scarskelly · 2 months
Open The Introduction To Dragongate by Scar The Skelly [UNAFFILIATED PART 3]
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I can see the finish line, let's goooo!
Presentation Notes:
Ryu Fuda
Fuda and Mocchy had a wonderful match on the 6th of March this year in Korakuen, would recommend.
Daiki Yanagiuchi
The package Daiki gave Yoshioka was a challenge for the Dream Gate from Ben-K, including a note that proclaimed his intention and a golden rose.
Konomama Ichikawa
He’s actually from Kakamigahara City, Gifu. Yes, he’s from the same prefecture as Shun.
He’ll lose to moves you never should lose to in times you’d only see in squashes. Sometimes he even taps out during a move that isn’t a submission (like when he’s being held in a powerbomb position).
Kancho - a prank performed by clasping the hands together in the shape of a gun and attempting to poke the victim’s butthole.
Some of the people who have answered Ichikawa’s open challenge include Jun Akiyama, Yuji Nagata, The Great Sasuke, Necro Butcher, Akebono (rip king), Kensuke Sasaki, Abdullah The Butcher, Atsushi Onita, Yoshiaki Fujiwara, Keiji Muto, Shingo Takagi (returning from New Japan in a special only once a year appearance).
Ichikawa has only wrestled once this year so far, taking it easy and letting his body recover from getting beaten up mercilessly for about 25 years?
La Estrella
Should mention, the dates here on this slide are set up in DD/MM/YYYY order, as that is what I am familiar with.
Estrella was a talented amateur wrestler before getting into Dragongate, which is why he’s a bit older than you would expect something who debuted in 2020 to be. Does he use his amateur wrestling skills in the ring? If you make him, but for the most part, he’s flipping all over the place like you forgot to turn gravity on.
Estrella splits his time between DG and North America, wrestling in the U.S and Mexico.
Shuji Kondo
Kondo only has one championship reign in Dragongate (with it being a very recent Twin Gate reign with Kenoh as members of Kongo) as he was fired in December 2004 alongside the rest of Aagan Iisou for alleged behavioural issues. He only returned to Dragongate in 2019.
Kenichiro Arai
Just last year Araken had a match with GENTARO that got a bit of buzz in the English-speaking puro scene on Twitter. I haven’t seen it myself, but I heard a lot of good about it.
Araken is also a proud supporter of the Hanshin Tigers and was thrilled when they broke the Colonel Sanders statue river curse (look it up if you don’t know what I’m talking about, you won’t regret it).
Ryo Saito
SaiRyo has been in both Real Hazard and JIMMYZ (the same as Horiguchi). I don’t think I need to really explain how impressive it to be able to be in both one of the heel units and the face units, and it not feel weird at all. Genki and SaiRyo are amazing.
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nyxqueenofshadows · 19 days
it took me 128 hours, but i finally finished yakuza 7! as always, play diary under the cut (5k words, fyi)
had a lot of fun, there were times i laughed out loud and cried and yeah, adore the ichigang and what they bring to the series. banger of a game
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bless ichiban and his big dumb heart
masato is such a dick. reminds me of post-timeskip nishiki a bit. i like how they portray his illness tho (even if they’re super vague about it).
oh speaking of there’s sooooo much cutscene jesus christ. even for a yakuza game this is killing me, even if it’s all very good. feels like i’m watching a tv show at times.
new year’s tacky sunglasses i salute you
the bread cutscene! it really does look great, idk what possessed them to spend as much time as they must’ve done to make one bite of bread look that good but i respect it!
ponytail ichi!! he’s only in it for like 5 minutes but i already miss him
anyway hey adachi welcome to the party now what on earth do you want and why are you pestering him about it this much
this is probably gonna come up again but i feel like i have no sense of how long anything’s gonna take. i’ll be stuck in 45 minute long segments where i can’t save or do much of anything and i can never see them coming even tho i’m what, nine games in at this point?
it’s so weird walking at the bottom of nakamichi street and the don quijote isn’t there. that’s like THE landmark down there for so many games (and in real life!) and for it to be a police station feels weirdly wrong.
arakawa sr what’re you doing man? what’s with the cold shoulder? and why are you buddy buddy with omi now?
ichi and adachi really get off on the wrong foot huh, tho it’s nice to see them getting over that a bit as they work together.
looking at nick ogata it’s kind of easy to see where they were hoping to slot akiyama in. shame, too.
after the first dungeon (and boss) to test me i think i’m getting used to the combat now? obvs i’ve not got a lot to work with yet tho.
so i played the rggo version of ichi’s story like six months ago? so i knew that arakawa sr shooting ichi was a thing, but oh man. he really has no hesitation there does he. fuck. also adachi! i need him back and he’s gone :(((( at least it gave me my equipment i put on him back
nanba! grumpy guy. reasonable tho.
fake money? huh. wonder who put that on ichi. and why, too. is this gonna be to do with that commissioner guy, the one from the cabaret club.
i needed to quit so i skimmed over this a bit (which is a shame cos it was a good bit) but nanba has a criminal record??? tell me more??? (me from later: ohhh he was selling drugs on the black market. nanba... me from even later: BRO WHY)
i’ve unlocked substories! woohoo!
hamako’s great, like her a lot. yeah, show ‘em who’s boss!
wait ryo aoki is leader of bleach japan? that explains a few things. (i had it spoiled for me shhh) also bleach japan guy (kume?) can go die, i hate him. do i get to hit him at some point, please say i do (me, post game: I do, but not nearly enough.)
the bit where nanba and ichi finally get a place to live and sit talking about their dreams and being like fuck it, do what you want hit me harder than i expected. maybe it’s just where i’m at in life (or that i’m a big ol’ sap) but i teared up a bit
adachi’s back in the party, ichi’s got his hero bat, everything’s going great! can’t wait for it all to come crashing down around them when whatever the fuck was going on with the geomijul guy with the crossbow comes back at the party again.
wait wait hold on why did they translate sujimon sensei like that??? he introduces himself as ドクターすじもん and then says people call him すじもん博士(はかせ)so why not stick with that? doctor sujimon and then professor sujimon, it even links back to the pokemon stuff more (professor oak etc.) did they just want the alliteration???
anyway i lost my first fight :((( i went wandering in chinatown and they’re like twice my level up there. bummer. I’m actually gonna have to start saving my money like a real adult :(((
the noise i made when nanoha’s last name was revealed i was like OH? Saeko’s coming, right? We’re nearly there? also as someone connected to care homes if they’re using this as one big scam i’m gonna be so pissed off
IT WAS WORSE tho ngl this doesn’t seem like a sustainable business model?
finally met kashiwagiiiiiiii i love how they completely blow past him being someone you might recognise if you’ve played 0-3, he’s just like yo are you gonna pay this time. also not sure how i feel about gary buster holmes (now actually pronounced gary and not gayry) being in it. they’ve upped his japanese so it sounds even more unintelligible and foreign than his last appearance, and is it not just kind of fan service? like, i like him don’t get me wrong, but did he need to be there
yokohama is  so big :’(
the boss fight/rush/dungeon thing through seiryu hq was actually pretty fun and not too difficult, which was nice. hoshino (no, not the one from judgment but what a twist that would be) has a weirdly incongruent voice but i’m sure i’ll get used to it. also he knows smth, i’m suspicous of this man.....
ALSO what was ichi thinking about when they came out of HQ? he was clearly distracted, but about what?
they really straight up killed nonomiya huh. no amount of ‘he was secretly nice really’ is gonna make me like him tho, he was an arse asdfghjkl
SAEKO she’s here!!!! the scene where she joins the party was really sweet (even if they go from 0 to 100 really quickly asdfghjkl like they met ten minutes ago and then she spilled her entire backstory and now they’re on ‘we’ll never leave you alone again’ terms. okay?)
pun names in substories continue, ofc bubble man is called awano, of course he is
i am not gonna handle this job system well, i can see it coming (edit: actually, I did pretty well. Could’ve been more efficient about it, but overall not bad)
it’s weird seeing things that were in judgment in this game but in completely different places. like, there’s the single chase sequence at the start of the game (were they planning more? it feels like it), the search sequence where you look for nancy, and then saeko’s cheers are very similar to mafuyu’s in that one sequence. i know it’s just classic rgg asset reuse but smth about it feels different here?? (edit: I don’t know what I meant here)
ERI! oh wait i’ve gotta do the business minigame to get her in the party :((( okay plot hold on, i’ve got some grinding to do
so THAT’S how the counterfeit money fits in! assuming the bill ichiban had in his pocket is linked in to this liumang operation.
i’m really liking the longer time to get to know each character and for their relationships to develop. rgg have always been good at that but it feels like they’re really getting chance to shine here
that said i really do hate how there’s no grace period after combat and you can get stuck in a loop of enemy spawns and fights. for grinding xp it’s great but for actual fun? not so much.
is nugget two (aka omelette) just there for fan service? don’t get me wrong i’m very happy to have a chicken wandering the office again, but it’s all i can think about whenever i see her
did the management game up to unlocking eri basically all in one session. don’t recommend, exactly, but it was convenient! i also like that there’s skills linked to doing that, it’s an extra incentive to do it
after several hours of pootling around doing some minor grinding and the part time hero stuff, time to finally finish chapter 5! also why is there nowhere i can buy enforcer gear, i can get stuff for basically every other job except that one, and two of the gear shops on the map aren’t open yet...
