#(Shane ' Its A Secret ')
foralltheshaniacs · 1 year
the watcher boys are just like taylor swift:
left their old company to do what they were already doing under their old name and remake their old content but Different and Better
releasing important content on july 7 2023
have you ever seen them in the same room? that’s what i thought
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skateboardtotheheart · 5 months
i forgive but won't forget
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sinningtamer · 5 months
I know that Harvey is your choice of partner (good choice) but I feel obligated to let you know that he is not the only one who gets unhinged food-related dialogue once you marry him. These are Elliott's greatest hits and I often think about him getting phat
“The smokey aroma drew me here, yet 'twas the zesty sauce that truly sealed my fate... *gurgle*”
“Mmph... I believe I've eaten a few too many slices of pumpkin pie.”
“I might set my pride aside and sink my teeth into a sloppy, saucy barbecue sandwich tomorrow.”
“Would you still love me if I guzzled two gallons of pumpkin ale at the Spirits Eve Festival? Sometimes a man has primitive urges.”
Now I can't stop thinking about stuffing him with burgers for dinner, then filling all the nooks and crannies with pumpkin ale and then giving him an entire pumpkin pie for dessert. If only the characters could actually get fat in the game like in the Sims, I gift him his favourite foods almost every single day.
help all those lines are certainly SOMETHING. he would probably be my second choice bachelor honestly. i can't help but agree with you wholeheartedly because posh characters being discretely a little gluttonous is like the best trope ever gosh. it's so cute he gets comfy saying this stuff once you're married too wahhh. even tho he needs to keep it in his pants jfc
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trashworldblog · 1 year
im genuinely so excited for this weeks ww+ ep but i REFUSE to break the routine i have of watching it in the morning but i just cant wait for the office tour :) im so excited and happy for them. theyre growing!! they deserve it!! <3
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meangirls-imagines · 8 months
Rest and Relaxation
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"who's that?"
"that is the queen bee regina george. do not look her in the eye. she can smell fear."
cady rolled her eyes at damian giggling. in the small amount of time that she had known him, he had been very dramatic. janis also rolled her eyes. "she can't smell fear. but he is right, don't look her in the eyes." cady watched as the blonde girl walked up to her table holding cheese fries, sitting next to the girl that damian said "has hair full of secrets".
there was a thud as the trio turned spotting a girl struggling to carry her backpack, books, and lunch. the girl looked over at the trio, noticing janis and damian and shyly waved. they all waved back and watched as she stumbled past them.
"who's that?" damian shook his head. "that's y/n, regina's girlfriend." cady looked at the two shocked. she didn't think regina was gay. "really? she's so...shy." janis nodded as they watched y/n finally make it to the plastics table. regina's face lit up at the sight of her girlfriend. y/n smiled back and sat next to the blonde, unloading everything on the table. regina pulled y/n into a kiss, making the girl blush.
"hi baby. how is your day going?" y/n blushed deeper at the petname. "its going fine gina. i just have a lot of work to do." y/n was a nerd in the best sense. she had the highest gpa of the whole school, she was a mathlete, and she was in all advanced classes. she also had a really bad habit of overworking herself. regina hated watching her girlfriend burn out so she did her best to step in before it got bad.
"how about you come to my house with us after school? we can do a spa day for you. get you to relax a little. i know how stressed you've been." y/n's heart melted at her girlfriend's worry. as much as she wanted to do that, she had a mathletes meeting after school followed by sat prep until late at night.
y/n shook her head. "i wish i could gina, but i have mathletes until 4 and then sat prep until 8 and then i still have to finish my essay." regina sighed, scooting closer and scratching y/n's back to get her to relax a little. their moment was ruined when y/n's brother shane walked up to them. "ladies, nice to see you guys today. y/n, chris was wondering if you could possibly look over his history paper and see if its good enough for at least a b minus."
regina was about to speak up when y/n beat her to it. "yeah, just give it to me before i go to mathletes and tell him i'll have it back to him by tomorrow morning." shane smiled and ruffled his sister's hair, placing a brief kiss on her head. "thanks sis. i'll let him know." y/n smiled as her brother walked away. regina looked at her girlfriend worriedly. y/n shook her head. "it's fine gina. i'll be okay."
the bell rang, dismissing lunch as y/n stuffed all of her things in her backpack, kissing regina and heading off to her next class. gretchen watched regina deflate as y/n walked away. she put a hand on her shoulder and smiled at her. "she'll be fine regina." the blonde sighed. "i hope you're right."
y/n sighed as she opened her locker the next morning. she didn't get home until late last night and woke up earlier than usual to go with shane to football practice to give chris his essay and finish up any homework she missed the night before. she was exhausted and just wanted to go home. unfortunately for her, the world doesn't work like that and it was only going to get much worse.
for backstory, regina and y/n had been friends since 4th grade. regina had been very protective over the girl since they first met all those years ago. they met when regina stepped in and stopped a few boys from shoving y/n around. and since then, nothing had changed. regina was just as if not more protective over the girl. they had come out at the end of 8th grade which just boosted the protectiveness. ever since they came out as a couple, less people picked on y/n, though there were some who just didn't get the message.
enter ian. who had harbored a major crush on regina even after she came out. he was the stereotypical high school male. he was the captain of the basketball team, he was ripped, he was hot and every girl in north shore (except the plastics and y/n) wanted him. he felt like he was a better match for regina than y/n was and never failed to make his opinion shown every once in a while.
regina and the plastics hadn't made it to school yet and shane was in the locker room so this was his perfect opportunity. he and a couple of his friends walked up to y/n, who was reading over her ap chem homework and not paying attention. "hey there nerd. i see your guard dog isn't here." y/n rolled her eyes. "no ian, regina isn't here yet. can i help you with something?"
that was apparently the wrong thing to say as ian slapped the papers out of her hand and shoved her against a the locker next to her. at this point, people had started recording on their phones. y/n winced at the impact as the group of boys started laughing. "you don't get to have an attitude with me nerd. i think you forget where you fall on this food chain. allow me to remind you."
he brought his fist back to swing at y/n but the punch never came. the only thing y/n saw of her savior was pink nails before she was let go and ian was flying the other way. y/n looked up to see an angry regina flanked by an equally angry karen and gretchen. the two obviously weren't as close to y/n as regina was but they also had a protectiveness over her.
ian looked up scared as his friends fled the scene. karen and gretchen helped y/n pick her stuff up and dusted her off. ian shrunk in fear as regina towered over him. "i don't think you understand where you fall on this food chain, but allow me to remind YOU. you do not compare to y/n. she is so far above you that you don't even exist in her world. that being said, if i ever see you mess with her again, you will be finished."
he nodded and scrambled away. regina looked at the crowd that had formed. "anyone else have a problem with my girlfriend?" the crowd scattered as everyone went back to what they were doing. regina smirked victoriously before pulling y/n into an empty classroom, karen and gretchen standing guard outside.
regina looked over y/n for any injuries before y/n's grabbed her shaky hands and kissed both of them softly. "i'm okay, gina. just a little shaken up." regina let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding before pulling y/n into her arms. "i'm so sorry i wasn't there. i couldn't find my keys before we left so it put us behind-" y/n pressed her lips to regina's. the blonde instantly calmed as the two kissed, y/n being the first to pull away. "breathe babe. i'm okay. he's not going to mess with me again."
regina nodded and pulled y/n into another kiss, this one quicker than the last. "will you please come over after school today? i wanna take care of you. it's the weekend so you can stay the whole weekend while i help you relax. please." y/n nodded. "if it will make you feel better, yes." regina smiled and pecked y/n's lips. "good. i wasn't taking no for an answer. now, let me walk you to class?" y/n nodded and the two made their way out of the room.
regina stood against her jeep, waiting for y/n. karen and gretchen had hitched rides from shane so that way regina could take her girl straight home.the front doors to the school opened to reveal an exhausted looking y/n. regina's heart broke at the sight of the girl, she looked more exhausted than she did when the blonde saw her at lunch.
y/n shuffled to the jeep, regina grabbing her backpacks and throwing them in the backseat (carefully of course) before helping y/n into the passenger seat. regina walked around and got in, holding y/n's hand and kissing it. the girl sent her a sleepy smile and leaned her head against the window.
regina made it to her house in record time. she left the girl's bags in her car, making a mental note to ask her dad to grab them later. she helped y/n in the house and to her room, gently laying her on her huge bed. "stay right here baby. i'm gonna go run us a bath." y/n sleepily nodded, nuzzling into regina's pillow.
five minutes later, regina came out in a fluffy, pink robe, gently shaking y/n awake. "come on baby. let's get you in the bath." y/n stirred and nodded. the blonde helped her to her feet, gently pulling her into the bathroom. from there, she slowly took y/n's clothes off, head to toe. regina then got into the tub and guided y/n in, holding her to her chest.
the couple stayed in the bath for about half an hour before regina decided to get them out. luckily, y/n had been over to the blonde's house enough that she had her own little section in regina's massive closet. regina grabbed a hoodie and a pink pair of boxers for y/n and a hoodie for herself before getting them both dressed and into the bed.
y/n sunk into the soft mattress as regina gently maneuvered her to lay her head on her chest. y/n kissed regina's jaw and nuzzled into her neck. regina began scratching her nails down y/n's back. "take a nap and then when you wake up, i'll make you some dinner, and then maybe followed by dessert and a massage?"
y/n nodded before fully drifting off.
a few hours later, y/n woke up to the smell of her favorite pasta. she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and stretched, getting out of bed and heading downstairs. she found regina cooking dinner with her "y/n❤️" playlist playing softly from her speaker. y/n smiled at how soft the queen bee looked before walking up and wrapping her arms around the blonde's waist.
regina smiled at the feel of her girlfriend snuggling into her back, turning the burner off and turning around. "hi baby. sleep good?" y/n nodded, pressing her lips to regina's. "what's for dinner?" regina smiled and pecked y/n's lips before explaining. "i made your favorite, cacio e pepe, some salad and garlic bread, and for dessert i made a lemon tiramisu. and after we are done eating, i am giving you a massage to get the stress of the week and especially today out of that sexy body of yours and we are going to cuddle up on my bed and watch some love is blind and you are going to sleep for more than five hours."
y/n smiled at her girlfriend, already feeling the stress of the week melt away. regina always took care of her when she needed it and she couldn't be more grateful to have her as her girlfriend. "god, i love you." regina blushed and kissed y/n's cheek. "i love you too. now, let's eat."
after they ate dinner and dessert, regina ordered y/n to take off her shirt and lay face down on the bed while she slipped in the bathroom. y/n did as told and winced a little before tossing the shirt off to the side and laying down. regina came out and lit a few candles before dropping the oil and bruise cream on the bed. she straddled y/n's lower back and gently ran her hands down the girl's back.
she leaned down and kissed y/n's shoulder gently. y/n sighed at the feel of the blonde's lips and whispered, "i love you gina." regina smiled, grabbing the bruise cream and started applying it to the newly forming bruises on y/n's back. "i love you too baby."
after a very, very, relaxing massage, y/n laid in between regina's legs as they watched "love is blind". regina had her fingers running through y/n's hair, scratching her scalp with her acrylics. y/n was drawing shapes on regina's stomach, the blonde girl shivering every once in a while. after a few episodes, regina asked y/n if she wanted anything to drink before realizing y/n was asleep. smiling, she carefully reached over to the nightstand to grab her phone, taking a picture of y/n.
she took to instagram to post the picture, smiling at the amount of cute comments their friends were leaving. she put her phone back and gently guided her and y/n into a more comfortable position. once comfy, she placed a gentle kiss on y/n's forehead, slowly drifting off.
