#(1/25 M!A - Cube Horns)
"Ok wow. New anon with dragonfly wings. Blixer got wings." Said purmond with a somewhat sacrastic tone to the wings part.
"I certanly woke up to some intresting stuff."
"I know, right?" Blixer says. "I mean, I'd try 'em out, but there's no way I've got enough room inside, and it's too cold outside right now..." He stretches them out. They're fairly big, too... "Man," he says, "I really thought we were gonna start winding down a little. Ask some questions, learn some things... I guess we should start trying to set that tone now, if we want to do that kinda thing." He thinks for a moment. "...Alright, I've got it. What's your favorite time of year?"
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New Life by Damin74PL
Anime » Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Rated: M, English, Romance & Adventure, Boruto U., OC, Words: 15k+, Favs: 7, Follows: 5, Published: Mar 28 Updated: May 25
2Chapter 1: Prologue
Somewhere outside the village, Borushiki fought with Kawaki, who was on the second level of Karma, in addition to having Isshiki's doujutsu in his left eye. Kawaki fired a few black rods at Borushiki, Borushiki avoided them without any problems, suddenly Kawaki approached him from behind, changing his hand.
Borushiki crossed his fingers creating a clone in front of him, with which he covered himself, then jumped back
-The stubborn bastard
Kawaki created several black cubes over Borushiki, which he dropped on him. Borushiki tried to avoid them, while Kawaki ran to Boruto and stabbed him right through. At this point, Naruto appeared in the scene in sage mode, who was surprised to see Kawaki piercing Borushiki.
-Kawaki, what's that supposed to mean?
-I did what I thought
Boruto fell to the ground, the horn protruding from his head disappeared and Karma returned to her original state, the Hokage immediately ran to his dying son.
-You are pathetic man, but I can't let you die ...-said Momoshiki, sticking his hand to his vessel
Moments later, Boruto's body began to shine bright light until it soon disappeared
-Momoshiki, what did you do? - Code, who watched the fight from stealth, thought
After Momoshiki did something to Boruto to save him, the teenager's body disappeared and a moment later appeared in some clearing, the wound made by Kawaki healed but the scar remained, Boruto was still unconscious. Soon an old man was passing by, who when he noticed Boruto immediately approached him.
-And what are you doing boy in such a place, get up or you'll catch a cold
Seeing how Boruto did not react, the man decided to take him to him, a few moments later they reached a place resembling some dojo
"Grandpa, you're finally back," said the young girl
She was no more than fourteen, short black hair, and a white kimono
-Good morning Sayori-chan, forgive me, but it took me a while.
Only after a while Sayori noticed Boruto.
-What is this kid?
-You shouldn't say that, he's the same age. Going back to your question, I found him lying unconscious in a clearing so I decided to take him with me
-Although you know that I love you Grandpa, but your heart is too soft, you shouldn't take any other kid and take him to your house, what if he's dangerous?
- Believe me, Sayori-chan knows people like no one and I know that this boy is a good person deep down.
"Do as you see fit, just don't blame me later for not warning you," she said as she walked away
The man carried Boruto to one of the rooms where he had left him
2Chapter 2: 1
Boruto finally regained consciousness, the first thing he saw was that he was in some strange room
-Where am I, the last thing I remember is the fight with Kawaki?
The blonde without thinking left the room and began to walk around the unknown house, soon he heard a noise, looking to the side saw the ajar door, Boruto, curious, approached and looked through the gap and saw Sayori, who was training a katana fight with a man
-You do better Sayori-chan, but you are still far from perfect - commented the grandfather
"I know this, but at all costs I will become the best fighter who will even surpass you."
At this point, the old man noticed Boruto
- You know it's not nice to peek at other people
Sayori immediately turned to the door - What are you doing here?
-I heard a noise coming from here and decided to check what was going on
-As you can see, Sayori-chan is training katana fighting
-I saw, you are amazing.
-It is obvious.
-And my name is Boruto, nice to meet you - he said pointing his hand towards the girl
-How dare you stick your hand out to me - Sayori grabbed Boruto's hand and threw him over her, hitting the floor
-ITAAAAAAAA what I just wanted to say to you
"Forgive me, but Sayori-chan is distrustful of new people, especially boys."
-What do girls prefer?
Hearing this, a tick mark appeared on Sayori's forehead. - YOU MORON! - She screamed kicking Boruto out of the dojo
After a while, Boruto returned to the dojo in pain
-Forgive my granddaughter's behavior, but she is tough
-I noticed it
-My name is Tatsuro and I am the owner of this dojo, tell Boruto-kun what were you doing in the forest alone and why were you unconscious?
Genin thought for a moment how to answer the question, he couldn't say he was in a fight
-Hehehe about that, I trained and maybe exaggerated a bit
-You and training, and what can someone like you train? - Sayori sneered
-Sayori-chan doesn't make fun of someone's interest. Say what are you training?
-Mainly taijutsu.
-I understand, so you prefer hand fighting, and if you say I would train you in kenjutsu.
-Grandpa! You're not serious, are you?
"Calm down Sayori-chan, he wants him to train with us, please respect that.
-So like Boruto, do you agree?
-I have nowhere to go, so good.
- I'm glad, I believe that the two of you will get along with time
2Chapter 3: 2
In Konoha, after fighting Cod and returning to the village, Kawaki was guarded at every turn by an ANBU squad.
-So Kawaki did it? -Sasuke asked
-This, in addition, I have no idea but he had Karma again and, to make matters worse, he awakened the power of Isshiki - Naruto explained
-And you let someone like that walk freely in the village? He is dangerous
-I am not that stupid, the ANBU unit keeps an eye on him all the time, if they notice something disturbing in his behavior, they should immediately let me know. It is enough for Hinata and Himiwari to turn away from him after they found out that he killed Boruto, to prevent unnecessary situations, I got him a new apartment.
