#((that goes around forwards and then backwards that are my favorites! i'm not a fan of heights either))
theheadlessgroom · 1 year
"Don't worry," Dorian assured her with a smile. "I've, uh...I've already taken the liberty of...filling him in on the plan."
Honestly, even if he hadn't, Beau-clever, observant Beau-would have figured it out in no time, he was sure. The head butler of the Gracey family, in many ways, knew Dorian better than he knew himself (and considering how long he'd known Dorian, how much time they'd spent together as the young master grew up, he should), and so when Dorian's attitude went from somber and quiet to bright and excited, he immediately knew something was afoot.
"Granted, he doesn't know all the details," he admitted with a small shrug. "He doesn't know about your time travel, or our afterlives as ghosts, haunting the manor, for instance...but he does know about our plan to escape with Lizzie and Randall, and he was very keen to help in any way he can, as well as come along when I asked. Lizzie's going to talk to her mother this afternoon, and hopefully, she'll be joining us."
It thrilled him to know that Beau would be coming with them-honestly, he couldn't imagine starting a new life in California without the man he considered more of a father figure than his own father, nor could he imagine the lives of his and Elizabeth's future children being without Beau, who wouldn't be a butler in their new home, but instead a part of the family, as he always was in Dorian's eyes (even if his parents thought otherwise).
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hot-wiings · 4 years
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I've been feeling sad, now you can feel sad too.
Edited: 4-15-20
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I hope you think of me high. I hope you think of me highly. When you're with someone else. I know your friends all lie. I know your friends don't like me. They want you for themselves. Today I called to tell you that I'm changin'. But I don't think you have enough respect to see me try. I've been wakin' up in different spaces. But I think that my heart is built to last more than a night. I need to stop lettin' me down, down, down, down, down.
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With a hard punch against the punching bag, it goes swinging backward. Katsuki Bakugo wondered for a second if he had hit it hard enough to send it flying off the hook, but it came back.
The punching bag always came flying back unless he was in an overly aggressive mood. But usually, it came flying back, ready for another attack. It came flying back, much like his thoughts that seemed to gravitate around you.
Katsuki hit the bag again sending at backward once more before walking over to his bag. He unwrapped his hands and dropped the material tape in his open bag before grabbing his water bottle and chugging it down.
He let his body slide down the wall until it hit the ground in a sitting position. Boxing was beginning to feel like a hard workout on his body, he couldn't really complain though as it kept his body fit and ready to take on villains.
Katsuki only took up his newfound boxing hobby because of you. He was trying to find new ways to unwind. New ways to get his aggression out instead of carrying it around everywhere he went. He was trying to be better. A better hero, a better man. Someone better suited for you.
Katsuki unlocked his phone and scrolled down on his contact list. Before he knew it his thumb was hovering over your name and clicking on the call button. He waited patiently and tiredly as it rang over and over again.
'You've reached the voicebox of, [Y/N] [L/N]. Leave a message after the beep and I'll get back to you whenever.'
Katsuki wasn't surprised to get sent to your voice mail. He knew he wasn't exactly your favorite right now, still, he spoke into the phone after the electronic beep.
"[Y/N]. I just wanted to say that I miss you... I miss you and I'm trying. I'm trying to change."
'To listen to your message, press one. To send your message, press two. To delete your message, press three. To re-do your message, press four.'
Katsuki looked down at his phone before swiftly pressing four.
"I'm sorry for what I did. I'm sorry about Deku. Can– Can you tell him I'm sorry—Fuck."
'To listen to your message, press one. To send your message, press two. To delete your message, press three. To re-do your message, press four.'
He quickly pressed down on three. He knew he sounded pathetic on it, and he knew that you wouldn't care. He had destroyed any respect or love you had for him the day he lost his anger.
The day he decided it was a good idea to attack your best friend hadn't been a good one. Katsuki was supposed to be a hero, but the day he saw you laughing with Deku he saw red.
He couldn't help but feel jealous and among the jealousy was anger. He knew he shouldn't have choked Deku, pinned him against the wall, or even punched him in the first place, but he did. He did and now he had to live with the consequences.
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I hope you think of me high. I hope you think of me highly. When you're with someone else. I know your friends all lie. I know your friends don't like me. They want you for themselves. I know I'll never meet your exceptions. But the picture that you paint of me looks better in your mind. Now every step, I take with hesitation. And I always miss the memories of the mornings we were high. I need to stop lettin' me down, down, down, down, down. 
