#captain without a ship and prince without a city-state?))
💚💚💚 (because hes a baby bitch boy)
💖💖💖 ( because I he's baby 😊)
Send 💚 for a reason NOT to date my muse And send 💖 for a reason TO date my muse
"You mean you're not smitten already?" Such is one sad Seeker Scream. :( Oh well, maybe he can persuade any listeners as well.
💖 "I was quite rich before the War, and a major celebrity in Vos if not outright royalty, and envied by all the other Seekers at least the ones with sense, which excludes pretty much all of Tarn." 💚 ((He has powerful foes, and mostly only himself to blame. Whether he actually cares or not doesn't matter, either; you'd better be formidable in your own right because those enemies would be perfectly okay with taking a cheap shot at you.))
💖 "If you've managed to catch my optics, then I hope you know that you're absolutely exquisite. Just imagine how we'd look on each other's arms~" 💚 ((Don't forget that he's a raging narcissist, one of his top 5 defining personality components, so if you fall short of his exacting standards or fail to adequately stroke his enormous ego, you'll be shown the door.))
💖 "Are you interested in scintillating conversation or games of skill? I may not be the most patient of tutors, but I'll still show you how to get exactly what you want from people without them ever knowing they were manipulated. Do you know how satisfying it is when they think it was their idea?~" 💚 ((Have we established he's an asshole enough by now? Even to people he likes. But hey, if hate-flirting is your thing then maybe this isn't a not.))
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paingoes · 3 months
Destroyer - Come Back
get back to the war!!! i dont pay u just to look cute
(Content: dehumanization, physical violence, magical exhaustion, fainting, mass death implied, blood)
“Be realistic,” Dr.Martino yawned, “He obviously can’t destroy the whole planet.”
“But I want him to?” Paris glowered.
His hand raked through Delta’s hair again, more nails than usual. Delta twitched nervously. He was kneeling obediently on Paris’s side, the end of his collar grasped firmly in the prince’s other hand. He flinched whenever he touched him. Paris didn’t seem to notice. He was sitting comfortably in the captain’s chair, one leg folded over the other.
Delta couldn’t see Martino’s expression from his position. He had learned that when he kept his head bowed, it gave him the least trouble. 
“That’s the kind of greed they write fables about,” Dr.Martino warned, “Anyway, forget it. It’s not physically possible. Pick a city. Really, pick a block in that city. The buildings here are better protected than most.”
Paris tugged at Delta’s hair, like it was his fault. He winced. Nothing came immediately after it — no reprimands. Just venting frustration, then? Delta had to adjust his position for it to stop hurting. Again, Paris didn’t notice or didn’t care. 
They redirected the course. The actual captain re-entered the room. Paris did not move for her, forcing her to operate from the side terminal. 
The planet Tataka loomed large through the windows of the craft. It was green and purple, beautiful under any other circumstance. Paris was intent on destroying it. The war was upon them.
They weren’t aboard the Thorn today; they’d never make it into the outer atmosphere without getting shot down. It was a smaller, nimbler, and less conspicuous craft. From a distance, it looked like a passenger plane. 
As the ship lurched into motion, Simon returned from the break room. He’d been following his own advice, giving Paris quite a wide berth ever since he’d returned from the hospital. Simon looked at the current arrangement disapprovingly. He set down a coffee cup for Martino, not drinking his own.
“Your Highness, I’d really ask you to reconsider this. Not only is it too strong an escalation from a policy standpoint, but physically, Delta is out of practice from the last month. There’s a higher risk of inaccuracy,” Simon stated.
“Did you just say too strong an escalation?” Paris choked, “And who’s fucking fault is that? You knew I’d need him when I got back.”
Simon didn’t answer. It’d be too easy to say No one thought you were coming back and that was not a conversation he wanted to have.
By then, the mountains were coming into view. Paris stood up shakily, using Delta’s shoulder for support before tugging him up by the arm. They were bruising touches. Delta suspected that Paris didn’t entirely mean to be that rough. He had nerve damage from where the arrow had pierced him and couldn’t feel much in his hands. It had made him clumsy. Still, it hurt.
When the atmosphere was breathable, Paris dragged him out onto the main deck. He wrenched his arm back to get him to kneel, which was of course not an accident, on top of being totally unnecessary. Delta would’ve knelt if he’d asked him to.
The handlers trailed behind him. He snapped his fingers at them. Simon started to protest, then apparently decided it was not worth the effort of arguing. He poked at his wrist, remotely releasing Delta’s collar. 
Delta let out a little gasp when it hit him. The ground hung directly above them, the ship’s personal gravity machine working to bind them to it upside down. The effect was very disorienting. Beyond that, Paris was far, far too close to him. He didn’t like being touched while he was all unfurled. He never like being touched at all, but now it felt particularly invasive. He liked it better when Simon directed. They had already gotten to know each other’s communication styles with no ambiguity. The same couldn’t be said of Paris — especially not now. This wasn’t the kind of operation Delta wanted to improvise. The string of words that left Paris’s mouth was barely coherent.
“Fucking kill them fuck fuck Nezu fuck Taka stupid fucking destroy it now”
Delta could feel Paris’s heart within his chest, the new lung nestling itself into place, the spot where the ribs had cracked open. He felt the wind shift just as he readied himself. From his own reading, Delta could recognize Tataka’s parliament building. There was about a five block radius around it he thought he could reasonably smoke. He blinked.
He didn’t actually remember setting it off, which meant it had definitely been too much. He woke up on his side in Dr.Martino’s office, drenched in his own blood.
“-why I said not to let him-“ Simon’s voice cut into his thoughts. A little wave of electricity came off of Delta as he regained consciousness, making everyone’s hair stand on end.
“Hi,” Dr.Martino eyebrows furrowed as he smiled without humor.
“We should’ve warmed up first,” Simon pinched the bridge of his nose, “Are you feeling okay?”
Delta opened his mouth to respond, but no sound came out. The room smelled like a campfire. He realized the burnt scent was coming off his own skin.
“Just stay like that,” Dr.Martino told him, then turned back to his conversation. Delta closed his eyes, too sore to move. There was a distant feeling of gloved hands against his back, some medical assistant searching around for something or other. Two prongs entered the base of his neck without warning, causing another little shock throughout the room. He felt a hand against his forehead. Cool to the touch, but not comforting. Darkness closed in.
“Delta,” It was Paris’s voice. Delta cracked his eyes open, unsure how much time had passed. The prince was leaning over him, grasping the table for support. His expression was giddy.
“Good job,” He said. Two thumbs up. It must have been. Paris so rarely complimented him. Again, he tried to speak. 
“Leave him alone. He fried his vocal cords,” Dr.Martino called, from somewhere outside Delta’s line of sight.
“What? Permanently?”
“Not this time. You’re lucky it wasn’t worse, cause god knows you’d be fucked then.”
“What did you just say to me?”
Delta passed out again, mercifully.
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girlboylintjrwi · 4 months
tell me about your characters...... i would like to know everything possible. all your favorite details and everything
!!!!!!!!!!!! HELLO !!!! I'll only talk about the main story's characters because this would get way too long if I talked about ALL my characters :D also the story might be a bit messy the way im talking about it because i tend to talk about things out of order sorry
Kieran is the captain of the Starry Pirates! He doesn't remember most things about his past because he got turned into a vampire (it's a curse and can be cured [most curses can be] but the ingredients for the cure are very hard to find) and all he remembered was his name and other basic information. He's wanted to be a pirate for as long as he can remember! he's also trans and has purple hair and red eyes from the curse and sort of hates himself and doesn't feel like he knows himself at all because he can't remember anything from before
Aidyn found Kieran not long after he was turned, her first instinct was to try to help him because he was just kind of. passed out on a bench. Aidyn comes from a pretty well off family, she's been very connected to her magic ever since she was a child and her mother enrolled her in a school for sorcerers like her! She loves books and knowledge and is pretty well liked by her classmates, and her and Kieran hung out a lot after school before they left to the sea. Aidyn lives with her aunt, and her aunt is good friends with Sylvia the cleric! (i'll get into her story more later) ((aidyn and kieran are both trans, most of the crew are some kinda transgender))
and so at some point they left to the sea, sylvia wanted to quit her job because she wasn't helping the kind of people that she wanted to and felt xe would be more useful on the crew
at a port town they meet Magma! They're a mix of a rainwalker and a blazewing, and because of this his magic does not work properly and takes the form of extremely weak steam instead of fire or water. Fairies like them can't use magic outside of their own magic, so he started working with alchemy and potions. they took up a job at an inn in their free time, and the starry pirates (at the time only aidyn, kieran and sylvia) ask him if they're interested in joining the crew. he's bored and has nothing better to do, so they say yes and they go and say bye to their moms and head out!
they want to rob a bank in one of the cities in the trees, and they wouldn't have made it out of there without the help of Amaryllis Sunpetal, an underpaid blacksmith, and her 2 children Aspen and Sparrow. She hates her job and can barely afford to feed herself and her kids and pay bills, so joining this crew feels safer than their current state of living.
While they're fishing one day, Cliff the aquatic person (their race doesn't have a name yet and maybe it never will because this works) sees them and decides to hop on the ship and ask to join the crew! they said sure and that it would be nice to have allies from the water below them. She reeeaaally hated the culture in the reef that they're from and always wanted to be a pirate, but her parents forced them to train to be a knight instead. They come from a noble family and were pretty close with the prince of the reef, but she'd much rather be a pirate than stay there any longer. In the school that she studied at, they taught disguise magic in case they had to go to the surface. also aidyn has a cat called crow and kieran has a seagull that just follows the ship around
Sylvia Goldleaf is a windwraith, a type of winged creature similar to an elf. Xe suggested that expanding the cities of the sky down to the mountains below would be a good thing to do, and was consequentially kicked out along with her sister who held the same ideals. Now both fallen, their wings are removed and only scars remain on their backs and they can no longer use the names given by the people of the sky cities.
Over the course of this story, Kieran's magic is corrupting and his curse is gettting worse, he's needing more and more blood to survive and it's getting difficult for him to keep control of his body and thirst. Eventually, he's realized that he has run out of viles of blood, and he knows that if he exits his room someone will get hurt. Aidyn is worried and goes to check on him, she gets bit and turned to a vampire as well uh oh but this is near the end and they do get a cure eventually. Before that, though, big fight oh no and aidyn admits to never wanting to be a pirate in the first place (the fight reminds me so much of the song be nice to me by the front bottoms. I could explain why some other time)
when they get the cure, 2 healing gems are needed and they only stole one. Sylvia has a gem that allows xem to use stronger magic, but she uses it to get a cure for both aidyn and kieran. they are all happy for a while and kieran finally gets to eat real food instead of be starving every moment of his life. the guardians (essentially police) spot them and (most) of the crew gets away, but aspen and kieran get captured and kieran ends up having to cut his long hair and that hurt him a lot
maggie expresses a want to know more about his rainwalker culture to aidyn at some point earlier in the story, and upon coming back to their moms he finds that their mother Flame realizes that she should have let her child understand this part of themself earlier instead of trying to block it out and hide it away, she should have seen him for all that they are instead of only a blazewing (love that part of the story)
the queer rep: cliff is nonbinary (she/they) and maggie is also nonbinary (they/he) Aidyn is transfem and Kieran is transmasc (t4t pirates <3 <3) sylvia is sex/romance repulsed aroace and amaryllis is demirose, aspen got that transgender swag from living with rats and pirates most of xeir life
keep in mind these are only characters from part 1 of vampire pirate story. this is way too long already maybe I'll make another post about pirate story part 2
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pyrrhiccomedy · 4 years
Hello ☺️, I’ve heard from your lovely lady companion Emily that you’re a very seasoned DM! I was wondering if you had any advice for beginners to DMing when it comes to things like improvising and making sure your first session has an impact on the players as their introduction to the world. Any advice at all would be a lifesaver! Thank you ☺️✌🏻
holy shit, a question about DMing. you have freed me, stranger. I can stop blogging about Troy (2004). 
First of all, I’m really excited to hear that you’re going to be DMing for the first time! DMing is understandably intimidating, but it’s also incredibly creatively fulfilling, and it’s something you’ll still be learning how to do better after 25 years. 
Okay, so let’s talk about session 1.
Your first session has a lot of lifting to do. You want to make an emotional impact, you want your players to learn about the world, you want to convey tone and genre, and you want your PCs to have a chance to band together and form quick connections.
I really can’t say enough good things about session 1 being about An Escape, because an escape scenario immediately poses a whole bunch of really valuable questions.
What is a crime in this world?
Who are your natural adversaries?
Why should you trust & rely upon your new party members?
What is violence like in this game? This says a lot about your game’s tone.
What will the next few sessions be about?
Literally, in 3 of the last 4 campaigns I’ve run, session one was An Escape. I’ll walk you through the set-ups for 2 of them (the third is a one-on-one campaign, so maybe not as useful to you).
In Vampire: the Masquerade, the party (all vampires) woke up staked to the ground in the basement of an abandoned school, captives of the fanatical inquisitorial group, the Society of Leopold. None of them had met each other before, all of them were confused, angry, scared, and low on blood.
What is a crime in this world?
Just being a vampire is a crime. You can be brutally attacked, captured, and murdered for being what you are. Your only recourse is to fight for your life.
Who are your natural adversaries?
Vampire hunters. They are not as strong or as fast as you, but they have dirty tricks up their sleeves and fanatical conviction on their side, and they do not see you as human.
Why should you trust & rely upon your new party members?
Without them, you will not escape your predicament. You know you can trust them because you have a common enemy. Each of them will have a chance to solve a problem with a unique skill that you do not possess, driving home that you can solve dangerous problems together that you could not overcome on your own. 
What is violence like in this game? This says a lot about your game’s tone.
Fast, flashy, bloody, and dark. Descriptions of injuries are savage; heads get torn off, chests get ripped open, shadows pinwheel wildly as the sole hanging light in the ceiling gets knocked around amidst the violence. But there’s a slick cool to all of it. You are in real danger, but you are also capable of dealing out grievous and acrobatic harm.
What will the next few sessions be about?
Upon your escape, the Prince of the city charged you all with seeking out the leaders of the hunters. Best not to disappoint him.
In my Call of Cthulhu campaign, the characters were all prisoners on a bus to the gulag, in Russia in 1938.
What is a crime in this world?
Literally anything, if you have displeased the wrong people. One of you received a letter you shouldn’t have seen. Another one wrote seditious poetry. Another was rude to a secret police officer during an investigation. Another literally has no idea why he’s here. There is a cold, kafkaesque indifference to the notion of fairness in this world. You have been disenfranchised and shipped off to do hard labor for almost nothing at all. Do not bother to look for reason in the machinations of the state.
Who are your natural adversaries?
The NKVD. They are all-powerful, all-seeing, and brutal. They could kill every last one of you right here in the snow, and so long as they filed the correct paperwork afterwards, there will be no follow up investigation. They have the key to the vehicles, they have warm clothes, they have all of the guns, they have the radio that is your only way of contacting the outside world. You don’t even have coats that will keep out the freezing wind. If you want what you need to escape this place, you will have to take it from them.
Why should you trust & rely upon your new party members?
You will be shot, if you try to escape alone. The tundra is vast and the NKVD are always watching. Your only hope is to cause confusion and hope that your numbers count for more than your jailers’ guns. And once you’re out, into Siberia? conditions are so hostile you have no choice but to band together for survival.
What is violence like in this game? This says a lot about your game’s tone.
Almost instantly fatal. You are shown fellow prisoners (NPCs) get headshot by the NKVD captain and drop to the ground, dead. Another NPC has a broken leg, and cannot participate in combat at all. If you get hurt, that’s it. There are no health potions or magic spells that will mitigate the effects of bullets and the biting wind.
What will the next few sessions be about?
As you escaped, you saw strange apparitions across the snow, which caused the radio to malfunction. You are fleeing in your stolen truck from the NKVD, but where are you going? Where can you go, except towards the mystery?
Escapes are great, too, because as a DM, your list of things you need to prepare is pretty concrete. You need:
- Mooks
- A boss for the mooks
- a map of the immediate area, so your players know what avenues of potential escape they have
- a couple of NPC fellow prisoners for them to talk to & for you to kill along the way (alternately, this can be a great way to link the party up with future quest-givers straight from the jump).
- A list of possible resources to aid in their escape that they might be able to get their hands on (a fire axe? a radio? a car?)
- A couple of ideas for spanners to throw in the works (if things are too easy/going too quickly, maybe this NPC fellow prisoner turns on them, hoping to curry favor with the NKVD; maybe one of the hunters has a flamethrower to force the vampires to double back; maybe it starts to snow with white-out conditions, maybe something is being filmed right outside and the vampires can’t bust through the steel doors without potentially breaking the Masquerade).
Another great thing about escapes is that they’re geographically isolated. So you don’t need to have The Entire Starting Zone figured out from session 1: you just need to know about this one truck stop in Siberia, or this abandoned school in Queens. When they gain access to the wider world, the session ends, and you should have an idea of where they want to go next.
And if any of their captors survive, you may have an act 1 villain on your hands. Don’t get too attached to the idea that any of them WILL survive; but if they do, and the party bears them a grudge, find them a place in the story, flesh them out as an adversary. Your Big Bad means nothing to them yet, but Captain Volkov, the NKVD captain who pursued them across the ice like a relentless automaton, scares them.
Another thing I like about escapes is that they feel very natural. There is no quest giver; they have an obvious goal they can all agree on, and the obstacles to achieving it are built into the situation. It’s a solid framework for an adventure that you can pack a lot of worldbuilding detail into along the way.
