heartsfortwotpot · 1 month
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who invited this guy???
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may I request a really really really smart villain. but somehow the hero manages to outsmart them, and even though villain is completely dumbfounded, they find it incredibly hot???
gl, if you wish, but im fine with anything !!
“You’re scared,” the villain whispered. “I know what that feels like. I know what it can do to a person.”
Their fingertips traced the hero’s clavicle gently, as if they attempted to calm a startled deer by stoking it.
“It’s not a pleasant emotion. It certainly isn’t one anyone should be used to. So I’m curious, do you need my help?” the villain said. Their eyes scanned the hero curiously. Almost as if they could absorb everything about them just by looking at them.
Something about the hero seemed to pull them in, something seemed to fascinate them on a grand scale and the hero couldn’t tell if they loved the challenge or the attention.
“Would you mind?” the hero asked. They nodded towards the villain’s fingers on their body and clearly, the villain received their message. They pulled away and smiled. Curiosity seemed to be their big weakness.
“I apologise, of course. I’m fond of pretty things.”
“As every crow is.”
“That’s a compliment.” The hero didn’t answer. They knew the villain was toying with them; they were fully aware of their sweet words and their kind smile.
The villain wasn’t easy to understand and that was a big problem in this whole mess. Incompetent people proposed a threat to the city because of their lack of intelligence. They weren’t easy to understand, they were unpredictable.
Usually, the hero could argue with smart people, could get into their minds and understand their motives but the villain was a complete minefield. Their unpredictability came from several unrelated plans that intertwined and altogether made up a whole picture.
They were ten steps ahead. Always.
Suddenly, a missing professor, a burning bakery, a sick child and a stolen book were parts of a chain that would make sense to the hero much, much later. Ordinary things could play huge parts in these reaction chains, something they liked to call “controlled butterfly effect”. It made the hero think of all the details, all the little crimes in the city. It made them overanalyse every little conversation they had with the villain.
Was the villain giving them clues?
Was there a way to decipher these riddles?
How could anyone be at ten different places at the same time?
How was it possible to get information you’d have to torture out of people without actually talking to anyone at all?
“I’ll have to change my address for the third time this month,” the hero said. “You should apologise for that as well.”
“It’s not my fault you make it so easy for me.” The villain looked around the hero’s living room and in some weird and strange way, the hero felt superior to them, now that everything was done. It would’ve been foolish to say they were relieved. In fact, the villain was right. They were terrified. “New choice of plants, I see. You like orchids?”
“Why exactly are you here?” the hero asked. They assumed the villain knew about yesterday. They also assumed the villain was here to talk about that. “So you can make fun of me? Humiliate me in my own home?”
“Without an audience? Please, I thought you knew me.” The villain’s eyes found the hero’s again after what they deemed to be enough observation.
“You like it more intimate. You like it when it’s just us.” Now, the villain looked intrigued.
“Touché,” they said, almost as if the hero had defeated them with a single word. The hero wished it had been that easy.
“Again. Why are you here?” The hero crossed their arms in front of their chest. It was getting quite chilly in just a shirt and underwear.
In response, the villain took in a deep breath and sat down on the hero’s couch. They lounged.
“When Hannibal crossed the Alps, do you think he was scared? I mean, all that responsibility on his shoulders? It was dangerous, he could’ve lost his entire army.”
“Is this supposed to be some metaphor for me being Hannibal and you being…what? The Roman Republic?” the hero asked. Sometimes, it was laughable where the villain’s mind went. It was hard enough to keep up with them already but the amount of knowledge the hero acquired from talking to them alone was insane.
It was the type of learning experience that required failing repeatedly to get to the answer. The hero didn’t enjoy it.
But the villain only chuckled.
“I was trying to say that being determined and scared can coexist. You did something that demands great courage.” They tilted their head. “And yet, it is a very scary thing.”
With slow steps, the hero approached them until they were close enough. They sat down on the villain’s lap. Unsurprisingly, their nemesis didn’t protest.
They weren’t proud of what had happened, they weren’t proud of what they’d done.
“How can a person obtain information no one dares to whisper?” the hero asked. “How can that person receive it within seconds?”
“You tell me,” the villain said. An invitation. It would’ve been illogical to decline.
“You had two helpers. Someone who can teleport. Someone who can turn invisible. I don’t know how you convinced them but they were heroes once.”
The villain nodded.
“The Romans had to learn the hard way how important spies are. They learnt it from the Carthaginian. Like I learnt from you years ago,” the villain said. It was difficult to imagine that all this was the hero’s fault. “Now, tell me what you did when you found out.”