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Katsuki laid in bed, a bed you once shared with him. He buried his face in your pillow, but now it no longer held the smell of your perfume and shampoo. It would never hold your warmth, and it would never get your distinct scent again.
Giving up on sleep, Katsuki rolled to the other side of the bed and reached for his phone. He often found himself lacking sleep these days. It was your fault he seemed to have insomnia.
He missed you. He missed the way your body felt against his. He missed the way you cuddled into him on cold nights. He missed your smell, he missed your touch, he missed the way you softly spoke his name each morning in an attempt to wake him up.
Katsuki unlocked his phone and scrolled through social media. He rarely used the apps on his phone, they mainly served as a way for him to connect to his fans, but lately, he had been using it to see what you had been doing.
He pulled up your profile on Instagram to see a photo of you, and ironically, Izuku. Izuku was carrying you on his back and your head rested in the crook of his neck, smiling up at the camera. The lights reflected in your eyes making them sparkle and suddenly he missed you more than ever.
Katsuki clenched his fist as he looked at Izuku. It hurt him to see Izuku get to smile in a photo with you when you weren't even picking up his calls. It hurt him to see the little shit-munch get to be close to you when you probably hated him.
Katsuki knew that it was his fault. He got jealous too easy and he took his anger out on you. Up to the end of your breakup, he didn't even treat you well. The fights were horrible and you both had been distant from each other. It wasn't due to a lack of trying on your part—It was due to a lack of trying on his.
Still, despite the way he treated you, Katsuki was holding onto a fallacious hope that perhaps you would take him back. However, with every unanswered phone call, his hope was breaking piece by piece because he knew deep down that he would never be good enough for you. He would never be the type of man you deserved.
He knew you didn't deserve the anger issues. He knew you didn't deserve how he was distant and mean. He knew you didn't deserve the possessive jealousy. He knew he didn't deserve you, yet that hope remained in the back of his mind.
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I hope you think of me high. I hope you think of me highly. When you're with someone else. I know your friends all lie. I know your friends don't like me. They want you for themselves. Da-da-da, da-da-da, da-da. Da-da-da, ooh. When you're with someone else. Da-da-da, da-da-da, da-da. Da-da-da, ooh. They want you for themselves. I hope you think of me high. I hope you think of me highly. When you're with someone else. 
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Katsuki wiped the sweat off of his forehead with the back of his hand as he looked around his surroundings. Dozens of heroes were scattered around the area but he only had his eyes set on finding one.
Ever since Katsuki's hero agency told him he would be teaming up with your hero agency he felt his hopes building up again. It was stupid but he felt like it was fate. He was fixing himself, he was taking care of his issues just when your agencies were working together on a case together.
Katsuki felt like it must have been fate, some universal force pushing you together. This would be his chance to talk to you in person, you'd be forced to hear him out. You couldn't decline human interaction like you could decline his calls.
Katsuki passed through the heroes quickly in search of you and his lips lifted into a smile once he saw the back of your head. He raced forward to try to get to you, but abruptly stopped once he reached you.
You were in your hero costume but you weren't alone. Your best friend, shitty-Deku stood in front of you. Deku's hands rested on your hips, pulling you closer to himself, and your arms slipped over his shoulders grasping him against you. Deku's head dipped down and pressed your lips against each other.
Suddenly Katsuki felt so stupid. All that hope he had held onto, the faith and trust that he could win you back was gone. While he was trying to better himself, Deku was making moves on you.
While he was trying to better himself, a better man had swept you off your feet.
Katsuki watched as Deku pulled his lips away from yours and stared down into your eyes with adoration. Absolute Adoration and love, something you deserved but he never gave you.
"Ready to go home?"
"Mhm. A well-deserved bath is calling our names."
Katsuki wanted to scream, to shout. The love of his life was kissing that shit-munch and it hurt him so much to see the sweet interaction between you both. He wanted to scream, to shout—but he didn't.
As he saw you smile up at Deku he couldn't. He didn't yell, he didn't scream, he didn't attack Deku, and he didn't act out. Instead, he let a tears fall down his cheek as the love of his life walked away, hand-in-hand with his nemesis, a man who could treat you better.
