another, To make me feel the way you do, Oh we just get closer, I fall in love all over, Every time I look at you, And I don't know where I'd be, Without you here with me, Life with you makes perfect sense, You're my best friend 
Near To You - A Fine Frenzy (Chapter 39 Song)
You and I have something different, And I’m enjoying it cautiously, I’m battle scarred, I am working oh so hard, To get back to who I used to be, He’s disappearing, Fading subtly, I’m so close to being yours, Won’t you stay with me, Please
Never Been Hurt - Demi Lovato
I will love you, Like I’ve never been hurt, Run through fire for you, Like I’ve never been burned. I’m gonna risk it all like I’ve never lost, Gonna give it all I’ve got, I will love you, I will love like I’ve never been hurt, never been hurt
Nightingale - Demi Lovato
Can you be my nightingale? Sing to me I know you're there, You could be my sanity, But bring me peace, Sing me to sleep, Say you'll be my nightingale 
On My Shoulder - Westlife (Chapter 41 Song)
‘Cause when it all gets too much, Put your head down on my shoulder, A little warmth when it gets colder, Now I don’t know the things that you’re going through, But you can put your head down, On my shoulder, Wear the storm 'til it blows over, I know you’re there for me too, No I’ll be there for you
On The Side Of Angels - LeAnn Rimes
We’re on the side of angels after all. Every time you touch me, Don’t you feel it too? The gentle hand that’s guiding us, You to me, me to you, After all the might-have-beens, The close and distant calls, After all the try-agains, Don’t be afraid to fall, We’re on the side of angels after all.
Please Don’t Say You Love Me - Gabrielle Aplin (Chapter 52 Song)
Just please don’t say you love me, 'Cause I might not say it back, Doesn’t mean my heart stops skipping when you look at me like that, There’s no need to worry when you see just where we’re at, Just please don’t say you love me, 'Cause I might not say it back
Purify Me - India.Arie
It's like summertime always, Like it's sunny out all day, Whenever you smile, Sweeter than momma's homemade, And I thought every man was made the same way, But a world of smoke and ashes boy your are milk and honey 
Rescue You - High Valley (Chapter 51 Song)
I wanna be your knight in shining armor, Wake you up with a long slow kiss, Wanna guard your heart, I wanna keep you warm, I wanna feel you wrapped up in my arms, I wanna rescue… You from every dark night, You from every tear cried, Save you from a world so cruel, I wanna rescue,You from being lonely, Lay your worries on me, Show you what love can do, I wanna rescue you
Return To Innocence - Enigma (Chapter 23 Song)
If you want, then start to laugh, If you must, then start to cry, Be yourself don’t hide, Just believe in destiny, Don’t care what people say, Just follow your own way, Don’t give up and use the chance, To return to innocence
Safe - Katie Armiger (Chapter 64 Song)
I didn't want to jump the gun, And be the one to say I love you so soon, But when I look at you, the truth is, Baby now I do I do 
Safe Haven - Ruth B
When the world is caving, baby you're my safe haven, And when it all comes crashing I remember you saying, If you show me, then I'll show you, All the things that make me wanna know you, And when the world is caving, Baby, you're my safe haven, you're my safe haven 
Same Old War - Our Last Night
Stay strong, keep moving, can't let the darkness blind us, Carry on, we'll be the ones that pull the stars down to us 
Set Sail - Frances (Chapter 37 Song)
Love leaves you stranded, But that's the way we want it, Save in our own refuge, No one else will ever reach it, Will you be that someone 
Shape Of Us - Ian Britt (Chapter 25 Song)
And I know you've had it tough, Your road's been bumpy and rough, But say goodbye to a world that you once knew, I have every faith in me and you
Shelter - Birdy (Chapter 19 Song)
Maybe I had said, something that was wrong, Can I make it better, with the lights turned on, Maybe I had said, something that was wrong, Can I make it better, with the lights turned on
Shine - Hilary Duff
When everything's wrong, I just pick the phone up, The sound in your voice well it fills my eyes with tears of joy, 'Cause I know you'll be there, When I'm hanging by a thread, You're my heaven sent 
Shine - Keith Urban
When the sun is hard to find, When it's raining in your eyes, When the shadows block those pretty little blue skies living inside you, When the falling of your tears, makes a candle disappear, When you just can't see the light, Baby, I'll find a way to shine 
Show Me What I’m Looking For - Carolina Liar (Chapter 8 Song)
Don’t let go, I’ve wanted this far too long, Mistakes become regrets, I’ve learned to love abuse, Please show me what I’m looking for, Save me, I’m lost, Oh, Lord, I’ve been waiting for you, I’ll pay any cost, Save me from being confused, Show me what I’m looking for
So Far Gone - Thousand Foot Krutch (Chapter 38 Song)
Sometimes I wonder why you even care, Cause even when I leave you’re always there with me, And like a candle makes a brighter place, This mark you’ve made on me can’t be erased.
Something To Hold On To - Allie Moss (Chapter 76 Song)
You are a vessel of light, to me tonight, and while I wrestle with demons and appetites, I cling to you 
Stay - Gracie Abrams
I'm so scared of you, 'tho nothing's wrong, You're my new idea of everything I want. I'm so bad at this, got a heavy heart. And I've been tossed around and thrown back down, And torn apart. 