mabuchi can GET FUCKED but anyway hi joongi
that dungeon after that, from after joongi leaves to the final boss fight with *checks notes* heavy machinery is so looooong, are they all gonna be like this? it’s just weird cos there’s two save points quite close together and then nothing for like half an hour and three floors. odd design
whoever said zhao is like a gen z majima is so not wrong (tho toned down ofc). wonder what he’s like not in front of a crowd (very good, is the answer)
geomijul let’s goooooo this was a much more enjoyable dungeon than the yokohama one, even with the random where’s wally thing it had going on in the middle.
oh so THEY’RE the ones making counterfeit money! oh! also hi again joongi. so glad i had eri for your boss fight or it might have been a little trickier (even if i had her as idol so i had two idols in the party... oops)
ALSO NANBA WTF i knew he had a sibling (it got spoiled for me :((( tag your spoilers people!!!) but didn’t know circumstances. yikes. so then if the geomijul didn’t take his brother (which seems unlikely) then who did?
it’s not even 2am yet??? guys do you not need sleep????
oh this is a loooong night.
obligatory plot/history dump section, currently feeling a lot like how hiroshima worked in y6 but with somehow more corruption. less murder tho, probably. so by the ijin three working together on their counterfeit venture and sending the money to the governor who gives it to the police this somehow keeps the balance. a balance so fragile that one man dying can upend the whole thing. guys i don’t think this plan was as solid as you thought it was.
i can’t believe i’m about to say this, but as he currently is i don’t like zhao. well no, i *do*, but i also want to punch him a bit which is good, i think that’s how it’s supposed to go.
NANBA COME ON MAN these people are clearly using you as a means to an end
also i’m not happy with how in the translation they keep saying he pretended to be homeless. this isn’t true, both in general and in the jp text. he *was* homeless. it wasn’t an act, it wasn’t a play, it was a thing he did to get what he wanted. he didn’t have a secret second place to live or a job he was doing to keep himself afloat, he was just like the other people in that camp but for the fact that he chose that specific spot and probably did at one point or another have the means to support himself. anyway, rant over
i mean it eri is so fucking op omg she’s never leaving the party
side content is going well, tho i’m getting to the point where i need money to do some of them and i Do Not Have Enough. where am i supposed to get two million yen from, game, why do this to me
i feel like they put ono michio in just cos he’s popular not cos it makes any real sense. like it’s fine, ig, but idk. maybe i’m all ono michio’d out.
i lost my first plot fight.... :((( it’s the one against nanba and ishinoda, i think i got kind of unlucky with attacks cos i didn’t have nearly the same problems the second time round even tho i was equally as prepared.
they literally could have told nanba his brother was alive and well, that would have fixed all of their problems and he wouldn’t have gone ratting out their counterfeiting scheme. guys why didn’t you??? i know they explained it sort of (and they said they underestimated how bad things were) but i still don’t see how denying him what he wanted to know helped anyone in that situation.
obligatory long lore dump via vague torture scene (this is literally the bit with hamura in judgement). i’m gonna be honest i zoned out a bit partway through but i got the gist.
nanba’s not staying :((( i get it tho.
Anyway once again hi joongi welcome aboard! get ready to get put through your fucking paces
wait so the omi were at the liumang restaurant (qijin?) to make an oath with mabuchi, or smth, and then they see him get beaten into the floor and just leave? lol what was the point
NANBA FUCKING CAME THROUGH okay i’ve been won over, sorry i was ever mean to you nanba. i don’t think anyone could refuse ichiban a second time when he looks at you with those big ‘i unconditionally love you’ eyes
mitsu returns too! interesting place to bring him back too, hopefully he comes back again later (…barely. Bummer.)
is zhao a closet tsundere
oh they killed ogasawara? yikes. nanba says it best, aoki’s plan is working really efficiently and really well, i’m almost impressed
i have everyone in the party now! woo hoo! tho it does stand out more than a little bit that everyone has a karaoke song except joongi. i know they fix that for infinite wealth (and it kinda makes sense, ig) but come on let me hear him :((((((
i did not find the yokohama dungeon fun. as a way of levelling up it’s fairly efficient but my god do i not wanna do the whole thing again
(i’m still pootling around in chapter 11 don’t @ me) LAU KA LONG IS THAT YOU i thought he didn’t turn up until gaiden, i got jumpscared by him and his tsukumo hair *some time later* his name’s CHAU ka long??? fucking bite me
finally moving onto chapter 11 can’t wait to do some more plot oh no i’m in chapter 12 and it wants 3 million yen from me. *sigh* back to the grind
masato really had a shitty night in 2001 huh. i mean he’s hardly the nicest guy, even back then, but still. will say tho that the dead guy, suzumori, was literally asking for it. if he’s dumb enough to say shoot me to a guy with a gun then idk what he was expecting.
he and ichiban have the same eyes, i think. aoki’s are smaller than ichiban’s big puppy eyes so it’s harder to tell but i’m pretty sure they’re the same. There’s no reason for this, but it’s there.
having done everyone’s drink links, i think the ending of zhao’s is my favourite (recency bias maybe) but the best overall was adachi’s? difficult to say.
also ‘pan joongi’ has me fucking DEAD some of these party chats are hilarious. i’m gonna find them all if it kills me istg
ichiban holdings nee senbei is DONE so ofc i immediately went to spend all of my money (minus the 3 million yen i needed) on gear. oops. also yeah eri, punch that dude in the face!!!
the cutscene where aoki is bitching to sawashiro about how no one told him daddy dearest was going to sotenbori was weirdly rushed? like not pacing but literally the dialogue would move onto the next bit before he’d finished speaking the lines. is that a glitch or smth? was very off-putting (me from later: most of the cutscenes in that office were like that? And only aoki’s dialogue? Ig my game glitched)
we’re in sotenbori!!!!! it feels so small compared to ijincho but it’s kinda nice. cosy. tho why tf are we starting in the grand, we don’t have the money for this and we’re not even being served by a hostess, why are we here asdfghjkl
doing the entire sotenbori battle arena was both a lot more engaging for me compared to the yokohama dungeon AND much more worth it. good gear, good money, and for levelling people quickly it’s absolutely perfect (at current levels)
man am i glad i did tho that saejima majima fight would’ve been rough if i went there immediately when i arrived in sotenbori. didn’t do too bad tho, lost eri (saejima one-shotted her from full health...) but everyone else stayed up pretty easily.  i find it interesting that after the fight tho majima says やっぱり when he’s talking about them being allies. did he twig it halfway through the fight or did he know already? and how? (the eclectic arrangement of people with ichi was probably a clue but still asdfghjkl) ALSO you’re telling me they were in osaka for two entire years and no one fucking noticed. they were IN OMI HQ to meet with arakawa and no one fucking noticed. (also arakawa says that the only people who know 3jima are there are the people in that room but that’s not true, mitsu also knows. rgg why do you always forget poor mitsu....)
poor mitsu being bullied tho :((( he’s trying his best and ichi is just like nah, i’m coming in whether you like it or not
is it me or is daigo(‘s actor) putting in a better performance in this game than previous ones. idk maybe it’s just cos i’ve not seen him in like three games
i was kind of expecting the fight in omi hq to be longer. huh. ALSO tendo is like i’m jumping sides we’re friends now, and then he vanishes from literally all cutscenes after that moment. i’m not even confident he’s outside of the party combat where the other guys were. so what happened to tendo????? are we gonna see him again or is that it? (foreshadowing is a literary device-)
figures that kiryu comes back and his first line is おらぁ! asdfghjkl and watase being like who is he? no idea??? fucking got me, bless that man. daigo’s expression in that scene was really good too, seems like he’s the only person that believed kiryu was gone. saejima and majima sure as hell didn’t.
scene with ichiban and arakawa sr on the yokohama dock was excellent. well-written, well-performed just, great cutscene. honestly that entire chunk of cutscene (slightly minus the bit where ichiban runs to arakawa sr’s body) up to and including the scene with sawashiro, ishioda and the execs. really really good
WELL that was a lot of feelings, time to go and do some side shit, ig.
the feelings aren’t over!!!!! No!!!!
sure, let’s go run in the election. why not. it does kind of hurt me personally that ichi and co. are just using this election as a sham to get close to kume and therefore aoki, and while you’re walking around people will be like ‘I’ll vote for you!’ ‘you’re better than that guy!’ and we’re really, really not (in this one single instance. every other time kume can go get fucked and hopefully unlearn all the shit aoki and bleach Japan got him to believe)
hoshino no, you didn’t deserve this : ( sawashiro….
sawashiro’s backstory is all very interesting for pretty much everyone involved (except the women cos this is an rgg game). masato is sawashiro’s son, shit, dude. Ichi does not seem to be taking this super well but honestly, fair! he’s a rough couple of days and now he’s just found out the guy he looked up to this whole time and devoted his entire life to was actually his dad, and probably knew and didn’t tell him. that’s fucked up.
