#(abysswalker artorias my beloved~)
karpachev · 11 months
i'll always be with you
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I replayed ds1 and that dlc is making me cry again :'(
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gauthierwill · 1 year
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playing dark souls for the first time rn
also i feel like I forgot how to draw..
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scrawnytreedemon · 2 years
Micolash and Arty!!
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This guy. This fucking guy. This horrid, awful, howling mess of a guy with his nails-on-a-chalkboard voice and dead fucking stare.
He does well inillustrating the fucking insanity of the Church and TECHNICALLY he's fulfilled his role but I WANT M O R E !!! ALSO I AM S T I L L pissed about the Bloodborne fandom wiki having fuck all on him last I checked. Oh??? You're gonna mention his tenure at Byrgenwerth??? But not the fact he potentially FOUNDED MENSIS and almost certainly led it by time of the ritual????!?!? ARE YOU FUCKING K I D D I NG ME?!?!?
On one hand my characterisation of him meshes well with the wider interpretation but at the same time I am so picky and will throw a FIT over peope getting minor, subtle details wrong in a fic. In private, ofc~ I'm not a fucking cock, lmao.
Also??? What is UP with his fuckigngng MODEL DISCREPANCY??? LIke??? DID THEY EVEN LOOK?? We don't even have public CONCEPT ART for his face even though they MUST'VE S U R E LY drawn something up??!?!
Cutscene!Micolash? Creepy, dishevelled, if alright looking guy. Ingame!Mico? Albino frog crossed with the "WHEN WILL YOU LEARN" bread. Literally what is wrong with him. Eurgh. Makes my OCDtism face-aversion worse. -10000/10.
Gotta cut it off here before I fill a whole book's worth... But YEAH. Damn right he's a blorbo. Bingo well-earned.
Artorias: Artorias is a beautiful illustration about the simultaneous all-giving and yet hollowness of Lordran's valour. He has offered himself, blood, flesh, body and soul, for the protection of this realm, and it has consumed him. Everything about him, everything that made him who he was, gnawed off to this end.
I'm a bit iffy on the concept of, "oh, you actually saved Oolacile all along :) Lmao Artorias took credit. What a punk." I know I'm being facetious, but that's kinda what it feels like. It feels... Inserty, y'know? Our purpose, if any, is to link the Flame-- And it's not ours alone. That's what I like about Dark Souls, and Fromsoft games in general; it didn't have to be you. It was not preordained that you, O' player, would fix shit and save the day. There were others that came before you, greater in magnitude. And yet, that doesn't matter. You pick up the pieces. You sweep the ashes. You make bed for change.
Also I headcanon him as having a more North African bent to him. I think it goes well with his palette and the sun-themeing, and also I love projecting~ (mixed babes keep winning!)
Thank you for asking, Bug! Enjoy~
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lesbianviolet · 2 years
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hghhghg huge fucking sord
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bigprettygothgf · 3 years
recompleted dark souls 3 yesterday. this game just feels so hollow*, sometimes in a very good way and other times in a pretty bad way. when the game is enforcing a very deep sense of lifelessness, isolation, and collective sense of apathy over the complete lack of hope, the emptiness is very good. when the game feels devoid of life because it’s struggling to find its own identity that doesn’t rely on dark souls 1, is when it fails. i wouldn’t necessarily mind the bombardment of ds1 references, callbacks, and reuse, cuz i mean hey, that was going to happen regardless and when you’re ending your beloved series you have to bring things full circle. but there are times where this really feels like it’s succumbing to the post-last jedi syndrome of “oh god people didn’t like that last entry, we better bring back a bunch of stuff from that other one people liked to make em happy!”. as i said the game can’t quite seem to find its own identity which, say what you will about dark souls 2, that game established itself as its own entity very easily. dark souls 3 does a very good job of showing the rot of the world around it and the way in which this cycle of decay is doomed to endlessly repeat itself, but thematically it contradicts itself by simultaneously using elements of dark souls 1 as signifiers of how ugly life here is, and always was, despite how it may have appeared, while also using them to make you nostalgic to those things as if none of those story elements even matter. it’s weird in a way that’s difficult to put into words exactly and people that don’t really give a shit about thematic elements or lore in these games probably aren’t even going to care in that way, but it bothers me. i think anor londo is maybe the finest example of what i’m talking about. you can argue that anor londos reappearance is to show you how grey and lifeless this once golden and lively city was....but dark souls 1 already did that once you saw through gwyndolin’s illusion. that was never anor londo. we already know anor londo is not the majestic haven it projects itself to be. there’s no actual reason to show us again besides reminding you that you liked playing through that place in the first game. it’s probably stupid to get so hung up on anor londo specifically since it is essentially just a glorified cameo area to get to a boss, but there are better, far less intrusive ways of doing this, such as the blink-and-you’ll-miss-it firelink shrine ruins under earthen peak. and the earthen peak ruins don’t count as a nostalgia bait cameo because no one in the fucking world played through earthen peak and thought damn i loved that place, hope it shows up in dark souls 3! it’s there so that the ringed city expansion quite literally takes you back through the entire series. i’m okay with that here.
