#(Thank you again for such a fantastic starter!)
cosmic-cd · 10 months
thinking about leon again tonight
#cosmo rambles#i need to get back to playing around with the Hazel and Leon get Eeby Deebied to Hisui thing#because i think still the dynamic of leon being very athletic and strategic while hazel is more on the artsy side and is like#more ideal in a support role is really fun#leon willing to go out there and wrestle a garchomp while gushing about how fantastic it is at physical attacking#while hazel sits by and sketches it for the pokedex and makes little notes about what they found in the environment#leon building himself a new team around types he's never tried before and picking the weaker starter to hazel's to give himself a challenge#hazel somehow letting leon goad her into actually taking a rival role against her despite never really having rivals before#unless you count blue making her so so so so mad but that's unrelated. she'll fight him without a pokemon#leon's understanding of battle mechanics and what each pokemon needs to thrive and what it's capable of beyond just its typing delights me#while hazel tends to be like me- less strategic and more about getting those type advantages in LOL#also having two trainers taking on nobles and filling the dex with their own roles to make things smoother is fun#but also because im imagining leon and hazel sitting together as hazel draws and talking as they peacefully watch pokemon from afar#or running for their lives together or riding on wyrdeer's back together#on top of that just. the two of them going to paldea together for a temporary teaching gig and getting swept into things#keeping an eye worriedly on students and Oh God No What Do You Mean the World is Ending. Again#theyll go on a vacation to kalos after this. and because XY has already happened theres no stress there#they just get to get into some mega evolution training. the most stress is red blue and green show up like hiiii#red and leon get into the most heated rivalry imaginable and hazel is being pulled away from her pokepuffs#god this is getting so long. im just thinking so hard im sorry IF YOU READ THIS FAR THANK YOU IM SORRY
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copperbadge · 5 months
Hello! I recently moved to Chicago for a job. As a local, do you have any recommendations for which museums and/or attractions to check out, and which to skip or leave for later? I’ve only been to the art institute so far, but I had a really nice time! Also, your resume tips helped me out a lot, so thanks for that!
Sorry for the delay in reply to this! I definitely wanted to respond sooner but some answers take longer than others :D
I did a bit of a writeup here recently so that's some starter reading, but let me just do a quick rundown of the big museums...
Art Institute -- you've already been so you know it's world-class! Make sure that when you're in the modern wing (as you enter) you look left, there's a whole bunch of galleries to the left that often go unexplored. Also in the original wing, at the main staircase, make sure you go downstairs to explore, the Thorne rooms are down there and so is the paperweight collection if they ever open it again.
Museum of Science and Industry -- always a great time, still has lots of weird old exhibits, but it's also easy to get lost in, so don't plan to see everything your first time out. This is especially fun to take visiting guests to. Don't miss the daily chick-hatching!
Field Museum -- even older and weirder than the MSI, but you can get a little trapped in exhibits (sometimes the only way in or out is to walk a long ways) so conserve your energy. The new Sue exhibit is kind of tucked back on an upper floor but DO NOT miss it, the light show is super fun.
Chicago History Museum -- you know I still haven't been? They have a great cafeteria, I've eaten there :) I'm given to understand it's a really fun museum.
Shedd Aquarium -- I like the Shedd but eh, it's an aquarium. The tickets on the website are pricey but if you buy in person there's a "just the fishes" option for like $8, problem is you usually have to stand in line for a while to get it.
Adler Planetarium -- it's fun, but unless you're a nut for outer space, the highlight is the planetarium show; I'd save this one for a rainy weekend when you just want to wander somewhere.
I truly love the dumb little Money Museum at the Fed, but I think it's still closed. If it isn't, it's a great way to spend an afternoon, lots of fun money to look at, but you will need legal ID and you have to go through a metal detector on your way in, so be prepared for that.
The Garfield Park Conservatory is a fantastic botanical garden; go in summer so you can enjoy the large outdoors space. If you go in the morning, they sometimes let you help feed the koi fish in the indoor ponds.
Lincoln Park Zoo is a lovely mainly-outdoor zoo, and has a lot of events, even in the colder months (zoolights, for example, and they have a summer 5K where I personally almost died from running but refused to let the camels witness that).
As you settle into the city you'll become more aware of what there is to see and do; you pick up a kind of rhythm of the place, so I do think just getting out and looking around the city is a good way to find fun activities. Chinatown (red line Chinatown stop) is fun to shop and eat in, and a great way to learn about the parks is to attend some movies in the parks this summer.
Welcome to the city and I hope you love it here!
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justanotherrpmeme · 10 months
Post-First Date starters
[text]: I had a fantastic time tonight. You're even more amazing in person. Can't wait to see you again.
[text]: Just got home. Couldn't stop smiling throughout the entire date. Thanks for a wonderful evening.
[text]: I'm still on a high from our date. You're incredibly charming, and I can't wait for round two.
[text]: The chemistry between us was off the charts tonight. I hope you had as much fun as I did.
[text]: I can't stop thinking about our date. You've definitely left a lasting impression on me.
[text]: I had butterflies in my stomach the entire time we were together. I'd love to do it again soon.
[text]: Just wanted to say that you're even more incredible than I imagined. Let's plan another date soon.
[text]: I had such a great time getting to know you tonight. You're truly one-of-a-kind.