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inc0gnitoo · 4 months
first off the list…
stardew valley <3
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harvey x reader- doctors orders SMUT
youve been dodging your appointment for months now. an embarrassing amount. so, lucky for you, your neighbor shane is helping you out by forcing you to go!! aren’t you just lucky. now you have to try and pretend you DONT want to have sex with your doctor. have fun!
a screeching cry from your horse woke you from your slumber, bringing you a shocking way to wake up. shooting up from bed, you shoved yourself into some pants and scurried outside, the brightness of the lovely 6am sun blinding you. sure, farm life was great. the responsibility, the freedom, the cute animals you would take care of, it was nice.
your neighbour, shane, not as nice. especially on mornings like this, where his idea of helping out was trying to clean out your poor horses nails.
“y/n!! did i wake ya?” he chuckled a bit, knowing damn well what he started. he pulled himself up from the ground he held your horses shoes at, as it let out a huff of frustration. wiping his forehead, he grinned at you.
“thought ya wouldn’t mind if i helped you with your horse this time around. i usually deal with the chickens but..”
sighing, dramatically, you raised a brow. what an idiot. but, he was your best friend, and had always been since you first moved here. sure, he wasn’t doing so great when you first met, but he’s cleaned himself up a bit. thankfully. for your sake, and for jas.
“shane..” you laughed a bit, almost in disbelief at his attempts. “thanks, but i don’t think poor maverick deserves any of what you’re trying to do.”
giving you a somewhat cocky, but pouty expression, he practically dropped with sarcasm as he whined, “you don’t appreciate my hard work.” he strolled over, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
“need me to give you something to do?” you asked, gesturing your head towards your coops, full of clucking creatures that would be oh so grateful if you decided to give them their morning due.
“actually,” he began, pulling out a crumply letter that you assumed he’d pulled from your mailbox. “the doc wants you to go for your checkup.”
“you went through my mail?” you huffed, crossing your arms. he had a tendency to do that, especially when he was the one sending it. he was confident in his ability to give you good gifts. like pizza. or that weird bun recipe? which you’ve never tried? and probably won’t?
his grin turning into a more mischevious smirk, he nodded his head. “sure did, farmer. i’m sure he’s gonna have a very important conversation with you today,” he wiggled his eyebrows, childish as ALWAYS.
sometimes you wish he stayed the emo alcoholic he was before.
“shane!” you began, flustered as you snatched the sheet from his hand, scanning it quickly. just a nice, quick and brief letter. no connotations whatsoever. but shane knew you would overthink it. that little crush you had on your doctor was no secret.
“and it’s first thing in the morning too. must’ve been thinking about you all ni-“
giving him a hard tap on the shoulder, you smacked him away, making your way past him, burning with embarrassment. steam practically seethed from your ears. “i. will deal with that. after YOU deal with the chickens, kay?”
rubbing his arm while wincing a bit, he began his walk to your coops. “boo. you’re no fun.”
no fun? no fun??
sitting in your doctors office, bouncing your leg with anticipation and nervousness was definitely your idea of fun.
the clock in harvey’s clinic was broken. not in the way that you couldn’t read the time, but the sound it made. the incredibly clacky ticks it would make like it was on its last legs. which it basically was. speaking of last legs..
“come back as soon as you need it, george!” harvey’s voice came from behind the door, creaking open as evelyn, pushing george through the door that harvey held for them.
“thank you, doctor harvey. you are too kind.” evelyn, the sweet old lady she was, always so generous with her words. it made poor harvey so bashful. it was cute.
she smiled to you, the anxious little farmer sitting in the waiting room, ignoring the shaking of your leg. “good luck, dearie.” george, much unlike his wife, completely ignored your interaction, crabby as always.
harvey snapped his head to face you. “ah, y/n. early, i see?” of course, you had shown up 25 minutes sooner than you had to. shane was starting to push your buttons, what else were you to do?
nervously, you cleared your throat, the ringing bell or the door to the clinic closing filling the room. you spoke, “y-yeah, haha. i just was excited to-“ he raised a brow, allowing you to pursue your sentence despite your obvious hesitation. “ah, see what you wanted from me.”
“excited?” your doctor had a smirk creeping on his face, “i surely haven’t heard that term before when used in my office, but it does have a nice ring to it.”
you were just as shocked as him, listening to yourself talk. sometimes you wondered how you even managed to speak to people with the things that came to your mind in conversation.
“glad to hear..” you breathed, standing up from your seat. “so.. you called me in for..?” you inquired, hands stuffed into your pockets uncomfortably as you shuffled over to him.
“mm, yes.” harvey hummed, making room for you to walk into his office, almost pressing himself into the wall. he was too polite for his own good. nonetheless, he spoke, “i just had a few things i needed to discuss. nothing to panic about.” he reassured you, knowing how you felt in his office. ever since you’d first moved to pelican town, you’d always been nervous going to his office. sure, 5 years living here, you’d think that you would be used to it by now.
maybe it wasn’t just the office..
oh, for sure. it was him.
you couldn’t help it. he was so gentle with you. the way he’d make sure you were comfortable with everything he was doing, everywhere he was touching. always asking questions, and he was so, so charming. and his hands-
“take a seat, please.”
his orotund voice instructed you, his hand held out towards the medical bed. as you made your way over, he grabbed his clipboard and set a sheet of paper under the clip.
“okay…” he mumbled, mostly to himself, sliding his pen down the sheet, almost as if he was observing a checklist. your leg, subconsciously, began to bounce.
sliding a chair up to the bed, he took a seat, huffing a bit as he did, almost getting relaxed in the chair and slumping his hips forward. he clicked his own, and gazed up at you through his glasses.
“just going to ask you a few.. introductory questions, as usual.” he looked back down at his sheet, taking a moment of pause before speaking up once again.
“what has your diet been like?” he asks, genuinely. he had a way with his clients, his patients, you supposed. he always cared, perhaps due to the size of the town, being so small and insignificant if you weren’t apart of it. he was interested in the lives of the people he worked with, or maybe he was just interested in you.
“ah, since it’s summer, i’ve been having lots of strawberries from the farm. corn, too. lots of corn..” you sighed, feeling a bit sluggish at the thought of returning to your farm and ripping off those corn stems again.
“so, mostly your own crops, then?” he raised a brow, curiosity swirling in his eyes. he’d always been so fascinated with the idea of living on a farm. it was appealing, being in control of your own business. to him, at least.
nodding your head, you looked at him, for the first time this appointment, already feeling your face grow hot at his intense eye contact.
“yes, usually.”
scribbling a note into his clipboard, it felt like the silence was collapsing in on you two. it was hot, you felt hot.
he clicked his tongue, seemingly satisfied with whatever he wrote down, and looked back up.
“i’m assuming you’re good with exercise, of course. your body is great.”
he hesitated, a bit, seeming to overthink his words.
and with good reason, the implications of his sentence gave you a chill down your spine, feeling flustered and uncomfortable in your seat, suddenly. like you had to jump up, go for a run.
“uh, health wise, i-i mean. not that you don’t look great.” he corrected himself, a bit breathless as he spoke, knowing damn well he’d just made it worse. he couldn’t help but put emphasis on his words. either way, he hurriedly moved on, observing his sheet once more.
you sat in anxious silence, still bouncing your leg. there wasn’t much in his office. not much noise, except if you listened, his breathing. it was heavy, much like your own. like he’d been the one being examined this entire time. yet, he was the one with his eyes on you.
“are you.. sexually active?”
feeling yourself grow hotter by the second, you cleared your throat. “um, n-no. not currently.” why did you say it that way? why did you overthink your words so much, too? he’s asked you this question a dozen times, every appointment, and for some reason, you felt so, so, on edge just from his voice. the way he asked you. his voice was low, as usual, but it was gruff. like he’d been talking too much.
“mm.” he hummed, again, scribbling on his board. his face was pink, his ears mostly. which really sold him out. he’d like to think he was more nonchalant, especially when it came to appointments with you. he was glad nobody else had to come in today. he could take his time with you.
“just to confirm, you are aware this is a physical exam, yes?” he cocked his brow, almost inquisitively. like, he knew you weren’t aware. he was dying to touch you already, even if it was strictly kept professional. something about the way you would shiver every time his hands grazed your skin gave him a sense of superiority. he liked it.
but you, a tad shock stricken, nodded your head. “ah, i’m aware now.” you murmured, fiddling with the ring on your finger, feeling awfully shy, worse than before. now he has to touch you, and oh god, you weren’t sure how your body would react.
“i did give you a warning on the letter, don’t stress about missing it,” he said as a gentle reminder, setting down his board. he stood up, adjusting his jacket before taking it off, smoothing it out as he set it down on his desk.
slowly, almost trying to antagonize you, he began rolling up his sleeves, buttoning the cuffs. looking back over at you, shaky leg and all, he chuckled a bit. he grabbed another chair, sliding it in front of you. this one was a bit more at your level. when he sat on it, he was taller than you now.
“no need to be nervous, y/n, we’ve done this before.”
harvey attempted to put you more at ease, which was of course, helpless. he knew you wouldn’t relax. as much as he wished you would. not like he could help it though, he knew how you reacted around him. it’s not like it was a secret.
every physical between you two was the same. his cold hands against your warm skin, giving you the chills. he’d apologize, and you’d breathlessly apologize back, for being so nervous. and he’d say, “no, please, it’s okay.”
as you began snapping back to reality, there he was standing in front of you, pulling on a pair of medical gloves. leaning down to your level, he made himself face to face with you. a snap came from his wrist as he gave you a smile. voice low and pleasant, he spoke,
“i’ll be gentle.”
your helpless attempts to keep yourself still were.. to say the least, pathetic. he started off normal, as most appointments go, but the moment his hands went to feel your waist, you lost any sense of normality.
as soon as harveys hands grazed your waist, your back seemingly out of reflex, arched forward, causing you let out a gentle gasp. he looked up at you, again, through his glasses, raising his brow. frantically, you immediately went to apologize,
“i-im sorry. i get-“
he squeezed your waist a bit, almost teasingly, like he was scolding a dog for stealing a treat off the counter.
“ah, ah, no apologizing anymore. doctors orders.” he was stern, commanding. that wasn’t a recommendation, that was a demand. and you weren’t about to ignore it. especially with how he looked at you as he spoke. his eyes were slightly hooded, almost as if he was tired and had just woke up moments prior. but he was focussed, hyper aware of every movement you made, and even more hyper aware of every apology you’d been mumbling each time you’d make a sound.
saying nothing, you nodded your head, making a slight ��mhm’ in response. his brows furrowed a bit, as he sat up. suddenly, it didn’t feel like you were in the doctors office anymore. he seemed on the verge of cracking, feeling a sort of lack of confidence in his professionalism. one more word from you and he was sure he’d break.
