twinfanfics · 5 years
The tale of the three head beast: the marching fishes (10/21)
Second part of the tale of the three head beast series, our extra large Digimon Game of thrones Au, you can read the first part The chosen children Here and here, or look for the tag  3t3hb  on this blog.
And you can read all past chapters of the marching fishes in the links below
ACT 2. SCENE 3: MOTHER | **warning suicide attempt**
His stomach hurt, god, he didn't remember the time of his last meal, it doesn´t matter; everything in his mouth taste like ashes, his hands sweat and his head feel like a ticking bomb, every light was to bright, every sound was to loud.
Joe had lost everything, his children, his wife, his son…
Taichi speak nonsenses since the throne, since Joe´s throne, funny how he continues to lost things: his Kingdom, his authority, his sanity
What time it was? what day? it´s feel so much like to the old days, those days he had lost everything too.
His brothers, his youth, his freedom
Each one of his brothers went to war and comes back in a black coffin; the old island war; the cold King again Genai the usurper; How many children of the island died in the old war?
The war would take his children too? he alloud himself to think about Davis,noble and carefree Davis, big mouth Davis, the kid with endless energy, the boy who eat every meal as if it would be his last, traitor Davis, hostage Davis.
“Can i speak with him?” he wish to sound less desperate, less concern
“I don't think that would be a good idea” Yamato speak as a friend, still Joe could see Davis blood over his knuckles
Yamato, the one that he had never lost, yet.
Sometimes, in the rainy days when Ken was still a boy and brood around the castle with his black cloak and heavy books Joe usually recall about Yamato; and treats him with the same patient and comfort that he would treat his old friend; in another life when Ken would become enough skill with the sword Joe would send him away to the capital; to train with his best friend, to learn for the masters and be the best swordsman of the land.
In the life that they had lost
“Your Sea Majesty, Jou, Jou!”  his response was slow and confuse “Jou, the king of all land ask you a question”
The King watch him with impatien; it has to be something about the heirs, they where so use to be instantly obey, that make them temperamental, a mistake that Joe made with his own son, and sadly with Iory.
No, he don't want to think about Iory
“Davis said that Iory Hida is prepare to surrender” but since when did he get what he want? “That somehow is his Master who refuse give up, do you know anything about  this master? we don't have to much information about him” Beside been next to him their voices sounds like an ecco
But Joe negate with head, he has no energy to think about Ryo Akiyama; Iory wants to surrender, a marvelous new, the prodigy son could still do the right thing. If they defeat Ryo the children would surrender, and then what?  He look at the blood in the hands of his friend one more time
“We cannot make the same mistake twice” Yamato speak with the hate in his voice answering a question that Joe was afraid to ask “Even if they surrender we cannot forgive them”
“They are children” They are my children
“ They were children, they are men now, men who betrayed you, they attack  the King!” his blue eyes doub for an instand “If we give them the oportunity they are gonna kill you Joe, i will not give them that oportuity”
The silent embrace the room, Joe knows that Yamato only has good intentions and the guilt hit him, he wish that he was willing to stop him, if Yamato where his knight a simple order will be enought. Why Yamato agree to serve Taichi was a mystery for him.
“Do you have any idea where the rebels are hiding?”  Taichi interrump what it feel like a private moment
Ideas? He has plenty of ideas, tousan of theories but just one that make sense “The swarm”
“The swarm!” Yamato recall “of course” and along with him jump over the map that hang out the wall; Taichi look at them in confusion “Is a group of small island in the south; they are many, at least a dozen, but the ground is rocky and infertile, access is dangerous if you do not know the place, but is the perfect hide”
Joe hate the way Yamato talk to the King, as if he was an ignorant child, a sweetness that was unusual in him
“That is the place to which we must move our troops” Taichi celebrated
Joe despise how the King look at his friend, as if he belonged to him, as if he was one of his properties.
“But we must be careful, they must have lookouts on the routes, those are dangerous waters”
The hand of the King travel to his knight shoulder “I'm sure you can manage it” fondly eyes and meaningful smiles, they move together in a synchrony that was ridiculous; again they remind him to his lost children: Ken and Davis use to move like that too.
