#(Someday I'll run out of Stuff That Inspires Me but today is not that day!!!)
dyingcatgirl · 4 months
Nightstalker (Jeff the killer x fem reader)
Autors note: I got random inspiration to write this little dark oneshot, I think I'm going to be accurate with Jeff's manners so... Don't expect so much fluff n stuff XD
So enjoy the reading and leave any request, I don't have any limit. I'm willing to write for anything:)
Dub-con, prey-hunter, dark content, smut below
Summary:y/n recently moved on to a lost city in were was a dream house but next to a forest. The first nights old owners to the house asked her to put security everywhere, she didn't.
Someday she saw someone entering to the forest, but never going out.
Till a day, that person entered with a bag that was shaped like a body.
Causing her to initiate an investigation, finding out JTK, the serial killer who was uncaptured.
Iwas running through the forest in my yard, I knew weeks ago someone was going every night inside and today I decided to investigate, turns out I saw JTK.
JKT got famous in the city for a killing spree, near to my house, but I always thought he was gone or at least, just a mystery.
Today I saw the devil, who decided to chase me.
The forest floor was making me so hard to run faster, but I longer saw is silluete again in my back
My knees hurted from the fall before, they were bloody and bruised
I felt how I got yanked, to a supposedly tree
“thought I wouldn't find'cha”
In front of me, almost launching because of my fear.
“dont'cha think I'll let you go away honey” he got closer as he said these words.
The fear was getting into my bones,frozen there he untied my messy ponytail. I gazed with confusion
His look was indescribable, his face was completely mutilated.
“does your knees hurt?” he asked, to hit me strongly were my knees were bleeding, making me.fall to the ground, hissing in pain.
He took my face to make me stamp in the ground.
I felt his whole hands all over me, making me feel dirty, my panic began to rise
“what are you doing?” I screamed
“fuck! Shut the fuck up” he said quickly, a kick into my stomach shut me up
The way he was ripping my clothes off, completely sick.
“just let me go, I never did anything like this, I'll do anything else for you, I just want to get home please ” I practically begged, he just stared at me with pride.
He kissed my mouth and I could feel his open mouth cheeks and his tongue, his hands went under my skirt to my little shorts which he took off with agility, he was desperately moving and I was more and more afraid by the second
I felt strong sensations of excitement with the dirtiest feeling ever, I wonder what my mom would think about me
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sargasmicgoddess · 3 years
How do you plan all of your content? You shoot so much great stuff.
Thank you for the compliment!
I don't really plan...anything I post on my blog and isn't a submission is usually off the cuff.
Like today. Been consumed by an intense advisory panel meeting I was in all day and I'm itching to do silly things to balance it out.
Most days I post when I feel the urge to share fun or amusing insights/thoughts into my day. Caveat: my mind is a bit high octaned and I'm easily amused by things so...somedays you get tumblr smut vomit with words 😆
But that's what this space is for me...a place to dump all my crazy ramblings, ideas, musings and inspirations. I keep thinking I'll run out of thoughts soon...but...who knew my brain was so full of entirely random stuff?? I guess for now you're stuck with me 🤣🤭
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starlit-serenade · 4 years
Dance With Me | Chapter 5
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💙 Summary: After visiting the members of ONEUS during their dance practice, you find yourself inspired to learn to dance. You ask your friend Kim Geonhak to teach you.
💙 Chapter 5: 2,242 words
💙 Pairing: Reader x Kim Geonhak (Leedo) / Characters: GenderNeutral!Reader; Kim Geonhak (Leedo); Son Dongju (Xion); Yeo Hwanwoong (Hwanwoong); Lee Keonhee (Keonhee); Lee Seoho (Seoho); Kim Youngjo (Ravn);
💙 Rated: T for some minor swearing / Warnings: Minor Swearing; Jealousy (Later in the fic) / Genre: Fluff; Minor Angst (Later in the fic); Friends-To-Lovers; Happy Ending;
《 Series Masterlist // ONEUS Masterlist // Boy Group Masterlist 》
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You arrive to practice with your mind buzzing. Hwanwoong had texted the Team B party planning group chat that today is the day where you would meet with Team A--Youngjo, Seoho and Keonhee--to finish planning Geonhak's birthday party next week. The meeting is only ten minutes after your practice with Geonhak ends, so you'll have to hurry to the ONEUS dorm after practice.
You open the door, and Geonhak is inside. A song that you don't recognize is playing, and Geonhak is dancing intensely, watching his own movements intensely as he dances this unfamiliar choreo. While the song isn't familiar, you known the voices of ONEUS well enough to guess that this is an upcoming song, or at least a work-in-progress.