Good luck!
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hualianff · 3 years
Untethered (Bonus I) 《III》
In the Shadow of Ghosts — The Newton Brothers
Three years ago….
Tap. Tap.
Xie Lian thinks he imagines it at first. After all, it had been a long day of handling commoners’ affairs, entertaining visiting royalty, and carrying out other menial tasks that are required of him as a prince. Not that he minds too much. Xie Lian thoroughly enjoys helping whoever he can and making the kingdom a better place for his people.
But it is exhausting work, and takes both a mental and physical toll on Xie Lian. This is why more often than not, on busy days like this, he requests the servants to have a bath drawn right before he retires to his room for the night. The steaming hot water mixed with Xie Lian’s favorite-scented bath salts loosen his muscles wonderfully, as well as clear his senses.
In the dimly lit washroom, Xie Lian lets himself unwind. It’s a gradual process, one that his body initially rejects after being so wound up for hours on end. Xie Lian lathers a dollop of lavender oil along his waist-length hair, holding it above the water to let the oil properly soak in before rinsing it under the spout.
Simply put, Xie Lian chalks the strange noise up to his restless mind making him hear things that are not there. It wouldn’t be the first time it happened.
Besides, who in their right mind would dare break into a prince’s bedroom chambers, where royal guards surround the premise?
At the dusk of twilight?
Xie Lian is sure no one is crazy about him enough to scale the palace walls to the third level-
-except for someone coming to assassinate him!?
Tap tap tap tap tap-
Okay, now that he didn’t imagine. That incessant tapping is very real.
“Goodness me-” Xie Lian mutters, dunking his head under the water in a lame attempt to hastily clean his hair. He then stumbles out of the tub to grab a gown, flinging it around his body to cover himself up.
Luckily, there are no windows in the washroom. The doors also remain shut, providing the prince with the utmost privacy during his bath times, but also serving as a protective barrier at this moment. However, the distinct tapping continues, clearly coming from the other side of the doors.
Against his better judgment, Xie Lian flattens himself against the wall next to the entrance and knocks back.
The tapping stops.
A muffled “Your Highness” follows in response.
Xie Lian’s stomach violently drops at the familiar drawl. It couldn’t be...
“Prince Xianle,” his tempter calls again.
Xie Lian quietly gasps.
The prince cautiously opens the doors leading into his bedroom. He spots a silhouetted figure standing outside on his balcony, and if the build and height were not a familiar sight, Xie Lian would certainly be freaking out more. By subconsciously wrapping the robe tighter around himself–Xie Lian realizes just how flimsy and inappropriate the garment is for others to set eyes on–and approaches the glass doors
He also realizes he does not care.
Xie Lian pulls aside the sheer, golden velvet curtains.
A lanky, strong-built man in dashing red attire greets him through the glass. Xie Lian’s eyes bulge impossibly wide, mouth parting in surprise.
Crimson Rain grins like the devil he is. He doesn’t say anything more, letting the devious look in his eye do the speaking. When the pirate captain lifts a palm to lay flat against the glass door’s surface, Xie Lian feels a growing urge to intertwine it with his own.
Xie Lian places his own palm on the opposite side of the glass. He knows how terrible of an idea it is to enable intruders onto palace grounds, to let Hua Cheng in and the detrimental repercussions awaiting if they were found out.
City of Stars – Yan Chaojie
Th-th-th-th-thump. Hua Cheng drums his fingers upon the glass, raising an expectant eyebrow. Xie Lian stubbornly shakes his head, making a cutting motion at his neck. The pirate seems to take this as a challenge. He can probably see how close Xie Lian is to giving in, just needs one last push to lure the prince in opening the doors to his chambers.
Hua Cheng frames both hands against the glass, blowing hot air in between, effectively fogging up the surface. He draws a massive heart in the condensation. Xie Lian fails to bite back his smile, yet another one of his actions Hua Cheng notices with a smug look.
The pirate proceeds to drag his finger through practiced strokes, writing backward so Xie Lian can read normally on his side. From where he observes, the concentration apparent on Hua Cheng’s face greatly amuses Xie Lian. The characters are still barely legible. Fortunately, Xie Lian has the experience in deciphering Crimson Rain’s infamous scrawl with the intermittent letters he receives.
谢怜 x 三郎
Xie Lian’s face twists in confusion. He immediately unlocks the glass doors, yanking them to the side.
“Who is San Lang?” Xie Lian demands with a pout, forgetting all about his current state of appearance. Hua Cheng smiles into his fist, then graciously enters Xie Lian’s bedroom.
“Another name I go by,” the pirate answers nonchalantly, sliding the door closed behind him. He towers over Xie Lian, dressed in his trademark black heeled-boots with silver chains, whereas Xie Lian’s feet are bare. Plus, Hua Cheng has only continued to grow since the first time they crossed past nearly two years ago. “Should the weather permit fog in the next few days and anyone happens to see, they will not be able to connect San Lang to me.”
“Hua Cheng, your fingerprints are all over the glass,” Xie Lian reminds in exasperation. Hua Cheng frowns when he is addressed, as if he had eaten something not to his liking. He seamlessly replaces it with a mischievous smirk.
“My fingerprints are not documented in the first place,” he says.
“Oh, I see.”
Pirates abide not by any kingdom’s rule but by the laws of the ocean.
Hua Cheng briefly turns to look back at the fading image of their names, his expression calculated but determined once he meets Xie Lian’s gaze again.
“I believe it would also be safest if you referred to me-” Hua Cheng points to the door. “-as such.”
“As what?”
“How should I call you?”
Hua Cheng narrows his brooding eye.
“Why ask when you already know the answer?”
“Just spit it out, Crimson Rain.” Xie Lian smiles cheekily.
“Your Highness, do not test me.”
Despite his threatening words, Hua Cheng’s posture is stiff, and can even be described as awkward. His arms have obediently remained by his side the entire time, keeping a respectful distance away from Xie Lian. The prince laughs out loud at how constipated Hua Cheng looks.
Without further adieu, Xie Lian throws himself at the taller man. He glomps onto Hua Cheng like a child grabbing onto a stuffed animal, straining his arms to grasp around the pirate’s broad shoulders.
“If San Lang ever wants a hug, he needs only to ask,” Xie Lian admonishes light-heartedly, squishing his cheek against Hua Cheng’s sternum. Hua Cheng chuckles happily, body finally relaxing into the embrace. He winds his arms around Xie Lian’s middle.
“Gege’s benevolence knows no bounds,” Hua Cheng murmurs tenderly. Xie Lian squeezes tighter around him, having no intentions of letting go soon. He missed his pirate dearly, after all. Three months apart had felt like three years. “This San Lang is gladly indebted to His Highness.”
Hua Cheng gently caresses Xie Lian’s head but pauses when he realizes how slippery the prince’s hair is. The pirate rolls the end of a strand between his fingers, droplets of water escaping the tips.
“Gege, did you recently wash?” he asks. Xie Lian shyly nods, containing his blush when Hua Cheng slightly pulls back to take in his satin gown.
“I was bathing when you arrived,” Xie Lian says. With some space between them, Xie Lan realizes with horror that his damp hair created a huge wet spot on the front of Hua Cheng’s robes.
Before he can apologize, Hua Cheng quickly ushers Xie Lian to sit on the cushioned stool in front of his vanity, muttering “please forgive this San Lang for his untimely intrusion” and “allow me to tend to gege’s hair as atonement for such despicable behavior.”
Xie Lian doesn’t know what to say. Hua Cheng’s submissive words render him speechless. It’s a stark contrast to the way Hua Cheng treated him in the beginning, when they were just rivals holding each other at swordpoint. Only in the last year have they been secretly meeting without the pretense of dueling, and even then, Xie Lian only sees Hua Cheng every few months, whenever the pirate happens to sail near Xianle Kingdom. It would be unfathomable for his past self to consider Crimson Rain anything less than a cunning, vicious pirate.
Now, Hua Cheng stands in the Prince of Xianle’s private chambers, offering to brush his hair.
Xie Lian stares wordlessly at Hua Cheng’s reflection. Hua Cheng’s earnest expression does not fade. How absurd it is that a captain of his own pirate ship would reduce himself to the duty of a simple palace servant. Though the thought often crosses his mind, Xie Lian hasn’t turned Hua Cheng in yet. It feels somewhat treasonous to excuse a pirate trespassing and sneaking around on Xianle territory.
Then again, Hua Cheng hasn’t stirred up trouble in public for one whole year. He merely comes back for Xie Lian. This notion alone makes Xie Lian giddy inside.
Xie Lian reaches for a lavishly jeweled comb, then presents it to Hua Cheng. The pirate accepts the comb with a grateful hum, then takes hold of Xie Lian’s wrist to press his lips to the top of his hand.
Xie Lian’s heart sings.
“Would gege be partial to sharing what a day in Prince Xianle’s life looks like?” Hua Cheng asks as he releases Xie Lian’s hand. He begins running the comb through the prince’s long, weighted locks, effortlessly detangling the lower ends. The sensations are heavenly.
“Only if San Lang tells me what a day in Crimson Rain’s life looks like after,” Xie Lian answers with a sluggish tongue. Through the mirror, he sees Hua Cheng smile in satisfaction. Xie Lian slowly closes his eyes as the continuous brushing motions to his hair send pleasant tingles down his spine.
“Whatever His Highness wishes.”
《Bonus II》
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wolf-zer0 · 4 years
Ya want some WORLD-BUILDING????
Have some world-building!
*REMINDER* This is based on characters, not real people.  I’m not going to be writing any shipping/smut content, especially involving minors.  Please be respectful of content creators’ boundaries!
The Crystallos Empire (AKA the Antarctic Empire)
Largest the countries (takes up most of the southern half of the map) but agreed to stop expansion after a bloody battle with Valeriana 
Centered on a large snowy mountain in the middle of the tundra 
Mostly stays out of other countries’ business, but will step in as a last resort 
Has some of the most well-known citizens in the world because… they’re pure chaos 
Attack at your own peril 
Has vast deposits of ores and gemstones, and the metalwork from Crystallos (mainly weaponry, armor, and jewelry) is highly sought after 
The only known food export is potatoes.  Wonder why… 
Associated Colors: Royal blue, light blue, crimson, gold 
Aesthetic/Vibes: gothic vibes, white stone and large stain glass windows, not particularly opulent or extravagant but still impressively royal looking, think catholic cathedral but brighter and with less Jesus (can you tell I’m a recovering catholic yet?), spires shooting into the sky that’s visible even during a blizzard, cavernous halls full of sunlight and echoes, snow that can comfort and kill in equal measure
Notable Members:
Philza Minecraft:
Visible wings look like a harpy eagle
Probably the most powerful person in the world
Didn’t mean to start an empire it kinda just happened
Also didn’t mean to adopt kids but his Dadza alarm went off
Usually kind but will not hesitate to use violence when necessary
Is pig.  
With braid.  
At least 8 feet all
Extremely adept fighter, skilled in almost every form of combat.  
Not a people pig, prefers his potato farm to being a prince
Hella protective of his family but will not hesitate to bully when given the opportunity
Wilbur Soot: 
Muse who can influence people through song
Can’t totally control people (yet) but can subtly push them in a certain direction
The public face of the imperial family
Would rather insult than fight but can and will cut a bitch if he needs to
Because inspiration is fickle he’ll have some … strange episodes (see: the Sand Incident)
Tommy Innit: 
Chaos incarnate.
Is he human?  Is he not?  No one’s sure yet.  
But he’s a gremlin and a hellion and willing to throw down at any moment.  
Has a surprisingly caring side, but no one outside his immediate circle has ever really seen it.  
The Kingdom of Valeriana (aka Dream SMP)
Oldest of the countries 
Located in the middle of a massive forest at the center of the main continent 
Home of the Fae Courts
Ruled by a single king who is chosen by a tournament held every 100 years 
Known for causing chaos in other countries, but after an Incident with Crystallos they have kept their meddling to annoyances rather than outright declarations of war 
Considered the most magical of all the countries, and traditional enchantments almost all come from Valeriana 
Associated Colors: neon green (duh), bright yellow, forest green, light brown, blood red (more saturated than Crystallos), rose gold 
Aesthetic/Vibes: spooky art nouveau (idk what else to call it), lots of plants and nature but with an edge of danger, poison gardens and carnivorous plants, hedge mazes that lead everywhere and nowhere, laughter deep in the forest, deer with eyes just a hair too human, Alice in Wonderland on steroids 
Notable Members: 
Current king of the Fae
As long as he’s touching the ground, he knows where everything and everyone is
Can terraform
Unlimited in the boundaries of his kingdom
Much more limited outside of his realm
No one has ever seen what he really looks like, even before he took the throne
Since people outside the kingdom don’t know who he is, he’ll wander the outside world and challenge random people to fights
Never says what happens to the losers
Only one person has ever beaten him: Technoblade
He might have a lil obsession around Techno, but it’s fine.  
A little competition is healthy.
High Lord of the Summer Court
Dream’s right hand man
Likes fire a little too much probably
Human that Dream took a liking too and yoinked from the mortal world
Dream and Sapnap made him immortal but he hasn’t realized it yet.  
Changeling who started growing diamond-like scales across his body
Is vaguely allied with Dream simply because he’s Fae, but is more loyal to BBH
Like a lot of other Fae, likes to make challenges but he makes them less deadly.  Not totally safe, just less deadly.
Demon who was kicked out of hell because he was too nice
Found Skeppy in the Overworld and the rest is history
Cursed by the Demon King that the moment he says a swear word, the entire world would end, but can never tell anyone that he is cursed
The Merchant’s Guild
Not quite a country, more of a international power 
Oversees the largest and most important businesses in the world 
Makes sure that no laws are broken between different countries and everyone gets a fair shake 
Has a very large reach, so some members have dabbled in espionage for various groups 
From the outside it looks like the whole thing is kept together with duct tape and hope, but its actually pretty functional
The main members are just… a lot. 
More concerned with keeping things working than influencing other nations (although there are still jokes about it) 
The most valuable thing they trade in is information
They have a lot of fingers in a lot of pots, but are trusted with their information 
Associated Colors: dark blue, teal, deep yellow, burnt orange, copper
Aesthetic/Vibes: art deco babie, angles and lines, very modern and streamlined, sleek suits instead of armor or robes, whiskey in a crystal glass, wars won by words not weapons, knowing when someone’s lying without them saying a word
Notable Members:
Ram-man with a plan
Not that bad of a dude, but is in a position where he is constantly in possession of highly sensitive information and that does things to someone’s mental state
Drinks pretty regularly but not a full blown alcoholic
Trying his best
Can be a snarky asshole sometimes
Lucky duck.  literally.  
Duck man with an uncanny ability to absorb good luck from people (typically Fundy) and apply it to himself
No one knows when or why he joined the guild, but now he’s there
Pretty damn smart, but hides it behind humor
Trying his goddamn best but life (and Quackity) make it very difficult
Usually is stuck with the shit end of the stick when getting jobs/contracts/etc. 
Wilbur being his dad is an inside joke that’s gotten a life of its own.  
(No Fishfuckers Allowed!!!)
Badass sheep lady who captains a ship and commands her own armada
Schlatt’s sister
Also part of Storm’s Landing’s council and acts as the main liaison between them 
Do not fuck with her she will kick your ass.
Storm’s Landing
Port city that became a country after becoming a safe-haven for seafarers
Led by a council of important people, with the head of the council known as the Admiral 
Closest ties to Crystallos and the Merchant’s guild because: 
1) Clingy supremacy!!!!
2) it’s a good idea for a guild to have good ties with a large sea power
3) all the dads for Tubbo
Associated Colors: navy blue, scarlet, white, brass 
Aesthetic/Vibes: Nautical (obviously) with heavy “Age of Exploration” vibes, barnacles crusted on treasure chests, think tall ships and pirates and shit, respecting the ocean because holy shit she’s gonna smash your boat to pieces on a whim because she can, has an edge of darkness because when you go deep enough who knows what you’ll find down there (maybe mermaids???) 
Notable Members:
elected to Admiral after the previous Admiral went missing on a routine voyage 
(idk who it used to be, I just wanted to make him new at leading)
not 100% sure about the whole thing, but handling it pretty okay
still answers to “Captain” instead of “Admiral”.  
If Storm’s Landing had a queen, would be it unquestionably
Never gets robbed even though there’s a well known “underbelly” in town
Could probably end wars with her croissants
Has a significant history of empathic abilities in her family, so she can tell how people are feeling at all times
Owns a magic store in town that really only shows itself to people who need it.  
Having a bad mental health day?  
He’s got a warm blanket and a cup of your favorite warm beverage waiting.  
She’s got the perfect outfit and affirming words already prepared.  
Trying to find that specific book but can’t remember the title or plot, only vaguely know the color of the cover?  
They’ve got it.  
Not sure why he decided to move to a seaside city when he’s not chill with water, but now he’s here and he’s too anxious to leave
Known for teleporting around town randomly when nervous, and the people who find him are always willing to let a hand if he gets lost
This boi!  Has so many dads!  
Epitome of “Kindness does not equal weakness.”  
While a lot of people underestimate him, he’s not some fragile little flower
He hasn’t fully grown into his ability to speak to animals (he can only understand bees right now)
He’s just as much of a shit stirrer as Tommy.  
When they meet up, look out.  Something’s getting destroyed.
