#((Hindsight is 2020 and the show is 10 years old now. A lot changes in 10 years))
oceansgratitude · 4 years
Me and the Megamind Fandom
Hey, since I’m recently getting more interaction with the Megamind fandom than I have in a long time, and I’m already overwhelmed by the new discord, I thought I’d share a little of what my experience has been with this fandom, cause I don’t really talk about myself very much.
I first saw the movie in theaters with my family when I was, like, thirteen. I wanted to watch Tangled instead, but Megamind had the majority vote. After words, I had a new favorite movie ever.
I ravenously read fanfictions that came out on fanfiction.net. I know all the old good stuff (as long as I haven’t forgotten a bunch of it... which I’m sure I have.) I was vaguely aware of art being posted on social media, but I wasn’t really on it.(I’m still not, really.) 
During that two-year-ish period, I was being homeschooled because our local Middle School was just awful (Bullies, mean teachers, bad experiences, etc.). I had no friends, my four siblings were always on their computers, and I never got out of the house. During that time I ran myself through self-improvement programs, exercised, and wrote a lot because I didn’t want that time of lame-ness to define me. I fancied myself a future writer. I have a lot of pieces in my Google Drive from that time, and I’ve lost some of it that I’ll never get back.
I learned about the livejournal website for the Megamind fandom from a link in an author’s note, so I’m on there just enough to get emails about new posts, which happens once in a blue moon. Then, either from there or another author’s note,  I learned that a bunch of us are on Tumblr, so I went and made myself a Tumblr account.
At some point in there, my family moved to Texas, and I started high school. I got dang good at writing, as far as I knew. My journalism teacher let me turn in poems instead of the actual assignments and sometimes asked me to read them in front of the class.
I also developed a strong affinity for fish? I’m not sure if they’re may favorite because of Minion, or if Minion is my favorite because of them. My mom and I kept a goldfish pond in the backyard, and I studied their biology. Whenever someone doesn’t know what to get me for a present, anything with a goldfish on it is a safe bet. And I once took a little goldfish in a giant jar to all my classes, and it got loads of attention. Apparently lots of people are afraid of fish? I was thinking about Minion the whole time.
One time in color guard we were doing a dance warm-up, and our instructor was like “yo, let’s switch this up” and we switched songs to Micheal Jackson’s “I’m Bad.” And right after words, one of my best friends said, “At least I can listen to that song without thinking about Megamind.” At the time I hid my face in my hands to hide my blush, but in hindsight, I should have said, “Well, apparently, you CAN’T!”
I thought I’d integrate myself into the Megamind community through sheer power of writing and art skills. But back then, I didn’t really know how human relationships worked. And I wasn’t good at the whole self-discipline thing either (it’s still something I struggle with.)
I got all kinds of mixed feelings about Tumblr. I enjoyed learning about people, finding cool content, and getting feedback for my own content. But there’s also a lot of extremism on here. It makes me nervous about sharing too much of myself because “open-mindedness” on tumblr seems different from its normal definition. I feel like I have to be careful not to step on toes or accidently label myself as an enemy.
Not that I’ve been involved in drama! That’s just an anxiety I had. I was the type to drop into a discord like “hey, here’s this thing I wrote, please read it and tell me what you think, okay, bye!” and the disappear for months and feel bad about the irrational idea that no one liked me.
I found a fandom friend through tumblr, joined a discord, and just chilled there for a few years. I was barely on it. I didn’t know anyone particularly well, but it was cool to get ideas, see the differences in our lives, and get feedback for my fan projects, which were few and far-in-between, but which meant a lot to me.
I graduated high school and moved out to Idaho for college, studying Communication. I like writing and art and music, and I couldn’t pick one so I took a major that would help me use all of those things to make $$$. I really only checked on the fandom once in a while. 
There I learned about some drama that happened in the Megamind fandom a while ago? Well, not learn ABOUT exactly.  I just learned that it existed and it was too terrible to bring up again. Which, okay, cool? I’ll try not to be a meanie, I guess? Can we all just be friends?
I got married in May 2020 (a video news crew showed up so all the world could know that there were only eight people sitting in the spaced-out chairs. Only my family was able to make it) and we finished the whole Ceremony in December up in Idaho with just my hubby’s parents. I graduated and got my degree in December, too. And now I’m living in an apartment with my husband (which is freaking awesome) and filing taxes as an independent, and I have a full-time job while my dude’s still finishing school, and things have changed a lot really fast.
SO IN SHORT: I’ve been here the whole time (this dang 10-year-old movie has been part of my life for the whole second half of my childhood); I’m just not super social online. I’m actually an extravert with a crazy life. Also, please leave comments on my fanfictions and art! That makes me really happy, and that’s most of the social contact I have with ya’ll. That’s about it I guess. Thanks for reading through this whole thing. That’s pretty nice of you.
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tuesdayx · 3 years
So I thought it would be fun to do a song-by-song breakdown of our latest album Essential.
Essential started as some rough demos designated for a side project in late 2019, which then became our largest album to date in terms of song selection. Many of the themes deal with learning to cope with the changing world thanks to Covid, with a perspective of someone who had to keep working at an "essential" job with no option of self-quarantine. I was happy to continue working and being able to pay my bills over the past year, but there was always elements of stress, fear, and tension lingering over myself and everyone else in my position.
So here we go; starting from the top let's look at the Songs of Tuesday X's 6th album Essential.
1. Jet Fuel Can't Melt Steel Beams: the title was a reference to the 9/11 conspiracy memes, which as stated in the opening lines, "has nothing to do with this song." Written in January of 2020 before Covid had made any significant impact in the US, the song touches on many themes which happened to occur throughout the year, such as [another] Californian forest fire (Australia too), new diseases (Covid), a riot (the BLM movement over the summer, which I will state everything that movement has been fighting for is 100% justified and the United States is in desperate need of Police reform, as does our political system which has remained inherently racist to this day.), Civil War (and exaggeration for sure, but the civil unrest and political division in our country will soon split us apart further), more corporate giants(companies like Amazon profited more from this Pandemic than ever before and have helped further the gap between the American working class and the top 1%). Favorite line: "I won't get philosophical, I only wanted your attention."
2. The Only Difference Between You and Me is a Sense of Apathy and Your Brand New Nikes: This song is a blithing criticism of the American political system. Our two party system has left Americans with a choice between "the lesser of two evils" and allows politicians with no true interest in our needs to rise to power. The use of 3rd parties as an alternative is a overly simple compromise that would only just begin to alleviate the problems created in our political system. Both of our main parties are considered conservative parties to the rest of the world, and any progressive measures that would benefit society and reduce the effects of climate change are considered radical and preposterous by politicians with financial stakes in our crooked system where corporatations hold control and the people are treated as fuel for an otherwise worthless currency. Favorite line: "Listen to the radio, they played my favorite song. Now I'm bored and wanting more."
3. Blame it on the Elves: the title is a reference to an episode of the Podcast "Lore" by Aaron Menke (i can't recall which episode, but you should check it out anyway because it's great listen.) An instrumental interlude inspired by ragtime music of the 1920-30's, with an edge of course.
4. Class of Dropouts: This song was written when I was 16 during my sophomore year of high school and was originally featured on my now unavailable album "trees" before adopting the Tuesday X monicker. I brought it back 6 years later because I loved how raw and punk it was. The lyrics are dorky but I decided to leave them as is, it's a cool track for high school stoners to blare and let out their teen angst. Favorite line: "Walking in on my friends fucking."
5. Polaroids on My Bulletin Board: This is a song about growing up. As a 22 year old (now 23) who decided not to go to college straight out of high school, I felt isolated from my peers in a way. By going into the workfield right away I sometimes feel like I skipped a few years and missed out on a lot of opportunities. I regret not leaving my hometown sooner than I did and chasing my dreams of being a touring musician in a band. More often than not I reminisce of my youth playing shows and getting into trouble, as I now feel old and out of place in a scene I grew up in. Favorite line: "I know what it's like to be alive, I know what it's like to live a lie."
6. Labradoodle Underpass: Going back on the theme of growing up, this is about my recent experience with shows as an adult. When I was a teenager I felt ambitious and ready for anything, and I would drop literally everything to go to the nearest show. As an adult I feel introverted and constantly anxious about the world around me. I've missed out on a lot of great shows due to my own self doubt's and anxiety. Now that shows have been canceled for over a year I feel even more regret by not appreciating them more while I could. Favorite line: "23 years and a lingering fear that anything could happen, why am I here?"
7. Some Shit: This was me trying to be modest mouse lol jangly guitars and half talking/half singing vocals describing the world around me. I guess in a way it was an exercise in writing character description and setting, but otherwise it's just a chill track that almost feels aimless at parts. Favorite Line: "it's just some shit I learned from a friend. Just some shit I learned when I was trying to prepare."
8: Woe is the World: On the album this is a chorus snippet that barely a minute long (the full version is available as a bonus track on bandcamp, and it was actually a demo that turned out better than the final version.) I originally wrote this song when I was 15 with a different set of lyrics, but I came back to it while writing this album and re-wrote it to reflect my mental state and the world around me. Overall, just another melancholy track in a sea of melancholy songs. Favorite line: "you've never felt more alone than you do now, was everything worth it in the end?"
9. Then Why Was it Named Gideon?: the title is a reference to a line in Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour (my favorite series) and like the first track on this album doesn't have much to do with the song. "Gideon" is a simple love song, talking again about how growing up sucks but having the right person by your side can make all the shitty times worth it in the end. Favorite line: "it's time to move on, you're taking too long."
10. I am Here, I'm Looking at Her, and She is Beautiful: This song is entirely about the book "Perks of Being a Wallflower". That's it. Nothing else, let's move on. Favorite line: "Over Christmas I read them a poem about a brown paper bag and the boy who wrote it."
11. Try to Be a Filter, Not a Sponge: Like the previous song, this one is also mostly about "Perks of Being a Wallflower", but with elements of my own experience with toxic relationships. I like to think of it as the character Charlie's experience with Mary Elizabeth overall though. Favorite line: "She called my favorite book washed out trash, said I have no taste and I'm still too sad."
12. Lavender Spray Bottle: This instrumental dates back to 2017. I recorded the guitar part as a demo on my phone and forgot about it. Over time I forgot how to play the guitar part, so I used the demo as a basis and layered everything else on top of it. The title is a reference to a bottle of water with lavender essential oils mixed in that my ex used to fend away spiders in the house we lived in at the time.
13. Hindsight is 2020: I will admit, this is my favorite song on the whole album and was actually the last to be written and recorded. With a simple guitar part and layers of vocals, this song is a direct reflection of life during the peak of the pandemic. With curfews in place and rising case counts, I had to learn to cope with life at home during my late nights away from work. My partner was quarantined during this time and I reflected on the mental strain this put on her. Favorite line: "Don't go to work, you need the money but you're not happy when you're there. Sometimes life is so unfair."
14. I Don't Know How to Deal With Serious Emotions Without Turning Them into a Fucking Joke: the title came from a meme I found on my phone from high school. The song itself was about my own inability to handle serious emotions without coming off as sarcastic. In both the music and lyrics, the song starts as a simple confession before exploding into raw chaos. Favorite line: "it's so hard. I'm so scared, what have I become?"
15. Say Hello to My Little Friend: the last instrumental on this album. A short haunting tune that reflects the final two tracks. The title is probably a reference to Rambo or something, but I never watched it and I thought it fit the feeling of this song.
16. Minneapolis: What became one of the most emotional tracks on this song actually began as a joke. My partner was snap chatting a friend one night and they asked me to write them a song on the spot. So I improvised the first two verses and chorus of this song, referencing her going to school there at the time. I found I actually liked what I had written however, so I refined the track and changed it from a sassy country song into a melancholic lament of my experience in the twin cities and southern Minnesota. Favorite line: "I miss Camp Snoopy, and Paul Bunyon's log flume ride that went around the whole damn mall."
17. Before the Sunrise: the final song on the album is an intimate look at my relationship with my partner. Through past experiences i have become riddled with self doubt and always looking at improving myself as a person. With hopes that one day I'll be the person I'd like to be for mine and their sake, it's an optimistic tribute to my best friend. Favorite line: "the cycle ends until the sun rises again, you're my best friend."
Thank you all so much! Check out Essential and our other music on Bandcamp, Spotify, Apple, and other places! I hope you all enjoyed this personal look at these songs that got me through the worst parts of 2020.
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swissmissficrecs · 5 years
Most kudoed Sherlock (BBC) fics in 2019
Sherlock fics from 2019 with more than 1000 kudos on AO3*
1. Riptide Lover by jinglebell - 4011 kudos 114K, E, Johnlock, John/others The year is 1866. When John becomes swept overboard, he never expects to encounter a living creature of myth. When the merman absconds with John, the lost sailor must use every tool at his disposal to convince Sherlock not to kill him. But it seems that killing John Watson is not what the deadly, beautiful creature has in mind at all... 
2. The Only Unproblematic Slash Fic by songlin - 2641 kudos 554 words, M, Johnlock I decided to write this after being OUTRAGED by the number of highly problematic and abusive fanfics I see on this site! Honestly I shouldn't even post it here at all, since AO3 is complicit in LITERAL SEX TRAFFICKING and ABUSE by allowing just anyone to post whatever they want. But it's the best website for posting fic. What am I supposed to do, raise money to pay for servers and use AO3's entirely, 100% open source code to start a new site that upholds REAL MORALITY? Anyways here's my fanfic.
3. A different kind of adventure by curiousbees (orphaned) - 1996 kudos 27K, E, Johnlock A series of rash experiments at twenty-three left omega Sherlock unable to form a bond or have a child. He never particularly cared, even if he sometimes caught himself wishing after meeting John. Now at 36, this inability is simply another part of who he is, like his intellect or his tendency for addiction. So after one night's loss of logic with his married best friend, he doesn't think to question it. In hindsight, he really shouldn't have taken it for granted.
4. What We Could Be by Mottlemoth - 1908 kudos 46K, E, Mystrade Ficlets and short stories featuring Mycroft Holmes and Greg Lestrade. Fluff, smut, humour, a little well-marked angst... and of course, lots and lots of romance.
5. East End Boy by Mottlemoth - 1620 kudos 192K, E, Mystrade "You fear becoming the plaything of a powerful man." Greg Lestrade might have risen to the rank of Detective Inspector, but he's still just an East End boy at heart. That's why this arrangement with Mycroft Holmes, power incarnate, is starting to feel so weird—if only Mycroft weren't so hard to resist.
6. Minutiae (Or 156 Things I Know About You) by AtlinMerrick - 1572 kudos 105K, E, Johnlock Here, in no particular order, are some of the things John has learned about Sherlock, and some of the things Sherlock has learned about John.
7. A Novel Romance by EventHorizon - 1511 kudos 357K, M, Mystrade Mycroft Holmes is a successful, yet reclusive, mystery writer. His agent nearly had to resort to torture to persuade the writer to allow a studio the rights to film one of his books. The studio wants the highly profitable and extremely sexy Greg Lestrade for the role, but Mycroft isn’t happy with the choice. The studio sends him to Mycroft’s remote country home to do some persuading. Once there, after getting to know the secretive, brilliant and slightly-eccentric Mycroft Holmes, Greg isn’t certain which ranks higher on his persuading list - him getting a role he dearly wants or him getting a man he dearly wants.
8. Sensory Science by sussexbound (SamanthaLenore) - 1439 kudos 80K, E, Johnlock John Watson has been invalided home from Afghanistan and is struggling with anxiety, depression, PTSD and insomnia, when an old friend from med school recommends something that might help: An ASMR YouTube Channel run by a friend. One session in and John is hooked, not only by the way the ASMR seems to calm him after nightmares, and help him sleep, but also by the mysterious man who runs it.
9. White Knight by DiscordantWords - 1360 kudos 69K, M, Johnlock Sherlock needs to fake a relationship for a case. He doesn't ask John.
10. Just To Hold You Close by sussexbound (SamanthaLenore) - 1324 kudos 70K, E, Johnlock When a woman is murdered and the last person to see her alive is recently invalided army vet turned reluctant (and prickly) professional cuddler, John Watson, Sherlock Holmes is pulled into a world of intimacy and intrigue he never could have imagined. 
11. Proving A Point by elldotsee, J_Baillier - 1296 kudos 186K, E, Johnlock Invalided home from Afghanistan, running out of funds and convinced that his surgical career is over, John Watson accepts a mysterious job offer to provide care and companionship for a disabled person. Little does he know how much hangs in the balance of his performance as he settles into his new life at Musgrave Court.
12. Dearest Life by InnerSpectrum - 1265 kudos 276K, E, Johnlock / Warstan / Mystrade Sherlock is forced to marry John, a wealthy Alpha doctor, who is married to Mary, an infertile Beta. Both of whom hide dark secrets from each other.