Storm - Lifehouse (Chapter 48 Song)
And I will walk on water, And you will catch me if I fall, And I will get lost into your eyes, I know everything will be alright, I know everything is alright
Take A Look At Me Now - Greyson Chance (Chapter 45 Song)
Don't know what you get tomorrow, Not sure where I want to go tonight, Isn't that what life's about? So long for the fears and worries, Let's go and you won't be sorry, I'll be the one to get you out, Chase the demons out tonight, You can see how fast they run, When you turn the light switch on 
That’s What I Want For Christmas - Nancy Wilson (Bonus Chapter Song)
When you said, Yesterday, That it's. Nearly Christmas, What did I want, And I thought, Just love me, Love me, love me, That's what I want, For Christmas
That’s Where You Find Love - Westlife
It’s where the stars line up, It’s where the ocean’s touch, It’s in a place you’ve never been that feels like home, It’s in the air right now, It’s when you give your all, and give a little more, I’ve never been so sure, that’s where you find love
The Day Before You - Matthew West
Now you're here and everything's changing, Suddenly life means so much, I can't wait to wake up tomorrow and find out this promise is true, I will never have to go back to the day before you 
The Fighter - Keith Urban ft. Carrie Underwood (Chapter 13 Song)
I know he hurt you, Made you scared of love, too scared to love, He didn’t deserve you, Cause you’re precious heart is a precious heart, He didn’t know what he had and I thank God, oh, oh, oh, And it’s gonna take just a little time, But you’re gonna see that I was born to love you
The Lonely - Christina Perri (Chapter 49 Song)
Too afraid to go inside, For the pain of one more loveless night. Cause the loneliness will stay with me, And hold me till I fall asleep. 
The Safest Place - LeAnn Rimes (Chapter 36 Song)
It feels so real, You showed I could trust you, With emotions I had locked away, It was your touch, your words, They heal the deepest part of me, That only you can see
The Way I Am - Ingrid Michaelson
Cause I love the way you call me baby. And you take me the way I am.
Time To Mend - Barcelona (Chapter 71 Song)
It's not the end, 'cause you still have time to mend, It's not the end, 'cause you still have time
True - Ryan Cabrera (Chapter 69 Song)
I've waited all my life, To cross this line, To the only thing that's true, So I will not hide, It's time to try, Anything to be with you, All my life I've waited, This is true 
Turning Page - Sleeping At Last (Chapter 34 Song)
If I had only felt the warmth within your touch, If I had only seen how you smile when you blush, Or how you curl your lip when you concentrate enough, Well I would have known, What I was living for all along. What I’ve been living for
Under Our Feet - Frances
Shaking through the smoke, Aching to the bone, Facing fears I've craved and nearly left behind, You're the refuge in my mind
Un-thinkable (I’m Ready) - City And Colour (Chapter 20 Song)
I was wondering maybe could I make you my baby, if we do the unthinkable would it make us look crazy? Or would it be so beautiful? Either way I’m sayin’ If you ask me, I’m ready.
Warm Safe Place - Aaron Pritchett
I feel like an old guitar, Looking for some brand new strings, Never thought I'd get this far, Without saving anything, For me, Do you still have that smile for me, And could I stay here for a while 
Waiting Outside The Lines - Greyson Chance
Try to have no regrets, Even if it's just tonight, How you gonna walk ahead, If you keep living blind? Stuck in the same position, You deserve so much more, There's a whole world around us, Just waiting to be explored 
War Of Hearts - Ruelle (Chapter 74 Song)
I can’t help but be wrong in the dark, Cause I’m overcome in this war of hearts, I can’t help but want oceans to part, Cause I’m overcome in this war of hearts
War Of Hearts - Russell Taylor (Chapter 62 Song)
I was dark, And you were the light that brought me back, Back to life, And it's because you loved me. 