The Astral Academy
An independent university focused on advancing knowledge in the arcane arts and engineering 
Not a country, but has the political power of one due to their vast resources and building prowess 
People can’t enter unless they are invited or have been given entry as a student 
There are a bunch of potential doors scattered around the continent that could lead to the Academy, but no one is sure where the real entrance is 
Associated Colors: royal purple, lilac, sepia, sky blue, silver, bronze Aesthetic/Vibes: bright academia, massive libraries with bookshelves stuffed to bursting, workshop benches covered in scrap and prototypes, open air observatories, runes waiting to be translated, the crackling energy that comes from successful collaboration, falling down a research rabbit hole, bursting with pride after a project is a success
Notable Members: 
Jack Manifold
I don’t know much about these characters, so if you have any ideas please let me know!
Zero’s OC Land - The North Haven
Smallest and newest country 
Recently gained independence from under a cruel dictator (not schlatt lol)
Located in a pine forest at the base of a huge mountain range 
Has pretty good relations with the other countries, but outsiders don’t know much about them 
Main exports are wood carvings and leather goods 
Associated Colors: Maroon, dark brown, black, pewter 
Aesthetic/Vibes: medieval but with a modern twist, dark wood lit by a roaring fireplace, snow-covered woods without a living soul in sight, half timber houses and detailed wood carving, no outrageous ornamentation or extravagance 
Notable Members:
Lord of the North Haven
trying to keep his people safe and protected
one of the few remaining Spirits (higher in power than the Fae, but lower than angels)
Spirit of Justice
lost a hand in the war for North Haven’s independence
didn’t want to become the leader but does a pretty good job at it
Adopted 5 kids and is trying his best
Heir Apparent
24 year old human
can influence the world by speaking (not singing) but has to be careful about which words he uses
has a book full of phrases that have proven effects (a spellbook of sorts)
has a friendly rivalry with Wilbur
actually the oldest but abdicated because she feels she’s not the right person to lead a country
age unknown because she’s the last known [REDACTED] (it’ll be revealed, but I wanna build suspense)
has gyrfalcon wings and heightened senses
chronic insomniac
Official Librarian
20 years old
hybrid with an unknown entity
has black fingers with sharp claws
always wears gloves to hide them
can create portals to places he’s been or to people he knows (the second is much riskier, but not impossible)
knowledge sponge
wants to join the Astral Academy but is too nervous to apply
Older Twin
The “Sensible One”
17 years old
Has an uncanny sense of direction
Can’t get lost no matter what
Can manipulate magnetic fields
Younger Twin
The “Hot Headed One”
17 years old
can manipulate fire
idolizes his older siblings, particularly Freya
The Institute
Creeping around in the background
Up to bad things
Something’s going on in the world, but no one’s noticed yet
They will though… soon
Aesthetic/Vibes: minimalism (the worst kind of vibes imo), think laboratories or empty hospitals, harsh artificial lights and cold floors, labyrinths of monotonous hallways with no doors
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whitherliliesbloom · 3 years
in a place where dreams continue
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[ ffxivwrite2021 ] ★ [ masterlist ] ★ [ prompt #25 - silver lining ]
[ alphinaud/wol ] ★ [ 1,422 words ]  ★ [ mermaid au ]
silver lining- advantage that comes from a difficult or unpleasant situation
getting caught in a terrible storm and being thrown overboard may just be the worst thing that has ever happened to alphinaud - or the best.
The Ignia Satella is the safest ship across the seven seas - as Captain Carvallain would be so quick to boast. Even with Alphinaud’s own trepidations and doubts about setting foot anywhere near the ocean, it was only because of the sheer size and reputation of the ship and its crew that the young prince of old Sharlayan finally agreed to take his first maiden voyage across the seven seas to visit Eorzea and meet with the nation leaders of its four city states as per his duty as son of king Fourchenault.
Sometimes, he’d wished that he let his own fears get the better of him, however... because not even halfway through the journey, a storm of crashing waves and deafeningly loud lightning broke, rocking the boat so violently that he had inevitably been thrown off the railings and overboard into the cruel, cold abyss of the dark ocean below.
Alphinaud could not even hope to survive in still waters, let alone in the midst of a storm as waves upon waves carried him further away from the ship. The frantic voices of the crewmates were growing more distant - not that he’d hear them when his ears are clogged full of seawater and the sounds of the thunder mocking his demise. 
Death by drowning had been one of the young prince’s worst nightmares, and to have it be realized so soon after he’d decided to metaphorically and literally take the plunge filled his heart with a crippling, painful regret that ached his heart as he allowed his consciousness to slip.
He doesn’t know how long he’s passed out for - or if he even is alive anymore. But his eyelids flutter open to the blinding sun above his head - cotton candy clouds dusted among a baby blue morning sky. 
His body feels heavy - like a sack of popotos and he can barely even feel his limbs as his navy blue eyes struggle to regain his focus. He no longer feels like he’s floating - or rather sinking... he realizes then that he’s lying on the back and he can feel the rough, grainy feel of sand sticking to his bare skin.
It takes a good several minutes for him to finally come to his senses enough to remember the flashing of lightning, the battering of waves against the wooden haul of a boat and the loud sound of a splash as he fell overboard-
By... by the twelve, he fell overboard. He should be dead.
“A-are you okay?” He hears a voice beside his ear, no louder than a whisper and sweet like a songbird’s. “Can you hear me?”
Alphinaud turns his head to the side, vision still a tad blurry, but focused enough now to be able to make out the shape of a veil of long, cascading hair that reflected the light of the sun over glistening skin, and a pair of gleaming violet eyes that swirled with the color of the galaxies.
When the young prince fails to respond, the stranger draws herself closer with her elbows, the silver circlet she wore like a crown glowing incandescently in the sun and framing her head like a halo. 
Her features are ethereal, unnaturally so. From the beauty of her glowing eyes to the light fairness of her damp skin. Even with stray strands of pure white hair clinging to the sides of her face and neck, she looks like an angel without compare.
He surmises that he’s dead, and closes his eyes with a lengthy sigh. 
“To think...I would find myself in the after life so soon and be greeted by an angel....”
Before he can lament his short lifespan any further, he feels his cheek being pinched - not hard enough to hurt terribly... but just enough of a sting to jolt him back to his senses and open his eyes in shock once again.
“O-Ow!” He finally rolls back, sitting himself up with a loud pant and rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands, feeling the wrinkled skin upon the pads of his fingers with a grimace. 
When he finally moves his hands away he’s staring out at an endless ocean, the deep blue waters meeting the lighter sky in the distant horizons with not a ship or hint of land in sight. 
He feels the light nudging of the waters against his legs as the tides push and pull, as if to wake him up from his daydream.
He’s.... not dead. 
No, it would appear that he’s washed up on a beach somehow- whether near or far from Sharlayan, he could not tell. And try as he might, he could not find strength in his legs nor his arms to push himself up to stand.
And thus he can only turn his head to look at the one who had woken him from his unconsciousness, and it is only then that he fully takes in the peculiarity of the woman before him.
The girl’s no angel - even if she looks fully the part... but the light blue fabric of her wet dress does nothing to conceal the long, fish-like tail that sat in place of where her legs should be - the iris purple to cerulean blue ombre of her scales holo and iridescent, reflecting the light as brightly as her hair and eyes. 
Though her skin from her chest above is bare and clear, he also notices blue scales climbing up the sides of her neck and cheeks as if to draw more attention to her delicate features.
“Um...” Her lips part, snapping out of his daydream, “Are you... are you okay now? You’re not still delirious are you?”
Words nearly die at his throat, Alphinaud finds it difficult to speak... but he forces himself to anyway, cringing internally at how hollow and strained his voice sounded. 
“I... Yes, I’m... I think I’m alright. I’m not dead, at the very least...”
The girl visibly relaxes, but stiffens again when she notes the boy’s eyes surveying from head to fin and then back up again.
“Y-you’re... a mermaid???” 
The snow haired girl jolts, expression twisting into realization and fluster.
“O-Oh- Oh no... I...” 
Her cheeks burn a bright red shade, spreading across her nose and to the tips of her pointed ears, and Alphinaud bites back the urge to compliment her cuteness.
“I should’ve left... I’m not supposed to be..” She’s stammering on her words, head tilting to the side and averting her eyes from his gaze. He hears sand crunching as she props her elbows up to push herself back towards the waters. “I-I’ll be going now-”
“W-wait!” the boy raises his voice - though he hadn’t meant to... but the young mermaid girl seemed startled enough to still herself and swallow a gulp before hesitantly turning her violet eyes to look back up at him. “I-i’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you, miss. I just... have many questions.. and I’m not sure I’d be able to get any answers if you leave me here.”
Alphinaud’s come to terms with the very real possibility that he’s stranded - it would make sense for how uninhabited his surroundings seem - with a dense canopy of trees of a tropical forest behind him, a pile of rocks not too far from the sandy beach they sat upon sheltering what seemed to be a coastal cove. 
And though he knows the girl belonged within the safety of the waters, the exact opposite of where a floundering young man like him would thrive, losing the only person here who could potentially speak and understand him scares him as a prospect more than living his days out on a stranded island. 
“You were also the one who saved me, weren’t you?” Alphinaud takes an educated guess, and judging by the sheepish dart of the girl’s gaze away from him before a small, timid nod, he was right. “I’ve yet to thank you fully yet... for saving my life. So, won’t you stay miss? I promise I won’t make you talk about anything you’re not comfortable with.”
It takes a long moment and what felt like an eternity for the girl to contemplate and ponder over her thoughts- whatever it may be... but Alphinaud patiently awaits her answer and finally lets out a wide, warm smile when the girl finally nods once again, tucking and folding her tail behind her and sitting herself up, brushing her hair behind her ear.
“O-okay... I’ll stay.”
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josefavomjaaga · 3 years
Helfert, “Joachim Murat”, Chapter 4, Part 6
Apologies again for taking so long. I always start dragging my feet when I approach the end of a story. The end is usually bad, and I don’t want to see people suffer...
In contrast to the disintegrating Neapolitan army, with heaps of stragglers constantly troubling the population along all the streets and roads, the imperial troops formed a firm stand in closed ranks, with military severity but at the same time with military decorum, and were welcomed everywhere by the inhabitants as liberators. In his pompous appeal from Rimini, Murat had summoned deputies from all the towns and territories of the peninsula to Rome on 8 May, where a national assembly was to decide on the fate and organisation of Italy. That was long over, and instead of the members of the Italian parliament, who had never been expected, the two beautiful Bohemian regiments of Argenteau and Devaur showed up on one of the following days, kindly received by the Romans, and immediately continued their march to the south.
FML Bianchi, now already united with Neipperg's corps, together about 22,000 men strong, moved into the Neapolitan area in four columns. In Aquila on May 12, Neipperg, who had a diplomatic mission in addition to his military one, received a letter from Prince Metternich instructing him to promise Joachim Murat an annual pension of 1,000,000 fl. if he voluntarily abdicated his throne; however, Neipperg should first discuss the matter with the commander-in-chief. The two generals agreed that they would not offer anything to their opponent, for his downfall was certain. That same day, Bianchi issued an appeal to the Neapolitans, proclaiming himself not an enemy but a liberator from the rule of a son of the revolution imposed on them by peace-disturbing France; he promised strict discipline of his troops, respect for the laws and institutions of the country.
"Murat's party is seriously ill; they are trying in vain to bring it back to strength," an eyewitness in Naples wrote on 11 May. On the following day, the queen held a review of the capital's civic guard; she appeared on horseback in Amazon garb with the colours of the guard; she had a graceful word for each of the higher officers; she delighted the ranks, which burst into tumultuous cheers.
But at the same time a British squadron appeared in the Gulf of Naples, whose commander, Captain Robert Campbell, threatened to blow the city into ruins if the forts were not surrendered without delay, along with the "Joachim" and the "Capri", the two new royal ships of the line, and the royal arsenals with everything in them. Abrupt horror replaced the enthusiasm that had scarcely been exhilarated. The Regent called a Council of State, which was also attended by General Colletta, who had just arrived from camp, and Prince Cariati, who had returned from Vienna. The result was, in spite of the grandiloquent proposal of some members to simply reject Sir Campbell's request, that Caroline sent Prince Cariati on board the "Tremendous", where he yielded to all the Commodore's demands, while the latter promised to refrain from any hostility against the capital, to grant the Queen and her family refuge on one of his ships in case of extreme necessity, and moreover to send one of her ministers to Sir Bellew, now Lord Ermouth, or to London, as she wished, to negotiate in the King's name.
The imperial commander-in-chief's proclamation from Aquila had already become known in the capital. The fugitives, runaways and wounded arriving daily in Naples, who could be seen everywhere in the streets, had spread the word and caused a general commotion. Already the Lazzaroni were beginning to stir, and the civic guard was hardly equal to the task of offering them resistance. In a hurry, Jérôme and Cardinal Fesch, Madame Mère and Princess Pauline left the city to embark for France. The Queen said a poignant farewell to her children, whom she had taken to safety in Gaëta. But no one could see what was going on inside her when, on the evening of the 15th, she drove through the streets of the city in a carriage drawn by six magnificent white horses, surrounded by a detachment of mounted national guards in shining hussar uniforms, blue and silver, greeting her on all sides with friendly grace.
On the same May 15, Prince Leopold arrived in Rome and from there sent a letter to Bianchi, expressing to him "his complete impatience" to meet him "at this important moment when the King, my father, will have to thank you for his restoration to the throne of Naples".
The imperial troops advanced ever closer to the kingdom's capital. In the night from the 16th to the 17th, the imperial and royal Major d'Aspre and a small force attacked the camp of the 4th Neapolitan Legion, about 4,000 men, near Mignano and crushed it so completely that by the next morning everything was out of hand and General Macdonald was only able to reach the road three miles further on at Teano without being able to collect the ruins of his corps. When the Queen heard of this blow, she exclaimed: "Macdonald has gone on the scene to bring down the curtain. - Macdonald est allé baisser la toile". After the accident at Mignano, the royal army numbered barely 9,000 men: 1,000 men from the guard on foot, 3,000 from the first legion, 1,200 from the second, about 1,100 from the fourth; then 2,500 horsemen from the guard and line together; there was nothing left of the third division of Lecchi. Carascosa, to whom the king now handed over the supreme command, still held the Volturno line. But on the 18th his vanguard, which had been drawn up at the junction of the roads leading from Rome and Bescara, was attacked by the Austrians and thrown back into the bridgehead of Capua; a few cannon shots fell from the latter on the imperials without doing much damage.
King Joachim had arrived in his capital on the evening of the 18th, accompanied only by four lancers. "Madame", he reportedly said to his wife, "it was not granted to me to die". All his courtiers and supporters in Naples hurried to the palace to show him their devotion, which never made him feel better than at this moment, but which could not change the desperate seriousness of the situation. On the 19th a royal proclamation was issued granting the Neapolitans the long-promised constitution. It was a long document of a hundred or more articles, issued on May 12, backdated by almost a month and a half, from Rimini on March 30. We need not dwell on its provisions, the common phrases of modern constitutionalism; it never became a deed, and it had not the slightest influence on the mood of the minds. At the same time, Murat decided to enter into negotiations with the advancing enemy. On the morning of the 19th, Bianchi was about to mount his horse to inspect the ancient stone arched bridge on the banks of Solipaca, which was to be repaired for the crossing of the Volturno, when the Austrian Consul General of Naples appeared at the outposts. In a country house belonging to the Patrician family of Lanza, three miles from Capua, the imperial commander-in-chief had set up his main quarters, where Gallo soon arrived in the name of Joachim. But Bianchi, who was assisted by Generals Neipperg and Starhemberg and Lord Burghersh, declared that he was not a diplomat but a soldier; that the conquest of the kingdom was as good as complete, that he would neither cease hostilities nor grant an armistice; that there was no longer a "King Joachim", that it could at most be a question of a military convention from which "Marshal Murat" must be excluded. Gallo and the Consul General withdrew, and the military operations continued; during the night of the 19th to the 20th, Starhemberg crossed the Volturno. Then, on May 20, at 8 o'clock in the morning, the generals Carascosa and Colletta appeared at Casa Lanza, where the conclusion of a military convention was discussed, while the imperial troops continued their march across the Volturno at Cancello and Castel-Volturno without interruption. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon the agreement was concluded, signed on the Austrian side by Count Neipperg and the Commander in Chief; Lord Burghersh had taken part in the negotiations without, however, signing his name on the document. There were 13 articles with 6 additional points. According to the first, Capua was to be surrendered the next day, Naples with all its citadels on May 23, and the fortified places of Scylla, Amantea, Reggio, etc., handed over to the allies; only Pescara, Ancona and Gaëta were not included in the convention, because Carascosa and Colletta claimed to be without authority over them. In the supplementary articles, at the request of the Neapolitan negotiators, the Emperor of Austria guaranteed all the provisions which King Ferdinand IV had undertaken to observe on the repossession of his continental territory.
That same evening, after he had learned the arrangements of Casa Lanza, Joachim Murat - thus and not otherwise we may only refer to him henceforth, although no express renunciation of the throne had been made on his part - departed quietly and with few companions, among them his nephew General Bonafour, all dressed as simple private citizens, from Naples, won the beach at Miliscola, near Puzzuoli, and had himself ferried to the small island of Nisita and thence to Ischia, from where, on one of the next days, a merchant ship hired by General Manhès was to take him to France.
Can I start crying already?
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tfwbigbang · 4 years
Team Free Will Big Bang Masterlist 2020
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Here are 2020′s stories and art pieces. Please check the ships and tags on links before reading…
Limbo Lost
Mature | Dean/Cas | Big Bang
Story: spnsmile | Art: verobatto-angel-hunter
Castiel reveals Emily Dickinson is a prophet, Dean needs to board a hot air balloon, but most importantly TFW2.0 needs to retrieve a heavenly weapon from heaven where a literal door in the sky exists. Adventure is clearly out there until the blue sky turns dark and things explode because the Bermuda Triangle is known for that.