-You are still so naive in spite of the years
Meanwhile, somewhere in an unknown place was Code, accompanied by Eida
-So you're saying Kawaki killed Boruto?
-Not completely...
-What do you mean?
-After some time, I noticed how Boruto's body shines and his wound is instantly regenerating, then something strange happened and he disappeared. Momoshiki probably has something to do with it. However, now Boruto is one hundred percent Otsutsuki which makes him the perfect food for Juubi.
-The question of his whereabouts remains
"It has probably been sent to another dimension, it will take me some time to locate it
-Get up Boruto, Grandpa told me to wake you up!
Having received no signal from Boruto, Sayori decided to enter the room and was surprised to see an empty room
-Where could that idiot go so early?
Sayori started looking for the genin all over the dojo, unable to find it, went outside and noticed Boruto sitting in a meditation position.
-What is he meditating?
Sayori, seeing an excellent opportunity, took the first stone and threw it towards the blonde. Black-haired girl smiled, thinking that she would hit him, but her eyes widened seeing how he grabbed the stone from that point, not even looking away
-Nice try
-How did you do it, you didn't even look back?
-It wasn't hard to feel your presence, never mind what you want?
-Grandpa told me to move you because we're going to be late for school.
"Yes Boruto, you are underage boys your age must go to school," explained Tatsuro
Boruto, not wanting to argue, decided to grant Tatsuro's request and together Sayori went to school. After completing the initial formalities, the director showed Boruto his new class
2Chapter 4: 3
Boruto was sitting bored in his new class, he didn't even notice when he fell asleep, only the hitting of the book on his desk woke him up
-Uzumaki-kun, I understand that you are new here, but you should realize that during lessons you don't sleep.- the teacher said irritably
"Yeah, yeah, sorry," said the blonde casually
"What a moron," Sayori mentally commented
After about two hours, the classes were over, Boruto felt like this time was dragging on forever
- Finally, the end of this ordeal, I think I'd rather fight Otsutsuki than face education in this dimension ...
Boruto and Sayori returned to the dojo
-And how was your first day of school, Boruto-kun?
-It's a pity to talk, I was bored like never before
-Hehehe, I could have guessed, well go change and in a moment I see you in the hall.
A moment passed before Boruto and Sayori dressed in training clothes (white two piece tied with a black belt) They both took wooden katanas
- It will only be a friendly sparring, I want Boruto-kun to see how you fight kenjutsu.
Sayori and Boruto nodded as a sign that they understood
-No blondie try to move your katana to my throat, but don't take it personally if you fail
-I will wipe that smirk off your face, dattebas! - Boruto said squeezing the katana and throwing himself at the girl
When the blonde tried to attack Sayori, she blocked the attack with her katana and a second later knocked the katana from Boruto's hands and then pushed him to the ground, putting hers to Boruto's throat.
-You see, you'll never come close to my level
-Damn it...
"There is still a long way to go, Boruto-kun," said Tatsuro
They both trained until late in the evening, when it was the middle of the night, Boruto went to drink some water as he was walking through a room belonging to Sayori he heard a sob, using the ajar door he approached them
-Mother ... Father ...
Hearing these words, Boruto narrowed his eyes, realizing that something terrible must have happened in her life.
Next day...
Boruto led Sayori to a clearing outside the town
-Why are we here?
-You can take off your mask
Sayori shuddered for a moment at what Boruto said
-A mask, I don't know what you're talking about?
-You will never use your full potential if you keep hiding behind her. I don't know what but something bad must have happened in your life, so not wanting to become weak and useless, you put on a mask to make you seem like a strong girl, until you admit it you will never become really strong - Boruto stated
Boruto closed his eyes for a moment and then replied - It's true, I don't know what it's like to lose your parents ... but maybe you don't know it, but I lost a friend, he died sacrificing himself for me
Sayori's eyes widened at Boruto's reply
5: 4
Team 7 was in the fight against Deepa, Boruto with Karma activated attacked the enemy, Deepa grabbed him by the neck without any problems and then stabbed the blonde in the ground, when he was about to do him after Sarada appeared
-Leave him!
Deepa, without even looking at her, threw Sarada a kick in the stomach, Boruto used this moment to jump up, but Deepa was not going to let him attack and fired a shockwave from his hand.
-Shit, I didn't manage to avoid the attack ...
Suddenly, through Boruto, Mitsuki appeared, covering him by taking the attack on himself
-Luckily, I made it
After receiving Deepa's attack, Mitsuki's body began to disintegrate.
-Why did you do it, why did you sacrifice yourself for me?
-Because I couldn't let you die ...
[End of Memories]
-I was weak, actually I am still promised to become stronger to prevent this situation again, in which someone will have to sacrifice to protect me. When I managed to defeat Deepa, I only felt emptiness, I thought that after avenging Mitsuki, I would feel better, but it was only worse ... I'm telling you not to make the same mistake as I did.
Sayori was surprised by Boruto's story - Boruto, who are you exactly?
When Boruto was about to answer, a man suddenly landed in the clearing (dressed in a black coat, had red spiky hair, and strange horns sticking out of his forehead) - Finally I found you chakra user.
Boruto's eyes widened at that
-What is he talking about Boruto?
-Who are you bastard and what do you want from me?
-My name is Keisuke and my boss told me to move you.
-I'm not going anywhere with you. Sayori, go back to the dojo.
-What, but what are you up to?
- I'll explain later, now go!
Sayori, seeing the serious expression on Boruto's face, decided to obey him, but not quite, because instead of going to the dojo, she hid behind one of the trees, watching what Boruto was going to do.
-Okay, now that she's gone I can fight. Kage Bushin No Jutsu!
