#(I TRY)
cutneteel · 2 days
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oreokins · 2 months
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vampire anxietyyy-
ennui has a pretty long neck..perfect for biting 🤔
or maybe i fumbled this and should've had the roles in reverse
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buddiehasmyheart · 9 days
*eddies first day at the 118*
bobby: welcome to the gay-eighteen
eddie: uh- i’m not gay?
bobby: you will be by the end of shift, come with me i’ve got the perfect person you need to meet.
bobby: BUCK! come meet eddie, you two are going to get into an extreme partnership. you’re going to be baby trapped with his kid, co-parent his kid, look at each other longingly until eddie here has the balls to admit he likes men and then kiss and get married.
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dogsstew · 4 months
Literally love your art. Draw.
I have been, but it’s mostly just been porn so I can’t post it here (images not in reference to previously stated comment)
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sansabirdanne · 29 days
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It’s remarkable how long it takes me to decorate a 1 room apartment.
Original build by @helgatisha
Decorating a terribly executed attempt at @foundaurora’s gorgeous style.
Please let me know if you want to be untagged.
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sossmoss · 1 year
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SBI my beloveds 💛✨
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catofoldstones · 9 months
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Lady as the priest’s favourite sacrificial lamb - so docile and sweet and I hold very still when they put the rope around my neck
Bran I - AGOT // Wolf in the Moonlight by Fredric Remington - 1909 // St. Francis Comforted by an Angel by Francisco Ribalta - 1620 // Sansa I - AGOT // Akela the Lone Wolf by Maurice and Edward Detmold for Rudyard Kipling’s The Jungle Book - 1903 // Sansa I - AGOT // Eddard III - AGOT// A Dead Wolf by Jan Fyt // Eddard III - AGOT // The Sacrificial Lamb by Josefa de Ódibos - 1684
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wishfulsketching · 1 year
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Oh, forgot I had these almost done, s2 dndads dads and moms. Designs that might change along the way as always.
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minibagel7 · 4 months
you may have a stroke reading this
nothing like a good ol' soul crushing enemies/friends to lovers where they're insanely misunderstanding of each other but also know each other better than anyone and have gorgeous scenes together that ultimately break and consume both my heart, brain, and soul that gives me the greatest drawing inspiration ever
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a-person-whos-alive · 10 months
Why TotK fails Zelda
Heads up, this is a long post. Ive cut this down like a motherfucker but it still reads very long. My thoughts are divided into four main categories;
1. Her relationship with her magic & tech
2. Her relationship with Hyrule
3. Her relationship with Link
4. Her relationship with the player
Also, these are my opinions, I'm certain there are people with far better analysis skills than me! I am just in love with this franchise and a little disappointed with the recent game. Zelda as a character holds a special place in my heart and its sad that her character was done dirty like this.
Theres a TLDR at the end and before I forget, SPOILERS!!!
1. Her relationship with her magic & tech
Zelda is not someone who magic came easily to, and I think BotW & AoC did a great job exploring that. They contrasted her natural interest with the sheikah technology and her lack of power and it was 😘👌
How did TotK do? With the Zonai tech being the main selling point, how would Zelda, a scholar at heart, interact with it? To my memory, the only interaction she has is to put Mineru's soul into a piece of Sheikah tech and hand it to a construct.
Well what about magic? Finding out she has light AND time powers was at first a great throwback to OoT with the Sage of Time. The fact that her Time magic awakened immediately unlike the Light magic in the last game was a nice contrast. But then, she immediately has a similar dilemma, she can't USE her magic to propel herself forward because she doesnt know how. Unlike BotW though, she has the "mother" she was lacking to teach her. This was a decent set-up. It was different enough to be its own thing but still was familiar enough. This is up to memory 4 - Mineru's Council
The issue the NEXT MEMORY, memory 5 - Gerudo Assualt shows her being even more proficient than Sonia. We don't see her train, or struggle, or even ask a question about how the stone works. She just does. It's not until memory 8 do we see her get any guidance about her powers? And even then we don't see her attempt recall at all. In the next memory she simply uses it perfectly and effortlessly.
The purpose of her strengthening Time Magic was to get back home. Yet, she gets back home by swallowing a sacred stone, that she already had the ability to do at any point. She turns into the LIGHT dragon, using her LIGHT magic to strengthen the Master Sword. Her whole arc about her magic was pointless because in the end she used the powers from the previous game for everything important.
2. Her relationship with Hyrule
Positives first! Its clear that Zelda loves her people, and during the 7? year gap she obviously took the time to connect with them and problem solve. Penn's quest really demonstrates this, and so does the Hateno school quest. (Even if the children don't believe in the Calamity). I found it very endearing that the people had such faith in her, that even with Ganondorf causing havoc with her face, people refused to believe it. The Great Fairies MUST have seen wrong because it was dark, Dorephan MUST have been mistaken, the Stable Trotters MUST have seen someone else - Zelda wouldn't do that.