MICHINO SHIRABE ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME the pun names in this game istg, this is some ace attorney level shit
fuck the fight with kiryu. it’s just, so not engaging as a fight. partly cos i was a little underleveled I think but also you just end up using like two attacks on him the whole fight chipping away at his enormous well-defended health bar and I got bored. also if I have to hear him say 次は何だ one more time I’m gonna fucking riot. at least his boss theme is the best version of his theme we’ve ever had and one of the best themes in the whole game
I have complicated feelings on kiryu being in this plot at all, tbh. with the context of gaiden ig it’s more forgiveable but it just feels like he doesn’t belong there, y’know? this is ichiban’s story but all of kiryu’s mess and baggage have dragged their way in and it shifts the focus for too long. idk. I was in a bad mood anyway when I played this section so I might be being less charitable than I normally would be. I like kiryu, I like his story, but rn he’s not who I should be engaging with.
okay I’m having fun again now, the other day was an outlier. In retrospect I do like how they integrated his styles and signature moves into his moveset. and the dragon, while utterly nonsensical even in context, looked pretty cool.
anyway I ran the sotenbori battle arena one more time so now it’s time to go and punch ishioda in the face!
had some difficulties with that battle (saeko got stunned early and I had to reevaluate my whole plan) but joongi came through and overall it definitely went easier than the kiryu fight even if the mirror face thing was fucking dumb. I don’t hate it? I don’t think? but wtf was that asdfghjkl
ohhhh, that’s what happened to tendo. ohhhhhh well shit ALSO did ishioda just fucking die. did they leave him to explode on the bomb. guys, guys that’s a crime, guys-
actually really like the cutscene of aoki and his secretary (she has a name, I can’t remember it *cry*), it reinforces a lot about his character and the effect he has on people.
fascinated by the lack of security at this event where the governor of Tokyo is talking. if ichiban had been someone with ill intent aoki would’ve been totally fucked. also nick is back in the main plot, good for him
right, time to go and piss around with the side content some more rather than deal with the implication that date and Adachi are friends
MAKO-CHAN no, not having it. I saw on one of their official streams once, when they were doing the stream every day for like two weeks thing they were doing, Yokoyama say he regretted this and that it was fan service (it was the stream with ushizawa, the jp streamer). I think that’s probably fair, especially cos you don’t get to use new serena as a hideout afterwards. the scene doesn’t really add anything and date didn’t need to be there. having said that, I’m happy seeing him again and it’s kind of funny how short he is compared to everyone else. (as an aside ushizawa had some *balls* to turn to Yokoyama and be like this bit was shit asdfghjkl)
why does the kamurocho batting centre look weird. did they shorten the distance or smth? I swear it didn’t look like this in judgment. and the textures are so low res….
I liked going up through millennium tower. the floors felt a little samey after a while but it was kind of nostalgic walking through the same place you fight as kiryu in 6.
ig tendo also having the dragonfish tattoo is where they got in that detail from rggo, tho where it was sawashiro there and his was white(?) this time it’s tendo and it’s blue (and uh, not a dragonfish? But you know what I mean). I like how they mixed it in with his moveset and the names of his moves tho, that’s neat.
the tendo boss fight runs a little overlong imho but if you’re levelled it’s so much easier than any of the old guard boss fights. same for both of the aoki boss fights. like yeah, you might get swarmed a bit in that first one, but I never felt like I was in any danger. the QTEs caught me off guard tho, I wasn’t expecting any and then suddenly they throw four at me at once, come on guys asdfghjkl
everything after that HOO BOY I was kind of indifferent on masato as a character up to this point (he had his moments but I was just like blah whatever) but I’ve officially been converted. the writing in that cutscene where ichi yells at him and tries to beg him to start over and onwards from there is so so so fucking good, there’s so much character there and it’s expressed so well. I teared up at points cos ichi is so desperate not to lose anyone else, and despite everything – despite him ordering the death of his DAD – he’s willing to be by him and hold him up for as a long as it takes. it’s such a fucking ichiban moment and it’s played so well, in general and in the performance.
same for the scene at the lockers. I think that, along with the kiryu bit on the roof in 5 (either one, take your pick), is one of my new favourite scenes in the series. it’s heartbreaking.
AND THEN FUCKING KUME okay no I can be calm about it. part of me is like, this is a cop out, this is rgg studios once again having a character die instead of going through the long process of redemption and growth. but part of me is also like no, this is the perfect place to use it. aoki ryo was everything kume aspired to be, everything masato groomed him to be, and he’s absolutely the kind of person who would be sent over the edge by the reveal that aoki wasn’t real. or, well, that he had committed an unforgiveable sin. kume believes more than anything that he is doing the right thing, even when committing murder, because he believes that if he is ‘cleansing’ then therefore he *must* be in the right, no matter the action being done. he turned out exactly like aoki wanted him to, but masato wasn’t prepared for the consequences of that (I think he knew, tho), and that cost him.
I don’t LIKE kume as a character, he’s annoying, but I do think his arc is quite well done and that it’s reminiscent of the real kumes out there.
the last little bit made me cry too, where ichi is on the bridge. it’s the ‘everything sucks but there’s hope there if only you look’, it gets me every fucking time. it’s such a thesis for ichiban as a character, the game as a whole, and even the whole series.
also Adachi gets his moment! good for him! can’t wait for kamurocho to get its next new corrupt police chief asdfghjkl
also genuinely, did they leave ishioda to explode on that bomb. guys, guys that’s a crime, guys-
uh things I wanted uh, mitsu deserved some more dialogue, and I wish joongi and zhao got a bit more plot time after their respective bits. it makes sense to focus on the core four (ichi, saeko, Adachi, nanba) cos you’ve spent more time with them but it does make them feel like set dressing sometimes. eri isn’t even there (I get why but still :sad: ). also nick, the entire time he was there I couldn’t help but think of Akiyama the whole time. thematically he makes so much more sense, and it would give that scene where he calls aoki out so much more impactful. OH and mirror face can fuck off, worst plot twist to appear twice, why the fuck is he there asdfghjkl
OH ALSO the first aoki fight, it’s really jarring when that just has the generic fight theme. like, obviously he gets his own very good theme later, but they couldn’t have come up with one to slot in here? it feels so wrong
saeko DOES kiss ichiban. huh. I thought that was smth they just introduced for infinite wealth but there was actually precedent. kashiwagi being involved is killing me asdfghjkl love that man (oh he does the same for eri, interesting.)
the romance subplots do, on the whole, make me very uncomfortable. Especially iroha’s, she comes on incredibly strong and it’s not super clear he reciprocates on that, plus she’s super possessive and weird and then drops him once she’s got what she wanted. Not good. (one of the ladies does imply he’s more submissive than she expected, so at least there’s that nugget, but I’d rather not have got it like this, thanks). And the ending? What are we going for here, guys? Cos I’m not sure it works!
Dragon kart on the other hand, great fun. A little light on the subplot nonsense (compared to, say, the taxi minigame from 5) and the mini advertisement half-way through for pocket circuit could’ve been skipped, but they’re minor problems. The racers are all living out their shounen sports manga dreams, good for them. The courses are fun too!
Wait no, the party chat about mushrooms has romantic (sub)text and they cut it in the localisation! How dare they deny my Adachi/nanba dreams
What a note to end on asdfghjkl
0 notes
kaazzzyy · 4 years
Kengan Omega One shot series : Introduction
Hi, everyone ! 
Sooo, I thought about writing some Kengan Omega stuff and finally came with an idea : making connected one shots with a female reader as she interacts with Kengan’s characters. All one-shots will be posted according into chronogical order and occurs during Omega. I hope you will enjoy them !
(Reader’s name is not defined so you can call her by any name you like. However, her gender and appearence are fixed by myself ! )
Nervousness and anxiety. And maybe a little bit of determination...
That's all what's running through her at this very moment.
Her tiny form is standing in front of the not-so-impresive building she was searching for : The Yamashita Trading Co. Her watering eyes looked down to the paper in her shaking hand.
'There is no mistake... That's the right adress. C-come on (Y/n), the first step is the hardest !', she tought, trying to store some courage before coming in.
Her stress rate made a sudden jump the moment she pushed the door open. nobody was here. She let out a sigh of relief. She examined her surrounding quickly to finally head for the only interesting thing in the ground floor : the stairs.
'Okay... He must be upstairs... Let's go... !'
Climbing the stairs, she immediatly noticed something. Her hands weren't the only things shaking now; her legs started to give her up too. She mentally cursed herself for being such a nervous mess. Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the fading sound of voices coming from upstairs. She stopped for a second, then resumed in making her way upstairs. She was sweating so much, she felt like she was climbing a mountain actually .
She is now standing just before the door where the voices are coming from. She reajusted her red tie, the collar of her white shirt covered by her black three piece suit, to finally tighten the red hair elastic holding up her high ponytail. Then, she knocked on the door.
The voices suddenly stopped. She swallowed. Hard.
She opened the door, nevertheless. Way slower than she would have wanted to.
Three pairs of curious and surprised eyes were instantly on her. She made her best to introduce herself without stuttering.
"H-hi ! I'm (Y/n) (L/n) ! I was told to come and see Mister Yamashita today. Is he here ?"
She failed.
A short uncomfortable silence followed before the second woman in the room spoke up, very politely.
"(Y/n) (L/n) ? He told me about you coming. Mister Yamashita isn't here for the moment. He had an urgent meeting, sorry."
'Hum... Maybe it's my chance to come later so I won't have to stand before so much people but Mister Yamashita...'
(Y/n) tried to ignore the two males looking at her and only focused her attention to the blonde woman.
"Owh, I see ! Hum... So... I will come again later then ? Is it okay ?", she nervously smiled. - "From what he said me you want to join the Kengan Association as a new CEO. I just started telling these young men everything about the Kengan Association and the way it works. Are you interested in joining us in ?", proposed the woman as she reajusted her glasses.
The proposal surprised her but she managed to answer quickly, thanks to her nervousness.
