rosetintedgunman · 2 years
Sparkles ✨! BUT WAIT, IS THAT AN UNO REVERSE CARD?! Wilf encouraged me to send this...like he literally came into my room.
Ash. You already know how much I love your writing and your characters, but I will always remind you and others just how much so. You are such a talented writer and your passion for each individual you write shines through every headcanon, drabble, monologue and art piece. To add to that, you are a lovely, kind, supportive person who cares infinitely about her friends and that is such a wonderful thing. The bottom line is, I love you so much and if I have the opportunity to share that, I always will...even when Wilf is bouncing on my bed as I type this. Wilford Motherloving Warfstache, I swear--❤
I was going to hold onto this a little longer, but the announcement for the H.allowe'en Bash in the parks brought this to the forefront of my mind. BECAUSE! I saw your announcement and my brain was like 'That's totally because of Amy'. It's so natural and normal to me because YOU made it natural and normal.
I know it's cliché and an overused statement... But your O.ogie is the main one for me. I see anything in canon or merch, I think of your boy. It's been... Sheesh, it'll be nine years in just under a week since I set up my original Jack indie blog I swear I'm going back to it once I have more time I swear ;A; and got to meet you. I've had a LOT of time to see you grow and develop, and honestly you've gone from strength to strength. Even when you feel you've hit a point of stagnation, you find a workaround and revitalise yourself once you've had a chance to step back and recover.
Not only that, every single character you have is a joy to interact with. They're so varied and interesting. Every dynamic is so unique and I've never once felt like we were repeating ourselves. You've taken O.ogie and developed him in a way that he can interact with waaaay more characters than he might otherwise have, and I love it! Yes, let's swap out the Mayor with another mayor for a while and see what happens! Let's put the S.anta Clause in place and make Wilf be in charge of Ch.ristmas Town! Let's give O.ogie the most annoying imaginary friend possible!
You embody the joy of crossover RP that I think a lot of people have forgotten over the years. It's supposed to be wacky and absolutely unpredictable, yet makes perfect sense when you stop and think about it. And not only that, you're so open, friendly and supportive. Nothing is impossible knowing I have you in my corner, and you'd best know I'm carrying pom-poms and am ready to cheer you on for every single idea and project you have.
I intend for this to continue for a long while yet because I don't know what I'd do without you!!!
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"LISTEN. Yer bed is BOUNCY. That's not MY fault. Free real estate, an' I'll go back an' bounce on it again if ya stay up past yer bedtime one more time."
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"Oogie? Yeah. He's a good fella. Or, eh, one've them good beetles? Is that th' way they say it over there? Doesn't matter. He's been helpin' me get ta grips with bein' in charge of Christmas. Maaaybe he's also a little disgruntled that I get ta leave an' come back. I keep tellin' him that he needs ta take a vacation with th' wife an' kids, an' I don't think he listens ta me! Amy. Let yer boi have a holiday. A 'not Hallowe'en' holiday. A vacation. Oooh! A spa trip fer him an' Missus Boogie!
An' May! May, my little Cola Cube. She's grown up so fast! Able ta run whole Museums an' make th' coolest show thingies in th' whole city. I'm so proud of her an' her magic. Ya gotta make sure she gets ta have adventures with her friends an' have fun. It's what she deserves!"
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miasmaghoul · 4 months
moutaindew frotting <3
"You smell different."
Dew offers a questioning chirp, lays his head back on Mountain's chest to peer up at him. Water splashes against the sides of the tub, carries the sweet-scented suds over the sides to drip onto the tiled floor below. Mountain noses at his temple, sniffs at his soaked hair.
"How can you tell?" Dew settles back against his chest, stretching sore legs with a groan. "All I smell is oranges 'n dirt." Mountain snuffles against his ear and Dew squawks, slaps at his leg under the water. "Quit it, you weirdo."
Mountain ignores him for the most part, and Dew doesn't have the energy to balk at the attention. They'd spent a large portion of this sweltering summer day in the orchards, picking peaches and citrus by the bushel. Delivering some to the kitchens and the rest to the truck waiting by the greenhouse, all destined for the abbey's farmstand in one form or another. Dew hadn't minded the work, but it left him with jelly legs and a crunchy spine that demanded a nice warm soak.
Thankfully, Mountain hadn't objected to his request for a piggyback ride to get there.
"You need a better nose," the other ghoul rumbles, dragging the tip of his nose from the crown of Dew's head to the base of one horn. "What hair treatment did you use?"
Dew shrugs, letting his eyes slip shut. Resting one hand over the arm Mountain has looped around his waist and the other on a muscular thigh. Mountain's other arm rests on the rim of the bath, fingers swirling through the surface of the water. It's started to go cool, and Dew sighs.
The little ghoul up his temperature until the tub is steaming again, pouring warmth into the broad body behind him as a bonus. Mountain clearly appreciates it, judging by the way he holds him a little tighter. Task accomplished, Dew waves at the bevy of bottles on the shelves next to the tub.
"Whichever one's in front," he mumbles, tipping his head when the other ghoul moves to sniff at his neck instead. "Didn't care what I got, just needed the gross gone."
Mountain chuffs, warm breath flowing over his wet skin. Dew hums with it, a sound that melts into a gentle exhale when Mountain presses his lips to the sensitive spot just below his ear.
"The blue one?"
"Maybe?" Dew strokes the soft skin of Mountain's thigh, an unconscious motion that mirrors the way Mountain's lips travel down his neck, across his shoulder. "Maybe green. Why, s'it smell bad?"
"Far from it, droplet," Mountain assures him. "Just...interesting. Different, but familiar."
Well that explains a lot.
"Are you tellin' me I stink or - ah!" Dew squeaks in when Mountain nips at his shoulder, fangs he's not expecting pinching his skin. "Hey, what the -"
"You smell good," Mountain whispers, and whatever Dew was about to say fades into nothing when he feels something stir against his lower back. "Really good."
Dew gasps when a rough tongue laves at his shoulder, shivers when it glides up his throat. His own cock twitches despite the ache still threaded through his muscles, and the little ghoul sucks air through his teeth when Mountain sucks his earlobe.
"Shit, Mount," he groans, raking his claws along the taller ghoul's inner thigh. "Thought you were tired."
"I'm fucking exhausted," he confirms, shifting his hold to splay a large hand over Dew's belly. "But you just smell so good..."
Mountain drags him closer, until he's fully flush with his chest and Dew can feel his half-hard cock mold to the small of his back. Mountain buries his nose in his hair while more water splashes to the floor, taking a long, deep inhale.
"So you keep saying," Dew mumbles, but he really can't complain when every breath seems to make Mountain throb against him. He wiggles as best he can, just to make the other ghoul gasp. "This thing seems to agree."
"Can't help it." Mountain's other hand sinks beneath the suds, grips Dew’s skinny thigh. "Dunno why, but -"
"'S fine," Dew sighs, working to make himself sound put out despite the fact that he's gotten all chubby himself. "But since you want it so bad," he lilts, a gentle tease, "don't expect me to do any of the work."
He means it to sound haughty, like a taunt, something for Mountain to bounce off of. To call him lazy, or a princess, or any of a thousand other things that would only add fuel the embers starting to burn in his belly.
"Okay," Mountain breathes instead, and Dew doesn't have time to process it before he's being moved.
Not far, mind, but still. Mountain hooks his hands under each of Dew's thighs and lifts him, the water aiding the motion. He sits the little ghoul higher in his lap, thick shaft dragging between Dew's cheeks and wringing a surprised sound out of him.
"Mount, what -"
"Shh," Mountain soothes, slouching further into the water until his knees break the surface. "Just let me have you."
Well, it's not like Dew would ever say no to that.
He's not sure what to expect with the way Mountain's arranging them, but it becomes clear soon enough; he settles Dew against his chest once more, but further up. Far enough for the little ghoul to rest his head on Mountain's shoulder. He rests Dew's legs between his own, keeps them spread just enough to -
Dew sucks his lower lip between his fangs when he feels something hard and hot insert itself between his thighs, pressed right up against his tight sack, and despite the warmth of the water Dew shivers eyes fluttering shut. He squeezes his legs together and loves the loud thud of Mountain's head hitting the porcelain wall of the tub. He snickers, rests his hands on Mountain's exposed knees.
"Like that, big guy?"
Mountain doesn't answer with anything but a low purr, the vibration lovely against Dew's back. Encouraging him to relax even further, to slip a little deeper. He can't even be bothered to open his eyes when one of those massive hands slides up his thigh, over his hip, fingertips drifting through his sparse happy trail. Mountain finds his stiff little dick, gives it a single stroke, and Dew doesn't bother hiding his soft moan.
Then the other ghoul chages his grip, presses Dew's cock against the firm shaft of his own, and as Mountain takes both of their lengths in one hand Dew feels him nosing at his scalp again.
"Who'd think you'd get so boned up over some soap," Dew mutters, as far from complaining as he could be. Mountain chuckles as he fists their cocks, one long, slow stroke.
"Can't help it," he repeats, and Dew responds with the tiniest roll of his hips. One that makes Mountain choke and hold them even tighter. "Fuck, Dew -"
"Just keep sniffin' me, weirdo," the little ghoul teases, happy to do nothing but lay back and enjoy the way Mountain's veiny shaft feels against his own. "But if you cum first you're suckin' me off."
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ash-whimsicalfanfic · 10 months
Hope things are going well for you!
Could you do a Gibbs x y/n where there son falls at home and gets a broken arm and y/n feels horrible/guilty that she let it happen under her watch. He meets them at the ER where the son refuses to let him go and y/n won't meet his eye. On the way home he holds her hand and convinces there son that his cast is cool and he can ask others to sign it. When they get home he goes to play. Gibbs finds y/n crying asks him "why am I such a bad parent"
Bad Mom?
Leroy Jethro Gibbs X Fem OC/Reader
Word Count: 2461
Warnings: Mild language, blood, injury, gore, angst…
A/N: Hopefully, this is okay! I really enjoyed writing this! Sorry it took so long for me to get this done! Xx
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You hum softly as you continue working on the salad to go with dinner. Jethro would be home a little later, but you always make sure he comes home to a nice, relaxing dinner.
Your guys’ son, Maddox Leroy Gibbs, was upstairs playing with his newest birthday gift. Jethro had got him a wood-carving kit and now Maddox couldn't keep his hands off it.
All of a sudden, you heard thumps before the most pained scream you've ever heard. You dropped the glass bowl of salad, ignoring the glass shattering on the ground as you race towards the crying.
There was Maddox laid on the ground, cradling his arm. You fall to your knees beside him and gently grab him.
"Baby, hey, I need you to tell me what happened. What hurts?" You ask softly.
"M-My arm!" He wails.
You gently pull his hand away as your stomach flips and your throat tightens seeing blood and bone. He screams, wailing louder.
"Look away." You demand as you stand, picking him up as you grab the keys and your phone on the way out.
You barely were able to lock the door as you run out towards your car. You get him in the booster seat, grabbing the first aid kit and quickly taping gals over it loosely so he wouldn't be able to see it.
You hurry to the drivers side, starting to drive the way that Jethro drives. You open your phone with shaky hands and dial his number. It rings and rings until it says his mailbox was full. You throw the phone down in the seat next to you as your shaky hands grip the wheel tighter as you break every driving law to make it to the hospital.
You were out of your car, running to his side of the car as you swung the door open, picking him up and running inside. Immediately nurses flank you, having you place him on a gurney before your told to move your car.
You felt irritated, but you also understood. You quickly move you car before finding your way inside. You weren't allowed to go in the room with him as they had an officer on the way to question you. You knew they thought this was some abuse case, but it wasn't. You grab your phone dialing his number again and you kept dialing until he finally answered.
"Hon, I'm in the middle of a case right now." He says irritated.
"J-Jethro, h-he fell down the stairs and he hurt his arm really bad. T-They won't let me see him! They have an officer coming to question me because they think this an a-abuse case!" You sob into the phone, ignoring the nurses who gave you the stink-eye.
"Hon, I'm on my way. Do not answer any questions. Tell them your waiting on me." He says sternly.
Before you could say anything, he had hung up. You let your head fall into your hands as you cry harder.
"I want my mom!" He wails and you stand as you rush towards him.
"Ma'am, you can't see him until you've been questioned and cleared." A nurse snaps, pushing at you.
"He's my son! I'd never hurt him! Let me see him!" You snap, trying to push through towards your son.
"Mommy!" He wails.
"It's okay, baby! Daddy's on his way!" You say as tears fall down your cheeks and big burly security guards push you back towards the little sitting area in the hallway.
They cuff your hands behind your back and make you sit as you refused to leave. You looked at the ground, your head racing as terrible thoughts went through your head.
Jethro parks his car hastily, getting out of the car as his team followed him in. He tried to get them to stay and work on the case, but they refused. Maddox was their nephew and they'd do anything for the kid.
Jethro walks in, his eyes finding you. For a brief moment, he felt relief until he saw the cuffs on your wrists.
"Take the cuffs off her, now." He barks, striding towards you.
"Sir—now!" He interrupts.
The security guard fumbles with the keys as he roughly pulls you up before Jethro pinned him against the wall. Tony grabs the keys off the floor, undoing the cuffs on your wrists.
"Don't you ever put your hands on my wife like that again." He warns.
"Hey sweet cheeks, your okay." Tony murmurs as he hugs you.
"They won't let me see him." You mumble numbly into his chest.
"They will once Gibbs is through with them." He teases and you couldn't help the small shaky smile.
"Hon, come on." Jethro says.
You walk towards him, keeping your eyes casted to the floor. His arm wraps around your waist protectively as he walks towards the desk.
"Where is my son?" He demands.
"S-She needs to be questioned." The nurse says weakly.
"My wife wouldn't ever lay a hand on our son. He fell down the stairs, kids have accidents all the time. Let me see our damn son." He snaps.
"O-Of course, right this way sir." She says and starts to lead us towards the room he was in.
You hesitate and hang back towards the doorway as Jethro heads towards Maddox who was sat up in the bed with a light blue cast on his arm.
“Daddy!” He exclaims, throwing himself towards Jethro who chuckles and catches him.
You catch sight of stitches across his eyebrows and you let a shaky breath out.
“Careful buddy, you can take someone out with that thing.” Jethro teases which makes Maddox giggle.
“I don’t really like it. It’s going to stop me from being able to do my wood carvings.” He pouts.
“I think it’s a really cool cast. You can have people sign it even! And you can take a break from the wood carving, son. I’ll get you some more while you got the cast on so we can let the supplies build up.” He says.