[text]: Can't believe how well we clicked. Thanks for making our first date so memorable.
[text]: I'm already looking forward to our next adventure together. You're an absolute delight.
[text]: Tonight was filled with laughter and great conversation. I hope we can do it all over again.
[text]: I'm still smiling from ear to ear. You're the kind of person I could see myself getting closer to.
[text]: Just wanted to say thank you for a fantastic evening. I had a wonderful time with you.
[text]: Our date exceeded all my expectations. You're an incredible person, and I'm eager to see where this goes.
[text]: I had a blast tonight. You made me feel comfortable, and I enjoyed every minute of our time together.
[text]: The sparks were definitely flying tonight. Can't wait to continue this journey with you.
[text]: I had such a great time that I didn't want the night to end. Looking forward to more adventures with you.
[text]: I feel lucky to have met someone like you. Let's keep this momentum going and see where it leads us.
[text]: I haven't been able to wipe the smile off my face since our date. You're pretty incredible, you know?
[text]: I couldn't have asked for a better first date. I'm excited to see where this connection takes us.
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spiderwarden · 4 months
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Thank you all for the birthday wishes that you gave me yesterday!!! I was so moved by all the responses I got! And the happy messages! It was a wonderful Birthday and I'm?? Actually super excited to be 30. Again! Thank you! And I'm going to respond to the rest of the messages here (as I'm sure you know I didn't want to clog the dash!)
@lolthswcrn said: // Happy birthday, dear, I hope you had a wonderful day! <3 thank you sweetheart! It was INDEED a wonderful day!!! I had a good time!!
@darlingdesiredelicious said: hap birth minthy liker
I am not just a minty liker, I am a minty LOVER! Thank you!!
@streetslost said: OH IT BURF? HAPPY BURF !!!! hope it was a fab day !!! yes it was my burf!! AND I HAD A FANTASTIC DAY! of nothing but relaxing and taking my time in just.. existing. ti was great! thank you!
@shentacles said: hoping you had a birthday as wonderful as you are! ❤️
oh but it was a AWESOME! day, but not as awesome as YOU! thank you so much!!! this made me smile and it was certainly most unexpected! thank you!
@refabled said: happy birthday!!! <3 i hope the year treats you with kindness and light oh please! that's so kind of you! it would be nice is 2024 was kinder it really would! but i got a lot going on so perhaps it just might! always looking up. THANK YOU FOR THE WELL WISHING!
@seeasunset said: Happy birthday!! I hope your day went awesomely great!!
it was AWESOME indeed! thank you! hey friend did you know that i bought Greedfall and it was entirely your fault? yes. yes i did. Thank you for being wonderful!
@danversiism said: happy birthday Mel ! hope you have a fantastic day & welcome to the 30s club ! 🎂 oh i'm going to THRIVE in the 30s i hope. because the 20s was... we all know how our 20s went.. euck. But. But it's SO nice being more sure of things than we were years ago. Thank you for the welcome! I adore you! Trust me. I know we don't write but I'm SO used to you on my dash if I don't see you around I actively go 'where.. oh where.' and come checking. THANK YOU FOR THIS!
@galefcrce said: Happy birthday!! 🎂
Wizard... This is most curious.. but appreciated.. NO IM KIDDING ! THANK YOU!!!! MUAH. MUAH.
@butnobodyhome sent: Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🎁🎉🎊🎈🎂 OOOOO PRESENTS!! THANK YOU! I APPRECIATED THIS SO MUCH! trust me i use emojis all the time. i love this.
@darkdabbling sent: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! 🥳🥳 I hope you have a wonderful one! 💗
it was GREAT! Thank you! my day was wonderful! still coming off of the birthday high! thank you! (Yes I haven't forgotten you, I still have your inbox things and your starter! I'm so sorry i'm slow!)
@pluviacuratio said: Oh!!! Happy birthday!!! I hope you have a wonderful day!! 🧁🥳🥳 IT WAS WONDERFUL! Thank you! And did I ever tell you that you are adorable. Yes. Yes I do. THank you for this wonderful well wishing! I definitely made me smile.
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sufandomgirl · 8 months
Miraculous Shadybug Fanfiction Part 1
Thank you for the request! Dedicated and original idea credit to @josmarney23
{Tom smiles at his daughter.}
Tom: I think that it's great that you have a new friend.
Emonette: She isn't my friend, yet. I'm just...working on things.
Tom: Well, I think that's fantastic!
Emonette: Whatever, just don't answer Sabine's calls while I'm out. She abandoned us, Dad. (leaves to go to school)
{When she gets to the building, Emodrien meets her outside and she's also greeted by Lila's smiling face and wave.}
Reverse Lila: Hi, Marinette!
{People look at her like she's crazy for fraternizing with the emo kids that everyone fears. They're almost in cardiac arrest when Emonette smiles back at her and greets her.}
Emonette: Hey, Lila.
Emodrien: So, finally on time for once?
Emonette: Shut your pie-hole.
Lila: (giggles) Come on, let's go inside. Ms. Bustier's probably waiting for us.
Emonette: (scoffs) Yeah, right. No one wants us to show up anywhere. You, maybe, Lila, but definitely not us. Go on ahead. Adrien and I need to make sure that we remembered our homework.
Lila: (giggles again) Okay, then.
