#(also Nea)
apassingbird · 4 months
"Hey, baby," Tommy's voice carries through the apartment, "have you seen my shirt?"
Buck's standing in Tommy's bedroom, pulling said shirt over his head and ready to reply that yes, he has in fact seen his shirt and no, Tommy can't have it because Buck's already wearing it, when he pauses. Baby. That's- that's new.
It's just a word. It shouldn't make Buck's heart speed up or fill his belly with far too many butterflies for it to count as healthy.
He closes his eyes and lets the word, that tiny little four letter word, echoe in his head. The memory of Tommy's voice repeating it over and over again, until it eventually ends up in Buck's own mouth before falling out as nothing more than a soft whisper.
"Are you okay?"
Buck blinks his eyes open, mouth still open around the word, and when he is met with a half-naked Tommy who is looking at him with a bemused expression, he all but melts.
"You, uh, you called me baby." Buck offers, as if that's an answer to Tommy's question. Maybe it is. "You've never- you haven't called me that before."
Tommy's face softens at that, his eyes dropping down to Buck's chest before finding his eyes again, eyes sparkling. He steps closer, until he can reach out and grip Buck's waist, the warmth of his hands noticeable even through two layers of fabric. Buck's own hands find their way to Tommy's arms, slowly sliding up until they rest at the soft curve of his neck, thumbs barely brushing the underside of his jaw.
"Well, you are my baby," Tommy says then, matter of factly, gently pulling Buck closer. "Aren't you?"
"Y-yeah?" Buck swallows, eyes dropping down to Tommy's lips for a moment. "I- yeah, I-I am?"
"You are."
Tommy just... looks at him, eyes so incredibly fond that Buck can barely breathe with it, before leaning in to press a soft kiss onto Buck's lips. He doesn't protest too much or at all, actually, when Buck immediately deepens it. Eventually, though, Tommy pulls away, panting just enough for Buck to feel a bit proud in a I did that to him kind of way.
"I'm really your baby, huh."
"Very much so," Tommy hums, one hand leaving Buck's waist to over his belly, up his chest, and then down again. Buck wonders, for a moment, if they're going to be late for work, which- he wouldn't be opposed to that. But Tommy simply pinches the loose fabric of the sweater, pulls at it a little, and says, "you're a thief, too."
Buck opens his mouth to protest, but Tommy just gives him a look then, as if to say try me. A smile is tugging at the corner of his mouth, though, and his free hand gives Buck's waist a small squeeze.
"I mean," Buck starts, heart pounding in his chest. "What's yours is mine, right, babe?"
"Babe, huh?"
"Darling?" Buck tries, knows he probably looks like a fool from how big he's grinning. "Sugarbuns? Pookie? Hot stuff?"
Tommy kisses him then, and Buck lets himself get lost in it again. When one of his hands slips down from Tommy's neck, Tommy's quick to reach up and take hold of it, pressing it against his own chest. He presses another kiss onto Buck's lips, hot and searing, as if he's pouring his entire being into it. When he breaks away, he doesn't go far, his forehead resting against Buck's. They stand like that for a moment, breathing each other in.
"You're still a thief, though," Tommy says eventually, voice low and rough, as he taps his fingertip against the back of Buck's hand where it rests just above his heart, and Buck wonders if Tommy's still talking about the shirt when he whispers, "you can keep it."
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cinammonelles · 5 months
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I want to talk about this page in particular because the implications here are so riveting.
Lavi is currently 19. Allen is believed to be 16.
Which means that either
The Bookmen are lying
Bookman Jr. did die then and Allen either didn't age the first few years or his age got fucked up multiple times before he met Mana
The first seems highly improbable at this point tbh. If the Bookmen were planning to make Allen take the poison to make him remember his past then lying about when Past!Junior (presumably) died seems counterintuitive and would only make Allen mistrust them more once he was in full possession of his memories.
It doesn't seem like Allen de-aged to an infant. He says his earliest memories are from when he was in the circus. Even if he did age back to an infant, he would've needed caretakers and nothing in the story suggests he had any.
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(Note how little Allen doesn't have his Innocence in the last panel. What the fuck does this mean Hoshino.)
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Allen looks perhaps 4-5 in both of these panels. If Past!Junior died over 19 years ago and Allen aged linearly since then, then he would have to be 23+ by now. Even considering the possibility that he aged back to an infant, he he should be 19+ by now and he looks barely over 17.