“Okay! Uncle Tony, will you sign my cast?” He asks.
“Of course! I even so happen to have a sharpie on me!” He exclaims with a childish grin.
Your heart aches and you sit down as you watch Maddox with soft and sad eyes. Jethro was in the corner of the room, on the phone with director as he kept an eye on Maddox as well.
You look away from Maddox and at the floor when a nurse walks in. She looks at you as if you had the plague, in which Maddox notices and frowns.
“Why are you looking at my mommy that way?” He snaps.
The nurse was taken aback as you look up alarmed. You stand, walking over to the bed and reach a shaky hand out to brush his hair away from his eyes. You leave a kiss on his head.
“It’s okay, baby.” You murmur.
He looks at you confused. He was a smart child for his age. He definitely had his fathers profiling skills, that’s for sure. He looks back at the nurse, his eye narrowing as he latches onto you, hugging you tightly. Jethro was grinning in the corner as your lips part in surprise.
“Ma’am, we still have to follow protocol.” The nurse says in which your heart shatters.
“Protocol? Mommy, what’s she talking about?” He asks, looking up at you with Jethro’s blue eyes.
“It’s nothing, baby. Mommy will be back, I promise.” You murmur.
“No. I’ll be back, buddy. Mommy will stay with you.” Jethro says.
You watch confused as he leaves with the timid nurse. Tony throws an arm over your shoulder and smiles.
“Trust me, boss will handle it. Your a good mom, don’t let them tell you otherwise.” He says.
“Are they saying your a bad mommy?” Maddox asks confused.
“I-I, no…they just have to follow protocols they put in place to keep people safe.” You explain slowly.
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Thankfully, Jethro was back quickly and even somehow managed to get his prescriptions whilst filling out the discharge papers. Jethro sent the team back in the work car and was going to drive you and Maddox home. Tony offered to drive Jethro’s car home, but you settled on taking Jethro to work tomorrow as you felt guilty for calling him from work early.
Maddox was asleep in the backseat, and you were focused on the building and other structures out your window. Jethro kept glancing over, sensing you weren’t okay. He grabs your hands and squeezes it gently.
“Sorry I snapped at you on the phone earlier today, hon. I don’t want you to think you can’t call me. For now on, I’ll answer immediately if I’m not out in the field.” He promises.
“Jethro, I’m not upset you didn’t answer or that you snapped at me. I know your working on a case right now.” You say softly.
“Then what has you upset?” He asks as he pulls into the driveway.
“Nothing.” You lie, getting out of the car.
“I’ll get him. You get the door opened.” He says.
You nod, heading towards the door and unlocking it. You are greeted with blood on the ground and you immediately grab your cleaning caddy from the closet and start cleaning it up. Jethro walks in, holding Maddox. He frowns seeing your shaky hands scrub at the puddle of blood.
“Hon, I got that. Let me go put him in bed and then I’ll clean that up.” He says.
“No, it’s okay. I got it. Here, you go on up and I’ll finish this up.” You say quietly.
You move just enough so he can get up the stairs. He gets to the third or fourth step before looking back down at you concerned. His eyes find your bruised wrists and his frown deepens. He turns, focusing on getting Maddox up to bed.
“Daddy.” Maddox mumbles sleepily.
“Yes, buddy?” He asks softly, tucking him in.
“Why did the doctors think mommy is a bad mommy?” He asks.
“Because they are a bunch of knuckleheads and don’t know what a good mommy you have. Don’t worry about it, buddy.” He says.
“Daddy?” He whispers as he starts to fall back to sleep.
“Yes?” He asks.
“Can mommy give me a little brother or sister?” He asks.
“I…I mean, I’ll talk to mommy and see what she wants to do, but she loves you so much. I think she’s happy with just you.” He murmurs.
Little did Maddox know, Jethro was scared to have another one. He was scared to have Maddox after what happened with Shannon and Kelly. He barely let you in and then finding out you were pregnant nearly sent him over the edge. You loved kids and you want a whole damn school bus of kids.
Maddox goes to say something, but it was little mumbles before he was softly snoring. Jethro chuckles, brushing his hair out of his forehead before leaning down and kissing his head.
He heads downstairs to see the blood cleaned up. He goes to the kitchen where he heard you. You were sweeping up the salad and broken bowl into a pan.
“What happened?” He asks, taking the dust pan to hold it.
“When I heard Maddox scream, I just dropped the bowl and ran for him.” You mumble quietly.
“Hon, go take a bath and relax. I’ll finish the clean up. I promise you that Maddox is okay.” He says.
You hesitate, but with a stern look from him, you nod slowly. You head up the stairs, starting your bath. He finishes up the floor before he cleans up what would have been dinner. He does dishes and takes the trash out before deciding to check on both Maddox and you. He checks on Maddox first to see him sleeping.
He nears the bathroom before slowing his steps as he hears your muffled crying. He walks in and sees your face buried in your knees, suds covering your bits from view.
“Hon, what’s wrong? Are you hurt?” He asks, kneeling by the tub.
“Why am I such a bad mom?” You sob.
“Y/N, what are you talking about?” He asks.
“He’s hurt because of me, Jethro. Those nurses had every right to look at me like that. I’m a terrible mom. There was blood, everywhere and the bone was sticking out. His screams…gosh his screams were so loud. I didn’t even notice he cut his eyebrow until I saw the stitches.” You sob.
“It’s not your fault, Y/N. He’s a kid and kids have accidents. Maddox loves to run throughout the house and we could tell him until we were blue in the face not to run in the house. He slipped and fell. It wasn’t your fault. You know how many times I got hurt as a kid? A lot. We can’t protect him from everything as much as we wish we could. Things like this will teach him why we tell him not to run in the house or why not to go outside barefoot. We can only do so much. Your an amazing mom. He knows so.” He murmurs, rubbing your back.
“I can’t even look at him. I feel terrible. It’s all my fault.” You whisper.
“It’s not your fault and you know that. He knows that and I know that. He knows your a good mom. He told me when he woke up briefly because he caught onto the way the nurses were treating you. He actually wants another siblings. He told me.” He says, sighing as he plops on the ground.
Your head flies up, your eyes wide as you look at him. You reach a hand out and grab his hand, rubbing it gently.
“You know we don’t have to. I know how scary it was when you found out I was pregnant with Maddox. I am perfectly content with Maddox and you.” You say softly.
“I think I might want another one. Maybe we’ll get a little girl this time.” He murmurs.
“Really?” You ask surprised.
“Yeah.” He says with a soft smile.
“Your such an amazing dad, Jethro. Maddox absolutely loves you. He always tells me that he wants to be an NCIS agent just like you.” You say with a soft smile.
“And your such an amazing mom. He tells me all the time. He also tells me how much he loves you and how much he wants to make you proud. Whether it be cleaning up his toys or helping with the groceries. He loves you and he idolizes you so much.” He murmurs.
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dira333 · 22 days
Who's gonna break my heart - Daishou Suguru x Reader
Friends to Strangers to Lovers - Title inspired by my current dopamine song "Dangerously Anxious" by MUNN
Words: over 8k so pace yourself
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- 18/17
You know something’s up when Suguru enters the gym with a girl. He’s already late, but the girl’s not wearing any gym clothes. So not a new manager.
She’s one year above you and you’ve seen her around. Yamanaka Mika or something. She’s cute and bile rises up your throat at that thought. No.
“Guys,” Suguru’s grin is genuine, playful, a little proud even, “I want you to meet someone. This is Mika, my girlfriend.”
Sō immediately stands guard beside you. He’s the libero and the second-closest friend you have on this team. Well, he might get bumped up as of today. 
“Mika, this is the team.” He introduces them by name and the first-years blush under his praise. The third-years are not impressed, hitting him back with sly remarks that have Suguru blush instead.
Finally, he ends with you.
“And this is my best friend from childhood. I told you about her,” he introduces you and you have to fight everything in you not to snarl at him. Instead, you offer Mika your hand to shake, boiling inside. 
She stays around to watch. You keep your distance. 
When the first break runs around and you start handing out water bottles she slinks up beside you, asking for Suguru’s. You’re more than glad you don’t have to give it to him, couldn’t stand the risk of touching him right now. 
You manage not to talk to him about anything other than volleyball until training ends.
He leaves quickly, aiming to walk Mika home. You stay behind.
“You okay?” Sō asks quietly as you gather your things.
“Mhm,” you nod, “Just peachy. Thanks for asking.”
“I don’t like her,” he promises and you snort. “You don’t have to. If he wants to get himself a girlfriend, that has nothing to do with me. She might be nice, you know. It’s not her fault he’s the way he is.”
Sō nods, but he doesn’t seem convinced. He asks if you want to walk home together but you decline. The quiet will do you good.
- 5/4
“Well, you stink,” Daishou declares with an air of finality. He’s small for a five year old, you’re almost the same height.
You don’t blink. He starts to grow anxious, his legs twiddling as if he has to pee.
“Why aren’t you crying?” He asks, clearly annoyed you don’t react like anyone else he’s met before.
“I was waiting if you’d come up with something better,” you say, “But I should have known you don’t have any good ideas.”
“Hey!” He yelps, “That’s not fair! That was a good insult!”
You snort and his lip starts to quiver.
“No way,” someone whispers behind you, “Is Daishou going to cry? What a whimp.”
“I’m not a whimp!” Daishou declares, eyes already reddening. “Take that back.”
You turn your best lazy stare at the person who had muttered that insult. In less than a second he backs away. You might not be a pretty little girl like your mother wanted, but you know how to keep the boys at bay.
“Come,” you take Daishou’s hand and pull him toward the far edge of the playground, “I’m gonna teach you some cool insults.”
- 18/17
“What do you want?” You ask instead of a greeting. Suguru snorts into the phone.
“Wow, what hellhole did you crawl out today?”
“It’s called a period, thank you very much.” That’s a lie. But he doesn’t like that topic, so it’s always safe.
“Whatever,” he grunts, “I just wanted to ask what you think about Mika.”
“I’m not into her if that’s what you’re asking.”
He gasps before laughing. “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”
“How did that even happen?” You ask, hoping against hope that he doesn’t hear the despair lacing your voice. He needs to believe you don’t care. “Did you pay her to do it?”
“Excuse me?!” Suguru’s affronted. “I don’t have to pay girls- You know I could-” He sighs before starting anew. “She asked me out. Can you believe it? I never had a cute girl like me before.”
That stings. But, you try to comfort yourself, he doesn’t know you like him. So maybe you’re still a cute girl in his head. Just not one he’s interested in.
“Miracles happen every day,” you tell him, working around the clog in your throat, “But I need to get going, okay? I still have homework to do.”
“Oh, okay, sure. I’ll see you in the morning. We can walk to school.”
“Yeah, okay.” You hope he forgets. 
He doesn’t.
Suguru’s always been touchy. He was the kid who sat on his mother's lap until she pushed him off and though he made you swear on your life that it didn’t happen, he used to be the one grabbing your hand on the way home from kindergarten.
And it used to be your thing. 
How he pulls on your arm when he’s excited or slings his arm around your shoulders, shaking you. How he presses his face against yours, eye against eye, to make sure you really got his joke. 
But you can’t help but feel sick now, at the thought of it. Because it doesn’t mean what you thought it meant. And he’s probably going to do it with Mika now.
“Hey,” he pulls on your backpack as a greeting, dragging ice-cold fingertips along your neck. You shiver and he shows a wicked grin. “Still cranky?” 
“Was I ever?” You snap back and he cocks his head, tongue slipping out as he musters you. It’s adorable and you hate yourself for thinking so.
“You wanna get chocolate milkshakes after school?”
“I’m fine,” you point out. “And you’re going to walk Mika home, right?”
“Are you jealous?” He asks and your heart stops for a painful moment until he laughs. “Come on, we’ve been best friends forever. I’m sure she’d like some Milkshakes too.”
And it’s like that, for days, and weeks on end.
Everything you used to do together is now something you have to share with Mika.
Until she breaks up with him.
- 9/8
“Can we play family?” You ask, a bit more confident in the coziness of your own bedroom. Your parents make more money than Suguru’s, you can tell. It’s no surprise he likes hanging out at your place more. You prefer it the other way, like the warmth of their kitchen and the noise, always someone around to talk. You like his older sister who teases him relentlessly and his mother who always calls you cute.
But you’ve got better toys so you’re hanging out at your place. And since it’s your place, you call the shots.
“Again?” He asks, but already picks up the Squishmallow you usually use as a kid. You own two and the other one’s sitting next to your bedroom door, playing dog.
“Today,” you declare your newest idea proudly, “I’m going to make a lot of money. I work in finance, like my dad.”
Suguru nods, gently nursing the Squishmallow kid in his arms. “Should I stay home with the kid then?”
“Yeah,” you nod, “You could make some dinner for when I come home. Do you want to have a Hobby, like Mom?” 
“Oh yeah,” he grins, “I’m going to be a famous volleyball player on the side. They only have to train and win games, so I have more then enough time to care for our kid and the dog. Do we have a daughter or a son?”
“I don’t know. What do you want?”
“I want a daughter,” he lifts her up, squinting as if he can see a real kid in the soft pink plush. “And she looks like you.”
- 18/17
It’s Sō who tells you. He happened to walk past them on the way to training, couldn’t help but overhear. 
“You’re such a bore, all you ever do is focus on club activities,” Sō repeats before you can stop him.
He opens his mouth to ask, but the gym doors open. Suguru looks positively mad.
“What are you doing?” He asks Sō, voice sharp. “This is supposed to be training. Start running!” He turns to you but you don’t even let him open his mouth.
“Suguru,” your voice is cold, clear and cuts through him like always. “Can I talk to you outside for a second?” 
He huffs. “What if I don’t want to?”
“Then I’ll have to ask Coach to tell you to talk to me. You want that?”
“No,” he snarls, turning back to where he came from. “Hurry up, I want to train.”
“Warn the others,” you whisper in Sō’s direction and follow Suguru outside.
There’s a group of trees not far from the Gym that’s pretty much secluded. 
Suguru swings as if to punch one of the trees but you’re faster, grabbing his elbow and pulling back.
“We still need your hands,” you huff, “Keep it together.”
“I don’t want-”
“I know,” you pull him in, hug him as tight as he allows. “I know.”
You don’t know how long you’re standing like this, Suguru trembling like a leaf. He’s always been a crybaby, even if he’s a little ashamed to admit it.
“Want me to egg her house?” You ask, wishing that just once he’d hug you back. 
“No, that’s stupid.”