“good job.” he purred, pulling his seat in closer. he set his hands on your knees, he was above you now, from this angle, looking down at you as he spoke,
“i’m going to have to get a bit more invasive, i’m sure you don’t mind, do you?” he inquired, knowing full well your answer. taking a large breath, a shaky one, you spoke,
without a moment of hesitation, you were kissing your doctor. every time you’d thought about it, you’d never imagined it would be like this. his hands on your thighs, locked lips so hotly you could barely breathe. the both of you didn’t want to separate, feeling so nice together. harvey refused to let go of you, his hand sliding up your hip to grab your waist.
he took his time feeling you, letting his hands praise your body. it was different than during your check ups, now. he was able to go wherever he wanted, however he wanted. learn your body more than just how the textbooks said it would feel.
“ah, i’ve felt this.. aching, for months.” harvey crooned through kisses, only taking a bit of a pull away to look at you, admiring the redness of your cheeks, and how hot you felt, and how beautiful you were.
“i cant believe i let myself take forever to touch you like this.”
god, he was making it difficult to stay quiet. your mind was foggy, swarmed with thoughts of what he was going to do next. where his hands were going, how hard he was going to kiss you, and where. and how his lips tasted when they were connected with yours. and how he’s just as desperate as you are, and how you wanted him more than anything right now.
he stood up slowly and almost hesitantly, keeping his head down to yours, not allowing your lips to keep themselves apart. his breath was minty, fresh and it tasted just the same. it was delicious. as he stood, his knee slid between your legs, moving his hand to your back to push you further into it, more against the edge of the medical bed. “mm, much better.” he whispered, mostly to himself, feeling the heat between your legs against his knee.
quietly, you let out a little noise, taking hold of his arm and gripping his dress shirt with your nails. harvey, sucking in air through his teeth, pressed you further up against him, your chests together.
“please don’t stop grabbing me like that.” he whispered, placing a final kiss on your cheek before lowering his head down, nuzzling himself into your neck. his hand was teasing you, pressing and rubbing circles into the nerve in your hip, sending waves of pleasure into your groin. he knew the body so well, and man, were you grateful for it.
his knee left your thighs as he pressed his tongue to your neck, giving you a shiver of arousal down your spine and earning a gentle moan from you. “ah, so you’re sensitive there?”
“e-everywhere, doc.”
he felt the hairs behind his neck rise as you spoke, “doc? you want to keep me in charge, do you?”
whining a little, you nodded, “i want you.” your voice was so scratchy, feeling weak and unable to breathe. but in the best way, knowing it was him that could make you feel like this. vulnerable.
“mm.” his voice was lustful as he crooned to you, “you do, do you? how about you get on your knees then? doctors orders, y/n.”
a chill crawled up your neck, arousal burning through your veins. you were so willing to listen to him, immediately making your way to the floor, sitting on your knees with your hands set on your lap.
he tilted his head to the side, strumming his thumb across your cheek. “good,” he whispered to you, sliding his thumb across your jaw. you leaned into his touch, closing your eyes and just leaving yourself there, only for a moment, before took his hand away.
slowly, harvey began to unbutton his work slacks, looking down to you. “you’re okay with this?” he asked, his hand stuck on his zipper. how sweet of him. he was so reassurance, always fining you a way out. even in his appointments, your check ups, he would always make sure you were doing okay.
of course, this situation was.. much different.
“yes. of course, harvey.” you purred, looking up at him with hooded eyes. “i’ve been wanting this just as much as you.” you insisted, unable to calm the giddy feeling in your chest at the thought of pleasing the man you’ve been obsessing over for the past.. way too long.
he groaned, a slight whine in his eagerness, unzipping his pants and pulling them down, revealing the tent that you gave him. you leaned forward, taking the initiative, and allowing yourself to take his cock yourself.
lucky for you, he was the perfect size, something you had problems with other men before. as you gazed up at him with admiration, he was holding his hand against his face, redness pouring into his cheeks. he was looking away from you, hiding his gaze.
you chuckled a bit, wrapping your hand around his length. “shy?” you teased, before opening your mouth and teasing the tip with your tongue.
“haah..” he breathed, immediately looking back down to you. your eyes, with batting eyelashes, were sending him spiraling, he could barely contain himself. “beautiful, y/n.” he whispered, placing his hand on the back of your head.
you teased him for a bit longer, not wanting to give him the satisfaction just yet. it was payback for all those times he’d done this to you during your check ups. all those times maru had interrupted just as his hand would slide up your thigh. all those times he’d murmur in your ear, knowing the implications behind his phrases.
“ng, no more of that.” he grunted, pushing your head further onto his cock. you hesitated, just for a moment, before finding a steady rhythm, swirling your tongue around him. his low and guttural moan told you he liked it.
“that’s good, that’s sooo good, don’t stop.” harvey sighed, rocking his hips back and forth slowly, but surely, as he found grip on your hair, pulling it up into a bundle in his large hands. each time your hand would twist a certain way, it would elicit a content moan from your doctor, and a mumble of praise. he knew where he wanted you to touch, where he wanted your mouth to go. and he would lead you there, pushing your head down, filling your mouth more with his length. it was addicting, his praise. his touch. you were willing to do anything for him at this point. anything to hear that pretty voice of his call you perfect.
“ha..” he chuckled, running his fingers through his hair, ruffling it a bit. “y-you keep doing that, i don’t know how much longer i can-“ he groaned, through his teeth, his brows furrowing. you had found a new pace on his cock, one that he particularly enjoyed. “ahg, last..”
you smirked a little against him, finding a sick pleasure in his weak points. seeing him made humble. it didn’t last long though, as his grip on your hair tightened, pulling you in.
“y-yeah? like seeing me all bent out of shape because of you?” he gasped, feeling himself drawing closer to his finish. “wanna make me.. nervous?” he panted out, a whine laced in his tone. he was less confident now, his voice shaky and weak.
pulling away with a pop, you smirked, “i really really do-“ you said with a mischievous grin, feeling proud of yourself.
sadly, that pride didn’t pursue much longer. he took the opportunity of you soaking in your pride to take you by the jaw and pull your face up to look up to him. you gasped in shock, though he had a soft expression, he had a smug smile smacked on his face.
“your turn.” harvey purred, helping you pull yourself up with the grip on your jaw and allowing him to hold you closer, wrapping his hand around your waist and squeezing it as he spoke, “go on, sit. you don’t need me to make you, do you?”
“no, sir,” the words fell out of your mouth so effortlessly, like you weren’t thinking before you spoke. and you weren’t. it was humorous, really, how you could go from so confident to needy and obedient so quickly. he loved it.
the nickname ‘sir’ gave him chills, giving him that sweet feeling of superiority over you. sure, he had his fair share of sex in college, but he was never confident enough to be able to actually execute the fantasies in his mind.
but now, he had you.
and you were all his.
with zero hesitation, you were pressed on the bed, the plastic sheet crinkling beneath you. your back was already arching just from the thoughts rushing through your head. what was harvey going to do now? how much better was it going to feel? your eyes went to his hands, watching him as he slowly removed his gloves.
“cant have those..” he mumbled to himself, tossing the gloves aside before crawling above you on the bed. his shadow fell over you, enshrouding you in him. his hip bones pressed up to your own, leaning his head down to your ear, mustache brushing against your skin as he whispered,
“stay still.”
as harvey found his place with his lips buried in your neck, you could feel his hand slide down your waist, sensitivity making you suck in from his touch. you felt a wave of pleasure wash over you, just from knowing what he was going to do. it was like a dream, you felt crazy. your brain couldn’t comprehend anything now, except how badly you wanted his hands to keep going.
and they did.
harvey tugged on the hook of your farm slacks, giving you the opportunity to pull them down yourself, and wrap your arms around his back underneath his own. feeling your hands on him, he let out a sigh. “i love when you touch me, y/n.”
“i love touching you.”
letting his mind wander for only a brief moment, harvey groaned, his thoughts going everywhere but appropriate places. he was glad he was living it, instead of just imagining it. sitting at his desk, thoughts of you invading his mind. poor maru, asking why he was so zoned out.
he was teasing you, holding his hand just above your crotch and the brink of your panties,leaving it there. your legs shook, and you bucked your hips slightly forward and up against his palm.
“please.” you whined, feeling an overwhelming tightness building in your groin. it was paralyzing, almost, the way you felt so weak. and it irritated you, how he was treating you like this. of course, it was him doing it, so you didn’t mind. he was spoiling you just by allowing you this opportunity.
just as much though, you were spoiling him. he was so grateful he was able to touch you like this.
harvey chuckled a little, pleased with your whimpering. he slowly pressed his finger against your clit, the fabric rubbing up against it as he slowly drew circles on it. you gasped, your back immediately arching up. you cursed a bit, under your breath, gaining a sinful sigh from him as he smiled at you in satisfaction.
you tugged on the band of your panties, hoping he’d get the hint to remove them. “harvey..” you whispered, pathetically.
he raised a brow, a straight expression screwed to his face. “hmm?”
“take these off.” impatiently, you spoke, in a slightly stern tone, finished with all this teasingly vague touch. harvey, startled at your sudden tone, blew up in red, clearing his throat. “ah, aha.. if you insist,
you had to admit, you liked how flustered he became. how you could feel his grip tighten on the sheet beneath you. how his brows furrowed because of how flustered he became.
as harvey slid down your underwear to your ankles, you kicked them off the bed urgently, adjusting your position to be further up against his hand, earning an amused hum from him. he was reminded of you, and your position beneath him, and it gave him a delicious feeling of warmth in his groin.
his hand returned to his place between your legs, beginning a sort of circular motion on your clit with his thumb before slowly sliding a finger inside, eliciting a sweet moan from you. he hummed, quite satisfied with himself, and created a gentle rhythm.
harvey was talented with his hands, there was no doubt about it, you thought, grateful that your doctor was the man he was. you were lucky, for sure, having such a dexterous man being the one finding his place inside of you. and you showed him your gratefulness, rewarding him with moans of ecstasy just from his hand.
he got comfortable, inserting another fing-
“doctor harvey?” a knock came from the door.
you jumped, breath catching in your throat, causing his finger to twist upwards pressing into your g spot, causing a moan you couldn’t help to begin to slip from your lips. harvey hurriedly slapped his free hand to your mouth, giving you a stern expression.
“y-yes, maru?” he stuttered out, his thumb almost subconsciously continuing to massage your clit, screwing your eyes shut in pleasure.
“i was just wondering if you needed any extra support with your paperwork.. i know you’ve been busy..” she sounded hesitant, like she had more to say.
“no, no. i’ve got it all covered,” he said, so casual, despite the bead of sweat dripping down his forehead and the occasional hard swallow. he looked back to you, the smallest and most mischevious smirk on his face.
slowly, he put another finger in, curling them up into your g-spot, making you buck your hips forward up into his hand, almost on instinct, like a reflex.
“ah- harvey-!” you gasped into his hand, and he simply pressed it harder onto your mouth.
