#(I'm always second guessing myself on if I should leave tags at all tbh)
mercyburned · 4 months
🌿 author portrait .
get to know the author behind the blog! repost, do not reblog.
basics .
name/nickname: lori age: 34. i am the mom friend. pronouns : she/her only, please years of writing : writing itself as an intentional act, probably since about age 10. but i've been conjuring up stories since around second or third grade.
reflection .
why did you pick up writing? like i said above, it's been my hobby for basically my entire life? i couldn't give you a reason. some people become artists, some people become musicians, i became a writer the same way i've become a teacher.
do you have any writing routines? by this point i really should, but i do not. i think i'll probably start setting myself realistic goals over the summer so that i don't fall as far behind next school year as i have over the past year. since i went back to college and everything after that ( fulltime jobs, grad school, moving, an actual career job ) i've really struggled with keeping my blog consistently active, and i think that damages my ability to interact and make new connections. so, i'd like to get back into feeling like a part of the community instead of just idling on the fringes of it.
what's your favorite part about writing? it's a huge creative release for me, and i think it's also helped me to process a lot of the things i've gone through in life. i don't think i'd be as mentally stable as i am if i hadn't poured all of my angst (tm) into writing early on and throughout the years when those things happened. but also, it's just very enjoyable for me to continue / explore the stories of characters i love in new ways. ventium said this too, but i also really like the social aspect of rp specifically. getting to talk excitedly about ideas and characters with someone else is what puts the bow on top for me.
three things you like about your writing. looking back at my old writing which is, regrettably, still online but mwahaha you'll never find it - i can see how much i've grown as a writer and how i've tried so many different ways to do the Writing Thing. i think i'm very good with worldbuilding and lore aspects of writing, but i think i can still improve on characterization and making sure each character has a unique voice. i have some extremely strong muses, like clare, who tend to bleed through into some other characters - though, for characters like kaeya, it sort of works. anyway, uh, yeah.
have you ever given up on writing? no, though i go through phases sometimes where i just don't have the writing mojo. but i've learned to show myself grace and not force it. whether i write every day or not doesn't change the fact that i'm a writer, and it doesn't mean i'm a bad rp partner if i take a break to tend to my offline life. my friendships don't expire and my threads don't either, soooo...
what is your greatest fear or worry as a writer? i don't think i have one. i used to stress SO MUCH about being perfect but maybe i've just gotten older and i don't see it that way anymore? i've had rp blogs with 2k+ followers and rp blogs with less than 100. the same 10 people interacted with me on either of them, so i don't even notice my follower count anymore. i'm not super stressed about my characterization ( even though i know it can always improve ) and i know my worldbuilding is good. i guess the only thing that i sometimes think about is that my activity is very low, which, like i said earlier, makes it difficult to form and maintain connections in the rpc. but i appreciate the people who understand that my offline life is very demanding and takes like 90% of my mental energy each day. not really worried about the rest tbh !
a question for the next person .
write a question for the next person to answer. once you've answered it, leave a new question for someone else to answer.
next question: if you could give advice to someone just beginning their foray into writing, what three things would you tell them?
tagging: @cybrvce, @papilio-anima, @literanis, @armatization and you! tagged by: i stole it from @apocryphis.
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I don't have anything interesting to add, I just hate Carlos. It's really refreshing to admit this to myself because I disliked him pre-Ferrari but forced myself to cheer for him when he joined the team. And I used to buy into the reasoning that some adjustments to make Carlos more comfortable were okay in early 2022 because it would help the team if he wasn't ending in the gravel all the time. And I didn't want Ferrari to treat their 2nd drivers like Red Bull.
Even after Silverstone, I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt - maybe the problem was Binotto and Binotto is gone. But with how his fanbase, the Spanish media, and the 1655 have been acting, I don't feel guilty about my Charles bias anymore or obligated to support Carlos because he drives for Ferrari. Fuck him AND the team. It is sooo liberating to realize that the fake tifosi discourse is absolute bullshit drummed up to elevate Carlos. Manifesting a DNF for him every single race that's left and fuck the team results. I have 0 patience for Ferrari left anymore.
tag so we can enjoy or avoid the rant -> drivers discourse
With consent i'm going to kiss you, you had me at the first line tbh.