Boruto created a few of his clones with which he launched an attack on Keisuke, he only smiled and began destroying the clones one by one, while the original popped up forming a Rasengan in his hand and tried to attack from above, but Keisuke grabbed Boruto's hand and with a kick to the stomach he threw him a long distance
-The boss was right, you are indeed a shinobi
-Shinobi? - Sayori repeated
-I don't know what your boss is talking about or how you know about me, but I think I'll have to fight you seriously. - Boruto said activating Karma
The mark on his hand unfolded along the hand, all the way to the eye
-Who are you really, Boruto? - Sayori thought, surprised
2Chapter 6: 5
Boruto with the activated Karma rushed to Keisuke, he failed to react and Boruto was already in front of him and a blow to the jaw knocked him into the air
-Is much faster?
Boruto immediately appeared behind him and with a half turn kicked Keisuke in the back sending him a long distance
"It will be more difficult than I thought, then I will be forced to use my demonic power."
Keisuke unleashed his full power, a dark aura surrounded his body, demonic wings sprouted from his back and the horns on his forehead grew larger
-Who the hell are you?
-My name is Keisuke, the future lord of demons - he replied, starting to attack, firing a series of missiles
Boruto tried to avoid everyone, and while he was busy with it, Keisuke appeared behind him, creating a demonic spear of energy in his hand, which he was about to pierce Boruto through.
-It's over
The blonde could not do anything and was pierced right through, then fell to the ground
-Don't worry, I didn't kill you, the boss needs you alive.
To Keisuke's surprise, Boruto's body turned into a puff of smoke
-What? Where is the real one?
The stone behind Keisuke turned into a real Boruto, the blonde immediately created a Rasengan in his hand
-Take that Rasengan!
The demon was unable to do anything and was hit by an attack that knocked him back a long distance
"Maybe you won this time, but it's not over yet," he said, disappearing
After Keisuke disappeared, Boruto deactivated Karma and then he moved towards the Dojo, seeing that Sayori immediately ran there, the blonde decided to rest after the fight so he went to the hot spring. Sayori decided to use this moment and sneaked into Uzumaki's room wanting to learn something from him, at the beginning she did not find anything special, but when she started his clothes, Kunai and a few shuriken fell out of his pants.
-This weapon, I'm sure I've seen something like that before ... Well, the same weapons are used by ninja.
Moments later, Sayori saw something from under the pillow, when she looked there, she saw Konoha's armband.
-And what's this?
She didn't have much time to think as she heard footsteps coming, not wanting to be caught, she quickly left everything as it was before jumping out the window just seconds before Boruto entered the room.
- Strange, I don't remember leaving the window open
2Chapter 7: 6
Keisuke returned to his hideout, someone was waiting for him there was a man not much older than him (he had black hair pulled upwards, dressed in a black coat) the man was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed at his chest
- What did you come back so soon, and where is that brat? Wait don't say he kicked your ass hahahahahahahaha. You are so pathetic, Vera-sama should have sent me instead of such a loser.
-Kazuro ... Shut up.
-He because what will you do to me?
-Come on both of you!
Suddenly, a female voice rang out, Keisuke and Kazuro immediately stood to attention, a female figure appeared in the shadows.
-You disappointed me Keisuke ...
-Vera-sama, please forgive me and give me a second chance, I promise I will bring this kid.
Vera raised her hand and at that moment a mark appeared on Keisuke's neck that spread throughout his body, the demon fell to his knees, screaming in pain
- You ignored your goal, you realize that this whole Boruto, and more precisely his power, is necessary for us to break this seal and implement the demon lord's plan.
-GHRAAAAAAA I remember this ... if the venerable gives me a second chance, she promises not to fail
Vera lowered her hand, causing Keisuke's pain to subside and the marks fading away.
- This time I will forgive you, the next time you will go with Kazuro to see how the entrusted missions are performed, did you understand?
-Hai. he replied rather reluctantly
Meanwhile, Naruto and Sasuke appeared in Toneri's palace
-Why did you call us here? - the Hokage asked
"Because I managed to locate Boruto," he replied, surprising the two friends
-Wait is Boruto alive?
- Yes, the problem is, he was transferred to another world.
"If that's true, then thanks to my Rinnengan I should be able to find him," replied Sasuke
-I'm afraid your Rinnengan won't get there
-So what are we doing? - Naruto asked
-Give me a few days, I know a way to open the portal, but it will take me some time
-I see.
At the same time, Boruto returned to the dojo after another boring day at school, their relationship had improved since their last conversation with Sayori.
-I came back Oji-chan, ne why is the town so dressed up and so many stalls?
-Oh don't you know, every year in our town there is a special Festival in honor of the goddesses?
-The goddesses?
-The legend has it that in the past the world was attacked by demons, and to stop them an amazing power was needed, such power had three women who people called goddesses, after they dealt with these demons and saved the world.
-Wow interesting.
-Do you know if you can go with Sayori to this festival?
- What? I don't think that's the best idea?
-Why, I can see how your relationship has improved significantly.
At this point, Sayori entered the dojo
- What are you talking about?
8: 7
A few days later...
Boruto was in his room, wearing a black kimono
-Ehh, I can't believe Sayori agreed to come with me ...
-So what were you talking about?
-About that it would be worthwhile for you to go to the festival together.
-Well no problem.
Boruto's eyes widened at the black-haired girl's answer
-Can I hear you, you just agreed to come with me to the festival?
-Wash your ears if you're deaf
[End of Memories]
-Yeah, he's definitely up to something
At the same time, Sayori was also dressing up for the festival.
"This will be a great opportunity to find out who he really is" Sayori thought with a confident smirk
After about forty minutes, Boruto waited in front of the building for Sayori to leave. It happened a moment later, the sight of her deprived the former shinobi of speech, Sayori was wearing a beautiful purple kimono, her black hair was tied in a ponytail.
"Wow you look amazing," Boruto praised, making Sayori blush
-W ... come on
- And that's a surprise to you, I never thought I'd see her like this
-Let's better hurry
Boruto nodded and he and Sayori went to the festival
It took them a few minutes to get there, Boruto didn't notice Keisuke watching him from hiding
-He's moved away from the Dojo.
-Excellent, then we're slowly starting to act. Do you know what to do?
