Yeah, I'm. I'm very pro "eat the rich", so. Surprised you didn't pin me for that the moment I appeared on your doorstep.
Are you seriously tempting him with fragging up Earth's varying economies right now? That might not be such a bad idea; he could teach Cumulus economics and scheming at the same time!
"I 'pinned you for' being an insect and absolute nuisance."
Starscream hadn't even bothered learning her name, how did she expect him to know her political leanings?
"Wait, is that why you're constantly annoying me!?"
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kissingghouls · 6 months
Nine People I’d Like to Know Better Tag Challenge
Thank you for the tag @infernal-coffin ! 💜💜💜
Last song I listened to: Melody of Love - Hot Chip
Currently watching: I have two episodes left of Hometown (k-drama, it’s so good) and the Leafs are on
Sweet/savory/spicy: savory, tho I enjoy all 3.
Relationship status: very married.
Current obsession: hockey, finding gifts for all my friendos, vampire Terzo’s future.
Tags 🤗 @cosmicsymbols @thepoisonedchalice @kaijukimchi @wolvesinstarryskies @fifteenpoundsofpissedoffbees @atorey-kane @atmosghoul @cumulo-ghoulll @ligovskaya No pressure tho! 💜💜💜
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qrowsofafeather · 2 months
Tagged by @fickleminder
Rules: make a poll with five of your all-time favorite characters and then tag five people to do the same, see which character is everyone’s favorite.
tagging: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ @wolvesinstarryskies, @oheyfox, @obae-me, @devildomditzy, and anyone who's interested
Edit: I probably should have thrown in Sung Jinwoo or Woo Jinchul but those two are super recent oh well
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fairlyqualityanon · 2 months
who're your pred/prey crushes ?
totally not collecting blorbos like trading cards shhh - 🪀
There's a ton... I'll try to organize them. Let's start with ones I've written in some form or another.
Pred - TFA Starscream (so close with that guess lmao), anyway I've got this story I've been poking at since literally 2010 (@/wolvesinstarryskies is so supportive 💖 ) and it's gotten me through some really tough times, and yes there's a vore AU... also he's how I found out about vore to begin with (long story, it's over on my Tumblr RP blog)😳, really he's just a dick to his prey and will let them go after thoroughly messing with their head unless you can come up with some bribe worthy of Future Leader Of The Decepticons
Pred - Obey Me! Mammon, idk he threatens to eat the MC and I went "YES PLEASE", I have more fun flustering him when he's a pred than when he's prey 😼
Pred - Obey Me! Beel, it's literally canon and he's a precious boy and going hungry sucks and I'd be perfectly happy to help him not be starving 🥺 I don't care if he eats regular food at the same time as long as I'm safe
Prey - Obey Me! Lucifer (yes really), because that mans is going to take a break whether he wants to or not and I think Diavolo/Barbatos would see the humor in MC taking things into their own hands (my MC's strongest/most-expressed Sin is Pride plus she ain't afraid of this old man 😤)
Switch - Deltarune Spamton, I think he'd be easier to pay to be prey than pred, and I have a thing for robots meaning SNEO defaults to pred and I will immediately yeet myself into whatever fuel container said robopred uses no questions asked 😅
Newest obsession is Solo Leveling (IncredibleEdibleCalico actually did a piece ages back) and I only remembered after watching S1 of the anime and starting the manhwa. I mistakenly bought the books and comic (Vol 1-8) but regret neither purchase. Soooo good! 😍 Anyway here they are in super rough descending order of crush level.
Sung Jinwoo - Pred, I don't know how to put it into words, he just oozes soft pred vibes where tf did he even get that rune stone??? 🤔 maybe he saves someone from a Dungeon and discovers vore is actually pretty neat, he's comically oblivious at times and cares for his minions as people ugh the glowy eye affect it makes me weak
Woo Jinchul - Switch, professional, dry sense of humor, looked Death in the eye and only flinched when he saw the Apocalypse ahead, incredibly smart and intuitive, he's my Guilty Pleasure on this list 👮‍♂️
Song Chi-Yul - Pred, I lied here's another Guilty Pleasure, I actually literally cried at the end of the manhwa, he's only a C-rank mage but teaches swordsmanship to S-ranks, tried to save Jinwoo and Joohee but was talked out of it and regrets it to this day, he is classy and I just want to spend time with him🫡
Baek Yoonho - Prey (yes really), idk something about him makes me want to aggressively demonstrate affection, don't ever tease him about it because despite being the weakest Korean S-rank Hunter HE IS STILL AN S RANK and will cut a bitch (he was ready to beat the crap out of Hwang Dongsoo for strangling his lower-ranked guildmate edit that guildmate isn't even a Hunter and that is not a Hunter you want on your bad side srsly just Do Not The Thing)😼
Choi Jong-In - Pred, he's canonically a bit of a shit-talker and gives me OM! Diavolo vibes and I love me some playful banter with preds what is it with me and people with a red theme?? 😧
Son Kihoon - Switch, he's a sweetheart and I want to snuggle him three different ways, he cares for his strike squad and was willing to set aside a chance for tremendous personal glory as well as sacrifice his whole team to keep a literal army of High Orcs from destroying a few cities 🫂
Go Gunhee - Pred, he's a total badass who gave his all to keep Hunters from basically forming a Might Makes Right society also I have a Thing for older men I am not ashamed to admit it, Song-san is up there for a reason, the man is a Gigachad who outright rigs Hunters Association assignments to keep the D- and E-ranks as safe as possible 🙇‍♀️
Yoo Jinho - Prey, because he's just a sof' boi and must be protected at all costs, maybe he'd find it interesting and like that he was sought out for him and not just because he's Ahjin Guild's vice/Jinwoo's friend 😋
I started Stardew Valley 7/14 so there's gonna be some of that eventually my askbox is open 📨 if anyone wants to gush over their own vore crushes.