We Belong - Toni Gonzaga
I've tried to tell you, So many times this feelings of mine, But it's not that easy, Letting you know, How I love you so 
When I’m With You - Ben Rector
But when I'm with you I'm no longer wandering, And when I'm with you, I swear I can breathe, When I'm with you, I know who I am and who I want to be, Who I want to be 
When The Time Is Right - Griffin House
When the time is right, Don't hold back, When the time is right, Don't hold back 
When You Came Into My Life - Scorpions
You give me your smile, A piece of your heart, You give me the feel I've been looking for, You give me your soul, Your innocent love, You are the one I've been waiting for, I've been waiting for
You Are In Love - Travis Atreo (Chapter 67 Song)
Morning, his place, Burnt toast, Sunday, You keep his shirt, He keeps his word, And for once you let go, Of your fears and your ghosts, One step, not much, But it said enough, You kiss on sidewalks, You fight then you talk, One night he wakes, Strange look on his face, Pauses, then says, “You’re my best friend." And you knew what it was, He is in love
You Make Me Happy - Cathy Heller
Let’s walk in the rain, kiss under the overhang, Share an ice cream cone, share some secrets no one knows, Don’t matter where we are, as long as you’re not far from me, You’re my favorite guiding star, that’s why I’ll keep you here, You make me happy
You Save Me - Kenny Chesney (Chapter 58 Song)
When I'm a ship tossed around on the waves, Up on a high wire that's ready to break, When I've had just about all I can take, Baby you, baby you save me
You Won’t Let Me - Rachael Yamagata
If you would only let me, I could show you how to love, Take our time, let all it go 
Part Three: Reader Recommendations
And Then You Kissed Me - The Cardigans
Blue, blue, black and blue, Red blood sticks like glue, True love is cruel love, Red blood say power fuel, Sweet love tasty blood, My heart overfloods 
And Then You Kissed Me II - The Cardigans
It's a mystery how people behave, How we long for a life as a slave, When he kissed me I gladly gave in, To a fight nobody could win 
Banana Pancakes - Jack Johnson (Chapter 43 Song)
But the telephone is singing, Ringing, It’s too early, Don’t pick it up, We don’t need to, We got everything, We need right here, And everything we need is enough, Just so easy, When the whole world fits inside of your arms, Do we really need to pay attention to the alarm? Wake up slow, mmm mm, wake up slow
Barefoot And Bruised - Jamestown Story (Title Song)
Maybe when your sky comes crashing down, I can be your angel on the ground, If you get tired and can’t go on I will carry you along, when the rocks below your feet wear out your shoes, when you’re barefoot and bruised
Because Of You - Reba McEntire ft. Kelly Clarkson (Chapter 11 Song)
Because of you, I never stray too far from the sidewalk, Because of you,I learned to play on the safe side so I don’t get hurt, Because of you, I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me, Because of you, I am afraid
Begin Again - Taylor Swift
And you throw your head back laughing like a little kid, I think it's strange that you think I'm funny 'cause he never did, I've been spending the last eight months, Thinking all love ever does is break and burn and end, But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again 
Brave - The Shires (Chapter 18 Song)
Well, let me hold your heart, let me be the one, You’ll never have to feel so alone, Let me bring you back to the world, back home, Let me mend your broken soul
Broke - Natalia Kills
But if I had a dime for every single time, you ever made me cry, I’d be a millionaire, But if I had a dime for every single time, I should have said 'Goodbye’, I’d be a millionaire, But I don’t cause you left me broke
Centuries - Fall Out Boy
Mummified my teenage dreams, No, it's nothing wrong with me, The kids are all wrong, The story's all off, Heavy metal broke my heart
Cry Baby - The Neighbourhood
I know I'll fall in love with you, baby, And that's just what I'll do, I hope you won't ever lie to me, And if you do, I know I won't be your cry baby 
Dandelions - Ruth B
I think that you are the one for me, Cause it gets so hard to breathe, When you're looking at me, I've never felt so alive and free, When you're looking at me, I've never felt so happy, And I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime, And I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine 
Demons - Imagine Dragons (Chapter 7 Song)
Don’t wanna let you down, But I am hell bound, Though this is all for you, Don’t wanna hide the truth
DKLA - Troye Sivan ft. Tkay Maidza (Chapter 10 Song)
When we tried it, we were a fire with no smoke, Rags to riches but I’m addicted to being broken, Take my breath away, you know I’m bound to choke, When I close my eyes I still see your ghost, So what do I do now? I don’t keep love around, What do I do now?
Everything Has Changed - Taylor Swift ft. Ed Sheeran (Chapter 16 Song)
All I know is we said, "Hello." And your eyes look like coming home, All I know is a simple name, Everything has changed, All I know is you held the door, You’ll be mine and I’ll be yours, All I know since yesterday is everything has changed
Field Of Innocence - Evanescence
I still remember the sun, Always warm on my back, Somehow it seems colder now 
Fleurs Captives - Nicole Dollanger (Chapter 29 Song)
And they say open up the window and stand in the sunshine, But you stay in the shadows, 'Cause the light goes right through you, You're a ghost, you're a ghost, You're a ghost, you're a ghost, you're a ghost 
Forests - Duologue (Chapter 32 Song)
Cause I feel out of your pocket , Back to where I started, In the dust that never settles, I found my home
Given It All - Hayley Kiyoko (Chapter 47 Song)
Tear the walls down, Don't be stupid, meet me halfway to your heart. 
Happily Ever After - He Is We (Chapter 40 Song)
Oh, happily ever after, wouldn’t you know, wouldn’t you know. Oh, skip to the ending, who’d like to know, I’d like to know. Author of the moment, can you tell me, do I end up, do I end up happy?