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madeinxiu · 5 years
i understand
hanbin imagine 'cause why not
title is lowercase intended
angst (i love writing and imagining angsts)
listen to 'back to december' by taylor swift to get the desired feels
word count: 2075
It has been a long day for you and all you crave for at the moment is just hours of relaxation on your favorite night spot, the riverside. Every night you would always visit the river, just feeling the night's cold breeze as you listen to the passing vehicles on the road.
Unfortunately for the past weeks, you haven't been visiting the riverside as often because of the increasing pressure at work. But finally here you are, after a long day of exhaustion.
You glance around the place as you always do. Fate must've been playing with you when your sight landed on the back of a man's green hoodie, his posture slightly crouched, and you know that figure really well.
Thoughts ran through your head. You hesitated whether you should call his name and offer to talk. How stupid, you thought. How can you just casually call the name of that man and offer a small talk? That man who once gave you everything including his love. His love that you chose to throw aside.
Memories of that night quickly spread to your mind like wildfire. The way his eyes filled with sadness and tears, him saying nothing at all as you stared at him after you said the words "Hanbin, set me free."
The guy in green hoodie turned around, as if expecting someone to be there, and locked eyes with you. You searched for something, just anything, in his eyes but it showed nothing. Not love, not hate, just nothing.
He made his way towards you with his lazy walk. As soon as he reached your way, no one dared to speak up first. You just looked at each other. But then he decided to break the silence.
"Hey," he greeted with a smile. You couldn't be any more happier because of that smile. It's beautiful.
"Hanbin," you breathed out. It was silently spoken but it carried the weight of just saying his name.
"You know, I was actually here yesterday as well since someone told me you often hang around this place. It's nice," he stated softly like the way he always talks, eyes wandering around the place.
Silence overtook the place once again as your mind was filled with questions. You're confused why he'd visit the place just because someone told him that you often visit it. You're confused as to why you felt this way in front of him when you're the one who pushed him away. You're confused as to why he doesn't seem like he hates you just like you thought he would.
He landed his eyes on you and you can't help but catch the familiar look in his eyes that you so strongly miss. He's still the same Hanbin you hurt a year ago.
"Why- why are you here?" you finally managed to ask.
"Let's get some coffee first. It's getting chilly out here anyway so let's go in a cafe," he said and turned around to go to the direction of a nearby cafe.
"Wait," you called to him but he didn't hear you. You just decided to follow him and go along with everything that's happening.
After ordering and finding a good seat spot, you decided to clear out the confusion and asked him directly.
"Hanbin, what's going on?" He answered right away,
"I wanted to talk to you. Just about anything."
You have convinced yourself that Hanbin hated you since he's the type of person who holds a grudge especially if it includes his feelings. But now here he is in front of you, claiming he wants to talk to you about anything.
Awkwardness surrounded the area. You just don't want to bring up anything from the past especially hurtful memories from your break up so you just sat and thought of things to say. Whereas Hanbin just silently observes your awkward self like he always did back then.
"I just, I'm- I am glad you came all the way to this city to see me," you silently say with your head partially bowed in embarrassment.
Hanbin just responds with a chuckle. Luckily, the orders came, saving you from the awkwardness.
"How's life, I guess?" If he wants to talk to you, you might as well start the conversation and pretend you don't feel uncomfortable.
"Life's good. Still the usual. Work is busier than ever, it's tiring so this atmosphere relaxes me. I kinda miss my family too," he rambles.
"Oh, Hanbyul. How is she?" you really just spout random things to say to not let the silence overtake your table.
"She just started primary school last month and I couldn't be any more prouder." You admired the love Hanbin has for his little sister. You adore Hanbyul so much so hearing this news is also satisfying for you.
With the short length of your talks, you realized one thing. He has his guards up. And you know why. It's because the last time Hanbin saw you is still fresh in his mind and the words you spoke are still loud. He's protecting himself.
Hanbin had been feeling uneasy with your relationship for the past weeks. He'd noticed you've been distancing yourself away from him and you never answered his calls and messages. According to your housemate, you've only been inside your room and never went out unless you needed to eat or take a shower.
He respected your decision of wanting space at first. But as time passes, he realizes it gets unhealthy in your relationship.
So there he was, three roses on one hand and a fastfood takeout on the other hand, in front of your room.
