#((does that make him capn jack sparrow?
💚💚💚 (because hes a baby bitch boy)
💖💖💖 ( because I he's baby 😊)
Send 💚 for a reason NOT to date my muse And send 💖 for a reason TO date my muse
"You mean you're not smitten already?" Such is one sad Seeker Scream. :( Oh well, maybe he can persuade any listeners as well.
💖 "I was quite rich before the War, and a major celebrity in Vos if not outright royalty, and envied by all the other Seekers at least the ones with sense, which excludes pretty much all of Tarn." 💚 ((He has powerful foes, and mostly only himself to blame. Whether he actually cares or not doesn't matter, either; you'd better be formidable in your own right because those enemies would be perfectly okay with taking a cheap shot at you.))
💖 "If you've managed to catch my optics, then I hope you know that you're absolutely exquisite. Just imagine how we'd look on each other's arms~" 💚 ((Don't forget that he's a raging narcissist, one of his top 5 defining personality components, so if you fall short of his exacting standards or fail to adequately stroke his enormous ego, you'll be shown the door.))
💖 "Are you interested in scintillating conversation or games of skill? I may not be the most patient of tutors, but I'll still show you how to get exactly what you want from people without them ever knowing they were manipulated. Do you know how satisfying it is when they think it was their idea?~" 💚 ((Have we established he's an asshole enough by now? Even to people he likes. But hey, if hate-flirting is your thing then maybe this isn't a not.))
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sunsetfallen11 · 28 days
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Do you fear death?
Characters: Captain Jack Sparrow, Elizabeth Swann, and William Turner
Rating: PG - 13
Synopsis: The scene that was heartbreaking for all and I put this through the eyes of Capn Jack. In the heart of the matter, he chooses the hardest decision of his life and does the right thing. Enjoy if you read. Written a few mew months ago.
The chest lay out, the beating heart of Davy Jones thumping inside of it, as the rain continued to fall heavily from the sky. The battle had been raging on, for how long, Jack did not know. He just knew what he needed to do, to stab the beating heart and end the reign of Jones himself. But he wasn’t sure if he could really go through with it. Ten years at sea, without being on shore, was a heavy feat for anyone, let alone for such a notorious pirate as himself. But as he took the beating heart into his hands, the veins and muscles protruding in every direction, the magic of it all keeping it alive with no blood flow, he wondered what it would be like. To be the Captain of the notorious Flying Dutchman. He looked up, the rain blinding him slightly, as he saw William on the ground, his chest heaving to and fro as if he too was accepting defeat. His eyes then traveling towards Elizabeth, who seemed frozen near the staircase, unsure of what to do next as Jones stood between them, babbling about love and death.
The sharpened knife, that was once a blade, was inches away from stabbing the heart. His thoughts going askew, panic increasing as he felt as if they had already lost. Captain Jack Sparrow never lost in battle, or at least any battle that he saw fit to purposely loose just for the sake of losing. He could feel the weight of the world on his shoulders, not that it wasn’t the first time, but more so now. The decision needed to be made and made soon. The rain seemingly getting heavier with each passing moment, as the battle behind them continued to rage on.
“Do you?”
He shouted out, when he heard the line of do you fear death being question towards William. He could see the fear in the younger man’s eyes, even though he tried his best to cover it up, but his body language gave him away. The look of Jones, as he held the heart of him in the palm of his hand, was if he dared him to do it, knowing deep down he wouldn’t. A laugh, then more words were exchanged. It all seemed to happen so fast.
Jones had stabbed William in the heart, as if challenging Jack to do the same. The look clearly evident in his eyes. The scream that came from Elizabeth ripping through him, as he froze in place. He didn’t know what to think, or how to feel at that moment. He never thought it were possible to ever be without the man in his life, given they were always at one another’s throats about whatever possible, but he still presumed he would always be there.
He looked back at the heart that was thumping still in his hand, as he made the decision then and there. Jones had become distracted by something, he didn’t care what. If the Dutchman was to have a Captain of honor, he knew that it had to be William. Time was ticking, if they didn’t do it now, he would be dead forever. His eyes met Elizabeth’s, a silent question and answer going between the Pirate Lord and Captain, followed by a brief nod.
Placing the heart in William’s lifeless hand, making sure his fingers were closed around it, he used the sharp end of the blade, and pierced the heart of Jones. The Captain didn’t know how to feel, didn’t know what to say, but everything seemed to be moving faster than he possibly thought possible. He hoped that it hadn’t been too late, that this move would ultimately save Turner, and he would still be alive in some sense in the word. His own heart beat wildly in his chest, knowing that they needed to leave, before they got swallowed into the Maelstrom themselves.
Thinking fast, he put something together in quick succession, using his gun to shoot them off in the air. As they flew into the air, his eyes never leaving the ship, masking his feelings and keeping his face stoic as possible. His only thought was he hoped that they had done it in time and weren’t too late. He didn’t know how he would ultimately feel if he never saw him again.
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