“I could put eggs into her shoes,” you point out. “Like I did with that girl that bullied you in Junior High.”
He snorts wetly. “That was amazing, but no, I don’t… I just wanted her to like me.” His face is pressed against your shoulder now and you can feel his mouth move against the fabric of your shirt when he talks. 
“Maybe I should quit Volleyball.”
“Because some girl told you it was boring? Suguru, you’re better than that.”
“Mika’s not just some girl.”
You swallow thickly, unable to snap back for the first time since you can remember. 
If only he’d say such things about you too.
“Well,” You manage after a while, “You’ll just have to win Nationals then. Show her what you’re made of.”
“Yeah,” he nods and pulls back, your sign to let go. “You’re right.”
He wipes his eyes and tries a shaky smile.
“Let’s beat Nekoma to a pulp.”
You roll your eyes. “You and that team. But if it makes you happy, we will.”
- 13/12
“Have you kissed somebody yet?” Suguru asks.
It’s a nice day out and you’re using your huge garden for Volleyball practice.
You don’t like playing it that much, but since Suguru doesn’t have that many male friends to play with, you don’t mind helping him out.
“No, you?”
You wait, knowing he’ll eventually explain himself.
“Haizaki said it’s lame if you haven’t kissed anyone yet,” Suguru explains and leaps into the air to spike a ball.
You receive it, albeit a bit clumsily, and the ball tapers off into the shrubbery to your left.
“I told him that I kissed you,” he says instead of moving, and since you don’t really like Volleyball all that much you stay where you are. You have to move enough as it is already.
“Yeah,” Suguru’s glaring at the shrubbery now. “Haizaki didn’t believe me at first. I showed him that picture from the festival last year. Now he thinks you’re too cute to be kissing me.”
You snort and drop to the floor, too lazy to keep standing. “Did you tell him how I bit your chin when you tried to put your arm around my shoulder for that picture.”
“No,” now he’s the one snorting. “But I should have.”
“Do you wanna kiss?”
You knew that question would come. Still, you don’t really have an answer to it. 
You put your head on your knees and pear up at him, blinking through your eyelashes until he blurs into a shapeless blob.
You don’t really care about kissing. Or boys. There’s no one in your life that’s as close to you as Suguru is. You’re friendly with your classmates, but most of what they want to talk about is boring.
Maybe you don’t want to kiss. Or think about it. But Suguru wants it. So you can at least try, right? 
“Fine,” you stretch out your hands, ask him to pull you up. As soon as you’re standing you press your lips to his.
It’s awkward, and not at all nice. His mouth is slightly open, a little wet with saliva or maybe sweat and his nose bumps almost painfully into yours.
Suguru squeaks as you move away, grabbing your hands to pull you back in. This time your teeth knock against each other and it hurts even more.
“Maybe,” you say, your face pressed against his shoulder when he’s still not letting you go, “Haizaki also never kissed a girl. Maybe it’s totally overrated and disgusting but he just thought you’d believe him.”
“You think?” Suguru asks, clearly downfallen by this failure. He always just wants to be cool.
“Yeah, you just need to be really confident when you tell him that you’re not interested in that. You know? Like, tell the class that Haizaki’s so bad in school because all he thinks about are girls. If you sound like you mean it, everyone will gang up on Haizaki. I do that too and it works all the time.”
His arms, clammy with sweat, loosen their hold on you. His adams apple is bobbing up and down as he steps back.
“Yeah, you’re probably right,” he says, voice still a little unsure, “Can we… can we play some more volleyball?”
“If we must,” you groan and his smile flickers back to life, this mischievous teasing thing you’ve grown fond of. 
He pinches your side and moves toward the shrubbery.
“Fifty receives or you don’t get any ice-cream.”
“This is my house, you know!”
- 18/17
“Can I talk to you for a second?”
 Sō’s eyebrows shoot up but you remain calm.
“Of course,” you say, following Mika out of your classroom and down the hallway into an empty classroom. You think this one’s reserved for Music Club.
“I wanted to ask,” she looks nervously to the side before continuing, “if you and Suguru… Are you… dating?”
You allow Silence to settle before you answer. The question hurts you just as much as it might hurt her to ask and if you can make her suffer a little longer, you will.
“Oh,” she looks like she expected a different answer, as if she’s not sure where to go from here.
“Is there anything else?”
“Yes!” She surges forward, boxing you in. “I… I want to apologize.”
“For what?”
“For breaking up.”
“You’re talking to the wrong person then.”
She huffs, crossing her arms now. “Could you be any less helpful?”
“What do you want me to do?” You snap, losing the small of patience you had.
She slinks back, shrinking into herself. “I just… I kinda think it was a stupid decision. But I don’t know. Do you think Suguru liked me? Like, really liked me? You’re his best friend.”
“I don’t know,” you offer helpfully, “I’ve never been in a relationship. I don’t know what really liking someone means.”
And you’re being honest this time, even if she might not believe you. You only know that Suguru doesn’t really like you like that. 
“Kaya… my friend… she said that maybe you’re into him and that’s why we broke up.”
You straighten, hands balled to fists.
“You broke up with him,” you hiss, “Don’t you dare pin this on him.”
“I know!” Mika howls, clearly exasperated now. “I know! I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing. That’s why I’m asking you for advice!”
You stiffen, turn toward the window. You can think better when you’re not looking at her, when you can pretend she’s not looking at you.
If someone asks you about this, if someone ever dares to question it, you will deny it with everything you’ve got, but you can’t… you just can’t-
“Just come to our next game,” you tell her, voice tired. “We’re playing against Nekoma for the Qualifiers. He hates that team. You can decide there how you want to go on.” You turn and move for the door. But something just needs to be said, even if you don’t want to speak it into existence.
“And he’s not into me. Suguru, I mean. We’re friends. I just don’t have that many and I’m not used to sharing, that’s all.”
You leave her standing there, don’t turn back to look.
Instead, you go straight to the school nurse, wait until she calls your mum to come and pick you up. 
You feel sick to your stomach and even though the Congee she cooks does little to soothe that kind of hurt, you don’t argue against it.
Mika doesn’t ask to speak to you again.
But she’s at your match against Nekoma, you can spot her in the crowd. When she approaches the team after your loss you’re glad that the team moves away in unison.
You don’t want to be there when it happens.
“Maybe you should date someone too,” Sō offers. He’s remarkably calm about their loss. “Kuguri and you are quite similar. You could get along.”
“What?” Kuguri turns to look at you, “I heard my name.”
“You have ears,” you praise him, “Good job.”
He scowls and turns away again. 
You close your eyes, lean your back against the wall. 
“I think I’m going to focus on school work,” you admit, “Leave the Club.”
Takachiho gasps. “Leave the Club? You?”
“What?” You scowl, “Like you care. You’re leaving this year anyway.”
“Yeah, but the Club needs you!” Seguro sidles up to you, “You’re our Manager.”
“Like you can’t fill your water bottles without me,” you snarl. 
“I bet,” Numai mutters darkly, rubbing his chin, “If you’d get your ass on it, you could turn this team around.”
“Is that a dare?” You ask, stepping up to him. “Do you really think you can dare me to do better?”
“Absolutely! I bet you could get rid of these cheap tactics and get us to Nationals without Suguru interfering.”
Hiroo snorts. “You do know, Numai, that our dear Manager is worse than our Captain when it comes to trashtalking, right?”
Your smile grows as Numai’s flickers and fades.
“But,” he starts just as someone clears his throat behind you. 
“Something going on?” Suguru asks.
Looking at him feels like a punch to the throat. You can tell that he’s happy without him having to say it. Mika’s nowhere to be seen but it still feels as if she’s wrapped around him. 
The team lunges forward.
If anyone notices that you’re not taking part in their playful attack, they don’t address it. 
You sneak away undisturbed.
Seguro’s named Captain a few days later. 
Mika must have talked to Suguru because he’s not dragging you with them anymore. And while you had thought that there could be nothing worse than being the third wheel on one of their dates, being forgotten is so so so much worse.
School is boring you. Training is torture. You need something to occupy your mind.
- 18/17
“All alone?” Someone settles heavily on the chair next to you.
You don’t have to look up. You’d know that honeysmoothed voice anywhere.
“Not interested, roosterhead.”
Kuroo chuckles softly. “Don’t bite, Snakelet. I just want to make some friendly conversation.”
“Sure, sure. So you’re not here to scope out the competition?” You don’t take your eyes off the game. 
Below your seats the game is reaching it’s Finale. 
“Which one do you want?” Kuroo asks, mouth so close to your ear his breathe washes over your face. You don’t flinch.
“If I had to guess you want the Captain. He’s got an amazing defense. And with your stupid First-Year you’ll need some good defense.”
“Now now, don’t insult Lev like that.” Kuroo stretches, yawns and rests his arm on your shoulder. “He’s even dumber than you make him out to be.”
You can’t help but laugh at that comment. At least he’s self-aware.
“Go on,” you nudge your elbow into his side, “Tell me who I’m picking.”
“You want both Outside Hitters. They are both tall, broad shouldered and have a lot of energy and drive, so you think that would balance out your lethargic teammates. But that’s a risky move. One of them moves like he’s chugged ten cans of Monster before the game and the other feels like this game is the beginning of his murder-spree.”
“I need someone with Stamina,” you agree, “If I can get both of them, I will. If I can get only one of them, I’ll take Mr. Murderspree.”
“Good.” Kuroo grins. “I don’t want our games to get boring.”
You roll your eyes. “They’re not our games, Roosterhead. You’re graduating.”
“Ah,” he pinches your chin. “But I’m still watching, you know. From the shadows.”
You snort. “Sure. If that gives you closure.” You get up. “You can stay here if you want, I need to get going. First one to get a student to sign on your team wins.”
“Loser pays the drinks,” he calls after you.
You’re not sure how it happened or when. You don’t even know what to call this. 
Suguru is your best friend, so Kuroo can’t be it. Kuroo is Suguru’s enemy and you’re pretty sure you don’t feel the same way about him, so he can’t be that either.
You’d call him an annoying cousin you’re not related to if these conversations wouldn’t sound so much like flirting nowadays. 
In some weird way you think he understands you, or at least how your brain works. He’s pointed out, often enough to remember, that you remind him of Kenma. 
And you’d argue against it, but he’s never once insulted Suguru in front of you. Talking shit about Kenma feels like disrespecting that truce. Even if you feel a lot smarter than a guy who’s cosplaying a bowl of pudding.
“Congratulations,” Kuroo sets your coffee down in front of you before taking a seat, “Both Outside Hitters and the Setter, I’m impressed.”
“He’s more of a glorified Pinch Server, but thank you.” You drag your spoon through the foam in your cup, destroying the artwork the barista created. You’re not in the mood for little foam hearts today. “How’s your new Captain doing?”
“Terrible, but that’s to be expected.”
“Same.” You let your eyes wander through the café only to get caught on something outside. You know that jacket, that haircut, that smi-
“Everything okay?” Kuroo peers down at you. 
“Dropped my earring,” you claim, patting the floor. Outside Suguru kisses Mika goodbye and turns with one last wave of his arm before jogging of.
You get back into your seat, ignore the amused twinkle in Kuroo’s eyes and dare to think that you’ve got out of this alive - until someone appears next to you.
“Oh, hi!” Mika blinks with a smile, “Suguru just left, what a surprise! I haven’t seen you in a while.”
“Likewise,” you press out. 
“Hi, I’m Kuroo,” Kuroo offers her his hand, “You’re Daishou’s girlfriend, right?”
“Yeah,” her smile brightens, “I’m sorry, I don’t know you, are you from Nohebi?”
“No,” he shakes his head, but doesn’t disclose his own school. You don’t flatter yourself with thinking it’s because of your glaring. “Just visiting a friend.”
“Oh,” Mika rests a hand on her chest, “Sorry, I didn’t know- of course, I’ll leave you to it.” She all but flutters away. You want to leave.
Kuroo, however, leans over the table, grinning like the literal Chesire Cat.
“She thinks we’re dating.”
“I don’t care what she thinks,” you snarl.
“Oh?” His eyebrows lift to where you can’t see them. “Ohoh?”
“Not like that,” you groan, “Get your head out of the gutter.”
“What? I could date you,” he twirls his spoon between his fingers, “Don’t all girls want an older boyfriend?”
“I think it’s more about wanting a smarter boyfriend,” you point out, “So I doubt we’d fit that scheme.”
“You wound me,” he huffs playfully, “But if you ever want to make someone jealous you can call me up anytime.”
“Thanks, I already hate that idea.”
- 18/17
It’s a shame you cannot skip graduation. 
It’s not even your own but you know Suguru would never let you live it down. 
So you force yourself to smile in every picture, pretending you don’t see the second button of his blazer missing. 
Ever since Kindergarten he’s been one year above you. Ever since Kindergarten, you went out for ice cream afterwards, you paying for his on his graduation and him paying for yours the next year.
This year he asks if he can bring Mika along. You pay for him, he pays for her and when it’s time for you to pick your own ice cream all you want to do is go home and sleep.
But you can’t, so you pick the first flavor you see, not wanting to ruin the taste of your favorite ice cream with this awful memory.
“This is a cute spot,” Mika announces when you’ve found a spot outside under an oak tree, “We should come here for a date. What do you think?” She addresses you all of a sudden, “We could do a double date.”
Suguru chokes on his ice cream.
“Double date?” He asks. “Is there something I don’t know?”
Mika’s eyes widen. “Oh, was it a secret?”
“No,” you grind through your teeth, “It’s not a secret because I don’t have a boyfriend. Or date anyone. I just met someone I know while I was scouting new players.”
“Who?” He asks, brows furrowed. 
“He’s got dark hair,” Mika explains, “Kinda messy like Kuguri-”
“Kuroo?” Suguru bristles, eyes turning wide. “You went out with Kuroo?”
Something turns to ice inside you.
“Yes,” you say, “I went out with him. Who cares?”
“The Ex-Captain of a team that didn’t win Nationals. Wow. How outstanding.”
“My arch-enemy!” Suguru thunders, “And you know that.”
“Please,” you huff, “He barely knows you exist.”
“Take that back!”
“I didn’t think-” Mika starts but you shut her up with a glare. 
“I don’t butt into your relationship,” you clarify, “So you don’t get to butt into mine.” 
“You’re dating-?” Suguru gasps for air, “Kuroo?”
“Does it matter? No. I was here to celebrate your graduation not to discuss my lovelife.”
“If you’re dating Kuroo we can no longer be friends,” Suguru bites out and you nod, get up and throw your ice cream in the trash.