and this is probably an even more nonsensical thing to criticise since its a dlc addition, and they cant really just go back and fundamentally alter the main game to accommodate it, but i really wish they gave a better air of finality to and made it so the credits roll after you give the painter the blood of the dark soul. as the true ending of the trilogy it carries far more emotional weight than the base game endings do on their own, but it’s restricted to an NPC interaction that a lot of less scrupulous players are going to miss altogether.
i will say i think this has my favorite bosses collectively of the 3. i don’t think any boss in the series could hope to trump the rush of beating ornstein & smough or artorias the abysswalker for the first time, but while dark souls 1 also has its fair share of pretty shit bosses (capra demon, pinwheel, iron golem, the bed of chaos, etc) and ds2 has too many suckers to count, i can really only think of 1  ½ total duds in ds3, those being champion’s gravetender/gravetender greatwolf, and the first phase of the nameless king. the gravetender duo is just an npc you can stunlock to death and reused enemies you already saw in the dlc. it’s kind of insulting. and then there’s the first phase of the nameless king, which pretty much epitomises dark souls 3′s terrible camera, as you’ll be fucked whether you lock on or not, and the weird hitboxes and (highly) disorienting arena just makes it even more frustrating than it ever reasonably should be. i only count it as a ½  because the 2nd phase is enjoyable enough. high lord wolnir also comes close gameplay-wise but that fight looks so cool that i’m willing to let it slide. i mean its a giant fucking skeleton so big we cant even see all of him. come on. but aside from those you have incredible fights like pontiff sulyvahn, champion gundyr, sister friede, darkeater midir, slave knight gael... all unforgettable fights that rank among the best i’ve ever experienced. as much as i will defend dark souls 2, the bosses in this game put the vast majority of the ones from 2 to absolute shame.
overall i will never be on the full fledged “fuck dark souls 3″ train, there’s just too many good things about it to fully dismiss, but now that i’ve played (and nearly 100%ed, give me like 10 days) all of them back to back multiple times, i do think it’s the weakest of the trilogy. when it soars, it fucking soars, but when it falls short it kind of sours the whole product.
*no pun intended. sorry
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Okay so i dont know much about darksouls,i did not have the patience to play it when i was younger.
So i might buy the remastered and play that,but i watched some videos and i have a question; whats your take on Sif? A good boy? The goodest boy with a sword? 😭 it makes me sad
Also the OST??? Is so fucking pretty and just?? Seems so right for that atmosphere.
So i guess another question; whats a favourite(if you have one) dark souls ost?
God SoulsBorne games all so fucking good and totally devastating once you actually look beyond the surface and start piecing the story together for yourself and/or listening to vaatividya hash it all out. They arguably tell better stories than some of the most famous JRPGs, imo, but you gotta be willing to search it out for yourself.
Sif is an extremely good boy that’s just defending his master’s (Artorias the Abysswalker’s) grave. I kind of feel like it’s a protection for his name/legacy/beloved master and friend in return for way Artorias protected Sif in the past. The DLC actually manages to make the whole story even sadder, and it absolutely kills me. I can always trust it to bust me up every time I’ve ever had to kill him. :(
Also, I’m super excited to point out that the OSTs only get better with each entry into the series. My personal favorites from each SoulsBorne game + Sekiro (all links sfw/go to YT):
Demon’s Souls — Maiden Astrea (tho the PS5 Remake’s Flamelurker theme is incredible. I have never seen a piece of music get a glow up quite like this before.) This is also sort of random but the hellkite drake remix of Maiden Astrea’s theme is one of my favorite things like... ever.