Hard Work - Ella Henderson
You can be hard work but you’re good for me, And though you seem to make my body ache, It’s a feeling I appreciate, Which makes it easier when, You can be hard work but you’re good for me
Heart - Sleeping At Last
Go ahead and laugh, Even if it hurts, Go ahead and pull the pin, What if we could risk, Everything we have, And just let our walls cave in 
I’d Lie - Taylor Swift
I don’t think that passenger seat, Has ever looked this good to me, He tells me about his night, And I count the colors in his eyes, He’ll never fall in love he swears, As he runs his fingers through his hair, I’m laughing 'cause I hope he's wrong, And I don't think it ever crossed his mind, He tells a joke, I fake a smile, But I know all his favorite songs 
If This Is Love - Ruth B
Kiss me now and remind me why, I ever wanted to make you mine, And even though it hurts in this moment, I've always known it, You're the other half of my broken heart 
I Like Me Better - Lauv
If we lay, let the day just pass us by, I might get to too much talking, I might have to tell you something, Damn, I like me better when I'm with you 
I’m Kissing You - Des’ree
Touch me deep, Pure and true, Gift to me forever, 'Cause I'm kissing you, oh, I'm kissing you 
I Was Made For Loving You - Tori Kelly ft. Ed Sheeran
'Cause I was made for loving you, Even though we may be hopeless hearts just passing through, Every bone screaming I don't know what we should do, All I know is, darling, I was made for loving you
I Was Made For Loving You/Please Don’t Say You Love Me - Kina Grannis ft. The Gardiner Sisters
Please don't go, I've been waiting so long, Oh, you don't even know me at all, But I was made for loving you 
Let Me Love You (Until You Learn To Love Yourself)  - Ne-Yo
Much as you blame yourself, you can't be blamed for the way that you feel, Had no example of a love that was even remotely real, How can you understand something that you never had?, Ooh, baby, if you let me, I can help you out with all of that, Girl let me love you, And I will love you 
Let Myself Fall - Rosie Thomas
There's no turning back, There's no turning back, Since I let myself, Fall in love with you 
Love Alone - Katelyn Tarver
I told you my heart's leaning towards you, a little more than I knew something was scaring you. Is it too much or too fast or too forward?Should I step back and pretend I don't feel this way? I don't wanna tell a lie, I don't wanna have to hide. 
Malibu - Miley Cyrus (Chapter 73 Song)
We are just like the waves that flow back and forth. Sometimes I feel like, I'm drowning and you're there to save me, And I wanna thank you with all of my heart, It's a brand new star, A dream come true 
Mercy - Shawn Mendes
Please have mercy on me, Take it easy on my heart, Even though you don't mean to hurt me, You keep tearing me apart, Would you please have mercy, mercy on my heart 
Me Without You - Ashley Tisdale
It's just you and me, And there's no one around, Feel like I'm hanging by a thread, It's a long way down, I've been trying to breathe, But I'm fighting for air, I'm at an all time low, With no place to go, But you're always there 
Me Without You - Sam Tsui
No, I don't understand, How I held it together, Before I could hold your hand, And I can't, I can't recall, If I knew who I was before, You knew me flaws and all
Out Of Reach - Gabrielle (Chapter 42 Song)
So much hurt, So much pain, Takes a while, To regain, What is lost inside, And I hope that in time, You’ll be out of my mind, And I’ll be over you 
Over And Over - Rachael Yamagata
So have the ending come, And bring the winds that scream, And spill the fog all over town, And break through every door, And strip away the tree, And raise the rivers high, Just help me drown, And hold me in your standstill ground, I will sink down, And you'll be washed away 
Passion Play - William Fitzsimmons
Are you still on my back, After all these years?, Chasing me out of hell, And my nice veeners, I don't know how you stand, When you've got no floor, Or how you can breathe, With your hands on boards 
Safe And Sound - Taylor Swift ft. The Civil Wars
Just close your eyes, The sun is going down, You'll be alright, No one can hurt you now, Come morning light, You and I'll be safe and sound 
Slow - Andy Grammer
I don't want to rush your love, I can never get enough, I'm sitting outside your door, I give you everything you need, Sunshine, the world and all your dreams, So what are we waiting for 
Soldier - Before You Exit
You got holes in your jeans, And few in your heart, You don’t know what it means to me, To watch you fall apart. 'Cause you're broken and bruised, But I can hold you through. I’ll take you in my arms tonight, Just me and you.
Song For A Friend - Dominic Sherwood
There’s no price to pay, When you give and what you take, That’s why it’s easy to thank you
Stereo Hearts - Gym Class Heroes ft. Adam Levine (Chapter 21 Song)
My heart’s a stereo, It beats for you, so listen close, Hear my thoughts in every no-o-o-te, Make me your radio, And turn me up when you feel low (turn it up a little bit), This melody was meant for you, Just sing along to my stereo
Take A Chance On Me - JLS (Chapter 57 Song)
So when you feel like trying again, Reach out, take my hand, See how great it could be, To fall in love with someone you can trust, Who would never give up, 'Cause you're all that he needs, Baby take a chance on me
The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot - Brand New (Chapter 56 Song)
You are calm and reposed, Let your beauty unfold, Pale white, like the skin stretched over your bones, Spring keeps you ever close, You are second-hand smoke, You are so fragile and thin, standing trial for your sins, Holding on to yourself the best you can, You are the smell before rain, You are the blood in my veins 
The Fire - Former Vandal
Hold me, just for this moment, darling. Cause I don’t want to be alone.So won’t you hold me? So I can forget my sorrows. The burden’s heavy and the world’s get hard to shoulder on my own. And it grows. 