13. Soul Mate by Mottlemoth - 1258 kudos 4K, T, Mystrade The words appeared on Mycroft's arm aged fourteen, foretelling the first thing his soul mate would ever say to him—and horrifying his respectable parents. He's now lived with the unfortunate words all his life, not certain that he even wishes to meet his soul mate if that's how the man talks. But when Sherlock befriends a Scotland Yard inspector named Lestrade, Mycroft might just change his mind.
14. Isosceles by SilentAuror - 1212 kudos 56K, E, Johnlock and Sherlock/OMC After solving a case for a major celebrity, Sherlock gets himself asked out. When John asks, he discovers that Sherlock has no intention of going, at least not until John agrees to coach him through whatever he might need to know for his date...
15. Beloved Baker Street by LadyLibby - 1164 kudos 203K, T, Sherlock/female!Reader / Warstan / Mollstrade / John/OMC Y/N Hudson grew up in America, daughter to a loving British mother and the leader of a notorious drug cartel in Florida. She grew into a brilliant and yet compassionate young woman with a penchant for solving mysteries. Accepted into the forensic department at Scotland Yard, Y/N never expected to be swept up into the whirlwind life of Sherlock Holmes....
16. It takes John Watson to save your life. by Sparkypip - 1135 kudos 105K, T, Gen A series of One shots where John saves Sherlock's life in so many ways.
17. The Bells of King's College by SilentAuror - 1131 kudos 64K, E, Johnlock It's only been two weeks since Eurus Holmes disrupted their lives when Mycroft sends John and Sherlock to Cambridge to pose as an engaged couple at a wedding show in the hopes of solving six unsolved deaths... 
18. And if it begins anywhere, it begins here by Salambo06 - 1080 kudos 26K, E, Johnlock When Sherlock finds a letter in his bedroom, he doesn't expect to read the words of another version of himself from a parallel universe. What he expects even less is to read Sherlock Watson-Holmes at the bottom of the letter.
19. Pink, Purple and Blue by Mottlemoth - 1044 kudos 5K, T, Mystrade After eight years of failed marriage to a woman, with his boyfriends now a distant memory, Greg feels unwelcome in his own sexuality. Fallen between two factions, it seems like he belongs to neither. Comfort and reassurance come from an unlikely source. 
20. Better Late Than Never by sussexbound (SamanthaLenore) - 1020 kudos 3K, T, Johnlock He suddenly wants John Watson out of his bedroom, out of his flat, out of his life, because he has been lying to himself these last few months, he realises.  He doesn’t want John here, not with the way things are. He doesn’t want to keep being so careful, so generous, so, so…
* And now for the caveats:
- I’ve cut some of the summaries down because they were way too wordy. Sorry, authors. Write shorter summaries. It’s an AO3 blurb, not a dust jacket. - The kudo count is as of 2 January 2020. Obviously, fics that started posting earlier have the advantage, since they had a longer time to gather kudos. - For this list, I disregarded all fics tagged with multiple fandoms, since their popularity may be due to those other fandoms. - Fics may get - or not get - kudos for various reasons. This is not intended to be a rec list per se, and being on or off this list is not a statement on the quality of any given fic.
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fire2forge · 4 years
Looking back...
March 15th 2020. My ship said goodbye to to our last guests. We pulled into Miami, let everyone off and left to go drift out with all the other cruise ships. At the time we all thought that it would truly be a 30 day pause in operations, we know now how naïve that was.
I’ll admit for awhile it was nice. Crew had the run of the ship, bars were open earlier, we had very little work to do, late nights out having fun, all kinds of activities. We were all so confident that covid hadn’t made it to our ship, that we were all safe, and this was just gonna be a 30 day vacation. 
Cut to the 21st:
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We come to find out later that this unannounced drill was our super-spreader event. Because no-one knew it was a drill, everyone that was in isolation came out (we thought the ship was on fire)...by the time it was announced it was a drill and those confined should not leave it was to late...
Cut to the 24th:
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I go back to medical later in the day, and after testing negative for the flu, am given a mask and told I was not allowed to leave my cabin (I luckily did not have a room mate), unless it was to come back for daily temp checks.
I find out later on that unknown to most of us we had a lot of people that had quietly been put into isolation (in a crew of 2000+, it’s easy to not notice). This was also the day of our first major repatriation effort 700 crew (mainly cruise division) where slated to fly...only a few did. 
Cut to the 28th:
The first PCR tests are done onboard, sometime in the afternoon the Captain comes on and says we have one positive case. A few hours later its 14 confirmed cases, and everyone is told to return to their cabins until further notice (We never had an official announcement given after the first 14, but it was well over 100 cases by the end). The ship has just entered lock down.
On the 29th All crew got moved into guest rooms, this was both because of an order from the CDC, and so that the many smoker’s would be able to smoke on the balconies. We had different zones to divide everyone up:
Red Zone for confirmed cases, Orange for suspected/been in contact with, and the rest for supposedly healthy. It’s here that I note that even though I had already been in isolation for days, had a constant cough, and had had a fever (that by then had broken) I was never tested, nor was I put into orange zone.
At this point no one can leave cabins (excluding those working crew) and the company has started to realize that they need to get everyone back home as soon as possible. Repatriation efforts start to really kick into gear.
We stayed in what would eventually be labeled Phase 1 for 29 days. We entered Phase 2 April 26th.
During the initial phase, all crew got asked if they wanted to stay onboard (unpaid), basically for those who didn’t want to or couldn’t go home for any reason. This would become Group 3. I was part of this group, for many reasons I did not want to go home, so the free room and board was perfect for me, and many of my friends. This is the sole reason I was onboard for so long, not because of anything the company did.
Those that did want to go home became group 2, many of them would end up waiting months before their country opened up and flights could be made, I remember how at the end of March beginning of April, we would constantly here from the Capt that some nationality was going to fly that day, only for him to come back and say that the got denied at some point in the process and would be coming back onboard. 
Those few that were still getting paid, still had a job because someone had to run the ship became known as Group 1.
I don’t really remember that much from this time, the days really started to blend and the isolation was not helping anything. While people in the US where throwing fits over “Shelter in Place” orders, I was not allowed to leave a room that was roughly 20′x10′. They complained about not being able to see friends, I only saw 1 person a day (one of my managers twice a day for temp checks, approx. 5 second visits each). They complained that stores had limited hours, I had no store, I had limited choice in food, I had no ability to get snacks, it was 3 meals a day that’s it, you want some chips at 3pm to bad dinner won’t come till 6pm. (eventually they sorted out a system so we could by snacks, beer, cigs, and bathroom supplies). To top this all off we had no access to laundry services till round April 5th, I was put in isolation before everyone else, I had not done my laundry for a week before hand....I was struggling.
Looking through some old notes, apparently at one point I had made a schedule, Breakfast 9-10...Read till 11....Listen to the crew radio show 11-1...Lunch 12-1...Nap...Dinner 5-6...Sleep. Very stimulating days we had.
A month of solitude was not easy, especially when you keep hearing about crew members being denied entry into their own countries, the media blaming the industry as a whole for covid reached the US, constantly thinking our quarantine was gonna end only for it to be extended, and not seeing or really speaking to anyone the entire time. But a light at the end of the tunnel...Phase 2
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April 26th we got let out....kinda...
Split down the Middle...people on Portside got let out for 3 hours, then People on Starboard got let out for 3 hours (this excluded anyone in red or orange zone). After our “yard time” we went back to our cabins. Once a week you could go down and purchase up to 4 items from the slop chest (the crew shop). Everyone was wearing masks, the only time we weren’t is if we were smoking, one person per ashtray spaced about 8ft apart. 
At some point during this time the Captain made a comment on how in hindsight we should of went straight into lockdown on March 15th, that we should of done 2 weeks then instead of over a month now.
We still had 2 temp checks a day (done door to door), and all meals were still delivered. There is a reason we joked about it being yard time, because it really was. You got to get some fresh air and maybe see a few friends that was it....Luckily it didn’t last long we entered phase 3 on May 12th. 
But before that a note. By this time the fleet had started using our own ships to transport crew home, aka one ship sailed a bunch of people over to India. Along with that some people were getting lucky enough to have flights. So my ship was constantly losing people, either because they got a flight home or where being moved onto another ship. If I remember correctly our largest sign off was ~500 Filipinos, it was a hectic time in crew movement, by the time we got into Phase 3 we only had a few hundred people on board if memory serves right.
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We could finally be outside for as long as we wanted, no more restricted movement. Meals where in the large guest buffet area (seating 1 or 2 people a table only, all distanced), temp checks where done at division based locations, for me that was the theatre (still two a day)....that’s basically the only change.
We still had to wear masks at all times, we were still supposed to keep distance, no groups, no going into each others cabins, no fun nights out...in theory.
The first few days in Phase 3 we ended up signing off almost everyone that was in Group 2, by May 20th we were at minimum manning +16 Group 3 (in total about 100 people). It was then that we went back to eating in the crew mess and the restrictions where unofficially forgotten about. 
When I say this you must keep in mind that at this point it had been almost 3 months since any of us had touched land, and a solid month and a half since we had a positive case. Much like New Zealand and Australia now, we no longer had to worry about covid. We still wore masks around the ship (thanks to the CDC), but unless Chief Safety caught you no one was gonna look twice at a large group eating at one table, or a group staying up late drinking and playing cards (guilty of that)...By the end of May it was almost like we had regained some normalicy...so of course it couldn’t last...
May 21st, Group 3 got a notice that we would be transferred to another ship in the fleet to consolidate all of us together. They said it would be a few weeks before this transfer...We finally got moved on June 22nd.
As of today March 16th 2021 a full year after we stopped sailing, the last remaining Group 2 and Group 3 people from my company have gotten home, those that were in Group 2 came from Vietnam, and Trinidad and Trabago it took a year to finally get them home...let that sink in.
And here is where i’ll end this tale, if anyone is interested in knowing about life on the 2nd and 3rd ship I got transferred to before going home in December, let me know i’ll type something up.
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squarekid · 4 years
The Re-Making of Grace of Monaco: the Unfinished Cut
In the summer of 2013, I was invited by the now defunct U.S. distributors of a feature film I had written called GRACE OF MONACO to participate in the editorial process for a U.S. theatrical cut. As a writer, it was a rare and unusual position to be in. I had never edited a movie before. Never meaningfully set foot in an edit room. Only seen working cuts. Though I was very reluctant about stepping into the arena, I knew this work was going to happen anyway. As a producer on the movie, it was part of my required duties on a project that had been subject to much behind-the-scenes drama (check press for details). I decided to assist how I could in the attempts to restore some of the narrative focus, tone and characterizations that were in the screenplay but not in the finished movie. So much of cinema is about interpretation of the written word — lighting, dressing, design, direction, delivery and performance — that it was never a process of recapturing what was on the page (even if some of the scenes and dialogue were exact). But about re-imagination and careful detective work. About trial and error. A look here. A smile there. A line here. Page by page. Scene by scene. Reshaping story arcs and character movements. Work that often, I have since learned through post-production on my subsequent movies working with some incredibly talented and giving filmmakers, is ideally meant to be part of an intense collaboration between director, writer and producer. 10 years on, it’s become clear with the passing of time that this experience was a black swan that I will never live through again in my career.  But yet it seems with the passing years, and the changing headwinds in the business, this cut will be lost for good. I'm not aware of any other copies existing anywhere else. It would be a shame, because those few instructive and fascinating months proved educational enough for me personally to share as an academic and historic record (should any film historians find use for this). 
As such, what follows is FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. 
A few words about what you're going to see for those of you who have never been in the process. This is not a finished movie. This is a working print of the movie many weeks prior to a picture lock; the moment the picture edit is done and you move on to other post production work —  VFX, color correction, Automated Dialog Replacement (ADR), looping, scoring, sound mixing, and so on. As such, there is no grading, the film is raw stock dailies, incomplete VFX, temp score, and you'll be doing as much reading as you would watching for all the ADR work. It was meant for many weeks more of input from the director, from the producers, from test audiences. It’s a work half-done. It's a unique viewing experience, but I hope an educational one. Also, no reshoots! The goal was to recut using existing material using the original script for guidance.
So, how is this cut different?
From Melodrama to Drama. A considerable toning down of the heightened style, to get to a more sober portrayal, and more evocative of the era. This included a more subdued and direct form of editing, and a new approach to the score.
Narrative cohesion to center on Grace’s journey and her conflicted relationship with Rainier. At its heart this was a story about a husband and wife who got married first, then figured the rest out later. This is all about POV and the choices Grace has to make to double down on or reject what may have been the biggest mistake in her life.  An unhappy woman who married her glamorous Prince, but now trapped in a grotesque place — except she has kids, and doesn’t know how to get out. It’s a tragedy. A story of acceptance. There is no nobility and quite a lot of sadness to the love affair. There were some baroque moments in the script that weren’t shot (for example, Grace taught her kids not to bite by biting them), that would have helped with getting into Grace's psyche. Nevertheless, the intent was to restore some of the essence of this to the movie. To get to the core of Grace’s self-actualization.
Create context for Monaco. Monaco in 1962 was trying to reframe itself as a tax haven to come out from under French colonial rule. They had rich people, they had grotesque people, but at its core, it was mostly a small provincial principality trying to make the most with very little. Monaco in 1962 was different to the Monaco of today, which Rainier subsequently remade into his vision of unbridled wealth and excess. When he echoes Thomas Jefferson in this cut, during a speech that was in the script but not in the other versions, there is an attempt to understand the underlying darkness of this. That though we may not (and should not) agree with him, we can see where his underlying motivations are what Grace has got herself into.  
Restructuring of the plot in some cases for more clarity and suspense. To more effectively balance the marriage story with the thriller aspects of the coup plot.
Delivery and additional dialogue. ADR requirements were extensive due to the shift from melodrama to drama. These are an attempt to mute the power of the delivery. So you’ll be reading a lot, as you will in context-setting scenes such as the opening “wall of sound” news-reels.
A final word on the much discussed original screenplay, with almost a decade of hindsight. It was written without much expectation, and a good deal of naivety. The work of a young writer starting out in Hollywood, who found a small pocket of history he found fascinating. Did I think it would end up under such intense scrutiny? Never in my wildest dreams. But fools go where angels fear to tread. Reading it back today, it feels like a great early draft, but not yet a movie, and with a lot of story and character left to be mined. For this I’ll need a whole other essay, but suffice to say it needed more time to develop. I regularly use it today as an example for young writers to show the pitfalls of moving to the production phase before the screenplay has been properly cooked. I will also make available the original treatment and first draft screenplay soon, again FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. The treatment I remain very fond of because of the cleanness of its execution.
Finally … is this cut better or worse? Does any of this matter? I don’t know. That’s not the object of this exercise. I leave that for you the viewer to decide. It’s just different. It's impossible to remake a movie after its inception and execution. But the U.S. theatrical cut, as it was to be in an alternate timeline, exists in an orphaned semi-completed state. I moved on a long time ago but Quarantine 2020 opened up some time that allowed me to crack open old files, reflect and revisit those memories, good and bad. Not least of all learning how radically different versions of a movie are possible in post-production with the same material and with creative re-writing. Editing and screenwriting it seems do go hand in hand. 
Quarantine, April 2020
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theround1aspie · 4 years
Reflecting back the last 25 years of my life.
Last July, I turned 25. Many things have changed since then. As many of you know, I was diagnosed with autism early on in my life. Life has been a difficult journey since then. I’ve been allergic to gluten and dairy for the most of my life, and while I’m still allergic to the latter, I choose to abstain from the former so I don’t feel or behave strange. I was only able to begin talking at the age of four, which is due to being given books to read by my parents. Most people don’t learn to read until they are at least five or six. When I was in senior kindergarten, the staff thought I was too good so they had me help the Grade 1 students with some of their lessons. I’ve also done some really stupid things during my early years, such as intentionally failing a math quiz, but one thing that made me snap is when I was accused of calling someone a jerk when I was complimenting the nature outside. This incident back in Grade 6 opened my eyes to the numerous bullsh*t that plagues this world to this day.
Things didn’t really take a turn until 2008-2010. Around this time, I began Grade 8 at All Saints Catholic High School, which was a very traumatizing year for me. It was here where I realized that the educational assistants (EA) were nothing but corrupt and abusive. It came to the point where I kicked an EA because I was being forced to study for Religion, which resulted in me getting suspended. I was suspended a total of five times during those years, 60% of which were EA-related. To this day, I still show no remorse for those EA-related incidents. Even then, I had more respect for the vice principals than the EAs since they actually had wisdom. In 2010, it was a hard time for my family as my grandmother had major surgery and my uncle was diagnosed with bladder cancer. It made me realize that death is a serious thing. In both cases, both survived and are still alive as of this writing.