“keep it down, y/n.” he whispered, “cant have maru hearing you whimper like that, can we?”
slowly, maru wrapped her hand around the handle, beginning to twist it, “are you sure? i can-“
“i-im quite sure! thank you! i believe you have work to do, don’t you?” harvey rushed, a shot of fear running through his body at the thought of his assistant catching him like this with a patient.
with you, at that. yet, a rush of excitement ran through his mind at the same thought.
“if you insist..” she let go of the door, her footsteps clicking across the floor as she made her way back to the office.
you let out a sigh of relief into his hand as he removed it, boiling up a bit of anger. “h-harvey! what were you-“
“sh.” he whispered, “don’t act like you don’t like the rush.. i know i do.” he sighed, breathing a huff of air. “as nervous as it makes me..” he mumbled the last half under his breath, as if you weren’t sharing your most vulnerable parts together. he still wanted to be perfect for you. taking his fingers out, causing you to sigh in frustration, he fumbled a bit, grabbing your hips.
“can i…?” he asked, his eyes trailing down to his length, feeling overwhelmed with the idea of being inside of you. he’d been waiting too long, and knowing now that maru had the potential of coming in, he didn’t feel like waiting anymore.
any anger you had against his insane ideas washed away at the thought, and you whined a bit. “oh my yoba, please, yeah.” you groaned, letting your head knock back.
he positioned himself, taking a moment to ensure you were comfortable. “is this… okay?” harvey whispers, only a tad on edge from the almost immediate loss of his job earlier.
“yes, yes, please! how many times are you gonna make me ask?”
“i like the way you say please.”
with that harvey was eager, eager to finally feel himself inside of you. slowly, he began to push his length into you, as you immediately squeezed on him, unable to control how your body naturally reacted to his cock. it was mesmerizing, and thanks to his treatment of you earlier, you weren’t in pain.
“mmgn.. yes..” he whimpered quietly, his head cocking backwards in pleasure just from feeling how you wrapped around his cock. “ahh.. ah- i don’t know..” he whispers, slowly beginning a steady but sloppy pace, “how long.. i can last with you.”
you moan softly, placing your fingers over your mouth. “please please just fuck me while you can.” you gasp, breathless as the feelings overwhelm you, but in the best way. harvey was big, and you didn’t realize it until he was inside of you. but god he felt good.
with absolutely zero reluctance, harvey sped up, panting out gasps and moans, and little whines in between. he lowered himself down to your ear, his breath hitting the cusp of it hotly, his whimpers crisp for you to hear. it was intoxicating. he was intoxicating.
“y/n.. y/n, y/n, y/n..” harvey murmured, the words coming out of his mouth slurred and seductive, bringing a tightness to your groin that made you clench around him.
“don’t stop.. please, doc.” the nickname slipped from your lips again, earning you a satisfying groan in your ear from your lover above you, his thrusts growing faster and harder. his hips grinded against your own, as you brought them into his in a passionate rhythm.
his moans began to sound more like whiny gasps, his confident demeanor diminished. he was so entranced, so desperate to feel good, feel you. and those moans of yours and how tight you felt around his cock and the feeling of your bare skin touching and how hot-
“y/n.. so..so close!” he begged, almost expecting those cries to get you to help him cum, and his voice brought you closer to your finish yourself.
his name left your mouth thoughtlessly, reaching your arms up to pull him close to your chest, nails clawing into his bare back. “yes! yes! like that-ah!” you cry, your legs wrapping around his waist as you cum on him, and he joins in unison.
harvey slows his pace almost immediately, growing quick with fatigue as he pulls himself out of you, shivering at the feeling.
about as exhausted, you shift yourself slightly to sit up, feeling an apparent ache in your body. letting out a huff, you become increasingly aware of how loud the crinkling was on the bed. and then it hits you.
“y-yes?” he gasps, breathless.
“you.. DO have sound proofing right?”
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absolutebl · 7 months
This Week in BL - It's 2024 & I'm talking about TayNew... really?
(They pretty much told us all to sit down and shut tf up, 'cause they got this. AND THEY DO.)
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
Feb 2024 Wk 3
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Cherry Magic (Sat YouTube grey) ep 9 of 12 - I broke. In my defense, it was Monday, I needed comfort, and TayNew were right tf there. Ya know what? They are great in this show. It's a great adaptation. I might like it more than the JBL live action. You know why? Really, honestly WHY...?
That was a PHENOMENAL KISS. Those boys did Thailand fucking proud. They did fandom a solid. Thank you OGs for reminding us how it's done. I was getting used to SloppyHot. And SloppyHot has its place, but that TayNew rooftop kiss was a top tear class act. It was tender and sweet and respectful and joyful. It was eye work and breath work and years of practice. How very far BL has come while still staying so much the same. TayNew - I salute you!
(Read all about distribution issues here.)
The Sign (Sat YT) ep 12fin - we waiting, I guess? Bah.
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Cooking Crush (Sun YT) ep 11 of 12 - The recipe book thing was so damn cute and I love a claiming. YOU KNOW I LOVE A CLAIMING!
In fact, I love OffGun.
I love food based BL.
I adored seeing a reboot of "the infamous dragging". 
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But I don’t love anything else about this show. Sigh.
1000 Years Old ep 1 of 12 - Finally we get our gay vampire BL from Feel Good Bangkok. Stars Shane (My Engineer) and fresh face Opal, directed by Champ (2gether). It’s kind of odd but enjoyable. A group of teen UFO seekers find a vampire instead. Opal looks a bit like a mix between Newnu + Leo (VIXX) - so cute + edge. Also, nice to see Shane again on our screens after so long. 
Finally, I like the subtle (and sometimes not subtle) presence of ghosts permeating this show. Do the friends know she's there? Do they know she's dead? Is the existence of paranormal accepted but not that of aliens? Or are the two combined? Is this lazy writing or just fun world building? Who cares! It's enjoyable.
For Him (Thurs iQIYI) ep 12fin - the nail painting bit was very cutie queers and I've not seen it done in BL before, so that was nice. For some reason captions never dropped for me on this last episode, but it didn’t really matter. Not much happened and I understood everything anyway.
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Quick pitch?
From the people who brought us Unforgotten Night based on a y-novel, about a young man nursing a heartbreak who has a one-night stand, but the other boy didn't want it to end. This turned out to be a pulp that wasn’t half as good as it should have been and even less memorable, but not terrible. 5/10 DON'T BOTHER unless you're v bored
City of Stars (Fri iQIYI) ep 3 of 12 - Oh it is such a pulp: the acting is not good and the script is terrible. Of course, I’m mildly enjoying it. Very good dream kissing. There's something appealing about these main characters - I think it's the moot crushes. We rarely get to see that. These days everything feels very one sided, this... isn't.
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A Secretly Love (Thai WeTV) - Khonprot, a third-year hazer of the engineering faculty, has a secret crush on Pluem, a tsundere fourth-year head hazer. Over the years, he's seen Pluem cycle through girlfriends. Recently, after a public breakup, however, Khonprot thinks maybe a boy has a chance.
I tried but I can't get into my WeTV account anymore and I'm way too lazy to figure it out. I'll catch it grey if I can, since I've rebooted the bootlegging side of my BL life for Cherry Magic anyway.
So this show may stay in this section, or I may bump it down to "it's airing but..."
If anyone is watching it, let me know if it's good?
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Love For Love's Sake (Korea Weds iQIYI) 7-8fin - Ugh it was GREAT, despite some pretty telling flaws. I ended up feeling like some of the filming was amateurish (very overworked low angles - director's first feature, I assume), and the narrative is a little disjoined and on the nose, AND the subs are clumsy (which I don't expect from KBL) BUT I still loved it. (FYI - I wouldn't be so harsh on a BL for this kinda thing except one from Korea.)
Quick pitch:
This isekai-based KBL is about a man who must win a game by convincing a reserved teen outcast to fall in love with him. Of course, that teen represents himself and his own unhappiness. Like many queer narratives, this show is actually about self worth, trust, and found family, and it is VERY on the nose. But I don’t expect subtlety from my BL and I enjoyed it's truly lovely redemption arc and earnest performances. While I found the narrative a touch disjointed with overworked filming angles and poorer than average captions, this is certainly much better than early KBL in terms of consistency of tone, script, and immersion. Highly rewatchable and charming, which counts for a lot. 9/10
Trigger warning for suicide depicted.
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Perfect Propose (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 4 of 6 - Gosh, it’s so lovely. But I do just constantly want to give them both hugs. 
AntiReset (Taiwan Fri Viki/Gaga) ep 4 of 10 - Oh look, Taiwan has created yet another BL where I spend most of the time watching it grinning like an idiot. Surprise surprise. The pet name thing was fucking adorable. Also Taiwan once more proving they come by their "kings of kissing" title honestly. I mean to say. In a week of good kisses this one was just... WOW.
On the other hand, some of the underpinning themes are starting to v worry me (ownership, consent, age), and we only just got started, and I don't trust this production company so... I have concerns.
But also... YAY KISSES!
(I'm made of weak moral fiber.)
Although I Love You and You AKA Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 6 of 10 - Like many other shows on this list. I just enjoy it the most when the two leads are on screen together. So this episode was kind of lacking because they were apart for most of it. I also am starting to agree with the tone of the plot, that maybe they ARE better off as friends not lovers. (And I'm sure I'm not supposed to want that.) Oh Japan, must you?
My Strawberry Film (Japan Gaga) ep 1 of 8 - Oh it’s good. In the arthouse lane so don’t expect sweetness & light or an HEA. If there’s no cartoon aspect to a JBL, there’s usually no joy. But it is certainly good. Teens uncover some old film and a mystery around a pretty girl. The background music is wildly annoying (and rarely in the background). 
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It's Done
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) 10 eps - will binge when I have any spare time. 2024 is crazy busy for me so far.
The Servant and the Young Master - from Vietnam, it's on YouTube. I will give it a try when I have a window of time.
Began Beginning (Myanmar YouTube) - A Burmese BL? @heretherebedork vouched for it, so I will give it a watch.
7 Days Before Valentine (Weds WeTV) - Gave me Luminous Solution vibes have decided not to watch.
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It's Airing But...
Dead Friend Forever (Thai iQIYI) - rumors are it's interesting. I'm waiting to know how it ends.
Ossans Love Season 2 (Japan Gaga) - 5 years later, will anything have changed? This is Japan so… probubly not. I won't be watching this. I disliked Season one and actively hated the follow ups. No thank you.
Playboyy (Thurs Gaga) 14 eps - Dear Playboyy, it's not you, it’s me… I hate you. You’re about as deep (and as palatable) as a shot glass of cum. While I'm sure you’re someone’s kink, you're my weakest link. Goodbye. I DNFed this at ep 5. Frankly I'm impressed with myself for getting that far.
Time the series (Tue Gaga/YT) 10 eps - dropped it at ep 4.
Next Week Looks Like This:
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2/24 Unknown (Taiwan Youku) 12 eps - Older brother tough guy breadwinner looks after his sister and defacto adopted little brother. Little bother falls in love with him and is sent away after a stolen kiss. But when he comes back…
Sam Lin has a cameo so even if I wasn't already excited, I'm in. We should be on our guard though, Taiwan will occasionally go edgy, dark, and sad... this could go there.