We Can Hurt Together - Sia
There ain't nothing you can say, To scare me away, I got history too, And it's never to late, Share a secret today, I reciprocate, Baby I got you 
You Always Make Me Smile - Kyle Andrews (Chapter 31 Song)
I like your messy hair, I like the clothes you wear, I like the way you sing, And when you dance with me, I don’t know why I love you, I just know I can’t stop thinking of you
You Ruin Me - The Veronicas (Chapter 3 Song)
We’re that song you wouldn’t sing, Just a broken melody, You’re killing me, You play me like a symphony, Play me till your fingers bleed, I’m your greatest masterpiece, You ruin me, Later when the curtains drawn, And no one’s there for you back home, Don’t cry to me you played me wrong, You ruin me
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movietvtechgeeks · 7 years
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Latest story from https://movietvtechgeeks.com/sundance-2018-search-wins-alfred-p-sloan-feature-film-prize/
Sundance 2018: 'Search' wins Alfred P. Sloan feature film prize
At a reception at the 2018 Sundance Film Festival today, the beneficiaries of $71,000 in grants from Sundance Institute and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation were revealed. Doron Weber, Sloan Vice President of Programs and Director of the Public Understanding of Science and Technology program, presented the Feature Film Prize toSearch and announced the new winners: Cherien Dabis's What The Eyes Don't See (Sundance Institute | Sloan Commissioning Grant), produced by Rosalie Swedlin for Anonymous Content and executive produced by Michael Sugar; C. Wrenn Ball's Katie Wright (Sundance Institute | Sloan Lab Fellowship) and John Lopez' Untitled J.P. Morgan Project (Sundance Institute | Sloan Episodic Storytelling Grant).Aneesh Chaganty's Search was formally presented with a $20,000 check for winning the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Feature Film Prize, as previously announced. The awards were presented at an evening cocktail reception at High West Distillery. These activities are part of the Sundance Institute Science-In-Film Initiative, which is made possible by a grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. "Telling these humanizing and nuanced stories about how science and technology influence every part of our lives is more important than ever. We are thrilled to honor and support these artists and their critical, timely, and deftly-crafted work," said Keri Putnam, Executive Director of Sundance Institute. "We are delighted to partner with Sundance for our fifteenth year and to honor such innovative films as Search and such exciting new work asKatie Wright, What the Eyes Don't See and the J.P. Morgan Project, all of which dramatize scientific themes and characters in fresh and original ways," said Doron Weber, Vice President of Programs and Director of the program in Public Understanding of Science and Technology at the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. "In a watershed year that saw such Sloan-supported pr Hidden Figures and Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story honored, we are especially gratified that these four works, in different ways, all depict female protagonists and other under-represented groups whose stories need to be told." The fifteen-year partnership between the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and Sundance Institute forms part of the Sloan Foundation’s nationwide Film Program, which includes support for six film schools and five screenwriting development partners and has resulted in 20 completed feature films. In addition to Hidden Figures, originally supported by a Sloan book grant, the film program has long championed stories about women in science from this year’s Bombshell, Rachel Carson, and Radium Girls to Diane Kruger’s upcoming mini-series about technological pioneer Hedy Lamarr and stories about Rosalind Franklin, Marie Curie, Lise Meitner, and Jane Goodall. The program has also supported many works about the role of technology in daily life, including the impact of machine learning, robotics and artificial intelligence. Besides Robot & Frank, a feature film that grew out of a $20,000 Sloan production grant, Sloan has supported films such as The Imitation Game, Operator, Marjorie Primeand an upcoming three-part series Silicon Valley: The Untold Storyalong with several new projects, including episodic television, in development. Search: Winner of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Feature Film Prize Search has been awarded the 2018 Alfred P. Sloan Feature Film Prize and received a $20,000 cash award from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation at today's reception. The Prize is selected by a jury of film and science professionals and presented to an outstanding feature film focusing on science or technology as a theme, or depicting a scientist, engineer or mathematician as a major character. The 2018 Sloan Feature Film Prize Jury was named on January 16, 2018 and includes Dr. Robert Benezra of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and Weill Cornell Medicine of Cornell University; Dr. Heather Berlin, assistant professor of psychiatry at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; actor and writer Kerry Bishé; and Nancy Buirski, director/producer/writer of The Rape of Recy Taylor. The jury stated, "For its gripping and original interrogation of our evolving relationship with technology and how it mediates every other relationship in our lives, both positively and negatively, and for its rigorous formal experimentation with narrative, the 2018 Sloan Feature Film Prize at the Sundance Film Festival goes to Aneesh