With gentle knocks and a soft call of your name, you immediately know it's Hanbin. Your heart ached once again when you heard his voice.
Nonetheless, you should make your decision.
And so you let him in. Hanbin couldn't be any more happier that you let him in.
The first thing that he wanted to do was embrace you tightly but he saw your expression and realized something bad is going to happen.
"Y/N, babe," said Hanbin quietly as he inches forward. The things on his hands were placed on the desk in your room.
"Hanbin, please," you replied, your voice sounding exhausted as if you're tired of everything.
"What do you mean, babe? What's wrong?"
"Let us not pretend like nothing's wrong, Hanbin. You know well what's happening," you answered soullessly. You can't ignore the fact that your heart is slowly breaking as your conversation goes.
"Y/N, just tell me, please," Hanbin pleads and you heard the desperation in his voice.
Silence surrounded the room.
"I barely saw you for the past weeks, please just tell me what's wrong-" you cut him off without even noticing you did.
"That's the point. The moment I needed you the most, you weren't there. The time where your fans called me a 'slut', a 'bitch', a 'stealer'. Hanbin, it hurts. Their words hurt," you said, though silently, the exasperation is still heard.
"We talked about this, Y/N. Please let's just ignore them. We can't let them ruin us," Hanbin pleads and you can see the need in his eyes as he reaches for your hand. You quickly directed your eyes away from his as you feel yours get filled with tears.
"They obviously hate me, Hanbin."
"But I love you."
"Your love will not stop the death threats I receive from some of your fans, okay?! I can stand it if it's just against me but my family is also getting threats!" By now, tears are falling from your eyes and you wiped it quickly away.
Hanbin took few steps backwards in shock.
"You didn't tell me you received death threats," he said silently as he stares at you with sad eyes.
"Hanbin, set me free."
You were being selfish, you're well aware. You're hurting him, you're aware. But you believe this is the only way for Hanbin to live without media and the fans bugging him about having you as his girlfriend.
You also wanted to save yourself from the harsh words the society shouts at you. Instead of talking it out with Hanbin, you decided to end everything and left him alone. It's selfish.
Hanbin's eyes slowly fills with tears and his lips form a thin line. He looked down for a moment and when he raised his head once again, your heart broke for the hundredth time that day.
He has a sad smile on his face, tears he so desperately prevents from falling, and eyes talking to you.
"I understand," said Hanbin and quickly pulled you in for a hug. "Please live the best life you deserve."
You loved him and you still do. The moment he wished you the best life that day is the time you hated yourself for not being strong enough. He didn't deserve a coward person like you.
"Why did you really came to see me, Hanbin?" you said after minutes of long silence. You figured he had something important to say. It has been a year since you broke up and him showing up like this is really suspicious.
"Honestly, I went here to give you something," he said with a soft voice and reached in the pocket of his hoodie.
"I had this when we were still together. I figured I'd give it to you for our second anniversary. But then, you know, it happened." He said while holding a beautiful necklace on his palm. Memories once again filled your mind.
"I've been holding on to this ever since we parted ways. This gave me hope everytime I'd thought about you. She has been a great companion," he said, referring to the necklace as a 'she'.
"But now, I'll give her to you. I realized I've been holding on to this for too long and now I'm ready to finally move on. I'm ready to finally let go of you," he said.
He has been staring down at the necklace while talking and as he lifted his eyes to look at you, you felt the longing between you two.
You said nothing but only looked at his eyes. You still love him.
"Here, please take it," he said, finally breaking the painful eye contact.
Hanbin looked at you, taken aback.
"Sorry, what?"
You stood up and dragged him out of the cafe. You just let your heart decide this time.
"I'm sorry for everything. I'm ready to lower my pride just to say this, Hanbin. I hate myself for leaving and I hate myself because I still love you," you said while swallowing your pride.
"You can't just say that, Y/N," Hanbin said, his voice sounding stronger.
"I'm sorry but this is how I feel. I'd go back to the night we broke up just to fix things. I regret not having to fight for us. I regret being too selfish at that time-" he cut you off.
"You're still being selfish now!" he said, almost raising his voice.
You felt small under his gaze and his voice.
He continued emotionally, "You told me to set you free and I painfully finally did. Set me free, Y/N."
