#(almost) all is forgiven
rushinintolove · 1 month
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dollypopup · 14 days
Penelope did nothing wrong
fuck you!!! Penelope did everything wrong!! She has made not 1 (one) good decision in the entirety of her life!!! And guess what?
she wins! her husband is down bad obsessed with her, she'll mend her friendship with her bestie, she has a career, she marries into a rich, nice family!
Penelope Featherington girlfailed her way to victory! She's not for the peeps who are always making good choices and coming out on top. She's for me, for us messes, and it means so much to me that she fucks up and is loved dearly. Don't you dare take that away!
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moongothic · 6 months
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In reference to this post; I was gonna reply in the comments but once again, it got too long, and I figured I might as well make a brief post about this because shit's interesting but the OG post was getting so long I didn't want to extend it any further. So. New post.
But I'm also going to make this a lowkey follow-up to this post, where I briefly talked about whether or not Crocodile is worthy of a redemption. Because I did have multiple people reply to it, mentioning they don't think Crocodile needs a redemption, which isn't wrong. Villian redemptions come down to personal preference (some people like them more than others generally speaking), and the specific circumstances of a character and the story they go through. (Personally, I am a fucking sucker for a good redemption story, and One Piece? Has how many redeemed villians? Kuma, Hatchan and Bon-chan? Perona too? Buggy and Mr 3 if we're generous??? I'm sure I'm forgetting someone, but the ratio is quite low is my point) The reason I want to bring that up again, is that depending on what Crocodile's trauma really boils down to (**since we don't know for sure what it is**), it could go against the very core messages of One Piece if he just dies without that trauma being resolved. And at the same time, if his trauma is what I think it is, then he can not heal from it without being redeemed. And the opposite is true as well, if his trauma isn't what I think it is, then he doesn't need to heal from it, and he doesn't need to be redeemed. I do have a whole separate post slow cooking in my drafts right now so I don't want to go too deep into that subject here and now. But the point is. If we want Crocodile to open up and be vunerable and heal from his shit, it means he's either getting a redemption arc or redemption in death. The latter is way fucking sadder, but again, a whole separate post.
BTW quick apology but I figured since there's a bunch of shit in this post that I've written about separately before, I might as well link to those posts for like context, so people can get where I'm coming from with my nonsense while keeping this post brief-ish
BUT ONTO THE ACTUAL SUBJECT As I have kind of mentioned before, I do think Crocodile probably has multiple layers of trauma going for him
We know losing to Whitebeard Did Things to his psyche for certain
I think it's very plausible he might've been betrayed by his former crew if he ever had one
I think it's likely Dragon didn't take too well to him transitioning
And between that and Crocodile already having tried to kill Luffy multiple times, he probably believes his son would never accept him as his other dad, especially since he already hates him.
(And I do think it's likely he might have some additional early childhood trauma based on how Oda writes these things normally but whatever that could be is an absolute mystery)
And if I'm right and those are (some of) the different layers of his trauma, then for Crocodile to open up and heal from it you'd need to do it step-by-step, layer by layer
I think Luffy accepting Crocodile would be the most important thing, above all else. Because if Crocodile loving and caring about his son is the only shred of humanity left in him, if Luffy is the only thing Crocodile cares about anymore while believing no one else will ever do so for him, then having that feeling returned is the key to getting Crocodile to just start to heal. If his son can't accept and forgive him then what would it matter what anyone else thinks? In my mind, Luffy is The Sledgehammer that can break Crocodile's walls.