Boruto and Sayori started going from stall to stall taking part in various competitions
"Here's your reward, please," the man said, handing the former shinobi a bracelet.
-You know what, you take it, Sayori.
-You are sure about it, you got it?
-I don't like such trinkets very much
-In that case, thank you
They both went to eat and then Sayori led Boruto to a place where you could see the whole town.
- It's my favorite place, I used to come here often when I was younger. The fireworks show is about to start ... but I wanted to ask you something, who are you?
-He what are you talking about?
-I saw how you fought with that demon, and you used some strange skills
Boruto's eyes widened at that
-Oh shit so she saw me, I guess there's no point in lying to her. - he thought
Boruto was about to tell about himself but he was interrupted by the roar of the explosion
- What was that?
-It comes from where the dojo is
Boruto and Sayori immediately ran towards the dojo, the blonde had a bad feeling.
2Chapter 9: 8
Boruto and Sayori came to the dojo and were surprised to see them destroyed, after a while Kazuro came out of the flames carrying Sayori's grandfather.
The demon hurled towards their old man, Sayori immediately ran up to him
-We are finally meeting Boruto Uzumaki
- Judging by your looks, you must be familiar with this Keisuke.
-I wouldn't call him my friend.
-Sayori I will distract his attention, You take the old man to the hospital.
Sayori thought for a moment but nodded, taking her grandfather by the arm.
-Be careful
-Sure, go.
Before Sayori left, Boruto crossed his fingers, creating several of his clones, and they went in different directions with them.
-You really think you're acting with such tricks? - Kazuro said, putting his hand up and forming energy
Then he fired chains of energy that directly hit all of Uzumaki's clones. Fortunately, Boruto managed to move away from the city, but Keisuke was waiting for him there, who attacked Genin with full power.
"So you came back as well," he said, activating Karma
Boruto dodged the demon's blow without any problems, but at that moment Kazuro appeared behind him
"Got you," Kazuro said, putting his hand to the genin's back
- What, when does he?
Boruto failed to do anything when Kazuro released his energy creating a powerful explosion
Boruto popped out of the smoke throwing Kimono back
-It's good that I had my clothes underneath it
"Let's take care of him together," Keisuke said
-No, you just have to watch and learn, I'll take care of him.
Kazuro in the blink of an eye appeared in front of Boruto and punched him in the stomach, making the blonde spit blood when Boruto was about to hit the demon, he grabbed his hand to throw him into the air.
-He's stronger than Keisuke.
Kazuro in the blink of an eye appeared over Boruto and from his knee he punched the blonde in the back knocking him to the ground creating a crater in it.
- What is or is all you can do, I was expecting more from you.
- If I could use the power with which I defeated Deepa again.
Kazuro walked over to Boruto grabbing him by the hair and lifting him up, then kicked him off his knee in the stomach.
-I will beat you unconscious and then I will take you to our boss
Kazuro started kicking Boruto lying on the ground, at this time Sayori managed to take his grandfather to the hospital, after leaving him under the care of a doctor, she returned to the remains of what was left from the dojo, after a while she managed to find the sword
-It's about time I finally use it, Grandpa
-I think it's time to go back.
When Kazuro was about to take Boruto, he was unexpectedly knocked back by the shockwave
- What's going on? - the surprised demon asked
Boruto started to rise, his body was surrounded by a bright aura, his hair rose upwards, becoming more pointed and his pupils disappeared, electric discharges appeared around his body.
"His power has grown significantly," commented Keisuke
10: 9
-Mitsuki, hey Mitsuki!
Seeing how, after being hit by Deepy, Mitsuki's body crumbled, Boruto fell into a frenzy, his Karma began to glow blue, the body was surrounded by an aura of the same color with electric discharges, which turned white after a while, pupils in his eyes disappeared, hair rose to the mountains becoming more pointed
-I'll kill you!
[End of Memories]
Kazuro created several energy balls in front of him, which he sent towards Boruto, before they hit him, the blonde disappeared from his sight.
-Behind you! Keisuke warned
Boruto in the blink of an eye appeared behind Kazuro, barely turned and got a powerful punch in the face and was thrown back a long distance. Keisuke created a demonic spear of energy that he threw at Boruto, the blonde stood as if nothing but waiting for the spear to reach him, but when it got close enough, Boruto grabbed it so he turned and threw it towards its creator. Keisuke jumped into the air avoiding his own attack, but Boruto immediately appeared behind him and elbowed the demon in the neck, knocking him to the ground
"His power is incomparable to the power he fought with me back then," Keisuke said, trying to get up
- Don't underestimate me, worm.
Kazuro accumulated a golden ball of energy in his hand, which grew larger with each passing moment, when it reached the right size, the demon threw it towards the former shinobi
-I wonder how will you deal with something like this?
Boruto stuck his hand towards the attack, which he absorbed a second later
The blonde in the blink of an eye appeared in front of Kazuro and punched him in the stomach, making the demon curl up spitting purple blood, then Boruto grabbed him by the shoulders with both hands, then kicked him from his knee in the chin, and finally he created a Rasengan and punched him by throwing back a lot. distance. Keisuke tried to attack Boruto from behind, he sensed him without any problems dodging his blow, then grabbed his leg and threw him over himself, hitting him on the ground
-Damn you
- He doesn't like to admit it, but we'll have to do it to defeat this brat
- This is the last thing I would like to do, but we have no other choice
Kazuro and Keisuke stood facing each other and tapped their hands, then began to turn at an incredibly fast pace, soon a bright light flashed and where Kazuro and Keisuke were standing a few seconds ago, now one figure was standing.
"It's about time to finish this game," the figure said in a double voice
11: 10
Keisuke and Kazuro merge together to form a new character. Boruto moved to attack, Keizuro stood as if nothing smiling and then knocked the blond throwing him away at a considerable distance, then the demon appeared behind him and grabbed Boruto by the neck and threw him to the ground. A mysterious, hooded figure watched the entire fight from hiding
-Hmm should I intervene?