"But freedom only did nothing but made me miss you more. I only ever realized how important you are when you're not mine anymore." You know you already sound desperate. You couldn't care less. Hanbin is finally in front of you and this is the only chance you have to fix the things you broke including each other's hearts.
"What do you want me to do? I am trying so hard to forget you, Y/N. I am fixing myself," he said, just as desperate as you. You saw how broken he'd become because of you.
You let his words sink in to you. You already broke him and you want to fix him by making him yours again? That's just selfish.
"If we loved again, I swear I would love you right," you sincerely says as you continue,
"But if the chain is on your door and your heart is already closed, I understand. I'll also let you go now," you said, the emotions in your wavering voice is eminent, as tears fill up your eyes.
"I'm sorry, Y/N, but I need to guard myself now. I don't want to get hurt again." And he grabs your hand as he places the necklace on your palm.
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jamkookies · 5 years
° Bon Voyage °
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• Part VII •
"You let out one yell and I'll cut her," you hear the voice behind you say.
It's a feminine one.
Your skin goes cold to the touch and your hands start shaking.
Jungkook is frozen to the spot, terror in his eyes like you've never seen before.
He looks as if he's contemplating on whether to make a move or not.
The cold object slides from the back of your neck to the spot between your shoulders, but not without leaving a little nick first.
You try not to let out a sound but your face makes a pained expression.
It's a knife.
Jungkook takes a step forward, obviously alarmed by the sudden change , but your captor locks your head in her elbow, the knife now right under you throat.
You swallow, the blade waving under the motion and steal a glance at the face next to yours.
Smooth, porcelain skin and red lipstick.
The girl had sure taken her time preparing for this.
She looked oddly familiar but you couldn't quite put your finger on it.
"Don't you touch her," Jungkook growls.
"Oh, I'm not interested in her. You're the one I want."
You should've figured it out sooner.
The girl was a sasaeng, clearly part of the staff. This is why she looked familiar to you - you had seen her multiple times helping out on the backstage.
She was just using you to get to Jungkook.
You felt disgusted.
You had witnessed a lot of other extreme cases where fans would do anything just to be close to their favorites but this was over the top.
"Follow me," she says. "And no sudden movements."
Jungkook looks infuriated, hands shaking with the effort of not being able to do anything, but he still keeps calm.
The girl starts taking backward steps, pulling you along with her, knife still threatening to spill blood.
Jungkook slowly goes after you with his palms up, as if he's trying not to anger a wild animal.
You plead with your eyes to him, unspoken words between the two of you.
Run. Get away from here.
He doesn't.
Damn stubborn child.
You were fine with the thought of you being taken but if anything happened to him, you would never forgive yourself for it.
You walk for a couple more minutes, feet stumbling every time the girl pulls you harshly.
The sound of an engine is heard and you scan the view ahead when she turns you around , eyes still on Jungkook.
"Get in the car and don't try anything. The driver has a gun," she says, gesturing at him with a flick of her head.
This girl was beyond sick.
You couldn't even believe what you had both gotten yourselves into.
Jungkook obeys, getting into the front seat silently.
You go next, still under the girl's clutches.
There's a young man driving.
You can only look at his brown eyes in the front mirror which constantly move from side to side, analyzing every corner of his sight. He points a gun at Jungkook and his other hand holds the wheel.
"You better stay still, boy or I'm gonna have to use this."
"Don't call him a boy," the girl cries."He's a man."
You almost throw up.
There was nothing more you wanted to do right now except for smash her pretty little head into the window.
The driver starts the car.
"We'll leave her a few miles ahead," says the girl. "We don't need her anymore."
You start to panic.
They were gonna kill you.
They were gonna kill you and take Jungkook as their slave and you couldn't let that happen.
You bite the girl's hand with all the force you can muster. She shrieks in pain, letting go of the knife and you punch her in the face.
The man whirls around, but that's all the distraction Jungkook needs. He slaps the gun out of his hand and pulls the wheel towards himself.
The car swerves to the right.
"Y/N, get out!" Jungkook shouts, slamming the man's head right on the wheel and reaches for the handle.
You try to do the same, but a hand grips your hair roughly, pulling you back.
"Were do you think you're going?" the girl sneers.
"Screw you," you snap, and jab your knee into her nose.
She lets go, wailing in agony.
You pull the handle and jump out of the car.
Hard concrete meets your body, the impact rattling your bones as you roll around like a bowling pin.