Amidst all the distractions of mirrors and doors, all Dean can think about is romance his angel or invoke his fury while Castiel only wants to gut a sorceress for laying a hand on his charge.
Story | Art
Can’t Escape Anything in this Town
Teen Up | Sam/Cas | Mini Bang
Story: hit_the_books | Art: thegoodthebadandtheart
Team Free Will 2.0 rock up in LA to check out a series of mysterious deaths all seemingly tied to a corner of the LA contemporary art scene. Needing to infiltrate the community there, Sam plays at being a billionaire, and Cas (at Cas’s own suggestion) plays at being Sam’s boyfriend.
Dean and Jack have no idea what to make of the two of them, though they are far more concerned about the case. There’s a pretty high body count already and whatever is behind it needs to be stopped.
Story | Art
Third Wheel
Explicit | Dean/Cas/Sam | Mini Bang
Story: AngelTortured | Art: LeafZelindor
Castiel really wishes he had listened to Dean all those years ago outside that gas station.
“I could be your third wheel,” Castiel had said with such excitement. He was eager to have a new purpose, following the Winchesters and helping people. He still needed to help. It was the only thing that made him see clearly - helping. Who better to teach him than the brothers who spend their lives helping others?
“You know that’s not a good thing, right?” Dean had replied, his tone gruff. His annoyed posture had been in stark contrast to Castiel’s glowing face about the idea.
Sam chuckled at the terrible idea. Castiel knows that… anything involving himself at that time was a bad idea. He wishes he knew then what he does now. Being the third wheel is a terrible thing.
Story | Art
Reluctant Faith 
Mature | Gen | Big Bang
Story: GhoulsnHalos | Art: Amberdreams
Cybernetically enhanced bounty hunter, Dean Winchester is not a righteous man, or a bright soul. But he will hunt down anything for the right price. His brother, ex-lawman turned bounty hunter Sam Winchester is no king, but like Dean he’ll bring you in if the price is right. Bunker dwelling rogue angel Castiel is immortal - unless you know how to kill one of the Host.
Castiel must firstly convince Sam & Dean that he is not the real enemy despite the bounties on his head. Then he must get them to believe that the three of them are the ones foretold in prophecy.
Do that, and with a bit of help from a few ‘friends’, Team Free Will can take on the might of the Host. The fate of a cyberpunk Wēalhaz hangs in the balance. Can the Immortal, The Boy King and the Righteous Man prophesied in the holy books save the world?
Story | Art
Teen Up | Minor Dean/Cas, Sam/Crowley | Big Bang
Story: sarasaurussex | Art: JenniferB
Set in early season 13, Sam and Dean catch wind of a dangerous artifact making its way to New Orleans that can supposedly expel angels from their vessels. They meet up with Castiel and Jack, but tensions arise when it’s made clear that Dean still doesn’t trust Jack. To add to their problems, the artifact has attracted a powerful new villain to the Crescent City, Emile.
Despite the help of an unexpected ally, Team Free Will 2.0 is no match for Emile and he uses the artifact to expel Castiel and severely damage Jack’s powers. All seems lost, until Castiel saves Sam, Dean, and Jack in a temporary new vessel: an eight-year-old girl.
Now, in order to retrieve the artifact, defeat Emile, and save Cas and Jack’s grace, Team Free Will 2.0 must put aside their issues and trust one another. Only then will they understand that, grace or no grace, human or angel, they’re all one family
Story | Art
Duo Familiars
Explicit | Dean/Sam, Sam/Cas | Big Bang
Story: Inkblooded Witch | Art: MidnightSilve
It’s highly irregular to have more than one Familiar, but then Sam Winchester never proscribed to normality. Besides, it’s no more irregular than being in a relationship with your Familiar, or for your Familiar to be your brother, providing the two are different people. It makes Castiel’s being with Dean seem downright normal. However unorthodox their lifestyle, even for mages and Familiars, they are content. Anyone or anything that threatens that contentedness never meets a merciful end. A point they have to make abundantly clear when they are waylaid by another mage-Familiar pair on the road.
Story | Art
Shake the Foundation
Mature | Gen | Big Bang
Story: Waning_Grace | Art: heart-eyescastiel
St. Patrick’s Day is supposed to be a day filled with fun and green beer, but this year it’s going to be anything but for the Winchester’s. When Dean goes missing after a night out at the bar following a bad hunt it’s up to Sam to find him. When days go past with no leads Sam calls Castiel…but will the two of them be able to find Dean before it’s too late? 
Story | Art
Once Upon A Time
Teen Up | Gen | Mini Bang
Story: Center of the Galaxy | Art: destielle
After making a wish on a shooting star, Jack awakes in a medieval fairy tale where he is the Crown Prince, Sam is the King, Dean is the Knight Captain of the Royal Guard and Castiel is the court mage. Determined to rescue his family and break free, Jack needs to get his family back to their old selves, stop the dragon rampaging the village, and catch the witch who sent them all here. All in a day’s work for Team Free Will 2.0, right?
Story | Art
Crashed in Paradise
Teen Up | Gen | Big Bang
Story: Impala_Cherry_Trickster | Art: casquecest
Eight unrelated people, who happen to board the same plane heading back to the States. Before the flight, they knew nothing about each other, but when the plane crashes somewhere over the Atlantic, they have very little choice but to work as a group to survive. Unfortunately, surviving the crash isn’t the biggest challenge the group will face, when one of the group turns out to be working against them.
Story | Art
But Memories Last Forever
Teen Up | Gen | Mini Bang
Story: Sakarrie | Art: Gio
Dean and Cas come back from a fruitless lead to find Sam the latest victim of the hunt. Determined to stop it before it can kill Sam, they enter into his dreams, but as they hop one from nightmare to the next, it becomes obvious that the creature is hunting them too.
Story | Art
The Silence of Souls
Mature | Cas/Dean, Rowena/Sam (past) | Big Bang
Story: thefandomsinhalor | Art: impmakesart
After receiving an unexpected phone call from Patrick, a witch who Sam and Dean encountered years ago, Team Free Will 2.0 leave Dodge City behind and rush to meet him in Wichita. The reason: He claims to know a way that could help Mary cross back to their universe.
His demands are reasonable and the spell is simple, but Patrick warns them that the spell is not without risks. After all, the universe always has a way of balancing itself out.
Not thrilled at the idea of potentially releasing something bad into the world, they nevertheless think that Mary’s safety is worth the risk.
So, the original Team Free Will cast the spell, with Jack by their side, ready to assist them against any surging danger.
Unfortunately, what is unleashed upon them is far more troubling than anything they had anticipated.
It’s the spell-casters’ darkest versions of themselves.
Namely, Godstiel, the Boy King of Hell and Deanmon, bearer of the mark of Cain.
And all three of them are determined to make themselves very comfortable in their new home.
Story | Art
View the 2020 Team Free Will Big Bang AO3 collection here.
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queennicoleinboots · 3 years
Chrissy And All Of Her Glorious Titles Have Spoken
A/N: Sequel to "Bears, Eat Your Heart Out, Chrissy, The Baby Girl with Many Glorious Titles Is Trying To Arrive. Apparently, So Is Everyone Else.
"Lights! Sound! Costumes! Make-up! Camera! Action!" Chrissy with all of her glorious titles spoke with her distinct English voice.
The cameras turned on to reveal seven speakers sitting at the purple Planetary Broadcasting Corporation's newsdesk sitting seven inches apart wearing seven different colors, seven different style shirts, and seven different collars having seven different personalities and representing seven different cities.
Blinky blinked seven times and wore a light teal long-sleeved button-down shirt with a gold chain collar. He wore round-framed glasses. He represented Ocala, Florgia, United Emirates of Chinta.
Count Vanilla growled 63 times and wore an off-white polo shirt with a pocket on the left side of his chest with a silver chain around his neck. He wore square-framed glasses. He represented The Fountain of Youth City of Georgia.
Banana Ice rolled his eyes fully in the back of his head before he spoke, "I'm Banana Ice, the submissive husband of Abigail Ice and son of Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas, the beautiful lady sitting next to me. I'm truly honored to be next to her and in front of you broadcasting, and... translating Count Vanilla's growls that translate Blinky's blinks. My mother will speak French." He removed his lip piercings to make it easier for us to understand him. He still had that same mohawk and wore the same black collar with the bananas hanging off of it, a sleek black long-sleeved button-down shirt with a banana yellow collar. He represented Graytown, Georgia, United States of America that is still America.
"WHAT?! YOU'RE MARRIED TO MY DAUGHTER?!" Bruce Ice shouted as he turned toward Banana Ice. "Nobody fuckin' informed me!" He was wearing a silver and blue tye dye blazer with a white button-down shirt, a pale blue tie, and a thick gold chain down his neck. He represented Athenia, Glorgia, United Emirates of Chinta.
"Oh yeah. That's going to be discussed in a later broadcast," Banana Ice said as he looked at Bruce Ice.
"Well, we should have prepared that AHEAD of time! How the hell am I going to concentrate? I have questions goddammit!" Bruce Ice shouted as he hammer fisted the desk with his right paw.
"Ay, merci, Bruce Ice, ay. Some of us would like to introduce ourselves. You sort of cut me off, as you say. Do you mind?!" Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas asked in her heavy French accent as she narrowed her brownish hazel eyes that had heavy mascara on the lashes at him. When wasn't that woman picture-perfect? She wore a pure white pearl necklace, a blue blouse with brownish gold speckles on it, and her sapphire wedding ring on the ring finger of her left paw. Her fur was brushed to perfection. She represented France.
"ABSOLUTELY! BUT THE SHOW MUST GO ON! Back to you, Gloria Balalalala-lalalalalas," Bruce Ice tried to say.
"Lala lala lala lalalas," Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas corrected him. "Ay. You English-speaking bears drive me crazy, I swear. But yes, I am Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas, wife of Skipper Balalalalalalalalalas and mother of Francesca Asiago Cheese, Victoria Filetmignon, and... Banana Ice? When did my son change his name to that monstrosity? This is news to me, Banana Ice," she said as she yanked a few of his ear rings with her right paw and stared at the camera.
"Yeeeeeooooooooow! That's in a later story as well, Mother Dearest," Banana Ice said as he winced in pain. "Ooooowwwww!!!" He gently rubbed his left paw to gently ease her paw off of his ear.
"THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN DISCUSSED AHEAD OF TIME!" Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas and Bruce Ice yelled as they stared daggers at Banana Ice.
"Sorry! We didn't have time until now! I'm sorry. I'm sorry," Banana Ice said to them with wide eyes before he turned back to the camera. "Besides, there are much more pressing matters to discuss than my existence right now."
"Very true," Bruce Ice said before he cleared his throat. "Hello, PBC viewers, I am Bruce Ice, husband of Megara Ice, daughter of Abigail Ice and three other female cubs that shall not be named because they are minors. This is a no-minor broadcast!"
Blinky, Count Vanilla, Banana Ice, Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas, Prince Oliver: Werewolf of the United Planets, and a new golden bear named Penn made growls and nods of agreement.
"I COULD NOT AGREE MORE! NO MINORS SHALL EVER PARTICIPATE IN THE PLANETARY BROADCASTING CORPORATION NEWS REPORTS EVER. IT WILL BE RARE THAT THEY ARE EVEN FEATURED, MUCH LESS TELLING NEWS ON THIS ESTEEMED NETWORK. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. NOW WITHOUT FURTHER ADO, I FINALLY GET TO SAY MY PEACE. It only took a DAY. The hell is wrong with this planet?! I'm Prince Oliver, Werewolf of the United Planets formerly known as Prince. Ahahahaha! No really. "Purple Rain" was my song. Some asshole from America stole my song. Bastard." Prince Oliver: Werewolf of the United Planets was wearing only a black tie and a black spiked color. He represented the Greek region of Hades.
Blinky, Count Vanilla, Banana Ice, Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas, Bruce Ice, Penn, Chrissy, and all of her glorious titles chuckled.
"Ahem. I was formerly known as Prince Oliver, Werewolf of London, but as you all know, if you watch this network AT ALL, London is literally burning in Hell right now. That's why a bunch of my crew and I, no seriously, I stuffed over 10,000 of us on that spaceship. When we all exited the ship, it looked like a multitude of clowns coming out of a car. It was RIDICULOUS!" His greenish gray eyes and mouth were wide as he spoke.
"I can vogue for that," Chrissy, babybaby said on a separate green screen as she wore a black and white maid outfit, a black collar with a gold bell in the front, black fishnet stockings, and black high heels. Her black and gray fur was brushed perfectly.
The green screen showed the footage of her, 44 wolf puppies, Master wearing a black and silver fox fur, EliEli: Mistress of the United Planets, Catman, Stan Doe, the entire cast of the PeeWee Herman show, 300 assorted cats, 400 dalmatians, 500 other assorted dogs, 600 goats, 700 sheep, the Chinaman from the pranking soundboard, the Vietman from the pranking soundboard, an android popularly known as Mark Fuckerberg, Max Headroom, 209 fat bears of all colors, and countless clowns, including Ronald McDonald and Pennywise the Dancing Clown, burst from that ship. How did they fit?
"Excuse me. I normally wear a black wig to further accentuate my head, but it's entirely too fucking hot on this planet for that shit right now. Summer everywhere in the last few galaxies has been ABSOLUTELY BARBARIC!" Chrissy, babydoll with all glorious titles spoke as she stared directly at the camera with her kaleidoscopic greenish yellowish hazel eyes.
Blinky, Count Vanilla, Banana Ice, Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas, Bruce Ice, and Penn laughed and nodded with agreement.
"Hahahahahaha!!!! All right. Hello Everybody, as if the news isn't crazy enough without the first bit of news we heard today, I'm Penn with Off Grid Desert Farming with Penn and Alexia doing a GUEST appearance on the Planetary Broadcasting Corporation news network to explain what is actually going on behind the jab, mandates, checkpoints, and why these space ass... aliens are pushing it so hard among all the planets," Penn spoke with his southern accent. He was a golden bear with serious blue eyes. His fur was brushed perfectly as well. He looked to be the same age as Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas, but in reality, she was much older. (She looked much younger than she was and gave that trait to all of her children.) He was wearing a navy blue shirt and his platinum wedding ring.
Penn continued to speak, "Sorry about delaying our news report on August 11, 2021 until now. The powers that be were downloading contact-tracing software to everyone's electrical devices. They are used to track and control jabbed people. They are also used as weapons against you if they decide to make it self-destruct in T minus five seconds. The jabbed are automatically being downloaded into. The patent number that has been downloaded into their brains is 060606. The jabbed are now (encrypted voice done by Chrissy, Encrypting Genius saying Five GEEGEEGEE) repeater towers. They are the temples made without hands. But SO ARE YOU. The Creator made the unjabbed without hands. More news will come on this topic. Please watch my news broadcasts on the 900 Club, Stumble.cahm, BiteChew.cahm, and Facefail.cahm. Thank you for listening."
"Yes. Thank you for sharing, Penn. Finally, some useful stuff this morning," Prince Oliver: Werewolf of the United Planets.
Blinky blinked. Count Vanilla growled Penn's message in his own words and spoke Penn's references verbatim in bear growl language to the bears.
"You have the choice on which side you take. I, personally, like to watch sports for hours, sing the American National Anthem, drive Captain America's speedboat, fly in my Batbearmobile, read books about everything including religious texts... from all sides. I personally like to debunk the arguments of all pastors on TV.... except Penn. Penn is solid. He is speaking correctly on the Federal Emergency Medical Assimilations news and what they are doing to us PATRIOTS!" Banana Ice grabbed the desk tightly with his paws and leaned forward for a moment before he sat back down and began to speak calmly. "Also, Austria Australia have cracked down on the unjabbed and stripping their rights away as they speak."
Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas translated Banana Ice's message in French. She added more, and Bruce and Banana Ice worked together to translate her message.
"In France, they are looking for the unjabbed and are trying to silence them with blowdarts," Bruce Ice said.
"League of Legends is a true story. Teemo, Trastana, and Lala are among us. They are shooting the (encrypted voice done by Chrissy, Encrypting Genius saying PLAGUE MEDICINE) and I mean that in the most sarcastic way. They are inhuman. They are (encrypted voice done by Chrissy, Encrypting Genius saying Communal Toilets)," Banana Ice said.
"No one wants to hear the Truth," Penn said. "People are talking about the CDPCP Captain Planet American shielding that separates the jabbed from the unjabbed. They're real. They're coming and coming fast! This is not a joke. This is real. I repeat. This is real. Banana Ice said correctly that Austria Australia has started to crack down on us unjabbed. They have come door-to-door asking for papers just like the Germans did to the (encrypted voice by Chrissy, Encrypting Genius saying JuJubes) back in the 1940s on Earth and God Knows Where Else. Then if you don't have papers, they take you away to some throwaway galaxy where no one can find you."
"IT'S UNAMERICAN! IT'S UNCONSTITUTIONAL! PATRIOTS MUST RESIST!" Blinky, Count Vanilla, Banana Ice, and Bruce Ice shouted.
Bears shouted in the background.
Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas spoke wildly in French. She spoke in English. "I'm just a messenger! I did not write these news!"
Penn spoke, "Read John 3:16. Read Psalm 91! That's what will save you! Stay strong. Do not get jabbed. Humble yourself. You know better than to take the (encrypted voice done by Chrissy, Encrypting Genius saying PLAGUE MEDICINE)! Amen!"