Geonhak is so focused on the dance that he doesn't notice that you've walked in. His eyes are so focused on his own body in the mirror that he doesn’t see you enter. You laugh to yourself.
Payback for those times he's come in and watched me dancing without me knowing, you think. You sit down on the ground to stretch silently and watch him, impressed. His voice comes on in the song, and you have to prevent yourself from saying wow out loud. You admire the choreography, the way Geonhak's shoulders move.
Perhaps someday I'll learn this choreography, you think.
The song comes to a close, Geonhak throws his head back in exhaustion. He runs his hand through his hair, breathing heavily as he turns around.
He freezes in his tracks when he sees you sitting on the floor. His eyes widen in surprise, then he looks really shy, then he goes back to his normal self in a matter of seconds. "How long have you been here?"
"A bit. Your part is amazing. Was that the new title track?"
He lets out a chuckle. "Thank you. Yes, that was the new title track, coming out later. Do you like it?"
"I do. It's cool. Your dance is really pretty," you say.
Geonhak looks away from you. "Thanks. Let's finish up stretching, and decide what song you want to try next."
He sits down in front of you and watches you with a smile. His eyes on you make you look down at the floor for some reason. "So what song would you like to learn next? Another ONEUS song?"
You smile. "Of course."
"What songs did you have in mind?"
"I mean. Lit is a fun one. Valkyrie, too. Twilight. Zigzag--"
"You've just named all of our title tracks, Y/Nie!" Geonhak chuckles. "I have an idea. We can go with two songs. We'll spend the first two hours learning the first one, and then the second two learning the second one. How does that sound?"
"That sounds fun."
"Great," Geonhak says, humming. "What two songs would you like to try?"
You think for a long moment. "Can we do Lit?"
Geonhak smiles. "Sure. We'll do Lit first."
"Let's start with the pre-chorus this time," Geonhak says, standing in front of the mirror.
"So you're gonna start with your legs in sort of a front stance, turn all the way to your left and put your arm over your leg with your hand against the outside of your thigh. Like this."
You copy his stance. Arm over leg, facing the left wall. You glance at the mirror and make sure to adjust your knees and position.
"Good. Now, you're gonna twist your body in a loop, lean back, and lower your body to kneel like this with your left arm down--"
You immediately do the move, so you're kneeling like him. This move, you've seen and done so many times that it comes somewhat easier to you. You check the mirror and see that you're correct as he continues to demonstrate.
"--and then straighten your back quickly. Lift your right arm, eolssu, and then your left arm, eolssu."
You follow his demonstration closely, which isn't too hard. This song, you've tried to do in your living room, so while you're not good at it yet, you're certainly familiar with it.
"Good. Now," Geonhak says, "lift your back knee off of the ground. Shift your weight back to face the left side of the room again and now put both of your hands over your thigh in an X. Then lean back, and slide your hands behind your back and down with the beat."
You nod, copying the movements.
After a couple hours of learning the rest of the pre-chorus and the chorus, and after taking a ten minute break, Geonhak starts teaching you Valkyrie, starting with the pre-chorus.
"Face the right wall, and put your hand back like this, palm up. You're going to have your right toes and your left heel facing toward the front of the room and off of the ground, so that your feet are positioned in a V."
You copy him. It takes you a minute to get your feet positioned correctly, but Geonhak waits patiently with a smile on his face.
The end of practice nears, and you and Geonhak sit down to stretch together. You look up from your stretches to smile back at Geonhak, and your eyes land on the clock on the wall behind him.
"Oh, shit," you mutter, quickly getting up from your stretches. You start scooping up your stuff. "I have to go."
"What? So soon?" he asks.
"Yes, Dongju's waiting for me," you say.
You blink, realizing what you said wrong.
"Uh, yeah. Yeah, I have a, uh, a doctor's appointment, and Dongju's taking me."
"Oh." He looks sad. "Take care! See you soon."
As you reach the door, you frown. "Aren't you going to be heading home?" you ask. Geonhak shakes his head.
"No. I have . . . some extra stuff to do."
"Okay. Bye, Geonhak," you say. He smiles softly and waves goodbye. You wave back, before you run down  the hallway to change in the bathroom, before hurrying to the ONEUS dorm for the birthday party preparation meeting.
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You arrive and knock on the door and wait. Dongju opens the door after a moment and smiles.
"Y/N, you're almost late," he whispers.
"I was at practice with Geonhak! I had to change," you explain. Dongju rolls his eyes and drags you inside.