Chaganty'sSearch." Search / U.S.A. (Director: Aneesh Chaganty, Screenwriters: Aneesh Chaganty, Sev Ohanian, Producers: Timur Bekmambetov, Sev Ohanian, Adam Sidman, Natalie Qasabian) — After his 16-year-old daughter goes missing, a desperate father breaks into her laptop to look for clues to find her. A thriller that unfolds entirely on computer screens. Cast: John Cho, Debra Messing. Aneesh Chaganty is a 26-year-old writer/director whose two minute short film, a Google Glass spot called "Seeds", became an internet sensation after garnering more than 1 million YouTube views in 24 hours. Following its Aneesh was invited to join the Google Creative Lab in New York City, where he spent two years developing, writing and directing Google commercials. He is a recipient of the Future of Storytelling Fellowship, awarded to only five young creatives around the world "who have demonstrated a fearlessness to tell stories in unconventional ways" and whose works "will be instrumental in shaping the future of storyt Search is Aneesh's first feature. Sev Ohanian is a 30-year-old screenwriter and producer native to Los Angeles. At the age of 20, he and self-distributed My Big Fat Armenian Family, a no-budget indie feature film that became popular with Armenian audiences around the world. Shortly after, he attended the USC School of Cinematic Arts MFA program — using the profits from his film to pay for tuition. Since graduating in 2012, he has been a producer on thirteen feature films, four of which have been Sundance Film Festival Official Selections. His first film, Ryan Coogler's Fruitvale Station, won the Grand Jury Prize at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival. Andrew Bujalksi's Results premiered at the 2015 Sundance Film Festival and was acquired by Magnolia Pictures. Clea DuVall's The Intervention premiered at the 2016 Sundance Film Festival and was acquired by Paramount. At the 2018 Sundance Film Festival, Ohanian was awarded the Sundance Institute / Amazon Studios Producers Award. Sundance Institute / Sloan Commissioning Grant Cherien Dabis will receive a $25,000 cash award from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation at this year's Sundance Film Festival for What the Eyes Don't See, produced by Rosalie Swedlin for Anonymous Content and executive produced by Michael Sugar. Previous winners include Alex Rivera's La Vida Robot and Robert Edwards's American Prometheus. What the Eyes Don't See (U.S.A.) / Cherien Dabis (Writer/Director),Rosalie Swedlin (Producer) and Michael Sugar (Executive Producer) — A true story of how Iraqi American pediatrician and scientist Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha blew the whistle on local and state government officials for poisoning thousands of Flint, Michigan residents, especially children, by exposing them to disastrous levels of toxic lead in the water. Cherien Dabis is an award winning filmmaker and television writer director who made her feature debut with Amreeka. The film world-premiered at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival and won the coveted FIPRESCI at Cannes. It went on to win a dozen more international awards including the Humanitas Prize and was nominated for a Best Picture Gotham Award, and 3 Independent Spirit Awards. Dabis returned to Sundance with her second feature May in the Summer, which opened the 2013 Sundance Film Festival's U.S. Dramatic Competition section and had its international premiere at the Venice Film Festival. Dabis has also written and directed on such shows as Showtime's groundbreaking series The L Word, Fox's hit Empire and USA Network's Golden Globe nominated crime thriller The Sinner. Rosalie Swedlin is a producer and literary manager at Anonymous Content. Swedlin began her career in New York book publishing, followed by six years handling publicity and marketing for various UK book publishers. Prior to joining Anonymous Content, she was a literary manager, producer, and partner at ICM for twelve years after having served as a senior vice president. Swedlin was an agent at CAA from 1981 – 1991 and was named co-head of the agency's motion picture department. Swedlin executive produced the upcoming TNT limited series The Alienist based on Caleb Carr's bestselling novel. The Wife, Swedlin's most recent feature film, debuted at the 2017 Toronto International Film Festival. Her upcoming film projects include Jane Anderson's adaptation of The Women in the Castle and Haifaa Al Mansour's adaptation of the Cara Hoffman novel Be Safe I Love You. Michael Sugar recently launched Sugar23 — a management and production company with a multi-year, first-look deal with Anonymous Content — where he was a partner for many years. He was awarded the Oscar® for Best Picture for Spotlight and most recently wrapped production on the Netflix series Maniac, with Cary Fukunaga. He is currently in production on One Day She'll Darken at TNT. He is an Executive Producer on the Netflix series The OA and the hit Netflix series 13 Reasons Why. Sugar also Executive Produced Cinemax's critically acclaimed drama series The Knick directed by Steven Soderbergh. Sugar's impressive roster of literary and talent clients includes Steven Soderbergh, Richard Linklater, Cary Fukunaga, Edgar Wright, Marc Webb, Patty Jenkins, and Robin Wright. He has been nominated for multiple Emmys, and won a Peabody Award for The Knick. Sundance Institute / Sloan Lab Fellowship
Wrenn Ball will receive a $15,000 cash award from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation at this year's Sundance Film Festival. Previous winners include Logan Kibens's Operator, Michael Almereyda'sExperimenterand Marjorie Prime, and Rob Meyer's A Birder's Guide to Everything.