The hero was quiet until the villain’s palm brushed their thigh softly. The villain seemed unfittingly euphoric.
“I knew they wouldn’t be easy to keep in a cell.”
“So I killed them.” The villain nodded.
“You killed them,” the villain agreed. “Did you know crows wait for other predators to tear open their prey?”
The hero waited. The villain wasn’t angry. They were fascinated. It hadn’t even occurred to the hero that this was the solution up until yesterday.
And still, even though this was a major success when it came to stopping the villain, it wasn’t satisfactory. Killing two of their own people hadn’t been pretty.
“Did you know curiosity killed the cat?” the hero asked back. Behind their back, they clenched their fist to stop their hand from shaking.
Within seconds, several red laser dots pointed at the villain. With the hero on their lap, pressing them into the couch, there wasn’t anywhere to go. The sharpshooters wouldn’t let the villain move a muscle.
And behind the shocked expression, the hero saw something they weren’t sure if they loathed or liked: a certain admiration for only them.
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heldenherzchen · 11 months
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thursday, august 10 day 4: last minute confession (@benthan-week-forever)
Benji sat in front of his laptop, tears streaming down his face.
He had just heard Ethan confess his love for him over the coms - and then the line went dead. Dead. Like Ethan, he thought.
The blonde was beside himself with grief.
He tried and tried and tried to get a hold of the other one, but there was no response. Benji was consumed with worry and fear, not knowing what had happened to the man he loved.
As he sat there, lost in his thoughts, memories of Ethan flooded his mind. He remembered the way the brunette looked at him, the sound of his voice, the touch of his hand. He realized how much he loved Ethan, and how much he wanted to spend the rest of his life with him.
Benji sat there for what felt like hours, waiting for any news about his partner..
Finally, the coms line crackled to life, and Ethan's voice came through.
"Benji, are you there?" he said, his voice rough.
Benji was overjoyed to hear his voice, bursting into tears once again.
"Ethan, I thought you were dead," he said, his voice choked with emotion.
"I'm okay, Benji," Ethan replied, "I made it out alive, thanks to you."
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tastymarbar · 3 months
oh my god I was watching a let's play of P3 reload and one of them called odagiri "onigiri" and now i'm picturing femc calling him onigiri and rraaaghh my heart
(bonus: keisuke catches on and also starts calling him onigiri and odagiri wants to say something but at the same time he can't bc omg his cute smiley brunette friends are calling him onigiri and his brain decided this was a great time to be bisexual)
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cryingweeb · 11 months
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A clip from their worst battle—The Archer—two years ago played, and Marinette felt dizzy. Onscreen was Chat Noir—Adrien—and Marinette recognized the look on his face from the years of nightmares that followed. The way his mask gave way, in a sense, seconds before the akuma turned on him. Wide eyes that looked to her in his last moment—pleading. Like she was his last hope. Like she was the only one who could save him. The way she didn’t move. The look on someone’s face right before they die.
Here's a not-so-quick sketch I did for chapter 5 of call it even, @sha-nwa and @anna-scribbles 's fanfic!! I know this isn't the main focus of the chapter but this scene got stuck in my head and I had to put in paper kinda how I imagined it 😭
This chapter was amazing!! I'm completely obsessed with this fic. Thank you so much for sharing it with us 💖💖💕
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jazzzzzzhands · 1 month
oh hi hello!! the rare bit of talking i do on here!!
i'm not sure how to celebrate! i'm not used to being! Visable!!
Im normally very under-the-radar, so to see i even have fans!!
well its all been very exciting!!
But thank you!! I'm glad to see so many of us
(and also dont mind my random reblogs of other fandoms and aesthetic)
I'm currently prepping art for MUCH later dates!
taking things slowly right now!
but still here, still in love with Wally! as we all are!!
I hope everyone remembers to take care of your
Body and Mind and Soul!