When you had pictured a surprise party meeting, you had imagined that the five members would have set up a space in the bedroom so that it'd be harder for them to be accidentally walked in on by Geonhak. However, they've simply set up at the dining table, Team A on the left and Team B on the right. Youngjo, Seoho and Keonhee are seated on Team A's side, with their phones on the table with notes. Hwanwoong sits on Team B's side with his phone open to the group chat. Dongju sits in the middle chair so you sit on his left, facing Keonhee.
"So," Youngjo says. "We have gathered here today to figure out how we want to celebrate Kim Geonhak's birthday before. We will have opening statements from Team A."
Keonhee opens his phone and clears his throat.
"Our plan for Kim Geonhak's birthday morning includes the following," he says, leaning forward in his chair. "We will spend time at either RBW or the dorm. We'll practice a bit, and then relax."
"Then," Seoho continues, "we will eat lunch at the dorm."
Team B applauds Team A, clapping as Youngjo, Seoho and Keonhee bow before sitting back down.
"That is all Team A has planned," Youngjo says. "We sort of . . . didn't spend as much time on this as you three. Now, Team B, your turn to present your proposal for the afternoon."
Hwanwoong stands up in his chair and clears his throat. "Hello. I am Yeo Hwanwoong of Team B. I am joined, today, by my colleagues Son Dongju and Y/N. Today, we will be presenting our proposal for the afternoon of Kim Geonhak's birthday celebration."
Seoho is laughing in amusement at how seriously Hwanwoong is taking this.
"Our plan includes snacks such as ice cream, sweets, fruits and small meat appetizers," Hwanwoong continues.
"We have multiple afternoon activities planned, including a random play dance, several guess-the-song challenges, and other music and dance related games. We are open for additional suggestions at any time. Then, for dinner, we will go out to that restaurant Geonhak loves so much."
"As for decoration plans," you say, "we propose a silver, gold, black and white color scheme, with streamers and balloons."
Keonhee starts the applause, followed by Seoho, then Youngjo. You, Dongju and Hwanwoong take your seats once again.
"Does anyone have any feedback or questions?" Youngjo asks. Keonhee raises his hand.
"Hwanwoong, what ice cream flavors will there be?" he asks.
"Rainbow Sherbet, Geonhak's favorite," Hwanwoong says. "Don't worry, Keonhee, I know all of ONEUS's favorites. They'll be there."
After questions conclude, you six decide roles for party set-up.
"Dongju, Y/N, can you two be in charge of decorations?" Youngjo asks. You both nod, and Dongju gives Youngjo a thumbs up.
Keonhee ends up in charge of making lunch with Hwanwoong. Seoho is in charge of finding and putting together the activities, and Youngjo ends up in charge of getting snacks. After all of the roles are decided, you all put your hands together.
"1! 2! 3! Let's go!"
As you all start cleaning up, you realize how late it is. The sky is dark, almost black.
"Why hasn't Geonhak come home? Shouldn't he have come sometime during the meeting?" you ask.
"No. He actually has to catch up with some practice choreography," Dongju explains. "He's started staying late for extra practice since he started teaching you."
You blink. "What?"
"Usually, after you head home, Geonhak stays at RBW practicing for hours on the new choreos. Since he spends so much time with you, he has to find extra time to do his own practices. And he also comes in early mornings to prepare for your practices. Has he not told you?"
You shake your head.
Dongju frowns for a bit, confused, before his expression morphs into something like shock or surprise.
"I . . . probably shouldn't have told you that then."
You frown. "What do you mean?"
Dongju waves the question aside. "Don't worry about it. Anyway, you should get some rest. Let me walk you home."
You and Dongju walk home comfortably, like you did with Geonhak a while ago. You think about what Dongju had said. Had Geonhak gone and practiced at RBW after dropping you off at your home? Has he really been coming in extra to catch up with the other members and prepare to help you?
"How's your practice with Geonhak going?" Dongju asks after a while.
"Oh, it's going really well," you say excitedly. "I just finished learning Geonhak's part in A Song Written Easily last practice, so now Geonhak is helping me learn Lit and Valkyrie."
Dongju is smiling widely. "You seem to be enjoying it a lot. Maybe as much as Geonhak is."
"Huh? What do you mean?"
He chuckles. "I know you very well, Y/N. I've known you for years. And I've rarely seen you this excited about something for this long. Often times, when you get excited by a hobby, but then your excitement dies down after a week or two. But it's been several weeks, and you're still smiling like a fool whenever you think about it."
You place your hand on your cheek and realize that they hurt from your smiling so hard and excited chattering about how practice has been.
"Geonhak, on the other hand. You should see him after he comes back to the dorms after practicing with you," Dongju continues. "Or even during our practices before practicing with you. He's always smiling like an idiot on your practice days."
You blink.
"Y/N. How do you feel about Geonhak?" Dongju asks after a moment. You stare at him, unsure of how to answer that question.