The last three years of high school were easier than the first three, simply because I did not have EA support. As said in the previous paragraph, the EAs were the cause for most of my suspensions and removing their support undeniably did a lot of good for me. Whereas some people with special needs would stay behind after they graduated, I elected to leave immediately in 2013 simply because I could not deal with more EA abuse. However, one thing that came out of having to deal with this is that the schools knew my problems and accommodated them for me. In hindsight, my classmates and the VPs were not the issue. The high school EAs were since they were treating special needs children, teenagers I shall say, as five year olds. For some reason they thought games like Street Fighter or Tekken were the most violent thing ever; neither series has a Mature-Rated game and it shows the obvious mediocrity of the unionized OCSB staff.
After my graduation, my appreciation for fighting games grew, as I played the hell out of games like Guilty Gear Xrd, Street Fighter V, and Tekken 7, understanding the basics of the systems and learning advanced terminology like just frame, lag cancel, 8-way run, and advanced block. I would even practice for hours learning some really silly combos, even though I was nowhere near the tournament level. In 2017, I also started to really love metal music after listening to Sirius XM Liquid Metal for like eight months. I would listen to landmark albums like Heartwork by Carcass, Calculating Infinity by The Dillinger Escape Plan, The Angel and the Dark River by My Dying Bride, Through Silver in Blood by Neurosis, and even Painkiller by Judas Priest. I would even talk to a friend named Xigrame who’s a local black metal musician who worked at this video gaming night on Mondays during mid-2018 up until the COVID-19 pandemic began. He would give me band suggestions now and then. I have since took to the internet, discovering bands that I’ve never heard of like Havukruunu, Undeath, and even Wake who happens to be from Canada just like me.
Being autistic has been rather difficult for me, especially in the age of the internet. Folks that don’t know me too well know that I’m on the spectrum. It’s also hard because of my conservative views. Ever since 2015, I’ve learned that the Liberal party, doesn’t matter if it’s federal or provincial, continues to push for climate change but also increasingly adding to the federal debt. They also promote diversity, which is essentially including people based on their ethnicity, religion, sexuality, or even disability. I’m not against this personally, since autistic people are part of the diversity logic. I’m not a person who discriminates, I generally treat everybody as equal. Even with COVID-19 going on, there’s no excuse for everybody else’s bad behavior; online or offline, and regardless of political alignment.
As for me personally, I’ve had things that I could not stand back then, but now I either really enjoy. I wasn’t crazy for pasta or lamb when I was younger, but now I’m able to have them without even thinking about gagging. I didn’t have a lot of steak when I was 8 to 10, but now I eat it very frequently. Some people who complain about eating meat don’t seem to know that steak is VERY expensive. If you go to a restaurant, they generally charge you $20 or $30 on average for your favorite cut of steak. At places like Loblaws or Costco, it’s higher. So if you’re going to complain that veganism is the purest thing to man, understand that having steak for dinner is a privilege. I’m very much against veganism since a lot of people on the diet lose a ton of muscle/power and are generally faced with numerous health issues. Interestingly, I couldn’t tolerate onions or celery when I was younger because of the noise that it made in my head, but now they’re not really an issue. It’s weird because most children can’t stand broccoli or brussel sprouts but I’ve never really disliked them. With that in mind, broccoli, spinach, cauliflower and meat are all good for you since the former three induce testosterone and that meat gives you a lot of protein.
But the one thing that the COVID-19 pandemic has taught me is that exercise is very important for your health. During the pandemic, I would go in the workout shed every second day, eventually everyday, and exercise certain parts of my body. I would alter workout routines based on where I’m feeling sore. I’ve also learned that exercising regularly helps combat you from getting sick. As of this writing, I have not gotten sick since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic back in February 2020. I would also reduce my food consumption, basically skipping breakfast and lunch, but eating dinner which was usually meat and vegetables. The pandemic did a lot of good on my health since I’ve lost about 20-30 lbs from March to June 2020. I’ve been very cautious of what I consume, rarely consuming junk food. Whereas my brothers would eat junk food very often during COVID, I would use coffee and dark chocolate as my vices, which played rather well.
In July of 2020, I would turn 25 and I was grateful that I made it far in my life. The many hurdles I faced, whether it be from having autism, world issues, being a conservative voter, or even living through hardships like the COVID-19 pandemic has taught me that I’m only human. As a human, you’ve got to face hardships during your life. My grandparents had to live through World War II and my parents lived through the Reagan Era. You’re also built to make choices during your life, with each choice you make shaping your personality. For example, I really like video games (especially fighting games), metal music, working out, eating fine cooked steak, and believing in conservatism. When life gets rough, don’t let the world bring you down. People are made to adapt to situations and we just roll the dice. No matter what number shows up, we always win because we are warriors, able to get through anything. Stay strong.
R1A out!
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dnowit41 · 4 years
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“His feet [are] slower than rush hour traffic. Really slow feet…When I look at him on tape, he struggles with quick defenders. Guys getting in his pocket, getting after him… So, his NBA comparison is Hedo Turkoglu.”
“That’s my takeaway—He doesn’t pop athletically.”
“I mean, he’s better than Ricky Rubio but he doesn’t look special to me.”
“Doncic, at 6-7, will get exposed for all of the inadequacies that Dirk had. Dirk is not a great athlete. Dirk doesn’t have explosiveness. Dirk isn’t physical. That’s what is going to happen to Doncic…I’m not saying Luka is setting the NBA world on fire—I’m not sure he’s going to be a dominating NBA player.”
“The athleticism, that’s a problem. The lack of athleticism.”
“I believe Luka should go to a good team. I don’t believe he’s a lottery pick. No, I don’t. I think he falls right outside the lottery.”
“I don’t give a damn about how this kid in Europe looked.”
“We tend to over-sensationalize European basketball. There [are] restrictions that cater to him. You can’t have nine Americans on the floor in Europe. There’s going to be nine bred Americans on the floor with you 95 percent of the time in the NBA. That changes the dynamics of the game.”
These weren’t from randoms on Twitter purposely throwing out hot takes for some retweets and follows. These were hoops analysts on ESPN and FS1 talk shows (which, on second thought, sometimes spiel absurd hot takes for the same reasons as the Twitter randoms) giving their thoughts on Luka Doncic’s potential in the lead up to the 2018 NBA Draft. We’re not here to judge or air any of them out, so purposely not attaching any names to these. But you’ve probably seen some of these clips on your own social feeds or on YouTube already. Even Damian Lillard quote-tweeted an 80-second video compilation with some of these very same soundbites the morning after the Mavs star dropped a monster triple-double during last summer’s (still super strange saying that) playoffs. Dame’s caption was simply an “Lol”—which perfectly sums it all up in hindsight.
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Doncic had proven himself overseas—going pro at age 13 (he left Slovenia by himself and relocated to Spain to play for Real Madrid—his mom didn’t join him there until three years later), winning MVP of the Liga ACB, EuroLeague and EuroLeague Final Four at 19 years old. The accolades actually made him the youngest MVP in the EuroLeague’s history.  
But a lot of fans (and media, seemingly) in the States had increasingly grown skeptical of highly-touted international prospects after many had not lived up to expectations upon their arrival to the Association. For the sake of consistency, they shall remain nameless here too. There’s that dude from Eastern Europe that got drafted really high in the 2003 NBA Draft by that team that had just played in the Eastern Conference Finals a month earlier. Or that other guy in the previous draft class that went really high too but was never able to make it work in the Mile-High City. Or even three years prior to that when the Knicks drafted a player in the teens that ultimately never saw a single minute of action in the League. There are plenty of posts online attempting to rank which international players were the most disappointing.
Hey, it’s the NBA. It’s not supposed to be easy or for everybody. There’s a reason why the average NBA career length is barely four years. It doesn’t make any of the guys that weren’t able to take off in the Association are any less as hoopers. Luck, timing, fit, politics—whatever the case is, it doesn’t work out more often than it does. Nevermind the complexities in scouting and the challenges of evaluating players competing in leagues of various talent levels.
Nonetheless, it happened. And will continue to. Can’t-miss prospects will miss when they finally get there. And many of those that were overlooked, underrecruited and slighted on social media (and on TV) will turn heads.
It didn’t take long for the very same TV analysts to change their tune about Luka. Like, literally just a few games into his career. And now only two seasons in, the 6-7 Slovenian guard has accumulated a ridiculous amount of shattered records. Forget the two regular seasons worth of games (which include records like surpassing Michael Jordan for the most consecutive 20-5-5 performances since the ABA/NBA merger), just the very first playoff series of his career alone is enough to justify everything you hear about him. The six-game series against the L.A. Clippers dissipated any lingering doubts.  
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Game 1: 42 points—most points in a playoff debut by any player in NBA history, first 21-year-old to drop 40+ in a playoff game since LeBron James, fourth player to do it in general (after Magic Johnson, Tracy McGrady and James).
Game 2: 28 points, 8 rebounds, 7 assists—most points (70) by a player through his first two career playoff games in NBA history.
Game 3: first player in Mavericks history to record a triple-double in the playoffs, third youngest player in NBA history to record a triple-double in the playoffs after Magic and LeBron.
Game 4: a gazillion records. So much that Mavs PR Twitter had to create a Twitter thread just to be able to list them all. And even then, there were others they missed. Media members soon chimed in with the additional data.
His 43-point, 17-rebound and 13-assist stat line, which included a buzzer-beater to tie the series at 2-2, made him: the youngest ever to record a 40-point triple-double in the playoffs, the youngest to ever hit a playoff buzzer-beater, the only player aside from Wilt Chamberlain to finish with 43+ points, 17+ rebounds and 13+ assists in a game, the only player aside from Jordan to put up a 40-piece to go with a buzzer-beater while trailing, the third ever 40-15-10 performance in the playoffs after Oscar Robertson and Charles Barkley, second ever 21-year-old to record a 30-point triple-double in the playoffs, the third player ever after Magic and LeBron to have multiple playoff triple-doubles by the age or 21. The list went on and on, but you get the point.  
Although the Mavs went on to lose in six games, they still managed to come away as the real winners in the grand scheme of things—in front of the whole world, they confirmed they had THE one.
In the aftermath of Game 4 and in the weeks that followed, players across the League reacted to Luka’s insane performances. Props were given by the biggest names around.
Even before Luka played a single game in the NBA, back-to-back reigning MVP Giannis Antetokounmpo saw all of this coming from a mile away. In the summer of 2018, the Greek Freak, speaking with Marca, a local newspaper in Madrid, showed that he was better equipped than anyone else to evaluate Luka’s NBA potential as an international player himself.
“He is the most exciting player that has appeared in basketball in recent years. This past year in Europe he has won every competition he has played. EuroBasket, EuroLeague, Liga Endesa. He has been MVP of the EuroLeague, of the Final Four,” said Antetokounmpo. “He has shown that he is more than ready to play, that he has matured faster than the rest. He has played against professionals, as Charles Barkley said. The other rookies played against schoolboys.
“People in the United States sometimes forget that in the EuroLeague they play very well and very hard, more than in the NCAA. You have to be very good to stand out in the EuroLeague, and Luka is. Doncic has a lot of talent. He will have a great first year and, if it is not in the second, he will explode in the third.”
Looks like that explosion may have happened in the second year after all. Unless, of course, that wasn’t the explosion Giannis was talking about. There’s a chance we’re about to witness a whole other level that Luka could tap into. It’s worth noting, as of mid-December, he is the betting favorite to win MVP, according to Caesars Sportsbook with a +400. Defending MVP Giannis is right behind him at +450.
Giannis isn’t the only MVP who’s had high praise for the former Real Madrid star. The King himself, while appearing on Uninterrupted’s Road Trippin’ in early December, made it known that at one point he had intentions of starting a subset of his brand with Luka as the centerpiece.
“I wanted to begin Team LeBron and have Luka as my first signing with Nike,” said LeBron. “I don’t even know if Luka knows this, but he will know it now. I wanted Luka to be the first signing of Team LeBron when he was going through his situation…That’s how much I believed in him.”
In July, Paul Pierce went as far as to suggest that there’s already been a passing of the crown.
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“You talk about a kid who made one of the biggest leaps in recent memory from a Rookie of the Year to MVP-caliber player,” said the Celtics legend. “He has won at every European championship that you can think of, every European MVP that you can think of. So, I expect special things from this kid. Clearly, he’s special. He’s a talent. To me, he is the most talented player in the NBA today. The lights are never too bright for him.”
The amount of individual records he’s been able to set and break are so many that his Wikipedia page has an “achievements” section specifically dedicated to that, where people have been able to create a list with 43 different bullet points detailing where his performances have landed him in the history books. Forty-three. Two years in.
“I just feel confident. I know I have the confidence of my teammates and my team, so I just feel confident [in] myself and I love taking those shots. I get motivated. I have to make the last shot,” Luka told Rachel Nichols in a sit-down interview in 2019. When he sat down with her again in 2020, he added: “Pressure was in my life when I was 13, when I had to move from Slovenia alone to Madrid. I live with pressure every day, so I just don’t feel it anymore.”
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emilyiswrightt · 4 years
Audience Studies (3P18) Blog #10:
With great sadness I am announcing that this is my last blog post! I have really enjoyed writing the past few weeks, I didn’t even realize the end was so close. Let’s leave with a bang. This week we will be talking about digital audiences in the era of big data. Prior to the era of having technology at the tip of our fingers we relied on large media corporations. The average Joe was always the audience and the content creators were those up on a stage, or on a movie screen. We now all have the power to share and create content. At one point in time this was exclusive. Everyone is able to create sophisticated information products and services that were once only able to be created by large centralized media organizations. Take the New York Times 2006 “person of the year” as an example.
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 In the early years of digitization, Time’s “person of the year” is everyone as everyone is now allowed to take on the role of content creation. This represents power of the people and power to audience members. Now I know in 2006 I was only 7 so I don’t really remember the hype around this. From multiple online sources I can gather that there was a huge hype around this as it is the first time media audiences were being recognized. The magazine recognized millions of people who contributed to user-generated content through many online forms. Some examples of these platforms at the time were YouTube, Facebook, MySpace and Wikipedia. Now we know that the web has changed significantly over time. To make it easy to understand that we are in a new era of the web, I can confirm that we are in fact in the era of Web 2.0. This is “as a transport mechanism, the ether through which interactivity happens” (Sullivan, 2020, pg. 219). In other words, Web 2.0 is the next generation of the web. Web users are now interactive, and like I previously said, are now their own content creators.
So how can we explain Web 2.0, the online world we live in today? We now know that we can all be either audience members or content creators. We know that being a content creator is not exclusive anymore. So how can we explain everything step by step? Let's start off by explaining two key terms.
First up, we have digitalization. Digitalization is where media sounds and images are recorded and transmitted to digital media. My favourite example of this dates back to when I was younger and on a family vacation. My family decided to take a Disney Cruise from Florida to some hot spot destinations such as Key West, Mexico and the Bahamas. Each night on this cruise we ate in a different restaurant. My favourite restaurant was “Animator’s Palate”. 
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This restaurant took old animated Mickey Mouse films and displayed them on the walls. This was where unique and original sounds and images were recorded, and put on display in such a unique form of digital media.
The next term we have is convergence. For lack of better words, Sullivan describes this as “... allows media content to be displayed on any number of different devices, but it has also enabled the simple reproduction of these media into computer file formats that can be easily distributed via the Internet, leading to a widespread piracy of copyrighted material” (Sullivan, 2020, p.321).  Convergence is argued to be a representation of a cultural shift in consumerism. This leads us to our next term, audience autonomy. This means that audiences have control over their own media usages. Prior to the digital age of streaming services such as Netflix or Disney Plus, we were restricted to the dates and times of when the Television program decided to air their show. Audiences had no choice about when they wanted to stream each show. I remember during grade school I had a routine. I’d wake up every morning at 6:30AM and watch “Life with Derek” followed by “Good Luck Charlie” on the Disney channel. I watched these shows each morning in this order because I had no other choice on the Disney channel of what I wanted to watch and when. Now if I were to wake up, I can stream any episode of this I want, whenever I want. But in hindsight, maybe it’s a good thing I didn't have the option of choice back in the day because I probably would’ve been walking to school after missing my bus a lot more often!
Now that we have defined Web 2.0, digitization and convergence we can begin to understand digital audiences in the era of big data. There is so much more to learn about this topic it is impossible to share with you in just one post! I encourage you to keep digging and learning about this interesting concept. I am happy to be the first stop on you journey to understanding Web 2.0, all it has to offer and what it means for the world today. I’d love to say until next time as every blog post previous to this, but that is no longer the case! I wish you the best in your audience studies! Thank you for being a wonderful audience.
Best regards,
Works Cited
Sullivan, J. L. (2020). Media Audiences: Effects, Users, Institutions, and Power. Thousand
Oakes, California: SAGE Publications.