The fake tifosi discourse, which is more a thing on twt i guess, you have to be happy for a scuderia win no matter the circumstances, hell no, if you threw a driver i prefer under the bus when it wasn't strictly necessary because let's be frank no one was really going for CS even at the end, the only one was Charles and Ferrari memory still fresh of the 2019 undercut decided to take Charles' race and throw it in the bin, when they well knew he was going to keep that p2.
So no, I won't be happy for that especially, and I'll always roll my eyes at Carlos' success over Charles simply because I don't like him, I was neutral about him mostly i ignored him before he came into Ferrari, but even if the circumstances in which he came here should have made me hate him even more (Seblrina first human second) i waited and just kept disliking him. Do i have to strip myself of the Tifosi's badge? Fuck no, but this isn't the team i used to love. And we had seasons in which I disliked both drivers. But the dude bros on twt swear Ferrari well being comes first, well look at all the championships that got us, look at them Anakin!
So, to end it, they can take Binotto, CS, his piss poor entourage, Santander, the SF-23 and shove it up their asses, i'm gonna take my honor, my Charles and my Seb memory and hope for a better future whatever it might be. And if Charles truly leaves and Ferrari finally tumbles at the bottom of hell and never wins a championship and your driver becomes another laughing stock for the media, I'll be laughing and I will enjoy it.
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aseuki · 2 years
Tagged by uhhhh @humming-fly omg hiii bestie
nickname: Never really got a lot of nicknames aside from shortened versions of my name asdfksjd I Did get called Pikachu and Rukia (Bleach) a couple times during early high school if that counts asdlfkjsdfsd
sign: Sagittarius ♐
height: 5'2" || 157.5cm
last thing i googled: Kirby Bridge Battle. Gotta collect all the 'dees (was missing the one Right at the beginning)
song stuck in my head: The Entire Kirby Planet Robobot Soundtrack all the tracks and leitmotifs are swirling in the blender that is my mind
number of followers: P sure I'm 4-5 away from 800 which is. Hi. idk how many of yalls are inactive but howwy
amount of sleep: Shoot for 8, usually end up with 6-7 askdfjsdf
dream job: Idk mate I'm just Existing, Tbh anything that I can leave at the door when I clock out and leaves me enough time and energy to do the stuff I love sounds p good to me
wearing: My jammies and a fleecy hoodie and fuzzy socks bc I amn. Very Cold,
films/books that can summarize me: I uh don't consume much film or books nowadays but The Cat Returns was a formative part of my upbringing and if you have met me irl there is a 98% chance I have quoted Finding Nemo or Cars @ u so I guess those????? Oh and PJO hahaha
favorite song: I cycle through songs like favorite tshirts in my wardrobe but current brainworms are Violet by Those Who Dream, Me Myself & I by 5 Seconds of Summer, and Carry On by Polite Fiction
favorite instrument: I always liked playing the piano even though I haven't touched it in years! For Listening though I'm always a slut for the timpani and like. U know when they put those good good anvil clanging in a soundtrack. Tastey.
aesthetic: I swing wildly between Cute Celestial and more punk/goth but tbh slap a bunch of stars on it and I'm sold. Love u Whimsigothic
favorite authors: Holds up Rick Riordan. Also for Webcomics I'm always a fan of how Zack Morrison writes u should check out their comic Paranatural pspspsps it'll be funny also the way they write metaphors is So so nice
random fun fact:  I have never broken a bone before so it's p safe to say I don't have bones.
tagging: @nymphofnovels @alagaesia-overlord uhhhhh I'm Shy about tagging so if ur a Mutual then consider urself Tagged (but don't feel pressured to if u don't want to) and anyone else who wants to do it then go for it! :0 👍
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izzyizumi · 5 years
( TAGS )
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pixie88 · 4 years
Rory Bear
Tumblr media
A/N: Those who play Lovelink know Rory O’Brien. He recently when grey on me, I miss him so decided to do a FF especially for him! He is one hot dad, who looks like Chris Evans. This might be a one shot piece or I might continue I’m not sure yet.  Let me know if you would like to be tagged or untagged!
Find my other Rory O’Brien FF HERE on my masterlist under Lovelink - One shots.
Comments always welcome!
Word count: 2317
WARNINGS: ⚠️ NSFW & Fluffy fluff
Disclaimer: Characters are property of Lovelink.
Pairings: Rory x MC - Laila
It's been two days since I've heard from Rory while he was washing his car. I don't want to bother him, I know he's busy with work and Amy. So, I get dressed and take Winnie for a walk. It's a sunny winter's day, we spend an hour in the park playing fetch before I grab a hot chocolate from the food van in the park.