Dark Souls — Moonlight Butterfly (hands down favorite, though Ornstein and Smough’s theme is still incredible, to date.)
Dark Souls 2 — Sir Alonne (this is also my favorite boss fight of the entire DS series)
Dark Souls 3 — The Dancer of the Boreal Valley (all of DS3’s tracks are so good tho. Even the covers of pop songs they used for advertising nailed the mood.)
Bloodborne — Cleric Beast (PLEASE listen to this knowing that this is the theme for the FIRST fucking boss who is also OPTIONAL. It shouldn’t be allowed to be this incredible but it is. Also the close runner-up is The Hunter’s Dream. It’s such a pretty piece.)
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice — The Divine Dragon (I urge you to watch it with the boss fight.)
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mrslittletall · 5 years
Title: A Storm is coming (Chapter 10) Fandom: Dark Souls Characters: Chosen Undead/Dragon Slayer Ornstein Word Count: 2.985 AO3-Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16603610/chapters/45785419 Previous chapter: https://mrslittletall.tumblr.com/post/185270390139/title-a-storm-is-coming-chapter-9-fandom-dark
Summary: Tempest finds out a few things about the dragon slayer.
(Author's note: I plan to get these two back into the action soon, but for now I needed another chapter of fluff and pining ^^)
Tempest expected Ornstein to be mad, but he looked more surprised. As if he wasn't expecting Tempest to march into the bath. Maybe he just hadn't registered the situation and would get mad in a few seconds when it clicked.
While Tempest waited for Ornstein to explode, he noticed that the dragon slayer had his long hair pinned-up on his head, only the shorter bangs dangling down framing his face. Tempest could spot his muscular chest, rested his eye on the scar for a brief moment, guilt bubbling up in his stomach and then couldn't help but look farther down, while the water was steaming hot, it still was crystal clear.
And what he saw made Tempest face flush red, he could feel the nosebleed coming and before he knew it, his world had become dark.
Ornstein had been quick to catch Tempest with one arm when he collapsed with a nosebleed. He might be unable to truly die, but drowning from having passed out in the bathroom wasn't something Ornstein wanted to put the little Undead through.
He carefully lifted him up and brought him to the side of the pool, using the towel Tempest had seemingly brought as a pillow, carefully pushing the head through the side. The nosebleed was already ceasing.
Ornstein started to shiver. He fetched his own towel and dried himself up, planning to bind it around his waist, then remembering that Tempest was of course wet too and he quickly rubbed the little Undead dry before covering his private parts with it.
Technically he should have covered Tempest too, but they were out of towels. Ornstein already had washed him once, so he hopefully wouldn't mind. Back then, the little storm hadn't acted modest a lot.
Sitting down next to Tempest, Ornstein started to reminiscent. A situation like this had once happened to him too.
When he had broken his arm during a duel with Artorias, the master had invited him into his personal bathroom to help him clean himself up. Ornstein, who had a massive crush on the master back then, but didn't knew that the master actually reciprocated them, had waited in the bathtub for the master to join him and got completely blown away when he hadn't covered his private parts one bit, passing out with a nosebleed.
When he had came back to, the master had carefully laid him down on the ground, not unlike Ornstein had laid out Tempest right now.
This reaction could only mean that Tempest was attracted to him.
Ornstein honestly didn't knew how to feel about this.
He had to admit, he had gotten strangely fond of the little storm the last few days. He made lots of efforts during training, his cooking tasted pretty good and it was nice having some company.
Still, he was nothing more than a pawn to link the flame. Ornstein just had to escort him until this was done and then he was free to go, free to search for his master. There was no need to get attached.
Besides, he had killed Smough. Even knowing that the both of them had been a mere test for the “Chosen Undead”, Ornstein missed him deeply and still felt a grudge that his beloved was gone, never to see again.
Stilll... Ornstein knew that it was unfair to hold the grudge against Tempest. He only did what he had been told.
Ornstein sighed. He wasn't falling in love with him, right? It probably was just pity, yes, it had to be pity. That was all.
And thinking about it, Ornstein didn't mind the company of the little Undead as much anymore. Maybe he just considered him a friend? That must be it.