We can assume that he must've aged in a somewhat even fashion once he joined the circus because otherwise the performers would've commented on it at some point of time.
What happened in the years between Junior dying and little Allen getting into the circus? Was he in a child's body till he acquired his Innocence? How did he even acquire his Innocence in the first place?
There's also a final possibility that came to me while I was writing this post— Lavi was born while Past!Junior was still alive. He was born with the 'mark' because Past!Junior was no longer fit to be a Junior. I genuinely have no idea how Hoshino will explain this. Will it be some sort of corruption? Memory loss? Chronic illness?
All of them seem equally unlikely options at this point. But so did the possibility of Allen and Bookman Jr. being different people before this chapter :)
Either ways, this was a very intriguing chapter and I'm looking forward to whatever Hoshino has in store for us.
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arimiaromage · 1 year
I really can only view Nea's story as self sacrifice.
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Nea realized his fate was to become the Earl and destroy the world. He didn't have any options, because he wasn't just a Noah, he was the Earl.
So he made a new option.
If him being a Noah and the Earl would lead to the world being destroyed, then all he had to do was destroy that first. He (begrudgingly) accepted help from Allen and Cross because he realized he couldn't do it all on his own, especially when it came to the ark.
And then there was Mana.
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He did all of it—killing the other Noah, working with Cross & Allen, even knowing he was the Earl...—he did it all for Mana.
This is where we get into the theory section.
I can't help but feel that he knew they were both the Earl. I feel like sometime after he awakened as a Noah, Nea began regaining Adam's memories- not his Noah memories, but Adam's memories of being at the Campbell manor and such. He realized him and Mana weren't twins and that he himself wasn't just a Noah, he was the Noah. And with that, an inkling that Mana was the same.
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And yet, despite knowing that they weren't actually brothers, that if he wanted to prevent the Earl—himself—from destroying the world he would have to die and most likely kill his beloved brother as well—he still stayed with him. He never left Mana's side and Mana never left his.
...So much so that those visuals are still imprinted on Earl!Mana's memories.
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Nea's fate was to destroy the world as the Earl. But just like how your path isn't set until you make your own footprints in the ground, Nea forged his own path. A hard, lonely path that involved becoming a murderer and leading to his own murder-suicide.
I really feel like that was Nea's plan- kill the Noah, kill Mana, and then kill himself once he became the only living fragment of the Earl. After all, this is his last journey.
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Nea decided to kill Mana after killing the Noah, but Road stopped him before he crossed that line. I really feel like that's what was happening in the flashback of Road holding Mana.
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Nea knew he and Mana were both the Earl and that's what led him to killing the other Noah and eventually trying to kill Mana.
It's all a self-sacrifice but it's all a sacrifice for Mana's sake. Nea was the one to decide to become a murderer, to decide to kill Mana before he becomes the Earl. And now because of this path he's chosen, he's alone.
Nea is quick to shut out any outside help now that he realizes he is truly alone- Mana is still mostly consumed by the Earl, Cross is "dead", and Allen has no memory of him. Allen was alone when he fled the order but he still had friends searching for him and eventually helping him. Nea has none of that now. But that's the life he chose.
It's both a self-sacrifice in the physical sense, that he plans on killing the last fragment of the Earl (himself) and a more mental sense as he takes on the burden of the world onto himself and refuses to let anyone else help.
Just like Allen and Mana have developed "masks" to hide their pain from others, Nea has one to shield his pain as well. It would be so easy for him to try to help Allen regain his memories, but instead he has to keep up the tough guy act and pretend he doesn't care.
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He has tried to throw away everything including his emotions with his self-sacrificial journey but at the end of the day he is still a human trying to mask his pain because he knows the path he's chosen is nothing but tragedy.
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The only path left for Nea now is to kill Mana (and probably himself) and Nea is determined to not let anyone get close to him again as he sets out on his path of destruction again.
It's so wildly self-destructive but also such an interesting foil to Allen's self-sacrificial tendencies—Allen throws himself in danger to protect others from the pain he's experienced all while pretending to be someone he's not, but Nea never had the luxury of choosing to protect people like that. The best way Nea can protect the people he loves is if he's dead.
There is no doubt in my mind that Nea (still) loves Mana and Mana (still) loves Nea (and even further, that the pieces of Earl!Mana that are so attached to Nea are pieces of Mana that are still alive).
I really see Nea's whole story as being an entirely self-sacrificial path to try to save his beloved brother from becoming a monster and shoving the entire weight of the world ending on his own shoulders, not letting others close enough to take off the burden. Except Allen.