{Then, it was just the two of them. They leaned against a wall. Their reputations made people distance themselves from them, so they could talk in private.}
Emodrien: So, how did it go with the Supreme?
Emonette: About as well as you'd expect. I was in my old costume. We have to make him think that we're on his side for as long as we can. He can't know about the other versions of us, either.
Emodrien: Given that he's the Supreme and known about the kwamis longer than anyone, I bet he knows that there are other universes out there.
Emonette: Yes, but if he knows that we've been to one, he'll start to ask questions.
Emodrien: Okay, but what about Lila?
Emonette: Well, let's just hope that she's the opposite of the Lila in theirs. From what I read in that diary, she's a lying, manipulative bitch over there in the other dimension.
{They get to class and take their seats. After school, they separate, like always, promising in private to meet up for "patrol". They had to make this appear as normal as possible for as long as possible. They knew who Hesperia was, he revealed his identity in front of them to Ladybug and Chat Noir in the other dimension in hopes of helping them catch their Monarch. Shadybug had to comfort Claw Noir afterwards. Emodrien loved his dad, he just...wasn't all that great with affection since his mom passed away. He had tried in the two weeks since returning to put effort into rebuilding the relationship with his father.}
Hesperia's Lair...
Alya: So, what's our next move?
Hesperia: Shadybug and Claw Noir are acting as usual, save the destruction of Paris in hopes of deceiving the Supreme into a false sense of security. The only other thing we can do is continue to check in with their hero versions. Ubiquity needs to open a portal that doesn't connect to the other Alya Cesaire. She seemed so traumatized by my power since it is being used for evil in their dimension, and my, Shadybug and Claw Noir's roles are reversed. They are Ladybug and Chat Noir, the heroes of Paris, and I'm the villainous Monarch.
Alya: Wow, so, it's really a parallel universe?
Nino: Those source images were wild. What other things are different?
Hesperia: Too many to count. For starters, Ladybug and Chat Noir work as a team. They take care of their kwamis and try not to overuse their powers in battle. For example, Ladybug will try to use only one Lucky Charm and Chat Noir, only one Cataclysm to win a battle. I respected their wish to keep their identities a secret at the time, because they were afraid that their Monarch would figure them out. They were already helping me avoid them as it was.
Alya: So, you could have known their secret identities--and Shadybug and Claw Noir's but you passed on that? Why? It's not like you would've used it against their hero versions.
Hesperia: It's a mutual respect kind of thing. I revealed mine to them to help them after they'd done so much for us. They changed themselves into heroes. Shadybug and Claw Noir only agreed to help us because whatever their good versions said to them got through more than we ever could. I didn't get to meet their version of the Supreme, but I got the sense that Ladybug would and could pass along what all had happened to him.
Alya: Well, that's all well and good. What about us? Did you see the other versions of us?
Hesperia: Only Alya. She was in Marinette's room which was where we let out.
Alya: Why the fuck would I be in her room?!
Hesperia: Supposedly, in the parallel dimension, you and her are best friends.
Alya: (eyes widen, incredulously) WWWWWHHHHHAAAAAATT?!?!?!?!
Hesperia: Yes, and Nino is best friends with Adrien.
Nino: I'm sorry, but wh--?!
{All of the sudden, the ceiling gave way again.}
Hesperia: It's one of the sentimonster that the Supreme created, hide!
{They all find a hiding spot.}
Alya: (whispers) What now?
Hesperia: (whispers back) Now, plan B. The Supreme will send Shadybug and Claw Noir back here and we'll just have to hope that they--and he take my word for it.
Nino: (whispers) What's the plan?
Hesperia: This. Nooroo, Light Wings Fall. (de-transforms; gives broach to Alya) If things go south, use my Miraculous to create a portal and get Ladybug and Chat Noir. Only if things don't go well.
Alya: (nods as he steps out to let the sentimonster capture him)
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yellowocaballero · 8 months
hello! i really liked your fics, especially the dc-xmen ones, and they made me interested in reading the comics. do you have any recs for starters? thank you :D
So a long-running gag between my sibling and I is that they aren't allowed to send me any panels or information about the X-Men, because I don't like the X-Men comics. Have I legitimately read a bunch? Sure. Would I recommend any of them? No.
I'd say X-Force (starring private eye Jamie) wasn't bad, except the 10yo girl got aged up into an 18yo and started making out with the lead. Cable & Deadpool probably barely counts as X-Men but it's definitely the best Cable and the best Deadpool comic simultaneously. My X-Men fics are based almost entirely off the children's cartoon X-Men Evolution, which is the only X-Men media I can say with my whole chest that I really enjoy. I heard that X-Men Blue was good.
As for where to start with DC comics...I'm struggling with a personal opinion on that too. I can't give a single comic that's the best Batman comic to start with, because the popularity of the Batman arc has an inverse relationship to its quality. The best Batman comic is some random one-off by Denny O'Neil in the 70s that was never mentioned again. I'm not sure how often this rec is given but Batman: Black and White is one of the few one-off Batman things that is sincerely gorgeous and moving (unlike The Dark Knight Returns or Arkham Asylum A Serious House on Serious Earth or The Killing Joke or Batman: Year One or The Long Halloween or Under The Red Hood or). If you've rolled up here for the Batfam exclusively then Cassandra's 90s Batgirl run is unironically pretty good.