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frankkjonestx · 4 years
What’s behind August 2020’s extreme weather? Climate change and bad luck
August 2020 has been a devastating month across large swaths of the United States: As powerful Hurricane Laura barreled into the U.S. Gulf Coast on August 27, fires continued to blaze in California. Meanwhile, farmers are still assessing widespread damage to crops in the Midwest following an Aug. 10 “derecho,” a sudden, hurricane-force windstorm.
Each of these extreme weather events was the result of a particular set of atmospheric — and in the case of Laura, oceanic — conditions. In part, it’s just bad luck that the United States is being slammed with these events back-to-back-to-back. But for some of these events, such as intense hurricanes and more frequent wildfires, scientists have long warned that climate change has been setting the stage for disaster.
Science News takes a closer look at what causes these kinds of extreme weather events, and the extent to which human-caused climate change may be playing a role in each of them.
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On August 25, NASA’s GOES-West satellite watched as hazy gray smoke emanating from hundreds of wildfires in California drifted eastward, while Hurricane Laura barreled toward Louisiana and Texas. Farther south and east are the wispy remnants of Tropical Storm Marco. Laura made landfall on August 27 as a Category 4 hurricane.NOAA
California wildfires
A “dry lightning” storm, which produced nearly 11,000 bursts of lightning between August 15 and August 19, set off devastating wildfires in across California. To date, these fires have burned more than 520,000 hectares.
That is “an unbelievable number to say out loud, even in the last few years,” says climate scientist Daniel Swain, of the Institute of the Environment and Sustainability at UCLA.
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Lightning crackles over Mitchell’s Cove in Santa Cruz, Calif., on August 16, part of a rare and severe storm system that triggered wildfires across the state.Shmuel Thaler/The Santa Cruz Sentinel via AP
The storm itself was the result of a particular, unusual set of circumstances. But the region was already primed for fires, the stage set by a prolonged and record-breaking heat wave in the western United States — including one of the hottest temperatures ever measured on Earth, at Death Valley, Calif. — as well as extreme dryness in the region (SN: 8/17/20). And those conditions bear the fingerprints of climate change, Swain says.
The extreme dryness is particularly key, he adds. “It’s not just incremental; it absolutely matters how dry it is. You don’t just flip a switch from dry enough to burn to not dry enough to burn. There’s a wide gradient up to dry enough to burn explosively.”
Both California’s average heat and dryness have become more severe due to climate change, dramatically increasing the likelihood of extreme wildfires. In an Aug. 20 study in Environmental Research Letters, Swain and colleagues noted that over the last 40 years, average autumn temperatures increased across the state by about 1 degree Celsius, and statewide precipitation dropped by about 30 percent. That, in turn, has more than doubled the number of autumn days with extreme fire weather conditions since the early 1980s, they found.
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An unusual dry lightning storm combined with very dry vegetation and a record-breaking heat wave to spark hundreds of wildfires across California between August 15 and August 19. One group of these fires, collectively referred to as the LNU Lightning Complex, blazed through Napa, Sonoma, Solano, Yolo and Lake counties. Firefighters continued to battle the LNU complex fires on August 23, including in unincorporated Lake County, Calif. (shown).AP Photo/Noah Berger
Although fall fires in California tend to be more wind-driven, and summertime fires more heat-driven, studies show that the fingerprint of climate change is present in both, Swain says. “A lot of it is very consistent with the long-term picture that scientists were suggesting would evolve.”
Though the stage had been set by the climate, the particular trigger for the latest fires was a “dry lightning” storm that resulted from a strange confluence of two key conditions, each in itself rare for the region and time of year. “’Freak storm’ would not be too far off,” Swain says.
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Smoke still engulfed California on August 24, as more than 650 wildfires continued to blaze across the state (red dots indicate likely fire areas). The two largest fires, both in Northern California, were named for the lightning storm that sparked them: the LNU Lightning Complex and the SCU Lightning Complex. They are now second and third on the list of California’s largest wildfires.NASA Worldview, Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS)
The first was a plume of moisture from Tropical Storm Fausto, far to the south, which managed to travel north to California on the wind and provide just enough moisture to form clouds. The second was a small atmospheric ripple, the remnants of an old thunderstorm complex in the Sonoran Desert. That ripple, Swain says, was just enough to kick-start mixing in the atmosphere; such vertical motion is the key to thunderstorms. The resulting clouds were stormy but very high, their bases at least 3,000 meters aboveground. They produced plenty of lightning, but most rain would have evaporated during the long dry journey down.
Possible links between climate change and the conditions that led to such a dry lightning storm would be “very hard to disentangle,” Swain says. “The conditions are rare to begin with, and not well modeled from a weather perspective.”
But, he adds, “we know there’s a climate signal in the background conditions that allowed that rare event to have the outcome it did.”
Midwest derecho
On August 10, a powerful windstorm with the ferocity of a hurricane traveled over 1,200 kilometers in just 14 hours, leaving a path of destruction from eastern South Dakota to western Ohio.
The storm was what’s known as a derecho, roughly translating to “straight ahead.” These storms have winds rivaling the strength of a hurricane or tornado, but push forward in one direction instead of rotating. By definition, a derecho produces sustained winds of at least 93 kilometers per hour (similar to the fury of tropical storm-force winds), nearly continuously, for at least 400 kilometers. Their power is equally devastating: The August derecho flattened millions of hectares of crops, uprooted trees, damaged homes, flipped trucks and left hundreds of thousands of people without power.
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A powerful derecho on August 10 twisted these corn and soybean grain bins in Luther, Iowa. The storm-force winds swept 1,200 kilometers across the U.S. Midwest, from South Dakota to Ohio, damaging homes and croplands and leaving hundreds of thousands of people without power.Daniel Acker/Getty Images
The Midwest has had many derechos before, says Alan Czarnetzki, a meteorologist at the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls. What made this one significant and unusual was its intensity and scale — and, Czarnetzki notes, the fact that it took even researchers by surprise.
Derechos originate within a mesoscale convective system — a vast, organized system of thunderclouds that are the basic building block for many different kinds of storms, including hurricanes and tornadoes. Unlike the better-known rotating supercells, however, derechos form from long bands of swiftly moving thunderstorms, sometimes called squall lines. In hindsight, derechos are easy to recognize. In addition to the length and strength conditions, derechos acquire a distinctive bowlike shape on radar images; this one appeared as though the storm was aiming its arrow eastward.
But the storms are much more difficult to forecast, because the conditions that can lead them to form can be very subtle. And there’s overall less research on these storms than on their more dramatic cousins, tornadoes. “We have to rely on situational awareness,” Czarnetzki says. “Like people, sometimes you can have an exceptional storm arise from very humble origins.”
Derecho radar
The August 10 derecho, seen in radar images here as it moved across the Midwest (times are CDT) had a distinctive curved shape on radar, like a bow poised to shoot an arrow eastward. In some places, the storm had sustained winds of about 160 kilometers per hour, comparable to the wind strength of a Category 3 hurricane.
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National Weather Service
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National Weather Service
The Aug. 10 derecho was particularly long and strong, with sustained winds in some places of up to 160 kilometers per hour (100 miles an hour). Still, such a strong derecho is not unheard of, Czarnetzki says. “It’s probably every 10 years you’d see something this strong.”
Whether such strong derechos might become more, or less, common due to climate change is difficult to say, however. Some anticipated effects of climate change, such as warming at the planet’s surface, could increase the likelihood of more and stronger derechos by increasing atmospheric instability. But warming higher in the atmosphere, also a possible result of climate change, could similarly increase atmospheric stability, Czarnetzki says. “It’s a straightforward question with an uncertain answer.”
Atlantic hurricanes
Hurricane Laura roared ashore in Louisiana in the early morning hours of August 27 as a Category 4 hurricane, with sustained winds of about 240 kilometers per hour (150 miles per hour). Just two days earlier, the storm had been a Category 1. But in the mere 24 hours from August 25 to August 26, the storm rapidly intensified, supercharged by warm waters in the Gulf of Mexico.
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Hurricane Laura intensified rapidly due to the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, strengthening from a Category 1 hurricane on August 25 to a Category 4 on August 26 (shown). The U.S. National Hurricane Center warned coastal residents of Louisiana and Texas to expect a storm surge — ocean waters elevated by the storm above the normal tide level — of as much as five meters.NOAA
The Atlantic hurricane season is already setting several new records, with the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration predicting as many as 25 named storms, the most the agency has ever anticipated (SN: 8/7/20).
At present, 2005 still holds the record for the most named storms to actually form in the Atlantic in a given season, at 28 (SN: 8/22/18). But 2020 may yet surpass that record. By August 26, 13 named storms had already formed in the Atlantic, the most ever before September.
The previous week, researchers pondered whether another highly unusual set of circumstances might be in the offing. As Laura’s track shifted southward, away from Florida, tropical storm Marco appeared to be on track to enter the Gulf of Mexico right behind it. That might have induced a type of physical interaction known as a Fujiwhara effect, in which a strong storm might strengthen further as it absorbs the energy of a lesser storm. In perhaps a stroke of good luck in the midst of this string of weather extremes, Marco dissipated instead.
As Hurricane Laura approached landfall, the U.S. National Hurricane Center warned that “unsurvivable” storm surges of up to five meters could inundate the Gulf Coast in parts of Texas and Louisiana. Storm surge is the height to which the seawater level rises as a result of a storm, on top of the normal tidal level.
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Debris litters Lake Charles, La., in the aftermath of Hurricane Laura’s landfall August 27.AP Photo/Gerald Herbert
It’s impossible to attribute the fury of any one storm to climate change, but scientists have observed a statistically significant link between warmer waters and hurricane intensity. Warm waters in the Atlantic Ocean, the result of climate change, juiced up 2017’s hurricanes, including Irma and Maria, researchers have found (SN: 9/28/18).
And the Gulf of Mexico’s bathlike waters have notably supercharged several hurricanes in recent years. In 2018, for example, Hurricane Michael intensified rapidly before slamming into the Florida panhandle (SN: 10/10/18). And in 2005, hurricanes Katrina and Rita did the same before making landfall (SN: 9/13/05).
As for Laura, one contributing factor to its rapid intensification was a drop in wind shear as it spun through the Gulf.  Wind shear, a change in the speed and/or direction of winds with height, can disrupt a storm’s structure, robbing it of some of its power.  But the Gulf’s warmer-than-average waters, which in some locations approached 32.2° C (90° Fahrenheit), were also key to the storm’s sudden strength. And, by warming the oceans, climate change is also setting the stage for supercharged storms, scientists say. 
.image-mobile { display: none; } @media (max-width: 400px) { .image-mobile { display: block; } .image-desktop { display: none; } } from Tips By Frank https://www.sciencenews.org/article/2020-extreme-weather-climate-change-hurricane-derecho-wildfire
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Disclaimer:  All names have been changed to protect the innocent.
  Larceny Incorporated
 February 15, 2020
 By Stephen Jay Morris c/w Pamela Amodeo-Morris
©Scientific Morality
             Moving is a nightmare, as many of you know.  Try moving across the country.  You do what you can to cut corners and save money.  However, the axiom rings true:  you get what you pay for.  In this conservative era of laissez-faire idiocy, there are dishonest hucksters hiding in the back offices of hundreds of warehouses.  Pamela and I were victims of one.
           When we walked away from our home in Oregon, we ended up living in mobile homes in the Southern California desert for six and a half years.  Living in a mobile home is a heartbeat from homelessness. Many mobile home parks are ghettos for poor white people.  I pity the poor, but some of them are damaged people who get on my nerves.
Our first home was not in a park, per se, but was on a residential street of a small city. The coach, as park managers and owners reference these homes, was situated on a large, privately owned, corner lot.  Its street was near a major intersection, where police and emergency vehicles’ sirens screamed day and night.  Druggies and drunks would walk past our walled yard all hours of the night, shouting threats at each other, and dark figures in old cars would frequently park just outside our bedroom window late at night, engine idling and gangsta rap blasting from their sound systems.  Unlike most mobile homes in the desert, which are primarily landscaped with small rocks and concrete, this one was heavily planted with fruit trees, rose bushes, shrubs and plants.  The landlord, who was an elderly man, was a great collector of native and non-native plants and trees.  He paid a neighbor to come and water the property twice weekly, and more during the intense summers.  It usually took the guy about three hours to complete the task.  We finally moved from there when the landlord wanted to reoccupy his property.
Since 2012, our primary goal had been to move to New York.  We wanted to be near Pamela’s family and within driving distance of New York City. But, with tight finances again dictating our fate, we rented a second mobile home in the same town.  (Just before this move, we got sidetracked a bit and almost moved to Texas, to be near Pamie’s sister.  In hindsight, though, everything worked out for the better.)
Unlike the first rental, this mobile home was situated in a large, beautiful, well-managed park, tailored for the 50+ community.  It was a great improvement over the latter:  spacious, insulated from the downsides of city-life, and owned by a responsive, absentee landlady.  However, the homes here were situated very close to one another on small, leased lots. With our focus steadfastly fixed on New York, we unpacked only our basic living necessities.  The vast majority of our belongings remained boxed and stored inside the home, in a large, unused area apparently intended as a recreation room. As such, it resembled a warehouse.
The neighbor to the right of us was a loud mouth, Trump supporter.  Every morning, he sat on his front porch, cell phone to his mouth, loudly berating the ills and failures of the Obama Administration and the country’s “nanny state.”  He initially tried to hustle me in his efforts to find customers for his “car repair business.”  He soon got the message that I was not interested in his business or his company. Lord, have mercy!
This move was supposed to be temporary, but we ended up living there for three and a half years. I had my heart attack in the small backyard at the end of our second year there.  My beloved Golden Retriever passed away there 14 months later.
All the while, Pamela searched relentlessly for a New York home.  She worked with several realtors and finance brokers via phone and email.   She even flew east twice to look at potential houses.  Finally, when a move looked imminent, Pamela searched found a long-distance moving company that quoted us a price at about 50% below the competition!  I’ll call them “L.A. Bowel Movers.”  The salesman, or “move coordinator,” called himself Jeremiah.  I immediately thought that Mormons owned the company.  Like Howard Hughes, I trusted Mormons.  Well, I later came to learn that this was no Mormon outfit.  We trusted Jeremiah.  We sent him a deposit and booked a move.
           However, as time went on, potential new home deals fell through.  We spent loads of money on required house inspections. But one house after another, something would go awry.  We canceled and rebooked our move with Jeremiah at least five times, and each time, he promptly and without incident, inked a new date for us.  Jeremiah was a charming guy, affable and easy-going. Usually, that would be a red flag for me.  However, anxious to buy our very own home in New York, I was suckered in.
           Switch and bait:  One thing I found odd was that this company hadn’t sent anyone to give us an on site estimate.  Jeremiah had provided it by phone and email, based on details Pamela gave of our current home’s size and the gross weight of our belongings recorded in past moves.  That was yet another red flag we ignored.
           Cut to moving day.  We were aware of the company’s policy:  No goods loaded until 50% of the total move balance was handed over.  Payment could only be made by cash, cashier’s check, or postal money order.  Another red flag we overlooked.  Pamela had already obtained a cashier’s check in the required amount.
The movers showed up 30 minutes late.  The truck they brought was 26 feet long, much smaller than we’d expected.  We soon learned that it was intended only to accommodate the total cubic footage and weight on which the original phone estimate was based, with room to spare.  Our entire load would later be transferred onto a contracted mover’s semi-truck.  Well, the moving team’s lead man, Jose, surveyed our entire household’s possessions.  He then informed us that more space would be required on the truck to accommodate everything; approximately 546 more cubic feet. This, of course, translated to additional costs of over $3,100.  We panicked; we didn’t have the extra funds!  They had us over a barrel!  After several phone calls were made between Jose, his boss, Jeremiah and us, Pamela and I discussed our dilemma in private.  We were stuck.  We had no choice but to pay up and get the truck loaded.  Our new home was scheduled to close in six days, we had a plane to catch, our lease was up, and we had a team of people depending on us! After some protests, we obtained an option to request a discount.  The lead man’s boss accepted it, we agreed for the move to proceed, and we handed the cashier’s check to Jose.  During this entire ordeal, five workers sat in front of the house, waiting for their orders.  It seemed as though they’d been through this before.  Funny, the movers ultimately managed to load all of our stuff onto every cubic inch of the small truck.   Go wonder.
Cash only:  Fast forward:  we successfully arrived in New York and, after several hotel stays, we were invited to be guests at our realtor’s home while awaiting the closing of our new home and arrival of the moving truck. This home’s very remote location left us with no cell service, which was the sole means by which the mover (driver), Don, could reach us.  Fortunately, there was a land line we could use while there.  We phoned the mover and, with great difficulty, we provided that phone number to him.  Immediately, a communication problem with the mover became evident, as he spoke with a heavy mid-Eastern accent in very broken English; his comprehension was even less.  He informed us he would be arriving in five days.