Allen somehow got close enough to Nea to not only become the person he trusted with the ark, the Earl's prized device for fighting and creating akuma, but to take some of that burden off of Nea's shoulders. Just like we're seeing Allen's mask fall off as he's surrounded by allies again, I hope we'll see the same with Nea as he realizes he can trust Allen once more—one final time for one final journey.
yeah that was some rambling / my own theory on Nea's goals and why he acts That Way. at the end of the day he's a pissy catboy who really wants attention from the people he loves most but can't because he's also trying to kill them </3
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fiepige · 1 year
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More Hobie (and spider-gang/team) GIFs!!!
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spiderrcakezzz · 2 months
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Yo @keiitopop, @kitty-silly & @towost, I put the drawings all of you made for me onto my bedroom wall ! :33
(and also made keiitopop's drawing into a pin! ₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎ I wanna make the other two into pins as well, once I find where I put the rest of my pin templates- -3-)
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fossordivinus · 1 year
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arachnidcakery · 3 months
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Officially introducing 🥁 🥁 ,, My SPH self-insert, Nea! <33 💖🍨🌸♡
(And me rambling abt pup utc, as promised! ♡)
Okay firstly: Nea is alright to kin, as of now! :3 Even tho they're supposed to be a self-insert, I'm sorta disconnected from them and just see them as an OC I project onto, so you can be open abt being kin w/ Nea, if you want ! (But please respect my wishes if I choose to change this later on; I can't make any promises that I'll still feel like this in the future :P) .
Alright, so!  Starting with the basics:
🧁 • Nea's likes: stuffed animals, Twyla (their girlfriend), drawing, making OCs, Tiniest Ferry Shop, cute things, receiving attention & praise, physical affection, making others happy, kandi, video games, laughing off negative/hard emotions.
Dislikes: feeling second best/inferior to others, loud noises, being yelled at, seeing those they care about getting hurt, taking care of themself (Nea sometimes considers it a waste of time), taking everything seriously, stumbling over their words & feeling like they're talking too much, being unable to help.
🌈 • Nea is ⅓ cat, ⅓ cake anthry, and ⅓ dog! :3 (hence why they have 1 dog ear & 1 cat ear, and only half of their body has cat/cake or dog features). They worked as a nurse at Sparklecare for ~1 year before being demoted to a patient, due to Nea unfortunately getting diagnosed w/ glows-a-lot. Nea wanted to help others when they first applied for the job, and they already had an interest in things like medicine, so becoming a nurse at The Best hospital in CountryTownCountry seemed like a good idea to them.
🐕 • Personality traits (ones not listed in the card) :
Apathetic: due to Nea primarily using apathy as one of their defense mechanisms, they can sometimes not care about what happens around them, including with some of the people around them. Nea is sometimes distant or partially emotionally disconnected from others, and unsympathetic to others problems (<- That doesn't mean Nea won't try to help, though. They're still empathetic). This occasional lack of concern for basically everything can also cause them to act self-destructive in one way or another. They'll always feel bad/guilty about it afterwards, though.
Simple-minded: Nea can be naive at times and not really immediately understand things (atleast not as deeply) that others do. They may sometimes try to act like everyone else they see as smarter than them, but can't help often feeling sorta out of place. They think pretty literally most of the time, and though this trait has been kinda helpful in solving some of Nea's problems over the years, it can also make Nea seem childish in a way.
🍨• They're actually on good terms w/ most patients in the hospital, I think! <3  Some patients they're on the best terms w/ is their girlfriend Twyla Light (my partners self-insert :3), Mel N. Colly, Uni, Hemera (for the most part), Jay, Carrie, and Raye N. Bowe (one of my friends self-insert)! ♡♡ (Oh and Nea is also in an unofficial qpr w/ nurse Doom atm, but Shh you didn't hear it from me)
The least best terms is Barry. That's It . Nea respects him for his intelligence and such, but Nea would be lying if they said they didn't find Barry kinda annoying. (Pup does sorta(???) like him bcuz Uni likes him, and Nea trusts Uni, but Nea doesn't entirely like Barry on pups own accord. Particularly bcuz of Barry's mistreatment of Uni).