If you enjoy reading teenagers being awful the late 90s-early 00s Young Justice comic by Peter David is delightful - if you enjoyed Impulse in it, then check out my favorite comic run of all time Impulse (not best, just favorite). The 90s Mark Waid Flash run was lovely. Outside of the heroes I've actually written, if you're pretentious as fuck the the 80s Denny O'Neil Question is fantastic. If you're not pretentious and want something much lighter then the early 00s Blue Bettle and 70s Shazam comics are unbelievably fun.
That probably doesn't help much! I love Batman so much but I couldn't believe that I couldn't actually list of any famous Batman arcs or stories that I genuinely love. Life of a Batman fan. I'm so sorry I can't actually recommend an X-Men comic. I'm sure there are good ones I just haven't read any.
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justagalwhowrites · 5 months
Coming soon ❤️
Hi Besties!
For starters, thank you thank you thank thank you for being so kind and patient with me over the last month here. I've just been feeling pretty overwhelmed with the holidays and work so I haven't been able to write as much as I've wanted to, or do things like reply to everyone the way I've wanted to, either. I also sidetracked into different spaces for me, including Holly Jolly - which took me a few days longer than intended to write but I hope you enjoyed it if you read it!
I'm going to go through my inbox and respond to some of you lovely people who have been kind enough to send me asks (though I'm not intending to write any requests atm - I will get to them eventually but I have a hell of a backlog.) I do usually respond to asks that aren't story requests pretty much as soon as I get them but I just haven't had the mental space to do that lately. I'm not sure why. But I appreciate you for sending them and being patient with me ❤️ And please send me asks about just about anything at any time, I love them!
Next, here's what you can expect from me posting wise in the immediate future! I'll do my best to stick to it but feel free to send an ask or shoot me a DM to check on the status of something, I definitely don't mind!
I hope you all have had a wonderful holiday season and have a fantastic new year. Thank you for being here ❤️
Love you!
Halcyon - Coming this weekend at the latest! Maybe as soon as Friday.
DDDNE One Shot - A dubcon Raider!Joel fic for @romana-after-dark's Dead Dove December event! (Grain of salt on this one, I love a dark fic to read but I'm not sure how good I'm going to be at writing one so please don't get your hopes up 🫣)
Yearling - Early next week and again toward the end of the week.
Halcyon - Next weekend
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lafemmedefxndom · 2 months
Hunter Belos AU
Truth be told, guys, this is gonna be another one of those AUs that never gets a fully-written fic. BUT, the scenes which do end up written out will be the most important.
For starters, take some character intros
"If you are not good," say the parents, "if you are not careful and mind your manners, he will come for you." For centuries, the Boiling Isles have been haunted by the story of the mysterious figure known only as "The Hunter." Frequently a Boogie Man, sometimes a trickster, The Hunter stalks the forests and shadowed alleys of the Isles, waiting to snatch bad witches and demons.
Except for skulking in dark alleys (his knees punish him if he tries to skulk anywhere too long these days), the stories are mostly true. Long ago, Philip Wittebane (Human), came to the Isles in search of something he'd lost, and when it became clear he was stranded in this horrid, fantastic place, he made the best of it. The Hunter wears a mask and hunts the most dangerous criminals on the Isles, and despairs of ever going home again. Until one day, one Luz Noceda (Human) arrives to stir up trouble.
The Emperor:
It is said that the Emperor is the Titan's gift to the Boiling Isles. Generous, principled, deceptively softspoken, the Emperor draws power and influence to him with all the irresistible force of a black hole. But the people of the Boiling Isles know they can trust their Emperor, whose edicts direct them, above all else, to show thanks to the Titan for the blessings it bestows on them.
In the Emperor's Coven, witches and demons dedicate their lives to the preservation of the Titan's blessed heart, which is the source of all magic, and conveying the peoples' thanks through offerings and prayer. Those who give all to the Emperor are said to be richly rewarded. Those who give all to the Titan will know peace.
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hillsfms · 6 months
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Good morning/evening friends,
We just wanted to post a friendly reminder that we should all be checking the starter blog and ensuring we are showing all new starters some love. It's come to our attention that there are times when we see multiple starters go unnoticed and we'd really like to change that. For those that do post a starter, we'd also like to encourage you to reach out to us just to let us know the starter is there. Sometimes we do miss when the starter blog is being @ and it's never intentionally, but we do apologize for it.
Secondly, we'd also like to remind everyone to send in some gossip to our gossip blog! It can only flourish when we're all actively sending in stuff for us to post. You can send photos and even a short description of what you'd like for us to post; these message can be sent via IM's or ask.
Lastly, we'd like to thank you all for being amazing and sticking with us. The last few months of the year are rough and busy for many; us admins have had a lot on our plates, but we continue to hustle through because you all make it worth it and we wouldn't be where we are because of you all! So again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts! 🤍 If you also could just like this post once you've read it, that would be fantastic!
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theladylatias · 9 months
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Pokémon Mystery Dungeon - Sam and Joey edition!