           Two nights before the expected arrival date, Don phoned to inform us that he would be arriving the next morning, between 7 and 10 a.m.  This meant we had to hustle, get to bed early, and arrive at the house in time to meet him.  Well, we arrived at 7:15 a.m. and waited.  After almost two and a half hours, we decided to leave, figuring he wasn’t going to show up.  Just before we got into our rental vehicle, we saw this semi-truck coming up the road.  They arrived at 10:30.
To our astonishment, there were only two guys to complete the delivery:  Don and his partner.  Just the two were going to move our voluminous amount of stuff from the truck and into our new home!  Don, the leader, was an unctuous dude who was short in stature with the biggest Napoleonic complex I had ever witnessed!  As we came to soon find out, he also had a persecution complex and argued with us several times in his broken English.  Pamela would instruct him how to set up furnishings and he would either ignore her or angrily dispute it.  It was below 30 degrees out, but he insisted that we turn off the heat and leave all of the doors open the entire time!
The other major hurdle was the requirement for the means of payment.  Total due was over $5,200.  We had been instructed, only after we’d left our former home and place of banking, that the driver would only accept cash or postal money order. We had neither, and had no easy access to our funds.  We were limited by our credit union to withdraw no more than $2500 a day.  We’d already obtained that amount the previous Friday, after great effort and a long drive in the snow and rain, from and to our remote guest house.  But, now, while the move delivery was in progress, we had to leave the movers alone at the house to travel again to areas unfamiliar to us.  Finally, we were finally successful in purchasing the remaining funds at a post office in the form of postal money orders.  We returned and paid the funds to the mover, obtained his receipts, and painfully endured the project through its finish at 9:30 p.m.  We were so frustrated, defeated, and exhausted that we told the movers to simply leave us to finish assembling the furnishings that were still lying in pieces on the floor.
           When it was all over, I was pissed off and Pamela was exhausted.  As time went on, we found damage to some of our furnishings.  We opened boxes and found more damaged goods.  When it finally came time to use our clothes washer, it made a terrible banging sound. We ended up going to the laundromat twice.  A repairman later found it had been damaged during the move.
           Not only did the movers fuck us over, but our vehicle transport company also ripped us off.  I won’t get into that right now.  If you are telling me that capitalism is superior to socialism, I will reply that that is similar to comparing Scarlet Fever to cancer.  Both diseases should be cured.
Unless I become a millionaire, I will never move again.
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drarrygirl27 · 3 years
Thanks for the tag, @unsealingkale !
1. what does your name mean / mean to you?
Oh wow! I learned something new about my name. It is a Hindi boy name meaning, Center. I'm used to reading it meaning things like knowledge, wise, understanding, and water baby. This is very interesting!
I used to hate my first name years ago, but honestly I really used to hate myself for many reasons for many years. I now love my first name as much as I love my middle name. My last name is pretty cool. I used to want to change it to my biological last name, but now it ties me to both my grandma (She got remarried when my dad and his brother were in their teen years. The man she remarried, she had 3 of my uncles with, 2 are still alive.) and my dad so I'm going to keep it for a little while longer. My dad has another brother who I keep in contact with with my biological last name. They found each other through Facebook years and years ago.
2. breakfast, lunch or dinner?
Breakfast because breakfast is the bomb! That is my favorite kind of food, day or night. I do eat lunch and dinner too, but breakfast food will always have my heart.
3. what are you proud of?
I am proud of how far I actually have come in my life. There were times where I literally wanted to just let things be even when it was bad for me to do so, but I still eventually found the courage to leave when I knew that in my heart of hearts that I needed to for the good of my overall well being. I have had to do that a good bit of times in my life and despite how some of it hurt me really bad to do so emotionally and sometimes mentally even, I knew that I just had to do it because if I would have stayed in some if not most of those situations, I wouldn't be where I am now.
I don't have the best job in the world right now and things have been really hard especially with this crazy ass situation going on, but I am so much happier in so many ways than I was 3 years ago and years before that even. I have grown a lot in many ways. I have the Army to thank for that at least partly. That place pushed me to my limits in so many ways that I had no choice, but to see that I really, really needed to change in some ways if I was ever going to get anywhere in life in the Civilian world. It was what I like to call a necessary hell.
4. your go to song on a bad day?
Not sure if this counts, but when I get scared or anxious about something, I listen to "Lullaby" by Shawn Mullins. It feels like he is singing it to me in a way. It sounds crazy I know, but I have loved this song for many years and overtime it just became a really good comforting song for me.
5. have / want tattoos
I don't have tattoos and I don't think I will ever get a tattoo. I don't like needles. I'm not as bad as my mom with them, but I still don't like the way they feel and I wouldn't know what to get anyway.
6. what are you looking forward to post ‘rona?
To go to places without having to wear a mask like the movies and the mall for instance. They drive me nuts! I wear them for work and when I go into stores. At home, I stay mask free because no one has the 'rona in the house because we all wear masks when we go out some where like work places and the like.
7. fave place you’ve travelled to / where you would like to travel to?
Lost Maples Natural State Area in Texas, hands down! It is a gorgeous place with mountains with hiking trails and beautiful unbelievably crystal clear water.
North Carolina. I need to pay respects to my grandma and if it is allowed I am thinking about spreading my dad's ashes on her grave as well. I was in the Army when she died. I was offered to go back home because of it, but I knew my grandma would have wanted me to keep going and so I did.
8. name a personal object in your room that you love
My grandma's and Daddi-o's memorial service discs even though the Bitch Cunt of the Century a.k.a. Former stepmom was in charge of the pictures on my Daddii-o's discs. You can tell because she is in most of the pics. *Sighs* Lord, I wish I would have had enough balls to tell that 'thing' to fuck all the way off! *Sighs* Hindsight is 2020 and unfortunately, all that shit went down in 2017.
This Bitch Cunt of the Century actually had the absolute gall just like she does every year to wish me a happy birthday. I of course ignored it like I do every year. In other words, Go fuck yourself & leave me alone!!! I want to forget that you ever, ever existed, please & thank you. By the way, that statement was towards my former stepmom who is I am pretty certain as a curtain has a spot in Hell waiting for her and not at any of you. I just wanted to make sure that that was clear as crystal.
9. what’s your niche interest?
Hmm... I have a good bit of them to be honest. I will just name my main fandoms at the moment. Rhink, Supernatural, and Harry Potter especially when it comes to shipping. LOL!
10. ideal date with yourself?
Hmm... An ideal date with myself, eh? This is going to sound so weird or maybe not, but either a trip to a bookstore or a thrift and or antique store. I love to check out those kinds of places.
11. share a pic from your camera roll that brings you joy
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This cute little thing is Lulu off of Kittisaurus. He is my favorite cat on that YouTube channel.
12. Is there anything you would say to your younger self?
Yes there is. Things will get better than what they are now. You just have to be patient and strong. One day your life won't be completely the same. It will be better. We ourselves will be better so keep your head up kid and don't give up on the fact that one day your life will change and that you will change for the better and that you will be truly happy. Eventually, wonderful things will come your way, but you first have to go through some trials & tribulations that will make you want to just give up, roll over and cry and allow life & people to screw you over. Don't let them! You are stronger and brighter in spirit than you will ever realize. Keep striving to have a better & happier life because you are worth it. You have always been worth it and I love you. One day you will be able to look at yourself in the mirror and say that to yourself like I am telling you right now.
After that I would embrace my younger self while she cried. That is probably what more than likely would happen if I met up with my younger self somehow.
13. do you bop to music on (I corrected this. It originally said in.) your own? do you sing?
Yep especially while driving in my car to and from work and at work too.
Oh Hell Yeah! I sing way more than I used to especially not just by myself behind closed doors. I don't sing out loud at work though because people could be sleeping and also I'm still a wee bit hesitant to sing in front of people like face to face depending upon where I am at, who I am with, and such. I'm working on it, but I do show my talent to people a lot more than what I used to.
Now that I work at the school district this has changed quite a bit. LOL! 😆 I more than likely especially this summer thus far have given unintentional concerts to some people possibly.
14. is there a type of animal you associate with home? does your house get animal visitors?
Hmm... I was around cats a lot more than dogs throughout most of my lifetime especially my childhood and teenage years.
If we're being sappy though I'd say cats and dogs now. My boyfriend's brother and sister-in-law have a cat that I love a lot. He is what I like to call a sweet asshole. LOL! He can be nice and or loving, but not towards most people. He is kind of like my boyfriend in that way. They're both assholes to people who actually deserve it, but if you're a good and respectable person they'll show you the same kind of decency.
My mom has two German Shepherds that are my fuzz sisters. I love them way more than I thought I would ever love dogs. I was just a cat person for a really, really long time, but now I actually like or love dogs depending upon my relationship with them.
As far as animal visitors go now that Doug & I have an apartment that has loads of cats just casually hanging out in some spots including our patio yesterday swatting at some birds, the answer to the next question is yes. Too bad I was at work when that was occuring. It sounded so entertaining & cute!
15. is there an artist of any kind who speaks to your soul?
Oh goodness! So many of them do. A lot of musical artists, writers, and the like. To name them all would have me write out a novel or two even. LOL! However, I will say one at least. Stevie Nicks is a huge one. I love her and her music too death. She was also awesome in Fleetwood Mac as well.
Ok. So this is going to be possibly weird to do because this post is so old and I honestly cannot remember for the life of me if I ever posted it. If I did I apologize in advance for the possible repeat. LOL!
Anyway, thank you @unsealingkale ! I apologize sincerely if I never answered & posted these questions and or apologize for doing it twice depending on whether I did not post or I already have. Anywho, here are my good vibes to you & yours: 😃💖✊✌️ Rock on! 🎸 Stay safe, Be smart, & Take care! May the Force or whatever you believe in be with you always!!! 🌟🌟🌟
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carbonsequestrian · 4 years
man i dont even know if i should share this because it’s super weird/ poorly written/ doesn’t make any sense but i feel like i keep too much too myself so here is a block of text i wrote and didn’t edit and if you read it, i love you.
Well, id like to kick off my music blogging career with a piece about a song that has continued to inspire me since the moment I heard it about 5 years ago. Something about the song awakens this dragon in me… or rather, something about the song awakens a knight that is about to go and slay a dragon, and that feeling crashes into every fiber of my being resulting in me feeling fucking powerful. Idk what the secret is. I wish I had found this sound when  I did a song analysis project for my freshman writing seminar back in college. (I chose Sublime’s Santeria for that project… and it was a shit show. Believe it or not, trying to write 10 pages about a song that doesn’t inspire every fiber of your being is insanely difficult. Lesson – if you have to write a lot, write about something you fucking love and admire.)
 The song is Don’t Waste Time Doing Things You Hate by And So I Watch You From Afar of their self titled 2009 release. I think it’s their debut album. Anyway, the band makes instrumental rock music. Stuff that superheroes and supervillains alike would use as a theme song. I discovered them from Worldhaspostrock on youtube, so check them out.
 Of course, now that im sitting down to write about the song I cannot think of any words to say about it. Lovely how that happens. Especially after bragging about how easy it is to write about something you love. HA>
If you’ve ever done something you hate, you sure know how that feels. Part of you feels trapped -momma didn’t raise no quitter – and another part of you is too busy daydreaming about what you’d rather be doing to formulate a plot to get you there. Feeling stuck doing something you hate is exactly how I felt when I discovered this song. I chose my major at college based on what a guy who I’d met over the internet was studying, he called me pretty and would send me ‘good morning’/ ‘sweet dreams’ texts, so we were obviously super serious. And I was going to study the same thing as him and we would conquer the world together, duh. Lo and behold, I hated my major. And because I hated my major, I didn’t really fit in with any of the people I met through my major. There was one chick who I liked because she hated it too, but we were very different people. I did sports in college instead of joining a music group (being in an acapella group was a last minute goal of mine) because A. everyone in my family was super sporty B. no one in my family thought very highly of music and C. I was fucking terrified of it. Every bit of it sends anxiety chills down my spine and up my toes. Singing in front of people in a room? Singing with people? Having people rely on you to do your thing correctly in order to achieve a desired result? Fuck that’s anxiety inducing. And let me make this clear, I don’t have stage fright. But I do have Perfectionist Block (a totally real issue, created by me, ill discuss it further in another post) which makes me extremely hard on myself.
 So anyway, to paint the picture – 20 year old me is in the library for the 50th hour that week (no kidding, I went to Cornell, and seriously spent 6-10 hours a day in the library studying during regular term. Finals/ testing weeks, it’d double) looking for upbeat instrumental music that could make me feel like a bad ass and I find this band. The first song I found by them was The Voiceless, off the same album. That song fucking slaps. I must’ve listened to it 30 times before saying “hey, why don’t I check out their other stuff?” and thus gave this album a listen. I was so stressed that week, so tired, felt so lost and alone. I hated every fucking minute of my life but I was pushing through it because I wanted to make my mom proud. Every morning I would angrily get ready for class, pissed off that elitism and this desperate urge to prove oneself through menial shit such as ‘ivy league’ degrees would push someone to find the line of their breaking point and balance on it. All for what? If I died tomorrow, who could speak of who I am? At cornell, I was a cornell student. That was it. By being there, I wasn’t anything of myself anymore. I wasn’t strong, I wasn’t funny, I wasn’t good with animals, I wasn’t a hard-worker, I wasn’t smart – though, those last traits were implied – I simply became a product of an institution. One that I loved, don’t get me wrong. I had been looking for reassurance/ acceptance/ approval my entire life, and that letter that I got from a world renowned school was it – so I thought. But then I got there and my imposter syndrome went wild. I wasn’t truly smart, or good at learning. In fact, high school had been so easy for me that I was able to scrape by with great grades without ever working on schoolwork outside of school (I’d do my work during lunch, when I would eat in the chorus room/ my English teacher’s room since I had no friends.) at school, I thought I’d made friends, but they ditched me when I needed them most. In retrospect, I should’ve been more forgiving – no one’s perfect -  but ill blame my poor socialization through high school here. I saw kids who worked their asses off day and night. A 16 year old math prodigy lived in my hall. And I had nothing to show for my intelligence outside of the fact I was able to take enough HS classes in middle school that I’d manage to have 4 hours of school my senior year (typically, that time would be so that kids could take extra APs. But I said fuck that.)
 Truth is,  I was so insecure and unsure of myself that being thrown into the lava pit that is college – any college, not just an ivy league – was emotionally and mentally overwhelming. I found myself getting drunk to the point of almost dying most nights. Every time with strangers. I’d often go to the bridges, where so many had leapt to their deaths before, and ponder if that’s where I belonged. Crashing amongst the rocks and water in the gorges. Man, I was fucking depressed. And a ball of anxiety. I had no real identity, you’d ask me what I liked or what I wanted from my life and I’d have no real answer. My answer would vary based on what youtube videos I had been watching that week. I was so scared of being judged.
 Point is, I found nothing that I felt a connection to. Not my major. Not my peers. Occasionally my surroundings, but typically only in the morbid, I’d like to throw myself off this sort of way. Life is so much more complex than those things, and truth is, ill never really be able to explain away all of the different shit in my life that was bringing me down. Making me feel worthless. Dumb. Like I didn’t belong. And the first thing that I felt like understood this, was this song. Even writing that out I feel like it confirms my worst fears, that I am worthless/ delusional/ crazy/ not even a real person. How does one go through 20 years of life and can only feel connected to a pile of noises that a stranger has made and recorded? Wavelengths generated by someone else’s finger tips never felt so good. They resonated through my brain and spoke to my soul. It was like I was being sucked into a black hole and obliterated to nothing. And that was what I needed, because I was able to look at who I was and take a chance to rebuild. To change.
 With no one to talk to, no one who understood me, and no real goals or aspirations in my life/ being too crippled by fear to even take a chance to achieve my goals/ aspirations in life, I darted in the complete opposite direction. Left that ‘dream school’ for a state school 2000 miles away. I still waste plenty of time doing things I hate, but every day I try to do my best to find the things I love. It’s been a long hard road, and I am so unsure of myself. I realize I’ll never have the validation I seek, at least not externally. Still, going to cornell is my greatest achievement and those close to me hold a grudge that I left without fulfilling my diploma. And looking back, I could’ve done it. Taken some time off, sought a therapist outside of the free service offered, opened up to some of the people I had met. Hindsight is 2020. And im here now.
 This song means the world to me. The suspense of the guitar plucking in the intro is an emotion I was swallowed in. the anger and noise of the guitars from 1:11-1:30 was how I felt every morning when I looked at the day ahead. The desperation of the guitars at 2min how I looked at the people around me, who appeared to have their shit all together. Their heads above the water. Looking at me drowning below the surface. But I had a smile on my face, so I must have been fine. Then the clarity that comes at 3mins. The music starts to feel like it’s getting itself together. 3:35-4:15, when big changes happen. And the la la lalalalalas. That’s how I was, just “la de da-ing” my way through life, not really thinking about what I was going to take from this world and my short time getting to experience it. The song gets progressively happier, and calmer, as I hope my own life will be, though I’m still in my 3min phase when it feels like it’s starting to get itself together.