One assumes GMMTV is filling in the BL time slot with something queer on their YT Channel after Cooking Crush ends, they gonna lose subs if they don't. But I've not been paying attention to the chatter so I don't know which of their line-up it will be. I think G4 are filming/off radar now, and Earth is in that het noona thing? Plus they gotta sort out the IP for MIx-Up and Ossen. So it won't be one of the announced adaptations. They'll hold My Golden Blood for the high season, so I think it'll be one of the lesser known lead-outs. Wandee or Only Boo maybe? But they only just started filming those. Are we getting our long awaited GL? Anything else left from 2023 that I forgot about?
Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
Two crawling kisses from Thailand this week. Now this is a fetish I didn't know I had. Turns out, we love this one! (*waves hand in air* I speak for all of us now.)
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Cooking Crush
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City of Stars
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Possibly the best tsundere to cinnamon roll pivot we've had in a long time.
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Also the best asshole to KING pivot. Could we have a whole drama staring this character now? Please?
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And finally our sunshine learning to love himself.
SIGH. what a lovely show.
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And a good SMILEY kiss from a KBL.
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And then some cute cuddles? Korea is spoiling me these days. I'm catching expectations now. What's next? Japan learns to kiss in their light BLs? Ha! I kill me.
(All Love for Love's Sake).
(Last week)
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monarchisms · 5 months
im merely curious because of what you mentioned previously, but what do you think is different between the watcher service vs dropout? i /do/ think there is one, but i can't put my finger on it
as of right now, there are two major differences in my eyes: legacy and diversity
the first point, i had to think on for longer because though i'm familiar with dropout because my friends are into their content, my own perspective is lacking. so, i did some minor research to fact check stuff
dropout, i feel, is an exception to the rule in regards to internet-based companies making their own website/streaming services. until recently, they have existed as collegehumor since fucking 1999. they have lots of prior experiences to reflect on, and a long-term audience that often gives them feedback they're receptive to. their older content staying on youtube alongside some new ongoing stuff still being uploaded there is a nice plus. ryan and shane got popular through unsolved comparatively much sooner in 2016, as did steven in that same year with worth it, watcher currently is only 4 years old, so their foundation is more shaky right now
what also helped alongside that was that the transition wasn't as jarring as watcher's announcement. their subscription price on launch in september 2018 was $3.99 a month up until december, when they eased into tiered subs, which must've helped a lot. afaik, watcher tv has no mobile app (yet?), and many fans outside the US are region-locked without a vpn or something similar. with watcher and dropout in its current day each being $5.99, this leads into...
the second point: diversity. dropout launched mobile versions of their service 3 months after the official launch. watcher is exclusive to one official platform, as mentioned before, but in my opinion, what hurts watcher the most is series diversity. they have like, one series going on for a few weeks or months before another starts, so if someone paid them the fee, it'd be for something they might not even be interested in. likely, they'd binge the series they enjoy and unsub until the next season comes out. dropout has the advantages of both legacy series under the collegehumor name readily available, and their unscripted ongoing series coming out concurrently with a fixed schedule so than something new would be coming out i think every weekday at this point. it's reall more bang for your buck
all of this is why i said watcher "wanted to be dropout so bad" yesterday. they've created Yet Another streaming service with a price and catalogue that doesn't justify its existence. this could've been a more focused patreon. this could've been a youtube membership. this could've been a secret third thing. this could've been anything else than what we got, and it would've had the potential to be better.
tl;dr- this is watcher right now:
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wrightingdungeon · 4 months
Mushy Gift
Shane x Reader oneshot based off this post https://www.tumblr.com/pls-just-let-me-marry-yeung/725523084862472192/upcoming-wip-found?source=share
Warning: Shane fights, Golem death, swearing
This was yours and Shane's first Winter Feast as a married couple, and he had gotten you as his Secret Gift-Receiver. It made his eyes roll at the coincidence. He wasn't sure what to get you; you honestly got everything you and everyone else needed by yourself. He hadn't been able to get much money by selling his hen eggs as he hoped, so he wasn't able to afford anything expensive either, not that he thought you'd want anything fancy.
Sitting on the couch, chin in his palm, he sat up hearing you walk in. “Holy FUCK!” He looked back at you, almost breaking his neck, worried, but he had to slap his hand over his mouth to hold in laughter. You were covered in red and green slime head to toe, specks of soot sprites in the slime, a bug leg still twitching on your shoulder. “What happened to you, hon?” He asked, biting his lip. He saw you were ok, just really messy. “This.” He watched as you held out a small purple mushroom.
“You got jumped, by a mushroom?” He asked, not able to hold his laughter anymore. “Not the mushroom, ya ding dong.” He watched as you put the purple mushroom on the counter and left the room to go clean up. He turned back to the mushroom, confused about how one mushroom would cause so much trouble.
Shane had paid Marlon with two baskets of eggs for him to help clear the mines for him, and a promise he'd mention how cool he was to Marnie. Shane didn't think he would be able to fight all the monsters you had mentioned filled the mines, and would rather not end up at Harvey's and give away what he wanted to gift you.
Walking and searching a few levels of the mine, he groaned out into the empty cave. “Where are they!” He huffed, kicking a pebble. He had been searching for a few hours now and he had nothing. The pebble audibly skipped and slid across the cave floor into the shadows, stopping. The haunting sound of the stone eyelids grinding open sent a shiver down his spine, two glowing green eyes looked Shane's way. “Fuck…” He thought Marlon cleared the mines, but he must have missed one.
The stone golem lumbered slowly toward Shane. Each step was heavy and deliberate. The sound of its movement was a low, resonant rumble as if the earth itself was groaning in response, with every step of small flakes falling off its body to the ground. Stepping back, Shane sucked on his teeth; he should have known he was going to run out of luck. The golem started to pick up speed, surprisingly. It almost looked like a charging bull with its arms out. Wait, it looked like a bull.
Shane's body seemed to move on its own, remembering when one of Marnie’s cows was pissed off at him for trying to tag her calf. Shane stood his ground, his face falling flat as the Stone Golem charged, its powerful body hurtling toward him with unstoppable momentum. With a calm, practiced ease, he sidestepped at the last possible moment, his hands moving to grip the Golem’s arms. Utilizing the creature's own force, he deftly redirected its momentum, pulling the arms and twisting his body in a fluid motion. The Golem, unable to stop its forward rush, found itself veering off to the side, its massive bulk swinging around as Shane guided it past him. The entire maneuver was executed with precision and strength, very glad his body had some strength back from his days in Gridball from playing tackle.
Looking back, he watched the Golem crash into the wall with a resounding thud, stone, and dust scattering from the impact and the ceiling. For a brief moment, Shane allowed himself a small, triumphant smile, but it quickly vanished as the Golem began to stir. Slowly, it pushed itself up, pieces of rock and debris falling from its form. The creature was weakened, evident in the slower, more labored movements as it rose to its feet, but its glowing eyes still burned with determination.
Shane's muscles tensed as he prepared for the next assault. His mind raced, calculating his next move. The Golem was resilient, but Shane knew it had to have a weakness. He glanced around the room, searching for anything that might give him an advantage. The scattered debris from the Golem’s impact caught his eye, a particularly large chunk, an idea began to form.
As the Golem lumbered toward him once more, Shane darted to the side, evading its attempt to grab him. Now his muscle memory from Gridball came into play, channeling his inner athlete, Shane braced himself, lowering his center of gravity. With a burst of speed, he charged forward, throwing his shoulder into the Golem's midsection. The impact was jarring, Shane's momentum and technique were rusty but adequate. He felt the reverberation of the collision through his entire body, but he also felt the Golem stagger.
The creature stumbled back, caught off guard by the unexpected assault. Shane didn't relent. He followed through with the tackle, driving the Golem further off balance. Stone fragments crumbled away from its weakened frame, and for the first time, Shane saw an opportunity to exploit. Drawing on his old training, he wrapped his arms around the Golem's legs, leveraging his entire body weight. With a powerful surge, he drove forward, lifting and twisting with every ounce of strength he had. The Golem, already weakened and off balance, toppled backward. Shane maintained his grip, using gravity to his advantage, and brought the creature crashing to the ground. The impact sent shockwaves through the room, more fragments of stone scattering in every direction.
Pinned beneath Shane’s weight, the Golem struggled to rise. Shane, muscles straining, kept it grounded, knowing he had a limited window to act. He glanced around, spotting the large, jagged piece of rock, remnants of the Golem’s own body. With one arm still pinning the Golem, he reached out, fingers brushing the rock. "Let’s see how you handle this," he growled, seizing the stone and raising it high. With a determined shout, Shane brought the jagged rock down with all his might, aiming for the Golem's glowing eyes, hoping to extinguish its relentless determination once and for all.
The rock connected with a satisfying crunch, sending a shower of sparks as it collided with the Golem's stony visage. Shane felt a surge of triumph as he saw the cracks spiderwebbing out from the impact point, evidence of the damage he had inflicted. Shane brought the stone down once more, watching the Golem's face shatter, the two green eyes fading into the wind. Shane wiped the sweat from his brow, his chest heaving with exertion and relief. The once imposing figure of the Golem now lay in ruins. “Take that, Bitch.” He groaned as he got up, his body protesting the strain of the fight, reminding him that he wasn't as spry as he used to be.
As he brushed the dirt from his clothes, he couldn't help but notice a faint, pulsating purple glow emanating from within the shattered remains of the Golem's form. “What the fuck…” His mouth fell open as he reached in and pulled out a familiar purple mushroom. “We do have living apples…” he huffed under his breath, everyday reality shattered for him.
At the Feast of the Winter Star, Shane smiled as he looked down at the box in his hands, understanding now how such a little mushroom could cause so much trouble. “Shane?” His attention shifted as he heard your voice call him. “You are my Gift-Giver?” He smiled as he saw you approach him. “Yeah, got lucky this year,” he said, chuckling from his belly.
Handing over the small box, he smiled giddily as he watched you unwrap it. “SIR!” He watched as your eyes opened wide in shock, looking back and forth between him and the mushroom. “Shane, you know how many monsters I had to fight to get one!” He could see the worry on your face. “It was nothing, hun, I promise,” he said, pulling you close and kissing your head. “No, really, Shane, you could have gotten me a rock. This is amazing, baby.” The smile on his face grew even more, happy to see you happy.
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topazy · 4 months
Tomorrow's promise
Pairing: Daryl Dixon × OC, Rick Grimes × sister OC
Warnings: Swearing
Chapter: 3.09
While ducking behind a crate of wood, you use the scope on your rifle. You keep watch for any signs of an attack while waiting on your brothers, Daryl and Hershel, returning to the prison. Somehow Andrea had managed to arrange a sit-down between the governor and Rick, something you were highly against.
“Any sign of my brother yet?”
Hearing Merle’s voice, you roll your eyes and say, “No, not yet.”
“Hmm.” He leans against the fence, making himself an easy target. “Listen, girly, what happened before—kidnapping you and all—it was strictly business.”
“What’s done is done.”
“You’re a lot more snapper than Rick; anybody ever tell you that? I bet Shane did. Yeah, I remember that judgmental deputy well. I never would have pictured you two together. Oh well, at least we are all one big happy family now, right?”