Can't forget Horizon Zero Dawn! the events of the Gemini Quest are NOT canon I refuse don't even @ me I WILL die on that hill 🔪
Kotallo - Switch, he's definitely my favorite character and I just love him so dang much, he's a fearsome warrior even without that arm and a brilliant strategist and completely loyal to the good of the Tenakth tribe as a whole, having no other ambition save serving his Chief... but I also want him to sit and relax, maybe having a stomach all to himself will give him a new perspective or insight ⚔️
Milvund - Pred, I did his miniquest back when my computer couldn't run HFW for more than 5-10 minutes but he's so precious and I'm betting would be very hesitant yet also so caring just let me comfort him 😭
Racking my brain for any other major fandoms but I can't come up with any for the life of me so have a bonus Pred TFA Cliffjumper because I have an active thread with him. ... Maybe jjks? I'd have to twist canon in knots to make Sukuna a safe pred, and there's a couple others but I haven't even finished S2 of the anime and a bunch of them are minors soooo...
>>; So much time in TFA focused on That One Smug Bastard and now I'm like "how do with other 'Cons??"
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¯\_(ツ)_/¯  “Hot or Not?” + an actual education
Send “Hot or Not?” + 1 thing and my muse will admit if they think it’s hot- or if it’s not!
What exactly are you implying!??
Fine, I’ll answer that slight of yours. Being an intellectual certainly does impress me, but it’s not enough to merely know; one must be able to put one’s knowledge to good use.
And no, I don’t necessarily associate “low” accents with a lack of intelligence.
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asexualstarscream · 6 years
Tumblr media
I feel like I've been lied to my entire life, even tho I had no idea what a cheese ball actually was.
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sorrowfullifeform · 10 years
☆ - one way I’m different from my muse.
((I actually can't see the symbol, I'm assuming it is a white star because that was facebook showed me when I pasted it in there D: correct me if I'm wrong)).
 Mark/grades: Elita-One only worried about passing, it didn't matter with what grades/marks. I, on the other hand, worry sick about passing with the best marks possible. 
((Why else do you think I'm so stressed right now? It's been two weeks without classes. I swear, I'm this close to make that blonde guy's head roll ¬¬))
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lilcybercat · 10 years
*pets ands hugs and cuddles the kitty*
"Maaaooowww..." Nuzzles into pets.
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"I was quite rich before the War"
"and a major celebrity... if not outright royalty"
*retching noises*
Cool! Gross! I hate it. Ew.
"Well, I wouldn't expect a human to have any sense of taste." Ew, he can smell the poor on you.
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kissingghouls · 8 months
3 facts about me 💜
the one and only @ghuleh-recs tagged me & tbh I am so uninteresting my dudes. Stuff happens around me for some reason tho.
There's a character on TV show who was vaguely named after me. She's not based on me in any way shape or form, but it's still pretty funny.
I got to pet a (real) baby alligator at a halloween party once.
uuuhhh in the last 10 years i've moved cross-country 3 times? before that I lived in a building that was round.
tagging: @ramblingoak, @cosmicsymbols, @wolvesinstarryskies, @fifteenpoundsofpissedoffbees and anyone else who wants toooo. I love learning more about you guys 💜
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Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have
You know how every kid goes through an “I want to be an animal” phase? Cumulus wanted to be a human.After trying to understand why she didn’t at least want to be an avian - if any Terran creature at all, for fragssakes - Starscream sat her down for an explanation on the frailties of humans, their gross inferiority to Cybertronians, and their pitifully short lifespans.Now she no longer wants to be a human.She wants to be a minicon. Stay smol 5ver!!! :D
Cumulus has tried long and hard to let Big Seeker let her adopt a pet. No, shared ownership and responsibility of the weird thing that sort of adopted him isn’t good enough - that is his pet.One time he didn’t bother to shut the door and a few bats flew in and made a nuisance of themselves. Yes, he knows it’s a good cave, that’s why he is using it! Frag off! Starscream said the little Seeker could keep the bats if she scoured the cave clean of all their little messes, kept all doors shut at all times save the external one, and trained them.She’s still working on that last bit.