Katie Wright (U.S.A.) / C. Wrenn Ball (Writer) — Just as the Wright Brothers are about to capitalize on the invention of their airplane, Orville is badly injured in a public crash, and sister Katie unexpectedly emerges to lead their business. Fighting resistance from businessmen, society, and even her own brothers, she strives to keep the family together and claim her place as part of their legacy. Based on the forgotten true story. Hailing from North Carolina, C. Wrenn Ball exchanged life in the Southeast for work as an assistant on network television. He directed web series pilots in Los Angeles before completing an MFA at USC's John Wells Division of Writing for Screen and Television. Obsessed by the twang and rhythm of life, Ball is constantly merging his Southern sensibilities with feature and television writing. Sundance Institute / Sloan Episodic Storytelling Grant John Lopez will receive an $11,000 cash award from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation at this year's Sundance Film Festival. Untitled J.P. Morgan Project (U.S.A.) / John Lopez (Writer, Creator) — A look at the family drama and professional innovations of American financier J.P. Morgan as the 20th century dawns and the country he helped build transforms radically. A Los Angeles native, John Lopez has covered film and the arts forGrantland, Vanity Fair online and Bloomberg Business Week. His shortPlan B, starring Randall Park and Rosa Salazar, was a finalist in the NBC Short Cuts Film festival; he also directed segments for NBC's 2014 Actor's Showcase and served as associate producer on Hossein Amini's film The Two Faces of January. In 2015, John was selected as a fellow for the 2015 Sundance Episodic Lab with his pilot Crude. Most recently, John has written for Netflix's upcoming crime drama Seven Seconds and CBS All Access's upcoming period drama Strange Angel,and he has just completed a mini-room for AMC's Silent History. The Sundance Film Festival® The Sundance Film Festival has introduced global audiences to some of the most groundbreaking films of the past three decades, includingBoyhood, Beasts of the Southern Wild, Fruitvale Station, Whiplash,Brooklyn, Twenty Feet from Stardom, Life Itself, The Cove, The End of the Tour, Blackfish, Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, Dope, Little Miss Sunshine, sex, lies, and videotape, Reservoir Dogs, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, An Inconvenient Truth, Precious and Napoleon Dynamite. The Festival is a program of the non-profit Sundance Institute®. The Festival is a program of the non-profit Sundance Institute®. 2018 Festival sponsors include: Presenting Sponsors – Acura, SundanceTV, and Chase Sapphire®; Leadership Sponsors – Adobe, Amazon Studios, AT&T, DIRECTV, Dropbox, Omnicom, Stella Artois® and YouTube; Sustaining Sponsors – Canada Goose, Canon U.S.A., Inc., Dell, Francis Ford Coppola Winery, GEICO, Google Pixel 2, Grey Goose Vodka, High West Distillery, IMDbPro, Lyft, Unity Technologies and the University of Utah Health; Media Sponsors - Los Angeles Times, The New York Times and Variety. Sundance Institute recognizes critical support from the Utah Governor's Office of Economic Development, and the State of Utah as Festival Host State. The support of these organizations helps offset the Festival's costs and sustain the Institute's year-round programs for independent artists. Look for the Official Partner seal at their venues at the Festival. sundance.org/festival Sundance Institute Founded in 1981 by Robert Redford, Sundance Institute is a nonprofit organization that provides and preserves the space for artists in film, theatre, and new media to create and thrive. The Institute's signature Labs, granting, and mentorship programs, dedicated to developing new work, take place throughout the year in the U.S. and internationally. The Sundance Film Festival and other public programs connect audiences to artists in igniting new ideas, discovering original voices, and building a community dedicated to independent storytelling. Sundance Institute has supported such projects as Boyhood, Swiss Army Man, Manchester By the Sea, Brooklyn, Little Miss Sunshine, Life, Animated, Sonita, 20 Feet From Stardom, Beasts of the Southern Wild ,Fruitvale Station, Sin Nombre, Spring Awakening, A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder and Fun Home. Join Sundance Institute onFacebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. About the Sloan Foundation The New York-based Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, founded in 1934, is a non-profit philanthropy that makes grants for original research and education in science, technology, and economic performance. Sloan's program in Public Understanding of Science and Technology, directed by Doron Weber, supports books, radio, film, television, theater and new media to reach a wide, non-specialized audience and to bridge the two cultures of science and the humanities. Sloan's Film Program encourages filmmakers to create more realistic and compelling stories about science and technology and to challenge existing stereotypes about scientists and engineers in the popular imagination. Over the past two decades, Sloan has partnered with some of the top film schools in the country - including AFI, Carnegie Mellon, Columbia, NYU, UCLA and USC - and established annual awards in screenwriting and film production, along with an annual best-of-the-best Student Grand Jury Prize administered by the Tribeca Film Institute. The Foundation also supports screenplay development programs with the Sundance Institute, Tribeca Film Institute, the San Francisco Film Society, the Black List, and Film Independent's Producing Lab and Fast Track program and has helped develop such film projects as Ben Lewin's The Catcher Was a Spy premiering this year at Sundance, Morten Tyldum's The Imitation Game, Matthew Brown's The Man Who Knew Infinity, and Michael Almereyda'sExperimenter. The Foundation has also supported theatrical documentaries such as the recently released BOMBSHELL: The Hedy Lamarr Story, Particle Fever, and Jacques Perrin's Oceans. The Foundation has an active theater program and commissions about twenty science plays each year from the Ensemble Studio Theatre, Manhattan Theatre Club, and the National Theatre, as well as supporting select productions across the country and abroad. Recent grants have supported Lucy Kirkwood's Mosquitoes, recently at the National Theatre in London, Nick Payne's Constellations, Lucas Hnath's Isaac's Eye, and Anna Ziegler's Photograph 51. The Foundation's book program includes early support for Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race, the highest grossing Oscar-nominated film of 2017 and the recipient of the Sloan Science in Cinema Prize at the San Francisco Film Society in December 2016.