The screen switched to Chrissy and her glorious titles. A screen was scrolling with her titles. "Thank you, Penn, Banana and Bruce Ice, Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas, whoa! That name should be a title! Count Vanilla, Blinky, and last but not least, Prince Oliver, Werewolf of the United Planets for your news today. More will come after this short break."
A video of Chrissy, her glorious titles, and her 46 wolf pups playing played for five minutes as an intermission. It was still entirely too fucking hot for her to wear the wig.
The camera then showed Chrissy, submissively and dutifully our reporter standing in front of a photo of Mars still without her wig.
"Hello Everybody, as I am forced to say on every broadcast in case you aren't informed, I'm Chrissy, babybaby, baby baby hit me baby one more time, not Aguilera. Ugh. My glorious title changes every minute, I swear. My Dom is a cruel jokester. But," Chrissy.... spoke before she started. "Let us get on with our next broadcast. Jaybird, a floating head on Mars-"
Banana Ice was beginning to crack up. Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas elbowed him hard with her right elbow.
"Ahem, yes," Chrissy, babybaby space reporter on live television said before she was trying not to laugh. "Jayhead from Mars would like to tell us about a new and upcoming screenplay author who is a lot like me, not he or it but maybe something in between. Jayhead! Excuse me Jaybird, how are you doing?"
Jaybird's bald floating face with thin brown eyebrows, hazel eyes, a distinct nose, and small lips was staring at us in front of a giant intergalactic "solar system" green screen. "I'm great. Thank you, Chrissy-," Jaybird said with a Cleveland, Ohio accent.
At this point, Bruce Ice busted up laughing. Banana Ice had completely lost it and started to hyperventilate while laughing. He was falling out of his chair. Count Vanilla stared at the camera and looked disturbed. Blinky looked confused and wanted to know what happened to the rest of Jaybird's body. Penn was smiling and suppressing laughter.
"Excuse me. What's so funny? I haven't even told the story yet," Jaybird asked.
Chrissy, baby master of laughter suppression said with a grin, "Excuse me, Banana and Bruce Ice! Do you MIND? Some of us..." she said as she involuntarily giggled. "Would like to hear the news today. Could you please be quiet?"
Banana Ice was rolling on the floor while his chest heaved as he laughed. He was wearing black dress pants and those godawful ridiculous banana rocket shoes. It's dangerous to only spend a minute shopping for new shoes. The shoes were firing off and making him scoot across the floor. Bruce Ice was falling out of his chair laughing. Penn was throwing his head back and laughing. Blinky and Count Vanilla were laughing hysterically as they watched Banana Ice jet across the floor as he laughed. Prince Oliver, Werewolf of the United Planets was laughing sheerly out of disbelief.
Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas was trying to talk over the laughter. "This is why you don't wear rocket shoes in a news broadcast. What a mockery of news journalism. Or was that his point?" Even she was trying not to laugh.
"I have no idea," Chrissy, baby giggles said as she was giggling. "I think that clip's going viral."
Jaybird's floating head was hysterically laughing. "Wow! That's the embodiment of space right there! Sci-Fi, eat your heart out. And here I thought robots writing movie scripts was hilarious. Shoot, the best form of entertainment is buying your children rocket shoes and making them laugh hysterically to see what happens."
Chrissy, baby mama giggles stickles crackalacka cracked up. "Yes. Wolf pups with rocket shoes flying around would be something," she said with more laughter. "Whoever he bought those shoes from is going to have a massive increase in sales."
Banana Ice was trying to calm down and turn his shoes off. "Sorry! I just don't understand what's going on right now."
"Does anybody?" Chrissy, babybaby with more questions than answers asked.
"I doubt it, but this upcoming AI script-" Jaybird was trying to say before he was rudely interrupted by Banana Ice's continued laughter and scooting across the floor with rocket shoes.
Seriously, why the fuck did he buy those?
"I need to mute that screen. I can't report like this," Chrissy baby drama queen said as she walked off the set for a second. "Zachary Girrafinakis, mute screen 1 please!"
Zachary Giraffinakis, my newly hired slave who happened to be good at working cameras, looked exactly like the American actor Zach Gallifinakis. But he was behind the scenes and was born and raised on the Green Planet. We really do live in an alternate reality. I allowed Chrissy, babywolfgirl bitch mama news reporter with 46 hungry pups to borrow him for this breaking news report. Zachary Giraffinakis kindly muted the screen.
But Banana Ice was mute laughing and trying to shut off his shoes with not much success. Bruce Ice was beating the desk and heaving with mute laughter. Blinky was crying as he blink-laughed. Count Vanilla was mute growling and mute laughing. Penn was wiping his eyes while mute laughing.
Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas was mute speaking. The closed caption said, "You have to excuse my son. His brain is malfunctioning. I don't know why it happened. He got that faulty brain mechanic from his papa."
Prince Oliver, Werewolf of the United Planets was mute laughing and wiping his eyes with his tie.
"Thank you, Zachary Giraffinakis, now we can continue this news broadcast. I'm telling you. Today's broadcast alone has been one big news blooper. It goes to show that the events of the multiverse truly have begun to mock the multiverse itself. Perplexing," Chrissy, amused babygirl newscaster spoke.
"Yes. Truly. And the AI movie script writer actually touches on that," Jaybird said with a chuckle. "Excuse me. I'm still trying to get over a ridiculous-looking bear scooting... hahaha across the floor with rocket shoes. I mean, who wears rocket shoes to a press conference? That's a great screenplay idea for the AI script writer! Haha! I have no idea if he wrote one like that yet."
"No idea," Chrissy, babygirl Wolf Mama still in disbelief said. "I don't think I'm ever going to get over this traumatic experience." She was giggling.
"Me neither. Someone has GOT to make a Sci-Fi movie with malfunctioning rocket shoes during a news broadcast. If you're watching this Bouregard, you need to calibrate the transcripts from this broadcast and MAKE THAT INTO A MOVIE!" Jaybird said with laughter.
"How would he do that?" Chrissy, perplexed babywolfmama asked.
"Well, it all started with Ross Godwing, who collaborated with Oscar the Grouch to come up with this Artifical Intelligence Unit, sort of like Spock from Star Trek, that could write scripts using an algorithm that pools lines from all Sci-Fi scripts that have ever even been thought of. One day, they sat near a computer, the AI unit was computing a script by putting its head through the computer screen. After about five minutes, the AI unit took its head out of the screen and spat out a script for an hour and a half long Sci-Fi movie. The movie was called Moonfall," Jaybird answered.
The screen then showed a poster with a space background with a large white moon in the center and rainbow-colored 1960s style font saying "Moonfall." Two brown bears were on either side of a small female red bear. They all wore white space helmets and gray spacesuits.
"Moonfall is about a... very strange space station that has three bears in it who are trying to survive. They are in a disjointed love triangle. The first male bear is named B, and he has green eyes that are crossed the whole time. He is the leader of the group. The female bear is named X, and she has gray dead eyes. She spends all of her title in front of a computer that talks to her in gibberish. The other male bear is slightly smaller and is named Ib, and his eyes are all black. He speaks mostly in gibberish. His favorite line is 'I want to stick my head in a telephone socket.'," Jaybird continued.
Chrissy, curious babywolfmama, nodded and spoke, "That sounds advanced for an AI unit. And that is very eye-opening to see the result of years of Sci-Fi script writing. And a lot of the best stuff comes from 60 years ago. I'll be daaaamned."
"Yes. When the Sesame street crew got together and read the script, they pissed themselves laughing," Jaybird said.
"I can imagine. Would you like to play some clips from the movie?" Chrissy, curious babywolfmamallama asked.
"Why sure!" Jaybird said before he spat out some film.
Moonfall (2021), Act 2 - Holy TIHS, bro!!!!
Some Sci-Fi rap music was playing in the background, and the main computer was spitting out lyrics.
"I don't give a fuck. I'm rich, bitch.
Three pods and a ship. I'm rich bitch.
Hit the bar and blow it up. I'm slick, bitch.
I don't give a fuck."
Then the song "Intergalactic Fanatic Scholastic" by Peter Whitey Parker and the Floating Clowns started to play. (It sounds like "Intergalactic" by Beastie Boys.)
While the computer spit out these lyrics,
"Intergalactic, planetary, planetary, intergalactic
Intergalactic, planetary, planetary, intergalactic
Intergalactic, planetary, planetary, intergalactic
Intergalactic, planetary, planetary, intergalactic
A new born dimension, a new born dimension
A new born dimension, a new born dimension
A new born dimension, a new born dimension
A new born dimension, a new born dimension
A new born dimension, a new born dimension
A new born dimension"
"COMMA!" B shouted in a high-pitched nasally voice.
B and Ib started to dance wildly while shaking their fat bear asses on camera. B kept sticking his tongue in and out and poking himself in the stomach. There was text above B's head that said, "Yes. These are stage directions. I told this mother f%$#^@ to do it."
Ib started shaking wildly and yelled in a deep baritone voice similar to yoitssteve on Twitch.TV, "Radio Mania! Radio Mania!"
Then the computer imitated Peter Whitey Parker's voice verbatim. It sang while it showed Peter's face on the screen.
"Don't you tell me now to well smile
I'll make you stick it around worth your while
Beyond my numbers what you can dial
It's because maybe we're so versatile
Style, profile, I say
It back brings always me when I hear, "ooh, child!"
From Savannah River out to the Nile
I grind the marathon to the very last mile
Well, if you fondle me I feel reviled
People always sayin' my body is wild
Got you gall, got you guile
Walk with me I'm a grape-o-phile."
Clowns, Ib, B, X, and Peter danced.
Then the signal got interrupted.
"Whoa! What the hell?!" Jaybird shouted.
"The transmission's been interrupted. What in the world is going on?!" Babywolfgirl Chrissy asked dramatically.
Banana Ice was mute-screaming. Count Vanilla was straightening his fur rapidly. Blinky was squirting eyedrops in his eyes. Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas was quickly redoing her make-up. Prince Oliver: Werewolf of the United Planets was gulping and staring at the camera as though he had seen a ghost. Penn was reading the King James Version of the Bible.
And Bruce Ice was mute-speaking and smiling. His closed caption said, "Thank Whoever interrupted that transmission. That was the worst movie I ever had the displeasure of seeing in my life."
Master then appeared on a screen by himself. He was dressed to the nines in fox furs and wolf tails. His aquamarine eyes, strong nose, full lips, and strong chin showed through his layers. Then he spoke in his deep voice, "Excuse the interruption, Chrissy, sub of many glorious titles. If I didn't know better, I would ask if you were a switch instead. But my point is, I need to announce that the Florida News Agency is no longer trendy."
"You are absolutely correct, Master. Thank you for the interruption," Chrissy, sub of many glorious titles said. "I'm as submissive as it gets, Master. I guarantee you that."
"I am well aware. Also, a fur gathering is occurring tomorrow at midnight. Be there, or be the Florida News Agency!" Master said with a chuckle.
Bruce Ice nodded, mute-laughed, and mute-spoke. His closed caption was, "Will do. I have thousands of dollars worth of furs to present at the event."
"Zachary Giraffinakis, please unmute that screen," Chrissy, sub of many glorious titles said.
"Yes ma'am," he said as he unmuted the screen.
"Only thousands, Bruce Ice? Really? I have like a whole case worth of furs. I have spent tens of thousands on furs. You don't know brown bear privilege," Banana Ice said.
"He is correct. Banana Ice... I can't with this *ridiculous* name, my dear son, is the most entitled, spoiled, and submissive subby cubby in every galaxy. I'm his mother. I can vogue for that, but as I'm saying this, I don't know whether to be proud or ashamed," Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas spoke as she visibly shrugged.
Blinky, Count Vanilla, and Banana Ice shrugged. Bruce Ice scratched his head and looked at her with a puzzled look.
"Definitely proud. His title should be Prince Banana Ice," Prince Oliver: Werewolf of the United Planets stated.
"Ashamed. The Lord doesn't award those who were spoiled here in this life. He values hard workers," Penn said.
"Actually. He's both," Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas said flatly to Penn.
"Can you explain that to us, please?" Penn asked. "I'm very confused right now."
"Oui. While my husband and I are extremely wealthy, we definitely trained my son to be inquisitive and read as much as possible. We also instilled the value of having a lot of physical activity through rigorous training. He also was taught to be specialized in his craft," Gloria Balalalalalalalalalas said.
Prince Banana Ice smiled at the camera.
"Someone put a crown on his head, please," Chrissy, sub of many glorious titles said.
"As a matter of fact, find a crown for Queen Gloria as well," Master spoke. "After all, a prince is not a prince without a queen."
"That is absolutely correct, Master," Chrissy, sub of many glorious titles said.
"Hold the phone. If Prince Banana Ice and Queen Gloria exist, then technically Abigail Ice should be Princess Abigail Ice, Megara Ice should be Queen Megara Ice, and I should be King Bruce Ice," King Bruce Ice said.
"THAT IS A BRILLIANT OBSERVATION," Master and Chrissy spoke at the same time.
"Everyone. Our news anchors are now all royalty. We have Squire Blinky, Count Vanilla, Prince Banana Ice, Queen Gloria, King Bruce Ice, Prince Oliver: Werewolf of the United Planets, and Pastor Penn," Chrissy, sub of many glorious titles said.
Squire Blinky smiled and blinked with excitement. Count Vanilla smiled. Prince Banana Ice smiled and blushed. Queen Gloria dramatically fanned herself with a shy smile. King Bruce Ice growled.
"Thank you, Chrissy, submissive queen of nomenclature," Prince Oliver: Werewolf of the United Planets said.
"Thank you. I appreciate your recognition of my being a pastor. I welcome the title, but I do not require to be called 'Pastor Penn.' I am forever humbled by the true royalty, my Lord Jesus Christ," Pastor Penn said.
"We have spoken! Can someone please get crowns, medals, and sashes for our anchors please?" Chrissy, sub with many glorious titles asked.
The backstage crew quickly rushed through the props.
"Thank you. And on that note, we will take a 15-minute commercial break," Chrissy, sub with many glorious titles spoke.
"Thank you. I need that in hopes of completing my broadcast," Jaybird said as his head took up the whole screen.
And Prince Banana Ice started laughing uncontrollably again over some elevator music that was playing to ease into the commercial break.
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st-just · 4 years
Cities, Conquests and Tributaries of the Federal Republic
Because I already did one for the Empire, and world-building continues to be at least mildly engaging/keeps me writing, anyway.
The Free Cities: The core of the Federal Republic, and the beating hearts of cultural, economic, and political power. Beautiful and rapturous parasites, which trade ephemera and mesmerizing baubles for all the treasures of the world. Unending and many-coloured chaos, joyous festival turning to bloody riot in the blink of an eye. Without censor or police-spy, they are the generous refuge to every heretic and dissident in need of one, provided they bring a sharp knife and a friend to watch their back.
Quepta, Chirtial and Celmy itself all share a coastline, though travel by land is rendered deeply impractical by steep hills and the lack of convenient rivers. Inara totally dominates the island on which it sits, and Khasal sits on the opposite coast of its sister cities, but shares an easily navigable river route with Celmy. In all cases the cities’ hinterlands have been thoroughly mastered, but each has grown to the point where only daily shipments of grain and rice can sustain their populations.
The Broken Coast: The core of the Republic’s mercantile empire isn’t particularly impressive at a glance – vast stretches of rocky islands and small coastal planes, isolated from their hinterlands by mountains or plateaus. Its trade winds do, however, ensure safe and easy shipping up and down its lengths – ensuring that the small trading ports that dot every viable harbour capable of supporting a population can trust that ships will arrive regularly to buy everything worthwhile they can transport from further inland, and provide everything they lack. Formally, the vast majority are ruled by boqors or rajahs – whether extracting tribute from distant inland principalities, governing a federation of coastal towns, or ruling an independent city-state – but in every real sense power is held by the merchant factors and trading captains, and their Celmean friends and partners.
The Piper’s Wake: Before they were free, the cities were the troublesome and distant trading ports of an ancient empire. The specifics have long since been lost under the weight of a thousand different dramatizations, but what was once the empire’s rich and fertile core bears witness to how the matter was finally decided. Burned and brutalized (so they say), the fleshweavers and skinchangers of Khasal made common cause with the ecstatics and mad mystics or Chirtial and conducted one of the grander rituals of the age. A Caller of the Host, grander than any who have walked before or since, was made from the sacrificial flesh, and life rebelled as she played. The demon herself was slain by the crown prince as his empire tore itself apart around him (as the tale goes), but regular expeditions are still launched into the region – both to cull the goblin population, and entice or bind more advanced specimens for use or sale.  
The Spine of the World: A range of inhospitable and imposing mountains that would be difficult to cross even if they weren’t Drake-infested, mainly notable as serving as a hard northern border for the Republic’s influence for cartographers, with its few major passes serving as something of a trade artery for luxury exports to the Illyrin empire. More recently, mining prospectors have begun swarming the area like flies after the discovery of major silver deposits – and, with the increasing ease of transit, certain thrill-seekers and would-be dragonslayers have taken to braving the peaks. Being fair, they still have a high survival rate that the particularly zealous devotees of Askopar, who attempt to convince the wyrms to accept their inheritance as a Prince of Demons – something they are rarely amenable to, as they’re happy to quite lethally explain.