We are nearly home when I hear my phone, I pull it out of my bag and the screen lights up.
*Lovelink - Rory has sent you a message*
[Hi Laila, How are you? I was thinking about our last conversation and I have my answer, but I want to tell you in person.]
I reply once I get inside.
[Hey Rory, I'm fab thanks you? How is Amy? Oh ok, I'm glad you've have come to a conclusion.]
[I'm not great tbh. Amy is fine, she has an art show at school tomorrow night.]
[Oh no, what's wrong? Aww, bless her! Has she made an art piece?]
[I've missed you! I was thinking would you be up for coming? My mom and dad will be there too. So, I understand if it's too much too soon. Yeah, she's done a drawing of you.]
[I can't say I haven't missed you. Oh, are you sure you want me to be there if your parents are? Is this your way of getting me to the art show? Because it's working.]
[Yes, I want you there and so does Amy after you helped her at her dance recital she wanted to do something to say thank you. If it means you'll come then yes haha.]
[Fine, I'll come, but only because I'm curious about this drawing. Plus, I want to see you and Amy! What time does it start?]
[Thank you so much Amy will be so pleased about you coming! It starts at 6 pm but I can come and pick you up at about 5.30 pm?]
[Just Amy? Ok, 5.30 is great. Can't wait to see you both]
[I'm super excited to see you too! Great, I'll see you then.]
(He wants me to meet his parents? Does that mean he's ready to move on? I guess I'll find out tomorrow)
The next day I drop Winnie round to my neighbours house. I'm just finishing up. I decided on a blue blouse undone slightly and black jeans with knee-high boots.
Ding Dong!
He's here! I open the door, Rory smiles "Laila, you look beautiful!"
"Thank you! You look handsome yourself. Ready to go?" I ask.
"Aww, thanks. Yeah, Amy is in the car"
"Great, let's go!" We walk over to the car and Amy smiles brightly at me as we approached the car.
Rory opens the door for me "Such a gentleman"
He smiles "Only the best for you" 
He seems different from the past two dates lighter and more confident. He closes the door.
"Hey, Amy how are you?"
"I'm ok thanks. Are you?"
Rory gets into the car.
"I'm great thanks Amy" Rory starts the engine. It's not long before we arrive at the school.
When we get inside, Rory waves at an elderly couple I'm guessing are his parents. They make their way over to us "Rory, Amy and who might this be" the elderly lady says.
"Mom, Dad this is Laila. She's my date, Laila and Laila this is my mother Philippa and my father, Albert"
"Hi, nice to meet you both!"
"Rory you didn't tell us you were dating again! I'm so happy for you" Philippa says.
"She's beautiful too," Albert says.
"She is," Rory gives me a look that sends butterfly's through my body.
I smile.
"Laila, come on I want to show you my drawing!"
Amy grabs my hand and leads me to her drawing "Amy, this is beautiful!"
"I added Dad on to it. The love heart is you two falling in love"
"Oh wow! What's the rainbow for?"
She smiles "Nothing, I just wanted to add a rainbow"
"Oh ok! Well, it's better than any rainbow I have ever drawn!" We laugh as Rory and his parents appear behind us.
"Do you like it, Daddy?"
"Amy it's amazing, but I thought you said it was a drawing of Laila?"
"It is! There is Laila and there is you and that is you falling in love!" Rory blushes.
We look round at all the other art pieces Rory comes up behind me as I'm looking at a paper mache volcano. I feel his breath on the back of my neck "Are you ok?"
I turn "Hey, Yeah I'm fine you?"
"Laila, I'm sorry about Amy's picture"
"It's cute," I smile at him.
"Well, we have 5 minutes to ourselves can we talk?" he asks.
"On our last date you said you didn't think I was ready to move on," he says.
"I did and I also said you needed to think about what you wanted"
"Yes, you did," he says.
"So, Rory have you figured it out?"
"I did...Laila, I've had a long hard think about it and I'm ready! My walls are coming down for you!" He gives me a cheeky grin.
"Are you sure? I don't want to push you into something you aren't ready for!"
"Laila, I'm one hundred percent positive" His arms wrap around me, and he pulls me in tight.
I giggle "Rory!" I wrap my arms around him "You're like a bear! Rory bear!"
He laughs "Is that my new pet name?"