Movie TV Tech Geeks News
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soraeia · 2 years
Wrenn HC:
Wrenn loves and absolutely cherishes his mother and is even protective of her as he is with his sisters, however he sees her as very weak; having grown up at a point where he witnessed her succumbing easily to her emotions, insecurities, and Charidynn’s oppression. Despite Allisae being a literal god now, Wrenn still views his mother as frail and faint of heart, and this extends to his sisters to some degree as well.
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soraeia · 2 years
Passive aggressive thing Wrenn will do when he’s mad at you: Not make your meal the way you like it.
Ex: One time he put a fully-cooked hardboiled egg in Yukaine’s ramen when Yuki likes a runny egg.
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soraeia · 1 year
Hello, Beautiful.
His lungs won’t except the air he’s breathing. Breaths strained as blood and ebony-stained claws cover his face, stumbling feet trudging through the grass in a hurry before he finally fall to his knees beside a stream clear enough to give him a reflection.
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And he hates what he sees.
Yellow eyes with slotted pupils. Fangs too big for a mouth dripping in blood. And black feathers growing in ugly patches along his face where his hair should be. His mother’s hair. Where is his mother’s hair. His mother’s eyes. His father’s smile?
He grunts, more in frustration than pain, as he begins to yank out the feathers one by one. Two by two. Then three by three and eventually in clumps--spots of blood beading where feathers plucked mercilessly by the stem.
This was ugly. This wasn’t him. Where was he? Where were his mother’s eyes? His feather’s smile?
Wrenn continues to pull and pluck until streaks of crimson run down his temples and he’s left holding his face in both shame and pain.
After a few moments he looks at the stream again, and tries to smile at the tarnished silver irises that stare back at him.
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“....Hello, Beautiful...”
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desiderium-eden · 1 year
Lazuli - Talk about Wrenn!
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"Wrenn? Hm... is there much to say? He's fun. Treats Kyrie and me well. At first, it was hard to believe he and Yuuri were brothers. Then I remembered who his dad was. They both just took after a different parent~"
"He reminds me of the sort of people I grew up around back in Italy. Fun. Straightforward. A bit slutty and I mean outside their profession too. But everyone in the complex looked out for each other. Whether it be warning others about bad clients, emergency babysitting, or sharing food when times were hard. I don't think I've ever felt safer than there."
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"And Wrenn gives me a similar feeling. It's almost like another brother. Back from those days..."
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soraeia · 1 year
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Hmm...brain got an idea but I can't decide...
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soraeia · 1 year
“Oh…the sacrifices I would make for your happiness. The lives I would take to right the wrongs done to you…The countless atrocities I would commit in your name. My dearest, you cannot fathom the wars worth starting for your sake.”
— Taeseong “i will start AND finish a glorious amount of shit because of how much i love my wife” Rhee
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soraeia · 1 year
Wrenn Lucifel Rhee-Merlow
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Nicknames: Wrenny bear, Merlow Pup, Taeseong’s whelp, Angelface, “The small Taeseong” Marital Status: Widowed Occupation: Assassin for hire Species: Half demon/half witch Gender,Pronouns: cis-male, he/him Race/Ethnicity: European, Japanese, and Korean mix Religion: *shrugging emoji* Languages: English, Latin, Greek, Ancient Macedonian, German, Welsh, French, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, Demonic, Fae, and some Angelic Place of Birth: England Date of Birth: 21st of May, 16XX Age: 400+ (appears to be in early/mid 20s) Orientation: pansexual/panromantic
- Hair colour/length: ash brown, layered, and long enough for him to make a lil’ ponytail in the back - Eye colour: formerly bright moon-silver, now “tarnished” silver containing bits of dark gray and flecks of brown - Height: 5′6 - Scars: Many across his body, more focused on his abdomen and back and especially on his arms - Moles/Markings/Tattoos: He has the old Merlow family crest burnt tattooed onto his ankle
- Likes: cooking, trying new foods, boba drinks, his family, his scraggly plant - Dislikes: Hatius, people who hurt his family - Virtues: confident, charming, devoted, well-read, protective - Vices: vain, loyal-to-a-fault, obsessive, possessive
- VOICE: Soft and soothing, always notably gentle even when he yells. Has an Estuary English accent.
- Merlow family magic: Potent dark/death magic inherited from his family and cultivated by training with Charidynn Merlow - Blood magic - Necromancy - Death Aura: because of his magic, his aura can actually eat away at life around him, especially when he doesn’t watch it - Rhee Blood Curse: Turns into a chimera-like beast, though for some reason he always gets stuck mid-transformation. The Curse grants him an increase in strength, physical endurance, and heightened animal-like sense. However, the more he endures the pain of the transformation, the less of him is there
- cooking - singing - violin - ballroom dancing
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soraeia · 1 year
Wrenn HC:
He’s unable to be around the Bloomlings and Shroomlings because they get very sick or weak in the presence of his magic, which makes him a little sad because he really wants to pet them and feed them :c
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