infamous-if · 5 months
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Chapter 1 Rewrite
Out now for band tier! / April 22nd for fan tier
New additions in Chapter 1:
new choices/dialogue
a new scene(s) where the band throws a farewell party for Jazzy
brief introduction to a new character and British band—the hotshot winners of Season 3 of BOTB, Velvet Novocaine
introduction to the final sub romance^ Luca/Lilith Alvarez. The lead singer of VN
Chapter 1's changes weren't too intense, mostly because the chapter is short + most of the changes in this chapter are an extension of the changes in the prologue. The new scene is quite lengthy though, so I hope that's enjoyable ! :) See you then.
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Lucifer: Holy Moly! 100 followers! That’s amazing! Thank you all for following my blog! You guys are keeping me sane while on bed rest. Thanks for following me on this crazy journey to parenthood…again.
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fruitcakebro · 11 months
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So I think I might be the first person to get this achievment, and I'm having a moment halfway between joy and panic right now.
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clockbreadcroi · 11 months
Reblogs > likes!
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More cogsturn :]
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shetlandfics · 9 months
Dougie and Mark in Agatha Christie
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robotslenderman · 1 day
Surgery date has been decided! It'll be in late January. :3 Endometriosis lesions gonna get zapped!
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saturn-in-retrograde · 3 months
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It's my 9 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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200 followers!? Wow!! Thank you all so much for following my blog! It means a lot!
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asksweetdisaster · 1 year
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Finally getting down to the dinner x3
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blametheeditor · 5 months
“So where’s-?”
William freezes when he feels something collide with the back of his head. He could tell there had been force behind it, the intent to cause as much harm as possible. And if he was still human, it would’ve sent him crumbling to the ground.
But he’s not. Had even survived purgatory. Meaning the pain he feels is only a dull throb. He would’ve given his son credit to not give him a true gauge to register pain in his new body, but they all know that would be a lie.
“Son of a bitch,” a semi-familiar voice growls, earning William’s attention as he turns to see his attacker.
Ah. He remembers those grey eyes and brown curls. Not so much the cursing, but he had heard Jeremy Fitzgerald got into a bad accident. Not as drastic as Michael’s, but tragic none the less.
That’s when William notices the shovel being weilded. “Did you just try to bash my head in?”
“It would’ve been your consolation prize for being the shittiest dad to ever fucking exist,” Jeremy says. “But nooo, you had to prove you went to fucking hell. You owe me the hundred I owe Mike.”
William turns to his son. “This was the companion you chose?”
“Don’t blame me,” Michael shrugs. “Uncle Scott adopted him first.”
“Scott did what?”
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I may or may not have gone to a comic con today and dropped some money on some random, non-sequential supergirl comics.
It's gonna be fun to read.
(One of then involves Comet. Oy.)
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maternity-morningstar · 2 months
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bunny-is-cute · 5 months
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Thank you all for following my blog!! It means so much to me!
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theviolenttomboy · 2 years
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fuck-sewingmachines · 3 months
I got the lover set right !!!!
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the-laridian · 1 year
When you have great hair, people know you're a winner!
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(The Outer Worlds) Barber/surgeon/undertaker Conrad Sadik in an advertisement for the new Spacer's Choice hair care product Unconditioner Love!
Fine print: Side effects include dry mouth, dilated pupils, paranoia, heart palpitations, and nosebleed. But your hair will look great!
(Top slogan and fine print text from GTA Vice City's fake hairspray ad)
Continuing in my niche of being the only Conrad stan making any art. Probably looks better if you click it since Tumblr squishes things.
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