izzyizumi · 5 years
Digimon Adventure(s) REPEATverse: an introduction
Fic: here ( please note any and all notes/warnings before reading ! ) AMVs: (short index at start links to past AMVs for this series): here * the AMVs are recommended if the fic itself isn’t your thing ! * the AMVs and the fic can be viewed separately from each other ! * you can still gain a same amount of the main story from the AMVs alone ! * the fic goes more into headcanons/ships/etc. as well as side ‘verses * However, I’m aware my writing isn’t the best so the AMVs may be preferred ! * basically, I’m a lot more confident in my minimal AMV making skills than my fic writing ability, but not for lack of trying I suppose ? * by viewing the AMVs you also get to hear cool music ! * some of it’s kind of depressing too though u m just as another warning * OK BUT THE MUSIC IS VERY GOOD OVERALL TOO THE BACKSTORY (NOTE: CONTAINS MAIN STORY SPOILERS FOR FIC):
Koushiro Izumi, in a distant FUTURE TIMELINE (but pre-02 Epilogue), during a "final battle", witnesses Taichi Yagami about ready to face his death, as well as the deaths of the rest of the Chosen Children - - including that of Koushiro Izumi himself.                              ( After all, if TAICHI CANNOT WIN ... ) In a last-ditch effort to save EVERYONE and everything, Koushiro CODES and sets in motion an endless " Reboot ", to constantly loop and " REPEAT " the timeline - or timelines. This is in the hopes that one day, they can figure out where they went wrong, stop the enemy, and finally save the day - the worlds - and everyone.
Unfortunately, despite this best effort of Koushiro's, this endless Reboot sends " YGGDRASIL " INTO MADNESS . "Yggdrasil" begins to execute more and more violent attacks against the Chosen Children with each "Reboot" / "REPEAT" in the hopes of wiping them out and "removing" the Chosen, especially one Koushiro Izumi, for good, and destroying all worlds that exist. " HOMEOSTASIS " becomes involved when they begin to target the Chosen - and one Koushiro Izumi, especially - for similar means, in an aim to wipe them out and "remove" them as well, and also, in an attempt to regain the Digital World's balance and stop Yggdrasil while they're at it. However, EVEN HOMEOSTASIS, SOON BEGINS TO DELVE INTO MADNESS ...
The series of events sets off a major chain reaction. Almost all, if not ALL, of the Chosen Childrens' former villains begin to become aware of the worlds' and Koushiro's plights, as well. After all, when you have a massive telescope where you can spy directly on the Chosen from afar ala Piemon, how could they NOT become aware when the Chosen (and especially, one Koushiro Izumi, and ALSO, one Taichi Yagami) begin acting strangely of their own accord? Some of the former villains begin attempts to use the situation to their specific advantages, while ignoring the wider plight - for example, Etemon may simply want to gain the revenge he wants for Taichi defeating him " that time ", even if it means Etemon giving up his mind in order to do so. MUGENDRAMON [“Machinedramon”] ESPECIALLY has his own goals that may or may not involve a certain OTHER TIME-HOPPING                                                " RYO AKIYAMA " as well as attempting to UTTERLY DESTROY A CERTAIN KOUSHIRO IZUMI WHILE HE’S AT IT. Some of the former villains and the Dark Masters even begin fighting against each other - and yet more of them, particularly Piemon, may be becoming more and more aware of the timelines - and which CHOSEN REMEMBER those timelines - as time goes on.
Moreover, every time Koushiro must "REPEAT" a timeline, the pressure begins to build further and further until it's near mind-breaking levels. Not only does he have to deal with SAVING MULTIPLE WORLDS AND UNIVERSES, and coming up with plans to defeat all of these enemies ON HIS OWN, without telling any of the others lest they figure out what's really going on with him, - but he ALSO has to relive his personal storyline and issues, over and over and over and over again, for endless timelines on end. And considering Koushiro Izumi also was someone who started out feeling like " even if he wasn't around , THE WORLD would STILL GO ON ", WELL ....
The pressure buildup becomes too much -
--- and Koushiro Izumi, via the Digital Worlds' coding and his own skills, wipes his own memory as well as those of everyone elses'. ESPECIALLY those of TAICHI YAGAMI’S. {...and, even voluntarily on Taichi’s part, As Well}
... but along the way ---
--- Koushiro Izumi, in his endless thirst for KNOWLEDGE ..and wanting to know exactly what is going on here,
... soon starts to REGAIN those memories, in numerous other timelines.
How much does KOUSHIRO remember ? How much does TAICHI YAGAMI begin to remember ? What will Taichi Yagami himself CHOOSE to do ?
How much do THE VILLAINS, K N O W?
How far along the “original timeline” do the timelines actually get to progress before thing begin to collapse, yet again ?
And can anything REALLY be done to stop the worlds and the Chosen Children from becoming closer and closer to being utterly and completely destroyed ?
... and will KOUSHIRO - and, TAICHI - be able to yet again handle the immense pressures ?
#akiyama ryo#digimon homeostasis#digimon yggdrasil#repeatverse#timeloop au#fic: repeat#c: koushiro izumi#c: taichi yagami#c: ryo akiyama#c: repeat chosen#c: chosen children#c: mugendramon#c: yggdrasil#c: homeostasis#c: digimon villains#('I'M BAD AT NOT SPOILING MY OWN FICVERSES' - M E)#(this is the MUCH longer and more detailed summary that should explain at least SOME of these things compared to the one line fic summary)#(I'VE BEEN WANTING TO THROW @ RYO AKIYAMA @ RYO AKIYAMA @ RYO AND @ MUGENDRAMON @ MUGENDRAMON)#(IN FOREVER T O O O M G JUST. THE WONDERSWAN GAMES LORE. I STILL BARELY UNDERSTAND IT BUT J U S T)#(SO YEAH MUGENDRAMON IS VERY VERY MUCH INVOLVED IN RYO'S DIMENSION HOPPING AND I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE IT)#(I DON'T DISLIKE RYO ACTUALLY I gENUINELY DON'T)#(JUST THE AMOUNT OF CANON AND LORE KIND OF DRIVES ME UP A WALL TRYING TO KEEP IT ALL STRAIGHT AAAAA)#(THIS IS NOT THE FAULT OF THE TRANSLATORS AND MORE THE FAULT OF ME BEING BAD AT ORGANIZING MORE EXTENSIVE LORE)#(ok but SERIOUSLY RYO. RYO. R Y O. RYO VOICE @ KOUSHIRO ' Need help ? ')#(KOUSHIRO VOICE ' P L E A S E ')#(RYO VOICE ' so you know ' ' there's this sWORD ' ' that just mIGHT help with at least SOME of this ' ' you fought Diablomon ' ' ..right?')#(KOUSHIRO VOICE WEAKLY ' U m ' ' .... Things kind of. ' ' ... happened ' RYO ' ...Guess I'm back ' KOUSHIRO THINKING ' I owe you my life ')#(RYO AKIYAMA CAN BE VERY USEFUL ACTUALLY)#(RYO AKIYAMA CAN BE VERY USEFUL WHEN NO ONE ELSE REMEMBERS RYO AKIYAMA IS NOT YOUR ENEMY)#(When You're Koushiro Izumi and you've gained an immense amount of Knowledge but you WIPE EVERYONES MEMORIES bUT YOUR OTHER SELVES REMEMBER)
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