“Fine. If that’s how you want it, I’ll accept. Goodbye.”
You march away, don’t look back. You don’t want Suguru to see that your eyes start to water as the ice inside you slowly melts.
You: If your house gets egged this week, Suguru thinks we’re dating.
Roosterhead: Oh? Buy me Dinner first.
You: I’m not dating you.
Roosterhead: I’m heartbroken. You good though? 
You: I will be after we demolish Nekoma.
Roosterhead: Looking forward to you trying.
- 19/18
Seguro and Yamamoto are shaking hands but all you care about are the glowing eyes of their setter who rest on you, unblinking.
You’ve lost this time, but you’re not giving up. It’s only a Training Match after all and as soon as you’ve figured out how to balance out your team, you’ll be fine.
Still, it sucks that you’ve lost to Kenma. Of all people.
“Hey,” Sō nudges you with his elbow, nodding toward the door. “We’ve got a visitor.”
He didn’t need to tell you. You spotted Suguru half an hour ago but decided to ignore him.
The last two months have been filled with somewhat strained communication, mostly held up by Mika who’s trying her best to mend a friendship you no longer believe in.
He’s chosen Mika over you. You’ll be able to live with that, someday. 
“Hey,” someone else speaks up from your other side. You turn to Kenma, who’s looking the other way.
“Kuroo mentioned something… about you…”
He huffs. “I think I have an idea you’d be interested in.”
You’ll never admit that you only agree to buy into Bouncing Ball Corp because Suguru is watching you, but in all honesty, you’d probably agree to selling fridges in the arctic if it buys you a few more minutes away from him.
It doesn’t matter in the end. He stays until everyone else has left, hands buried in his pockets, nodding at the players that know him, rolling his eyes at those who don’t.
“What’s going on?” You ask when you’ve run out of reasons to avoid him, the gym empty besides the two of you.
“Can’t I come see my best friend?”
“I don’t know, are they in the room with us?”
He huffs. 
“I mean you.”
“Could have fooled me.”
You turn away, take a few steps just to put space where there used to be none.
Suguru calls out your name. There’s something in his voice, a softer, more vulnerable tone, that makes you turn around. His shoulders are down and he’s staring at the ground and you know, just by looking at him, that he lost. 
You don’t know if it’s a game or a thing, a person or an idea, but there’s something to it, the fact that he comes to you for comfort, that soothes some of the hurt.
“What did you do now, you fool?” You ask and maybe there’s something in your voice too, because he takes a few steps and pulls you in, rests his head against your shoulder where no one can see if he cries or not.
“Coach kicked me off the starting Line-Up,” he admits, “I’m just a pinch server.”
“So?” You ask, “You were a Pinch Server when you started at Nohebi. Those things take time.”
“Yeah,” he croaks, “But I also failed my first exam.”
“Mhm,” you hum, “Math?”
“What else?”
He huffs. “Who says-”
“What else, Suguru?”
“I can’t get a job. Like, I’ve tried but the only shops that might take me are the fast food joints around College and the hours there are terrible. And I need to train.”
You sigh. He hasn’t changed at all.
“Have you talked to Mika about it?” You ask and you know your voice sounds a little condescending right now, but he deserves it, right? 
“Why not?”
“I don’t want her to know,” he huffs, tensing as you try to push him away. “Please?”
“I’m not your manager any longer,” you point out. “You’re old enough to get yourself out of the mess you got yourself into. I’m not here to-”
“Please,” he repeats, but there’s a different tone to it now, “This is not why I came, okay? I just… you always know- Ugh, you just understand me, okay? I need to talk to someone who understands. Please?”
“Fine,” you let your bag slip from your shoulder, “You carry my bag and I’ll listen.”
And it’s a tale as old as time, you think, as you walk next to him, almost knocking your hip into his from. 
Suguru’s not stupid. He just gets too much in his head about how things should be like until he can no longer see the big picture. And as much as he enjoys dishing out, he cannot take a hit for the life of him.
“So?” You ask when you reach the cross roads that separate your houses, “Feeling better?”
“Yeah,” he nods, “I- I wanted to say… If you want to date Kuroo, that’s fine.”
You balk. “What?”
“Yeah,” he grimaces, “I mean, I don’t like him, but if you think he’s decent enough…”
“I’m not dating him.”
“Kenma then?”
“Just shut up, okay?” You snarl. “It doesn’t matter. I’m not- I don’t care- You know, let’s just say you won’t mind and forget about this, okay?”
“No,” he shakes his head, “I want to talk about this. You’re my best friend. I’m sorry I neglected you. You’re doing a good job with the team, better than I did when I was Captain last year. And Mika… she’s sorry too. This is my idea, coming here and talking to you, but I know she feels bad too. She’s just… I think she got a little excited at the idea of us going on double dates. But it wasn’t right putting it out like that.”
“It doesn’t matter,” you repeat, too stubborn to give in, “But I appreciate it. What are you going to do now?”
“Oh, study for math, keep looking for jobs,” he huffs, dragging his hands through his hair. 
“I meant today,” you snort and he blushes awkwardly. 
“Then say it like that, idiot. You wanna play some volleyball? I have the time.”
“No,” you shake your head, “But I could use some math practice.”
- 19/18
It’s weird, still. 
Suguru makes an effort to come over once a week. It helps that you can give him pointers in his math studies, but it’s not the way it was before.
He’s too touchy for a guy with a girlfriend. And though you’ve got your heart on a tight leash you can tell it’s much too easy to get lost in this until something reminds you of the truth.
So you do what everyone would do in your situation.
You ask Kuguri out. 
It goes about as well as one would expect. 
Sure, you could ask Kuroo. You’re pretty sure he’d do it, but you don’t want to ruin a perfectly fine friendship - if you could call it that.
Soon matches and exams turn up back to back and all you see of Suguru are the short messages he sends whenever he remembers.
He doesn’t forget your graduation, but ice cream just doesn’t taste the same way it used to.
You wish you could have stopped this ritual when it was still fun.
- 20/19
If someone would ask you for the name of your best friend, you’re no longer sure what you’d answer.
There’s Suguru, who you rarely talk to, yet know better than yourself most days.
There’s Sō, who’s taking the same Classes as you, who you’ve shared quite a few wins and failures with since attending Nohebi. 
And then there’s Kuroo, who’s an absolute pain in the ass, but at least he’s reliable.
“I want to get paid for this,” you tell him when you hand over the CD. “I spent a while analyzing all that footage.”
“Ah, you love doing it,” Kuroo teases, moving to ruffle your hair, “Besides you always bet on Bokuto. I’m just helping you get your money through that.”
“I do not,” you grind through your teeth. You hate him sometimes.
“Do to,” he jokes, turning when something catches your attention. “The Barista has the hots for you.”
You snort. “Yeah, sure.”
“Absolutely.” Kuroo gestures with his hands before grinning. “See? He wants your number.”
“What?” You squeak, turning to look for yourself. The guy isn’t bad-looking at all. Maybe a bit less athletic than you’re used to. And he’s waving at you, gesturing in a way that can really only mean one thing.
“Well, I’m not giving it to him.”
“Why not?” Kuroo leans back, eyes twinkling. “Would you rather go out with me? Oh, Snakelet, I’m honored.”
“Fine,” you bite out, “I’ll get his.”
Kuroo’s still grinning when you come back, leaning over the table to look at your phone.
“Ah, so that’s his name. Now, I’m waiting. Text him.”
“Because I won’t believe you otherwise.”
“You’re sick in the head.”
“Mhm, you too. Now chop chop, we don’t have all day.”
If you say that your first relationship only exists because of Kuroo, you mean it.
Moriwaka isn’t all that bad. He might just be exactly what you need.
He studies Psychology, works part-time as a Barista, and collects Star Trek memorabilia, which means you have literally nothing in common and so much more to talk about.
And it’s nice, how he never once asks about Suguru - they’ve only met briefly - or Volleyball - he doesn’t like Sports - or your parents - he’s not into Finance.
He doesn’t push you either.
You don’t like being touched? That’s fine with him, he’s happy sidling up to you on the way to the Cinema - he bought two tickets for the newest Star Trek movie. 
All in all, it feels a little more like having a new best friend, just that Moriwaka likes to tell you how good you’re looking every single day.
- 20/19
“I’m going to use the bathroom,” you say, getting up from the Couch. 
“I’m pausing the movie,” Moriwaka announces, “This is the best part.”
You’d probably disagree with him if you cared enough, but it’s fine. Star Trek is important to him and he never once complains when you make him rewatch a Volleyball Game.
The doorbell rings just as you close the door behind you.
“That’s probably the Pizza,” he announces. You yawn.
The window doesn’t close properly but you don’t care, no one can see you pee anyway.
“What are you doing here?” Moriwaka’s voice floats up.
“I’m looking for someone.” You freeze, the voice too familiar. What’s Suguru doing here?
He says your name.
“Ah, she’s not here.” You can hear Moriwaka, your heart thumping awkwardly in your chest. Why is Suguru looking for you if he could just call you?
“No, no, I’m sure she’s here.”
“So what? She doesn’t want to see you.”
You fumble the door lock trying to get out. What’s Moriwaka doing?
It doesn’t take long to get out of the apartment and down the stairs, but it feels like half an eternity.
The door is open and you can hear Moriwaka before you can see him.
“I’ve seen your messages,” he announces, voice weirdly cold, “You only call to unload your baggage on her. You’re a pathetic, wet rag of a man.”
“And you’re any better?” Suguru snaps back, “You have no idea what’s between me and-”
“I’m her boyfriend,” Moriwaka announces just as you slide out the door behind him.
Suguru’s face turns perfectly blank at your sight, but Moriwaka isn’t lucky enough to get the hint.
“I’m not allowing you to talk to her.”
“I don’t think that’s your decision,” you tell him coolly. 
He turns, surprise evident on his face. But no guilt. 
“Listen, I’m just trying to protect you.”
“I don’t need your protection.”
He scoffs. “What? So you’re just going to let him drag you down again? He probably just lost another game. Or his girlfriend ran off or whatever.”
Suguru flinches. The breakup happened a few months ago, but he’s always been bad at taking hits. 
“It doesn’t matter,” you tell Moriwaka snidely, “He’s my best friend. You don’t have any say in that.”
“You’re just in love with him,” he spits out, “Right? That’s why you’re pushing me away all the time. You don’t really want to date me, you’re just passing time with me hoping he’ll suddenly turn around and be interested in you.”
Suguru steps forward, fists balled but you’re a little faster, always more inclined to use your tongue instead of your fists.
“Go,” you tell him, your calm facade your biggest weapon, “Your movie’s waiting. I’m sure Captain Whatever has some inspirational quotes for you to flirt with next time.”
Moriwaka huffs, but he’s not dumb enough to take the bait. Or maybe he doesn’t care enough either.
“Go, be unhappy if that’s what you want.” He slams the door shut behind him.
The night is warm, the air around you humid and heavy.
Suguru’s looking up at a nearby street lamp, clearly uncomfortable with the situation.
“You were looking for me?” You ask, not ready to deal with the can of worms Moriwaka just opened.
“Yeah, I…” He clears his throat. “I got… I got a deal. For the Yotsuya Motor Spirits. I know it’s only Division 2 but they’ll let me finish College while I play.”
“Oh, Congratulations,” you step forward, not really sure what you want to do, just knowing that you want to be closer.
“Thanks,” he clears his throat again, “I was… I was talking to my parents about it and when they hung up all I could think about was that I wanted to tell you. We haven’t… we haven’t talked in a while, right?”
“Yeah.” You want to ask him who’s fault that is, but really, isn’t it your fault too? After all you were the one who fell in love in the first place.
“How’d you know I was here?” You ask when he’s fighting for words, tongue slipping out between his lips as he thinks. It’s a habit he’s had since you’ve known him and altough you’ve tried to hate it, it just endears him even more to you.
“Ah,” He drags a hand through the hair at the back of his head, “I was at your place but you weren’t there. And I figured you might be out with friends, but Sō said you’re out with your boyf- some guy but he doesn’t know where that is.”
“So?” You did not miss the way he stumbled over the term boyfriend. Your heart’s beating too fast to be healthy, but there’s a smug grin on Suguru’s face now, a look that tells you this story is going into a different direction now.
“You’ve been posting pictures of your favorite drink lately and there’s only one shop in Tokyo who makes it exactly the way you like it, so I thought I’d try over here. Remembered the dude’s name too, can you believe it?”
You laugh. He’s unbelievable, so proud of himself and his most basic deduction skills.
“You did great,” you tell him, “You wanna talk a walk? I need a bathroom and I’m not going back up there.”
“Oh, yeah, sure.” he ushers you along, “There’s a 7-Eleven down the street.”
And it feels like yesterday, hips almost knocking into each other, walking down the street.
It feels like you’re six years old again and Suguru’s walking you home from school, his hand clutching yours because even though he’s older, he’s a bit more scared of the world.
It feels like you’re thirteen, only beginning to understand that some boys are gross and some boys are cute and why your heart flutters softly when Suguru’s tongue peaks out whenever he’s lost in thought. 
It feels like you’re seventeen, heart heavy yet ready to leap, calculating all the ways a confession could go wrong - and the one way it could go right - only to miss your chance.
“He’s right, you know,” Suguru points out in the too bright lights of the store when you come back from the bathroom. 
He’s staring at the cut up fruits in the fridge and maybe he’s thinking what to get for a late night smoothie, but maybe he’s thinking the same thing you’re thinking about.
How all 7-Eleven’s are kinda the same and if they are, is this a place out of time? A place you can stay in without getting older, without the consequence of change?
“I really am a pathetic,wet rag of a man.”
“Hmm,” you make, stepping so close to him your shoulder brushes his. If you’d be a little braver, you’d take his hand. 
If you could have a chance to get stuck in time, you’d take it if it meant being with him, hands not quite touching, bare faces reflected in the clear doors of an oversized fridge.
“I swear I’m not doing this because I’m lonely,” there’s a wetness to his voice that your ears are used to, grown fond of, even. The back of his pointer finger touches the back of your hand and his skin is warm and a shiver races down your back.
“And I should hate myself for breaking up what you had with that guy, but-”
You want to turn, look directly at him instead of his reflection in the glass, but you’re frozen in place, heart thundering so loud he must be able to hear it. 
“I’ve had a crush on you since… since way before I asked to practice kissing. You’re the coolest person I’ve ever known, and I… I’m so tired of pretending that someone else can compare. I’m sorry.” He whispers the last words, hiccups softly when your hand grabs his, squeezes as tight as you can.