"It will be!" I laugh.
We de-tangle ourselves from each other Amy runs over excited "Laila, Daddy come on they're announcing the winners" she drags us over to where her teacher is on stage.
"Evening, parents and students I am proud to announce the winners from Falcon class. Third place goes to Isla Johnson. Well done Isla!"
We clap little Isla as she steps on stage to accept her award.
"Second place goes to Amy O'Brien, Well done Amy!"
Amy's face lights up as she turns to us "Yes! I got second place!!"
"Well done Amy!" Rory beams at her.
"Go claim your award! Amy!" Albert tells her.
She runs on stage and accepts her award. She comes back off stage, and we don't even hear who wins first place.
"This calls for a celebration! Why don't Grandad and I take you out for dinner sweetpea?" Philippa asks.
"Yes, please!" she turns to Rory.
"Daddy, can I go? Please?" Amy asks.
"Aren't Laila and I invited?"
She laughs "Daddy, you and Laila should have some time together!"
"Yeah, we'll watch Amy for a few hours. You two go and enjoy yourselves" Albert offers.
Rory looks at me with a look I have never seen from him before "Are you sure?" he asks.
"Of course! We love any chance to spoil our grandchild" Philippa says.
"Ok, but make sure you behave for Nanna and Grandad. OK?"
Amy smiles "Deal! Bye, Daddy!"
"Bye, sweetheart!"
Amy takes her grandparents' hands and leads them toward the exit.
Rory turns to me "Do you want to come back to mine? I could cook us dinner?"
"Ok, sounds perfect!"
We make our way to his car, and he opens the door for me "Thank you!"
He winks, closes the door, and gets into the driver's seat "Amy likes you"
I smile at him "She's a lovely kid! You did a brilliant job!"
He blushes "Thank you, Laila. You know when her Mom died, I thought how am I going to do this by myself and get it right?"
I take his hand "Well, you smashed it!"
He lifts my hand to his lips and places a small kiss against my knuckles.
10 minutes later we pull up to his house, he comes round to my side of the car and opens the door "You know I will expect you to open every door I go to walk through now" I laugh.
"It would be my pleasure!" He winks. He takes my hand and entwines his fingers through mine as he leads me to the house.
He unlocks the door and I step inside with Rory close behind as soon as the door shuts, he presses me against the wall his lips claim mine.
His kiss is full of passion, want, and desire. I'm pressed against the hard wall and his muscular body. I wrap my arms around him, his hands come under my thighs, and he lifts me up.
He starts grinding against my core "Rory" I feel he's stiff against me.
He moves us away from the wall, his lips never leaving mine. He guides us upstairs, kicks open a door and we fall onto his bed. He pulls away a little "Laila, I want you! I'm ready"
I giggle, "I kinda figured that"
His eyes are alight with desire "If you don't want this..."
I cut him off, he gets the hint. He moves from my lips and down to my neck and back up to my ear, his lips brush against it "You're so beautiful!" his hands start to unbutton my blouse his lips feather kisses against my chest.
I push off his suit jacket, pull his sweater vest up over his head and I grab his tie and pull him down towards my lips. He groans as his hand dips into my jeans, he brushes against me and I can't help arch off the bed. I yank his tie off and begin to unbutton his shirt.
I become breathless at the sight of his toned body. I flip us, crash my lips to his and work my way down his breathing shudders as I pepper kiss over his chest down to his abs "Laila!" I unbuckle his belt and he shifts helping me get him out of them.
I trail kisses up his inner thigh I pull him free of his boxers. He's hard I take him in my hand and circle around the tip he bucks up "Ah, ah, ah! Rory bear!"
He hisses in frustration "Christ...Laila!"
I work my mouth against him. His hand tangles into my hair moving me to his rhythm.
"Laila, you have to stop," he pulls me up onto the bed next to him, he moves to hover over me. He pulls off my boots and jeans in one swift manner.
His tongue invades my mouth, his taste still lingering there. His lips kiss along my purse line, my collarbone to my breast he unclips my bra and tosses it to the floor.
His lips cover my nipple "Crap Rory!" He moves to my tummy nipping as he goes definitely hard enough to leave bite marks. His hands pull at the waistband of my underwear until they are gone. He pulls a silver packet out of the bedside cabinet draw.
"Laila, it's been a while so I might be a little rusty" he lifts my legs his mouth finds my centre.