Back on June 7, 2008, @theladyanatola and I did a Pokémon Mystery Dungeon-themed photoshoot with some of my plushies. The main characters were my PMD-sona, Sam the Chikorita, and her Pokémon companion, Joey the Pikachu. These equated to my trainer-sona and her starter Pokemon, Sam and Joey; the headcanon was that Sam somehow was turned into a Pokémon, and they were both aware of this but not sure how it happened. The game was thus an adventure to try and get Sam back to normal.
Our photoshoot was fantastic, thanks to how beautiful our backyard was, as well as all the little details we threw in. From the little box full of "berries," to the accessories we made for Sam and Joey, to the Furret client showing them the way to the dungeon, it was really a lot of fun! Our miniature schnauzer, Rui, also made an appearance guest-starring as a wild Mightyena. (RIP sweet puppy)
The last photo is my favorite of the bunch, which I titled "Chu."
Recently rediscovered these photos on my computer and decided to share them with the world again~ Hope you all like these as much as we did--and still do! <3
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moonrisenmuses · 8 months
@longerhuman I’m going to be totally honest, Nine, you’re one of the reasons I decided to reboot my Chuuya blog to begin with. I stumbled on you completely by accident in the recommended tag while in another fandom and as soon as I read your writing I was like ‘holy shit this is so good’ and ‘fuck I miss BSD so god damn much right now’. You’re insanely talented, I love paragraph dumping my thoughts about our boys on you at all hours, and we have more in common than I expected. Shout out to your incredible, well thought out portrayal of Dazai ( and Verlaine! ) and don’t ever let anyone make you feel bad for being a ‘slow’ writer okay? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, your replies are worth waiting for! Together we’ll properly spread the big brother Oda / little brother Dazai truther propaganda! Reading replies from your Dazai is always a treat because it feels like reading bonus chapters about his thoughts and feelings Asagiri won’t explicitly give us lol. The way you read and understand his character blows me away constantly and I’m always excited to see you on the dash even when it’s with someone else because I adore your portrayal! I also admire the way you handle your blog and how you know what you are and aren’t okay with. You’ve really helped me in terms of setting boundaries and feeling more confident in enforcing my blog rules for my own mental wellness so thank you for that too. Plus. Relatable ND memes, I love sharing those with you lol.
@mckiingbiird ASPIE! What can I say about you? I’ve probably known you the longest out of anyone on here! Has it really been over 2 years since we first started talking? Time sure does fly. I could rave about you for ages. For starters, you’re one of the first people I’ve met to put as much if not even MORE love into their OCs than they do into their canon muses. You have so much love for your characters and it really shows, they’re so interesting and well rounded, it feels like if you just changed their names and took out the BSD stuff you could write your own novels just about them and their journeys, that’s how good they are. I love them immensely - Lemony and the kids, Harper, Murasaki, Maurice, and now James too. I always have a great time no matter who I’m writing with, and you’ve always been sweet, friendly and caring in all the time I’ve known you, to the point where I easily consider you one of my best friends in the writing community, even if most of our writing and development has occurred on Discord lol. Now with us bringing the Flags into it, I feel like there’s even more adventure to be had with them all. I want to give a special shout-out to you for a fantastic portrayal of a trans ftm character living his best life because we really don’t see enough of them and it’s obvious how much thought, love and research went into him when you first created him.
@nonhumen Oriiiiii! I know we only just met near the beginning of this year but it honestly feels like I’ve known you way longer than that. You’re such a phenomenal writer and I can’t recommend enough that people follow you for a well rounded, amazingly developed portrayal of Dazai and all of his virtues and flaws. For someone relatively new to the franchise you’ve done an incredible job at understanding the nuances of his character. I’ve really enjoyed deep diving into his and Chuuya’s mental health from childhood all the way to adulthood with you and why they are the way they are. Their relationship is SO important to me, and the way we’ve developed them together in our jokingly titled cinematic universe, SKK edition, is an endless source of entertainment and inspiration for me. I love their Kintsugi verse and the handful of spin-off verses we’ve created from them. I have to constantly update their verse info page and even then I feel like I can’t accurate describe all the trials and tribulations they’ve gone through. Maybe one day we can collaborate on an epic fanfic saga about their adventures together LOL.
Honourable mentions are a huge must for a few other people who while I don’t talk to them as much OOC, their portrayals continue to provide me constant joy and entertainment! Chuuya has grown SO much from his interactions with your Dazai and even Verlaine and it means so much to me that he gets his happy ending finally in their AU.
@theircurse Stellaaaa! You and I both know Yumeno doesn’t get nearly as much love and attention as they deserve. If it wasn’t for Mayoi I would feel like the franchise forgot they existed, but YOU HAVEN’T. You’re one of the fandom OGs and while we don’t talk a lot, I have to mention your portrayal of Yumeno and how heartwrenchingly good it is. Some of my characters aren’t even a fan of children but even they feel the urge to wrap little Yumeno up in a very soft blanket and protect them from the world. Perhaps most surprisingly is Ara. Maybe it’s because he high key relates to being mistreated by family or because he thinks their doll and their macabre behaviour is so interesting and similar to his own weirdness, but he kinda wants to pick them up and just carry them around in his pocket. In a good way! He’s still coming to terms with the fact humans aren’t just animals or like… Tamagotchis but larger with more needs, but he’s getting there! Chuuya just straight up wants to adopt them. Please continue giving Yumeno the attention they deserve while we hold out hope Asagiri will one day dust them off again!