Keizuro did not let Boruto get up and fired a powerful demonic beam which, when it hit the target, caused a huge explosion. Moments later the smoke cleared, revealing Boruto barely standing on his feet, the aura around him disappeared, his hair fell and Karma returned to her original state
- Shit, is this my limit when it comes to that power?
-You spoiled us a lot of blood, but it's over. He said moving on Boruto
When he was about to attack him with his demonic hand, Sayori appeared in front of him, blocking Keizuro's attack with her sword.
-Sayori, what the hell are you doing here, you were supposed to stay with your grandpa!
- I couldn't let you fight this thing by yourself
Keizuro jumped back - Another worthless worm has arrived
- This is not the time to play the heroine, run away from here you have no chance with him.
Keizuro rushed towards the girl trying to kill her.
-Mother, Father, please give me strength.
Suddenly Sayori's body glowed, her sword turned golden, Sayori made a slash with one wave, Keizuro didn't even realize when he lost his arm
"That girl," the hooded man commented
- What the hell?
Sayori's energy has even spread to where Vera is staying
-What's up, what's that power?
Looking at the demon lord statue, she noticed her eyes glowing red
Keizuro fired a missile at Sayori, she created a strong gust of wind with the swing of her sword, which neutralized the demon's attack and threw him into the air, Sayori, preventing him from making another move, immediately rushed at him. During this time, Boruto got up and tried to create clones, but failed.
-May it, I have too little chakra ...
Sayori appeared behind Keizuro and with one swing of the sword she cut off one of his demonic horns - This time I didn't hit exactly, but I won't make the same mistake a second time
- Don't be so confident
Keizuro released a large amount of his demonic energy which was thrown back by the black-haired girl
Then he knocked her to the ground with one blow
-Breathe, snot!
Keizuro fired several demonic energy bolts before they flew back to Sayori, Boruto shielded her, raising his guard and taking attacks on himself.
After that, the genin had to kneel and his hands fell limply
-Let it, I can't move my hands too much ...
- It's over, first I'll kill this girl and then I'll take you to my boss.
- Don't think I'll let you do that, you bastard.
Keizuro lunged at the teenagers, but suddenly received a kick from someone and flew a few meters to the side.
12: 11
A man appeared on the battlefield (he had medium-length brown hair, dressed in a gray jacket under which he wore a dark sweatshirt, and also trousers of the same color)
-Someone are you and how dare you interfere with my mission
"My name is Seiro and I cannot allow this beautiful place to be destroyed any more
-Hahahaha you really think that an ordinary person can do something to me.
"You should get out of here, you have no idea who you're dealing with," warned Boruto
-Boruto, right? Sit still and leave it to me. It's been a long time since I've fought someone powerful, hope I don't lose my practice.
Seiro began to release his power when he did so around his body a stream of air was raised lifting stones and scraps of earth, after a while the whole area began to shake
"What a strong overwhelming feeling, no wonder Sayori passed out, what kind of dude?" Boruto thought
"I don't know who you are, but I won't let you interfere," Keizuro said, firing a bolt of energy.
In response to his attack, Seiro smiled as he extended his hand to the supervisor's attack, then clenched it into fists as he did the demon's attack as if it dissolved into thin air.
- What?
-Your attack was so weak that I was able to neutralize it without any problems.
"Don't think that since you've managed to deal with my attack, it will change anything," said the demon, starting to attack
Before Keizuro could reach Seiro, Seiro disappeared from sight
- Where is he?
A second later the man appeared under the demon and punched him in the stomach knocking into the air, then Seiro's hand surrounded some glow, then he drew a symbol in front of him, then this symbol appeared on Keizuro's body
- What's going on, can't I move?
-I managed to paralyze you thanks to my spell, you can see when I touched your body I left my signature as if to say it, thanks to which I could cast my spell regardless of the distance between us
-Damn you
-It's time to end this fight. Seiro put his dominant hand towards the demon, communicating a ball of energy in it, and with his other hand he grabbed the wrist area - Kazenuri! - fired a powerful shockwave, which when it hit Keizuro completely destroyed him
-Hey kid, are you okay?
-No, except that my hands are slightly damaged hehehe, never mind I have to take her somewhere.
-I see
Seiro picked up the unconscious Sayori and together with Boruto went to the hospital, while the blonde was being treated by the nurse, Seiro waited outside, after a moment a hooded man appeared outside the window, watching the fight.
-I thought you wouldn't come, I was about to intervene
-Forgive forgive, but my work consumed me a little hehehehe ... More importantly, you felt the power of this girl?
-Yes, she can use the divine sword without any problems, there is no doubt that she is the reincarnation of one of the goddesses
-I'm gonna take this kid with me, he needs to know what he's gonna be dealing with in the future
-Okay, I keep researching and keep an eye on this girl.
2Chapter 13: 12
"Looks like Keisuke and Kazuro have failed," Vera said to a hologram of some figure standing in the shadows
-It's okay, actually Boruto's power isn't necessary to break the seal.
-How is it?
"Have you heard of the three goddesses who ended a war ages ago and took possession of the demon lord?"
-It turned out that a girl lives on earth, who is a reincarnation of one of them, the other two probably also, but their powers have not been activated yet.
-So what are we doing?
-In three years, when the solar eclipse comes, the seal imprisoning the demon lord will be the weakest, then even the power of one goddess will be enough to break the seal, but for this you will need the blood of someone outside the human race, Boruto to be exact.
"What's wrong with him, looks like an ordinary person?"
"Apparently, in fact, he is one hundred percent Otsutsuki, killing him with the vengeance of my older brother, thereby helping to free the demon lord."
-I understand, then he will make all preparations until then.
"Good," he said, then vanished
Somewhere else on the throne sat the true figure of the hologram, she was dressed in a white cloak, the sun's rays blocked the view of his face
-Soon brother, we will meet again ...