A thought that make him feel like the most stupid man alive,  a sudden revelation that snap him back to reality, he knew Yamato, he knew his past and his hearth, be the lover of a upper class gentleman was no strange behavior for him, but this…  he cursed the ocean and the sea
He stand out as tall as he was “For how long?”
“Well i hope not to much” Taichi´s smile offended him “i mean.. we want to end this war as soon as possible right?”
But Yamato notice his change of attitude, and for Joe annoyance he put himself between he and the King.
Maybe the revelation wouldn´t hurt that much if it wasn´t for the lies, the hypocrisy, Taichi, the king of the light, the light who persecute and imprison impures...
“Joe what´s wrong?” Yamato try to approach to him but Joe shake and come far from them, he can´t even look at his friend anymore
“Sora knows?” he try to yell “did she?” memories of the dozen of letters he share with his dear friend flash before his eyes, her loneliness, the rumours about her health...
Taichi´s grin broke down “How do you know? i mean.. what are you talking about? “
The smartest thing would have been to keep quiet, keep his suspicions to himself, avoid claims to the most powerful man in the continent “You know very well what i´m talking about Taichi Yagami!” but he has lost his patient too “You are a fraud, you broke the votes you made to your so acclaim god”
Taichi stay stuned by Joe accusations
“You don't even denied, did any law mean anything to you?” Joe try to make sense in his mind, both of his hand rest over the table, “Do you think you own him? that…. that you can use people like him just because you have power over them!”
“He is not using me!” Yamato reacts “Its not like that, please stop!”
Joe turn to him, no longer avoiding his eyes “I expect more from you”
His words hit the Knight more than any sword did before, Yamato clench his teeth and contain the sorrows “Well… that was your mistake”
“who are you to judge him? you…” the king yell at him ” Everything you own has been earning by his hand, he fought for you! he Killed for you! he won for you! you are not alloud to… you  have no right…”
“You have no idea what are you talking about”
“You either,  you think you know him better than me? Do you know that he spent these years pleading  to come to your rescue? he was so sure all of this was too much for you "
Joe take a stept back, was than true? a look at Yamato and he knows  Taichi was right, but the rage has no disappear “You have a wife”
“You too! but if you ask me you see more concern about those ungrateful bastards that you call your children than for your actual family!”
If he could, he would hide behind the table, close the curtains of the windows and demand everyone to leave him alone, Taichi dealt a fatal blow to the little that remained of his emotional stability.
“They are the ones who need to be saved, you do not know mimi, she ... she is an extraordinary woman, I have no doubt that she has the strength to ... to protect our son and herself; and despite everything I trust that Iory will not allow them to hurt her "by saying it out loud, with Yamato and Tai judging him, he realized that he sounded even more foolish than when he repeated it to himself.
A nock of the door force them to calm down, or at least pretend to be
“Sir, I´m so sorry” Kouji enters the room with a small chest between his hands “A letter from the rebels and this” The three of them rush into the package, Taichi took the letter that was address to the Sea King
“They demand that we free the Ikkaku Island and thet we release Davis, a proof that we are serius… what they mean by that?”
Joe open the chest and his world collapse
He lost control, he lost hope, and dear god on the abyss Mimi lost an eye
“We are not gonna surrender, they are blaffing, this is a sig of desperation” Yamato try in vain to encourage him while Taichi make an efford to not trow up.
Ryo finally was showing his cards, this must be his work, Iory was burning the ships, who knows who else would drag him along.
“My son…” he barely speak  before  storm out of the room
“follow him” Taichi order “and Yamato…” he came closer  “make sure he doesn't make or said anything stupid”
Yamato found him on his room, crying and shaking
“I would found them “ Joe look at him, without worried for hiding his tears “I would keep my promise, i would save the queen and the Prince” he sit next to him “you know i will”
“Do i?” a bitter laught “I don't know who you are anymore”
“Or you do” Yamato lay down “ I don't need to tell you anything, you just know…”
“Still it would had been nice if you just told me” but he smile with an apologize between his libs, just as he use to do, and a tiny light of hope ignite inside of him; that was Yamato, his defender, his friend, maybe they could save his family, all of them “What about Iory and Ken?”