But that's the first layer, the first step to getting Crocodile to become vunerable
If he does have that betrayal-based trauma, then I think finding people who would actually follow him and be loyal to him would help him heal on that front. And... This probably sounds strange, but I think Mihawk is the best candidate for it. Not just because he could be to Croc what Zoro is to Luffy (in many ways), and not just because of the Romancing SaGa 2 comparisons, but because Crocodile does already seem to respect Mihawk on some level. Like he specifically invited Mihawk to start Cross Guild with. IDK if they have like shared history before or if it's just because they're Fellow Former Warlords or simply because he knows Mihawk is strong and in a vunerable position (after losing his Shichibukai Rights) or what, but despite Crocodile saying he doesn't trust people, he seems to trust Mihawk enough to invite him. And he seems to respect Mihawk's opinions on things, like he might view themselves as equals. So if Mihawk, The Greatest Swordsman In The World of all people, genuinely expressed faith and loyalty to Crocodile... Yeah, I think that would do a lot for Croc. Especially if Mihawk found out about Crocodile's baggage and chose to follow him despite/because of it.
But if we want Crocodile to Heal ALL THE WAY. He and Dragon need to have a talk.
Which will not be easy, considdering like.
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Look at that fucking expression on the panel on the right. Dragon is more than likely beyond furious with Crocodile over what he did in Alabasta. And for good reason. And frankly, I can't tell if they can ever come back from that.
(Sidenote, but this page these panels are from (from Chapter 1058) follows immidiately after the page where Buggy introduces Crocodile and Mihawk to Cross Guild, Dragon's placement on the bottom right of this page matching perfectly where Crocodile was placed in the previous page. So considdering what Dragon says and the expression he makes... Man, if there ever was a way for Oda to tell us what Dragon thinks of Crocodile without explicitly having him say it, yeah, this would be it)
And I'm sure that even if Crocodile got over whatever heartbreak might've happened between him and Dragon and just moved on... The fact that Dragon never called Crocodile and warned him about their son being a pirate, with a bounty, who might be on his way to the Grand Line, where he could stumble his way to Alabasta, where Crocodile was famous for his Pirate Crushing Heroics mind you... Yeah. Crocodile would have a perfectly understandable reason to be furious at Dragon too. He almost killed their son without knowing because Dragon never warned him, never told their son's name to him, never told his OWN full name to Crocodile.
So needless to say.
They have a lot of differences to overcome. Things they've done that they'd both need to look past, forgive and forget. Somehow. And I'd be lying if I didn't admit I'd find it damn near impossible to happen.
But can you imagine, if despite everything, Dragon still loved him? And was sorry about whatever the fuck happened 19 years ago? And didn't want to lose him again?
I think that would be the thing that would help Crocodile heal all the way in the end.
If Luffy is the first step, then Dragon is the last.
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virgothozul · 1 year
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vitactree · 1 year
I wanted to share this article as soon as I read it. It just...strikes my soul. I don't feel like articulating my thoughts further. It's just a really good read, true, and I like it a lot.
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the-converse-high-top · 3 months
Would love to hear about potential parallel stories/lore in judaism 👁👁👁👁💞
i realized that i actually havent thought very in depth about parallels and themes in the bible in a LONG time but let me think...
one that jumped to the forefront of my mind is something that idk if its a theme/parallel or not, but it has to do with moses. in the torah (really in the talmud i think which is a bunch of rabbi's headcanons about the torah that were then accepted as canon later on), when moses was taken in by pharaoh a test was performed to see whether moses would overthrow him, and by extension whether he was safe to keep and raise. that test was to show baby moses two pots: one of gold and riches and one of hot coals, and whichever he grabbed would be indicative as to what kind of son he'd be. so obviously, being a baby, moses starts to go for the shiny stuff. but (so the story goes) since moses has plot armor an angel (of death [?]) reached out and moved his hand to the hot coals. this is important because not only did it secure his safety to grow up under pharaoh's watch, but it burned his hand, which he then put in his mouth which permanantly burned his tongue and gave him a lisp. now the lisp isnt really talked about much more until later on, and its kind of minor so i get why its often left out, but it changes the whole feeling of the story! because of the lisp, moses gets nervous to speak in front of pharaoh's mages, and so it's aaron who does the talking when they turn their staffs into snakes. it's aaron (iirc) who speaks to the hebrews and tells them the word of god. moses is the one who speaks directly to god and does his bidding in the stories, but aaron is the one who conveys the information. and AND i just remembered this continues!! it continues to be true that