Still, he really shouldn't get attached. Ornstein exactly knew what fate awaited Tempest.
Speaking of him, Tempest lowly groaned and started to open his eyes.
The first thing Tempest noticed was the face of the dragon slayer staring at him, the second that he felt quite cold and the third, that he was indeed completely naked. He shot up, face flushed red.
“Are you awake? Maybe you shouldn't move that sudden right away, you were passed out.”, Ornstein casually said. Tempest noticed that luckily the dragon slayer had tied a towel around his waist. The naked rest of him though, still looked very desirable. Tempest quickly looked elsewhere.
“I am sorry, I didn't want to invade in the bath, I just wanted to get myself clean.”, he started to ramble. “I missed baths.”, he added.
“Well then, the pool is all yours, I feel clean enough.”, Ornstein said and stood up. “You probably want to clean that nosebleed up anyway.”
Tempest touched his nose and indeed felt the crusted blood of his nosebleed. That was even more embarrassing. Passing out with a nosebleed in front of Ornstein like this. Tempest slowly went back into the pool, glancing at Ornstein. The dragon slayer didn't make any attempts to comment further on this whole incident. Tempest gaze wandered from the towel around Ornstein's waist to his still dry hair.
“Wait.”, he shouted.
Ornstein, who almost was out of the door, turned around, giving him an impatient look.
“Aren't you planning on washing your hair?”, Tempest asked.
“With hair as long as mine it is too much of a hassle to wash it every single bath.”, Ornstein replied, calm and collected.
“I could help you.”, Tempest offered.
Ornstein stared at him a little while longer, before dropping a single “No.” and leaving the bathroom for good.
The next morning, when Tempest accompanied Ornstein for breakfast, he suddenly spoke: “So how did you found out?”
How rare for Ornstein to be the one to speak up. Although, Tempest felt confused, raising a brow, he asked: “What do you mean?”
“Gwyndolin.”, Ornstein said. “You came into the Dark Moon Tomb to ask for help, why wouldn't you try and ask the princess for help first while she is right there?”
“Oh, I did ask Princess Gwynevere first.”, Tempest explained. “But after I told her my whole deal, she just replied with the same thing she told me the first time. I decided to try around a bit and she was saying the same thing over and over again, regardless what I said. I had the feeling that something was fishy then.”
Ornstein simply nodded and made a hand gesture that implied for Tempest to go on with his story.
“I visited the catacombs once. I didn't do much there granted, it was mostly me running and screaming from all the skeletons, falling down several holes. However, I must have picked up something shiny on the way, because I awoke at Fire Link Bonfire with a ring in my hand.”
Tempest could hear Ornstein huff about this part of the story, he probably had called him an idiot mentally.
“I looked at the ring and recognized the symbol of the blades of the dark moon. I remembered the old tales about Lord Gwyn's last born, a goddess that punished the sinners and was able to create powerful illusions.
I also remembered the tales that Princess Gwynevere had left Anor Londo a long time ago. Her appearance here was quite strange, wasn't it?”
“You seem to be smarter than I thought.”, Ornstein mentioned between bites.
“So I figured that Princess Gwynevere is merely an illusion, created by Dark Sun Gwyndolin and where else would I search for the Dark Sun as in a place literally called the Dark Moon Tomb? When I went there with the ring, the statue of Lord Gwyn disappeared and then... then I met you.”, Tempest finished his story. “And you know the rest.”
“And you were lucky.”, Ornstein said. “That it was me standing there. Gwyndolin could have easily taken your actions as heresy and attacked right away. What they almost did.”
Tempest paled a bit at the thought of how close the Dark Sun had been to release their magic on him. If that would have happened, he probably would have gone hollow for sure.
“Thankfully, everything turned out just fine.”, Tempest said with a sigh of relief.
“Just fine. And that says the one who rushed into a fight with a dragon completely unprepared.”, Ornstein scoffed. “You better be prepared for today's training session.”
Tempest really didn't like the grin that appeared on Ornstein's face.
After the training and dinner was over (Ornstein didn't lie, he was pretty brutal this day), Tempest decided to read a few books and ended up in what was probably once the conference room of the knights, where he sat down at the table and started to flip open the pages of the first book.
He didn't knew why, but the wooden boards with paintings of the other knights made him feel at ease somehow. They had kind of a comforting feel to them. And Tempest didn't even knew them in person (besides Ornstein of course).