@giftandguile Lua! My first impression of you was adoring your portrayal of Chuuya because you have his sassy attitude and whiplash temper down to a T and that’s not easy, I know I struggle with it! I also love seeing how you write Tetcho because it’s always so very entertaining. BUT, most of all I want to mention your Fyodor. I have always had very mixed feelings about Fyodor! I’m still making my way through the manga again and I haven’t had much time to dig into his IRL self’s books, but your writing certainly has made me want to. Where the anime failed to get me interested in his character at all, you succeeded. He’s so interesting! I always get excited seeing your meta posts on Fyo because I end up either shocked by how brilliant it is or agreeing wholeheartedly. You got me so invested in a character I was initially indifferent to and that’s not easy for me, my ADHD brain is big on first impressions. I’m SO excited to see where things go between her and Ara and the chaos they’re going to cause in Japan post resurrection. I think Ara sees something of a kindred spirit in her, that they were both ‘born cursed’ and wound up exiled in a sense for things that weren’t even their fault, and as a result developed a negative view of others of their kind. I’m super pumped to see where that ends up going!
@moonhund AEVIS. This post wouldn’t be complete without a shoutout to Ara’s brawling, drinking, temperamental shapeshifting new bestie Jono, or honorary dad-mentor Fukuzawa. There’s honestly so much to say but! I love the fact that an internationally wanted assassin was able to just show up on Fukuzawa’s doorstep one day with baby teen Chuuya like ‘look I don’t trust you but I need somewhere to leave this kid for a while and I don’t fucking trust Mori, can you give him a home for a while?’ And Fuku just looked at this scared and angry lil ginger and was like ayo kids, you got a baby brother now, no questions asked. He’s such a good dude. Sometimes family is one ex swordsman and his adopted wayward detectives / experiments / former war weapons. Absolute icon. But ALSO! The shenanigans between Jono and Ara are basically the definition of serotonin at this point for me. Half their interactions feel like crack threads but it’s just How They Are. I love the depth you’ve added to Jono’s character and how you can write him as both an asshole but sympathetic in a way that feels genuine, not forced. Highly recommend anybody who needs good HD muse interactions follow you because your writing for him is S tier.
I know I’ve gotten to be a somewhat slow writer these days, at least on Tumblr because formatting can be kind of a bitch on here, but I hope everybody knows I’m thinking of you and I adore my interactions with each and every one of you. Please take care of yourselves and know you’re loved and appreciated and SO TALENTED, because this RPC would be a worse off place if any of you were no longer in it.
Love always, Luna <3
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visage-of-hell · 1 month
Focusing exclusively on Blood Ball related threads until the event is over, so if we're moots, feel free to tag me in starters, send in asks, or you can also reblog this open starter I made! Hope everyone has a fantastic time with this RP event, and a HUGE thank you again to @cannibalxroses for putting this whole thing together. <3
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glamoureddreamer · 2 years
Spooky month (John x Jack)
Warnings: rough sex, choking, sub/dom kink, praise kink (please let me know if I’ve missed anything)
Thank you everyone! I hope you all have a fantastic day and a great night!
Shit, it had been a long day at work to say the least. Both John and Jack were quiet in the car, Jack had a smile though. Which did not match the day they had. John huffs rolling down his window and lighting a cigar.
"What are you smiling about?" Jack turns towards him a little confused, then quickly back to the road.
Before Jack could speak up John spoke again.
"We've had a terrible fucking day, what is there to smile about."
"Well for starters we're alive." Jack smiles, John rolls his eyes, breathing his smoke out the window.
"And second cause we can relax at home."
"I think you mean sleep." Jack grins and takes one hand off the wheel setting it on John's thigh. John jumps startled and then glares at the younger man.
"You don't want to relax with me in a different way? It'll help you relax, I think it'll be great."
"You do not want to play this game with me right now." John practically growls.
"What if I do?" John forcefully takes Jacks hand off his thigh. 
"Just you wait until we get home." He mumbles, Jack smiles excitedly.
When they finally got into the driveway, John practically dragged Jack inside and threw him onto their bed.
"Your going to be the best and most obedient boy for me do you understand?" John says in a commanding voice as he hovers over Jack.
"Yes." Jack breathes out. 
John slipped his hands onto Jack's hips, as he stared down at Jack with lidded eyes.
Jack's eyes snapped open as he looked up at John. They were pressed against each other, chest to chest, arms desperately wrapping around their bodies to get closer if possible, kissing roughly as John bit at Jack's bottom lip.
That drew a soft whimper from the younger. John grinds down against Jack's clothed cock to try and gain some friction. They both obviously needed this. John pulled back with a harsh pant, accidentally breaking the kiss as he began to unbuckle his pants, quickly slipping them off along with his boxers.
He quickly forces Jack out of his. In just a few seconds, John was prodding the tip of his cock against Jack's entrance, hands sliding beneath Jack's knees to push his knees back against the bed as he leaned forward, cheeks blown red.
"Fuck Jack, how badly do you want my cock? Be a good boy and tell me, and maybe I'll give you a reward."
Those words sent shivers down Jack's spine. His cock throbs with pleasure at him being called a good boy. He tilted his head back a bit, trying to push John's cock inside of him as he spoke.