The world is still spinning when you struggle to get up.
Jungkook limps to you and pulls you on your feet.
"Come on, we've gotta go," he says, breathing hard.
He grabs you by the hand and starts running straight for the forest.
You can barely keep up, the aftereffect of the jump still lingering.
Then, you hear a shot.
Jungkook stops abruptly and crumples onto the ground.
You scream the word at the top of your lungs but you can't hear yourself.
There's a constant buzzing on your ears and you shake all over. It's like everything around you has blurred into nothingness and there's only him.
Jungkook groans and squeezes his thigh.
"I'm alright. It's just a scratch," he says, breathing hard. "Hey, hey..I'm alright. Don't stop."
He taps your cheek with his palm, trying to make you to focus.
You nod, mouth still agape.
He's alright he's alright he's alright-
You sling his arm over your shoulder and carry some of his weight, limping together to the copse of trees a little bit further.
You hear more shots but you don't dare turn your head not even for a moment.
"Stop it, you moron. You'll kill him."
It's the girl.
Now they're gonna chase after you, no doubt.
You don't falter for a second.
Heaving Jungkook with all your might you pray not to get caught.
You get into the woods, thorns and branches pulling at your clothes and slashing your skin mercilessly.
You are aware of the running steps behind you getting closer and closer and you will your heart not to rip out of your chest.
Don't stop don't stop don't stop-
You scan the forest, looking desperately for somewhere to hide.
Jungkook hisses in pain every time he leans on his bad leg.
You pull him even tighter, bearing almost all of his weight with clenched teeth.
Just a little bit more...
"Come on, hyung. Don't bail on me."
The ground slides under your feet and you lose balance, tumbling down a steep. Your arms detach themselves from Jungkook and you can't stop falling, no matter how hard you try to claw at the weeds on the ground.
After almost throwing up your dinner, you roll to a stop, limbs splayed out awkwardly.
Jungkook lays face - down just a little further, not able to move a muscle.
You crawl to him and flip him on his back, which only makes him groan in pain.
Clamping his mouth shut, you force him not to make a sound.
I'm sorry, your eyes seem to say.
You scan your sorroundings.
There's gotta be somewhere you can hide.
Your eyes catch sight of a massive tree, its roots holding the dirt into place.
The space underneath is hollow as a result of erosion.
A shelter.
With a grunt,you drag Jungkook up to his feet, the weight of him even heavier than before.
"Just a little bit further, hyung, please," you plead with a low voice.
He obeys, gathering strength from God knows where and makes a couple more steps.
When he finally reaches the hollow, Jungkook slumps into the ground like a sack of potatoes.
You crouch low under it and pull him in with you.
His breaths come out short and fast.
You flatten against the hollow, as you try to catch your breath.
"Where the hell did they go?" you hear the man's voice up the steep, followed by the rustle of dried leaves.
"This is all your fault," the girl says, her voice echoed by the faint breeze.
"If you had been more attentive, none of this would have happened."
"If I remember correctly the girl bit you first," the man snaps at her.
"Shut up. Do you know the struggle I had to go through all this time? I had to work my ass off all day just so I could take a glimpse of him. And tonight I even had to sneak a knife from the kitchen in order to be unnoticed."
"Yeah well,I don't care. I better get my money after all of this."
"You'll get your money when I get Jungkookie."
You fight down the urge to empty your stomach.
The steps keep getting further and further till you can't hear them anymore.
Jungkook takes a deep breath, relieved, and you snap your head to him, suddenly reminded of the situation you were in.
"Are you okay?" you ask him, pupils shaking as you examine his condition.
He leans on the wall of the hollow and props his leg under his other one to keep it steady. The fabric of his jeans is ripped in a horizontal line, revealing a hint of red.
Oh God.
You lift your shaking hands towards his thigh and experimentally touch it, earning a pained hiss from him.
"There's no bullet, don't worry," he says between breaths. "It barely grazed me. They were both obviously amateurs - the man even forgot to lock the car doors after we got in."
"He still shot you."
"I'm alright," he says and smiles reassuringly.
This time you don't hesitate and rip the fabric apart, catching him off guard.
"You said you were alright, didn't you?"
Taking a quick look, you notice a deep gash on his muscular thigh. It's not as deep as you thought it would be, but that still doesn't stop the blood from flowing.