You glance up at him, and it annoys you how amused he is. You got the impression that Merle thrived on chaos and was just trying to get under your skin. “You know, if my brother hadn’t gone back looking for you in Atlanta, I would never have found him again. I guess I’m lucky T-dog dropped the keys.”
“You really are something else.” Merle snorts out a laugh. “I noticed you’re the only one who didn’t protest about me staying. I guess that means all is forgiven.”
“No, I still think you’re an asshole, but Daryl wouldn’t leave you behind.” You go back to looking through the scope for any movements, “but for this to work, we all need to be singing from the same hymn sheet.”
“I’m on whatever side my baby brother is, and fortunately for you, it’s Rick’s side. You didn’t seem surprised when we swooped in and saved your brother's ass from walkers.”
“I knew Daryl would come back because he’s one of us.”
“Yeah, I see that.”
A few beats of silence pass before you speak again. Merle had already gotten into a few altercations with Glenn. “You do anything that hurts.“
“Yeah, yeah,” he says sarcastically. “If I hurt your brother, son, or precious little friends, you’ll point that rifle right at me.”
“You do anything to hurt Daryl, and I’ll pull the trigger.”
“Well, ain’t I glad to know my brother has a guard dog?”
“Shh!” Seeing a vehicle approaching, you point your gun in its direction, ready to fire if it’s an enemy, but thankfully, it’s your people returning. “They’re back.”
Something was going on between Rick, Daryl, and Hershel; they were keeping a secret from the rest of you. Your issue wasn’t with being kept out of the loop per se, but you didn’t like the atmosphere it was causing. Both Daryl and Rick were avoiding you, and Hershel constantly looks like he’s about to start crying.
Rick told you the governor was gearing up for war, but you knew he was holding back.
“You want to go for a nap?” You kiss Jace’s cheek multiple times before placing him in the travel cot. Michonne, Carl, and Rick got on their last run. “Sleep tight, baby.”
Having a cot meant you got to sleep better during the night; instead of worrying, he’d somehow crawl out of the cell. They had also brought back a few toys and clothes for him and Judith to share. Knowing he had something other kids had before the world went to shit made you feel better, more hopeful that one day he would have a better chance.
You go to the cellblock where all the supplies are kept and start separating ammunition into different piles. Glenn has come up with the idea of hiding a few boxes of bullets outside, so if anyone got pinned down, they wouldn’t run low. You lift your head and smile when Daryl walks into the room and says, “Hey.”
It gnaws on you that Daryl avoids making eye contact with him. “Did you do it?”
He looks almost alarmed by the question, “W-what?”
“Michonne’s idea? Putting down barbed wire will slow down any vehicle. I’ve got a few ideas I want to pick her brain about later.”
Daryl gulps it down nervously.
“Are you feeling okay?”
“Yeah… no.” He finally lifts his head to look up at you, and he seems to be torn. “I… fuck, I’m not supposed to talk about it.”
“Is this about the governor?"
Sighing, he sits down beside you and holds his head with his hand. “The governor offered to make a deal with Rick; we hand over Michonne, and he’ll leave us alone.”
“But my brother wouldn’t do that,” you say, looking over Daryl’s shoulder at the doorway at the same time Rick walks in. “Tell him you wouldn’t do that.”
Your stomach drops upon seeing the look on your brother's face; he had actually considered it. “Tell him, Rick, tell me you wouldn’t do that. You wouldn’t hand a woman over to that man!”
“Keep your voice down.”
“There is no difference between Merle snatching me and Glenn off the street and handing us over to the governor than there is you doing it. Is this what the three of you have been whispering about? Trying to figure out the best way to do it without the rest of us noticing? That man terrorized me and Glenn.”
You glare at your brother as he comes and sits down on the opposite side of you. “I’m not going to do it... I did consider it. But we can't, and I can’t. It’s not who we are.”
You shake your head in disgust. Rick knew exactly what the governor had done to you, and whatever he had planned for Michonne would be a thousand times worse. Tears of anger begin to form.
“Don’t, don’t do that,” Rick sighs. “I’m going to tell Michonne the truth. About the deal, about... how I thought about it.”
“How could you even think about it?” The difference between people like us and people like them is that we protect our own.”
“That’s exactly what I was trying to do. If I had to choose between saving a person I barely know and my family, I’d always choose my family.”
“Siblings, huh? I can’t live with them; I can’t live without them. But at the end of the day, you’d do anything for them.”
Daryl shakes his head when his brother sits at the table with a smug look on his face. “Shut up, Merle,” you say. “I’m going to check on Judith.”
Looking around the prison yard, panic starts to set in. You notice your brother and run to him. “Rick, Rick!”
Seeing you panicked, he runs over and meets you halfway. “What’s going on?”
“Somethings wrong; I can’t find Michonne or Daryl.”
“I know,” he says, looking down at the ground. “Merle went through with it; he took Michonne, and Daryl’s gone after him to bring her back.”
“He’s gone out there alone.”
He nods.
You rub at your face and say, “Damn it. If the governor finds them, he will kill all three of them.”
“Daryl is a survivor. He and Michonne will be coming back through those gates in no time.”
Tears start to build up. “You really think so?”
“Absolutely, both of them have better chances of surviving out there than either of us.” Rick was right; they would be fine. “I just want to say, before... I wasn’t thinking clearly. I would never have turned her over. I was just grasping at any chance I could to try and save the lives of my people, but you’re right, Michonne is one of us now.”
“I shouldn’t be so quick to judge when it’s not me in the position to make that choice. Hell, I’ve done a lot of questionable things.”
Rick hugs you tightly, and you squeal a little when you feel the pressure against the flesh that had been grazed by the bullet. “From now on, there is only one secret we keep: that night on the farm, and that’s it.”
When you start to walk back towards the prison, a hint of a smirk appears on Rick’s face. He puts his arm around your shoulder and says, “I need to ask you something, and I need a completely honest answer.”
“For a while there, I was hearing things and seeing things that weren’t there. So I need you to tell me, did I really see you kissing Daryl with a dead possum at your feet, or did I imagine that?”
“Let’s go find the others.”
Your brother stands in front of the remaining members of your group in the courtyard while you sit around a picnic table. He looks stressed, scared of how the others will react. Admittedly, you were horrified when Daryl told you, but you don’t believe him; Rick or Hershel would have actually gone through with it.
“When I met with the governor, he offered me a deal. He said he would leave us alone if I gave him Michonne.” Rick’s jaw wobbles slightly as he talks; he was struggling to hold it together. “And I was going to do that... to keep us safe. I changed my mind. But now Merle took Michonne to fulfill the deal, and Daryl went to stop him, but I don’t know if it’s too late. I was wrong not to tell you. And I’m sorry. What I said last year—that first night after the farm—it can’t be like that. It can’t. What we do, what we’re willing to do, who we are—it’s not my call. It can’t be. I couldn’t sacrifice one of us for the greater good because we are the greater good. We’re the reason we’re still here—not me, all of us. How we live, how we die—it ain’t up to me. I ain’t your governor. We chose to go. We chose to stay. We stick together.”
Nobody knows what to say.
“We vote. We can stay or fight, or we pack up stuff and leave.”
“I’m proud of you, Rick.”
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thegoober010 · 6 months
BOO!! Did i scare you :3
ANYWHOOO i hope your day has gone well!!! Make sure youve eaten and youve drank water!!! Ill know if you havent 👁️👁️ /j
BUT I HAVE A REQUEST. As always. Whos surprised. *theres no sound but a few crickets chirping and someone yelling “GET OFF THE STAGE”*
But basically its Shane x reader who is his secret admirer, like he’s been getting letters from them and he doesnt know who its from. And reader is usually kinda sarcastic towards him so he doesnt think its them UNTIL he sees them writing something down like a grocery list or something and recognizes the handwriting immediately.
It can be a oneshot OR headcanons, I don’t mind :)
gender neutral reader as usual <3!!
TW/CW -> none! Just some swearing but- wtv!
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"All my emotions feel like explosions when you are around"
Honestly he always enjoyed your company, of course at first he was rather grouchy (and an asshole) whenever you were near him. Always giving you a scowl or rolling his eyes when he saw you getting near him, but he slowly started to get used to your company. What!? It's not like he enjoyed your company! Of course not! What a foolish though. (sarcasm)
He got more used to your company, allowing you to be seen more often near him but he was still not used to the gifts you'd give him. He understood it was so he could be more comfortable around you and be more friendly but he wasn't really used to getting gifts. But he didn't really think anything of it
After a while of you two hanging out more often, you both were always seen together, so much to the point people asked if you were dating which of course you both said no, but you both didn't seem uncomfortable with the idea whenever asked... Anyways.. Shane always came over to your farm where you'd always give him a nice meal and a very small amount of beer (each time he came over you'd reduce the amount of beer given and slowly start getting him to drink more water to try and help with his addiction, you'd also regularly listen to him through these meals about any of his problems and in turn he'd listen back) and you two would just chill, watch TV, play some games or go out and fool around!
After a good 4 months though he started to get strange notes... he didn't bother reading them at first until he noticed a word that quickly grabbed his attention, 'love'. He was honestly indifferent towards the letters, he didn't really care for them until he started to get them more and more often. It was rather confusing as he started getting all these letters all of a sudden, and not just any letters but love letters! It was a bit overwhelming to be honest, he never knew anyone would feel such a way towards him, not like he cared much..at first, after a while though he started to wonder who liked him and he even wondered if.. maybe he started to grow attracted to the person just through these letters!
Once you were with him he told you about the letters and even showed them to you, your face turned red and you immediately left him all confused as you wouldn't answer any of his questions on why you were as red as a damn tomato. He never really got his answer for a while. Due to your sarcastic nature you kept on teasing him about the notes and whenever he asked you questions like, "Who do you think it is?" or things of that sort you'd always roll your eyes and just go "oh I wonder who!" in a monotone voice, leaving him a bit confused.
After a while the letters started to die down, but that doesn't mean they got any less romantic, no, in fact I'd say they had even more romance talk than ever! They started to allude to the fact that the anonymous sender of these messages will confess soon, often reading "P.S lots of love, and I promise I'll see you soon <3!" or things to that nature
To be honest he actually started to look forward to these notes, although he found them a bit creepy at first or boring he started to get rather happy? The thought of someone liking him romantically so much to the point they send him love letters and admirer notes was sweet to him in a sense?
One day he randomly went to your farm and barged into your home, you know like how best friends do. He grabbed a few drinks from your fridge as he watched you make a grocery list. You were humming a soft tune while Shane's eyes got wider and wider as he saw you write. He spit out his drink causing you to stare at him strangely. "Shane! The hell dude? You alright?" You'd ask and he just stared at you like '😲'
You look at him like 'wtf?? you okay???' and he just wipes off the juice on his chin and helps clean up the spilt juice. His ears and cheeks were turning red as he did so, covering his mouth and stifling a nervous/awkward laugh.
"Your handwriting... I recognized it from the notes." he says quickly and you just go from "what??" to "WHAT" very quickly, absolutely shocked he could figure it out so easily from such a small detail!. You both stayed in awkward silence for a good 3 minutes as he helped clean.