Meanwhile, Boruto woke up, suddenly felt like he was being carried by someone
-He where am I?
-You finally woke up kid.
-Seiro-san. What are you doing?
-I decided to take you with me to prepare you for your destiny
Seiro, noticing a nice clearing with a lake, decided to take a short break, then explained to Boruto what would happen in three years.
-So you say that the boss of these demons is trying to resurrect the demon lord and to do that she needs the power of the goddesses?
- Exactly, if it happens, we will face another war, in the worst case the end of the world, we must prevent it at all costs. Therefore, I will help teach you to control your power.
-Power, wait how do you know?
-Because I saw something else, I also come from another world, but with the difference that instead of chakra I use magic
-How did it happen that you landed in this world?
Seiro closed his eyes for a moment and sighed
"I sacrificed myself to save the world," he replied, surprising the genin
14: 13
Seiro and Boruto reached some city
-Before we start training, your hands must regenerate first - he said pointing to Boruto's bandaged hands
- How annoying it is, accepting that attack on myself was not the most sensible decision, at least thanks to this I protected Sayori, by the way I wonder what she was doing.
-Come on Boruto, we need to find some accommodation.
-Hai, I'm coming
Meanwhile, Sayori regained consciousness, the first thing she noticed was that she was in the hospital room.
-I can see that you've finally woken up, Sayori-chan
-Grandpa, where is Boruto?
Tatsuro just sighed and then put his hand on his granddaughter's shoulder and said - I'm sorry to say, but Boruto-kun has left the village
Sayori's eyes widened at this. "How did he go, where did he go?"
-He was given a top secret assignment, he decided not to tell you anything so as not to upset you
Sayori tightened her hands on the sheet - He did not do it well ... this idiot did not even say goodbye to me
Meanwhile, Seiro and Boruto reached some pub
-Well let's come in for a while, I'm so thirsty
"Hey, I'm too young, I can't drink alcohol yet," Boruto said
- You are not of this world, so you are not bound by the laws here
-You're probably right
Boruto didn't say anything anymore and he and Seiro went inside
Moments later, Boruto drank some sake tinctures
-Hehehehe you were right it's really good hihihi now I understand why adults like to drink it so much
-You must be a bit of exaggeration for your first time, it's okay to drink but you shouldn't overdo it.
-O come on hahahaha, nothing will happen if he drinks a little more
-Yare, Yare. Tell Boruto what is most important to you?
-The most important?
- What do you care most about in your life?
-Hmm my friends and family, I think.
- What?
- For every guy the most important thing should be making a harem, so it's the goal of each of us to be surrounded by a lot of beautiful women hahahahaha, you know, if I fail to build my own harem in life, I will leave this task to you.
"Harem, but I'm not even interested in girls that way, let alone my own harem."
-Because you are still young and stupid, but with time you will start to see the beauty of women and before you know it, you will be surrounded by them.
Seiro did not finish talking and Boruto's head fell on the table - Heheh and he fell asleep, I said that you have to be able to drink
2Chapter 15: 14
Boruto sat on some throne, dressed in white robes like members of the Otsutsuki clan
-Where the hell am I, and why am I dressed like Otsutsuki?
Suddenly several women appeared in front of him.
-Boruto-sama, I have prepared my own hamburger, please - one of the women said
"Wow looks amazing," said Boruto while taking the burger, "Mmm, and it tastes amazing too."
The second girl put her breasts against his shoulder
-We are here to meet all your Boruto-sama needs
Another girl sat down on his lap so that her breasts were as high as the face of the blonde, another one pressed hers to the other shoulder
-We were rude today, we deserve the punishment Bo-ru-to sama
Boruto's face was getting redder and redder from his nose, and the situation worsened when the girls started taking off their clothes.
-Girls stop it ...
-What happened Boruto-sama, you look nervous let us take care of it - one of the girls said hugging Boruto's face against her breast
At this point, Boruto woke up sweating
-Gosh what a dream, and it's all because of Seiro and yesterday's conversation about Harem, where is he by the way?
Looking around the room, Boruto only noticed a piece of paper lying on the table
"Sorry, Boruto, today I will not help you with training, I had a very important thing so I'll be back in the evening"
-Sure, what should I do now?
Boruto, having nothing better to do, decided to explore the city, having no idea that some character was following him from hiding.
"So this is all Boruto-kun, quite sweet," said a girlish voice
As Boruto was walking like that, he heard a scream, without thinking he ran in that direction, after reaching the place he saw an armed man who threatened some old man
- I'll tell you the last time, where do you have that stone?
- Don't think I'll tell you
"In that case, say goodbye to your daughter," he said, pointing the blade towards the girl
As he was about to cut it, Boruto appeared between them, blocking the attack with his kunai.
-You like to challenge defenseless people, maybe you will try someone equal to yourself
-You brat, you will soon be just a corpse
The man withdrew his sword and was about to pierce Boruto, he jumped up and then with a half turn he kicked the opponent in the face, throwing him back a long distance, the villagers were shocked to see it.
-I'll kill you.
The man lunged at Boruto, he only smiled and when he was about to punch the genin, Boruto disappeared from his sight appearing behind him and knocked him out with one blow to the neck.
-Take him somewhere and lock him up
The cops took care of the attacker, and the old man approached Boruto.
-Thank you boy for your help.
-It's okay, so what the bastard wanted from you guys.
-You look trustworthy, so let me tell you, he came for the Xonitr stone.
16: 15
-What is this Xonitr crystal? - Boruto asked
-You see, a few years ago our city was dependent on the capital, everything was there, including the power plant. With time, the greedy leader of the capital announced that he would significantly increase the price of electricity, so that we could barely make ends meet, but some two years ago a crystal fell not far from our city, which turned out to be a powerful source of energy, so we decided to become independent from the capital. When rumors spread that we had this crystal, many people had a taste for it, and our city was attacked for it on many occasions.
-I see.