 Ill always hold onto the hard times I went through at school. And ill wish everyday for a time machine, so I could go back in time and tell 18 year old me to just chill and ‘discover yourself, man’ before going to a place that has so much potential. Because the truth is, I was too insecure to be successful at such an institution. I still think I’m too insecure. But at least now I know, and I’m not living under this idea that because I got into a good school I am a good person and good things will come to me.
0 notes
scottmapess · 4 years
Bitcoin Halving 2020: Best Cryptos To BUY AFTER! [Explained]
The biggest event on the Bitcoin calendar is happening this year. And, of course, it is the Bitcoin harvest. They’re going to run through the fundamental quite quickly because I see them pretty much everywhere across many of the videos. Personally, I don’t use them as part of my assessment in where I think prices are going to go and how I’m going to invest. But I do understand the relevance of some of this fundamental news, even though I as I said, I don’t use it in my own trading. So let’s run through those fundamental points quite quickly now. And you would know them pretty well as being through the bear story or the bull story. So let’s start with the bear stuff. And the bear stuff can be around minor capitulation. Essentially, what that means is that the miners who are mining Bitcoin will have to sell out of all of their bitcoin come time of the halving because they won’t have as much reward coming through when they do mine a block so full that it was just jargon. Basically what the halving is, is the reward of Bitcoin, which is mined every 10 minutes or so, is half from 12 and a half to six point to five. As of next week. This is an event that cause every four years, essentially, it’s put in place by the creators of Bitcoin to reduce the supply and hence reduce the inflation over time so that the asset in theory become more valuable. So the best story with the minor capitulation is that these smaller miners, or at least the miners, which are inefficient at mining Bitcoin because they have to use electricity, will have to sell out of their bitcoin. Come the time of the halving. And that could cause price pressure to be dumped. The flip side to this is that it’s possible that these miners have capitulated. Back in March when we saw the huge pandemic virus drop in all of the markets and of course, in Bitcoin where we went from somewhere in seven and a half thousand to three thousand eight hundred in a matter of a day, that could have caused the event to my thoughts one day, wouldn’t have stopped these guys from mining Bitcoin. Maybe they turn the machines off for a couple of days because within a few weeks we’re all the way back up. And more past that point, we’re sitting around nine thousand two hundred U.S. dollars per Bitcoin. So I don’t think that event would have caused these guys to dump all of their coins. That’s why I don’t think it’s going to be such an issue come time of having either. If I need to, they can turn it off for a few days, come back to it, see what’s going on with the price. Right. It’s not like I haven’t done this before, but of course, that is one of the stories with the hobby bull scenario is pretty simple. It’s basically that the supply is dropping essentially by 50 per cent and people are assuming that the demand will remain the same or increase, which, you know, if we understand supply and demand dropping and supply same level of demand or potentially a little more should increase the price. That’s the bull case. There are a lot of different stories around technical analysis. We can look back on the charts and pick a best SANAYA and a bull scenario, and you can do that for 2016. Having the 2012 halving, you can do that for the time period between the Hardings, the time period between the lows and the halving. You get the point right. We can just pick any top and bottom and bring it to the point of the halving and say, well, because this happened four years ago, maybe it’s going to happen again. I’m not gonna bore you with that because I think there are better possibilities out there than trying to pick when is the best time to buy Bitcoin. If enjoying all the same changes, women hit the like button down below and subscribe. There are quite a few of you which watch these videos and haven’t subscribed yet, so be sure to hit that helps out the channel, helps push the videos through to a wider audience out there in the YouTube land. So the bitcoin halving and what’s going to happen with the price is not my main focus here. My main focus is looking at old coins and the potential for a massive fall in them, which could be a great buying opportunity. And to show you this. I’ll jump over to a few charts. Let’s have a look at what I was talking about there. We can pretty much pick any time line period throughout Bitcoin’s history and given a bull case or a bear case. And these are just some of the tweets that I’d picked out over the years that have come up. This one was from twenty nineteen. What can we expect? And it looks like with this little blue circle up here. Well, the blue square sorry, with the bitcoin symbol in it that they’re looking at one hundred and forty thousand U.S. dollar bitcoin by the end of this next cycle will say next tweet is probably one of the closest ones. And they’re saying when the uptrend begins and they’ve picked a day of pretty much a year ago from now. Twenty seventh of May, that’s a start of the uptrend. So we’ve got hindsight to show us here in the actual start of the uptrend. I would call it the break of this accumulation area. And that break was in April. So not bad for, you know, there were probably a few months in advance on that. And if you’d bought in May at that point, you’d still be pretty damn happy with your purchases. But seeing as I were around five thousand to five thousand four hundred. So not bad. But we want to do better than that. And these will require some patients. This is a while. I’m playing it. You do with it what you will. I like the look of many of the larger. Wins and what I mean to start with is a theory. This is a theory versus the US dollar. And right now we’re just looking at the uptrend that’s just occurred. I think this may have a period of a bit of a pullback. I like the look of a theorem under one seventy. If it get on there, day 150 is the best. That’s ASIC. You know, pick up everything that I can. But under 170, I don’t need to be graded. What I’m looking at here is these old coins. First Bitcoin shot. So these old coins could go up in US dollar value. Because Bitcoin rises or if Bitcoin rises. Right. And, you know, we don’t happen to jump on it or we want to wait for a better opportunity, something that has a bigger return than what Bitcoin may have. And we know that these old coins can have a much bigger return than Bitcoin because they have a smaller market cap and price moves a lot more. The smaller the market cap is, the flip side is that it is higher risk. So with higher risk, we’re looking for a higher reward to repay this risk. But of course, the risk is there and it could end up that they don’t end up booming like we expect them to. So with that said, that’s why I would still be positioning myself across multiple, of course, having some Bitcoin in there as well to balance out this portfolio. Should we see another 50 percent drop in the price of these old coins? So what I’m seeing here on many of them is they are looking like they are about to have a fall against their Bitcoin value, which means that their USD value may remain the same or may slightly increase depending on how fast they decrease against Bitcoin. Why I think this is a good thing is that I think there’s still a possibility to get into different all coins to make a return. So it’s kind of playing a much higher, riskier game because we say, well, we’ve missed the Bitcoin boat. Let’s move on to something else. That’s a very risky game to play. And you need to be aware of that and have your own strategy in play. I don’t see it as that risky because I like the fundamentals of something like a theorem. And I also like it technically as well. We get a low, high, low, another high or low. But this is a lower talk. So this is starting to get into a bit of a squeeze and it may fall away from that. I don’t know. But overall, it’s stronger than something like Bitcoin cash. And we can see how bitcoin cash it is coming back to the old levels. And that’s at around point 025 of a Bitcoin. And this looks like it may break through these lows. It may support it and bounce right back. Obviously, we don’t know. So this is where I would have my level seen. And I’ve got my watch list. I have my alerts. You can see here the little dark blue. That’s where my alert to set. And so when that happens, when that price reaches that point, I’ll get an email notification and then I’ll set me up to go and do what I need to do in this case for Bitcoin cash. I’m just watching it like I want to see that the bottom has formed and that we’re going to go in the opposite direction. Now, I’m not expecting to be able to catch something like this where it just hit a low and then reversed all the way up. Sometimes that happens. But what I am looking for is something like this. And then catching a longer ride like that. Right. So that’s a doubling of our bitcoin value. So that’s where I see the potential in a lot of these old coins. Let’s move across to DSV and BSOD Bitcoin Satoshi Vision. This looks even stronger than Bitcoin cash. I don’t know why I don’t look at the fundamentals. I just focus on the technical analysis. And what I can see here is a low Hielo, nother Hielo, nother high or low. And what I’m waiting to see is what happens from this point now? Do we retest this Grine line on the way up? Do we break through it and bounce back? Do we brag to it and the coin dies out and we don’t come back from it? That’s a possibility. Right. But I think this is going to come down, probably test this line here, maybe go in and eigth it and then come back up. This is another one on my watch list. I need to put some alerts on here. We are one five. Right. So I think that’s a pretty cool level psychologically. That’s a nice round, easy number for people to think of. Plus, they’re just so here. It’s old tops is like old bottoms here. But then there’s an old top just in here and here and here and here before the breakout. So it’s just another great psychological level and technical level. That’s where I’ve got my alert. So let’s get set that up now. Set. Boom. That’s it. I’ll get an e-mail when that happens. If that happens, of course. If you’re enjoying my crypto watch so far to hit the like button and subscribe. Many of you haven’t subscribed already. Love to see you at the next video. Just a quick reminder. Let’s keep going with the watch list. Next one Ripple and Ripple was one of the darlings, and it probably still is with a lot of newbies because the price of the coin is quite low. Doesn’t mean that it is something that should boom. We understand market caps, which I’m sure many my viewers do. So it’s ripple again. We can see it’s hitting its lows that it touched on mid last year, mid to late last year. And then the lows again and again. And we’re just about broken through all of them. And that could lead us to a nice little hefty drop to fifteen hundred sets, possibly even to low point of around. Hundred. That’s something to look out for. Let’s throw in some alerts. I am going to be alerted when this breaks through a nice so-called psychological number of 2000 sets set. And then I’m going to set another one for fifteen hundred and then another one for 700, because I want to get in just before it hits those extra lows. So that’s fine. They’re 700. That’s enough for me on REPL set and forget second, last is like coin and like coin is having an absolute struggle street time against bitcoin. This is I mean this time here, this was when it was going crazy and this was because of it’s having like coins hopping. Look what’s happened since the halving. It’s more than halved in its own price. A lot of people were buying at these periods expecting the price go higher because, like, Coin had its own hobby. Right. They have lost out big time against Bitcoin. So unfortunately, for a lot coin holders, that’s not a good story. Plus, it looks like it’s got a lot further to go. And we could see it come back and test these laws that point 003 of a Bitcoin. I’d just like to keep track and keep a pulse on it. See what the temperature is like of the market that keeps you abreast of everything else. The last one I want to look at is Dogecoin. Now, this one I did quite well on in the previous bull run. All we had to do was sit around, buy up the lows in these ranges here below 30 cents. Wait for it to boom, set your alerts and sell. It was that simple. Look at this chart. Right. You just see lows, highs, similar ish levels. If you don’t make the lows, like if you don’t if it doesn’t make it to your level of 30 sets, it really pulls up, say, like here. Big deal. Okay. We’ve got to wait another year or so. I’m okay with that because these multiples are pretty cool, right? I could get it around 25 cents. Watch it blow up to 100. There’s four times my bitcoin. I buy half of bitcoins worth here. I end up with two bitcoins here. So you just buy it up and sell it. Just buy and sell, buy and sell these things. These aren’t coins to be held for the long term. They’re just nice, easy trading coins. I like to look at it right now. Something is going on here. There’s looks like there’s quite a lot of accumulation. You can see this level is just squeezing and squeezing and squeezing. So afraid to go to my let’s set here for Dogecoin. I’m just waiting on this now and then I can put in some Bitcoin and hopefully see this thing blow up. So that’s my take on the Bitcoin halving. As you can see, I’m not as interested in the halving itself, but the opportunities that are potentially presenting themselves. I don’t have to be patient, set my alert and then wait for these cryptos to get to that point that I’m waiting for. Buy them up and away we go. Now, if you’re looking for something easy to get into these with, I have a link down below for a company called Crypto Dot Com. I use them often and also get interest on my cryptos with them. Go and check them out. Use the link. You get 50 U.S. dollars if you sign up and purchase 50 of their tokens. I think the company is great as well. I wouldn’t just mention it if I didn’t think they were good. The easy thing with these guys is that you can just buy straight from your bank account into their wallets. I have an online Apple wallet. You can also buy with your credit card. Not that I’m suggesting that you go out and get into debt for these things, but it’s an easy way to get into the market, especially now because they have zero credit card fees yet and the limits are quite high and get quite a fair bit of crypto from the credit card. Of course, you can still do with your bank account transfer across so many free things with it. I can’t get Spotify on it. Netflix and depending on which level of card you have. So what I’m talking about is a debit card. You can actually go out and spend your cryptocurrency in this shops depending on which level you’ve got. Then they also have other added benefits, like an airport lounges when of course, the airports are open. Don’t check out that link Downbelow. They’re fantastic to get into the markets early with you. Can some use out of the video? Be sure to lock it down below. Subscribe hit the bell notification icon so that you can stay up to date when I post new videos. About what crypto watch list? Personal finance. And of course, property market cycles. So everything finance related. Right here. Stick around. I think you’re going to have a really prosperous few years ahead of us. So, yeah, get get ready. Get set. Comments, questions. Hit me up in the comments section down below. Otherwise, I’ll see you at my next video and also on Facebook and Instagram. I’ve said enough. I’ll see you guys at the next video member. Until then, have more fun to get more done.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-halving-cryptos-to-buy-after/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/05/bitcoin-halving-2020-best-cryptos-to.html
0 notes
jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
Bitcoin Halving 2020: Best Cryptos To BUY AFTER! [Explained]
The biggest event on the Bitcoin calendar is happening this year. And, of course, it is the Bitcoin harvest. They’re going to run through the fundamental quite quickly because I see them pretty much everywhere across many of the videos. Personally, I don’t use them as part of my assessment in where I think prices are going to go and how I’m going to invest. But I do understand the relevance of some of this fundamental news, even though I as I said, I don’t use it in my own trading. So let’s run through those fundamental points quite quickly now. And you would know them pretty well as being through the bear story or the bull story. So let’s start with the bear stuff. And the bear stuff can be around minor capitulation. Essentially, what that means is that the miners who are mining Bitcoin will have to sell out of all of their bitcoin come time of the halving because they won’t have as much reward coming through when they do mine a block so full that it was just jargon. Basically what the halving is, is the reward of Bitcoin, which is mined every 10 minutes or so, is half from 12 and a half to six point to five. As of next week. This is an event that cause every four years, essentially, it’s put in place by the creators of Bitcoin to reduce the supply and hence reduce the inflation over time so that the asset in theory become more valuable. So the best story with the minor capitulation is that these smaller miners, or at least the miners, which are inefficient at mining Bitcoin because they have to use electricity, will have to sell out of their bitcoin. Come the time of the halving. And that could cause price pressure to be dumped. The flip side to this is that it’s possible that these miners have capitulated. Back in March when we saw the huge pandemic virus drop in all of the markets and of course, in Bitcoin where we went from somewhere in seven and a half thousand to three thousand eight hundred in a matter of a day, that could have caused the event to my thoughts one day, wouldn’t have stopped these guys from mining Bitcoin. Maybe they turn the machines off for a couple of days because within a few weeks we’re all the way back up. And more past that point, we’re sitting around nine thousand two hundred U.S. dollars per Bitcoin. So I don’t think that event would have caused these guys to dump all of their coins. That’s why I don’t think it’s going to be such an issue come time of having either. If I need to, they can turn it off for a few days, come back to it, see what’s going on with the price. Right. It’s not like I haven’t done this before, but of course, that is one of the stories with the hobby bull scenario is pretty simple. It’s basically that the supply is dropping essentially by 50 per cent and people are assuming that the demand will remain the same or increase, which, you know, if we understand supply and demand dropping and supply same level of demand or potentially a little more should increase the price. That’s the bull case. There are a lot of different stories around technical analysis. We can look back on the charts and pick a best SANAYA and a bull scenario, and you can do that for 2016. Having the 2012 halving, you can do that for the time period between the Hardings, the time period between the lows and the halving. You get the point right. We can just pick any top and bottom and bring it to the point of the halving and say, well, because this happened four years ago, maybe it’s going to happen again. I’m not gonna bore you with that because I think there are better possibilities out there than trying to pick when is the best time to buy Bitcoin. If enjoying all the same changes, women hit the like button down below and subscribe. There are quite a few of you which watch these videos and haven’t subscribed yet, so be sure to hit that helps out the channel, helps push the videos through to a wider audience out there in the YouTube land. So the bitcoin halving and what’s going to happen with the price is not my main focus here. My main focus is looking at old coins and the potential for a massive fall in them, which could be a great buying opportunity. And to show you this. I’ll jump over to a few charts. Let’s have a look at what I was talking about there. We can pretty much pick any time line period throughout Bitcoin’s history and given a bull case or a bear case. And these are just some of the tweets that I’d picked out over the years that have come up. This one was from twenty nineteen. What can we expect? And it looks like with this little blue circle up here. Well, the blue square sorry, with the bitcoin symbol in it that they’re looking at one hundred and forty thousand U.S. dollar bitcoin by the end of this next cycle will say next tweet is probably one of the closest ones. And they’re saying when the uptrend begins and they’ve picked a day of