“Taichi doesn´t understand your fixation with those kids, Joe… to be honest me either…”
“And i don't understand your fixation with the King, He is... “
But all  hope crumbled as soon as it appeared, three words and Joe knew Yamato would never been in his side again
“I love him” and even worse “And.. i think he loves me”
Such a profound declaration, a much more horrified secret  
“Yamato… this is not right” such a waste of words, Yamato has done so much for others in the name of respect, honor, friendship, but love? he knew, sadly, that Yamato has never feel loved before.
Now there was nothing in the world that Yamato was not able to do for Taichi
He had lost his friend, just like he had lost everything else
“But I understand ” he lied “ I´ll not said anything, i just need to be alone for a while, please, i´m sure that you have a lot of things to get ready before the assault to the swarm”
With a smile Yamato leave him alone, and Joe waits impatien until the door close behind him and he hear his steps go far away for rush to his suitcase, he took his arrow and bow  and carefully, afraid and decided he sneak out of his own castle.
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izzyizumi · 4 years
Digimon Adventure(s) REPEATverse: an introduction
Fic: here ( please note any and all notes/warnings before reading ! ) AMVs: (short index at start links to past AMVs for this series): here * the AMVs are recommended if the fic itself isn’t your thing ! * the AMVs and the fic can be viewed separately from each other ! * you can still gain a same amount of the main story from the AMVs alone ! * the fic goes more into headcanons/ships/etc. as well as side ‘verses * However, I’m aware my writing isn’t the best so the AMVs may be preferred ! * basically, I’m a lot more confident in my minimal AMV making skills than my fic writing ability, but not for lack of trying I suppose ? * by viewing the AMVs you also get to hear cool music ! * some of it’s kind of depressing too though u m just as another warning * OK BUT THE MUSIC IS VERY GOOD OVERALL TOO THE BACKSTORY (NOTE: CONTAINS MAIN STORY SPOILERS FOR FIC):
Koushiro Izumi, in a distant FUTURE TIMELINE (but pre-02 Epilogue), during a "final battle", witnesses Taichi Yagami about ready to face his death, as well as the deaths of the rest of the Chosen Children - - including that of Koushiro Izumi himself.                              ( After all, if TAICHI CANNOT WIN ... ) In a last-ditch effort to save EVERYONE and everything, Koushiro CODES and sets in motion an endless " Reboot ", to constantly loop and " REPEAT " the timeline - or timelines. This is in the hopes that one day, they can figure out where they went wrong, stop the enemy, and finally save the day - the worlds - and everyone.
Unfortunately, despite this best effort of Koushiro's, this endless Reboot sends " YGGDRASIL " INTO MADNESS . "Yggdrasil" begins to execute more and more violent attacks against the Chosen Children with each "Reboot" / "REPEAT" in the hopes of wiping them out and "removing" the Chosen, especially one Koushiro Izumi, for good, and destroying all worlds that exist. " HOMEOSTASIS " becomes involved when they begin to target the Chosen - and one Koushiro Izumi, especially - for similar means, in an aim to wipe them out and "remove" them as well, and also, in an attempt to regain the Digital World's balance and stop Yggdrasil while they're at it. However, EVEN HOMEOSTASIS, SOON BEGINS TO DELVE INTO MADNESS ...
The series of events sets off a major chain reaction. Almost all, if not ALL, of the Chosen Childrens' former villains begin to become aware of the worlds' and Koushiro's plights, as well. After all, when you have a massive telescope where you can spy directly on the Chosen from afar ala Piemon, how could they NOT become aware when the Chosen (and especially, one Koushiro Izumi, and ALSO, one Taichi Yagami) begin acting strangely of their own accord? Some of the former villains begin attempts to use the situation to their specific advantages, while ignoring the wider plight - for example, Etemon may simply want to gain the revenge he wants for Taichi defeating him " that time ", even if it means Etemon giving up his mind in order to do so. MUGENDRAMON [“Machinedramon”] ESPECIALLY has his own goals that may or may not involve a certain OTHER TIME-HOPPING                                                " RYO AKIYAMA " as well as attempting to UTTERLY DESTROY A CERTAIN KOUSHIRO IZUMI WHILE HE’S AT IT. Some of the former villains and the Dark Masters even begin fighting against each other - and yet more of them, particularly Piemon, may be becoming more and more aware of the timelines - and which CHOSEN REMEMBER those timelines - as time goes on.