"Y-yeah ! Of course ! Thanks for having me.", she thanked as she closed the door and searched for a chair to sit on. They were no chairs in the room, exept from the ones where the two guys are sitting. Hopefully, she noticed a couch beside the blonde one and took a sit. She did her best to not die from embarassment when she caught the blondie looking at her from aside. She acted like she didnt notice and looked down at her sweating hands.
She finally looked up when the woman started speaking again.
"I'm Akiyama Kaede, Yamashita Trading Co.'s secretary. And these two are Narushima Koga, an apprentice fighter and Gaoh Ryuki, an official fighter. They are both new to the association."
(Y/n) looked at both males and nodded at them with a nervous smile.
"N-Nice to meet you both...!"
Koga nodded at her back while Ryuki answered her, indifferent. "Nice to meet you."
'What a warm welcome...', she tought ironically.
Kaede resumed her speech about the Kengan Association. (Y/n) (L/n) knew some of the things said but she also learned a lot about it. Then came the most interesting part for her : the one about fights and fighters.
'I see... So all the fighters must have been registered with Yamashita Trading Co. to be able to fight in Kengan matches...', she thought deeply, almost not noticing the two other males entering the room suddenly. They greeted Kaede in a very friendly and warm way which made Koga obviously angry as (Y/n) conclued they must have known each other for a long time.
"Allow me to introduce you Himuro Ryo and Kaneda Suekichi. They are both active fighters." - "Pleased to meet you. My name is Kaneda, as she just said.", repeated the closed-eyed smile guy, happily. - "Himuro as a perfect 21 win record in the Kengan matches, and Kaneda is a veteran with 12 matches under his belt."
(Y/n) was looking at them in owe, then focusing on Kaneda. 'So that's how active fighters look like... That one seems pretty fragile tought...'
"Kaede, do you mind if I start now ?", asked Himuro. - "Of course ! Go right ahead !" - "So, like Kaede just said we are both fighters. We are employed by Ginokuniya Bookstore.", he started before turning his attention on Ryuki and smiled, "So, Gaoh, was it ? We saw your match yesterday. You beat Kokuro in your debut match... That's pretty impressive." - "Tch. Condescending ass.", commented Koga.
(Y/n)'s eyes widened as she saw Koga being punched hardly in the face by the white-haired man. She didnt even have the time to process what happened that Ryuki kicked his desk and then threw his chair at him. Himuro dodged the desk, deflected the chair with his arm and finally blocked Ryuki upcoming attack with one hand as his other one was under the boy's chin, menacingly.
"Wait, for real ? He adapted to "that move's blind spot"...!", exclaimed Koga, dumbfounded.
'What is he talking about ? I couldn't see anything ! That was happening so fast !', the girl thought, breathless. If only she knew that Himuro's next question would have made her even more shaken up. She wasn't prepared for what was coming next.
"What did you move to kill Kokuro after the match was over ?", asked Himuro angrily, "Choose your words carefully, 'cause I can still kill you from this distance."
'K-KILL ?!', yelled (Y/n) in her head as she suddenly stood up in surprise.
"You are right, I would have ended up killing Kokuro if Mister Yamashita hadn't stopped me. I just forgot that it was just a "match"... I've only fought in fights to death up until now.", explained Ryuki like it was nothing.
Koga and (Y/n) let escape a sound of surprise as Ryuki continued, "But if you can't kill people in Kengan matches, then I will follow that rule."
Himuro thought for a second before letting go of Ryuki. "It seems like you are not lying."
He then sat down as he explained the reason he was here. Apparently Yamashita asked him and Kaneda to be in charge of their "education". (Y/n) managed to calm down a bit since.
"From this day forth, I'm going to be your mentor. I'm going to make you two into first-rate fighters." - "No, I'm good.", instantly refused Ryuki which made everyone sweatdrop while (Y/n) cracked a smile. The way he said that was way too funny for her.
Now that the situation finally calmed down, Kaneda proposed to Koga to follow him while Himuro did the same with Ryuki. Koga seemed distrusful at first but accepted anyway. On the other hand, Ryuki just walked after Himuro silently.
(Y/n) was now left alone with Kaede. Being alone with her made her way less nervous than she was earlier so she dared to spoke up for once.
"It was the first time I faced such a situation. I think I will have to work about that.", she joked with a small giggle.
Kaede smiled at her. "Indeed ! But don't worry, it's usually way calmer around here." - "I hope so !", she laughed before continuing, "So, do you have any idea when Mister Yamashita will be back ?" - "I have no idea for the moment, i'm sorry. Maybe you can give me your number so I can tell you when he's avaible." - "Oh yeah ! Here's my number..."
Kaede wrote the girl's number on a piece of paper before thanking her and apologizing for the CEO's absence.
"It's okay, don't worry ! He's a CEO so he must be very busy, I can understand that.", she smiled brightly before walking up to the door, "Thanks for all the informations you gave us earlier, it was very interesting. I hope I will get to see you soon. Have a nice day !"
(Y/n) waved at Kaede before going out of the room and closing the door behind her.
'She seems to be a kind and lovely girl.', thought Kaede with a eye-closed smile, 'I wonder what kind of CEO she will become...'
The next day, (Y/n) received a message from Kaede. She will be able to see Yamashita today at the office. She smiled in front of her phone as she just woke up. She got dressed and took her breakfast before stepping outside with a helmet on. She climbed on her motorcycle and drove towards her next destination.
She lived pretty near from Yamashita Trading Co.'s building but she always enjoyed riding her bike, even for the shortest trip. She arrived soon at the previous day's adress. She parked her bike, put off her helmet, and headed for the first floor just like yesterday.
She was wearing the same outfit as before. She didn't really like dressing formally but she wanted to make a good first impression on people. Besides, it made her looking more professional and credible, some assets she really lacked because of her shyness and her ability to get nervous very easily around people she doesn't know.
"Good morning Mister Yamashita, Miss Akiyama !", greeted (Y/n), entousiastly. She was surprisingly feeling at ease around them already. She met Yamashita briefly once some weeks ago and immediatly noticed how comfortable the atmosphere around him is. He's just so kind, respectul, not intimidating at all... at least for her.
Yamashita's face brighten up at her entrance. "Here you are Miss (L/n) ! I'm sorry for yesterday ! I had a very important meeting and all..." - "No need to apologize, Mister Yamashita !", she reassured with a smile, seeing the man before her getting obviously nervous and embarassed, "It happens ! Besides, Miss Akiyama already told me a lot yesterday and I could even have the chance to meet some active fighters." - "Yeah, that's a unique chance !", he laughed, "I planned to take you to see a real Kengan match soon anyway, so that you can witness how it looks like." - "Really ? That's so nice of you, thanks !"
(Y/n) was now as excited as ever. She didn't know why, but seeing a real Kengan fight is something she was waiting for with impatience.
"But I also have a bad news for you...", continued Yamashita, now a mix of sadness and seriousness on his face.
(Y/n) looked straight at him, growing more and more nervous by the second. "What is it...?"
"You wanted to integrate the Kengan Association as fast as possible as a new CEO, but that won't be possible right now." - "W-why ?", she brutaly asked, unable to prevent her sudden anger to take the upper hand on her usual kind and smiling self. Yamashita reajusted his glasses, "The Association is encountering some serious problems at the moment. However,I will gladly hire you as a new secretary so you can see by yourself how the association works !"
Yamashita smiled silently at her, waiting for her answer. (Y/n) thought for a short time before nodding slowly. "It's with a huge pleasure that I accept your proposition !"
'Anything is better than being in stanby for a non-determined lenght. Besides, being right on the field is a perfect opportunity to learn. Let's do that, yeah. I wonder what are these "problem" he is talking about, tought...'
"So, when will I be starting ?", finally asked the girl, curiously. - "Right now ! If it doesn't bother you, of course ! All this wasn't planned after all." Yamashita scratched the back of his head in embarassment. - "No, I don't mind at all ! I had nothing planned today anyway..."
Yamashita laughed happily as he gave Akiyama some instructions about (Y/n)'s new role in the Yamashita Trading Co. The beautiful woman only nodded silently before looking at the girl.
"Come here, I will show you some data about the fighters and how it works.", offered Akiyama as she sat in front of her computer.
(Y/n) instantly nodded and took a sit next to the blonde secretary and listened carefully to everyword she said.
Yamashita looked at the two females with a slight smile on his face, his expression softening. Having suddenly a few more new people around him made him happy for some reason. Maybe he was starting to feel lonely somehow ? 
Even him didn't know.
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twinfanfics · 6 years
The tale of the three head beast: the marching fishes (10/21)
Second part of the tale of the three head beast series, our extra large Digimon Game of thrones Au, you can read the first part The chosen children Here and here, or look for the tag  3t3hb  on this blog.
And you can read all past chapters of the marching fishes in the links below
ACT 2. SCENE 3: MOTHER | **warning suicide attempt**
His stomach hurt, god, he didn't remember the time of his last meal, it doesn´t matter; everything in his mouth taste like ashes, his hands sweat and his head feel like a ticking bomb, every light was to bright, every sound was to loud.
Joe had lost everything, his children, his wife, his son…
Taichi speak nonsenses since the throne, since Joe´s throne, funny how he continues to lost things: his Kingdom, his authority, his sanity
What time it was? what day? it´s feel so much like to the old days, those days he had lost everything too.
His brothers, his youth, his freedom
Each one of his brothers went to war and comes back in a black coffin; the old island war; the cold King again Genai the usurper; How many children of the island died in the old war?
The war would take his children too? he alloud himself to think about Davis,noble and carefree Davis, big mouth Davis, the kid with endless energy, the boy who eat every meal as if it would be his last, traitor Davis, hostage Davis.