You’re going to cry any second, you know, but you don’t want to, even if it’s him you’re with. 
You don’t want any tears to blurr your sight when you can look at him, see him, face flushed and eyes watery, all 179,5cm of pathetic, wet rag of a man.
“Do you want to play family?” You ask, voice a little rough, eyes a little watery too. “We can even get a dog.”
He smiles so wide you can barely see his eyes.
But when he leans in and kisses you, nose softly bumping yours and chuckles ringing through the air, you have to disagree with your younger self.
Kissing isn’t overrated at all. If anything, it’s probably underrated.
- 21/20
“Oh no, we have to play against you guys?” Bokuto’s voice’s too loud to ignore even in the bustle of a packed stadion.
Suguru bristles next to you but relaxes a little when your elbow digs into his side.
“Like they’re going to give you any problems,” Kuroo’s voice is smooth and sticky, clinging to your ears like caramel to the teeth. “Right?”
“Kuroo,” Suguru drawls, “You’re here too?”
“Well of course,” his grin reminds you of the famed Chesire Cat and your arm slings around Suguru’s waist, pulling him in. 
He stumbles a bit, turning to look at you. Surprise, joy and then deep adoration wash over his face in a way you’ll never grow tired off. Suguru’s hand slides into the back pocket of your jeans and you know, would there be less people around, he’d be kissing you too.
“Aww, cute,” Kuroo sings, “You didn’t hear anything I just said.”
“Should we?” You ask, “If I want to hear an asshole talk I can just fart.”
Suguru snickers even as Bokuto howls in the background, clearly excited to have a new insult to try on someone else.
But Kuroo wouldn’t be Kuroo if you could best him with one lame insult.
“Funny,” he smiles, “You’re managing today too?”
“No,” you shake your head, “Just here for Suguru.”
“And we’re going to win,” Suguru declares, “MSBY has no chance against the Yotsuya Motor Spirits.”
He says it with conviction, but you know the chances of him winning are low. MSBY have been rising to the top ever since they drafted Miya Atsumu right out of highschool. Now they’ve got Bokuto too. If they’d gotten Sakusa Kiyoomi too like they’d been planning for months, you’d bought the consolation cake already but at least he’s insistent on finishing College before he starts playing professionally. 
It doesn’t matter, though. 
You’re not with Suguru because he’s got the best chance at winning the game and he knows it. And no matter the outcome of this game, there’s already a small velvet box at home that he thinks you don’t know about.
Like he could keep any secrets from you.
- 27/26
“That’s all,” you cut off your assistant’s questioning, “Everything else has to wait until tomorrow.”
“I understand. Have a good evening.”
“You too.” You cut the call and park the car, thinking for the umpteenth time that you need to start looking into the possibility of hiring a driver. Some of these calls get too intense to be held at the wheel of a vehicle.
There’s a Volleyball on the front lawn and a chewed-up dog toy. You drag your keycard through the scanner and stifle a yawn as the door opens.
“I’m home,” you call out over the pitter-patter of feet.
There’s Princess, your husky-mix and Kuroo, the little black Frenchie that his namesake gifted you at your wedding. 
“Kitchen!” You hear a voice over the Princess howling. She’s always so excited to have you back home.
“Hey,” you can’t help smiling as you step into the kitchen, both dogs hot on your heels. Suguru’s standing at the stove, Hime tied to his front. Only a tuft of her dark hair is peaking out and you lean in to kiss him first and then the top of her head. 
“How was it?” He asks, “Tired?”
“Extremely so, but everything’s going well. Even Dad is impressed. How was your day?”
“Mh, no, you’ve got to tell first,” he insists, pulling you into his side, “Because I wanna hear your voice a bit more before I tell you about the absolutely disgusting diaper change I had to go through today.”
You laugh. “Okay, so you remember Mamushi, our Client?”
“Mamushi with the thick eyebrows or Mamushi who slurps every beverage?”
“Slurper Mamushi.”
“Okay, I’m following.”
“So, this morning I got an email from him where he claims that we’re charging him too much. He gave us two options: Reduce the cost or dismiss the contract altogether.”
“Oh, that’s spicy. What did you do?”
“Well, remember how I had to cut our lunch call short? I met up with him for coffee right after and got down to business and you won’t believe it: he settled on a different contract that actually costs him more but he’s happy with it. Apparently he doesn’t like how it’s done nowadays and the old times were far better.”
“Amazing,” Suguru drops a kiss on your temple, “I would love to see the face of this man when he realizes how stupid he is. You’re a genius.”
You giggle.
“How was your day, then? Apart from the diaper catastrophe?”
“Well, I regret to inform you that Hime already has an admirer. Koji’s head over heels for her. I had to threaten him with bodily harm to get her back.”
“Oh, is that your libero?” You think, “The one with the Iro?”
“Yep, he died it pink last week.”
“Well, pink suggests he’s sensible. If Hime likes him too-”
“Don’t say that!” Suguru’s hands come down to cover Hime’s ears, “My princess isn’t going to date anyone until she’s at least thirty.”
“Mhm,” you lift your eyebrows, “And how are you going to explain to her that we had her way before we turned thirty?”
A blush works its way up his cheeks and you lean forward to sink your teeth into the flushed skin only to press your lips onto it right after.
“Love you,” you tell him, voice a bit raspy with emotion.
Sometimes, in moments like this, you can barely believe that this is how your life played out.
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tagging: @lees-chaotic-brain @daisy-room @missalienqueen @marti-mp4 @itsmippe @jus-jazzy @wavesofchaos @moonlit-mizukage
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
HIII how are u doing girlie😍🤞🤞 Anyways can u pls write a scenario where ur classmates (htf characters?) find out ur dating seong taehoon and their reactions?? You dont need to if u dont want to ofc<333
Hey Anon! Thanks for the ask <3 I'm doing great!! Brain rotting away as expected but HAPPY FRIDAY! Hope you're doing well too and having a good start to the month :)
Don't you agree that there's a disappointingly small amount of writing for our lil nutjob?
Please enjoy the whiplash of my change in tone!
HTF discovering You & Taehoon dating!
Things were tentative between you and Taehoon. You've only been dating for a couple months, and you're still getting to know this side of him. Well. You say this side but it's still the same old Taehoon that you've come to grow very fond of.
The one that tells everyone to piss off but comes running, no, sprinting when one of his friends need his help. Who threatens to beat everyone up, but will come to your defence with no hesitation. This prickly, insufferable little shit.
Sometimes you worry about your own sanity for liking someone like Taehoon, but then he gives you a look in the middle of the company meetings and your feel your entire body flush and your heart palpitate. And you think about just being alone with him, the way that he looks at you like he wants to devour you, the way his hand runs all over your body and god bless his pale skin because it's so obvious how crazy you're driving him despite how cool he plays it- "Huh? Sorry Rumi, I missed that question. What did you ask?"
You know already this guy has no respect for other people's personal space, but since you've gotten together, a complete and utter lack of personal space has become the norm. At least when no one else is around.
Taehoon corners you in the company house.
"You got 500 won?" He's leaning casually on the wall, blocking your path of exit. He wears a smug smirk as his face moves closer to yours.
You roll your eyes, "Get your own 500 won, I'm not lending you any more money you bastard."
He glances down at your lips, "How about a kiss then?"
Bastard indeed. You blush, but with him so close by, with his lidded gaze and goddamn pretty pink lips slightly parted... you couldn't say no if you tried.
You lean forward to kiss him, and Taehoon deepens it before you have a chance to move away. His arm circles around your waist, pressing your entire body against him. You put your arms around his neck, pulling him impossibly closer and his hands start to roam your body. Perhaps you and Taehoon should move this somewhere more private-
A glass shatters. "OH MY GOD!!"
You both turn and see the entirety of Hobin Yu company frozen in shock.
Fuck. This was why you shouldn't be making out in the living room.
Hobin: Very happy for you! Congrats Y/N!!! But then after a moment... wait. Hold on. The reality of the situation sinks in. What?! That psycho Taehoon managed to bag you???
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Yeah Taehoon has a nice face but his personality STINKS. How can anyone stand him? AND MOST important of all: how did you guys beat him and Bomi getting together?! Life is so unfair!
Snapper: similiar reaction as Hobin. Who tf can put up with that nutjob. Side eyes you a bit cos surely you must have a few screws loose too. But... the opportunities for a newtube channel! Couple dates, couple vlogging! Ok, maybe this isn't such a bad development.
Gaeul: completely clueless. Even Gyeoul has commented on you two getting closer. This innocent little chick just thought... well, she didn't know what she thought - maybe you guys were just close friends? "You fellas, I'm so happy for you. Now don't you young whippersnappers get up to no good!"
Rumi: Oh Y/N I'm so happy for you! Hold on- let me just text Wangguk to set up a double date. What you doing this Saturday?
Mangi: another cinnamon roll. Gives you and Taehoon the biggest hug, squeezing the life out of you whilst Taehoon is just glaring, gearing up to give him a kick. So so happy for you, wishes you guys a lifetime of happiness (woah, steady on Mangi we've just gotten together!!) and that you are as happy as him and his girlfriend <3
Yeonwoo: You've always been nice and sweet to him. So you and Taehoon? Together? You're making this lil genius's brain hurt. Of course he'll congratulate the both of you, he's too polite to do otherwise. But his protective side flares up to make sure Taehoon treats you right.
Gyeoul: Who fucking cares
Taehoon finding out about everyone finding out: Headaches all around. What the fuck is wrong with these losers? Gets inundated with questions about you and their relationship. "Bastard that's none of your business", "Ask more questions if you want to die".
Temporarily wonders if this is worth it, but then looks at you and ok. Maybe it is. "Fuck, I'm so cringe I'm going to kick my own ass"
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Okay so we’ve all seen that the shirt Tommy is wearing when hes showing Buck around harbor is pretty similar to the shirt Sal wore when he got kicked out of the 118 and it gave me an idea
for story purposes and personal hc i imagine tommy and sal are bestfriends they just had to deal with alot of shit between them first
Sal: “Hey Tommy have you seen my nice shirt? The tan one with the pocket? I cant find it anywhere and I checked all over my house and figured if its not there it’s somehow over here.”
Tommy: “Oh yeah it’s on the clothes rack.”
Sal: ….. “Why do you have my shirt?”
Tommy: “I “borrowed” it”
Sal: “WHY”
Tommy: ….. “So you know that cute guy I was talking about that I met on the helicopter with howie and hen?”
Sal: “Yes the one you haven’t shut up about.”
Tommy: “Okay soooo the day after, he called me and wanted a tour of harbor and im like cool I get to show him around and maybeeee see if hes interested. So I went to find a nice shirt. Problem is I couldn’t find anything and didn’t feel like doing laundry sooooo I might have went over to your house and stole your shirt 😁”
Sal: …. “Really?”
Tommy: “Hey at least I washed it and ironed it, YOUR WELCOME”
Sal: *deadpan* “Thanks.”
Tommy: “Hey don’t start, you’ve worn my shirts for dates before and I didn’t complain. Plus the ladies like you more because my shirts always smell better because I wear better cologne”
Sal: “My cologne is just fine thank you very much”
Tommy: “no to be honest it stinks”
Sal: “No it doesn’t!”
Tommy: “Yeah it does :/“
Sal: *grumbling* “I hate you”
Tommy: *flashing a shit eating grin* “Love you too Sal, thanks for being my unwilling wingman❤️”
Sal: *rolls his eyes and walks away smiling while muttering something about gay people*
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batterygarden · 2 years
Sassy bf Denji...
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(sfw relationship headcannons; gn afab reader)
I feel like Denji is sassy without meaning to be once you guys get close. 
He’ll be like oh my god are you okay what happened to your skin?? & you’re just wearing foundation that got a little patchy. 
Any candid life advice from Denji is not only unreliable as hell but also delivered harshly. Despite his best intentions! It’ll sound gentle in his head till he’s like “If a person with no balls tries to fight you just fucking run baby you are not taking them… zero coordination and ya wouldn’t even have somewhere to aim :/“ 
Will air ur business to everyone unless you specifically tell him not to. “Oh don’t worry they’ll be here! They’re trying out a Diva cup for the first time and it leaked all over while we were driving so they had ta turn around.” (He feels wise and mature saying this having just learned what a diva cup was that morning) 
If he has a small grievance with you that for whatever reason he doesn’t mention right away, he’ll just incorporate it into your next nickname. Like you leave the fan on one (1) time when no one’s home he’s like ahh there’s my lil electricity vulture 😍. One time you forgot to clean up after breakfast and Denji literally said “hey dirty dishy! What is up 😁” 
If you offer to take over his video game for him while he pees he’s like “hmm I dunno if.…uhhh…” He trails off then never gets up.
“Geez baby, I think you need a good night’s sleep tonight. Like at least eight hours dude…”
He doesn’t really care what you wear but prepare to receive the stink eye if u ever try out a new/different style bc Denji will be lost and confused. Babe what’s up with the fit 🤨? What do you mean, do you not like it :(? Uhhh im not sure if it’s good or not but I don’t get why you’d ever wear that in the first place. Will give honest fashion advice if you ask, too. it’s not always helpful but it’s certainly unfiltered. 
“Shorty.. the poems you write do not make sense…” 
Denji will occasionally give backhanded compliments 😔. “It’s kinda smart how ya hit the curb every time you park next to the sidewalk like that… Keeps you nice ‘n close!” “Thanks for correctin’ the waiter for me, it’s so cool that you aren’t scared to come off like an asshole.” “I like how you look all messy today!! (senses malice from your glare) Like. It’s hot, babe. I mean you look hot!” 
He learned of One food that you don’t care for and he’s had the unwavering assumption that you’re a picky eater ever since. “Guess who scored some chocolate chip cookies at work today! Wait… I wonder if you’d even like these 🤔” 
Usually always sassy by accident! but if you wake him up in the night he’s sassy on Purpose. Like if it’s for a good reason maybe less so but if it's just to show him a funny video he is whining and moaning and insulting your sense of humor in one breath before turning over and snoring again.
Link to a more sweet & wholesome Denji work
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oceanbug · 10 months
when worlds collide
smau non!idol ningning x reader
13.5 bathroom meetings.
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Turning off her phone, Jimin sighed in defeat. She knows everyone’s not avoiding her on purpose, but it kind of felt that way. She wasn’t going to have a nice dinner outside, but she didn’t want to lock herself inside on a nice Wednesday night. So she decided on the next best thing.