After Tempest had finished the first book, his gaze landed on the painting of Artorias, the Abysswalker.
Although hidden mostly by the hood, the smile on that painting felt so gentle and warm. Tempest started to rummage around in his belongings until he found it.
A ring with a wolf engraved on it. It was said that this ring once believed to the Abysswalker. Tempest traced the wolf on the ring, silently asking himself how the ring had landed in the Dark Root Garden. Shouldn't it had been buried with the Abysswalker? Tempest heard that there was a grave behind the sealed door in Dark Root Garden...
“Where have you found this?”
Tempest startled at the sudden voice. He turned around to see Ornstein standing in the doorway, dressed simply in a night shirt (with a sheep pattern on it, of all things), hair loosely tied in a ponytail, as if he just wanted to have it out of the way.
“Well?”, Ornstein said further, clearly growing impatient. Tempest stared down at the ring, understanding.
“I found it on a withered corpse in Dark Root Garden, a path behind a living tree, where all this strange stone soldiers are.”, Tempest replied. “I was just asking myself how it landed there. I would have thought that it would have been buried with him.”
Ornstein left the doorway and crossed the way to the table with three strides.
“Sif had it. Artorias bequeathed his sword and his ring to Sif. Judging that you have it, doesn't mean, that...” Ornstein gazes locked on Tempest, who felt like shrinking under it. Even though the face of the dragon slayer was surprisingly not intimidating, his glare still got to him.
“I just told you I found it on a corpse and it wasn't the corpse of a wolf.”, Tempest defended himself.
“Maybe Sif lost it then.”, Ornstein mused, instantly getting calm again. “And the person who picked it up didn't make it far before dying or hollowing for good.” Ornstein sat down on the table. “I would like you to give this ring back to Sif once we visit Artorias' grave. It belongs to her anyway.”
Tempest nodded. It felt like the dragon slayer meant this very serious.
“Um, what about the rings of the other knights?”, he asked, having gotten curious. The wolf ring had been the only one he found.
“The leo ring doesn't leave my finger.”, Ornstein answered and indeed, Tempest could spot it on the ring finger of his left hand. Ornstein stared at it intensely before continuing, as if the ring had a greater meaning. “The hawk ring has been given into the care of one of Gough's friend. He never told me who it was, so I don't know where it is. And Ciaran's ring is still with her.”
Huh, that last one sounded a bit strange. Was Ciaran still alive? Tempest had to admit, besides of Artorias, he hadn't heard of any deaths of the other knights. Ornstein was in front of him and still very much alive. What happened to Gough and Ciaran? Tempest gaze flickered over to their wooden board versions.
Tempest didn't expect the dragon slayer to suddenly start speaking about them.
“They make feel this room less lonely. Sometimes it is easier to pretend...” Ornstein stood up. “I have said enough.” He walked back to the door.
“Um, just one question.”, Tempest started, Ornstein turned around and made it wordlessly clear that he wouldn't wait long. “Shouldn't you be in bed?”
“Couldn't sleep.”, Ornstein sighed.
“I don't mind having some company at night.”, Tempest said. “It gets lonely quick.”
Ornstein didn't came back into the room, but he felt he saw the tiniest smile at the corners of his lips, before he turned around and left for good.
Tempest shouted one last “Good night.”, to him before he put his attention back to the books on the table.
The next day Tempest prepared the meal in the kitchen like usual. After a few minutes he had the feeling that something was missing and when he was turning around, he noticed, that Ornstein hadn't sneaked into the kitchen to watch him cook in the meantime. Weird, normally he would have gotten up by now.
Tempest shrugged it off, maybe Ornstein just wanted to have some extra sleep. After all, he had told him yesterday night that he had trouble sleeping. He finished cooking the meal, put the lid on the pot and seated himself down at the table, waiting.
After around an hour was gone by, Tempest started to worry. He got up, doused the fire in the stove and went into the direction where he remembered Ornstein's room was. He found the right hallway and entered the first room, only after he entered did it came to his mind that maybe he should have knocked first.
To Tempest's luck it had been the wrong room. There was nobody in there and the dust on it implied that there hadn't been anyone in there since years. Still, the room looked like it was ready to greet back its inhabitant any moment. The bed had blue sheets on it and there was a book on the night stand.