You bet your diodes he’s the type to lick the inside of an emptied goodies container… unless somebot is watching. Ahem.Even then he’ll still try to covertly run a claw in front of his mouth and fidget with the container.
He picks locks just to see if he can. Even if he has absolutely zero interest in the contents, he’ll get that damn drawer open. Of course, if what’s locked up is actually dangerous or is something he doesn’t want left unlocked where just anyone could walk right in and steal it, that’s different.So he fashioned little ‘Air Command’ decals, really tiny ones, and puts them on the inside of a closet once he’s locked it back up.NOBOT CAN STOP THE WINGED CRUSADER
‘Flappy Bird’ infuriated the frag out of him, but he finally got that damnable Platinum medal.Sadly, Cumulus learned some swears of Tiers he didn’t want her to know at all. Oops.Still worth it though.
Starscream has to bribe Cumulus to polish his wings, or rather, to polish them right. She makes swirls and designs with the polish, which then set unevenly, which then makes his wings look weird.Sigh. His stash of sweets is dwindling so quickly.
Do you know how difficult it is to find objects adequate to train an inexperienced flier in root-mode aerial acrobatics on this wretched wad of mud in the back end of the galaxy? Do you? DO YOU!?Pretty smegging difficult.Fortunately the fragile nature of the surroundings prompt yet more important lessons, such as how to judge the strength of your takeoff given the item or items you wish to carry.
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.... fuck it "Date?"
Send me “Date?” and i'll answer...
Who asks for it:
[X] Your muse asks mine
[ ] My muse asks yours
Type of date:
[X ] Platonic Date
[ ] Romantic Date
[ ] First Date
[X] Double date with: murder & death
Location for the date:
[ ] Movies   • [ ] Romantic Comedy   • [ ] Adventure Movie   • [ ] Animation (Pixar/Disney)   • [ ] Horror   • [ ] Drama   • [ ] Buddy Movie   • [ ] ___ (other options)
[ ] Restaurant   • [ ] Expensive/High Class   • [ ] Small and familiar   • [ ] Fast Food
[X] Nature  • [ ] Beach  • [ ] Park  • [X] Forest      • [X] …and having a picnic
[ ] Visiting a Museum
[ ] Visiting an amusement park
[X] Visiting a haunted location
[ ] Staying at home  • [ ] Watching movies  • [ ] Playing Video Games  • [ ] Reading
[ ] ___ (other options)
The date might hopefully end with…
[ ] …holding hands
[ ] …a kiss
[ ] …in bed
[X] …knowing each other better 
[ ] …sleepover between friends 
[ ] …a marriage proposal
[X] ability to tolerate you slightly increased (other options)
Should you reblog this?:
[ ] Yes. I want to send you one.
[X] Yes.
[ ] No.
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💚💚💚 (because hes a baby bitch boy)
💖💖💖 ( because I he's baby 😊)
Send 💚 for a reason NOT to date my muse And send 💖 for a reason TO date my muse
"You mean you're not smitten already?" Such is one sad Seeker Scream. :( Oh well, maybe he can persuade any listeners as well.
💖 "I was quite rich before the War, and a major celebrity in Vos if not outright royalty, and envied by all the other Seekers at least the ones with sense, which excludes pretty much all of Tarn." 💚 ((He has powerful foes, and mostly only himself to blame. Whether he actually cares or not doesn't matter, either; you'd better be formidable in your own right because those enemies would be perfectly okay with taking a cheap shot at you.))
💖 "If you've managed to catch my optics, then I hope you know that you're absolutely exquisite. Just imagine how we'd look on each other's arms~" 💚 ((Don't forget that he's a raging narcissist, one of his top 5 defining personality components, so if you fall short of his exacting standards or fail to adequately stroke his enormous ego, you'll be shown the door.))
💖 "Are you interested in scintillating conversation or games of skill? I may not be the most patient of tutors, but I'll still show you how to get exactly what you want from people without them ever knowing they were manipulated. Do you know how satisfying it is when they think it was their idea?~" 💚 ((Have we established he's an asshole enough by now? Even to people he likes. But hey, if hate-flirting is your thing then maybe this isn't a not.))
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What does your muse think is my muse’s most attractive feature?
*gestures vaguely*
*finally settles for a hint of humility*
If only you'd been able to see my frame back before the War... *his optics dim wistfuly* Even without all the ornamentation of my station, I was quite a sight to behold.
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// please don't be mad fffffffff *smallest, quietest little creature EVER with the smallest, quietest voice* .... hey~
What few systems in his frame currently function all stop mid-process and he feels a chill spread down his backstrut, colder than the dead of extra-solar space.
"Oh Spark, please frag NO."
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Hey uhhh this was gonna be a gift idea for you, but I have no idea where to start so I'd like to do this with you if you'll let me: virtual recreation of your city. What do you think?
Hmm, well I'd certainly be amenable to the possibility of teaching you about Vos's long and storied history. *busy fighting the delighted servo wiggles* Although you'll need plenty of help; it was not a city as you could find here on this planet.
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