The New Cities/The Colonies: Past the farthest edges of the Broken Coast, and weeks of open ocean beyond that, lays the most remote real centre of the Federation’s power. Acquired through a (by now thoroughly mythologized) mixture of trade, fraud and force, the islands and coastline the dozen cities (glorified town, in most cases. Only barely glorified, in a few) are scattered across are a the source of untold fortunes for many back in the Inner World. Each city sends a steady stream of extraordinarily valuable imports back to its parent – rare furs, plantation crops, precious metals and jewels – and in exchange receives the weapons, tools, and especially people they need to sustain and expand their dominions. Enticing new colonists with land grants or the chance for riches is entirely commonplace, which does require regular low-level warfare with each other and the native populations to make good on them. And, although no upstanding citizen of the metropolises can be known to take part in it, the colonies lack both the freedom loving mobs and temperamental patrons of their parents, and so quite a few interests wasted no time at all making a fortune in the trade of indentured labour.
The Shipbreaker Isles: Given its utter dependence on maritime trade, as a general rule the great and the good of the Free Cities have a decidedly draconian view of piracy (the mob’s opinion may differ, given how popular epic and romantic tales of their exploits can be). But, in the final analysis, this really amounts to taking offence at pirates targeting their ships (the existence of a ‘Federal Navy’, the only officially existing common institution of the Republic, can be largely attributed to no one trusting their rivals to stop attacking their ships the moment they were out of sight of port without a sword hanging over their heads). Hence, the Isles, where pirate queens and kings can repair and recruit in safety, merchant factors on hand to buy any and all loot they can carry, their ships returning with a steady supply of gifts, luxuries, and fresh meat (naive young things with a penchant for violence, or people who have burnt every possible bridge but still have debts to run away from, generally). All with the tactic understanding that they only target Esheri or Illyric shipping, of course. Every settlement on the isles has been destroyed at least three or four times from punitive expiditions, and the Celmean willing to cut them loose without raising a finger is the only reason a general war has not yet resulted.
The Ashen Steppe: Only slightly more habitable a place than the name implies, this vast and lightly populated expanse has mostly served as a hard border for the Federal Republic’s influence, rapidly consuming all effort and attention paid to it buying off various nomad tribes rather than dealing with their raids, paying tribute to the appropriate leaders along the major caravan routes to the Commonwealth, and suffering the occasional invasion searching for land or treasure. In recent years, Esheri expansion has seen some growing hostility form the nomads, which Celmean agents have been more than happy to help arm and organize, culminating in two cities officially recognizing their chosen candidate as Khagan of the whole steppe – an entirely aspirational claim, at least for the moment.
The Kayal Empires: Conquest states in the purest form, this region represents the other major bridgehead of Celmean influence in the outer world. ‘Influence’ rather than ‘power’ or ‘rule’, as this is a region that makes cartographers weep and war profiteers grin. The result of a particularly ruthless and ingenious mercenary-adventurer who parlayed a civil war in one the continent’s more impressive empires into employment, power, and eventually a chance to claim the throne himself. It was quite possibly the most lucrative mercenary contract in history for his soldiers, as grand estates and piles of gold were freely distributed as reward for their loyalty. That was just under fifty years ago. Technically speaking his granddaughter is still empress, largely because she married a prince of the old ruling house and used the residual legitimacy of both names to rally an army to retake the old capital. Of course, there are a dozen other would-be emperors – both newly arrived and well armed adventurers, the now partially assimilated conquerors, or various flavors of native rebellion  - and all manner of small principalities and over-mighty pirate chiefs in between. If it wasn’t for how rich the land was, they might just be left to it – instead, the supply of over-ambitious and ruthless new arrivals hasn’t slowed once.
The Soya Principalities: The most powerful and organized states which lay inland of the Broken Coast trading network, the principalities – which really have rather less in common then the Celmean travel guides imply, and in many cases would take great offence at being lumped together – are, officially speaking and as far as their rulers are concerned, entirely free of foreign control. While this is entirely true as far as your average peasant is concerned, in practice a few rather fundamental transactions have been made – Khasali court mystics and physicians, a particularly dashing trader from Chiritial who won the princesses’ hand, Celmean mediation over the succession ensuring the more pliable child inherits – and, in all cases, the most important of all – foreign control over ports and tarrifs, and free navigation of rivers and coasts, in exchange for generous gifts to sustain the royal court without resort to taxation.
The Paramountcy of Joyi: The other major outgrowth of Celmean power inland form the Broken Coast, the Paramountcy is a new and intentional creation – stabilizing trade routs upriver and overland to the increasingly valuable mountains to the north. Originally the scheme was to subsidize and glorify some chieftains near the waystations and trading posts on the route – but, in the sort of luck that you usually get for praying to archdemons, one of the chiefs chosen had ambitions of his own, and has used the sponsorship and support to conquer vast swathes of the region, and been recognized as ‘paramount chief’ by his allies for his efforts. The partnership is undeniably mutually profitable, though both parties are certain the other will betray them at a moment’s notice.
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lunavadash-creates · 4 years
A Nightmare
I have never written a short story like this but I love Shay and he deserves some love, alright? Also, I tried to avoid putting a name for s/o so you can, I don’t know, identify? I’m just not sure about putting y/n here.
Words: 2177
           The night was unusually calm and silent, very different from the ones she used to spend at the sea. For the past few weeks, she was lulled to sleep by the gentle rocking of the Morrigan, surrounded by loud sounds of waves crashing against the ship, laying under the deck with fellow crew members. She has been a Templar for a few years now, with a title inherited from her father, respected scientist, who devoted his whole life searching for the artefacts of ancient civilization, who ruled the world before humans. She followed his footsteps, focusing on research but in a little bit more practical way – she never wanted to end up locked in a laboratory or any other place, the sea was calling her like a siren’s song and there, surrounded by endless blue, she finally felt free and able to uncover the secrets of the world.
This was probably the reason why she couldn’t focus on her book now, it was too calm in that little inn they all stayed at. Haytham went somewhere, she had no idea where. He only announced that he will be back in two days so the crew could rest. Shay was sleeping in a room next to hers and the crew was probably having fun with brawls, women and alcohol. They deserved that fun after that few weeks of constant sailing and fighting.
           Finally, she let out a deep sigh and put the book down, determined to catch at least few hours of sleep, but just when she was about to give up in the arms of Morpheus, she heard some strange noise. She immediately sat up, reaching for a dagger and listened, trying to find out what was going on. She heard that sound again, like a muffled moan, that was coming from Shay’s room. Straightaway she dashed out from her room and went straight to his. She was no fighter, but there was no time to make a solid plan when her captain was in danger! She opened his door, ready to attack intruder, but the only thing she saw was Shay, sitting on his bed, panting heavily, his upper body was naked and covered in sweat like he just had the most exhausting fight in his life, but he was alone, there was no danger. He looked at her confused when she barged in and for a second, they were looking into each other eyes, trying to understand the situation. Shay soon moved his gaze at her dagger and rose an eyebrow. A little bit ashamed she hid it behind her back. She realised how stupid she was, with that little dagger she could have done nothing.
           “I thought you were in danger,” she said silently, trying to explain herself.
She came closer to the man and put her weapon on his nightstand before she decided to sit down next to him. “You had a nightmare, hadn’t you?”
She had no idea what was driving her, she probably should just turn around and leave but something kept her in the room… he remained her of all those times when she had to deal with nightmares on her own. She had no idea that he was going through something similar and felt she should be there for him
           “Don’t worry, lass. Go back to sleep, it’s nothing,” he said, moving a little bit back. She was the last person he wanted to be seen in such a vulnerable, pathetic state.
The woman didn’t move a bit, instead, she just sighed again. Shay never told her the story about what had happened in Lisbon, she only knew that the city collapsed due to the earthquake and that Shay somehow was blaming himself, was it possible that it was the source of his state?
           “I had terrible nightmares when I was little. My brother used to scare me with stories about monsters from the closet or under the bed, that were going to catch me by my ankles and kill me or take me directly to hell. When my mom was still alive, I rushed to her room almost every night but after she passed, I had to deal with it on my own...”
           “I’m not afraid of monsters,” he said harsher than he wanted, interrupting her “I still hear that sounds. Crashing building, screaming people who were dying under the rubble of the city, people burning alive, trapped, children looking for parents! That is not a stupid story, that’s my reality!” he looked away from her. He never intended to burst out on her and soon he felt ashamed by his behaviour. He ran fingers through his hair and took a deep breath to calm his nerves. All those things were still hunting him in dreams, the whole Lisbon, the artefact, assassin’s and their stupid, useless creed that caused death of thousands of people. It was too much for one person and yet, he was forced to carry a burden of that tragic event.
He used to believe in the creed. When Liam saved his life and gave him a chance to do better, purpose in life, Shay was so devoted to their cause. He wanted to change the world, make it a better place for everyone and the thought that he could do it with the artefact was like his dream coming true. But now he knew that it was just pure arrogance and foolishness and the assassins were just seeking for power and vengeance, there was no nobleness in their actions, just a pure greed. Yet as much as he understood it now he still felt terrible at the thought that he had to kill every person he used to consider them as family.
           “Shay, it’s alright” she assured him, not offended by his outburst, she saw his nervousness and never expected that the amazing Captain Cormac, ex-assassin will be just a broken man. It was a strange discovery, but it didn’t change anything for her, she still was intrigued by him. But his memories… she couldn’t even imagine things he went through. She looked in his eyes only to find endless pain, sorrow and regret in them.  She couldn’t blame him, he was betrayed by his brothers and forced to do something terrible, at least that what she thought.
           “Let’s just deal with your nightmares. Come here!” she said with a warm smile and before he could react, she simply wrapped her arms around him. If he needed a distraction, she was ready to provide it for him. Shay was nice and warm, and it was great to feel his naked skin. What could she do? She was just a simple woman, taking pleasure from looking at a handsome, half-naked men. Shay hesitated and, in the end, didn’t hug her back. He was just so surprised by her actions. They weren’t too close, they respect each other, talk sometimes but it was all connected to their job. Even if he was curious and found her attractive he was well aware that there was no place for romance during their mission. At the same time he felt that something was changing slowly, maybe because they were finally alone, Haytham was far away and crew was having some fun in the city. They had the opportunity to get to know each other better.
           “Lay down, I will stay with you. Haytham will be angry if you’re tired after he graciously allowed us to rest for those two days. And I cannot focus on my study when you are so loud here”
           “Wait, you were awake the whole time?” he was visibly surprised, he thought that she was just sleeping soundly. He frowned at her shrug and shook his head; it was past midnight for sure. ‘I will be fine. You should go to sleep, Haytham needs your work and he will kill me if I keep you from it”
           “Mr Cormac lay down and do not disobey me,” she said suddenly very serious, imitating Haytham’s voice and his British accent, she even clasped her hand behind her back, making Shay laugh a bit. Honestly, he never expected something like this from her, she seemed to be so devoted to the order and Haytham. And yet, here she was, making fun of the Grand Master. But it worked and for a while, Shay managed to forget about all things that bugged him. His smile, a little shy but honest was worth making fun of Haytham. The woman smiled back at him, feeling like ice between them began to break.
           “You have to practise that British accent of his,” he said, still grinning while looking at her serious expression. She was a terrible Haytham, but still, it was quite adorable that she made an effort to raise his mood.
           “Honestly, Shay. Lay down” this time he listened to her and lay down on his bed, quite curious what she was planning to do. Did he hope that maybe she will stay with him for the night? That would be nice, especially that she was wearing nothing but a nightgown.
           “Oh no, no, no. I’m lying next to the wall. If you are not afraid of monsters you will gladly take care of them for me if they appear, right?”
           Again, Shay laughed, this time louder, hearing this demand and submissively moved, making her place on the bed next to the wall. She lied there and move a bit, to make herself comfortable, only then she brought him closer and closed him in her warm embrace. She used the fact that for the first time she saw him with his hair loose and immediately buried her hand in his dark locks, scratching his scalp gently. She wanted to touch them for so long, but she couldn’t ask before, it would be too awkward! But now she felt no shame in doing so, his hair was soft and nice, and Shay looked just so different without his ponytail with red ribbon.
           “You never told me how you dealt with your nightmares…”
           “Oh… I just imagined that I’m lying in bed with someone, handsome, dark-haired prince,­­­­ for example, who will slay monsters with his sword and keep me safe. But now, close your eyes” she cleared her throat before she spoke again “Once upon a time, long time ago there was a big, beautiful castle that hid a very dark secret…”
           “Wait, are you going to tell me a fairy-tale?” he asked surprised, looking at her with disbelief like she was some kind of madwoman. He frowned, not sure if he should be angry that she was treating him like a baby or happy…? That she cared?
           “After a nightmare, I couldn’t sleep, because when I closed my eyes saw all those scary things…I had to distract myself. Besides, it’s a nice story…”
           “Eh… fine” he sighed deeply, pretending that he was indifferent, but honestly, he felt happy.  He moved a little, to find the perfect spot for himself, then put one shoulder around her waist, not sure if it was right, but she was hugging him so tightly, that it was the most comfortable position.  She made him bury his face into her neck and Shay knew that if he wanted, he probably could bury himself in her chest, he was just so close to her breasts but didn’t want to destroy that moment of theirs. That was a thin line he didn’t want to cross, at least for now.
           He closed his eyes and let himself relax. He felt her heartbeat, a little bit faster than it should be, her scent was just so nice and sweet. The same scent she was leaving all around Morrigan, when she was walking around, he had no idea what perfumes she was using but they fit her perfectly. Surprised he found out that she also perfectly fitted his arms like she was made for hugging.
           “Once upon a time, a long time ago there was a beautiful castle that hid a terrible secret. A young prince lost his father due to war, his mother abandoned him to carry on with the fight at the battlefield, so the prince had been risen by an evil fairy, who tried to seduce him. She failed and decided to punish him, by turning him into a beast…”
           In no time she heard gentle snoring and smiled to herself. Shay was fast asleep; his hug became much tighter like he really was ready to protect her from everything. A little smile and his peaceful expression were enough for her to know that she managed to help him. So, she just hugged him tightly, and put a gentle kiss on his temple, she couldn’t resist his charm, even when he was asleep.
“Sleep well my prince,” she whispered before hiding her face in his hair. In no time she fell asleep. they both had no nightmares, they just crossed a strange border, something that was holding them back. And it was just the beginning of their very own fairy-tale.
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eryiss · 4 years
Tumblr media
Event: LGBTQA+ Month hosted by @ft-wwtdp​
Ship: Gajeed ( Freed Justine x Gajeel Redfox )
Prompts: Adventure, Lies, Ghosts, Blossoms, Truth
Verse: Canon Compliant
Alternate Places To Read: Fanfiction, Archive of our Own. Event master list here.
Here’s my second group of one shots for the LGBTQA+ month. You can read the first five in the master list linked above. Also, the one shot for ‘Blossoms’ features descriptions of a panic attack, so be cautious. Hope you enjoy.
Day Six – Adventure (Through Improvisation)
"Hey, erm, I had fun last night. D'you think we could do it again?"
Freed looked up from his beer at the rough, mumbled statement aimed at him. Standing awkwardly beside him was Gajeel Redfox, who was refusing to maintain eye contact with the rune mage. Freed wanted to chuckle at the clear discomfort that Gajeel was showing, but decided against it. He didn't want to make the man feel any more uncomfortable than he already was.
"I'd like that," Freed smiled. "Take a seat."
Although he was tempted to, Freed didn't help Gajeel. The man was injured heavily after a mission went wrong, leaving him with a broken leg, sprained shoulder, bruised ribs and many other injuries. He half the mobility he usually had, relied on crutches, and was covered by bandages in various places. Freed didn't know the man tremendously well, but knew that he was prideful and wouldn't be best pleased if he was offered help in getting into a barstool. It was a little painful to watch, however.
Eventually he settled, and Mirajane brought him a drink over before leaving them alone. Freed, having expected that Gajeel might want to continue what they had done the night prior, pulled out a pen and a small notebook.
"Would you like to continue where we started?" Freed asked. "Or begin again."
"Continue I guess," Gajeel mumbled under his breath.
The two had been playing a game, of sorts. Gajeel's injuries meant he hadn't been able to do any missions for two weeks, and it would be a while longer before Makarov would even consider letting him start again. The dragon slayer had gotten drunk and confessed how he needed to do something, go on an adventure of some kind. He needed something to keep his mind active; of course he hadn't said it quite as eloquently, but the meaning was the same.
That was where Freed had interrupted, saying that Gajeel should try reading. Gajeel had clearly seen this as a challenge of some kind, as he retorted by saying he wanted something to give him a challenge, not just to read some 'predictable fancy bullshit.'
So, Freed suggested they improve a story between the two of them.
The idea came from the chose your own adventure stories that Freed had read as a child, wherein you chose pathways of a book to follow and dealt with the consequences. They were fairly linear and aimed at children, and Freed wouldn't have been surprised if Gajeel threw his beer over him if Freed suggested a book for kids. But improvising a narrative, directing Gajeel through a story and allowing him to make whatever decision he wanted seemed like a good enough way to spend the evening. He had nothing else to do.
And, if he was being honest, he was interested in Gajeel. The man was a powerful mage, a little rough around the edges, but good-hearted. He maintained some kind of presence when he entered a room; he wouldn't adapt to a situation; the situation would adapt to him. Freed wondered what that would be like to experience first-hand.
Thus, a game began. Freed made a story and Gajeel played as the protagonist.
Freed had expected it to be a one time thing, where Gajeel's drunkenness had allowed him to do something his sober mind wouldn't. But Freed too had enjoyed himself; improving a story was fun, and Gajeel was good company. And if Gajeel wanted to continue playing – even if he was incredibly awkward about asking – then Freed would gladly do so. He... perhaps had planned out a few things that could happen next as he fell asleep the night prior.