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metiredlr · 1 month
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''We've long since missed the chance to catch the train on the opposite side / If I had to put it all into words, then what I've run over was my repentance and love''
''I'll keep walking on, even if we never come to understand each other for the rest of our lives / I hope we both find happiness, so that we'll never cross paths again / I hope we both find happiness / A bell is chiming''
Adipocere/あだぽしゃ by Iwoya
Bloody version of the last gif undercut:
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apassingbird · 2 months
"I just-" Tommy sighs, content and sated, his lips brushing against Buck's shoulder as he continues, "I can't seem to get enough of you."
"Y-yeah?" Buck lets out a shaky breath, tiny sparks of electricity still shooting throughout his body, all the way from the top of his head down to his toes. His knees are still shaking slightly. "Feeling's mutual."
Tommy hums, presses a row of open-mouthed kisses into Buck's skin, all the way from his shoulder, into the soft curve of his neck, and up until he reaches just beneath the sharp line at the hinge of Buck's jaw. Another kiss, this one softer, tender, sending a shiver through Buck's body.
"I don't just mean this," Tommy says then, gesturing between their naked bodies. His hand drifts over Buck's chest, down towards his stomach, fingertips brushing the coarse hair of Buck's pubes. He pauses for a moment before looking back up at Buck with a glint in his eyes, says with a wink and a smirk, "Although, this is pretty damn addictive, too."
Buck huffs out a laugh. "You're ridiculous."
"You're beautiful." Tommy replies honestly, his smirk softening into a smile, a small private thing, his hand resting on top of the soft curve of Buck's belly, his gaze steady as he looks at Buck. "You're so fucking beautiful, and you're passionate and kind and so incredibly smart. You're- god, you're everything, Evan. Everything. And I don't-"
Tommy hesitates for a moment, and Buck's heart beats violently but steadily in his chest. He reaches out then, his fingertips finding Tommy's chin and then his jaw, the palm of his hand curving around it. "You don't what?"
"I don't know what to do with it sometimes," Tommy confesses, leaning into Buck's touch. "I just- I think I had started to accept that I'd never have anything like this, or that I'd ever get to have anyone like you, that it just wasn't for me."
"I know, baby." Buck's voice is soft, barely above a whisper. He brushes his thumb against Tommy's cheek, feeling a little bit like he wants to cry when Tommy turns his head just so before pressing a kiss into the palm of Buck's hand. I love you, he thinks, says, "You have me, though, for as long as you want."
"What if I want you forever?"
"Well," Buck says, pulling Tommy down towards him until their foreheads rest against one another, his hand slipping down until he can press it against Tommy's chest, right above his heart. "Forever sounds pretty good to me."
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luckycharms1701 · 10 months
so mikey's the type to fall fast and hard and then blaze out just as fast
wakes up, falls in love, goes to bed, falls out of love
but then he meets you
and when he goes to bed he dreams of you
and he's not the same when he wakes up
so he flirts and yearns and yearns and flirts
sometimes he hates that you take it as a joke so much that he wants to cry
but he will wait for you. he just has to keep believing
and then he's rewarded when you finally come to him
and the sun is in his smile, melting all the tears he'll never have to shed now that you're here, finally on the same page
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mirrists · 1 year
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martel tales of card redraw 🌱
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yyshm · 6 months
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art of fishers design or something idk
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hsika92 · 2 months
i’m so sorry to all my mutuals in haterism but i. have terrible news.
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ask-dbd-nea · 1 month
[The “Hex: Devour Hope” exposed notification plays]
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arimiaromage · 1 year
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[wip] two very normal brothers on a very normal trip not fleeing anything
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arachnidcakery · 6 months
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Dancing despite The Horrors <3
(they/he/it/pup/she prns for this OC btw)
OKOK so remember when I mentioned I made a Sparklecare self-insert awhile back?
Well, this is their new design now! <33 The other one was just too pink I suppose, so I changed their design a bit, which I'm now quite more happy w/! :3 (I may tweak this one a bit later on, but this is just the closest to what they look like now ₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎) (They also still don't have a concrete name yet tho pfhdvshvq- but I'm considering the name Sofi Hart Ette !)
I won't go too much into their character/story just yet since I wanna ramble abt them mostly under their ref sheet post (which I'm still workin' on), but I will tell you that they're a ⅓ cake anthry, ⅓ dog, and ⅓ cat!♡ (Hence why they have 1 cat ear & 1 dog ear, and only 2 whiskers <3)
They also did previously work at Sparklecare as a nurse before eventually becoming a patient due to getting diagnosed w/ glows-a-lot, and (maybe) thinks-a-lot! :3 (Their part as a former nurse also may or may not be a relatively big part of their story later on,, , (said mysteriously))
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