#((I’m bout to die ☠️☠️))
keefsteef · 1 year
soooo i know i’m already lining your inbox with my reblogs but i simply MUST know your favorite song off of each van halen album 🤩 !!! you can also tell me the songs you aren’t particularly partial to as well if you wanttt but no pressure 🤭🤭🤭
ilyyyy and keep dragging our dearest boys through the mud 😍😍😍
This was SO DIFFICULT 😭☠️ but anyway let's get into ittt...
I am 100% a trooper for ain't talkin bout love. I do sometimes cheat on her for jamies cryin...but I always come home 😩‼️ I just can't ever get over the riff, the bassline, the drums, and David sounded SO REALLL!
It forever will have me by the ankles 🛐. As for what I didn't like on the album, I really don't have a song in particular. I know I had to warm up to atomic punk, but even before warming up to it I still did quite enjoy it.
OUTTA LOVE AGAIN 😩‼️I looooove when I can clearly hear David is full on feeling himself and confident, and I think it really shines here. And lmaooo I don't know what sort of pokey poke tappity tap shizzle frazzle bam bam Edward even did on that solo, but whatever it was, unsecured my edges 🛐 he DID THAT. I also found the drums and bass a slay.
Light Up The Sky also had a PRETTTYYYYY SNATCHWORTHY FALSETTO MOMENT ON IT THOUGH 😩 I'll give David a win there. As for a track I didn't like, once again, not really one I didn't like.
Push Comes To Shove is my wife and we frequently go out to dinner and take lavish yacht trips 😩❤️ I love her so 🌼
No but seriously...I don't like it when people say David couldn't ever sing because PERSONALLYYYY this is an example that that's absolutely not the truth. He was so wonderfully husky here, and that outro where he went AHHHHH or whatever, was the moment.
Edward did his thing with the guitar on this song too, I can't ever get the solo out my mind, I even hear it while buying butter or whatever 😭☠️ the bassline and drums were also stellar, and I love how the lyrics seem a bit more invasive than usual. To ME it sort of contradicts David's "lol I don't take relationships seriously" monicker...
Babe clearly someone hurt you , we all hear it 😭‼️
One foot out the door pissed me off a little because it's too fucking good to be that damn SHORT ! 👺... BUT once again... nothing I had any particular qualms with.
Loss of control is my ride or die 🤩, It sort of to me just wraps up van halen as a whole. It feels all over the place, anxiety inducing (like David's fashion), and chaotic. Them-core. Plus Alexander beat those drums like they talked shit about his mama 😩 I enjoyed that.
I will admit that I am a recovering everybodywantssomehater 💔 it used to make me feel like David was chasing me through some Amazon forest trying to make me drink an elixir, and I was NOOOOT FEELING ITTTTT. BUT... around the 13th listen I decided you know what, open your mind, it's not that bad, and I like the song now.
Mostly just for the guitar but 😭 I'll come around.
I'm now realizing I fucked up the order of albums but I do not feel like doing all the copy pasting and moving around 🔪 so let's proceed...
Secrets my beloved...I've found that I love when David SINGS. His messing around and random screeching is cute and cool or whatever, but I trulyyyy enjoy when he shows versatility vocally. I loved what he vocally did here. Michael, Edward and Alexander ate as per usualllll that's no surprise, but David really is what swayed me to this song.
Not that I don't like itttttt but I'm still warming up to oh pretty woman. I think I've just got to be in the mood for it. Or maybe I'm so accustomed to the Roy version, I don't know, but I'll keep updated hahaha.
GIRL GONE BAD! I LOOOOVE the guitar drums and bass here, David did his thing. I haven't got much else to say in depth , but this one I definitely listen to more than jump. Nothing on the album I've got qualms with...
Dreams 🥴, Samuel SANGGGG and did what he needed to do, and I loved that Edward got to do his thing with the keyboards. I also love the songs message! I also enjoy best of both worlds though...
I NEEEEED to re-listen to the last 4 albums actually before I decide on those, I'll be sure I make a separate post about it 🤩❤️ thank you for the ask and I DEFINITELY WILL CONTINUE TO DRAG THEM TO FILTHHHH 👺👺👺👺 love yew too
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sumire-bride · 2 years
Which canon characters that inspire you to make your OC(s)?
Honestly Sumire has changed slightly by the more stuff I watch and her story will slightly change as I get inspired by stuff that was done and than mush a bunch of stuff into one person and or thing, But imma give u one of my many inspos
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Violet Evergarden was like oh.my.god, when came to Sumire's personality and such and her design (when it came to clothes she was a massive help in the department). But Sumire and Violet are similar in too many damn ways. I was watching this anime and was tryna draw Sumire's new and improved design and as I was watching this I was like "oop-" and then BOOM inspiration hit me like a mf brick.
Sumire and Violet both have the whole "give me orders and I'l obey". That was the whole thing I was going for when it to Sumire's final design, she's been through too many and so many designs it ain't even funny anymore, in her first design she had short purple hair and was mute, then she fell into the design of Isabelle including backstory (but that changed-).
A lot of Sumire’s inspiration came from her, in the making of Sumire’s dress and her way of responding. Violet evergarden even though I made me shit tears u is what made make the final Sumire 🙏🏽
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yagamisdiary · 2 years
just remembered that in the eldia introduction its said that king hendrix is super overprotective over his children but 10times more with y/n.. jean is bout to die☠️☠️
💀💀💀 i’m trying to not spoil anything
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