Despite of all the chaos, panic and exhaustion, a surprising calmness has taken over you, making you focus on the task at hand with deep concentration.
Using your teeth and your bare hands, you tear apart a chunk of your loose tank top.
"Hey, what are doing?" Jungkook says, alarmed by your sudden action.
"Making sure you won't bleed out for the rest of the night."
"Why didn't you rip my shirt off?"
"I can't afford for you to get hypothermia. The wound will make your body heat drop faster than my grades from high-school."
He chuckles upon hearing that.
"How do you know all of this?"
"I've seen a lot of movies."
"And by the way," you continue, " are you willing to undress in front of me?"
"Anything for the ladies," he winks.
You just tighten the strip of cloth around his exposed thigh, brows scrunched up in concentration.
"You're surprisingly calm for someone who suffers from panic attacks," he says.
Your hands freeze.
You lift your eyes to stare at him, eyeing you suspiciously.
"How did you know?"
"I know everything about you," he answers and sweeps a look at you from head to toe.
You can't help the slight blush blooming on your cheeks, and the corners of your lips twitch.
"Well, we have been living for five years together, after all," you offer.
"It's not just that."
He looks at you through heavy-lidded eyes.
He was being bold.
He was being bold and straight-forward and you didn't know what to do about it.
The tension between you was thick and you could feel it.
It was because of the unusual situation you were both in, you supposed.
It hade made you both daring and impulsive.
As you tend to his wound, your fingers linger on the skin and he extends his hand towards yours.
The touch sends bolts of electricity piercing through you and you can't hide the slight tremor in your fingers.
You retract your hand and clear your throat.
"We better spend the night here. They might still be wandering around the forest, looking for us."
He nods and lowers his palms by his sides.
There's a deafening silence hanging in the air, broken only by the sound of far away thunder.
* * *
It had been raining for about some time now, but the hollow had proved to be a worthy shelter. There wasn't even a speck of water on the ground beneath you and you were grateful for that.
You had been drifting in and out of sleep, the exhaustion threatening to take over, but you forced your eyes open every time it happened. You had to guard Jungkook in case he got worse or those filthy bastards came back.
You throw a glance at him, leaning on the wall just a little further and you notice his teeth chattering.
He seems to have shrunk in himself, curled over like a ball, for as much as his leg would allow.
You approach him and put a hand on his forehead.
It's hot to the touch but he keeps shivering like a leaf in the wind.
This can't be good.
"Are you cold?" you ask him.
He nods.
You peek at his wound and notice that it has stopped bleeding.
It was just that the rain had lowered the temperatures considerably and that only made Jungkook's condition even worse.
You wish you could do something, but your clothes aren't exactly helping.
You were only wearing shorts and a ripped tank top, for Heaven's sake.
Having no other choice, you wrap him in your arms making an effort to share some body heat.
He doesn't object but only leans into your touch as your rub his arms and shoulders.
After some time, his teeth stop chattering, his body going back to its normal temperature, but he still doesn't let go, clinging onto you like a baby.
You wish you could stay like this forever, with him cradled into your arms like a second skin.
You play with his hair, twirling it in your finger and he doesn't miss the chance to capture your hand with his, intertwining your fingers.
The sudden action made your heart do a flip.
You loved him so much.
Yes, you finally admitted it.
You loved him like hell and the fact that it had taken you five years to understand it still remained a mystery.
You had once read a passage from a book which said that, sometimes, someone you had known all your life became no longer familiar to you, but strange in a marvelous way,as if you had discovered a beach you had been visiting all your life was made not of sand, but of diamonds that blinded you with their beauty.
Jungkook takes your hand into his lips and kisses it.
It's like butterflies encase your whole arm.
"What have you done to me?" you faintly whisper.
"I would like to ask you the same thing," he answers, staring at you intently.
His doe-like eyes sparkle in the darkness.
"You know that henna tattoo I made? It was for you, you know," you say.
He scowls, not quite understanding.
"You have galaxies in your eyes, Jeon Jungkook. And I've fallen deeply into them."
The smile that appears on his face brightens your whole vision.
There is nothing else, no one else but him right now.
He adjusts himself till he's sitting up and no one can prepare you for the words that leave his mouth as he embraces you, pulling you into his chest.
"I love you, Y/N."
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