Suddenly Boruto was approached by the girl he had saved, now he could take a close look at her (she had long light hair, brown eyes, wearing a white T-shirt and a light skirt)
-Thank you, my name is Asumi.
-You don't have to thank. I'm Boruto
-Boruto-kun as you saved my daughter, you can stay with us as long as you like, you don't have to worry about costs.
- Really, I think I'll take your offer.
"Then let me show you the city," Asumi said happily, pulling Boruto's hand
On the roof of one of the buildings, a certain girl was still watching Boruto
- It's starting to get interesting
Asumi showed Boruto around every special place in this city
-Wow do you have to know this city really well?
-Yes, from an early age my father often took me for a walk around the city, I was fascinated by how he told the story of this place.
-I see
Suddenly their conversation was interrupted by a rumbling in the belly of the blonde, causing Asumi to burst out laughing
- Looks like you're hungry, come show you one of the best restaurants in town
Asumi led Boruto to the restaurant, when the blonde tried that food he was in cloud nine
-Wow, I've never had anything this good, dattebasa.
-I did
While Boruto was enjoying the delicious food of the local restaurant, the guard took the attacker whom the blonde defeated and locked him in a cell.
-What are you doing here, set me free?
-Are you so stupid or are you just pretending, do you really want everyone to figure it out?
- What are you planning?
-The chief ordered me to join in case you screw up.
"If it weren't for this brat, we'd already have this crystal."
-You had your chance but you wasted it, this time I'm moving on with my plan. He announced leaving the arrest
17: 16
Boruto was just going to the hotel, when he noticed how Teyuro was going with the guard to some place, having a bad feeling, the blonde decided to follow them, a moment later they reached the place where this crystal is located
"Your information turned out to be incorrect, as you can see with the crystal, everything is fine," said the old man
The man pushed him and walked over to the crystal taking it away
-Fujiro, what's that supposed to mean?
-You are so naive, I only pretended to be a guard all the time to find out about the place where the crystal is stored, now that I have it I can take it to the venerable Hayaro
Teyuro's eyes widened at the name, as Fujiro was about to run away against him, Boruto appeared.
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satyrykal · 5 years
Departure Chapter 2 - Back from Hiatus!
Title: Departure
Author: Satyrykal
Pairing: Natsu x Lucy
Genre: Romance/Fantasy
Rating: M
Spoiler Warning: Not in the canon-verse, but pays homage to ideas in the Alvarez arc.
Summary: Natsu has been by her side for years - her faithful guard and the man she was never supposed to fall in love with. Lucy is bound by duty and custom, promised to another - yearning for freedom outside the confines of her grandfather’s court. So when the drums of war throw the kingdom into disarray, they make their move – consequences be damned.
Read the story here, or preview the excerpt below!
Running Chapter Timeline:
1 - 2nd July, X494: Lucy 23, Natsu 25
2 - 2nd July, X484: Lucy 13, Natsu 15
CHAPTER 2 Excerpt – The Beginning
"Once upon a time there was a boy who loved a girl, and her laughter was a question he wanted to spend his whole life answering." – Nicole Krauss, 2005
2nd July, X484
Once upon a time – not yours or mine – lived a girl spun from stars and sunshine.
This is her story.
The sun beat down from overhead as she raced across the field, wind pulling her hair free from its braid in strands of gold. Meadows of summer daisies and lupines passed by, shaded by the thick canopy above as the King's Wood gave way the high grass of the garden green. Her hands were tight and sweaty against the reins as she leaned forward, fingers digging into the fine leather as she urged the gray spotted mare onward.
"Come on Nikora, it's you and me now. Till the end." She whispered, her thighs straddling the horse, savoring the familiar burn in her quads as they galloped faster. She was answered by a thunder of hoofbeats as clots of dirt flew behind them as they tore through the tree line.
Lucy gave a whoop of laughter and charged past the crop of ancient oaks that hid the castle from view. Her eyes flashed amber as she took in the grand turrets, the palace's marbled façade imposing as it loomed ahead.
The gates grew closer as she sped through its arch, giggling at the calls of the sentries that greeted her as her pace slowed to a canter – still fast enough that some raised their voices in warning. Still, it wasn't until the stables were in sight that she reared the mare.
"Slow girl, gentle." She coaxed, lightening her hold until Nikora had geared to a trot, a gentle double beat as she wove her way past the other evening riders.
Smiling softly at the passersby, Lucy kissed her horse's mane – brushing the coarse white strands through her gloved fingers. She breathed deeply, taking in the earthen scent of grain feed and wood before wrinkling her nose at hint of manure that hit her last.
As they came up the walkway, a handler met her to lead her to the mount's stall.
"I've got it Igneel, I can get her ready and comb her down on my own." She told the older man, trying and failing to keep the reins away from him when he reached them.
Igneel cut a tall figure, with broad shoulders that stretched the leather of his jerkin. His hair was pulled sharply back, cascading down his back like liquid wildfire. Lucy had always thought the older man was handsome, though the long scar through his right eye and cheek below it gave him a menacing aura. It had taken some time for her to warm up to the former warrior.
She'd met him shortly after he'd taken over as the royal beastmaster half a decade ago, gaining his attention when the young royal continuously snuck out to the stables when she should have been minding her lessons. However, instead of returning her to her governess as was expected, he'd simply boom with laughter – allowing her to bob between the various stalls as she played hide-and-seek with some poor, harried palace guard on her protection detail.
He'd always had a soft spot for the princess, indulging her love for riding and the measure of freedom it afforded her.
When she continued to whine and fight his grip on the horse's lead, he just grinned shaking his head at her, a piece of hay anchored between his teeth.
"Off you go then Princess, not worth my time to convince you otherwise." He chuckled, patting her leg as he went back to his tack, wiping dirty hands on his stained smock. It wasn't his job to act as a common stable hand, but he'd always doted on the girl.