Curiosity took over and so Tempest found himself closer to the night stand and picked up the book, flipping it open, surprised to see that it was a hand written recipe book, written in the most beautiful hand writing he had ever seen. Flipping through the pages, he noticed that pretty much every recipe was of cookies or cakes, there also were some drawings accompanying the recipes, showing how the recipe should turn out.
When Tempest closed the book, he saw that it was signed with the name of Artorias. He felt a slight lump in his throat. It seemed he had wandered into the room of the Abyss Walker. And he had expected a LOT to find in this room, but not something like this.
Tempest didn't know why, but he decided to pocket the book. He surely wanted to test out the recipes in the book, but he felt a bit guilty moving it from its places.
Tempest just hoped that nobody would mind.
Tempest left the room again, going to the next door. This time he knocked. And waited. When there wasn't an answer, he knocked again, waited a short time and then opened the door when he didn't heard anything.
The worst case scenario was that he would surprise Ornstein by an activity he didn't want to be seen doing (but wouldn't he have locked the door then?), the best case scenario would be that the room would be empty again.
To Tempest relief, it was the room of the dragon slayer and he simply was still in bed, sleeping. Tempest still found it weird, he normally would have gotten up already. Even if he had trouble sleeping, Tempest felt like Ornstein was the kind who wouldn't oversleep greatly like this then. Tempest decided to wake Ornstein and stepped closer to the bed.
Now how should he go and wake an over two meter tall demigod? Tempest considered his options for a moment, but then decided that it was no use, he just had to try, so he leaned down, extened his hand and nudged Ornstein. “Um, Ornstein? It would already be time for training...”, he murmured, as if still being afraid to wake the dragon slayer.
Tempest wouldn't had guessed in a million years what happened next, because he felt himself being pulled in a tight hug. Before he even knew it, he had been completely pulled into the bed, Ornstein practically cuddling him like he was some kind of stuffed animal.
Tempest immediately felt his face flush red and also the feeling of dread started to creep into him.
“When he wakes up, I am dead.”, Tempest thought to himself. It would be the best if he managed to remove himself from this situation, gently, careful, to not wake up the dragon slayer and act like this never ever happened.
Sadly, the embrace of Ornstein was simply too strong. Tempest had no chance slipping out of it and even when he tried to struggle as hard as he could, it simply seemed to tighten the embrace.
Now Tempest wasn't only fearing anymore to die when Ornstein woke up, but also to get squished in this embrace, the dragon slayer was so strong and in his sleep he clearly didn't notice that he wasn't cuddling with whatever he thought or dreamed about it was. Tempest already mentally prepared himself for his awakening at the bonfire, when the dragon slayer opened his eyes, staring at him in what looked like a shocked expression. (Author's note: Lately I end my chapters too often on romance tropes =D ) Next chapter: https://mrslittletall.tumblr.com/post/185911951349/title-a-storm-is-coming-chapter-11
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Journal Entry: 1001
“Ages has passed since I accepted the weight of leadership upon my shoulders for the city of Eleum Loyce. It is not an easy task, and one I doubt I would be able to easily accomplish, had it not been for my knights of the flams aiding me. I just hope that in my tenure as Lord, that I would be capable of making the Ivory King deem me a worthy successor to his great name.
Thinking back now, it seems so surreal. Going from nothing but a puppet to the Way of White, to Undead Wanderer, then to being the one they so called ‘Knight King’. A long way, almost too long, paved with blood, tears, innards. Will it prove my sacrifices to be worthy? Though granted, most of what I had to gave up were due to nothing but my own foolishness, power hungry as I had been ages past...
Till this day I regret my choices so. The power of the Abyss had given me strength, aye, it had given me insight I had never realized before, but it hungers too. I was almost consumed as Artorias the Abysswalker had been, and lucky was I to have escaped such a fate. But in the process I had lost him, my beloved Prince of Thieves, all because I craved the knowledge of someone that truly knows the depths and extent of the abyss!
I do not regret meeting him, my beloved Lukas, but I only wish I could have undone what injuries I had inflicted. Betrayal was the most horrendous of crimes, one that I punished personally with the most severe of punishments here in Eleum Loyce. Yet I had been one to commit exactly this sin - oh Gwyndolin, the great Dark Sun, what had I done..?”
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