Let’s trespass on school grounds after hours.
Normal people wouldn’t think to do this, but Jimin was different. She wanted to do nothing more than rebel against her goodie-two-shoes image, so she committed crimes on the low. Not actual illegal ones, just minor crimes like ‘trespassing’ at a school she pays to live in.
Let’s see where to break into first! I could walk into the chemistry lab and mix all of the labels. Yeah, that’s evil enough; let’s do it.
Like I said, they weren’t illegal crimes. Just inconveniences that Jimin thought were ‘evil.’ She didn’t have much experience being a bad kid, so this is as good as she’s going to get.
Before Jimin could step foot into the lab, the sound of crying could be heard in the science department bathrooms. Who could be here at this hour? She knocked softly so as not to startle the clearly distressed individual.
“Get the fuck away; can’t you see it’s occupied?" That voice was distinct. There was none like it. Ningning was in the bathroom, and she was crying?
“….Ning? It’s Jimin, are you okay?”
“I said get AWAY.” Jimin didn’t flinch; she was used to this. She went to high school with Ning, so she wasn’t afraid of her. At the moment, she was just concerned as to why someone as tough as Ningning could be crying alone in a bathroom. Jimin sat down outside the bathroom, back against the metal steel door.
“Hey, If you want to talk, we can. I know you probably don’t want to tell a random stranger about your issues; that’s fine with me. But you know I’m good with a secret. You can talk to me.”
Jimin felt her back slightly fall as the door creaked open.
“I’m not telling you because we’re friends, but I am telling you because I have no one else I can trust.” Ningning’s words sounded rude as usual, but her sorrowful tone from crying was heard. It made Jimin’s heart ping; no one deserved to feel how Ningning felt at this moment.
“The stupid gossip site posted. Your little friend and my ex-bitch are besties now. What the fuck, man. What did I do to deserve this? I’m the one who got cheated on. So why does everyone feel bad for Giselle?” She began tearing up even more. Jimin had been bewildered by the fact that Y/N was hanging out with Giselle. Why had she lied to her? They had mentioned it was a friend Jimin didn’t know, but that clearly wasn’t the case. Nonetheless, she’d focus on that later. All Jimin’s attention is on Ningning now.
“No way is Ning Yi Zhuo letting two freaks get the better of her.”
Sorry Y/n.
“The same Ning Yi Zhuo who got our finals canceled by rigging the lottery so that our principal won? The same Ningning who passes every school year with a 4.0 GPA yet doesn’t show up to any class? There's no way you’re going to let two people hurt you like this. That stupid school blog stinks anyway; they don’t even get the full story of things! I’m sure Y/N meant no harm in what she did. Trust me, I know her. She’d never hurt you on purpose.”
The room was silent, all that could be heard were the crickets, and the cool wind breeze. Jimin meant every word. She trusted Y/n. Sure she lied about who she was meeting up with, but it was surely for a good reason. That's something you're certain of. Ningning looked away as if she were deep in thought. She quickly dried away her tears and stood up.
“Whatever, I can do way better than those two freaks. I can literally buy their houses and still have money left over to splurge. Later loser.” There she was, ‘Rich Bitch’ Ningning. Before she fully stepped foot out the door, she turned back.
“Thanks, Jimin.” Then she walked away.
And so there goes Jimin’s Wednesday night. Maybe she’ll continue her ‘evil’ activities another day. For now, she’ll get some food and head home. Still, she can’t shake the feeling that the conversation will be important later. She’d probably never cross paths with Ningning again, so why does she feel like this?
masterlist ~ next
(Synopsis) Y/N had never been the type to take life for granted. You grew up with the mindset that if you wanted something, you had to work for it; So getting paired up with the university’s “Rich Bitch” Ning Yi Zhuo for your midterm was the last thing you wanted. Are you willing to step into the world of fame for an A+?
taglist (open): @azraism ; @kimsgayness ; @sewiouslyz ; @winieter ; @llluvbluy ; @i06kkura ; @everydayiloveyves ; @edamboon
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nautiscarader · 4 months
Let's spend midnight up on the roof (Wendip,G/T)
Let's spend midnight up on the roof (Wendip,G/T) (Ao3)
Dipper Pines could not believe his sister could fall asleep so easily. Then again, after a week in Gravity Falls, where nearly each day was spent either chasing some mythical creatures or beings or being chased by them, they both deserved rest.
But the journal… a curiosity that trumped gnomes or gobblewonker prevented Dipper from falling asleep. He carefully turned each page, reading what once would have been pure fantasy for him, but now was an exciting - and potentially deadly - possibility.
Dipper let out a girly shriek and jumped in place when he heard someone knocking on the glass of the triangular window. He was even more surprised by the identity of the intruder.
"Wendy?!", Dipper asked, staring at the red-head, waving at him to let her in.
"'Sup, dude", she asked nonchalantly, "Wanna go up on the roof?"
It took the flabbergasted Dipper a moment to even form a response, and another one to verbalise it.
"Th-the roof?"
"Yeah, like we did earlier. Come on, I have a ladder here."
And with that, she took a step up the rope ladder she was on, giving Dipper a room. He hesitated for a bit, but once she also gave him a hand, he got onto the sill and then followed her up.
One step at a time, Dipper climbed up until he arrived at the same secluded part of the roof from which they were throwing pinecones earlier that day.
"Okay, but why would you go here so late-"
Dipper's voice broke as soon as he looked up, with the answer to his question thrown in his face.
For when his eyes adapted to the darkness, he was met with not just starry sky, but an explosion of lights, spanning his entire field of view. And smack in the middle of it, streaking across the sky like a river full of diamonds was something he only saw pictures of - the Milky Way.
And before he knew it, he was sitting next to Wendy, as his knees gave up, his mouth still open as he tried to absorb as much of the cosmic beauty as possible, finding it difficult to breathe.
"First time seeing something like that, city boy?"
"Yeah… I mean, we've been to a planetarium once, but this… This is so much better."
Dipper moved his head from one side to the other, making Wendy curious.
"What are you doing?"
"Uh, trying to find some constellations I know. I mean there is Little Dipper.", he pointed to the group of stars looking like his birthmark.
"Yeah", Wendy said, "I never bothered with them. I just like coming up with my own shapes. And names. Like, there is a star named Beetlejuice, right?"
"No, it's Betelgeuse."
"Be-tel-geuse", Dipper repeated slowly.
Both Dipper and Wendy jumped in place when they heard a third voice.
"Mabel! What are you doing here?"
"Me?", she countered, "What are YOU doing up so la-"
Mabel stopped as the sudden realisation hit her, her eyes shifting from one to the other.
"Oh, I see…", she spoke with mischievous tone, "Not gonna interrupt you two".
And with a sly smile still lingering on her face, she climbed down the ladder.
"What was that supposed to mean?"
"Beats me.", Wendy shrugged,"So, you wanna do some renaming?"
Dipper hesitated for a moment.
"Uh, sure. Are-are there any rules, or…"
Wendy snickered.
"Man, you do like to overthink stuff. I'll go first… This is Blerblonia, the brightest star in the constellation of Stinking Cheese".
"There." Wendy took his hand traced a wedge-like shape between three stars. "Now you name the other two."
"Okay", Dipper took a moment to come up with something creative. "This one's gonna be Pineconis, and this one Alpha Soda."
"Nice. Now find some cool shape."
"Okay… there! If you connect these five you get…a Lawnmower!"
"How?", Wendy asked, unable to follow his logic.
"How should I know? There is a constellation called 'Hunting Dogs', and all it is are literally two stars. TWO! You know what you can draw with these? A stick. Or maybe a bone."
Wendy laughed.
"Okay, I think I see your lawnmower… So I will name these a Stretched Ferret", she pointed to a few stars lining up. "And the brightest one will be called…Tim"
"Okay, I can see i-Wait, you have used one of my stars!", he protested.
"So what? It's like that crossword-making game, now I can snatch your points."
She shot him with a wicked grin.
"Oh, it is on!", Dipper corrected his position, took a sip from a can and pointed his hand up. "Say goodbye to your Cheese constellation, I'm making a whole Charcuterie Board with Beta Brie-onis and Gamma-Gouda! Here, and here, and here…"
And with that, they spent the next hour or so making up silly names, until even their desire for unrestricted silliness had to move aside when tiredness stepped in. And when Dipper Pines hit the bed, it only took him a few seconds to fall asleep, letting even the precious journal be forgotten for now…
Dipper Pines let out a deep sigh, staring at the vast Milky Way spanning the night's sky. In the ten years since he first saw it, on the same roof he was now lying on, it hasn't lost anything of its beauty…
"I thought I'd find you here". Dipper flinched when he heard a familiar voice and saw a familiar face in the hatch. "May I join ya?"
"S-Sure", Dipper replied, still feeling the same fluster towards Wendy as when he was twelve. "I mean, it is your secret spot"
"Heh, not so secret. Pretty much everyone has been here. I should be charging money for it…"
An awkward silence fell between the two. The same silence that started earlier that day when the Pines have returned once more to Gravity Falls, and Wendy realised how much one person can change in a span of a year.
"So…", Dipper spoke again, "Do-do you want to rename some stars?"
"Dude", Wendy shot him with a judgemental stare, "Are you for real?"
"Yeah, yeah, you're right, that is a bit childish, and-"
Wendy burst into laughter.
"Dipper, I'm messing with you", she punched him in the arm, "At least that hasn't changed about you."
She moved closer to her friend, and before he could verbalise any of his worries, Wendy pulled out her phone.
"Actually, I found this cool song that fits what we were doing. Wanna listen?"
Dipper nodded. Wendy took a moment to find it and hit 'play'.
Let's spend midnight up on the roof letting stars stare us in th'face no one is gonna care that we are rediscovering their names.
"Wow, that is pretty spot on", Dipper commented, his eyes meeting Wendy's, her loving gaze being the only response.
When I reach my hand to you How can I disagree with fate? I make my decision: happiness or hate.
Dipper felt her fingers intertwine with his, his heart's beat mixing with the one from the song.
It's not so hard to see, I've got the whole world within my reach especially with you lying next to me.
With Wendy's face just inches away from his, he closed his eyes, still seeing the myriad of stars, including the two brightest ones of emerald shade…
Let's spend midnight up on the roof watching stars with naked eyes, and let everyone see naked us under naked sky.
At the same time, the two young adults jumped back, their eyes open wide and faces covered in various shades of red.
"Woah, woah, this is a lil' heavy."
"Y-yeah, I agree.", Wendy quickly turned the music off, "We're not there yet."
Another long silent pause fell between the two as they both tried to comprehend what Wendy has just blurted out.
Wendy sighed and without much deliberation jumped the chestnut-haired boy, cutting him off from the starry sky he was staring at.
He wasn't complaining, though.
Okay, so this a first songfic I have ever written.... kinda. There is a Polish song called "The roof", and I heard it on the radio, lying in hospital, I thought "oh, this IS a Wendip song!". So I spent some time not just translating, but also trying to match the rhythm and rhymes - not the whole song, just the chorus and a verse, and I allowed myself to move a line ore two.But I think I haven't failed that much.Lemme know if you want full literal translation to see how I've done my job.
Happy Valentine's day!
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junglemax · 19 days
kyle o’reilly, for some reason, has decided to make friends with killswitch.
Kyle takes in a deep breath. He’s mentally hyping himself up- you can do this. Just talk to him! I’m sure he’s nice. Dinosaurs can talk, right? Oh my god, what if he can’t, and it makes everything super awkward because I don’t know if he’s listening or not- stop it! Get yourself together, man! Say hi!
So, he walks right up to Killswitch, who’s sitting alone at the table. He brightens up his smile, and clears his throat. “Hi! Can I sit here?”
Killswitch looks up at him mid-bite, and tilts his head like he’s confused.
For a second Kyle wonders if this is an incredibly bad idea, and that he’s about to get eaten by a dinosaur in front of everybody. Would anybody even help him? Well, RJ’s there, maybe he’ll-
Killswitch nods finally, chewing slowly.
Kyle beams at him. “Hey, thanks. I appreciate it!” He sits down in front of him. “Oh my gosh, do we have the same thing on our plates? That’s so funny. You know, I didn’t think dinosaurs really ate corn, but this is like, really good corn, so I can understand.”
Killswitch just sort of stares at him as he eats.
“Hey, I’m surprised you’re not with your family. Aren’t they here to today? Why aren’t you with them?” Kyle gasps. “Oh, no, did you get into a fight with them? Oh, man, those family arguments can stink. Trust me, I know all about them,” he chuckles, digging into his chicken. “Yeah, my friends kinda ditched me, too. But hey! It’s okay! We’ll get back together eventually, when they realize they’re being jerks, right?” he sighs. “Man, I’m glad I sat next to you today. You’re a good listener. Ooh! Hey!” He lights up, pointing his fork at Killswitch. “Maybe one day we can tag team with each other! Huh? You and me? I think we could kick some ass, yeah?”
Killswitch snorts.
“What, you don’t think so? Come on, it’ll be fun. Or will Christian not let you? Hm.” Kyle taps his chin. “Maybe if you talk to him, tell him I’m cool and stuff, we could wrestle together. You should do that. It’d be fun.”
Killswitch’s plate is empty, and he gets up to dump his plate.
“Oh, done already? Alright, yeah, that’s cool. It was great talking to you!” Kyle smiles brightly at him, and as Killswitch walks away, all Kyle can think is That went well! I think I found a new friend after all. Psh, what was I so nervous for?
Nick Wayne is leaving catering just as Killswitch is. “Hey, why was that Kyle guy sitting with you?”
“Honestly? I have zero clue,” Killswitch replies with a shrug. “I think he just wanted to talk to someone.”
“And chose you?”
Killswitch just shrugs again, and doesn’t tell Nick that he didn’t mind Kyle sitting with him one bit; in fact, he would like it a lot if Kyle sat with him again, just to talk.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 2 months
Ooh! Ooh! Fic prompt! How Bubbles and Croz became friends/fell in love!
Bubbles had to work SO HARD to make it clear to Croz that he liked him.
It's not that Croz thinks he's unlikable or too dorky to have friends. He's friendly and truly has confidence along with anxiety. But they're in training. And he scrubbed out of pilot training in less than 13 hours (more than some, honestly).
So, like, he really wanted to be ...cool?... enough to be a pilot, but nope. And he'll go for navigator. Sure. He's always been good with math like this.
But also, his ego's a little bruised. He'll be fine, but it makes him more likely to believe the meanest things his brain wants to say.