He let out a cough and just quickly ruffled your hair and looked away "Don't worry.. I like you too.. the letters are uh nice too by the way.." is all he says. You both stay in an awkward silence for another good 5 minutes
After the awkwardness you both have a good talk and decide LETS MAKE IT OFFICIAL!! Yall both like eachother! Yall both wanna be together! So like why not!?!??! And oh wow he is one of the best boyfriends you've ever had :)!
He tries his best to improve his flaws, he knows he's not the best person and he's willing to change not just for himself but for you too, he wants to feel better about who he is now that he has you and he wants you to see him as who he wants to be as well.
You both plan out lots of activities together while dating and such, both of you are pretty much inseparable and no one is surprised you two started dating :)! (I FEEL LIKE MAKING SHANE BF HEADCANONS NOW OMG-)
For your guys' anniversary what he does is make you a letter and sends it with flowers, usually signing it 'secret admirer' and at the bottom he puts a little 'P.S it's actually your bf' just so that you don't get uncomfortable thinking it might be someone else lmao
You get really embarrassed when he brings up the fact you wrote him secret love letters and sent them to him, you thought it was a little cringe of you to do and it made you seem weird, but to him it was rather sweet, he loved it. From time to time he asks you to make some if you're comfortable with since the letters always made his day when he read them everyday! they made him feel better about himself :)!
bonus - > (definitely the little spoon when cuddling ANYWAYS.)
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What The Stardew Bachelors Watch On TV
~Seeing as Alex spends most of his time working out/spending time outdoors and George is always hogging the TV, I don't think Alex watches a lot of TV
~However, when he does...
~Thats basically it
~However, I feel like Alex also watches baking/cooking shows
~He just walked in on his grandmother watching one and he got hooked
~Whenever George leaves the house they watch the latest episode together
~It has become genuinely something they looks forward to
~He'd die if anyone found out though...
~Is a sucker for romantic dramas
~He can and will get deeply invested into a series
~He has his own set of very specific ships that he will defend till the day he dies
~Just don't ask him about it
~Unless you have a week or two to spare...
~Loves older shows
~He loves the Golden Girls
~Diff'rent Strokes is also high on his list
~He also likes medical dramas purely to laugh at all the inaccuracies
~Grey's Anatomy is just a giant joke to him
~Loves Cartoons
~Half because he likes to relive his inner child, half because its something he can bond over with Vincent
~Their favorite is Paw Patrol
~Thinks Marshall is best dog and will fight anyone who says otherwise
~Really likes Pokemon
~Got Vincent into it and now he has a caterpillar he named Caterpie
~Likes Sci-Fi shows and the like
~It's actually something he and Maru bond over
~Every night when their parents are sleeping, they go to his room and marathon whole series
~Acts nonchalant about it, but secretly really likes it
~Is a GIANT weeb, but that's a secret he's taking to his grave
~Occasionally watches grid ball to relive his glory days
~Likes to watch Animal Planet
~Has a secret TV in the barn so that Charlie can watch shows together
~Charlie learnt how to control the TV and remote
~Shane never taught him that...
~Shane is a little scared...
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lunajay33 · 1 year
Cold Nights🖤
Summary: Its a cold night in the prison and y/n can’t sleep, haunted by the death of her brother so she finds help in her closest person she trusted with her deepest secrets
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Being in the prison made me feel safe, well at least as safe as one could feel in this world, every night was quiet and I slept alone, I wasn’t use to this, when we were on the road we always slept close to one another, I usually would lay next to Daryl as he sat up against a tree and watched for walkers
Plus everything was different now, my brother was killed, after the farm house fell Rick told us that he killed my brother, killed Shane
When the world first became over run with walkers he was always there to protect me but something changed in him, he became aggressive, angry and most of all jealous and it scared me
Now that he was gone, all I could see when I slept was him, haunting my dreams all night scaring me to the point I couldn’t sleep peacefully anymore, sure I felt a little safe here but I didn’t feel happy
We’ve been here now for 1 week and I just couldn’t take it anymore, after sitting in my cell for a few moments contimplating if I should actually do this, I got up and walked out to the watch tower
It was a quiet night and all I could here were frogs, crickets and the faint noise of walkers groaning
I climbed up the tower and saw Daryl sitting against the rail with his legs hanging over and resting his arms against the rail
“Hey” I said as I sat next to him
“Mm” he grunted back
We sat there in silence for a while until he broke it
“What’re ya doin up?” He asked looking at me with tired eyes
“Couldn’t sleep, can never sleep”
“Somethin on yer mind?”
“Don’t worry about it” I smiled not wanting to bother him
“Come on” he nudged me
“I can’t sleep alone, I’m use to how we slept in the road and now that I’m alone…..all I see when I close my eyes is haunt imagines of my dead brother” I said getting this off my chest
“Why didn’t ya say somethin?” He asked as he placed his hand over mine
“I didn’t want to bother anyone I know how stressful everything is and my sleeping problems aren’t important” I laughed off
“Ya know it’s important, all those nights on the road though ya seemed to sleep fine”
“Cuz I was next to you” I blurted out, I looked at him with wide eyes but I saw a faint smirk on his lips
He leaned back and patted his lap but I didn’t know what he wanted
“What? I…..”
“Lay down” he smiled which made butterflies explode through my belly
I moved so my head was laid against his lap looking up at him, he slowly ran his hand through my hair, he often did this when we were on the road only after everyone was fast asleep
“Mmm I missed this” I sighed actually feeling peaceful for once since we got here
“I missed you” I said as my mind finally calmed down
That’s when he stopped moving his hand and my eyes shot open, he was looking down at me with a blank face, I couldn’t tell what he was thinking
“Of course Daryl, you make me feel safe” I said reaching up and placing my hand on his cheek, I was feeling very bold tonight
“I missed these nights with ya too, I’m glad ya feel safe with me” he smiled as he started brushing my hair again
We were quiet for a while just enjoying each other’s presence
“If ya’d like ya can sleep with me from now on” he said looking away with a faint blush
“I’d love too, I wouldn’t have to see Shane anymore and I’ll actually sleep, plus I get to be with you” I smiled
“Stop, yer too much” laughed looking down at me
That night I finally got some sleep and knew I was finally at peace
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stardewremixed · 3 months
Stardew Confessions
This started as a musings post and grew into something much bigger. Sometimes I dream of selecting the resident saloon owner as my bachelor of choice. Yes, I'm running off with Gus. Here are my justifications (in no particular order):
Warning: Spoilers for his personality and heart events.
He has a kind word for everyone.
He is warm, friendly, and welcoming.
He has a deep compassion for his friends and neighbors, as evidenced by how he treats Linus (that scene always warms my heart) and how he wants to "help out" Pam even if his business is hurting.
He is sensitive to your allergies. Enough said.
He is rocking the dad-bod.
He is not a heavy drinker (and this is a welcome relief after Shane). He mentions that he likes a good Stardew Valley vintage from time-to-time. (I prefer a good vino over spirits, anyhow.)
He is "proud" of you if you upgrade Pam's house. (And if he doesn't know it's you, he tells you that person deserves the best).
He cooks for weeks for the Egg Day festival. A man who is dedicated to keeping the Valley well fed is a good man in my book.
The man runs one of the most successful businesses in the Valley. He is the only bar and restaurant in town. Financial stability is practical AND sexy, people!
A man who cooks and mixes a mean cocktail is a catch. He would keep you in good food, good drinks, and coffee.
Mmm... and the man has a special omelet. As a girl who loves her eggs, this is a total perk in my book! (And he makes the best crab cakes too!)
The man also makes his own candy canes! Sweet!
Living above a bar and restaurant would have its perks. (I lived above one in my first apartment - the water pressure was incredible for showers and the rooms were surprisingly spacious). And if you're hit with the 2am munchies, you'd have access to the best snacks.
Since he is on the older side, he is established and has a healthy self-esteem.
He wouldn't play games. He is straightforward and honest.
He has good taste in gifts - definitely higher quality (later game) stuff. Escargot, fish tacos, tropical curry all strike me as things a man with a discerning palate would enjoy. Oranges are a healthy addition. One of his favorites at the movie theater is a cappuccino mousse cake (which sounds absolutely mouthwatering and delicious - and I'd totally learn the recipe for him!)
He sends good gifts in the mail after 1+ hearts. And his note reads: "I made you a little treat this morning at the Saloon. Dig in. Your friend, Gus." (I'll admit the first time I received this letter, I swooned a bit. Maybe I want to be more than friends here, Gus.) He's so thoughtful. 3+ hearts - he says he only shares the salmon dinner recipe with his "good friends." ;)
He kindly employs Emily. (I bet he makes a great boss - a nice blend of fair and understanding.) He knows this is only temporary for her until she gets her clothing business up and running, but he is appreciative of the help.
In his 5-heart event, he basically calls you the "special ingredient" in the secret sauce! *wiggles eyebrows* He has come to view you as a good friend.
And the man gives you a mini jukebox for your home!!! Any man who gives you the "gift of music" has to be a sweetheart.
He's also worried about Pam and wants to maintain a friendship with her (and yes, I'll acknowledge the elephant in the room. I know there are problematic implications of giving her alcohol, but he is running a business and she is responsible for her own choices). He wants others to like him and he respects people's autonomy. Maybe he's a bit too nice at times since he does need to make a living, but I think this contributes to his all-around "good guy" vibes.
TL;DR - I'm convinced Gus could keep you in relative comfort and happiness, that he has a "heart of gold," and he would make an excellent marriage candidate.
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lily-alphonse · 2 months
I haven't seen many Harvey asks...? Just in case, here's another.
Harvey and Haley.
Pretty rare... perhaps?
Thank you! Have a lovely day!
Hello! What a sweet ask ♥️
I just had an idea for this one today!
I accidentally misread the description of a fanfic and saw 'detective' Haley instead of 'dejected' Haley, and my mind went zoooooooom. I need detective Haley.
SO. Sorry but its gonna be another AU but hear me out it would be awesome.
We're going full film noire! It's a detective drama! Our favorite Mr. Pringles-mustachio'd man would be a private investigator. He's still a bit awkward and clumsy, we aren't making him suave. He works mostly on financial crimes, pencil-pushing stuff. He leaves the more dangerous stuff to his partner, Shane.
I imagined a snippet between them already so I'm just gonna yeet that here
"That stuff will kill you one of these days," Harvey mumbled over his paperwork, the smoke from Shane's cigar making it difficult to concentrate. "Eh. Something's gotta. And how about you go back to med school if you're gonna lecture?"
Anyway Shane goes MISSING. Harvey calls the police as he should, but they almost seem happy about his disappearance. Shane was quite famous, or infamous rather, for getting in the way of their investigations. Always seemed to show up where he wasn't wanted.
Harvey is going to have to do some real investigating. Get his hands dirty for once.
His investigations lead him to cross paths with Haley. A damn bombshell of a woman, and a bit of a distraction, if he's honest.
But PLOT TWIST, there's a reason she keeps happening to show up over the course of his investigations.
Unbeknownst to Harvey, she's been his rival for years. She's the most private type of investigator there is. Takes every pain to keep her identity a secret, moves like a ghost and weaponizes her womanhood.
But Harvey is smart. He figures it out in a climactic scene where he accuses her of having something to do with Shane's disappearance.
Haley for her part was actually starting to feel for the man. He is sweet and earnest and smart and not at all the kind of man she is used to in this business. She swears she had nothing to do with it and only wants to help.