He moves my folds apart with his tongue I cry out unable to hold back a moan "Rory bear, you definitely have......not forgot how to do that!" I clutch his hair and move my hips wanting more.
He works against my clit "Nice to know I haven't lost my touch!" He doubles his efforts I'm barely holding on!
I pull him up to my lips he pulls away enough our lips aren't touching, but his forehead is against mine "Laila, are you sure this is what you want? Me? Everything that comes with me?"
"Yes! I want all of you!" This is all he needs to hear.
He rips the foil packet open with his teeth and rolls the condom on. He brushes his stiffened member against me and pushes past my entrance filling me. His lips forcefully captures mine, he groans. Each thrust he draws out slowly then thrust back fast and hard, I can't get enough of him!
My nails dig into his back, he hisses "God Laila!" His lips move to my pulse line every nerve ending feels electrified with each thrust, touch, kiss I can barely hold back a moan. I flip us both to his surprise "Whoa!" He screams.
"I need a bit of control too!" I start to move my hips riding him.
"By all....means I'm.....willing to....let....you take ohh god....the reins!" He struggles to get his words out.
His hands grasp my hips, and he bucks to match my rhythm "Ooooh Rory bear!"
He smirks "You know I love....this neeew pet name!" He groans.
He sits up placing his hand on the back of my neck, pulling me to his lips. He catches my lip between his teeth as he pulls me tight against his bare chest, "I can't..."
His lips brush against my ear "Let go, Laila! I'm barely holding on myself!" This is all it takes to send me falling over the edge. Rory shudders as he finds his own climax.
We are both panting barely catching our breath. He smiles up at me "Laila, that was...wow just wow!"
I smile "It was amazing!"
He pulls me into a soft kiss we are interrupted by the sound of his phone.
I collapse onto the bed next to him while he reaches for it. He reads the message "Everything OK?" I ask.
He turns to me with a cheeky smile "Just my Mom, she's going to have Amy for the night!"
He lay next to me "You know what that means?" He smirks.
I try to hide a smile (I know exactly what it means by the smile on his face) "What does it mean?"
"Round 2" he pulls me onto him.
"HEY! You promised to cook me dinner!"
He smirks "We'll order in...After!"
He starts laying kisses along my pulse line, and we get lost in each other embrace again.
I’m tagging you because I know your a Lovelink fan lovely @khoicesbyk​
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rinnysega · 6 years
Okay so your wedding is coming up and I'm a newer follower. Will you tell us your and your future wife's love story? How did you meet? When did you realize that it was love?
Hello new friend! Welcome to my blog!
And oooh ok! This will get kind of long so I’ll put it under a read more.
@ilonacho and I met in late November/early December of 2015. My friend @prismatoons and I were really into the Disney show Penn Zero: Part time Hero (and still are tbh. idc if it’s ended, it’s still prominent in our lives and will be forever) and one day when I was on vacation, I got a message from her to check out some new artwork that showed up in the tag. The fandom was incredibly small, so news of anything new, especially art, was an immediate “STOP THE PRESSES” kind of moment. 
If you check out her art tag you’ll see how incredible she is, and I was floored by her style and how she drew the characters. So, like the friendly idiot I am, I really wanted to introduce myself, but I was incredibly shy. But, since there were only a handful of people to talk to about PZ, I had to suck it up and approach her if I wanted a new fandom friend, so I stumbled my way into her ask box to let her know that I loved her artwork, and since she was new to the fandom, I’d love to introduce her to people and be a friend if she was looking to talk about the show with anybody. I think I scared her cause I feel I was way too forward in being like “HELLO, WANNA BE FRIENDS?” but like I said, I was a shy. I thought she was super cool and it’s like, who am I to just barge in here and say hello? Lol but anyway…
That leads me to the day things sort of changed I guess? We’d talked through the askbox only a couple of times, and then one day I noticed she had followed me. I was so excited because again, I thought she was the coolest person in the world, and here she is, following me back when she states on her own blog that she doesn’t follow that many people in order to keep her dashboard short and clean, and I was just like “mOM HOLY FUCK”
I told her I was so happy about it and her immediate response was “uhhhhh that was an accident, I dropped my phone on my face and it followed u by mistake” and when I was like “hnnnnnn u can unfollow me if u want” she said it was cool and would keep it the way it is cause I think she felt bad about it. But either way, ever since that incident we started talking more and more and we started hanging out off tumblr like on streams and stuff, and it got to a point by New Years 2016 I had developed a mondo crush. 