pretty much a year ago from now. Twenty seventh of May, that’s a start of the uptrend. So we’ve got hindsight to show us here in the actual start of the uptrend. I would call it the break of this accumulation area. And that break was in April. So not bad for, you know, there were probably a few months in advance on that. And if you’d bought in May at that point, you’d still be pretty damn happy with your purchases. But seeing as I were around five thousand to five thousand four hundred. So not bad. But we want to do better than that. And these will require some patients. This is a while. I’m playing it. You do with it what you will. I like the look of many of the larger. Wins and what I mean to start with is a theory. This is a theory versus the US dollar. And right now we’re just looking at the uptrend that’s just occurred. I think this may have a period of a bit of a pullback. I like the look of a theorem under one seventy. If it get on there, day 150 is the best. That’s ASIC. You know, pick up everything that I can. But under 170, I don’t need to be graded. What I’m looking at here is these old coins. First Bitcoin shot. So these old coins could go up in US dollar value. Because Bitcoin rises or if Bitcoin rises. Right. And, you know, we don’t happen to jump on it or we want to wait for a better opportunity, something that has a bigger return than what Bitcoin may have. And we know that these old coins can have a much bigger return than Bitcoin because they have a smaller market cap and price moves a lot more. The smaller the market cap is, the flip side is that it is higher risk. So with higher risk, we’re looking for a higher reward to repay this risk. But of course, the risk is there and it could end up that they don’t end up booming like we expect them to. So with that said, that’s why I would still be positioning myself across multiple, of course, having some Bitcoin in there as well to balance out this portfolio. Should we see another 50 percent drop in the price of these old coins? So what I’m seeing here on many of them is they are looking like they are about to have a fall against their Bitcoin value, which means that their USD value may remain the same or may slightly increase depending on how fast they decrease against Bitcoin. Why I think this is a good thing is that I think there’s still a possibility to get into different all coins to make a return. So it’s kind of playing a much higher, riskier game because we say, well, we’ve missed the Bitcoin boat. Let’s move on to something else. That’s a very risky game to play. And you need to be aware of that and have your own strategy in play. I don’t see it as that risky because I like the fundamentals of something like a theorem. And I also like it technically as well. We get a low, high, low, another high or low. But this is a lower talk. So this is starting to get into a bit of a squeeze and it may fall away from that. I don’t know. But overall, it’s stronger than something like Bitcoin cash. And we can see how bitcoin cash it is coming back to the old levels. And that’s at around point 025 of a Bitcoin. And this looks like it may break through these lows. It may support it and bounce right back. Obviously, we don’t know. So this is where I would have my level seen. And I’ve got my watch list. I have my alerts. You can see here the little dark blue. That’s where my alert to set. And so when that happens, when that price reaches that point, I’ll get an email notification and then I’ll set me up to go and do what I need to do in this case for Bitcoin cash. I’m just watching it like I want to see that the bottom has formed and that we’re going to go in the opposite direction. Now, I’m not expecting to be able to catch something like this where it just hit a low and then reversed all the way up. Sometimes that happens. But what I am looking for is something like this. And then catching a longer ride like that. Right. So that’s a doubling of our bitcoin value. So that’s where I see the potential in a lot of these old coins. Let’s move across to DSV and BSOD Bitcoin Satoshi Vision. This looks even stronger than Bitcoin cash. I don’t know why I don’t look at the fundamentals. I just focus on the technical analysis. And what I can see here is a low Hielo, nother Hielo, nother high or low. And what I’m waiting to see is what happens from this point now? Do we retest this Grine line on the way up? Do we break through it and bounce back? Do we brag to it and the coin dies out and we don’t come back from it? That’s a possibility. Right. But I think this is going to come down, probably test this line here, maybe go in and eigth it and then come back up. This is another one on my watch list. I need to put some alerts on here. We are one five. Right. So I think that’s a pretty cool level psychologically. That’s a nice round, easy number for people to think of. Plus, they’re just so here. It’s old tops is like old bottoms here. But then there’s an old top just in here and here and here and here before the breakout. So it’s just another great psychological level and technical level. That’s where I’ve got my alert. So let’s get set that up now. Set. Boom. That’s it. I’ll get an e-mail when that happens. If that happens, of course. If you’re enjoying my crypto watch so far to hit the like button and subscribe. Many of you haven’t subscribed already. Love to see you at the next video. Just a quick reminder. Let’s keep going with the watch list. Next one Ripple and Ripple was one of the darlings, and it probably still is with a lot of newbies because the price of the coin is quite low. Doesn’t mean that it is something that should boom. We understand market caps, which I’m sure many my viewers do. So it’s ripple again. We can see it’s hitting its lows that it touched on mid last year, mid to late last year. And then the lows again and again. And we’re just about broken through all of them. And that could lead us to a nice little hefty drop to fifteen hundred sets, possibly even to low point of around. Hundred. That’s something to look out for. Let’s throw in some alerts. I am going to be alerted when this breaks through a nice so-called psychological number of 2000 sets set. And then I’m going to set another one for fifteen hundred and then another one for 700, because I want to get in just before it hits those extra lows. So that’s fine. They’re 700. That’s enough for me on REPL set and forget second, last is like coin and like coin is having an absolute struggle street time against bitcoin. This is I mean this time here, this was when it was going crazy and this was because of it’s having like coins hopping. Look what’s happened since the halving. It’s more than halved in its own price. A lot of people were buying at these periods expecting the price go higher because, like, Coin had its own hobby. Right. They have lost out big time against Bitcoin. So unfortunately, for a lot coin holders, that’s not a good story. Plus, it looks like it’s got a lot further to go. And we could see it come back and test these laws that point 003 of a Bitcoin. I’d just like to keep track and keep a pulse on it. See what the temperature is like of the market that keeps you abreast of everything else. The last one I want to look at is Dogecoin. Now, this one I did quite well on in the previous bull run. All we had to do was sit around, buy up the lows in these ranges here below 30 cents. Wait for it to boom, set your alerts and sell. It was that simple. Look at this chart. Right. You just see lows, highs, similar ish levels. If you don’t make the lows, like if you don’t if it doesn’t make it to your level of 30 sets, it really pulls up, say, like here. Big deal. Okay. We’ve got to wait another year or so. I’m okay with that because these multiples are pretty cool, right? I could get it around 25 cents. Watch it blow up to 100. There’s four times my bitcoin. I buy half of bitcoins worth here. I end up with two bitcoins here. So you just buy it up and sell it. Just buy and sell, buy and sell these things. These aren’t coins to be held for the long term. They’re just nice, easy trading coins. I like to look at it right now. Something is going on here. There’s looks like there’s quite a lot of accumulation. You can see this level is just squeezing and squeezing and squeezing. So afraid to go to my let’s set here for Dogecoin. I’m just waiting on this now and then I can put in some Bitcoin and hopefully see this thing blow up. So that’s my take on the Bitcoin halving. As you can see, I’m not as interested in the halving itself, but the opportunities that are potentially presenting themselves. I don’t have to be patient, set my alert and then wait for these cryptos to get to that point that I’m waiting for. Buy them up and away we go. Now, if you’re looking for something easy to get into these with, I have a link down below for a company called Crypto Dot Com. I use them often and also get interest on my cryptos with them. Go and check them out. Use the link. You get 50 U.S. dollars if you sign up and purchase 50 of their tokens. I think the company is great as well. I wouldn’t just mention it if I didn’t think they were good. The easy thing with these guys is that you can just buy straight from your bank account into their wallets. I have an online Apple wallet. You can also buy with your credit card. Not that I’m suggesting that you go out and get into debt for these things, but it’s an easy way to get into the market, especially now because they have zero credit card fees yet and the limits are quite high and get quite a fair bit of crypto from the credit card. Of course, you can still do with your bank account transfer across so many free things with it. I can’t get Spotify on it. Netflix and depending on which level of card you have. So what I’m talking about is a debit card. You can actually go out and spend your cryptocurrency in this shops depending on which level you’ve got. Then they also have other added benefits, like an airport lounges when of course, the airports are open. Don’t check out that link Downbelow. They’re fantastic to get into the markets early with you. Can some use out of the video? Be sure to lock it down below. Subscribe hit the bell notification icon so that you can stay up to date when I post new videos. About what crypto watch list? Personal finance. And of course, property market cycles. So everything finance related. Right here. Stick around. I think you’re going to have a really prosperous few years ahead of us. So, yeah, get get ready. Get set. Comments, questions. Hit me up in the comments section down below. Otherwise, I’ll see you at my next video and also on Facebook and Instagram. I’ve said enough. I’ll see you guys at the next video member. Until then, have more fun to get more done.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-halving-cryptos-to-buy-after/ source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/617672193983365120
0 notes
heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
Bitcoin Halving 2020: Best Cryptos To BUY AFTER! [Explained]
The biggest event on the Bitcoin calendar is happening this year. And, of course, it is the Bitcoin harvest. They’re going to run through the fundamental quite quickly because I see them pretty much everywhere across many of the videos. Personally, I don’t use them as part of my assessment in where I think prices are going to go and how I’m going to invest. But I do understand the relevance of some of this fundamental news, even though I as I said, I don’t use it in my own trading. So let’s run through those fundamental points quite quickly now. And you would know them pretty well as being through the bear story or the bull story. So let’s start with the bear stuff. And the bear stuff can be around minor capitulation. Essentially, what that means is that the miners who are mining Bitcoin will have to sell out of all of their bitcoin come time of the halving because they won’t have as much reward coming through when they do mine a block so full that it was just jargon. Basically what the halving is, is the reward of Bitcoin, which is mined every 10 minutes or so, is half from 12 and a half to six point to five. As of next week. This is an event that cause every four years, essentially, it’s put in place by the creators of Bitcoin to reduce the supply and hence reduce the inflation over time so that the asset in theory become more valuable. So the best story with the minor capitulation is that these smaller miners, or at least the miners, which are inefficient at mining Bitcoin because they have to use electricity, will have to sell out of their bitcoin. Come the time of the halving. And that could cause price pressure to be dumped. The flip side to this is that it’s possible that these miners have capitulated. Back in March when we saw the huge pandemic virus drop in all of the markets and of course, in Bitcoin where we went from somewhere in seven and a half thousand to three thousand eight hundred in a matter of a day, that could have caused the event to my thoughts one day, wouldn’t have stopped these guys from mining Bitcoin. Maybe they turn the machines off for a couple of days because within a few weeks we’re all the way back up. And more past that point, we’re sitting around nine thousand two hundred U.S. dollars per Bitcoin. So I don’t think that event would have caused these guys to dump all of their coins. That’s why I don’t think it’s going to be such an issue come time of having either. If I need to, they can turn it off for a few days, come back to it, see what’s going on with the price. Right. It’s not like I haven’t done this before, but of course, that is one of the stories with the hobby bull scenario is pretty simple. It’s basically that the supply is dropping essentially by 50 per cent and people are assuming that the demand will remain the same or increase, which, you know, if we understand supply and demand dropping and supply same level of demand or potentially a little more should increase the price. That’s the bull case. There are a lot of different stories around technical analysis. We can look back on the charts and pick a best SANAYA and a bull scenario, and you can do that for 2016. Having the 2012 halving, you can do that for the time period between the Hardings, the time period between the lows and the halving. You get the point right. We can just pick any top and bottom and bring it to the point of the halving and say, well, because this happened four years ago, maybe it’s going to happen again. I’m not gonna bore you with that because I think there are better possibilities out there than trying to pick when is the best time to buy Bitcoin. If enjoying all the same changes, women hit the like button down below and subscribe. There are quite a few of you which watch these videos and haven’t subscribed yet, so be sure to hit that helps out the channel, helps push the videos through to a wider audience out there in the YouTube land. So the bitcoin halving and what’s going to happen with the price is not my main focus here. My main focus is looking at old coins and the potential for a massive fall in them, which could be a great buying opportunity. And to show you this. I’ll jump over to a few charts. Let’s have a look at what I was talking about there. We can pretty much pick any time line period throughout Bitcoin’s history and given a bull case or a bear case. And these are just some of the tweets that I’d picked out over the years that have come up. This one was from twenty nineteen. What can we expect? And it looks like with this little blue circle up here. Well, the blue square sorry, with the bitcoin symbol in it that they’re looking at one hundred and forty thousand U.S. dollar bitcoin by the end of this next cycle will say next tweet is probably one of the closest ones. And they’re saying when the uptrend begins and they’ve picked a day of pretty much a year ago from now. Twenty seventh of May, that’s a start of the uptrend. So we’ve got hindsight to show us here in the actual start of the uptrend. I would call it the break of this accumulation area. And that break was in April. So not bad for, you know, there were probably a few months in advance on that. And if you’d bought in May at that point, you’d still be pretty damn happy with your purchases. But seeing as I were around five thousand to five thousand four hundred. So not bad. But we want to do better than that. And these will require some patients. This is a while. I’m playing it. You do with it what you will. I like the look of many of the larger. Wins and what I mean to start with is a theory. This is a theory versus the US dollar. And right now we’re just looking at the uptrend that’s just occurred. I think this may have a period of a bit of a pullback. I like the look of a theorem under one seventy. If it get on there, day 150 is the best. That’s ASIC. You know, pick up everything that I can. But under 170, I don’t need to be graded. What I’m looking at here is these old coins. First Bitcoin shot. So these old coins could go up in US dollar value. Because Bitcoin rises or if Bitcoin rises. Right. And, you know, we don’t happen to jump on it or we want to wait for a better opportunity, something that has a bigger return than what Bitcoin may have. And we know that these old coins can have a much bigger return than Bitcoin because they have a smaller market cap and price moves a lot more. The smaller the market cap is, the flip side is that it is higher risk. So with higher risk, we’re looking for a higher reward to repay this risk. But of course, the risk is there and it could end up that they don’t end up booming like we expect them to. So with that said, that’s why I would still be positioning myself across multiple, of course, having some Bitcoin in there as well to balance out this portfolio. Should we see another 50 percent drop in the price of these old coins? So what I’m seeing here on many of them is they are looking like they are about to have a fall against their Bitcoin value, which means that their USD value may remain the same or may slightly increase depending on how fast they decrease against Bitcoin. Why I think this is a good thing is that I think there’s still a possibility to get into different all coins to make a return. So it’s kind of playing a much higher, riskier game because we say, well, we’ve missed the Bitcoin boat. Let’s move on to something else. That’s a very risky game to play. And you need to be aware of that and have your own strategy in play. I don’t see it as that risky because I like the fundamentals of something like a theorem. And I also like it technically as well. We get a low, high, low, another high or low. But this is a lower talk. So this is starting to get into a bit of a squeeze and it may fall away from that. I don’t know. But overall, it’s stronger than something like Bitcoin cash. And we can see how bitcoin cash it is coming back to the old levels. And that’s at around point 025 of a Bitcoin. And this looks like it may break through these lows. It may support it and bounce right back. Obviously, we don’t know. So this is where I would have my level seen. And I’ve got my watch list. I have my alerts. You can see here the little dark blue. That’s where my alert to set. And so when that happens, when that price reaches that point, I’ll get an email notification and then I’ll set me up to go and do what I need to do in this case for Bitcoin cash. I’m just watching it like I want to see that the bottom has formed and that we’re going to go in the opposite direction. Now, I’m not expecting to be able to catch something like this where it just hit a low and then reversed all the way up. Sometimes that happens. But what I am looking for is something like this. And then catching a longer ride like that. Right. So that’s a doubling of our bitcoin value. So that’s where I see the potential in a lot of these old coins. Let’s move across to DSV and BSOD Bitcoin Satoshi Vision. This looks even stronger than Bitcoin cash. I don’t know why I don’t look at the fundamentals. I just focus on the technical analysis. And what I can see here is a low Hielo, nother Hielo, nother high or low. And what I’m waiting to see is what happens from this point now? Do we retest this Grine line on the way up? Do we break through it and bounce back? Do we brag to it and the coin dies out and we don’t come back from it? That’s a possibility. Right. But I think this is going to come down, probably test this line here, maybe go in and eigth it and then come back up. This is another one on my watch list. I need to put some alerts on here. We are one five. Right. So I think that’s a pretty cool level psychologically. That’s a nice round, easy number for people to think of. Plus, they’re just so here. It’s old tops is like old bottoms here. But then there’s an old top just in here and here and here and here before the breakout. So it’s just another great psychological level and technical level. That’s where I’ve got my alert. So let’s get set that up now. Set. Boom. That’s it. I’ll get an e-mail when that happens. If that happens, of course. If you’re enjoying my crypto watch so far to hit the like button and subscribe. Many of you haven’t subscribed already. Love to see you at the next video. Just a quick reminder. Let’s keep going with the watch list. Next