“Can i speak with him?” he wish to sound less desperate, less concern
“I don't think that would be a good idea” Yamato speak as a friend, still Joe could see Davis blood over his knuckles
Yamato, the one that he had never lost, yet.
Sometimes, in the rainy days when Ken was still a boy and brood around the castle with his black cloak and heavy books Joe usually recall about Yamato; and treats him with the same patient and comfort that he would treat his old friend; in another life when Ken would become enough skill with the sword Joe would send him away to the capital; to train with his best friend, to learn for the masters and be the best swordsman of the land.
In the life that they had lost
“Your Sea Majesty, Jou, Jou!”  his response was slow and confuse “Jou, the king of all land ask you a question”
The King watch him with impatien; it has to be something about the heirs, they where so use to be instantly obey, that make them temperamental, a mistake that Joe made with his own son, and sadly with Iory.
No, he don't want to think about Iory
“Davis said that Iory Hida is prepare to surrender” but since when did he get what he want? “That somehow is his Master who refuse give up, do you know anything about  this master? we don't have to much information about him” Beside been next to him their voices sounds like an ecco
But Joe negate with head, he has no energy to think about Ryo Akiyama; Iory wants to surrender, a marvelous new, the prodigy son could still do the right thing. If they defeat Ryo the children would surrender, and then what?  He look at the blood in the hands of his friend one more time
“We cannot make the same mistake twice” Yamato speak with the hate in his voice answering a question that Joe was afraid to ask “Even if they surrender we cannot forgive them”
“They are children” They are my children
“ They were children, they are men now, men who betrayed you, they attack  the King!” his blue eyes doub for an instand “If we give them the oportunity they are gonna kill you Joe, i will not give them that oportuity”
The silent embrace the room, Joe knows that Yamato only has good intentions and the guilt hit him, he wish that he was willing to stop him, if Yamato where his knight a simple order will be enought. Why Yamato agree to serve Taichi was a mystery for him.
“Do you have any idea where the rebels are hiding?”  Taichi interrump what it feel like a private moment
Ideas? He has plenty of ideas, tousan of theories but just one that make sense “The swarm”
“The swarm!” Yamato recall “of course” and along with him jump over the map that hang out the wall; Taichi look at them in confusion “Is a group of small island in the south; they are many, at least a dozen, but the ground is rocky and infertile, access is dangerous if you do not know the place, but is the perfect hide”
Joe hate the way Yamato talk to the King, as if he was an ignorant child, a sweetness that was unusual in him
“That is the place to which we must move our troops” Taichi celebrated
Joe despise how the King look at his friend, as if he belonged to him, as if he was one of his properties.
“But we must be careful, they must have lookouts on the routes, those are dangerous waters”
The hand of the King travel to his knight shoulder “I'm sure you can manage it” fondly eyes and meaningful smiles, they move together in a synchrony that was ridiculous; again they remind him to his lost children: Ken and Davis use to move like that too.
A thought that make him feel like the most stupid man alive,  a sudden revelation that snap him back to reality, he knew Yamato, he knew his past and his hearth, be the lover of a upper class gentleman was no strange behavior for him, but this…  he cursed the ocean and the sea
He stand out as tall as he was “For how long?”
“Well i hope not to much” Taichi´s smile offended him “i mean.. we want to end this war as soon as possible right?”
But Yamato notice his change of attitude, and for Joe annoyance he put himself between he and the King.
Maybe the revelation wouldn´t hurt that much if it wasn´t for the lies, the hypocrisy, Taichi, the king of the light, the light who persecute and imprison impures...
“Joe what´s wrong?” Yamato try to approach to him but Joe shake and come far from them, he can´t even look at his friend anymore
“Sora knows?” he try to yell “did she?” memories of the dozen of letters he share with his dear friend flash before his eyes, her loneliness, the rumours about her health...
Taichi´s grin broke down “How do you know? i mean.. what are you talking about? “
The smartest thing would have been to keep quiet, keep his suspicions to himself, avoid claims to the most powerful man in the continent “You know very well what i´m talking about Taichi Yagami!” but he has lost his patient too “You are a fraud, you broke the votes you made to your so acclaim god”
Taichi stay stuned by Joe accusations
“You don't even denied, did any law mean anything to you?” Joe try to make sense in his mind, both of his hand rest over the table, “Do you think you own him? that…. that you can use people like him just because you have power over them!”
“He is not using me!” Yamato reacts “Its not like that, please stop!”
Joe turn to him, no longer avoiding his eyes “I expect more from you”
His words hit the Knight more than any sword did before, Yamato clench his teeth and contain the sorrows “Well… that was your mistake”
“who are you to judge him? you…” the king yell at him ” Everything you own has been earning by his hand, he fought for you! he Killed for you! he won for you! you are not alloud to… you  have no right…”
“You have no idea what are you talking about”
“You either,  you think you know him better than me? Do you know that he spent these years pleading  to come to your rescue? he was so sure all of this was too much for you "
Joe take a stept back, was than true? a look at Yamato and he knows  Taichi was right, but the rage has no disappear “You have a wife”
“You too! but if you ask me you see more concern about those ungrateful bastards that you call your children than for your actual family!”
If he could, he would hide behind the table, close the curtains of the windows and demand everyone to leave him alone, Taichi dealt a fatal blow to the little that remained of his emotional stability.
“They are the ones who need to be saved, you do not know mimi, she ... she is an extraordinary woman, I have no doubt that she has the strength to ... to protect our son and herself; and despite everything I trust that Iory will not allow them to hurt her "by saying it out loud, with Yamato and Tai judging him, he realized that he sounded even more foolish than when he repeated it to himself.
A nock of the door force them to calm down, or at least pretend to be
“Sir, I´m so sorry” Kouji enters the room with a small chest between his hands “A letter from the rebels and this” The three of them rush into the package, Taichi took the letter that was address to the Sea King
“They demand that we free the Ikkaku Island and thet we release Davis, a proof that we are serius… what they mean by that?”
Joe open the chest and his world collapse
He lost control, he lost hope, and dear god on the abyss Mimi lost an eye
“We are not gonna surrender, they are blaffing, this is a sig of desperation” Yamato try in vain to encourage him while Taichi make an efford to not trow up.
Ryo finally was showing his cards, this must be his work, Iory was burning the ships, who knows who else would drag him along.
“My son…” he barely speak  before  storm out of the room
“follow him” Taichi order “and Yamato…” he came closer  “make sure he doesn't make or said anything stupid”
Yamato found him on his room, crying and shaking
“I would found them “ Joe look at him, without worried for hiding his tears “I would keep my promise, i would save the queen and the Prince” he sit next to him “you know i will”
“Do i?” a bitter laught “I don't know who you are anymore”
“Or you do” Yamato lay down “ I don't need to tell you anything, you just know…”
“Still it would had been nice if you just told me” but he smile with an apologize between his libs, just as he use to do, and a tiny light of hope ignite inside of him; that was Yamato, his defender, his friend, maybe they could save his family, all of them “What about Iory and Ken?”
“Taichi doesn´t understand your fixation with those kids, Joe… to be honest me either…”
“And i don't understand your fixation with the King, He is... “
But all  hope crumbled as soon as it appeared, three words and Joe knew Yamato would never been in his side again
“I love him” and even worse “And.. i think he loves me”
Such a profound declaration, a much more horrified secret  
“Yamato… this is not right” such a waste of words, Yamato has done so much for others in the name of respect, honor, friendship, but love? he knew, sadly, that Yamato has never feel loved before.
Now there was nothing in the world that Yamato was not able to do for Taichi
He had lost his friend, just like he had lost everything else
“But I understand ” he lied �� I´ll not said anything, i just need to be alone for a while, please, i´m sure that you have a lot of things to get ready before the assault to the swarm”
With a smile Yamato leave him alone, and Joe waits impatien until the door close behind him and he hear his steps go far away for rush to his suitcase, he took his arrow and bow  and carefully, afraid and decided he sneak out of his own castle.
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izzyizumi · 5 years
Digimon Adventure(s) REPEATverse: an introduction
Fic: here ( please note any and all notes/warnings before reading ! ) AMVs: (short index at start links to past AMVs for this series): here * the AMVs are recommended if the fic itself isn’t your thing ! * the AMVs and the fic can be viewed separately from each other ! * you can still gain a same amount of the main story from the AMVs alone ! * the fic goes more into headcanons/ships/etc. as well as side ‘verses * However, I’m aware my writing isn’t the best so the AMVs may be preferred ! * basically, I’m a lot more confident in my minimal AMV making skills than my fic writing ability, but not for lack of trying I suppose ? * by viewing the AMVs you also get to hear cool music ! * some of it’s kind of depressing too though u m just as another warning * OK BUT THE MUSIC IS VERY GOOD OVERALL TOO THE BACKSTORY (NOTE: CONTAINS MAIN STORY SPOILERS FOR FIC):
Koushiro Izumi, in a distant FUTURE TIMELINE (but pre-02 Epilogue), during a "final battle", witnesses Taichi Yagami about ready to face his death, as well as the deaths of the rest of the Chosen Children - - including that of Koushiro Izumi himself.                              ( After all, if TAICHI CANNOT WIN ... ) In a last-ditch effort to save EVERYONE and everything, Koushiro CODES and sets in motion an endless " Reboot ", to constantly loop and " REPEAT " the timeline - or timelines. This is in the hopes that one day, they can figure out where they went wrong, stop the enemy, and finally save the day - the worlds - and everyone.