Mutual friends started asking us both questions the more we started hanging out and how we interacted together, and we both found out through the grapevine that the other had a crush on us. Just before Valentines Day 2016 we talked about it with each other, but we were unsure of actually dating. We’d just met like two months prior, and even though we were both over 18, we still had a pretty big age gap of 7 years which made me uncomfortable as the older one. Not to mention that long distance between the states and Denmark was a nightmare. We were currently 6 hours apart and I was about to move in a month to California where we’d be 9 hours apart. Didn’t really seem like a good choice, so we decided to stay friends.
In July of that year, I’d settled well in LA, and a co-worker of mine asked me on a date. I said no because at the time I realized that the only person I wanted to be with was Ilo, so I was kind of turned off with wanting to date other people. Another coworker and I talked about it and she recommended that if I wasn’t going to date anyone because I couldn’t get Ilo off my mind, I should just try out the long distance. Ilo and I for months had back and forth conversations about dating where we talked about our fears and wants in relationships, what we were both looking for, what we were both scared of, what we would do if it worked out or didn’t work out, etc, so when I brought this to her attention, she felt she was ready to give it a try, and by then I was ready to try to. So we officially got together on July 25th 2016. 
She first came to visit me here in the states for Valentine’s Day 2017 for about a week. I was very nervous because it was our first time seeing each other in person and I was scared about a lot of things as you could imagine. But when she landed, and I picked her up from the airport, everything felt so…right? I was so awestruck with my crush on her that I missed our exit driving back from LAX and had to take the long way home lol. By the time we got to my apartment, everything felt natural. Neither of us were worried or uncomfortable, and it was almost as if we’d known each other forever.
We went on our first date the day after she got in. It was February 12, 2017 and we went to Universal Studios Hollywood. From there, we had a wonderful week of going to Disneyland and going out to dinner on Valentines Day, and we saw movies together, and painted pottery. It was fantastic and it was so sad to see her leave. She was able to come back for two weeks in the summer to see the Penn Zero finale with me, and then I went to spend two weeks with her and her family in Denmark for Christmas that year. During the time apart and how heart breaking it was to see the other go, I think that’s when I realized it was a lifelong love and neither of us wanted to go without the other. 
We talked a lot about her immigrating to the United States to live with me fulltime since currently she can’t stay in the country anymore than 90 days, so we did a lot of research about how to go about it. We came to the decision together that the best option for us would be to get married in Denmark in Fall of 2018 and have her immigrate to the US as my wife. 
We hadn’t lived together more than 2 weeks at a time, so she came to stay with me between February thru April of this year to see if we could live together for a long period of time. And let me tell you, it was the best 3 months of my life. We’d got into a chore routine, a life routine really, and being able to wake up to her every morning was the best way to start the day (even that one time when she elbowed me in the face). No matter how early it was, 4am or 5am, she’d get out of bed and walk me to the front door as I left for work to kiss me goodbye and make sure I remembered my phone, keys, wallet, etc, even when she was half asleep and groggy. She always walked me to the door no matter what. During that time we also went home to Florida so I could introduce her to my parents, and they loved her just like her parents loved me. 
My mom and I were lying in her bed one morning while Ilona was still sleeping in the guest room, and she told me she thought Ilona was perfect for me. We had a heart to heart where we talked about a lot of personal stuff, but she said more than anything, she and my father wanted me to be happy and to find someone who would love me the way they did, and she said “I see how she takes care of you. It’s the little things she does, like goes behind you to make sure you’re okay, those little things show me and your Dad that she really loves you and we’re so happy for the two of you” like I cried so much. And she and my dad have a 6 year age gap between them, so she as the older one told me not to worry too much about what other people think. As long as we communicate and have a balanced relationship, things would be okay, and they are. 
So right now here we are: we’re getting ready for our TMNT wedding coming up soon where my dad and I will fly to Denmark for a week. My mom would go too but she can’t travel very well so that’s why we’re going to have a second wedding here for my friends and family in 2020. At that point at that ceremony I’ll take her last name and we’ll officially start our family. 
So that’s where our love story is right now! Full of happy tears and cartoon turtles lol She’s also going to come back to the states between mid-October and early January so we can spend all the holidays together. Hopefully the next time she returns will be for good!
And for the record: i still have a mondo crush on her.
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