But can she be trusted?
eeeeeeeeeeeeee this one is getting me really hyped actually lol
Send me any Stardew Valley rarepair and I will tell you how I would make them work! (Even non-marriage npcs) If youre lucky you may get a mini fic out of it. Check the list below to see if Ive already answered yours
Rarepair Masterlist
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ashecampos · 7 months
Warnings - smoking, alcohol, drugs, swearing, cheating, mentions of anxiety. janis being adorable.
The POV switches between reader and Janis (I use — when I change the POV)
there will be more parts to this, make sure to re-blog and comment and I will get the next few parts up as soon as I can, happy reading lovelies
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[with Damien and the girls]
"so how do we get the two lovers together?" Damien turns to cady who is sat next to him jotting down math problems, she looks up and shrugs at the boy. "hey look its Tess" she says as the other girl comes running over to the two, phone in hand, her arms flailing, she looks like a loony as she plops herself down next to the two. "you will NEVER guess what i just walked in on" she screams dramatically, making the other two friends cringe. Damien catches a glimpse of the photo she has opened on her phone and practically screams. "TESSA GEORGE no you did not" he hits the girl multiple times as the girl holds the phone up to his face, revealing what she indeed did walk in on just moments ago. "this may be easier than we thought then guys" cady interrupts the others screaming. "shh Janis is coming she cant know our secret plan" Damien hushes the girls just in time as Janis reaches the tree and sits down.
"that girl will be the death of me" she sighs but is nudged by Damien "girl shut the hell up, you have been hopelessly in love with her since middle school, and the time when she gives you an ounce of attention you try to back away and pretend to hate her guts." he glares at his best friend while Cady and Tess sit watching in shock
"you should totally tell her , yes Bea has fucked with her for years but i know that you are good for her and she is good for you. i wont let you dismiss your feelings for my best friend." the taller girl nudges her as she gets up, her phone ringing in her hand.
"how would i even tell her?" Janis says looking at Tess, which in turn earns a shit eating grin from the other three teenagers.
Tess laughs while looking at her phone "look I'm going to go grab miss dramatic from the principle's office, i will see you guys later and we will scheme" she smirks while picking up the call and walking away from the trio.
"hey pookieee" i sing into the phone as i walk down the hallways looking for any of my friends and cautiously avoiding Shane or bea, wherever they may be lingering. "girl where are you? did someone leave you all high and dry in the bathrooms?" she asks in a mocking manner which made me laugh, earning a scowl from some random freshmen as i pass by them, i smile awkwardly back to them apologising. "nooo, i got called into Mr Duvall's office, meet me and ill spill the deets" i sigh into the phone, passing Regina who smiles at me. this school year has been so weird and its not even been a week.
turning the corner i see Tess, i hang up the call and she hugs me tightly. she abruptly latches onto my arm and drags us towards the doors to go outside onto the track field. we find a seat near the top of the empty bleachers and sit, taking out our lunch/snacks.
"right spill" she says while plopping a French fry in her mouth. "firstly, how did you get fries? secondly gimmie one then i shall tell you" i grin as she holds out a singular fry for me. i take it between my teeth and eat it before leaning forward ready to tell her my 'punishment' she waves her hands in a circular motion urging me to start talking as she shoves a few more fries into her mouth.
"okay so Shane, Bea and Jason came up to me in gym and Shane went to floor me but Janis pushed me out of the way. she's fine though, she wasn't touched. but because of that i kind of blacked out and went for him." i start explaining what happened but she points at me. "okay cute but I've been told what happened, but Janis tried to save you. Cute. plus that explains the bathroom" she laughs as i throw a piece of lettuce at her "gross, get your grubby veggie food away from me" she screams as it lands near her food, earning a cackle from me. "may i continue" i look at her smugly "yes yes but c'mon get the the point" she slaps my leg.
"so then he was like 'you have two options here, either you agree to this deal or your suspended' and he obviously didn't elaborate on said deal but i had no other choice" i say eating my salad while talking. "so what where your options?" she cuts me off "let me finish, he was like 'either i can suspend you or you must tutor Janis Imi-ike' so now i have to tutor her in gym, Spanish and drama" i say whilst pointing at her letting her know I'm done "so the deal worked out for you basically?" she points her fork at me with a shit eating smirk. "no it really didn't. Tess you don't understand, after you left the bathroom i ran from her." i put my head down, avoiding eye contact.
[in the bathroom after Tess walked in on Janis and y/n]
"i totally just cockblocked yall" Tess shrieks happily before snapping a photo and running out of the bathroom. i look back to Janis being brought back to reality and panicking, i look away before grabbing my phone and bag before quickly turning back to her "i should probably go to see Mr Duvall before he sends out a search team, see you later" i look back at her, she nods and smiles a little as she picks up her own bag, throwing the paper towels in the trash.
"YOU RAN? oh y/n seriously? you've been talking about her since that night you met her. and you fucking ran" Tess brings me back to reality by slapping my knee multiple times to get my attention. shrugging i continue to eat while she stares at me scheming "stop looking at me like that, yes i like her but i don't think she wants me like that" i try to justify my actions but she continues to stare at me, not saying a word. she grabs my hand as soon as we are done eating and drags me to the other end of the school, i see that we are headed in the direction of Janis, Damien and cady, i look at her with pleading eyes. "oh look what the cat dragged in" Damien speaks up first being the only one to click onto the fact that me and Tess came over, Janis looks over at me, her face going red before she looks back down at her cross stitch.
me and Tess sit down, Damien looks at me then back to Tess, smirking. those two will literally be the death of me with their scheming looks. "so little miss Joan jett, what's the news? how long are you suspended for?" the boy asks, making Janis' head shoot up, intrigued by the boys question and what i had to say about being sent to head office. "actually no, i made a deal" i smile proudly at the looks i get from the others, excluding Tess who already knew what happened. i look down at my phone and feel everyone's eyes on me "don't spare any details, what was the deal?" the boy pushes. i look at Janis and shake my head "hey can we talk for a second?" she nods and we stand up and walk over to a different tree "hey about earlier i-" she starts "the deal was that i have to tutor you" i smirk a little as she looks up at me a little baffled. "what do i need tutored in?" she laughs, her shoulders loosening a bit as she settles down, i lean against the tree and hand her the note Mr Duvall gave me to explain what the deal was, she takes a second to read it and scoffs with a hurt tone "drama? why do i need drama tutoring?" she looks up at me as if i should know which i shrug to "i know that's what i thought because you Janis Imi-ike are very dramatic" i point at her and she gasps "rude" she fakes being shot in the chest "heart-breaking even" i reply. she pulls out her phone, "our next class is Spanish right?" she queries, i nod "cool, sit with me?" she more demands than asks but regardless i agree.
we go back to sitting with the rest of our friends for the last ten minutes of lunch before the bell rang.
we both sit down in the back of the classroom, the teacher smiling at us and greeting y/n in Spanish as she hands us some books, they keep a conversation in Spanish, the teacher laughing at whatever y/n is saying to her, the teacher, only say ten years older than us turns to me and smiles. "i assume you have been told about the tutoring programme that you have been placed in, y/n will be tutoring you in this and a few other classes to keep your grades up to ensure you don't fail" she then smiles at both of us and walks to greet other students who are still walking into the classroom. "what was that about?" i ask her while opening my book and looking down at the worksheet inside it. "she's friends with my dad" y/n shrugs "I've known her basically my whole life, don't worry she's really nice" the girl continues while she finishes the work sheet like it was something she's been doing for years "how are you so good at this, i don't get it" i laugh as she puts her pen down and looks over smirking as if it was meant to be obvious "Janis I'm Hispanic of course i know my language" she laughs as if stating an obvious fact, i just sat there staring at her, taking in her features, and her tanned skin. it was apparently obvious that she is Spanish but i just didn't notice or was too distracted to notice this major detail about the girl I've crushed on for like forever. just as the lesson is starting, the teacher is taking names. Tess and Aaron walk into the classroom, Aaron greets the teacher alike to how y/n did, Tess sits down who is followed by Aaron who sits next to her, y/n smiles at her best friend completely oblivious to what had just possibly happened. the teacher writes her name and class number on the board, everyone copies it onto their books, then the board shows a few questions in Spanish, a few words i recognise but the majority of them i don't have a clue on what they mean. i turn to y/n and she is nearly done with the work, she looks up and chuckles mouthing 'what' to me, i whisper "what the fuck does '¿Cómo estás?' mean?" i look at her while she laughs at me a little making me blush a little "how are you?" she asks me, i look at her, thinking she's joking "I'm not good, now tell me what it means" i whisper shout, she shakes her head "no that's literally what it means dumbass" she laughs while i write it down. and that's how the whole lesson went, me being confused and her laughing at me.
when the bell rang we all stood up, the teacher pulling y/n to the side to catch up, leaving me to wait outside of the class as y/n had told me to wait as we where going to our next tutoring session now. it took ten minutes for y/n and the teacher to bid their farewells, the two both walk out of the class and say bye to each other, y/n grabs my hand and turns me to face her with a mischievous smile on her perfect face "how do you feel about track?" she asks full of energy.
"when you said track i genuinely thought you where joking" i said out of breathe as she leads us to the athletics' field. she starts stretching, while i just stare, taking in the view, with it being golden hour, the sun it her skin perfectly and with what she was now wearing, her toned arms and legs flexed as she stretched and started jogging on the spot while looking at me. "if you don't start moving i will literally make you" she said with a hint of sarcasm "make me then" i say with a smirk, she shrugs and picks up her water bottle, taking off the lid and walking over to me. i quickly notice what she was doing and start backing away from her. she laughs as she gets closer to me. just as she gets a few inches away i grab the bottle and splash her with it. the freezing cold water drenching her head to toe. her white t-shirt turning see-through, showing her black Nike sports bra under it. she lets out a shriek while trying to pull the shirt over her head, when she gets it off i cant help but stare, while temporarily distracted she takes this opportunity to throw the rest of the water at me, along with her wet shirt, she laughs and runs off, i chuckle at her behaviour and take my hoodie off then run after her.
we end up on the 100m track part of the field and she is running backwards beside me, slowing down then speeding up when i catch up to her every so often. we do this for a good half an hour, making small talk "so are you doing the art show this year?" she asks, slowing down as we continue to run. "I'm considering it, are you planning on joining track? you would be really good at it" i say, trying my best to catch up to her again as she sped up a little. how she hasn't fallen over yet confuses me, but as I've learned today i don't know a lot about her.
after two hours of Janis' constant complaining about running, we decide to call it quits for today, we sit on the field and she gets a phone call from Cady "Janis what do i do, Regina wants me to sit with her and the plastics at lunch for the rest of the week" to this Janis' face lights up, "oh my god this is amazing, you should definitely do it then report back to us telling us all the stupid shit they say" Janis continues to the girl, i try to keep myself entertained on my own phone as she convinces Cady to take up Regina's offer, my face drops as Cady says that she will do it.
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heyy guys sorry again for the really short chapter,, i have terrible writers block, i will try write some more over the next week but i cant promise anyything as im at work until sunday now,, hope this was a good update,, sorry again lovelies <3
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