Unfortunately, despite this best effort of Koushiro's, this endless Reboot sends " YGGDRASIL " INTO MADNESS . "Yggdrasil" begins to execute more and more violent attacks against the Chosen Children with each "Reboot" / "REPEAT" in the hopes of wiping them out and "removing" the Chosen, especially one Koushiro Izumi, for good, and destroying all worlds that exist. " HOMEOSTASIS " becomes involved when they begin to target the Chosen - and one Koushiro Izumi, especially - for similar means, in an aim to wipe them out and "remove" them as well, and also, in an attempt to regain the Digital World's balance and stop Yggdrasil while they're at it. However, EVEN HOMEOSTASIS, SOON BEGINS TO DELVE INTO MADNESS ...
The series of events sets off a major chain reaction. Almost all, if not ALL, of the Chosen Childrens' former villains begin to become aware of the worlds' and Koushiro's plights, as well. After all, when you have a massive telescope where you can spy directly on the Chosen from afar ala Piemon, how could they NOT become aware when the Chosen (and especially, one Koushiro Izumi, and ALSO, one Taichi Yagami) begin acting strangely of their own accord? Some of the former villains begin attempts to use the situation to their specific advantages, while ignoring the wider plight - for example, Etemon may simply want to gain the revenge he wants for Taichi defeating him " that time ", even if it means Etemon giving up his mind in order to do so. MUGENDRAMON [“Machinedramon”] ESPECIALLY has his own goals that may or may not involve a certain OTHER TIME-HOPPING                                                " RYO AKIYAMA " as well as attempting to UTTERLY DESTROY A CERTAIN KOUSHIRO IZUMI WHILE HE’S AT IT. Some of the former villains and the Dark Masters even begin fighting against each other - and yet more of them, particularly Piemon, may be becoming more and more aware of the timelines - and which CHOSEN REMEMBER those timelines - as time goes on.
Moreover, every time Koushiro must "REPEAT" a timeline, the pressure begins to build further and further until it's near mind-breaking levels. Not only does he have to deal with SAVING MULTIPLE WORLDS AND UNIVERSES, and coming up with plans to defeat all of these enemies ON HIS OWN, without telling any of the others lest they figure out what's really going on with him, - but he ALSO has to relive his personal storyline and issues, over and over and over and over again, for endless timelines on end. And considering Koushiro Izumi also was someone who started out feeling like " even if he wasn't around , THE WORLD would STILL GO ON ", WELL ....
The pressure buildup becomes too much -
--- and Koushiro Izumi, via the Digital Worlds' coding and his own skills, wipes his own memory as well as those of everyone elses'. ESPECIALLY those of TAICHI YAGAMI’S. {...and, even voluntarily on Taichi’s part, As Well}
... but along the way ---
--- Koushiro Izumi, in his endless thirst for KNOWLEDGE ..and wanting to know exactly what is going on here,
... soon starts to REGAIN those memories, in numerous other timelines.
How much does KOUSHIRO remember ? How much does TAICHI YAGAMI begin to remember ? What will Taichi Yagami himself CHOOSE to do ?
How much do THE VILLAINS, K N O W?
How far along the “original timeline” do the timelines actually get to progress before thing begin to collapse, yet again ?
And can anything REALLY be done to stop the worlds and the Chosen Children from becoming closer and closer to being utterly and completely destroyed ?
... and will KOUSHIRO - and, TAICHI - be able to yet again handle the immense pressures ?
#akiyama ryo#digimon homeostasis#digimon yggdrasil#repeatverse#timeloop au#fic: repeat#c: koushiro izumi#c: taichi yagami#c: ryo akiyama#c: repeat chosen#c: chosen children#c: mugendramon#c: yggdrasil#c: homeostasis#c: digimon villains#('I'M BAD AT NOT SPOILING MY OWN FICVERSES' - M E)#(this is the MUCH longer and more detailed summary that should explain at least SOME of these things compared to the one line fic summary)#(I'VE BEEN WANTING TO THROW @ RYO AKIYAMA @ RYO AKIYAMA @ RYO AND @ MUGENDRAMON @ MUGENDRAMON)#(IN FOREVER T O O O M G JUST. THE WONDERSWAN GAMES LORE. I STILL BARELY UNDERSTAND IT BUT J U S T)#(SO YEAH MUGENDRAMON IS VERY VERY MUCH INVOLVED IN RYO'S DIMENSION HOPPING AND I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE IT)#(I DON'T DISLIKE RYO ACTUALLY I gENUINELY DON'T)#(JUST THE AMOUNT OF CANON AND LORE KIND OF DRIVES ME UP A WALL TRYING TO KEEP IT ALL STRAIGHT AAAAA)#(THIS IS NOT THE FAULT OF THE TRANSLATORS AND MORE THE FAULT OF ME BEING BAD AT ORGANIZING MORE EXTENSIVE LORE)#(ok but SERIOUSLY RYO. RYO. R Y O. RYO VOICE @ KOUSHIRO ' Need help ? ')#(KOUSHIRO VOICE ' P L E A S E ')#(RYO VOICE ' so you know ' ' there's this sWORD ' ' that just mIGHT help with at least SOME of this ' ' you fought Diablomon ' ' ..right?')#(KOUSHIRO VOICE WEAKLY ' U m ' ' .... Things kind of. ' ' ... happened ' RYO ' ...Guess I'm back ' KOUSHIRO THINKING ' I owe you my life ')#(RYO AKIYAMA CAN BE VERY USEFUL ACTUALLY)#(RYO AKIYAMA CAN BE VERY USEFUL WHEN NO ONE ELSE REMEMBERS RYO AKIYAMA IS NOT YOUR ENEMY)#(When You're Koushiro Izumi and you've gained an immense amount of Knowledge but you WIPE EVERYONES MEMORIES bUT YOUR OTHER SELVES REMEMBER)
0 notes
dragonandtiger · 8 years
Fragments - 18
There was something surreal about returning home after a months-long journey, only for a couple hours to have passed in the real world. However, the disconnect did little to dampen Ken’s enthusiasm at finally being able to return home. Once he and Ryo had confirmed that neither would be called back by the strange golden light, the Chosen of Kindness ran the whole way home from Ryo’s house, holding Wormmon in his arms.
Bounding to the front door with a spring in his step, Ken flung the door wide open. “I’m home!”
Silence answered him and no one else.
The emptiness of the apartment struck Ken like a physical force. After months of being a hero in a magical land surrounded by friends who cared about him, he had forgotten what home was like much of the time.
“Mom must be out,” Ken muttered, half to Wormmon and half to remind himself that it was time to get used to reality again. His mother was no doubt out shopping for food, or talking with the neighbors, just something to get herself out of the tedium of being a full time housewife whose only means of engagement were cleaning, cooking, and childrearing.
Or at least, that’s what his mother often complained when she forgot Ken was in earshot.
“Dad’s at work, but he wouldn’t really care either,” Ken muttered. “That leaves…”
The Chosen of Kindness quickly hurried to Osamu’s bedroom. While he shared with his brother, Ken knew that it was officially Osamu’s.
Everything was officially Osamu’s.
“Osamu!” Ken said as he opened the door. “I’m back!”
“Welcome back,” Osamu said reflexively, keeping his eyes on the computer screen as his fingers typed furiously at the keys. It was a moment later before he actually registered the fact that Ken was home and glanced at the computer’s internal clock. “You’re back early. Did you finally get bored of Akiyama?”
“Ah, oh, no. I… lost track of time,” Ken said. It was the truth - months had passed for him, so the fact that he hadn’t stayed until dusk was a minor thought that completely slipped his mind. He paused and glanced down at Wormmon in his arms. “I want you to meet someone!”
Breath escaped Osamu in a mixture of a moan and a growl before he saved his work and leaned back in his seat. “Ken, I told you, Mom won’t let you bring home a puppy, cat, bunny, or any other kind of pet no matter how many times you promise you’ll take care of it. She won’t ever think you’re responsible enough.”
Ken paused at that. He was taken aback by Osamu’s words, but more specifically the feeling of irritation he felt at the sentiment - especially since they both knew full well that the reasons his parents gave had nothing to do with him and more to do with the pet ‘distracting’ Osamu. “...Wormmon isn’t a pet, he’s my partner. He won’t affect you or your studies at all.”
Osamu slapped his hands down onto the armrests of his chair and spun around to face his little brother, mouth open with a scathing retort hovering on his tongue, only for the first word to turn into a confused grunt as he saw what Ken carried. “Oh.” He frowned, surprise reforming back into irritation. “Akiyama got you yet another doll from the UFO catcher didn’t he.”
Ken felt a wave of anger, and it showed on his face. “No. He didn’t.”
Osamu cocked an eyebrow. “Oh, so you won it? Congratulations.” He spun the chair back around to his computer. “Don’t get me worked up like that over nothing, Ken. I’ve got a big test tomorrow.”
Ken stared hard at his brother. Part of him told him to just give up, and drop the subject. But then his anger prodded at him, particularly at the idea that Wormmon wasn’t worth ‘bothering’ Osamu over. After everything they’d been through, the danger he had faced, his brother’s anger surprisingly didn’t bother him as it used to. “Wormmon, this is my brother, Osamu.”
Wormmon glanced at Ken before looking back at Osamu, giving the other boy a timid wave. “H-hello, Mister Osamu. It’s nice to meet you.”