She beamed at his idle dismissal; teeth white and lips pulled wide as she dismounted – directing her horse back to the corner stall. Grabbing a bucket, she placed it by Nikora who dipped her muzzle into the water immediately, long tongue slurping as she drank greedily.
A few minutes later, Lucy heard a rattle on the path outside as another couple of mounts came into view.
In front was a young girl of about thirteen with a head of smooth blue locks, tied back neatly though a few wisps brushed her pale cheeks. Her legs were looped through the horn of her side saddle, covered by the folds of her sapphire skirts. The newcomer frowned, scanning the space until her gaze landed on a pair of guilty brown eyes peeking out above the corner booth.
"Lucy you promised you would stay with us this time!" The blunette called out, glaring at her friend.
The blonde smiled sheepishly when she was caught, gesturing to her mare.
"I meant to, but Nikora wanted to go faster, and I couldn't tell her no. She's wind-blown." Lucy answered, placing a sugar cube under the horse's mouth. The mare licked it up unhurriedly, tickling the girl's palm.
"Don't yell Juvia, we're already here." The third rider scolded as she too, came to a stop – expression exasperated.
The girls blushed slightly at reproach in the older woman's voice, her own aqua locks held back by a laurel braid that started at her temples, nostrils flared slightly as she peered down at her errant charges.
"Sorry Aquarius, I will keep that in mind." Juvia apologized bobbing her chin down once in respect before dismounting with a nearby page's help. Unlike her friend, she followed decorum as befit her station. She thanked the boy absently, not noticing his stuttered reply as she walked over to the young royal, lifting her skirts up so they did not drag across the mud.
"We saw you riding astride, you know your father would be upset if he found out." Juvia told the princess quietly when she reached her, resting her chin on the wooden divider of the stall as she watched her. Lucy shrugged, still brushing her horse down in broad strokes.
She found the action calming, loving the warmth radiating under her palms.
"Then don't tell him. Beside, I only ever do it on castle grounds – never when it really counts. I just love being able to fly over the hills. The whole world just blurs into colours." She breathed softly, dreamily. She fumbled with her gloves monetarily before yanking them off so she could feel Nikora's coat beneath her fingers.
Juvia nodded once, shoulders slumping.
She had expected as much. Like Igneel, she knew little changed the blonde's mind when it was set.
"You know I never do. I'm going to go back to my rooms to clean up. The representatives of the Mermaid Heel Corps will be arriving by supper. The king says we're to join them at the table." The blunette trailed off, hoping to entice the other girl to come with her.
Her words had the intended effect.
Lucy's ears perked up; her dark irises bright in the light streaming in through the rafters.
The Corps were warrior priestesses of the faith. They had guarded the Temple of Nirvana – deep within the Woodsea – for millennia. Though women were scarcely allowed to join in battle ranks within the borders of her own nation, sacred rights kept them outside the scope of the king's jurisdiction.
"I'll finish up quickly too then." Lucy promised, her cedar eyes shining as her hands indeed flew through Nikora's fur with renewed vigor.
Growing up, she adored hearing about the holy maidens – their exploits transcending fact to legend. They were named for the Nirvana of the Sea who had sent her daughters above on land, changeling sprites who created the first temple order.
Lady Aquarius, her governess, had grown up north of the great Eastern Forest in a township marking where the Clover River spilled into the ocean. When her village had been slaughtered in a raid, the priestesses had taken the older woman in until reinforcements arrived from the capital.
A childhood friend of the late duchess, the stoic blunette had shifted to the palace a decade prior, quickly settling into the role of guardian for the motherless princess. Sometimes when her charge begged, she would display some of the fighting forms she had learned whilst living in the Grand Temple for the little girl.
Lucy was torn from her musings when Juvia waved a manicured hand in front of her face, catching her attention. Eyes crinkling in laughter, the blunette twiddled her fingers in farewell before turning, petticoats still lifted carefully to keep them from the dirt. She sped up the hill to the main castle, Aquarius following at a more sedate pace.
Across the stable, some groomsmen were feeding their horses and putting away the ladies' gear – they movements practiced. Lucy preferred to do it herself, she liked the smell of the hay and the shine of her mare's coat when she was properly brushed down. She liked how this corner of the palace ground made it seem as if she were beyond its towering walls.
As she finished, she wiped her hands on a washcloth a squire had offered her, smoothing flyaways on her head the best she could – her appearance bedraggled. Still, she wasn't too worried, knowing she would be required to change her clothing once she returned to her chambers prior to dinner.
She was latching the mare's gate when she heard neighing coming from a stall near the exit.
Until recently it had been empty.
Curious, she patted Nikora's velvet nose before making her way to the noise. Inside was a tall, beautiful creature with a rick black hide, a single white stripe dabbed its nose and pooled at its feet. Sensing her, the stallion snorted jerking its muzzle in a circle.
Lucy paced back. She pressed her lips together, rocking on the soles of her boots before shifting closer step by step.
"What a gorgeous fellow you are." She breathed, stretching out her palm so he could sniff her. He whinnied loudly in response, as if unsure whether to trust the stranger in front of him. When he didn't bite however, the girl tried to reach further, stepping up on an old crate in order to lean over the railing.
His reaction was immediate.
The stallion reared its head and pawed the ground at her approach, gnashing its teeth. Startled, she lost her footing slightly, catching her riding gear on the lumber and throwing her balance. She grabbed for the side wall, only to miss, her palms grazing the splintering wood in vain.
For a moment, it was as if time stopped.
End of Excerpt
Read the rest at Fanfiction.net!
Chapter 1, 2
11 notes · View notes
man, lots of weird stuff is happening lately
"Yeah," Lycan says. "At least it's exciting!" Meanwhile, Cube has run to the bathroom after reaching up and finding horns. You can't hear what's going on in there before they come back and walk silently back to where they were before. "Cyan?" they ask. "How do we get rid of these?" "That's not really under any of our powers to do..." "But it is part of what the others can do!" Yellow gestures towards you and your fellow anon peers.
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