"I mean. I like him. He's my friend. He's a good dance teacher. He's kind and sweet and funny, just like the rest of you."
"But do you like him?" Dongju asks, emphasizing the word like.
You frown. "Why would you ask me that?" you ask. You don't have an answer, though. You think back to all of the butterflies that you've had, fluttering about in your stomach for the past few weeks. Maybe you do have an answer.
"Like I said, Y/N. I know you very well. There's definitely something going on in that head of yours, whether you know it or not," he says, poking your head gently. "I've seen you two interact. Just from hearing you talk just now, I can hear that there's something. Even if you don't know it."
You blink. "Dongju, I don't--"
"Oh look, we're here!" He stops, and you realize that you two are, in fact, right outside your door. Dongju smiles at you softly. "Go sleep, Y/N. Get some rest. I'll text you tomorrow to figure out a time to go decoration shopping for Geonhak's birthday, okay?"
You nod. "Okay."
He waves goodbye, and you sigh, watching him leave. As you turn to go inside, you turn over the past few minutes in your head. As you shower and get ready for bed, you continue to consider your feelings.
You don't like Geonhak like that.
Do you?
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hihi! carat anon here to say first of all you dont have to apologise! this ask is coming in late too and we all have our own schedules, so dont worry and just take your time <3 im doing fantastic btw and i hope you are too! dont overwork yourself and rmb to get enough rest!
also tysm! im rly proud i can understand so many languages as well sjdjksjdjf
the friends reunion was amazing, even though i only started watching recently, everything was still pretty emotional and it was rly cool to see the behind stuff and see how everyone changed. and honestly matt didn't really change tbh my favourite mcu film would have to be ragnorok bc that was pure gold, get help is forever ingrained in my mind. yes yes i would 100% rec new amsterdam, i love it so much it felt like home to me at one point <333
i dont think ive ever come across a movie that made me feel that way, if im being honest, but i'll check your name out! my favourite genre would be horror, but also comedy for obvious reasons. i also love thrillers with like hints of mystery, i really am all for that adrenaline rush tbh skhdksjdjd its one of the reasons i enjoy amusement park rides like roller-coasters and space shots and the pendulum swinging thingy :D
uhm well ive always loved writing stuff, i have a really wild imagination sometimes, so it helps to get ideas out into text. and i got the courage to start writing by joining a collab on a whim kshdkdjdj. i find inspiration from the smallest things honestly, like movies or everyday situations or crazy ideas from my sisters. i habe a lot of wips but sometimes im just really lazy to type it all out nicely into words </3
ive had a hot plate like once? i think? and i really enjoyed it. but i really really love sushi. also pizza and like rice. i love rice. but not plain rice. rice with any sauce i love <333 also! there's this cantonese noodle i think? we call it ee mee and ugh i love it. also im from klang, and here wd have a dish called bak kut teh, which literally translates to meat bone tea. its pork boiled in a broth with different types of herbs and served with chinese tea and rice, hence meat bone tea. its also served with like long sticks of deep fried flour stuff? we call it yao char kwai and OH is it my favourite thing in the world.
i really love reading your replys so dont apologise if its long! and i think the way you explained what writing is to you is lovely, i hope you continue to enjoy putting out masterpieces for us to read <333
im not the best conversationalist and im running out of questions so uhm, how was your day? and what's a favourite dream that you've had? or the most memorable one? also where would you like to visit someday? once miss rona disbands ofc
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hi anon!! thank you for your patience i'm so happy i don't have work today so i can properly respond now 🥺
i watched the friends reunion with my mom!! i thought it was so sweet that matt remembered basically everything about the show 🥺 you could tell it meant a lot to him!! wahhh i'm so terrible with horror but i admire you sm for liking it!! if i ever do manage to sit through a horror movie i'll let you know LOL i watched this thai thriller i think it's called bad genius??? that's probably the only one i've ever watched but it really gave my adrenaline a run for its money wahh
yes gaining inspiration from the little daily things in life is honestly one of the best motivations for writing!! it makes it all the more authentic heh yao char kwai sounds yum!! i need to try it sometime :D
anon you are so, so understanding and i really hope you know that i appreicate it!! my day has been okay, kind of tired from standing a lot throughout the week but overall happy because i'm about to order the new txt album hehe!! tell me about your day!!
i don't really remember my dreams but i think i recently had one about meeting my online friends!! that was definitely something memorable and kinda made me sad because we can't do that atm LOL and for places hmm my family was actually planning a trip to japan/korea before miss rona so definitely there when all is well 🥺 where would you like to travel anon?
hmm and may i ask your favourite subject!! and why hehe
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