one Ripple and Ripple was one of the darlings, and it probably still is with a lot of newbies because the price of the coin is quite low. Doesn’t mean that it is something that should boom. We understand market caps, which I’m sure many my viewers do. So it’s ripple again. We can see it’s hitting its lows that it touched on mid last year, mid to late last year. And then the lows again and again. And we’re just about broken through all of them. And that could lead us to a nice little hefty drop to fifteen hundred sets, possibly even to low point of around. Hundred. That’s something to look out for. Let’s throw in some alerts. I am going to be alerted when this breaks through a nice so-called psychological number of 2000 sets set. And then I’m going to set another one for fifteen hundred and then another one for 700, because I want to get in just before it hits those extra lows. So that’s fine. They’re 700. That’s enough for me on REPL set and forget second, last is like coin and like coin is having an absolute struggle street time against bitcoin. This is I mean this time here, this was when it was going crazy and this was because of it’s having like coins hopping. Look what’s happened since the halving. It’s more than halved in its own price. A lot of people were buying at these periods expecting the price go higher because, like, Coin had its own hobby. Right. They have lost out big time against Bitcoin. So unfortunately, for a lot coin holders, that’s not a good story. Plus, it looks like it’s got a lot further to go. And we could see it come back and test these laws that point 003 of a Bitcoin. I’d just like to keep track and keep a pulse on it. See what the temperature is like of the market that keeps you abreast of everything else. The last one I want to look at is Dogecoin. Now, this one I did quite well on in the previous bull run. All we had to do was sit around, buy up the lows in these ranges here below 30 cents. Wait for it to boom, set your alerts and sell. It was that simple. Look at this chart. Right. You just see lows, highs, similar ish levels. If you don’t make the lows, like if you don’t if it doesn’t make it to your level of 30 sets, it really pulls up, say, like here. Big deal. Okay. We’ve got to wait another year or so. I’m okay with that because these multiples are pretty cool, right? I could get it around 25 cents. Watch it blow up to 100. There’s four times my bitcoin. I buy half of bitcoins worth here. I end up with two bitcoins here. So you just buy it up and sell it. Just buy and sell, buy and sell these things. These aren’t coins to be held for the long term. They’re just nice, easy trading coins. I like to look at it right now. Something is going on here. There’s looks like there’s quite a lot of accumulation. You can see this level is just squeezing and squeezing and squeezing. So afraid to go to my let’s set here for Dogecoin. I’m just waiting on this now and then I can put in some Bitcoin and hopefully see this thing blow up. So that’s my take on the Bitcoin halving. As you can see, I’m not as interested in the halving itself, but the opportunities that are potentially presenting themselves. I don’t have to be patient, set my alert and then wait for these cryptos to get to that point that I’m waiting for. Buy them up and away we go. Now, if you’re looking for something easy to get into these with, I have a link down below for a company called Crypto Dot Com. I use them often and also get interest on my cryptos with them. Go and check them out. Use the link. You get 50 U.S. dollars if you sign up and purchase 50 of their tokens. I think the company is great as well. I wouldn’t just mention it if I didn’t think they were good. The easy thing with these guys is that you can just buy straight from your bank account into their wallets. I have an online Apple wallet. You can also buy with your credit card. Not that I’m suggesting that you go out and get into debt for these things, but it’s an easy way to get into the market, especially now because they have zero credit card fees yet and the limits are quite high and get quite a fair bit of crypto from the credit card. Of course, you can still do with your bank account transfer across so many free things with it. I can’t get Spotify on it. Netflix and depending on which level of card you have. So what I’m talking about is a debit card. You can actually go out and spend your cryptocurrency in this shops depending on which level you’ve got. Then they also have other added benefits, like an airport lounges when of course, the airports are open. Don’t check out that link Downbelow. They’re fantastic to get into the markets early with you. Can some use out of the video? Be sure to lock it down below. Subscribe hit the bell notification icon so that you can stay up to date when I post new videos. About what crypto watch list? Personal finance. And of course, property market cycles. So everything finance related. Right here. Stick around. I think you’re going to have a really prosperous few years ahead of us. So, yeah, get get ready. Get set. Comments, questions. Hit me up in the comments section down below. Otherwise, I’ll see you at my next video and also on Facebook and Instagram. I’ve said enough. I’ll see you guys at the next video member. Until then, have more fun to get more done.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-halving-cryptos-to-buy-after/
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/bitcoin-halving-2020-best-cryptos-to-buy-after-explained
0 notes
cryptosharks1 · 4 years
Bitcoin Halving 2020: Best Cryptos To BUY AFTER! [Explained]
The biggest event on the Bitcoin calendar is happening this year. And, of course, it is the Bitcoin harvest. They’re going to run through the fundamental quite quickly because I see them pretty much everywhere across many of the videos. Personally, I don’t use them as part of my assessment in where I think prices are going to go and how I’m going to invest. But I do understand the relevance of some of this fundamental news, even though I as I said, I don’t use it in my own trading. So let’s run through those fundamental points quite quickly now. And you would know them pretty well as being through the bear story or the bull story. So let’s start with the bear stuff. And the bear stuff can be around minor capitulation. Essentially, what that means is that the miners who are mining Bitcoin will have to sell out of all of their bitcoin come time of the halving because they won’t have as much reward coming through when they do mine a block so full that it was just jargon. Basically what the halving is, is the reward of Bitcoin, which is mined every 10 minutes or so, is half from 12 and a half to six point to five. As of next week. This is an event that cause every four years, essentially, it’s put in place by the creators of Bitcoin to reduce the supply and hence reduce the inflation over time so that the asset in theory become more valuable. So the best story with the minor capitulation is that these smaller miners, or at least the miners, which are inefficient at mining Bitcoin because they have to use electricity, will have to sell out of their bitcoin. Come the time of the halving. And that could cause price pressure to be dumped. The flip side to this is that it’s possible that these miners have capitulated. Back in March when we saw the huge pandemic virus drop in all of the markets and of course, in Bitcoin where we went from somewhere in seven and a half thousand to three thousand eight hundred in a matter of a day, that could have caused the event to my thoughts one day, wouldn’t have stopped these guys from mining Bitcoin. Maybe they turn the machines off for a couple of days because within a few weeks we’re all the way back up. And more past that point, we’re sitting around nine thousand two hundred U.S. dollars per Bitcoin. So I don’t think that event would have caused these guys to dump all of their coins. That’s why I don’t think it’s going to be such an issue come time of having either. If I need to, they can turn it off for a few days, come back to it, see what’s going on with the price. Right. It’s not like I haven’t done this before, but of course, that is one of the stories with the hobby bull scenario is pretty simple. It’s basically that the supply is dropping essentially by 50 per cent and people are assuming that the demand will remain the same or increase, which, you know, if we understand supply and demand dropping and supply same level of demand or potentially a little more should increase the price. That’s the bull case. There are a lot of different stories around technical analysis. We can look back on the charts and pick a best SANAYA and a bull scenario, and you can do that for 2016. Having the 2012 halving, you can do that for the time period between the Hardings, the time period between the lows and the halving. You get the point right. We can just pick any top and bottom and bring it to the point of the halving and say, well, because this happened four years ago, maybe it’s going to happen again. I’m not gonna bore you with that because I think there are better possibilities out there than trying to pick when is the best time to buy Bitcoin. If enjoying all the same changes, women hit the like button down below and subscribe. There are quite a few of you which watch these videos and haven’t subscribed yet, so be sure to hit that helps out the channel, helps push the videos through to a wider audience out there in the YouTube land. So the bitcoin halving and what’s going to happen with the price is not my main focus here. My main focus is looking at old coins and the potential for a massive fall in them, which could be a great buying opportunity. And to show you this. I’ll jump over to a few charts. Let’s have a look at what I was talking about there. We can pretty much pick any time line period throughout Bitcoin’s history and given a bull case or a bear case. And these are just some of the tweets that I’d picked out over the years that have come up. This one was from twenty nineteen. What can we expect? And it looks like with this little blue circle up here. Well, the blue square sorry, with the bitcoin symbol in it that they’re looking at one hundred and forty thousand U.S. dollar bitcoin by the end of this next cycle will say next tweet is probably one of the closest ones. And they’re saying when the uptrend begins and they’ve picked a day of pretty much a year ago from now. Twenty seventh of May, that’s a start of the uptrend. So we’ve got hindsight to show us here in the actual start of the uptrend. I would call it the break of this accumulation area. And that break was in April. So not bad for, you know, there were probably a few months in advance on that. And if you’d bought in May at that point, you’d still be pretty damn happy with your purchases. But seeing as I were around five thousand to five thousand four hundred. So not bad. But we want to do better than that. And these will require some patients. This is a while. I’m playing it. You do with it what you will. I like the look of many of the larger. Wins and what I mean to start with is a theory. This is a theory versus the US dollar. And right now we’re just looking at the uptrend that’s just occurred. I think this may have a period of a bit of a pullback. I like the look of a theorem under one seventy. If it get on there, day 150 is the best. That’s ASIC. You know, pick up everything that I can. But under 170, I don’t need to be graded. What I’m looking at here is these old coins. First Bitcoin shot. So these old coins could go up in US dollar value. Because Bitcoin rises or if Bitcoin rises. Right. And, you know, we don’t happen to jump on it or we want to wait for a better opportunity, something that has a bigger return than what Bitcoin may have. And we know that these old coins can have a much bigger return than Bitcoin because they have a smaller market cap and price moves a lot more. The smaller the market cap is, the flip side is that it is higher risk. So with higher risk, we’re looking for a higher reward to repay this risk. But of course, the risk is there and it could end up that they don’t end up booming like we expect them to. So with that said, that’s why I would still be positioning myself across multiple, of course, having some Bitcoin in there as well to balance out this portfolio. Should we see another 50 percent drop in the price of these old coins? So what I’m seeing here on many of them is they are looking like they are about to have a fall against their Bitcoin value, which means that their USD value may remain the same or may slightly increase depending on how fast they decrease against Bitcoin. Why I think this is a good thing is that I think there’s still a possibility to get into different all coins to make a return. So it’s kind of playing a much higher, riskier game because we say, well, we’ve missed the Bitcoin boat. Let’s move on to something else. That’s a very risky game to play. And you need to be aware of that and have your own strategy in play. I don’t see it as that risky because I like the fundamentals of something like a theorem. And I also like it technically as well. We get a low, high, low, another high or low. But this is a lower talk. So this is starting to get into a bit of a squeeze and it may fall away from that. I don’t know. But overall, it’s stronger than something like Bitcoin cash. And we can see how bitcoin cash it is coming back to the old levels. And that’s at around point 025 of a Bitcoin. And this looks like it may break through these lows. It may support it and bounce right back. Obviously, we don’t know. So this is where I would have my level seen. And I’ve got my watch list. I have my alerts. You can see here the little dark blue. That’s where my alert to set. And so when that happens, when that price reaches that point, I’ll get an email notification and then I’ll set me up to go and do what I need to do in this case for Bitcoin cash. I’m just watching it like I want to see that the bottom has formed and that we’re going to go in the opposite direction. Now, I’m not expecting to be able to catch something like this where it just hit a low and then reversed all the way up. Sometimes that happens. But what I am looking for is something like this. And then catching a longer ride like that. Right. So that’s a doubling of our bitcoin value. So that’s where I see the potential in a lot of these old coins. Let’s move across to DSV and BSOD Bitcoin Satoshi Vision. This looks even stronger than Bitcoin cash. I don’t know why I don’t look at the fundamentals. I just focus on the technical analysis. And what I can see here is a low Hielo, nother Hielo, nother high or low. And what I’m waiting to see is what happens from this point now? Do we retest this Grine line on the way up? Do we break through it and bounce back? Do we brag to it and the coin dies out and we don’t come back from it? That’s a possibility. Right. But I think this is going to come down, probably test this line here, maybe go in and eigth it and then come back up. This is another one on my watch list. I need to put some alerts on here. We are one five. Right. So I think that’s a pretty cool level psychologically. That’s a nice round, easy number for people to think of. Plus, they’re just so here. It’s old tops is like old bottoms here. But then there’s an old top just in here and here and here and here before the breakout. So it’s just another great psychological level and technical level. That’s where I’ve got my alert. So let’s get set that up now. Set. Boom. That’s it. I’ll get an e-mail when that happens. If that happens, of course. If you’re enjoying my crypto watch so far to hit the like button and subscribe. Many of you haven’t subscribed already. Love to see you at the next video. Just a quick reminder. Let’s keep going with the watch list. Next one Ripple and Ripple was one of the darlings, and it probably still is with a lot of newbies because the price of the coin is quite low. Doesn’t mean that it is something that should boom. We understand market caps, which I’m sure many my viewers do. So it’s ripple again. We can see it’s hitting its lows that it touched on mid last year, mid to late last year. And then the lows again and again. And we’re just about broken through all of them. And that could lead us to a nice little hefty drop to fifteen hundred sets, possibly even to low point of around. Hundred. That’s something to look out for. Let’s throw in some alerts. I am going to be alerted when this breaks through a nice so-called psychological number of 2000 sets set. And then I’m going to set another one for fifteen hundred and then another one for 700, because I want to get in just before it hits those extra lows. So that’s fine. They’re 700. That’s enough for me on REPL set and forget second, last is like coin and like coin is having an absolute struggle street time against bitcoin. This is I mean this time here, this was when it was going crazy and this was because of it’s having like coins hopping. Look what’s happened since the halving. It’s more than halved in its own price. A lot of people were buying at these periods expecting the price go higher because, like, Coin had its own hobby. Right. They have lost out big time against Bitcoin. So unfortunately, for a lot coin holders, that’s not a good story. Plus, it looks like it’s got a lot further to go. And we could see it come back and test these laws that point 003 of a Bitcoin. I’d just like to keep track and keep a pulse on it. See what the temperature is like of the market that keeps you abreast of everything else. The last one I want to look at is Dogecoin. Now, this one I did quite well on in the previous bull run. All we had to do was sit around, buy up the lows in these ranges here below 30 cents. Wait for it to boom, set your alerts and sell. It was that simple. Look at this chart. Right. You just see lows, highs, similar ish levels. If you don’t make the lows, like if you don’t if it doesn’t make it to your level of 30 sets, it really pulls up, say, like here. Big deal. Okay. We’ve got to wait another year or so. I’m okay with that because these multiples are pretty cool, right? I could get it around 25 cents. Watch it blow up to 100. There’s four times my bitcoin. I buy half of bitcoins worth here. I end up with two bitcoins here. So you just buy it up and sell it. Just buy and sell, buy and sell these things. These aren’t coins to be held for the long term. They’re just nice, easy trading coins. I like to look at it right now. Something is going on here. There’s looks like there’s quite a lot of accumulation. You can see this level is just squeezing and squeezing and squeezing. So afraid to go to my let’s set here for Dogecoin. I’m just waiting on this now and then I can put in some Bitcoin and hopefully see this thing blow up. So that’s my take on the Bitcoin halving. As you can see, I’m not as interested in the halving itself, but the opportunities that are potentially presenting themselves. I don’t have to be patient, set my alert and then wait for these cryptos to get to that point that I’m waiting for. Buy them up and away we go. Now, if you’re looking for something easy to get into these with, I have a link down below for a company called Crypto Dot Com. I use them often and also get interest on my cryptos with them. Go and check them out. Use the link. You get 50 U.S. dollars if you sign up and purchase 50 of their tokens. I think the company is great as well. I wouldn’t just mention it if I didn’t think they were good. The easy thing with these guys is that you can just buy straight from your bank account into their wallets. I have an online Apple wallet. You can also buy with your credit card. Not that I’m suggesting that you go out and get into debt for these things, but it’s an easy way to get into the market, especially now because they have zero credit card fees yet and the limits are quite high and get quite a fair bit of crypto from the credit card. Of course, you can still do with your bank account transfer across so many free things with it. I can’t get Spotify on it. Netflix and depending on which level of card you have. So what I’m talking about is a debit card. You can actually go out and spend your cryptocurrency in this shops depending on which level you’ve got. Then they also have other added benefits, like an airport lounges when of course, the airports are open. Don’t check out that link Downbelow. They’re fantastic to get into the markets early with you. Can some use out of the video? Be sure to lock it down below. Subscribe hit the bell notification icon so that you can stay up to date when I post new videos. About what crypto watch list? Personal finance. And of course, property market cycles. So everything finance related. Right here. Stick around. I think you’re going to have a really prosperous few years ahead of us. So, yeah, get get ready. Get set. Comments, questions. Hit me up in the comments section down below. Otherwise, I’ll see you at my next video and also on Facebook and Instagram. I’ve said enough. I’ll see you guys at the next video member. Until then, have more fun to get more done.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-halving-cryptos-to-buy-after/
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