Osamu paused, his fingers hovering just centimeters above the keyboard, and turned back to face Ken, his piercing gaze freezing Wormmon in place. While he could have dismissed the voice as his brother doing an imitation, it sounded far too dissimilar to have come from Ken. “What was that?”
“He said it was nice to meet you,” Ken said, his tone sharp, before he looked down at the Digimon in his arms. “It’s okay, Wormmon.”
Wormmon fidgeted a bit, his blue eyes once more looking to Ken for guidance before he tentatively waved at Osamu again, this time with far more nervousness. “I hope you don’t mind me staying here with Ken-chan, Mister Osamu, sir. I promise I won’t get in the way-”
A crash and clatter of Osamu jerking backwards cut Wormmon off, as the realization that the creature in Ken’s arms was not a puppet but something actually blinking, breathing, moving, and talking on its own slammed into him all at once. What he knew of the natural world and what he was experiencing collided hard and left him crashing to the floor and his chair across the room.
Ken stared down at Osamu as his brother sat sprawled across the floor, his shock and confusion replacing his anger. “Osamu?”
“Wh… what the hell is that!?” Osamu sputtered as he pointed at Wormmon, his glasses precariously dangling off one ear.
“He’s… Wormmon,” Ken said, hesitantly. “I told you.”
Osamu scrambled to get his glasses on so that he could see the creature more clearly, his wide eyes never leaving Wormmon. “No, what is that! No animal can talk, and there is no damn way that’s a puppet!”
“He’s a Digimon,” Ken said, furrowing his brow. “And he’s my partner.”
“Put it down right now, Ken,” Osamu said as he braced himself against the desk and climbed to his feet. “Put it down and back away slowly. We don’t know if it’s dangerous.”
“What?” Ken gaped at his brother before he tightened his grip on his partner. “No! Wormmon is my friend! Why are you acting like this?”
“This isn’t time to fool around, Ken!” Osamu snapped, his eyes fixed on Wormmon, scarcely daring to blink. “You’re carrying a giant talking bug like it’s nothing! For all we know, it’s venomous and its mandibles could tear your hand off!”
“I’m not fooling around!” Ken said, his irritation returning with full force. “Digimon can look like anything, even poop with eyes or talking plush dolls! Wormmon is actually very normal compared to what a Digimon can look like!”
“P-please calm down, Mister Osamu, sir!” Wormmon yelped as he waved his digits as though to ward off Osamu’s anger, perspiring heavily. “I promise, I would never, ever, ever hurt Ken-chan, and I don’t have any venom at all!”
“Poop with eyes…” Osamu’s mouth contorted sourly. “Ken, you’re not making any sense! What the hell is a Digimon and where did you get this giant talking bug and don’t you know better than to just go around grabbing strange animals or talk to strangers!?”
“He was given to me when I was taken to the Digital World, where the Digimon live,” Ken said as he looked down at Wormmon. “He’s my partner, and protects me.”
“Digital… World?” Osamu repeated slowly.
Ken nodded. “There’s a whole world alongside ours, where these Digimon are born from our computer data! And that’s why they can take all sorts of forms! If anything, we’re at fault for anything really weird that shows up!”
“That’s impossible,” Osamu responded reflectively. “Data is just zeros and ones! It can’t just come to life on its own!”
Ken lifted up his partner. “Wormmon’s made of data.”
“Or this thing is lying to you,” Osamu snapped. “You don’t know anything about it! Where the hell did you get it? Where did it take you? Who else was there? Did they do anything to you!? Where was Akiyama when all this was happening!?”
Ken stared at Osamu in silence for several moments, then looked down at Wormmon. After a moment, he returned his attention back to his brother. “Ryo was with me the whole time, and he made sure I was safe. It’s fine, so don’t worry. The only reason we’re even back now is because of our friends - including Wormmon. Otherwise, I’d still be trapped there.”
“Trapped!?” Osamu practically shrieked. “You were kidnapped!?”
Ken faltered, his eyes going wide. “Um, well…”
“Oh my God, Ken,” Osamu said. “We’ve got to call the police. Those people could still be after you and have more of these creatures!”
“The police can’t arrest a Digimon, Osamu!” Ken protested. “Besides, Ryo and Keiko already beat up the bad Digimon. That’s why I’m home!”
“Keiko?” Osamu repeated as he racked his brain to recall if he ever heard that name before.
“She’s another human that we met in the Digital World,” Ken said. “She helped protect me, too! She made sure that no one’d hurt me!”
“So was she one of the kidnappers,?” Osamu asked, brow furrowing in suspicion.
“No, of course not!” Ken protested, growing exasperated. “She helped me and Ryo, with her partner! She was a huge help, too! Nyamon is an extremely powerful Digimon!”
The pieces were slowly coming together in Osamu’s head. “So you, Akiyama, and some other kids were kidnapped, given dangerous creatures that could talk, and you had to fight for your lives and escape?”
“Um, well, the people who gave us our partners weren’t the ones that ki-that took us to that world,” Ken said, slowly. “They helped us get back, too.”
Osamu narrowed his eyes. “How do you know they weren’t the ones who kidnapped you? Did they give you any proof? How were you kidnapped? I want every detail of what happened about this ‘Digital World’ place and how you got there.”
“Well, they didn’t really want us there in the first place, so-” Ken began then shook his head. The conversation was quickly spiraling out of control. “I-it doesn’t matter! I’m back, so there’s no problem anymore!”
“Not a prob… of course it’s a problem!” Osamu shouted as he threw his arms out to his sides. “Ken, you were kidnapped and put in danger of being attacked by talking monsters that look like giant bugs and poop! You’re just waltzing in here like it’s no big deal, even taking one of these creatures home with you! What the hell makes you think any of that isn’t a problem!?”
“Because we already took care of the bad guys!” Ken said, growing increasingly flustered. “That’s why I’m even here in the first place!”
Osamu bit back his next outburst so that only a mangled clump of mashed syllables and frustration escaped as he grasped at the air, his fingers seeking something to strangle. He forced himself to breathe, to stop running off pure adrenaline and properly use his genius intellect to its fullest extent.
“Okay,” Osamu said after a deep exhale, his breathing still not quite back to normal yet. “Okay… Start over. I want to hear everything that happened from the beginning. Don’t leave out a single detail, Ken. Understand?”
Ken opened his mouth, his first instinct to refuse. It was clear that he wasn’t explaining things properly, as he was only spinning Osamu up further. However, his genius brother’s expression bore no argument, causing the younger Ichijouji to lose his words of refusal on his lips. Ken paused before he gave a meek nod. “A-alright, Osamu…”
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Bookshelf Briefs 4/9/20
The Dorm of Love and Secrets, Vol. 2 | By Nikki Asada | Kodansha Comics (digital only) – Five years ago, an elite and a laidback high school combined, resulting in a new school where relations between “high-class students” and “no-class students” are horrendous. Asahi Suzumori is a member of the normal class, and when her dorm catches on fire, she accepts an offer from Tsukigase, the capricious student council president, to masquerade as a high-class student and live in their dorm, where she meets and falls in love with Yokaze Takagi, a kind boy with a sad past. Volume two mostly consists of them growing closer, but with Yokaze holding back because of a deal he made with Tsukigase that will enable him to regain something precious if he follows certain rules. The leads are okay, if a trifle bland, but I do enjoy manipulative Tsukigase and Asahi’s protective friend, Sho. The series is complete in four volumes, which feels right. – Michelle Smith
Fire in His Fingertips, Vol. 1 | By Kawano Tanishi | Ghost Ship – There’s a subtitle as well, but this is only a brief. Ryo and Souma are childhood friends. Both are very bad at communicating. After rescuing her from an apartment fire, she goes to his place and, despite some reluctance/consent issues, they have sex. And indeed they do that the rest of the book as well—this is a josei title, but still firmly within the Ghost Ship mission statement. Ryo manages to be a strong enough character to make this work and show us her latent attraction to Souma. Souma is a little more annoying, as his refusal to admit his own, clearly deep, feelings for Ryo is what leads to all the consent issues in the first place. Cautiously recommended to those who like sex and firefighting. – Sean Gaffney
Gal Gohan, Vol. 2 | By Marii Taiyou | Seven Seas – I’m not sure why this series is not pinging my “be careful, teacher/student romance” radar. I mean, it clearly is going to be. There’s no way that this series is going to pair Miku off with anyone other than her reluctant cooking professor. If anything, the series is going in the opposite direction, seemingly adding at the end a third person to the club (and no doubt adding a new romantic rival). There’s plenty of busty fanservice, and suggestive teasing (both from and of Miku). But, as I noted in my review of the first book, the whole thing is written so wholesomely that you end up accepting all of it. It’s the sweetest title about a big-breasted gal who wants to date her teacher you’ll ever read. -Sean Gaffney
Given, Vol. 1 | By Natsuki Kizu | SuBLime Manga – Since I’m always looking for good music manga and I’m always looking for good BL manga, it really was a given that Given would appeal to me. Ritsuka is a self-taught guitarist who has lost touch with his passion for music, but that missing spark eventually reignites after a schoolmate asks him for lessons. While Mafuyu’s past and personality are both mysterious, he does seem serious about wanting to learn, ultimately winning Ritsuka and the rest of his band over. Although it’s Mafuyu’s presence that really drives the story at this point, it’s the thoughtfulness that Kizu has put into the characterization of the entire cast—both leads and supporting roles—that really makes the manga work for me. How the characters all relate to one another is beautifully expressed not only through words but through Kizu’s artwork. I am definitely looking forward to reading more of Given. – Ash Brown