I additionally liked that Zelda wasn't immediately trying to set up a monarchy again. In fact, she seemed to be doing the opposite. She wasn't living in Central Hyrule, at Looking Landing, she was living in Hateno. She was a teacher, and on some level a researcher (even if the Don Dons were scrapped ideas from the first trailer).
But the second she goes to the past, she is put back in her box. Her interests in tech are non-existant, she does not interact with anyone who isn't royalty, the King doesn't listen to her about Ganondorf and tells her to not to worry - after all she's just supposed to wear that white dress and hope her magic works soon. She's regressed back to before the Calamity, waiting for something terrible she knows is coming and is powerless to stop.
Crucially, she doesn't speak to Ganondorf once.
This is by far the most egregious waste of their characters in my opinion, and I've just deleted a 3 paragraph Ganondorf discussion - another time. But come on! This is legitimately the PERFECT scenario for Zelda to find about about WHY people opposed her royal family, WHY everyone she's ever loved died in Calamity caused by this guy, WHY she's had to go through all this. But no, if they did talk, it wasn't on screen.
Ive seen in translations of parts of one of the interviews with a developer saying she was able to see what a ruler should be like by going to the past, but until a see an official source I'm going to hope that's not true
3. Her relationship with Link
"Link is still entrusted with the role of protecting Princess Zelda." - Hidemaro Fujibayashi https://www.npr.org/2023/09/13/1199307678/zelda-tears-of-the-kingdom-dlc-video-game. Maybe I'll write a post about Link sometime, but I'm focusing on just him and Zelda.
Whether you ship the two or not, the pair would obviously have a unique bond from both fighting the Calamity and losing the Champions/everyone. So, how did the pair cope with the destruction of everything the love? How did Zelda come to terms with the ruins of Castle Town, the harsh reality of all those who were dead? Zelda doesn't have Link's amnesia to temporarily soften the inital blow.
TotK explores none of this.
Similarly, there is a level of formality on how Zelda speaks of Link. When she tells Rauru of Link she starts, "He is a royal knight. He had been originally appointed for my protection, but later he became a hero by saving both me and Hyrule from a great evil". Not "he and I became close" or even "he became my friend". Zelda is talking to the two people closest to her right now,
All their interactions are the bare minimum.
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Link has ALWAYS been a self insert for the player, but he's still a character, and more recently Nintendo has been acting like having emotions means a player can't project onto them. Zelda is Link's closest person, and when she returns he is piece of cardboard, at least help her up!
4. Her relationship with the player
First, as everyone who played BotW will know, many things were removed or changed in TotK to allow it to be standalone for new players. Sheikah tech was removed, important characters forgot Link, the majority of the last game was rarely if ever mentioned. Kass
However TotK does not properly establish Link and Zelda for new fans AND doesnt not elaborate for old fans. They interact twice until the end - the intro and memory 1. All of her characterisation is in that little history moment, the rest of it is 50% sacred power lore and 50% time power lore. Additionlly, anyone who is new to the game has no context for her light powers.
Actually, TotK literally retcons her light magic to be from Rauru and not Hylia. Which was the WHOLE POINT of BotW so great sequelling there guys.
TLDR: The Conclusion
Wow, you made it this far. Or you skipped to end, I would too. My main gripes with Zelda:
> She doesn't interact with Zonai Tech.
> Her arc is about learning time power to go home, only for her to not use said magic and instead use the light magic from the last game to fix the sword and be a light dragon.
> Having her worries about Ganondorf shot down by the King and not holding her ground/ insisting (did you learn nothing from Rhoam??)
> never interacting with Ganondorf him being in Hyrule as a diplomat
> nintendos approach to her and link, they dont once touch while both conscious. Not even a handshake or pat on the shoulder. See images above with prev. Zelda and Link.
> the instance on making it not complicated for accessibility to new players, but also not fleshing it out enough to be compelling on its own.
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911bts · 7 months
I mean this with all the love and respect in the world but do you like. Sleep??
I'm not very good at it
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amoebeau · 6 months
you are so relatable
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makes out wiht you
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lyralime · 1 month
I got a 3d pen a week ago and it's really fun ^^
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This wasn't my first try with acht (  ̄▽ ̄)
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This one was my first try (´∀`;)
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juuuuunaaaaaooooo · 10 days
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sansabirdanne · 3 months
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Some of my sims wearing the new conversions by @yin-shimo (thank you!!)
Monster, Lukas, Oleander, Riley, Morgyn.
Excuse the inconsistent editing, it’s an ever present issue.
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angesaurus · 3 months
Trying to not let it bother me but it does hurt that all the daycare parents made plans to go to dinner and we were not invited. We all had a playground graduation party for the kids this afternoon and then to hear them making the plans kind of sneakily (low voices but I mean, I can hear them)….. kind of sucks? Like that feels a little shitty? Cecilia came and asked if we were going to the restaurant and I’m like ….. well we were not invited????? And she’s confused because “well all my friends are going!!!” And I’m like ????? I don’t know what to tell you.
A few weeks ago they all got together too (all parents no kids). We were the only couple not invited (thanks for showing me that Facebook lol).
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