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kattitude130 · 2 months
the neighbors dropped off a baby kitten they found while i’m staying overnight somewhere else so i’m trying to give advice to my dad and brother on how to take care of it over the phone oh gosh oh gosh
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themintman · 7 months
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funfactory · 2 years
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chaeyoung + stay this way stages — requested by @miyawaki
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beckiboos · 10 months
Me when I start act 3
“Well I guess I better design my next character”
And this is why I have never finished the game
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sweetronancer · 5 months
one of my friends is like totally against ronance, which i totally respect but she won't even give it a chance? like if she would just hear me out surely she wouldn't think its gross- but like thats apart of her beliefs yk? which i completely understand, but if it wasn't for that then maybe she should give it a chance. she was like "nancy and robin wouldn't even work-" but they would, they definitely would. they compliment each others personalities. they're both good (great even) characters and they basically lift each other up at times, like when robin gives that whole like "speech" at pennhurst, nancy seems sort of proud or like relieved because for once she didn't have to do the heavy lifting for a case. she didn't know what to say at all in that moment and sure maybe robin doesnt know what to say most of the time (?) but like she fucking saved their asses. robin knows more about nancy than she knows about vickie and i feel like that's important? like why would you pair robin and nancy for an entire season yet make robin still chase after this girl she just barely knows.
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Bro HELP, I was at ponytown, Cosplaying Agent and a Gold cosplayer started roasting me 😭🙏 they started saying names like
"Agent south"
"against west"
"inverted cow"
"bad sense of fashion"
Theres more in the tags
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ushiwhacka · 1 year
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she’s almost glowing as she stands in the dimmed light of your cramped kitchen. toned arms peeking from underneath her loose t-shirt, hair pulled loosely from her face, she moves between the counters with so much grace. humming as she bumps the drawers closed, she then focuses her attention on the vegetables laid out in front of her. prodding and inspecting them carefully, just in case they’re not worthy of the meal she’s cooking. not worthy of you.
“are you just g’na stand there and watch, pretty girl?”
a breath catches in your throat. “well, i was enjoying the view.” yuki turns her head to look at you, eyebrows knitted together. and you shuffle on your feet towards her under her lingering gaze. “can i help?” the question punctuated with a bump of your hips into her. 
“go ahead.” 
you can feel her presence behind you as you fiddle with the knife. hands trembly slightly, knowing that she’s there looking over your shoulder. still desperate to impress her in any little way that you can manage. and you can almost feel how her molten eyes move from your exposed neck, down the slope of your shoulders, and then settle on your hands. your hands that become clammy and clumsy in her presence. 
then the blade slips against the curve of the carrot one too many times, way too close to the pads of your pretty fingers and, in a flash, she’s towering above you. “let me show you.” 
her hand covers yours over the handle of the knife as she moulds it into a perfect grip. you’re trying to focus, really, but it’s so hard when you can feel the rise of her chest on your back, when your skin flushes with heat at the way she presses against you, tummy digging into the edge of the counter.
then she leans down, so close that her breath tickles the shell of your ear. “isn’t this better?” her voice warm and low, nearly a whisper. “slice, don’t push down.” 
she knows what she’s doing. she knows that your spine is tingling with excitement, curving into her. she knows the way her lips almost touch the soft skin of your earlobe is enough to send your head spinning and make your lungs still between your ribs. and she knows you’ll whimper oh so sweetly at the sound of a good girl when you follow her instructions. 
and she uses it against you. until you’re pliant and needy in her arms. then she takes your chin between her her thumb and index finger, tips your head back, rewards you with a kiss that tastes of wine, rich and sweet. 
your lips chase after hers, left wanting and desperate for more of her. but all you get is an amused huff. “you have to eat your vegetables first.”
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valentine's special for @strawberrystepmom <3
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silvercap-art · 4 months
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WIP (?) for @thebrandywine's pull me under <33 (go read it!!)
This was my first ever attempt at an actual digital painting lol and it's very much a sketch (if the stock background image didn't give it away 😭) but this scene by the water is so captivating to me and I had to try and put it into art!
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reubyrp · 9 months
Around him are people enjoying the blazing sun in as little clothing as possible. But here sits Avon, on a silly beach towel, with his office uniform still on. He doesn't understand why people enjoy burning every part of their skin on a crowded beach, doesn't that cause cancer? Wouldn't humans want to avoid this?
Out there, Avon's husband and his adoptive dad are having some fun in the ocean. They're both violently throwing water at each other and laughing hysterically, apparently that's a fun human thing too. Avon doesn't think that's fun, but he does find kitesurfing rather fun.
As he lays there continuing to roast himself in the sun, something sets his off his sensors. It feels similar to when he is in the presence of another one of his creators clones. Avon sits up, looking around the place for any indication of another clone- but there's no one present that looks like him. Another AI being? That can't be. In any case, Avon stands up, dusting the sand off himself as he glances around the beach, scanning each individual person. There's a lot of them to get through... maybe this other being will present themselves? Or maybe he'll find them...
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