So they played. Sitting side by side at the bar, Gajeel slowly became engrossed in the story while sober, and became just as loud and boisterous as he had before. Within half an hour, the two men were wrapped up in the narrative Freed was weaving, and the choices Gajeel was making.
By the end of the week, the two had become a mainstay at the bar.
As time went on and Gajeel got slightly healthier, they discovered things about each other. Gajeel was a lot more creative that Freed gave him credit for – both with his approach to problem solving and with the character he was playing. He also showed a dislike for unfair leadership, if his character punching a villainous prince was telling of his own ideals. Freed had smirked at that, they shared an opinion that leadership is something earned.
What was most interesting was Gajeel's reaction to one character in particular. A simple knight who defended Gajeel's character against the villainous prince. Gajeel latched onto the man, his character insisting the knight travel with him. Freed almost thought it was… not platonic.
So, he experimented.
The knight, after a while, began to flirt with Gajeel's character. Nothing obvious at first, just enough for Freed to gauge Gajeel's reaction to having his character be the subject of a man's interest. When the character's flirtation became more obvious, it seemed Gajeel had noticed. His reaction made Freed feel strangely warm.
He smirked, looked directly at Freed, and let out a small 'Gihi.'
Freed hadn't been sure how to react, so did his best to continue the story.
Weeks went by, and Gajeel healed further. He no longer relied on his crutches thanks to some healing magic, and although he was still yet to go on a mission, it was clear that it would be possible soon. As he walked into the guild, he had no bandages covering him and looked almost completely uninjured. He walked to Freed, patting him on the shoulder to get his attention rather than sitting beside him.
"Evening Scribe," Gajeel greeted, using the nickname he had given to Freed. "I was thinking, maybe we could, y'know, not do the improv thing tonight?"
"Oh," Freed stated. He was disappointed, he wasn't ashamed to admit that, but had expected this to happen eventually. "Of course, that's fine."
"Wait, I didn't- shit," Gajeel's face looked troubled. "I meant- what I wanted to say was. Maybe we could do something else. Get a meal or somethin'. I dunno. I just, I'm feeling better now, and I'd've been pretty pissed off if I didn't have anything to do for weeks. And you're good company."
"That…" Freed paused, a little taken aback. "That sounds good. I'd enjoy that."
"Great," Gajeel grinned; Freed had also noticed he wore his emotions on his sleeve. "You wanna go now?"
"I'd like that," Freed nodded.
The two men left the guildhall a moment later, side by side, and Freed smiled a little when he caught sight of the grin on Gajeel's face. He took a step closer to the dragon slayer as they walked, and the other man absently brushed their knuckles against each other.
"Y'know this is a date, right?" Gajeel suddenly asked.
"I do," Freed chuckled.
"Just wanted to make sure," Gajeel shrugged, wrapping an arm around Freed's shoulder as they walked. It was a rather nice feeling. "Because you ain't the smartest guy when it comes to picking up on when someone's flirtin' with ya."
"Who's been flirting with me that I haven't noticed, might I ask?"
"Me, dumbass," Gajeel laughed. "Well, my character, if you wanna be clear. But we both know the flirtin' and seducing shit was between us. Least I did."
"When exactly did you flirt back?" Freed frowned, thinking back.
After the knights initial flirting and the reaction he got, Freed assumed that Gajeel had forgotten it had happened. After that, any appearance of flirtation between them both was conscience. Or perhaps wishful thinking.
"You really didn't notice, did ya," Gajeel cackled. "This is gonna be fun, Gihi."
Day Seven – Lies (That Shouldn't be Revealed)
"He's going again."
Evergreen narrowed her eyes as she followed Freed's retreating form out of the guild's main entrance. This had been the fourth time that week where he had left early in the evening, not giving any real reason as to why he wouldn't be spending the rest of the night with the Raijinshuu. It was unlike him, and it was bothering his teammates.
Bickslow also watched him leave, frowning. He looked to Evergreen with an expression of mischief plastered onto his features. Where Evergreen saw a problem, Bickslow saw an opportunity. Both to find out why Freed was acting weird, and to have some fun.
"Why don't we follow him," He suggested with a laugh. "Bust him in the act."
"I suppose we could," Evergreen agreed, tapping her fingers on the table as she too smiled. "He might be doing something dangerous, and need our help."
"Imagine how we'd feel if he got in trouble and we weren't there to help him," Bickslow nodded. "We'd never get over it."
"It would be awful."
That was all the justification the two needed, and a moment later they snuck out of the guildhall. It took them only a few moments to locate their teammate, and they began to follow him as best they could without attracting attention to themselves. It was a relatively successful task, as both of them knew how to be stealthy during their missions and had perfected the art of blending in even despite their standout appearances.
As they followed him, they went to a part of Magnolia unfamiliar to them. It was a little more run down than what they were used to, with buildings packed tightly together and lacking the decorative flair that the tourist based parts of the city did.
"Where the hell is he going?" Bickslow whispered as Freed turned another corner.
"Maybe he really is doing something dangerous," Evergreen murmured, looking at her captain with a small frown. "He said he was going home, which is clearly a lie. And now he's come here, it's not like him."
Bickslow shook his head, genuine concern filling him now. He went to creep forward so they could continue to keep track of their team captain, but a strong hand landed on his shoulder and stopped him where he stood. He slowly turned his head to look at who had touched him, to see Laxus standing above them both, a clearly unimpressed look on his face. Bickslow could only smile a guilty smile as he looked at his friend.
Laxus silently dragged them both by the shoulder away from the alleyway that Freed had walked down, not saying anything until they reached a nearby canal. He released their shoulders, crossed his arms and glared at them both.
"What do the two of you think you're doing?"
"Freed's been sneaking off every day this week," Evergreen started, looking back to where they had just walked from.
"And he's been lying about it, too. So we followed him because we wanted to make sure he's alright," Bickslow continued, though Laxus' expression didn't change.
"Freed can look after himself, and if he got himself into something he couldn't handle then he's sensible enough to come to us and ask for help," Laxus said, voice annoying disapproving. "And I'm sure the biggest threat he's under right now is being stalked by two fucking idiots."
"What if he's getting hurt," Bickslow said back. "Or being blackmailed or something."
"Then he'd maim the people doing it and make sure it didn't happen again," Laxus sighed. "Look, he's allowed his own life without you two interfering. Just let it go, I'm sure he'll tell you when he's ready."
"Do you know what he's doing?" Evergreen crossed her own arms now, and a small amount of disbelief entered her voice. "Did he tell you and not us?"
"He didn't tell me anything," Laxus grunted.
It wasn't technically a lie. Freed hadn't told him where he was going, what he was doing or why he was doing it, but Laxus did know. He too had been a little worried about Freed's unusual behaviour, but rather than deciding to follow him, he's kept a closer eye on the rune mage over the last few days and had realised just what was happening.
Freed was dating someone. Gajeel Redfox, to be precise.
Laxus hasn't believed it at first, thinking that the occasional glances shared between them that he had noticed were nothing of importance. But there was other things; the slight smell of iron on Freed's clothing, the occasional reddening of Gajeel's cheeks when Laxus caught him looking, the fact that they coincidentally were getting drinks at the bar at the same time multiple times a night. It was all a bit too coincidental.
His suspicions were confirmed when – due to the top floor of the guildhall was being renovated and Laxus sitting on closer to the bar than normal – he heard a hushed conversation between them both. They laughed, joked, and were clearly comfortable around each other in a way that Freed often wasn't with his acquaintances. They had promised to see each other later in the night, and that was all the confirmation that Laxus needed.
He was happy for his friend. The two men weren't an obvious match exactly, but if the iron-head made Freed happy then Laxus had nothing against it.
It was good to see him like that, actually.
The blonde didn't know exactly why they were keeping their relationship a secret. Maybe it was because they didn't want interference, maybe it was because they were both private people. Either way, it didn't matter to Laxus. He happened to know about their relationship by accident, and he would do what he could to keep it a secret until the time came where Freed and Gajeel were comfortable in telling everyone themselves.
And if that meant following the scent of Bickslow and Evergreen as they followed Freed to Gajeel's apartment, then he would do that too. Because the small glimpse into their relationship had told Laxus that, right now, his friend was happy and in love. And he wanted to make sure that remained true.
"Come on," Laxus grunted to his two friends. "You both owe me a drink for dragging me out here."
He started to walk back to the guild, and his teammates followed him. They continually asked him what he knew, so his lie hadn't worked out, but he didn't care. He remained silent, being Freed's wingman without his friend even knowing.
Day Eight – Ghosts (And Existential Fears)
Out of all the ways the day could have ended, this was the worst.
When Gajeel had decided to go on a mission with his boyfriend, he had been excited. A landlord had brought an old manor house that had long since been abandoned with the intention to refurbish it and sell it off. Apparently she had been hearing crashes and seeing shadows in the corners of the house that only appeared at night. She had assumed it was a creature of some kind and wanted it gone, and the two men had taken the job.
Freed and Gajeel had spent the day trying to figure out what the animal may be. They'd looked for potential places where the creature could be in the day, looked into the local wildlife, and assessed possible ways to deal with whatever it could be. Freed had set up traps with his runes, and Gajeel had crafted some cages if the animals weren't hostile.
But, as day turned to night, they had found nothing of use.
What was worse, however, was how different the house seemed at night. The run-down building was fine during the day, if not a little structurally questionable, but at night it was just different. The lack of light, the broken glass and rotten wood, and the creaking floorboards all worked together to make it seem… haunted.
"Are you okay?" Freed asked in a hushed voice.
They were both sitting in the houses lounge, as this was where most of the creatures had been seen. The room was illuminated by flickering candles, which only added further to the gothic haunted aesthetic that Gajeel wasn't enjoying.
"Fine," Gajeel said, unconvincingly.
"Are you sure?" Freed said again, moving from the chair he was sitting on to the sofa with Gajeel. "You look pale."
Gajeel sighed a little. "This ain't exactly… I don't really like places like this."
"Why not?" Freed asked, placing a hand comfortingly on Gajeel's thigh. Even though he saw his boyfriend move to do it, Gajeel flinched a little at the contact. Freed frowned further. "You can leave, if you want."
"No. No it ain't that bad," Gajeel shook his head a little. "I'll get over it."
"If you don't mind me asking," Freed continued. "What do you need to get over?"
Gajeel sighed. He and Freed hadn't been dating for that long – this was their first mission together as a couple, actually – and their relationship had been pretty easy going. They were close, and knew many of each other's secrets, but there were still things they didn't know about the other. One such thing was Gajeel's irrational fear, something he was ashamed of and didn't want the supposedly fearless rune mage know.
But they were dating, and they needed to be honest with each other. And, as embarrassing as it was for a mage who got into fights for a living to be scared of something impossible, Gajeel felt Freed needed to know.
"I-I," Gajeel winced at the stupid stutter in his voice. "I'm kinda- I've got a fear of ghosts. And, well, this is the kinda place that you'd see a ghost."
Freed looked at his boyfriend, frowning a little. Gajeel didn't meet his eye. He had always thought that his fear of ghosts was somewhat pathetic and telling the man he loved about it was something almost humiliating. Freed was always a rational and calm man, who probably didn't believe in ghosts. Hell; not even Gajeel believe in ghosts really, but the possibility of them being was enough to sustain his fear.
"I mean, I know it's fucking stupid," Gajeel continued. He wanted to retain some dignity. "I get that they ain't real. I know there's not gonna be some kinda pissed off dead guy slamming doors and breaking vases and stuff. But it's just… If there's even a chance they exist, it fucks with my head. What could I do against that?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, what if I had to fight a ghost, for whatever reason. I mean, I don't have magic like yours. Mine ain't… magical, I guess," Gajeel shrugged. "I can hit things pretty hard, and I have physical spells, but if I can't touch something then I can't do anything. And having to fight something I can't touch; it just scares me."
Gajeel was practically squirming now. This was something hardly anyone knew. He kept it hidden because of how damn stupid it was. And as much as he trusted Freed, he wouldn't hold it against Freed if he judged him for it. A man like Gajeel being scared of something children were scared off was stupid.
"I can understand that," Freed said softly. "It's about power, and I can understand that well."
"You can?" Gajeel looked up, frowning.
"Of course. As mages we rely on our power and our abilities to keep ourselves safe. It's perfectly natural that being in a situation where this power is taken away from us would scare us," Freed leant against Gajeel's side in a comforting way. "It's part of the reason I sometimes get scared of getting older."
"Gettin' older?" Gajeel echoed, brows furrowing.
"My magic relies on my mind. Sometimes, as people get older they lose their mental prowess," Freed said, frowning a little. "When I think of getting older, I wonder what would happen if my mind started to deteriorate and I lost who I am. I'd lose my personality, my independence, and even my magic. These are the things that I have relied on throughout my life, and the prospect of losing them is terrifying to me."
"Oh," Was the only thing Gajeel could say. "If it's any consolation, you're probably too spiteful to lose your independence."
"Thank you," Freed said with a laugh. "And, similarly, if a ghost did see you they'd probably scared off by your piercings."
"Hey!" Gajeel exclaimed, feigning offense. "Thought you liked 'em."
"I do, but I'm not an uptight old-fashioned ghost."
"Nah, you're just an uptight old-fashioned living guy," Gajeel taunted back, knocking Freed's knee with his own. "Thanks, though. I don't really talk about that much. Always thought people would think I'm some sort of freak. So, thanks for not thinking that, I guess."
"It's perfectly fine," Freed smiled. "And I promise, if we ever do come face to face with a ghost, they will not harm you if I have anything to do with the situation."
"Yer sweet," Gajeel grinned. "And I promise that I'll do whatever it takes to keep that mind of yours sharp for as long I know you. Even if I have to challenge your smug ass every damn day."
"I'd expect nothing less of you, Iron-Slayer," Freed grinned, leaning over and resting his head against Gajeel's shoulder. It was a comforting gesture, and Gajeel rested his own head against Freed's.
When Gajeel looked over to Freed to see the soft smile on his boyfriend's face, he felt so damn loved that it hurt. It was a feeling that Gajeel had no intention of losing, and he doubted that anything could get in the way of it. Certainly not some damn ghost.
Day Nine – Blossoms (Of A Calming Garden)
Sometime Gajeel got overwhelmed. Most of the time, Fairy Tail's loud and relentless loudness didn't affect him, other than minor irritation. But every few months, something much worse would happen. Everything would get far too much, his enhanced senses would feel like they were burning, his vision would blur, and it felt as though he was being smothered by everything and everyone around him. He was nauseous and scared and vulnerable all at the same time.
It had always been something that happened to him, as much as he hated it. He'd gained a few coping mechanisms – mainly leaving the situation as quickly as possible, but also breathing techniques and other such tricks – but he'd never fully understood what they were.
Until he started to date Freed.
The man had noticed how different he was behaving during one of his 'moods', as Gajeel had referred to them at the time. Rather than questioning what was happening, Freed had placed a hand on his back, spoken softly to him and started to walk him out of the guildhall. He'd given him time to recover, not saying anything and not moving his hand, and simply sat by him. Gajeel had cried; the comforting gesture of his lover's hand against his back had seemed to anchor him in place, and the sensation was so grounding that Gajeel couldn't deal with it any other way.
After Gajeel had recovered, Freed explained he had a panic attack. That it was natural, more so with the advancements of his senses, and that many people underwent them when under stress. Although it didn't make Gajeel feel anymore nauseous or hesitant to return to the guildhall in the following days, it did help a little.
It also helped to have someone there to help him through everything.
"Gajeel," Freed said, early in the morning as the dragon-slayer drunk his coffee. "I have something for you."
The iron mage frowned a little, looking up from his drink. His boyfriend had been acting a little strange over the last few weeks, and he had been wondering what the other man had been doing, and perhaps this gift would be an explanation. He hadn't asked of course; he trusted his boyfriend to look after himself and didn't want to be the kind of man who needed to know what his lover was doing every moment of every day.
"It's outside," Freed explained, before turning around.
Gajeel followed him into the garden. He had spent the night at Freed's house, a nice building at the edge of Magnolia. It was the direct opposite of his own apartment, with large amounts of space, a view of the river nearest the city, and boasting an overall peaceful feeling. Gajeel liked his apartment well enough, but Freed's house was objectively better.
"You said that you didn't want to become reliant on me during your panic attacks," Freed began again, looking over his shoulder. "I believe I might have a solution that could help you."
As they walked, Gajeel frowned a little. It was true he refused to allow himself to depend on Freed to help him with panic attacks. Freed wasn't always going to be there, and it wasn't fair to put this burden on the other man. What Freed's garden had to do with it, Gajeel didn't know.
When they turned the corner to the garden, Gajeel saw an obvious new addition to the land. Large plant boxes filled only with soil bordered the expense of grass, along with a small group of plants that remained in the plastic pots they had been brought in placed beside the boxes. Freed walked towards them, and Gajeel followed while sipping the coffee he had kept with him.
"From what you said, once you had gotten over the initial panicking, you still feel an underlying sense of dread, which you've claimed is what I help with," Freed explained. "So I've made these for you."
"You made plant boxes?" Gajeel questioned, frowning.
"It'll give you something to do while you're coming down from the sensation," Freed said, kneeling down. "I know you're more artistic than you like to admit, and you'll want them to look nice. That'll occupy your mind, at least somewhat."
"Suppose," Gajeel said, nodding a little.