Guilty, Vol. 5 | By Ai Okaue | Kodansha Comics (digital only) – Man, Guilty sure has evolved since its first volume! It initially seemed like a soap opera about unfaithful spouses, and it still is that to some degree, but has morphed into psychological suspense at this point, as Sayaka begins to put the pieces together about why Rui has been so intent on ruining her life and for how long she’s been manipulating events. Kazu is a target, as well, but his sins are far worse than Sayaka’s, and he finally seems to appreciate as much here. Sayaka exhibits grit in the face of devastation, Rui is an unhinged (yet not wholly unsympathetic) antagonist, and the main ship for readers is Sayaka’s relationship with her first love, Akiyama, who is seemingly happily married with an adorable child. Complicated! The plot might verge on melodramatic at times, but it never crosses over into ridiculous. Looking forward to the next installment! – Michelle Smith
Knight of the Ice, Vol. 1 | By Yayoi Ogawa | Kodansha Comics – I didn’t realize, before I read Knight of the Ice, how hungry I was for a manga about figure skating! Our two leads are a pair of childhood friends who are on the verge of becoming something more. Petite Chitose Igari works for a magazine while closet otaku Kokoro Kijinami is a world-class figure skater whose star is on the rise, but only if Chitose continues to cast a spell on him from his favorite magical girl anime. The tone is fun and I like the characters, both main and supporting, a lot. My one complaint so far is… I wish there were more skating! There’s a fabulous glossary that explains all about scoring and the various jumps, but I wish we would actually see that in the manga. Perhaps it’s yet to come. – Michelle Smith
Laid-Back Camp, Vol. 8 | By Afro | Yen Press – It turns out we didn’t have to wait at all for the next camping trip, as the whole cast goes to Izu in this volume. Well, they get there about halfway in, and it will continue next time. We see Rin bonding with her family (and getting extra equipment for her scooter, which she chooses to drive rather than get in the big van with the others), pranking Nadeshiko into thinking she slept through the entire camping trip, getting caught in horrendous traffic jams, and, when they finally arrive, finding a site that is not closed because of the time of year after all. Basically, all the things that can go wrong or right on a camping trip. There’s also setup for some birthday parties, but we’ll have to wait for book nine for those. Peaceful and wonderful. – Sean Gaffney
A Sign of Affection, Vol. 1 | By Suu Morishita | Kodansha Comics (digital only) – As expected from this author, this is cute as a bug’s ear. Itsuomi is a student who speaks many foreign languages (and travels to many foreign countries—this may be the first manga I’ve seen where “I’m going to Laos” is a genuine apology and not a desperate excuse) and then he meets our heroine, Yuki, who is deaf. They hit it off immediately, and have some great chemistry, making him want to learn a new language so that he can talk to her better. There’s some romantic rivalry on both sides—Yuki has a childhood friend, clearly in love with her, that she’s oblivious to, and Itsuomi is surrounded by girls a lot because he’s hot. Despite that, I want to see these two grow closer. Excellent debut. – Sean Gaffney
UQ Holder, Vol. 19 | By Ken Akamatsu | Kodansha Comics – This serves to give us even more pactios (Karin, Kirie at last, and even the two hangers-on, Shinobu and the other one), remind us that Tota is a deadpan playboy as opposed to Negi’s unwitting playboy (and also that Kirie is still one up on everyone else in that department), wrap up Karin’s backstory with most tsundere Judas Iscariot shenanigans, introduce a new Big Bad, and throw in some truly fantastic fights, reminding us that Akamatsu may love fanservice and tease, but he also really loves battle sequences. We also see who Karin was not around during the events of Negima. As such, the story seems prepared to move in a new direction, and I assume it will do so next time. Fans should be happy. – Sean Gaffney
By: Ash Brown
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recentanimenews · 5 years
The Deep Digimon Lore We All Missed Out On
The short-lived WonderSwan was an anomaly in the world of anime-inspired games. As previously discussed, the WonderSwan was a delightfully niche handheld produced by Bandai during its console-making heyday. Last time we covered Neon Genesis Evangelion’s bizarre pet-raising simulation role-playing game, but when it comes to pet-raising games and Bandai, the true heavy-hitter isn’t Eva - it’s Digimon. And boy, did Digimon have a weirdly specific storytelling angle for the WonderSwan.
Memorable protagonist Ryo Akiyama gets his Digivice
The Expanded Universe
The original Digimon handheld pet toy debuted in 1997, about one year from Tamagotchi’s 1996 release in Japan. Because what’s the fun of raising virtual pets if they can’t beat each other up? For the unfamiliar, the premise is very simple: you raise your own digital monster (hence the shortening “Digimon”) and can connect to other Digimon to fight. Your Digimon evolves, becomes stronger, and maybe looks like a cyberpunk dinosaur. But this was only the start of a huge multi-media franchise push from Bandai. A beloved anime series called Digimon Adventure debuted in 1999, further catapulting the Digimon brand into the LCD-screen obsessed minds of kids everywhere.
  The West was going through an intense "gotta catch 'em all" craze at the time, so naturally, it was a hit over here. But we never got the whole picture. See, in Japan, the WonderSwan released just in time for the anime, leading to a beautiful nosedive into the first of the Digimon WonderSwan role-playing games Japan got: Digimon Adventure: Anode/Cathode Tamer.
  “Tamer” - that’s right, digifans! This series has everything to do with your favorite Digimon character we all know and love, Ryo Akiyama. Just another kid on the internet, suddenly zapped into the Narnia-esque world of killing literal computer viruses at fourteen years-old. In standard Digimon fashion, you collect monsters, fight bosses, gain levels, rinse and repeat. It's technically a RPG for little kids, okay?
Veedramon versus Numemon in Anode/Cathode Tamer
Anode/Cathode Tamer follows a basic premise: Ryo Akiyama is just a normal kid until Agumon (a tiny Digimon dinosaur) drags him into the Digital World. Perfectly normal. But an evil Digimon called Millenniummon literally captures all of the Chosen Children (read: important characters) and now Ryo has to save the world. I don’t remember this arc in Digimon Adventure, but don’t worry, as sitting complacent in the canon isn’t exactly a goal of these games. Who the heck is Tai, anyways?
  The Digimon WonderSwan games, unlike many spin-off games like the aforementioned Evangelion sim, actually contributed to the anime narrative. Supposedly. Four of these games were released between 1999 and 2001, coinciding with the release of Digimon Adventure, Digimon Adventure 02, and happily leading up to Digimon Tamers. And these games are perhaps the weirdest decisions Bandai’s ever made when it came to expanding the franchise's lore.
Ad for Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers (note Ken's different design)
Quite a few other popular anime were jumping on the WonderSwan bandwagon at the time. This includes a Hunter x Hunter role-playing game, a One Piece fighting game, and a handful -f random Mobile Suit Gundam titles. But the Digimon WonderSwan games take the cake when it comes to delivery — little did fans of the anime series know that these games would introduce us to “Digimon Kaiser” Ken Ichijouji, a major character for the highly anticipated Adventure 02. Except, of course, he was a little different. Not an evil baddie, yet, for one. Yay plot relevant friendship!
The second and third game give Ken a backstory that takes place supposedly before the events of Adventure 02. Ken and Ryo fight even more evil Digimon, get teleported outside of the Digital World, somehow return, and have a weird break-up. Think of the plot as vaguely canonical, somewhere in the ether between the Angela Anaconda skit and Barenaked Ladies’ hit single “One Week” of deep anime lore. It makes sense if you don’t think too hard about it.
Instant Lore: Just Add Flashbacks
Historically, Digimon video games haven’t been too deeply rooted in the anime series. During the WonderSwan’s first year, Digimon World for the Playstation was also released, and that had absolutely no association with the anime. A completely unrelated game for the WonderSwan would’ve been absolutely fine - so why the need to convolute the anime series plot even more with a role-playing game?
  For the sake of world-building and, shockingly enough, actually introducing Ryo into the anime two years after the initial WonderSwan game's release. Surprise!
Ryo finally in Digimon Tamers (aka scarf random guy)
  Rather than use some of Digimon Adventure’s staple villains, the WonderSwan titles primarily focus on the evil antics of Millenniumon and Diaboromon. Diaboromon, of course, is the main antagonist of the Digimon movie Our War Game - but for all the hype Millenniumon gets in the WonderSwan games, he’s only shown in a brief flashback during Adventure 02. Ryo isn’t even given a speaking role until late into Digimon Tamers’ 2001-2002 broadcast. So much for being important. Not even a mention in Digimon Tri.
  The sudden ending of Ryo’s story might’ve sadly been the result of the WonderSwan’s lack of sales, but that’s the reality of being a lesser-known spin-off character vying for the spotlight. The Digimon WonderSwan games are a strange snapshot of an era where companies vaguely tried aligning the stories of media spin-offs and shows together.
  And it worked. Sorta. Risky, but true to Digimon's spirit.
The weird niche of the Digimon WonderSwan games isn’t uncharacteristic. The WonderSwan, with its library of unique anime titles, was a love letter to side-characters and obscure spin-offs. The adventures of Ryo and Ken might’ve not sat well with the anime, but it was an attempt to bridge a gap most series wouldn’t risk. Luckily, more projects are being announced for Digimon Adventure, breathing new life into the franchise. We might even be lucky enough to see Ryo and friends return. Time will tell.
  Blake Planty is a writer who loves his cat. He likes old mecha anime, computer games, books, and black coffee. His twitter is @_dispossessed.
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