"Shit! John-" He was interrupted when John grabs his throat squeezing it. Jacks cock twitches with pleasure. 
"You call me sir, remember?" When Jack doesn't answer John tightens his grip.
"Remember?" John repeats. 
"Y-yes sir." Jack manages to choke out
"Start again." He let's go and Jack gives a pathetic whine. 
"Please sir! Fuck me! Please! Fill me up sir! I need you badly sir, please sir I need your cock so badly!"
He grunted in response, "good boy, now prepare yourself." 
 Pulling his hips back, in just an instant he slammed their hips together, not even bothering to start slow. Jack's eyes blew open, screaming out as he arched his back, grinding down onto John's cock.
"Holy fuck! Sir!!" Just by one thrust, everything was fuzzy and he was only thinking about his pleasure.
 He began thrusting harshly into Jack, grunting and groaning as he would feel Jack tightened around his cock. John bit his lip, loving every moment he got to look back down at Jack as he rammed his hard cock back into the male. 
God he loved the way he whined his name, the way his cock twitched with excitement and saw precum leak out onto his stomach. It was all so perfect. He was so prefect. John pulled his hands away from Jacks hips and wrapped them around his neck, pressing his thumbs down into his throat harshly as he picked up the pace, growing closer to climax. 
Jack was a complete mess at this point, begging and gasping for air as John choked him. His hair was sticking out in every direction, spit and drool mixed with tears on his warm face as his eyes were fluttered shut.
Jack could hardly string together a sentence whimpering out a few words. "S-Sir, Mmm-fuck! cum in-ah m-me" 
John obliges grinning at how Jack was begging for him. He pulls his hands away from Jack's throat, resting them on his hips now as he slams into the smaller male one last time before they're both cumming in unison, Jack cumming first. Jack screams out in pleasure, getting cum all over his stomach and chest. 
His eyes are widened as pleasure tears fall out of them, staring down at his chest as he's being filled up by John's cum now, slowly growing more tired as John rides out his orgasm.
Jack wished it didn't have to end so quickly, wanting more of this. John takes a moment before finally pulling out, noticing a bit of his seed dripping down onto the bedsheets below. Jack had furrowed his eyebrows together as he looked away in embarrassment, gripping onto the sheets below.
A laugh comes out of John as he leans forward to kiss at Jack's jaw. Jack smiles, finally relaxing, sleep sounded wonderful now. 
"You okay darling?" John asked quietly, earning a nod of Jack's head as John rubbed his neck lightly. 
"I'll be right back okay?" Jack nodded again, his eyes were closed as he felt himself being pulled deeper into a sleep like state.
John sitting back down on the bed startled him a little. John chuckles, he had a water bottle in hand along with a rag.
"Sorry love, here sit up." John helps his lover up and hands him the water bottle.
"Can you drink this by yourself or do you need help?" Jack playfully frowns, a little embarrassed.
"I am an officer of the law, I can drink water by myself thank you."
John chuckles "So bratty." He says under his breath. Jack rolls his eyes tipping his head back chugging the bottle.
John cleans his lover off with the wet warm rag. Once he was done cleaning off Jack, the younger was finally done with the whole bottle. John grabs him a pair of boxers and helps Jack into them.
Once they were all clean and comfortable the afterglow came, John pulls the blanket over them as they wrapped their arms around each other to doze off into a very peaceful and relaxed sleep.
Of course not before their 'goodnights' and 'I love yous' to each other. 
However before John could fully go to sleep he had to thank his sleeping boyfriend, this is exactly what he needed after a long day.
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ruinouss · 2 months
NAME: Mads
MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)? Faye lol. Idk why I ever try RPing others. I'll be good for a while but I always come back to this idiot
◈ RP PET PEEVES? I have a few but of course, I don't remember the majority now that I'm asked about it. But the main one is when I see someone complaining about not getting any interactions or anything and you and others have been liking starter/plot calls or sending memes over and over and nothing ever comes from it. In my own personal experience, the person crying about not getting interactions is only looking for it with a certain follower(s) but won't try and initiate the interaction. It's understandable if you legit are struggling for interactions and you get crickets but when it's clear people are trying to interact...man that grinds my gears. It's extremely inconsiderate and I usually bounce when I see that. Another thing is one-sided plotting/RPing. I usually always try and come up with a few ideas, even if they're basic or the usual trope because sometimes they turn into something exciting but this also depends on both people being open to trying to keep it moving. It's no fun when one person isn't giving anything to work with. Though, sometimes one person will have a good idea and can lead but again it needs some help from the other person. I have others I'm sure, but these are the two main ones. I like to think I'm pretty chill.
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS Close to 2 decades probably. I've been RPing since gaiaonline and AOL/Skype
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT  All of it, I think there's a time and place for each. I do tend to prefer angst because I love character development and pushing characters to their breaking points and seeing them go beyond their limits or reacting in high-stress situations. I love it when they discover new things about themselves. Fluff is fun for shorter threads when you need something light hearted in between the angst lol. And then smut...well I'm so out of practice I refuse to even have it on my main blog lol. I don't need to embarrass myself. I think it's fine and fun but I do get tired of it if that's all there is. Again, I'm here for the character development.