And, like, he was definitely used as a cheat sheet by some other kids in high school, and the first friend he made in college tried to plagiarize off him.
So, here's this guy who everyone loves because he's a total sweetheart, and he didn't notice Harry at first because Harry's tucked into himself, but suddenly he's talking to Croz and trying to ask him questions about their assignments.
And Croz is just a bit wary. Who is this guy. Where did he come from? What's he trying to get?
And then he sees how GOOD Bubbles is at their exercises, and he's flabbergasted. What's this guy's DEAL? What's he trying to do??
Hey, Croz, you maybe want to talk to your friends about any of this? No? You're just gonna hold all those thoughts in your head and say nothing because it's pretty fucking classic of overthinkers to think no one wants to hear their thoughts.
(Cannot stress enough, this is just anxiety. Lots of people would talk Croz through this a hundred times if he needed it because they love him.)
Anyway, finally, Croz snaps when they get teamed up for an assignment, and he stares at this Joe guy and goes, "Okay. Why are you constantly trying to talk to me?"
And Bubbles just stares and goes, "Um. Cause I like you? You're funny. You're smart. We've got friends in common, and I think you're even better at this math than me. I just think you'd be nice to know."
Crosby's honest confidence comes to the forefront and takes the measure of this guy. "Hey," he says to Crosby's yelling brain. "HEY. THIS GUY SEEMS LEGIT."
And that's it. The "go" light in Crosby's brain snaps on and boom. Instant friendship. It's especially potent because rather than saying, "oooh, that's rough" when Crosby brings up the same lingering thought for a fifth time, he says things like, "Hey, we talked about this. Maybe you need a nap." Or "That's still bothering you? That stinks. You wanna go to a movie?"
Like, turns out Bubbles is just a natural Crosby-distractor. He will offer a diversion to Crosby's loud brain, and it turns out, that's what Crosby needs. Someone who will listen to his irrational fear for the ninth time and go, "Oh, yeah, you mentioned that. Wanna go to the zoo?"
Over time, the lingering thought is that Croz wants to kiss Bubbles. But he can't say that one. Because the person he can say it to who would find a way to distract him is Bubbles. And. Well. He doesn't wanna be distracted like that.
Lucky him, they have a particularly hard assignment one night that keeps them up super late, and Bubbles knows Croz well enough to go, "Your predictions are shit because your brain's elsewhere. What's going on?"
And Croz blurts out, "I keep wanting to kiss you. For. Like. Days. Weeks. Maybe a month."
And Bubbles grins and says, "Oh, hey, I know the fix for this." And they kiss.
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[M4F] Inside the Mind of Your Goofy, Nervous Next Door Neighbor
Tags: [Vanilla] [Internal Monologue] [Silly] [Pining] [Masturbation] [Speaker Orgasm] [Stream of Consciousness] [Mental Ramblefap] Mentions of [Athlete] [Shower Sex] [Creampie] [Sweatpants]
Type: NSFW
Tone: silly, casual, occasionally insecure
Setting and SFX: Inside your head, so possibly a slight echo?
WC: 1,280, ~11 - 13 minutes
Author's Notes: Yeah, Geordi of Redacted Audio fame was a big inspiration for this; how could you tell? /t
[Knocking, footsteps] I’m coming! Hold on, hold on, let me get some pants on! I’m-
[Door opening] (startled) -coming! Hey, neighbor! How are- how are you? What can I do for you today?
Oh, shit, is that mine? The new Amazon guy must have dropped it at your door instead of mine. It was so nice of you to bring it over.
[Awkward laugh] (Trying to be funny and failing) You didn’t open it and look inside, did you? I’d hate to have to swear you to secrecy or else.
[Pause]…because it could have been a, you know, sex toy or disembodied finger or…
…something awful or…
(Weak) It’s underwear.
[Laugh] Yeah, let’s say that I just woke up. That explains why I’m sticking my foot in my mouth, absolutely. What about you- just finished a morning run?
That’s so cool. I’ve always thought about getting into it, but if I had to run in circles by myself, I’m pretty sure I’d bore myself to death.
[Laugh] (Flustered) You’re so sweet to invite me out running with you, but I’d hate to be a bother and slow you down. In fact, you probably want to get to your own apartment and shower, and I’m keeping you…
[Pause for realization] (Even more flustered, rambling) -which is not to say you stink or anything! Or that you look messy! I just imagine you’d want to get clean after exercise, you know? You actually look amazing, and you probably… smell…
[Groan] (Abashed) See what I said about the foot in the mouth?
You planning to do just that only helps a little bit, but I appreciate the attempt. I should let you get to it; I’ve kept you long enough. Thank you again for bringing this over.
Yeah, maybe I’ll see you later. Have a good shower!
[Door closing, pause, thunk of head against wood, internal monologue begins] “Have a good shower”? Really? That is not a normal thing to say, man. You don’t end a conversation with your drop-dead gorgeous, hotter than the sun neighbor with “have a good fuckin shower”.
How should I have ended that conversation?
I don’t know, dude, some normal way like “bye”. Like “have a great day”. Like “I bet you smell so fucking amazing. Please let me kiss you and find out whether I’m right”.
Maybe not that. Don’t tell the beautiful girl you think about how she smells. Also, don’t tell the beautiful girl that she brought you your underwear. That’s weird.
Why do I think that’s weird? Everybody wears underwear. She wears underwear. I wonder if she has the pretty, lacy kind or maybe something skimpy and red-
[Thunk] This. This is why we’re weird. This is why we still don’t know her number or her type or her name, because we keep thinking about her underwear and because we just bought super Mario boxer briefs with little 1UP mushrooms on them.
Ha, if we keep thinking about her in lingerie, we’ll have mushrooms in our pants and on them.
I’m going to do the world and her a favor and become a hermit. I am a problem and god’s punishment to women and a dipshit. This is why I’m single. This is why-
Is that the sound of the shower starting next door? Fuck, that means she’s naked on the other side of the wall- naked and sweaty and bending over to peel the leggings off her body.
I want to lick the sweat off her neck and shoulders.
That’s weird… but also really hot. Am I into that? Is it the sweat or the idea of the sweat dripping down the skin of her neck and between her breasts, down her stomach?
[Groan, optional schlicking and moaning begins] Pretty sure it’s the breasts. I wish she weren’t showering over there. I wish hers was broken so she’d have to come over in a towel and borrow mine like in that video last night. God, if you exist, could you make my life a porn set for just one day- just long enough for the girl of my dreams to borrow my shower and say we should share to save water?
I bet her voice is so much better bouncing off the shower tiles than through the shitty, thin walls.
That’s gotta be why people are so into shower sex, right? Why else would they risk the slippery floors and rapidly cooling water?
I’d rather fuck her somewhere softer, quieter- somewhere like this couch. I’d love to sit her down after a date and talk, get to know her, get to touch her.
God, I’d love the opportunity to take her out on a date, go around town with that gorgeous fucking girl on my arm. Even better, I wish I could make her dinner, have her sit across from me like she lives here instead of next door, like she belongs here.
If I took out for dinner and a drink, I could see her in that dress and heel combo she wears out on Friday night sometimes. That’s really tempting, but if I made her dinner, I could see her cozy and comfortable, and god is there anything cuter than a cozy, sleepy, beautiful woman?
If she was over here in those patterned sweatpants that sit on her hips like a halo on an angel’s head, I might just propose.
Better yet, she could be here naked- naked and under me and soft and warm and wet and letting me touch and spread her thighs, letting me pin her hands by her head so I can grind against her and slip inside-
Or I could bend her over the arm of the couch. I could spread her open, bury my face and tongue in her pussy, show her how good I could make her feel, find out if she’s a squirter.
Shit, wait, no, then we’d make a mess on the couch.
Who the fuck am I kidding- I couldn’t care less. She’d be a gorgeous fucking mess under me, and I could make a mess of her, cum on her ass and watch it drip down her skin.
God, those thighs looked so goddamn good in her workout gear today, thank god for Lululemon.
Her mouth looked even better. I’m surprised I managed to talk to her when I was just thinking about how kissable her mouth looks- and how fuckable. She’s always beautiful, but I bet she’d be even more beautiful with her lips wrapped around my cock, cheeks hollowed, spit dripping down her chin. I’m pretty sure if I saw that and looked her in the eyes, I’d cum right down her throat, and Jesus, that would be so hot.
It’d be hotter if I came inside.
(Nearing climax) I’m so right; if I got the chance, I’d have to cum in her, fuck her sweet and close, missionary-style first. That way, I could wrap her thighs around my hips, dig my nails into her waist, feel her breasts pressed against my chest, her arms around my neck, and her lips next to my ear, moaning and sighing and saying she loves me-!
[Orgasm, deep breathing in the afterglow, pause] (Chill, drained) Fuck, I am down bad. That was sappy, man.
[Cleaning up, moving, wiping, etc.] Get her number, get her name, have a normal conversation with her, and then we can start thinking about her telling us she loves us, you absolute dipshit. At this rate, she’ll never want… to…
[Pause, groan- the post-nut clarity] (Aghast) Fuck, she asked me to go running with her. Fuck, she was flirting! I’m an idiot!
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choke-me-joey · 1 year
Hi! In regards to Hoevember can you do number 50 with Joe? Thank you love.
Thank YOU for requesting bby ❤️
Also massive thanks to @harrys-four-nipples for helping me out with this one, ily 🥰
50. Are you sure? If we do this, I won't be able to control myself.
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Joseph Quinn x reader
Content warning: 18+ content minors DNI, rpf (don't like don't read), friends to lovers, angst, reader gets a teeny bit jealous and insecure, lil bit of fluff, Joe is soft until he's really not, no prep (but its cool, reader is SUPER wet), unprotected p in v, creampie because what else would I write
Hoe-vember/Dick-cember masterlist
It was no secret that you and your best friend Joe fancied each other. Every bloody one of your friends knew it, he knew it and you knew it. So why the hell weren’t you together?!
Well, that was totally your bad. When Joe had started landing bigger jobs, you had decided to try and save yourself the eventual heartbreak he was bound to cause you and you tried to move on to other guys with nice normal jobs who weren’t going to shatter your soul by falling in love with a stunning a size 4 actress who was working opposite him.
And it worked. For a bit.
Until the nice normal guys were not nice guys at all, but just the typical London arseholes who were only in it for a quick fuck and chuck, completely not what you wanted. And eventually when yet another boring banker or data analyst was crawling on top of you, Joe’s face invaded your thoughts and it would be the only reason you’d eventually get off, by fantasising about your long-term crush and best friend. In fact, you had even called out his name mid-fuck once. Luckily the guy you were shagging at that time was also called Joe so, no harm, no foul.
So to save yourself even further, you’d stopped dating. Completely. No one. Nothing. And at first, it was fine. But by the 3 month mark of self-inflicted celibacy, you were starting to go a little crazy. 
Which leads you to now, sitting alone in your flat on a Friday night, watching some David Attenborough narrated documentary on the TV with a G&T. Wild. All of your friends were either with their partners, tied down with work or just wanting time at home themselves tonight. The only person you hadn’t contacted was Joe. But he was probably out with Wesley, or at some fancy event or something. You missed him.
Shooting back the rest of your G&T, you pick up your phone and start mindlessly scrolling through Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, a 3-app rotation that kept you occupied for all of 10 minutes. Then a WhatsApp message pings through.
‘Hey, wyd? X’
It’s Joe. Your heart flutters at the sight of his name. 
‘Hey, famous actor man. Nm, wanna come over? X’
‘Already outside. Got Chinese x’
You stand up and open up your balcony windows, stepping outside and glancing down to the main door of your building. Sure enough, Joe is stood there, looking back up at you with a plastic bag full of food in his hands. He grins, raising the bag up at you.
He looks so fucking good it should be illegal.
“Hold on,” you return his grin, rushing back inside and buzzing the door open for him. You quickly check over your appearance and make sure you don’t stink like a bin, before opening your front door.
About an hour later, bellies full of too much Chinese food and a few beers, you and Joe are sprawled out on your bed. Well, to be more precise he is sprawled out like he bloody owns the place, you’re sat with your back against the headboard picking at the label on your beer bottle.
"Sign of sexual frustration, that." Joe pipes up, smirking at you. You can't fucking look at him right now; you know how he looks when he smirks. You'll want to pounce on him. Your pussy throbs.
"Well, if you hadn't had decent sex for months, you'd be frustrated too." You grumble back, squeezing your thighs together subtly.
"Months? Thought you were seeing that one bloke from your office?"
"Yeah, months ago, Joe. Plus he was so fucking boring. And shit in bed. Had to get myself off when he left." To some videos of you, btw.
"Ah." Joe nods and takes a sip of his beer. "Shame."
"Please don't gloat, Joe, I get it, you're a super hot actor now and the women are throwing themselves at you." You roll your eyes as you speak. Joe barks out a laugh.
"I meant, it's a shame you had to get yourself off after he left, he missed out. Bet that was hot as fuck." He says casually, his dark eyes watching you from his side of the bed. You shove him with your foot. "And you know I haven't been shagging anyone, Y/N."
"Do I? Not even your little red headed friend you were papped with?" You raise an eyebrow at him. Now it's his turn to roll his eyes.
"Curious." You lie. Of course you were jealous. She was fucking gorgeous and you knew Joe; the minute those videos surfaced you knew he was flirting with her. But also you knew nothing had happened. Wesley had reassured you. Wesley knew everything. You just needed to hear Joe say it.
"Nothing happened with her. I haven't fucked anyone in months, Y/N. I'm just not interested." Joe sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "You know there's only one person I want."
"Joe..." You sigh, your head flopping back against the headboard. "Don't, please. I've told you, I wouldn't be able to handle it if you met someone else, especially some of the women you work with-"
"Fuck, Y/N, what kind of person do you think I am?" Joe sits up, inching closer to you. "I would never, ever-"
"You might though. If we had to spend months apart-"
"Which we have-"
"-you get unbearably horny-"
"-that's what I have a hand for-"
"For fucks sake, Joe, I bloody love you and want you to fuck the shit out of me right now and tell me that you love me too!" You snap, the admission even taking you by surprise. Joe blinks at you. There's a brief, tense pause before he lunges at you, grabbing your head and smashing his mouth to yours. You freeze, brain desperately tying to catch up. Joe feels your hesitation and tries to pull away, but you grab his head and bring him back to you, this time kissing him back properly.