"And, importantly, gardening is rather tactile," Freed said, running his hand through the dirt. "You'll feel the dirt under your nails, the metal of the tools against your hands, the softness of petals against your skin. These will all bring you down, even if just a little."
Gajeel looked down at the array of plants, and the boxes of soil that Freed had constructed. He ran a finger over a soft pink petal, feeling the gentle tickling sensation on his callus hands, and he smiled. All of Freed's justification for his gifts made sense, and although neither knew if it would work as well as they hoped, it was definitely something they could try. And even the gesture of it was incredibly thoughtful, and the dragon-slayer couldn't fight off the emotion.
"I've also got you this," Freed continued, offering a small item to Gajeel. It was a little stone, with a runic pattern on it. "It's imbued with a teleportation spell. Push your finger hard enough against it, and it'll take you here if you need it urgently."
That was when Gajeel felt tears form in his eyes.
He moved quickly to pull Freed into a hug, burying his face into his boyfriend's shoulder and hiding his face. He held him firmly, and felt Freed do the same back to him. He kept his sobs to himself, and Freed didn't say anything. Just allowed him to hold him for however long he wanted.
"Thank you," He mumbled into Freed's shoulder, smiling as he pulled back. "Its… this is so good of ya."
"You needn't thank me," Freed smiled, leaning down and resting their foreheads together. "Just make sure you use it whenever you need it."
"Promise," Gajeel said with a small grin.
"Good," Freed nodded. "I'll leave you alone for a little while; give you some time to get used to it."
Freed stood up, and pressed his lips against the top of Gajeel's head in a slight kiss. He walked away, leaving Gajeel to look over the array of plants that he had been gifted. He removed one from the pot, running his rough fingers across the blossoming flower. At the sensation, he looked back to his boyfriend and didn't fight off the smile that formed.
It was nice, being loved.
Day Ten – Truth (And Teasing)
It hadn't been a lie from the start. Technically.
Freed's sword had been damaged, and he did need his boyfriend's expertise in metalwork to fix it. When he originally asked the man for his help, it had been an innocent request rooted in his need for a weapon. The slight lie came when Freed requested to watch Gajeel work on the weapon. He had claimed that he wanted to make sure it wasn't damaged further due to the sentimentality of the blade.
That was a lie, he wanted to watch Gajeel work.
He had known that Gajeel was good with metal, and not just in a magical sense. He was well versed in blacksmith work as a hobby, and had converted the small outside garage into a workshop to maintain this. Despite this, Freed had never seen him work, and he had been curious.
When Gajeel allowed him to watch him work, Freed found himself entranced by the work. Freed's mind was well versed in the practicality of the world, but mainly in relation to magic. He often focused on how magic can be applied to the world, and he sometimes disregarded the effect of labour and non-magic skills. But watching as Gajeel hammered burning metal into a weapon was incredible, and instantaneous nature of it all made it hard to look away. With every strike, Gajeel improved the sword.
So, once the sword was back to being functional again, Freed decided that he wanted to see him working more. So he requested that Gajeel recreate the hilt design, as it had become scuffed over time and needed refurbishment. Gajeel had done so and allowed Freed to watch.
Once that was done, he rediscovered a selection of fighting knives he wished to use, and that needed to be sharpened. Again, Gajeel had complied with the request and Freed had watched him work with curiosity.
So technically it wasn't lying. Just an expansion of the truth.
And it wasn't as if Gajeel was doing something he didn't enjoy. Hell, once the daggers had been sharpened he had offered Freed his iron-working services without prompting. Apparently he wanted to test out his intricate carving abilities and wished to do so by adding a pattern to the blade of Freed's weapon, promising that it would be just as effective as it had been before. He had invited Freed to watch him work, claiming that he liked the company.
With this in mind, Freed hadn't done anything mistrustful. Which was why it was quite annoying that he felt the need to tell the truth to his boyfriend about why he was requesting so much metal work all of a sudden.
"Gajeel," Freed began as the iron-slayer brushed metal filing off the sword. "I should admit something to you."
"Yeah?" Gajeel frowned, looking up.
"You've probably realised that, quite suddenly, I've been requiring your services often," Freed said, cheeks reddening a little. He hoped he could explain it away with the hotness of the room. "I don't actually need them, as such. Moreover, I wanted to see you work, and thought this would be the best way to do so."
"Really?" Gajeel said, crossing his arms, grinning and speaking in a tone very smug. "Well that is a surprise."
The way he spoke made his meaning clear. He knew. He had always known.
"When did you realise?" Freed sighed, even redder now.
"The daggers," Gajeel laughed, placing the sword on a workbench and walking over to where Freed was sitting. "You know, you ain't nearly as mysterious as you think you are. Kinda wanted to see how far you'd go to keep it up. Wondered if you'd suddenly realise you need knew knives and forks and wanted me to make them, as well."
Gajeel all but cackled at the embarrassed glare that Freed gave him. He grabbed his boyfriend's hand and pulled him from his seat, wrapping his arms around the man's waist and pushing their lips together in a soft kiss. He was grinning and felt Freed melt against him slightly.
"You're intolerable," Freed sighed after pulling away from the kiss.
"And yer a liar," Gajeel countered. "So, you like watching me work huh? Or is it just seein' me get sweaty?"
"Well, admittedly watching you put these muscles to good work is rather delightful," Freed laughed, running a hand over Gajeel's arms. "I do genuinely find metalwork to be enchanting to watch, though. I can't explain why, but seeing you take something rough and callus and turning it into something beautiful with your own hands, it's intoxicating."
Gajeel's face betrayed his emotions, and a small amount of glee split onto his features. He would have been happy if Freed just wanted to watch him work because he enjoyed seeing his muscles flex under the effort – teasing his boyfriends more primal side was a favourite pastime of Gajeel's – but this was better. Because his boyfriend had taken an interest in his craft, and appreciated it in the same way he did.
People often wondered why Gajeel enjoyed working with metal in this way. His magic allowed him to make anything out of iron without difficulty. The reason he did it was because, above all else, he enjoyed making something out of ore. Making something impressive and, often, beautiful.
Freed got that!
He leant down and pressed their lips together, the teasing nature of their previous kiss replaced with a genuine love. He nuzzled their noses together as they pulled apart, grinning wide at his boyfriend as he pulled apart.
"Y'know," He started. "I could teach you some of the basics, if you want. You're pretty good with yer hands, you'd pick it up fast."
"I'd like that," Freed smiled.
Gajeel nodded, walked them both to his workbench. He would start off from the very beginning and teach him everything. And if it took him longer than needed, that was fine.
Freed had done the same to him, after all.
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riseoftherose · 4 years
i already bothered my gc with this, so imma post it here. here’s character blurbs for my long time wip that i FINALLY have time to work on again! bnha fantasy au! (long post, so it’s under the cut) feedback is V welcome, but not necessary! 
primaries - (main characters, always coming back to them, their history's are only revealed when relevant, as they already know their own past- why recount it? they can't even dream about their past, they don't want to think about it)
izuku - been running since he was 10, never staying in one place long out of fear that the monsters who killed yagi will come for him.
shinsou - living with erasermic since he was six, they all live in a secluded cottage in the woods, away from gen pop, due to their darkblood heritage and aizawa's job. wants to lean into his magic nature, but is scared of himself.
shouto - under lock and key in endeavor palace, only let out under guard to demonstrate his strength for the king. isn't allowed to be involved in politics or matters of state by enji's order, despite technically being the crown prince. purposefully kept ignorant, and lives in fear and duress of his father.
secondaries - (relevant once introduced by a primary, good 3rd party looking glass, secondary plot)
- hawks - endeavorian captain of guard, taken in and raised as an infant, knows no life outside of the endeavorian military. lately has been having misgivings about his situation, and has been accompanying lords to shady meetings for their protection. he doesn't speak during them, but he listens- and knows that there's some darkness going down in the endeavorian court.
- bakugou - lives in the wilds, in a small village. is trying to be lowkey, as he and kirishima recently got into some hot water with some nobility and criminal underworld alike. is making his living temporarily as fighter for an illegal ring, while he's figuring out what to do now.
- momo - princess of aether, in some major political trouble. parents dead, and her only other living relative, amajiki, abandoning his name and running off, leaving her to fight the political take over of the aether throne. as she's not of age and doesn't have magic, she can't take it, but she also can't do anything to stop the next in line to take it- uwabami, who happens to be related to the crown hrough some shady marriage alliances. uwabami is attempting to lock herself into the throne, and lock momo out of it. momo meanwhile, is attempting to create her own branch of magic, and escape uwabami's poisonous reach.
- fuyumi - princess of endeavor. one of the only people in the country that knows what really happened the night of the blue moon, seven years ago. she barely has a presence in court, and that is on purpose. she knows her father is destroying the country and the regency, and she knows that the only way she can help is to keep shouto safe, and make her own plans. after natsuo was shipped off, and touya pronounced dead, she keeps herself quiet and out of the way. she can't be her father's heir, as she's a woman. and she knows shouto would do anything to leave the throne behind, so she's... exploring her options. that is, at least, until her father announces her engagement to the king of Sedna, gang orca.
- ochako - a fae student of magic in the city of aether, in the loosest term. while she's incredibly gifted with magic, she doesn't agree with the teachings there, and is secretly working on her own studies and experiments with magic on her own time. combined with her heavy work schedule, she's constantly exhausted and Not in the mood to deal with traditionalist douchebags in the grand magis society.
- dabi - lives in the Badlands, with his master and league. he constantly crosses the border, as one of the few servants of the Master who is capable of doing so, to oversee His plans and dealings, especially with the Endeavorian government and other nobility. He has his misgivings, but he's mostly loyal to the man that healed him, that helped him. For now.
tertiary - (not as relevant, side characters, occasionally have a pov)
- denki - amnesiac storm spirit? or demigod? (he doesn't know, tbh) that showed up in the desert wastes, and was rescued by jirou. they're now an outlaw team. if you have a job for them, they'll do it. don't much care what it is.
- mina - saytr alchemist that lives in the Cove, where legal jurisdiction is loose, and therefor, optional.
- jirou - harpy bounty hunter/thief that goes where ever the wind takes her. along with her best friend, the suspected minor demigod.
- kirishima - oread boy without a family. grown as an orphan, he ended up in the border of the wilds, when he met a fifteen year old bakugou, who changed his life forever. bakugou punched him, gave him a name, and  gave him some food. Kirishima never looked back.
- monoma - changeling boy who lives on the outskirts of aetherian magic society. all he wants is to be respected, and learn "real" magic, but he's not allowed. he doesn't know his family. meets a violet haired, darkblooded boy one day while lurking around the grand magis, and develops a crush.
- miruko - captain of the sednian guard, though she's usually informal about it to her king/friend. they're a secretive nation, and that's purposeful. so when gang orca, the king, agrees to a marriage alliance with endeavor, she doesn't understand, though she goes along with whatever her king says. and if the new princess turns out to be *incredibly gorgeous and exactly rumi's type*, well, that's a problem for another time.
- iida - lesser prince of idaten. still figuring out what he wants out of life. very proud of his country and his family. meets a fae girl in the markets, and he thinks he understands what love is.
- etc
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hannahnh-draws · 4 years
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🗡Character Update🗡
New and improved Camilla update!
Princess Aster of Aundair was the youngest and only daughter of Queen Aurala. She lived in Fairhold with her parents and older brother, Crowned Prince Wrogar, where she trained with the Captain Cato, of the Knights Arcana, in her spare time. This was an effort to prove to her father and brothers that she wasn’t the delicate princess they painted her out to be. 
Growing up in the castle, when she wasn’t training, Aster would explore the grounds with her brothers. They explored the secret passageways built into the castle grounds during the early years of the Last War and would play pranks on the royal servants to ease their boredom. Every year, Captain Cato took the princess on a hunting trip just outside the capital to hone her survival and fighting skills. Every trip was a surprise. Some years, it would be a cold winter weekend, while others would be a nice week in the summer. So, to always be prepared, she kept a go-bag ready with anything she’d need for a spontaneous adventure. The year after the Last War finally came to an end, Capt. Cato came to her in a state of thinly veiled panic claiming it was time for their annual training event. As they returned from their trip, they were met with terrible news. An assassination attempt had been thwarted the night of their departure. Though no one was killed, Aster’s father was injured defending the queen. It was rumored to be the work of a couple angry citizens who disagreed with the Treaty of Thronehold.
One night, after an argument with her brother, Aster went looking for Capt. Cato, who was off on patrol. As she walked off the castle grounds, she heard the muffled noise of a heated argument coming from a nearby shop. Curious, Aster snuck up to a window to get a better look at the situation without drawing attention to herself. She saw a small group of people from merchants to knights, discussing their plan to assassinate her parents that very night. Suddenly she was hit on the head and everything went black. She awoke to rough rope on her skin that bound her to a chair and piece of cloth covering her eyes. Someone in the room asked what to do with her and why they didn’t just kill her for eavesdropping. She tried moving her wrist to find anything that could set her free, anything she could fit with to save her family, but sadly there was nothing. 
A man whispered “Sleep” in her ear.
When she awoke a second time, Aster could smell blood all around her. The rug under her hands felt like the pelt of the bear her brother killed when they were young. Panic set in and she scrambled to get up, but her body felt heavy from the spell that was placed on her. Feeling around her, her hands wrapped around something smooth and wet. Her sword. Horror set in as the realization dawned on her. Her family was dead and they were going to frame her for it.
It took less than a week for her Uncle Aurad to take stewardship of the throne and find Aster guilty of killing her family. It was Capt. Cato that was sent to bring Aster to her execution. The night before, Aster asked to be brought to the church to prepare herself for what was to come, but as she thanked the Host for her life and all it’s fortunes, Capt. Cato pulled her readied bag out from behind a bookcase. He explained that he would help her escape because he knew the princess could never have committed those terrible deeds, much less for such petty gains. As she opened the door to the secret passageway, he brought out her sword and thrust it into his own shoulder. Handing the bloodsoaked sword to the princess, they said their goodbyes. His distraction would buy her enough time to escape out the passageway out of the city. 
After fleeing the grounds, Aster hid out in an abandoned shed the first night. In an effort to conceal her true identity, she used her sword to cut off her long blonde hair. She became a new person, Camilla sounded like a nice name, more fitting than her old one now anyways. Safer, too. Knowing the Cyran people fled to Q’Barra for refuge, she made her way to the coast to do the same. In a tavern in Otharaunt, she met a well traveled tiefling, going by the name of Onyx Spected, who offered to escort her by sea to Q’Barra. In order to further hide her identity, he changed her hair color from blonde to deep violet to match his. 
They met Indigo Gale, the Captain of The Seafaring Maiden, who offered them a job protecting the ship and its contents from the dangers of the sea. After months of traveling, the pair reach Q’Barra and start their adventure. 
Follow me on Instagram @hannahnh_draws
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collective-laugh · 6 years
Arranged Marriage AU - Julian, Asra, Portia, & Muriel
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These were such cute/fun asks! I didn’t include Nadia or Lucio, considering they’re already royalty, so here’s everyone else! Hope you enjoy it!
Asra is the Count’s magician, the most trusted arcane advisor in Vesuvia. He has foretold times of prosperity, and as such, the King of the Kingdom in which Vesuvia is a city-state agrees to wed his youngest child to the magician, thus giving him his title and riches abound in return for his aid to the city state and the kingdom. His youngest child agrees, albeit unwillingly, to wed the strange magician, regardless of the fact that neither the king nor the royal child knew anything about them. Asra only agrees to wed the royal if he falls in love with them within three days of meeting them.
When he meets them, he finds this person full of life and joy, still poised and sophisticated like royalty ought to be, but still detached enough to find happiness in the simple things. They feel obligated to marry Asra, he thinks, and is cautious in holding their heart, though within the three days, he finds himself falling hopelessly in love with them.
Julian is the royal doctor, one of few remaining from the days of the plague, and in return for his service, the Queen promised him the hand of her eldest child, should he be able to safely retrieve them from the hands of their pirate kidnappers. In return, he’ll be granted the title of King Consort, and the riches that come with it. And, he eagerly agrees to the challenge, setting course to battle pirates and finding the claim to fame, now that the plague has passed.
The Queen grants him a ship and a crew, and he’s on the open sea for six weeks before he comes across a promising ship.
Lo and behold, he discovers through wacky hijinks and a well-thought out plot, that the royal is the captain of their own ship, and has taken over Julian’s crew. Through more hijinks, Julian still falls in love with this ex-royal.
Muriel is considered a savage, a recluse to the kingdom, but when the King and Queen demand every eligible bachelor in the kingdom come and battle in a test of wits to wed their youngest child, and Muriel is no exception. He doesn’t want to marry the royal, but he participates just as the rest of the civilians are forced to do. He is, however, the only participant who guesses the number of grains of rice in the bowl without going over.
Sarcastically, he wrote the number 12. All the other suitors wrote over the top, extreme numbers.
And now, he’s got this royal spouse, and in the matter of twelve hours, he’s married. He’s begrudgingly drawn into a royal lifestyle, though the royal is kind enough to give him as much distance as he needs. They grow closer, in time, and he learns that he might be able to love them, in spite of himself.
Portia works for the Countess, and later, is promoted to be the lady-in-waiting for the royal child, the youngest royal in the palace. Portia and the royal fall in love during her service, but they are betrothed to a faraway prince. They tell tall tales of running off to start a new life somewhere else, but the betrothed knows they have a responsibility to their kingdom, and to their people.
So, Portia watches as the love of her life gets married...but, she does find that the royal still loves her, and she is the only love of their life, and though she may not have them in law, she knew she had them in every way that mattered. 
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