PLOTS OR MEMES  Either. I don't have a preference but I try and see what my partners prefer. Sometimes things work better when you plot things out so you have an idea to follow but sometimes, especially with new interactions its easier to just have a random meme. I also feel like sometimes it may take a few tries before you find the right thing that clicks for a good thread or character interaction.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES  Depends on the day. Sometimes it's nice to have a shorter reply but I do admit sometimes they're hard for me to do because I want to make sure there's enough going on to keep a thread going. But sometimes the brain just doesn't want to work so longer threads, even if I'm super excited for it just don't happen.
TIME TO WRITE Whenever I get the chance lol. Sometimes its easier in the morning because I haven't used all my brain power but its so rare I can even do so I take what I can get.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) As far as Faye? Uhh...only a little bit lol. Mainly just her love of the ocean and space and the fact we're both red heads. But she's way more wild/reckless than I am and gives less fucks about what others think or say about her. She also is always looking for trouble to get into while I prefer to fly under the radar. My other muse I currently play on a different blog is also a level headed doctor so I guess with him we're both chill and love pineapple lmao. Even characters in the past I've only shared one or two things. I dunno, I deal with myself on the daily and would rather explore something different than myself. Obviously, I need some things to align so I can understand the character but eh.
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘  the fantastic @ferinehuntress (thank you ;; )
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆 @vendettavalor @trashcollected @dimensionalspades @imprvdente @manufactoredxbyxdesign @musezieren @hellshire & anyone else
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katastronoot · 4 months
Hey! Would you recommend oil pastels? I grew up with chalk pastels from my grandmother and I loved them but the dust gets everywhere, even after the piece is done. I love your style BTW!
Oh thank you so much!!! I started with chalk pastels way back when in high school and yes they are dusty! Felt like I was inhaling pastel dust every day of my life 😅 when I started mainly using oil pastels I jumped around from brands. I began with pentel arts (I still do use these) they are more of a hard pastel. They’re oil but stiff enough they color almost like fancy crayons. Cheap good starter. Then I used more oily creamy pastels like Paul Reubens (on Amazon) or Mungyo. My husband just bought me a more expensive set this past Christmas and they are amazing! But I recommend you get well acquainted with pastels before using them because I go through the material like crazy. The first medium I am constantly having to buy because I use them a lot. But anyways that brand is Sennelier. It is more expensive but the quality is fantastic. Smooth creamy almost like a dry paint stick. I would use these all the time if they weren’t so pricey.
I just recommend that you take my advice and have fun with it do what works for you. I find myself using all of these brands depending on what type of drawing I am doing. I’ve honestly been wanting to make my own oil pastels to have a more variety of colors. That’s one experiment I have yet to try 😅 have fun! And thank you again for the ask and support with my art! I appreciate it!
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bunposting · 1 year
hi!! new zealand rabbit anon here again! i hope i’m not a bother but i love your posts and love adding my own advice and stories!
but for those wondering about rabbits in the heat, i raise in texas, my rabbits live outside year round, and here’s how i’ve managed!
- for starters, the wire hutch thing is totally true. my rabbits have large wire hutches with lots of air flow, and a roof raised about six inches above the tops of the cages to provide even more air flow. the cages are large enough for them to completely stretch out in (which they should be regardless) and they spend most of the summer days stretched out to get what little breeze they can. the hutches are also placed in the most sheltered and shady part of the yard, so they only have direct sunlight for a few hours a day at most
- electrolytes!! i bought a huge bottle from allthingsbunnies.com for pretty cheap and it’s lasted me multiple years. i try to provide them year round but especially in the summer. they increase water intake and help them to hold onto that hydration. super awesome!
- RABBIT POPSICLES! i love making these haha. i chop up some fruit, throw it in muffin tins, fill them with water and freeze for a few hours. the rabbits love them, and they’re a fun and enriching way to get them a bit of extra water for some tasty treats. i mostly use strawberries because that’s what we have on hand always, plus they have lots of water. i also occasionally, on those 100 degree days, provide ice packs. i tried the frozen water bottles but just like you, mine chewed right though them. now i use the hard plastic ice packs that can resist all kinds of chomping and stretching, and give the rabbits something cold to lick and lean against
i’ve been meaning to try out the granite/ceramic tile thing but never got around to it. thankfully my rabbits are pretty heat resistant, and i’ve never had a heatstroke yet! (anxiously crossing fingers lol)
and sorry, one last ramble for the other ask you answered. rabbit bucks are so sweet! mine would make a fantastic pet, and likely will when he’s ready to retire from the breeding scene. he’s cuddly, friendly, smart, and totally brave and curious about new things. he loves to be held. he won’t let me pour his food in the morning if he doesn’t get adequate head scratches first. if he’s outside in his playpen and not getting enough attention, he’ll jump the fence and come over for cuddles. the only downside is that he’s a sprayer. i’ve gotten it in my mouth before 💀. otherwise the sweetest rabbit you’ll meet.
my does are certainly not the same! even after having them for three years, one still doesn’t like me, and the other has only just started liking me within the last six months. they are much more temperamental, the only exception being when they are pregnant and nursing, likely from the oxytocin going on. i adore them regardless, but honestly if you’re looking for a sweet rabbit, get a buck!
thus ends my miles long ask. apologies for totally rambling in your inbox. have a lovely day!!
No need to apologize for the rambling - you've made such awesome additions here!!! Thanks so much for the ask!
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