It's closed mouths at first, but you decide to be bold and flick your tongue against his lip. He groans and accepts, opening his mouth and allowing you to taste him for the first time. You thread your fingers into Joe's curls as you kiss, deep and slow, the kind of kisses that make you weak in the knees and dizzy in your brain. Your body shifts against his, making you both moan softly. Joe moves so that you're lying down, him on top of you, and then he suddenly pulls away again, making you whine at the loss of his mouth against yours.
"Are you sure? If we do this, I won't be able to control myself." He says, his voice taking a deeper tone. You nod, and he smiles. "I bloody love you too."
"I know. Can you fuck me now please?"
"Or what, you'll do it yourself?" Joe teases and you laugh. "You'll have to show me that sometime."
"Save that for when you're travelling, Quinn." You reply, grabbing the front of his shirt. He looks down at your hands, an eyebrow raised, before looking back at you. He smirks, grabbing your wrists and pinning them above your head with one hand.
"Can you keep your hands there for me like a good girl?"
You nod, swallowing, the throb in your underwear almost becoming unbearable. It had been forever, or what felt like forever, since you had been turned on like this. And it's Joe. Fucking Joe who you've been lusting after for fuck knows how long.
He sits you up, still making sure you keep your hands above your head. He tugs at the bottom of your tshirt, looking at you for permission. Again, you nod and he peels off your tshirt, swearing sharply as your tits are exposed, nipples pebbled in arousal. You were pretty glad you'd decided to forgo a bra tonight. Comfort over fashion or whatever it was.
"Fucking hell, Y/N, your boobs are incredible." Joe groans, pushing you down onto your back again and admiring you for a moment. He then strips off his own shirt, taking his place back on top of you, and you whimper at the feel of his bare chest against yours. Joe teases you,skating his fingers along your bare side. His eyes darken, watching your expression as he gently pinches your nipple.
"Fuck, Joe, please!" You whine, bucking your hips into his. The crotch of your leggings brushes over his evident arousal in his jeans and you shiver at the slightest hint of friction there. Joe chuckles.
"Worked up like this already? You really are desperate for a good fucking, aren't you? You're not the only one, baby. I can't wait anymore, need to be inside you."
You're amazed at how he undressed both you and himself whilst still pinning your wrists above your head with one hand. Clearly he has done this before. You swallow down that pang of jealousy; he's with you now, nobody else.
"Hey, you okay?" Joe sees your expression falter as you get lost in your thoughts. His own expression softens as he looks at you with concern. "We don't have to do this if you don't want to-"
"I want to. Fuck me, Joe, and don't be gentle about it. I don't want to be able to walk after." You say with determination, fingers ghosting over his that held you. Joe groans, his eyes fluttering shut.
"You keep saying stuff like that and I won't last long, been thinking about this for way too long." He lets go of your wrists and brings that hand to the side of your head supporting himself as his other hand guides his cock to your pussy. He taps your clit a few times with his cockhead, chuckling at the way your body arches and you squirm with desperation. After he's swiped his cock through your arousal, he pushes in all the way to the hilt, knocking the wind out of you.
He's massive. Well, bigger than what you're used to, thick and long and he bumps your womb when he slides in all the way. The burn is delicious; you can't remember the last time you felt this full, if ever.
"Fuck, Joe," you pant, your walls fluttering around him as you stretch to accommodate him.
"Christ, you're fucking tight. You okay?" Joe grits out, his jaw clenched at how fucking good you feel around him. You nod, and he leans down to kiss you, starting to move slowly.
"No, no, no, no-" you whimper against his mouth. "More, Joe, harder, please, I can take it. Fuck. Me."
Joe finally seems to get the message, and flips you over onto the mattress, face down and ass up. Once again, he grabs your wrists in his hand but this time holds them behind your back. He slams his cock into you, using his grip on your wrists as leverage.
"I was trying to be fucking romantic, love, but you're too desperate for my cock, hm?" Joe grunts, his fast and deep thrusts making you moan into the duvet.
"Fuck yes, Joe, please, I want it!" You moan, every nudge of his cock against your cervix sending a blooming mix of pain and pleasure throughout your core.
Nobody had fucked you this good before. All the guys you'd tried hooking up with to take your mind off of the man who was currently rearranging your guts had crawled on top of you for 10, maybe 15 minutes at a push, encouraged you to touch your clit and left it at that. As long as they shot their load, it was a win for them.
But Joe, Joe was different. So very fucking different. From how he was talking to you, to how he was touching you. He hands leave your wrists and travel to your hair, pulling it into a ponytail and pulling your head back with it.
You let out a sharp moan.
"That's right, baby, let me fucking hear those pretty moans. Does my cock feel good? Cos your pussy feels like fucking heaven, babe, can't believe we waited so long to do this, fuck, i love you so fucking much."
"I love you," you gasp, and Joe pulls you up so your back is against his chest, fucking up into you as one of his hands cups your boob, and the other snakes down to your clit. You turn your head and kiss him, moaning into his mouth as he rolls the pad of his finger over your clit, again and again and again until you break the kiss to cry out his name as you come, long and hard, your pussy holding his cock in a fucking vice grip as a fresh wave of arousal washes over you both.
"Can I come in you?" Joe pants against your mouth, you nod reaching a hand behind his head and keeping it there, tangled in his damp curls as he thrusts a couple more times into you before releasing, cum splashing up against your womb and walls. Joe moans your name out as he comes, his legs shaking with the force of his orgasm. You kiss his face as he rides it out, and eventually his head drops to your shoulder, peppering the skin there with sloppy kisses.
His cock stays in you until it softens, neither one of you wanting to break the connection yet. He hisses with the sensitivity as he slips out of you, and you quickly excuse yourself to go to the bathroom to clean up, albeit on extremely wobbly legs. When you come back, Joe is passed out in your bed, still bollock naked but under the covers, snoring softly. You join him, laying on your side and stroking a hand over his cheek gently. He cracks an eye open and smiles at you, opening his arm for you to snuggle up into him. He places a kiss on your forehead.
"My hand is going to have a hard time comparing to that, just so you know."
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boa-h · 2 years
【Charlotte Cracker】 Summer Wind
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You and Cracker met and fell in love during a hot summer, you guys were still teenagers back then. You remember that day, his confession under the sunset.
That was the only time he told you that he loves you.
"Oi, I... I like you. Can we go out.. or something?" He avoided his gaze
"You only like me?" You teased
"Ugh! What more do you want!? I LOVE YOU. IS THAT GOOD ENOUGH?!” He shouted.
Cracker waited anxiously, "So..?"
"I love you too." You smiled
Maybe it was because of the hot weather or maybe it was the color of the sunset, but both of your faces were dyed a red hue. The warm wind blew past, his cool grin turned into a shy smile, which you found fascinating.
It was a summer that you will forever remember, along with the wind that told your tales.
"Forgive me! But I do love him." Crocodile tears flowed down her face as she begged, "Please let me be with him!"
"And why should I?" You questioned.
The girl was clearly "startled" by your response, "B-because... you're.. you’re not the right woman for him!"
"Ha! Not the right woman?" You laughed, "and you think you are?!”
"Hey, stop it. Be nice." Cracker stood in front of the girl and frowned at you.
"Wuah~ I’m scared… Cracker-sama..." The girl hid behind the large man "You scared her." He told you.
You chuckled in disbelief, "Are you being serious right now? Charlotte Cracker. 15 tears, I've loved you for 15 years, and I've done so much for you. And this is what you-"
"I never asked you to do those things for me." He cut you off.
Your chuckle turned into a laugh, "I see, I see... Sorry for bothering you for all these years then. Charlotte Cracker."
You jolted awake with tears and cold sweat running down your face. You looked over at the man sleeping like a dead pig next to you, aggrievedness raised out of nowhere as you kicked Cracker off the bed.
"Ow! Fuck! What the f-" He immediately paused when he saw the tears on your face, he quickly got back on the bed and embraced you while blabbering, "Holy crackers, what's wrong? Why are you crying? Did I hurt you when I was asleep?"
You listened as you cried onto his shoulder.
"Hey, stop crying already, I don't know how to comfort people, you know that."
"I love you, Cracker. Can you not leave me?"
"What are you talking about, woman? Why the fuck would I leave you?" His ears turned red at your first sentence.
"You still love me, right." You pulled back and looked into his eyes.
"Of course, my feelings never changed. Were you dreaming of me leaving you?" He wiped your tears away with his thumb rather harshly.
You nodded.
"Stupid idiot, I'll never leave you. Now stop crying, you're super ugly when you do." He huffed.
"Cracker..." you sniffled.
"Your breath stinks."
The wind blew into the opened window as if laughing at Cracker's bright red face along with you, taking away your bad mood in the process.
You two fell in love during summer, and summer never ended.
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cerise-on-top · 3 months
Heyyy so out of Valeria, Laswell and Farrah, who do you think is the most to freak out over a bug, just kill it or take it outside? Silly ask but yk, thank ya!
Hey there! That is a pretty silly ask! I hope I was able to do it justice!
Valeria, Farah and Laswell Reacting to a Bug
Valeria: She definitely just kills the bug. She doesn’t have the time for something as stupid as some bug and doesn’t really care much for it either. If it was up to her, then all bugs would be dead whenever she comes near them. They’re small pests, doesn’t matter if they’re good for the environment or not. She’ll kill a wasp as much as she’ll kill a ladybug, she doesn’t see any difference in bugs. They’re all stupid, worthless and annoying and are better off dead.
Farah: She takes the bug outside. Farah can appreciate animals. While she may not be the biggest fan of bugs, she doesn’t hate them either. They’re such small creatures in such a big, hateful world. No, she won’t kill them. Although she won’t feel bad for squashing bugs either if she does so by accident. However, they’re usually deserving of life, as long as they aren’t being nuisances. But even then she’ll show them mercy and be nice to them. Besides, some of them look cool. Laswell: I wouldn’t say she freaks out per se, but she does get uneasy around some bugs. She’s been around the world, she’s likely been stung by some wasps or bees and knows that they can be little shits if they feel threatened. Or if they just feel like it. Laswell will flinch a bit whenever a wasp comes near her, but, as I’ve said, she doesn’t really freak out too much. If she can kill the bug, that’s fine, but if it flies outside she won’t complain either. She’s probably killed a stink bug before and figured out the hard way why they’re called stink bugs.
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munchmemes · 1 year
new girl quotes but it's just nick ( part one )
❛  do you have any pets? ❛  wait, did you just make up a theme song for yourself? ❛  i don't think you know what motorboating is. ❛  why are you friends with those guys? ❛  you're not ready to let them go. i think you know deep down, once you get your stuff back, you know, it's over over. ❛  oh, hey, you guys wanna see a grown man cry? no? then get out! ❛  the fact is that i was a mean person and i'm sorry, okay? ❛  oh, hey [NAME], i live in the photo booth now. ❛  i just got off three back-to-back shifts. i just wanna sit here all weekend in silence, playing this game, then i wanna go in my room and do weird stuff on my computer. ❛  this is the opposite of being alone. this is the opposite of what i wanted this weekend. ❛  no, i don't dance. i'm from the town in Footloose. ❛  i don't need you to ... i don't know, take care of me. just stop being so nice. ❛  did you just call me 'bro'? ❛  i'm saying stop trying to take care of everyone. ❛  i don't wear old man clothes. you don't like the way i dress? ❛  that's a great plan, [NAME]. be the one that replaces their dead nana. ❛  i'm surprised you haven't made a game of it. ❛  and with that statement, you never had sex again. ❛  my nanny is dead! i'm not looking to make money off of her! ❛  ugh, would you listen to yourself? ❛  you know what sucks about getting older? your friends have known you for way too long. they've got too much on you. i want friends who still lie to me 'cause they don't want to hurt my feelings. ❛  i don't need to seem any less cool than i already do. ❛  please! this is my nightmare! ❛  hey, [NAME], how you doing? i can't talk right now. i'm in a real weird situation. ❛  last month i went to a party called 'Bros before Hos on the moon'. what does that even mean? the dress code was yacht flair. ❛  before you, there was like nothing. i've got, like, no one on the horizon. in a hot way. ❛  you're not my friend right now. you're my enemy, [NAME]. my enemy. ❛  you don't have to say that. they're my friends, you can tease them. i tease them all the time. ❛  somehow, [NAME], you've outdone yourself this time. ❛  this is not gonna be attractive. ❛  when i work out, which isn't often, i listen to Huey Lewis because it pumps me up. not ironically.
❛  i don't believe dinosaurs existed. i've seen the science. i don't believe it. ❛  i don't think you have stuff. you're just perfect. ❛  what, are you like The Bourne Identity person? ❛  i hate that i'm so turned on by your craziness but i'm ... i'm going with it. ❛  i'm not good at being in a relationship. i'm good at being that person that you find yourself spending more and more time with until you meet the one. ❛  no, no. i'm seeing other people too. i'm having sex all the time. i'm like a mailman. except instead of mail, it's hot sex that i deliver. ❛  no, i'm pretty sure it's a 'leatherman' jacket. the leather sleeves the football guys wear? ❛  no, i don't wash the towel, the towel washes me. who washes a towel? what am i gonna do? wash the shower next? wash a bar of soap? you gotta think here! i get out of the damn shower, i'm clean as a damn baby and i use the towel. ❛  you guys don't wear each other's underpants? you're lying. we all wear each other's underwear. ❛  he has a gun. he has a gun. stay down. do you still think he's a nice guy, [NAME]? ❛  i can't believe that worked. you out-crazied a man with a gun. ❛  a smile is a sign of weakness. ❛  that's it. people stink. ❛  i changed my mind. i'll be there. just watching you. ❛  oh, i'm okay. somebody needs to stay sober to fight them later. ❛  how have you lived this long on your own? ❛  we're about to have a ménage a trois 'cause you won't admit you're wrong. ❛  say that you're wrong and it's over. [NAME], you can't do this but i can. ❛  first of all, you're gonna need a map of Arizona. and a container that you're comfortable getting urine in. ❛  yeah, i'm gonna act like you didn't just say that, [NAME]. ❛  you know what, [NAME]? i'm sorry, i'm just feeling very romantic and i have nowhere else to put it so happy Valentine's Day, good-looking. ❛  well, i got my heart broken and then everything got weird. i started playing guitar in an alt-country-ska band. gambling a lot. there was a really weird week where i wore a long blonde wig an i made everybody call me Sandy Ferguson. then i drove to Mexico and i tried to enter a cockfight. yes, [NAME], as a person. ❛  [NAME], i am so sorry. i just told them a story about when i got arrested in Mexico. ❛  i wasn't gonna tell you until after you got knocked up and were stuck with me.
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