Moreover, every time Koushiro must "REPEAT" a timeline, the pressure begins to build further and further until it's near mind-breaking levels. Not only does he have to deal with SAVING MULTIPLE WORLDS AND UNIVERSES, and coming up with plans to defeat all of these enemies ON HIS OWN, without telling any of the others lest they figure out what's really going on with him, - but he ALSO has to relive his personal storyline and issues, over and over and over and over again, for endless timelines on end. And considering Koushiro Izumi also was someone who started out feeling like " even if he wasn't around , THE WORLD would STILL GO ON ", WELL ....
The pressure buildup becomes too much -
--- and Koushiro Izumi, via the Digital Worlds' coding and his own skills, wipes his own memory as well as those of everyone elses'. ESPECIALLY those of TAICHI YAGAMI’S. {...and, even voluntarily on Taichi’s part, As Well}
... but along the way ---
--- Koushiro Izumi, in his endless thirst for KNOWLEDGE ..and wanting to know exactly what is going on here,
... soon starts to REGAIN those memories, in numerous other timelines.
How much does KOUSHIRO remember ? How much does TAICHI YAGAMI begin to remember ? What will Taichi Yagami himself CHOOSE to do ?
How much do THE VILLAINS, K N O W?
How far along the “original timeline” do the timelines actually get to progress before thing begin to collapse, yet again ?
And can anything REALLY be done to stop the worlds and the Chosen Children from becoming closer and closer to being utterly and completely destroyed ?
... and will KOUSHIRO - and, TAICHI - be able to yet again handle the immense pressures ?
#akiyama ryo#digimon homeostasis#digimon yggdrasil#repeatverse#timeloop au#fic: repeat#c: koushiro izumi#c: taichi yagami#c: ryo akiyama#c: repeat chosen#c: chosen children#c: mugendramon#c: yggdrasil#c: homeostasis#c: digimon villains#('I'M BAD AT NOT SPOILING MY OWN FICVERSES' - M E)#(this is the MUCH longer and more detailed summary that should explain at least SOME of these things compared to the one line fic summary)#(I'VE BEEN WANTING TO THROW @ RYO AKIYAMA @ RYO AKIYAMA @ RYO AND @ MUGENDRAMON @ MUGENDRAMON)#(IN FOREVER T O O O M G JUST. THE WONDERSWAN GAMES LORE. I STILL BARELY UNDERSTAND IT BUT J U S T)#(SO YEAH MUGENDRAMON IS VERY VERY MUCH INVOLVED IN RYO'S DIMENSION HOPPING AND I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE IT)#(I DON'T DISLIKE RYO ACTUALLY I gENUINELY DON'T)#(JUST THE AMOUNT OF CANON AND LORE KIND OF DRIVES ME UP A WALL TRYING TO KEEP IT ALL STRAIGHT AAAAA)#(THIS IS NOT THE FAULT OF THE TRANSLATORS AND MORE THE FAULT OF ME BEING BAD AT ORGANIZING MORE EXTENSIVE LORE)#(ok but SERIOUSLY RYO. RYO. R Y O. RYO VOICE @ KOUSHIRO ' Need help ? ')#(KOUSHIRO VOICE ' P L E A S E ')#(RYO VOICE ' so you know ' ' there's this sWORD ' ' that just mIGHT help with at least SOME of this ' ' you fought Diablomon ' ' ..right?')#(KOUSHIRO VOICE WEAKLY ' U m ' ' .... Things kind of. ' ' ... happened ' RYO ' ...Guess I'm back ' KOUSHIRO THINKING ' I owe you my life ')#(RYO AKIYAMA CAN BE VERY USEFUL ACTUALLY)#(RYO AKIYAMA CAN BE VERY USEFUL WHEN NO ONE ELSE REMEMBERS RYO AKIYAMA IS NOT YOUR ENEMY)#(When You're Koushiro Izumi and you've gained an immense amount of Knowledge but you WIPE EVERYONES MEMORIES bUT YOUR OTHER SELVES REMEMBER)
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