moses doesnt always tell his own story!! in the scientific world it is generally accepted that there are a few different authors/compilers of the torah, but in judaism there is one main accepted truth of how it was written with two endings: moses wrote the whole thing up until the last chapter when he was on mount sinai, writing down word for word what god told him to. the ending, though, changes because at the end of the bible moses dies there is a debate over whether moses wrote his own death before it happened (since god is omnipresent blah blah blah) or whether joshua took over for him after he died. if the latter is true, that would be the second time someone tells moses' story for him!! first aaron tells the mages and the hebrews who moses is and why he was sent to save them, and then joshua tells the story of his death and his exile from the holy land! there are THEMES and MOTIFS i can SEE THEM
i have no idea if this is what you were asking for but thank you for inviting me to infodump XD <3
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purble-gaymer · 11 months
county fair this weekend
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chenswire · 11 months
i love winning
fellas is it gay to both get summer alters
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chummer swummer sweep baby not the matchy flowers and other things and e2 being fuckin day and night yin yang kino im gonna throw up they really are just The Same
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I LOVE SHORTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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hong hae-in deciding not to tell anyone except one person about her illness has been reminding me of twenty years old again a lot. ha no-ra thought she was dying because of the report mix-up she also didn't tell her husband and her son just her best friend. then she learns she was never sick but her son finds out and he was so angry and heartbroken that his mother didn't even tell them when she thought she was gonna die. that scene always stuck with me. while she was way too nice of a mother to him he never was a good son but he was also just a teenager who was more focused on his university admission and after finding out he genuinely became a good son to his mother. BUT hae-in's mother is not a teenager she's her fucking mother who the moment she realised her son died after saving hae-in started resenting her... her own daughter who almost died too and i hope it eats her alive that hong hae-in never told her
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box-dwelling · 9 months
As someone who went to Germany and spent like 70% of the time in churches, Von karma sibling growing up Christian head canons is so fucking personal to me
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witchspeka · 1 year
I do think Shou genuinely doesn't know Mob's name, like why would he?? He never properly introduced himself, their only "proper" interaction was Mob saving him and one (1) singular line of dialogue at the end of S1
But if Shou were to pick up on anybody's naming convention it would be Ritsus... who doesn't really call Mob by name anyway...
So this was just a long winded way to say that one day Shou will slip up and accidentally call Mob "nii-san" the way you accidentally call your teacher "mom"
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doomedbythe-narrative · 5 months
reading that letter from raskolnikovs mother to him — that entire long paragraph from where he kisses the envelope (such a tender gesture), to the way she writes him, with such love (raskolnikov hates himself because he’s planning a murder and all she tells him is you’re loved, you’re loved, you’re loved) is sooooooooo heartbreaking. especially with the context of the chapter just before (a daughter sacrificing for her family, giving her last hard earned money so her father can drink it away and dunya marrying a man she doesn’t love). ohhhhh it’s good. It’s soooo goood
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aeide-thea · 2 years
truly unfortunate when you realize all of the self-acceptance you'd thought you'd achieved was actually conditional on being tucked away in yr little hole away from human society and the minute anyone is like 'hey what if we engaged with one another in some way, that seems like it might be pleasant' yr brain is like 'okay but actually have you considered all the ways in which i'm imperfect and horrible and unworthy of being engaged with tho? no? guess i'd better do that for you, please hold'
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trophygony · 2 years
Milgram's first trial had 1024 potential outcomes, that's a lot
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griefbringers · 9 months
"You didn't get unmade."
he knows what the corinthian is looking for, what questions it's really asking.
why me and not you? didn't you do horrible shit in the waking too? why was my predecessor punished and you weren't?
the gravedigger shrugs its massive shoulders.
"skill issue."
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darlingflight · 7 months
thinking now too about this one quote on the character of ophelia from hamlet that goes "when ophelia appears singing little songs and handing out imaginary flowers, she’s proof that adolescent girls don’t just go out of their minds for the fun of it. they’re driven there by people in their lives who should have known better."
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